[Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: Orin

Interceptor audiogame?

Hi all,Dentin in his recent change log posted something regarding an audio game called Interceptor. Does anyone other then Dentin know about it? The log entry said that they may be "helping" with a release, implying that he isn't working on it personally.Dentin, feel free to post as well.Thanks.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174122#p174122

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[Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Orin

Interceptor audiogame?

Hi all,Dentin in his recent change log posted something regarding an audio game called Interceptor. Does anyone other then Dentin know about it? The log entry said that they may be "helping" with a release, implying that he isn't working on it personally.Dentin, feel free to post as well.Thanks.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174122#p174122

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: audiogamer101

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

Hi,I think that this topic should be moved to the general game forum.The New Releases Room is for, well, newly released games.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174123#p174123

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — New releases room: Orin

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

Yes, sorry about that. I unfortunately can't move it.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174126#p174126

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: audiogamer101

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

Hi,I think that this topic should be moved to the general game forum.The New Releases Room is for, well, newly released games.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174123#p174123

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

Moderation! As Audiogamer101 said, this isn't actually announcing a new release so doesn't belong in the New releases room. I'mm therefore moving the topic.As regards the game  intercepter, I was fairly intreagued by Dentin's mention of that myself,but I'm sure just as with Steller Aeon Dentin will let us know when there is some news, after all Dentin is more than familiar with this forum and with audeasy list and is always active with anouncements of new goings on on alteraeon.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174129#p174129

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Orin

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

Yes, sorry about that. I unfortunately can't move it.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174126#p174126

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Dentin

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

Interceptor is a pure audiogame that I've been helping with.  We're hoping to get it released in the next month or two, as it's mostly complete.  I'll let the creators know there's a thread about it here.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174152#p174152

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: vga

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

Dentin made a side note announcement in his change log to help generate some buzz, and this is the first fruit outside of the Alter_aeon community.  I'm one of the pair of people developing Interceptor.  As Dentin mentioned, we hope to have the game released in 1 to 3 months.  A lot of this depends on distribution architecture that Dentin has been helping with.  The game itself is in final beta testing.  We were initially waiting until closer to time to announce it, but since we're here, here goes:Interceptor is a menu-driven audio enhanced game that simulates a battle between your interceptor fighter and hordes of alien space craft.  As of now it has two modes: a quick shoot and kill mode, and a longer more involved strategic mode.  In both versions different types of alien fighters have different capabilities, and occasionally you get a chance to attack a target of opportunity.  These range from noncombatant tanker ships t
 o the alien's own mother ship.In the longer strategic version of the game, as well as watching energy levels the player must take into account how damaged systems impact his viability.  For instance, as engine efficiency decreases the chances of gaining the initiative on alien fighters decreases as well.  Reaction from beta testers thus far has been very positive.  Right now the quick version averages 20-40 minutes to play and the longer version ranges more in the hour to hour and a half range.  One of our final projects with the beta is to make quick mode absolutely as fast as possible.  Once we have more details, we will post a link to our company web site and give you more information.The primary coder for our project is Aaron Speares aka Valiant8086 who developed a lot of the support for the Monkey Term client on Alter_aeon.  He also has developed a nifty speak dropbox application that you can find at his web sitehttp://valiant8086.comWe're using the BGT tool kit for building the game, and it will use Aaron's BGT voice over scripts.  Thanks for all the interest,Jeremy BrownURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174157#p174157

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

[[wow]] sounds interesting, I like the idea of a strategic combat game with that length of play, and I'll look forward to trying it out myself.Just one question, sinse you have developed the game in BGt I assume it is on windows, (though your mention of voiceover scripts is a trifle confusing), sinse last I checked Bgt couldn't be used on either of the systems (mac or Ios), that used the voiceover screen reader, unless by "voiceover scripts" you mean something else.speaking of screen readers, is the game fully self voiced or does it output to screen readers or sapi.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174166#p174166

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: vga

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

Dark,Oops!  I'm the creative half of the team, so I will mangle technical details more than likely.  As of right now the game will be playable only on Windows though, I would assume it would work with an emulator as well.  By voice over scripts, I am referring to Aaron's scripts for providing BGT applications with a real human voice rather than SAPI or another screen reader.  The game is completely self-voicing and currently uses mostly menu input.  If you want, you can run the entire game with only arrow keys and the enter key.  There are opportunities for some inputs (distance moved when you maneuver is the only one that springs to mind, but there might be others).   I did a rough hack job to make the web site more attractive, and I'll go ahead and post that here now:http://www.valiantgalaxy.comThere's some background info on the universe there, a li
 ttle bit about Aaron and I, and the Interceptor documentation.  Questions can be emailed to v...@valiantgalaxy.com.Again, thanks for the interest.JeremyURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174167#p174167

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

I do see where the confusion came from if you weren't aware that the in built screen reader for apple machines is also called voiceover, though sinse I'm on windows myself I'm not worried about running the game. I've looked at the site and the instructions for the game. The concept does look fascinating. I've always myself found turn based combat interesting when you must look at what your enemy does, way pup possibilities and then take appropriate action rather than just forming a correct equipment set and blasting away, so good thoughts on that. My only slight concern is that with a limited number of enemy ship types there will be something of a lack of variation in gameplay, though how serious this is is difficult to judge without playing the game. However I do hope the possibility to maybe create some alternative ships to fight might be one you'd considder for a future update, perhaps with different types of enemies (after all there 
 are always criminals and pirates ready to prophit from wars).It would also be nice given the rich history in the game to have a little more in universe detail of the conflict than just level numbers, eg ongoing missions given to you each level to progress the plot and advance the setting, indeed this might be a nice way to encounter the different alien races, for example hearing that a sprak ship detected a hidden grey patrol and being sent to take them out. I'll look forward to giving this one a try. Any idea on probable pricing?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174176#p174176

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

I do see where the confusion came from if you weren't aware that the in built screen reader for apple machines is also called voiceover, though sinse I'm on windows myself I'm not worried about running the game. I've looked at the site and the instructions for the game. The concept does look fascinating. I've always myself found turn based combat interesting when you must look at what your enemy does, way pup possibilities and then take appropriate action rather than just forming a correct equipment set and blasting away, so good thoughts on that. My only slight concern is that with a limited number of enemy ship types there will be something of a lack of variation in gameplay, though how serious this is is difficult to judge without playing the game. However I do hope the possibility to maybe create some alternative ships to fight might be one you'd considder for a future update, perhaps with different types of enemies (after all there 
 are always criminals and pirates ready to prophit from wars).It would also be nice given the rich history in the game to have a little more in universe detail of the conflict than just level numbers, eg ongoing missions given to you each level to progress the plot and advance the setting, indeed this might be a nice way to encounter the different alien races, for example hearing that a sprak ship detected a hidden grey patrol and being sent to take them out. I'll look forward to giving this one a try, and indeed seeing your other games. Having a series of games set in the same universe is quite a unique idea and both of your titles in development sound like interesting ideas though I know development can be a tricky business. Btw, if you'd like any extra lines voiced I wouldn't mind helping with this project. I've voice acted in some other games, including the update of sarah from pcs, Airic the clerric and 3D velocity, and have a digital rec
 order as wel as some on stage experience, albeit I'm primarily a singer rather than an actor. i also enjoy making up weerder alien voices.Any idea on probable pricing?URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174176#p174176

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: vga

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

As to the variability with the limited number of fighter types, that might be an issue over a long haul.  We have discussed adding in other weapons, other fighter types, and other features in a later version of the game, but right now, that is probably a long term goal.  We are hoping to get the game out first.  As to the universe and mission suggestion, I like both ideas, and this would be a probable direction we would take the game in future.  This is our first game and we deliberately made some design choices to make things simpler both from a creative standpoint and a coding standpoint.  The different ship types do use different AI algorithms, so I hope they are enough of a challenge.  I know that as I have playtested it, I used what I consider to be one optimal strategy and I have only managed to beat the game a handful of times to my satisfaction.  The universe and a lot of the background material came together late in the design pha
 se of Interceptor, so it probably will not initially integrate as much of the background detail as I would like.  Our second offering, Expanding Known Space, will probably suffer somewhat from this problem as well since it was initially conceived in an abstract form.  However, these games are both building blocks toward where we eventually want to arrive.  Some of the later games in our projected list would use both a map-driven and menu-driven elements.  We've discussed some first person shooter elements as well.  However, that's all future talk.We're trying to stay grounded and make sure that the product is the best quality we can produce.  That is one reason we have kept a lid on it as a project for so long.Finally, in answer to your question about price.  Price is of course very subjective.  One person's cheap game is another person's out of reach dream.  However, we're shooting for the low 
 end of the spectrum.  Definitely not more than $20 and probably significantly cheaper.  That is one advantage of using a proven game engine like BGT and having only a single coder and a single creative designer.  I hope this answers questions.  And we might take you up on the voice acting:)Take care,JeremyURL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174195#p174195

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Victorious

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

[[wow]] this sounds really exciting. Eagerly anticipate trying it when the betas come out.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174217#p174217

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-05 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

Hi.I agree. This sounds really exciting. I like the simple controls. Not that I don't like advanced controls, but simple controls might get more people interested. Keep up the awesome work guys.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174223#p174223

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-06 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

I guessed the ships had slightly different Ai from their descriptions, so we'll see. I'll look forward to trying the game and seeing what gets added to it in the future.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174226#p174226

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-06 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

will it have a voice acting in this game?I'll look forward to try it out!URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=174230#p174230

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Interceptor audiogame?

2014-05-06 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — General Game Discussion: vga

Re: Interceptor audiogame?

In answer to your question Hanif, right now not much.  Aaron did the narration voice.  It's very good quality audio and to me at least, very understandable.  We haven't had much complaint on the audio from from beta testers.  He has also used a "computer voice" for certain messages from the ship.  These are all nonessential messages as far as I remember.  The computer voice is a bit harder to understand, but we've tried to smoothe out any messages to short understandable phrases.  If we release a second version, one thing we had wanted to do was to include a number of random communications messages for background flavor that would have been done by various people.  However, in the attempt to keep it simple, keep it inexpensive, and keep the project on track we abandoned that notion for this release.Take care,JeremyURL: http://

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