Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

2015-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

Dark wrote:for example if you had a s and d as your arrows, w is sort of pointing up and left on most machines not streightThis is one reason I prefer ASWZ over ASWD. It seems like the point of ASWD is to look like the arrow keys, or something something finger positions, but on a qwerty keyboard, ASWZ are oriented more like a slightly squished D-pad. ... Also the only game I played that tried to go from joystick to keyboard before I started programming was Mortal Kombat 4. (Well, that and DOS Mario, whose controls were confusing enough that I always mapped them to JKL or something.).


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Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

2015-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

Another reason why using a numpad is a bad idea is that for people on MacBooks, there is no way to emulate one with the internal keyboard without using external tools. This used to be possible in older models, but was later removed (don't ask me which one was the first not to have this feature though).Short of keyboards on phones, I've never seen one that is missing the right shift. Quite a few (again looking at MacBooks for instance), do miss the right control and applications keys though, so I think you should be OK with using left and right shift. Another option might be to keep the movement on the arrow keys but move the arm selection to 2 letter keys, for example A for left arm and D for right arm.


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Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

2015-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

Supernova  has been using the left and right shift or control keys as modifyers for as long as I can remember. I hink the two alt keys have problems distinguishing, sinse I recall someone trying to use them and not doing so well, but left and right shift or control should be fine, after all Bsc used them in Pipe 2 for controlling your fists when you punched, and you can as Cae said give a remap optionThe system sounds interesting and one you've considered along with  what you want for the default controls. Also personally I've never been that much of a fan of the numberpad or for letter keys for spaced controls, sinse it always seems weerd to me after playing on joysticks and pads to have the up key not directly above but above and slightly to one side given the slant of a keyboar, for example if you had a s and d as your arrows, w is sort of pointing up and left on most machines not streight, so personally I've always preferd alpha nume
 ric controls for letter keys, eg, press h to check health, and arrows or other spaced out keys like the shifts or controls for controls in real space.The numbpad is also an option and of course doesn't have the space problem, though purely out of the numbpad being primarily used for Supernova I've got out of the habbit of using it much in programs, plus of course laptops don't have one anyway. All of that though is personal bias on my part and really control schemes are pretty flexible and easy to get used to whatever. Still to your initial question, shifts or controls are fine as far as I know so long as Ironcross said that you can distinguish them in the code.


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Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

2015-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

Okay then, I'll go ahead with this method. If someone replies and says something other than what's been said thus far, I'll work out a different solution.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

2015-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

Thank you guys for the input. I agree about the num pad issue, as though the laptop I have for personal use has one, the one I have for school, plus my previous personal one don't have one. Most laptops don't have num pads, so I would basically be eliminating a lot of players. Nonetheless, the idea of key mapping is a possible one, as I see the following being an issue.  If supernova does indeed use shift as a modifier (I imagine that's annoying since you have to hit it twice to capitalize a letter, or am I wrong?), this may conflict since many of the messages are spoken by the active screen reader. Secondly, on a lot of computers, holding the right shift for 8 seconds could turn on filter keys, something that can get really annoying. I guess people could disable this though.  But because I have a, "say", procedure for all of my games, I suppose I could have it use tts if no screen reader is active, or perhaps regardless thereof, so t
 hat isn't really an issue.As for A and D, I tend not to prefer using those as push keys, I.E. Keys you must hold down to get things done), as it would heavily conflict with Jaws, causing it to freeze not only Jaws itself, but the computer.  Still, even with the above mentioned issues, I think I'll use the shifts by default, including a key mapper. As this game is a scroller, I don't see what would make you want to modify walking and jumping and climbing keys, but that would be your choice. Rambling over.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

2015-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

I don't know what you mean Steve about pressing shift twice to capitalize in Supernova, sinse shift modifyers tend to be with stuff like the numbpad or F keys or other functtions, certainly not with letter keys so you just do capitals the way you do normally. There is one layout which uses letter keys and capslock, though I personally prefer the layout that's either function keys or numberpad depending if I'm on a desktop or laptop. All this is pretty moot anyway sinse you can just instantly flick the keys off with supernova with ctrl8 anyway. Remember, it's only Jaws that does that key hooks grabbing thing and thus needs disabling entirely. I know super nova doesn't and can run fine with anything else running, it's just necessary to turn off the keys if there's a keystroke conflict with your program so you don't activate two functions at once by mistake. Indeed I'll often pause a game on my pc, flick Supernova's keys 
 and voice back on, read my e-mails or write something then alt tab back to the game, flick sn off and continue. I have heard window eyes works the same, Nvda I'm less certain of though I think it does. If your going to use direct screen reader output, I'd very much suggest either using a system like the tolk library that supports several screen readers, or include sapi, sinse nothing is more annoying than accessible programs which are a screen reader hog, even with nvda for those who don't use it regularly.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

2015-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

I may be presuming here... but if you're making a game with combat in it and you want to control individual limbs, why not just use four keys on the actual keyboard? Something like u and i for the left and right arms and j and k for the left and right legs, with eeither the arrows or a s d and w for walking? Again, without context it's hard to pinpoint exactly what you're trying to do here...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

2015-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

My general approach for that sort of thing was always the Num Pad, even when I was on a laptop without a num pad (there's usually an fn combination to turn part of the keyboard into a numpad, and if not, make the controls mappable).That said... I haven't encountered a keyboard with a single shift key, that I can recall.All that said, I would be reluctant to rely on distinguishing left shift Vs right shift. ... Even though I vaguely remember doing this at some point... or maybe it was Jaws that uses it in say all mode? Hmm.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

2015-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

Oh, sorry, I didn't think about explaining the concept, it was one of those things where you are curious about something, and you have a system so completely mapped out that you automatically assume people would understand why you'd want that.  This is not for combat, as though Matt the Terrorist will possess combat, it will mainly be projectile and weapon based, and to fire weapons the space bar or another key like that would be used, because again the main principle of this is not maylay combat.  Now, your belated explanation. For building things such as platforms, latters, walls, traps, and whatever else you'd want to design, this system is different from that of STW. You have to position objects, and put them together, similar to how you'd do it in real life. Using your arms, you could do the following while holding the shift key (left or right for left or right arms):left arrow to move the arm left, unless you reached as far as 
 you could.Right arrow for the same principle, but to the right.Up and down arrow-same as left and right, but for their respective directions.Enter-Press and release quickly to drop something, the longer you hold it the more power, so that if you hold it for like 3 seconds you can throw something pretty far.Space-push something. Again not primarily for combat, but if you have a chain positioned next to the hole on a wooden column into which it would fit, or a metal link positioned next to the last link of a chain you're trying to build, you'd push these together. I hope that explanation was good enough. So that's why I'm needing, unfortunately or fortunately however you choose to look at it, to distinct between right and left shift.


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Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

2015-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

From my experience, every keyboard I've ever encountered had a left and right shift, control, and alt keys.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

2015-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A seemingly strange question, but one that really needs an answer, ple

modern langs can distinguish between them. There will either be a different scan code, for each, or something, like BGT does the key_up or something, don't look at me, I don't use the thing. Also you want to make sure you get the right scan codes for the right lang, because there are those in decimal and hex.


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