Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

yeah, they seem slower.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

Leon said the door was locked, so I know I tried to open it. So that must have been a bug in the game.  It seems as the characters starts to act weird when they are near to death.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: gece

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I thought my threat to a friend named Mehgcap, but that is not a threat.I don't know, maybe I can use the wrong words to English from understant .I have no problem with anyone, not an is with me on my persons  I just bans removal.uzay and gece deception.I'm just bans  removal.I may be wrong I don't know good English writingURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help with windows 8

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: flyby chow

Re: help with windows 8

hi connor, you must be aware that there are different versions of windows out there. if u try to install a ap that is not ment for a windows RT computer, it wil fail. what i meen is, there is a fully working version of windows on tablets and laptops out there. then there is a arm, baced skaled down version. out there. so we'll need a bit more info here. give us your full pc speks. windows version. ram, and so on. as well as the ap u trying to installURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Is it possible to update my pc drivers?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: flyby chow

Re: Is it possible to update my pc drivers?

hi there, from the sounds of it, it sounds to me like u are describing a laptop to me. if it  is not a laptop please correct me. for i wil be assuming it is a laptop and answer you like this. no. you cannot install a new graffics card in to it. yes. u can update its drivers. but often its best not to do so. there is a saying that says. if it aint broken? do not fix it. this meens. if your laptops working fine. you need not update them. but if you want to update them. you can use windows update to do this. this is the easyest option. the other option is to download the newest driver from acers web page. at your own risk. now, if your computer is a desktop? then most defenatly you can install a newer graffics card. yes.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am getting angry

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: flyby chow

Re: I am getting angry

do 1 of 2 things. first. download the latest version from mozilla's page. and 2. give us some more info. exact name of o.s. make of pc, 32/64 bit, version of firefox u trying to get to work.  laptop/desktop. graffics chip in it  if u no. if not its not inportant. how much ram. and so on.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] low batteries in electronics

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: flyby chow

Re: low batteries in electronics

hi, let me answer your questions about sell phones first. the reason why they can continue in a orderly manner. and not fluff up completely is the following. first? there is a battery meter inside the phone. its a sirkit that measure the battery level. it talks to the battery as it were.  so to over simplified it, it goes like this. so it says. hay u, lithium iron battery? that is the battery used in most. sell phones. of today.battery, yes sir! phone? what's your status.  battery talks back. 10 percent. phone says. oops ok. we display to the user. 1. bar remaining. some will give percentage some? will give u  bars. now. the software on the phone is programmed to start playing the battery low sound. but? another thing happens. remember on phones. not much righting operations is done. this is why not to much data corruption will acurre.but there is 1 other thing that happens. the phone. continues.    to o
 perate normally for the power is constant in the battery. meaning a constant power flow is supplied. when the phone asks the battery hay. how u keeping there. and battery says! 0 percent! the phone says. woof! by by off i go. and it shuts itself down.but now we  go to the deeper explanation.lithium iron batteries has a chip inside it that actually never, never lets the lithium iron go empty. it never discharges itself completely. yes i no, the phone lied to you when it said the battery was empty. but the battery is to blame, and here is why.the battery will, once its power is depleted. shut it self off. and prevent itself from being used further. that might even be a phone safe or battery safe feature. or both. but in actual fact there is still some juice left. this juice is left to secure a soft flowing trickle of power inside that battery. witch is why u must never leave it empty for long periods of time. and here is why. and by the way. this includes 
 laptops as well. If you do leave it. the chip inside that battery will eventually run out of power. and trigger a sleep state with in that battery. that sleep state disables the ability for that battery to be re charged and thus it will appear dead. only booster chargers can revive them. but your average Joe does not have one. and a good thing that is to. the reason for that is that sell corrosion acurres. so its a fail safe device built in.i no i deviated allot from what u asked, but i had to work my way around the water boll.  to explain a few things to you. now, my guess, in toys. is that is using some sort of nickel iron battery or some sort. witch does not require the complexity of lithium batteries. so the power control in the battery can fluctuate. a good example of this is a walk man. remember those ones in the olden days that used to play tapes? the less powerful the battery was. the slower the motor would turn. the more slo
 wer the voice went. why? simple. the battery cannot supply the voltage needed. so it gave what it could? and then from there. things when down hill.remember, they used 2 batteries of 1.5 volts. for a total of 3 volts. but if the voltage of each battery dips below say. 1.25, the battery stops. because? not even enough power is in it. to turn the motor.  the more voltage. it gave? the faster the motor could turn. that was why your tapes always seemed to play at a slightly higher pitch when batteries was new. and they was freshly taken out of there packet. but as time when by, they evened out?and the tunes  then, became slower and slower. my theory of that example spills over in to toys. there is no voice to slow down since it might be prerecorded. or it might be digitally recorded. so due to incorrect voltage, the little system could not supply the necessary sirkits power to open and close the necessary relays to trigger the correct response. remembe
 r, some toys have little rubber contacts underneath them that conduct a small charge and thus begins the process of the action u started. i hope this all made sense. he smiles. feel free to ask if u wish to no more.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Things you really miss?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: turtlepower17

Re: Things you really miss?

Oh, what a cool topic.I, too, miss the old arcade games. For me, it was more personal. Back when I was growing up, which was in the 90's, my dad had a pretty well-paying job. He's always been into collecting antiques, and other things, but back then, he knew this guy who used to sell arcade machines. So, in our basement, we had all kinds of cool stuff, like Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Galaxian, and a couple of pinball machines. We would rotate the stuff every once in awhile; he would sell one thing and buy another. Asteroids was by far my favorite game, followed closely by this bowling game where you would use a round metal puck, and slide it down a board that was covered in sand to knock down the pins. There were different game modes, one where if you got a strike while a red light was flashing, you got more points, and one that would just have flashing lights in genral. There were others, but I can't really remember them.We also had a talking dartboard, I
  have no idea what happened to that thing, but I really enjoyed playing it.The main attraction for me, though, will always be the jukebox we had. In fact, that carried over so strongly from my childhood that it's one of the main reasons I'm still interested in collecting records to this day. Not only that, but music is a huge part of my life. I'm always trying to discover new bands, and I'm constantly trying to get my friends into stuff that I've heard recently. My dad would go to flea markets and stuff, and would come back with tons of 45's to put in the jukebox. I was exposed to a wide variety of classic rock, soul, blues, and pop artists that way. When my dad lost his job, and we had to sell all the games, he at least kept all those records. I still have most of them, and apparently, he unearthed a few crates of albums and stuff earlier tonight that I have every intention of going through in the next few days. people think it's weird that 
 a person in their 20's should be interested in collecting vinyl, but hearing certain songs takes me back to some of the best moments in my life. I would come home from school every day and the first thing I would do would be to run downstairs and play Asteroids or Galaxian or whatever until dinner time. Or sometimes I would just sit down there and play records for hours. I'm pretty sure I drove my parents crazy doing that; I had certain songs that I was quite obsessed with.Yeah, I do miss those days.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

How do I talk with the voice thing? and who can help me? I no how to buy stuff, but I see signs and help things that have other objects in them. how do I view what they say? when i press touch and click, it comes up with nothing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: turtlepower17

Re: girls and adolt women

A couple of things here.At post 14, I sincerely hope that was a joke. Or, at least, that it was meant to show what having impossibly high standards can do to a person. Some of the stuff on that list was pretty offensive, and I certainly wouldn't date a guy like that.I'm not sure I agree with the advice to completely disregard your parents. When it comes to matters of sex and religion, disobeying them now and getting caught for a one night stand could lead to serious trust issues that might never be resolved. Yes, I think that everyone has the right to explore their sexuality, and this should be encouraged. But at what cost? This is what should be decided by each individual. If you're ok with lusting after a girl, and having a one night stand with her, and your parents never treat you the same way again (or at least, it takes them years to forgive you), you need to be able to reconcile that. Similarly, if you're in a relationship with someone, and yo
 ur parents can forbid you from seeing that person, you need to figure out what you would do in that situation as well. As a blind teen, you don't always have the upper hand when it comes to sneaking around. You never know who might be watching you, and who might report back to your parents if you're seen in public together. And, the more times you're caught disobeying them, the deeper of a hole you're going to dig for yourself. Just weigh all your options and feelings in your mind, and think of what is most important to you.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

is it for pc/x360/ps3?If it is for pc I'll download it.And slj, I am confused with sacred, because there are up and down movement too.It's happening in level 1.1, after I kill the monster when I kill it after the cutscene that the town was burned.I kill the other monster, I walk right, then I hear some kind like a chime, and I can't get to the right.There are no breackable on the right side, and I don't no if I should walk up or down.I only can manage this part sometimes, until I get to 1.2.What should I do?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] audio high jack pro

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: san diego office furnitur

Re: audio high jack pro

Your time is limited due to your busy schedule. You work very hard for your money, so you don't want to spend too san diego office furniture much on anything. On top of that, your home better look good or you will be embarrassed to have guests. Learn how to shop for furniture through the tips below.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Cinnamon, you did right by buying the item for 0L$. Anytime you purchasesomething in-world it is placed in your objects folder.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Cinnamon

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

I'm still very much trying to figure the client out. I did a place search for "free" and went to two freebie stores. Even though doing the //find object command may be easier, I used alt  7 for an object search, just to see. The second place I visited claimed to have free skins for your avatar, but in the search list, all the objects were owned by people, and had odd unhelpful object names much of the time. For fun, I navigated down to an object, and clicked "buy for 0l dollars." Nothing happened, so I clicked take. I got a message about the permissions system not allowing you to take items from the simulator. so I'm still pretty confused about basic mechanics like this.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: san diego office furnitur

Re: Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

Your time is limited due to your busy schedule. You work very hard for your money, so you don't want to spend too san diego office furniture much on anything. On top of that, your home better look good or you will be embarrassed to have guests. Learn how to shop for furniture through the tips below.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: turtlepower17

Re: Training Centers

Hi,I have quite a few thoughts on this subject, and I hope that I cover them in a coherent manner. I'm not operating on all cylinders at the moment, since I'm fighting off a rather nasty cold, but I'm going to do my best, since this is a subject that's very important to me. Just let me know if I need to clarify anything, and I'll try.First, I want to say that I agree with Dark's sentiments about the sleepshades. There was a time when I would have said they do more harm than good, and, while I'm not sure I'd say that anymore, the fact remains that a person should really have a right to decide for themselves whether or not sleepshades would be beneficial for them. I think that, if the student is doing something self-destructive in training as a result of relying too heavily on their vision, the instructor should reserve the right to suggest, in a non-judgmental way, that the student should try using the sleepshades. Even then, the
  emphasis should be on helping the student, not judging them or forcing a value system on them. But if the person is content with using a variety of skills, their wishes should be taken into account.This brings me to my main beef with NFB training centers. I'm sure that those of you who are in the organization are familiar with the speech, The Nature of Independence, by Kenneth Jernigan. If you are, and you have read it with an open mind, surely you see how what he is saying is detrimental, and frankly insulting. For the uninitiated, the basic gist is that a student wrote a letter to Kenneth Jernigan, the former president of the NFB, and asked him why the structured discovery method is so rigid. He then responded by writing this speech and delivering it at one of the NFB's conventions. Basically, the speech says that, when a student attends a training center, they go through three phases as their training progresses. These are, and I'm paraphrasing, extreme timi
 dity on the part of the student, where they're afraid to do or try anything new; belligerence, where they feel they're completely independent and can do anything, and do anything they can to avoid help from anyone else, particularly the sighted; and finally, a sense of balance. They integrate into their communities just as any sighted person would.I would like to know two things. First, who the hell is he, just one person, to say how every student reacts and behaves? Secondly, if there is truth to this, if this cycle really does happen to every (or most) students, why is that something desirable? Why should I go to a place that will make me arrogant? Furthermore, what about the training experience is so powerful that can change a person's entire core so rapidly?Someone was saying that if you take too much stock in the literature, you'll hate the organization. That people are people first. If this is so, why is the literature the first thing that one 
 is directed to when joining the organization? Most likely, it's for the same reason that the Bible is the word of God, and you can't be a "real" Christian without reading it. For the same reason that, if you're an addict, if you don't follow the 12 steps, you're considered a failure. Groups band together because of a common theme, a scripture, if you will. I believe it's more than fair to judge an organization based on its literature.I would never go to Wikipedia as a reliable source. A supplemental one, at best, but I definitely wouldn't start there. I honestly didn't even know that the NFB had a page on there. Now, my curiosity is piqued. I may have to check it out.Now, allow me to provide a couple of anecdotes. Earlier in this thread, I alluded to the fact that I have known people who go to training centers because they're so desperate to escape an undesirable situation that they'll latch onto anything that
  a stronger person says. More often than not, in the US at least, blind people are strongly encouraged to attend training centers. I have noticed that the people who pressure the most strongly are those who preach the NFB's agenda. I'm wording it this way for a reason, which will become apparent in a minute.My first anecdote has to do with a girl who I don't know very well; therefore, the weakest anecdote in my arsenal. I know her because she's my boyfriend's ex. They lived together, and dated for several years, so, naturally, I know a bit about her. I also went to school with her, but we were never friends. Anyway, she comes from a very abusive background. From what I knew of her, she was very shy, but also appeared standoffish. She really wasn't what I would consider to be a go-getter, which is understandable, given her history. Not too long ago, she started attending NFB meetings, and from what I hear (my boyfriend still has contact with a few 
 of her friends), she's this completely different person now. Her snippiness is cranked up to 11. She actually went up to some blind man in the grocery store that she didn't even know and started goin

[Audiogames-reflector] low batteries in electronics

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: wanderer

low batteries in electronics

So this is something I've been curious about for a while, I'm not really expecting anyone here has a definitive answer even if there is one, but ah well. When certain electronics are low on batteries, as an example those alphabet and piano toys kids play with, they usually start behaving very erratically, as in not just a distorted voice, but random looping, scrambled speech, incorrect responses etc. I remember as a small child when I got bored I would intentionally try to find dying batteries to use in the toys I had for the completely unpredictable behavior I'd get in some of them. So, does anyone know why this happens? Obviously with simpler things (I'm guessing things that did not turn on and off and so did not have a real-time OS) all that would happen is the sound would get lower and slower as the voltage decreased, but the more complex ones would just start behaving erratically and sometimes the voice would not change. Perhaps the CPU fails to read or ex
 ecute data correctly below a certain voltage, or maybe what RAM there is only holds partial data, and when attempting to read it appears as if a null pointer is referenced, and I doubt the firmware in those things has any error-handling code at all, so it just tries to continue despite the errors. Computers, phones and most other devices that actually serve a useful purpose usually warn about a low battery, and continue normally until it dies, (a certain voltage is reached) at which point they just turn off. If they were to try and continue functioning below this voltage, would they start exhibiting erratic behavior as well, or are they designed to make the most of the battery, behaving normally, and when they stop functioning it's because they don't have power to stay on? In a simple childrens' toy there's not too high a need for a low-battery warning, but that kind of erratic behavior in a laptop or phone could cause a whole lot of data corruption. If anyone kn
 ows more about this your thoughts would be appreciated.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Cinnamon

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

The server is down.I amused myself for a happy 30 seconds picturing Aprone releasing the new update just before the bed times of the high school and college player demographic. Too late to play, but just early enough so they see the update before being forced to bed, (or into a college all-nighter of zombie play.)"Monday, scientists were baffled by the mass disappearance of an alarming percentage of blind students from various high schools and universities across the world. Top educators remain confused. One bewildered mother of a 16-year-old had this to say. 'I walked into my son's bedroom this morning and found him hooked into the computer... I tried to get him to talk to me, but he just kept muttering something about zombies.'"Too much to hope for an update, but my brain is amused nevertheless.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sengoku Jidai 2.6 (+Kamikaze map)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: CAE_Jones

Re: Sengoku Jidai 2.6 (+Kamikaze map)

Ah, so it is. I'm kinda surprised it got that much traffic so quickly.Sendspace:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I can't wait for that mage level in AA!

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dentin

Re: I can't wait for that mage level in AA!

FYI, the latest boot raised the microtimer level from 30 to 31, so you won't hit timers as soon now.Alter Aeon MUDhttp://www.alteraeon.comURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] shadow rine full voice version released

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: assault_freak

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

Yeah, okay... I figured it wasn't the last dungeon. But I can't figure out a way to get to those boxes... they all seem to be surrounded by teleporters with no exits leading behind said teleporters.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: wanderer

Re: Training Centers

I agree with Dark, I see no reason for sleep shades to be required. For "confidence building" they might do the exact opposite, since if someone with low vision who has little to no skill or self-confidence, who has rarely been away from home, goes to a training center, the last thing they need in the midst of adjusting to being without everyone they've probably known all their lives is being told that they will not be aloud to use what might be an essential sense for them. At the very least it could slow down the learning process considerably. Of course if one's vision is unstable that's a different matter entirely, but that should be determined on an individual basis. On a totally different note, some time before I left my state school their IT staff decided to reinstate their web filtering, and in addition to just about half the internet ( and just to name a few), their network now blocks the NFB site, at least it did when I wa
 s there, and I found that a bit amusing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Nikos

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Is the server down, I cannot connect.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: girls and adolt women, sex outside the marriage is a sin, and not because of israel, but the bible saying that.the new testament sais that all prostetutes and other people like that will go to hell after the day of the judgment.i maybe not afraid of my parrents, but i, and all the people must to afraid making sins to the lord.if you'll make a sins, and then not say to the lord that you sorry about that, and not feel that in your heart, the lord will throw all the siners to the hell.if you want to go to heaven, you must to beleev in jesus christ, be baptised when you are adolt and not a baby, and after the reincarnation of yourself (the man who made sins dieing inside of you and comming a new man, you are born from the sky) and finally stop to make the sins which you've made in the i listening not to my parrents when i saying that, but the bible.and secondly, my father is a traditional jew, and he againts ouwer messianic fathe.he do
 esn't allowing me and my mother to go to the congregation, he doesn't allowing me to check messianic websites.i hate this fucking father, i could be happy if he will die.kamochek.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

Someone found a cheat years ago that can make your life a bit easier at times. At least on the Cow Poke level, if you go into the bank and either it doesn't get robbed or after the gunfight, win or lose, you're sitting at the bank menu, hit the letter s. You'll hear the sound of a bit of money coming your way...and that's exactly what's happened. You can hit the letter s one time during each visit to the bank, when you're sitting at the main bank menu, and you'll get a hundred bucks. Not much I know, but it can certainly help you out!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I can't wait for that mage level in AA!

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jessmonsilva

Re: I can't wait for that mage level in AA!

if you have already done the chicken quest in the newbie island of kordon, there is a ring of shielding which gives you perm shield. If you don't want to wear it, I believe scrols of shielding are at the mage shopkeeper in naphtali. I just end up killing him and taking them all the time lol.I am a cleric necro, and though my class is a little hard solo wise, with necro being a secondary to my cleric class, it actually makes it doable. The one thing that sucks though is that clercast, unlike mage druid or necro cast is virtually useless, and that is sort of sad. Anyway, i love AA, though yeah timed micros really freaking suck, lol.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: harrylst

Re: girls and adolt women

I'm going to tell you something camocheck, and I know there will be people who don't agree with what I say on this forum.Fuck your country's social standards.  I really doubt that it is officially illegal to have sex outside of marriage, even in Israel.  If you lust someone and she lusts you back (if she lusts you back, remember) and you're both OK with it, just do whatever you want.  Live life when you're young.  Do not care about what people will say around you.  You're at the age when you don't have to listen to what your parents say, you should strike out and find your own position.It's quite easy to lie to your parents.  If you are doing it with someone in starbucks, say you were at the library studying, or whatever will sound convincing to your parents.  If you notice that your mom is not observant at night, even better.  Sneak her in the window (as long as you're both OK with it
 , and you're sure your mom won't know).  Remember, if you don't get caught, there's nothing wrong.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Blind square?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Blind square?

Here is my question simply put. What does BlindSquare do for me that Ariadne or Apple Maps in ios 7 can't? I don't mean that to sound as snotty as it comes across in text. I'd be willing to buy the app if it revolutionized my mobility. Ariadne GPS was the best $4.99 I've ever spent. I whipped out the compass last week to make sure my dog and I were on the right branch of the sidewalk. I've never used walking maps in ios before, only driving.Is BlindSquare's main draw it's massive list of preset favorites? If I'm at the bus stop where I work, I can set that as a favorite place in Ariadne, with it pre-filling the address in for me. The app updates the favorites, so it'll tell me what the closest one is and what degrees position it is from me. Of course, the favorite is only marked as what I myself call it.It sounds to me like BS's most usability comes if you're strolling down a sidewalk you're unfamiliar with.
  Hopefully someone has uploaded a good map, so it'll tell you what businesses you're passing. I hear lots of good things about this app, and like Dark, I want to know more about what it actually does.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: ghost rider

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

hey all. So I just got back from target with my friend, and I got a game I think you guys might like. It was called capcom digital collection, and it had street fighter 2, 1942, final fight double impact, and a bunch of other games.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jessmonsilva

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

Hello:so I was just thinking it would be nice to see an audio archive or something of these types of games, especially PC ones since I am most interested in those. I've played skullgirls recently, but it really wasn't my type of game and it was more for my boyfriend, I was more interested in sacred and in d&d, even mortal kombat. If anyone knows where I might be able to hear some audio of someone who is blind playing it, that would be freaking awesome so i can try to figure out how to play it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: Strategy For Beating The Oil Platform In Zombie Exodus:

Hi Dark.Well I finally beat the oil platform and finished the game. It is actually something very simple you have to do that I completely missed somehow. What a great game! I'm going to play it again to try and get to the other endings.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] shadow rine full voice version released

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: bladestorm360

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

Slight spoilers.There actually is a method to the madness with the teleporters. I think there's only 4 or 5 of them. One teleports you straight across, one teleports you to the top where there's a locked door, and one teleports you to the bottom where you can enter another screen with two switches. This room is fairly useless unless you find the other two ways in to access the switches. There's also a room where there are several ways onto the screen, and several doors into the next room, so make sure you've gotten all those boxes. There are even ways to loop back to other areas of other floors, for example the door at the bottom of the screen with the switches.Just for the record, it's not the last dungeon though. Heheh.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: cw

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I know I don't want to be playing with those who thinks it is a place that is set aside for them to make trouble for people. After all, this is a really good game. I don't know about you, but I play games to have fun, not to cause trouble for others or to have others cause trouble for me. LOL. I guess I'm tired of hearing all those players who can no longer play complaining. It seems like most of all those who have been thrown out of swamp had been for a reason.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a question about the windows versions of the choiceofgames titles

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: themadviolinist

Re: a question about the windows versions of the choiceofgames titles

Tin Star appears to be available in full on the web site as I've made it into Chapter 5, and it was only the first three that were available in the demo if I remember correctly.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: girls and adolt women

Hmmm, well then you have a problem, since you seem to be wired for it.  Good luck.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] A troopanum 2 problam

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: cw

A troopanum 2 problam

Today I desided to play a little bit of troopanum. Only one problem. Windows show error up on the screen. It was something about me not having rights to run it. I hit the shortcut again and windows told me that the file that the shortcut pointed to wasn't there. I tried reinstalling the game and got the following arror.Error graphic 85 C:\Program Files\Troopanum 2.0\troop.exegraphic 132  An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the destination directory:MoveFile failed; code 2.The system cannot find the file specified.Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.Abort Retry IgnoreWhat's going on? Is it requireing a site that is no longer there? I even took a screen shot of it. It can be found in my dropbox at the following link for those who can see it... … enshot.JPGURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: zkline

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Hi All,I'm quite interested in trying this, but the Mac version of Radagast is currently inaccessible. I don't want to have to use a Windows VM or Bootcamp just for this client. Is there any chance of native OS X support somehow?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Cinnamon wrote:I checked out the SL client for fun yesterday, and yes, I did read through the accessibility guide.1. I've noticed an annoying lagtime with Jaws when you tab or arrow through the client. Maybe this isn't present with NVDA. I haven't tried.2. How do I change the look of my avatar? I saw "animations" and "bodyparts" in the inventory menu, but couldn't figure out how to really manipulate them.3. Is your username the same as your character in SL? So if I'm riding a horse down the street, will my username be the character? I'm used to RPG's, so this may be a bit of a switch in thinking for me.Cinnamon, let me do my best to answer your questions. 1: JAWS does have a bit more difficulty than NVDA when navigating in dialogue boxes. I haven't noticed the lag in menus that you refer to.2: In order to change you
 r avatar, you must have some things to change your avatar to. You will either have to use search via the search window accessed by pressing alt5 or you will have to enter Virtual Ability island where we will help you obtain a basic avatar. Then, depending on what you wish to look like, you can go searching in freebie stores to find the items/clothing you'd like.3: Your user name is your character name, yes. If you choose, you can change your display name in Radegast.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Cinnamon wrote:I checked out the SL client for fun yesterday, and yes, I did read through the accessibility guide.1. I've noticed an annoying lagtime with Jaws when you tab or arrow through the client. Maybe this isn't present with NVDA. I haven't tried.2. How do I change the look of my avatar? I saw "animations" and "bodyparts" in the inventory menu, but couldn't figure out how to really manipulate them.3. Is your username the same as your character in SL? So if I'm riding a horse down the street, will my username be the character? I'm used to RPG's, so this may be a bit of a switch in thinking for me.Cinnamon, let me do my best to answer your questions. 1: JAWS does have a bit more difficulty than NVDA when navigating in dialogue boxes. I haven't noticed the lag in menus that you refer to.2: In order to change you
 r avatar, you must have some things to change your avatar to. You will either have to use search via the search window accessed by pressing alt5 or you will have to enter Virtual Ability island where we will help you obtain a basic avatar, and maybe a few extra things if we have them.3: Your user name is your character name, yes. If you choose, you can change your display name in Radegast.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Haramir

Re: Scrolling Battles

Hey folks. For some reason, I can not download the downloader. It get stuck in about 90%. Don't know why though.Best regards, Haramir.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

simba wrote:Hi, i created a accound yesturday and logged in successfully with the radegast client. But now i am somewhere and i can't do anything. I cant move or do something like that. Do i need to contact a mentor or what do i need to do?I also could'nt create a accound from the site, i had to create a accound on the standard SL webbsite.The signup link in the guide is incorrect and we are currently fixing that. You need to read the accessibility guide to know what to do once you get there. If you need help, contact Virtual Ability via e-mail so they can ensure someone is there to meet and help you.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Andy93 wrote:Hi@Orin: most probably, you'll need some lDollars with you. lDollars is are money currency, and you need this to buy stuff as usual, however you can get some freebies too.You can purchace lDollars using pay pal, or get yourself a decent Job, or something like that. you'll discover it when you keep going with itMoney is not required in Second Life. There are more freebie stores than I can list here. You can even find a free home as they are offered on some sims as well.So please don't come into Second Life with the idea that Lindens are required because they are not. They are totally optional.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

bradp wrote:I can log into the website fine, but I cant seem to log in using radigost. and does the grid thing matter what I set it to? and can i get on the island for the accessible stuff if i didnt sign up through that website?Brad, you need to set the grid to Second Life, and not the beta version. The other grids are different world simulators.Yes, you can still access the help from Virtual Ability if you don't sign up on the Virtual Ability website. But it's important that you send an e-mail to Virtual Ability to make sure someone can be there to help you get to the island as I don't believe you will start out there.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Blind square?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: Blind square?

I do not recall needing foursquare for Blindsquare to work, and do not believe I have a Foursquare account.  it has been a very long time, however.  If I did, it wasn't a big deal or I'd remember doing it.Apple Maps in IOS6 has turn-by-turn driving directions.  Apple Maps in IOS7 apparently has turn-by-turn walking directions, but I have not yet tried it so cannot speak to functionality or quality.  My understanding is that Blindsquare uses Apple maps which you have simply by virtue of having an iPhone.  Apple does have some sort of feel the map exploration thing, but it's lame; nevertheless, Siri/Voiceover can read directions to you.  Blindsquare aso has a map exploratio mode, but I've only used it once or twice and am not super familiar with that part of it.When going somewhere relatively unfamiliar, I like to specifically mark turns on Blindsquare; it will then announce them like it announces everything else.  Y
 ou can filter out what Blindsquare announces and tell it to watch specific locations, including ones you make obviously.  There is a quite noticeable noise when you get near one of "my locations".URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Haramir

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

And I might add, yes, this is just a game. A good one, but still, a game.Best regards, Haramir.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

bradp wrote:So I got my account created. but now when i try and log in, it says I have the wrong password. I had to go through the normal second life site.I'm sorry you had so much trouble. Sounds like it was just a glitch. Those happen sometimes. Hope it is fixed now!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

bradp wrote:So I got my account created. but now when i try and log in, it says I have the wrong password. I had to go through the normal second life site.I'm sorry you had so much trouble. Sounds like it was just a glitch. Those happen sometimes. Hope you have it fixed now!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

venom wrote:`i couldn't access the virtuability website so i had to create the account from the text sl site for the sounds do i have to activate them from within the client?In-world sounds should already be activated, but you will have to activate voice, etc.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Bogdan wrote:Hi all. I tryed the sl but I have impression that we are so limited to play it. You can not ride, drive or things like that and to use this tipe of client only for chat, I find it boring. An other problem is buying things. It is hard to make money on this simulator, so I find it not so realistic. I don't want to descourage people, don't understand me wrong, but that is the reality.Bogdan, you can ride things in Second Life, and you can interact with the world very well using Radegast. And, money is not required in Second Life. Linden dollars, the Second Life currency, are only there for those who wish to use them. I have well over 22,000 items in my inventory and 99.99 percent of them were obtained at freebie stores. My advice to you is to read the accessibility guide so you will know how to move around in Second Life. There is so much more to it than just chatting. I am a blind user an
 d I go ice skating, have rode horses, swim, participate in trivia games and tournaments, participate in groups, shop, explore, dance, etc.It is true, driving in SL is difficult without being able to see, but you can find assistance to take car rides, or jet ski rides if you choose. Virtual Ability has lots of community members and they are friendly. Also, Radegast is very-much still in development and who knows what kind of abilities we may have in the future.Second Life is a 3D world and it is amazing that we can access it at all. There will always be some limitations for us because we use a text-based client, but these limitations are few.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

bradp wrote:I try to sign up but it says that the registration is currently unavailable, and it says at the bottom of the page that they have sent me an email but they never do. Do I need to select an avatar?That might be a glitch. I would try to sign up again.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

simba wrote:Hi, i got a problem. I logged in successfully in to my accound and now i am standing there and i just can hear the clicking of computer keys in the background. Can someone help?Hi, Simba. The clicking you are hearing is people typing in what we call nearby chat. You should read over the guide so you will no how to interact when you enter Second Life. We created it for this purpose.  Good luck!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

kyle12 wrote:Hi,One thing I've been wondering. Is their any way to access the building tools from this client?ThanksHi, Kyle. Currently, Radegast has minimal support for script editing and no building tool is available within the client. However, a new version of Radegast is on the horizon so I would check the "Issues" page of, Radegast's official website, for some idea of what they might be working on.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: heartssong

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Andy93 wrote:Hey,  I'm so glad to see this, cuzz as you know of course I love SL! and I can really tell everybody to give it a try, SL is pretty awesome! good job!I've not been able to enter SL since the last time for some reasons, but I'm gonna check this out and update my client. Again, nice Job!Oh, and please say hi to Roxy, Aaron and all the guysGlad to see you were able to update Radegast and rejoin us in SL Andy! URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sengoku Jidai 2.6 (+Kamikaze map)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: the terminator

Re: Sengoku Jidai 2.6 (+Kamikaze map)

hay folks the link's broken.Just,en,joy!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Computer simulator is finally here!

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: the terminator

Re: Computer simulator is finally here!

well i find it so tedious. Sorry but can you make an update for it? well the games doesn't work and some other things i tryed. Sorry.Just,en,joy!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: Training Centers

Dark, regarding the sleep shades issue I am sure this is simply an issue you will have to agree to disagree with as I don't think there is any way to convince you of the necessity of this in training. While I am totally blind now when I was loosing my sight I had to wear them for some of my mobility training, and while I disagreed with it then I am glad for it now.As has been stressed before the sleep shades are not being used to make the total blind students feel better or to limit the low vision students abilities by making them totally blind. the primary purpose is to train them to do things a different way, in their opinion, a better way without using their limited vision. Think of it as showing them a way to do things more efficiently with or without sight.For example, a low vision student might be able to tell if meet is done by leaning over and looking at if the meet is brown or still has a little red in it. That's great. Nobody is going to deprive h
 im/her of that ability. The idea behind the sleep shades is to teach him/her how to tell if the meet is done by sticking a fork in it and seeing if it is fully cooked or not. That sort of training can only enhance his/her abilities not take away the one they already have.I think, and this is only my opinion, your primary objection is that you have some sight so you should be able to use it in training. On the surface that makes sense, is a reasonable request, accept not everyone who walks into those training centers has stable vision. In fact, I know a woman in her mid 50's who's vision changes on a day to day basis. One day she can read a print book, watch TV, etc and the next everything is blurry and she can't do anything without assistance. In a case like that using sleep shades makes sense, because the training center has to deprive her of any remaining sight to keep her from the temptation of relying on her vision when doing training so she is able to do t
 hings on days when her sight is unreliable.The issue here is NFB, WSB, and whoever generally create a one-size fits all solution to the problem, and it is that more than anything you are objecting too. While I understand your arguments it does not mean many people can not and do not find their methods useful on some level. Many people do, and more power to them. If people absolutely can not stand or will not use the sleep shades they have two feet and they can walk away from the program. Ultimately weather they believe it or not, like it or not, I think the sleep shades are usually a benefit to most people who go through those training centers.The other reason why sleep shades are often helpful for low vision users is it can build self-confidence in his/her own abilities. If some one can cook, clean, fold clothing, etc with sleep shades on they will be able to do it better when the sleep shades comes off. They will grow confident because if they can do this or that tas
 k blindfolded then they can probably do it when they are not blindfolded.Again, it seems you are impressing your own experience on people who don't have the same experiences. what I mean by that it sounds like you had a lot of life skills training from your mom growing up, and are a fairly confident person in your own abilities and skills. However, sad to say I can't say that for many blind people I have met in my life.The fact is I have met many at training centers, summer camps, etc that had little to know life skills training and no self-confidence in themselves at all. The low vision users were often times more less self-assured than the totally blind students/campers because they could see to get around and do something's, but often pretended there was nothing wrong with them even though they clearly could not do whatever they were suppose to do because they were not use to being totally blind and their vision wasn't good enough so they were ca
 ught in the middle. In cases like that using sleep shades would be helpful because it forces them not to rely on their sight and trains them how to do it blind, builds confidence in their own abilities, and makes them feel like the are able to do stuff despite their poor eye sight.To give you a practical example take crossing the street at a busy intersection. Here in America the stop lights flash green when cars can go and flash red when they have to stop. Unfortunately, those two colors are the most difficult for people with color blindness and low vision users to see. The crosswalk signs may not be easy to read when they say "walk" or "stop." One thing that could or would help a low vision user in that situation is to teach them how to cross the intersection using the flow of traffic the way a blind person does meaning they follow the parallel traffic. Using sleep shades would forfeit any attempt to read the crosswalk signs or use the stoplights when cr
 ossing the streets, and they would stop and go using their parallel traffic as their guide not the stop

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Computer simulator is finally here!

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: the terminator

Re: Computer simulator is finally here!

hay Burak.well gonna try it and see what happened. Well thanks a lot!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: mehgcap

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

If I may save Aprone some time: no bans will be removed if they were legitimately given out. In your case it sounds like they were, so you will not be un-banned. In fact, saying "this is not a game" makes it sound like you are threatening Aprone, which is not a good way to ask anyone for anything. So, in short, you will not be un-banned.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: gece

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Mr Aprone you do realize that this is just not a game ?Have you tried to clean the uzay  and the gece  is over and over again.You do not want to understand why.Please remove the ban on gece and uzay haveURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a question about the windows versions of the choiceofgames titles

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: a question about the windows versions of the choiceofgames titles

Well Violinist,  the only reason to use chrome is that the only viable way to buy the games that can only be played in a commercial version on windows is in the  Chrome web store, this is part of the reason access is a problem since chrome is not exactly accessible. Regarding payment however, well i can explain that. All the demo versions of the games, and those games that are intrinsically free like  choice of the dragon are free on the  website. I also believe this goes for several of the hosted games too. however, in many cases these aren't the full versions and you'll get to a point  where the game will stop and you'll need to buy the full version to keep going.  I'm not sure whether tinstar  is one of these, or whether the hole game is freely available on the site, though more of the hosted games tend to be freely available than choiceofgames own titles. This is why the license for 
 choiceofgames in the db says "various" since they have streight up retail stuff, some demos, and some games that are entirely free.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

@Dark: I was just under the impression that hentai reered to grphic anime related stuff, just like you'd use the word yiff if it was something from the furry fandom... Looks like I'm learning something new everyday stll Anyways, I have a feeling this is getting a bit off track.And yeah, watching a series from the beginning is, IMO, always the best idea... There's probably a lot of things you won't get if you start with episode 20 or another high number. However since the primary audience for FIM is so young I don't really know how much of a long term plot thing there is to find. I remember that the two first episodes were kinda tied together, but besides that, I don't know. Then agan, I only watched seven episodes out of something like 65, so I guess I can't really speak about it. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

how many steps that K have to count before jumping?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

@Alex,  Hentai is the dodgy stuf, though as Hentai is japanese in origin it usually refers specifically to graphic artwork, (and that's  graphic in the adult sense not in the visual sense).I have heard of a number of friendship is magic Hentai, but again this is no different from the dodgy Harry potter fics you mention, and I do think every fandom has some of this (I've never personally come across any  dodgy Doctor who stuff, but then again I've never looked).Either way it's not a reflection on  the thing itself. If I did see the series though to make my mind up I'd actually like to see it from the start, to get the best impressionand make up my own mind on whe hwether it was something interesting or not. Oh and Btw I agree on diversity.  As I've said before there isn't really anything that much that people on this forum intrinsically have in common other than enjoying audio (or spoken text), 
 computer games and mostly being blind, other than that everything else is pretty much up in the air. I've certainly run into some fellow Whovians and tolkien nuts on here, .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Training Centers

@Ryan, I'm afraid I'm still not convinced on the sleep shades issue. If a person is peering too close to something in a pan, well thatt tells me they should be using safety goggles not being banned from using their vision. Again, if the question is  to prove a person can do something without vision, well why not also have a person tied into a wheel chair and do something without legs? Or maybe you should plug up a persons' nostrels while they're cooking so that they can do it without a sense of smell. Frankly, limited vision is another  sense and part of a person's life, and denying it  just seems pointless to me. Far better to teach a person to make the most of what they have, rather than deny it for some misconcieved attempt at equality.  I have actually been in situations myself where I have had professionals attempt to teach me to do  something denying! what my vision is capable of and often relying on things like my spacial&nb
 sp; coordination which as I've said is pretty dire. Having a mobility instructor tell me to step  count to find a door when i repeatedly tell her I can find the door because it is painted bright blue and is the only one on a road is a very irritating situation, and one which, were I less stubborn than I am could've put me in a bad situation. I suspect this is something we're not going to agree on however.Regarding your statement about  skills and teaching, and doing things like martial arts in the community, well firstly for a lot of people who aren't able to advocate for themselves, or find a good teacher who can explain without visual reference or make correct alterations in training this isn't an option, and secondly, well why not do carpentry in the  community? my issue is not that carpentry isn't a marketable skill, it is just that  it seems a little random to force people to pass a course based only on that. <
 p>I fully well agree learning basic life skills such as normal cooking, cleaning, laundry etc for those who do not know them or haven't been taught as Tom said above,is a good thing, but once you go beyond that basic set you seem fairly arbitrary to pick wood working. If it were an optional extra at the centers or if people could pass the course without it, fair enough, but it is having it as an  absolute requirement as if it is an  essential skil on par with doing laundry that I object to. Ditto with mass catering, though in some ways that is at lest slightly less arbitrary, albeit unless your working in the food industry or volunteering you usually will only have at most 10 people to cook for (certainly outisde my own position as philosophy society president the most people I've ever had to cook for is 8).I think as I said my  major issue  with Nfb from the sound of  it is the  institutionalization of skills and practices which should
  be personal. Of saying "a successful blind person must tick our boxes or else" and leaving little room for individualiation in that. That some blind people need a good kick up the arse for motivation i don't disagree with, but this has to be a very  individualized kick, engaging in something tht would interest them specifically not attempting to make them fit an external criteria.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: girls and adolt women

hi.yes, sex outside of marrigian is a sin.kamochek.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

yeah, its on the side where the tv is to your left. at least i think so. what about getting the key from the dog?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: seb2314

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

Also, keep in mind that the key only appears when Leon says that the door is locked, so you have to try and open it firstURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Hayri Tulumcu

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

what is the the max level for the Spirit Sword? my Spirit Sword is on level 76URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: masonarm1999

Re: Scrolling Battles

OK, I just fixed it. I also released sb 9.5!New in 9.5Tried again to fix event logs randomly appending the date twice.Fixed where you couldn't spawn a water pitFixed where money would go into negatives.Added enemy and character customizations!Added 2d jumping!Removed buying of some stuff so people can make customizeable characters.Ripped out the old leveling system, in order to implement the new create your own enemy system.Attempted to fix the event log date add bug where it kept adding right onto the end of the date.Made the data folder go into appdata now. Just copy your existing data folder into there.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Computer simulator is finally here!

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: burak

Computer simulator is finally here!

Hi, finally, I found computer simulator from one of my best friends, so here it is! I have made a setup version. You can download this at HereEnjoy!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Computer simulator is finally here!

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: burak

Computer simulator is finally here!

Hi, finally, I found computer simülatör from one of my best friends, so here it is! I have made a setup version. You can download this at HereEnjoy!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: masonarm1999

Re: Scrolling Battles

Hmm. Let me take a look.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] 2d adventure

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: masonarm1999

Re: 2d adventure

Invited both of youURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

Even though I can't call myself a fan of this series in anyway I'm kinda glad to see that the topic starter has had success in finding others Then Again, it's not really that surprising I'd say. Even though our group/community/whatever you call the World of blind people, is not that huge pretty much everything still seem to be represented. I myself have found a few other furries after I started a topic kinda similar to this.@Dark: I have a feeling I missunderstood your post, but I believe hentai is the... ehh... what shall we calle it? Adult artwork in the anime fandom. I can't remember what that kind of FIM art would be called though, but you're definitely right, you can find such stuff in every fandom... I've read a few HP fanfics that were like that. Quite odd pairings however, but anyways.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

And How do I contact Abilitty life?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a question about the windows versions of the choiceofgames titles

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: themadviolinist

Re: a question about the windows versions of the choiceofgames titles

Yes, I'm not sure why, since so far as I know, the ChoiceScript that a developer writes is just converted into XML that could be run on any platform.  That said, I'm playing Tin Star all the way through in the browser, so I don't know why one game would be available and another not.  Oh, and Firefox works much better than Chrome, which gives you the radio buttons but without their labels.  Makes playing the game harder, that does.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bradp

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

I have gotten a few things. But when I generate them, how toget them to be used? and how do i fly? and the arrow keys aren't moving for me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: Training Centers

CAE, while I personally have not gone to the WSB or NFB training centers I did go to a training center here in Ohio, the Cleveland Sight Center, and I would assume some of those other training centers may have something analogous to my own experience at the Cleveland Sight Center. I have answered the questions below with that in mind.1. Efficiency. 6 months is a long time. I expect I've got a chunk of the starting skills. Can I expect my time will be used efficiently?Answer: You may do a fair amount of review at first because not all of their students are likely to have the same skills as you have and some may be further ahead or further behind. Usually these training centers aren't tailored for any specific person's needs and so it all depends on what you know and don't know when starting out if all of your time will be productive or not.2. On the other hand, free time. Will I have to put aside software / networking / creative aspirations,
  or will there be time for those?Answer: Absolutely. When I was at the Cleveland Sight Center free time was free time. I could do anything I wanted within reason. I could hang out with the other students in the lounge, hang out in my room listening to music, listen to audio books, bring a laptop along and work on it, etc. At the time I was there I didn't have a laptop but I did bring my BNS along and spent hours of free time writing stories.3. Over-the-top scenario: someone dumps me in the middle of Ontario, and I have to find my way back to campus. Can I gain this power?Answer: They probably won't expect you to do that, definitely not in the beginning, but you will likely learn many O&M skills that will help you be able to handle a situation like that. A lot of mobility for a blind person comes down to motivation and determination, and weather or not you have the tools to get the job done.4. My only support network is immediate relatives, w
 hich is unpleasant. Will I be able to break away from this?Answer: That all depends on a lot of factors not yet in evidence. Although, I live alone and have mostly broken free of my parents they still are a major part of my support system in terms of shopping, filling out paperwork, and other things when I need them. However, complete independence comes down mostly on where you live and what services are available in your area in terms of public transportation, if you can possibly apply for a home health aid, if you are comfortable with cooking and cleaning on your own, and many other factors. Training centers will try and help you get to that point, but nothing will help you more than gaining useful experience by doing it.6. Rules and restrictions. Just in general. One can learn a lot about the people they'll deal with from their rules.Answer: Not having spent any time in the NFB or WSB ran centers I can't really speak to this one. When I was in the C
 leveland Sight Center I was in a program for blind teenagers and the rules were what you would expect for that age group like girls were not aloud in the boys apartments, and boys were not aloud in the girls apartments. No sex, drugs, or alcohol was permitted.7. WSB hasn't even touched cleaning and repairs. My property is a spider/ant/mold haven. Will I learn how to correct this?Answer: Well, I suppose that depends on the training center, but I am sure if you ask them they should be able to help you with that. When I was at CSB we had a life skills class in which we were taught to do our own laundry, to bake cookies, cook on a stove, fold laundry, and so on. You may need to request someone to come to your home and teach you more life skills if you don't already know how to vacuum, do dishes, clean your toilet, etc. those are generally skills one should learn from their parents, but I guess some parents are either lazy or reluctant to teach their blind child h
 ow to perform those basic tasks.8. On average, how many people are enrolled at a given time, and what are the demographics like? Age, gender, education, home state, etc.Answer: I suppose that depends on the training center in question, and how many people enroll at that time etc. All I can say is when I was in CSB in the late 90's we had around 15 teens between 17 and 19. One teen was from Lebanon and he roomed with me for the entire four week period. All the others were from the same basic area as myself such as Ohio and Pennsylvania. All were in high school or just graduated so that is about all I can tell you. My group was a summer program for teens getting prepared to go to college and were there to learn basic life skills such as cooking, cleaning, get extra mobility training, etc. A national NFB training center would probably have a bigger and more diverse group.9. (Addendum to 2) What's internet access like? I don't object to "not much
 ", if there's, like, a Starbux I can use ~once or twice a day.Answer: I have no idea.10. Culture. I am highly resistant to assimilation (which has its ups and do

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: girls and adolt women

A few things from the discussion. First, there is nothing wrong with having lust for someone you find attractive.  (Ok, hmmm, that may not be true for you in your religious tradition; being a pagan, I am encouraged to scromp anything that gives consent, but it may be different for you.)  So let's say that it is perfectly natural for you to feel lust, and to me there is no shame in that.  If you meet someone who returns that feeling, there is nothing wrong with experimenting with those feelings, so long as she consents without any hint of threat or force on your part.  Have at it, be careful, use birth control, (you're not ready to be a dad, trust me on this one) and knock your socks, panties and anything else that gets in the way off.If you find this, do not treat her like a blow-up sex doll.  Do not make any claim over her that she has not specifically told you you may.  And do not expect it to last.  And do not mistake i
 t for love.  Not that love  couldn't start this way, but if you're more concerned with getting to touch her back than you are with how she's feeling, whether she's happy and what are her dreams, then accept it as lust, and move on.This is different from love, which is a lot harder, a lot scarier and to me a lot more rewarding.  But then I'm 46, not 15.  I can't orgasm twelve times in an hour anymore, and I don't get a hard-on when the breeze blows just right as once I did.  (btw, it's an untaught but valuable social skill to strategically deploy your backpack to avoid social embarrassment on a bus.)  My relationship with sex has changed from thirty years ago.As for the specifics of being a religious minority in a country that has a specifically religious identity (watch me sit on my hands and not tell you what I think of that) that's hard.  It may be that you will simply have to wait a whil
 e until you can get out into a wider world at university or other places where the pool of young women you can meet is larger.  I'm given to understand that Israel is a quite laid-back place where love and sex are concerned unless you are a member of one of the more observant social groups, so you are likely to be around the sort of woman you're seeking.  Give yourself time.  I didn't meet my soul mate until I was 36, though I sure had a good time looking, as well as going through a lot of emotional hell along the way.I don't know how your own religious community affects all this.  Is it a community where sex outside of marriage is a sin?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kyle12

Re: girls and adolt women

Hi,@camocheck,Speaking from personal experience, I know it can be tough being young. You want people to like you, you want to pass your exams, you want to have a girl friend. Young and blind? Even harder. You just want to be like everyone else. I can speak from personal experience because I've been there (and in some forms, I still am), but i'm told on a dayly basis i'm more mature for my age than I ought to be. This is largely because of personal experiences in my past (which i'm not going to go in to here), that sort of destroyed my childhood.My advice to you, there for, is to enjoy being a child, or a teen, while you still can. Trust me, when you leave school, it all hits home that you're not as independent as you first thought. In short, life's a bitch, so live while you're young.Thanks,K.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Andy93

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Hi.About the lagging problem, I've not experimented that kind of lagg with JAWS. however, it is recommended to use the radegast client with NVDA, cuzz it still have some annoying problems with JAWS. And yes, your username is actually your character, and in order to change your avatar you'll need a few avatars, that you might wanna get from a freebies store.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: girls and adolt women

Kamochek, let me begin with the point that I realize your situation is tough. It must be difficult being a Messianic Jew in a country with so many religious or orthodox Jews. However, you can't really enter into a relationship with religious Jew expecting to try and convert her to your religious views. I can say from personal experience that does not usually work, and for many reasons she will likely find it disrespectful and perhaps a bit rude.The reason that for most people, at least many people, their religious beliefs are very personal, gives then a sense of identity, and for someone of a differing faith or belief to come along and change their mind can and sometimes will be seen as rude or disrespectful. At the very least they will not think you care or respect them, because you are trying to undermine what they consider to be the truth as they see it.It is one thing if you are out with a girl on a date and she asks you about your beliefs, wants to know mor
 e about it, but if you just start preaching or proselytizing in the hopes that you will convert her that will likely be offensive to her. So don't go there.To give you an example I consider myself to be a freethinker interested in science and humanism. I myself am not religious. I am not a Messianic Jew or a Christian. As such I have read a good number of books written by historians, scientists, etc who do not believe in the existence of God and of course I have read some books etc that argue the point that Jesus is a myth. However, weather God and Jesus existed or not is not my point.How would you feel if every time you wrote something about your beliefs on this forum and I came back with saying you are wrong, that I don't agree with you, and then began listing websites, books, and other documentation attempting to undermine your beliefs?I am fairly certain you would likely feel very upset, become frustrated, and may even begin to dislike me for my at
 tempt to force my religious opinions on you. It isn't like you chose to ask me about atheism, why I don't believe the way I do, but if I just started proselytizing atheism to you I think you would resent it regardless of how well intentioned I may or may not be. Further more you might think I was being arrogant and rude for trying to express my opinions to you.It is not all that different if you are dating a religious Jew. I know that Jews don't accept Jesus as the Messiah, and she probably has a life time of growing up in that belief. If you come along and try and convince her otherwise it isn't that much different than for someone like myself to try and convince you there is no God or Jesus in the first place. Does that make sense?The one thing I can say here is just relax. You are only 15 and eventually the right person will come along. It may not happen tomorrow and it might not even happen next year. As others have told you relationships 
 often happen when you least expect it and right now you are trying too hard and wanting a relationship too much. Just relax, don't worry about it, and eventually things will just fall into place. If you try too hard to make things happen you will just put yourself through a lot of unnecessary stress and heartache trying to make something happen that isn't meant to be.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: aaron

Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

Hi,Another interesting discovery is that Tara Strong is involved with this series, and, for one episode, Weird Al even voices a character.Regarding my previous post, disregard my point. I was going to ask if there was a way I could introduce myself to the characters, but I discovered a goldmine. Thanks darkabomination. Also, a random question: do you have twitter or anything? one brony to another, I'd like to keep in contact.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: rstrunk

Re: Training Centers

[ a-t ] CAE_JonesI have never heard of research stating that sleepshades can further vision loss, but I would be interested in getting my hands on it. I did see mention made of such research in the Wikipedia article for National federation of the Blind, but it was never cited. Another user even pointed this out in the article. (Also, there are so many inaccuracies in that article that I don't even know where to begin.) Nevertheless, I would be very interested in reading any research on the harm caused by sleepshades.I think the best advice I could give you has already been given. Take a tour or have a call and decide for yourself if you're interested. All 3 centers have a marketing/outreach director that would be happy to talk to you. You can decide for yourself what is spin and what is real and then make your choice.If I can help, please don't hesitate to reach out. I can only speak from my own experiences, but I solemnly swear not to BS you.<
 p>@DarkI'm sorry you can't get away from your conception that sleepshades are a way for totally blind people to feel better about themselves. If you feel this despite the fact that I aspouse them with my limited vision and despite the fact that other instructors, who are themselves not totally blind, require their use, I don't know what to tell you. Certainly there are blind people who have sight envy, but I can assure you that sleepshades are not, nor have they ever been, about making totally blind people feel better. There are even articles and discussions, available on the internet, in which members talk about the inherent usefulness of sight.Let me reiterate yet again that sleepshades are also not about helping people with degenerative conditions, regardless of what the Wikipedia entry says. Certainly they can help with that, but that's not their purpose.Solely for the sake of illustration, let's say I wanted to teach a blind person to 
 deep-fry food in hot oil. Given the propensity for some of my past students with low vision to lean close to their work to see it better, I would want them to use sleepshades, if for no other reason than to protect them from burning themselves. I would teach them to feel for the food with a spatula and show them exactly how deep-frying can be done easily and safely with no vision. If they go home and attempt the same task with their sleepshades off, and if they find they can see the food in the oil without having to use a spatula as a guide, more power to them. If you have vision, and you can use it safely, use it. Far too often, though, people who use their vision do so to avoid the stigma of blindness, and no small amount of heartache and physical injury can result from that.I unfortunately don't know how to quote posts directly like CAE did above, so excuse the sloppiness. Parenthetically, I'd love to know how."To me at least, wood working would o
 nly be of value as a confidence boost if it were something that the individual themselves had a deep desire to do and a conviction that they could not without vision, rather the same way I had an issue with my acting ability. "Sometimes the desire isn't present because the fear is so high. You have an interest in acting because it's something you want to do. Some people, though, sell themselves out of an activity because they think they can't, or they're afraid they can't. Wood shop is a catch all for those people."Myself, if I were etting up some sort of training course, I'd  have those sorts of courses as options, not as requirements, and stick them along side other things that Vi people don't traditionally do such as martial arts, dance, extreme sports or electronics."All good things for blind people to do, but as I said above, centers just don't have the resources for that. I would al
 so make the argument that, if one has the skills and confidence, that person should go out into the community to learn those skills. Why would anyone need a blindness organization to teach dance, theater, or martial arts?Wood shop is not about teaching a marketable skill--though some people turn it into that. It's about overcoming fears and misconceptions in a highly visible, public way. I cannot tell you how many people have been absolutely blown away by the six-foot, two-hundred pound, solid oak China hutch sitting in my living room when they realize my wife built it completely without sight. Those conversations are rife with the opportunity for public education, and they can help the public to realize that blind people can do the exact same things the sighted do.With home management class  the goal on the table is never about catering. It's about learning the skills of home management, including cooking and cleaning, so that people can practice them in 
 their daily lives. The big meal, which takes place at the end of the student's training, is a chance for them to show off their newfound skills to their peers. Again, it's not about learning a marketable skill; it's ab

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: aaron

Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

Hi,Another interesting discovery is that Tara Strong is involved with this series, and, for one episode, Weird Al even voices a character.Regarding my previous post, disregard my point. I was going to ask if there was a way I could introduce myself to the characters, but I discovered that the link in post 5, well, let's just say, it's going to be a goldmine. Thanks darkabomination. Also, a random question: do you have twitter or anything? one brony to another, I'd like to keep in contact.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Cinnamon

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

I checked out the SL client for fun yesterday, and yes, I did read through the accessibility guide.1. I've noticed an annoying lagtime with Jaws when you tab or arrow through the client. Maybe this isn't present with NVDA. I haven't tried.2. How do I change the look of my avatar? I saw "animations" and "bodyparts" in the inventory menu, but couldn't figure out how to really manipulate them.3. Is your username the same as your character in SL? So if I'm riding a horse down the street, will my username be the character? I'm used to RPG's, so this may be a bit of a switch in thinking for me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: aaron

Re: Anyone into Friendship is Magic?

Hi,Another interesting discovery is that Tara Strong is involved with this series, and, for one episode, Weird Al even voices a character.Regarding my previous point though, I was wondering if there was a video that introduced the characters. With Pinky Pie i know she has a couple of songs and you can sort of tell it's her due to her voice, but I don't actually know what the other characters sound like. The only acception to this is Apple Jack.Unfortunately I haven't seen any of the episodes accept for Canterlot Wedding, as I'm not sure a: what channel this program is on in the UK, and b: if the mediafire link from earlier has the new seasons uploaded.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Adventure At C:

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: audioracer

Re: Adventure At C:

For some reason, that's what I thaught. Ok. Thanks for confirming that. I won't consume anymore bits until I make it to those points. I'm at 24000 right now.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron

Re: SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

Hi,Remember the boss has a few diffferent forms, and in her final form, she's actually floating in the air. Your best bet is to combo the boss to death.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Phil

Re: girls and adolt women

Hi Kamochek,A friend of mine made this Future Eligible Girlfriend Checklist:She should bbe able to use a computer.Must not be inclined to download every piece of crap on the internet onto the computer.Cares about me and backs up the words with actions.Dances her ass off. Does not bitch constantly.Appreciates music I like.Does not sing along with music I like if she is tone-deaf.Does not wear strong perfume.No fake boobs.Gives me fair warning when it's that time of month.Good amount of self-respect and self-discipline.Good communication skills.Good personal hygiene.Good wicked sense of humor.Has all her legs and arms, at least at time of beginning relationship.Has common sense and general beliefs similar to mine.Has her own money.Honest.Independent and undemanding.Intelligent.IQ of at least 100.IQ of no more than 200.Isn't a comp
 lete religious nut case.Laid back.Must not think that my love for her is measured by how much jewelry, shoes, clothes, and perfume I buy for her.Never been committed to any form of mental institution.No bad temper.No excess of hair in places where hair grows but is no longer functionally needed.Gorgeous hair on head.No bushy eyebrows.No police record.No severe drinking problem.No STD.No track marks.Not an addict of any sort, including sex.Knows whether or not she has HIV.No HIV.No wedding ring.No kids.Not seeing someone else.Not a control freak. Not a drama queen.Not a slut.Not a stripper.Not a whore.Not an attention whore.Likes food.Likes to cook.Not anorexic or bulimic.Not obese.Not clingy.Not on behavior modifying drugs.Not totally fucked up.Not seeing a psychiatrist.Not crazy.Not a ps
 ycho.Not shorter than 5 foot 1.Not taller than 6 foot 1.Optimistic.Owns a cell phone.Relaxed.Settled down.Likes dogs.Young-looking but old enough to date.Doesn't carry a gun.Doesn't snore.Not totally a figment of my imagination.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] new stage for Adventure at C; remnant chapter 1, is live!

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Chris

Re: new stage for Adventure at C; remnant chapter 1, is live!

Hi.[[wow]], pretty cool stage!Is it supposed to end after you kill that weird silent boss thing and pick up all the items?It was really hard. Almost lost all my lives on the platforming stuff.Great job!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] New dice game in development

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: hellosailor

Re: New dice game in development

Hi, Galaxy Stranger!I'm from England and we learnt this game from a Swiss couple in Madagascar last November. Played with 6 dice, it's very similar to the game you describe. The only difference is you create your own starting number by throwing all six dice. Then, when you lose all your points, using the same rules concerning 30 + or -  you are 'swimming'. Your opponent(s) can then 'sink' you by scoring over 30 (taking at least one die at each throw). Alternatively, if you're lucky, or you can climb out of the water again by throwing more than 30 (taking at least one die each throw). In that case, you carry on playing again, zapping four opponent with the number scored over 30. It's a great game and we still play it, but I don't think you invented it. Sorry! This Swiss couple had been playing it for many years and it's already shown on the internet on several sites... but it may not be Swiss, even though they gave it a S
 wiss name meaning 30, but it's a slang word. I can't remember it exactly, but it's something like Driesele.HellosailorURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

Well, that was what I was doing for more than one our. Lol. I don't know if something was bugged in the game. I'll try again later on though.Yeah, I really love the game, and i'm still amazed that we can play it that well.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Training Centers

@Cae, well the medical bit is  actually true, since there are various eye conditions such as  Retinita pygmentosa where a person's eyes will atrophy if not used. I assume  if the NFb is a reasonable  organization there is   some way to  come to an  arrangement in these circumstances whereby someone could use their vision to keep it going, and if not, then the NFb truly are! unreasonable though I'd be surprised if there weren't some sort of provision in these circumstances. Regarding  evaluating testimony, well one   intrinsic problem you have is that  crytically people will only speak about something if it is very good or very bad, and only tend to use one measurement one way or the other. It's the same if you look at most review sscores, a good %70 are either 9-10 or 10-10, or 1 or 2 -10.Myself, my opinions of the nfb are based on the evidence I've gleaned from various testim
 onies including their own site, but even that is slightly inaccurate since I have had no contact with the organization itself, and I also confess I haven't looked at quite as much evidence as you have sinse obviously for me it's a very casual interest at best.I'd personally recommend you go to an Nfb center, get a tour or whatever, be very nosy and ask a lot of questions and then see what you think.@Ryan, well it is true we are not going to agree, particularly on the sleep shades, however as I said i do see these sorts of discussions as valuable.While I can see the arguement "that you can do it without vision so you can do it normally" work for people with degenerative conditions, in most cases of people with stable limited vision such as myself I just don't see how it helps, particularly because it assumes you can separate out the visual elements of a task rather than fully intigrating all information.  For exampl
 e, while I do use colour to tell tins apart, it is not the only measure. For example, rice pudding and tinned soop are blue, however the rice pudding tins are much larger than the soop ones, while though kidney beans are red, they have a very different feeling when shaken to  baked beans. Vision is not something that can be separated, but part of over all sensory indication, --- as I've said before, when  navigatio navigating, some of my landmarks can be visual, some tactile, some  even smell! it's a matter of using everything, not of using a few set techniques  then putting vision on the top. As I said the confidence thing is logical, but why stop at sleep shades? why not tie everyone's right hand behind their back, or strap them into wheel chairs, sinse surely if you can do something in that position sight los  isn't that bad, and given that the nfb refrain from those sort of restrictions I'm afraid it strikes me that
  their thinking is coloured by a little more than "a level playing field" particularly with some of the opinions I've seen in their literature which are very much of the "social prejudice" model of  disability.I'm afraid to me, the sleep shades idea just strikes me as far too much organizational straight jackets, and I would personally much  prefer a training scheme that worked to the individual strengths and goals of each person, than went on a "one size fits all"  approach of the kind I've seen harm so many blind people in this country. I'm also afraid that to me, I really can't get away from the thought that the sleep shades thing isn't a symptom of exactly the sort of thinking of those total boys who  sought to make themselves better than anyone with sight by  making everyone the same.  Of course, for people who are total this likely makes no difference, and while
  it is extreme it might be a help  for people with degenerative conditions, though It's everyone else I'm more concerned about.Regarding the wood shop or catering, my issue isn't that  giving people confidence through attempting those sort of activities is a bad thing,  it's that forcing people to  learn an activity simply for purposes of passing a course and because it is one which the  Nfb has demed a good thing for blind people to do is not really a good enough reason. For me, I gained a great deal of confidence when i realized that contrary to some comments I have had, it is not! necessary to make eye contact with another person on stage, and that I can act, dance, and even do physical comedy without being able  to see. this was  thanks to some very nice directors and instructors on staging, however it meant a lot to me because it was concerned with something I was heavily concerned with. Were I a
  keen sailer, I would gain confidence through learning to sale and navigate without the need for instruments, while a chap I knew who was recently blind got a lot f from owning a crock pot and being able to cook the things he used to make before he lost his vision.  I similarly once met a boy who gained a great deal from simply learning to jump on  a trampoline since even free movement without a guide for him was diff

[Audiogames-reflector] a plague

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: the terminator

a plague

yes. Do you remember this guy witch was trying to make his free game engine? i think he has hacked swamp. I camed to his best friend n so i recommend you be careful guys because he's attacking my computer.  since i said hem this. I might think he also hacked some swamp players and/or banned them. Aw and i'm saying this because i know hem i'm hes best friend even if i don't want it. He was gaving me hes hacking programs (off course i did not used them), but he hacked even bgt i think. And this... i'm not lying guys. I might be also a plague in the past but i think it was because i had 11 or 12 years old. My caracter, was in a kid, throwing fits, saying bad words and all this baby stuff. And i apsolutelly admitted it. I might get banned from swamp, don't know if it was by aprone or by those hackers like: AMIR.FJ yes it's his name. And as i said, i am his best friend, aw and i might bluck hem but i had fear so he can hack my computer. He's
  hiding  in some forums even in the spanish one who was just hacking us there, and or spamming there. He even doesn't know spanish! but well i might pass your contacts to hem so we can talk to hem about this. He also tryed to kill my computer by massive hitting with i don't know what! i was playing battle zone, and suddenly it crashed, like having something attacking it. And i think he was trying to make it a i don't know what. so guys, can you all help me?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

That's because you either jump too early or too late.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Atlan

Re: SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

hi,i have a problem i try to defit the skullgirl with mrs fortune but i cant kill her. i beat her one time but i dont know how smile.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] accessible usenetclient

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fastfinge

Re: accessible usenetclient

@sebby: Unfortunately, the association between file sharing and Usenet has caused nearly all universities, and the 3 major ISPs, at least in Canada, to shut off usenet access entirely.  Because the PHBs are not interested in hearing about peering arrangements, and that it is possible to run a text-only usenet server, nearly all of the educational and research communities on Usenet are dead.  I think even was shut down last year.  And yes, I endorse not letting people make file sharing choices that destroy vast, healthy, and active communities.  It looks like having to request posting access is a thing that my ISP does; I get giganews through them, and so I assumed that was a giganews thing. I *do* know that paying easynews customers have to request posting access:"Posting is disabled by default on all Easynews accounts. This is the same for newly created and accounts that have been reopened. To see if your account is eligible to ha
 ve posting enabled and to have it turned on, contact support and include your username and either the last 8 digits of the card used on the account or the answer to your security question (if you supplied one) for account verification." from:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

i respaun in the place when the window shadders and 1 enemy dieing.I go right after killing the enemies, I hold down the right arrow key while I jump and I still fried by the blender.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] resident evil 6 (ps3)

2014-03-02 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: seb2314

Re: resident evil 6 (ps3)

SLJ, hold the PDA button and walk forward you will be at the locked door. Then, press the button to face your partner, you will then turn around. Then, walk forward and try to return where you hear the tv while pressing the button to pick up items, you will eventually grab the key. Glad you like this game!URL:

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