Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread Svgdeveloper
In a message dated 10/05/2005 03:29:16 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Question: how do we refer to the product of this WG once it has an RFC 

We definitely need some quick, snappy label to refer to that version to 
distinguish it from Atom 0.3, which is widely enough deployed that 
it'll be with us for a while. Per WG consensus, an Atom doc has no 
version stamp. So there'll be no actual spec-based reason to call our 
product "Atom 1.0". But, we could just go ahead and do it anyhow.

Anyone have a better idea? --Tim

"Atom 1.0" was the term we (Danny Ayers and I) used to refer forward to the just-about-to-be version of Atom in Beginning RSS  Atom Programming.

And "Atom 0.3" was the term used to refer to the existing version. Given the existence of that version, and assuming that the intention is still to use the term "Atom" at all (I assume it is) then a version number is essential in my opinion to distinguish the pukka stuff from Atom 0.3.

So "Atom 1.0" would get my vote.

BTW where did the "WB consensus" of avoiding a version number come from? At first sight that seems a daft idea. It also conveys a hint of immodesty and a lack of foresight as if the WG hadn't envisaged that its work could ever be improved upon, that nobody would ever want to change it. Totally unrealistic in my view.

Andrew Watt

Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-05-10 Thread Henry Story

On 10 May 2005, at 04:23, Antone Roundy wrote:
On Monday, May 9, 2005, at 07:52  PM, Eric Scheid wrote:
rel=self is in no way a substitute for an identifier
Why not?
the uri can change.

Yes, I acknowledged that a little after why not?.  So we have a  
tradeoff--greater permanence vs. greater resistance to spoofing.   
In my opinion, protection against spoofing is more valuable, in  
part because I expect most feed URIs to be stable enough that their  
changing won't be a significant issue.  Also because things like  
the volume of SPAM that gets sent to me convince me that people  
WILL exploit atom:id's spoofability to DOS others' entries.  I'm  
open to experience and reasoning to the contrary, but at this  
point, that's my position.
I am starting agree a little hesitantly with that position.
For either a feed or an entry there has to be a url that is used to  
These actions being available automatically give clients a handle on  
the identity of the resource.
If the id is just a string to be shoved around with no means of  
verifying it in this way,
making it possible to be spoofed, then all trust in it will vanish  
and inevitably the role
of identity will go to whatever enables actions such as DELETE, PUT  
and GET.

Now perhaps in a p2p world it makes sense to GET a url such as,2003:3.2397
and so that our language is just being open to new protocols. (Can a  
P2P network allows PUTs
and DELETE on such a url?)

I say I am agreeing hesitantly, because the idea of having an id that  
would allow one to move
one's feed or entry from one server to another seems very appealing.  
But perhaps there will
be other methods of noting such a move that will be more effective.  
One such way would be
for the old moved url to send http redirects to the new one. One  
could also choose one's
blog service provider by asking for a contract where they agree to  
provide such a redirect on
all one's entries in case one wishes to move.


Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread A. Pagaltzis

* Tim Bray [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-05-10 04:40]:
 We definitely need some quick, snappy label to refer to that
 version to distinguish it from Atom 0.3

 there'll be no actual spec-based reason to call our product
 Atom 1.0.  But, we could just go ahead and do it anyhow.

+1 for Atom 1.0 since a lot of people have already used that,
and given the provenance of Atom 0.3. But it should remain
colloquial usage.

I would argue that another, probably equally colloquial term
should be introduced meanwhile, so that in the long term, the
1.0 disappears from common usage. That would probably work best
if this new term includes an otherwise redundant qualifier that
people will eventually discard. I am thinking IETF Atom might
just fit the bill.


Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
On 10 May 2005, at 2:12 am, Antone Roundy wrote:
Why not?
a) It's not possible to compare an atom:id with a rel=self link. It's  
perfectly possible for the URI in atom:id to be the same as the  
rel=self in a different feed (unlikely, but possible). It's also  
possible for the same feed to switch from having an atom:id with one  
value, to having a rel=self with the a different value.
b) rel=self can change
c) rel=self offers no guarantee of uniqueness

Unless you can explain how multiple different feeds can be obtained  
via one URI
As I explained on a thread last week, rel=self doesn't necessarily  
correspond with the address the feed is being served from. Stop  
making this mistake.


Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
Let's forget about Paces for a minute. Does anyone disagree with the  
principal of recommending publishers include summaries if they have  
them available, and aren't supplying atom:content?

Don't worry about how it might be worded for now, just the principal.

Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread Eric Scheid

On 10/5/05 7:27 PM, Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Which sounds better?
 Atom 1.0 released
 Atom is finished

Atom is ready


Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-10 Thread Sam Ruby
Robert Sayre wrote:
On 5/9/05, Sam Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I also feel the need to express deep dismay at the way that author of
PaceOptionalSummary has been pursuing a scorched earth approach whereby
everybody who expresses an opinion to the contrary is viciously attacked
for doing so.  I believe that this has significantly hampered the
ability of the work group to hold a reasonable discourse on the subject.
I believe the secretary significantly hampered discourse on this
subject for *months*, by claiming the issue had consensus and was
It appears that the scorched earth campaign is destined to continue 
unabated.  It is an interesting theory, now lets explore the facts.

The secretary's job is to schedule the discussion of Paces. 
PaceOptionalSummary was authored on 2005/04/30, and scheduled on 2005/05/05.

PaceOptionalSummary was preceded by PaceCoConstraintsAreBad, which was
authored on 2005/04/06.  It, too, was scheduled in the very next round
of paces.
I agree with Robert; it conflicts with PaceOptionalSummary and I doubt
it would exist if PaceOptionalSummary had not make the cut. 
-1 as well. Doesn't solve a technical problem. It's just gamesmanship.
Alternate theory.  After months of foreshadowing, PaceOptionalSummary
was exquisitely timed to coincide with last call.  Along with a
diversionary burst of fire concerning alleged process issues.
Here's where SHOULD comes in. We're lucky that we have an example of
what happens when a SHOULD is violated. I'm sure most of you saw the
nasty arguments, accusations, and all-around busted software that
happen this week with Google Web Accelerator and Ruby On Rails.[0]
Ugly, right? This WG should be proud that we've kept the SHOULDs to a
Interesting analogy, let's see how it pans out.
The W3C could have made idempotency a MUST, which effectively would have
prevented useful things like hit counters.
Or they could have made idempotency a MAY, slamming the door shut not
only things like Google's WebAccelerator, but also on all web crawlers.
Instead, they decided to make idempotency a SHOULD, opening the door for
web crawlers by putting servers on notice that in the event of a
conflict, the onus is on them.
 - - -
Back to Atom.
If a entry in a feed does not include a title, and Firefox's Live
Bookmark support choses not to display it, who is the onus on?
If an entry in a feed contains neither a textual content nor a summary,
and Walter's search engine choses not to index it, who is the onus on?
Simply put, PaceOptionalSummary is incomplete.
Also, I'm having trouble reconciling your road lying with the
assertion that the two proposals are compatible. How can they be if
their outcomes are so different?
In my note yesterday morning, I made it abundantly clear what I objected 
to.  It wasn't the text between the ==Proposal== and ==Impacts== markers.

 - - -
The W3C got it right.  And so should we.
Answer the two questions above.  Without hysterics like burst into
fire.  What we actually are talking about here is aggregators that drop
information on the floor.
Should we warn producers about this?
- Sam Ruby

Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-10 Thread Julian Reschke
Sam Ruby wrote:
The W3C could have made idempotency a MUST, which effectively would have
prevented useful things like hit counters.
Not true. Quoting RFC2616:
In particular, the convention has been established that the GET and 
HEAD methods SHOULD NOT have the significance of taking an action other 
than retrieval. These methods ought to be considered safe. This allows 
user agents to represent other methods, such as POST, PUT and DELETE, in 
a special way, so that the user is made aware of the fact that a 
possibly unsafe action is being requested.

Naturally, it is not possible to ensure that the server does not 
generate side-effects as a result of performing a GET request; in fact, 
some dynamic resources consider that a feature. The important 
distinction here is that the user did not request the side-effects, so 
therefore cannot be held accountable for them.

Best regards, Julian

Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-10 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/10/05, Sam Ruby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Back to Atom.
 If a entry in a feed does not include a title, and Firefox's Live
 Bookmark support choses not to display it, who is the onus on?

No one. The spec doesn't say anything about  what must be displayed.
 If an entry in a feed contains neither a textual content nor a summary,
 and Walter's search engine choses not to index it, who is the onus on?

No one. The spec doesn't say anything about  what must be persisted.

 Should we warn producers about this?

No. These are application-specific issues. Every application is different.

Robert Sayre

Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-10 Thread Antone Roundy
On Tuesday, May 10, 2005, at 05:37  AM, Graham wrote:
Let's forget about Paces for a minute. Does anyone disagree with the 
principal of recommending publishers include summaries if they have 
them available, and aren't supplying atom:content?
Note that I also recognize the legitimacy of publishing a feed without 
the summary, even if available, in some circumstances--hopefully in an 
alternative version of the feed (ie., hopefully there's a version of 
the feed with summaries or content, and a special-purpose one without). 
 That'd lead to a SHOULD, right?

Re: Last Call: 'The Atom Syndication Format' to Proposed Standard

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
On 8 May 2005, at 4:30 am, Walter Underwood wrote:
White space is not particularly meaningful in some of these languages,
so we cannot expect them to suddenly pay attention to that just so
they can use Atom. There will be plenty of content from other formats
with this linguistically meaningless white space.
So the idea is that whitespace should not appear at all in certain  
texts, and you'd like it to be stripped out at the consumer? There  
are only three possible ways for this to happen:

1) The consumer removes all whitespace, even in western texts
2) The consumer recognizes these languages and removes the whitespace  
3) The consumer is told what to do by an attribute

(1) is obviously not plausible, but included for completeness. (2) is  
impractical. (3) is plausible, but may or may not end up being  
implemented in all consumers, making it kind of useless.

I don't see how there's a better solution than texts that shouldn't  
be shown with whitespace not containing whitespace in the first  
place, which is what we have.


Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
On 10 May 2005, at 2:42 pm, Antone Roundy wrote:
Both the proposed text and the text that made it in say that the  
URI (or IRI) identifies or SHOULD identify the feed.  The proposal  
says that the feed SHOULD be available from that xRI.
OK, fair enough. But the other reasons I gave are far more important.
Was not self added largely/primarily to enable feed readers that  
didn't get the information about the IRI from which a feed was  
retrieved to subscribe to it?  Did we not discuss standard behavior  
when obtaining a feed from a different IRI being automatically  
switching to the self value when accessing it in the future?  See for example.
The model was that the browser downloaded the file, and the OS sent a  
system event to the feed reader asking it to open the file. If I  
received such a system event, I'd look for the rel=self in the file  
and subscribe to that address.

This all works without looking at self in feeds that are already  
subscribed to, which would be entirely separate functionality and  
(apart from that message) hasn't been discussed on the list, as far  
as I remember.


Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread Henri Sivonen
On May 10, 2005, at 05:29, Tim Bray wrote:
Atom 1.0
+1 for Atom 1.0 in order to distinguish from 0.3.
Henri Sivonen

Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-10 Thread Tim Bray

On May 10, 2005, at 4:37 AM, Graham wrote:
Let's forget about Paces for a minute. Does anyone disagree with the 
principal of recommending publishers include summaries if they have 
them available, and aren't supplying atom:content?
Yes, but I'd go further; I'd like to encourage, in general, producers 
to put more than less stuff in feeds, and provide a summary whenever 
they possibly can.

My only angst at this moment is whether the canonical SHOULD is the 
right tool to do that. -Tim

Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-10 Thread Bill de hÓra
Tim Bray wrote:

On May 10, 2005, at 4:37 AM, Graham wrote:
Let's forget about Paces for a minute. Does anyone disagree with the 
principal of recommending publishers include summaries if they have 
them available, and aren't supplying atom:content?

Yes, but I'd go further; I'd like to encourage, in general, producers to 
put more than less stuff in feeds, and provide a summary whenever they 
possibly can.
My only angst at this moment is whether the canonical SHOULD is the 
right tool to do that. -Tim
MAY is the requirement level I would choose for something like a 
summary, which isn't a control code or interoperability hotspot. My 
sense of things, based on the paces and discussion I've seen, is that 
MAY won't accord sufficient moral obligation to gain consensus here. 
Perhaps that can be offset by producing text that urges the publisher to 
consider emitting summaries.


RE: Last Call: 'The Atom Syndication Format' to Proposed Standard

2005-05-10 Thread Walter Underwood

--On May 10, 2005 8:57:47 AM -0400 Scott Hollenbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have to agree with Paul.  I don't believe that the issue of white space in
 the syndicated content is really an Atompub issue.  It might be an issue for
 the content creator.  It might be an issue for the reader.  As long as the
 pipe between the two passes the content as submitted, though, the pipe has
 done its job.

If publishers and subscribers have obstacles to using Atom, that sounds
like a problem to me.

Everyone has this problem is not a good reason to ignore it. Someone
has to be the first to solve it, might as well be us. It is not acceptable
to build formats for the English Wide Web. That doesn't exist any more.

Walter Underwood
Principal Architect, Verity

Re: Autodiscovery paces

2005-05-10 Thread Mark Pilgrim

On 5/9/05, Nikolas Coukouma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Autodicovery elements MAY appear in either the head or the body
of the document.

I believe this is incorrect.  IIRC, link elements may only appear in
the head, and a elements may only appear in the body.

Other than that, +1 on PaceAnchorSupport.

+0.  Part of my newfound personal definition of a life well-lived is
to never again argue about semantics, markup, or the correct way to
use them.  This Pace will break every aggregator on the planet, but
then again, so will Atom 1.0 feeds, so... +0.


Re: Autodiscovery paces

2005-05-10 Thread Anne van Kesteren
Nikolas Coukouma wrote:
+1 with the same remark as Mark Pilgrim.
+1 if it is extended to support alternate as well when the feed really 
is the alternate version of the page. That would be a requirement for 
page authors. Feed readers don't have to check that and can fetch every 
feed with either a feed or alternate REL attribute value.

 Anne van Kesteren

Re: Autodiscovery paces

2005-05-10 Thread Anne van Kesteren
Robert Sayre wrote:
+1 if it is extended to support alternate as well when the feed 
really is the alternate version of the page. That would be a 
requirement for page authors. Feed readers don't have to check that
and can fetch every feed with either a feed or alternate REL 
attribute value.
I don't understand what the feed relation indicates. What benefit 
does it have over

a href=... type=application/atom+xml.../a
That it can be used for *any* feed regardless its MIME type.
Another advantage is that I can say: 'Look, an a href=link 
type=application/atom+xmlAtom feed/a that is well-formed', without 
making feed readers discover it.

 Anne van Kesteren

Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 9:09 PM -0700 5/9/05, Walter Underwood wrote:
Seriously, I don't mind Atom 1.0 as long as the next version is
Atom 2.0.
--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

RE: Last Call: 'The Atom Syndication Format' to Proposed Standard

2005-05-10 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 8:16 AM -0700 5/10/05, Walter Underwood wrote:
If publishers and subscribers have obstacles to using Atom, that sounds
like a problem to me.
It is a problem, of course.
Everyone has this problem is not a good reason to ignore it.
No one is ignoring it. This thread started because the format draft 
pointed out at least one aspect of the problem, which is more than 
most other RFCs do.

has to be the first to solve it, might as well be us.
May I suggest that there are groups with more experience in the area 
than ours that would be more appropriate? In specific, since this 
problem affects all internationalized text, the Unicode Consortium 
has a much higher chance of solving the problem than an IETF 
Working Group who is focused on a syndication format.

If you have a proposed solution to the problem (you didn't include 
one in your message to the WG), the Unicode Consortium is quite open 
to outside input on this type of thing.

It is not acceptable
to build formats for the English Wide Web. That doesn't exist any more.
That is both grossly insulting to those of us have spent a great deal 
of time trying to make the Internet internationalization-friendly, 
and is also grossly technically inaccurate, unless you consider every 
written language other than Chinese, Japanese Kanji, Burmese, Khmer, 
Thai, Tagalog, Lao, and Tibetan to be English. (The folks who speak 
all the other languages might find you calling them English to be 
insulting too, of course.)

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-10 Thread A. Pagaltzis

* Bill de hra [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-05-10 17:00]:
 Perhaps that can be offset by producing text that urges the
 publisher to consider emitting summaries.

Maybe its something for the implemetors guide as opposed to the
spec, then?


Re: Autodiscovery paces

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
On 10 May 2005, at 3:38 am, Nikolas Coukouma wrote:
I also don't want to implement it.
I mainly don't see the point of changing it. Also, while alternate  
expressly says the feed corresponds in some way to the content of the  
current page, feed simply says here is a feed of some kind, and  
isn't a relationship at all.


Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-10 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/10/05, Bill de hÓra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 MAY won't accord sufficient moral obligation to gain consensus here.
 Perhaps that can be offset by producing text that urges the publisher to
 consider emitting summaries.

Or, we could figure out a way to let the client ask for the amount of
information it desires, rather than legislate morality.

After all, we're not having discussions on how many entries there
should be in a feed. The amount of work on content
negotiation/instance manipulation of feed resources should indicate
there is no right answer to these questions.

Robert Sayre

Re: Autodiscovery paces

2005-05-10 Thread Eric Scheid

On 11/5/05 1:41 AM, Robert Sayre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't understand what the feed relation indicates. What benefit
 does it have over
 a href=... type=application/atom+xml.../a

It indicates that the @href resource is a feed in the sense that it is a
source of notifications of updated content (and is the place to watch for
updates the current page) to which one might wish to subscribe, and
furthermore it suggests that the resource of @type=application/atom+xml is
an Atom Feed Document, and not an Atom Entry Document.

Links you might *not* want to use @rel=feed on would be...

a href=...example of a broken feed/a
a href=...archives for June 2002/a
a href=...Tom's feed, very interesting/a

Without @rel=feed, a browser with autodiscovery support might well suggest
those links as being worthy of subscription. (The third case iffy -- I rule
it not @rel=feed because Tom is quite unlikely to include an entry which
is an alternate for this particular page).


Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-10 Thread Bill de hÓra
A. Pagaltzis wrote:
* Bill de hra [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-05-10 17:00]:
Perhaps that can be offset by producing text that urges the
publisher to consider emitting summaries.

Maybe its something for the implemetors guide as opposed to the
spec, then?
I raised that question already:
the WG didn't discuss it in follow-up (I think).

RE: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread Anil Dash

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-atom-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Graham
 On 10 May 2005, at 3:29 am, Tim Bray wrote:
  Question: how do we refer to the product of this WG once it has an
  RFC number?
 Just Atom, no version number. No one refers to HTTP or SMTP or POP
 or XML by their version numbers unless they have to. Including the
 version number makes it sound like their are other versions that
 matter, and for the moment, they're aren't.
 Which sounds better?
 Atom 1.0 released
 Atom is finished

I think we should distinguish the technical conversation from the
marketing/evangelism name. I'd suggest Atom 1.0 for circumstances where
it's relevant (distinguishing within technical documentation) and Atom
by itself everywhere else, such as on the AtomEnabled site or on sidebar
buttons linking to a feed.

If you see Atom 1.0 somewhere, it should only be in contexts where
someone knows what XML stands for, without having it explained.


Anil Dash  +1 646 541 5843

Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-05-10 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/10/05, A. Pagaltzis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 * Bill de hÓra [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-05-10 17:00]:
  Perhaps that can be offset by producing text that urges the
  publisher to consider emitting summaries.
 Maybe it's something for the implemetor's guide as opposed to the
 spec, then?

That's one option. If the implementor's guide were a BCP RFC, it would
be easy to flag in a feed validator. The validator at spits out a pretty scary warning when it decides to
warn (example: javascript in html content). Many people mistake the
warnings for an error, because the little 'valid' badge is buried
under the warning message and source code.

A BCP RFC could be used as fodder for a less-scary looking warning.
Something like This feed may not follow established best practices.

Another option would be to give title-only entries an intimidating
name in the spec. Something like Entries that lack both an
atom:summary and an atom:content are termed 'Content-Free'.

Or we could do both.

Robert Sayre

Re: Last Call: 'The Atom Syndication Format' to Proposed Standard

2005-05-10 Thread Sam Hartman

 Scott == Scott Hollenbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm not asking for a lot of text; probably something about as
 long as this message.
 I believe that it can be a lot shorter: given the rationale
 above, it's not a problem for Atompub or any other XML-using
 protocol. For that matter, it's not really and XML problem at
 all: it affects text formats like HTML and RFC 2822 as well.

Scott I have to agree with Paul.  I don't believe that the issue
Scott of white space in the syndicated content is really an
Scott Atompub issue.  It might be an issue for the content
Scott creator.  It might be an issue for the reader.  As long as
Scott the pipe between the two passes the content as submitted,
Scott though, the pipe has done its job.

Except that we try to build deployable protocols.  If there aren't
content creation tools that can do the right thing then it becomes a
deployment issue for atompub.

A perfectly reasonable response would be that you've thought about and
understood the problem and there are sufficient tools available that
can work with your proposed pipe that you don't need to care about the


RE: Last Call: 'The Atom Syndication Format' to Proposed Standard

2005-05-10 Thread Scott Hollenbeck

 A perfectly reasonable response would be that you've thought about and
 understood the problem and there are sufficient tools available that
 can work with your proposed pipe that you don't need to care about the

Paul described text that's in the document to describe what MAY be done.  I
would argue that the existing text is evidence of the thought that has gone
into understanding the issue and the alleged problem.


Re: Last Call: 'The Atom Syndication Format' to Proposed Standard

2005-05-10 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 2:14 PM -0400 5/10/05, Sam Hartman wrote:
Except that we try to build deployable protocols.  If there aren't
content creation tools that can do the right thing then it becomes a
deployment issue for atompub.
True. Fortunately, there have been plenty of text editing tools that 
work with the no spaces between words languages for at least 20 
years in the case of Chinese and Japanese Kanji (probably 15 years 
for the other languages).

A perfectly reasonable response would be that you've thought about and
understood the problem and there are sufficient tools available that
can work with your proposed pipe that you don't need to care about the
I'll make that response. :-)
--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-04.txt

2005-05-10 Thread Joe Gregorio

As usual, the HTML and XML versions are available here:

As an indication of how much has changed from -03 to -04, there
are no diffs available, the tool we use to automatically generate 
the diffs threw up its hands and produced nothing useful.


 A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts 
 This draft is a work item of the Atom Publishing Format and Protocol Working 
 Group of the IETF.
 Title   : The Atom Publishing Protocol
 Author(s)   : R. Sayre, J. Gregorio
 Filename: draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-04.txt
 Pages   : 36
 Date: 2005-5-10
 This memo presents a protocol for using XML (Extensible Markup
Language) and HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol) to edit content.
The Atom Publishing Protocol is an application-level protocol for
publishing and editing Web resources belonging to periodically
updated websites.  The protocol at its core is the HTTP transport of
Atom-formatted representations.  The Atom format is documented in the
Atom Syndication Format (draft-ietf-atompub-format-06.txt).
 A URL for this Internet-Draft is:
 To remove yourself from the I-D Announcement list, send a message to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word unsubscribe in the body of the message.
 You can also visit
 to change your subscription settings.
 Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP. Login with the username
 anonymous and a password of your e-mail address. After logging in,
 type cd internet-drafts and then
 get draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-04.txt.
 A list of Internet-Drafts directories can be found in
 Internet-Drafts can also be obtained by e-mail.
 Send a message to:
 In the body type:
 FILE /internet-drafts/draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-04.txt.
 NOTE:   The mail server at can return the document in
 MIME-encoded form by using the mpack utility.  To use this
 feature, insert the command ENCODING mime before the FILE
 command.  To decode the response(s), you will need munpack or
 a MIME-compliant mail reader.  Different MIME-compliant mail readers
 exhibit different behavior, especially when dealing with
 multipart MIME messages (i.e. documents which have been split
 up into multiple messages), so check your local documentation on
 how to manipulate these messages.
 Below is the data which will enable a MIME compliant mail reader
 implementation to automatically retrieve the ASCII version of the

Joe Gregorio

Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread Walter Underwood
--On Tuesday, May 10, 2005 09:12:09 AM -0700 Paul Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 9:09 PM -0700 5/9/05, Walter Underwood wrote:
Seriously, I don't mind Atom 1.0 as long as the next version is
Atom 2.0.
I'd also be happy with just Atom and saying RFC  Atom when
pressed for a version. Even with Atom 1.0 we'll need to say which RFC.
If we choose a specific name, it *must* be in the RFC. Because the RFC
must be a hit for that search.
Walter Underwood
Principal Architect
Verity Ultraseek

Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/10/05, Walter Underwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If we choose a specific name, it *must* be in the RFC. Because the RFC
 must be a hit for that search.

Walter, that's a good point. How about:

Marketing: Atom
Technical: Atom (RFC)


Robert Sayre

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-atompub-autodiscovery-01.txt

2005-05-10 Thread Phil Ringnalda

 A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

And a more pleasant one is:

or for your two words on every page? yay. pleasure:

Phil Ringnalda

Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
On 10 May 2005, at 9:27 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:
Walter, that's a good point. How about:
Marketing: Atom
Technical: Atom (RFC)
Around Dave Winer: RFC
The only real problem with dropping the version number is making it  
clear there've been major changes since 0.3.


Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread Sam Ruby
Walter Underwood wrote:
I'd also be happy with just Atom and saying RFC  Atom when
pressed for a version.
- Sam Ruby

Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread Karl Dubost

Le 05-05-09 à 23:48, Robert Sayre a écrit :
I like Atom.
Fear the non versioning. And yes there will be new version.
I would even go as far to be sure to be able to identify the language  
in the document itself. The namespace should be enough for that.
CSS was defined without versioning in mind and it's now a mess for  
tools developers.

+1 to the suggestion of Atom 1.0

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager
*** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Re: Atom 1.0?

2005-05-10 Thread Anne van Kesteren
Walter Underwood wrote:
If we choose a specific name, it *must* be in the RFC. Because the RFC
must be a hit for that search.
We can Google-bomb that string I guess. (Atom 1.0.)
 Anne van Kesteren

Re: Autodiscovery paces

2005-05-10 Thread Thomas Broyer
Eric Scheid wrote:
On 11/5/05 1:41 AM, Robert Sayre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I don't understand what the feed relation indicates. What benefit
does it have over
a href=... type=application/atom+xml.../a
It indicates that the @href resource is a feed in the sense that it is a
source of notifications of updated content (and is the place to watch for
updates the current page) to which one might wish to subscribe, and
furthermore it suggests that the resource of @type=application/atom+xml is
an Atom Feed Document, and not an Atom Entry Document.
Links you might *not* want to use @rel=feed on would be...
a href=...example of a broken feed/a
a href=...archives for June 2002/a
a href=...Tom's feed, very interesting/a
Without @rel=feed, a browser with autodiscovery support might well suggest
those links as being worthy of subscription. (The third case iffy -- I rule
it not @rel=feed because Tom is quite unlikely to include an entry which
is an alternate for this particular page).
IMO, autodiscovery should occur only when a @rel (or @rev) is provided 
(and, ideally, understood). Don't forget HTML does not define a default 
value for @rel or @rev when they are not provided.

This is a link to an Atom document:
a href=... type=application/atom+xml.../a
These are links to Atom documents which indicate a relation between the 
containing document and the feed pointed to by the @href and should 
therefor trigger autodiscovery:
Linking to the news feed from the news page:
a href=... rel=alternate type=application/atom+xml.../a
Linking to the news feed from another page (e.g. the Mozilla home):
a href=... rel=related type=application/atom+xml.../a

Thomas Broyer

Re: PaceOriginalAttribute

2005-05-10 Thread Graham
An entry only needs one identifier. The way to solve this problem (if  
it needs solving) is allowing duplicate ids under some or all  


Re: Autodiscovery paces

2005-05-10 Thread Robert Sayre

There's no reason for any of the ideas in this thread to be in the
same draft as the concepts outlined in autodiscovery-01. Stamp Out
Creativity Now.

I'm strongly opposed to letting this draft turn into a vast metropolis
of bikesheds, where we have 60-message threads on the right way to use
HTML @rel values. The WG has limited resources and time. Those
resources are most needed by the protocol draft. Bolting fancy new
appendages on the autodiscovery draft is a waste of time. You don't
need a standards action to add a link relation. Just do it.

Robert Sayre

Re: draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-04.txt

2005-05-10 Thread Joe Gregorio

   All excellent observations and comments. My replies are inline.

On 5/10/05, Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In reference to draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-04.txt
 Just a quick readthrough and I have a few comments:
 4.2 Discovery: good description and easing into the
 meat of the document.
 6. Should probably reference see section

Good points. I have started an errata page for this draft on the wiki:

 6.1 In the table, what does x mean? Not allowed?
 Seems like it means something else, but not explicitly
 I'm concerned about the ability of a client, given a
 Service Document (whether Autodiscovered or not), to
 determine what the Service Document covers. I think
 this is where the entry and generic types are
 going, but it seems like it might be advantageous to
 tie the Service Document to Content-Types. Suppose I
 am a blog hosting service and I allow direct photo,
 video, audio, and text blogs. By direct I mean I
 allow someone to post a photo directly to a photo blog
 without any text or metadata in it whatsoever.
 I will probably want a public service document that
 lists the hrefreadonly links for viewers and a
 private service document for my posting clients. If
 I do this, and then provide a series of collections
 within the service document, there is no way to
 automatically sort out what kind of content to post to
 each of the collections. If I want you to be able to
 program dumb clients that provide little or no
 metadata (like directly from a camera or mp3 recorder
 or phone), then it would be nice to provide a photo
 collection to POST my photos to.
 While we could create a whole series of entry,
 generic, and other types, it might be better to
 consider listing for each collection, the acceptable
 Right now, it looks like a client has to trial and
 error the Content-Types to determine the allowed
 Content-Types. It would even be nice to provide a
 preferred Content-Type for each collection as well,
 but I'm not sure that would be necessary.

This document is just the 'basic' protocol, where we are describing
the basic mechanisms and collection types. We are expecting to produce
a further specification that covers editing collections of other types
of documents, such as templates, etc.


Joe Gregorio

Re: the atom:copyright element

2005-05-10 Thread Martin Duerst
At 01:08 05/05/09, Tim Bray wrote:

On May 7, 2005, at 3:29 PM, Robin Cover wrote:

 The publication of a new Implementation Guideline by the
 Open Archives Initiative (OAI) compels me to suggest once
 again [1], as Norm Walsh [2], Bob Wyman [3], and others have
 done before, that the name 'atom:rights' would be better
 than the (current) element name 'atom:copyright'.

+1 here too.Regards,   Martin.

Re: extensions -- Atom NS and unprefixed attributes

2005-05-10 Thread Martin Duerst
Hello Paul,
What's the difference between IETF consensus (for which you gave a -1)
and it's up to the IESG (which seems what you think we should let happen)?
In my view, IETF consensus is another way of saying the IESG has the
last word. If there is a better way to express this in the spec, then
what would that be?
Or would we say that because the atom namespace appears in an IETF spec,
it's obvious that only the IETF (thus ultimately the IESG) can add stuff,
but we don't have to say so?
Regards,   Martin.
At 11:57 05/05/10, Paul Hoffman wrote:

At 7:22 PM -0700 5/9/05, Tim Bray wrote:
On May 9, 2005, at 6:52 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:

I think we should be clearer that new elements in the Atom namespace
and unprefixed attributes with parent elements in the Atom namespace
can only be added by IETF consensus. Thoughts?

I wonder if there's some standard IETF practice when you define a 
language as regards future change control?

No. Nearly every protocol tries to go its own way. It's a mess.

Generally -1.  This spec defines what Atom 1.0 is, why try to 
micro-manage the future? -Tim

Agree on the -1.

At 10:34 PM -0400 5/9/05, Robert Sayre wrote:
Fair enough. But can just anyone add stuff to the Atom namespace?

If the IESG lets them, yes.

We gotta trust the IESG after the WG shuts down. Fortunately, they have 
earned that trust over time.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: PaceOriginalAttribute

2005-05-10 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/10/05, Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 11 May 2005, at 1:22 am, Robert Sayre wrote:
  Hmm. I'd be curious to hear what you think the problem is. Every
  system I can think of that does forwarding or versioning assigns
  multiple identifiers. Perhaps you have an example system in mind?
 When an Atom document is relocated, migrated, syndicated,
 republished, exported or imported, the content of its atom:id element
 MUST NOT change.

No, I mean a deployed system.

Robert Sayre

Re: draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-04.txt

2005-05-10 Thread Greg Smith


Thanks for your comments on my comments ;-)

 While we could create a whole series of entry,
 generic, and other types, it might be better to
 consider listing for each collection, the

This document is just the 'basic' protocol, where we
are describing
the basic mechanisms and collection types. We are
expecting to produce
a further specification that covers editing
collections of other types
of documents, such as templates, etc.

In the current specification draft (04), it looks like
the entry and generic both specify identical
actions (in the table showing Body/No body versus
GET/PUT/DELETE/POST. So the real difference between
the two is in the Content-types that each can handle:
generic is unspecified, while entry is
only defined as application/atom+xml or
application/soap+xml. In addition, the PROTOCOL
specifies which ATOM elements are Roundtrip.

The advantage of specifying Content-Types as opposed
to contents attribute of entry and generic (and
further definitions):

1) immediately gain the ability of the client to
discern acceptable Content-Types, something sorely
missing from the current specification.

2) immediately gain the advantage of the client being
able to determine if it can talk to the ATOM URI.
(Graphic applications can talk to ATOM APP that
accept image/*, audio applications=audio/*, etc)

3) Do not have to amend a specification (or create a
new one) in order to handle every single Content-Type.

4) Adding different Content-Types to the allowable
formats immediately opens the specification to a wide
range of fairly obvious uses in the podcasting,
videocasting, *casting. And even in corporate use,
building in the parsing of Content-Types makes
available any kind of syndicated content whatsoever
using the same tools built around the APP

The current use of contents attribute still may have
its place (in resolving duplicate Content-Type
applications such as application/atom+xml templates
vs. application/atom+xml entries -- but I'm not fully
convinced of this example, however, there may be

And then to cover the other specification listed under
contents=entry: you could specify that all
application/atom+xml entries provide Roundtrip
atom:updated and atom:id elements. I don't *think*
that this would adversly impact other uses of atom or

Again, just thoughts that I'm happy to debate. I don't
want to step on anyone's toes here.

Greg Smith

Yahoo! Mail
Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour:

Re: Autodiscovery paces

2005-05-10 Thread Eric Scheid

On 11/5/05 2:24 AM, Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I mainly don't see the point of changing it.

The point is that just using 'alternate' is hideously ambiguous, and leads
to interoperability problems because you cannot rely on the value of @type
to accurately guess whether @href points to a feed or some other document.

In the history of feed autodiscovery, the exact syntax was corrected within
days of being first announced. Since then it's become popular, even without
official documentation in a specification. During that time people have come
to realise that there is a problem with 'alternate' ... consider that
pre-spec time as being a beta test period ... and now that we are on the
verge of releasing a fully documented specification it is our last real
opportunity to fix any mistakes.

Robert says anyone can mint new @rel types, but seriously, in the face of
popular usage of 'alternate' being backed up by a RFC specification, does
anyone think 'feed' would have a chance?

Put it in the spec and we are saying use of 'alternate' is flawed, the
preferred option is 'feed', and it will have more potency.

 Also, while alternate
 expressly says the feed corresponds in some way to the content of the
 current page, feed simply says here is a feed of some kind, and
 isn't a relationship at all.

Depends on how you read the word 'feed'. It can indicate a relationship,
that being this is the feed in which an entry representing this page (or
portion thereof) was once found, and may again be found.

I, like some, feel uncomfortable with those usage of autodiscovery links to
point to just any feed, from any page. Links to feed resource documents are
not necessarily links to feeds.


Re: Autodiscovery paces

2005-05-10 Thread Eric Scheid

On 11/5/05 1:20 PM, Eric Scheid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Also, while alternate
 expressly says the feed corresponds in some way to the content of the
 current page, feed simply says here is a feed of some kind, and
 isn't a relationship at all.
 Depends on how you read the word 'feed'. It can indicate a relationship,
 that being this is the feed in which an entry representing this page (or
 portion thereof) was once found, and may again be found.
 I, like some, feel uncomfortable with those usage of autodiscovery links to
 point to just any feed, from any page. Links to feed resource documents are
 not necessarily links to feeds.

On reflection, I thought I'd better check what the spec says...

The purpose of Atom autodiscovery is for clients who know the
URI of a web page to find the location of that page's associated
Atom feed. 

There is also this in section 6

  € The order of the autodiscovery elements is significant.
The first element SHOULD point to the publisher's preferred
feed for the document.

... thus [1] auto-discovery is *not* for the general case of linking to just
*any* feed resource, but specifically the one associated to the current
page/site. Which is a specific relationship, one we can name 'feed' (or
'fred', or 'barney' ... but 'feed' gets my vote).


[1] I conclude ... and so might any reader of the spec who is ignorant of
the full backstory.

Re: Autodiscovery paces

2005-05-10 Thread Eric Scheid

On 11/5/05 1:18 AM, Mark Pilgrim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 +0.  Part of my newfound personal definition of a life well-lived is
 to never again argue about semantics, markup, or the correct way to
 use them.  This Pace will break every aggregator on the planet, but
 then again, so will Atom 1.0 feeds, so... +0.


My belief is that RSS/Atom is at the point of crossing the chasm [1] and
going mainstream, and as such if we want the momentum to continue we should
be mindful of two things:

  * adding features/functions/tweaks which appeal to geeks and
other 'insiders' is counter-productive

  * not fixing any warts or bugs which non-geeks won't understand
why they get broken behaviour is counter-productive.

There is thus a filter to be applied to any suggestions for improvements.

Changing 'alternative' to 'feed' fits the second criteria, but adding a/
fits the first. So, +1 to PaceDifferentRelValue, -1 to PaceAnchorSupport.



Re: extensions -- Atom NS and unprefixed attributes

2005-05-10 Thread Robert Sayre

On 5/9/05, Robert Sayre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am fine with that. I am concerned that the current draft fails to
 differentiate between foreign markup and markup that requires IESG

I am going to try this again, because it's important.

entry fooBar=true
   evilExtension /

Legal? Which part of the spec rules it out? Maybe I've read it too
many times and I'm missing something. Common sense would seem to
outlaw it, but that's not good enough.

Robert Sayre