Re: Very disappointed

2020-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

I'm wondering what the source in your web browser would show?


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Re: Very disappointed

2020-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

£425 for a god damned radio? Good christ on a train from San Francisco to New York. That bitch better be able to contact extraterrestrial lifeforms for that price! This ain't the 1930s anymore. Surely that has to be an error, right?


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Re: Very disappointed

2020-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

wow so old topic 


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Re: Very disappointed

2020-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

This post is old but I'd like to inform people that... I didn't keep the radio, wow, going through this old stuff brings back memories.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Hmmm, well disabled assistance for that sort of thing might be interesting rom an agency, sinse most agencies I've heard of deal either with very personal care things such as dressing and washing for physicaly ormentally disabled people, hence why I tend to ask friends. My cleaning service is just that, a cleaning service. They're a nice bunch, but I'd be careful whom I give keys out to. When I employed my downstairs neighbor as my cleaner, she used a key to get in, indeed she still has my spare key, but I probably wouldn't do this with the service I use now (My downstairs neighbor unfortunately had to go to hospital with back problems so could no longer do cleaning type stuff).Then again, cleaning isn't a major thing as most everyday cleaning type stuff I do myself, it's just the bits I can't see such as marks on the walls, and also hoovering, which I just happen to really hate doing .For getting the stuff like reading and labelling done, I tend to ask friends and then provide with a payment, which works rather well, and after all it's what the government gives me disability living allowance for.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Figment, well over here you can require crb checks and other insurances if your technically employing someone, though I never bothered with my downstairs neighbor sinse I knew her fairly well (and if she had done anything bad it wasn't as if I didn't know where she lived). The cleaning service I use now is a business, albeit a fairly small one, however I'm sure they're reputable simply because of who else they clean for, indeed I was recommended them by a friend of mine who herself has severe juvenile arthritis and is so unable to clean herself, and where I am in Durham isn't really the sort of place you'd run into major crime problems anyway. That cleaning robotdoes sound cool though. I have heard about them before, but haven't been sure on their use.For assistance with other stuff, it sounds like perhaps looking into someone else is a good idea, maybe an agency or maybe a friend or neighbor, if your brother's situation
  isn't going to be conducive to being helpful.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

We have agencies like that, but instead of being listed as in home assistants, they are listed as in home spam.Dark, like you, I try to do most of my own cleaning, but realizing that I can't see everything, I have this monthly housekeeping service to catch what I miss.And I know what you mean about vbacuming, I don't like doing it either, I rank it up there with trimming my finger and toe nails. Some times I wish they'd just stop growing. If I worked so I was out of the house most of the day, I'd just do what a friend does. He just turns on his Roomba and leaves. A Roomba is a robot, that randomly wanters around the room, vacuuming as it goes. He says it works really well.I didn't give keys to the previous housekeeping service I had because she was just an individual, unlicensed, uninsured, and not bonded, in business for her self doing housecleaning. But for three months she kept calling saying that she couldn't keep her appointm
 ent, after the third time, I told her that I would have to hire someone else to do it because it does need doing, and this time I chose a nation wide franchise that is licensed, bonded, and insured.From my perspective, unless you arrange to have a sighted friend or family member with you, you may as well not be there while they are cleaning, you are more than likely not going to see them if they decide to get sticky fingers.As far as assistants go, my younger brother is the only one that's really available. All my other family members have their own families, and his financial situation is such that he definitely needs the income. But now that I know his attitude towards helping me, I'd rather just quietly go somewhere else, instead of bringing it up to him. I create fewer waves that way.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Mirage, As I believe I said earlier in this topic, it depends upon the school. I've seen pretty much both as good and as bad as it's possible to get. There isn't really one answer accept be dam careful you know what school your going to, or in the case of the truly! evil place I attended, don't have the county council stick a unit for Vi kids in the worst school in the county to keep it open. @Figment, Actually, families with one blind member are notoriously problematic precisely because of issues getting emotionally entangled and lack of communication when what your needing in the situation  is clear communication.An assistant might be a helpful thing if you can't ask a friend, though personally I avoid the reading male thing by simply making sure anything majorly important goes through my e-mail or phone instead and taking the tack whatever I get in snale male is probably junk, which it usually is (it gets stuck in a huge pile 
 and my dad reads it when he visits, but that's only about four or five times a year).


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

From my perspective, that's what I thought I was doing when I told my brother how I wanted my videos arranged. His response was basically, forget it, I'll put them on the shelf for you, if you want them a specific way, that's your problem.Reading mail was just an examble of tasks an assistant might do, I myself read my own mail that I can't get redirected to email with a scanner and Freedom Scientific's Open Book.Plus any assistant service I employ will be one where all their assistants are bonded, being bonded is a kind of insurance that the person has passed a background check and can be trusted. My housekeeping used bonded people to do the cleaning, so I gave them a key to my home so they can do the cleaning, even if I'm not at home, which is very rare as I try to be at home while they are here.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Hmmm, Figment, I'd suggest perhaps your brother isn't really getting either what you were asking him to assist with or to be honest what you were paying him for. As I've said in my thesis, assistance needs to be cooperative, ie, two people, one of whom is disabled working together, whether that is because they both get something they want, ie, payment and a job done, or because one is actively empathetic towards the other depends upon circumstance, however if the cooperation isn't there your into a classic agent/patient situation, ie, one is doing for! the other and the other is "being done to" which is an unequal level of power and ultimately unhelpful. Perhaps an occasion when either you need to discuss things with your brother and request that if he wants to actually be helpful to you (and/or wants paying for his time),  he do the required job as you need it done rather than as he! believes, or see about hiering a friend or even 
 a stranger. Heck, in some ways this is when a sympathetic stranger and a professional relationship helps, (I don't have that type of issue with my cleaning service), though I have managed to find friends who will aide in that sort of task (indeed I'm currently watching the series Angel, which I'd find near impossible if I hadn't asked a friend of mine to read me the dvds so I could lable them with my penfriend and then gave her an hour's payment).


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

This whole thread breaks my heart!I attended public school from kindergarten on, and I had a wonderful experience, participated in band and other activities, had great friends, only got bullied one time and that was by someone who I believe had mental problems. I truly had no idea that so many bad experiences were had by the blind in public schools.I'm also blessed in the family I have, because they have always helped me in whatever way I needed or wanted.I send prayers of peace, for any of you that have had bad experiences.  Just know good people are out there.  They are just much quieter than the bad ones.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Because the grocery store next door to me closed its doors, I decided to move to another apartment in a complex just behind a shopping center with a bunch of stores I could get to without having to cross any major highways or roads.To make getting organized in the new apartment quicker and easier, or so I thought, I hired my brother to provide sighted assistance in identifying things.While we were unpacking, he was putting my videos on my bookshelf. I told him that I had a four volume set of videos that had a picture on the back, if you put them on the shelf in their correct order with the backs facing out, the picture there would be put together properly, I asked him to put them on the shelf so the picture was visible.His response was, "I'm here to help put things away, not sort them for you or put them how you want them."I didn't know what to say to that, so I didn't say anything. But when we were done, he was paid and leaving
 , I was thinking to myself, I hope you enjoy the money, because with an attitude like that, I seriously doubt I will ever hire you to assist me again.Very disappointing.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Dark, my brother tends to over think things. My folks occasionally hire him to do some tasks around their house. My Dad says his over thinking everything looking for hidden meanings can get really annoying. My impression is that he feels like he has to walk on egg shells around everyone else. He has a rather checkered history, maybe it's the effect that history has on him.A couple of years ago after returning home from his last stay as a guest of the state in one of their gray bar hotels, he mentioned getting a computer to learn some computer skills he could use to find work. Despite what I was going through with being newly blind and looking for rehabilitation training, I decided to help him towards that goal. A year and a computer later, he made the remark that he was kidding himself if he thought he could learn computer skills instead of just wasting time with it. I believe he said that to me so I'd stop inquiring how his self training was going, because there
  was no self  training going on in the first place. I think that at the time the only way I could describe the way I felt is betrayed.He is always talking about getting is life back on track, but in five years, he hasn't done a thing towards that goal. And in all that time, he's being supported by our parents, who are retired. My feeling is that they are retired, they should be enjoying their lives, not supporting kids who are for all appearances sakes, are just plain lazy.I'm thinking that instead of dealing with him, maybe I should hire the services of an in home assistance service, where on a pre arranged scheduled someone comes to your home to assist you with tasks you can't do yourself. Things like reading your mail to you, or filling out forms, or helping you label thing by identifying them for you, etc. Since they are there to do a job that you are paying them to do, I believe they'll be a lot more cooperative than my brother was.It's just so disappointing because it's your family and you'd like to think your family is better than that.A little more information than I was planning, but screw it!


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

I just heard about this and am rather disgusted.About six months ago an app called Be My Eyes for the iPhone, probably for Android and Windows mobile too, was released, here is a description of it from AppleVis:AppleVis wrote:Be the eyes for a blind person in need of help remotely through a live video connection if you are sighted or be assisted by the network of sighted usersif you are blind.Be My Eyes is all about contributing to and benefiting from small acts of kindness, so hop on board and get involved!Blind users can request help from a sighted person and the sighted users will then be called for help. As soon as the first sighted user accepts the requestfor help a live audio-video connection will be set up between the two and the sighted user can tell the blind person what she sees when the blind userpoints his phone at something using the rear-facing camera.As a sighted user
  you dont need to worry about missing a call and leave a blind person hanging - you are a part of the bigger Be My Eyes helper-networkand we will find the next available sighted person in the network. The challenges that the blind person needs help with can be anything from knowing theexpiry date on the milk to navigating new surroundings.Note: We encourage blind users to be patient when requesting help because we rely on real people to help you.I used it for the first time about a week ago, one of my ink cartridges was empty, I can see enough to see the empty cartridge light, but not enough to tell which one of the four lights was lit. Be My Eyes came to the rescue, the assistant couldnt tell me which color was empty but she could tell me that the third light was lit, which was all I needed.Anyway, I just heard that they had to add that VoiceOver be turned on in order to register as a blind person. They had
  to do this because they discovered that sighted people were signing up as blind, requesting assistance, then making fun of or abusing assistants that answer their help requests.What a bunch of frogging jerks!Im not sure how requiring VoiceOver be on to register as blind is going to stop or even slow down this problem, but I do hope it does.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

You would be surprised how many people dont know about voice over. Whenever I get asked about it and when I tell them that its built into their iPhone the usual response is whaat? my phone can do that?


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Good point. One of my nephews works for ATT as a salesman so hes supposed to be very knowlegeable about cell phones and their features. At our family Christmas party last year, he asked me, If you are blind, how can you use an iPhone? When I told him about VoiceOver and how it worked, he was flabbergasted, he had no idea such a feature existed on computers, much less on cell phones.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Lol, having had the recent discussion with the developer of Adventure to Fate I can confirm that much, and odds are any smegger who is ignorant enough to register just to sling abuse at sighted users for being helpful to blind users isnt going to know about Voiceover.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Exodus, Thank you very much for this documentary, I got really shocked when I watched it. It was the first time since a lot of years ago that I nearly fell into tears. Thank you again.Cheers


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

I, for one, dont judge muslim by the extremists that commit all sorts of attrocities in the name of Alla,because I dont believe for an instant that in the Koran, or whatever their holy book is called if I got that wrong, says that Alla told his people to go out and kill other people in his name. In my view, the extremists like Al Qaeda and ISIS are just looking for any reason to be violent and kill people because they want to.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Tom, I am not religious either, indeed though I have studdied religions I now count myself an agnostic, however I have to disagree with your rationality good, religion bad pose here. A proverb I remember at one point states Goodness whispers, evil shouts which is unfortunately true, people have more of a tendency to remember the Muslims who fly planes into buildings and the catholic inquisition than say the combined Islamic/jewish funded soop kitchin for the homeless which I saw reported on the new the other day. Further than that, I do tend to find a lot of radical atheists are quick to assign religious motivations to what are essentially cultural, or life style biases, and attribute a persons belief in god as a course of an immoral action rather than say theyre belonging to some religious or political group, being bought up in a particular culture, or being of one particular race. Indeed, it is noteable that both wor
 ld wars, not to mention the holocaust itself occurred for largely nationalistic and racially motivated reasons as opposed to religious ones. Myself, I dont think singling out religion and claiming irrationality of beliefs really addresses the question or cause as to why things happen, heck the bullying and abuse of disabled people which began this topic has nothing to do with religion. If I were to pick a route of all evil Id say its not religion but human kinds lovely habbit of saying my gang is better than your gang,and if your not in my gang you dont count! It doesnt matter if that gang is religious, cultural, political, racial, gender, s/xual orientation, disability or any or all combination of the above. The second humans form a group, the more likely it is that they count anyone who is not part of that particular group as a threat, and the more insula and less open to external ide
 as that group is, the more extreme forms of attack will be levelled at those threats, whether its suicide bombers or soldiers being convinced to run face first into machine gun fire for their country Dont believe me? look at the recent debate on audeasy regarding braille and the refusal of certain people to believe information in other formats than that used by the blind as a group could be of use.Everything we do is irrational, the idea that well if we all sat down and appealed to some great catagorical imperative as KAnt thought the world would be perfect is in fact just as big a myth as anything in religion, sinse we simply have no ability to achieve objectivity, indeed I often think the western separation of the good, rational and the bad emotional is itself an extreme lie. One of the red dwarf books states that the only time a large number of people agree is when they are agreeing to disagree with another larg
 e number of people, and that is unfortunately true. Humanity is a pretty scummy species really where most people are content to sacrifice anyone remotely outside their little tribe just to feel part of something more than themselves.This is why I will always think the best of individuals, but so much hate what I refer to as the collective, all those little unconscious tribal assumptions that band people together in their nice little cleaques and do in anyone who falls outside them. Really, humanity is a pretty shitty species over alll, and I dont see much hope of that changing any time soonn, religion or no religion.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Tom, I am not religious either, indeed though I have studdied religions I now count myself an agnostic, however I have to disagree with your rationality good, religion bad pose here. A proverb I remember at one point states Goodness whispers, evil shouts which is unfortunately true, people have more of a tendency to remember the Muslims who fly planes into buildings and the catholic inquisition than say the combined Islamic/jewish funded soop kitchin for the homeless which I saw reported on the new the other day. Further than that, I do tend to find a lot of radical atheists are quick to assign religious motivations to what are essentially cultural, or life style biases, and attribute a persons belief in god as a course of an immoral action rather than say theyre belonging to some religious or political group, being bought up in a particular culture, or being of one particular racial group with set beliefs. Indeed, it 
 is noteable that both world wars, not to mention the holocaust itself occurred for largely nationalistic and racially motivated reasons as opposed to religious ones. Myself, I dont think singling out religion and claiming irrationality of beliefs really addresses the question or cause as to why things happen, heck the bullying and abuse of disabled people which began this topic has nothing to do with religion. If I were to pick a route of all evil Id say its not religion but human kinds lovely habbit of saying my gang is better than your gang,and if your not in my gang you dont count! It doesnt matter if that gang is religious, cultural, political, racial, gender, s/xual orientation, disability or any or all combination of the above. The second humans form a group, the more likely it is that they count anyone who is not part of that particular group as a threat, and the more insula and 
 less open to external ideas that group is, the more extreme forms of attack will be levelled at those threats, whether its suicide bombers or soldiers being convinced to run face first into machine gun fire for their country Dont believe me? look at the recent debate on audeasy regarding braille and the refusal of certain people to believe information in other formats than that used by the blind as a group could be of use.Everything we do is irrational, the idea that well if we all sat down and appealed to some great catagorical imperative as KAnt thought the world would be perfect is in fact just as big a myth as anything in religion, sinse we simply have no ability to achieve objectivity, indeed I often think the western separation of the good, rational and the bad emotional is itself an extreme lie. One of the red dwarf books states that the only time a large number of people agree is when they are agreeing to d
 isagree with another large number of people, and that is unfortunately true. Humanity is a pretty scummy species really where most people are content to sacrifice anyone remotely outside their little tribe just to feel part of something more than themselves.This is why I will always think the best of individuals, but so much hate what I refer to as the collective, all those little unconscious tribal assumptions that band people together in their nice little cleaques and do in anyone who falls outside them. Really, humanity is a pretty shitty species over alll, and I dont see much hope of that changing any time soonn, religion or no religion.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Afrim, I get the feeling it is one of those things we will have to agree to disagree about. My personal view is that people who claim to be religious often do more harm in the name of their religion than non-religious people. The reason is because their religion gives them an excuse to behave in unethical and immoral ways that non-religious people like myself find criminal.There is a saying I think fits. Good people will always do good. Evil people will always do evil. However, for a good person to do evil that requires religion.I cant help think that you are young and a bit naive because I have seen a lot of people do quite a bit of bad things while claiming they are being holy, religious, and supposedly doing it for the benefit of their church or their god. Getting more religious instruction wont help. The base problem is as I see it they are unethical and immoral at heart and as long as they believe they are in the right nothing is going t
 o help the problem. The way I see it basic human morals, ethics, and values are not religious but universal truths that we all should follow regardless of what religious position we happen to have, and unfortunately those people lack those basic values and ethics.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@TwardWhat I wanted to say is that religion can be used to take actions by certain people as they order, but in the name of religion. You have lots of examples, and the best one is Isis. But I dont think that these people who use religion for their intention can name the whole religion, and the people who believe in it. On the other hand, I agree that Laws are universal and those who are very good people are good, regardless of their religion. Well, being too religious doesnt help, but respecting the basic manners helps somewhat.Anyway I think that people are not well-educated about religion. They state things which are strange and I myself havent seen kind of such things written anywhere on books, Kurran or Bible.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@GeneWarnerYou are right. Ive seen selfish people everywhere, not only at school, work, but everywhere. Life can be a dull shit these days. At least here where I live, blindness causes a lot of problems.@TwardI think that if those people behind all these crimes were religious, the situation would be completely different for sure. Religion has nothing to do with terrorism but this kind of thing comes as a result of misinformation or people do bad action in the name of religion to take away charges, or to just make that religion look bad.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thunderfist799 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

My good companion, youre absolutely right. People are just like animals in todays world. Let me give you an example. A few weeks ago, my mums car crashed into another persons car. And there was no damage. Just a minor scratch! But the other couple wanted us to pay insurance! Relax people, just a little scratch.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

This is very disappointing, but also very typical of a world that would rather bury those of us who are different than celebrate our differences.Ive had vision problems my whole life, before I lost my vision, I wore thick bifocals to get 20/60 vision and was bullied most of my grade school years because of it.Over time, Ive come to the conclusion that most people are selfish and only concerned with what goes on in their personal space. A few try to be altruistic, theyll treat you as an equal and show you the same respect theyd want in return. And a few are complete jerks who feel so inferior that they have to bpick on people weaker than they are because theres little risk of getting their ass kicked.And unfortunately, theres not much you or anyone can do about it except help those you can, and hope the ones you cant help get help somewhere.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

afrim wrote:If people paid more attention to religion and its statements, believe me, things would be better for all.I disagree. Religion has created more hatred than it has prevented. Im not religious, but Ive been to my share of chearch services during which homosexuals were openly discussed and compared with murderers. If thats not hatred, I dont know what is, and this discussion took place right in the chearch sanctuary.Not to mention all the war and needless killing over which god is the one true god, etc, etc.The trouble is that humans are human. Theres good and bad and everything else, and those who want to hate will just twist the words of whatever religious literature they supposedly believe in in order to justify their actions to themselves and others.Like anything else its a tool with an intended purpose, but like any other tool from a computer 
 to a gun nobody said it could only be used for that purpose.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

I think that this was the documentary dark was talking about.edit:after reading post 5 again I could be wrong here. Ill leave the link up anyways... it still seems relevant to the topic being discussed.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

We are teached not to hate those people who are homosexuals, or heterosexuals but to hate their actions and we are prevented from doing them, which is 100% right. Humans are humans, and they are divided in two genders. Male and female. No third gender should come to surface. I respect those who were born gay, but I highly disrespect those who consume hormones to become gay. That is rather disgraceful.Homosexuality is completely different from blindness I think.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Afrim, I find myself in total agreement with Trajectory. Contrary to what you may believe about religion it has been the most decisive and leading cause of hatred and war throughout the ages. In Europe the Catholics use to hunt down anyone they considered heretics and burn them at the stake just for being Jewish, pagan, Protestant, or anything else the Catholic Inquisition deemed heretical. In more current times we have groups like the West Burro Baptists running around with signs that say things like God hates gays and similar anti-homosexual slogans. If that isnt hate speech I dont know what is. And before the Muslims on this forum try and say that Muslims are better Muslims are definitely no bastions of world peace. They are more fanatical than anyone chopping off peoples heads in the name of Allah or killing a bunch of French cartoonists for daring to use Mohamed in one of their cartoons. More and more every day I believe the late Christopher Hichens w
 as right that religion poisons everything.One reason I can say that with such assurance is there are countries in Europe that are highly secular, with very small religious populations, and they also have the least crime rates in the world. So statistically speaking religion is no indicator of someone doing good, and the statistics show quite the opposite seems to be the case. America, supposedly the most Christian nation in the world, has insanely high criminal rates rape, murder, theft, you name it. Doesnt sound very Christian to me because if Christianity were suppose to be some great deterrent from crime one would expect a lot less crime than we have.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

I think that this was the documentary dark was talking about.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thunderfist799 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

What I thinnk the actual problem is that people dont bother to educate themselves. They obey one part of the religion and disobey the other part, the commands that tell you to learn and use your brain. Because of this, certain political leaders or religious leaders try to use religion as a weapon to get the people to do what they want. And the people believe because they have no propper knowledge of the commands. And as for what you said for us Muslims Thomas, not all of us are like that. There are those of us, like myself, that campaigne for peace. I actuallly worked in a charity once. It was A World At School. It was founded by Gorden Brown. I met his Wife during my work experience actually. Shes got this dont mess with me sort of aura, but she was quite nice. The thing is nowhere in the Quran does it say chop the heads of French cartoonists. The verses that relate to actual warfare are taken out of context and interpreted far too literally, b
 ecause the people have no background knowledge. If we dislike something, we are erged to leave it. Similarly, if we are in an argument with someone like our Wife, Husband, etc, we are encouraged to back down before any bad things could be said, and talk together when calm is established. Though I have to agree with you, we have problems in countries such as Erabia, and all our rulers can do is gobble up money money money. What Im trying to say here is that religion isnt the cause of war, its the ignorance of certain individuals. That said, I can understand where youre coming from, Thomas.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thunderfist799 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Also dont forget the Saudis, too. Theyre responsible for half of the worlds problems. You know Haj? The reason why the government in Saudi does it is to earn money. Millions of people flock there and they can get a huge amount of cash from there, which they dont bother to use for the good of the world but for themselves. The charity I spoke of earlier. They say that they want all 58,000,000 children in school. Yet are they doing anything? The excuse is that theres not enough data. The fact is, were these big people to give their money to the world, we could cure poverty temperarily. Essencially, it will happen in like in the time of Caliph Umer Bint Abdul-Aziz. For those of you who dont know, what happened in the time was that the Muslims were so wealthy that they literally tried to give money in charity to people in the street, but no-one took it because no-one was poor!


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Hi Tward,I think the information they try to spread out is done with the intention of causing some trouble. Then you mentioned nowadays muslim world. This world is wholly a lie, and the big lie comes from those who lead us. The politic is really unfair and some of the most drastic events which have happened in the recent years are done under political reasons. Including here the 9 11, The Charlie hebdo and the recent criminal extreme organization that is known as Isis or Islam state. How could an organization, which came out of nowhere became so strong that they cannot stop it. The facts that this organization, and many other events which have happened these years have been immensely funded by the biggest powers in the world, including here America.Ill give you a very short example of unfairness in politics, and in the world as well. You saw the Charlie hebdo event and you also saw that 5 days after, more than 1 million people gathered in Paris including pr
 ime ministers, presidents, and religious comunity leaders from all around the world. It was the same time when war was in progress in Gaza, and more than 2500 people had been killed so far there. But nobody went to Gaza in rememberance of those people. No leader in the world cared for the lives and health of those people in war. while on the other hand, for 12 people killed in France came 1 million others. I find this very deceptive and unfair.There are actually some researchers in the world who state that religions are fairly organized from the very first days of this world to divide people in different communities and to lead them in different paths.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

[ a-t ]Afrim, allow me to amend my comments above by pointing out my comments were not meant to say that all Muslims were like that , nor did I intend to imply all Catholics etc were complicit in what their more extremist members does. The problem with religions is that there are good and bad people in any group, any organization, and as so often happens it doesnt take more than a few rotten apples to spoil the entire batch from a public relations standpoint.So while I logically agree that there are kind,peaceful, and well meaning Muslims in the world it is pretty hard to look past those elements who call themselves Muslim and do unspeakable things like crash planes into buildings, walk on a bus full of people and blow themselves up, or something else extreme and claim they are all doing it in the name of Allah. I often wonder if they were not religious would they be passionate about killing themselves in a suicidal act if they knew or believed there was no afte
 r life, no god, no rewards for doing those kinds of things they do.As for the subject of ISIS I agree you raise some interesting points. They are things I have wondered about myself. ISIS basically appeared on the scene from nowhere, were well funded, well organized, and I am pretty sure they have some very big backers somewhere. I have heard all kinds of roomers from conspiracy theorists saying the United States is funding them in order to keep the war on terror going as well as other speculative theories. I personally do not claim to know, but what I will say is that ISIS is definitely political as well as religious. As long as groups like them continue to terrorize people and show up on the evening news it is going to make Muslims everywhere look bad just by guilt by association if nothing else.@Thunderfist, I dont believe it is a mere matter of education. I think it is just that some people prefer to have a more violent interpretation of the Quran 
 because they crave power and they can use it as a weapon to control someone else. Plus excuse their baser natures on their holy texts rather than take personal responsibility for their actions. In short, they abuse what is written and choose the worst possible interpretation possible in order to satisfy their personal desires and ambitions regardless if they are right or wrong.That said, I have a somewhat unique position here because I am myself not religious. Im not Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc so find all of them equally apposed to what I personally think and believe. It is not that I think the idea of god or concept of god is impossible so much as I think it is unlikely we know what he, she, or it is given that there are so many different views and opinions on the subject. Logically they all ca not be correct and it is not rational to assume they are all valid. Therefore I personally do not think any of them are valid, and choose to be agnostic about the question o
 f god until someone somewhere can show me empirical evidence that their view of god is the correct one.Questions of god aside my point here is that I feel any action taken in the name of God, Allah, or whatever you wish to call it is basically irrational. Even if the action is beneficial such as feeding the poor or tending to the sick why cant a person just do that for the sake of doing something good instead of claiming they are doing it for Allah, Jesus, or some other religious deity?So obviously if I feel that way about beneficial acts of kindness in the name of a religious deity I am beyond appalled when someone somewhere does something despicable in the name of that same deity. Im not sure if it is education, like you said, or just a deep seeded desire to do something evil, but it is not rational to want to kill oneself in the name of a religious deity yet people do it. As far as I am concerned it is a complete act of stupidity as there is no poin
 t to blowing oneself up for a god which I personally dont even think exists.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Thunderfist I can understand that, actually. Regardless of the extent, damage done is damage done and though accidental, its still damage that wouldnt exist otherwise.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

I am very sorry about you and I hope you wont have to deal with these kinds of situations again.Heres something regarding a religious state, but I think that is a reality that ought to be changed. If people paid more attention to religion and its statements, believe me, things would be better for all.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

I understand how this girl probably feels. Ive been to plenty of terrible schools, and Ive been bullied more times than I can count.  


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

This is not meant to take away from anyones bad experiences in school, but if it is any help, such abuse is pretty much handed out to everyone, sighted or blind.I went to a particularly bad high school for the first 2 years of high school, and I saw things far worse than anything described here. To give just 1 example, in our crowded hallways we were shoulder to shoulder like cattle during places where they bottle necked. I never saw the persons face, but as my stream of students squeezed passed the stream going in the other direction I saw someone with something shiny in their hand, down by their side. He slashed it as he went past and I just happened to be the unlucky one in the group. He had slashed my left wrist with a razor blade, and it bled for at least an hour in my next class. That sort of stuff was common enough that no one really even asked much about it, and there was no need for me to even tell anyone of authority.
 ; I just held paper towels on it, and wrapped it in tape. I still faintly have the scar.Abusive people are abusive to anyone they can be. Blind or sighted, normal or not, I dont even think they see people like that. Everyone is a target the moment it can be gotten away with.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Afrim, the documentary was called disability and abuse and was shown in september of 2009 on Bbc 2, however I will also say I have personal experience of this as well. I will add that avoiding this sort of thing isnt just a matter of avoiding capital city schools, its a question of catchment area, the general ethos of the school, the attitude of staff and school administrators and their willingness to actually address stuff rather than sweeping under the rug. There isnt a set solution other than find as good a school as possible and also dont be shoehorned into going to a school just because the local authority insist upon it.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Dark I can say that you are absolutely right, but I really think that schools in capital cities are problematic. Obviously, there should be an inclusive work from both administrators and teachers. By Administrators I mean the headmaster and the former headmaster. The headmaster of my school is a very educated and well-mannered man, I have had a very warm welcome by him and every problem Ive come across these three years hes given me the possibility to solve in the best way.Local authorities and institutions may play an important role in choosing ones blind persons school. For our bad fortune here, some schools do not accept blind students although the law permits us to go to every public institution. I remember when a mother of my friend went to a local authority of schools here and she asked the woman there to recommend her some good schools for her son. No matter of his level but she told her to enroll the son at a less reputable school, just
  for the reason that it didnt refuse to accept blind students.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@hhurstseth405 sorry to hear it, though again I cant say Im surprised.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

I am very sorry to hear about the situation with that girl, but as others have said Im not at all surprised. In a society where blindness is looked upon as something to be disdained sometimes pitied it is not at all surprising that immature juveniles would choose to pick on someone they view can be victimized. Ive actually been there before, and it is no fun. It is in fact one important reason when I became old enough to choose which school I wanted to go to I chose to go back to my home school and not be bussed to a big city school because the people at the big city schools were plain and simple assholes.For example, I recall one day when I was walking along to Algebra class with my cane in one hand and a big brailler in the other. Some big kid walks along and slammed my head into a metal locker and laughed about it. Not one to put up with that shit I turned around hit him in the balls with the brailler. It was my misfortune the hall monitor chose that second t
 o appear and I ended up getting detention for hitting that kid in the balls with my brailler even though it was him who started it by slamming my head into the locker and I feel I had every right to make it clear I wasnt going to stand there and be bullied by the likes of him. Unfortunately, if a blind person is going to stand up for themselves they have to be willing to take the punishment for it because most schools have no fighting policies that dont care who is at fault or why.To make a long story short I simply got sick and tired of that sort of crap. I dont have to take that shit off of anyone and while I had some friends there a lot of people were unfriendly to me simply because I was blind and different. So as has been said if one is blind you or your parents have to be very careful where you go to school because not all schools are equal towards the treatment of the blind. Some are fairly friendly and understanding and others are shitholes.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Hi Dark,Please, if its possible, could you provide me with the link of that documentary, if it exists on youtube. Im very interested and I would highly appreciate it.Thank you


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Fortunately here schools in a normal city, not a capital or those who are close to the level of capital cities are good. I have to agree with you that schools in large cities are problematic. The reasons are almost clear, the population is not of the same group, indeed when I was at the public school which is situated on the capital of our country, I met a lot of people, but I can say that from 100 people I met, only 7 or 10 were natives. Here where I am we are all locals and the situation differs. Another thing I suggest, perhaps not so much important or appreciated, is going to a public school with no other blinds in it. That helps in some ways, because the students or teachers do not have other experiences with blind people. and as the first time, they can treat you well. This has worked two times so far 


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Hi Brad, its a good idea, but I think the stupid action the guy made is more important than the video itself. It could be repeated again and again.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Im sorry this has happened to this girl, but I find this completely believable. The plane fact is some schools are just shit holes, and those sorts of places will be far worse for anyone with a vague difference at all. You can do a lot yourself by impression but there are some places where it will be bad no matter what, indeed I will say that though this is undoubtedly bad, some experiences disabled people have had in schools have been far worse,  I once for instance saw a documentary on various misstreatments of disabled people which included a girl who was doused in boiling water while at school, and the authorities tried to cover this up sinse they feared the legal hassles.The moral of the story is, if you have a disability be dam careful what school you go to.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Hello,I feel extremely sorry for this person. No one should have to go through that, it could also be considered cyber bullying. It definitely matters what school you end up going to. I was very lucky, I went to a public school but wasnt bullied or anything like that. Everyone stuck up for me and helped me, and to this day Im still in contact with some of those people. Its jsut such a shame that some folks really do go too far and dont treat others equally just because the person has a disability.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Well Dark and Aaron I agree, and I think that no matter of the persons intellectual level, blind students should go to a reputable school. That school was well-known for its problems, and I believe other blinds should have had similar experiences as well. I remember about 6 years ago, in a meeting between parents and teachers at my special school, a mother of a student who had gone to that public school where this girl is actually, complained about the conditions in which her son was. She told us that the guy had no friends, and similar things I mentioned in my first post. When my mother heard this, she felt really afraid about my future at the public school, and in the first days she was completely tensed and kept asking me how I was doing at the school.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

I agree with this post and I was bullyed befor by some girls at my school. I thaught they were just being my friends but they wernt.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

So disappointing to see that girl being treated as being less important than the rest of us, that just aint fair at all.


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

Hi.That is horrible. Perhaps if you report the link to facebook they can get it taken down? Im not sure.NO one should be made to go through that, its nasty.


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

I love this post.The way its written makes me laugh at some points and I keep reading it.Hope you fix your problems Brad.


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Hi.Im glad someone finds my life amusing 


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Ah, faire enough. Id personally not recommend anything Itunes unless you own a mac sinse Apple buggered up the headings in Itunes twelve, and while it would be fine on my Iphone I dont want to buy any media that I am not free to use on any normal mp3 player (Ive heard rumours you can get media you download out of Itunes with a pc but I never managed it), but either way there are good alternatives as you said.Btw, do you know a good radio tuner ap I could use on my Iphone? I dont believe Itunes does radio. As Id chiefly be interested in classic fm, Im tempted to try Classic Fms own ap, but Im not sure how accessible it is, although I probably ought to check.


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Hi.Id recommend tune in radio. I think thats what its called. Its very accessible.


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

The links were to an air play speaker thats rather cheap and rather good sounding for the money and an ipod touch. I actually thought Id changed those links to say what they were linking to but oh well. oops.


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

@Brad, glad the link helped, however from what I know of Nvda I dont believe it has an issue with alt text or hotspots, so you might want to check your settings for alt text in Ie. Regarding radios, I didnt specifically mean using a laptop sinse your correct there are times when its good to have something else, just that to me over 400 pounds for a radio seems ridiculously expensive, heck my Victor stream was 250. Also, if you just want radio, Im not convinced you need a specifically adapted model, as I said I use a perfectly normal (though highly good quality), one in my stacking system. The only need I can see for a specifically adapted radio is if you wanted it to do some other more complex things than just listen to radio stations that would require reading a screen to set, (hence why I invested in the Victor stream). Regarding podcasts, well if I want the actual list of episodes and feed, ie, it gets steadily updated, I just copy t
 he rss link (its the one that says rss), into whatever program I want to stream the podcast with, ie, klango or winamp (klango is a weerdly good podcatcher). Generally though Generally though, sinse most podcasts I kee tabs on are books or audio dramas like darker projects I just pop along to the site ocasionally and either download or stream the latest bit, (usually I find the download link). There are as I said other options for Iphone and for my victor which I need to investigate, indeed I believe there is a pretty good radio tuner ap for the Iphone (and considering an Iphone isnt that much more expensive than 400 quid and does a lot more that might be an option). As to patience, yes, people are stupid, and no, its not always easy to maintain patience about things, however unfortunately the skill of explaining things to stupid people is a necessry one if you have a disability,  plus if youve already explained something a little sarc
 asm is quite justified .


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Hi.I cant help much apart from saying, getting a councilor who you feel safe talking with is the most important thing. I went to a couple of councilors and one was bad, female, and the other was very nice, male. Im not saying female councilors are bad, but if you go the counseling route, look for one you will feel good talking with.


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Hi.Thanks dark. Ive already bought it, but I do no what youre saying. It has radio and podcast capability, and talking menus, and other things like that. Ive not checked the settings in I.E. since I use Firefox for 99.99% of my browsing. Ill do that next time I use I.E. I have an Iphone but like the idea of having a unit for radio. I no Im going to enjoy it. OH and i got it for 350 with VAT taken off. Ill probably write a thread on here about it when I get the sonata plus. Hopefully it will help some people if they ever decide to buy it.


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

@Exodus, any chance of being a little more specific? . @Brad, I know the idea, but when a victor Stream is £100 cheaper and has! all the talking menus, plus can play mp3s, read dazy books and books in various e publishing formats, that price seems really quite ridiculous for just a radio. Especially considering that there are lots of quite usable radios around anyway for which you need no special software or adaptations whatsoever, just try your local hifi shop, heck I got a free windup radio with a windup torch I bought for camping, which is more than accessible, sound quality is pretty crummy and still analogue, but at least iLL always BE ABLE TO GET CLASSIC FM DURING the zombocalypse! . I hope it works out for you nevertheless.


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

@Exodus, any chance of being a little more specific? . @Brad, I know the idea, but when a victor Stream is £100 cheaper and has! all the talking menus, plus can play mp3s, read dazy books and books in various e publishing formats, that price seems really quite ridiculous for just a radio. Especially considering that there are lots of quite usable radios around anyway for which you need no special software or adaptations whatsoever, just try your local hifi shop, heck I got a free windup radio with a windup torch I bought for camping, which is more than accessible, sound quality is pretty crummy and still analogue, but at least iLL always BE ABLE TO GET CLASSIC FM DURING the zombocalypse! . I hope it works out for you nevertheless, though to be honest I do wonder how many alternative options you looked for before forking over the cash for this gismo.


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Get One of these and  one of these,  put them together and you have a system that destroys this thing they are selling. You get much more functionality too. I can vouch for the audio quality of the linked speaker too, I have it set up in my kitchen. Its shear craziness that they are charging that much money for. a. radio!


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Hi.Honestly? I didnt look for any others. Ill be okay guys  this radio has over 3000 stations and more being added monthly, podcasts and so on. honestly yeah its a bit pricey but if it does all it says it does, then Im going to be happy. And also a big thing for me is it will keep me off the laptop, well okay maybe not all the time but Im really hoping to cut down. And hehe, if I looked at anymore stuff and put in something like radios for the blind, Id probably end up with some RNIB junk. For example; theres a radio that has 5 stations its really small and wooden, it actually looks nice but the price is I think 50 pouns if Im remembering correctly. So thanks for the concerns but Ill b good and be writing a thread on it when i get it.As for it having to be for the blind, well no, I guess it doesnt have to b
 e, but I like the idea of talking menus. And I tried the victer reader stream I think, a while back and didnt like the voice. As for more speakers and things. I already have an iphone and dont need more speakers, thanks though


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Hello,This is actually very annoying. If I was running a charity and was employing people be that volunteers or whatever, Id actually show each of them a screen reader first and explain how to navigate around a website without the mouse, so that when they get called by someone from the blind community, they might be able to try things on their end too with a copy of the screen reader on their computer, who knows, it might end up having them replicate problems and they may then have a mind to fix them.A lot of these organizations, while charity organizations, employ people to do a job, but thats it. They get people with experience of working on the phone, they dont seem to check if they have experience with access technology though, which in this day and age I think is a rather large problem.


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Hi.@dark. [[wow]] I cant believe you actually found the link. I am using NVDA with firefox or I.EYeah I could have handled it differently but I was so annoyed at the way she seemed to not care.As for why Im buying it, its because its an all in one thing. Plus if my computer goes down I Id have radio and podcasts and other things to listen to.And I find finding streams quite hard for me, so havging a unit where I can have them all in one place is nice.Thanks for the link. I dont know if NVDA would have found it. Youre using supernova Right?


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Lol. thats all I have to say. These people sound like complete, outrights idiots. I can tell that this site was a half-hearted effort by some half-enspired half-educated sighted person that only half-knew what they were doing. that whole site sounds like a complete joke. Just [[wow]]. Ill never ever be using it


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Hi.@dark. [[wow]] I cant believe you actually found the link. I am using NVDA with firefox or I.EYeah I could have handled it differently but I was so annoyed at the way she seemed to not care.As for why Im buying it, its because its an all in one thing. Plus if my computer goes down I Id have radio and podcasts and other things to listen to.And I find finding streams quite hard for me, so havging a unit where I can have them all in one place is nice.Thanks for the link. I dont know if NVDA would have found it. Youre using supernova Right?/edit/ As for patience. I have it but not a lot of it. Im one of those, if Ive told you 3 times and you dont get it, Im going to be annoyed kind of people. Well, when it comes to computers and things of that nature. /edit/


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

Hello.Another reason Ive bought it, thanks again dark for finding the link, is because I want to spend time away from the laptop and really need to. Im on it every day and some radio will really help with that.


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

@Brad, I will agree this woman sounds like a moron, and there is no excuse for someone saying to the right to a screen reader user. That being said, and while I fully appreciate your pissedofitude, I do believe you might have been a little hasty in this situation. Ive had a look at the site, and the problem with the my account link seems fairly logical. its a hotspot on the page, not even an added graphic, which just happens to have my account as the alt text. If either your not using a screen reader that detects hotspots, or you dont have the always display alt text for images option set in your internet explorer advanced page that link wont show up. (you didnt actually say what screen reader your using).For reference you can find the account link Here And the signup button is at the bottom. This isnt to say the woman was
  correct, but unfortunately and verry irritatingly being a blind person, even dealing with charities for the blind always requires patience sinse no, people dont know about this sort of thing and you have to explain which is indeed a pain in the arse but is something of a necessity if you want to get what you want. My mum had a similarly wonderful experience yesterday at, (of all places), the hospital eye clinic, where she was helpfully presented with a plastic card giving directions to where she needed to go written in print. The nurse who handed it her told her proudly that these instructions had been provided by the Rnib! to which my mum replied its yellow!I like yellow, its a nice colour sinse in predictable Rnib style the card was written in brightly coloured writing, but had no braille instructions at all (likely the Rnib assumed that any blind person who read braille wouldnt be there on their own). So yes, bloody f
 rustrating! but at the same time, unfortunately a harsh reality and one perhaps which you couldve handled ifferently,  or at least tried to its when I try to explain and people are stil! morons that I get my sarcasmo blaster out! . Btw BRad, not telling you what you should do with your money, but why the heck are you buying a radio? Personally, I have a really awsome quality moritz radio through some great yamaha speakers as part of my stacking system sterrio which is no trouble to use once set, I also dont mind using internet streams through winamp or a similar program, I could also stream on my Iphone or my victor stream if needed (actually streaming on my victor would be a good idea. Im not saying dont buy it because its blind technology, heck Im very happy with my victor, Im just a little confused 
 as to why your looking at pure radios when so many alternatives are available, alternatives which indeed usually have more options than radio as well.


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Re: Very disappointed

2015-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed

welp. a quick skim over the homepage revealed to me several unlabeled links... good start. I then tried to find info on the sonata plus. Its super-easy for the blind to use (tm). Uh. thats nice but specs, I want specs! and not just the size. As it stands I know nothing about the sound of the unit, speaker configurations etc.


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