Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Again this is the problem with a lot of community projects, something similar has happened with both swamp campaigns and adventure at C: stages.I would suggest though that this is where the audiogames archive site can help, as indeed they have with resources for some other games such as topspeed.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

That is a problem, new map packs are only announced on the mailinglist, and can easily get lost between all the messages. There used to be a list on Ian Reed's website, but it doesn't seem to be there anymore. Someone should create a website and gather all the available map packs out there.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Regarding tactical battle.. Is there a way for me to download new maps? The download map campaigns on the main menu doesn't seems to be updated.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

I am also an avid tactical battle player, and if you're looking for hard maps here are some to check out:Den of the Slave Lords: a really complex set of maps that follows the storyline of a group of 5 adventurers as they try to fight against some evil slavers. All maps are unlocked at the start of the game, but play them in order for the best story experience.Demon Wars Cycle is a very complex set of maps where you war against various demons. The maps range in complexity from a simple river defense to the infiltration and assault of the fortified demon stronghold. Note that this zip file is a complete installation of Tactical Battle with custom scripts.Also try out Starship battles, available from the in-game downloader.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

I was "busy" playing Tactical Battles these last few days, and as some of You can probably guess, the campaign I like the most is definitely that zombie-survival one, normally especially the 2 so called"hard" maps in it...With the one called "Hard Road" I had no troubles, figured out the "winning strategy" very soon, and finished it without any losses in my 2nd try.However, the "Zombie House Hard" luckily provides me amuch harder challenge, mostly due the lacking weapon-arsenal of the survivors, but I am still quite sure I will successfully finish this one soon too.Attention!I have an appeal regarding Tactical Battles, and I would be extremely grateful if ANYONE of you people would realize it!So, could someone of You PRETTY PLEASE create a campaign, or at least a single map with the Aliens topic???I mean a survival, or a "kill them all" type one, with a group of 8 or more members to le
 ad, (like in Aliens 1-2 movies), so basically a similar to those zombie-theme maps, just adjusting the scene, environment, characters, equipment, and monsters to the "Aliens" theme...I truely doubt this is a too demanding request, which is unlikely to require too much effort, normally meaning to those skilled in Tactical Battles map-design and editing.If possible, I would also like the access to the next,and other following maps to be denied to players, allowing them to move on to the next map only after successfully finishing the current one...You know, the game loses much of its excitement and thrill, when all the campaign/story parts/sequels are known and reachable to players right from the very start!Errr...and PLEASE, do try to make it as hard to (successfully) finish as possible, so much harder than that "Hard Road" named Zombie-map is!


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

I was busy with Tactical Battles these last few days, and as some of You can probably guess, the campaign I like the most is definitely that zombie-survival one, normally especially the 2 so called"hard" maps in it...With the one called "Hard Road" I had no troubles, figured out the "winning strategy" very soon, and finished it without any losses in my 2nd try.However, the "Zombie House Hard" luckily provides me amuch harder challenge, mostly due the lacking weapon-arsenal of the survivors, but I am still quite sure I will successfully finish this one soon too.Attention!I have an appeal regarding Tactical Battles, and I would be extremely grateful if ANYONE of you people would realize it!So, could someone of You PRETTY PLEASE create a campaign, or at least a single map with the Aliens topic???I mean a survival, or a "kill them all" type one, with a group of 8 or more members to lead, (like in Al
 iens 1-2 movies), so basically a similar to those zombie-theme maps, just adjusting the scene, environment, characters, equipment, and monsters to the "Aliens" theme...I truely doubt this is a too demanding request, which is unlikely to require too much effort, normally meaning to those skilled in Tactical Battles map-design and editing.If possible, I would also like the access to the next,and other following maps to be denied to players, allowing them to move on only after successfully finishing the current one...the game loses much of its excitement and thrill, when all the campaign/story parts/sequels are known and reachable to players right from the very start!Errr...and PLEASE, do try to make it as hard to (successfully) finish as possible, so much harder than that "Hard Road" named Zombie-map is!


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Sorry, wrong forum thread, please delete this post, somehow I can't manage to do it by myself, I just cannot find the delete-confirmation dialogue...


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Ehhh...I just knew this would be a too easy solution...Anyway, I had enough of this futile struggle, and posted in the Yugioh! related forum-thread, meaning the one called "it's time to duel", described there the whole problem, hoping that one of those regular Yugioh!-players visiting it, will finally provide me with detailed instructions about successfully accessing the game!


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Ehhh...then I really wonder why the wolf was given equipment-slots for each its body-part...a totally useless feature I guess...( I always wanted to be a professional game beta-tester, omissions like that would surely not pass my attention, lol!)Thanks for all the explanations and advices!


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

The wolf doesn't have armour unfortunately. Trueshot does not increase damage, it increases accuracy, however since most if not all enemies in the game are harder to damage than to hit it's a bit pointless. multishot and the base archery skill are the rangers best techniques, especially with critical hits from the assassin as I said.As to body parts, well bare in mind you might not hit what you aim at . this is one area where spells are better since even if you don't hit the targeted body part with a spell, you still hit the enemy, where as melee attacks can miss, then again, melee attacks can be more damaging than spells if done right.Also bare in mind the increased cooldown for some techniques. As to targeting 8 = head, 5 = torso or waste, 1 is left leg, 3 is right leg, 4 is left hand and 6 is right hand. You can u
 se either the number pad or number row. If you want the monster of one hit death, try necromancer and iceblast to the noggin! . I also find combining assassin brawler fun, since assassinate triggers extra damage when the target is helpless, including being grappled. sleep is also good for this. As to the wolf, no the wolf doesn't get armour, actually the wolf becomes something of a liability after level 15 or so, though keeping it alive through the game does give you extra points on your score.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

My comment was primarily not meant for healing, but more for my attacks, which obviously targeted totally random body-parts by wonder I kept hitting enemy's legs and arms in the most cases, LOL!And that was often quite a waste of turns for my barbarian, who normally does enough damage to kill a somewhat weaker monster in 1 attack, (with her 2-handed large weapon), IF she hits its head or torso that is...I just have no idea why my ranger doesALWAYS only 1 point of damage with her "true shot" ability, even after increasing that skill?And yeah, can you please list the numbers for body-parts?I think I already learned them by now, but just to make sure.And I still haven't found a single piece of armor for the wolf...but since it has its equipment-slots as well, it means there must be some, probably in the later phase of the game...


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

My comment was primarily not meant for healing, but more for my attacks, which obviously targeted totally random body-parts by wonder I kept hitting enemy's legs and arms in the most cases, LOL!And that was often quite a waste of turns for my barbarian, who normally does enough damage to kill a somewhat weaker monster in 1 attack, (with her 2-handed large weapon), IF she hits its head or torso that is...I just have no idea why my ranger doesALWAYS only 1 point of damage with her "true shot" ability, even after increasing that skill?And yeah, can you please list the numbers for body-parts?I think I already learned them by now, but just to make sure.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

My comment was primarily not meant for healing, but more for my attacks, which obviously targeted totally random body-parts by wonder I kept hitting enemy's legs and arms in the most cases, LOL!I just have no idea why my ranger doesALWAYS only 1 point of damage with her "true shot" ability, even after increasing that skill?And yeah, can you please list the numbers for body-parts?I think I already learned them by now, but just to make sure.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

@danang, do heal on waste enough it'll cover the torso too. @Caccio, targeted heal only counts the healer's healing spell not potions, so no you've not been playing the game on easy. glad you solved the amo thing. Unfortunately rangers tend to be pretty cruddy since while their abilities are awesome, (especially if you combine with assassin and raise the critical hits skill) when you get further down the dungeon you'll find creatures who have such hard skins they're virtually unaffected by anything but steal weapons or magic, which means ranged weapons and thus most of the good stuff rangers do become pretty pointless.It's actually one of the balance issues in the game, like magic never missing, and your armoured and unarmoured characters having pretty much the same chance of being attacked, and something which again was hopefully going to be fixed in entombed ii. Imho the best comboes are necro healer, necro and one of the
  unlocked classes, assassin brawler, or assassin and anything if you have a bard or trickster in your party,  indeed assassin monk can be deadly if you go unarmed and put points into multiple attack, unarmed and iron skin.there are actually lots of good, and not so good job combos in the game and a lot of the fun in entombed is trying to use what you get to best advantage .


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danang137 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Number 5 is not torso, but waste


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Damnit...this means I was playing this game on ultra-impossible difficulty level so far...WHY was this aiming/healing-system never, nowhere told and explained in the game???Now the whole game will become several levels easier to me...and I am not wuite sure that's something I'll actually like, since I like games hard..."the harder the better!"Hell, I wasn't even aware of the possibility to filter inventory items by categories...(probably with the "tab" key I guess)As for the arrows in inventory, selecting them with "enter" or "space" produces only a "click" sound, (just like by all other, non-usable objects), but nothing more happens, so no additional comment or question can be heard.(tried this out more times in the past)So this issue still meeds a solution!Or is it possible, that there is still an option for choosing the weapon, its just Windows SAPI who cannot read it, and ther
 e is a similar problem with the description of items as well???(I guess I should try playing the game with NVDA for a change)I just wonder what else more I am still missing from this game...for example, maybe even a description/commentary exists for each single item, and it's just me who doesn't know of it???Edit:The "changing ammo" issue is solved!Namely, I have to press "enter" on the equipped weapon in the inventory, instead of the carried ammos.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Damnit...this means I was playing this game on ultra-impossible difficulty level so far...WHY was this aiming-system never, nowhere told and explained in the game???Now the whole game will become several levels easier to me...and I am not wuite sure that's something I'll actually like, since I like games hard..."the harder the better!"Hell, I wasn't even aware of the possibility to filter inventory items by categories...(probably with the "tab" key I guess)As for the arrows in inventory, selecting them with "enter" or "space" produces only a "click" sound, (just like by all other, non-usable objects), but nothing more happens, so no additional comment or question can be heard.(tried this out more times in the past)So this issue still meeds a solution!Or is it possible, that there is still an option for choosing the weapon, its just Windows SAPI who cannot read it, and there is a s
 imilar problem with the description of items as well???(I guess I should try playing the game with NVDA for a change)I just wonder what else more I am still missing from this game...for example, maybe even a description/commentary exists for each single item, and it's just me who doesn't know of it???


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

@Caccio, if I remember rightly if you go into your inventory with I you can select the new amo stack and then you'll be asked which weapon it's for, indeed I believe one of the sort tabs in the inventory is for amo though I could be wrong (hit tab for various display options). @Danang, the heal spell needs targeting just like attacks do. So just as you'd hold 5 to attack an enemy's torso, you can hold 5 once you've selected the target for the heal spell to heal the torso. hth.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danang137 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Hi all!I have problem with heell spel in entombed.How doo I heell my torso? or I must use the heeling potion?My problem is (while in batle, I am get attack by the drake, & my torso was injurt.  I kant heel him/her.I tryed to heel 1 of my caricter but it only heel 1 point).& my enemy kan heel 3 to 17 point.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

One last question regarding Entombed:How to change the ammo for rangers?Initially there was a "select ammo" option along with the "attack" command, but after I selected the ammo for the 1st time, it just won't appear despite finding/looting much better arrows, the ranger keeps using the initially set old ones, (even after probably running out of them long time ago?), and there exists no option to order him/her, which arrows to use instead...Or do I have to sell or drop the old arrow stack to make the "select ammo" option appear again???


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

One last question regarding Entombed:How to change the ammo for rangers?Initially there was a "select ammo" option along with the "attack" command, but after I selected the ammo for the 1st time, it just won't appear despite finding/looting much better arrows, the ranger keeps using the initially set old ones, (even after probably running out of them long time ago?), and there exists no option to order him/her, which arrows to use instead...


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

There is a notification, right after you defeat the wolves. It says you find a crystal orb near one of the wolves and tells you what it is and how to use it.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

I'm not sure, I did think there was a notification in the game, or at least in the rather minimal online manual that has a list of keyboard keys including the teleport orb.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

That's cool then, I plan to do the very same way!I just wonder why I haven't been notified by the game about that teleportation possibility, meaning once I reached the settlement with bazar for the 1st time...nor is it present in the game's context menu!Thanx again!!!


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

@Tabutcu, what do you mean? please if you are posting a message, try to say something that makes sense since otherwise people cannot understand you and it looks as if your just typing random letters for no reason.@Caccio, nope, you don't have to walk back to the third floor, just hit f1 to use the teleportation orb, then hit f1 again to go back to where you were in the dungeon. I usually tend to do it on the down staircase before I descend so I can sell off all the stuff I found on one floor, check the shop for useful potions or items, and perhaps get some quests before going on.I know


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tabutcu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?



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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy? this means I will have to travel all the way back to the 3rd floor each time I wish to access the Bazar, or even to get new quests in the tavern???


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

There is only one settlement in entombed, though you will find special shops in the dungeon with good equipment to sell. Also as a rule of thumbmixing magic and technique based jobs like barbarian healer is generally not a good idea, since you earn stat advances each level from both jobs, and so you'll find a point where your magic abilities and physical abilities are half as weak as they should be compared to the enemies.This happened to me once, I took a monk healer right through to the 25th floor, got to the final boss, and couldn't actually do enough damage to overcome the boss's regeneration so had to abandon the game.Btw, there are also a few unlockable jobs and races you might want to look at. Some involve random drops, one unlockable race needs buying in the bizarre, however two unlockable jobs (including a very awesome one), involved playing specific combinations of other jobs. Let me know if you'd like a hint as to what
  combinations of other jobs work for the unlockables.Glad your liking entombed, I actually need to install it on this machine myself.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Wowww, aou people were eight, despite the total lack of PvP and cooperative play, Entombed is really a very cool game, so it was definitely worth the money I spent on it!I realized that at the "funny" moment when I ran into a zombie-version of one of my ddied ex-characters for the 1st time, and also after reaching the 3rd dungeon-floor with the bazar.However, you were wrong about the importance of the bazar, I managed to find and buy round a dozen very cool equipment, which made my further adventure significantly easier.Now I last character, a barbarian-healer, along with a ranger-mage compaignon, and normally her wolf-pet, still died at the 4th floor if I continue my saved game, (since I really feel sorry for this one), will it run into its own-zombie-self this time, and will the (also dead) compaignon appear by its side as welle??Oh yeah, and after a full restart with a new character, will I have the amount of 
 my previous initial TPs, (trade points used in the bazar), or I will have only the remaining sum from my last game??? (meaning the one played with my previous character)If so, than I guess I should try to sell the most of my looted stuff in the Bazar for TPs, instead in that pretty poorly equipped store for gold...Edit:Resumed my saved game, on 5th dungeon-level now...I wonder where is the next settlement with store and bazar...full of looted items to sell!(btw I completed my 1st quest recently)


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Wowww, aou people were eight, despite the total lack of PvP and cooperative play, Entombed is really a very cool game, so it was definitely worth the money I spent on it!I realized that at the "funny" moment when I ran into a zombie-version of one of my ddied ex-characters for the 1st time, and also after reaching the 3rd dungeon-floor with the bazar.However, you were wrong about the importance of the bazar, I managed to find and buy round a dozen very cool equipment, which made my further adventure significantly easier.Now I last character, a barbarian-healer, along with a ranger-mage compaignon, and normally her wolf-pet, still died at the 4th floor if I continue my saved game, (since I really feel sorry for this one), will it run into its own-zombie-self this time, and will the (also dead) compaignon appear by its side as welle??Oh yeah, and after a full restart with a new character, will I have the amount of 
 my previous initial TPs, (trade points used in the bazar), or I will have only the remaining sum from my last game??? (meaning the one played with my previous character)If so, than I guess I should try to sell the most of my looted stuff in the Bazar for TPs, instead in that pretty poorly equipped store for gold...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Wowww, aou people were eight, despite the total lack of PvP and cooperative play, Entombed is really a very cool game, so it was definitely worth the money I spent on it!I realized that at the "funny" moment when I ran into a zombie-version of one of my ddied ex-characters for the 1st time, and also after reaching the 3rd dungeon-floor with the bazar.However, you were wrong about the importance of the bazar, I managed to find and buy round a dozen very cool equipment, which made my further adventure significantly easier.Now I last character, a barbarian-healer, along with a ranger-mage compaignon, and normally her wolf-pet, still died at the 4th floor if I continue my saved game, (since I really feel sorry for this one), will it run into its own-zombie-self this time, and will the (also dead) compaignon appear by its side as welle??Oh yeah, and after a full restart with a new character, will I have the amount of 
 my previous starting TPs, (trade points used in the bazar), or I will have only the remaining sum from my last game??? (meaning the one played with my previous character)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Wowww, aou people were eight, despite the total lack of PvP and cooperative play, Entombed is really a very cool game, so it was definitely worth the money I spent on it!I realized that at the "funny" moment when I ran into a zombie-version of one of my ddied ex-characters for the 1st time, and also after reaching the 3rd dungeon-floor with the bazar.However, you were wrong about the importance of the bazar, I managed to find and buy round a dozen very cool equipment, which made my further adventure significantly easier.Now I last character, a barbarian-healer, along with a ranger-mage compaignon, and normally her wolf-pet, still died at the 4th floor if I continue my saved game, (since I really feel sorry for this one), will it run into its own-zombie-self this time, and will the (also dead) compaignon appear by its side as welle??


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Okay, I just remembered another game which I should mention in this topic, especially if as you said elsewhere Caccio that you are a fan of sports management. that is path to pelantas, which is sort of a mix of fantasy tactical battles, albeit automatic ones, and sports aanagement, where you control a team of heroes and battle against other people. I confess it wasn't my thing, but there are people on the forum who've very much enjoyed it. Check the database entry for more info.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

@Caccio, I think there must have been some missed communication somewhere. when I said a larger dungeon, more monsters etc, I mean in the game itself. Start the game and as you have seen there are more character jobs and races to choose from. This means even on the flaws you've already played you'll be encountering things like goblin shaman and the like that you weren't finding before, and of course, after you go down passed where the demo finished on the eighth floor you'll have another 17 floors to go with lots more monsters and enemies some special bosses. As for the bazaar, as I said, it's not a major part of the game and won't give your starting characters any advantage.Basically it's like a super version of the usual shop, where if you have found a particularly good weapon you can put it up for trade, and anyone on that level of the dungeon or higher can buy it, giving you coins in your turn.  it's hard to any
 thing worth putting  up and I'm not sure how many people use the service. Really your best off just looking in the dungeon and enjoying the  content as a single player game as I said. hth.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Hi,I'd suggest pokemonbattlearena. it is a quite complex browser lay-out, but doable for sure, but the only fact is, that you should have the time to spare and the patience to learn the lay-out and how things behave when you click an Arrow on the graphical map.You'll start out with a starter pokemon, like charmander, squirtle, piplup, chickorita etc. and you can wander around on a map you want and try to capture more pokemon. you do this by pressing graphical arrows, my tests told me that this works the best with jaws and probably supernova, but nvda is a bit clunky to navigate around with.But i am a bit in a hurry right now, and i won't be on in the weekend that much. but i will be glad to awnser any questions in this topic when i will be on this forums again.The link is:www.pokemonbattlearena.netAgain, this will take some time to get familiar with. some things seem inaccessib
 le, but there are work-arounds them.greetz mike


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

You can't access the bazaar until you reach the third level of the dungeon. It's not accessible from the very beginning of the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Dark wrote:I know bazaar has had some bugs and been up and down a bit, I don't know where it currently, perhaps contact Jason Alan the game's creator and ask what's happening with the server. To be honest though, the bazaar even when it is working is a pretty minimal part of the game, as I said, the main thing you with the full version of entombed is the extra variety in the dungeon with character racesand jobs, and of course similarly lots more monsters too.Yeah Dark, I indeed got more various monsters, more races and jobs to choose from, larger dungeons with more items and AI-characters to meet and recruit...and maybe even the bazar is there too, it's just me who doesn't know how to access you happen to know that?It sure isn' among, or inside the that where it is supposed to be, or it becomes available only after starting a new game?I
 f so, which is the key-command for it?I tried all the "regular" keys out, but haven't checked the combos with shift/ctrl/alt yet...Btw, I do hope I could make a nice use of the bazar, especially during my starting-period, when my new character starts with only 1 piece of equipment. (in my case some lousy weapon)


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Dark wrote:I know bazaar has had some bugs and been up and down a bit, I don't know where it currently, perhaps contact Jason Alan the game's creator and ask what's happening with the server. To be honest though, the bazaar even when it is working is a pretty minimal part of the game, as I said, the main thing you with the full version of entombed is the extra variety in the dungeon with character racesand jobs, and of course similarly lots more monsters too.Yeah Dark, I did get more various monsters, more races and jobs to choose from, larger dungeons with more items and AI-characters to meet and recruit...and maybe even the bazar is there too, it's just me who doesn't know how to access you happen to know that?It sure isn' among, or inside the that where it is supposed to be, or it becomes available only after starting a new game?If s
 o, which is the key-command for it?I tried all the "normal" keys out, but haven't checked the combos with shift/ctrl/alt yet...Btw, I do hope I could make a nice use of the bazar, especially during my starting-period, when my new character starts with only 1 piece of equipment. (in my case some lousy weapon)


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

@caccio72:If you read back in the topic, you'll see that we aren't talking about translating english games, but instead using translation services to play japanese games that aren't available in english. If you've ever heard of games like Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Tactics, Dragon Quest or Xenogears, these are the types of games we're talking about. In most cases, these genres aren't represented in the english audio games market at all.As a side note, every one of the japanese RPGs are free so far.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

I know bazaar has had some bugs and been up and down a bit, I don't know where it currently, perhaps contact Jason Alan the game's creator and ask what's happening with the server. To be honest though, the bazaar even when it is working is a pretty minimal part of the game, as I said, the main thing you with the full version of entombed is the extra variety in the dungeon with character racesand jobs, and of course similarly lots more monsters too.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Thanks people, but I don't need any game-translations, I both speak and wrote english totally fluently. (errr...just try ignoring my typos, they are caused by my still lacking blind-typing skill)As for Entombed, I just bought, and upgraded it to full version.Normally I already applied its patch 2 days ago.And still...NO BAZAR at all...not even the high-dcore list can be loaded in...What the bloody hell is wrong??(please forgive me for being this pissed-off, but after all it was MY damn-hard saved money, so I do expect to get what I spent it on!!!


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

I believe it was the light puzzle   In  alternative magic .  Luckily I found the answers on here, as I had no idea what it was saying half the time.  I just re-downloaded them all again onto a different machine and tried out brave of cloudia.  Some reason I got stuck when trying to move to treasure chest on the battle tutorial.  I could only move forward and back and none of the keys I tried appear to do anything. Haha.  Apparently this is why you don't play games late at night.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

@DanC: No question, JGT is awesome. I'm pretty sure I know what puzzle you're refering to as well .@IanReed: I forgot that the JGT guide mentions CoolSoft. It's nice to have a package to help people get going with the games with as little fuss as possible and then let them go and get expansions like Clipboard2SAPI as wanted or needed.Caccio72: If you're into mudding at all, the mud Godwars2 is based entirely off of complex PVP.In terms of browser-based games with PVP, I think Core Exiles has a mech battling system. Billy Versus Snakeman also has a lot of PVP options, though it's been a long time since I played so I can't really describe them in detail.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ian Reed via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

@Caccio72, welcome to the forum.It sounds like you found some good games, and I'm glad Tactical Battle was among them.You might also check out this page where you can see games ordered by community rating.The top 13 contain 4 of your game picks., the JGT guide does mention CoolSoft briefly under the "A few notes to help you enjoy Morokuma's text games" heading.It also links to the translation guide in the articles room.Agreed it would be nice if the translation article linked to JGT, though I recognize JGT has limitations, such as only translating to English and the slot machine issues.BTW, thanks again for all your help when I was first implementing JGT.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Dark wrote:Hi Caccsio. Glad your finding fun things to play, there is a lot out there. Tactical battle looked great at the inception, indeed it was mentioned in this topic, it's one of these games I need to investigate more. As to monster Breeder, the game is now being updated with further development, and bug fixes, see This topic for details. I think you'd also enjoy Puppet Puppet  nightmares that I mentioned earlier. You  can find out more through this database page I'll have a think about other browser games. the issue generally is that while many involve pvp, not many are party based, or have actual interesting combat mechanics, most tend to have automatic combat which is a little irritating. I'll have a think about other things to sugge
 st, though as I said in the other thread, also note you can search in the database by genre, you'll find a lot of browser rpgs under mmorpgs. You might also want to investigate more muds, since while Alteraeon is really great, it's certainly not all that is out there.Ok, you convinced me about that Puppet-game, gonna try it out now, but I guess that will end my search for some time, after all there will already be 10 games I plan to get the grip of, and play on a regular basis, while also planning to actually advance, scire achievements and (hopefully) successes in them...In fact, that is already more games than I used to regularily gocus on before my vision-loss!However, in case you guys happen to know, or find out about a good-quality-PvP oriented MMO browser game, please still do let me know, since those are still missing from my current "chosen-game" collection!Oh, I just read...Puppet Nightmare DOES featur
 e PvP, and accordingly an interesting, more complex one even...


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Yep, pvp in puppet nightmares certainly, although only for those who wish. What is particularly cool, is there is the automatic kind of pvp, where you battle people who are offline, but you can also have online battles with people, which works a little like a turn based  game, with you choosing your puppet's actions and hitting submit and the other person having to respond. So long as you choose a reasonably long turn interval to give you time to decide what your doing it can work very well, and that's from someone who really doesn't enjoy pvp much .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

@david,I forgot about the slot machines, though I do use clipboard to sapi for those.Still, jgt along with that is a far easier process than before.  I haven't had much luck with the slotts yet though.As to the games themselves, after a while, the main parts of the storyline are kind of like deciphering some kind of Yoda speak.  Though I did have a puzzle in one of them where I had to use the resource here on one of the forum topics to solve, as I couldn't make head or tail of what it wanted.I do love these games though and would love to talk about them in more depth


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2 good news guys!!!1. I sent an email to the developers of Monster Breeder about the registration problem, and they already replied, telling me how they fixed the issue.And indeed, I finally managed to register, and am about to start learning the gameplay.(I just hope I will like that game more than the person with the last comment about it, even if there are quite a few human players left in it)2. I managed to find another interesting game I like very much, (this time all by myself, lol!), and this one is even free, all it required me to do was confirming my email-address.The game is called Tactical Battle, it has dozens of maps, (each with more missions/quests), and it mostly fits my game-expectations.So yeah, even as a blind man, I already found 9 (offline/online) games, of which I hope to provide me a longer time of entertainment!!!So far,, my choices were: Swamp, Entombed, Manamon,  Altereon, Tactical Battle, Paw Prints, Drac
 or, Core Exile, and Monster Breeder.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Hi Caccsio. Glad your finding fun things to play, there is a lot out there. Tactical battle looked great at the inception, indeed it was mentioned in this topic, it's one of these games I need to investigate more. As to monster Breeder, the game is now being updated with further development, and bug fixes, see This topic for details. I think you'd also enjoy Puppet Puppet  nightmares that I mentioned earlier. You  can find out more through this database page I'll have a think about other browser games. the issue generally is that while many involve pvp, not many are party based, or have actual interesting combat mechanics, most tend to have automatic combat which is a little irritating. I'll have a think about other things to suggest, though as I said in the other thread, also note you ca
 n search in the database by genre, you'll find a lot of browser rpgs under mmorpgs. You might also want to investigate more muds, since while Alteraeon is really great, it's certainly not all that is out there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2 good news guys!!!1. I sent an email to the developers of Monster Breeder about the registration problem, and they already replied, telling me how they fixed the issue.And indeed, I finally managed to register, and am about to start learning the gameplay.(I just hope I will like that game more than the person with the last comment about it, even if there are quite a few human players left in it)2. I managed to find another interesting game I like very much, (this time all by myself, lol!), and this one is even free, all it required me to do was confirming my email-address.The game is called Tactical Battle, it has dozens of maps, (each with more missions/quests), and it mostly fits my game-expectations.So yeah, even as a blind man, I already found 8 (offline/online) games, of which I hope to provide me a longer time of entertainment!!!So far,, my choices were: Swamp, Entombed, Manamon, Tactical Battle, Paw Prints, Dracor, Core Exile, 
 and Monster Breeder.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Well...larger dungeons, with a greater number of more diverse enemies, even adhusted to my developement-path...sounds nice enough I guess...and since I am so much fond of competitions, grabbing a place in the high-score list will even provide an additional challenge to yes, I am determined to buy the game, even if that will end my game-purchase for this month.As for PvP-oriented games, you guys are probably right, I should search for them primarily among browser-based MMO games...any suggestions/recommendations for such a game???(meaning those playable with a screen-reader of course)


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

I played Monster Breeder for a while and can't really recommend it. The developer has stopped working on it years ago, and sadly it isn't really all that interesting. The travel and battles are boring and slow, and there's basicly no active players around.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

@DanC: Not sure why, but I had assumed the translation article would have incorporated JGT. Hopefully it will at some point since just setting up JGT doesn't help people find out about CoolSoft, and JGT still doesn't work properly with the casinos.As to your question about which ones I've had success with, that would be everything available. I've completed all of the content of all the RPGs I can find, so I can confidently say they all work with pretty much any translation method.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Well in terms of online cooperation etc,  that's not really something Entombed involves. The only real online feature is online  score posting and access to the  bizarre where you can post weapons for other players to buy. As I said, if your looking for the hole guilds, pvp type of thing, your not going to find that in an audiogame, even Manamon's online features are clunky at best. The main things you get for buying entombed is a huuge!  lot more game content for your single player game. not just a much  larger dungeon with more creatures, but far more races and jobs, and since the jobs also affect your enemies and your own progress,  even the levels that exist in both the demo and full version are more interesting to play. I will say I did  hear Jason was working on an Entombed ii with some of the major inequities in the first game fixed, eg, magic spells can miss, and there was a rank system planne
 d to allow  fighters to take the brunt of damage while mages and weaker ranged combatants  were protected. We've not heard anything about the development for a while but I wouldn't  be surprise if we do at some point in the future.In the mean time,  I can heartily recommend  entombed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Well, Entombed looks really cool, I like it more than Manamon even, somehow it has a more "serious", meaning groovy atmosphere and environment, which I usually prefer in during adventuring in a fantasy-world.So far it looks lik my next targeted game for buying.However, since it is still a bit expensive for my modest financial situatin, so before buying it, I would really like to know for sure, which actual advantages will I get with the full version?I normally mean features, possibilities, options, and bonuses/extras, which were not mentioned in Dark's game-description, and primarily those related to online, multiplayer mode.Like for example, which means of interaction and cooperation is avaailable betweem online-player during gameplay, possibilities of cooperative missions, quests, trade, gifting,exchanging, alliances/guilds to join,  cistom dungeon editing, competitions, tourhaments, rewards...Btw what can I use gold in that ga
 me, except buying stuff from other players at the marketplace?Does it have any other use or function at all in a dungeon-crawler type gam, even while played online?e?


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Well Caccio, as far as monster breeder goes, unfortunately the game had awesome potential and was very unique but then development literally just stopped dead. it was quite a shame really since the game was awesome. I don't recall any registration troubles, but that was back in the day the game was being maintained, and I'm not sure what is happening with it now. I'd suggest you contact the developer. Pvp in multi strategy audiogames isn't something we've got a lot of, but if you look at the world of online games you will probably find better efforts. One game I forgot to mention for example, which definitely has pvp for those who want it is puppet nightmares. Puppet nightmares is another creature based game like manamon or monster breeder  but with dark, gothic evil things  called soul puppets. You have a team of three soul puppets and mostly fight other teams of three, either in pvp battles if you want, or
   in dungeons. What makes the game unique, is that each puppet has a full set of equip locations,  five special skills, six different elements, combat diciplins and  more! and of course your controlling a party of three, but  can collect a lot more, from standard types, to  breeding enemies, to limited edition puppets released  each month (though older ones are always available and occasionally rereleased).I will say the game has a twisted, dark and in several places rather adult sense of humour, for example when you "breed" soul puppets you literally take them to a  brothel, but  in terms of it's mechanics, story and battles it's one I think you'd like provided you can get to navigating the  webpages okay.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Thanks for your suggestions guys, I am already started with Manamon.It is quite good, but since I am playing the free (deno?) version, I am still missing the real fun, which is usually granted to me by PvP, or eventually cooperation with real, alive people, instead of dumb AIs.Hey Dark, I am glad you posted here too, since I have a question to you!Namely I found an online browser game, which I am pretty much convinced I will like, and it was you who wrote its detailed description at this site.The game is called Monster Breeder, I like its theme and idea, and judging by your description, it features quite a lot of PvP action.However, I have a "slight"...actually a very annoying problem with the registration procedure on its homepage:I tried filling all required fields, (except the "preferred by" one, which can be left empty, according to its explanation at least), and I am definitely sure I silled all the reqioremen
 ts correctly almost each single time.Still, after each registration try, the game reports some kind of error related with some so-called Mysql called issue, claiming I gave a different number from the required one. (for example 0 instead of 1, or 3 instead of 2)So can you please tel me what the hell that stuff with Mysql and paraneters is about, and explain me how this issue is supposed to be solved???EDIT:The high randomness factor in Entombed sounds really inviting to me, it is making the game almost a "sandbox-type"one, which was always the kind of FRP-strategies I always preferred...So it is the next game I am going to try out, already downloaded it, and it turns out to be really that good, I shall buy its full version in a few days for sure!I just looove such non-linear, creative, and unpredictable games, so I just feel sorry PvP is probably not allowed in it,, even after buying and playing it online...bu I fure hope there will b
 e at least some types of competitions instead! (as "PvP-replacement" I mean)THX for its recommendation again!!!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Thanks for your suggestions guys, I am already started with Manamon.It is quite good, but since I am playing the free (deno?) version, I am still missing the real fun, which is usually granted to me by PvP, or eventually cooperation with real, alive people, instead of dumb AIs.Hey Dark, I am glad you posted here too, since I have a question to you!INamely I found an online browser game, which I am pretty much convinced I will likr, and it was you who wrote irs detailed description at this site.The game is called Monster Breeder, I like its theme and idea, and judging by your description, it features wuite a lot of PvP action.However, I have a "slight"...actually a very annoying problem with the registration procedure on its homepage:I tried filling all required fields, (except the "preferred by" one, which can be left empty, according to its explanation at least), and I am definitely sure I silled all the reqiorements co
 rrectly almost each single time.Still, after each registration try, the game reports some kind of error related with some so-called Mysql called issue, claiming I gave a different number from the required one. (for example 0 instead of 1, or 3 instead of 2)So can you please tel me what the hell that stuff with Mysql and paraneters is about, and explain me how this issue is supposed to be solved???EDIT:The high randomness factor in Entombed sounds really inviting to me, it is making the game almost a "sandbox-type"one, which was always the kind of FRP-strategies I always preferred...So it is the next game I am going to try out, already downloaded it, and it turns out to be really that good, I shall buy its full version in a few days for sure!I just looove such non-linear, creative, and unpredictable games, so I just feel sorry PvP is probably not allowed in it,, even after buying and playing it online...bu I fure hope there will be at 
 least some types of competitions instead! (as "PvP-replacement" I mean)THX for its recommendation again!!!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Thanks for your suggestions guys, I am already started with Manamon.It is quite good, but since I am playing the free (deno?) version, I am still missing the real fun, which is usually granted to me by PvP, or eventually cooperation with real, alive people, instead of dumb AIs.Hey Dark, I am glad you posted here too, since I have a question to you!INamely I found an online browser game, which I am pretty much convinced I will likr, and it was you who wrote irs detailed description at this site.The game is called Monster Breeder, I like its theme and idea, and judging by your description, it features wuite a lot of PvP action.However, I have a "slight"...actually a very annoying problem with the registration procedure on its homepage:I tried filling all required fields, (except the "preferred by" one, which can be left empty, according to its explanation at least), and I am definitely sure I silled all the reqiorements co
 rrectly almost each single time.Still, after each registration try, the game reports some kind of error related with some so-called Mysql called issue, claiming I gave a different number from the required one. (for example 0 instead of 1, or 3 instead of 2)So can you please tel me what the hell that stuff with Mysql and paraneters is about, and explain me how this issue is supposed to be solved???EDIT:The high randomness factor in Entombed sounds really inviting to me, it is making the game almost a "sandbox-type"one, which was always the kind of FRP-strategies I always preferred...So it is the next game I am going to try out, already downloaded it, and it turns out to be really that good, I shall buy its full version in a few days for sure!THX for its recommendation again!!!


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

@david, most of the translation article is irrelevant now with ian read's jgt NVDA addon making translation a breeze.  Which of these games have you tried and had success with?  I've yet to try out brave of cloudia, so should do that.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

If you don't mind using translation technology, there are several other options:Brave of Cloudia is probably closest to what you're looking for, though it's only complete up to the last dungeon so far. There's still a couple of days worth of playable content. You control 8 characters at a time on a map and you can freely move each party member around the map each turn and attack enemies or find special features in the terrain. You can select from 19 different classes for your characters, each class can be raised to level 50 and each character has a max level of 100. There's a decent storyline, a lot of unique equipment and a lot of playable content.There's also the turn-based RPGs from Morokuma, such as Alternative Magic, New Tia Story and Mazes of Dungeon. I believe most of these have database entries you can find on, so you can read about them there for the most part. They're all turn based, all involve a party, tho
 ugh now that I think about it Mazes of Dungeon has you controlling only one character. I could practically write a novel about each of these games but I'll leave you to research them for yourself.If you need help setting up the translation technology, there is a guide on how to do so in the articles room.There's also Tactical Battle, which has custom campaigns that let you level up, form parties and do other RPG-like things. The Age of Warlords map pack has a lot of these elements.That's all that I can think of.


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Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any party-leading turn-based strategy?

Well Pawprints is indeed pretty unique,   though it's by no means the only game out there and you certainly have several other major options to choose from. First off is entombed. This is  a real landmark title for audiogames. The game combines trotting through a preceedurally generated random dungeon, with turn based multi character battles.  Each character has two  jobs, and though you start off  with just the one character you'll rescue two others. That's aside from your pet wolf who fights with you, and other random  minians who might be on your side such as  necromancer's raised skeletons.What is particularly noteworthy in Entombed is that  what characters you rescue is very random. So, while you might start with a fairly  compitant half elf wizard, you might be unfortunate and rescue a Halfling barbarian. Fortunately, you can make that barbarian's second job something li
 ke Bard to take advantage of their quickness while not relying on their strength. There is an extensive demo where you can play the first 8 flaws,  and have a choice of six starting races and 11 jobs, though in the main version their are 18 jobs and 13 races. Then, there is manamon. I'm not exactly sure if this is what your looking for, since Manamon is in some ways a  single player game, however since your playing a manamon tamer who wanders around with a party of multiple monsters, battles definitely involve more than one character.  Battles  are turn based and oncemore, heavily strategical, in terms of what manamon you take into battle with you, how you train and equip them etc , indeed I haven't quite worked out all my manamon strategies myself .Combine this with lots of equips, and lots of different training options, and you
 've got the recipe for masses of customization, perhaps even too much. Again, a landmark title and one that is highly recommended. Oh, and btw, story is much darker than pokemon if you were wondering .That is as far as itgoes for   multi character games in actual audio, though it is worth noting that "heroe's call" currently in development will I think involve multiple characters and shoul really! rock.In terms of browser games however, one you might want to look into is path to pelantas. This is sort of a  hybrid of sports  management, a little strategic building, and multiplayer rpg. You are a lord with a team of heroes. bAttles can get reall complex here, because your heroes each have different positions and attacks, as well as strengths and weaknesses, and the strategy of the game involves how you set th
 em up, as battles are  pretty automatic. It's heavy on the pvp with you being required to fight matches against other players teams of heroes in the arena, although there are also options for questing, taxes and doing various other things as well.Then, another title you might want to try is Silver sword for Ios. This actually is an attempt at a game similar to what I believe wizardry was like for mobile  platforms. You again have a party of characters, multiple attacks, wandering round a map, even inventory management for each person. The only thing with Silver sword (and the reason it hasn't got a  database entry as yet), is that accessibility with voiceover has been rather ropy in the past. For a start, it's taken quite some time for the developer to add a coordinates based movement system. Then,  though battles are turn based, text appears in real time and then disappears, which is rather odd. I do kno
 w people have played it successfully, but how accessible it actually is I'm not %100 sure myself, as it's something I need to sit down with and spend some time working on. There is a page about it on the applevis site here Hth.


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