Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

I did go to a shooting range with my dad and brother a few times, but for me there's not really much to shooting. You just pull a trigger, hear a bang and feel the recoil and that didn't really keep my interest for long. I think it would be more interesting to try to hit a target, but apparently I just hit the gravel underneath it lol. To be fair I don't have a general interest in guns, it makes sense for someone who does to enjoy it more.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@40 what's funny is I don't even watch western cinema like that and I think revolvers are cool. I think MGS3 did it for me. lol. The glock is fun because it actually hits you when you shoot it but I like the revolver for it's simplicity that comes from it being an older gun design but also cause you interact with it directly, loading the shells, putting them in the cylinder, if you load less than 6, you have to line it up with the barrel or you'll just shoot out air, etc.You can actually get the old black powder models without a firearms license because they're not qualified as firearms, but if you're gonna get live ammo, those things have no safety and in the hands of someone inexperience with gun mechanics, it can be very dangerous. Specifically theirs no trigger safety and if you have the hammer cocked on a loaded chamber, a drop, a bump, will discharge it, which is why in a lot of videos you can see guys loading in 5 instead of 6. Also when you decock (you shouldn't really cock unless you wanna shoot anyways but shit happens), you have to put your thumb or a finger on your other hand if you don't trust just using one hand on the hammer, press the trigger to release it, and slowly let the hammer fall back to the firing position so the firing pin doesn't hit the primer.Would be fun to shoot the OG though.. Maybe one day.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@40 what's funny is I don't even watch western cinema like that and I think revolvers are cool. I think MGS3 did it for me. lol. The glock is fun because it actually hits you when you shoot it but I like the revolver for it's simplicity that comes from it being an older gun design but also cause you interact with it directly, loading the shells, putting them in the cylinder, if you load less than 6, you have to line it up with the barrel or you'll just shoot out air, etc.You can actually get the old black powder models without a firearms license because they're not qualified as firearms, but if you're gonna get live ammo, those things have no safety and in the hands of someone inexperience with gun mechanics, it can be very dangerous. Would be fun to shoot the OG though.. Maybe one day.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Difference between being scared and cautious IMO. Just touching a gun isn't going to actually discharge a round. Most accidents happen because of carelessness. Key word being most as some guns do end up being defective but are you going to blame the guy shooting or the manufacturer?Here's an example. My stepdad showed me one of the BB guns he had in his closet, a cheap little thing that probably shoots below 200 fps and wouldn't hurt that much, and the first thing I did when he handed it to me was look for the mag release button to see if it had BBs in it and low and behold, it did.Someone scared would've flinched and dropped it because "oh no, gun! Gun kills and me can die!" Someone who is knowledgeable and respects guns and is handed one that they personally don't handle, will check the magazine to see if it has bullets or whatever in it, pull it out and rack the slide to eject any rounds that may be chambered, etc.I don't think anyone has to be interested in any of this and personally if I bring it up as an offer and theirs a definite no, that'll be the end of it unless they want to talk about it. Nothing wrong with that at all. Not everyone is trying to compensate for their self-perceived lack of penile length, so to speak, just because they enjoy shooting.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : swigjr23 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@36I have a .22 revolver that looks like an old six-shooter. I even have a leather holster and belt for it. It is loads of fun.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Fear is only a minor part in the emotion that I feel in regards to this situation.  By all rights, everyone should be afraid, at least to some degree. If you’re not scared, you are stupid.  I digress, however.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Not really gonna argue because I've stated my points above anyway but that's cool and perfectly fine, do you.Some people out there have an irrational fear of the computer because they don't know how they work or respect them, I'm sure you know what that's like.Also, again, these aren't classified as firearms or does destruction anywhere near to actual firearms.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

I’m always fascinated with how people enjoy things that  could cause great destruction.  I don’t enjoy shooting, never will, because for me guns aren’t toys anymore. They’re not something to screw around with.  They are designed to kill, and us having someone enjoy using one, even for harmless things like shooting a radio, makes me realize how our views have shifted as history went on.  Then again, the way I was introduced to firearms  was rather, special.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Wanted to bring this back to the top for a couple reason.Firstly I used some money I got from my school (a refund) to purchase a new gun. It's a replica of the Colt Single Action Army, Ocelot's weapon of choice. It's CO2 powered and shoots BBs loaded into the back of 6 brass shells. I love this gun even more than the Glock, IMO, it feels awesome just holding the thing, with the chrome and nickel finish, and it's heavy. Unlike the original though it does have a safety on the underside of the trigger guard that keeps the trigger from being pressed and the hammer in whatever position you leave it in.Also I received an email from Pyramid Air a few hours ago alerting me to a new type of BB that I think some of you guys may be interested in. They're made from steel dust, rather than from steel, basically. So when they strike a hard surface, they basically shatter. This means it's a lot safer to shoot indoors and you don't have to worry about a BB bouncing back and hitting you in the face/ankle/whatever. Here's a link! … 00_ct/1477


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

So, as a matter of fact, I've always been a gun inthusiast sense I was a child. I have no vision. My dad and I have worked out a method where he helps me aim by looking through a modified scope. We are a family of deer hunters but I've only shot stationary targets as trying to line up on a moving animal would be quite tricky.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@33 I'll probably end up doing just that.A trick I found for making the shots sound more realistic is slowing them down after they've been recording. Brings the reverb/echo of the shot down in pitch, making it sound more realistic. As of now, it sounds like a silencer, really.I wish I could capture it dry without the acoustics of my room, but fuck it, it probably won't matter as much as I might think.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

I'd love some SFX Nev, you should upload them to or I'm sure they would be much appreciated.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Well shit, I knew it would, but I had (probably naively) hoped that this wouldn't turn into a gun debate.Makes sense though given the high profile media surrounding them right now and the liberalism VS nationalism schism  pervading everything in politics, including second amendment rites.I never thought I'd back down from an argument before this one.  Agree to disagree? sure thing! but not just turn away in disgust.But I've had it with this one.  There is just too much willful ignorance, too many arguments without evidence to back them up, and worst of all a shit ton of emotions based in personal morals and one's environment or culture.The gun debate isn't just one argument, it's several different, highly complex and often subjective ones all rolled up into one, which means that it can't realistically be tackled as a single issue.And unlike many arguments, with this one, the only real solutions seem to make everyone upset, rather than just some.I can't even win the argument internally.  It seems that I change my position every couple months when new information is presented to me, and I hate that.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Well shit, I knew it would, but I had (probably naively) hoped that this wouldn't turn into a gun debate.Makes sense though given the high profile media surrounding them right now and the liberalism VS nationalism schism  pervading everything in politics, including second amendment rites.I never thought I'd back down from an argument before this one.  Agree to disagree? sure thing! but not just turn away in disgust.But I've had it with this one.  There is just too much willful ignorance, too many arguments without evidence to back them up, and worst of all a shit ton of emotions based in personal morals.The gun debate isn't just one argument, it's several different, highly complex and often subjective ones all rolled up into one, which means that it can't realistically be tackled as a single issue.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Keep in mind how much chain damage 4000 pounds of steel can do. Not to mention the fuel and engine.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

I beg to differ with cars. A full auto machine gun or asault rifle can murder many more people, moreover, a car is not built with the purpose of murdering someone, but from geting to point A to B.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@27 lol, R.I.P. that radio.I wonder how much those transistor radios cost nowadays. I fuckin hate the radio lmfao.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@25 I get what you are saying, 2+2=4 and all that, but whether you're blind or not, you should still know the gun safety rules. If they practice those and actually respect the gun and not wave it around like an idiot, I really don't care, or at the very least, I'm not gonna run off screaming like a bitch. The danger isn't exponentially higher because of blindness alone. Now if this person were a complete dumbass, and also blind, sure I get you there. Still dangerous if the guy is sighted. But a blind person with sense, and who knows the basic gun safety rules would take their lack of vision into account when shooting. I only shoot my BB Glock in the basement or in the backyard, and when I'm not, safety is always on, and I'm holding the goddamn thing at all times. Anyone should do that anyway.Dry firing it is fun though, since it's CO2 powered it still makes the pop and kicks. All you have to do is unload the magazine and de-chamber the round if one is loaded.Speaking of which I'll volunteer to record any SFX if someone would desire them.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@22 Does your dad feel some guilt about that? He shouldn't. I understand why he does, though. If you're gonna kill yourself, why manipulate someone else into helping you do it?I think that case with people blowing half their face off is more common than uncommon, not sure exactly what it is but a google search can probably explain it better than I can.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : swigjr23 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

okay, I was going to respond to some of you individually, but I'm  lazy. When I am target shooting, I always have a sighted person with me. I don't recommend a blind person go target shooting on their own. I could defend myself with a gun if I needed to; I wouldn't take a shot at a bad guy at 10 yards, that would be dangerous. I would not shoot until we were face to face, or in close quarters. The main thing with guns is it isn't hitting your target; it is about knowing when to shoot and when to not.As for someone standing behind the target, most ranges have a backstop; besides, that could happen to a sighted person as well. If you have a place in your back yard to shoot, whether sighted or not, it is up to you to ensure your backstop is adequate for the rounds you are shooting.I can an have taken out my pelit gun and shot that on my own. I put a radio above the target, and 50 rounds later I put a pellet through the front of the radio, which still works.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@16, I'm not completely blind. I can see a little bit. Like enough to shoot the cat. I think you took 15 out of context.Oh and cars are actually more dangerous for blind folks than guns. Come on! Who the hell in their right mind would stand behind the target? This topic reminds me of a funny situation lol.I also forgot its bloody hard to get a gun legally here. You have to either own a business, witness protection or sirve in the police service or the regiment


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

I am not contesting the fact that sighted people can make mistakes too, I am saying the likelyhood of making mistakes is likely to be markedly much higher when you aim with hearing as opposed to sight, and lack the basic sense that allows safe use of a gun. This is why I should a blind person should never be allowed to handle a loaded weapon without the presence of sighted supervision.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

omg 23 that must have hurtyeah i shot a 12 gage and a pump shotgun once, those are really throw you off balnce if you dont know how to contain yourselfand i also shot a pistol 1 day but no idea what type it was i was smal like, 12 or somethingand jaydon, nevr, ever, dam ever try to aim a gun with hearing, this is not an audiogame!


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

here in europe, guns are hard to come by and you can't buy them if you don't have a permit. This being said, I tried two guns, my dad owned them, dunno where he got them from lol but it was awesome. It was a magnum .44 and a 12 gauge shotgun, I tried them in our back yard shooting at beer cans. My dad helped me aim and stood behind me while I shot. All I can say is that these guns make a lot of noise and pack a brutal punch.My dad ended up destroying the guns because one of our neighbor lied to us and asked for the 12 gauge to go hunting. My dad gave it to him and he tried to suicide. The lucky bastard might have kept it sideways or somehow because he ended up living but with the left part of his jaw gone. A lot of facial reconstruction was needed to repair him. People can still be stupid even if they are blind or not.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Heck yes. I've had a fascination with guns for a bit. I went shooting for the first time  when I was about 18 or so for the first time and... I liked the experience. I francly don't really mind if I hit the target lol, cant see it anyway haha, however its something I like to do now and then, go to the range and shoot.Speaking of safety... always treat the gun as if where loaded, even when you know its not; remove the magazine, and rack the slide just to make sure that its not loaded; and always keep your finger away from the trigger, only put your finger on the trigger until your about to fire.By way, out of curiosity, what is the... don't know how to say this, most powerful or strongest gun you've shot? Mine are between a 30-06, and a 12 gage. Also, do you prefer semiautomatic guns, or guns where you have to load after each shot, e.g, bolt-action, pump, revolvers? I'm not saying I don't like semiautomatics, I do, however I dunno why, I like the feeling of manually loading after each shot, dunno why.Heh, speaking of this, funny story. I went to the range, and there where a couple of friends shooting with a 44 magnum. I asked if I could give it a shot, pun intended... I fired, and I almost lost my grip on the gun because of the recoil lol. That thing packs a hell of a recoil for sure lol.This one isn't as funny, but there where people shooting with a 12 gage shotgun in the range, I think it was 5 of us or so... Lets just say I hadn't put my earmuffs properly when the gun went off... I was like, o shit... my right ear was not protected and i just heard a ringing sound for a bit lol. That happened only once though.Edit: when I go shooting, I always do it with sighted people, i.e, family, famaily friends, etc.Also, a question. The first time you heard a real gun, i'm talking with bullets; fire, what was your reaction at hearing the sound? Given Hollywood games etc typically make gun sounds more than what they really are... The first time I actually heard a gun fire, it was a handgun, I know I was like... Uh, that's it? Really? Lol. I know better now, but my first time I was like what the hell... Talk about expecting too much. Tipicly the sounds for handguns in movies / video-games are not handgun shots, but rifle shots or larger guns. I don't remember the exact example my sound design teacher gave, but he said how in this movie, the gun which was a 38, the sound was actually from a 30-06 rifle, not a real 38.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Heck yes. I've had a fascination with guns for a bit. I went shooting for the first time  when I was about 18 or so for the first time and... I liked the experience. I francly don't really mind if I hit the target lol, cant see it anyway haha, however its something I like to do now and then, go to the range and shoot.Speaking of safety... always treat the gun as if where loaded, even when you know its not; remove the magazine, and rack the slide just to make sure that its not loaded; and always keep your finger away from the trigger, only put your finger on the trigger until your about to fire.By way, out of curiosity, what is the... don't know how to say this, most powerful or strongest gun you've shot? Mine are between a 30-06, and a 12 gage. Also, do you prefer semiautomatic guns, or guns where you have to load after each shot, e.g, bolt-action, pump, revolvers? I'm not saying I don't like semiautomatics, I do, however I dunno why, I like the feeling of manually loading after each shot, dunno why.Heh, speaking of this, funny story. I went to the range, and there where a couple of friends shooting with a 44 magnum. I asked if I could give it a shot, pun intended... I fired, and I almost lost my grip on the gun because of the recoil lol. That thing packs a hell of a recoil for sure lol.This one isn't as funny, but there where people shooting with a 12 gage shotgun in the range, I think it was 5 of us or so... Lets just say I hadn't put my earmuffs properly when the gun went off... I was like, o shit... my right ear was not protected and i just heard a ringing sound for a bit lol. That happened only once though.Edit: when I go shooting, I always do it with sighted people, i.e, family, famaily friends, etc.Also, a question. The first time you heard a real gun, i'm talking with bullets; fire, what was your reaction at hearing the sound? Given Hollywood games etc typically make gun sounds more than what they really are... The first time I actually heard a gun fire, it was a handgun, I know I was like... Uh, that's it? Really? Lol. I know better now, but my first time I was like what the hell... Talk about expecting too much.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Heck yes. I've had a fascination with guns for a bit. I went shooting for the first time  when I was about 18 or so for the first time and... I liked the experience. I francly don't really mind if I hit the target lol, cant see it anyway haha, however its something I like to do now and then, go to the range and shoot.Speaking of safety... always treat the gun as if where loaded, even when you know its not; remove the magazine, and rack the slide just to make sure that its not loaded; and always keep your finger away from the trigger, only put your finger on the trigger until your about to fire.By way, out of curiosity, what is the... don't know how to say this, most powerful or strongest gun you've shot? Mine are between a 30-06, and a 12 gage. Also, do you prefer semiautomatic guns, or guns where you have to load after each shot, e.g, bolt-action, pump, revolvers? I'm not saying I don't like semiautomatics, I do, however I dunno why, I like the feeling of manually loading after each shot, dunno why.Heh, speaking of this, funny story. I went to the range, and there where a couple of friends shooting with a 44 magnum. I asked if I could give it a shot, pun intended... I fired, and I almost lost my grip on the gun because of the recoil lol. That thing packs a hell of a recoil for sure lol.This one isn't as funny, but there where people shooting with a 12 gage shotgun in the range, I think it was 5 of us or so... Lets just say I hadn't put my earmuffs properly when the gun went off... I was like, o shit... my right ear was not protected and i just heard a ringing sound for a bit lol. That happened only once though.Edit: when I go shooting, I always do it with sighted people, i.e, family, famaily friends, etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Heck yes. I've had a fascination with guns for a bit. I went shooting for the first time  when I was about 18 or so for the first time and... I liked the experience. I francly don't really mind if I hit the target lol, cant see it anyway haha, however its something I like to do now and then, go to the range and shoot.Speaking of safety... always treat the gun as if where loaded, even when you know its not; remove the magazine, and rack the slide just to make sure that its not loaded; and always keep your finger away from the trigger, only put your finger on the trigger until your about to fire.By way, out of curiosity, what is the... don't know how to say this, most powerful or strongest gun you've shot? Mine are between a 30-06, and a 12 gage. Also, do you prefer semiautomatic guns, or guns where you have to load after each shot, e.g, bolt-action, pump, revolvers? I'm not saying I don't like semiautomatics, I do, however I dunno why, I like the feeling of manually loading after each shot, dunno why.Heh, speaking of this, funny story. I went to the range, and there where a couple of friends shooting with a 44 magnum. I asked if I could give it a shot, pun intended... I fired, and I almost lost my grip on the gun because of the recoil lol. That thing packs a hell of a recoil for sure lol.This one isn't as funny, but there where people shooting with a 12 gage shotgun in the range, I think it was 5 of us or so... Lets just say I hadn't put my earmuffs properly when the gun went off... I was like, o shit... my right ear was not protected and i just heard a ringing sound for a bit lol. That happened only once though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Heck yes. I've had a fascination with guns for a bit. I went shooting with my dad when I was about 18 or so for the first time and... I liked the experience. I francly don't really mind if I hit the target lol, cant see it anyway haha, however its something I like to do now and then, go to the range and shoot with my dad.?Speaking of safety... always treat the gun as if where loaded, even when you know its not; remove the magazine, and rack the slide just to make sure that its not loaded; and always keep your finger away from the trigger, only put your finger on the trigger until your about to fire.By way, out of curiosity, what is the... don't know how to say this, most powerful or strongest gun you've shot? Mine are between a 30-06, and a 12 gage. Also, do you prefer semiautomatic guns, or guns where you have to load after each shot, e.g, bolt-action, pump, revolvers? I'm not saying I don't like semiautomatics, I do, however I dunno why, I like the feeling of manually loading after each shot, dunno why.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Heck yes. I've had a fascination with guns for a bit. I went shooting with my dad when I was about 18 or so for the first time and... I liked the experience. I francly don't really mind if I hit the target lol, cant see it anyway haha, however its something I like to do now and then, go to the range and shoot with my dad.?


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@20 Just be smart. Before you load it just make sure you know what does what. I.E., safety, magazine release, etc. If you're not comfortable just get someone you know you can trust to help you out. BB guns can be good in these situations where you want to try it out but obviously you don't want to deal with the issues that can arise when shooting actual guns off. Just don't be foolish. And remember the 4 basic rules: Safety is never on, gun is always loaded, finger off trigger until you're ready to shoot, never point guns in directions you don't want to shoot in.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Well, no offense, but careless accidents can happen regardless of sight or no sight. Someone could sneak up to the other side of the target as a sighted person is shooting, or run up. BOOM! He's got a whole in him. And if we're talking about actual firearms here, someone should be watching the blind person shooting, and therefor catch other unexpected things that may crop up. But even if it's not shooting actual bullets, I mean, you're not shooting targets inconspicuously, no matter who you are, if someone goes behind a target while someone is shooting at it, hate to be an asshole, but that's natural selection rearing it's head. And in case you're wondering, I don't shoot it off when theirs kids running all over the place in the backyard. They're kids and wanna do what kids do, I can shoot with my brother some other time. As for the basement, you won't miss people walking down the stairs, they're creaky ass wooden stairs.I'm not saying your points completely lack merit, I'm just saying that shit will happen regardless of disability, and it does. As much as I think the piece I bought is a badass and is fun to shoot, I did a ton of research before hand to figure out what median I wanted to have power-wise. Hence, steel BBs, not pellets, pistol instead of fully auto (not because I couldn't get one but for that slim Just In case ever happens), and of course I knew where I was going to hide it before I bought it, and where it is I'm located 95% of the time. And, like I said above, my little sister is scared shitless of it. As long as my Mom's not freaking out, I have no reason to worry. When I move into a pad on my own, who knows what the hell I'll do. Maybe I'll get a pellet gun. For targeting or otherwise. But then I'll have my own place and can control who comes and goes more than I can now.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

I held a gun when I was small, because my Dad was a police officer.I really would like to learn to shoot, even though I am totally blind, but until this thread, I had no idea that anyone even tried it.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Well, no offense, but careless accidents can happen regardless of sight or no sight. Someone could sneak up to the other side of the target as a sighted person is shooting, or run up. BOOM! He's got a whole in him. And if we're talking about actual firearms here, someone should be watching the blind person shooting, and therefor catch other unexpected things that may crop up. But even if it's not shooting actual bullets, I mean, you're not shooting targets inconspicuously, no matter who you are, if someone goes behind a target while someone is shooting at it, hate to be an asshole, but that's natural selection rearing it's head. And in case you're wondering, I don't shoot it off when theirs kids running all over the place in the backyard. They're kids and wanna do what kids do, I can shoot with my brother some other time. As for the basement, you won't miss people walking down the stairs, they're creaky ass wooden stairs.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

Well, again, guns were designed as weapons for killing people, that is the point of why they are built. Blind people can be aware of their lack of vision, but that won't stop them from accidentally shooting the person standing behind their target etc. Also, a knife is a really wrong comparason. A knifeis a close range weapon, and is not a situation where being blind would pose a significantly greater hazard. For a knife, you need to be really close, close enough to where you can touch someone, so the chances of stabbing the wrong guy are slim. What makes a gun, specificly military grade weaponry so dangerous in the hands of a blind person is that it has a  much longer range, and requires precision.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@16 I agree for the most part about actual firearms but honestly a lot of this comes down to common sense as a blind person not to be an idiot. Theirs a reason why I'm with someone who can see around me whenever I do use it, mostly because it's a backyard and we don't have a fence. Guns are tools. Sure advances in firearms technologies were stimulated to a large degree by the war economy but do you really think the guy putting the guns together in the factories, or sketching designs are like "Yeah, this is one mean murder machine." No. Come on now.. And if I'm being honest with you I'm more worried about a mentally ill person shooting off a gun more than a blind person. Blind people can still be self-aware and take their lack of vision into account when shooting. But if I wanted to go into my wide open, unfinished basement, get a cheap ass beeper speaker and put it in a box, cover it with some bags to protect it and put tape some paper down onto it, and take potshots at it, who's gonna stop me?What if this was a knife? A knife is intended to cut things. Whether they're human or not is another thing. Before guns people were swinging swords on each other. Blindy can't use knife now? Yeah a knife doesn't shoot projectiles, no shit. But who treats their motorcycle like a bicycle?Also I'm pretty sure the end of 15's post was sarcastic.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@16 I agree for the most part about actual firearms but honestly a lot of this comes down to common sense as a blind person not to be an idiot. Theirs a reason why I'm with someone who can see around me whenever I do use it, mostly because it's a backyard and we don't have a fence. Guns are tools. Sure advances in firearms technologies were stimulated to a large degree by the war economy but do you really think the guy putting the guns together in the factories, or sketching designs are like "Yeah, this is one mean murder machine." No. Come on now.. And if I'm being honest with you I'm more worried about a mentally ill person shooting off a gun more than a blind person. Blind people can still be self-aware and take their lack of vision into account when shooting. But if I wanted to go into my wide open, unfinished basement, get a cheap ass beeper speaker and put it in a box, cover it with some bags to protect it and put tape some paper down onto it, and take potshots at it, who's gonna stop me?What if this was a knife? A knife is intended to cut things. Whether they're human or not is another thing. Before guns people were swinging swords on each other. Blindy can't use knife now? Yeah a knife doesn't shoot projectiles, no shit. But who treats their motorcycle like a bicycle?


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

15, you perfectly summarized why I think a blind person should not be allowed to independantly own and shoot a gun.  Firing with close supervision is one thing, but independantly trying to locate the target with hearing is another. Hearing isn't nearly as precise a sense as vision is,  and for the simple reason that a blind person can't visualise the target as a sighted person can, it should absolutely not be allowed. Any crazy ass governer who thinks blind people owning guns is a good idea should have his head examined at the nearest hospital.The truth of the matter is, guns aren't tools like a screw driver or car is. This idea for some reason only seems  commonplace in the US. The fact of the matter is, guns are weapons, designed to kill people, that is their design purpose and not an accident. When you use a gun to murder someone, you are using it as intended, the way it was designed to be used.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

So, I had a chance to shoot at some pests in Rural Trinidad with an alchohol gun, but I had a really bad headache that day. We may shoot at some pests in  my yard, soon but I'm not sure. I may just shoot at that one angry cat who randomly hisses at me. That'll show him


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : swigjr23 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

I shoot all the time, and I am totally blind. My dad helps me aim, but I still have to hold the gun still while pulling the trigger to hit the target. I have had good luck with using laser sights to help in aiming. With a laser, the sighted person just has to stand behind you and look at the dot on the target as opposed to trying to sight directly over your shoulder. The one downside of a laser is they can be hard to see on a very sunny day. If you are going to be shooting acctual firearms as I do, be sure you where good hearing protection and glasses. Even if you are blind, you still need to where glasses just incase something goes wrong. You don't want parts of your gun coming back and hitting you in or around your eyes. Personally, I own several guns: an Ar-15, severl .22 pistols, a .22 rifle, an Ak-47 style rifle, a Glock 43, and a pistol caliber carbine. I also have a pellet gun and a crossbow.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@10 You could always just do what I did and buy some replica guns online. You don't have to go to a shooting range for that.I'm also pretty sure shooting instructors have dealt with worse with people with vision than someone without. People can freak out over a blindy using a stove. Or even just touching something. Some chick freaked out because I was standing idoly by the microwave in cooking class and was just rubbing my hand along it waiting for something and I had to tell her to hop off. I made it this far without falling down a flight of stairs in 12 years and I haven't pissed myself since my single digit years and ignorant people that clench their buttcheeks wanna tell me what I'm doing is dangerous.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@10 You could always just do what I did and buy some replica guns online. You don't have to go to a shooting range for that.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@11 Man, to hell with other people's arbitrary views. You shouldn't have to justify shit to anyone, you're in the clear legally if you just pay attention to that, so tell them to kiss your starfish. Idk if you're from the states but people are divided heavily and on both sides there are hypocrites. Guns are just tools designed to destroy or put holes in stuff. Respect the gun and understand what it can do (obviously you do), and you'll be just fine. Oh and also, if you're grown, that's another reason to tell others to suck it. Life is short and people like to find shit to rip others apart over because they're not happy with their own lives and need to justify their position to themselves and themselves only. And I don't even own any actual gunpowder powered firearms and I've gotten the bullshit. "it'll cause blindness." Ok firstly, dipshit, I'm already blind, so that is invalid if you're talking about me. Secondly, I'm wearing the fucking goggles for a reason, idiot. If you're talking about little kids, firstly, my youngest sister is scared shitless of that thing, my high school aged sister doesn't care at all that I even have one, and if you wanna see how stupid I'd have to be to let a goddamn child who barely knows how to piss properly get ahold of a CO2 powered gun, try to find it. You won't find it. Because I hide it, and I'm not a fucking moron. Mmkay? Mmkay. Fuck off. lol.What's funny was that was my grandfather telling me that and he's super republican and almost has a seizure if you say "liberal." Where as me, both sides are stupid and it's just a scheme to make money anyway.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

I've had an interest in guns since I was like 14 and started researching them to help audio game devs understand how to make their weapons more realistic.Now I watch quite a bit of youtube gun content and often research firearms that have special interest to me, like the ultra compact Chinese machine pistols, the underwater capable Russian assault rifles, the ultralight American special forces machineguns, the integrated laser guided grenade modules for the future warrior project, or the caseless/telescoping ammunition prototypes like the H G11.When my friend (also blind) turned 21 we went to a gun range and the instructor let all us blind kids shoot a .22 (probably a ruger 1022 based on the 25 round magazine) a government model 1911 (not sure if it was Colt or another brand) a .410 bore breach loading single barel shotgun (not sure what type) and a 12 gauge double bareled shotgun (also not sure of the type).Though I enjoy the engineering behind guns and I definitely wouldn't mind shooting smaller calibur firearms, I was too nervous to fire anything more than the .22 and .410, plus I was recording everything for later.I just kept thinking about muzzle flip with the pistol since I don't know how to lock my wrists properly and I'm a skinny guy so I didn't like the idea of the 12 gauge, but I realize now that I was just scared and thinking illogically rather than just simply having a respect for the weapon.Now I regret wasting that opportunity because finding a range willing to supervise a blind person isn't easy and going to one in the first place is expensive with an instructor.Noise is another big thing for me, I've always been averse to loud noises like allot of people, so when the guy in the next stall started popping off with a .44 magnum and I could feel the sound waves impacting in my chest I got kinda freaked out.  LOLI think it would be cool to try shooting again, and I feel like their are probably ways to adapt targeting for blind people relatively cheaply considering that they have blind biathlon shooters in the paralympics.I just wish that I didn't have to constantly feel the need to justify my interest in firearms to people and that I could enjoy the community without getting into an internal battle with my self about morals and having to question so much of what gets said on both sides of that debate.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

This is something I've always wanted to do. My partner and I were discussing it a couple weeks back. I was musing that going to a shooting range probably wouldn't be easy as a blind person since the staff would most likely freak the fuck out about a blindy handling a gun, but since a couple of you have said it's possible, and it's an experience I'd really like to have, I'll most likely pursue it once things start going back to normal. Nothing like a pandemic to give you a kick in the ass that makes you want to do and try all the things you dreamed of, no matter how big or small they are.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

EVeryone I've met that shot shotguns as kids told me that they fucking hurt. lol


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

I shot shot gun one time when my family went to a shooting range, I was only 11 years old and the gun gave a jolt that hurt me, so, mm


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@6 Wow, if that was semi-auto, that's pretty quick. The feeling and sound is also probably most of the experience for me, but it'd be cool to actually hit what I'm aiming at. I do wanna find one that kicks more cause the first time I shot the glock it felt pretty damn sweet when the thing kicked. Although it'd probably eat CO2 like a bitch.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@6 Wow, if that was semi-auto, that's pretty quick. The feeling and sound is also probably most of the experience for me, but it'd be cool to actually hit what I'm aiming at.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

I shot an AR15. My dad took me to a range and the owner was willing to sit there with us and help me shoot. He let me shoot off 30 rounds as quickly as I could. I managed to do it in about 10 seconds, and it was awesome! For me, it's mostly about the sound and the feeling.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

@4 Lol, maybe not, but obviously some have. Plus, you don't have to shoot off guns to get the babes, so it's all good.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheBlindSaiyan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

I'm not a person to judge, but I'm gunna say 75% of the people on this forum have probs never shot a gun in their lives. :d


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

That is pretty damn cool, dude. I'm probably going to end up collecting all sorts of airguns, just for the fuck of it, they have some really cool revolvers on pyramidair, I wanna get the pistols and handguns before I start messing around with shotguns and rifles and the like. Would also be cool to get airsoft guns that are still fun to shoot but that I can actually shoot my brother with without worrying about significant pain or penetration. I also neglected to mention that I had purchased 2 pairs of safety glasses to be on the safe side.


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Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Deng via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone on here (sighted or not) enjoy shooting?

It's pretty fun, I'm not gonna lie. We live on a huge 35 acre farm, and we have this area where my cousins and brothers like to practice shooting their handguns, and their 22caliber rifles.Anyway, here's a little recording of me, shooting my younger brother's Glock 41 handgun. Enjoy. … 1.wav?dl=1


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