Re: From Valiant Galaxy Associates Expanding known Space Version 28!
Re: From Valiant Galaxy Associates Expanding known Space Version 28! Great update with some meaningful changes. Can't wait to be over my cold and do a BSG stream of this. The talk of online play in the future has me really excited too. URL: -- Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Sequence Storm Rhythm Racing Game
Re: Sequence Storm Rhythm Racing Game We just reviewed Sequence Storm and are giving away a copy on the BSg Blog thanks to @special magic games. The review is below. URL: -- Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Announcing Expanding Known Space from Valiant Galaxy Associates
Re: Announcing Expanding Known Space from Valiant Galaxy Associates I'll take that into account for future recordings for game reviews.The recording of game play isn't anything which is edited for time or clarity. Those types of recordings are on the main site. This is to just give people a rough idea of the game so they know if it is something they would like to download and play. Like a supporting file to the review. I'll still keep it in mind for the next one though. URL: -- Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Announcing Expanding Known Space from Valiant Galaxy Associates
Re: Announcing Expanding Known Space from Valiant Galaxy Associates We just put out a review on Expanding Known Space and we are running a giveaway as well. You can check out the review and the giveaway below. … 7/26/2019/ URL: -- Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Our new IOS game Tank Battle.
Re: Our new IOS game Tank Battle. @defenderI'm actually pretty laid back about a lot of things. I don't know where this thing about constructive criticism comes from. I get contacted all the time with suggestions and things that could be corrected and a lot of the time I see the point and a change is made on BSG, or I have a conversation with someone about why something is how it is. If you are going off what you see here I get that, I have little to no patience for conversations on here.I've also said this in multiple places multiple times. When it comes to spelling if someone can read something and enjoy it I don't give any shits about how it is written. Also the time I would "jump down someone's throat" is in the case of someone like mister simba here. I might tell them to send all complaints to for example, but that is all. I don't have the time or energy to care about what random ass hats bitch about on forums anymore.If I'm honest and address legitimate non simba related points.a lot of our readers are not big users of this forum. It has been this way almost since day one.A review is someone's opinion. Hannibal disliked this game a hell of a lot more than he expressed in the blog post. He could have just said he didn't like it and why, or do what he did and add humor to it. I personally prefer the humor.Blogs are not the New York Times, does it say somewhere on BSG that we are professional? I'm being honest, if it says that somewhere I need to know so I can go fix it pronto.If you don't like something on the blog there is a comment field. It is very lightly moderated so you can express all of your displeasures. I don't agree with limiting what someone can say short of illegal and racist.This is Hannibal's review style. If you don't like it that is fine, but everyone knows what to expect going in. I like it, I suppose that is probably why he is still around posting something every Friday. If someone else doesn't then that's fine with me, plenty of other people do. URL: -- Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game
Re: New Horizons, space combat and trading game I'll be doing a New Horizons live stream today, saturday the 19th at 3:30 pm eastern time. Plan is to start fresh and go over getting started with mining, combat, and trading. There's a chat on the BSG live page and I'll be trying to answer as many questions as possible.You can tune in and check the current eastern time at URL: -- Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta61)
Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta61) Just so everyone is aware. the profile for the new space world has been added to BSg. This includes a description of the world, paths, and all mini games with their the new cards have all been added to BSG, but the old cards that were changed have not been updated Hamada's game list manager has been updated to include the new world and the new games in the world. … URL: -- Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Monopoly Planet Audio Sphere Advanced Monopoly Game
Re: Monopoly Planet Audio Sphere Advanced Monopoly Game Is this meant as a release for people to play, or is this a rough beta/alpha for people to test? Honestly wondering because I was debating doing a review, but I don't know if this was just posted for people to test out or if it has already been fully tested and this is the finished product. URL: -- Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter
Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter The kills might change between 15 and 20, but I'm not seeing them go higher than that. the point is to have it change maps more often. Some folks are good on 1 map but not another. that way folks have a chance to play maps they like more often. If it is set to 50 kills it gets boring and stagnant on 1 map way too fast. this also lets folks choose to play for multiple matches or just 1 quick one. And there's multiple servers, you don't have to do it if you don't like the 15 or 20 kills per map change.Also, here in just a few there will be 2 permanent BSG servers, both a team and normal death match one. There will be a download package on that is updated for the server with both entities and maps. At the start it will probably get updated fairly often until I get tired of playing around with making maps. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter
Re: The Road To Rage I: Fires Of War -- First Person Shooter howdy all,Just in case anyone is interested. There is a server at:RTRServer.ddns.netport 6789However to play on it you need to download the additional maps on www.blackscreengaming.comIt is right on the main page under what is smoke working on. At some point in the some what near future there will be a specific section for RTR, but right now it is just a link to download the additional maps as a .7z archive. The server will be up most the time but not all the time, it is being hosted by someone in eastern time so when they are sleeping it prob won't be up. Also new maps will be added randomly so if you get a connection issue just check black screen gaming for a updated map list.also, there is a new RTR Skype group you can join at. guest accounts allowed, if someone spams we close the group. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone
Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone you are way to fixated on your points, i got at least 500 kais and i didn't have to reset any points, i just got a browning and shotgun shells on the map and i was fine. i don't see the big issue with that lol.also, as far as kai stories for why he is in the kai mart, i'm sure something has to be worked in about his pervyness. He really likes hiding in the women's bathroom, god only knows what he is waiting for in there. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone
Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone i got to play swamp tide once, it was a hell of allot of fun, i've always hoped it would come back at some point.also kai is not spwaning properly in the kai mart. Right now it is just run in and die for no reason. Also zombie strength stays for your level. For example being level 800 something i lose 25% health per zombie hit i take on the kai map. But if i recreate a new char at level 1 it is under 10% health loss per hit, which i assume is the normal.Just tossing it out, but might be allot more fun if it stays around to give us like 10 or 20 skill points to play with when we start out on the kai map. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! just a quick heads up. there have been 55 new quests added to STW today, along with some new maps. and by new maps i mean allot of new maps, like allot. the stw world has just doubled plus some in size. also a couple days ago 162 new clothing items added. have fun. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! so a little bit of a back story. when some people do pk they like to do what we call hiding in a tree. they stand on a tree tile on the ground. what this does is make it so nothing in the game can hit them, the tree takes all the hits making them invinsible while they can still shoot or hit the person attacking them. this is clearly a bug, it is the same thing that happens when someone hides on a wall tile that does not have a cap on it. that person on the wall can hit everyone but no one can hit them, the wall takes all the hits. of course this is not allowed, it allows someone to kill another person without being damaged at all. the only way to stop the person is to sacrafice your dfc or die trying to cut down the tree. for this we tell people it is not allowed to hide in trees. if they are caught doing it they get warned and told not do do it. they all know why they are doing it, so they cannot be damaged but so they can kill other people. if someone has pk on and they are on top of a tree that is perfectly fine. you are just on top of a tree, and it would make no sense to tell someone you cannot stand on top of a tree just because you have pk on. if that was the case you could not run from bears and wolves with pk on, you would just have to get eaten or kill them. of course enesmete was not climbing up trees, he stands on them on the ground so he cannot be hit while at the same time he can hit others.i was watching him when i came online after being told by 3 people that he was hiding in trees again, this was the day he got banned. and first i saw him being smart. he would go to a tree, take a couple stepps behind it and wait. this way when someone came to attack him they would hit the tree, but not him. this is just smart, he was protecting himself with a tree. he was not actually standing inside the tree tile to make himself invinsible. then the 2 people who were fighting him sito and marro would run up and cut down the tree. i can only assume this is what he called them hiding in a tree. when in reality they were cutting down the tree so they could then hit him behind the tree. it would of been better strategy to run around the tree but to each their own i guess.the other thing i hav been told by multiple people is when enesmete was hiding in a tree before i came online sito and marro would jump or climb to the top of the same tree so he could not hit them and they could not hit him. this is rather stupid by both people, but one is not cheating the other is. climbing to a top of a tree is fine, when you are there you cannot hit someone cause you are higher than them. they were just doing this so enesmete could not cheat to kill them. it is much better than getting killed because the person you are fighting is cheating.and of course enesmete says i only warn him, and others do not get in trouble. ask cocoa if they have recieved admin warnings from me or other admins everyone says they are friends with. they will tell you the answer. if you want a spoiler here, i will give you one.smoke-j just gave a level 5 warning to Cocoa: do not insult in the out of character, you know the rules and their punishments. if you continue to do it you will be jailed.and damn straight he would be, he knows it too, that is why he stopped doing, let's get into the history of enesmete.first part of the history is enesmete getting in trouble for drinking to fast using a bug, and his first thing he had to do was insult the admin who insulted him via sending admin tells.Amine just gave a level 5 warning to enesmete: Do not use space and alt space at the same time to drink faster especially when you are smoking. That's concidered as a then he sends insulting admintells calling amine a little child baby saying he cannot warn him because he is only a baby and to shut up.the admin tell is for people to contact admins when they need help, not to send random messages, and especially not to insult an admin who just warned you.smoke-j just gave a level 2 warning to enesmete: it does not matter the age of an admin who warns you, nor does their size matter. you were warned by an admin, try to listen to the warning, not listening to the warning no matter who it comes from will result in you going to jail or worse. you are not being targeted, but you are not listening to the warnings, use alt space and space to drink faster again and it will be jail, end of story, no questions no more warnings. you have been warned, if you disagree go read the rules again and refresh your memory on admin warnings. if you would listen to the warning you would not be being checked for cheating so then that was done, i don't directly remember any messages i got after this but i am sure there are, he does it to everyone.this below happened 1 or 2 days before he got banned.this is when i moved him to the conference room to talk so he could listen and did not get killed while we were talking because there w
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! Finally got the recording Akilor made uploaded to BSG. you can get it here's still big, over 100 meg, but downloaded for me in under a min with average internet. Hoping for the next one to have recordings that include a play by play commentary for most fights in the 2 vs 2 competition. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: new game online! Desafio Mortal
Re: new game online! Desafio Mortal @david_solomon1lol I don't post regarding the rules in the forum, cause going off what you just said, more on that below, it seems to be okay to not support a clone of a certain game specifically, that's fine, balls to equal protection and all that, let's single out one, I couldn't care less. I also couldn't care less if it is okay to support hacking on the forum, with no repercussions for it, or those who openly have admitted to doing it here, really doesn't phase me, doesn't effect my life.the issue is the overall idea and whole topic in general and reasoning behind it all. it's just a terrible mixture of comical and sad. and that might be your reason for the discussion, but that is not what people are talking about, not if it is okay under the forum rules, but if it is okay in general. that is all anyone is talking about everywhere, and it's just sad. the blind world is so small that this is such an important thi ng to everyone. biggest issue I suppose is not having a secondary forum.and I just read the rules, pretty short and sweet and no mention of what you said, unless there are 2 different sets of rules which would be pretty ridiculous."">nothing what so ever about ultra power, words aren't even on the page anywhere, so I'm fairly confused about that, where these private rules are hiding.anyway, it's not my job to get folks to think in a reasonable way, I couldn't get paid enough to even attempt that, so I'm out of this thread, I said my 2 penny's worth, hopefully someone's response doesn't tempt me to come back and reply. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: new game online! Desafio Mortal
Re: new game online! Desafio Mortal I don't play the game, not gonna play the game, but god it is so tiring hearing everyone cry and wine about this or that involving it. who is being effected by taking a game down, the dev? nope, guess again, the people who want to enjoy playing it. so what is the point, ah yes, to say balls to those who want to play it. is the dev making money off the game, nope, are the people who want to play it enjoying the game, yep. so what is the point, I guess to say fuck those who want to play a let's talk about clones. there are 2 categories, taking code, and taking ideas. some would argue that ripping off an original idea from someone is worse as it crosses many more mediums then just a game or something involving code. so let's see here, a simple google search shows me that the game call of duty is a 10 billion dollar franchise. yep people that is billion with a B, like lots of zeros. and another google search can show me that in the past 10 years there ha ve been 30 clones of call of duty, completely ripping off original ideas in game play and content they created. so let's see here, is everyone crying and wining about that, is the 10 billion dollar franchise doing anything, nope cause they have nothing to fear. they are worth 10 billion and they know the next game they put out will kick the ass of any clone anyone else want's to make. now the issue as it relates here is that mason is done, gone, the next game he puts out doesn't seem to be ever. so all there is the memory of what he did. and when people take from that he has nothing left, so in this being a clone of the code of one of his games that isn't okay cause what does he have left? nothing to build towards cause he is retired from the whole audio gaming scene.and before anyone goes too far about this, may I remind everyone of a nice little game mason wrote called zombie war, and if you ever load that up it will sound very similar to something alrea dy out there. [[wow]], it is swamp, a 100% pure rip off of another game, where is everyone yelling about that, where is the dev of swamp yelling about it. nowhere, he is busy working on updating a game that is way better than any clone. he has nothing to fear, he'll put out something better than what any clone could all I can say is, is it a clone? sure, it is, hell if I know or if I really care right now. it is a clone of a game that does not exist, who is losing here, the people who can't play a game they want to play. end of story, end of argument, nothing to say. the only people being screwed over are those who could have a game to play but they don't. not the dev, not mason, not anyone but the players, so congrats, success. this is just a dumpster fire, and I don't see the point or the reasoning behind all of it. talk, write 500 pages, it is the same, the logic behind it is so flawed it is comical. protecting something dead, that just makes no s ense at all. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! Just so everyone is aware. Sam is currently doing a server back up of the vps, in prep to moving to a dedicated gaming server. the game will be down for a few hours. then he will release a client update so everyone will be connecting to the new server. this update wont' be the big expected one, but it will have a few new things in it. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! ah @amirmohammad, I will explain it for you in case you have a memory you remember that character you had named, "clever"? and when you were both logged in at the same time, standing on the same tile. then you would take control of clever and kill it's self with a knife, then with your main account amirmohammad and pick up all the stuff? cause I sure remember it, and low and behold, you both had the same ip, so you were warned to not do it, that if you did it again you would be banned. then of course you decided to ignore that, and when I was offline you did it again, only this time over and over and over, until you had 45 corpse_of_clever in your inventory.the thing, at the time akilor had just become an admin, and he was the one online to deal with your cheating ass, with no experience. so he did the simplest thing, just removed the cheated items, and let it be, then he posted about 500 messages about it on Skype wondering if he did the right thing. then I promptly yelled at him and told him, when someone posts a warning that a player is on their last chance, if they are caught, just ban, do not remove anyway, then I got a Skype call from everyone's favorite troll admin, and was told you never got a warning which was BS cause I gave the warning to you. and that you only cheated 15 times, oh but wait, then 2 minutes later it was that you only cheated 10 times. then way too long about how it was wrong blah blah, all a moot point cause you should of been banned. which I told said troll admin, and of course you found out, so you never logged back into the game. then just a couple days ago the following happened.PM from maione. smoke j. you are a mother fucker. you are bastard. fuck your sisters and your brothers and all of your family. hope you dy soon mother fucker 3:05:07 AM, 2/3/2017**IP of maione savedout of character, dementor says that is, if you don't banned them the y'll stay 3:06:16 AM, 2/3/2017out of character, smoke-j says akilor your buddy is back 3:09:55 AM, 2/3/2017out of character, akilor says f that 3:10:01 AM, 2/3/2017pm from akilor. who? 3:10:08 AM, 2/3/2017out of character, smoke-j says I have waited about 5 months to ultra him 3:10:12 AM, 2/3/2017pm from akilor. logging in 3:10:33 AM, 2/3/2017pm from I-love-you. sorry smoke sorry for bad iranian piple. sorry eskuesme 3:11:22 AM, 2/3/2017**smoke-j-is-a-mother-fucker just came online**smoke-j-is-a-mother-fucker just went offline**IP of smoke-j-is-a-mother-fucker savedout of character, smoke-j says I think that was my first ever fuck smoke username, is so flattering 3:12:43 AM, 2/3/ from amirmohammad. what is the problem smoke. are you ok? 3:17:03 AM, 2/3/2017pm from akilor. shall I ... since insultive char names count as insultive ooc language. jail or ban, you pick 3:17:07 AM, 2/3/2017pm from amirmohammad. what are you saying about me 3:17:13 AM, 2/3/2017**ip of amirmohammad cross checked against other 2 characters, and oh [[wow]], what a surprise, a match**bannedso at this point I know who he is, know what he did, and know there is still a bann that needs to be applied, so yep it was applied. clearly you could not help but try something and draw attention to yourself when we were both online. the pm, doesn't matter, the insultive character name that would have either got you jail or a bann anyway, but the past history of cheating, and ignoring warnings, yep that got you in the deep shit there you go, mister amirmohammad, clever, maione, smoke-j-is-a-mother-fucker, and whatever else you go by, that is why you got a bann, and I am posting the logs here so everyone knows. this forum is a place where people make up pretend stories and post them as if they are facts...only thing I am not doing is posting your en joy being banned, and I would suggest thinking of why you got banned, and why what you did is unfair for every other player in the game. the thing about cheaters, they are narcisistic, they believe what they want is more important than everyone else getting the short end of the stick. well your attempt at an unfair advantage did not work, and now the players of the game have 1 less cheater to screw up their experience in STW. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone
Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone yep, i have not been able to log into the game for the majority of the past 2 days. yesterday i was on for an hour or so, then i got the message."Log-in Failed. Your IE settingsare not allowing Swamp to securely connect to the server for log-in. In Internet Explorer, open Internet Options. Go to the Advanced tab and select Resetto return Internet Explorer to its default settings. This should allow Swamp to connect properly."then i logged in this morning just fine, but had to log out and when i tried to log back in less than 5 minutes later i got the same message again. have tried litterally everything possible to fix the problem, everything from restoring IE to registering all the IE .dll files in CMD. a system restore, using revo to erase everything swamp related from my PC and a bunch of other stuff, nothing also won't allow e to connect to any of aprone's games, castaways gives me the same message. and someone who plays on my same internet with a different gamer account cannot log in either. she gets the same message i do.if anyone knows how to fix this, or knows anything to do that might help i'd appreciate it. my guess is that it isn't local to my PC because everytime it happens it happens for 2 different computers on the same network, both with different gamer accounts. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! first thing is first. I don't know what story mahdi is telling, but he did not die from a bombing when he was doing a pk fight. it was a random bombing and he got unlucky when the bomb hit and took enough damage to kill him. it was watched by 3 admins, and i was one of them. he did not have his pk on, nor was he fighting anyone, he was just sitting in the village with a whole lot of other people.second, reguarding spamming, everyone who is playing STW agreed to the rules. it doesn't matter what the reason, you agree to the rules to play. so that means it is your responsibility to have them translated or something similar so you know and understand them. there is no excuse for not knowing the rules. we do a heck of allot to make this multi language friendly, but there is only so much the admins and sam can do. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! Oh Ronald, you just can’t stay away. Well you know, if you are banned from the game you wouldn’t be able to see that there was just under 60 players online. Sucks the game is blown up and not fun anymore. And there is no need to tell people to stop talking, whether you like sito1 or not, luckily he doesn’t have to stop talking on the forums because you tell him to. The thing is, I don’t know what or who you are in RL, but in STW you are just one of the banned players, and you telling someone to do something holds no weight. If you don’t like the game then don’t play it, but acting like a jerk in the forums is going to do nothing. You don’t like the game, you are entitled to that opinion, but clearly many others do like it so why must you try to convince everyone how terrible the game is? The best thing to do is to just let it lie and move on with your life. Why do you want to waste your time on the forums complaining about the game, wouldn’t it be a much better use of your valuable time to move on and quit looking in the rear view mirror? You say the game is not good, 60 people online think otherwise. Back when I started playing there was maybe a max of 35 players, and it almost never went above that, now it’s normal to see over 50 players online. And if they like the game, just let them enjoy it and don’t poopoo on their parade. I’ll never understand how you can feel your opinion is more important than all others, but clearly that is just something you have to come to terms with. But in the meantime, Sam runs the game and makes the decisions, if he makes bad decisions he has to live with the consequences of that, as he has in the past, but he does the best he does, and runs a game that many people enjoy playing. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!
Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG! hey @Jayde, I sent you a PM, regarding your walk through. i know there is no notification for it so just wanted to drop a line here to let you know, 'cause I know personally I'm terrible at remembering to check them on a regular basis. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! Draq just so you are aware, yes admins are suppose to help but we have to do so so much more, it is not all just helping, that's only a part of it. and yes part of the game is surviving in a land that is still under war. the issue was that there was no one doing this before, the bombs, fires, rockslides, and now the title waves. now there is and everyone has already adjusted to that, none of it is a death sentence, the chance of it actually killing you is very slim. and as for getting gifts, it is still very simple to go get them and get out. and with the gas station, plenty of folks have still found ways to get items in it, you don't die within 3 seconds of stepping foot in the building. personally I like the extra challenge for the game, it makes it more interesting. and saying you are disgusted, and that is just ridiculous. guess what, me an jimmy are admins and we hardly ever have teleporters, so we paddle to the village just like you do. we go there, get our stuff, then we get out and go play the game. people still have their ways to stay in the village, and that is up to them, but they have to change their tactics. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! no, one, said, Ronald, hacked, Sam's, NVDAronald claimed his NVDA was hacked and someone was using his computer to make crash word accounts and sign into STW. simply because he wanted to get pissy and try to ruin the game for everyone who was playing who had nothing to do with any of this, that is very clear from our skype conversation. and of course he is going to say that, he couldn't possibly admit he did something wrong, that would never happen. and give me a break, yes of course you would upload a part of a conversation, let's cut out all the parts that make the self aclaimed angel Ronald look bad, and upload what you choose to let people see. i mean honestly, how dumb do you think everyone is? ronald has already told someone he had an edited version, who knows what he cut out? only him, and he will of course cut out everything he doesn't want people to know. he could say he is going to upload the entire conversation, but will it be the actua l whole thing? i very highly doubt that.and ah yes the one thing that is most important for being an admin, you have to be trusted. that means not giving items to your friends for free. not moving yourself around and using admin commands to cheat or give yourself an advantage. trusted not to mess up the game. that you are going to work towards making the game better. and simply rofl of course 40 others could do it, that's so damn easy to throw out there, has it been done before? but honestly the only one who can answer to why anyone is an admin is sam, so he can answer your questions if he decides to. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! yep I sure did pay for my master rank, you got that right. let's see here, catching so many cheaters was the first payment. making windywolf was the second. making the grassland was the third. making the destroyed forest was the fourth. helping Sam fix bugs, that was the fifth. and let's see, what else did I pay, ah yes my time trying to make the game better. and no the Santino issue was not explained by Sam, we all decided we had heard enough of Ronald saying I will not talk about this anymore, and Ronald saying he could not talk about it because of his heart problem. and no Ronald was not joking when he said his NVDA remote was hacked and that was not him making the crash word accounts. it was his excuse for doing as for me paying for master rank, that is just comical. let's ask others on the forums, am I active, do I do allot for the game? odd that if I paid for a master rank I would be doing that isn't it? let's use that hat stand between your shoulders before you make up stories. anyone can say people are saying this to mask something they are trying to start them self.and there seems to be a language barrier, you keep using the words think, and excuse, well there is no thinking or excuses, these things are called facts. here I will give you a definition.: "something that truly exists or happens : something that has actual existence: a true piece of information"Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionaryno one thinks these things happened, they did, there is no, oh maybe it didn't, it did 100%.but you misunderstand the point of my post, Ronald is in my rear view mirror, this is just so everyone knows what happened.and as for Ronald's recording, he already offered to give someone an edited version of the file, so yeah, like anything in the recording is now believable. once the mention of editing it is brought up the entire thing goes out the window.and let's not forget his friend saying we cannot remove all cheats from the game because cheating is the glory of his people.but anyway, I will refrain from posting more, I feel my IQ is in danger of dropping if I read much more. and there is no talking to people who replace reality with their own made up version. the post wasn't for you Ronald, or golden, it was for everyone who's eyes you try to pull wool over.and just so everyone is aware, this is what happened on Skype after he was demoted. this before anything was known about the other issues. it doesn't take long for some people to revert to just threatening cause they are upset.smoke j: hey, just so you know, we would all appreciate it if you would grow up and stop lying to all your friends about why you got demoted. you did things that were not allowed, and all you are doing is being a pain in the ass for everyone who knows the truth. own up to it and admit you were copy ing sam's inventory then gave those items away to people. you wanna claim sam just hates you and did it for no reason. we all were talking to him when he did it, so stop lying about it and just tell the damn truth. you need to take responcibility for your actions, this is just annoying.[ | Edited 4:59:28 PM] Reza: first hello. second. I did not tell anything to anyone. third. if you thing I did so, funny! you're just showing what you lied about. if sam saw a real thing I should not do, he would come and talk to me. not demoting me as a child. do not juj me, and close this subject here. if you don't do so, you'll see bad things, finish!Reza: you're just a group trying to justify a baby. so, good luck babys with you're baby master!smoke j: lol, if that is the case then why do you care?Reza: I do not care anymore the master of the baby groupssmoke j: then your immature friends not caring too would be niceReza: it's none of your business. they're allowed to talk I thinksmoke j: they aren't allowed to make crash word accounts and spam then in the gamesmoke j: talking, i don't care if someone talksReza: if they're doing so, it's not my falt. i'm not their master like you the master of the baby groupssmoke j: no one is a master of anything bucko, here where i live we don't have a master.smoke j: and all i said was to ask them, cause they do not know the truthsmoke j: you copied sam's inventory and gave the stuff to your friends, that's not allowed lolReza: the one who does not the trueth is you, not them. and, you can think so. i'm not here to explain and find solutions for your silly ways of thinkingReza: and, an advice to you. finish this struggle rite here. you may see bad things babysmoke j: i have no struggle, you are the one turning it into oneand that's all i have to say, I ti re of those who cannot come to terms with reality and refuse to live in the same one as everyone else. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list https://saba
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! yep I sure did pay for my master rank, you got that right. let's see here, catching so many cheaters was the first payment. making windywolf was the second. making the grassland was the third. making the destroyed forest was the fourth. helping Sam fix bugs, that was the fifth. and let's see, what else did I pay, ah yes my time trying to make the game better. and no the Santino issue was not explained by Sam, we all decided we had heard enough of Ronald saying I will not talk about this anymore, and Ronald saying he could not talk about it because of his heart problem. and no Ronald was not joking when he said his NVDA remote was hacked and that was not him making the crash word accounts. it was his excuse for doing as for me paying for master rank, that is just comical. let's ask others on the forums, am I active, do I do allot for the game? odd that if I paid for a master rank I would be doing that isn't it? let's use that hat stand between your shoulders before you make up stories. anyone can say people are saying this to mask something they are trying to start them self.and there seems to be a language barrier, you keep using the words think, and excuse, well there is no thinking or excuses, these things are called facts. here I will give you a definition.: "something that truly exists or happens : something that has actual existence: a true piece of information"Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionaryno one thinks these things happened, they did, there is no, oh maybe it didn't, it did 100%.but you misunderstand the point of my post, Ronald is in my rear view mirror, this is just so everyone knows what happened.and as for Ronald's recording, he already offered to give someone an edited version of the file, so yeah, like anything in the recording is now believable. once the mention of editing it is brought up the entire thing goes out the window.and let's not forget his friend saying we cannot remove all cheats from the game because cheating is the glory of his people.but anyway, I will refrain from posting more, I feel my IQ is in danger of dropping if I read much more. and there is no talking to people who replace reality with their own made up version. the post wasn't for you Ronald, or golden, it was for everyone who's eyes you try to pull wool over. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! oh Ronald, you want to say Sam wanted you gone, Sam is looking for excuses. you said you were done and over it then you post in here. well just so everyone is up to speed. this post is probably going to be pretty all started back when Ronald was promoted to admin the first time. there were issues, magically his friends were getting high amounts of DFC and Teleporters and other rare items. it also so happened that Ronald had a copy of Sam's inventory and the logs showed some very suspicious stuff. I don't know what was in them but clearly it was enough for Sam to decide to demote him. then when Ronald finds this out he logs into the game, turns on PK and starts trying to kill people while he still has a copy of Sam's inventory. so he had loads of DFC and grenades. one of the people he tried to kill was Hamada, and a current admin witnessed it. after that he started just giving everyone loads of stuff out of Sam's inventory. he did not have a back up of his account, so Sam just deleted his char since he could not be restored to his normal inventory. so this is the first time Ronald got demoted back to a player.So then Ronald finds out a bug, and shows it to me. however, he will not tell me how to reproduce it so Sam can fix it, instead he tells me to have Sam call and talk to him. he completely refuses to help get it fixed, instead he just says he want's to talk to Sam. I keep trying to get him to tell how it works so it can be fixed, and so others cannot exploit it. of course he refuses, so I tell Sam he won't tell me, he only want's to talk to you. so I'm told either he tells it or he gets banned, cause we don't want people being able to exploit said bug. so I talk to Ronald again, and this was our conversation.Ronald says well... 10:28:53 AM, 7/8/2016smoke-j says okay so Sam replied to what I sent him 10:29:05 AM, 7/8/2016Ronald says well? 10:29:12 AM, 7/8/2016s moke-j says Sam Tupy: just tell him next time you see him that I said that if he doesn't tell how to do it he get's banned. 10:29:36 AM, 7/8/2016smoke-j says you gotta understand 10:29:45 AM, 7/8/2016Ronald says ok. then, ban me and tell him, I'll tell it to everyone 10:30:19 AM, 7/8/2016smoke-j says the admins are here for Sam, we take what everyone tells us then bring it to him, just talking to him personally isn't going to do anything but make bugs stay in the game longer. 10:30:20 AM, 7/8/2016Ronald says I will just tell it to Sam 10:30:34 AM, 7/8/2016Ronald says you can ban me, now 10:30:44 AM, 7/8/2016smoke-j says really? 10:30:45 AM, 7/8/2016Ronald says yeah really 10:30:50 AM, 7/8/2016smoke-j says so, you don't want the bug fixed, you just want to talk to Sam 10:30:55 AM, 7/8/2016Ronald says no, Sam just must explain something. this is all 10:31:19 AM, 7/8/2016smoke-j says so it is not about the bug, it is about you talking to Sam and this is your way of doing it. 10:31:38 AM, 7/8/2016smoke-j says to say, either I talk to him or I ruin the game for everyone by telling all about this bug 10:32:01 AM, 7/8/2016Ronald says of course it is about that. but first, something about myself should be solved 10:32:12 AM, 7/8/2016smoke-j says and you were an admin, how in the hell can you think like that? 10:32:13 AM, 7/8/2016smoke-j says yes I get it, you want something for yourself, not for the game 10:32:30 AM, 7/8/2016Ronald says you're free to think in every way you like 10:33:55 AM, 7/8/2016smoke-j says it isn't thinking, you said as much 10:34:03 AM, 7/8/2016smoke-j says either you get what you want personally, or you ruin the game for everyone, very mature 10:34:25 AM, 7/8/2016Ronald says of course it is. you don't know anything about what I wanna say, then, let it be quiet 10:34:31 AM, 7/8/2016smoke-j says okay, I guess it will be quiet then 10:34:48 AM, 7/8/2016and yes then he was then Sam does talk to Ronald, and decides to give Ronald a second chance. he is set as an admin again, and Ronald starts working on building a new map. but Sam tells him and everyone else his character has logging on so if he does anything it can be this is where Sam's so called excuses come into of the first things Ronald does as an admin is copy Sam's inventory once again. but not only to his normal admin account, he also gives an alt account he has, called Santino a copy of Sam's inventory. in my personal opinion I see no reason for any admins to copy Sam's inventory, or the inventory of any other player in the game. but that is beside the point, it is not allowed at all to copy Sam's inventory to a normal player. even if the normal player is an alt account of an admin, and that is exactly what Ronald did, bu t more on that then Sam tells Ronald his logging is turned off, Ronald then starts to give grenades and drugs to one of his friends. this would not be an issue if he had his own account, but he is just copying Sam's inventory multiple times a day, and giving items out of
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! let's go through the listfirst off will someone please show me the characters with millions of DFC? I'd love to see that since it is a figment of people's imagination.I am on the game allot, people can testify to that, and I still don't see people not drinking or eating and just dying so they can just chat, this seems to be another thing as visible as little leprechauns.someone said they have been playing the game for a few weeks and have already beaten the game, well, no you haven't. a few weeks, yep, you haven't done everything in the game yet.a while back someone complaining about vending machines not being real, let's refer to mayana's donkey. how often did every one complain about how hard it was to get pop cans? the answer is all the time, and now they aren't, oh but wait, someone has something new to complain about. vending machines aren't real. oh boy give me a break.people saying the game is n ot realistic, well your entire argument is based on one thing, Sam saying he wanted the game to be realistic. it still is realistic as far as games go. but people, are you looking for a virtual reality or a game, cause this is a game. every game in the history of everything has perks you can buy that make it unrealistic. there is a reason for this, it is a game. this is why every time I get on these forums I just say to myself, if this game was completely paid then none of these people would be complaining cause they would find a different game. Sam has tried like hell to run a game for everyone, and all everyone does is complain.let's talk for a minute about who develops the game. yes it is Sam, yes he does it alone, and no he doesn't do everything everyone suggests. I can say right now some of the stuff suggested is already partly in the works. and other stuff just makes no sense. for example people who are supernatural not being able to fight against non supernatu ral players? there is a really simple solution to this, do, not, turn, your, pk, on, around, someone, who, is, supernatural. there you go, problem solved and there was no coding needed. if you see someone who is supernatural with pk on, run away and turn yours off.and btw everyone, you are also working on the assumption that sam is just flying by the seat of his pants or this game. well he's not, he has a very long plan for stw that will probably take years to fully write and enact, so give him a little credit. right now you have a developer who has made a game for you to waste hours playing, but all you can do is complain most the time. everyone needs to lay off the peyote and just play the game, if you don't like it then don't play it, but all the problems people keep bringing up are non issues. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!
Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released! hmm, looks like we need some words of reason here in the topic, so I'll toss them out for everyone to consume.let's think about why someone would hack something, whether it is a small audio game or a fortune 500 company. well it's because they don't have anything in their day to day life to give them gratification. they need to hack something and get attention from it because they can't get that anywhere else, and this allows them to get attention they can't get in the real world. it's quite sad they need this feeling of gratification from something like this but more than anything I have pity for them and the sad life they live day to day. And before anyone starts wigging out I'm not saying any names, this is just something I've noticed from these type of people in the past. and even more so it is sad when in a small community like the blind gaming community. they are under the mistaken opinion that they are a big fish but reall y they are a ickle little bottom feeder in a very very small pond. if they were to bring their so called skills out into the real world they would be laughed away. but these types of people can't handle this type of negative response in the real world, this is why they must do the things they do in a small community. to reaffirm their digital opinion of themselves, because they find something lacking in the real let's talk about legality.I'd suggest a good read for anyone here is the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 U.S.C. 1030) you have the ability to understand it you will realize how broad that is? yes that is intentional, it was wrote to cover anything what so ever so yes anyone who want's to even DDOS is covered and caught in the net of this act. now the argument is well yes it was illegal but who cares? we ll if anyone knows anything about how the US system works, if you care enough you can get something done. it is made to filter out the lazy ones, but persistence always pays off. and yes accessing someone's computer illegally is a big issue especially when that person may have sensitive information on their computer. and that applies to a personal computer, or a server, or a web site. so the argument of who cares is simply you think no one cares, but something can be done, all you need to know is who to contact. I wish the little fish would get caught in the net more often, they never learn lessons and they need to.and if anyone gets mad because I said these things about people who hack for gratification, please go inspect your own life. let's face it, hacking is a criminal act though everyone seems to think it is okay because it is digital. but guess what it isn't, a 12 year old snot nosed boy sitting in his mother's basement doing hacking of any so rt is still a little criminal. but it' is okay, cause get them in the real world and I'm sure they are just the one everyone walks past without a second glance. if that wasn't the case they wouldn't need to do things like this for attention. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! on the topic, a warning to all. if you eat a banana Amine gave you you will get sick. my rule of STW life is never eat Amine's banana. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!
Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released! ran really good for a couple hours after the update but then it lagged out like crazy. and yeah I've seen Flattener with crazy amounts of health too, he is clearly using the lag to his advantage and cheating to use loads of items when he only has 1 or 2. it's annoying as hell getting killed by someone who you cannot kill. when i see him online i just log off, not worth the waste of time. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!
Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released! hey Sam,The game is cool, it is fun to play, and I enjoy it. well I would but right now it isn't possible to play and have fun. there are so many lag issues with the game right now it is unplayable. it is a fun game, but that pretty much all goes out the window when it lags like it is. you can't even play, the game is built so you need to jump to move around quick, but the second you do you can say goodbye to your ping. then you die cause the server has no idea you moved when you are actually 100 tiles away from your position the server thinks you are at. and there isn't really any point in playing a PVP game where you can't do PVP. and that's not to mention the spam you get from game messages when people use the lag to use 10 item grabbers all at once and you get 10 messages completely flooding your reader. it is really unplayable right now. there are small moments of non lag, but it always comes back. It sucks cause I'd like to play the game, I do enjoy it but I don't how someone can have a good time playing when it is a consistent ping over 2k, or 5k, or straight up ping lost. and dying when you have ping lost is not enjoyable. and it's not just me, most of the chat is nothing but people saying lag lag lag, it's a major problem that you just can't play through. seems the ones who enjoy playing with the lag are those who use it to cheat and use more items then they have. I know when you get online it might not lag, but ya can't base it off that when it does all the other time. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!
Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released! yeah, my biggest game play complaint is the rockets too. they are so overpowered with the combo of major damage and auto aiming. i've been told different ways to avoid them, tried all the ways, and none of them work. having a weapon that will give someone an instant kill in what, 2 shots is just a real drain in how fun the game could be. you can stay alive for awhile just to run into someone with an invisibility shield and a rocket and you die, nothing you can do 90% of the time. they are way way to overpowered, to the point to where they take allot of the fun out of the game. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!
Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released! Been playing since it came out like everyone else and yeah I have a few thoughts too.1. the game is extremely verbose. I would really like a way to turn off all the messages about someone getting killed. it's too much I don't need to know. When trying to see who is around you or track someone, it is very annoying to continually have it interrupted with a sentence about how someone died. I get it adds flavor to the game, but the ability to turn those off would be nice. if we can't turn them off then an option to have simple messages would be greatly appreciated. so it just says X killed Y, or X killed Y's robot. just who killed who, not a sentence on how they died.2. Yeah, the sounds, oh the sounds. Everyone keeps saying how on a real battle field you would hear them, yeah of course you would but they would be no where as loud. if someone shoots a rifle from 400+ feet away you are clearly going to hear it, but it isn't going to be as loud as i f it was 50 or 20 feet away. and the rocket sounds, yeah those are crazy loud and not much difference from how they sound right next to you vs far away. . Also it is very confusing and a bit much hearing a blood sound every time someone gets hit on the map no matter how far they are away. that wouldn't be heard, and it leaves you constantly thinking you are getting shot. maybe a personal sound you make if you are being hit, either you or your shield; if making it so we don't hear someone getting shot from 500 feet away isn't an option. overall more customization of the sounds would be so much appreciated, if some want them up then turn them up, if you don't then turn them down. also would be nice to get a little ping or tone if we get a kill, some times it is hard to hear the sound someone makes when they die.3. I was expecting the keyboard layout to be different than STW since STW isn't a straight PVP game. since red spot is, it is perplexing to me a s to why the key to see players around you and to track a player is P and O. these need to be pressed by the right hand, and in any pvp game your right hand should be mainly used for movement, so you can track and see who is around you with the left. it is really a pain to have to stop and hit P or O to see people. . The best thing for this would be to add a key config, I don't see why we can't set our own keys, that would make so much more sense. everyone has different preferences and I would think it would be more crucial in this game more than another to be able to customize your keys. The problem isn't just having to use the right hand to track and see players around you, but having to use Q and E to turn. I have wondered why these keys were picked since the release, they don't make any sense to me at all. something like that should be on the home row with the left hand since they are important keys for movement and the home row is naturally where everyone� 39;s hand rests. All this could be fixed in one swoop if there was a key config for everyone, then all are happy with their own keys for everything.4. the rockets. I'd suggest a couple things for these. either they are nerfed, or they are not made to auto aim. I've asked and got 3 different answers on how to avoid them, none of which have worked. as it seems, you can get good, kill people with all weapons, but if they have a rocket just put down a mine and kill yourself before they can cause you are screwed no matter what. If there is an actual way to have a chance of avoiding them that would be nice to know. even though no matter what I personally don't like the idea of something that auto aims in a PVP game, if there is a known way to get away from a fired rocket that would be nice to know.5. the team system is completely broken. I had a team with 4 people on it, then suddenly there were 15 people on it and that made the game unplayable cause dam n near no one online could be killed. then if you remove people, go offline and come back online all the people are on your team again. also not being able to remove people if they are offline makes it hard to change your team. We need a way to remove ourselves from a team so we can get off one and make or join a different one. Also the ability to name our teams would be nice. then the team affiliation could be shown in the team listing. It would allow for some team wars if two teams want to go after one another. it would add a really cool de mention to the game instead of just running around shooting people.6. it would be nice if we could track how many kills we have. a number that resets every time we die, and a way to look at that on an in game listing or leader board. so you hit a button and it reads off like the f1 player listing, only in order of most kills since last death. just the name of the player and the amount of kills would be all it requires. would also make pe ople targets who are alive longer and give some action and a competition t
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! hey @criticview i seem to miss you in game when i'm on but wanted to let you know i did the mountain guides. someone said you were the one who asked about … n_crossing URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! yeah, if you run across anywhere where i have a type-o or swap something like wood and branch just let me know. I realize there are mistakes, and i couldn't both write it and check it all and get it 100% error free. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! Howdy all,Well, I have some news related to a couple things. Folks have been asking in game and out of game where I've been and when the next live stream will be. Well now i can finally answer ya. I've been busy writing a website, and it is finally done. It has a large STW section, but it won't only be for STW, there will also be other games on there, right now the next project is a Core-Exiles section in the works, and bk3 walk throughs are being recorded now. future holds more games, and i'm thinking honest reviews of games, not ones where we say all games are great, but let ya know what's good and what's bad about them.Related to STW, we have a BSG newsletter, and if you sign up for it you will be put in a drawing for 10 teleporters and 5 Death free cards. info is on the homepage. The STW section has just about everything you can do in game in both audio and text guides. the information is given quick so you an get to playing the game . there is no extra fat on the audios, just what you need to know given so you can have your questions answered and get on with doing it. Our live stream archives will also be hosted here, along with the live streams when we are live. another future goal is to get interviews with game developers and post them for everyone as well.So, if you wanna check out the site you can do so here, feedback is appreciated.} URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! Howdy all,Oh boy, I thought the forums would be active after Sam's announcement, and I wasn't disappointed. Who would have guessed everyone would be flipping out about making the game semi-paid...well everyone should of. The issue with things like this is those who want to comment on it are always those who feel strongly, and in situations like this they are always the angry ones. So why not, I'll throw in my 3 pennies, or $15.95 worth of thoughts.My first response is to say, yeah, get over it. yes I know some people can't afford it, but if anyone would like they can go and read the forums when Aprone made the same announcement for swamp. oh boy were people really flipping out over on that forum thread when he made the game paid. but you know what, even those who couldn't use PayPal to buy an account still managed to get one and play the game. So all those who want to wig out and say they are done, well if they actually are then they are, tha t is their decision. But what they don't realize is even if they can't use PayPal, folks always find a way to keep playing a game they like. Would everyone be happier if Sam made the game completely paid? I know I would enjoy that much more, but I can only imagine how much everyone would be wining here if the did that instead.The thing is, what is the detractor from cheating right now? oh yeah, that's right, there isn't one, just to hope people will be decent and not ruin the game? Well the worst thing to hope for is people to be decent for the sake of being decent, folks don't work like that. Now there is a small price tag attached to the game that will work as insurance. Yeah go ahead and cheat, but it won't get you too far with item caps, and if you want to unlock the game fully and still cheat, well that will get pricey.Now that said, I do agree, I would much rather see the game be 100% paid, and there is a good model of how to do it. the same way Aprone did with swamp, you pay something small like $2 a month, but you have to pay up front 1 year at a time. that way if you cheat you then forfeit the years worth and are out the $24, then if you want to make another account after cheating go ahead, but it will get expensive if you want to keep cheating. There is something to be said for making the game 100% paid, then you get rid of all the riff-raf who cause the issues and the player base is solid and those who actually want to play and enjoy the game, not screw around and ruin it. Yeah I know some people don't have the ability to use PayPal, or they say they don't have the cash to spend on the game, but if I think about this I don't really buy into that. For some this might be the case, but if you think about it, you spend money on things you enjoy, whatever that may be. for me it's My brandy, my cigarettes, good food, and a couple games here and there, and I'm not rolling in the dough by any means. but if stw is something you enjoy like say going out to eat, there is no price difference there, if you don't want to pay the money it isn't because you can't, but you don't value it enough to pay. for those who do they will pay to unlock the game as it stands now, or if it is 100% paid they will pay to play. And I can already hear folks say, but I'm only a kid and I don't have a PayPal or credit card, well how do you think kids all over the world get COD, or GTA, or Halo? They aren't running down to the corner market with a toy gun and robbing it for the extra cash. What I'm getting at is everyone bitching at Sam, well it's just silly, do you call up AT&T to yell at them for charging for phone service, or a main stream game developer for daring to charge for their product? Let's take call of duty for example, you need to pay for the actual game, that lets you play it locally, but then if you want to go online that is another thing you need to pay for, and I'm guessing if you go read some X box forums you aren't gonna see everyone complaining about it being paid, and folks saying they are done because it isn't free. And in this case they are charging for a profit on their investment of time, Sam isn't even doing this. He is charging to weed out the cheaters and those who ruin the game, if he just wanted a monetary return on his investment he would say hey folks, the game cost X to play. So with everyone saying they are done, and how wrong this is, well all I do is shrug, quit if you want, but you should be happy it isn't simply pay to play. If I had the choice to make that is what I would do just for simplicity's sake, one change, and boom problem solved. of course people will still try to cheat and get away with it, but let them, they can keep paying and getting banned.So in summary, yep I'm an ass, I could apologize for that but if I did I'd have t o apologize all the time and I wouldn't have time for anything else like playing STW. I'm sure this really rubbed some folks the wrong way, but that's not the intention, it's just life.
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! that might work Sam, and that would make it allot easier. i'll have to look into that, right now i only have experience with obs, don't know what i would need to stream to your server.also if no one has let you know the game is back to lagging like hell today. periods of normal pings, but then periods of high as hell pings. it is the worse if you try to jump and move, but also laggs out into the thousands when just running around.for examplePing lossedthe ping took 579 millisecondsthe ping took 76 millisecondsPing lossedthe ping took 4594 millisecondsthe ping took 916 millisecondsthese were all within about 2 mins, standing still and moving around just a couple tiles at a time. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! yeah, the reason i didn't go with you tube in the first place was because their back end setting stuff was famously inaccessible, i use to fight with it all the time back when i was making you tube content. and i am going to be testing the stuff hoepfully today, was going to last night but my ears for the test wasn't online.also yes, you tube will archive all live streams, and we will also probably be uploading the highlights to youtube as well. then if anyone want's to they can use something like MP3Fiber - YouTube to MP3 Online Converter to download the streams as mp3, or they can just listen to them on you tube. after i get it all set up i'll make a signature for these forums with the link to the you tube channel. youtube updated their custom URL settings though, and i can't make a custom URL channel until i have 100 subs, and i'm not expecting anything like that from these streams. so the link is ugly and long.and sorry again a bout twitch, it was just not working for some people. i've watched stuff on twitch and used it plenty in the past without any accessibility issues, but i know it is difficult to get use to. the bigger problem is that it wouldn't play for some people, so they couldn't watch live. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! howdy all,so the next live stream will be friday at 9:30 eastern time. you'll have to convert that to your time zone yourself. we aren't sure what we'll be doing yet, but something crazy, and drinking, of course plenty of drinking and probably some pyro singing.I'll also be planning on doing a test live stream tonight, that is thursday at 10:00 pm. this is so people can try to listen to it and see what the problem is on their end with getting the stream to play. last time some folks couldn't get it to work, even though we were live and we were monitoring it to make sure it was staying live. so if you want to see if it is up and working just tune in to here in about 13 hours from the time of this can pm me in game and let me know what's up and i'll try to help ya figure it out. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! sorry everyone, we had a bit of a snafu, and twitch isn't working for everyone. i am in the process of setting up our streams on a different platform. We are going to go with YouTube, because after talking to people with lower speed internet. they can use youtube, but twitch skipps and lags out on them. if all goes well we will be testing tonight, and doing a stream either saturday or sunday. again i'm sorry if you stayed up and we aren't live. hopefully after making the switch to youtube we can use it both for live streams and edited clips, it will be a good hosting platform for all the stuff we have planned to come in the future. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! howdy all,so here are the clips from the last live stream. we start by blowing up just a couple shelters, then we put on a mountain race between Troy and Tim, and end with a 3 way PK fight between me, Whitefall, and Pyro. Hope you enjoy, I'll try to post the date and time for our next stream on Thursday here in the to download the stream from dropboxhope you enjoy URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! howdy all,so here are the clips from the last live stream. we start by blowing up just a couple shelters, then we put on a mountain race between Troy and Tim, and end with a 3 way PK fight between me, Whitefall, and Pyro. Hope you enjoy, I'll try to post the date and time for our next stream on Thursday here in the forums.Link to download the stream highlights from Dropboxhope you enjoy. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! @Sean-Terry01 and [ a-t ] pokebossWE will put out a date for the next one prob wednesday or so, we did one last friday but due to last min scheduling issues it was un announced. the clips for that one will be uploaded tuesday and i'll post it here.also you can go to and listen to the full past broadcasted live streams. runs on flash player, so you need to have flash installed. it actually broadcasts as video, but i just transmit a low quality video with 320 bit audio. then something allot of people aren't realizing is, if you are listening in mozilla you need to open up your sound volume mixer and adjust the flash player volume to make the stream louder. adjusting the mozilla volume won't change the stream's volume. if you have any other questions let me know and i'l do my best to answer. hopefully soon i can get away from this dropbox hosting and host these on sam's site, that will make it eas ier for everyone involved. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! @Sean-Terry01 and [ a-t ] pokebossWE will put out a date for the next one prob wednesday or so, we did one last friday but due to last min scheduling issues it was un announced. the clips for that one will be uploaded saturday and i'll post it here.also you can go to and listen to the full past broadcasted live streams. runs on flash player, so you need to have flash installed. it actually broadcasts as video, but i just transmit a low quality video with 320 bit audio. then something allot of people aren't realizing is, if you are listening in mozilla you need to open up your sound volume mixer and adjust the flash player volume to make the stream louder. adjusting the mozilla volume won't change the stream's volume. if you have any other questions let me know and i'l do my best to answer. hopefully soon i can get away from this dropbox hosting and host these on sam's site, that will make it ea sier for everyone involved. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! @Sam_Tupy if you don't mind that we are going to get drunk, swear, and smoke while playing then that would be nice, and I'm all for it. Our goal isn't going to be to teach folks stuff though, more to entertain and show the fun side of survive the wild. well unless you consider jumping off a mountain teaching someone something. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! Howdy all,Here is a condensed version of the live stream me, Pyro, and Jimmy did the other night. It's just the highlights. We got drunk and caused some mayhem around the game. If you missed it live, you can tune in next weekend for another. but for now you can just listen to the highlights. Towards the end it gets pretty damn funny.If anyone is interested or able to host the stream highlight files let me know, it would be better than uploading to Dropbox.Dropbox Link for the Stream Highlights URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! I never tried killing that many bears on the previous server, I wasn't that good at that point lol. I use to do it in the early days of this new VPS though, don't know what has happened recently to cause it to stop. I can also try to catch a recording of how a single angry bear or wolf will sometimes do it on the mainland too. It recently happened to someone else on the mainland, though under different circumstances. Their client crashed and it took a while for the game to realize it, by the time it would let them back in they were dead and on the beach.I know I mentioned before when cooking rabbits on spits on a fire, after 10 or so it would lag out and the ping would jump up into the thousands. I believe you thought that was a packet issue as well, with sending so many. I did some more testing to see when it lagged and when it didn't. The only time it would allow me to cook more than 10 at once without lag was directly after a server restart. Why, well I ha ve no idea lol, but for some reason after a server restart I'm good to cook as many as possible.Also when it does lag out like that no other things lag out on my end, I can be on TT or a Skype call and there is no downgrade in audio quality either in my sending or receiving. I use to host live streams on you tube that would run in 1080P and even running that upload and down speeds were fine to handle it. I would be curious to know if others used an account they aren't afraid to lose, and if they do the same with bears if it lags out on them too. If so then for sure it's my Internet, I'm just not sure how audio only would cause such lag while HD video and audio doesn't. or if that many bears just simply would overload anyone who's not running on Google fiber with their massive up and down speeds. I only know of two other people who have the same experience in the bear forest, but they have up and down speeds similar to mine.but yeah, it if it is my Internet I'll have to stick to killing bears the normal way. I enjoyed calling in 20 or so with flares and then climbing down and killing them all, that provided a little bit more of a challenge than one at a time. maybe you can just make a map with angry elephants and lions for a nice challenge. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! there aren't any up right now, the first one was a disaster; that was when i got struck by the lag and died while logged out of the game. It was more of a test stream anyway, but there will be streams up soon, when we do them again. we will probably be streaming on the weekends, later at night friday or saturday eastern time. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! there aren't any up right now, the first one was a disaster; that was when i got struck by the lag and died while logged out of the game. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! just recorded this, hopped on to the game long enough to check the lag in the bear forest, this is what happened...again lol. … %20lag.mp3it's short, just a min or so. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! pokeboss wrote:@Smoke jay, can y tell me when you're doing the twitch livestream so I can have a listen. I probably don't have the same time zone as you, so can you tell me how many hours from now?It will probably be after the update comes out. That looks like it won't be that far from now though, then it will be safe to mess around in the bear forest again, along with some other things we have planned. also twitch will automatically archive any streams for viewing when there is no current live stream, so past broadcasts can be watched anytime. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! just wanted to toss up a couple other small things that you might be able to attach to the update Sam. if not then that's perfectly understandable, these are just some smaller things that happen, and one suggestion based on lots of frustration I've seen from other players. I'm only posting these in case you didn't know about them. if you already did then my apologies, figure it's better just in case you weren't aware.first of course is the game crashing all the time, it just randomly closes for no reason, happens to everyone right now. sometimes it's once or twice a day, and other times it will crash 20 times a Socheat said, the daily gift timer seems to be a little bit out of whack. it's happened to me as well. 24 hours after you pick up gifts you still can't pick up the next day. I normally try to pick up at the same time every day and teleport to the gift shop, then having to sit there because the game won't let you pick up sucks. tried both, picking up 24 hours from when I picked up my first, and from when I picked up my last, neither time lines up with 24 hours.some times if you ride a bike into the deep deep ocean you get in unknown area. this can be fixed by getting a boat and paddle and turning around to paddle out. unlike the unknown area in the middle of the ocean. still it isn't good when it happens to newer players who don't have a boat or paddle yet and don't know how to make one.Health and energy drugs have a annoying habit of randomly stopping. I'm not sure if this one was already fixed but it happened to me randomly a couple days after they started working again.a small and sorta harmless bug, if you are watching someone on a separate map and they die your character is transported to their location, or at least the map they died on. this happened to me while watching someone on the mountain map when I was on the mainland. you can lo g out and back in to fix it, then you'll be back at your proper location though.hopefully a small but very helpful suggestion of allowing shift plus a right or left arrow snapping you to the closest true 45 degree angle. as it is now if you are facing say north at 5 degrees if you hit shift right arrow you move 45 degrees clockwise to 50 degrees. but it would make the game allot easier if when hitting shift right arrow it would just snap you to 45 degrees if you were facing 5 degrees. it is very tricky with the current system to get yourself to a true direction using control and shift, and it seems admin's are having to help people with it all the time. When someone isn't facing a true direction getting around is all messed up, as facing north at say 10 degrees means you walk east for every few steps you take north, so moving between maps is a real pain. another alternative fix could be to make it so using control shift plus up arrow snaps one's character to true north. a facing reset option would make the game much more playable for those who have a hard time zeroing in their direction. And I think it would also stop or dramatically lower the amount of people who get stuck in an unknown area in the middle of the ocean, when that happens they have to wait for an admin to come on and reset them, and that can be rather frustrating. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! pokeboss wrote:@Smoke jay: where can i see this live stream of stw. It would be fun to listen to people messing around in stw!Me and a couple others will hopefully be doing them again at but it won't be much to learn from lol. The plans right now are to just get drunk and mess around on different maps doing different stuff while insulting one another. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! Howdy all,So I feel the need to toss this post up; if for no other reason than because it just needs to be said. Sam if you read this know I'm not attempting to put your game down, or to simply say bad things about it. Rather I hope you'll understand this is constructive criticism. So don't read this and get upset, take it in the spirit in which it is intended, a suggestion and advice because I'd like to see the game be better.I've been playing the game for almost exactly two months now, and managed to pick everything up pretty quick. I died on my second day of playing, and after that I decided I wasn't gonna let that happen anymore, so I got good at killing animals and making sure they couldn't kill me. I know all the maps by heart, and can get through any of them along with any dangers they could face. However with how the game has been acting lately, none of this is enough. Anyone can spend time playing and get to the same point, where they know they won't die because nothing currently in the game can kill them. I bought DFC but that was more for fun PK with people, and for doing stupid stuff like seeing who could jump the farthest off the campground tree, I've never needed them for insurance against dying because there isn't anything that was going to kill me in the game. However, no matter how good you are, none of us can survive some of the lag issues and bugs in the game, this is why I'm writing this.Right now there are bugs, and issues with the game that no one can survive. This post is prompted because of a shitty experience in the bear forest last night where I died because of the game issues. while attempting to kill around 9 angry bears under my tree in the bear forest the game lagged out and I died after I was logged out. and no it wasn't because there were 9 bears, I have on multiple occasions got over 20 under my tree then climbed down and killed them all without any issues. the problem is the VPS and the random extremely high spikes of lag everyone is dealing with. and I along with allot of other people know it's not our Internet, I average 45 down and 10 up speeds, which can handle way more than STW needs to run with a low ping 100% of the time. so, Right after I climbed down out of my tree I realized the sounds of the game went wacky, then I checked my ping and it was over 4,000, where just before that the game was running fine. It wasn't raining, which is the normal thing to make the game lag for everyone on the server, it was just the game randomly lagging out. So after that I logged out hoping I could log back in and the ping would be normal again. Well when I logged back in the ping was normal, but while I was logged out I died twice, first I lost a DFC, then I died again for good. again, this was while I was logged out of the game, which by itself is all sorts of messed up. Then on top of that, There was no corpse where I d ied because of yet another bug. I was in a tree with someone else in the bear forest, and after I died they climbed down to get my stuff for me, but there wasn't a corpse to collect. I found out later if you have DFC, teleporters, or a Survive the Wild medallion if you die you won't spawn a corpse or stuff from your inventory. and before anyone thinks it was my Internet, I was also on TeamTalk, and live streaming the whole thing, neither of those things lagged because as I mentioned, my Internet can handle that and much more. So now my character sits on the beach with a survival pack, 20 coins, 2 pens, and paper, because of the game, not cause I did something wrong.Now I also feel I should say, yes I am ticked about the stuff I lost, I have worked on collecting everything in the game because I enjoy having everything. but more than that, it is so frustrating to know no matter what you do, the game will still mess up and there isn't anything you can do about it. We could avoid maps like bear forest, or the mountain, or just run from bears or wolves anytime you see one cause you might lag out when killing one, but doesn't that completely defeat the point of the game? to only play a part of the game because the other things are broken? for me it does. And I'm not the only one to have these issues. Someone else recently lagged out in the bear forest and logged out, only to find when they logged back in they had lost 2 DFC through no fault of their own. Someone mentioned here in these forums losing a large amount of DFC because someone speed hacked them in a PK fight, resulting in them completely dying while offline.My point of this post is one broad sweeping suggestion. We all like the game, if we didn't we wouldn't play it, but you are losing players and paying customers because of these bugs, not all of them deadly like what has happened to me and others. The things that drive people crazy is how the game lags rea lly bad every time it rains, the game lagging extremely bad randomly for no reason, people not being able to do PK b
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! if you go back to the previous page someone put a dropbox link to download the current set up for the game. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! game is down again? I'm crossing fingers that we aren't going to be without STW for a week again. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! crossing fingers that we aren't going to be without STW for a week again. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! just in case some folks aren't on Twitter, Sam posted this a couple hours ago."hi guys. So theres a lot of stuff going on about what happened yes, someone managed to successfully hack my website. I didn't intend to take it down but a big dos attack did anyway and I never fixed it because now I have the time to secure things. I do have stw taken down though, because apparently the hacker hacked the thing, because he got access to the root of my stuff using a flaw I never knew about. Just know i'm doing everything I can to get it fixed as soon as possible. I am moving away from bluehost (now I see why everyone says it sucks) and in doing that recoding a hole lot of stuff, sence many things were breached because of the hack. My stuff will be back I promase, but you'll all just have to be pacient and bear with me. Thanks for your understanding."thenSam Tupy: "[2/15/2016 2:18:24 PM] hosein heidari: hello sam, my friend sent you a message over the e-mail read it, he is hacker[2/17/2016 6:30:32 PM] hosein heidari: heuahe! you couldn't keep yourself alive! no problem![2/17/2016 6:31:47 PM] hosein heidari: you could say I don't want to send you instead of suspending your domain![2/18/2016 12:52:39 PM] hosein heidari: hay sam! or, tham or, seeam! you can't escape! answer me! answer button[2/18/2016 12:53:48 PM] hosein heidari: answer button, dubble punch to activate item[5:45:42 PM] Sam Tupy: dood, your hack was stupid. You got a lot of info, but I know how you did it. I've captured your PHP script and well, what could I do to it. Send it to the police? Not sure. either way, i'm recoding things to make it impossible to hack me again. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe." from Chicken Nugget URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! just in case some folks aren't on Twitter, Sam posted this an hour or so ago."hi guys. So theres a lot of stuff going on about what happened yes, someone managed to successfully hack my website. I didn't intend to take it down but a big dos attack did anyway and I never fixed it because now I have the time to secure things. I do have stw taken down though, because apparently the hacker hacked the thing, because he got access to the root of my stuff using a flaw I never knew about. Just know i'm doing everything I can to get it fixed as soon as possible. I am moving away from bluehost (now I see why everyone says it sucks) and in doing that recoding a hole lot of stuff, sence many things were breached because of the hack. My stuff will be back I promase, but you'll all just have to be pacient and bear with me. Thanks for your understanding." URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! @connor142, you can build floors and walls. if you are creative you can do that enough to simulate a three or four level house. I've build plenty, of course the issue is that they won't stick around for long. but while they last they're fun. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! I agree, hope the game is up soon so I don't visit the forums and write long posts as much. for my own sanity hopefully it comes back this weekend. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! momo7807 your last post has many flaws, I'll try to point them out for do not know the studying habits of anyone posting on the forums let alone the developer of the game. Some go all the way through college without opening their text books and do just fine. Some don't need to study, some people are good with time management while others are bad. If one was to look at Sam's track record you could infer he is good at time management and there is not an issue with how he rations out his time. When I was in middle school and high school my only thoughts were where's the next party and who's gonna by me cigarettes. I wasn't good at time management and I still managed to get into college just fine. your specific life experiences or non experiences don't apply to everyone is extremely narcissistic to think you know what someone else has to do to plan for their future. you are simply posting your opinion and trying to mask it as fact, when the whole thing is say children don't know how to handle their money? this is a wildly incorrect statement based on who knows what. if you say children don't know how to handle their money would you also say women' don't know mechanics, or men don't know how to sew? well, you might, but most everyone else wouldn't because they are wildly inaccurate statements based in false assumptions. you could say allot of young people don't know how to manage their money, but what evidence do you have for Sam not having this ability?you also state the game has been canceled, however there hasn't been any word from Sam that I've seen stating the game is canceled? Yes there is down time, and I'm sure everyone who plays isn't happy with the down time, but being down doesn't mean it is canceled.this one needs to be explained in a bit more detail. first off the game is a beta, that mea ns it is in development. If anyone has ever worked on a creative project of any sort, they know the original plan rarely if ever stays the same by the end of said project. you can ask anybody who works in a "creative field", the starting goals are not what comes out at the end. making and producing something is an organic process, one that grows and changes. if it wasn't, then there wouldn't ever be any new ideas, or new items added to the game; it would sit stagnant with nothing ever added. I don't know about you but I'm assuming no one would be happy with this. Sam did say in the past he wanted the game to be as realistic as possible. that statement was not a contract between him and the players, it was a thought and a plan he had at the time. You cannot say he isn't allowed to change his mind and do what he want's with his game, remember it is his game. granted he does whatever possible to keep the player base happy as he should do, b ut I think he also knows not to simply go off the thoughts on this forum because they are rarely positive and mostly people complaining. if he did that the game would have collapsed a long time ago. you said Sam is doing whatever he want's as if it was a insult, but last I checked he is the developer? yes he is, he decides what advice to take from others and what to add to the game, it isn't a democracy. he makes the decisions, as he is the one who put in the work, and came up with the game.the rest is to nonsensical to respond to. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! For me someone teleporting away in the middle of a fight is not an issue as it hasn't happened to me, and I've only seen someone do it once in a fight I was watching. I don't know if you have done PK before or not, but the issue isn't DFC or teleporters. the issue is hackers who can kill you over and over before you realize it. As for more general PK and how I and others do it. The people agree to do a PK fight, and before the fight they agree on rules, weapons to be used etc. like I said before, first death match if you have DFC, or a wager on the fight. for example, I've offered 50 pop cans as a wager if someone gets a first kill on me. And they are fighting with a 2nd account kept empty so they can die with it, so if I kill them I'm not getting anything. The thing is, you only fight with people you can trust. I have DFC and only fight with people I know because of the speed hacking issues.As for the teleporters allowing someone to inst antly get to anywhere in the game, that is a very common perk in allot of games. you can buy things to make the game easier and less tedious, it's not unique to Survive The Wild. in comparison to other games I've played the prices are so much lower in STW I couldn't complain about it. yes teleporters aren't realistic, but neither are allot of things. finding magic gifts every day, finding unlimited supplies of everything in the game isn't realistic, having grenades aren't realistic in a survival game, using antibiotics on a virus isn't realistic, making pots with no fire isn't realistic, having water vessels magically make water safe to drink, having unlimited inventory, not to mention some of the other weapons that don't fit in with surviving. my point is there are allot of things that aren't realistic, but all of them make the game more fun and enjoyable. Then again I don't have any issues with game content, only thing that fr ustrates me from time to time is bugs and when the server gets an attitude like it has right now.and maybe I missed the posts, but I didn't see anyone saying anything negative or giving criticism for criticism's sake? I posted about being frustrated, but that's not a criticism, just a posting of that, frustration. not knowing what is up is annoying when there had been a serious problem for two days. Sam's site was down for awhile before we knew what was going on. that's not criticizing something. I'm not going to burn calories pointing out flaws in something or simply saying something is bad, and didn't see anyone else doing that. if anything I feel bad for Sam's, every time he logs into the game he gets spammed, and I'm sure he's constantly getting unnecessary messages on Skype and email which cover up more important messages.I'm not trying to be intentionally contrary, just that no one is saying DFC and teleporte rs are fine in the forums because those who are against something always have more motivation to speak up verses those who are okay with the way things are. It's not like I'm against teleporters or DFC being gifts in the future, I'm not against that if they are rare enough to still drive traffic to the store. but to say they are bad for the game because they are unrealistic doesn't really work because that argument can be made for allot more things.I also wanted to answer a couple things you mentioned in one of your previous posts Draq.survival packs can be found in the campground, they spawn there and you can gather as many as you can also go around the mountain via the mining area, I'll post directions at the bottom of this message, no teleporters required..also there is a simpler way to get to the village where you can ride a bike all the way through to the city then only have to paddle across two oceans, will also post directions to that at the bottom.antibiotics and batteries are really easy to gather, they are both in gifts, and you can gather as many as you want from the hospital. that's how I've got mine in the past, lots of time in the hospital and making sure I get gifts every 24 hours. and I don't teleport to the village every time, I go there the manual way plenty. if you do it right you don't need energy boosters, you just have to sleep before every ocean crossing and get energy to 1k. you'll cross the ocean with around 300 energy left. take a short nap on land, bike across the land then sleep before next crossing. you can also travel with multiple people in the same boat all paddling to speed the process up.there are two maps you can get to by going through the mining area, I'll post directions for both of them.beautiful forest landscapego south from the mainland into the shallow ocean. then keep going south into the deep ocean. tur n to the east and go into the mining area. travel all the way through the mining area east. then exit the mining area east into the ocean. when in the ocean turn north and go into the marsh. then when in the marsh go east, the next map is the beauti
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! I don't get all the issues around DFC and teleporters. One thing no one seems to realize is that DFC have made PK a sport instead of a true fight to the death. you can fight with other people and enjoy fighting knowing the only thing you'll win is bragging rights. I've fought with people and given them a DFC before we fought, then when I killed them they didn't lose anything, it was just for fun. People want to complain about DFC but I haven't heard anyone say anything about people making secondary accounts to fight with. when this isn't different at all. if someone has a PK only account then they aren't gonna lose anything from dying either.Everyone is going on like people will burn through 10 DFC in one fight, if that's the case then don't fight with those people. Everyone I've done PK with excepting one was a first death match. so when you die and a DFC activates you lose the fight. if you want to make it interestin g put a wager on the fight, so if you get one kill on the person with DFC you still get something from the fight.there are ways to keep the game fun and interesting. the answer is never to limit everyone because some people can't do or have something. I have never once looked at another person and said it's not fare they can do this, or they have this, take it away so I feel better. most people's first idea is to change the system, but instead of doing that work within the system. The DFC and teleporters aren't making the game broken, so I don't see a reason to change them. PK is something people with DFC can do for fun now, and not the big risk it use to be. And I haven't even mentioned how many people will trade DFC or teleporters for in game things. Hell I've just given DFC and teleporters away to people, but never when they asked for them first. so you can get them in other ways too. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! I try not to complain about much in the game, but it is a bit frustrating right now. we're on hour seven of the game being down and day two of sam's site being down with no word. times like this it would be nice to get some sort of announcement here on what's up or if it is going to be coming online today, tomorrow, or next week. URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: Survive the Wild!
Re: Survive the Wild! offline for me too URL: ___ Audiogames-reflector mailing list