Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Moderation:After deliberation on the staff list, we are taking the following action.The community failure claus is being invoked and Redfox will be placed on a watch for three months. Any continued trolling type activity such as displayed in this topic plus past topics will be ground for a six month ban. Redfox. I highly suggest that you take a good look at the difference between what consists of a joke and what consists of bullying.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Moderation:By request of the original poster, this topic is now closed. There will also be some punative action taken, but we are currently discussing it amongst ourselves as to what that will be.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

I could go into a long rant about disrespect, but I’m not going to. I’m sick as a dog right now and I need to get some rest. I will say that the dwarfer and Ethin have a good point. I’m probably not helping my situation by being here, and this topic has served its purpose and no longer has anything to gain out of it. I would appreciate it if it was closed. This is the last thing I’ll say on this topic.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

This topic literally no longer serves a purpose. I advise closing it.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

redfox wrote:Simba Simba Simba.I've tried to apologize for a stupid joke that I didn't realize would freak yall out so much. But then I joking copy someone else' post and you freak out even more?It's not like the quote was 5 or 10 lines, it was two damn lines. It was quite easily passed over and not like I was throwing it in his face, just thought it was something he aught to here and thought it was kind of funny.I swear, the level of thin skin on this forum is rediculous.I also like how all of yall freak out and say that I'm really immature and all this, while I'm the calmest one here and your all like: wrote:Yu got some case of amnesia or somethin? What about then you stop throwing around your imature jokes and bullcrap and go Hback to your crib?Just... Whatevs.Alright, let's think about this for a second. You knew people didn't like the joke you posted, and so you appologized. For that, I commend you. However, the fact that soon after, you decided to copy Ironcross's post, knowing full well that Dan_Gero was not appreciative of those posts, and thinking that that was funny shows your lack of self-awareness. It baffles me how you thought that was even remotely funny, knowing that people may be having actual off-forum issues that we may not know about. You seriously need to learn to read the room. Take a long break, and maybe you'll come back with some shred of self-awareness, maturity, and empathy for others. And while you may be the calmest person here (I highly doubt that), but that does not equate to maturity. You just need to stop being a jerk to people, and grow up.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Simba Simba Simba.I've tried to apologize for a stupid joke that I didn't realize would freak yall out so much. But then I joking copy someone else' post and you freak out even more?It's not like the quote was 5 or 10 lines, it was two damn lines. It was quite easily passed over and not like I was throwing it in his face, just thought it was something he aught to here and thought it was kind of funny.I swear, the level of thin skin on this forum is rediculous.I also like how all of yall freak out and say that I'm really immature and all this, while I'm the calmest one here and your all like: wrote:Yu got some case of amnesia or somethin? What about then you stop throwing around your imature jokes and bullcrap and go Hback to your crib?Just... Whatevs.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

At Redfox, Ok I got nuf of your bullshit.You said. redfox wrote:My sense of humor and others definitely do not aline in most cases, and it was late and I thought it would be funny.And then you're going.redfox wrote:@51, ok, that is your opinion, and once again people overreact to a simple joke.Yu got some case of amnesia or somethin? What about then you stop throwing around your imature jokes and bullcrap and go back to your crib?Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

This whole entire topic is utterly useless. It:1. Addresses a... non-issue? If the subject of post 1 deleted their offending post, then why should they be punished for it afterwords? This wasn't sharing a crack; nobody got their hand on illegal material before the topic was removed. It was inflammatory and I think we can all agree stupid to do, but it was deleted. There's no way it can do permanent harm because with it went all that it entailed. It'd be like arresting someone for vandalism who: wrote on something with pencil, it was seen by 3 people or so, they reported it, and the police got there to see it erased and nothing altered - with nobody else seeing the issue.2. Back-seat moderation, nuff said. I've seen a ton of that here lmao.3. Personal attacks and purposeful antagonizing. One example: while I found Dan's posts about how oh, Ironcross was just making his life some horrible hellhole or whatever quite cringe-level pathetic, multiple people reposted Ironcross's posts and that was fucked, know what I'm saying?And finally: this is not a demand, I repeat. It's not a demand. I know for a fact I have no control over anyone else's life and I am not in a place to add or remove users from this forum, neither do I intend to attempt to do so. Dan_Jiro, please... leave this forum dude. If you really can't go out and do something, which I understand having lived in Nobody Fuckin' Knows Texas for 2 years, then go find a tt server with some good friends, or a Skype group, or Twitter circle, whatever it may be. That's what you need - a supportive group of friends, not the AG forum. If some stranger on the internet who you know only through text posted on an open forum is "making your life hell", something's gotta give. At this point the way I see it, there is an ounce of truth to the claims that you are becoming a bit annoying and pushy - and you've said that this recent boost in sensitivity and or irritability is due to personal life issues (see 26). The oh just skip over it option doesn't always work - if you post enough posts that are found annoying by someone, they'll never read what you have to say eventually. And another person who doesn't know you, reads what you have to say, and doesn't like it, is another person with a learned behavior. Not only that, first impressions are a bitch to overcome sometimes.You are not obligated to refrain from posting anything that is not covered under this site's rules, though bear in mind that "You are really becoming annoying and pushy in my opinion" is an opinion that can be shared as well, because technically it's not slander or anything. So do you want to eventually tarnish your reputation here as a result of a bad time in your life, right now, and then have to work to build it back up once your circumstances have improved, all the while getting really nothing good out of this place? Or, would you rather get off of here, and spend the time searching for friends (offline or otherwise) that would build you up, encourage you, and be there while you get stuff figured out, and come back with a good reputation?Idk dude. It just seems like you're spiraling into something here, and reaching out to put your hand on shoulders for support that, already carry to much or never volunteered to carry the weight.Christ that was long.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Agree with Liam. If the vast majoryoung of people are "overreacting," as you say, there's a skill to be learned on reading the room. When you act the way you do, it really doesn't help your case.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Moderation:Again. Redfox. You need to really think about what is actually a joke.I'm going to be very honest with you. You are starting to skate on some very thin ice. someone saying that they're going to skip someone's posts does not give you the right to then repost them. that is not ajoke. Is just just being childish and immature.My advice. Take a step back and think. The last thing we want to do is toss in a community failure clause, but you are beginning to push a lot of buttons.Enough with the trolling.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@51, ok, that is your opinion, and once again people overreact to a simple joke.I seriously think yall need to lighten up, but o shit that's character assassination or something.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : SkyGuardian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

And in my opinion fox dude. A lot of things you have done are childish and disrespectful might i add. He said he didn’t want to read any of those posts, and in all honesty from what I’ve seen from you my opinion is that you are pretty annoying and immature


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Em DoubleU ha ha this is amusing.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Yeah. I noticed that too.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

This topic has more character assassination than...The original topic in question.Gotta love irony


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@42, yep, this has defnitely turned into a "my dick is bigger than yours" contest. Definitely not joining in, for sure.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

I'd suggest everyone copy my posts so he has to skip over everyone, but ehh, one of me is probably too much as it is.So what I was trying to do is not necessarily come out and say he's a rapist or murderer, and I don't know how I could have phrased it any differently. I was just trying to say that BS excuses don't fly with those types of people, so why let it fly with anyone else.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Moderation:Ironcross, I understand the thrust of what you're getting at. You're absolutely right about who you'll give headspace to, letting people get under your skin, etc.The problem is that you're...ahem, part of the problem. You start by spraying bullets, as Kai put it, then trying to talk sense. Trust me, it doesn't work. And I'd know. I've done it a time or three.I'm issuing a caution here. Watch it. The whole bit where you're essentially comparing him to rapists/murderers/whatever is sensationalizing and inflammatory and absolutely does not need to happen. Indict his character all you want, if that's your thing, but do it cogently and with at least a modicum of respect. You didn't really do that. The only reason you aren't getting a warning from me right now is because you appear to have taken your own advice and largely backed off.DanGero, please remember that no matter how much other people upset you, you are always responsible for your own actions, at least to some extent. The whole "he made me do it" really only works in certain specific cases of long-time abuse, usually physical in nature (but not always), and I'm pretty confident that's not happening here. Your best course is what you said already, to just ignore the guy. If he gets too aggressive, he'll be dealt with. Likewise, if you fire back too aggressively, then we'll step in there, too.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Thanks Redfox for letting me know who else I should skip over. In case you haven’t realized, I just skiped your post too. I’m trying to not read his posts, so if anyone else tries to continue to force me to read them I’m just going to ignore you too.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@42, I see what you did there.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Jesus forking Christ! Is this a "Who can be a bigger dick" contest? @redfox, if Dan was indeed trying to skip and ignore Ironcross' posts, deliberately copying his message into your own post is both spam and disrespectful on an entirely unnecessary level.I myself don't understand why the mods have been letting Ironcross get away with all these personal attacks and inflamation given his history, but hey, I'm not the captain of this ship.Kai


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@Dannyboy, I'm gonna copy Ironcross' post for you in case you actually had the willpower to skip over it:ironcross32 wrote:I do not believe you possess the self control needed to follow through with that. Also, I love how you make this all about me like I've been this stalker following you everywhere you go. Like, we may have crossed paths maybe 5 times or so? I also would likewise rather not have anything to do with you as well.Also, Simba, Jimmy has spoken up against him and I also do heavily agree with what Ironcross said.Maybe comparing him to a rapist is a bit much, but I don't think that was the real goal.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Hi.At Ironcross i think noone needs to tell you that comparing Dan_gero to a child rapist or murderer are way overkill and that comparisons like these don't help the situation at all.You are in fact the tiny but loud mouthed minority who says something against how Dan_gero behaves on the forum, I haven't seen another person attacking him for his posts, you are in fact the first one doing so I see here.If not, provide me the evidence please?And no, calling him out anoying out of the forum is no peace of evidence, off the forum is one thing, what counts is what happened on the forum.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

I do not believe you possess the self control needed to follow through with that. Also, I love how you make this all about me like I've been this stalker following you everywhere you go. Like, we may have crossed paths maybe 5 times or so? I also would likewise rather not have anything to do with you as well.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

It's kind of hard when you made a post trying to help the community, and this one guy in your thread is trying to make you feel like total dog shit for doing what you feel is right and trying your best to help out your fellow forumites wherever you can. I'll keep your point in mind though. From now on, if I see his name in the post heading, I will skip right over it like it was never there and move right to the next heading. Thank you for the advice.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

iron cross is looking for a reaction. It's hard dan_gero, but when you see the name iron cross you have to scroll past. You can't let the temptation get you. And for you iron cross I see the points you are trying to make. They make sense. But you are the last person he is going to listen to, whether he is blocking you out from anger or because you have gotten on his bad side. Well it's both. Your advice is lost to him at this point. I've seen the good and bad in both of you. Don't mix those personalities in posts. No matter how good your post is, malice or insults can destroy it. And sometimes, no matter how much good you try to put in a post to repair the malice or insults in a post, it will not fix it. First impressions will happen. A first read through is most often all you get from users, since they have lots of other posts to read. Your post better be damn good and understandable to get a second read through.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

iron cross is looking for a reaction. It's hard dan_gero, but when you see the name iron cross you have to scroll past. You can't let the temptation get you. And for you iron cross I see the points you are trying to make. They make sense. But you are the last person he is going to listen to, whether he is blocking you out from anger or because you have gotten on his bad side. Well it's both. Your advice is lost to him at this point. I've seen the good and bad in both of you. Don't mix those personalities in posts. No matter how good your post is, malice or insults can destroy it. And sometimes, no matter how much good you try to put in a post to repair the malice or insults in a post, it will not fix it. First impressions will happen. A first read through is most often those ffirst impressions. Your post better be damn good to get a second read through.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

iron cross is looking for a reaction. It's hard dan_gero, but when you see the name iron cross you have to scroll past. You can't let the temptation get you. And for you iron cross I see the points you are trying to make. They make sense. But you are the last person he is going to listen to, whether he is blocking you out from anger or because you have gotten on his bad side. Well it's both. Your advice is lost to him at this point. I've seen the good and bad in both of you. Don't mi those personalities in posts. No matter how good your post is, malice or insults can drstory it. And sometimes, no matter how much good you try to put in a post to repair the malice or insults in a post, it will not fix it. First impressions will happen. A first read through is most often those ffirst impressions. Your post better be damn good to get a second read through.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

All I'mgoing to say is that I agree with Xoren and Dan_Gero on this matter. Its too late for me to get into an argument with anyone right now.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

I have to side with Dan_Gero here. Ironcross32, enough is enough. I'm even siding with Xoren here -- which is something I rarely ever do. Enjoy showing everyone how hypocritical you are. You bring other peoples problems into the spotlight while not considering -- for one moment -- your own, or whether you know the person your targeting well enough to actually make the judgements you've thrown around. I'd say enough is enough, wouldn't you?Throughout this thread all I've seen is you perpetuating information without evidence. Enough of that; show your cards. Until then, I doubt anyone is going to believe you. This has pretty much devolved into a bunch of mudslinging and its time for some facts to show themselves.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

I have to side with Dan_Gero here. Ironcross32, enough is enough. I'm even siding with Xoren here -- which is something I rarely ever do. Enjoy showing everyone how hypocritical you are. You bring other peoples problems into the spotlight while not considering -- for one moment -- your own, or whether you know the person your targeting well enough to actually make the judgements you've thrown around. I'd say enough is enough, wouldn't you?Throughout this thread all I've seen is you perpetuating information without evidence. Enough of that; show your cards.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

I have to side with Dan_Gero here. Ironcross32, enough is enough. I'm even siding with Xoren here -- which is something I rarely ever do. Enjoy showing everyone how hypocritical you are. You bring other peoples problems into the spotlight while not considering -- for one moment -- your own. I'd say enough is enough, wouldn't you?Thoughout this thread all I've seen is you perpetuating information without evidence. Enough of that; show your cards.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Quick note on character assasination.A comment like.Xoren. Every post you write annoys not character assasination.However, a comment like.Xoren. You steal money from everyone and use it to buy dirty character assasination. I am making an unsubstantiated claim without any evidence. The first comment though it isn't exactly nice, is an opinion.there have been some comments in this thread that are starting to walk a fine line. We are watching.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Nah man, you make my life a living hell because you won't get out of it. You're a fine one to be telling that guy to get off his high horse when you've been on yours for so long that you don't know what it's like to have your feet on the ground. Doesn't matter though, because when I inevitably move to a place where I can socialize with people I won't need this forum to talk to people anymore and I'll be able to avoid you indefinitely, which is something I've been trying to do ever since we crossed paths. I don't need you, and I don't need the stress that comes with dealing with you.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@31 precisely my point, I had to deal with the backlash after that incident, just like he'll have to deal with it when he does his shit. Now, jump on that high horse you're so fond of and ride your sanctimonious ass back to hell where you came from, thanks bye bye.@32 If I've made your life a living hell, obviously what I say does matter, which again, is a point I've tried to make.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Alright, you've forced my hand.ironcross32 wrote:@26 I'm sorry but that post was BS on so many levels. First of all, a leadership personality? I think not. More of a I'm gonna be pushy and insert myself into places where I'm not wanted, then get hurt when people don't' agree with me or say things I don't like personality. I'm sorry bro, but you're annoying, and I'm sure I'm not the only one to say that. You are a very tiny minority. The people who think I’m annoying make up about 2/20 of the people I know, and I know way more than 20 people. What makes you think I’m going to listen to you of all people for advice on my personality? ironcross32 wrote:Then you wanna be like I'm sorry it's just how I am, deal with it. Umm, no? Will that excuse fly if the person is a rapist, child molester, serial killer, etc. No it won't, so it doesn't fly for you either. You reap what you sew, and if your seeds are those of an annoying, slightly egotistical pushy person, you're gonna get backlash. Great, now you’re comparing me to a rapist. Thank you for teaching me that your opinions aren’t worth anything, but I knew that already. Congratulations on invalidating yourself even more. ironcross32 wrote:Then you want to run and cry to people when you don't get your way - I'm specifically talking about off-forum matters, yeah, again... no. Everywhere you go and everything you do sets off this chain reaction because you just can't stand when you don't get your way. Where’s your evidence then? This is a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black. ironcross32 wrote:Then whatever issue you're talking about becomes factionalized, because you have the two sides, me, who you already know how I feel about you, and everybody else who just thinks you're OK / nice or whatever. You create a schism wherever you go is basically what I'm saying. Like I said, you’re an extremely tiny minority, that’s why I faction you off. I’ve had friends tell me I’m annoying, but they don’t make me look nearly as bad as you do. Even Ethin - who I used to butt heads with all the time and still do on occasion - has been taking my side a lot more lately. At least when Ethin had his worst moments he brought logic into the problem. You’re just a jerk for the sake of being a jerk. You’re a troll who likes to get reactions from people, then you try to justify yourself when you’re inevitably called out for your shitty actions, which is something I saw way too often a few years ago and as far as I can tell that’s barely changed if it even has changed at all. I’ve tried to avoid you over the years, but you always find some way of making my life a living hell. If I block you on Twitter, you’ll just come on the forum and talk shit about me, and I can’t block people on this forum or delete their posts in my threads, which I freely admit I would have done with you many times over for the shit you say to me. I guess now the only way for me to truly avoid you is to leave this forum which I don’t want to do. That is pretty sad by the way, the fact that you stress people out so much that they want to up and leave. I’ve seen that happened with a forum member or two before, so apparently I’m not the only one who’s getting sick of you. Stop antagonizing me, stop making me look bad and intentionally trying to piss me off then trying to justify your actions, and leave me the hell alone. Mods, I’m really sorry if this post breaks any rules, but now you guys see the monster I become when people have pushed me too far and I can’t handle it anymore. I’ve tried staying calm and collected, but with ironcross that’s wishful thinking. There comes a point when someone has pissed you off long enough and you inevitably go over the edge and can no longer maintain your composure, and he has successfully crossed that line.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

I've been avoiding this topic, but wow Ironcross. I sure hope I don't have to point it out, but I think this is the pot calling the kettle black. Also, aren't these direct personal comments about a forum user against the community clauses? You're deliberately inflaming and baiting, especially when you have no grounds to, Mr. I'm sorry I just called you a fagget but it's OK because I was just typing it really fast and wasn't really thinking about it anyway... Oh sorry I shot your grandmother. I was kind of just spraying bullets at random and wasn't even thinking about it anyway. We're still cool, right?Kai


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@28 Agreed, I don't mind it if no harm is being done. Two great examples of fun to watch stuff included Wrastley and the Super Liam 2 alpha. But if there's destructive stuff going on, then that's bad.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@29 Agreed, I don't mind it if no harm is being done. Two great examples of fun to watch stuff included Wrastley and the Super Liam 2 alpha. But if there's destructive stuff going on, then that's bad.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@26 I'm sorry but that post was BS on so many levels. First of all, a leadership personality? I think not. More of a I'm gonna be pushy and insert myself into places where I'm not wanted, then get hurt when people don't' agree with me or say things I don't like personality. I'm sorry bro, but you're annoying, and I'm sure I'm not the only one to say that. Then you wanna be like I'm sorry it's just how I am, deal with it. Umm, no? Will that excuse fly if the person is a rapist, child molester, serial killer, etc. No it won't, so it doesn't fly for you either. You reap what you sew, and if your seeds are those of an annoying, slightly egotistical pushy person, you're gonna get backlash. Then you want to run and cry to people when you don't get your way - I'm specifically talking about off-forum matters, yeah, again... no. Everywhere you go and everything you do sets off this chain reaction because you just can't stand when you don't get your way. Then whatever issue you're talking about becomes factionalized, because you have the two sides, me, who you already know how I feel about you, and everybody else who just thinks you're OK / nice or whatever. You create a schism wherever you go is basically what I'm saying.So no, I don't buy this whole excuse of it's how I am and I'm not changing routine. It's called personal growth, start investing in yourself.I've seen you when you first come in or around a community for the first time or after a while of absence, and you're tolerable, but then the rest of you starts shining through after a while and you become insufferable. I really haven't seen that much change since you quit posting a while back and when you started again.You're one of these people who puts up a tough outer shell because you're soft on the inside. That's fine but when your outer shell is basically causing you to be at best annoying, and at most, a pushy ass hole, it's time to re-evaluate that strategy. I get it, if you put your guard down, you leave yourself open and vulnerable, which means you'll likely get hurt. Have you ever heard the saying, "It takes one to know one", yeah well it's probably cliche by now but it's true. I'm like that, a whole lot more in the past than now, because I've realized it's not always a good thing. So I'm telling you, that's the same shit I see in you. But you really do have the final say on who can hurt you, and who you're gonna give up head space to. You don't want to be like you are now, but you don't want to be wide open either, or completely apathetic like audiogame. You want to find a middle ground. somewhere between needing to act like a blowhard and leaving your guard down. To a point, you'll always kinda have this out there personality, and that's fine. But you really do need to tamp down some of the more eccentric bits.You can be yourself, and you should b yourself without feeling like you have to act like a hard ass all the time. It's also OK to have a softer side as a man. When you've seen men who repress their feelings for such a long time, you will start to notice certain things about them, and you don't want to be like that. It's OK to cry or want to cry, it doesn't make you weak. Fuck all that kind of thinking is what I'm saying.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@26 I'm sorry but that post was BS on so many levels. First of all, a leadership personality? I think not. More of a I'm gonna be pushy and insert myself into places where I'm not wanted, then get hurt when people don't' agree with me or say things I don't like personality. I'm sorry bro, but you're annoying, and I'm sure I'm not the only one to say that. Then you wanna be like I'm sorry it's just how I am, deal with it. Umm, no? Will that excuse fly if the person is a rapist, child molester, serial killer, etc. No it won't, so it doesn't fly for you either. You reap what you sew, and if your seeds are those of an annoying, slightly egotistical pushy person, you're gonna get backlash. Then you want to run and cry to people when you don't get your way - I'm specifically talking about off-forum matters, yeah, again... no. Everywhere you go and everything you do sets off this chain reaction because you just can't stand when you don't get your way. Then whatever issue you're talking about becomes factionalized, because you have the two sides, me, who you already know how I feel about you, and everybody else who just thinks you're OK / nice or whatever. You create a schism wherever you go is basically what I'm saying.So no, I don't buy this whole excuse of it's how I am and I'm not changing routine. It's called personal growth, start investing in yourself.I've seen you when you first come in or around a community for the first time or after a while of absence, and you're tolerable, but then the rest of you starts shining through after a while and you become insufferable. I really haven't seen that much change since you quit posting a while back and when you started again.You're one of these people who puts up a tough outer shell because you're soft on the inside. That's fine but when your outer shell is basically causing you to be at best annoying, and at most, a pushy ass hole, it's time to re-evaluate that strategy. I get it, if you put your guard down, you leave yourself open and vulnerable, which means you'll likely get hurt. Have you ever heard the saying, "It takes one to know one", yeah well it's probably cliche by now but it's true. I'm like that, a whole lot more in the past than now, because I've realized it's not always a good thing. So I'm telling you, that's the same shit I see in you. But you really do have the final say on who can hurt you, and who you're gonna give up head space to. You don't want to be like you are now, but you don't want to be wide open either, or completely apathetic like audiogame. You want to find a middle ground. somewhere between needing to act like a blowhard and leaving your guard down. To a point, you'll always kinda have this out there personality, and that's fine. But you really do need to tamp down some of the more eccentric bits.You can be yourself, and you should b yourself without feeling like you have to act like a hard ass all the time. It's also OK to have a softer side as a man. When you've seen men who repress their feelings for such a long time, you will start to notice certain things about them, and you don't want to be like that. It's OK to cry or want to cry, it doesn't make you weak. Fuck all that kind of thinking is what I'm saying.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

A troll  is someone who makes a post or comment with the end goal of getting a rise out of someone else. Contrary to popular belief, the origin has relatively little to do with a giant depicted in Scandinavian folklore but rather fishing. When you're trolling (fishing) you're baiting the fish, hoping it falls pray to your trap. Thus trolls aren't usually accompanied by a meme or image, for that would entirely ruin the point. It goes without saying, some will get the joke, some will follow the worm along the line.Sidenote: troll can refer to the offender or post, used interchangeably.If you're a bystander, it can actually be amusing to watch sometimes assuming no real harm is being caused. For this reason, I highly doubt trolling is going anywhere. Plus we'd be hard pressed to come up with a rule preventing it. Many trollish posts can, in reality, relieve unneeded tention and put a smile on a couple faces.There's a difference between ruffling a couple feathers and appearing needlessly antagonistic/destructive. So while I see what you're saying


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Right. I'm going to simply say this. I don't like putting it like this, but it's something I have wanted to say for a while.Unfortunately this forum's not ready for troll style jokes, yet.and here's why.We don't have a way to signify it like the sighted community does.A poster of a troll-style joke in the sighted community can put an image as a direct counterpoint to it, immediately explaining it's a troll joke.We don't have a text equivalent. We developed spoiler space way back when and that was from the audyssey list, but I don't think we've got a way of someone justifying it's supposed to be a bit of fun when they do a troll-style joke.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

My problem is I feel like a lot of people are asking me to justify my actions, especially iron cross. I’m hoping that’s not the case, but if that is, I don’t have to justify myself to anybody. I don’t have to tell people why I do things. I do because sometimes the way I do things can come off as being whiny or entitled and I feel like explaining myself will be a good idea, but really I don’t have to and none of you guys should be expecting that out of me. Jimmy, I’m going to address some of your points here.Jimmy69 wrote: One reason i think that Ironcross was laying into him is because this guy has a bit of a holier than thou attitude a lot of the time. He also comes across as wanting to be a backseat moderator a fuckload. In recent topics he has made many posts and topics that come off as him feeling that he is on the same level as a moderator. For example, in the topic what games should be considered for the database, that seems like a topic a moderator should be making. I do understand that this forum is a community driven website but he seems to be pushing himself as a moderator. At the very least that is how it came across. I definitely see where you’re coming from on this one, but I have absolutely no intentions on telling the moderators how to do their job, and I apologize if some of my posts came off that way. I make a lot of these posts to suggest ideas, I’m not trying to tell anybody what to do or how to do it. I will say that I have more of a leader ship type personality, and a lot of that leaks in my posts. Generally I’m a leader, not a follower. That’s just the way I am, and I try to keep that in check knowing that I’m not a moderator here, but inevitably some of that leadership personality is going to leak into my post, and I’m sorry if that bothers you guys, but it’s not something I can really change, and to be honest it’s not something I’m going to change. I was born a leader, and I’m not going to change that just because it bothers a few people.Jimmy69 wrote: He makes a lot, i mean a lot of topics where either he is asking some random question and somehow coming across annoying, or posting the in the most winy way possible. He has a method of writing that doesn't ingratiate him to anyone. Thank you for pointing out that my writing style is unique, I definitely don’t think that but moving on… I am an open book, so I have no qualms about posting topics that apply to me and my personal life. I’m sorry that the topics I create bother people, but once again you’re just gonna have to get over that because that’s not something I’m willing to change, because it doesn’t need to be changed. There’s nothing wrong with me making topics about me and the stuff I go through. If you don’t feel like reading it or if you don’t like it, feel free to scroll past and continue with your day.Jimmy69 wrote: Finally another reason people may disapprove. The final reason i could see people not liking him very much. Full disclosure: Actually I do have a good number of friends and there are a lot of people who like me, but moving on:Jimmy69 wrote: DanGero, you made a massive topic about how you wanted to be banned and made at least me feel bad for you. You made this whole argument about your feelings and all of that is totally okay. But then two days later your back and this whole attitude i discussed earlier shows up. You basically sit there and cry about your feelings and say you aren't coming back but then your back and posting a massive amount of topics all the time. I made that post out of anger, and the only reason I came back is because there were a few users who suggested that I do step away and cool down for a little bit and really think about what I’m doing. That’s what I did. I stepped away and took some time to cool down, and I realized that the decision I was about to make was stupid. Then again, would it have been? I have/had a lot of good reasons for wanting to leave. Obviously I’m not going to now, but if I was going to leave I could list one good reason why it would be a good idea.I’m honestly getting sick and tired of the constant negativity and toxicity that accompanies not only this forum, but social media in general. There were many times I wanted to take my phone, throw it out the window, and go technology free for the rest of my life; until I realized how much I depend on technology and can’t do something like that. People wonder why so many good developers have left the scene? It’s because of the constant bullshit that goes on. People can’t be happy with what they’re given. Somebody always has something to bitch about. Nobody can just be happy that the developer tried their best to release a new game that everybody can enjoy. Thanks to a lot of entitled people, now most of the audio gaming community is stagnant interms of new games being developed. I personally feel like we wouldn’t have nearly as many clones

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

So a couple things.I know REDFox very well personally and i can say with absolute certainty that he thought of it as a joke. He is a huge troll and finds these things funny. But i do as well so yeah.Now in the spirit of fairness i did not see the topic but i have  spoken with him privately regarding it and he was laughing about it. I do know he hasn't even played more than maybe ten minutes into the game and literally was just joking.Now regarding  DanGero.One reason i think that Ironcross was laying into him is because this guy has a bit of a holier than thou attitude a lot of the time. He also comes across as wanting to be a backseat moderator a fuckload. In recent topics he has made many posts and topics that come off as him feeling that he is on the same level as a moderator. For example, in the topic what games should be considered for the database, that seems like a topic a moderator should be making. I do understand that this forum is a community driven website but he seems to be pushing himself as a moderator. At the very least that is how it came across.Now for a more personal reason IronCross and others may not like him.He makes a lot, i mean a lot of topics where either he is asking some random question and somehow coming across annoying, or posting the in the most winy way possible. He has a method of writing that doesn't ingratiate him to anyone.Finally another reason people may disapprove. The final reason i could see people not liking him very much. Full disclosure:this is the only one of my points i feel a little strongly about. DanGero, you made a massive topic about how you wanted to be banned and made at least me feel bad for you. You made this whole argument about your feelings and all of that is totally okay. But then two days later your back and this whole attitude i discussed earlier shows up. You basically sit there and cry about your feelings and say you aren't coming back but then your back and posting a massive amount of topics all the time. I don't really have much against  DanGero  but i am just laying out why i think some may not like him very much.That is my peace, make of it what you will.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Righto, so a few things.First, I confess that I spent a lot of the weekend playing manamon and really only reading the threads that concerned me. I'll go ahead and own that right here and now. I have to learn to check my private messages more often because after reading this thread, I saw that I had a few and I need to respond to some of them. Really wish there were some way to know when you have a new message. That's on me, guys. I apologize.I did actually see Redfox's original thread, and was in the process of roasting him and even suggesting that a warning be levied against him, but when I went to post, I got an error, which told me the thread would be deleted. At this point, I felt much the same way Carter and Liam did (the harm had been done and essentially admitted to). I didn't like it at all, and I think it is unreasonable to assume that we're going to let rules slide just because you delete the thread. In fact, I think there's even a bit in the rules that says that thread or post deletion or editing doesn't necessarily mean you're immune to the rules you break originally.Redfox, I have difficulty believing your "humour" was in good faith, but whether it was or not, it was in terrible taste, so thank you for admitting that and taking down the thread. It probably wasn't going to do any catastrophic harm, but it was needless. We all say and do things we shouldn't sometimes, so I hope we can learn from this.Guys, maybe lay off DanGero a bit. If he did try to reach out to me, and I said nothing, then no wonder he thought this was being ignored. Whistleblowing is understandable if there is a legitimate issue to talk about. I do not want to start up the expectation that you can't bring valid things to our attention. The first and best way to do this is to write a report or contact one of the staff team privately though; I'd say this sort of escalation, where you make a topic and draw attention to it, should only be done if you're fairly convinced that wrong is being done and you feel the need to expose it. This should not be a hair-trigger decision.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Nah you do that all on your own homie.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Obviously it did do some good, because it got the moderators attention. Glad to know it’s wrong for me to try to help, thanks for making me look like the bad guy.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : moonwalker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

One week of absence and it turns out that it isn't allowed to discuss an existing problem here. Ironcross, seriously?


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@redfox yeah but the thing is, even if it was a joke, your humor doesn't align well with other people', and you should know that by now.@OP Really? Just... freaking really. I don't even know what to say right now, I have this picture in my head of a little kid being a complete nuisance because his bigger brother did something he probably shouldn't, but not too terrible, but the parents drop the hammer on the big brother because the little one is being so annoying about it. That's what you're doing. I also see some things never change, flying off the handle and posting this topic, what good did it do? Not a bit of it. If you were concerned, you could just drop a mail or PM a mod, not come out pumping your chest like a gorilla.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Now they live happily ever after?  Woohoo!


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

In the spirit of apologizing, I need to do the same for Liam for what I said in post 3. I interpreted post 2 as you not caring, so I'm sorry about that. I meant nothing personal by it.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

actually. I'm glad you deleted it. It's rare I like to see topics get erased, but it wasn't helping anything and it existing would have only made the end result much worse.Thank you for owning up to your mistake and apologizing.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Completely understood and I should've explained myself better in that topic, deleting it did look fishy, and maybe edditing my op further to explain myself would've been smart.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

In my defense, I don’t know you so I don’t know how your mind works. Thank you for letting me know that it wasn’t a cover-up attempt, but I didn’t know that because I don’t know you. It looked very suspicious the way the entire thing was handled, so I genuinely thought that you deleted it to cover up what you did and to try to avoid punishment. My bad for assuming, but once again in my defense you have to admit it did look fishy. I have nothing personal against you, (well, nothing major anyway), I’m just doing what I think is right.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Hi!I do see where op is coming from, and I also do agree that what I said was kind of stupid.My sense of humor and others definitely do not aline in most cases, and it was late and I thought it would be funny.One thing I don't understand is why you are so adamant that it was a cover up. No no no, the whole thing was a joke from the start.As pointed out in my posts on that topic, it had been a mere 6 hours sense that game had been released, noone can finish that that fast.I saw the topic get way out of hand in the first 3 posts and atempted to stop it there, but people kept going with it.I'm ok to admit that it was, in a sense, slander and I understand why people were mad, but what I don't understand is why people made a huge ddeal of it and didn't try to talk to me sensibly. I believe Liam was one of the few that tried to, but was overwhelmed by the others calling me a fucking stupid idiot or whatever... And I'm supposed to be 14?Now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure op was also quite calm with me too... Good job, buddy.TLDR: this whole situation sparked from a, self perceived, inconsequential joke that people took way to far.I deleted the topic because multiple people pressed for it and I decided I didn't want to deal with those people freaking out at a joke like that.Also, a point was raised that someone might see the topic and believe it to be true, thus robbing Aaron of a sale.My response to this is: There is a main topic, that will probably be 350 pages again, and you think that one little post, especially with the fact that it was a joke plainly pasted 4 posts later, would be that game changer? Come on.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

I will keep that in mind for next time. Good to know it’s not post specific.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

moderation:For the record, I was said other staff member who agreed with Liam's opinion that this had already gone far enough.Do I think what Redfox did was incredibly stupid? Why of course.We wanted to walk with the benefit of the doubt on this one, however let it be said that those who make a habit of (two times or more) deleting threads to cover up transgressions, will be dealt with incredibly heavy-handedly. It may be a good idea to revise the rules here?Thanks for bringing this to our attention. In the future there's also the report link which doesn't necessarily have to be used on a specific post. This way all admins are able to see your message.


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Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

moderation:For the record, I was said other staff member who agreed with Liam's opinion that this had already gone far enough.Do I think what Redfox did was incredibly stupid? Why of course.We wanted to walk with the benefit of the doubt on this one, however let it be said that those who make a habit of (two times or more) deleting threads to cover up transgressions, will be dealt with incredibly heavy-handedly. It may be a good idea to revise the rules here?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Also, I did send a PM to the staff, specifically Jade.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Update: it looks like me and Liam posted at the same time, so now I definitely have confirmation that he was waiting for another staff members approval. The reason I opted to make this post in the first place is because I have absolutely no idea what was going on behind the scenes. Yes, as it turns out you did talk to other staff members, but I didn’t know that. For all I know, since the topic was deleted it could’ve been determined by a majority of staff members to let it slide. It does also say in the rules to let at least 24 hours pass before reporting something that the staff members probably know about already, so for being too quick on the trigger I apologize. However, I have no regrets. I did want him to get a warning, as I would want with everybody else if they did something like that. I’m trying to help the developer of this game, and I’m trying to help the moderatorsNot only because the rules tell me to but because everything I do is an attempt to help everyone else. I get no personal gain from reporting someone I hardly know to the moderators for breaking the rules; the only thing I gain out of it is knowing that I helped, which is what matters in the end.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

8:At the bottom of every post is both a PM and email link. you can always fill out that form. That would have been a much better solution than opening a new topic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

I went with the benefit of the doubt here and assume that Liam saw the topic and didn’t give a moderator warning because he was waiting for another staff member to agree with him before he took action, which still might be true. I just wanted to make sure that it did not get swept under the rug and that someone definitely saw it so that something could be done about it. I was not backseat moderating and had absolutely no intention to do so; I am obligated as a member of this forum to report things if somebody breaks the rules, as is everybody else. I’m just doing what I was told to do.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Moderation:I was hoping not to have to spend the next little while justifying admin actions, but.. You know how it is.1. The reason why no warnings were issued as of yet is that the topic was deleted by the original poster. yes he did choose to erase it only after several people suggested it but he did do so. People can sit here and speculate if he did it because he was sorry for his actions, or if he thought it would save him from any punishment. I have my ownviews, but again. Being an admin means being imparcial.2. The victim of the slander did not want any warnings or bans given. he believes that people will play his demo, and will judge it for themselves. But this leads me to.3. As the OP believes so steadfast in the rules, I'm sure he knows that in order for a warning to be levied character assassination, two staff members need to be present to do so. that means as a staff member, I can not warn someone on my own for doing that. This is designed to protect users from personal biases.End Moderation:Now a personal note. if someone truly believes in a set of rules, there are avenues in which can ask quesiton and express displeasure on how something was handled. instead, using a new topic to bring up an issue with how something was handled just smacks of a disrespect for the process in general. instead, the first thoughtwhen reading this is. Wow. The OP must really want Redfox to get warned. Am I saying that is the case? Absolutely not, but I am saying that it raises the suspicion meter higher than it needs to be.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@5, this isn't back-seat admining at all. I was not awear of this either until I saw it, and from the outside looking it does look worse than it probably is. It sends a message to those who aren't aware of these things that if someone breaks a rule and then deletes the topic, no punishment will be handed out, and therefore that person can violate as many rules as they like and not get punished for it. I can see people violating the copyright/no cracks rule this way too: someone creates a topic, posts a link to a crack, waits until some people have acquired it and then they delete the topic and boom, they don't ever get punished (even if a bystander saw the topic and reported it like the OP is doing here). Your right: Liam is no fool. But Liam is no god, either. As a community it is our responsibility to help admins and point out possible errors and mistakes they've made, just as they might do for us members.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@5, this isn't back-seat admining at all. I was not awear of this either until I saw it, and from the outside looking it does look worse than it probably is. It sends a message to those who aren't aware of these things that if someone breaks a rule and then deletes the topic, no punishment will be handed out, and therefore that person can violate as many rules as they like and not get punished for it. I can see people violating the copyright/no cracks rule this way too: someone creates a topic, posts a link to a crack, waits until some people have acquired it and then they delete the topic and boom, they don't ever get punished (even if a bystander saw the topic and reported it like the OP is doing here).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

@5, this isn't back-seat admining at all. I was not awear of this either until I saw it, and from the outside looking it does look worse than it probably is. It sends a message to those who aren't aware of these things that if someone breaks a rule and then deletes the topic, no punishment can be given. That can the lead to a limitless amount of infractions.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Lol all I will say is liam is no fool. Please enough with the back seat adminning


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

From the outside looking in, since I completely and totally missed this and was not aware until OP brought it to my attention, is that he's concerned that he was just able to delete the topic and avoid possible punishment, which is the same tactic Mahdi used a while back.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Really? Someone intentionally breaks a rule and passes it off as a joke, and you were going to sweep it under the rug without so much as a single warning? I'm aware he deleted the topic himself, that's why I came on here and made this post to unsure someone definitely saw it and took action against it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

Really? Someone intentionally breaks a rule and passes it off as a joke, and you were going to sweep it under the rug without so much as a single warning?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

the topic was removed by the original poster.I was kind of hoping this thing would die, but thanks for ressurecting it. Sigh.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Blatant Character Assassination Hasn't Been Dealt With Yet

I hate calling people out publicly, but something needs to be done about this. As a lot of people probably remember, Redfox created a post yesterday stating that Aaron Baker was reselling Manamon 1 and passing it off as a new game to make more money. He accused Aaron of intentionally ripping people off, which is character assassination at its finest. When people started jumping on him for it, he then tried to pass it off as a joke. When people continued to jump on him for it, it appears he deleted the topic to cover up what he did so that he wouldn’t get punished or slammed by people for his actions anymore. Is something going to be done about this? I’m sorry if I come off as annoying for doing this, but I hate seeing people break rules on this forum and if I’m there to witness it I won’t hesitate to let everyone know about it if I have to.


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