Re: Monthly chat December 2015

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat December 2015

Thought I'd chime in here before I have to read through a whole heap of posts and forget what I was going to say..Angel is not as witty as buffy, thank god, but the ending for the series sucks.I heard somewhere they continued it in comics, something we can't enjoy unfortunately.that also seems to be the thing lately for tv shows that get axed, finish them as comics.They did it with Resurrection.No wonder most shows on TV these days suck.Anyway, that's my little soapbox, I'm not really the type to ramble on forums, I myself prefer to get to the point.


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Re: vandettacrime a new browser based game by nonvisiongames

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: vandettacrime a new browser based game by nonvisiongames

hi,i hope you will like the game. greetz mike


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Re: game reviews and recordings bt sync folder

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game reviews and recordings bt sync folder

Okay, I tried the thing with NVDA, but now btsinc says that my web browser is out of date, and I have the latest version of firefox and IE.If it's not to much to ask, could someone please upload Keri's BK3 playthrough somewhere?I already have all of the PG13 stuff and some other stuff from this folder anyway, so Keri's BK3 playthrough is all I really need btsinc for.Seeing as it just will not play nice for me, I'm asking this small thing.Later!


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Re: Where do you get your music?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bucklee12 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Where do you get your music?

i hope, these players last for a long long time, as then, we have to wonder - i think, what players will be usable in the future, and no, i dont mean ipods, as i am done with them. and i dont think, that viktor can be bought in the central europe, but who knows.


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Re: This isn't for attention

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This isn't for attention

@Violinist, to be strict in a definitional sense any mental state is defigned as "chronic" when it interferes with the course of your life. Everyone feels depressed at some point or other, but it is when that depression becomes debilitating that it makes the leap into mental illness, whether or not it has a distinct cause, ie, what used to be called reactive depression, or whether it is indoginus, ie, like my friend just a genetic quirk of neuro chemistry with no discernable cause. So, it is quite possible to have "chronic" depression, ie, feelings of depression that are literally debilitating as a reaction to an event in a person's life, such as death of a loved one.


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Fav User Agent Strings

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Fav User Agent Strings

The string I'm using isMozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 NokiaN95/12.0.013; Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413


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Re: Where do you get your music?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Where do you get your music?

I've heard of Zune  but not bothered with it. Personally, I didn't really start on digital music until I started downloading game soundtracks back in 2003 or so, which I'd just play with wmp or winamp by folder. Sinse however I needed a place to put them I started file organization, creating a music folder on the c drive (why the hell windows puts a music folder in a documents folder I don't know), and then creating subfolders as I needed them which is where all this began, indeed I still have all the mega man soundtracks that I downloaded back then.Playlists for me have always been a bit of a distraction, sinse I've always just organized the files manually. The only time I started using playlists is when I was fixing music for our tabletop rp games and using winamp's playlist manager to bung lots of folders into a playlist and then iliminate the tracks that were not appropriate to an rp session, but obviously that is one occasion wh
 ere you specifically need a certain mood of music and after all night on the bare mountain, and some bits of Stravinski's pictures at an exhibition are perfect for rp, (the catacombine, hut on hens legs etc), while other bits such as the ballet of the unhatched chicks really aren't .


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Re: UltraPower - New Topic

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower - New Topic

Greetings worldJust figured I should write in and clear some things up as the host and a dev-if the bug with the game not telling you the result of your character creation appears, keep in mind that your character has been created most likely, but the game just didn't tell you that for some reason.I'm not sure why it happens to some people (poor internet connection/anything, a thing to look into I guess), but so far I haven't heard people complain about it, and I have had no problems doing that myself.-we are definitely not giving up on Ultra power and I'm not going to spoil things too much, but you should expect crazy new things in the future versions.As you've seen with 10.2, we totally refreshed the game with new sounds and new features, a much needed refreshment, because, well, when the same exact thing stays on for too long it starts to get borring.-ok, so how did I get in as the developer, wasn
 't I just the hoster?Since ever the ultra power started to be a thing (since the very first versions that I was also hosting), I have always felt like I could join Mason and do crazy things, because I would get ideas that people would like, etc.But given the thing that I never actually saw the source from the beginning, and that I didn't know how mason coded it, so I have been just watching and offering ideas to mason, til the point where I just decided that it would be so cool and would shine in some more light if I could join, and help with things, but by this time I already understood the system and how it worked, etc.-yeah but aren't you like done with games, etc?Well, yes. I've grown tired of coding games, because they take lots of time, effurt and so on, but return barely anything.Sure, popularity goes up a bit, but it generally just stopped being fun, you know that feeling when you're doing something over and over 
 again, and at one point it just loses the fun factor.But this is a new ground for me, and it's way more fun because it's something I've never done before - the online game, and also more fun because I'm not working, for the first time in a while, I'm actually enjoying working on ultra power together with Mason, and it's fun! -about the past events,the past drama events related to ultra power are so old now, and really serve no pourpose, nor can they be example to how ultra power is right now or how would it ever be in the future.yes, things happened, yes, the game had major/minor bugs, security problems, you name it.But that doesn't mean it's still like that.Mason (before I joined) has been working hard on security, and on all the flaws that were present at the the result, we n
 ow have the safe system that is really impossible to hack, unless someone knows/guesses player's password and hacks in their account, but the server itself is way more safe than it used to be.all data is encrypted, including the character info stored on the server side, and the packets.When I joined, I helped add in even more security-related things - we added the enforcements for the passwords, thus minimizing the possibility of people's characters getting hacked, we added filters for crash words, making it impossible/close to impossible to send the set of letters/words that crash the vulnerable speech synths-if you have any ideas, problems, suggestions, don't hesitate to say them out loud, because we are listening! 


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Re: UltraPower - New Topic

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Veronika . Hanackova via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower - New Topic

I also can not conect, i can not create my character. it says download the latest version 10,2, but i have this version. I am sad.


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Re: how to create a blog on blogspot?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : togira ikonoka via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how to create a blog on blogspot?

hellocreating blog on blogspot is very simply if you already have google mail/gmail, you just need to go to and you automaticly have an acount theremaybe this helpfull enough


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Re: best speech synthesizer

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: best speech synthesizer

I must confess, I'm really not! a fan of eloquence, mostly because sinse I write very much the way I speak I like a Uk English Synth, and Eloquence attempt at an English accent is just wrong! I still myself prefer orphius human sounding voice Alan for supernova, (not the default synthetic dave one, the one which is now archived on Dolphin's site), sinse I find it the best compromise between speed of reaction (something I really need when typing fast), and being pleasant to listen to and not sounding like a cyberman . I also like the fact that Orphius is a great synth for pronouncing fantasy names correctly and coping with complex words (it's one of the few synths that can pronounce a lot of the Lotr names such as Theoden).Otherwise, I tend to like Realspeak Daniel, which I also use on my Iphone and for Sapi. I could stick on vocaliser and use it fo
 r supernova, but while vocalizer's reaction is faster than the old realspeak solo versions used to be, it's still not as fast as Orphius, plus, while great to listen to, I still find some of Daniel's pronunciation choices rather off, especially where letters or acronyms are concerned, for example it amuses me when I'm seting sapi in a program like vipmud to be told by Daniel "you have selected manuscript sapi" . If the Siri voice on the Iphone is Alex, then that is awesome! however sinse I still have the Iphone 5 I haven't experienced Alex yet other than with Siri. Generally speaking I prefer male synths with a Uk English accent, although for my victor I use the female voice Rachel as I find the male voice Graham really! grates on the nurves, although Rachel does sound rather as if she's stoned .All of this is preference of course. I'm still waiting for the day when a synthesizer manages to get the word pause and cadences in speech correct enough for me to want to read actual fiction with poetry and dialogue with one. It's not happened yet, well not with the generation of synths around realspeak, but I believe it will at some point sinse synths are improving all the time, (the Siri voice is definitely a step up even from Daniel).


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Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PrometheusMOO via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

Hello!Causing a database bloat is quite hard these days, given that we've implemanted a system where a lot of things are stored outside of it.As for houses, I am not quite sure, you'd have to ask one of our other wizards. I know for a fact that they have been in the works for some time, though.Speaking of new things, we'll hopefully get a new type of connection handler ready in the near future, which will remove the possibility of a connection flood blocking the whole MOO for some time. This blocking on DNS lookup has been a big problem on high-traffic MOOs ever since the first LambdaCore, and we're thrilled to see if the fix we've developed will work out.


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Re: Monthly chat December 2015

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat December 2015

@Cooltirk,  release your ramble! Come to the talk side! you know it is your destiny! I have heard of Angel as a commic, though obviously sinse this is my first watch through I don't want spoilers. I'll agree Angel generally is less witty than buffy, but I do find it darker and more compelling. Buffy has had it's moments thus far, but there have still been several disposable monster of the week type stories which are fun but not really worth much in the long run, where as thus far Angel seems more generally grim and focused and even when it does one off stories, they tend to be darker and harder hitting. Then again, I'm watching both series in order, so have finished season 3 of buffy and started season 1 of Angel, I'll then move on to Buffy season 4 afterwards.@Mirage thanks. I admit things have taken both my lady and I a little by surprise in terms of moving quickly, one friend of mine who visited while my lady was staying with m
 e described being around us as mostly beautiful but a little nauseating, though she assured us the nauseating would likely pass . Still I can't deny things are just plane scary especially with how we just click.Btw, I use "My lady" when describing her to others because it seems the best term available. "partner" is too clinical, "girlfriend" sounds to adolescent, "Fiance" is too premature, and anything else is a little too cumbersome, unfortunately she's not found a similar description for me.


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Re: UltraPower - New Topic

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Veronika . Hanackova via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower - New Topic

aha, interesting. I wanted to create my character axinka, it was inpossible. but when i wrote axynka with y, it was created succesfully. But i want my right axinka account


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A present from Korea

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


A present from Korea

As everyone knows, christmas is a time for giving, however if you give generously some geezer with a white beerd and a red suit might reward you. Well probably not because he's reputedly a stingy fellow who works for the coke companies, however there are some very good people in Korea who just might do the same.Ji Eum is a new rythm action audio rpg in development by a group of Korean developers. The game will focus around the traditional Korean story of returning light and music to the world, and will be a side scrolling rpg using traditional Korean instruments where responding to certain rythms correctly will let the player eat, get energy or attack their foes. Right now, a Korean version of the game is in development, however the developers would like to bring Ji Eum to the rest of the world with a localized English version available on Ios and Android, and for this they'll need your help. They're looking for just one thousand Us Dollar
 s in donations to bring the game to everyone for free. So, if you fancy this sort of game, please visit The Ji Eum Kickstarter page and support the game's development. Any further questions, feel free to ask in This topic in The New releases room A good deed might be it's own reward, but this is a chance to get even more rewards for everyone.


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Re: JI EUM- Kickstarter campaign for visually impaired gamers

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: JI EUM- Kickstarter campaign for visually impaired gamers

This is sounding great. I've put in a donation, and have also stuck a topic on the front of site and contacted the audeasy mailing list. While the world wide community of visually impared gamers is rather small in comparison to other groups of gamers, I believe this is likely something we could support sinse the amount of money required for the project isn't ridiculous,  believe me, some game developers have sometimes tried to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars. Also, the more rpgs the better. Rythm action games in the past have tended to be the simple boppit style ones, but I rather like the idea of going the step further and having an rpg involved, particularly one which uses Korean instruments and is based on a Korean story, sinse after all we don't get a lot of Korean culture here in Britain .As Slj said, I'd be interes
 ted to know myself about some of the extras in the game, for example if this is an rpg, whether there will be extra levels, side quests, awards to earn etc, as well as support for the game center and trophies on Ios. I would actually suggest perhaps including a little more information about the game itself on the Kickstarter page might help in getting donations, especially about the game's story, setting, and rpg mechanics, sinse as I said, accessible rpgs in English are something of a rarity, not to mention the game's setting and instruments being a new one to most players.Really hope this one goes through, though I think it's got a very good chance.


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Re: List of Muds for Cooking, Crafting, Farming, and Exploration

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: List of Muds for Cooking, Crafting, Farming, and Exploration

This is a great list Mirage. Might I suggest when you've added in some suggestions like Lament and 7th plane, and maybe written a little more, you use the "edit post" function, and copy it to the articles room so that it's easier to find in the future, thumbs up from me. Btw, according to their wiki and the newbie tutorial, discworld mud also has lots of crafting from blacksmithing, to potion making to making jewelery. I don't however really know how it works in the game, sinse to be honest I got a little annoyed with discworld, as though I finished the tutorial village which was great, I moved into the game propper and was literally wandering around with nothing to do. The descriptions were amazing, especially for fans of the discworld books, but there were no quests, no objects to craft, the only activity I found was scavaging the streets for money and that didn't do much sinse I had no idea what the money was for. I did as
 k other players, but nobody particularly had any suggestions, everyone just went on about "the start being difficult" without pointing me in any direction, indeed it sort of peed me off that I'd go and see important people from the discworld books like corporal Knobs, and yet they'd just stand there and I couldn't interact with them or really do anything, much less get into crafting or combat or anything else. Still, to get back to the point, there is! apparently lots of crafting in the game, if one can find it. I'm afraid I don't recall the connection info, but the website for Discworld mud is Here and you can check the wiki (which also has some great screen reader information). I'm sure there is a good game in there somewhere, and likely some good crafting too, especially considering that one of the character classes is witch (of either gender), and some of the priest cla
 sses need to sacrifice objects to their gods, however as I said I found the thing a bit impenitrable, though I've heard glowing reports from others. Oh, and btw, the main complaint I've heard about discworld, that it's huge and nearly impossible to navigate around I didn't find the case at all. The descriptions of Anke Morpork were more than adequate to let me know where I was, eg, you are at the south end of such and such street where it turns into so and so square, and there are some great text overviews on the wiki. It was just the game itself! I found a wee bit hard to get into.


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Re: list of audiogames available for Mac?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: list of audiogames  available for Mac?

H, I did think mac versions were available at one point, though whether they continued the ccross platform development I don't know. The 7-128 lot are a friendly crew though Fabi, I suggest dropping them an e-mail and asking.


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Re: JI EUM- Kickstarter campaign for visually impaired gamers

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : avidgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: JI EUM- Kickstarter campaign for visually impaired gamers

i would only need to ask before i pledge how long is this title: as @slj has asked already and, when will it be in english? are we pledging for a game which, to be fair could take a year or two to put in english?


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Re: UltraPower - New Topic

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ns-studios via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower - New Topic

as I said, it's possible that you already tried, and that it said server unreachable, but that it still created the character.


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Re: Griff! Sidescrolling Platformer Fantasy Game

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Griff! Sidescrolling Platformer Fantasy Game

Ok so why are you guys are always waiting a release from this company? You all making a wrong thing, buying an unreleased game. If i'm saying this wrong it's ok, but in the future don't try to do this again, especially for this company.Even though the game will be released later, i will never buy this, i will just keep playing the latest demo that I have.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UltraPower - New Topic

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Veronika . Hanackova via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower - New Topic

it said wrong password, but now it is just ok.


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Re: Steampunk Neverland and Clock Tower Chronicles! Adventure Games

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : afsilva90 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steampunk Neverland and Clock Tower Chronicles! Adventure Games

Hi Bryan,Is there a trailer for Steampunk Neverland or not? If this trailer exists, could you post a link where I can hear it, please?Best,André


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dungeons and dragon

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dungeons and dragon

@Haramir, try Drivethru rpg for accessible pdf versions of the books, though some of the tables can go a bit wibly. In fairness often there are far more rulebooks than you actually need if your a player, usually you just want the player's handbook or similar, and often if you've got good friends going who know the game you can do without that, I didn't get the mutants rules until I'd played for close to a year, and when I played 7th sea earlier I'd not read any of the rules. While there are some people who are minimaxers, ie, exploiting everything in the rules to have an uba character, or rules lawyers, the best players are ones who just go from character, and the best gms are ones who can use rules on the fly or even wing it. Frequently in Mutants I'd say something like "my character would like to try this" and our gm would work out what the best rule to apply in that situatio
 n was and how likely it would be to succeed. @Pelantas,Haramir is correct, though I'd personally say it's not a matter of the gm (or game master), telling a story and players cooperating so much as it's a matter of everyone in one environment creating a story together with the players choosing what they do and sparking off one another, and the gm playing the npcs, putting obstacles or enemies in the player's path and handling any over all plot, though even this is flexible to change, indeed one of my gm's maxims is "you can't predict players" meaning we will always do something he doesn't expect.For example, a good gm will say something like "It's night and your walking down the forest road. What do you do?" A player might ask "Do we know anything about the forest?" And the gm might say "well the ranger knows it's home to some dangerous creatures, the wizard has n
 o idea, the fighter knows some caravans of travellers have gone missing" Then the wizard might say "well sinse I think it's safe I'll cast a light spell for us to see better" whereupon the ranger might jump on the wizard and scream and say "nooo! don't you know that there are goblins in these woods?" If the players were good and really into their characters, this would generate into a bickering match and an arguement, and the gm might just sit there then at an opportune moment say "Well you hear a lot of stomping in the woods" and see what the players do. If one of the players wanted to take a doubtful action, for example the ranger might try and sneak up on what is approaching, the gm might ask them to roll stats or skills just like in a gamebook, though a good gm as I said will use the rules as an aid, not make them an end in themselves. Combat of course is a little more formal, rolling to hit and d
 amage and take other actions, but even there things can be very flexible, for example there was one occasion in Mutants where we were fighting a bunch of villains behind a force field. my character (who wore an armoured battle suit rather like Iron man), flew into the air, and crashed down into the ground, then tunneled up under the force field and started using his explosives from below, (a good gm will also reward good ideas too).This is why I don't rp on muds or online games, because to rp effectively you need a gm who is as human and adaptable as you, and will play the environment, the plot and the npcs to what the characters do. Even the best computer program is hugely limited when compared to the flexibility of an actual human gm who is running an ongoing story. It also of course helps to have players who click with each other and will really throw themselves into their characters and the setting as well, and of course when the gm knows her/his players, she/
 he can even play to their personalities , for example in 7th sea, he introduced my character (a zoro like spanish nobleman), by having him come upon one of the other characters grabbed and man handled by a nasty mercinary after she tried to pick someone's pocket, because he knew I was the sort of player who couldn't resist diving in and doing the hero thing .I even got to say "unhand! the lady sir!" and challenge said mercinary to a duel complete with glove slaps and lots of twirly spanish sword fighting, particularly amusing sinse the rest of the players (playing rather more synical characters), were sitting around and taking bets on who'd win.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dungeons and dragon

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dungeons and dragon

@Haramir, try Drivethru rpg for accessible pdf versions of the books, though some of the tables can go a bit wibly. In fairness often there are far more rulebooks than you actually need if your a player, usually you just want the player's handbook or similar, and often if you've got good friends going who know the game you can do without that, I didn't get the mutants rules until I'd played for close to a year, and when I played 7th sea earlier I'd not read any of the rules. While there are some people who are minimaxers, ie, exploiting everything in the rules to have an uba character, or rules lawyers, the best players are ones who just go from character, and the best gms are ones who can use rules on the fly or even wing it. Frequently in Mutants I'd say something like "my character would like to try this" and our gm would work out what the best rule to apply in that situatio
 n was and how likely it would be to succeed. @Pelantas,Haramir is correct, though I'd personally say it's not a matter of the gm (or game master), telling a story and players cooperating so much as it's a matter of everyone in one environment creating a story together with the players choosing what they do and sparking off one another, and the gm playing the npcs, putting obstacles or enemies in the player's path and handling any over all plot, though even this is flexible to change, indeed one of my gm's maxims is "you can't predict players" meaning we will always do something he doesn't expect.For example, a good gm will say something like "It's night and your walking down the forest road. What do you do?" A player might ask "Do we know anything about the forest?" And the gm might say "well the ranger knows it's home to some dangerous creatures, the wizard has n
 o idea, the fighter knows some caravans of travellers have gone missing" Then the wizard might say "well sinse I think it's safe I'll cast a light spell for us to see better" whereupon the ranger might jump on the wizard and scream and say "nooo! don't you know that there are goblins in these woods?" If the players were good and really into their characters, this would generate into a bickering match and an arguement, and the gm might just sit there then at an opportune moment say "Well you hear a lot of stomping in the woods" and see what the players do. If one of the players wanted to take a doubtful action, for example the ranger might try and sneak up on what is approaching, the gm might ask them to roll stats or skills just like in a gamebook, though a good gm as I said will use the rules as an aid, not make them an end in themselves. Combat of course is a little more formal, rolling to hit and d
 amage and take other actions, but even there things can be very flexible, for example there was one occasion in Mutants where we were fighting a bunch of villains behind a force field. my character (who wore an armoured battle suit rather like Iron man), flew into the air, and crashed down into the ground, then tunneled up under the force field and started using his explosives from below, (a good gm will also reward good ideas too).This is why I don't rp on muds or online games, because to rp effectively you need a gm who is as human and adaptable as you, and will play the environment, the plot and the npcs to what the characters do. Even the best computer program is hugely limited when compared to the flexibility of an actual human gm who is running an ongoing story. It also of course helps to have players who click with each other and will really throw themselves into their characters and the setting as well, and of course when the gm knows her/his players, she/
 he can even play to their personalities , for example in 7th sea, he introduced my character (a zoro like spanish nobleman), by having him come upon one of the other characters grabbed and man handled by a nasty mercinary after she tried to pick someone's pocket, because he knew I was the sort of player who couldn't resist diving in and doing the hero thing .I even got to say "unhand! the lady sir!" and challenge said mercinary to a duel complete with glove slaps and lots of twirly spanish sword fighting and  corny one liners, particularly amusing sinse the rest of the players (playing rather more synical characters), were sitting around and taking bets on who'd win.


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Re: UltraPower - New Topic

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower - New Topic

but when I make the character luiscarlos2000 it says that I need to download v 9.2


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Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

hi all,[[wow]] lots of updates again. keep up the good work prometheusmoo.@darkMac isn't that far behind. i also own a macbook and i own a reasonably accessible mudclient. It doesn't give the same enjoyment when you keep in mind that for windows, there is a huge soundpack available.The mudclient is called mudder, and there can be found a review on have played Prometheus with this client multiple times and it wasquite fun.HTHgreetz mike


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Re: death match project alpha

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha

I'm in and out with the online project, currently getting to things as they show up. I am in the process of preparing to get rid of the old sound skeem used in dmnb currently and replace it with the newer project alpha sound skeem.


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Re: Dungeons and dragon

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dungeons and dragon

Thanks for complementing what I said earlier Dark, and also thanks for the site suggestion.Best regards, Haramir.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game reviews and recordings bt sync folder

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game reviews and recordings bt sync folder

You can ignore the browser up to date messages. If you are able to actually focus the sync document, you should no longer use the navigator because you get a lot of messages that bt sync hides when it doesn't need you to actually see them.Just a FYI, i've uploaded the Trajectory paladin of the sky playthrough, increasing the folder size to 10.84 gb. Remember to upload playthroughs that I've missed!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game reviews and recordings bt sync folder

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game reviews and recordings bt sync folder

You can ignore the browser up to date messages. If you are able to actually focus the sync document, you should no longer use the navigator because you get a lot of messages that bt sync hides when it doesn't need you to actually see them.Just a FYI, i've uploaded the Trajectory paladin of the sky playthrough, increasing the folder size to 10.84 gb. Remember to upload playthroughs that I've missed!@connor, you probably shouldn't try to install both versions of bt sync at the same time  just because they would both use the same application data folder and overwrite each other's files. Though perhaps you could install the sync versions on 2 different user accounts? I'm not sure


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: JI EUM- Kickstarter campaign for visually impaired gamers

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: JI EUM- Kickstarter campaign for visually impaired gamers

I also shared the AG news post on the Eyes-free list.Hopefully, it gets noticed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game reviews and recordings bt sync folder

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game reviews and recordings bt sync folder

I can't focus the document, because I'm only getting a message that says that btsinc will not launch because my browser is not up to date.What's the title of the window NVDA reads out when you press NVDA T?If it's btsinc, I'm stuck.Later!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game reviews and recordings bt sync folder

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game reviews and recordings bt sync folder

this is what I doAs soon as I click the sync icon in the system tray, I hit nvda-numpad 2 once, it says sync documentTHen I hit nvda-shift-numpad minus, it says move focus, and I am in the sync web documentThis is of course, with desktop layout.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: death match project alpha

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : darth scorp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha

oh i listened to it, and i already wanna play it  i already said, but i'll help you with voice acting and even sounds if needed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Griff! Sidescrolling Platformer Fantasy Game

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Griff! Sidescrolling Platformer Fantasy Game

Said the man who never buys games period.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: keynote gold multimedia multilingual tts source code?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keynote gold multimedia multilingual tts source code?

by creating an NVDA addon for keynote gold.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Steampunk Neverland and Clock Tower Chronicles! Adventure Games

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steampunk Neverland and Clock Tower Chronicles! Adventure Games

It's in this thread. I thought you said you already heard it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sb-soft's second release. Masons death serie!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sb-soft's second release. Masons death serie!

Yes, yes yes, an other series, mason in heven, o yes!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how to create a blog on blogspot?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : the terminator via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how to create a blog on blogspot?

yeah and how to make entries?thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Some people told me about reseaving a BGT error and not being able to log back on after entering some maps like main land or radiated city. So I tested it by teleporting myself to the mainland, and then right away got a BGT error. Now I log on, and after a fiew sec I get an error.I made an account (123), to test t his, but just by pressing shift+enter to go out of mainland and back I couldn't do it.And now I will post the error, for everyone else you can skip:Call stack size: 5File: C:\Users\Sam Tupy\projects\survive the wild\stw.bgtLine: 570 (1)Function: void netloop()File: C:\Users\Sam Tupy\projects\survive the wild\stw.bgtLine: 1604 (1)Function: void game()File: C:\Users\Sam Tupy\projects\survive the wild\includes\net.bgtLine: 119 (1)Function: void login()File: C:\Users\Sam Tupy\projects\survive the wild\includes\menu.bgtLine: 15 (1)Function: void mainmenu()File: C:\Users\S
 am Tupy\projects\survive the wild\stw.bgtLine: 335 (1)Function: void main()


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: keynote gold multimedia multilingual tts source code?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : datajake1999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keynote gold multimedia multilingual tts source code?

And how can you help me create an nvda addon for keynote gold. That synthesizer is 16 bit.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Steampunk Neverland and Clock Tower Chronicles! Adventure Games

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steampunk Neverland and Clock Tower Chronicles! Adventure Games

Helloyou can hear the trailer on the website of the developer. and thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: list of audiogames available for Mac?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: list of audiogames  available for Mac?

Hello@dark thanks by the sugestion.greetings.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Griff! Sidescrolling Platformer Fantasy Game

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Griff! Sidescrolling Platformer Fantasy Game

Hellowe know that you never buy games.greetings and thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: virtual mac on a windows machine?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: virtual mac on a windows machine?

True, but we're talking about emulating the PC speaker in the BIOS, which, obviously, isn't a bootloader; and the BIOS doesn't use any virtualization services--because I'm assuming that the makers of BIOS don't want to use virtualization in such an early environment that could potentially destroy or otherwise ruin the machine the BIOS is running on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: death match a new beginning version 2.0 released

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match a new beginning version 2.0 released

Saiteja, try now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

From the TalkBack team: TalkBack released!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


From the TalkBack team: TalkBack released!

From Victor Tsaran:Hello everyone!As you have already noticed, TalkBack has been released and is being propagated to your devices.Since the last beta (4.4. beta 2) we have mostly concentrated on fixing crashes, translations and a few other internal glitches that came up during the beta cycle. Thanks for all the feedback you provided during the beta process.To summarize, the highlights of 4.4 release are:1. It is now possible to export and import custom labels for archiving purposes. When either option is activated, you will be presented with a list of sources that you can export to or import from.2. The "dim screen" feature can now be activated from the TalkBack Global Context Menu, from the TalkBack Settings screen as well as by pressing the two volume keys three times (when the option is enabled). Please note, screen dimming is currently not possible on Jelly Bean devices.3. Among major improvements for keyboard users are the option to stop the speech by pressing the CONTROL key and the ability to suspend and resume TalkBack from the keyboard by pressing ALT+SHIFT+Z.4. The navigation of the Android TV interface has been improved and should now lead to a much more enjoyable experience on these devices.Thanks as always for helping us improve TalkBack with every release!Best,The TalkBack teamSource: … aviG88DAAJ


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Re: best speech synthesizer

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : FamilyMario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: best speech synthesizer

No, the Siri male voice is not Alex. He was never part of Siri. He can only be available on the iPhone 5S, the iPhone 6, the 6 Plus, the 6S, and the 6S plus on the iPhone side.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: best speech synthesizer

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: best speech synthesizer

@Dark,I'd recommend you take a look at acapela UK voices, especially Peter (happy, motivational.)It is an old dialect spoken in England, but it sounds really nice and it has a good intonation.Also Ivona is doing a great job on their voices. Check out Ivona Amy UK or Brian, but Amy is the best. Vocaliser expressive Daniel, however, is the one whom I truly consider the best UK voice which pronounces words in a British accent. Again, not real speak, but vocaliser expressive.I did a few tests with Daniel by using some words that most of the synthesisers mistake them for American pronunciation, and Daniel did a good job. For example, I started with schedule and Daniel says it as it should, (with sh, as in shock, and not with sk, as in skeme). Also, I heard from BBC reporters and some other podcasts saying "privacy", (with an I, not why). so I mean something like privacye.Also, I find Daniel very comprihensive when reading texts  but hon
 estly none of the present synthesisers that we use nowadays do not make mistakes. They are stil not able to read symbols in accordance with their intonation. For example, all synthesisers apart from Eloquence cannot give a good intonation when a sentence or a paragraph consists of punctuation marks like exclamation mark or comma.Something I detest from some companies like google, is the attitude to create TTS whose size is not bigger than 15 MB. Those text-to-speech softwares do not either read those symbols I mentioned above, nor provide integration with shortenings or emoticons that are being widely used everyday. The problem is not memory nowadays, I think, but it is their lack of work and devotion on these synthesisers that make them truly robotic. When I read, I want to hear a voice that can bring on emotions, and you want to really and happily listen to it.


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Re: Where do you get your music?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Where do you get your music?

@bucklee12 Yeah, I can't wait for my Victor Reader Stream to arrive, Tuesday the 8th, so I can reset the iPod, clean it up as needed, probably just fingerprints, and put it back in it's box, so I can sell it.You should be able to get a Victor Reader Stream in central Europe, Dark is in the UK and he has one, plus Humanware does apparently have a European distributor. … dia/europe@DarkPrior to Windows XP there was no standardized location for user files, so they often got stored in the same folder as the program that created them, which made backing them up a nightmare. So when Windows XP was introduced, it introduced the My Documents folder concept as a place to put all your files, that way all you had to backup to protect your data was the My Documents folder.Then in Windows Vista they moved the My Music, My Pictures, and My Videos folders outside the My Documents folders, and dropped the My part of the names on all four folders. For backward compatibility they create the original My whatever folders as symbolic links to the actual folders.It was a good idea at first, but it didn't take long to realize the media folders needed to be separate from the documents folder.


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Re: Bokurano daiboukenn questions and tips

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano daiboukenn questions and tips

there is no way to destroy them unless you have a weapon that ignores defense and does a decent amount of damage, but its actually easier just to move past them


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Fav User Agent Strings

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fav User Agent Strings

Maybe I'm dense, but, is there a point to this?All a user agent string does is tell the web servers that host the web site you are visiting the configuration of your web browsing platform, just in case it matters to the web site's code.Yawn!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Griff! Sidescrolling Platformer Fantasy Game

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Griff! Sidescrolling Platformer Fantasy Game

I for one do intend to buy, once I learn for sure that people have started receiving links. I want to see what comes after Ruckus the Centaur LOL.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my virtual machines

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my virtual machines

It's a demo, since noone has cracked it yet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: From the TalkBack team: TalkBack released!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: From the TalkBack team: TalkBack released!

Just out of curiosity, how is Android's accessibility these days compared to iOS?The last time I used Android, about two years ago, there was simply no contest, iOS was simply far superior., for people who needed assistance to access their devices.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Griff! Sidescrolling Platformer Fantasy Game

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Griff! Sidescrolling Platformer Fantasy Game

HelloI will do the same as Braian.I'm going to buy the game when you see that people have begun to receive the download link.greetings and thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DragonPong 1.0 released!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DragonPong 1.0 released!

thanx to everyone for their  responses , as i said in my post i need a tutorial for setting up my server using hamachy , so  ghorthalon can you fix the link in post1? Or can someone explain to me how to do it? Thanx again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New GPlus Acccessibility Community, Now Open!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New GPlus Acccessibility Community, Now Open!

lol at calling jaws "shark"


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dungeons and dragon

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dungeons and dragon

hi,thanks for the explanations. I think i am more the type of guy playing normal browser rpg's like core-exiles. I don't think dungeons and dragons is something i will like.Thanks again for explaining it to me.greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: anyone have a link for world of legends?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone have a link for world of legends?



Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

I picked up a relic hunter MK II yesterday, and found it to be ruffly the same speed as my custem built ship. I am trying to figure out why I would need over a year of charge. LOL. It looks like I wouldn't have it in port all that often. My custem built ship has 12 docking bays, and each bay is 50 units in size, but the ship in question is only 50 units in size. LOL. So, baiscly I can have a ship with 12 ships docked inside with 12 ships docked inside of them with every ship in question 50 units in size. LOL. Seems odd. LOL. That is 144 ships over all with all of them 50 units in size going to where ever you want them to go. LOL. Maybe that is something that might be worth checking into.


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Re: UltraPower - New Topic

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower - New Topic

It's great to hear that things are incrypted and secure now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : angel_diva22 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Hello Mayana and all,Yes, it is broken. Bill on the game said you have to avoid edges of maps. He was building a map, and screwed up. So now, certain players cant log in for now.Portia.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Fav User Agent Strings

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fav User Agent Strings

Its more do you like using mobile versions of sites rather than desktop some times? Sorry if I got the topic wrong.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game reviews and recordings bt sync folder

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game reviews and recordings bt sync folder

That's a no-go.I get a "No objects inside" prompt from nvda when I hit nvda numbpad 2.When I press nvda V to read the windo I get"btsinc, sinc document, textYour system was unable to load btsinc properly.To fix this problem, please update to the latest version of chrome or firefox.Btsinc doesn't support your web browser.For your security, please update to the latest version of chrome or firefox."I'm running firefox version 42.0.The program says I'm up-to-date.I can't use the dropbox download link in post 1, because I get a 460 error, content restricted.Later!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

Hay Yukio, I found a few more bugs.Sometimes the menu curser sound will change to the submenu sound instead, usually after clearing a stage.Also, I died in 14-1 do to laizar fire, and when I tried to use end to jump back down to stage 14, the game crashed.It still read out the stage title, but I got one of those error boxes with an okay button, and the game crashed.Later!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : luciana . lu3a via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Yeah I have the same problem now with test account... I were biking through the desert, i've reached the rocky spring, turned on west, made a few steps and, error. Now I'm trying to login again, but I can do it only for a sec. I tride to move from this place where I've got it first time, it was location "to continu on", but I'm still getting this error even after changing the map back.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New from choiceofgames Deathless: the city's thirst

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jasonstevanhill via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New from choiceofgames  Deathless: the city's thirst

@SebbyNot exactly, no. But if you purchase on another platform (iOS, Steam, etc), and send us the receipt, we'll credit you the purchase on our webstore.It only helps charting if the platform gets a cut.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ace_3000 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

@Mehgcap:I, too, pretty much always have the short-range forward radar turned on, when I'm not just sitting in the safe zone, for the exact same reason. It does indeed help you navigate around upcoming obstacles (such as abandoned cars etc) before you bump into them. It might sound somewhat annoying to some people, having a constant sound being played, but, honestly, at least in my case, after a little while of using it, it just becomes background noise.@the player:You can't actually build anything in Swamp. The forts that you can capture in HC mode are actual parts of the map - usually buildings - of which there's at least 1 of on each of the normal and sub maps. When you go inside one of the forts, though, you can access a menu, in which you'd find an option which would take you to the fort map, which is a pretty small map, consisting of a fort, with some sniper towers around it, and with a fence around it all. Zombies are on the outside 
 section, but cannot enter the fort.To actually capture one of them, however, you have to be in a clan, which is another feature of HC mode. There's no minimum level for creating or joining a clan, though - the only necessity is that you must be HC.As you might expect, it's the actual capturing part which is the difficulty, because, if another clan is already in control of it, you'd have to attack it, and whittle down the stock of food which is deposited inside that specific fort, right down to 0, before you'll gain control of it. And you have no idea how much food is in it.Of course, any members of the clan who control a fort you're attacking can freely enter the map and defend it - meaning that pvp mode is enabled on the fort map.Anyway, I feel I'm rather needlessly going into quite a bit of detail here, so I'll hit the submit button before I start trying to describe something else! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ace_3000 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

@Mehgcap:I, too, pretty much always have the short-range forward radar turned on, when I'm not just sitting in the safe zone, for the exact same reason. It does indeed help you navigate around upcoming obstacles (such as abandoned cars etc) before you bump into them. It might sound somewhat annoying to some people, having a constant sound being played, but, honestly, at least in my case, after a little while of using it, it just becomes background noise.@the player:You can't actually build anything in Swamp. The forts that you can capture in HC mode are actual parts of the map - usually buildings - of which there's at least 1 of on each of the normal and sub maps. When you go inside one of the forts, though, you can access a menu, in which you'd find an option which would take you to the fort map, which is a pretty small map, consisting of a fort, with some sniper towers around it, and with a fence around it all. Zombies are on the outside 
 section, but cannot enter the fort.To actually capture one of them, however, you have to be in a clan, which is another feature of HC mode. There's no minimum level for creating or joining a clan, though - the only necessity is that you must be HC.As you might expect, it's the actual capturing part which is the difficulty, because, if another clan is already in control of it, you'd have to attack it, and whittle down the stock of food which is deposited inside that specific fort, right down to 0, before you'll gain control of it. And you have no idea how much food is in it.Of course, any members of the clan who control a fort you're attacking can freely enter the map and defend it - meaning that pvp mode is enabled on the fort map.Anyway, I feel I'm rather needlessly going into quite a bit of detail here, so I'll hit the submit button before I start trying to describe something else! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : joshua . preyser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Hi Sam. I just want to let you know that I'm getting this runtime error when logging into the server. I don't know if anybody is experiencing this as well. Thanks very much.Call stack size: 5File: C:\Users\Sam Tupy\projects\survive the wild\stw.bgtLine: 570 (1)Function: void netloop()File: C:\Users\Sam Tupy\projects\survive the wild\stw.bgtLine: 1604 (1)Function: void game()File: C:\Users\Sam Tupy\projects\survive the wild\includes\net.bgtLine: 119 (1)Function: void login()File: C:\Users\Sam Tupy\projects\survive the wild\includes\menu.bgtLine: 15 (1)Function: void mainmenu()File: C:\Users\Sam Tupy\projects\survive the wild\stw.bgtLine: 335 (1)Function: void main()


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Fav User Agent Strings

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fav User Agent Strings

Ah, now I can see where faking your user agent string could be useful. Thanks! I might have to look into changing my user agent string for IE and Firefox and what to change to force mobile web sites to be presented, while leaving as much of the original agent string intact as possible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : luciana . lu3a via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Yeah I have the same problem now with test account... I were biking through the desert, i've reached the rocky spring, turned on west, made a few steps and, error. Nah I were trying to login again, but I could  do it only for a sec. I tride to move from this place where I've got it first time, it was location "to continu on", but I'm still getting this error even after changing the map back. Maybe because start of all maps is broken. I've rescued it, but it was hard enough.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : joshua . preyser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Okay. I see I'm not alone here with this error. Lol. I was fine until the error occured this morning.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : joshua . preyser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

How will we know when the error is fixed?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New GPlus Acccessibility Community, Now Open!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New GPlus Acccessibility Community, Now Open!

I find it really sad that with all the discrimination blind or visually impaired people have to endure from a sighted world, that some people within the blind or visually impaired community feel the need to be disdainful of a particular brand of assistive technology and its users.If you can't say anything nice, try not saying anything at all, it will make for a much more peaceful and enjoyable experience for everybody.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: From the TalkBack team: TalkBack released!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: From the TalkBack team: TalkBack released!

I can sum that up in one sentence for ya:Android 5.0 or later, best experience.Expanding on it a little though,  mileage will always vary with screen reader used, phone skin used, and company branned.The most complaints from Android users at this time, is support with web views. With that being said, a new version of that just came out: … &hl=en, again for Android 5.0 and later only.Many folks prefer Shine Plus over Talkback for things, and other prefer Samsung's Galaxy Talkback/Voice Assistant for other things, if they have a Galaxy S6 or later.And then Google's always updaiting their apps to make Talkback more usable with those.If you do get a new Android phone, get something with "at least!" 5.0, if it not 5.1 if ya can't get a phone with 6.0.Phones running Android 4.4 through 4.4.4, unless you run a "custom rom" to upgrade them, definitely are not as secure, unless ya have good practice. Lastly, keep an eyes on the Google Talkback Accessibility Support Center:, for new commands.As always, the "Eyes-Free List":!forum/eyes-free, is high-traffic.I hope the above helps in some way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

@joshua.preyser, I am pretty sure that Sam will tell us here and post it in the message of the day as soon as it is fixed. Can't wait for that, because until that I can't log into my admin account. And that kind of isn't good.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New GPlus Acccessibility Community, Now Open!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New GPlus Acccessibility Community, Now Open!

I find it really sad that with all the discrimination blind or visually impaired people have to endure from a sighted world, that some people within the blind or visually impaired community feel the need to be disdainful of a particular brand of assistive technology and its users.If you can't say anything nice, try not saying anything at all, it will make for a much more peaceful and enjoyable experience for everybody.Oh, and Trenton, I know this wasn't your intent, but, thanks for the compliment to JAWS!Sharks are the top predator in the oceans. So by calling JAWS, Shark, you are acknowledging that JAWS is the top screen reader in the screen reader ocean!HaHaHaHaHa! Suck it down!


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Re: JI EUM- Kickstarter campaign for visually impaired gamers

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ianmcnamara92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: JI EUM- Kickstarter campaign for visually impaired gamers

Hello, I have made a pledge for this. It sounds different than any other game we have had before on mobile. I for one support this and can't wait to play.


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Re: Bokurano daiboukenn questions and tips

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : csm120 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano daiboukenn questions and tips

Hey all. I'm new to bk3. I'm loving it so far. I'm at 1-4 but when I look in my status it says I have 100 assignable points, where do I do that? Also does anyone have a readMe in English? I tried some translation services but nothing has worked so far.Thanks


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Re: From the TalkBack team: TalkBack released!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: From the TalkBack team: TalkBack released!

It does, for now I'll keep using iOS even though I am no fan of Apple. But will definitely keep a closer eye (so to speak) on Android as I prefer its openness compared to Apple's walled garden.Apple simply refuses to learn that, no matter how pleasant you make it, a cage is still a cage.


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Re: anyone have a link for world of legends?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone have a link for world of legends?

your welcome.greetings.


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Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

Okay I managed to get the sky machinegun. Weird, when i scanned the objects in 6 2 I sware it wasn't there before... Anyway, now I'm trying to get the red paint launcher. the hints in the weapon advisor said that I need to look around the cave. i turned the dial to all 10 numbers on 18 3 but The only things I got were spin swords, a minigun, and lots of ammo.


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Re: keynote gold multimedia multilingual tts source code?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keynote gold multimedia multilingual tts source code?

Hi. Where can I try this synth out on my machine running win 7 64 bit? I heard it isn't a bad one.


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Re: Bokurano daiboukenn questions and tips

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano daiboukenn questions and tips

didn't you do the tutorial? you press L to spend your points


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : tedmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

I am one of those also who has the error.  I look forward to STW being back in operation.  It is a welcome break when I need toback away from my music for a few minutes. yeah right! hahahaha.  it keeps me captivated.  Good luck fixers.  Tedmeister.


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Re: Bokurano daiboukenn questions and tips

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : csm120 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano daiboukenn questions and tips

hmm I did the tutorial but I somehow didn't get that message.Thanks


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Re: Steampunk Neverland and Clock Tower Chronicles! Adventure Games

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : afsilva90 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steampunk Neverland and Clock Tower Chronicles! Adventure Games

Hi Brian,I would like to hear the trailer again. On which page of this thread is it located? Which post is it? Who posted it?Best,André


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Re: Steampunk Neverland and Clock Tower Chronicles! Adventure Games

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : afsilva90 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steampunk Neverland and Clock Tower Chronicles! Adventure Games

Hi Brian,I would like to hear the trailer again. On which page of this thread is it located? What is the number of the post? Who posted it?Best,André


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

hi,don't forget,  if you want get and build your clan,you have to higher levelcause you know your level lower than their's ,    they will definitely kill youmy advice stay in regularif you want hc,  you can create new character and start again


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Re: keynote gold multimedia multilingual tts source code?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : FamilyMario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keynote gold multimedia multilingual tts source code?

You need a virtual machine running Windows 95. The demo lasts 15 minutes before you must reboot your virtual machine.


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2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector



Does anybody know the status of Brailsoft?I'm trying out their music categorizer program and running into a problem with it. So I sent a couple of emails over the past several days and am not getting any response.And, just in case:When it is first started it asks for a file, according to the readme that comes with it the file can be anything because the music categorizer doesn't do anything with it. So I copied the readme from the music categorizer folder to the base folder where I keep my music files and gave it that. It starts scanning, but after a while produces an error:Error Reading FileNo MPEG audio header was found.There is no mention of the file it had the problem with so I could move it out of the way. Then it gives me a user interface with just some buttons on it. No list of my music or any thing else.It sure doesn't seem like it's worth the $10 they&#
 039;re asking for it.


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mehgcap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

I have to agree. Keep one character for normal play, because HC can be dull and tedious at times. You may want to switch between the two styles, and you certainly won't want your only character to go from a high level to having nothing, and a tougher time getting things back.


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Re: best speech synthesizer

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: best speech synthesizer

Like most people, I prefer Eloquence for everyday use. It responds the best when cranked up to a high rate. Well, Espeak does as well, and if you play with variants you can get it to sound a little less grating, but I still don't care for it much.I also really like Vocalizer Expressive Oliver. I actually think he sounds a bit better than Daniel, and Daniel is a nice voice too. I also like Loquendo Simon. he's the only TTS voice I can think of who reacts reasonably well to punctuation besides Eloquence.


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Re: Steampunk Neverland and Clock Tower Chronicles! Adventure Games

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steampunk Neverland and Clock Tower Chronicles! Adventure Games

It was posted by Jyro. My guess is on the previous page.


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Re: keynote gold multimedia multilingual tts source code?

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : FamilyMario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keynote gold multimedia multilingual tts source code?

Oops, I meant to say Windows 98. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


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Re: From the TalkBack team: TalkBack released!

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: From the TalkBack team: TalkBack released!

Hi.A cage might be a cage, but some users prefer IOS over android due to it beeing secure.One thing that disturbes  me about android is that every developer or most of these develop there own custom launchers so almost every android phone or tablet looks different.I have an htc one m7 at the moment as a secondary phone because I wanted to see the difference between android and iOS and see what is different in the accessibility and usement of these two systems.I dont actualy know if I have android 5 on this phone, I didnt research it til now.I am waiting if aps like blindsquare are developed for androi, if so, I have to think if my next mobile phone will be an android phone or not.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: best speech synthesizer

2015-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: best speech synthesizer

Other than reaction speed, I've not noticed that much difference in vocalizer daniel and the old scansoft daniel, then again I'e heard a lot of that voice sinse it is on my Iphone, my sapi and if I wish supernova (another reason I like Orphius alan for Sn so I'm not listening to daniel all the time). Actually Afrim your message with schedule etc read fine with Orphius, (it definitely says shed you al, not sked you al. I don't know what it is with eloquence, it's just the English vowels sound rong to me and the voice is a little more synthetic than orphius human ones. The first time I heard Daniel, he reminded me of a Bbc news reader, so i agree with you on propper pronunciation there Afrim, indeed if you've heard my podcasts you know I speak a little like Daniel myself .I find orphius at a higher speed good too, while that is on
 e of my problems with Daniel, if the speed is too high the words get choppy, then again i tend to find there is a point with synths where if the speed increases too much, while it still can be understood, it just sounds tense and harsh and unpleasant.I've not yet as I said found a synth that actually does justice to dialogue and poetic writing, particularly with writers who are very careful about sentence structure, indeed when I write poetry myself I am always extremely finicky with punctuation and usually speak the poems out loud to get the right sense of things rather than relying just on a synth to see the rythm, Though that  being said, I'll say Daniel works well enough for the Cog and Hg games and similar, and I have been playing gamebooks like Lone wolf and ffproject with Orphius for years so it's not all bad, although I'm still waiting for that natural synth.I'll admit though, I haven't experimented too much with most of the s
 ynths. Eloquence I've tried, sinse it's on various devices and these days even comes with supernova, and I've heard some of the acapella and espeak voices, but in general once I got a copy of Daniel to use with Sapi I was reasonably happy and didn't go experimenting too much.


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