Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

I would like to point out that Talkback is beata testing multy finger gestures so yes it is improving. It comes down to the device you want. Voiceover isn't flawless either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Windows VPS's?

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Windows VPS's?

@Defender: You'd be right, except:Turret wrote:I am looking for a VPS to host a website and some servers and such on.There isn't much justification for running a Windows Server in that scenario. Dude wants to make a website. If he was running a radio station and using Station Playlist Studio he'd need Windows. Owing to personal experience, I think everyone here is making a smart decision and saving this guy from the potential torture that is Windows Server, particularly when taken into account that current models of Windows 10 do not allow you to disable the network protocols that are problematic and stand in the way of rdp. Because of that, I had to switch to Android (Android!) to perform the necessary steps to get NVDA Remote configured over RDP, and that's on top of dealing with a locked down internet explorer. Brutal. Learning the commandline will be a walk in the park in terms of aggravation levels.@Chris: You don't really need customer service or sighted assistance to enable sound.Connect over for runcmdWait 5 or so seconds, thennet start audiosrvThen,windows+r againThen type Narrator.Configure audiosrv to start automatically through services.msc.You'll want to at least make it as far as getting Narrator running before RDP on Windows kicks you off. After Narrator's running, you can go ahead and connect with the rdp client on your Android. You can't use the windows key on Android, which is why you want to take care of Narrator on the windows client-side first and foremost. Download nVDA/NVDA Remote, going through the security screens along the way. Forward port 6837 through windows firewall, and get an nvda remote connection going. You should then be good to go.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why do most people choose python?

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why do most people choose python?

that's simple. python is really, really great. it have almost all advantages. but we must learn c/c++ because it gives us things about how things work actually. but i always love python due to it's tuns of features


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible hangman for iOS is here!

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible hangman for iOS is here!

I am on a game right now where my score is 31,000!If you can beat the three-letter round, it seems like you do pretty well after that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Galaxy Consumed, Science Fiction RPG game I found

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Luel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Galaxy Consumed, Science Fiction RPG game I found

You are doing good.Just keep fighting these pesky pirates.Seriously though, keep fighting them and gain levels and abilities.If you are having trouble, finish one encounter, than return to the ship, which will restore your health and energy, then go down to the base again.You can always escape from these fights, with the exception of turrets, which is the end fight.Just save beforehand and turn tail if you need.There is good money to gain from this.And things only will get more interesting as you play, you will not always be facing the same enemies.Also you may want to upgrade your equipment, which you can do from the weapon bay.The weapon bay is located on the second floor, north of the corridor.I am currently having my arse kicked in there.But maybe this is just because I have missions to do and will have access to better equipment after completing them.We will see after I get unstuck.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

Would appreciate like five minutes of someone's time.I have a Grimadent all ready to transform. I have a venomous lance on it. But I can't trade with myself.If you've got a junk manamon I can borrow for thirty seconds - you can have it straight back again - I'd like to transform my Grimident into Cerberat before tackling the next part of the game. I can be available virtually any time starting right now and heading through till tomorrow in the later afternoon; after that, it might be patchy for a few days, but I'm hoping for a taker before that.Pro-tip: if you have your own Grimident, Delazzard, Aperishian, Sheepit or Bearran you want to transform for completion or a playthrough, then we can help each other out here. Please let me know as soon as you can.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why do most people choose python?

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why do most people choose python?

Python is simple. A lot of tasks in it can be accomplished with a trivial amount of code whereas in other languages the amount of code would be a lot higher (though that depends on what your doing). Also, other languages like C, C#, ... have things like pointers and virtual functions, templates... I could go on and on (C doesn't have virtual functions or templates, and though the spec is only about 600 pages compared to C++s over 1,500-page specification, its still complicated). Languages like C++ take a really, really long time to master, and though I know several developers on here who would be ready to dive down to that lower level and who are ready for those concepts, many people coming from BGT aren't.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: help getting started in Python

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help getting started in Python

Yeah, his arguments are really messed up and it really discredits him as an author in my eyes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Think of your own Manamon

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Think of your own Manamon

So uh, I gotta ask.For the manamon who have Death Sentence and will die in one turn, and have...hmm, less-than-ideal moves, let us say...who in their right mind is going to use this manamon for one. freaking. turn?Second question: the manamon that loses stats every round, can randomly kill itself, will fall asleep and have its defenses drop to nil...again, who is going to use this thing? I mean, you do know Erratic Battler exists, right? Erratic Battler locks you into a fight, has all your stats lower each stage after starting one stage higher (so after one round, you're even, and after two you're a stage down in every stat)...and, ahem, Erratic Battler sucks. It makes great manamon into terrible, I'd-never-use-them-on-a-competitive-team kind of manamon. And your abilities for Sopar are about four times -worse. I hate to be so openly critical, but when you get to a certain point, you have to ask why.Now, if Sopao had unbelievably overpowered stats? Sure, maybe. Or if the death-sentence manamon had some other gimmick, then again, maybe. But they don't. they're just busted.We're all free to create and share what we like. But if you want to do this and actually get somewhere and learn anything, I urge you to think a little harder when you make stuff. Don't just go "Oh cool car manamon that shoots water and fire and electric beams oh and it can fly and gets dragon moves". Work with a theme. An animal, plant, mineral. A type. For instance, if it's an ice type, is it related to cooling itself down, creating storms, chilling water, deep-freezing and then chewing up rocks? If it's a fire type, is it based on sparks, open flames, grease, smoke, ash, cinders, lava, what? Rather than just slapping ideas together and not going for anything balanced or attention-grabbing, I, at least, would really appreciate more effort being put into originality, complexity and balance.Here, another one I just dreamed up.Name: SiklikType: dragon poisonDescription: Siklik is a bile-green lizard-like manamon with a bony frill around its neck. It has two protuberant venom sacs under each side of its long jaw. Siklik has an extremely long, black tongue with barbs along its length. Its body is long and low to the ground, with a ridge running along its spine and tail.Manapedia: Siklik are ambush predators. They attack from concealment, raking their victims with their barbed tongue before retreating to a safe distance. The venom in Siklik's mouth is paralytic, and once its victim is paralyzed, Siklik returns to its prey and commences eating.Transforms at level 38 intoName: DragnoxType: poison dragonDescription: Dragnox is a small, winged dragon with a long head, strong jaws, powerful limbs and a thick, wiry tail. Its wings are short, but Dragnox can fly for short distances. Its scales are a mixture of brown, green and gray, and this manamon can utilize rudimentary camouflage in order to stay hidden from potential prey.Manapedia: It is said that a bite from a Dragnox may cause pain, weakness and debilitation for its victim ever after. The venom present within this manamon's blood, saliva and breath is so potent that anyone working closely with Dragnox should wear protective equipment. Surprisingly, this manamon is careful not to harm any creature it does not see as food, and will take pains to avoid harming innocent creatures if they are not to be eaten later.Stats: 94HP, 66ATK, 91DEF, 113 Spec.ATK, 63 Spec.DEF, 98 speed (total 525)Abilities: Strong Jaw, Venomous, Impermeable ScaleVenomous: If this manamon inflicts poison on a foe, it will always be lethal poison (i.e., Pollution Solution).Impermeable Scale: This manamon is immune to sleep, poison, paralysis, scorch and death-plague disease.Moves:Bite (start)Growl (start)Dragon Flurry (L6)Venom Shot (L9)Viscism (L14)Tail Smack (L17)Protect (L20)Sting Ray (L24)Elemental Breath (L28)Black Bite (L31)Poison Pressure (L35)Poison Ball (L41)Dragon Blast (L45)Acid Breath (L47)Demanatize (L51)Aerial Caper (L55)Suicide Dive (L61)Dessicate Beam (L68)Acid Breath: 85-power poison move, special; 15 use points; 25% chance to lower foe's defense and special defense by one stage each; 20% chance to cause poison


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

no. i found a phone for the blind. something like the capcsmartvision 2 or something like that. not a market but that phone is a thing


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: help getting started in Python

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help getting started in Python

@10Ah, didn't see that rant. Maybe I was misreading it the first time. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I'll certainly read another books then.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

On the plus side (sort of), at least the VP debate wasn't a complete shit-show. It didn't exactly blow my mind, but I have a few take-aways from it.1. Harris owned all over Pence. The way she calmly addressed him while he was interrupting her, the way she remained respectful even when she was spitting fire, is laudable. Pence kept his cool too. He didn't badger and bully, so much as he would. not. shut. up. I've come to feel lately that this is the ironic role of republicans, especially white male republicans. They're so used to telling the story that they don't take it well when they're called upon to let someone else have their fair share of the time.2. Harris highlighted the Covid strategy extremely well (i.e., there hasn't been one, Trump's fuck-ups have costs far too many lives, science wins the day). All Pence could really do was say that Trump trusts the American people...except, as Harris rightly pointed out, the way you trust the American people is to give them the facts, tell them the truth. You can't simultaneously believe in the American people and want to keep them in the dark because you're afraid they'll panic. Either you trust them or you don't, and I think she shot an absolute killer with this one.3. Later in the debate, there was talk about whether or not Biden would pack the supreme court if given the chance to do so. First of all, this is a question asked in bad faith, and Harris turned it properly on its ear by talking about how Trump has already been stacking courts and appointments with reckless abandon (and interestingly, not one of his appointees to judicial courts is black). I wish Harris had raised the point that it was republicans, not democrats, who were rushing to get Coney-Barrett installed before the election in an unprecedented power grab to tip the supreme court into a 6-3 right majority. The fact is, republicans and democrats alike have moved to protect their interests here, and it's not outside the realm of possibility that Biden might want to push back in this area. But there's no point in asking this question; its only aim is to undermine faith in the democratic process, but it does so only by suggesting that one side, and not both, is implicit in that damaged relationship with justice.4. I appreciated how Harris called out all violence, brought up Trump's disdain for the military he claims to want to back, and used her own prosecutorial history as a means of explaining that she is uniquely qualified to continue the reform that America needs. Pence tried to attack her and the Obama administration for some bad stuff that happened, but it didn't really do much damage as far as I'm concerned. Sure, Harris has done stuff she shouldn't have; she's been historically harder on drugs than she needed to be in the past, and I think she realizes that she has some learning and growing to do, even still. But her promise to abolish private prisons, to decriminalize marijuana, to fix the broken justice system and to continue police reform to ban neck and choke holds was a point in her favour.5. Pence still seems to want to paint the president as someone who has brought jobs to America, even though he hasn't, as someone who has responded properly to a pandemic, which he hasn't, and as someone who cares about the American people, which he doesn't. I think Harris dealt with this pretty well on the whole.6. Pence seriously needs to listen when the moderator says, "Thank you, Mr. Vice-President". Camala ran over time a couple of times, by five to ten seconds, but with Pence it was a constant issue, and eventually Harris fought back by asking for some extra time to repudiate some claims made against her record, which she mostly did. She repeated herself a little bit though.This debate won't upset the apple-cart and won't change minds. If you're committed to supporting a dictator, you're still gonna vote Trump. But I liked the message that Harris was sending here, even if I thought in some instances she was too gentle and didn't go straight for the throat in the way I was hoping she would. I especially found it instructive when she told Mike Pence that she wouldn't be quiet and be lectured by him about the law, when she has spent her life as a prosecutor and would be considered an expert in the field. And, as I said before, her way of dealing with him when he interrupted her - which was relatively uncommon, thankfully - was instructive. I'm glad that Pence was generally more polite and considerate, even if he was lying through his teeth or misrepresenting facts 88% of the time. If it were Mike Pence sitting in the president's chair right now, I still wouldn't be happy with him, but I strongly suspect we'd never have had this level of egomaniacal lunacy in the decision-making process. Fewer Americans would be dead from Covid-19 almost certainly. Fewer bridges would be burned in public relations, certainly. And you wouldn't have 

Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

Thank you!Halloween stuff is going on on empire. Adding stuff for all the quests is fun and takes a lot of work. May be I should make another topic or something to gather ideas and strings for that mud. But considering how bashy people can be toward certain games (which I personally don't like at all), I'm not sure if it's a good idea. Man, you have reasons to dislike games but there's no reason to use your personal opinions to bash them. Not to say I never did it. I did. But I regret doing all of that now and likely won't do it again unless I let it slip somehow...sigh.


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Re: Geas: classless rpg mud with soundpack

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Erick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Geas: classless rpg mud with soundpack

How the hell do I get past the creation character section? I can't, because it removes my name it seems, then it says y/n that name is invalled. My name, was going to be oiox, or another name. Every time I enter the name again and try to type yes, it removes it.


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Re: your opinion

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your opinion

I think pretty early on some kid with a gun got close to him as well but I agree.  I think the domestic intelligence community probably just went on overdrive at the beginning and hasn't stopped.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need help

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help

How on earth could I possibly say that I understand, when I can clearly point out, that even if I have gone through similar experiences, they're not exactly the same?  If that serves as an encouraging preface because it is at the very least honest, I'd be more than happy to try and help however I can.  follow me on twitter, friend me on facebook, or add live:.cid.e66a231b8e11073c on skype.  I may not solve your problems, but I can at least lend an ear, help think things through, reexamine questions from various angles and as has always been my history, with an unbiased perspective.  I can inject myself into or take myself out of a situation to evaluate the picture as a whole rather than just assuming I'm right because it feels right and well, really, how can I be wrong!Actually, the other thing we seem to have in common is that we do our best to help people and people don't generally help us.  IN my case I can say it's probably my fault, as I don't usually give off the vibe that I seriously ever need help... I've gone on for far too long as a self-sufficient know enough about far too many subjects to continually roll on through life with little to stop me for long, without giving help for myself a second thought until things start crashing and burning around my ears, and then I'm the proverbial deer caught in headlights trying to still find some way out of the situation, while softly, sheepishly going, help help?  Please please?I lost an uncle a week ago to covid and there was no one to talk to about it.  I lost a grandfather to old age and deteriorating health last year, but I was in the middle of taking care of a prematurely born daughter with a fair amount of health issues.  I never asked for parenting advice though I should have, but didn't know who to ask because on the sighted side everyone I would have considered asking already judged me for lesser offenses other than wanting to live a normal life, such as my parents who never thought I should have been a dad and my mother-in-law who resents me, while on the blind side I don't know any completely blind couples who have already had a successful go at raising children.  I know of blind guys married to sighted girls and vice versa, but in my mind that just feels like cheating.  Nah, I don't actually have a logical argument for that last thought.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

@enesYou realize that people haven't been responding to you because they think you're extreme and incredibly biased right?  They discount your opinion because of that.Really you more than anyone else in this thread deserved a warning for your behavior, and if other mods were on top of it from the beginning (since Jade stayed out of it) you probably would have.But keep talking into the void if you want...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need help

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help

How on earth could I possibly say that I understand, when I can clearly point out, that even if I have gone through similar experiences, they're not exactly the same?  If that serves as an encouraging preface because it is at the very least honest, I'd be more than happy to try and help however I can.  follow me on twitter, friend me on facebook, or add live:.cid.e66a231b8e11073c on skype.  I may not solve your problems, but I can at least lend an ear, help think things through, reexamine questions from various perspectives and as has always been my history, with an unbiased perspective.  I can inject myself into or take myself out of a situation to evaluate the picture as a whole rather than just assuming I'm right because it feels right and well, really, how can I be wrong!Actually, the other thing we seem to have in common is that we do our best to help people and people don't generally help us.  IN my case I can say it's probably my fault, as I don't usually give off the vibe that I seriously ever need help... I've gone on for far too long as a self-sufficient know enough about far too many subjects to continually roll on through life with little to stop me for long, without giving help for myself a second thought until things start crashing and burning around my ears, and then I'm the proverbial deer caught in headlights trying to still find some way out of the situation, while softly, sheepishly going, help help?  Please please?I lost an uncle a week ago to covid and there was no one to talk to about it.  I lost a grandfather to old age and deteriorating health last year, but I was in the middle of taking care of a prematurely born daughter with a fair amount of health issues.  I never asked for parenting advice though I should have, but didn't know who to ask because on the sighted side everyone I would have considered asking already judged me for lesser offenses other than wanting to live a normal life, such as my parents who never thought I should have been a dad and my mother-in-law who resents me, while on the blind side I don't know any completely blind couples who have already had a successful go at raising children.  I know of blind guys married to sighted girls and vice versa, but in my mind that just feels like cheating.  Nah, I don't actually have a logical argument for that last thought.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NVDASAPI: convey SAPI speech through NVDA

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : anhbayxoai via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDASAPI: convey SAPI speech through NVDA

oh me too, but it still works normally, try a game with it and see the results


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Manamon 2 postgame, what do I do exactly?

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon 2 postgame, what do I do exactly?

Yes, you can challenge them again and again. By that I mean, you can only fight them once after one victory over Masters Stadium. To fight them again, beat the Masters Stadium again. It helps in  manopedia completion pretty fast.A tip. Go to the Eternity Angel, give Master's Scroll to level 1 manamon, keep it second, and the first should be someone which is level 100 of yours. In this case, Wearwolfsere, or Poleces, or Euranamon is better. You may have luck problem sometimes, but it will take your level 1 manamon straight away to level 56.Note. But if you do with those manamons who evolve 2 times, they may not be able to evolve in their third form.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need help

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheEvilChocolateCookie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help

It really hits me when there's an Apple event. We would always watch those together and end up shouting at the screen 9 times out of 10. WWDC just about cut me in half. I wanted to skip it altogether, but my other friends wouldn't hear of it. The one in September didn't mess with me until later. Then I realized I had to watch another one alone, and it was like a kick straight to the heart. I really dread next week. There's an event, and I know I'll be right there in front of the screen, trying to act like it isn't killing me inside. There are other things, certain songs, some jokes only we shared that pop into my head, the fact that I haven't deleted a contact from my phone since 2014, and a few other things.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

I suspect one reason for Apple putting more in to it is the use of IPads in education. though I'm unsure how often they are still used vS. Chromebooks. Anyone got any data on that?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

@7There is no blind market.  Our preferences in phones make zero difference to anyone from the perspective of money.  What there is is a "we need to meet legal regulations" market.  Those people don't care if we like it, they only care if it meets the regulations, and after that the primary consideration is cost.  Google has gone exactly as far as they have to to satisfy those people across all of their projects, and now doesn't need to really try to improve.This has nothing to do with Voiceover being first and cornering the market.  It's us getting lucky and Apple deciding to put effort in for no reason other than them wanting to.  Nothing less, nothing more, and they could very well stop tomorrow.  Neither Apple nor Google cares if blind people buy their phones.  It just boils down to if whoever is in charge of "this is the thing that doesn't make us money, how much resources should it get" likes us, and whether or not they got lucky and got people who cared/have talent/get it on the right team.


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Re: who's excited for the last book of tryals of apollo to come out?

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: who's excited for the last book of tryals of apollo to come out?

26, ware did you read it at?, like what app did you use.


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Re: help getting started in Python

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help getting started in Python

@9That particular one gets even worse than that. The author decided that he was mad about Python 3 and wrote this rant.  It's pretty self-evident to anyone who knows even a bit just how terrible that particular rant is, but basically it boils down to "I hate unicode, only English text is easy for new programmers, and therefore we should all use Python 2 and only code in English".Suffice it to say that when he did this it certainly didn't make him any friends, but when people mention learn python the hard way and the Python 2 vs. 3 choice, there's more to it than outdated material.


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Re: Pico tts for android

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pico tts for android

Well, I'm not a coder, but that much I know, that in case of tts it's no more just about a single line of code or a couple of numbers that need to be changed.


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Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

@voyager2264 I talked about this just 2 posts above, actually. We've got several solutions for that bug now, one discovered just recently. I'm sure we can figure out how to get your game working. Check my signature. The third link in there is to a folder with puzzle tips I made. But it also contains a file with the common bugs in blind friendly mode and how to fix them. The SAPI bug is right on top of that. Could you please try the instructions there, and see if they help?Also, if you have Discord, please do join Goodwolf Studio's server (link also in my signature). Would be easier to do the bug reporting back-and-forth there.


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why do most people choose python?

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : mechaSkyGuardian via Audiogames-reflector


why do most people choose python?

from a long time I have heard people say that people should switch to python from BGT. Why python out of all languages? If I were suggesting a language for someone to use I would suggest something similar to the original language they were using. Why does no one promote C# for example


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2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector



Thanks Liam for that insight from your experience as a developer and tester. I have my own feelings about what should and should not be revealed before release, but I didn't want to get too much into them since I tend to have unpopular opinions on stuff like this. But you basically said what I believed anyway, so it worked out 


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Re: Mk 11 story mode transcript

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mk 11 story mode transcript

Someone wrote it and put it on gamefaqs. I think they did other transcripts for different nrs games also.


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Mk 11 story mode transcript

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mmaslo via Audiogames-reflector


Mk 11 story mode transcript

Hi everyoneI was listening to liams stream where he did story mode for mk11. He was reading a transcript I guess of what was happening before it happened.I was wondering where I could get that from? I think if I had that it would help a lot.Any help would be sincerely appreciated.


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Re: Pico tts for android

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : guiador via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pico tts for android

Triy smart voice tts 3.1 or higher


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pico tts for android

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : guiador via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pico tts for android

Triy smart voice 3.1 or higher


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Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dalen lewin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

I’m not sure how often you receive this message, but what attracts me to your games isn’t the Battle system and music and what not, although those things are very simplistically addictive, but it is the complete disregard of a cohesive narrative where literally anything and everything is possible. I just love how deliberate you are with the fact that there is literally no plot. Why does this or that happen? Just go with it. I usually hate when games do that because they are trying to tell this driven narrative, and yet these inconsistencies are everywhere, but you make it a point to show us that your world has no rules to speak of. In other words, it embodies the reason most people play games, and that is because of the simple fact that you fight things and nothing else matters. Escapism at its finest I say.


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Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dongargon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

It comes down to three things; maturity, popularity and attitude. VoiceOver was first out the gate on a touch screen phone, so they cornered the blind market from an early period in time. They therefore have had more time to improve and add features as well. They, being iOS, have also garnered more feedback  as a result of having more users and more apps are created with the blind in mind on the platform. The big thing though is attitude. You get the feeling that Google created Talkback as a response rather than a need, and it shows in its design and implimentation. It's not treated as importantly as the other features of the operating system, and to me feels like something separate. On iOS, VoiceOver feels less of an afterthought and more of something considered while development takes place...although that has decreased in the last two versions of iOS in my view. With Talkback, it feels as if it's just there and they don't really care much about it. I would add that I use both Android and iOS, so I feel I have no biased view.


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2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector



Well, actually I didn't do anything wrong.  The gme is about to roll out in two days and I am really interested what everyone will think as it is the first project they worked on. 


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Re: Geas: classless rpg mud with soundpack

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zub0 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Geas: classless rpg mud with soundpack

I am glad you tried it, and hopefully you will stick around:) there are a discord and slack server for questions if you need it. Also, srik is super open to suggestions. For ironcross, perhaps you guys could work on a pack together? Perhaps that way he can get an idea of what is useful to a vi player and what is just spammy. just an idea.


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Re: IOS14 i hate it

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: IOS14 i hate it

Thankfully, I am not the one who starts it. It's true I often weigh in to such discussions, but I won't say it randomly out of nowhere. Point taken though, that's not something I should do. Any non personal comments to make? Or we can go back to discussion of these bugs in iOS 14?


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Re: time limit

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: time limit

Hey now, My last nickname lasted phor like about a week bephore I changed ti to my current one rphl


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Re: Think of your own Manamon

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fonografico2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Think of your own Manamon

name. patorrus btype. water ice airdescription. patorrus b is a walrus. it's holding a cannon in one of it's left feet. it has a tail for smackig people.manapedia entry. patorrus b it's best of a pet than a good battler. it's avilities make it not able to battle correctlyavilities. sentence of death. after one turn this manamon will die. this cant be stopedmoves.claw swipe evil eyes (1)splash (10)mystic guard (25)lunar cannon (40)growl roar (50)stats (at level 1)1hp, 1defense, 2 magic attack, 2 2speed, 2magic defense, 2strenght


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Re: A Galaxy Consumed, Science Fiction RPG game I found

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Luel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Galaxy Consumed, Science Fiction RPG game I found

You are doing good.Just keep fighting these pesky pirates.Seriously though, keep fighting them and gain levels and abilities.If you are having trouble, finish one encounter, than return to the ship, which will restore your health and energy, then go down to the base again.You can always escape from these fights, with the exception of turrets, which is the end fight.Just save beforehand and turn tail if you need.There is good money to gain from this.And things only will get more interesting as you play, you will not always be facing the same enemies.I am currently having my arse kicked in there.But maybe this is just because I have missions to do and will have access to better equipment after completing them.We will see after I get unstuck.


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Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

their is a phone for the blind if you realy realy realy need it. idk what it is but its a thing


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Re: help getting started in Python

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help getting started in Python

@6, you may find a out of date book. There is a learn python the hard way for python3.


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Re: A Galaxy Consumed, Science Fiction RPG game I found

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Luel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Galaxy Consumed, Science Fiction RPG game I found

You are doing good.Just keep fighting these pesky pirates.Seriously though, keep fighting them and gain levels and abilities.If you are having trouble, finish one encounter, than return to the ship, which will restore your health and energy, then go down to the base again.You can always escape from these fights, with the exception of turrets, which is the end fight.Just save beforehand and turn tail if you need.There is good money to gain from this.And things only will get more interesting as you play, you will not always be facing the same enemies.I am currently having my arse kicked in there.But maybe this is just because I have missions to do and will get beter equipment after completing them.We will see after I get unstuck.


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Re: I am sad.

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am sad.

Broo your calculations are way wrong. Its about 105 TTD. Not seven. Still though, that's not much. BTW, I'm not sure but Browsers in S'ando was selling renewed laptops starting at 1500 dollars. I'm not sure iph they still have, because its balls impossible to get laptops iin this country, especiially since they took oph the taxes on them, but they had in early September. Oh, and to the person who was saying parts are cheap. Keep iin mind my SSd with the phollowing specs costed me 70 USD: C:\ (NTFS drive): 104.21 GB of 111.44 GB used 93.5%. II'm gonna get a 512 GB SSd soon at a lower rate than that. In addition to the 70 I paid phor the drive, I had to pay another 60 phor labour. Not good.


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Re: Think of your own Manamon

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fonografico2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Think of your own Manamon

name. kotroldtype. water, dragon, stone, earth, insect, magic, electric and flamefisical description. kotrold is a dragon like manamon with white wings. it's tail is blue. it's feet are shapped like flippers to both swim and fly. it typically has it's eyes closedmanapedia entry. kotrol likes to sleep, like it's brother over there, sopao. it can be your best pet if you want a dragon for a pet.avilitiessentence of death. in one turn, this manamon will die. it cant be avoided.moves.mystic guard demanatice manatice magic wave (1)waterlog (10)electric shield (20)sandy wind (40)compact (50)thicken (55)lunar cannon (60)oblivion dance (60)power pacify (70)stats at level 1. 5hp, 2spd, 3spec def, has no defense and has no strenght


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

If your computer uses the Intel VTX technology, you do need to enable it first. Most modern hardware these day uses the technology.


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Re: So i've just finished reading neverwhere and its amazing

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So i've just finished reading neverwhere and its amazing

American Gods was great, but you're right, it does lag in places.Night Circus is on my list of books to read one day. I hear it's chaotic, messy and beautiful all at once.


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Re: Think of your own Manamon

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Corona via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Think of your own Manamon

@128that last one is... what trumer should be I Like your ideas, jaide. theyre balanced in most cases, although there are some OP abilities, but I'd love to play with some of them.I'd like to have a way to know the base stats for the manamons in the game, BTW


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Re: Think of your own Manamon

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fonografico2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Think of your own Manamon

name. sopaotype. dragonsopao is a small dragon with blue wings. it does'nt have a tail, and tipically has is eyes closedmanapedia entry. sopao likes to sleep a lot. but it wakes up at night. it does'nt like to fight.avilities.weaken. it will weaken during the battle, making it's defenses drop by 1 stage every round, and all other stats except health 1stage eachauto harm. every two turns if it attacks has a 20 chance to kill itself, a 50chance to confuse, and a 70chance to paralice itselfexaustion. every third turn, he will fall asleep. it's defense and magic defense, and strenght will be reduced to the minimum while it sleepsmoves.aerial vision (1)power pacify (20)growl roar rehydrate (30)manatice demanatice (35)cyclone (40)wing slash (45)sandy wind (70)sandstorm (80)snowstorm dounpour restoring light (100)


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Re: I need help

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help

There's nothing wrong with that. I think it hits people in different ways. For me, it comes in waves, though less over time. Loss isn't something that's been prevalent in my life. I've lost a great grandma, and grandpas on both sides. I wasn't especially close with them though, so there was a bit of detachment. My grandpa on my mom's side, the one that died last November though, In a way, I was glad to see him go.I think he was suffering in a way that I can't imagine anyone should have to deal with. He had two hospital stints. One in 2017, and one in 2019. After the one in 2019, his memory loss,  which was maybe low intermediate had gotten much worse and had started to accelerate rapidly. He would have violent outbursts where he would bang on walls and yell and scream, and then other times, would appear almost normal. he ate so much though there toward the end. I think he was forgetting that he had already eaten. He'd make eggs so many times in a day.His home situation wasn't ideal. He and my grandmother had been divorced since my aunt was in high school, so he was living with his other wife. He was almost living a double life, having two relationships. He would come over to my grandma's most days. I think he felt bad for her and wanted to take care of her. At the same time though, I feel like he lied to not only her, but to a lot of people.Despite the things he has done, I don't think he was a bad person. I just sort of see that his life clashed against some things in the way he was brought up. Like, he would never talk about any of this openly, and wanted to maintain as much of a separation between his two families as possible.Of course, after his hospital stay the first time, that sort of eroded. Sometimes my mom and aunt would have to go over there and sit with him and try to calm him down. His wife is in her 70s, and despite still being reasonably healthy, keeping up with him was a lot for her. I often told my mom that he really should be in a home, that we as the family were foisting the burden of care onto her and that it wasn't fair, but it never came to that.So his loss was a weird thing, because it didn't really affect me in the same way it did everyone else. I did care, but I wasn't completely blown away like they were. I had been to see him on the Friday before he died. He wasn't in good shape, and I remember the doctor being pretty up front about that. I remember my aunt and my other aunt, someone I had only met maybe one other time trying to badger the doctor and tell him that they weren't ready to give up on him. I don't know why, but I've never seen things that way. I feel like it's our duty to stand with our family during times like that and do what they would have wished had they still possessed the ability to communicate with us.I told this very thing to my mother when my grandma was in the hospital earlier that same year. I told her that it's our duty to be her champions in these times, to look at things from her perspective, no matter what the cost is to us. That extending someone's life who already did all the things they wanted to do, just to prolong their suffering isn't right to me.Anyway, the family gathered at the hospital on that Friday, and we were getting ready to leave. Now, I don't really do the whole I love you thing. It's just not me and it's hard for me to bring emotions that close to the surface, but I shook his hand that day and I told him I loved him. Then, on Monday morning, my mom got the call that he'd passed. So my aunt and uncle came over, and we all stood around and talked and whatnot.Then the funeral came around. I didn't cry at the funeral, but most of the family did. On one hand, I was glad because I can't stand doing that in front of people, it feels utterly personal in a way I can't describe, like rubbing at your soul with sand paper. On the other, I had begun to wonder if something was wrong with me. I mean, it's true that we weren't that close, but there was never any animus between us. It was probably a week or two, but then it did come. But not like you'd think either. I didn't sit around crying for hours or anything, really a few minutes. But the same pattern would repeat. Something would just trigger the thought that he wasn't around anymore and that he was never coming back.One of those moments was on Christmas that same year. I've always done Christmas morning at my dad's. But recently, I've started to do all day there, just because things get too crazy at my grandma's and I don't want to be around that atmosphere if I can help it. SO I get there, because I am living there now. I come through the door and set all my stuff down and while most people are still there, we do the gift opening and it's good.One of the things my family always does is scratch off lottery tickets. It's jsut a tradition. So I usually do them with someone else to read them, and tell me if I need to scratch more. I sit down at the table and I'm doing it 

Re: The last of us part ii discussion

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The last of us part ii discussion

OK, I've gotta be missing something. I try to run, then when I hear Abbie stop panting I press the right stick to turn and run again. I try not to run in the direction of infected. No matter what I do, they swarm me and it's over. I've been killed like 10 times now, and dropped to super light difficulty out of frustration. If I'm supposed to run away, I wish it played the safety avoidance tone like it does in bigger boss battles.Any tips welcome. This is starting to frustrate me because, while I know I should run away, this is one of those situations where the game really doesn't convey to me enough about the environment so I can find a good "away," other than just by wasting time turning, wondering if I've turned enough to get unstuck off of the wall, etc.And maybe I'm turning wrong. I assume right-stick turns because it aims, and that left-stick left/right sidesteps. Is that right? My headset isn't the greatest so the environmental cues aren't always helpful.


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Re: So i've just finished reading neverwhere and its amazing

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So i've just finished reading neverwhere and its amazing

If we want to talk about Mieville, and you want a sort of Neverwhere vibe, Kraken is also a good one. For some definition of good.  I enjoy it if I'm in the right mood.For a "cities are weird and we all just don't notice" sort of thing: I will recommend Matthew Swift by kate Griffin for any reason whatsoever, but it actually fits here.  It's very much higher power/action/whatever, and the main character is certainly not lost in another world, but it's got a lot of the poetic/dream vibe and is, honestly, not at all what the description of it would have you believe.My favorite Gaiman is Ocean at the End of the Lane, but if you've only just found him and you haven't done a lot of urban fantasy/horror stuff, American Gods is well-known for a reason.  But the middle is a slog, and he definitely hit his stride as an author later.Going further afield, The Night Circus by Morgenstern is very Gaiman-esk.  But long, slow to start, and--for lack of a better way to put it--much, much more adult than anything gaiman has ever written.  Not as in "they all have sex" or anything like that, it's kind of hard to put it into words what I mean when I say adult here.  In Neverwhere Richard goes off and has a "adventure" if you will, in the way that a YA protagonist would, just grown up; and for most of Gaiman's work, that's what happens.  But Night Circus is more they have lives and those lives happen to have adventure in them.


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Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

Also, centrist democrats. I despise them, and don't have much respect for them.  Conservative democrat would be a more accurate term. If you try to be everyone's friend, and dance to everyone's tune, you betray those who vote you in for change, and also work against your electorate. For example, the bankrupsy bill biden helped craft, from which student debt is considered a type of debt not removable with bankrupsy, likely lead to suicides. Biden did that to satisfy his republican pals.


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Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

Yeah, its really not as simple as that. I'm not using tb right now because typing is a pain with it, but samsung's voice assistance woeks great. However i think samsung's tts is not as great and it has crashed on me once this year, so i use google's tts, which is crisp, clear and reliable.I think the ptoblem with global acccessibulity is that one OS update has the potential to break everything, and there is no third party solution to use as a workaround. For example, iOS 14 came out and then i saw a bunch of whining from kids on dice world on how it vroke the game for them. When the recent release of android made typing clunky with talkback, i switched to voice assistant. Had to learn a new system, but the problem was solved, and i still switch between the 2 depending on my needs. Unfortunately, you cannot get that kind of experience from a 15 minute hands on session, so i hope you find this perspective helpful.


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Re: Geas: classless rpg mud with soundpack

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Geas: classless rpg mud with soundpack

Oo yeah, I can tell you that without having even successfully creating a character, I will not be using that sound pack. It is really messed up as far as messing with core mushclient functionality. Configuration tweaks I perform on every world I create can't even be done because something this thing is doing is blocking the menus. There are plugins that don't even need to be there, and it is doing weird things with typing and weird things with looping spam over and over again.Something like a soundpack shouldn't alter the client that much to where you can't even do your own thing with it. The second you do that, I become uninterested. I don't care if it has 7.1 surround sound with sounds for every event in the game, you shouldn't be messing about with the general use of the client just to make a sound pack.As an example, I always have the option on to allow alt to get to the menus. If I ever distributed a soundpack, it would be in the form of a plugin or plugins you would just drop into your already existing mushclient installation, and if it called on plugins, I would make note of which ones you would have to have or just include them in the archive. This thing came in a weird folder zip folder zip weird circular thing it took me a while to figure out how to unpack.I think a case could be made that I am pretty particular about MUD clients, so maybe this isn't a complete surprise, but I think at this point, I will be making my own to suit my needs. The only thing is, this pack uses GMCP, which is awesome, but at the same time, I haven't figured out how to do the same and it gets into dealing with some shit I'm not ready to handle code wise, so I'll probably just do the bare basics for myself and everyone else who doesn't have a problem with that pack can go on using it, and I'll use mine.


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Re: Think of your own Manamon

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Think of your own Manamon

name, ricka stelitype, sound type.description, this manamon is a small drum like metal piece that walks on its nails and uses it's hole to eminate sound from.entry, ricka steli is a sound type manamon. Little is known about it.abilities, none.moves, songinate, lvl 1, 15 up, sings never gonna give you up, dealing a billion dammage to any manamon.Rofl, just thought I'd do that for some reason


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2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector



So I agree with 58 as far as the intent of post 51, but as someone who develops as well as who has done testing work, it's just never a good thing to make the comment that you have tested something and then give opinions before said thing is released.


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Re: I need help

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheEvilChocolateCookie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help

Yeah, I lost one of my best friends at the end of May, someone I had a really strong bond with. Maybe it shouldn't hurt anymore, but it does.


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Re: So i've just finished reading neverwhere and its amazing

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So i've just finished reading neverwhere and its amazing

Another good our-world-but-bent sort of book is Un Lun Dun by China Mieville. It's a bit more young-adult, but still pretty dark in places. It actually reminds me of Neverwhere quite a bit, albeit with less horror and slightly more fantasy. There's a ton of difference though, so don't let similarity make you think both books are just copies of one another. They're very definitely not.Dark, thanks for the heads-up about that Sanderson book. That's one I've got to look up eventually, because I generally like Sanderson quite a lot. I found Vin from the Mistborn series a very good protagonist as well, admittedly. He does female characters pretty well on the whole, I'd say. Characterization is something Sanderson does well. I've seen it done better, but he's near the top of the pack for me, and it's rare that he writes a dud of a character.


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Re: I need help

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help

Yeah that's a good point. You really want to evaluate the people in your life. If you have a bunch who just take and take and take, it's probably time to cut them out. Especially true if you are the type to give emotional support, which can be exhausting. I have had times in my life where being that person for someone got to be pretty wearing on me. Not that I didn't want to do it, or that I would have abandoned them, but it was getting to be a constant in my life having to help them sift through their options and have them unload on me about their struggles.Even if these are people you care about, if it's starting to drag you down to a point where you're not sure if you can cope, you need to put some distance between yourself and that person.


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Re: IOS14 i hate it

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: IOS14 i hate it

@8 OK mister NVDA is way better than JAWS in a question about JAWS topic.


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2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector



Yeah... my feelings are really mixed now.@lirin post 51, despite you saying you weren't trying to spoil anything, you kind of have. You say you are only giving clear statements not spoilers. I feel like you don't know what spoiling actually means.Spoilers can be the clearest statements in the world eg. press F9 to get into a debug menu. Nothing unclear about that. But that statement was not meant to be cast out in the open, at least not at the time you said it, therefore it is a spoiler; it is information which was not supposed to be published.If this were me, I would've said nothing until the game was published. Say these things as soon as the game was published and you would've been fine. But now I almost feel like your post is an unfair jab at the game before anyone can give it a chance. It borders on breech in confidentiality, revealing opinions and potential details about the game which were supposed to be kept quiet until release.I do think you were well intentioned, you said yourself that people should try the game themselves and that you didn't want to spoil a lot. I believe you. Perhaps you were trying to keep people from getting overexcited, and maybe even trying to ward off sharp negative criticism which you anticipate will come. If this is the case, I actually get it. I just think this was not the right way to go about expressing that.


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Re: Think of your own Manamon

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Think of your own Manamon

If I can offer a gentle word of advice:Try to go for slightly more basic ideas instead of trying to make everything epic/strange/weird. It's neat that you want something to be air and ice and water; that's cool. But now it gets bonuses when hit by flame, and is just immune to standard and stone for...reasons? That's pretty strong. Also, putting all those abilities on it makes it pretty strong.I'm not saying all of my manamon are simple or perfectly balanced (though I do appreciate the feedback, btw), but I try and ask myself what sort of monsters might populate a world, and how to deal with them, stuff like that.Name: Shatterpillar (shatter-piller)Type: earth insectDescription: This is an enormous green and red caterpillar with a hairy body and dozens of tiny clawed feet beneath it. On the front of Shatterpillar's head is a huge proboscis and a set of sideways-moving mandibles, both made from chitin.Manapedia: These manamon are considered a nuisance because of their proclivity for digging tunnels. Although shy and generally not prone to attack, their sudden appearances and speedy movement can be serious cause for concern.Stats: 72HP, 104ATK, 80DEF, 57 Spec.ATK, 81 Spec.DEF, 99 speed (total 493)Abilities: Down to Earth, Bug-OugMoves:Pounce (start)Bugbite (start)Stagnant Goo (L4)Geowhack (L8)Stone Throw (L11)Sticky Web (L15)Tunnel (L20)Pest Pincer (L24)Call to Arms (L27)Rock Avalanche (L30)Chomp (L34)Iron Maiden (L38)Mystic Guard (L42)Earthquake (L45)Rage Bug (L50)Stone Pyramid (L54)Toxic Tail (L58)


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Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Shadow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

Google doesn't make all Android devices, so the experience is going to be a little different depending on the maker and how good the device is. I can tell you that if you use Google's TTS instead of the default one that comes on Samsung devices and use a good device, then they are equal. Talkback is better at some things, Voice Over better at some others. Try the experience on a Pixel for the most one to one comparison, since Google controls the hardware and operating system in that case.


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Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

Defender, I agree that we can't burn the system down in three years and force a new one on everybody. Most people worth their salt on the left don't want this. Or, if they do want it, they know the inherent risks and will happily settle for slow change.Leftists like myself, like AOC, Bernie Sanders, Jagmeet Singh, Andrea Horwath, etc., are willing to do it slowly. Improve things one piece at a time. If that means a sort of social democracy first? That's fine. It's not the end goal, but it's a great start. Free education. Health care for all citizens. A better democratic process. Better online infrastructure, and more competitive rates for rural citizens on things like phone and internet plans. Better food distribution. A universal basic income. Those things alone could be done without burning everything to the ground, and folks like Sanders are trying to take steps in that direction.At least we agree on religion, Ironcross. I will argue with a religious person if 1. I know them well, or 2. they're trying to argue with me, or 3. I'm trying to it respectfully (I try to meet at least two of those criteria before I debate). And I try to be respectful. Because no, I really, really don't get it, but I know you can't and shouldn't try to break faith with logic. The two are incompatible. If I'm with family members who are religious and they want to say grace before a meal, I just shut my mouth and let them get on with it; it doesn't hurt me, and at worst it's a thirty-second inconvenience. In fact, if I'm at someone's house for the first time and am unsure if there's some sort of religious observance coming, I make a point of waiting to start eating in order to observe what's going to happen around me. Or I ask ahead of time so I don't make an idiot out of myself.I don't want religious policy directing the choices my countrymen have. I want logic, basic morality, common sense and the like to win the day. To me, in the system we have right now, going pro-life from a governmental point of view may make sense if "abortion is murder" is the beginning and the end of the discussion...but for me, it's not, and I don't think a government should be making that choice on behalf of its citizens if there are religious motivations involved. If citizens want to take that view for themselves, and practise it for themselves, there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing so. I respect that. I just don't think religion should be shaping public policy when not all members of the public will or should share that religious outlook.


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Re: I need help

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need help

I think this is slightly difficult. On one hand you want to help people struggling through emotional periods in their lives. On the other, that only adds to what you're going through emotionally and makes you worse off long run. My advice, obviously general, is to cut the draining aspects out of your life, assist who you can to the point where it isn't draining you emotionally, and most importantly give yourself time to grieve. Putting other things ahead of that just makes it more difficult for you. My friend, another stranger on the internet wants you to know: "'she is not responsible for the emotions of other people. If she needs some time to herself, she should take it. If she is drained then she isn't going to be able to help anyone, more importantly herself. Taking a step back and focusing on herself is a good thing.'"


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Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

At the end of the day the fact that Apple does good accessibility on iOS is a fluke, and we're rounding numbers on the balance sheet.  Google made some really bad design decisions at the beginning, fixing them would take resources and break compatibility, doing accessibility doesn't make them any money, end of story.  No need to look further than that.  Altruism at the multi-billion dollar corporation level isn't reliable, and no one has any incentive to do better than the legal minimums, so we (mostly) get the legal minimums.  Sometimes someone will be altruistic for a while--Microsoft now for example--but that's one management change from going away at all times.


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Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

i have this fealing they dont want to. not every android google device is accessible. mean wile every apple device has some form of voice over. from the iphone to the ipad to the mac book to the apple tv to the home pod. yeah. i think google are being lazy.


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Re: Retroarch is now accessible

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Retroarch is now accessible

if you want an example. my old pc couldnt tuch retro arch. but it could run any other emulator perfectly


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Re: Retroarch is now accessible

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : the best in the world via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Retroarch is now accessible

I see. thanks


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Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zub0 via Audiogames-reflector


Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

I dabble a little in coding but still don't fully understand why voiceover is so good, and talkback isn't as good. Anyone able to enlighten me? I would love to go android, but every time I test it with someone's phone, its just clanky. Phone companies often are able to copy or duplicate each other's inventions, from design, to features, so why not with accessability? Why isn't the voice of talkback as clean as voiceover, why can't it function in the same ways? Is it just coding, or they just aren't implamenting it? Is it impossible? Thanks for any info.


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Re: NVDASAPI: convey SAPI speech through NVDA

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : the best in the world via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDASAPI: convey SAPI speech through NVDA

Hey there. I tried installing that on my Windows 32bit. but when I go to change the TTS settings to select nvdasapi? it says that This voice cannot be played.  Please try selecting another voice or selecting a different audio output device.any idea what to do here? and thanks


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Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

hear are the knew strings. … s.txt?dl=1


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Re: IOS14 i hate it

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: IOS14 i hate it

It is for sure, but why not delete that useless post and move it to your classic Android VS iOS topics?This one talks about an iOS bug, just in case you didn't read it, and people are trying to help work around the bug.


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Re: Retroarch is now accessible

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Retroarch is now accessible

same with me. retro arch requires more resorces then the standalown emulators. you need a pc way way way more powerfull then the device you want emulated


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Re: Retroarch is now accessible

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : the best in the world via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Retroarch is now accessible

There's a problem with that though @390. if I run the game with the desmume emulator? it works just fine. not with the retroArch program though. it stutters and lags like crazy


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Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

No he's right, the audio is bad. I tried to clean it up, but you just can't cut out that atrocious noise without affecting the rest of the audio.


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Re: IOS14 i hate it

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: IOS14 i hate it

@1 android is way better then the trash that is iOS


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Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

We do new flu vaccines every year.  Covid vaccine having long-term effects is highly unlikely.  Possible, certainly.  It's always possible.  But this isn't "We're doing it too fast" currently, it's "imagine if we actually got rid of medical bureaucracy, and made the FDA efficient" fast.  Vaccines aren't the sort of thing that long term effects can hide in very well.  Again, it's possible.  Just unlikely.


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Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

The issue is though politicians like sanders etc are  considered extreme just because they support policies that are applied in other parts of the world, and do in fact work. E.g, government funding for broadband to expand networks, single payer healthcare, more taxes on the rich gun control, etc. I don't believe that republican voters are neutral to disability. In my  observations, such voters perceive people who need any sort of government assistance as freeloading, or "faking it to game the system" etc.  They will constantly talk about Social Security fraud, and how  apparently people get so much, and should stop faking it.  Honestly in  this part  of time, I  have nothing but contempt for someone who knows what trump is doing, and supports him, for any reason, even selfish reasons. And I would argue voting doesn't actually make as much difference as it is thought to, as the president is elected by the electoral college, and a president can lose the popular vote by a large margin, and still win.


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Re: So i've just finished reading neverwhere and its amazing

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So i've just finished reading neverwhere and its amazing

10 I was talking about the second choice. I was thinking that he would go for the first choice seeing how bad he wanted it, and how well it would have had tied things up in a ok way. His last choice to go back under was pretty good though. Him opening the door to do so was interesting. It happening in his head would be a good way to play with your mind wouldn't it? To me, him talking to his friend before he went and made his last choice is basicly where I got that idea from, but that may just be on how it appeared...


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Re: I am sad.

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am sad.

Is there any acceptable way to compose music on android?


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Re: I am sad.

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am sad.

At 16, this is something I should consider. This should be seven dollars our money which is TTD, if my calculations are correct. And they are also laptop coolers. I might get one of those.


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Re: time limit

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: time limit

Yeah I think we got the idea from this post.


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Re: time limit

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: time limit

I probably won't be changing my signature for a while


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Re: Think of your own Manamon

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fonografico2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Think of your own Manamon

name. patorrustype. air ice water patorrus has the body of a walrus and the head of a duck. it has feathers that protect it from flame attacks. this creature can disguise into a dragon, making foes freece in fearmanapedia entry. patorrus can disguise has a walrus, and can stay on water and resist. the limit of the temperature that he can resist is -1700 °C. it likes ice, and enjoys playing with it's tamer if it has oneavilities. watery feathers, it's feathers protect it from damage dealt by flame attacks, and will gain two stages of magic defense if hit by one.slippery skin, it's slippery skin makes the user prevent from geting trappedweather warrior, it's stats, varing speed, are increased during storms and sunshine, has well as in sandstormstransparent, it makes the user imune from stone, earth and standard attacksmoves.bubble mini tornado and ice cutter (1) growl (4)roar (6)wind force (10)hydro fang (15)waterlog (18)holy light (25)aquatic blitz (28)wing slash fly frigid touch (32)omega sandstorm (35)lunar cannon (40)freece ray (43)earthquake (46)vulnerability sccan (48)suicide dive (50)ice tempest (50)marina overdrive (50)hydro nova (56)final dragon (60)urricane (62)mud ball (70)magic dragon (75)the hyper version has some irroadium moves, such has vulnerability oblivion and demonic oblivion, and aquatic oblivion (the same has final oblivion, but water type instead of shadow type)it has also the avility that reduces yor acuracy to minimum, and also can fly and then summon normal patorruses.the spanish word pato, means duck in english, and the other it's walrus, and they formed the word patorrus


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Re: time limit

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: time limit

Take your own advice in games and stop changing your nickname every five minutes lol.


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Re: your opinion

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your opinion

I'm surprised with as much hate as Trump has, no one's tried it yet. I mean someone threw something over the fence one time but really a serious attempt.


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Re: I've returned to Puppet Nightmares again

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I've returned to Puppet Nightmares again

I do play from time to time. I just don't show up at all on chat.


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Re: I am sad.

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I am sad.

I mean it will, the thing is though that you will need a surface for the machine to sit on that's flat. So the thing with ice packs is that they bulge outward and aren't flat most of the time. This is where things get inefficient. Because while you could, in theory, rest a laptop on a big enough ice pack, the ice in it would need to be flat, or if we're talking about a really cold gel pack that just never freezes but remains cold, it can't be convex, it needs to be flat.Then we're talking about the inherent limitations of thermal transfer between one or more materials that will slow down the rate of transfer of kinetic energy. A paper towel could serve as a rudimentary guard against too much moisture going into the intake ports, which is something you'll need as water seeping into the case isn't a good thing.So yes, thermal transfer might take place. Even less so if the body is plastic though. Also, we're talking about in some cases the board not resting directly against the bottom of the case, but are resting against cutout plastic trimmings or screwed onto standoffs or both. This is again going to cut down on thermal transfer.What you really want is the opposite of convection, where cool air takes the place of warm air. This is going to be difficult to achieve without some way to circulate the air.Of course, they do make laptop cooling stands. You can get a cheap one for like $15USD. I don't think they're meant as a replacement for your machine's fans, just as a supplement to its cooling system when it isn't sufficient. But something is better than nothing. Just get one of the ones that is manually controllable and leave it up all the way constantly.


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2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Skybear via Audiogames-reflector



51 That was so Irresponsible of you to do this before the game is released. That is directly violating a nondisclosure agreement. You could risk being sued or fired for sure.


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Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

Thank you for getting it @30. I'll piggyback on your post a bit and add that, at this point, the phrase "we're all in this together" makes me want to fucking scream. Not only because it reminds me of that awful little ditty from High School Musical, but also because that's...kind of the problem. Bar remote/undiscovered tribes, covid has touched virtually everyone in some way. Rather than drawing comfort from this, I feel I want to withdraw into myself as much as possible. I can say, yeah, my partner dealt with covid and was hospitalized for it, ultimately recovered, but I'm literally seeking therapy because the experience was traumatizing for me, and someone can be like, hahaha, cool story bro, but my kid died and I lost everything I have and an now eating out of dumpsters to survive. And why should my potential therapist even take me seriously when they can say the same thing? Why should they entertain a single solitary second of my bitching when they should be using the time spent with me to help a doctor or nurse who's probably going to shoot themselves in the head a few years from now once burnout sets in and they can actually take a step back and assess the devastation they endured day in and day out?If we're all in this together, then it's simply because the internet exists, nothing more, nothing less. Characterizing this sort of disconnect as necessary is sound, but characterizing it as a minor inconvenience, I forget the exact wording used now, but it was something like that, is just flat out wrong. You know what is currently scaring the shit out of me? The current thing that eats at me and keeps me up at night, though who can tell what it will be in a week from now? The fact that post-covid complications may very well be as deadly as, say, the effects on the so-called radium girls, or mesothelioma. We have no idea how accelerated that timeline is, we just don't know how bad or persistent the lung damage that has already been recorded in patients is, and we won't know that for possibly decades. Also, I don't believe that a vaccine is a magic bullet in this case, either. I don't buy into any of the conspiracy theories that say it will be used to microchip the public or whatever (if you wanted to do that, you'd use a far more appealing vector such as, say, an implant that would allow you to interact with a self-driving vehicle and/or smart home) but it just hasn't been tested enough if it's available at the beginning of next year, never mind coinciding with the election. You could easily have long-term effects from that which could be just as bad as covid itself. Anyway, my bet is on the fact that whatever damage it causes is on an accelerated timeline, or, at the very least, makes you more vulnerable to infections you previously fought off with little or no issue. Even if that turns out to be totally wrong, one thing that can't be disputed is that anyone who is pregnant right now is probably setting their child up for a lifetime of mental health difficulties. It's a fact that stress on the mother while a fetus is in utero can be a strong contributing factor which causes some of the more severe forms of mental illness. Also, I apologize for that wording above--I know the mother didn't choose this--I just couldn't think of any other way to put it.So, yeah. After that FEELINGSDUMP, as the kids like to say nowadays, thereby invalidating the experience that would lead to such a violent release in the first place, I don't even remember what point I was trying to make anymore. I just know that, in one way or another, I'm increasingly understanding that we're all screwed. Not because we need to wear masks or keep physical distance, but because being in this together literally means nobody is safe, and that means that the pillars of one's community or whatever other structure you favor can't even be counted upon.


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2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector



At 51, Dude, that's actually really poor form if you were a part of the testing team to reveal any information about the game before release day. I'm not sure what conditions there were in agreeing to test it out, but many companies tend to have NDAs in regards to any individuals scheduled to test out a product before its release day. If I did what you did where I worked, I'd be beyond fired and sued by my company. I'd end up getting a ton of negative references from my last employer for pulling a stunt like that for essentially crossing my employer's trust in regards to keeping stuff quiet for release day (it's in our contracts/employee handbook). Literally this post killed any chances of you participating in any other testing teams for games ever again if people were dogged enough to check history and spotted you doing this. You're job wasn't review the game, it was to test, suggest improvements, and try to break the game so that unexpected bugs are covered.


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Re: Geas: classless rpg mud with soundpack

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Geas: classless rpg mud with soundpack

Seems the grammar has improved. I never knocked them for that as they're German, but it's nice to see that things have improved there.As to the sound pack, yeah I'm wondering why you have to do something with colors to make it work but whatever, that's a minor concern. I don't think it's fair to bash it; however, if it really isn't working well, then yeah I probably will not use it but I'll try it. Many people don't know how to make a sound pack that well. I've had to unlearn so much stuff because my way of learning is from other people's examples, but when I have improved, understanding where others have gone wrong means that I avoid the same mistakes but at the same time, some packs are just not good.That said, I am lazy. When I make packs for a MUD, I make them to suit myself and no one else. I include only what I need and it is not within me to make a full-fledged pack with unique ambiances for every area and music for most. I don't do different combat sounds for each gender, etc. Most of what I do is the bare minimum plus some scripts to shortcut some processes if the game allows. I don't make packs that break the rules because I don't want to be the guy who came by everything they have via basically cheating.


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Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

@camlornHere's the thing. People cast their ballot because they (hopefully) believe their actions are improving the status quo. Many cast their ballot in favor of a candidate because they agree and sympathize with at minimum a couple issues said party represents. It's ordinarily not quite as black and white as you're making it out to be. If it were, there would be more than two real/obvious options.Some, myself included, actually think it's come down to finding the lesser of two evils, a far cry from the most superlative a world leader like America has to offer. Dismal state of things but that's politics for ya.For what it's worth I'm with you. Especially where it pertains to the ADA and ACA. The former most if not all of us rely on, the latter I will in the future assuming it isn't struck down. Neither are flawless but they thankfully exist and my life would be a bitch without at least the ADA assuming they weren't able to come up with something better.That logic extends to anyone and everyone. Given the dubious nature of fate, Trump himself could take an unexpected reverse trip down a flight of stairs tomorrow and never be the same again. Given the dubious nature of fate, there is unfortunately no telling who could end up in an accident and go from opposing the ADA with little more than a fragile idea of how it could be made better to requiring it to merely function as an equal. A popular mantra floating around advocacy groups. Same applies to gay and insert other rights here. That being said I'd actually be willing to bet a fair number of voters don't know what the ADA does, much less why it is necessary, much less that it was under attack by the GOP for a short time. If you recall, there was a considerably small amount of coverage outside disability circles.Some perspective. Right now I reside in middle of nowhere Missouri, which just so happens to be one of the most second amendment friendly places in the nation. While we've seen more polarization in the last decade, as far as I know there's still a pro-Trump republican majority. I was raised in your stereotypical friendly small blue-collar outskirt town. People generally have the best of intentions, and beyond the shadow of a doubt want to do good. By do good I mean there's a traditional hard-working culture that says you always, always reach a hand out to those in need. No matter the circumstances. Failing to do so is contemptible to the extreme. I have obviously learned to see the inherent flaws in this type of system, mainly the occasional intolerance toward progressivism. For the most part though? People are good and willing to listen. People want to see change, even in that environment.It has been shown again and again that gun control, more specifically the right to buy and own assault weapons, is one of those issues that make or break votes, ditto increased military spending. Do I have to agree with it? Of course not. But by that same token, Correlation obviously does not imply causation. It would be ludicrous to assume those who vote republican do so out of a desire to see a degraded quality of life for minority groups. When you're given two choices, often times there will be policies you tend to disagree with on both sides. IMO it's selfish and unreasonable for me to expect them to shed their party affiliation and fundamental beliefs if they wish to remain in association. Because at the end of the day, we as people have varying priorities. In an ideal world there would be no threat to laws that support the equality of anyone on the basis of disability, religion... To take a leaf out of Biden's book, "you know the thing." Obviously it isn't a perfect world though, and we've gotta chip away at one thing at a time. Unity is important.


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Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

This is where I differ from conservatives and religious people. I'm not against abortion. One thing that I've always wondered is if you spend your entire life living for Christ, then how is it that you believe that the death of a fetus is the death of the spirit. If God exists, wouldn't he then put that spirit into another body at the right time?These aren't my beliefs. I've always had a healthy disdain for organized religion. I don't want religion in policy. Keep your God to yourself and we'll be fine. Don't shove it down my throat and I won't shove my atheism down yours.Actually, that's one area where I generally disagree with some atheists. They tend to have a condescending view towards anyone who believes in God, and feel that it's their duty to try to point out every contradiction in the bible to them.OK, I want that information, and I'm glad that someone is gathering it, but faith and spiritualism aren't logical. You can't just throw facts in their face and expect them to change.I've always felt that religion and the belief in a higher power over us is old code that hasn't purged itself from our genome. Some people are susceptible to it while others are not. But when I am with my family, I am not trying to convert them away from their beliefs. When we sit down to dinner, I will bow my head with them and observe a moment of silence. I don't pray, as is my right, but I am respectful enough to not ruin their moment. I don't think that's too much to ask of atheists.Now, as to the debate where life begins, we really don't know. I mean, is it really life when the fusion takes place between the two gametes and now we have a zygote? In a sense, yes. But does that thing know that it's alive? Is it sentient? I think not. As I can't tell you when life begins, I'm not qualified to say when it doesn't either. What I can say is that if religious people believe in the soul, and in the spirit, then surely that spirit will be placed into another body when it is appropriate.


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Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

There are multiple lessons, and mine was one of them.But point taken, I didn't live it like you did.


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Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : voyager2264 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - Episodes 2 & 3 Out Now

I would love to play the rest of the game, but my Sappy doesn't read it to me, even when I activate the blind mode.  But it will always remain one of my favorite games.


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Re: paladin of the sky problem, please help me.

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheEvilChocolateCookie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: paladin of the sky problem, please help me.

You have to back all the way out, back through 2, then 1. What does the Q key tell you?


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