Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1000 Tracks

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1000 Tracks

I mean yeah, but right now your charging 0 dollars, which is really nice, but your also losing money on server costs, even with the boost to publicity (hopefully) getting you more requests for custom work.I wasn't suggesting you give any special license either, just the one you already have, I always thought of the payment as a donation with an incentive, or a convenience charge anyway, that's why 100 is pretty crazy.Surprised you don't have more requests for that actually, your preview ability is nice but the splitting of larger genres into multiple parts makes searching somewhat more difficult; mostly it's about having an offline backup and knowing they have everything available for most people anyway I think.Also as I mentioned, a mailing list subscription would nullify the issue of keeping up to date quite easily, not that it's very hard anyway with your facebook, but it'd be more convenient.What ever you do though I still really, really appreciate your site, it's among the best in terms of quality and totally invaluable to anyone trying to save money on their project.


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Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

2018-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

Google drive only gives you 15GB actually, and you can't even sync individual files locally if you have a personal non work or school account, unless your using chrome with an extension, as far as I can tell, though apparently their are apps for other browsers. Mail RU Cloud has to be translated, imperfectly I'm sure as well, much easier with chrome though... but still, that will just make any interface problems worse.For now I'm going to go with mediafire on Kianoosh's suggestion, even if the web only interface isn't ideal... and I'm going to check out "sync" later.


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Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

2018-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

Awesome! I'll do that, and thank you.


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Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

2018-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

Google drive only gives you 15GB actually, and Mail RU Cloud has to be translated, imperfectly I'm sure as well, much easier with chrome though... but still.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

2018-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

What an oddly specific question...What makes you think that it would, exactly?


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Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

2018-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

Anyone else?


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Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

2018-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

And their in lies the problem.So many choices, all constantly changing their interfaces.From one month to the next, the UI may become significantly more difficult to use with a screen reader, for either the host or the downloader, and their is very little you can do about it, as the pace of change moves too fast for add-ons or scripts to reasonably keep up.Plus, many of them don't even provide the ability for giving out shared links unless the other person also has the necessary browser extension or desktop application, or they make the downloader jump through multiple hoops in order to actually get the damned file.DB's web interface is bad enough, but at least you can do pretty much everything via windows explorer, and that still hasn't changed.If anyone knows of another free service that lets you do file manipulation and link generation locally, either via explorer or a reasonably accessible application that hasn't become less so for at least a year, and doesn't cause significant frustration to the average screen reader using downloader, than I would be very interested! because DB's storage and traffic limits are getting really fucking old.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

2018-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

And their in lies the problem.So many choices, all constantly changing their interfaces.From one month to the next, the UI may become significantly more difficult to use with a screen reader, for either the host or the downloader, and their is very little you can do about it, as the pace of change moves too fast for add-ons or scripts to reasonably keep up.Plus, many of them don't even provide the ability for giving out shared links unless the other person also has the necessary browser extension or desktop application, or they make the downloader jump through multiple hoops in order to actually get the damned file.DB's web interface is bad enough, but at least you can do pretty much everything via windows explorer, and that still hasn't changed.If anyone knows of another free service that lets you do file manipulation and link generation locally, either via explorer or a reasonably accessible application that hasn't become less so for at least a year, and doesn't cause significant frustration to the average screen reader using downloader, than I would be very interested! because DB's storage and traffic limits are getting really fucking old.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

2018-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

And their in lies the problem.So many choices, all constantly changing their interfaces.From one month to the next, the UI may become significantly more difficult to use with a screen reader, for either the host or the downloader, and their is very little you can do about it, as the pace of change moves too fast for add-ons or scripts to reasonably keep up.Plus, many of them don't even provide the ability for giving out shared links unless the other person also has the necessary browser extension or desktop application, or they make the downloader jump through multiple hoops in order to actually get the damned file.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

2018-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

Well, thankfully he needs to download at night do to data restrictions, so that should fix it's self. try again later I guess, and I hope at least one person got it that has the ability to rehost.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

NP man


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Act fast! I'm putting up a temp link for the sonniss 2015 Audio Bundle

I was sending this to Kianoosh anyway, and thought I might as well share. I'm going to take it down once he's downloaded it though because it takes up so much room in my dropbox.It's in 3 parts, and I'll be doing one at a time. Not ideal I know but it's the only way I can easily do it.For those who don't know, is a hosting platform and reseller for smaller sound designers, and every year since 2015 they've been making a sizeable pack of sounds with selections submitted by various artists available free to the public.The problem is that their is no easy way to get the one for 2015, their is no download page for it like their is for the others, so that's why I'm having to share it in this way.Anyway, here is part 1 … 15.7z?dl=0


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Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1000 Tracks

2018-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1000 Tracks

Well, it's been mentioned a thousand times by a hundred different people I'm sure, but really dude, you should offer the ability to download all the current tracks at the same time, for like 10 to 15 bucks. Many other similar sites offer it...You could also add extras, such as uncompressed versions, loopables (though I think you already offer those for every track, very impressive!) stingers, or even occasional extra tracks, but nothing says you have to do that if you want to keep it totally fare... After all it's your site.You could make some extra money for running the server that way, I'm sure your costs are quite high, and you can always limit the full package's download speed to like 700KBPS (something reasonable) as to not overload it and impact other visitors.Otherwise people are just going to use a mass downloader like "winget" or something anyway, which will have a much bigger impact on your server.Just have them enter their email optionally so they get direct download links to new tracks when they come out, to add to their current collection, or even offer a URL in the package that goes to a buyers only page or smaller package that will easily update their collection.You could also include a license in their that will work for all the tracks, which is easier than finding it on the site and can be shared with no effort in TXT form.You make some awesome stuff, and I will donate when possible anyway, but seriously sorting through it all takes a lot of time and their is always that sneaking worry that your site will go down some day and this amazing resource will be lost!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1000 Tracks

2018-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1000 Tracks

Well, it's been mentioned a thousand times by a hundred different people I'm sure, but really dude, you should offer the ability to download all the current tracks at the same time, for like 10 to 15 bucks. Many other similar sites offer it...You could make some extra money for running the server that way, I'm sure your costs are quite high, and you can always limit download speed to like 500KBPS, something reasonable as to not overload it and impact other visitors.Otherwise people are just going to use "winget" or something anyway, which will have a much bigger impact on your server.Just have them enter their email optionally so they get direct download links to new tracks when they come out, to add to their current collection, or even offer a URL in the package that goes to a buyers only page or smaller package that will easily update their collection.You make some awesome stuff, and I will donate when possible anyway, but seriously sorting through it all takes a lot of time and their is always that sneaking worry that your site will go down some day and this amazing resource will be lost!


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Re: Looking for feedback on rpg I'm making

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for feedback on rpg I'm making

Ha yeah I somehow forgot that..."Balabolka" does it too.


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Re: Looking for feedback on rpg I'm making

2018-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for feedback on rpg I'm making

For recording speech, you don't have to do all the numbers, just 1 through 0, or if you want it to sound more natural, then you can do 1 through 19, then all the 10s through 100, then 1000, then 100 ETC.For the first option, you'd have it say 1, 0, 1, 4, if the score was 1014, prefixed by a message like (your score is) so you know when it starts.For the second option, you could do 5, thousand, 3, hundred, forty, 8, for 5348, or even fifty, 3, forty, 8, depending on what you want it to sound like.Either way you don't have to record nearly as many samples as you may think, and as long as you try and do it at night when their is less traffic, with a (decent) mic and trim the silences, then it should sound fine.Just make sure to check and see if your mic levels are okay before wasting your time recording all of them when your mic is too loud and distorting or something.If you can't get good enough silence without background noises like wall clocks and air conditioners, than you could consider going into a closet with clothes in it, or a room with lots of fabric covered furniture, it can help allot...Not that I'm saying you shouldn't try to add screen reader support if you can or anything, just that this is an idea for if that would be too much work to fit into your schedule.


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Re: Sonus Game Console GDE - looking for developers

2018-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Game Console GDE - looking for developers

I'm happy to help find music and sounds that you can use for free, even for commercial use (wonder if that counts if the game is free but the system isn't? maybe it does if it's the same person doing both...) and do a bit of sound design, though I'm nothing special and I don't produce music or know much about 8bit or midi generation.Not much I know, I just really like this project even with the release of the GPD win, since that's much more expensive, hopefully you'll get more bites, maybe you could demo your prototype on cool blind tech, top tech tidbits, blind bargains podcast, the any audio network, black screen gaming, maybe ship Gortholon and Liam a prototype when you have at least two, ETC, an article in Audyssey, maybe even do a presentation at the CSUN, NFB or ACB conventions if your near by, and I'm surely missing some good podcasts and publications, so it would be best to ask the coordinators of those programs I mentioned for suggestions on others as well.That could really spread the word...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sonus Game Console GDE - looking for developers

2018-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Game Console GDE - looking for developers

I'm happy to help find music and sounds that you can use for free, even for commercial use (wonder if that counts if the game is free but the system isn't? maybe it does if it's the same person doing both...) and do a bit of sound design, though I'm nothing special and I don't produce music or know much about 8bit or midi generation.Not much I know, I just really like this project even with the release of the GPD win, since that's much more expensive, hopefully you'll get more bites, maybe you could demo your prototype on cool blind tech, top tech tidbits, blind bargains podcast, the any audio network, black screen gaming, ETC, an article in Audyssey, maybe even do a presentation at the NFB or ACB conventions if your near by, and I'm surely missing some good podcasts so it would be best to ask the coordinators of those programs I mentioned for other suggestions.That could really spread the word.


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Re: Bug Catcher Prototype

2017-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bug Catcher Prototype

I just copied the .dll from the dark house game and it worked, they must all be using the same version of unity (lucky) LOL.I like the cartoonish sounds for this game, helps set the scene.But without panning, it's unfortunately pretty much impossible to tell which zone the bug is in, pitch could work, but since the keys you need to press go left to right, panning makes more sense.So you would want to have zone one in the left channel only, zone 2 half way between center and left, zone 3 in the center channel, zone 4 half way between center and right and zone 5 in the right channel only, and that's where the bug sound would play.Also, right now the keys aren't very well placed IMO.I think f, g, space, h, j would be best, from 1 to 5, or you could use a different method, which I will explain.The other method would be to let the player move their aim with the left and right arrows or by sliding the mouse, moving by 1 zone at a time with zone 1 on the far left, zone 3 in the middle and zone 5 on the far right, and attack with a separate key, such as space, left/right control, or left/right click.If you do that, you'll need to make sure you have a sound for moving (like a little click or beep) which doesn't necessarily need to pan (that way when you don't hear that sound after pressing the arrow key, you know you've reached an edge and can only go back the other way now.As an example, if I start in the middle (zone 3) 1 press of the left arrow would put me on zone 2, another press of the left arrow would put me on zone 1, and then if I pressed right arrow from zone one, now I'd be on zone 2 again.If I instead pressed right arrow from the middle (zone 3) I'd be on zone 4, and another press would take me to zone 5, then if I pressed left arrow on zone 5, I'd go back to zone 4, etc.Both systems work just fine, and have been used in several previous audio games to good effect, so feel free to go with which ever one is easier for you.If you wish to get some more sounds than is the place to go, they have a massive selection (including plenty of cartoon sounds that would be perfect for this game) as well as easy to understand licensing.Oh and they won't spam you either. For background music, their are a few sites to choose from:http://www.freemusicarchive.comhttp://www.soundimage.orghttp://www.nihilore.comhttp://www.incompetech.com … ree-music/


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Re: Stealth Game Prototype

2017-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stealth Game Prototype

This is a neat concept, but yeah I'm afraid I can't really tell what's going on either.I'm pretty sure you can only move on the y and Z axis, though the odd thing about the z axis is that your supposed to jump when you hit space, but it's more like taking a single step straight up than jumping, at least based on the sound...The buzzing things are files from what I can tell, because I did actually get one once, I got close enough to it to start hearing paper rustling sounds, then I pressed E and it went away, plus I think I heard good job but I may have forgotten lol.Their is a laptop hard drive type sound (kind of a crackling) very quiet, and when I get too close to that I get caught, but since I'm  pretty sure I can't turn, they are nearly impossible to avoid.Those could also just be the paper rustling sounds from farther away, and not hard drives, it's difficult to tell.Sometimes I get a chair scuff sound, and if I keep moving afterwards I almost always get caught, which makes sense, but I also easily get caught without that sound as well so...Then their are all the grunts and sighs, but they don't seem to follow a pattern, and it's kind of confusing because they can come from left and right, but I can only move forwards, backwards, and up from what I can tell.I've tried timing them so that I don't move when I hear them near me, then start moving again afterwards, and I do seem to have more success that way, but like I said before, as soon as I get close to that crackling sound I'm screwed either way.A learn game sounds dialog/sub menu, accessed from the main menu would be very useful hear, as you already have a solid menu system going on.The way those generally work is that you pull up the menu, then each sound is named, via TTS or voice over, acting as a very brief description of the sound, and then you play the sound by pressing a key, and it loops until you move to the next item down.For instance, I open the game, and you have your normal start and quit options, but you also have a learn game sounds option.I hit enter on that and I hear a dialog that explains how to use the menu, something like (use up and down arrows to select a sound, space to play it, and escape to go back).So I find my self on the first sound, with the item being called simply (distant file) then press space to listen to the buzzing sound, until I'm satisfied with my ability to recognize it.Now I press down arrow for the next item called simply (close file) and get that rustling paper sound.And so on and so forth, for walking sounds, being detected by an enemy, etc.For a dialog, (best used when you don't have many sounds to memorize) like maybe 6 or less, you would have an option in the main menu as well, but instead of a sub menu you would just explain each sounds purpose, play it for a little bit, then move on to the next, in a static format, then go back to the main menu when done.Otherwise, in terms of controls and gameplay instructions, they are pretty solidly delivered the way they are now, in a small dialog at the start of the game, though you may want to talk a bit slower/clearer when stating each key, so they are better separated and therefore easier to understand.While the walking sounds are low quality, the grunts, sighs, chair scuff and paper rustling sounds are already fine, but either way, you could have some office ambience and a sound for picking up a file, some menu/background music, selection and boarder sounds for the menu if you want ETC, which could spice things up with not too much effort. is a great place for that, with a massive selection and easy to understand licensing, (they wont' spam you either). For music, their are allot of good choices:http://www.freemusicarchive.comhttp://www.soundimage.orghttp://www.nihilore.comhttp://www.incompetech.com … ree-music/


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Re: Escape Facility

2017-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Escape Facility

Unfortunately you are missing the data subfolder and unityplayer.dll.I would either link to the main folder so google can zip it, or just zip it all your self and link to that instead.


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Re: Audio Game Project prototype

2017-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Project prototype

He doesn't have free stuff now though I think, none of his licenses are attribution non commercial from what I saw on the licensing page...


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Re: Audio Only Endless Runner Prototype

2017-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Only Endless Runner Prototype

The link works, it just doesn't preview, be patient and it will load the save dialog after a few seconds.Also, read the first post, it's not that hard, he literally tells you exactly what to do.Yaye! I beat it!Aside from the walking and jumping sound, the sounds are actually pretty high quality compared to many other prototypes, and after I got the hang of when to do the action, it was pretty straight forward.You should probably tell the player what keys to use when they open the game, via a skippable dialog (usually enter or space is used to skip those).Also, it would be good to know if you can hold down the keys, I seemed to be able to with "C" but not space? Maybe I'm just making things up in my head. LOLI would suggest that you add a learn game sounds feature as well, many audio games use this, and it's extremely useful.Basically you would either be presented with a skippable dialog before the game starts, which speaks what the sound means, then plays the sound, for each one.Or, you would press a key in game, say, tab or something, and the same thing would happen.You also don't need to use a dialog, you can use a menu instead if it's easier, though I doubt it will be, but who knows right? all languages/engines and coding styles are different...Just have the sound description, then press a key to play the sound, in a loop until you move to the next description, aranged as items in a menu.For instance, a menu pops up when you press tab in the game and says something like (learn game sounds menu, press up and down arrow to choose a sound, press space to listen to one, and press escape to exit this menu) the first item is your walking sound, so it says, "your character walking" and you press space to play the sound, then you hit down arrow and that sound stops looping, then it says the next one "lava pit" and you press space to loop the sound until your satisfied that you know what to look out for, then you hit down arrow for the next one, or up arrow to review the previous sound again etc.Not sure why the jump sound randomly happens at the start of the level :-D but what ever it's not a big deal, just letting you know.It would also be nice if their was a little sound for when you've cleared an obstacle.For the left and right thing, you could either pan everything, player and obstacles, to that side by like 50-75% or use a sound, like you were suggesting, preferably one that is panned to that side as a direction indicator.The first option is cooler, but the second still works just fine.I quite like this game actually, it certainly has potential.I would search for some better footstep and jump sounds if I were you though...The licensing their is very straight forward and the selection is amazing.If you want some background music, then I would suggest … ree-music/ or


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Re: Inferos Prototype

2017-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inferos Prototype

This sounds really cool, but it would be nice if you could use the left and right arrow keys as an alternative to the mouse for turning.Allot of blind people don't really use mice, it used to be almost none but a game came out a few years ago (called Swamp) that got most of us to go out and buy one and learn how.Problem is, that game became subscription based a couple years back, causing the playerbase to shrink massively.Therefore, most people chucked their mouse in a box and forgot about it, or just didn't buy a new one when it inevitably broke (most people didn't get expensive ones for just one or two games).Of course their are laptop track pads, but the majority of those suck, and while their are people who happily welcome any audio game with mouse support, it's still a minority.Now that said, the more hardcore guys, the ones who would stream your game for instance, they almost always have one, but the average player probably doesn't.So if ya can't do it without spending allot of effort that could be used on other facets of development, than don't sweat it, but you will unfortunately get less players...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Game Project prototype

2017-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Project prototype

A few objects are very difficult to find because sounds like the fosset and flies are very quiet compared to things like the door; though I believe this has more to do with distance based volume level than the actual volume of the sound it's self.I suggest that you only play the wall bump sound when moving, not simply turning towards a wall, as it keeps it down to an as needed sort of level, cutting down on spam.Also, I noticed that most of the time you seem to be able to either walk through, or glance off of walls, so I would suggest either making all of the walls consistently solid, or playing a sound for when you slide against a wall, separate from the normal wall bump sound.Consider adding the ability to snap to a specific direction (45 or 90 degrees is the standard) and possibly also a sidestep feature, that way, you can walk in straight lines when needed.For instance, if you start facing north, than pressing control plus left arrow would autoturn you to the west, pressing it again would turn you to the south, pressing control right arrow would turn you back to the west, and again back to the north, etc, with each new direction being named as you turn to it.Every audio game I know of with free rotation does this, because it keeps problems like getting stuck in a corner down to a minimum when just moving between areas, but you can still rotate freely to find objects as needed.With side stepping, you might use shift plus left right arrow, to move 1 step left or right horizontally as compared to the direction you are facing (useful for following walls to find doors.Maybe also add the ability to check your current direction in degrees, usually the f key is used (for facing).I can't find the stairway near the clock, not sure if it isn't their yet, or what.When I get right on top of the clock, nothing seems to happen, so if the stairs are off to one side, it may be a good idea to make a separate ambient sound for them.I like your use of reverb, and that interesting Doppler effect with the (music box?) as you move around it, makes it sound like an old film.The atmosphere is pretty convincing too, with the creaking door, old wooden floor and rain outside, with nighttime cricketsI think that creepy little piano ditty is pretty cool as well.The walking sounds are very low quality, and the door sound, even though it's cool, has allot of background noise in it, so I suggest you search for replacements if possible, it's an awesome site with straight forward CC licensing and a massive selection.For more music (if you want to spice things up)the best sites I know would be or … ree-music/


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Game Project prototype

2017-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Project prototype

A few objects are very difficult to find because sounds like the fosset and flies are very quiet compared to things like the door; though I believe this has more to do with distance based volume level than the actual volume of the sound it's self.I suggest that you only play the wall bump sound when moving, not simply turning towards a wall, as it keeps it down to an as needed sort of level, cutting down on spam.Also, I noticed that most of the time you seem to be able to either walk through, or glance off of walls, so I would suggest either making all of the walls consistently solid, or playing a sound for when you slide against a wall, separate from the normal wall bump sound.Consider adding the ability to snap to a specific direction (45 or 90 degrees is the standard) and possibly also a sidestep feature, that way, you can walk in straight lines when needed.For instance, if you start facing north, than pressing control plus left arrow would autoturn you to the west, pressing it again would turn you to the south, pressing control right arrow would turn you back to the west, and again back to the north, etc, with each new direction being named as you turn to it.Every audio game I know of with free rotation does this, because it keeps problems like getting stuck in a corner down to a minimum when just moving between areas, but you can still rotate freely to find objects as needed.With side stepping, you might use shift plus left right arrow, to move 1 step left or right horizontally as compared to the direction you are facing (useful for following walls to find doors.Maybe also add the ability to check your current direction in degrees, usually the f key is used (for facing).I can't find the stairway near the clock, not sure if it isn't their yet, or what.When I get right on top of the clock, nothing seems to happen, so if the stairs are off to one side, it may be a good idea to make a separate ambient sound for them.I like your use of reverb, and that interesting Doppler effect with the (music box?) as you move around it, makes it sound like an old film.The atmosphere is pretty convincing too, with the creaking door, old wooden floor and rain outside, with nighttime cricketsI think that creepy little piano ditty is pretty cool as well.The walking sounds are very low quality, and the door sound, even though it's cool, has allot of background noise in it, so I suggest you search for replacements if you have time, it's an awesome site with straight forward CC licensing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any sound libraries witch you would suggest?

2017-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any sound libraries witch you would suggest?

Try sonniss.comThey have a really good selection and some well priced libraries, even if it takes some searching.Just listen to the demos lets you buy single CD's from big, high priced libraries, which is pretty useful.Other than that, just check the big list of free sounds on, or search for footsteps and such on and do your own cutting, though that can take allot of searching for certain things, like guns, and much less for others, like footsteps.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sound and music ogg files for games?

2017-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sound and music ogg files for games?

Almost no website will give you ogg sounds.You should convert from wav or mp3, almost all sound programs, audacity, gold wave, etc, can do that.Just remember that every time you save changes to an ogg file, you make it sound worse, so, keep the original wav file if your going to edit, and even if you aren't, it's good to have a backup copy.That way every time you save as ogg, you can just export from the original wav instead, instead of saving.For finding sounds, just look up the big list of free sounds on google.Some things aren't listed their, but most things are. If you aren't making music, than ignore the SF2's and sound fonts, and the ones that have like a thousand sounds or more, that's all music stuff, and most of it isn't actually put together yet, it's just pieces.The ones I know of that aren't on that list are as follows:http://www.Freesound.or
 ghttp://www.freemusicarchive.comhttp://www.Zapsplat.com has 5 free sounds a week. has 2 free sound packs, and if you sign up for their news letter you can get free sounds sometimes. now has a third GDC audio bundle, and you can get the first one by messaging the guy, who has his details on the page.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sound and music ogg files for games?

2017-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sound and music ogg files for games?

Almost no website will give you ogg sounds.You should convert from wav or mp3, almost all sound programs, audacity, gold wave, etc, can do that.Just remember that every time you save changes to an ogg file, you make it sound worse, so, keep the original wav file if your going to edit, and even if you aren't, it's good to have a backup copy.That way every time you save as ogg, you can just export from the original wav instead, instead of saving.For finding sounds, just look up the big list of free sounds on google.Some things aren't listed their, but most things are. If you aren't making music, than ignore the SF2's and sound fonts, and the ones that have like a thousand sounds or more, that's all music stuff, and most of it isn't actually put together yet, it's just pieces.The ones I know of that aren't on that list are as follows:http://www.Freesound.or
 ghttp://www.freemusicarchive.comhttp://www.Zapsplat.com has 5 free sounds a week. has 2 free sound packs, and if you sign up for their news letter you can get free sounds sometimes. now has a third GDC audio bundle, and you can get the first one by messaging the guy, who has his details on the page.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: List of audio games and there programming languages

2017-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: List of audio games and there programming languages

Tactical Battles also uses the dot net framework, I mention it because I've always seen it written as C# .net.Also Top speed 3 is coded in Ruby, I'm pretty sure it's the only audio game that is, in fact, at least so far.As far as I can tell audio quake is written in pearl, that may not be the main language used in it though.Don't forget Dark Defender and Cyclepath, they are using _javascript_, with the Electron engine to emulate chrome, and something about a Web API for the online version, sorry I'm not a programmer, those are really interesting though because you can even apparently play them on the XBox1 and touchscreen devices, at least for Cyclepath.Also all of the old PB games stuff, I think they used _javascript_, I believe it was version 6.A blind legend is coded in unity.You forgot Redspot and Bloodshed, both BGT.It would be interesting to know what the Ticon Blue games are coded in, as well as Audio G
 ame Hub for windows.I also forget what The Wastes and Warsim are made with.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: List of audio games and there programming languages

2017-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: List of audio games and there programming languages

Tactical Battles also uses the dot net framework, I mention it because I've always seen it written as C# .net.Also Top speed 3 is coded in Ruby, I'm pretty sure it's the only audio game that is, in fact, at least so far.As far as I can tell audio quake is written in pearl, that may not be the main language used in it though.Don't forget Dark Defender and Cyclepath, they are using _javascript_, with the Electron engine to emulate chrome, and something about a Web API for the online version, sorry I'm not a programmer, those are really interesting though because you can even apparently play them on the XBox1 and touchscreen devices, at least for Cyclepath.Also all of the old PB games stuff, I think they used _javascript_, I believe it was version 6.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: List of audio games and there programming languages

2017-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: List of audio games and there programming languages

Tactical Battles also uses the dot net framework, I mention it because I've always seen it written as C# .net.Also Top speed 3 is coded in Ruby, I'm pretty sure it's the only audio game that is, in fact, at least so far.As far as I can tell audio quake is written in pearl, that may not be the main language used in it though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: List of audio games and there programming languages

2017-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: List of audio games and there programming languages

Tactical Battles also uses the dot net framework, I mention it because I've always seen it written as C# .net.Also Top speed 3 is coded in Ruby, I'm pretty sure it's the only audio game that is, at least so far.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's Build an RPG!

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Build an RPG!

I don't have much to offer accept a list of decent sound designers.I haven't worked with many of these guys personally, so I can't tell you much about how easy they are to deal with or communicate with unfortunately, but I can tell you that their work speaks for it's self.I suggest talking to people like Robjoy AKA Arjin, Kai aka Xoren, Sam Tupy, Gortholon, Damion pendelton, Carlos AKA Keywasfull, Oriol Gomez, and Pitermach.I'm likely missing a couple but it's a place to start, you can probably find their emails here or search for them online.Sam is really busy ATM and he's not great on the communication or followup front, and Gortholon has a job and he's doing his own stuff, Carlos has a lazyness problem last time I checked, aside from that, I would generally vouch for Damion, Pitermach, and Gorth the most from what I've seen in terms of reliability, but some I just don't know much about.Oh and
  I wouldn't suggest my self either, lol, I don't practice enough and I'm way too unreliable for a big project ATM.A word of advice though, based on my experience with various projects, if your sound person doesn't communicate with you for more than a week when given a task, unless it was something you guys talked about in advance, or it seemed like a good reason, as long as it doesn't happen allot, then drop them, ASAP, as they will only drag down your project, there are allot of people with good intentions around here that can't back it up, much like most of the young devs, school gets in the way and such, and you've asked right when school starts up again.Also, expect this to take a while, maybe even a year, I don't know how ambitious your project is, and expect to switch coders slash sound designers at least once.Also also, and this goes for both sound and code, you should make frequent, as in at least once d
 aily when your doing any work, backups, at least 2, and keep at least one of those backups offline and only connected for as long as it takes to make the transfer, not only because so much work has been lost that can never be gotten back in the past, The Wastes, the STFC source, SBYW, and many more, but also because you never know when someone might fuck you over do to association with someone your working with, because they know your doing something interesting, or because you dropped them from your project.Which is also also also why you should keep your team to a minimum size and periodically check to see who's a part of your shared folders, and I'm not sure if you can code any, but if not, you need to be very, very careful about who you hand your code to, otherwise you could easily have a million halfassed clones running around, so I suggest asking around to find the most reliable people and then seeing who's available, and actually talk to them a bit
  first before committing.Be patient with your coder as well, especially at first, there are so many libs to try and different approaches to take to find the best one, and trial and error is really the only way to do it, and expect to be called on to do spur of the moment testing of new features or bug fixes at the drop of a hat.I also also also also suggest not having an open beta at all, though I know that's later, it honestly just never really works well, and you have no reason to do any server load testing as your game isn't multiplayer.When I say open Beta by the way, I don't mean not asking for applicants on the forum and filtering them to find the ones you want, I mean letting any old person in.It's very good that you actually have a plan though, that's rare in this community, especially as of late, and that will drastically improve your chances of making this work, as I'm sure you know.By 
 the way, the only decent coder I know enough about to comfortably suggest is Nathan from NASoft, maker of park boss and tube sim, he's a software dev by day and has the most professional approach to projects in this community by leaps and bounds from what I saw when I was on his beta team, though he's only worked alone in the past.I would say that approx two thirds of the coders here who've actually put something out aren't worth working with if you truly want to get anything done.Also also also also also, if you aren't selling this, I'm assuming your not as that would complicate the shit out of everything, I can give you plenty of resources to find free sounds with CC licensing, if your chosen sound designer doesn't already know them, so can Magurp, it's good to share info on these things either way.Good luck, is all I can say, and stay patient and on your toes. I hope to see what ever you put out in the 
 future.PS. I regret nothing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's Build an RPG!

2017-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Build an RPG!

I don't have much to offer accept a list of decent sound designers.I haven't worked with many of these guys personally, so I can't tell you much about how easy they are to deal with or communicate with unfortunately, but I can tell you that their work speaks for it's self.I suggest talking to people like Robjoy AKA Arjin, Kai aka Xoren, Sam Tupy, Gortholon, Damion pendelton, Carlos AKA Keywasfull, Oriol Gomez, and Pitermach.I'm likely missing a couple but it's a place to start, you can probably find their emails here or search for them online.Sam is really busy ATM and he's not great on the communication or followup front, and Gortholon has a job and he's doing his own stuff, Carlos has a lazyness problem last time I checked, aside from that, I would generally vouch for Damion, Pitermach, and Gorth the most from what I've seen in terms of reliability, but some I just don't know much about.Oh and
  I wouldn't suggest my self either, lol, I don't practice enough and I'm way too unreliable for a big project ATM.A word of advice though, based on my experience with various projects, if they don't communicate with you for more than a week when given a task, drop them, there are allot of people with good intentions around here that can't back it up, much like most of the young devs, school gets in the way and such, and you've asked right when school starts up again.Also, expect this to take a while, maybe even a year, I don't know how ambitious your project is, and expect to switch coders slash sound designers at least once.Also also, and this goes for both sound and code, you should make frequent, as in at least once daily when your doing any work, backups, at least 2, and keep at least one of those backups offline and only connected for as long as it takes to make the transfer, not only because so much work has be
 en lost that can never be gotten back in the past, The Wastes, the STFC source, SBYW, and many more, but also because you never know when someone might fuck you over do to association with someone your working with, because they know your doing something interesting, or because you dropped them from your project.Which is also also also why you should keep your team to a minimum size and periodically check to see who's a part of your shared folders, and I'm not sure if you can code any, but if not, you need to be very, very careful about who you hand your code to, otherwise you could easily have a million halfassed clones running around, so I suggest asking around to find the most reliable people and then seeing who's available, and actually talk to them a bit first before committing.Be patient with your coder as well, especially at first, there are so many libs to try and different approaches to take to find the best one, and trial and error 
 is really the only way to do it.I also also also also suggest not having an open beta at all, though I know that's later, it honestly just never really works well, and you have no reason to do any server load testing as your game isn't multiplayer.When I say open Beta by the way, I don't mean not asking for applicants on the forum and filtering them to find the ones you want, I mean letting any old person in.It's very good that you actually have a plan though, that's rare in this community, especially as of late, and that will drastically improve your chances of making this work, as I'm sure you know.By the way, the only decent coder I know enough about to comfortably suggest is Nathan from NASoft, maker of park boss and tube sim, he's a software dev by day and has the most professional approach to projects in this community by leaps and bounds from what I saw when I was on his beta team, though he's only 
 worked alone in the past.I would say that approx two thirds of the coders here who've actually put something out aren't worth working with if you truly want to get anything done.Also also also also also, if you aren't selling this, I'm assuming your not as that would complicate the shit out of everything, I can give you plenty of resources to find free sounds with CC licensing, if your chosen sound designer doesn't already know them, so can Magurp, it's good to share info on these things either way.Good luck, is all I can say, and stay patient and on your toes. I hope to see what ever you put out in the future.PS. I regret nothing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for Sound Effects?

2017-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Sound Effects?

Try and for finding lots of small packs you can buy for pretty cheap most of the time.The main guys would be Sound Ideas and Hollywood Edge, but aside from those too, there are other slightly less big names like Boom FX, Bluezone corporation, Blastwave FX, and more.For totally free stuff, look up the "great big list of free sounds" from is also, the free music archive, and some sites that sell things sometimes have free stuff too, like soundimage, audiomicro, blastwave, airborn sound, 1SoundFX, imphenzia, and more.Good luck!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for Sound Effects?

2017-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Sound Effects?

Try and totally free stuff, look up the "great big list of free sounds" from is also, the free music archive, and some sites that sell things sometimes have free stuff too, like soundimage, audiomicro, blastwave, airborn sound, imphenzia, and more.Good luck!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audiogames/GDN collaboration in the future?

2017-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiogames/GDN collaboration in the future?

I need to do some more research on what a game jam actually is, I've only heard the term.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Research on videogame development for blind users

2017-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Research on videogame development for blind users

I'm not a coder my self, but I know of two people who are that you may want to talk to.The first is Oriol Gomez, he's from Spain as well,  but he's also blind and has made several popular games for the community.  He's on this forum but you can also find his website at where you can find his games and contact info.He also has a Skype "oriolgs58" but I don't know how current that is.The second is Guillem LeónAKA guilevi who is also from Spain, is blind, and has made a couple games for the community, his twitter "@guillelv_2000" seems to not be active any more, and I don't remember his Skype, but he's on the forum even though he doesn't post much and Oriol and him worked on a game together, so you can probably find him through Oriol.PS. Having a disability does make you inferior, on the most simple level of comparison to the human baseline, I'm fine with that, if not particularly happy about it, and I can mostly overcome my innate disadvantages from day to day, though some can do it better and I have off days, but I'm not going to put my fingers in my ears and yell "La La La I can't heaeaeaear yououououou" while frantically wishing the blind away either.Terms like that are for making the people who are forced to interact with you feel more comfortable about their own natural empathy, rather than learning how to temper it so that they can still feel sympathetic towards you, but also treat you like a person. Basically, it's a shortcut, saying a few empty words is easier than restructuring your outlook in order to suppress your built in biases.That said however, I can pretty much guarantee you that no one on this forum will be offended either way, including me, sure we may have our opinions, but anyone with a bit of common sense can tell that your just trying to be kind and do the right thing, and the only reason I'm saying anything about it is because you using it brought up a long running, and not even particularly contentious conversation which already existed in this community, not because I connect it's usage to you personally.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Research on videogame development for blind users

2017-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Research on videogame development for blind users

I'm not a coder my self, but I know of two people who are that you may want to talk to.The first is Oriol Gomez, he's from Spain as well,  but he's also blind and has made several popular games for the community.  He's on this forum but you can also find his website at where you can find his games and contact info.He also has a Skype "oriolgs58" but I don't know how current that is.The second is Guillem LeónAKA guilevi who is also from Spain, is blind, and has made a couple games for the community, his twitter "@guillelv_2000" seems to not be active any more, and I don't remember his Skype, but he's on the forum even though he doesn't post much and Oriol and him worked on a game together, so you can probably find him through Oriol.PS. Having a disability does make you inferior, on the most simple level of "human baseline", I'm fine with that, if not particularly happy about it, and I can mostly overcome my innate disadvantages from day to day, though some can do it better and I have off days, but I'm not going to put my fingers in my ears and yell "La La La I can't heaeaeaear yououououou" while frantically wishing the blind away either.Terms like that are for making the people who are forced to interact with you feel more comfortable about their own natural empathy, rather than learning how to temper it so that they can still feel sympathetic towards you, but also treat you like a person. Basically, it's a shortcut, saying a few empty words is easier than restructuring your outlook in order to suppress your built in biases.That said however, I can pretty much guarantee you that no one on this forum will be offended either way, including me, sure we may have our opinions, but anyone with a bit of common sense can tell that your just trying to be kind and do the right thing, and the only reason I'm saying anything about it is because you using it brought up a long running conversation which already existed in this community, not because I connect it's usage to you personally.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Research on videogame development for blind users

2017-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Research on videogame development for blind users

I'm not a coder my self, but I know of two people who are that you may want to talk to.The first is Oriol Gomez, he's from Spain as well,  but he's also blind and has made several popular games for the community.  He's on this forum but you can also find his website at where you can find his games and contact info.He also has a Skype "oriolgs58" but I don't know how current that is.The second is Guillem LeónAKA guilevi who is also from Spain, is blind, and has made a couple games for the community, his twitter "@guillelv_2000" seems to not be active any more, and I don't remember his Skype, but he's on the forum even though he doesn't post much and Oriol and him worked on a game together, so you can probably find him through Oriol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: crashlib my new sound library

2016-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: crashlib my new sound library

I'm only going to talk about the Modern Sound Effects, since, in my opinion, the only usable older one was the recorder handling.I'm still glad that you put this out here though Crashmaster, so thanks!I'm a bit worried that the hole ambiguous licensing thing may muddy the waters farther and come back to bite someone in the ass, via some overly concerned forumite some day, but, at least the modern SFX are pretty solid in that regard... In terms of the sounds them selves, I would give them 2.5 out of 5 stars, with 5 out of 5 being the newest libraries from the big names like Hollywood Edge, Blastwave FX, and Sound-ideas.I like the variety and uniqueness of these sounds, especially the battery fans and the linking room, and can see using them in a project pretty easily; plus, the stereo spread was nice too.That said, however, the recorder
  handling and occasional mic dropouts lessen the percentage of usable sound, and that means shorter, more noticeable loops.You also have to take into consideration that there are easily discernible voices in the backgrounds of some of these ambiance, and that can be a blessing or a curse depending on the use of the sound and the preference of the person using them.Even though these sounds could use cleanup and probably aren't readily usable in their current forms, I still appreciate having the original files to do with as I wish, and overall, I would say that the modern sound effects section of this library is certainly worth considering for room ambiance in a game or audio production, even if some work is needed to bring them to their full potential.And even though these sounds are quite specific as listed, it doesn't mean that you can't repurpose them into any number of things, from military super computers, to spaceship engine rooms and nav
 y cargo decks, or city power plant generators, high tech government command centers and secretive private research labs.Even though the selection is small, the nature of the tracks makes them widely adaptable  and, definitely worth having!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: crashlib my new sound library

2016-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: crashlib my new sound library

I'm only going to talk about the Modern Sound Effects, since, in my opinion, the only usable older one was the recorder handling.I'm still glad that you put this out here though Crashmaster, so thanks!I'm a bit worried that the hole ambiguous licensing thing may muddy the waters farther and come back to bite someone in the ass, via some overly concerned forumite some day, but, at least the modern SFX are pretty solid in that regard... In terms of the sounds them selves, I think I would give them 2.5 out of 5 stars, with 5 out of 5 being the newest libraries from the big names like Hollywood Edge, Blastwave FX, and Sound-ideas.I like the variety and uniqueness of these sounds, especially the battery fans and the linking room, and can see using them in a project pretty easily; plus, the stereo spread was nice too.That said, however
 , the recorder handling and occasional mic dropouts lessen the percentage of usable sound, and that means shorter, more noticeable loops.You also have to take into consideration that there are easily discernible voices in the backgrounds of some of these ambiance, and that can be a blessing or a curse depending on the use of the sound and the preference of the person using them.Even though these sounds could use cleanup and probably aren't readily usable in their current forms, I still appreciate having the original files to do with as I wish, and overall, I would say that the modern sound effects section of this library is certainly worth considering for room ambiance in a game or audio production, even if some work is needed to bring them to their full potential.And even though these sounds are quite specific as listed, it doesn't mean that you can't repurpose them into any number of things, from military super computers, to spaceship engine
  rooms and navy cargo decks, or city power plant generators, high tech government command centers and secretive private research labs.Even though the selection is small, the nature of the tracks makes them widely adaptable  and, definitely worth having!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: crashlib my new sound library

2016-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: crashlib my new sound library

I'm only going to talk about the Modern Sound Effects, since, in my opinion, the only usable older one was the recorder handling.I'm still glad that you put this out here though Crashmaster, so thanks!I'm a bit worried that the hole ambiguous licensing thing may muddy the waters farther and come back to bite someone in the ass, via some overly concerned forumite some day, but, at least the modern SFX are pretty solid in that regard... In terms of the sounds them selves, I give them 2.5 out of 5 stars, with 5 out of 5 being the newest libraries from the big names like Hollywood Edge, Blastwave FX, and Sound-ideas.I like the variety and uniqueness of these sounds, especially the battery fans and the linking room, and can see using them in a project pretty easily; plus, the stereo spread was nice too.That said, however, the recorder handl
 ing and occasional mic dropouts lessen the percentage of usable sound, and that means shorter, more noticeable loops.You also have to take into consideration that there are easily discernible voices in the backgrounds of some of these ambiance, and that can be a blessing or a curse depending on the use of the sound and the preference of the person using them.Even though these sounds could use cleanup and probably aren't readily usable in their current forms, I still appreciate having the original files to do with as I wish, and overall, I would say that the modern sound effects section of this library is certainly worth considering for room ambiance in a game or audio production, even if some work is needed to bring them to their full potential.And even though these sounds are quite specific as listed, it doesn't mean that you can't repurpose them into any number of things, from military super computers, to spaceship engine rooms and navy carg
 o decks, or city power plant generators, high tech government command centers and secretive private research labs.Even though the selection is small, the nature of the tracks makes them widely adaptable  and, definitely worth having!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming Text Editor

2016-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming Text Editor

Try Jarte or Notepad plus plus


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Programming Text Editor

2016-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Programming Text Editor

maybe try Notepad Plus Plus?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Good dedicated servers/vps?

2015-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Good dedicated servers/vps?

Hey that Digital Ocean one seems pretty promising...You could go for the 20 bucks a month plan and set up a Paypal donate button with an option in the main menu of your game to go there, and if you wanted to make it more simple, you could just limit the amounts to 5, 10, 15, and 20 dollars respectively.Just an idea, I think that would be enough power, and even if the donations didn't pay for the server it wouldn't be a huge deal to fork out that much on your own right?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Good dedicated servers/vps?

2015-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Good dedicated servers/vps?

Hey that Digital Ocean one seems pretty promising...You could go for the 20 bucks a month plan and set up a Paypal donate button with an option in the main menu of your game to go there, and if you wanted to make it more simple, you could just limit the amounts to 5, 10, 15, and 20 dollars respectively.Just an idea, I think that would be enough power, and even if the donations didn't pay for the server it wouldn't be a huge deal to pay that I bet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library : discounted for only 14 days

2015-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library : discounted for only 14 days

Excellent Yukio, appreciate the editing you did, it speaks well to your reliability as a provider of a payed service, and in my eyes at least, gives your reputation here in the audio gaming community even more credibility then the BK series already has! I do strongly suggest making a post about this in the general games room though, one with an eye catching title, and asking Dark about putting this in the next news update.Has the preview pack been updated with the new sounds?  If not it may be a good idea to do so, I'd love to hear the difference.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I thought it was still Ray access?  I gotta check this out! even if Reaper is more fore music and not Foley it may be a viable secondary option...Thanks for telling me, so with OSARA, which I assume is a set of scripts, and Reaper, how much would it cost in total?If there are any really good and simple to use VST's that you consider to be vital, I'd factor that in as well.I received Gold Wave as a gift a few years ago when it was still 50 dollars, now it's 60, but I'd pay up to 150 for a decent and accessible editor.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

No it doesn't, and it's already got accessibility as a feature that matters enough to the developers to show up in the change log for each version, which is pretty cool IMO.I wanted to try Reaper, but I made the mistake of looking at all of the changes past the version that has the scripts and realized just how much I would be missing by using such an old build.I agree with Keyisfull about Audacity's noise reduction being significantly more effective, but for me at least, even with a large amount of processing power, RAM, and an SSD, Audacity does things sluggishly and doesn't have nearly enough features when it comes to manipulating files in the viewer.I admire him for figuring that interface out though, to me it feels very advanced, and it seems like multi track is faster over all, but I'm comfortable with what I have in GW, even if I wish the plugins were of a higher quality, since I don't do any music editing and I don
 9;t usually work on tracks longer than a few minutes at most.But if you can figure it out and don't mind using such a powerful tool for such a comparatively simple task, go for it, seriously, Audacity is extremely useful and gets updated constantly.Also, Gorth, you got a job?  Nice!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

No it doesn't, and it's already got accessibility as a feature that matters enough to the developers to show up in the change log for each version, which is pretty cool IMO.I wanted to try Reaper, but I made the mistake of looking at all of the changes past the version that has the scripts and realized just how much I would be missing by using such an old build. I agree with Keyisfull about Audacity's noise reduction being significantly more effective, but for me at least, even with a large amount of processing power, RAM, and an SSD, Audacity does things sluggishly and doesn't have nearly enough features when it comes to manipulating files in the viewer.I admire him for figuring that interface out though, to me it feels very advanced, and it seems like multi track is faster over all, but I'm comfortable with what I have in GW, even if I w
 ish the plugins were of a higher quality, since I don't do any music editing and I don't usually work on tracks longer than a few minutes at most.But if you can figure it out and don't mind using such a powerful tool for such a comparatively simple task, go for it, seriously, Audacity is extremely useful and gets updated constantly.Also, Gorth, you got a job?  Nice!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

No it doesn't, and it's already got accessibility as a feature that matters enough to the developers to show up in the change log for each version, which is pretty cool IMO.I wanted to try Reaper, but I made the mistake of looking at all of the changes past the version that has the scripts and realized just how much I would be missing by using such an old build.I agree with Keyisfull about Audacity's noise reduction being significantly more effective, but for me at least, even with a large amount of processing power, RAM, and an SSD, Audacity does things sluggishly and doesn't have nearly enough features when it comes to manipulating files in the viewer.I admire him for figuring that interface out though, to me it feels very advanced, and it seems like multi track is faster over all, but I'm comfortable with what I have in GW, even if I wish the plugins were of a higher quality, since I don't do any music editing and I don't usu
 ally work on tracks longer than a few minutes at most.But if you can figure it out and don't mind using such a powerful tool for such a comparatively simple task, go for it, seriously, Audacity is extremely useful.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

No it doesn't, and it's already got accessibility as a feature that matters enough to the developers to show up in the change log for each version, which is pretty cool IMO.I wanted to try Reaper, but I made the mistake of looking at all of the changes past the version that has the scripts and realized just how much I would be missing by using such an old build.I agree with Keyisfull about Audacity's noise reduction being significantly easier to use, but for me at least, even with a large amount of processing power, RAM, and an SSD, Audacity does things sluggishly and doesn't have nearly enough features when it comes to manipulating files in the viewer.I admire him for figuring that interface out though, to me it feels very advanced, and it seems like multi track is faster over all, but I'm comfortable with what I have in GW, even if I wish the plugins were of a higher quality, since I don't do any music editing and I don't usua
 lly work on tracks longer than a few minutes at most.But if you can figure it out and don't mind using such a powerful tool for such a comparatively simple task, go for it, seriously, Audacity is extremely useful.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

No it doesn't, and it's already got accessibility as a feature that matters enough to the developers to show up in the change log for each version, which is pretty cool IMO.I wanted to try Reaper, but I made the mistake of looking at all of the changes past the version that has the scripts and realized just how much I would be missing by using such an old build.I agree with Keyisfull about Audacity's noise reduction being significantly more effective, but for me at least, even with a large amount of processing power, RAM, and an SSD, Audacity does things sluggishly and doesn't have nearly enough features when it comes to manipulating files in the viewer.I admire him for figuring that interface out though, to me it feels very advanced, and it seems like multi track is faster over all, but I'm comfortable with what I have in GW, even if I wish the plugins were of a higher quality, since I don't do any music editing and I don't usu
 ally work on tracks longer than a few minutes at most.But if you can figure it out and don't mind using such a powerful tool for such a comparatively simple task, go for it, seriously, Audacity is extremely useful.Also, Gorth, you got a job?  Nice!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I usually start with the very light hiss rumble remover preset and go from there by plus or minus 3DB, you have to pay close attention but it's the least destructive way and you get used to it after a while.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I usually start with the very light hiss rumble remover preset and go from there by plus or minus 3DB, you have to pay close attention but it's the least destructive way and you get used to it after a while.To get rid of clicks at the ends of files, especially those that are supposed to be loopable, I use a logarithmic fade out to 0%.To reduce sudden and unwanted noises that overshadow the main sound, I carefully isolate the exact part with a high zoom setting and directly reduce the volume as much as I can without compromising the clip, but if that's not possible, I use a linear fade on it instead.For your current needs, the best thing to do would be to figure out how exactly to root the start end finish markers to the play marker position, how to trim VS just delete a sound and what that does in this program, and how to zoom on the fly, all of which can be found in the manual.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I usually start with the very light hiss rumble remover preset and go from there by plus or minus 3DB, then narrow it down by 1DB increments at a time until I get exactly what I want. You have to pay close attention but it's the least destructive way and you get used to it after a while.To get rid of clicks at the ends of files, especially those that are supposed to be loopable, I use a logarithmic fade out to 0%.To reduce sudden and unwanted noises that overshadow the main sound, I carefully isolate the exact part with a high zoom setting and directly reduce the volume as much as I can without compromising the clip, but if that's not possible, I use a linear fade on it instead.For your current needs, the best thing to do would be to figure out how exactly to root the start end finish markers to the play marker position, how to trim VS just delete a sound and what that does in this program, and how to zoom on the fly, all of which c
 an be found in the manual.A tip is to always save in 44.1KHZ 16 bit PCM .wav format when your working on something, to never close the file completely when your done until you've checked to see that it's exported correctly, and to enable the save warning, you have a much better chance of not corrupting your project then.Also, if you save to .MP3, get the LAME Encoder which it prompts you for when trying to save in that format anyway because it's way better than PCM.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I usually start with the very light hiss rumble remover preset and go from there by plus or minus 3DB, then narrow it down by 1DB increments at a time until I get exactly what I want. You have to pay close attention but it's the least destructive way and you get used to it after a while.To get rid of clicks at the ends of files, especially those that are supposed to be loopable, I use a logarithmic fade out to 0% if simply chopping it off is impossible.To reduce sudden and unwanted noises that overshadow the main sound, I carefully isolate the exact part with a high zoom setting and directly reduce the volume as much as I can without compromising the clip, but if that's not possible, I use a linear fade on it instead.For your current needs, the best thing to do would be to figure out how exactly to root the start end finish markers to the play marker position, how to trim VS just delete a sound and what that does in this program, and how to zoom 
 on the fly, all of which can be found in the manual.A tip is to always save in 44.1KHZ 16 bit PCM .wav format when your working on something, to never close the file completely when your done until you've checked to see that it's exported correctly, and to enable the save warning, you have a much better chance of not corrupting your project then.Also, if you save to .MP3, get the LAME Encoder which it prompts you for when trying to save in that format anyway because it's way better than PCM.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I usually start with the very light hiss rumble remover preset and go from there by plus or minus 3DB, then narrow it down by 1DB increments at a time until I get exactly what I want. You have to pay close attention but it's the least destructive way and you get used to it after a while.To get rid of clicks at the ends of files, especially those that are supposed to be loopable, I use a logarithmic fade out to 0% if simply chopping it off is impossible.To reduce sudden and unwanted noises that overshadow the main sound, I carefully isolate the exact part with a high zoom setting and directly reduce the volume as much as I can without compromising the clip, but if that's not possible, I use a partial linear fade on it instead.For your current needs, the best thing to do would be to figure out how exactly to root the start end finish markers to the play marker position, how to trim VS just delete a sound and what that does in this program, and how 
 to zoom on the fly, all of which can be found in the manual.A tip is to always save in 44.1KHZ 16 bit PCM .wav format when your working on something, to never close the file completely when your done until you've checked to see that it's exported correctly, and to enable the save warning, you have a much better chance of not corrupting your project then.Also, if you save to .MP3, get the LAME Encoder which it prompts you for when trying to save in that format anyway because it's way better than PCM.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I usually start with the very light hiss rumble remover preset and go from there by plus or minus 3DB, then narrow it down by 1DB increments at a time until I get exactly what I want. You have to pay close attention but it's the least destructive way and you get used to it after a while.To get rid of clicks at the ends of files, especially those that are supposed to be loopable, I use a logarithmic fade out to 0% if simply chopping it off is impossible.To reduce sudden and unwanted noises that overshadow the main sound, I carefully isolate the exact part with a high zoom setting and directly reduce the volume as much as I can without compromising the clip, but if that's not possible, I use a partial linear fade on it instead.For your current needs, the best thing to do would be to figure out how exactly to root the start end finish markers to the play marker position, how to trim VS just delete a sound and what that does in this program, how to s
 et up the play controls just the way you want them through the control properties, and how to zoom on the fly, all of which can be found in the manual.A tip is to always save in 44.1KHZ 16 bit PCM .wav format when your working on something, to never close the file completely when your done until you've checked to see that it's exported correctly, and to enable the save warning, you have a much better chance of not corrupting your project then.Also, if you save to .MP3, get the LAME Encoder which it prompts you for when trying to save in that format anyway because it's way better than PCM.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I usually start with the very light hiss rumble remover preset and go from there by plus or minus 3DB, then narrow it down by 1DB increments at a time until I get exactly what I want. You have to pay close attention but it's the least destructive way and you get used to it after a while.To get rid of clicks at the ends of files, especially those that are supposed to be loopable, I use a logarithmic fade out to 0% if simply chopping it off is impossible.To reduce sudden and unwanted noises that overshadow the main sound, I carefully isolate the exact part with a high zoom setting and directly reduce the volume as much as I can without compromising the clip, but if that's not possible, I use a partial linear fade on it instead.For your current needs, the best thing to do would be to figure out how exactly to root the start end finish markers to the play marker position, how to trim VS just delete a sound and what that does in this program, how to s
 et up the play controls just the way you want them through the control properties, and how to zoom on the fly, all of which can be found in the manual.A tip is to always save in 44.1KHZ 16 bit PCM .wav format when your working on something, to never close the file completely when your done until you've checked to see that it's exported correctly, and to enable the save warning, you have a much better chance of not corrupting your project then.Also, if you save to .MP3, get the LAME Encoder which it prompts you for when trying to save in that format anyway because it's way better than PCM.For some files, it's simply impossible to fix them without a really expensive software suite and allot of time, so the best thing to do is just rerecord them better or drop them in favor of a different sound.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I usually start with the very light hiss rumble remover preset and go from there by plus or minus 3DB, then narrow it down by 1DB increments at a time until I get exactly what I want. You have to pay close attention but it's the least destructive way and you get used to it after a while.To get rid of clicks at the ends of files, especially those that are supposed to be loopable, I use a logarithmic fade out to 0% if simply chopping it off is impossible.To reduce sudden and unwanted noises that overshadow the main sound, I carefully isolate the exact part with a high zoom setting and directly reduce the volume as much as I can without compromising the clip, but if that's not possible, I use a partial linear fade on it instead.For your current needs, the best thing to do would be to figure out how exactly to root the start end finish markers to the play marker position, how to trim VS just delete a sound and what that does in this program, how to s
 et up the play controls just the way you want them through the control properties, and how to zoom on the fly, all of which can be found in the manual.A tip is to always save in 44.1KHZ 16 bit PCM .wav format when your working on something, to never close the file completely when your done until you've checked to see that it's exported correctly, and to enable the save warning, you have a much better chance of not corrupting your project then.Also, if you save to .MP3, get the LAME Encoder which it prompts you for when trying to save in that format anyway because it's way better than PCM.For some files though, it's simply impossible to fix them without a really expensive software suite and allot of time, so the best thing to do is just rerecord them better or drop them in favor of a different sound.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

Thumbs up! It's awesome that your taking this well...I use Gold Wave personally, which is a good step up from Wave Pad, and has decent scripts that work with Jaws below V5.7, along with a decent NVDA Add-on that works with the most up to date version, I believe that's V6.11? but even without external accessibility features it's quite usable.The program used to be 50 dollars USD but it's now 60, though the demo is quite good and lets you do 50 actions before giving you a warning and giving you a few more actions, I think 5, before the next one, and on like that until you restart the program to get 50 more, but it lets you save your work, and the only disabled feature that really matters in my opinion, is the batch processor.The included presets aren't that great even if you can later make your own, and some of the filters are kind of lacking, but you can do tweaking and preview what it will sound like, and the help file is ve
 ry good, even for a blind user.  You can also do allot of work in the file dialog, like previewing, copying and cutting, pasting, and renaming, which almost no other editor allows.That said, if you decide you like it, it's well worth the cash, and doesn't have a super steep learning curve, to be honest if you worked at it, you could be up and running at a very high level of efficiency in just a few days.Audacity is a powerful free alternative with higher quality built in tools and way more room for expansion via VST plugins, but it's quite advanced and going from Wave Pad to that would be very hard without putting allot of time in to learn the interface, it's also way more geared for music than GW, which is more generalized.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

This is interesting, I don't think 85 bucks is a price point I can afford right now, but the fact that I can buy specific parts of this library is great!I really like how you've done the demoing of this product, with the downloadable lower quality but still usable 22.5KHZ files, but I'd love to see a track listing as well, with some descriptive info, as those really help me not only when I have the library it's self for finding what I need, but also to know what I'm getting before hand.I thought I'd also mention that the weather link is spelled incorrectly in English on that page...I would consider also making a Christmas discount with a relatively small window, maybe 3 to 7 days before December 25th, possibly cutting 20 to 25 dollars from the price, for those that want to purchase this as a gift for someone else, and putting another topic up on this sight with an eye catching title if you do so.You may als
 o consider asking Dark or another moderator to mention it in the news posting at the front of the site, or in addition adding a second smaller discount on a nearby date with an even smaller window for those that missed the first one but still want to get the library at a reduced price, possibly 16 dollars off on January 1st in celebration of 2016?  Just make sure to advertise it the day after the first discount ends if you do, to catch the people that still want to see if it's open.As a side note, you really do like cats don't you? 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

Thumbs up for putting this tool out there!This is really interesting, I don't think 85 bucks is a price point I can afford right now, but the fact that I can buy specific parts of this library is great!I really like how you've done the demoing of this product, with the downloadable lower quality but still usable 22.5KHZ files, but I'd love to see a track listing as well, with some descriptive info, as those really help me not only when I have the library it's self for finding what I need, but also to know what I'm getting before hand.I thought I'd also mention that the weather link is spelled incorrectly in English on that page...I would consider also making a Christmas discount with a relatively small window, maybe 3 to 7 days before December 25th, possibly cutting 20 to 25 dollars from the price, for those that want to purchase this as a gift for someone else, and putting another topic up on this s
 ight in somewhere other than the developer's room with an eye catching title if you do so.You may also consider asking Dark or another moderator to mention it in the news posting at the front of the site, or in addition adding a second smaller discount on a nearby date with an even smaller window for those that missed the first one but still want to get the library at a reduced price, possibly 16 dollars off on January 1st in celebration of 2016?  Just make sure to advertise it the day after the first discount ends if you do, to catch the people that still want to see if it's open.As a side note, you really do like cats don't you? 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

Thumbs up for putting this tool out there!This is really interesting, I don't think 85 bucks is a price point I can afford right now, but the fact that I can buy specific parts of this library is great!I really like how you've done the demoing of this product, with the downloadable lower quality but still usable 22.5KHZ files, but I'd love to see a track listing as well, with some descriptive info, as those really help me not only when I have the library it's self for finding what I need, but also to know what I'm getting before hand.I thought I'd also mention that the weather link is spelled incorrectly in English on that page...I would consider also making a Christmas discount with a relatively small window, maybe 3 to 7 days before December 25th, possibly cutting 20 to 25 dollars from the price, for those that want to purchase this as a gift for someone else, and putting another topic up on this s
 ight with an eye catching title if you do so.You may also consider asking Dark or another moderator to mention it in the news posting at the front of the site, or in addition adding a second smaller discount on a nearby date with an even smaller window for those that missed the first one but still want to get the library at a reduced price, possibly 16 dollars off on January 1st in celebration of 2016?  Just make sure to advertise it the day after the first discount ends if you do, to catch the people that still want to see if it's open.As a side note, you really do like cats don't you? 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

Thumbs up for putting this tool out there!This is really interesting, I don't think 85 bucks is a price point I can afford right now, but the fact that I can buy specific parts of this library is great!I like how you've done the demoing of this product, with the downloadable lower quality but still usable 22.5KHZ files, but I'd love to see a full track listing as well, with some descriptive info, as those really help me not only when I have the library it's self for finding exactly what I need.Still, most of the descriptions of each category are pretty good, even if some are kind of lacking, like the swishes.I would consider also making a Christmas discount with a relatively small window, maybe 3 to 7 days before December 25th, possibly cutting 20 to 25 dollars from the price, for those that want to purchase this as a gift for someone else, and putting another topic up on this sight in somewhere other than the developer
 39;s room with an eye catching title if you do so.You may also consider asking Dark or another moderator to mention it in the news posting at the front of the site, or in addition adding a second smaller discount on a nearby date with an even smaller window for those that missed the first one but still want to get the library at a reduced price, possibly 16 dollars off on January 1st in celebration of 2016?  Just make sure to advertise it the day after the first discount ends if you do, to catch the people that still want to see if it's open.I should also mention that the page for the Machines category displays in Japanese even if English is selected.As a side note, you really do like cats don't you? 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I mentioned this in the last post but only because I edited it, though since you posted while I was still doing that you probably didn't see it.The Machines category displays in Japanese even when English is selected.  Also, the swish category could use a better description if possible.With me it's the other way around with dogs and cats, but only because it seems like it's really hard to find a nice cat that's willing to be around people, and with dogs, almost all of them seem okay with it, but if I do find a cat like that, I usually end up wanting to be around them more than the dog.Cats are also just so fun to watch doing what they do, the way they sneak around, or suddenly jump up on the chair beside you to say hi, with their tails twitching at the tip or tucked under their paws, or how they run across the floor to chase after things you can't see, like shadows or bugs, they also have the best ears ever, even though most h
 ate when you touch them, and they have great noses too, though some types of dog are close behind, Have you ever played with a cat using a laser pointer on a wall? It's the best! They climb up the wall because they think it's a bug.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I mentioned this in the last post but only because I edited it, though since you posted while I was still doing that you probably didn't see it.The Machines category displays in Japanese even when English is selected.  Also, the swish category could use a better description if possible.With me it's the other way around with dogs and cats, but only because it seems like it's really hard to find a nice cat that's willing to be around people, and with dogs, almost all of them seem okay with it, but if I do find a cat like that, I usually end up wanting to be around them more than the dog.Cats are also just so fun to watch doing what they do, the way they sneak around, or suddenly jump up on the chair beside you to say hi, with their tails twitching at the tip or tucked under their paws, or how they run across the floor to chase after things you can't see, like shadows or bugs, they also have the best ears ever, even thoug
 h most hate when you touch them, and they have great noses too, though some types of dog are close behind, Have you ever played with a cat using a laser pointer on a wall? It's the best! They climb up the wall because they think it's a bug.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

After listening to the demo pack, I have to say that while many of the sounds are still usable, and some like most of the ambiance are just fine, the library isn't currently worth 85 dollars to me, and here's why.1. Allot of the sounds have extra background noise that could easily be removed with a bit of careful noise reduction.2. Some shorter sounds have long silences at the end that need to be cut out by hand before they can be dropped straight into a project, something which the average game developer that needs sounds fast, who is your target buyer, isn't willing or knows how to do.3. The pack needs some normalization in terms of volume between files, with some being far too loud and others being a bit too quiet, and while some variation is natural, you probably want to get it as close as possible without breaking your back over it, since out of the box reliability is important here.That said, I love this pack for it's
  variety either way, especially household items from a hole other country, one with allot of differing culture, and would still use it, but I wouldn't pay 85 bucks for it in it's current state, I'd pay 50 at most, which may seem kinda harsh but I want to give it to you straight, specifically because I like what your doing, not because I want to be a jerk about it... At most these fixes would take a week of moderate work on your part, and issuing updates to those that have already bought the pack wouldn't be much trouble.I absolutely love that Tag Toy thing and want one now, 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

After listening to the demo pack, I have to say that while many of the sounds are still usable if you aren't very picky, and some like most of the ambiance are just fine, the library isn't currently worth 85 dollars to me, and here's why.1. Allot of the sounds have extra background noise that could easily be removed with a bit of careful noise and base reduction.2. Some shorter sounds have long silences at the end that need to be cut out by hand before they can be dropped straight into a project, something which the average game developer that needs sounds fast, who is your target buyer, isn't willing or knows how to do.3. The pack needs some normalization in terms of volume between files, with some being far too loud and others being a bit too quiet, and while some variation is natural, you probably want to get it as close as possible without breaking your back over it, since out of the box reliability is important here.Th
 at said, I love this pack for it's variety either way, especially household items from a hole other country, one with allot of differing culture, and would still use it, but I wouldn't pay 85 bucks for it in it's current state, I'd pay 50 at most, simply do to the sheer amount of material there, which may seem kinda harsh but I want to give it to you straight, specifically because I like what your doing, not because I want to be a jerk about it... At most these fixes would take a week of moderate work on your part, and issuing updates to those that have already bought the pack wouldn't be much trouble.I also just want to make it really clear that I am taking the lower quality of the demo sounds into account when I make these comments, and that I've listened to all sorts of libraries of widely differing sound quality in the past.By 
 the way, I absolutely love that Tag Toy thing and want one now, 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

After listening to the demo pack, I have to say that while many of the sounds are still usable if you aren't very picky, and some like most of the ambiance are just fine, the library isn't currently worth 85 dollars to me, and here's why.1. Allot of the sounds have extra background noise that could easily be removed with a bit of careful noise reduction.2. Some shorter sounds have long silences at the end that need to be cut out by hand before they can be dropped straight into a project, something which the average game developer that needs sounds fast, who is your target buyer, isn't willing or knows how to do.3. The pack needs some normalization in terms of volume between files, with some being far too loud and others being a bit too quiet, and while some variation is natural, you probably want to get it as close as possible without breaking your back over it, since out of the box reliability is important here.That said, 
 I love this pack for it's variety either way, especially household items from a hole other country, one with allot of differing culture, and would still use it, but I wouldn't pay 85 bucks for it in it's current state, I'd pay 50 at most, simply do to the sheer amount of material there, which may seem kinda harsh but I want to give it to you straight, specifically because I like what your doing, not because I want to be a jerk about it... At most these fixes would take a week of moderate work on your part, and issuing updates to those that have already bought the pack wouldn't be much trouble.I also just want to make it really clear that I am taking the lower quality of the demo sounds into account when I make these comments, and that I've listened to all sorts of libraries of widely differing sound quality in the past.By the way, 
 I absolutely love that Tag Toy thing and want one now, 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

After listening to the demo pack, I have to say that while many of the sounds are still usable if you aren't very picky, and some like most of the ambiance are just fine, the library isn't currently worth 85 dollars to me, and here's why.1. Allot of the sounds have noticeable additional background noise that could easily be removed with a bit of careful noise and base reduction.2. Some shorter sounds have long silences at the end that need to be cut out by hand before they can be dropped straight into a project, something which the average game developer that needs sounds fast, who is your target buyer, isn't willing or knows how to do.3. The pack needs some normalization in terms of volume between files, with some being far too loud and others being a bit too quiet, and while some variation is natural, you probably want to get it as close as possible without breaking your back over it, since out of the box reliability is important here
 .That said, I love this pack for it's variety either way, especially household items from a hole other country, one with allot of differing culture, and would still use it, but I wouldn't pay 85 bucks for it in it's current state, I'd pay 50 at most, simply do to the sheer amount of material there, which may seem kinda harsh but I want to give it to you straight, specifically because I like what your doing, not because I want to be a jerk about it... At most these fixes would take a week of moderate work on your part, and issuing updates to those that have already bought the pack wouldn't be much trouble.I also just want to make it really clear that I am taking the lower quality of the demo sounds into account when I make these comments, and that I've listened to all sorts of libraries of widely differing sound quality in the
  past.By the way, I absolutely love that Tag Toy thing and want one now, 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

This is interesting, I don't think 85 bucks is a price point I can afford right now, but the fact that I can buy specific parts of this library is great!I really like how you've done the demoing of this product, with the downloadable lower quality but still usable 22.5KHZ files, but I'd love to see a track listing as well, with some descriptive info, as those really help me not only when I have the library it's self for finding what I need, but also to know what I'm getting before hand.I thought I'd also mention that the weather link is spelled incorrectly in English on that page...I would consider also making a Christmas discount with a relatively small window, maybe 3 to 7 days before December 25th, possibly cutting 20 to 25 dollars from the price, for those that want to purchase this as a gift for someone else, and putting another topic up on this sight with an eye catching title if you do so.You may als
 o consider asking Dark or another moderator to mention it in the news posting at the front of the site.As a side note, you really do like cats don't you? 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

Thumbs up for putting this tool out there!This is really interesting, I don't think 85 bucks is a price point I can afford right now, but the fact that I can buy specific parts of this library is great!I really like how you've done the demoing of this product, with the downloadable lower quality but still usable 22.5KHZ files, but I'd love to see a track listing as well, with some descriptive info, as those really help me not only when I have the library it's self for finding what I need, but also to know what I'm getting before hand.I thought I'd also mention that the weather link is spelled incorrectly in English on that page...I would consider also making a Christmas discount with a relatively small window, maybe 3 to 7 days before December 25th, possibly cutting 20 to 25 dollars from the price, for those that want to purchase this as a gift for someone else, and putting another topic up on this s
 ight in somewhere other than the developer's room with an eye catching title if you do so.You may also consider asking Dark or another moderator to mention it in the news posting at the front of the site, or in addition adding a second smaller discount on a nearby date with an even smaller window for those that missed the first one but still want to get the library at a reduced price, possibly 16 dollars off on January 1st in celebration of 2016?  Just make sure to advertise it the day after the first discount ends if you do, to catch the people that still want to see if it's open.As a side note, you really do like cats don't you? 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

This is interesting, I don't think 85 bucks is a price point I can afford right now, but the fact that I can buy specific parts of this library is great!I really like how you've done the demoing of this product, with the downloadable lower quality but still usable 22.5KHZ files, but I'd love to see a track listing as well, with some descriptive info, as those really help me not only when I have the library it's self for finding what I need, but also to know what I'm getting before hand.I thought I'd also mention that the weather link is spelled incorrectly in English on that page...I would consider also making a Christmas discount with a relatively small window, maybe 3 to 7 days before December 25th, possibly cutting 20 to 25 dollars from the price, for those that want to purchase this as a gift for someone else, and putting another topic up on this sight with an eye catching title if you do so.As a
  side note, you really do like cats don't you? 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I mentioned this in the last post but only because I edited it, though since you posted while I was still doing that you probably didn't see it, the Machines category displays in Japanese even when English is selected.  Also, the swish category could use a better description if possible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

I mentioned this in the last post but only because I edited it, though since you posted while I was still doing that you probably didn't see it.The Machines category displays in Japanese even when English is selected.  Also, the swish category could use a better description if possible, and so could the Foley one.With me it's the other way around with dogs and cats, but only because it seems like it's really hard to find a nice cat that's willing to be around people, and with dogs, almost all of them seem okay with it, but if I do find a cat like that, I usually end up wanting to be around them more than the dog.Cats are also just so fun to watch doing what they do, the way they sneak around, or suddenly jump up on the chair beside you to say hi, with their tails twitching at the tip or tucked under their paws, or how they run across the floor to chase after things you can't see, like shadows or bugs, they also have the best e
 ars ever, even though most hate when you touch them, and they have great noses too, though some types of dog are close behind, Have you ever played with a cat using a laser pointer on a wall? It's the best! They climb up the wall because they think it's a bug.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CatTools Sound FX Library - an easy-to-use sound effects collection

After listening to the demo pack, I have to say that while many of the sounds are still usable, and some like most of the ambiance are just fine, the library isn't currently worth 85 dollars to me, and here's why.1. Allot of the sounds have extra background noise that could easily be removed with a bit of careful noise reduction.2. Some shorter sounds have long silences at the end that need to be cut out by hand before they can be dropped straight into a project, something which the average game developer that needs sounds fast, who is your target buyer, isn't willing or knows how to do.3. The pack needs some normalization in terms of volume between files, with some being far too loud and others being a bit too quiet, and while some variation is natural, you probably want to get it as close as possible without breaking your back over it, since out of the box reliability is important here.That said, I love this pack for it's
  variety either way, especially household items from a hole other country, one with allot of differing culture, and would still use it, but I wouldn't pay 85 bucks for it in it's current state, I'd pay 50 at most, simply do to the sheer amount of material there, which may seem kinda harsh but I want to give it to you straight, specifically because I like what your doing, not because I want to be a jerk about it... At most these fixes would take a week of moderate work on your part, and issuing updates to those that have already bought the pack wouldn't be much trouble.I also just want to make it really clear that I am taking the lower quality of the demo sounds into account when I make these comments, and that I've listened to all sorts of libraries of widely differing sound quality in the past.By the way, I absolutely love that Tag Toy
  thing and want one now, 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: looking for volunteers to test a roguelike for both visually impaired

2015-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: looking for volunteers to test a roguelike for both visually impaired

Sure!  I'd be happy to help out as well...    This sounds interesting.My email address is  "".You may want to check out the audio games "Entombed", "Tactical Battles" (most especially the kobold dungeon map pack), and "Grave of Redemption" to see how other games do this in audio.  You can find links to all of those games on this site as well.I'd also be willing to help out with sound design in a relatively basic manner if it would ever be helpful in the project.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: looking for volunteers to test a roguelike for both visually impaired

2015-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: looking for volunteers to test a roguelike for both visually impaired

Sure!  I'd be happy to help out as well...    This sounds interesting.My email address is  "".You may want to check out the audio games "Entombed", "Tactical Battle" (most especially the kobold dungeon map pack), and "Grave of Redemption" to see how other games do this in audio.  You can find links to all of those games on this site as well.I'd also be willing to help out with sound design in a relatively basic manner if it would ever be helpful in the project.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Free Audio Tracks from Eric Matyas

2015-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Free Audio Tracks from Eric Matyas

Thanks so much man, every time you post I download, I look for these kinds of things too as an Amateur Foley sound designer, I find things too but not as much as you, seems that you've got the knack, .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is Learning 2 Programming languages at once possible?

2015-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is Learning 2 Programming languages at once possible?

I see your point, I guess that in the process of trying to call out people who are being assholes, Ive started to be just as much of an asshole, I still stand by the points Ive made, but Ill have to work on being more constructive about how I say it, and, using less swear words to get my point across, and probably just generally not commenting as much about these kinds of things, though I likely wouldnt do it at all if the mods were more active and noticed these problems more.I figure I have a better chance of making my point understandable this way anyway, and I certainly dont want to become exactly what I have an issue with.I guess that this hole thing has gone on for a long time, but its winding down and Im not following suit. Ive been commenting on things like this, partly because no one is really asking for help with things on the off topic room, or with sound design, or putting out fully formed n
 ew games to play and talk about, aside from Beatstar of course, but your write, I dont code, I just know a few coders and talk to them, so this isnt really my area of study, even if I still agree with what those coders are saying and did some research to back it up, but thats not as good as first hand experience.I apologize for rekindling the flames, and showing such an extreme opinion about something I dont have first hand experience with.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is Learning 2 Programming languages at once possible?

2015-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is Learning 2 Programming languages at once possible?

I see your point, I guess that in the process of trying to call out people who are being assholes, Ive started to be just as much of an asshole, I still stand by the points Ive made, but Ill have to work on being more constructive about how I say it, and, using less swear words to get my point across, and probably just generally not commenting as much about these kinds of things, though I likely wouldnt do it at all if the mods were more active and noticed these problems more.I figure I have a better chance of making my point understandable this way anyway, and I certainly dont want to become exactly what I have an issue with.I guess that this hole thing has gone on for a long time, but its winding down and Im not following suit, because its the only thing thats been happening for quite a long time. Ive been commenting on things like this, partly because no one is really asking for help wit
 h things on the off topic room, or with sound design, or putting out fully formed new games to play and talk about, aside from Beatstar of course, but your write, I dont code, I just know a few coders and talk to them, so this isnt really my area of study, even if I still agree with what those coders are saying and did some research to back it up, but thats not as good as first hand experience.I apologize for rekindling the flames, and showing such an extreme opinion about something I dont have first hand experience with.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is Learning 2 Programming languages at once possible?

2015-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is Learning 2 Programming languages at once possible?

I see your point, I guess that in the process of trying to call out people who are being assholes, Ive started to be just as much of an asshole, I still stand by the points Ive made, but Ill have to work on being more constructive about how I say it, and, using less swear words to get my point across, and probably just generally not commenting as much about these kinds of things, though I likely wouldnt do it at all if the mods were more active and noticed these problems more.I figure I have a better chance of making my point understandable this way anyway, and I certainly dont want to become exactly what I have an issue with.I guess that this hole thing has gone on for a long time, but its winding down and Im not following suit, because its the only thing thats been happening for quite a long time, and unfortunately, Im used to it. Ive been commenting on things like this, partly beca
 use no one is really asking for help with things on the off topic room, or with sound design, or putting out fully formed new games to play and talk about, aside from Beatstar of course, but your write, I dont code, I just know a few coders and talk to them, so this isnt really my area of study, even if I still agree with what those coders are saying and did some research to back it up, but thats not as good as first hand experience.I apologize for rekindling the flames, and showing such an extreme opinion about something I dont have first hand experience with.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is Learning 2 Programming languages at once possible?

2015-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is Learning 2 Programming languages at once possible?

I see your point, I guess that in the process of trying to call out people who are being assholes, Ive started to be just as much of an asshole, I still stand by the points Ive made, but Ill have to work on being more constructive about how I say it, and, using less swear words to get my point across, and probably just generally not commenting as much about these kinds of things, though I likely wouldnt do it at all if the mods were more active and noticed these problems more.I figure I have a better chance of making my point understandable this way anyway, and I certainly dont want to become exactly what I have an issue with.I guess that this hole thing has gone on for a long time, but its winding down and Im not following suit. Ive been commenting on things like this, partly because no one is really asking for help with things on the off topic room, or with sound design, or putting out fully formed n
 ew games to play and talk about, aside from Beatstar of course, but your write, I dont code, I just know a few coders and talk to them, so this isnt really my area of study, even if I still agree with what those coders are saying and did some research to back it up, but thats not as good as first hand experience.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is Learning 2 Programming languages at once possible?

2015-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is Learning 2 Programming languages at once possible?

God, steve, , post 33 was just like your old ones.You know whats funny? Tward said basically the same thing that Camlern originally said, and in basically the same way, but you guys didnt mind that at all, and even agreed, for the most part.Thats pathetic, and you know what else is pathetic, the fact that the only reason people are starting to use PB for audio games, is that one relatively unsuccessful coder started using it because someone bought it for him, then, a bunch of other coders who couldnt figure out BGT started using it because this one coder treated it like it was the language of all languages, that could do know wrong and was 10 times better than all the others, simply because he got fet up trying to use BGT. So all of the other programmers, since they knew that this guy was willing to get them started with this language that has no purpose being used for audio games, nor any kind of server, and is in fact suppo
 sed to be used for relatively basic machines like workstations, factory testing units, and thin clients, and isnt even much better at doing that than other languages according to most professionals, most of which are free,, more up to date, and have a wider range of features, decided to use this instead of C++, BGT, or Python.It would have been completely fine if this one coder was the only one, but everyone that uses it now defends it to the last, specifically because all of the people that actually no better tell them its not a good idea, most of these new coders dont really know what they are doing anyway, and would have way better progress with the type of games that they are trying to make, E.G. simple ones, that would be much easier in BGT, which is a language thats already set up to do basic audio games, and the 1 or 2 relatively good ones will likely soon find that the other people were right all along, or just lie to them selves to keep 
 from losing a non existent battle that they have manufactured just to be contrary, and suffer pointlessly for it.It will all blow over in time, since its just a fad, but its still pretty moronic and has pissed off allot of people that didnt deserve this stubborn stupidity being herled at them from all sides by teenaged wanabes.Time for Ethin to bitch about the length of my post, sigh.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is Learning 2 Programming languages at once possible?

2015-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is Learning 2 Programming languages at once possible?

God, steve, , post 33 was just like your old ones.You know whats funny? Tward said basically the same thing that Camlern originally said, and in basically the same way, but you guys didnt mind that at all, and even agreed, for the most part, since he wasnt Camlern, I guess? Pretty idiotic reason if you ask me...Thats pathetic, and you know what else is pathetic, the fact that the only reason people are starting to use PB for audio games, is that one relatively unsuccessful coder started using it because someone bought it for him, then, a bunch of other coders who couldnt figure out BGT started using it because this one coder treated it like it was the language of all languages, that could do know wrong and was 10 times better than all the others, simply because he got fet up trying to use BGT. So all of the other programmers, since they knew that this guy was willing to get them started with this language that has
  no purpose being used for audio games, nor any kind of server, and is in fact supposed to be used for relatively basic machines like workstations, factory testing units, and thin clients, and isnt even much better at doing that than other languages according to most professionals, most of which are free,, more up to date, and have a wider range of features, decided to use this instead of C++, BGT, or Python.It would have been completely fine if this one coder was the only one, but everyone that uses it now defends it to the last, specifically because all of the people that actually no better tell them its not a good idea, most of these new coders dont really know what they are doing anyway, and would have way better progress with the type of games that they are trying to make, E.G. simple ones, that would be much easier in BGT, which is a language thats already set up to do basic audio games, and the 1 or 2 relatively good ones will likely soon 
 find that the other people were right all along, or just lie to them selves to keep from losing a non existent battle that they have manufactured just to be contrary, and suffer pointlessly for it.It will all blow over in time, since its just a fad, but its still pretty moronic and has pissed off allot of people that didnt deserve this stubborn stupidity being herled at them from all sides by teenaged wanabes.Time for Ethin to inevitably bitch about the length of my post... Sigh.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

2015-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

Thanks Ondrosik! I got it, best to use the torrent, IMO, and Im seeding now so that should help.Personally, I would say that about 50 to 60 percent of the pack is ready made for games, the rest isnt really game oriented, per say, unless your getting into a pretty specific type of game, or talking about cut scenes,- but Im still happy to have it!Almost all sounds are high quality, and all are in PCM wav format.Here is a list of the subfolders for anyone interested, and for those that want to pick and choose what they download, which, yes, you can do with a torrent, at least with UTorrent I know for - GDC - Game Audio BundleAlexander Kopeikin ... Moscow AmbienceAlexander Kopeikin ... Transitions HDBeautifulNoise ... Intensity by DesignCarlo Ascrizzi ... Race Cars Essential LibraryColl Anderson ... Battle CrowdColl Anderso
 n ... Car DestructionColl Anderson ... DeerColl Anderson ... DogColl Anderson ... GoreColl Anderson ... GunsColl Anderson ... HouseColl Anderson ... Metal PlateColl Anderson ... Monster Zombie VocalColl Anderson ... PigColl Anderson ... Slapstick ComedyColl Anderson ... Sliding Whoosh ByColl Anderson ... Traditional SirensDetunized ... AroundBridgesDetunized ... CityTrafficDetunized ... Computer NoisesDetunized ... DanishBunkersDetunized ... HumBuzzDetunized ... JustWaterDetunized ... Newsreel NoisesDetunized ... PassingTrainsDetunized ... WindTurbinesEiravaein Works ... CrepitusEiravaein Works ... EponaEiravaein Works ... IlmarinenEiravaein Works ... Start Select
 Eiravaein Works ... Vaeyan IEiravaein Works ... Vaeyan IIGiorgio Riolo ... SILENTSCAPESJulian Ray ... Background MachineryJulian Ray ... Space ... The Finest FX_Sounds of SpaceKpow Sounds ... Industrial Disquiet SoundpackKpow Sounds ... UI SOUNDPACKSMattia Cellotto ... Crunch ModeMattia Cellotto ... The Borax ExperimentMechanical Wave ... Ambience and WeatherMechanical Wave ... Foley Session 01Mechanical Wave ... Hits WhooshMechanical Wave ... Rock Brick and DirtMechanical Wave ... Sci-Fi-InvadersMechanical Wave ... Undoing-ComputerMechanical Wave ... Vegetable MassacresMembrans ... Analog Tape Noise Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Astro Droid Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Bone Crackings Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Cartoon Arrow Sound Pack 01
 Membrans ... Firecrackers Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Ice Cold Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Monster Pack 01Membrans ... Pops Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Rally Cars Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Rally Cars Sound Pack 02Membrans ... Scanners Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Spaceship Interface Sound Pack 01NoizBoy ... Hong Kong Action Kit ... Hit Kit #1NoizBoy ... Hong Kong Action Kit ... Hit Kit #2Original Sounds ... DocksRDGSFX001 ... DronesRDGSFX002 ... CreaturesRDGSFX003 ... Industrial_WarehouseRDGSFX004 ... L A Parking GaragesRDGSFX005 ... Squeaks and Creaks_v2RDGSFX006 ... California BeachesRDGSFX007 ... Rips and Tears v.2RDGSFX008 ... The Metal ShelfRDGSFX009 ... Twisted ZitherResonant ... Sounds of Hong KongRobert Cordova .
 .. BaseSecret Source ... 001 Boat PulleySecret Source ... 002 1964 Mercury Montclair_Secret Source ... 003 Jaws Of LifeSound Ex Machina ... Basketball Game ProSound Ex Machina ... Kitchen Sounds 1.2Sound Ex Machina ... LaughsSound Ex Machina ... Water FlowSoundMorph ... Bloody NightmareSoundMorph ... Doom DronesSoundMorph ... Future WeaponsSoundMorph ... Modular UI ... By Richard DevineSoundMorph ... Road RidersSoundMorph ... Robotic LifeformsSoundMorph ... SinematicSoundMorph ... Solar SkySoundMorph ... Users of TomorrowSoundopolis ... BladesSoundopolis ... Burps and FartsSoundopolis ... CB RadioSoundopolis ... Foley Plus_FullSoundopolis ... Glass Smash FullSoundopolis .. Gore Toolkit HDS
 oundopolis ... Natures Fury_Rain_01Soundopolis ... Natures Fury_ThunderSoundopolis ... Natures Fury_Wind_01Soundopolis ... Percussion 01Soundopolis ... Sci-Fi ElectricSoundopolis ... Tools_Construction 01Soundopolis ... UnderwaterSoundopolis ... Water 01Soundopolis ... Water Ambiences 01TheLibrary by EmptySea ... Gateway Part1TheLibrary by EmptySea ... RoboBioticsTheLibrary by EmptySea ... SeaMonsters 2TheLibrary by EmptySea ... UI1Timothy McHugh ... Barefoot on MetalTimothy McHugh ... Cafe AmbiancesTimothy McHugh ... Crowd LaughterTimothy McHugh ... Gorification [HD]Varazuvi ... California FoleyVarazuvi ... Hollywood DragonsVarazuvi ... Natural EnvironmentsVarazuvi ... Natural VarietyVarazuvi ... Underwater 
 WhaleWhatIsValis ... unEarthly AmbienceIf anyone has questions about whats what, just ask, but the pack does have a PDF track listing in it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

2015-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

Thanks Ondrosik! I got it, best to use the torrent, IMO, and Im seeding now so that should help.Personally, I would say that about 50 to 60 percent of the pack is ready made for games, the rest isnt really game oriented, per say, unless your getting into a pretty specific type of game, or talking about cut scenes,- but Im still happy to have it!Almost all sounds are high quality, and all are in PCM wav format.Here is a list of the subfolders for anyone interested, and for those that want to pick and choose what they download, which, yes, you can do with a torrent, at least with UTorrent I know for - GDC - Game Audio BundleAlexander Kopeikin ... Moscow AmbienceAlexander Kopeikin ... Transitions HDBeautifulNoise ... Intensity by DesignCarlo Ascrizzi ... Race Cars Essential LibraryColl Anderson ... Battle CrowdColl Anderson 
 ... Car DestructionColl Anderson ... DeerColl Anderson ... DogColl Anderson ... GoreColl Anderson ... GunsColl Anderson ... HouseColl Anderson ... Metal PlateColl Anderson ... Monster Zombie VocalColl Anderson ... PigColl Anderson ... Slapstick ComedyColl Anderson ... Sliding Whoosh ByColl Anderson ... Traditional SirensDetunized ... AroundBridgesDetunized ... CityTrafficDetunized ... Computer NoisesDetunized ... DanishBunkersDetunized ... HumBuzzDetunized ... JustWaterDetunized ... Newsreel NoisesDetunized ... PassingTrainsDetunized ... WindTurbinesEiravaein Works ... CrepitusEiravaein Works ... EponaEiravaein Works ... IlmarinenEiravaein Works ... Start SelectEi
 ravaein Works ... Vaeyan IEiravaein Works ... Vaeyan IIGiorgio Riolo ... SILENTSCAPESJulian Ray ... Background MachineryJulian Ray ... Space ... The Finest FX_Sounds of SpaceKPow Sounds ... Industrial Disquiet SoundpackKPow Sounds ... UI SOUNDPACKSMattia Cellotto ... Crunch ModeMattia Cellotto ... The Borax ExperimentMechanical Wave ... Ambience and WeatherMechanical Wave ... Foley Session 01Mechanical Wave ... Hits WhooshMechanical Wave ... Rock Brick and DirtMechanical Wave ... Sci-Fi-InvadersMechanical Wave ... Undoing-ComputerMechanical Wave ... Vegetable MassacresMembrans ... Analog Tape Noise Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Astro Droid Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Bone Crackings Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Cartoon Arrow Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Firecrackers Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Ice Cold Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Monster Pack 01Membrans ... Pops Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Rally Cars Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Rally Cars Sound Pack 02Membrans ... Scanners Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Spaceship Interface Sound Pack 01NoizBoy ... Hong Kong Action Kit ... Hit Kit #1NoizBoy ... Hong Kong Action Kit ... Hit Kit #2Original Sounds ... DocksRDGSFX001 ... DronesRDGSFX002 ... CreaturesRDGSFX003 ... Industrial_WarehouseRDGSFX004 ... L A Parking GaragesRDGSFX005 ... Squeaks and Creaks_v2RDGSFX006 ... California BeachesRDGSFX007 ... Rips and Tears v.2RDGSFX008 ... The Metal ShelfRDGSFX009 ... Twisted ZitherResonant ... Sounds of Hong KongRobert Cordova ...
  BaseSecret Source ... 001 Boat PulleySecret Source ... 002 1964 Mercury Montclair_Secret Source ... 003 Jaws Of LifeSound Ex Machina ... Basketball Game ProSound Ex Machina ... Kitchen Sounds 1.2Sound Ex Machina ... LaughsSound Ex Machina ... Water FlowSoundMorph ... Bloody NightmareSoundMorph ... Doom DronesSoundMorph ... Future WeaponsSoundMorph ... Modular UI ... By Richard DevineSoundMorph ... Road RidersSoundMorph ... Robotic LifeformsSoundMorph ... SinematicSoundMorph ... Solar SkySoundMorph ... Users of TomorrowSoundopolis ... BladesSoundopolis ... Burps and FartsSoundopolis ... CB RadioSoundopolis ... Foley Plus_FullSoundopolis ... Glass Smash FullSoundopolis ... Gore Toolkit HDSo
 undopolis ... Natures Fury_Rain_01Soundopolis ... Natures Fury_ThunderSoundopolis ... Natures Fury_Wind_01Soundopolis ... Percussion 01Soundopolis ... Sci-Fi ElectricSoundopolis ... Tools_Construction 01Soundopolis ... UnderwaterSoundopolis ... Water 01Soundopolis ... Water Ambiences 01TheLibrary by EmptySea ... Gateway Part1TheLibrary by EmptySea ... RoboBioticsTheLibrary by EmptySea ... SeaMonsters 2TheLibrary by EmptySea ... UI1Timothy McHugh ... Barefoot on MetalTimothy McHugh ... Cafe AmbiancesTimothy McHugh ... Crowd LaughterTimothy McHugh ... Gorification [HD]Varazuvi ... California FoleyVarazuvi ... Hollywood DragonsVarazuvi ... Natural EnvironmentsVarazuvi ... Natural VarietyVarazuvi ... Underwater W
 haleWhatIsValis ... unEarthly AmbienceIf anyone has questions about whats what, just ask, but the pack does have a PDF track listing in it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

2015-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

Thanks Ondrosik! I got it, best to use the torrent, IMO, and Im seeding now so that should help.Personally, I would say that about 50 to 60 percent of the pack is ready made for games, the rest isnt really game oriented, per say, unless your getting into a pretty specific type of game, or talking about cut scenes,- but Im still happy to have it!Almost all sounds are high quality, and all are in PCM wav format.Here is a list of the subfolders for anyone interested, and for those that want to pick and choose what they download, which, yes, you can do with a torrent, at least with UTorrent I know for - GDC - Game Audio BundleAlexander Kopeikin ... Moscow AmbienceAlexander Kopeikin ... Transitions HDBeautifulNoise ... Intensity by DesignCarlo Ascrizzi ... Race Cars Essential LibraryColl Anderson ... Battle CrowdColl Anderson 
 ... Car DestructionColl Anderson ... DeerColl Anderson ... DogColl Anderson ... GoreColl Anderson ... GunsColl Anderson ... HouseColl Anderson ... Metal PlateColl Anderson ... Monster Zombie VocalColl Anderson ... PigColl Anderson ... Slapstick ComedyColl Anderson ... Sliding Whoosh ByColl Anderson ... Traditional SirensDetunized ... AroundBridgesDetunized ... CityTrafficDetunized ... Computer NoisesDetunized ... DanishBunkersDetunized ... HumBuzzDetunized ... JustWaterDetunized ... Newsreel NoisesDetunized ... PassingTrainsDetunized ... WindTurbinesEiravaein Works ... CrepitusEiravaein Works ... EponaEiravaein Works ... IlmarinenEiravaein Works ... Start SelectEi
 ravaein Works ... Vaeyan IEiravaein Works ... Vaeyan IIGiorgio Riolo ... SILENTSCAPESJulian Ray ... Background MachineryJulian Ray ... Space ... The Finest FX_Sounds of SpaceKPow Sounds ... Industrial Disquiet SoundpackKPow Sounds ... UI SOUNDPACKSMattia Cellotto ... Crunch ModeMattia Cellotto ... The Borax ExperimentMechanical Wave ... Ambience and WeatherMechanical Wave ... Foley Session 01Mechanical Wave ... Hits WhooshMechanical Wave ... Rock Brick and DirtMechanical Wave ... Sci-Fi-InvadersMechanical Wave ... Undoing-ComputerMechanical Wave ... Vegetable MassacresMembrans ... Analog Tape Noise Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Astro Droid Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Bone Crackings Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Cartoon Arrow Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Firecrackers Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Ice Cold Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Monster Pack 01Membrans ... Pops Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Rally Cars Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Rally Cars Sound Pack 02Membrans ... Scanners Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Spaceship Interface Sound Pack 01NoizBoy ... Hong Kong Action Kit ... Hit Kit #1NoizBoy ... Hong Kong Action Kit ... Hit Kit #2Original Sounds ... DocksRDGSFX001 ... DronesRDGSFX002 ... CreaturesRDGSFX003 ... Industrial_WarehouseRDGSFX004 ... L A Parking GaragesRDGSFX005 ... Squeaks and Creaks_v2RDGSFX006 ... California BeachesRDGSFX007 ... Rips and Tears v.2RDGSFX008 ... The Metal ShelfRDGSFX009 ... Twisted ZitherResonant ... Sounds of Hong KongRobert Cordova ...
  BaseSecret Source ... 001 Boat PulleySecret Source ... 002 1964 Mercury Montclair_Secret Source ... 003 Jaws Of LifeSound Ex Machina ... Basketball Game ProSound Ex Machina ... Kitchen Sounds 1.2Sound Ex Machina ... LaughsSound Ex Machina ... Water FlowSoundMorph ... Bloody NightmareSoundMorph ... Doom DronesSoundMorph ... Future WeaponsSoundMorph ... Modular UI ... By Richard DevineSoundMorph ... Road RidersSoundMorph ... Robotic LifeformsSoundMorph ... SinematicSoundMorph ... Solar SkySoundMorph ... Users of TomorrowSoundopolis ... BladesSoundopolis ... Burps and FartsSoundopolis ... CB RadioSoundopolis ... Foley Plus_FullSoundopolis ... Glass Smash FullSoundopolis ... Gore Toolkit HDSo
 undopolis ... Natures Fury_Rain_01Soundopolis ... Natures Fury_ThunderSoundopolis ... Natures Fury_Wind_01Soundopolis ... Percussion 01Soundopolis ... Sci-Fi ElectricSoundopolis ... Tools_Construction 01Soundopolis ... UnderwaterSoundopolis ... Water 01Soundopolis ... Water Ambiences 01TheLibrary by EmptySea ... Gateway Part1TheLibrary by EmptySea ... RoboBioticsTheLibrary by EmptySea ... SeaMonsters 2TheLibrary by EmptySea ... UI1Timothy McHugh ... Barefoot on MetalTimothy McHugh ... Cafe AmbiancesTimothy McHugh ... Crowd LaughterTimothy McHugh ... Gorification [HD]Varazuvi ... California FoleyVarazuvi ... Hollywood DragonsVarazuvi ... Natural EnvironmentsVarazuvi ... Natural VarietyVarazuvi ... Underwater W
 haleWhatIsValis ... unEarthly Ambience117 subfolders, 661 sound effects, , 10.2GBIf anyone has questions about whats what, just ask, but the pack does have a PDF track listing in it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

2015-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

Thanks Ondrosik! I got it, best to use the torrent, IMO, and Im seeding now so that should help.Personally, I would say that about 50 to 60 percent of the pack is ready made for games, the rest isnt really game oriented, per say, unless your getting into a pretty specific type of game, or talking about cut scenes,- but Im still happy to have it!Almost all sounds are high quality, and all are in PCM wav format.Here is a list of the subfolders for anyone interested, and for those that want to pick and choose what they download, which, yes, you can do with a torrent, at least with UTorrent I know for - GDC - Game Audio BundleAlexander Kopeikin ... Moscow AmbienceAlexander Kopeikin ... Transitions HDBeautifulNoise ... Intensity by DesignCarlo Ascrizzi ... Race Cars Essential LibraryColl Anderson ... Battle CrowdCo
 ll Anderson ... Car DestructionColl Anderson ... DeerColl Anderson ... DogColl Anderson ... GoreColl Anderson ... GunsColl Anderson ... HouseColl Anderson ... Metal PlateColl Anderson ... Monster Zombie VocalColl Anderson ... PigColl Anderson ... Slapstick ComedyColl Anderson ... Sliding Whoosh ByColl Anderson ... Traditional SirensDetunized ... AroundBridgesDetunized ... CityTrafficDetunized ... Computer NoisesDetunized ... DanishBunkersDetunized ... HumBuzzDetunized ... JustWaterDetunized ... Newsreel NoisesDetunized ... PassingTrainsDetunized ... WindTurbinesEiravaein Works ... CrepitusEiravaein Works ... EponaEiravaein Works ... IlmarinenEiravaein Works ... Start SelectEiravaein Works ... Vaeyan IEiravaein Works ... Vaeyan IIGiorgio Riolo ... SILENTSCAPESJulian Ray ... Background MachineryJulian Ray ... Space ... The Finest FX_Sounds of SpaceKpow Sounds ... Industrial Disquiet SoundpackKpow Sounds ... UI SOUNDPACKSMattia Cellotto ... Crunch ModeMattia Cellotto ... The Borax ExperimentMechanical Wave ... Ambience and WeatherMechanical Wave ... Foley Session 01Mechanical Wave ... Hits WhooshMechanical Wave ... Rock Brick and DirtMechanical Wave ... Sci-Fi-InvadersMechanical Wave ... Undoing-ComputerMechanical Wave ... Vegetable MassacresMembrans ... Analog Tape Noise Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Astro Droid Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Bone Crackings Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Cartoon Arrow Sound Pack 01
 Membrans ... Firecrackers Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Ice Cold Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Monster Pack 01Membrans ... Pops Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Rally Cars Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Rally Cars Sound Pack 02Membrans ... Scanners Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Spaceship Interface Sound Pack 01NoizBoy ... Hong Kong Action Kit ... Hit Kit #1NoizBoy ... Hong Kong Action Kit ... Hit Kit #2Original Sounds ... DocksRDGSFX001 ... DronesRDGSFX002 ... CreaturesRDGSFX003 ... Industrial_WarehouseRDGSFX004 ... L A Parking GaragesRDGSFX005 ... Squeaks and Creaks_v2RDGSFX006 ... California BeachesRDGSFX007 ... Rips and Tears v.2RDGSFX008 ... The Metal ShelfRDGSFX009 ... Twisted ZitherResonant ... Sounds of Hong KongRobert
  Cordova ... BaseSecret Source ... 001 Boat PulleySecret Source ... 002 1964 Mercury Montclair_Secret Source ... 003 Jaws Of LifeSound Ex Machina ... Basketball Game ProSound Ex Machina ... Kitchen Sounds 1.2Sound Ex Machina ... LaughsSound Ex Machina ... Water FlowSoundMorph ... Bloody NightmareSoundMorph ... Doom DronesSoundMorph ... Future WeaponsSoundMorph ... Modular UI ... By Richard DevineSoundMorph ... Road RidersSoundMorph ... Robotic LifeformsSoundMorph ... SinematicSoundMorph ... Solar SkySoundMorph ... Users of TomorrowSoundopolis ... BladesSoundopolis ... Burps and FartsSoundopolis ... CB RadioSoundopolis ... Foley Plus_FullSoundopolis ... Glass Smash FullSoundopolis .. Gore Toolkit HD
 Soundopolis ... Natures Fury_Rain_01Soundopolis ... Natures Fury_ThunderSoundopolis ... Natures Fury_Wind_01Soundopolis ... Percussion 01Soundopolis ... Sci-Fi ElectricSoundopolis ... Tools_Construction 01Soundopolis ... UnderwaterSoundopolis ... Water 01Soundopolis ... Water Ambiences 01TheLibrary by EmptySea ... Gateway Part1TheLibrary by EmptySea ... RoboBioticsTheLibrary by EmptySea ... SeaMonsters 2TheLibrary by EmptySea ... UI1Timothy McHugh ... Barefoot on MetalTimothy McHugh ... Cafe AmbiancesTimothy McHugh ... Crowd LaughterTimothy McHugh ... Gorification [HD]Varazuvi ... California FoleyVarazuvi ... Hollywood DragonsVarazuvi ... Natural EnvironmentsVarazuvi ... Natural VarietyVarazuvi ... U
 nderwater WhaleWhatIsValis ... unEarthly AmbienceIf anyone has questions about whats what, just ask, but the pack does have a PDF track listing in it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

2015-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

Thanks Ondrosik! I got it, best to use the torrent, IMO, and Im seeding now so that should help.Personally, I would say that about 50 to 60 percent of the pack is ready made for games, the rest isnt really game oriented, per say, unless your getting into a pretty specific type of game, or talking about cut scenes,- but Im still happy to have it!Almost all sounds are high quality, and all are in PCM wav format.Here is a list of the subfolders for anyone interested, and for those that want to pick and choose what they download, which, yes, you can do with a torrent, at least with UTorrent I know for ... GDC - Game Audio BundleAlexander Kopeikin ... Moscow AmbienceAlexander Kopeikin ... Transitions HDBeautifulNoise ... Intensity by DesignCarlo Ascrizzi ... Race Cars Essential LibraryColl Anderson ... Battle CrowdColl Anderso
 n ... Car DestructionColl Anderson ... DeerColl Anderson ... DogColl Anderson ... GoreColl Anderson ... GunsColl Anderson ... HouseColl Anderson ... Metal PlateColl Anderson ... Monster Zombie VocalColl Anderson ... PigColl Anderson ... Slapstick ComedyColl Anderson ... Sliding Whoosh ByColl Anderson ... Traditional SirensDetunized ... AroundBridgesDetunized ... CityTrafficDetunized ... Computer NoisesDetunized ... DanishBunkersDetunized ... HumBuzzDetunized ... JustWaterDetunized ... Newsreel NoisesDetunized ... PassingTrainsDetunized ... WindTurbinesEiravaein Works ... CrepitusEiravaein Works ... EponaEiravaein Works ... IlmarinenEiravaein Works ... Start Select
 Eiravaein Works ... Vaeyan IEiravaein Works ... Vaeyan IIGiorgio Riolo ... SILENTSCAPESJulian Ray ... Background MachineryJulian Ray ... Space ... The Finest FX_Sounds of SpaceKPow Sounds ... Industrial Disquiet SoundpackKPow Sounds ... UI SOUNDPACKSMattia Cellotto ... Crunch ModeMattia Cellotto ... The Borax ExperimentMechanical Wave ... Ambience and WeatherMechanical Wave ... Foley Session 01Mechanical Wave ... Hits WhooshMechanical Wave ... Rock Brick and DirtMechanical Wave ... Sci-Fi-InvadersMechanical Wave ... Undoing-ComputerMechanical Wave ... Vegetable MassacresMembrans ... Analog Tape Noise Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Astro Droid Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Bone Crackings Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Cartoon Arrow Sound Pack 01
 Membrans ... Firecrackers Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Ice Cold Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Monster Pack 01Membrans ... Pops Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Rally Cars Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Rally Cars Sound Pack 02Membrans ... Scanners Sound Pack 01Membrans ... Spaceship Interface Sound Pack 01NoizBoy ... Hong Kong Action Kit ... Hit Kit #1NoizBoy ... Hong Kong Action Kit ... Hit Kit #2Original Sounds ... DocksRDGSFX001 ... DronesRDGSFX002 ... CreaturesRDGSFX003 ... Industrial_WarehouseRDGSFX004 ... L A Parking GaragesRDGSFX005 ... Squeaks and Creaks_v2RDGSFX006 ... California BeachesRDGSFX007 ... Rips and Tears v.2RDGSFX008 ... The Metal ShelfRDGSFX009 ... Twisted ZitherResonant ... Sounds of Hong KongRobert Cordova .
 .. BaseSecret Source ... 001 Boat PulleySecret Source ... 002 1964 Mercury Montclair_Secret Source ... 003 Jaws Of LifeSound Ex Machina ... Basketball Game ProSound Ex Machina ... Kitchen Sounds 1.2Sound Ex Machina ... LaughsSound Ex Machina ... Water FlowSoundMorph ... Bloody NightmareSoundMorph ... Doom DronesSoundMorph ... Future WeaponsSoundMorph ... Modular UI ... By Richard DevineSoundMorph ... Road RidersSoundMorph ... Robotic LifeformsSoundMorph ... SinematicSoundMorph ... Solar SkySoundMorph ... Users of TomorrowSoundopolis ... BladesSoundopolis ... Burps and FartsSoundopolis ... CB RadioSoundopolis ... Foley Plus_FullSoundopolis ... Glass Smash FullSoundopolis ... Gore Toolkit HD
 Soundopolis ... Natures Fury_Rain_01Soundopolis ... Natures Fury_ThunderSoundopolis ... Natures Fury_Wind_01Soundopolis ... Percussion 01Soundopolis ... Sci-Fi ElectricSoundopolis ... Tools_Construction 01Soundopolis ... UnderwaterSoundopolis ... Water 01Soundopolis ... Water Ambiences 01TheLibrary by EmptySea ... Gateway Part1TheLibrary by EmptySea ... RoboBioticsTheLibrary by EmptySea ... SeaMonsters 2TheLibrary by EmptySea ... UI1Timothy McHugh ... Barefoot on MetalTimothy McHugh ... Cafe AmbiancesTimothy McHugh ... Crowd LaughterTimothy McHugh ... Gorification [HD]Varazuvi ... California FoleyVarazuvi ... Hollywood DragonsVarazuvi ... Natural EnvironmentsVarazuvi ... Natural VarietyVarazuvi ... Underwater
  WhaleWhatIsValis ... unEarthly Ambience117 subfolders, 661 sound effects, , 10.2GBIf anyone has questions about whats what, just ask, but the pack does have a PDF track listing in it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

2015-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

Well you werent really that bad compared to some, or for very long or anything anyway, and I see what your trying to do, but the problem is that Ethins ego is so gigantic, that, not once in the many, many times hes been told off for doing this exact kind of stuff all over the internet, has he ever actually stopped for very long, so I tend to believe that hes going to have to come to it on his own which, is fine, most people have to do that for something or other, but I am really tired of putting up with it again and again in the mean time, and seeing him stomp all over other people or just turn them off of a good discussion or start them raging instead of listening.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

2015-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

Well you werent really that bad, or for very long or anything anyway, and I see what your trying to do, but the problem is that Ethins ego is so gigantic, that, not once in the many, many times hes been told off for doing this exact kind of stuff all over the internet, has he ever actually stopped for very long, so I tend to believe that hes going to have to come to it on his own which, is fine, most people have to do that for something or other, but I am really tired of putting up with it in the mean time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

2015-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

Former trolls consoling and defending current trolls after they get rightfully told off for trolling? Gag me with a spoon! What has the damned world come too?Its like a two man rebel uprising against not saying unhelpful and unasked for things in the most arrogant way possible on every topic that has nothing to do with you!Good luck finding those who are willing to agree with you though, anyone that looks at Ethins posts for long isnt going to be very understanding of the hole he desperately keeps trying to dig him self, nor how he almost always rubs everyone the wrong way the instant he starts discussing something.Its true that you cant just judge someone fully on what they do in the present and not even take into account what they do in the future, which is why no one is really upset with Steve any more even though he was pretty much just as bad as Ethin for a bit a few months ago, probably stress o
 r something, but I certainly dont hold a grudge, however telling Ethin that what hes doing is even slightly okay, is silly to me, because it just strengthens his attitude, which, amusingly, is the same exact one that he is accusing Camlern of, but worse, since Camlern actually knows what hes talking about and doesnt throw fits to gain attention


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

2015-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

Former trolls consoling and defending current trolls after they get rightfully told off for trolling? Gag me with a spoon! What has the damned world come too?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

2015-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

Former trolls consoling and defending current trolls after they get rightfully told off for trolling? Gag me with a spoon! What has the damned world come too?Its like a two man rebel uprising against not saying unhelpful and unasked for things in the most arrogant way possible on every topic that has nothing to do with you!Good luck finding those who are willing to agree with you though, anyone that looks at Ethins posts for long isnt going to be very understanding of the hole he desperately keeps trying to dig him self, nor how he almost always rubs everyone the wrong way the instant he starts discussing something.Its true that you cant just judge someone fully on what they do in the present and not even take into account what they do in the future, which is why no one is really upset with Steve any more even though he was pretty much just as bad as Ethin for a bit a few months ago, probably stress o
 r something, but I certainly dont hold a grudge, however telling Ethin that what hes doing is even slightly okay, is silly to me, because it just strengthens his attitude, which, amusingly, is the same exact one that he is accusing Camlern of, but worse, since Camlern actually knows what hes talking about and doesnt throw fits to gain attention.This is getting really, really annoying, all I can say is, sorry Camlern, Id say that like, 80 percent of us dont think your a know it all what so ever, and of the other 20 percent, most probably dont care enough to find out your not and just judge from 1 post, but dont really mind either way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

2015-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The minimum environment for using VC++ compiler, cl.exe

Former trolls consoling and defending current trolls after they get rightfully told off for trolling? Gag me with a spoon! What has the damned world come too?Its like a two man rebel uprising against not saying unhelpful and unasked for things in the most arrogant way possible on every topic that has nothing to do with you!Good luck finding those who are willing to agree with you though, anyone that looks at Ethins posts for long isnt going to be very understanding of the hole he desperately keeps trying to dig him self, nor how he almost always rubs everyone the wrong way the instant he starts discussing something.Its true that you cant just judge someone fully on what they do in the present and not even take into account what they do int he future, which is why no one is really upset with Steve any more even though he was pretty much just as bad as Ethin for a bit a few months ago, probably stress o
 r something, but I certainly dont hold a grudge, however telling Ethin that what hes doing is even slightly okay, is silly to me, because it just strengthens his attitude, which, amusingly, is the same exact one that he is accusing Camlern of, but worse, since Camlern actually knows what hes talking about.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

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