Re: RSS extensibility

2005-01-08 Thread Danny Ayers

On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 16:39:41 -0700, Antone Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday, January 7, 2005, at 03:53  PM, Danny Ayers wrote:
  On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 14:21:49 -0700, Antone Roundy
  Could you give an example of something useful that a real world
  application would be enabled to do?
  Off the top of my head, how about categorizing entries by their
 I don't understand.  Could I get some example XML, and if the XML
 doesn't make it obvious, an explanation of how RDF makes this possible
 where it's not possible lacking RDF?

Say your system is aggregating material from two sensors, and you get
the following, one from each:



It isn't clear how these should be merged - does the entry with the
later date replace the earlier one? The (presumably) desired behaviour
is for the geo+seismo properties all to appear as elements under
(properties of) the entry. Mapping syntax to a model can help decide
what to do  *in the general case* rather than per-extension. As it
happens, RSS/RDF would only go part of the way with something like
this - you'd get the desired merged entry, but with two dates.

  But being able to mix extensions in a predictable fashion is generally
  nice to have. Last time I looked my own RSS 1.0 feed was using terms
  from 9 namespaces (mostly through the FOAF output plugin). I could
  merge with lots of other peoples RSS 1.0 feeds and be sure all the
  same information would still be available. If it wasn't mapped to a
  common model (through the structure) I wouldn't even know how to
 Again, I don't understand.  When you talk of merging feeds, do you mean
 making a feed out of entries from separate feeds (but where the entries
 themselves are not altered), or merging the entries themselves, where
 sometimes the feeds contain different instances of the same entries,
 resulting in entries containing more data than exists in any one feed?
 Either way, what information might become unavailable in the process?
 Maybe once I understand the foregoing, I'll also understand mapped to
 a common model (through the structure).

There is a predictable way of being able to combine *any* two RDF/XML
documents,  whatever vocabularies are used. XML alone doesn't provide

  It's also one less job (per extension) for every single developer
  wishes to support extensions. This particular part of their code
  only have to be written once.
  Off the top of my head, I can't imagine how this would impact the
  amount of code required in an application.  Could you elaborate?
  Ok, say x,y come from one extension (geo) and magnitude another
  (seismo). The client receives something like this:
  a bit of code could pick these values up with characters[] in SAX or a
  text node in DOM or whatever XOM sees, but the thing is both geo and
  seismo are following the same structure
  but if geo and seismo did things a little differently:
 geo:coords x=10.1 y=57.3 /
  a bit of code could pick the magnitude value up as before, but the
  coords would need different handling - SAX would have to go poking in
  attributes, DOM would need a getAttribute(), XOM would - ok, I've no
  idea, but I expect something different.
 Let me see if I've got this right: you're saying that by standardizing
 on putting data in element content vs. in attributes, the code would
 only have to support getting values from element content, and not have
 to bother with getting attributes?  Having typed that sentence, it
 seems I must be missing something, because the following pseudocode
 snippets seem only trivially different to me:
 geox = GetElementContent(/geo:x);
 geoy = GetElementContent(/geo:y);
 magnitude = GetElementContent(/seismo:magnitude);
 geox = GetAttribute(/geo:coords/@x);
 geox = GetAttribute(/geo:coords/@y);
 magnitude = GetElementContent(/seismo:magnitude);

Yes, trivially different, two extra lines of code. Potentially for
every developer, for every extension.

 I'm assuming the client knows something about the geo and seismo
 extensions--otherwise, I can't imagine what the client would be doing
 with the extension elements anyway (beyond ignoring it, storing it in
 an unknown extension table, or passing it through to some other

The 'what to do with unknown extensions' question is something that
makes a lot more sense if you have commited to the full RDF model. For
example, your system might have a piece of data stored:

   xxx:wibbleJohn Smith/xxx:wibble

You might later pick up the statement:

   owl:sameAs rdf:resource=; /

Re: RSS extensibility

2005-01-08 Thread David Powell

Saturday, January 8, 2005, 9:59:12 AM, you wrote:

 Say your system is aggregating material from two sensors, and you get
 the following, one from each:



 It isn't clear how these should be merged - does the entry with the
 later date replace the earlier one? The (presumably) desired behaviour
 is for the geo+seismo properties all to appear as elements under
 (properties of) the entry. Mapping syntax to a model can help decide
 what to do  *in the general case* rather than per-extension. As it
 happens, RSS/RDF would only go part of the way with something like
 this - you'd get the desired merged entry, but with two dates.

I think that reason that RDF is only helping partially here is that
you have a simplified model of an entry that is actually only
modelling the state of an entry at a point in time, when actually
entries are expected to vary over time and have multiple instances.

This is fine, it is a useful simplification; models are supposed to be

But you can't then expect to merge two different instances of the
entry under this model using simple RDF graph merging, because the
model is an over-simplification.

Eg: If you merged:




... you would get:


Not very useful.

A solution for RDF-based applications wanting to merge incoming RSS
and get a consistent RDF model is to either have special
application-level merging logic that knows about the simplification
that has been made; or to have a model where instances of an entry are
modelled explicitly. If the instances have ids, then you can allow for
both posting new instances of entries, and annotating existing
instances with extra information. Its a tradeoff between flexibility
and complexity.


Re: RSS extensibility

2005-01-08 Thread Danny Ayers

On Sat, 8 Jan 2005 12:00:19 +, David Powell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Its a tradeoff between flexibility
 and complexity.

Indeed. There was recently some coverage on-list about using a richer
model (in RDF), specifically to preserve provenance.



Re: Atom extensibility

2005-01-08 Thread Bill de hÓra
Tim Bray wrote:
I think that the charter requirements on extensibility will be filled 
adequately with PaceExtendingAtom.  I think they would be filled still 
better by adopting PaceMustUnderstandElement, but apparently others are 
unconvinced.  Extensibility via a mapping to RDF seems to me to add a 
lot of complexity (most people have never bothered to learn graph 
theory) without any real benefit. -Tim

I won't talk about 'complexity' here, but will talk about cost/benefit. 
My take on this is that extensibility via a mapping to RDF seems to me 
to add cost for implementors and those processing Atom. Writing Atom as 
RDF is cheap enough. Not enough people are processing RSS1.0 and other 
RDF formats *as* RDF; I speculate that indicates an issue on receipt of 
the data.

I'm +1 on not requiring an RDF mapping for Atom. Those of us that like 
to use RDF can figure out how to.


Re: RSS extensibility

2005-01-08 Thread Bill de hÓra
Tim Bray wrote:
Would you be satisfied with a paragraph that says that those who extend 
Atom may do so by putting in namespaced elements, and that such 
elements, when the information they contain is relevant to an entry, 
SHOULD appear as a child of atom:entry?
Replace 'extend' with 'add information' and I'm +1.

Re: RSS extensibility

2005-01-08 Thread Bill de hÓra
David Powell wrote:
But you can't then expect to merge two different instances of the
entry under this model using simple RDF graph merging, because the
model is an over-simplification.
Eg: If you merged:
... you would get:
Not very useful.
That's a versioning problem. While I haven't found basic RDF to be 
useful for that, I could imagine finding an 60% solution with something 
like OWL. XML is of no help here. The usual answer is to use a version 
control system to record state in time series or allow update semantics 
to your persisted representations if you don't care about past state.

Incidentally I do believe that being able to track state or trends in a 
time series fashion has commercial value in the syndication market.


Re: Hash for Links [Was: Re: Posted PaceEnclosuresAndPix]

2005-01-08 Thread Bill de hÓra

 link rel=enclosure href=;
 hashalg={uri_identifying_the_hash_algorithm_used /

The hash and hashalg attributes would be optional but MUST appear together.
Thoughts? (If we have more than two people respond favorably to this,
I'll write up a Pace for it)

Seems like a good idea - would it be possible to move them into elements?
  link rel=enclosure href=; 
hash hashalg=/
How does that tee up for signing the markup, or just the hash+alg pair?

Re: Atom extensibility, RDF, and GRDDL

2005-01-08 Thread Tim Bray
On Jan 8, 2005, at 8:23 AM, Bill de hÓra wrote:
My answer to this question is that Atom doesn't have a model in terms 
of being able to talk about extension so there's no point discussing 
it. Extensibility is probably out of scope for the format.
I'm not going to let that go unchallenged.  The ability to put your own 
markup in a feed entry and be confident that it will not cause 
receiving software to break, and that it will be there for receiving 
software that actually knows how to deal with it, is what many people 
describe using the word extensibility.  I think that Atom is, in a 
popular usage of the term (a large majority usage, I'd bet, but without 
backing statistics) extensible.

The people who insist that you have to have to buy into a 
graph-theoretical KR model to be able to use the word extensible live 
in a universe that is self-consistent, but it's not the one where I 
work. -Tim

RE: Closure on Extensibility RDF

2005-01-08 Thread Jeremy Gray

 -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Bray
 Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 10:49 AM
 To: 'Atom WG'
 Subject: Closure on Extensibility  RDF
 [On behalf of Paul and myself:]
 The opinion has been forcefully expressed that Atom should adopt an 
 extensibility framework based partly or wholly, directly or indirectly, 
 on RDF.  This idea is not unreasonable on the face of it.  Thus, the 
 time has now come to put this into a concrete proposal.  Since we've 
 talking about it for months, this shouldn't take long.
 Would the advocates of this view please, by Monday January 17th, bring 
 the WG a proposal for its consideration.  This could take one of these 

Hehe. I finally post a long-winded message on the subject and then within
moments I receive this in my inbox. I'll definitely give Tim's message a
think, along with the replies to it, over the weekend. Have a good weekend


PS - Henry, Danny, Bill/Bill, et al - I know its been a while since I've
been actively involved, but now looks like it would definitely be the right
time, if any. If I can be of any assistance, whether in looking over draft
text and/or playing devil's advocate in any conference calls, email threads,
IRC chats, whatever, please feel free to get in touch. In the meantime, I'm
going to think about a few extensibility experiments I have in mind, and
will let you know if anything interesting comes of them.

Re: Hash for Links [Was: Re: Posted PaceEnclosuresAndPix]

2005-01-08 Thread Graham
I require this functionality in content src=. There is aboslutely 
no way I'm initiating 20 HTTP requests (even HEADs) each time the feed 
is reloaded.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Closure on Extensibility RDF

2005-01-08 Thread Paul Hoffman / IMC
At 8:33 PM +0100 1/8/05, Henry Story wrote:
Here is one suggestion I was thinking of to move along, quickly and 
seamlessly I hope.
All that seems fine, but your list is neither a Pace nor an Internet 
draft, and is therefore not in line with what Tim and I asked for. 
Given that you talk about an IETF document, I am assuming that you 
intend to write the Internet Draft, yes?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Closure on Extensibility RDF

2005-01-08 Thread Henry Story
The IETF document I mentioned is the one this mailing list is working 
on developing. The four points I listed are starting points for a 
couple of small additions to the Atom IETF document and their relation 
to a to be written OWL Ontology. There are I am sure people more 
familiar with the ins and outs of this standards process that will know 
how to turn that general idea into more specific and acceptable 

On 8 Jan 2005, at 21:50, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
At 8:33 PM +0100 1/8/05, Henry Story wrote:
Here is one suggestion I was thinking of to move along, quickly and 
seamlessly I hope.
All that seems fine, but your list is neither a Pace nor an Internet 
draft, and is therefore not in line with what Tim and I asked for. 
Given that you talk about an IETF document, I am assuming that you 
intend to write the Internet Draft, yes?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: RSS extensibility

2005-01-08 Thread Danny Ayers

On Sat, 8 Jan 2005 13:48:47 -0800, Roy T. Fielding [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 8, 2005, at 2:21 AM, Danny Ayers wrote:
  Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. XML has containment. Individual
  specifications may assign it semantics. RDF/XML assigns it semantics
  corresponding to the RDF model. Without either the individual
  specification's definition, or a generalised interpretation like
  RDF/XML's all you have is syntax featuring containment.
 No, you were clear, it was just that your statement is false.
 Element containment is a semantic that almost all XML data formats obey.
 In fact, the only one I know of that doesn't is RDF/XML.  No other
 format needs to assign those semantics to XML.
  But XML containment can only express tree structures. To express graph
  structures, the containment must somehow be violated. RDF is a graph.
 And Atom feed is a tree.  If we try to express tree structures with a
 graph language, we create complexity that would not exist with a tree
 language because a tree already has constraints built-in.  The extra
 constraints that RDF needs in order to dig itself out of its own hole
 are not necessary for languages that avoid the hole in the first place.
  I do hope that folks understand that the relationship should be
  obvious to anyone who does not
  work in a language that is as perversely non-mark-up as RDF/XML.
  Well there you have it - it is possible to design XML languages that
  are perverse. So we can't rely on everyone following the 'obvious'
  relationship pattern. Making it explicit should help prevent
 On the contrary, we can safely ignore languages that are perverse
 in their use of XML because those languages will have to define
 their own islands of semantics which are self-contained and
 irrelevant to their surroundings.  Other languages do not have
 to understand the non-containment semantics of rdf:Description
 because those semantics are defined by RDF/XML regardless of
 what other language it may be embedded within.

Earlier you said:
While I don't see any reason not to make XML's mark-up relations
explicit in the specification, I do hope that folks understand that
the relationship should be obvious to anyone who does not work in a
language that is as perversely non-mark-up as RDF/XML.

While I disagree with some of the other points you have made (probably
none of the facts, more the general focus), I believe the first part
of this sentence is the issue that most directly affects Atom, and on
that I agree.



RE: Comment on process

2005-01-08 Thread Scott Hollenbeck

 No-one gains anything from overly protracted discussion. But 
 I don't seen any extraordinary circumstances that might 
 justify the imposition of cloture. Is there something related 
 to the (still unexplained) deadline mentioned in Tim's recent post?

I'm not sure that I understand why you believe the deadline is
unexplained.  Take a look at the charter for this working group:

There are goals and milestones identified with due dates.  The working group
chairs have an obligation to keep the working group on track to meet those
milestones.  They can set interim goals for smaller tasks if they feel it's

Given that the goals and milestones were agreed upon as part of the creation
of this working group, what's not clear?

(atompub area advisor)

Re: Comment on process

2005-01-08 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Jan 8, 2005, at 2:03 PM, Danny Ayers wrote:
No-one gains anything from overly protracted discussion. But I don't
seen any extraordinary circumstances that might justify the imposition
of cloture. Is there something related to the (still unexplained)
deadline mentioned in Tim's recent post?
Tim already said (before yet another round of RDF waffling started)
that the chairs were seeking to produce a final draft.  What he did
was extend his own deadline to give you time to make a concrete,
forward proposal on what needs to be done, either in a PACE (like
everyone else) or in a separate draft.  If you can't do that in four
days then it isn't going in the next draft, which is the only
horizon that chairs have control over.
As far as process goes, Tim (and Paul) have been exceedingly kind.
I would have simply said Put up or shut up some six months ago and
further discussion would be out of order until such time as there
is a concrete proposal to be discussed.  IETF WGs move forward
on the basis of rough consensus and running code.

Re: Comment on process

2005-01-08 Thread Paul Hoffman / IMC
At 11:03 PM +0100 1/8/05, Danny Ayers wrote:
I am optimistic a compromise on the extensibility/RDF issue can be
reached in the given time frame,
 but find the imposition of such a
short period a bit extreme.
The WG has been discussing this for *months*. The fact that the 
chairs have put an end-point on those months does not make the total 
time a short period.

Given the amount of discussion so far, do you really believe it is 
impossible to put together a concrete proposal either as a Pace or as 
an Internet Draft in a week? If so, that indicates that the problem 
is not describable enough for inclusion in a standard. Tim and I 
believe that there are some people in the WG who don't believe that, 
but we need to see proof.

I doubt anyone reading Tim's recent posts on the subject of
extensibility could come to any conclusion other than that he is
vehemently opposed to any inclusion of anything associated with RDF in
the core specification.
Tim has most recently said The opinion has been forcefully expressed 
that Atom should adopt an extensibility framework based partly or 
wholly, directly or indirectly, on RDF.  This idea is not 
unreasonable on the face of it. I cannot parse that in any way that 
leads to a belief that he is vehemently opposed so such inclusion; 
the opposite seems much more true.

What he and I are asking for is to finally finish. We've talked 
enough; give a proposal for how to move forward so the WG can come to 

Isn't this the first time
a strict deadline has been imposed for proposals for any set of
features? (Aside of course from the name).
Not at all. It has happened many times in the past. Each time we 
solicit to close issues, there is a (usually implicit) deadline for 
responding to that call. This is no different, except that we still 
don't have a Pace or Internet Draft to work from.

So, the chairs have two choices in order to come to closure soon on 
the discussion that is of interest to everyone here:

a) Say there is still no proposal, so closure is reached in the negative
b) Say we will soon reach closure in the negative unless someone 
posts a concrete proposal we can find consensus around.

At least to me, (b) seems like the better option, yes?
No-one gains anything from overly protracted discussion.
Fully agree.
 But I don't
seen any extraordinary circumstances that might justify the imposition
of cloture.
Agree. That's why we are asking for a proposal that we can discuss.
 Is there something related to the (still unexplained)
deadline mentioned in Tim's recent post?
See Scott's response, with which I fully agree.
--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Closure on Extensibility RDF

2005-01-08 Thread Paul Hoffman / IMC
At 10:54 PM +0100 1/8/05, Henry Story wrote:
The IETF document I mentioned is the one this mailing list is 
working on developing.
Then you didn't understand Tim's message. He meant a *new* Internet 
draft, not a change to the current draft (unless the change is a few 
sentences). From your list of changes, it doesn't seem like it is 
just a few sentences, so you need to submit a separate Internet 
Draft, initially as an individual submission. If the WG agrees that 
it should be a WG work item, it will change into one; otherwise, you 
can pursue it as an individual document, probably still discussing it 
on this mailing list.

 The four points I listed are starting points for a couple of small 
additions to the Atom IETF document and their relation to a to be 
written OWL Ontology. There are I am sure people more familiar with 
the ins and outs of this standards process that will know how to 
turn that general idea into more specific and acceptable proposals.
See Tim's message. You do this by creating either a detailed Pace or 
a complete Internet Draft.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Closure on Extensibility RDF

2005-01-08 Thread Henry Story
The internet draft I want to propose is an OWL document. I can get 
this out tomorrow. It will essentially say everything the current Atom 
OWL spec says, but in machine readable form.

All that is required then is that the Atom IETF document this working 
group is working on have some language describing its relation to the 
OWL document. This need not be a very big change to the current 
document. I believe it could be done in a few sentences taking my first 
proposal as a guide. If anyone has some good ideas on where it would be 
best to change the language, please help me along and write that out. I 
can do with all the help out there :-)

Understand that all I am proposing is a machine readable rewriting of 
what the current Atom spec says. That is most of what there is to it. 
The rest is just asking for a little good will.

Yours sincerely,
Henry Story
On 8 Jan 2005, at 23:35, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
At 10:54 PM +0100 1/8/05, Henry Story wrote:
The IETF document I mentioned is the one this mailing list is working 
on developing.
Then you didn't understand Tim's message. He meant a *new* Internet 
draft, not a change to the current draft (unless the change is a few 
sentences). From your list of changes, it doesn't seem like it is just 
a few sentences, so you need to submit a separate Internet Draft, 
initially as an individual submission. If the WG agrees that it should 
be a WG work item, it will change into one; otherwise, you can pursue 
it as an individual document, probably still discussing it on this 
mailing list.

 The four points I listed are starting points for a couple of small 
additions to the Atom IETF document and their relation to a to be 
written OWL Ontology. There are I am sure people more familiar with 
the ins and outs of this standards process that will know how to turn 
that general idea into more specific and acceptable proposals.
See Tim's message. You do this by creating either a detailed Pace or a 
complete Internet Draft.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Closure on Extensibility RDF

2005-01-08 Thread Henry Story

On 9 Jan 2005, at 00:06, Henry Story wrote:
The internet draft I want to propose is an OWL document. I can get  
this out tomorrow. It will essentially say everything the current Atom  
OWL spec says,
Sorry it is past midnight here at I am typing a little fast.
I meant It will essentially say everything the current Atom spec[1]  


 but in machine readable form.
All that is required then is that the Atom IETF document this working  
group is working on have some language describing its relation to the  
OWL document. This need not be a very big change to the current  
document. I believe it could be done in a few sentences taking my  
first proposal as a guide. If anyone has some good ideas on where it  
would be best to change the language, please help me along and write  
that out. I can do with all the help out there :-)

Understand that all I am proposing is a machine readable rewriting of  
what the current Atom spec says. That is most of what there is to it.  
The rest is just asking for a little good will.

Yours sincerely,
Henry Story
On 8 Jan 2005, at 23:35, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
At 10:54 PM +0100 1/8/05, Henry Story wrote:
The IETF document I mentioned is the one this mailing list is  
working on developing.
Then you didn't understand Tim's message. He meant a *new* Internet  
draft, not a change to the current draft (unless the change is a few  
sentences). From your list of changes, it doesn't seem like it is  
just a few sentences, so you need to submit a separate Internet  
Draft, initially as an individual submission. If the WG agrees that  
it should be a WG work item, it will change into one; otherwise, you  
can pursue it as an individual document, probably still discussing it  
on this mailing list.

 The four points I listed are starting points for a couple of small  
additions to the Atom IETF document and their relation to a to be  
written OWL Ontology. There are I am sure people more familiar with  
the ins and outs of this standards process that will know how to  
turn that general idea into more specific and acceptable proposals.
See Tim's message. You do this by creating either a detailed Pace or  
a complete Internet Draft.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Closure on Extensibility RDF

2005-01-08 Thread Paul Hoffman / IMC
At 12:06 AM +0100 1/9/05, Henry Story wrote:
The internet draft I want to propose is an OWL document. I can get 
this out tomorrow. It will essentially say everything the current 
Atom OWL spec says, but in machine readable form.
An OWL document is not an Internet Draft. If you cannot create an 
Internet Draft, please find someone who agrees with your desires to 
help you.

All that is required then is that the Atom IETF document this 
working group is working on have some language describing its 
relation to the OWL document.
That should be included in your Internet Draft.
 This need not be a very big change to the current document.
That remains to be seen. The best way we can see it is in your 
Internet Draft. Clearly, if it is a small change and the WG wants to 
use it, it can be folded into the main document before we send it to 
the IETF.

 I believe it could be done in a few sentences taking my first 
proposal as a guide.
Great! Let's see them.
 If anyone has some good ideas on where it would be best to change 
the language, please help me along and write that out.
That is actually the least important point in your proposal, and the 
easiest to take care of late in the process if the WG agrees to the 
incorporation. If the WG doesn't agree to the incorporation, it isn't 
needed at all in your Internet Draft.

I can do with all the help out there :-)
So can we all...
Understand that all I am proposing is a machine readable rewriting 
of what the current Atom spec says.
In order for us to verify that statement, we need to see the 
rewriting, and we need to hear from a few people who understand OWL 
saying yup, that exactly matches what is in the format draft.

 That is most of what there is to it. The rest is just asking for a 
little good will.
Fully disagree. The rest is the WG coming to consensus on whether or 
not we want this as part of the baseline spec. Given this WG's 
propensity to disagree about most things XML and RDF, assuming that 
will come easily is not based on even a casual reading of the mailing 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Closure on Extensibility RDF

2005-01-08 Thread Henry Story
I can't do everything simultaneously. Tomorrow I will give you a first 
version of an OWL document that will map the current atom spec. Can you 
give me the current namespace for the draft atom spec I am supposed to 
be working to? This is so the atom OWL document can describe the 
properties of the draft atom spec.

The url of the location of the directory of the draft spec will 
probably do.
Then I can define the properties of atom:content using the full url say
When someone clicks on that link with a browser that asks for the 
content as text/simple they will get the current atom draft spec. When 
they ask for it using the mime type application/rdf+owl they will get 
the document I will present you tomorrow.

With this document at hand it will be a lot easier to explain the 
relation between the spec and the OWL document, either in the current 
atom spec, or if you really insist, in a separate Draft. That will be 
machine interpretable xml, ie: running code.

Good night,
Henry Story
On 9 Jan 2005, at 00:25, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
At 12:06 AM +0100 1/9/05, Henry Story wrote:
The internet draft I want to propose is an OWL document. I can get 
this out tomorrow. It will essentially say everything the current 
Atom OWL spec says, but in machine readable form.
An OWL document is not an Internet Draft. If you cannot create an 
Internet Draft, please find someone who agrees with your desires to 
help you.

All that is required then is that the Atom IETF document this working 
group is working on have some language describing its relation to the 
OWL document.
That should be included in your Internet Draft.
 This need not be a very big change to the current document.
That remains to be seen. The best way we can see it is in your 
Internet Draft. Clearly, if it is a small change and the WG wants to 
use it, it can be folded into the main document before we send it to 
the IETF.

 I believe it could be done in a few sentences taking my first 
proposal as a guide.
Great! Let's see them.
 If anyone has some good ideas on where it would be best to change 
the language, please help me along and write that out.
That is actually the least important point in your proposal, and the 
easiest to take care of late in the process if the WG agrees to the 
incorporation. If the WG doesn't agree to the incorporation, it isn't 
needed at all in your Internet Draft.

I can do with all the help out there :-)
So can we all...
Understand that all I am proposing is a machine readable rewriting of 
what the current Atom spec says.
In order for us to verify that statement, we need to see the 
rewriting, and we need to hear from a few people who understand OWL 
saying yup, that exactly matches what is in the format draft.

 That is most of what there is to it. The rest is just asking for a 
little good will.
Fully disagree. The rest is the WG coming to consensus on whether or 
not we want this as part of the baseline spec. Given this WG's 
propensity to disagree about most things XML and RDF, assuming that 
will come easily is not based on even a casual reading of the mailing 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Please Review: Dissemination of Earthquake / Tsunami data via Atom

2005-01-08 Thread Bob Wyman

At PubSub, were beginning to put together a live feed of
earthquake and tsunami information in the hope that by making this information
more widely and rapidly disseminated, well be able to prevent at least a
tiny amount of the troubles such as recently happened in the Indian Ocean. In
collecting this data, were not simply polling the USGS RSS feeds 
doing that would introduce too much latency in the process and such high
latency or delays would be unacceptable for this kind of data. What were
doing is connecting to live push feeds of data and then executing
on our servers the complex and messy clean-up, validation and
reformatting processes that are required. The instant we have good data, we push
it out to our subscribers using Atom over XMPP/PubSub and, as
always, insert the latest messages into our subscribers personal Atom
and/or RSS files. This service will be made available for at least experimental
use in a few days after weve completed some testing. We currently expect
to provide both traditional PubSub subscription service as well as a telnet
feed of raw data that other service providers will be able to use to
build their own systems.

We think it is appropriate to feed this kind of data over PubSub and in
Atom files but before we get too far down this road, Id like to get some
input from the Atom community about the format were thinking about using.
A sample Atom 0.3 entry from the current system is provided below. Please take
a look at it, provide whatever comments you consider appropriate and also
consider my questions below:

1. The
first thing to note is that the content is xml, not text or XHTML. The thinking
here is that we really want to be able to provide data to end
users since it is likely that the best way to use this data is to have some
kind of application (like a mapper, etc.) that would process the data. It is, I
think, less interesting to provide text. However, some folk will want a machine
generated textual version of this message Since Atom only allows us one
content element, there is no way to do both data and text  or, am I
missing something? (Note: I do not want to convert this XML to XHTML)

2. Ive
been thinking that I might include an atom:summary element that contained a
textual version of the XML data carried in the content field. However, it
appears that most aggregators today display either the summary or the content
but dont display both...

3. Ive
provided a rel=alternate link that points to a USGS
generated HTML page describing the event. Is it legitimate to point to an alternate
that I havent created myself? 

4. The
title field provides some reasonably compact user data summarizing the key data
for the event. Would that be sufficient as a textual representation?

5. What
should a client do when presented with this data? Clearly, there are all sorts
of interesting things that one can do if you know the format and build a custom
app. However, it would be nice to allow dumb clients to do
something useful without having to force the format to
lowest-common-denominator (i.e. HTML or XHTML). I think what Id like to
do is provide a pointer to an XSL-template in some standard manner. Then, a
client could fetch the style sheet and generate something for display. Is this
reasonable? If so, where would I identify the style sheet?

6. This
kind of data is really sensitive I would very much like to be able to use
a Digital signature to ensure that we can repudiate any fake messages that
might get generated by spammers and other idiots as well as to repudiate mangled
versions of the data that might get produced down-stream of us. The subject of
signing Atom entries doesnt seem to be getting much attention. Can we
wake this one up again? I really do not think that signing should be considered
something outside the core and subject to individual or
proprietary extensions.

I look forward to your comments and assistance in getting
this system working  hopefully, long before the next disaster in which
it might be useful.

bob wyman

Note: The message below was published long after the original event.
The reason for the delay is that this message adds to information previously
published  much closer to the time of the event. (i.e. the AddOn
element with the links to the waveforms was not available when the event was
first published.) If a tsunami warning was issued, it would also appear as an AddOn.




titleM 1.8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 2005-01-08T21:00:21.000Z/title

link rel=alternate

content type='text/xml' xmlns=''



publisherPubSub Earthquake Publisher/publisher





Re: Atom extensibility, RDF, and GRDDL

2005-01-08 Thread Bill de hÓra
Bill de hÓra wrote:
Look, the point is this. Those arguing from the RDF side of the house do 
mean what you mean by extensible. Furthermore, what is meant there by 
Dammit. Sorry, that should be, those arguing from the RDF side of the 
house do *not* mean what you mean by extensible.


Re: Atom extensibility, RDF, and GRDDL

2005-01-08 Thread Danny Ayers

On Sun, 09 Jan 2005 00:18:37 +, Bill de hÓra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Look, the point is this. Those arguing from the RDF side of the house do [not]
 mean what you mean by extensible. Furthermore, what is meant there by
 extensible hasn't been demonstrated (in my mind) as a requirement for
 Atom. Thus, in some respects we're having a pointless discussion. One
 side or the other is going to have to give up possession of the term
 extensible, or we're going to continue to watch people talk past each
 other. Once you appreciate that we are talking about two different
 things, execution of the work in hand will become simpler.

I'd be more than happy to use a different term for the
XML-extensibility-like thing which isn't modularity or robustness but
closer to the dictionary definition. Extendibility perhaps?



RE: The Atom Format end-game (PICS)??

2005-01-08 Thread Bob Wyman

Tim Bray wrote:
 2. We are close to RSS2 feature-compatibility, we either adopt
 image  enclosure or make a conscious decision not to.
There are other bits of RSS2 that should be seriously considered --
even if they aren't widely used. For instance, the RSS2 rating element
which contains a PICS[1] statement. As far as I know, virtually noone uses
the rating tag in RSS2.0. Nonetheless, it would probably be wise to
support such a thing in Atom. As blogging goes mainstream, we should be
able to show that mechanisms at least exist to do what PICS is attempting to

bob wyman
