Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@144 I noticed that most of the people who were on the list that was their were under 30


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Oh, I thought you were going to talk about the incident where the police shot a man who was wielding a knife and charging at them, and, predictably, there were violent protests. Less than a block away from where I work, mind you, and I had to walk very near to the police station which was destroyed by the rioters mere hours after it happened early Monday morning. That sure made me feel safe... … e/34009686


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

here is some disturbing news from Pennsylvania in the United States. this happened not far from me. about an hour or so away from me... … e-charged/


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

In the Way we think about it, Africans did not sell their own people into slavery, as some would claim. They sold prisoners from other ethnic groups to there own, as there was no concept of Africanness at the time. Some kingdoms were more responsible than others however. None the less, The line African sold their own people is invalid because it cannot apply to 2 random distinct ethnic groups who considered themselves so.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

In the Way we think about it, Africans did not sell their own people into slavery, as some would claim. They sold prisoners from other ethnic groups to there own, as there was no concept of Africanness at the time. Some kingdoms were more responsible than others however. None the less, The line African sold their own people is invalid because it cannot apply to two distinct ethnic groups who considered themselves so.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Africans did not sell their own people in the slavery, as some would claim. They sold prisoners from other ethnic groups to there own, as there was no concept of Africanness at the time. Some kingdoms were more responsible than others however.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

To be fair West African merchants were also responsible for slavery @138, so its not  totally a black free pass.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

To be fair West African merchants were also responsible for slavery @138, so its totally a black free pass.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Also, people of color are responsible for plenty of atrocities. The reason why white people are responsible for more is because it was them who got to the best weaponry first, and thus,them who Would do much of the invading and conquering we have seen over the last couple hundred years. Only when advanced fire arms were developed were they able to colonize on a larger scale. Most of Africa for example had little trouble in keeping out Europeans up to this point. Large scale colonization of Africa only began in the late 19th early 20th century. other components such as disease were responsible for the success of earlier colonization efforts in other parts of the world.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Also, people of color are responsible for plenty of atrocities. The reason why white people are responsible for more is because it was them who got to the best weaponry first, and thus,them who Would do much of the invading and conquering we have seen over the last couple hundred years. Only when advanced fire arms were developed were they able to colonize on a larger scale. Most of Africa for example had little trouble in keeping out Europeans up to this point. Had indigenous peoples of the Americas not been Susceptible to viruses, I Suspect colonization would’ve gone down in similar fashion, at a later time, and with the colonized population still making up a majority in those places.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Also, people of color are responsible for plenty of atrocities. The reason why white people are responsible for more is because it was them who got to the best weaponry first, and thus,them who Would do much of the invading and conquering we have seen over the last couple hundred years. Only when advanced fire arms were developed were they able to colonize on a larger scale. Most of Africa for example had little trouble in keeping out Europeans up to this point. Had indigenous peoples of the Americas not been so Susceptible to viruses, I suspect that would’ve gone down in similar fashion.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Also, people of color are responsible for plenty of atrocities. The reason why white people are responsible for more is because it was them who got to the best weaponry first, and thus,them who Would do much of the invading and conquering we have seen over the last couple hundred years. Only when advanced fire arms were developed were they able to colonize on a larger scale. Most of Africa for example had little trouble in keeping out Europeans up to this point. Had indigenous peoples of the Americas not been so Susceptible to viruses, I suspect that would’ve gone down similar fashion.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I believe that skin bleaching products are widespread in Nigeria. I know that these products were also banned in Rwanda, good for them


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I believe that skin bleaching products are widespread in Nigeria. I know that these products were also banned in Rwanda, good for them. Also, I think that racism against whites is only repeating the same mistakes that have already been made. and ultimately, everyone will pay for that.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

When you live in a country where there is so much sun that it darkens your skin, sometimes people see individuals with a lighter skin tone and they get a little jealous. You wouldn't believe how many people in Vietnam told me what beautiful skin I had. It was pretty awkward, to say the least. Many people see others in western media and try to emulate what they see, so they bleach their teeth and lighten their skin to try to be more like what they see. Of course those of us in the west don't have to look far for this kinda thing and can see past the fake perfections, many in foreign non-english speaking cultures just dont know any better, so they want to be like what they see in western media.Not tryinh to put anyone down here, because I know we got a global community. Just calling out what i was ignorant to until i witnessed it first hand over seas. We got plenty of things we try to emulate as well, so it isn't all one sided.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

In larger academic institutions, white literature is favoured over almost everything else. White politics, white law, white interpretations of history. It's only been in the last fifty years or so that things have changed to be more inclusive, and we're still working on it. Hell, my own profession has had problems for a long time, and again, only in the last forty or fifty years are we really starting to internalize the fact that we, too, suffer from systemic problems.It amazes me in a country like India that lightening your skin is somehow seen as superior. But then, the British did some pretty awful stuff in India back in the day, did they not? Lots of racism there.I'm thinking back through the history I know, and I'm struggling to find situations where people of colour were responsible for massive invasions, conquering and/or slavery. That doesn't mean it hasn't happened, only that I'm having trouble thinking of it. Flip it around though, and I can see tons of situations where white people did these things, in the guise of one form of power-grab or another. I'll be honest here. I don't want to be targeted for the sins of my ancestors, by any means, and I've spoken to that already...but if you look at the big picture, I also kinda don't blame people of colour for being thoroughly sick of white people. No, that doesn't give them an excuse to be awful (two wrongs not making a right, and all that), but still. White people have a historically awful record.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Well,We had a college event on awareness, and in that, walking and what sighted people can avoid to make our lives easier was one of the objectives. In one section, we blindfolded sighted visitors, and gave them a cain, and told them to walk through the corridor strait in front of them. We had obstacles and even real people sitting down with their legs spread wide, like how usually it is seen in the college, and at the end, they were told to remove blindfold and observe the corridor, and see if they can improove anything in future. At the end, they didn't say that it was terrible, but observed that despite doing it for first time, they successfully crossed the corridors with few bumps here and there. The message being, it's okay to bump in to a blind person, it's just as common as any other routine obstacle for them, and it's convenient if you try to minimize obstacles for them.Next time, I am going to suggest them to have a volunteer do the task of suddenly grabbing their shoulders or elbow while walking, in order to tell them how to not do it and how to do it properly. It's god damn scary if you are a blind girl and strangers do it. Even for boys it is scary.It is true that white skin colour is favoured more even in asian countries, but I don't think that dark skin coloured people receive such a bad treatment in these countries. No dark skin coloured person would be prohibited from occupying any position, or no person is killed just because his skin colour is so and so. Buty standards from a sighted perspective are a bit weird, and I don't fully understand them. But it's definitely media which propagates fair skin colour in these countries. I suppose having dark skin coloured people, males and females, in the industry and literature can go long way in shaping societies understanding of beauty. Afterall, if you can love a person with so and so skin colour, you can definitely stand and fight for them.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

And thats y you ask questions.You wouldn't believe how many more questions I got after that whole thing went down. If you open people's eyes to the struggles you face, they may be more willing to learn.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Thing about disability demonstrations that makes them different from race-related stuff is that disabilities are an internal thing.  it's much easier to get someone to realize what being the target of racism is like because it's about how other people react, but the disability demonstrations tend to backfire for a very simple reason: one day isn't long enough to actually learn to cope.  When you get someone to do things like that blindfolded dinner, they don't come away going "wow, that's not as bad as I thought".  They come away going "wow, I didn't realize blind people had trouble eating mashed potatoes".People are good at applying their own experiences to others, see.  If you got someone white and said "and now today we're going to call you white trash and you got fired from your job where you made less than your coworkers, how does that make you feel", it's going to be a pretty accurate thing.  Empathy works by being first and foremost relatable.  You take your own experiences and project them onto others.  You can find those points in your life which resonate with those emotions and be like "wow, yeah, there as that time last year, huh, racism is like that".  But with the stupid disability demonstrations, empathy goes "huh yeah wow, eating mashed potatoes was hard, guess that's what all the blind people feel like" and the entire thing just goes very, very wrong, and you end up reinforcing the idea that we're incapable instead of what you were aiming for.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

131 we have a simular thing wiith mainly the Indians where the lighter skinned Indians would look down on the darker tone ndiians, sometmes they use all sorts of fcreams to get that sort of complection. Honestly  had no idea even in the states there was an Afro-ndiian struggle.  only thought it was limited to coountries where Afriicans and ndians were the main groups like Guyana and Trinidad. Well, that goes to show you that you see racism in all sorts of different ways, and its not just limiited to one group hhating another, its all sorts of individuals hating different people for many different reasons.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

o yeah, I can believe that. Knew someone asking about a cream that would make her skin tone lighter. That is favored, even in other parts of the world.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

In support to Munawar's point, there's a thing which I personally call white obsession.Basically it means that Indian people want to look white, whether it'll be through treatments, through products, or any other particular, there's a whole industry of products which promises you to look white, and there ads are also built pretty much for that audience, running them on the national tv to boot.For a month or so previous year, there was a backlash against it, but that died too very quickly.And of course, there is a problem of classism here, no matter how much people want to pretend that it does not exist anymore. It's just much more hidden, not gone completely.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Kjsisco, colour-blindness is not a viable option. Boiling it down to "well we've all dealt with problem x" is silly. I've never been the target of racism before, and unless I go to a country where people of colour are the dominant class, I doubt I ever will. Sure, we've all had hardships, but to use this excuse as a way to stop singling out the problems is, in essence, saying that those problems don't exist. Let's just say I'm glad you have no say in how anything meaningful is run. You don't get over systemic racism by pretending it doesn't exist; you just don't. That also goes for sexism, classism, ableism, the whole nine yards.I confess that in the disability scenario explained by Turtlepower, I don't think I'd have gotten much out of it either. I see what the teacher was trying to do, but it seems a bit...misguided, I suppose. I still say that brown-eyes blue-eyes experiment sheds a lot of light on how this was done effectively, with race rather than disability, but it still worked.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Well, I will say that it was poorly planned, with too few disabilities to fall back on, little opportunity for cooperation, and little prep work. What we had to do came only after we had gone through several workshops and prior exercises, so that we all were aware of the things we were in for. All of it was voluntary, and you could opt out and or call for a ride home at any time. Heck, I didnt eben have to draw a disability from the pile, so i didn't, but remembering that now, I feel like I really missed out on an opportunity for better understanding.I did say that this trip was by invitation only, so of course it is not for everyone, and i think that the planners were well aware of, and sensitive to whatever objections people might have had. You could even turn the invite down if you wanted to, so by no means was anyone forced to do anything they didn't want to. Sounds to me like your situation was abruptly forced upon you, and that was wrong, period. Having said that, though, I wouldn't trade mine for anything. I even ran into people from completely different schools and age groups that went to the same camp, and we all shared the same positive experience of growth and understanding.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@124, I'm glad you took something positive from your experience, but I have to say I found myself strongly reacting to your post with a resounding hell no!When I was in eighth grade, my English teacher attempted a similar experiment. Keep in mind that the school I attended at that time was primarily comprised of white staff and students, where differences of any kind, whether racial, due to a disability, or pretty much anything else, were not acceptable, to put it mildly. She, however, was one of the few people in that hellhole who could spell the word empathy, let alone know what it means. She did this with good intentions, and I have no clue how she got the rest of the teachers in our section to go along with it, but whatever.Each student had to choose a "disability" to live with for the day. This mostly consisted of people sticking earplugs in their ears and having to communicate by writing on paper. Note, however, that this was not enforced during lunchtime in the cafeteria. Also, since I didn't really understand until some time later that she was probably doing this for me, to try and make people more tolerant of my blindness, I boldly raised my hand on the day the assignment was given and asked, "I already have a real disability, do I have to fake another one?" To which she kind of chuckled and replied, "no one is exempt." So the day came and I plugged up my ears like a good girl along with everyone else. And, you know what? It didn't teach me a damn thing about what it's like to live with a hearing impairment. Perhaps that's something I never would have given much thought to at all if I hadn't met my partner, who is hearing impaired. In any case, afterwards, we had to write an essay about our experience. We were told we did not have to share our thoughts with the class, but I doubt anybody else learned much of anything from that silly foray into pseudo disability, either. I only found out after I wrote a scathing review of what I thought of her assignment in said essay that I had deeply hurt her feelings, and that she had been trying to help, however misguided she was. I felt bad about that at the time, but if I could go back, I'd react the same way over again.It's not even the fact that the whole thing was poorly planned. Wearing a blindfold, or earplugs, might scare a person senseless, depending on their personality, which is exactly what you don't want to do when introducing the concept of what it's like to live as a person with a disability. It would probably reinforce any misconceptions a person has in their mind about such things. Also, particularly with teenagers, you know they defied the rules at every turn, and, even if they endured it sullenly, they were just counting down the minutes until the day could end and they could go back to their "normal" lives.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

There's something to be said for color blindness.  Color shouldn't be at the forefrunt.  We are all people.  All of us have been victimized in some way if you look at history.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

CRT originated as a response to law schools (Harvard in specific) refusing to teach law from a non-white perspective. It eventually spread into other perspectives. CRT is not -just for white people, even though that's how it started. If it seems like whites are being targeted most, it's because the theory had its genesis in America, where white racism (i.e., racism by whites against non-whites of all stripes) is far more common than any other form of racism.You'll get no argument from me that other forms of racism exist. Munawar, for instance, brings up a good point. CRT isn't nearly as narrow as it looks, and the answer wasn't to remove it; the answer was to broaden it, if anything. Because everyone could stand to be a little more colour-conscious, a little more cognizant of the impact they have on others.Check out the brown-eyes blue-eyes experiments by Jane Eliot. They did a lot to open my eyes (no pun intended) to a lot of this stuff.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I think the reason everyone expects white people to step up to the plate is because white people are seen as the generally more successful, capable of obtaining power, money, etc.  When you look at hollywood, the MPAA, the RIAA, the oil industry, education, banking or blazes even the government, the people you see in positions of executiveship and corporate capacity that can effect real changes and make things move along are generally white and by far exceed people of other colors.  It should say something to you all that a white guy is speaking out against systemic racism, a guy who could just as easily hord it over you all, but who chooses not to.  While I agree the issue is one of prejudice and that it is rampant across colors (I've a mother I've at large distanced myself from because she is a rather racist woman,) most of the rest of us who are Hispanic, Asian, African or whatever else do not enjoy the same social benefits and privilleges, and that becomes an even more ugly fact when you start factoring in other things to discriminate against.I'm in a tough spot here, honestly.  I don't want to put all the blame on the white man, and by far I do not believe I do.  I said I have a racist mother; she grew up always feeling like that was the way white people saw her... Second class citizen.  That was the way she attempted to raise me.  Interestingly enough, I got both sides of the coin because I went to primarily English speaking schools, taught by mostly white men and women who suppressed Spanish in the classroom.  It is what it is.  What I could not help noticing, however, is that for all the "bad" white people I encountered, there were still white people who tried. so yes, you absolutely do get it on all sides and from all colors.  I said I'm in a tough spot; my wife is in an even tougher one.  Her family used to tell her that if she ever married someone who wasn't white she'd go to hell.  While they may not hold as staunchly to that belief anymore or if they do have just managed to silence it, I know they do not like me, and that's putting it lightly.  They'll never admit that it's my cultural roots, but they and I both know it.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

There are a ton of people in america killing themselves and others, engaging in race wars, and whites have nothing to do witj it. Thats something else that needs to be dealt with. And to that end, the situation could probably be handled differently and involve everyone, and i will outline why, based on what I actually had the privilege to experience in highschool.I am not against some kind of awareness program that not only tackles races, but cultures, religions, sexual orientations, stereotypes and prejudices in general, because I got to participate in such a program during my freshman year of high school. After participating in some event where I was to discuss the issues I had to deal with as a disabled individual, I was invited on a camping trip arranged by the school, along with about 70 other kids. It was entirely optional, and I could opt not to go at any time, but I didnt because I was curious and wanted to learn. The camping trip lasted about 4 days, and there were definitely some difficult moments as we were forced to confront some difficult issues through various exercises, but there was always good reason behind them.Let me give just some examples. One dayz we had to draw a piece of paper from a container on which was written several disabilities. One had you dimucktape your arm behind your back, another had you ducktape both arms behind your back, another had you bound to a wheelchair, and another had you blindfolded. Whichever one you drew, you had to endure for about 6 hours or so, even as we had lunch, so everyone had to help each other because during that time, everyone had a disability. The purpose of that exercise was to demonstrate to us what it felt like to be disabled through simulation, and everyone walked away from that with a better understanding.On the very last day, we were subject to simulated segregation, where everyone was given colored tags, and we all had to stay with our own groups. Each group was assigned specific duties, and we were not allowed to interact with our friends from other groups. Bathroom stalls were assigned based on color, heck some kids didn't even have any colors, and they couldn't interact with anyone. This went on for a few hours until we as a group decided that enough was enough and all came together in defiance. Turns out, that was what we were supposed to do. That exercise was sure as hell a difficult one, but having experienced segregation myself through simulation, I can day with confidence that its stupid and hurtful.These were just a couple examples of exercises designed to teach us to be opened to others and the things they have to deal with, granting usually the ability to be empathetic, rather than just sympathetic. By the end of the trip, we were all closer together with each other from the hardships we had to endure together, and thats why i am who I am today. That is also why I feel like crt is too narrow and stringent. Why should the program only apply to whites? Why is it mandatory, and come so late in a person's life when their opinions are already formed? Why can't we all work together, taught to overcome racial and stereotypical barriers as a group of individuals, rather than as a single race? That is ultimately why I feel as i do on the matter.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

There are a ton of people in america killing themselves and others, engaging in race wars, and whites have nothing to do witj it. Thats something else that needs to be dealt with. And to that end, the situation could probably be handled differently and involve everyone, and i will outline why, based on what I actually had the privilege to experience in highschool.I am not against some kind of awareness program that not only tackles races, but cultures, religions, sexual orientations, stereotypes and prejudices in general, because I got to participate in such a program during my freshman year of high school. After participating in some event where I was to discuss the issues I had to deal with as a disabled individual, I was invited on a camping trip arranged by the school, along with about 70 other kids. It was entirely optional, and I could opt not to go at any time, but I didnt because I was curious and wanted to learn. The camping trip lasted about 4 days, and there were definitely some difficult moments as we were forced to confront some difficult issues through various exercises, but there was always good reason behind them.Let me give just some examples. One dayz we had to draw a piece of paper from a container on which was written several disabilities. One had you dimucktape your arm behind your back, another had you ducktape both arms behind your back, another had you bound to a wheelchair, and another had you blindfolded. Whichever one you drew, you had to endure for about 6 hours or so, even as we had lunch, so everyone had to help each other because during that time, everyone had a disability. The purpose of that exercise was to demonstrate to us what it felt like to be disabled through simulation, and everyone walked away from that with a better understanding.On the very last day, we were subject to simulated segregation, where everyone was given colored tags, and we all had to stay with our own groups. Each group was assigned specific duties, and we were not allowed to interact with our friends from other groups. Bathroom stalls were assigned based on color, heck some kids didn't even have any colors, and they couldn't interact with anyone. This went on for a few hours until we as a group decided that enough was enough and all came together in defiance. Turns out, that was what we were supposed to do. That exercise was sure as hell a difficult one, but having experienced segregation myself through simulation, I can day with confidence that its stupid and hurtful.These were just a couple examples of exercises designed to teach us to be opened to others and the things they have to deal with, granting usually the ability to be empathetic, rather than just sympathetic. By the end of the trip, we were all closer together with each other from the hardships we had to endure together, and thats why i am who I am today. That is also why I feel like crt is too narrow and stringent. Why should the program only apply to whites? Why is it mandatory, and come so late in a person's life when their opinions are already formed? Why can't we all work together, taught to overcome racial and stereotypical barriers as a group of individuals, rather than as a single race? That is ultimately why I feel as i do on tumhe matter.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

To speak to Jayde's point, I'm Indian and first-generation American.I have an Indian friend who is also first-generation American.Many times during the Black Lives Matter movement, we've talked openly on the phone about how Indians are as much part of the problem as we pretend not to be. For example, we even have our own racial slurs in our respective languages for black people. And you should see what happens if an Indian comes home with his or her partner who is black to his or her parents. If they're "real" Indian (mostly from the last generation,) I'd put money on it there will be prejudice. I've seen it first-hand.The thing is that everyone else (like Indians) are remaining silent, when it's as much our fault for the racism against black people as it is white people's fault.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

To Jayde's point, I'm Indian and first-generation American.I have an Indian friend who is also first-generation American.Many times during the Black Lives Matter movement, we've talked openly on the phone about how Indians are asmuch part of the problem as we pretend not to be. For example, we even have our own racial slurs in our respective languages for black people. And you should see what happens if an Indian comes home with his or her partner who is black to his or her parents. If they're "real" Indian (mostly from the last generation,) I'd put money on it there will be prejudice. I've seen it first-hand.The thing is that everyone else (like Indians) are remaining silent, when it's as much our fault for the racism against people as it is white people.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Then we're actually in agreement, dude.Whites are probably the race that is most guilty of racism overall, but that doesn't mean other races can't engage in problematic or even racist behaviour. It also doesn't mean that those other groups can't be called out.CRT is not anti-white. It's anti-racism, pure and simple. That's true regardless of who the aggressor is, and who the victim is. So we're actually in agreement; it's just that a common spin put on CRT is that it's meant to target white people, and white people only. Sure, whites are the biggest problem, but that doesn't give anyone else a get-out-of-trouble-free card.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I'm going to respectfully end my argument here because what you say seems sound. Its just the things in your fourth paragraph that I take  issue with, because that sentiment should be held accross the board. Everyone should be held accountable for their actions, regardless of their  race. If blm starts trouble, they should absolutely be held accountable. If i go on a killing spree, I should absolutely be held accountable, and thats why I feel like things could be handled differently. I'm not saying that nothing should take the place of crt, just that it needs something better, more inclusive and flexible.the rest of what you have to say, I will conceed for now because I don't have any further arguments on the matter.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

CRT is not trying to make white people feel guilty for being white. I cannot stress that strongly enough. It is not my fault for being a white dude, any more than it's anyone else's for being what they are. Nobody should have to apologize for what they are.CRT, to my understanding, doesn't so much teach that we're all racists if we're white. It teaches us that we all experience white privilege, and that as a result of this, we've probably all been at least passively complicit in racism, particularly the systemic kind, in our lives. This is nothing to feel guilty about on an individual level, but it -is something to learn from.Rather than pretending everything is okay, we need to respect the fact that it isn't.Rather than saying, "Oh, well that's never happened to me before, so I don't get what the big deal is", maybe it's better to say, "Wow, I can't believe that happened to you. How can we make this better?"It is not our job to bear centuries of guilt for the awful things our predecessors did. But it is absolutely our responsibility to fix what they fucked up, to undo what they wove deep into white consciousness. And some of that means admitting that you've benefited from a system meant to prop you up when maybe you shouldn't have. Some of that means maybe you've stepped on toes without meaning to. Some of it means being willing to listen first, instead of trying to dominate the conversation. For many of us, we grew up in a position which allowed us to dominate conversations, and it happened so naturally that it feels weird not to do it, or feels like we're being targeted when we're asked to stop it. I get that. It's okay to feel cut adrift a bit, to suddenly be told that a bunch of what you thought you knew has holes in it. If that makes you a bit unsettled, even a bit defensive, that's understandable. I can tell you, as a white man, it's rocked me several times, and I haven't always dealt with it so gracefully. I've been resistant more times than not.But what really blew the doors off it for me was finally coming to understand that while these systems weren't my fault, and while the actions of others aren't my fault, my own complicitude is something I have at least some control of. And if I control it, I own it. And that also means owning the mistakes that come along with it.White fragility is essentially the phenomenon where whites will absolutely flip out and insist they can't possibly be racist, when confronted with this sort of info. Banning CRT is the ultimate fragile white act, because it's trying to pretend that real problems don't exist.So, just in case we aren't clear: I am not advocating that non-whites spit on us, hurt us or otherwise denigrate us because we're white. That isn't what we're talking about. But it does mean it's okay if they call us out for being idiots, or for being insensitive. It does mean it isn't their sole responsibility to teach us. It does mean that when we fuck up, it's on us to fix it. It does mean that the first step is ownership, both the good and bad aspects. It does mean that a lot of stuff woven deeply into society has to be dismantled, because like it or not, it's propping up racism. There's simply too much evidence to ignore.Never let anyone call you a bad person purely because of the colour of your skin. But by the same token, always be willing to listen if someone of a different race from you tells you that you've made a mistake. Maybe you'll agree, maybe you won't, but actually stop and listen, instead of just assuming you can't possibly be racist in any way.Remember, you can be racist by accident, or without knowing it. That's a lot better than the people who mean it, but it's still not great. Ideally we want to get rid of racial barriers across the board, right? CRT would help us do that, because it teaches that all races, all manner of people, are equal and deserving of respect. It teaches that we aren't done fixing our mistakes. It teaches that we are still born into privilege in a broken system that is going to take awhile to set right. And it teaches that we have to own that, all the way down, before we can make any meaningful strides toward fixing it.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Ok, but what you reminded me, and what i heard in this video is that crt training is guilt tripping people for things they may not have done. Example: you were racist from the womb because you are white, and there's nothing you can do about it. But if that's true, isn't it true of everyone  regardless of skin color? We are all human after all. Is it fair for me to assume as an Asian that all whites don't have my best interest in mind and want to shortchanged me, or as a Christian that all Muslims are  extremists and want me dead? I would argue that it isn't, because it's presumptuous generalization. By that same token,, a white person should not have to live on the other end of that same presumption, which is what crt seems to encourage. In my opinion, unwarranted guilt tripping is wrong. I am really curious what kinda stuff is written in that white fragility book.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Ok, but what you reminded me, and what i heard in this video is that crt training is guilt tripping people for things they may not have done. Example: you were racist from the womb because you are white, and there's nothing you can do about it. But if that's true, isn't it true of everyone  regardless of skin color? We are all human after all. Is it fair for me to assume as an Asian that all whites don't have my best interest in mind and want to shortchanged me, or as a Christian that all Muslims waew extremists and want me dead? I would argue that it isn't, because it's presumptuous generalization. By that same token,, a white person should not have to live on the other end of that same presumption, which is what cet seems to encourage. In my opinion, unwarranted guilt tripping is wrong. I am really curious what kinda stuff is written in that white fragility book.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Whites are by no means the only group which spreads racism. They're probably among the worst, but they're not the only ones.Trump's ban on this theory is for the American federal government, and in America, I think it's safe to say that whites are dominant. Their ideology is dominant, their demographics are dominant, their interests are dominant. I'm not saying that's how it should be, only that that's how it is.When I say that we need to treat white people about their racial privilege, it's because whites in America have historically held advantages that they didn't earn, advantages other races often don't have, or don't have to the same extent. This doesn't make it something to feel horribly guilty about (it's not my fault, for instance, that I don't get racially profiled, I shouldn't apologize for that), but it does mean that when I hear of a person with a different ethnic background talking about the bad experiences they've had, I would do well to listen, not speak. It doesn't matter that I've never been profiled; of course I haven't, because I'm white.Whites in the west have historically dictated the narrative. Racism is not a big deal anymore because we say it isn't. Outrage from people of colour is going too far, because we say so, damn it. And on, and on. The sort of training Trump has put a stop to has been a huge tool in getting people to become more racially conscious.The point here is that while racism happens with other demographics, by and large it appears to be something visited upon non-whites by whites. To remove training to make said white folks more aware of their cultural impact is just another form of apologism. It says, "No, of course you're not racist. Just claim that you mean well, even while you continue to make laws that indirectly target black people, or continue to misrepresent blacks in the penal system, or continue to persecute Japanese-Americans for the supposed sins of their grandfathers. It's okay; you're a good Christian American, you can't possibly be racist".The fact is, there are a lot of busted systems in America, and one of the reasons (not the only one, by any means) that they're busted is systemic racism. The sooner we unwind that particular taint from the systems we rely on, the better off everyone will be. And you simply can't do that without accepting, all the way down, the complicitude of most whites in a system which supports them over others. I guess you could put it this way. What Trump has done is, in essence, to say that we don't really have to rebuild the foundation of a building that is still creaking and groaning and shifting under its own weight. You don't make that building stronger by making it taller; you make it stronger by fixing whatever is making it unstable. Banning this training is tantamount to saying that the building is as steady as it needs to be, and also tantamount to saying that anyone with the ability to oversee construction who thinks they hear creaking and groaning from this building should really listen again, because those noises are fake news, not really happening. Surely, everything will be f---*crash*


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Lool. I told a bunch of people that ndia is right next to China and that ndians are Asiians and they attacked me for it. I brought up that point because they were makiing fun of my chinese friiend.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I just feel like there could be a more fruitful way to go about this, really. You say that it is usually  white that do these ignorant things, but I just don't buy it. When I was a kid, many Latino kids used to call me Chino, thereby coming to the conclusion based on my race that all Asians are Chinese, and thats simply not true, nor am I Chinese. My parents have long since soften their stance on this, but they used to assume all affrican Americans were druggie and gang bangers because of hip-hop in the 90s media. I'm just 1 Asian dude in a sea of many races, so you can be certain that there are plenty more stories like mine. Example, people in general assume that Indians and asians are different, but India is on the continent of Asia, therefore, they are Asians too.Realistically, the melting pot is becoming diluted as more non-white people immigrate to the states. Thus, to tacle the issue, we need to educate more than just a single race on the cultures and religions of the races of those around them. I might be misunderstanding your statements, but it feels like you're saying that whites are the dominant race around the world, and thats simply not true. Maybe they are in america, but in time that won't be the case anymore as non-white Americans immigrate and are born into the country, and crytical rave theory will be rendered obsolete and only serve to generate bitterness among the races.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I just feel like there could be a more fruitful way to go about this, really. You say that it is almost always white that do these ignorant things, but I just don't buy it. When I was a kid, many Latino kids used to call me Chino, thereby coming to the conclusion based on my race that all Asians are Chinese, and thats simply not true, nor am I Chinese. My parents have long since soften their stance on this, but they used to assume all affrican Americans were druggie and gang bangers because of hip-hop in the 90s media. I'm just 1 Asian dude in a sea of many races, so you can be certain that there are plenty more stories like mine. Example, people in general assume that Indians and asians are different, but India is on the continent of Asia, therefore, they are Asians too.Realistically, the melting pot is becoming diluted as more non-white people immigrate to the states. Thus, to tacle the issue, we need to educate more than just a single race on the cultures and religions of the races of those around them. I might be misunderstanding your statements, but it feels like you're saying that whites are the dominant race around the world, and thats simply not true. Maybe they are in america, but in time that won't be the case anymore as non-white Americans immigrate and are born into the country, and crytical rave theory will be rendered obsolete and only serve to generate bitterness among the races.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Okay. In science, a theory is something that looks true but which may not be provable 100% of the time. That is the difference between a theory and a law.In social science, a theory is a body of thought supported by evidence. There is no need to prove it absolutely. This is why there is so-called gender theory, feminist theory, anti-oppressive theory, systems theory, etc. It basically approaches an issue, or more than one issue, from a particular point of view.Critical race theory suggests that some of the cause of systemic racism - which still exists, I think we can all agree with that - is down to things like unintentional racism and white privilege. Letting folks off the hook from that means they don't have to think nearly so critically about the racial impact of their actions.I'll give a really simple but illustrative example.An educator made a rule that their students over Zoom had to wear shoes while attending online class, even if they were in their own homes. Now, for many of us, this might be mildly annoying, but is ultimately no big deal. However, there are cultural taboos against wearing shoes in a household, which were not even considered when this rule was made. Now obviously, these educators aren't raginc racists with no shred of morality for doing this, but ignorance is clearly in evidence here. Why, exactly, do students have to wear shoes while on Zoom in the first place, particularly in their own home? Why is there a need to put that standard forward in the first place? As such, it's needless, and it shuts out the experience of other people, mostly non-whites.And little things like this happen every day, all over the world. And it's usually (not always, but usually) whites doing it to non-whites.Again, it doesn't make these people awful or horrendous. It doesn't mean they're bad people. At worst, it just means that they take their own cultural norms so much for granted that they do not consider the perspectives of others.Taking critical race theory-based training out of the federal government is irresponsible because it simply takes this part of the analysis off the table. And as I said before, it can't be framed as a savings to taxpayers because Trump has lost billions alone in his own pursuits, and has already spent millions of taxpayer dollars playing golf. Funnily enough, it's one of the things folks criticized Obama for, but Trump has done it far more, and at far greater expense.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Seems though that this is built upon an assumption, not a fact, hence why it is called a theory. If ylmou want to make assumptions like that, you have to do it accross the board. This ties hack to what I said earlier about everyone being a liar. Everyone, knowingly or not has probably said or done some racist thing. If we want to address this issue, we have to work cooperatively, not segregate, and not just among a single group of individuals.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Because it isn't a stupid waste of taxpayer money. Most folks who think it is have no concept of the impact of systemic racism.Basically, this ban does one thing, and one only. It lets people in power off the hook.White privilege is real. Racism, even unintentional racism, is real. I have tons of patience for someone who says or does racist things with no true intent to hurt someone - I've done it myself, and will probably do it again in a moment of lowered caution - but I have none for the people who want to just go on doing the same stupid shit they've always been doing, with little care of who they hurt.You can be racist by accident. It's different than being racist on purpose.You can have white privilege without it being your fault.Training which teaches you about these things, and how to hurt people less with them, is, in my opinion, a huge part of undoing all the harm we've done.I find it ironic that a man who has literally spent millions on golf, at the taxpayer's expense, is banning racial sensitivity training because it's a waste of taxpayer money. Sorry. It doesn't fly.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Some of you may find this video on the banning of government training in critical race theory informativeSince we are on the subject of politics, and people are looking for good discussion points,, the individual behind this video seems to be quite happy about the removal of critical race theory, so why should I be against the victory of this seemingly stupid waste of taxpayer money?


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Some of you may find this video on the banning of government training in critical race theory informativeSince we are on the subject of politics, and peoplw are looking for good discussioj points,, the individual behind this video seems to be quite happy about the removal of critical race theory, so why should I be against the victory of this seemingly stupid waste of taxpayer money?


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Some of you may find this video on the banning of government training in critical race theory informativeSince we are on the subject of politics, and the individual behind this video seems to be quite happy about the removal of critical race theory, why should I be against the victory of this seemingly stupid waste of taxpayer money?


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

At this point, I'm starting to suspect trolling. Him and Mario both. They just...sorta say stuff and expect it to stick, and to my shame I've taken the bait at least once.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Munawar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Great discussion until kjsisco comes in here now and then and posts one-liner comments. Anyone else getting annoyed by this? Come on man, you're killing it by doing that. I'd like to see meaningful contributions from you if that's possible.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

To be fare, trump is not alt right.  Not even close.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@107I mean, sometimes I just check in and read your posts to see if the rest of the discussion is something worth engaging with or not. I'm not talking about you in this instance.  In general i see a lot of facts from our side of the political spectrum around here, and a lot of "I disbelieve everything you're saying because tiny newspaper said something different, and this rests the case forever" from the other side.  I actually have a conservative friend who makes good,coherent arguments, and even agree with some of the conservative points on healthcare not really being solvable by just mandating that poof now there is a single-payer healthcare system overnight.  And I don't like Biden, either.  But all of that came from well-constructed arguments and things.It's like the stereotype of the right is "I've made it about feelings, now we can ignore those feelings and the problem is solved".  I saw someone propose that the modern world doesn't believe in the world as a physical thing with actual facts anymore, and I kind of laughed at the time, and of course everyone is going to say "but of course the world is real and facts exist".  But I've spent a few months since then watching, and they kind of had a point--everyone on the right and quite a few people on the left don't seem to get that there's anything so concrete as physics or biology or anything like that underneath the things they want to do, or honestly even particularly people, either.  It started at climate change isn't real even though California is burning, the Coronavirus isn't real even though people are dropping dead in droves, and nowadays with the police stuff no one actually addresses the part where kids got shot because we can just argue little inconvenient things like facts out of the way and have a giant shouting match and not, like, ever do anything about any of it.It's like sympathetic magic.  Except sympathetic magic doesn't work and somehow everyone has forgotten that, or something.  We do a big ritual to link insert-the-problem to feeling angry about things, figure out how to direct the discourse into a brick wall until it all goes away, and then say that means the problem is solved because we got the conversation to stop.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I'm trying, Canlorn, I really am. I've been trying for it since the start. The good arguments for being conservative are out there, and I'd engage them fairly if they showed up, but they don't.Ironcross, Biden has not been forced to take up his position. He could have said no, or could have been declared unfit. The reason he hasn't done either is because he and those who support him think he's fit. As I said, listen to his acceptance speech. Take a bigger picture than the one your party is feeding you. Yes, he's had some troubling things happen, so I'm not saying he's this amazing candidate who does everything right. But he's not this bumbling idiot who can't string together twelve words, either.Also? You kind of torched your political chops with me by saying that you'd rather be maimed and murdered than vote democrat. This is presumably true even if they put forward a really good candidate?If the republicans had put forward a candidate who acknowledged that Trump mismanaged a bunch of stuff and promised to do better, if the republicans put forward a candidate who was more center-right than alt-right, I would be nowhere near so vehemently against them. No, I wouldn't support them, but I wouldn't be doing this whole "vote blue, no matter what you do" thing. It's not republicans on their own that I can't stand. It's alt-right ideology, and those who use it to hurt everyone else. That happens to include Trump. That's all.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

It is actually about the politics though.  Those of us who go there go there because that's the root cause.  In my opinion it's also about the, it's not quite a generational gap because it's not generations exactly.  But the before-internet people who still live in a world where globalization is this hypothetical thing from a school textbook and we should all be good patriotic citizens of insert-the-country, and those of us who came  after where we have friends and we don't even know their real names or their countries and we just grew up that way.  For the former group it's very easy to say "There were extenuating circumstances" and "The other place that does it better has a catch" and to just generally have this idea that where you are now is amazing because it's where you are now and you're a good American citizen who believes in America without ever looking around and having to ask yourself if we are doing so great.That'd have come out as something purely generational, but that sort of penetration of the internet happened kind of slowly, so it's skewed--but if you talk to someone over 50 and someone under 20, you can see a very different sort of worldview around it.  it's hard to put into words well what I mean, but, something to the effect of the internet just being this cool toy that helps get work done, and the internet being a thing that's real with real emotions and consequences and things behind it that you can always just reach for to know anything you want at any time.Like, the internet did a lot of bad.  It's doing more bad by the day.  But at least cops can't get away with shooting a kid anymore even if the law is on their side still, and you can't easily shut down things like "wait Trump lost by millions of votes, why is he president", and stuff like that.  If you want to know why young people tend to be liberal, look no further than being able to always know about the places that have done it better by getting their sticks out of their butts, if not always then at least for the issue at hand, and having this knowledge without even asking for it for more than half a second.  And if you want to know why we're passionate, why it's always about politics with us: the world we got handed is shit and no one in power actually listens to us because it's about the majority, and the majority are white guys who got their house and their car and whatever 15 or 20 years ago when that was still possible, who can just go inside and close the door and pretend everything is great as cops shoot kids and the economy melts down and the pandemic just comes rampaging through.  And they'll be dead by the time climate change and the like actually come home to roost, as well.Politics doesn't mean what it used to mean.  I'd be happy to be like "yeah it's a shame we went to the political bits" but we literally have towns burning down because politics now, sadly making "the world is on fire" a statement that you probably have to be careful about using.and: what makes me sad about this thread, and about this site in general is this.  There are actually good arguments for being conservative.  I don't agree with them, but they're out there, and they can be engaged with, they've even got evidence on their side.  Those of us who are liberal to one extent or another can offer arguments with chains of reasoning and such.  But the representation of the conservative side here is: Biden is unfit, nevermind a president who lies to us and just mismanaged a global crisis; all the sources of actual evidence out there are "lamestream" and can't be trusted;  "Look at all the things the last liberal president did"; and, sometimes, it's almost literally "I believe what I want because I want to believe it, nevermind anything you might say".The U.S. has been doing a hell of a job over the last 30 years becoming hated by the entire world: we have, for example, toppled multiple democracies and are directly responsible for the instability in the middle east (yes, before 9/11).  But we have been cratering any goodwill the rest of the world had toward us really fast over the last 4 years, and we're literally on the verge of being alone during an incredibly mismanaged pandemic with an economy that's shot to hell, and you can actually point at a very small number of specific people and say "it's their fault, also they only got to be in power because of very arcane U.S. election mechanisms that let them win even though they lost".  And it is, it's not even debatable.  And we still end at "But Obama sucked, end of argument", or "Biden sucks, end of argument", or "This is how I feel so fuck you all, end of argument", and this stance that those of us who are in the position to have a lot to lose should always just accept that as an argument for Trump-style politics to keep rolling over everyone.

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

But it is a topic that's on people's minds right now.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Nope, not since like, post 10 or so, but in all reality, that's the whole point.  As soon as something like this comes along, it's automatically to the political pits we go.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Wait what part does Jesus have to do with any of this? This topic just went way, way off course. I don't think anyone remembers the original issue at hand anymor!


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lindworm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I'll just leave an old quote from Donald Trump here:"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us".


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@86 you must be crazy. Go ask anyone in the second or 3RD world what they think about America and their actions. Even under Trump. Hell. Recently there was controvercy over America wanting to Sanction Trinidad because if Iranian Ships heading for Venezuela, which is 11 Kilometres SW of us, pass too close to our shores, They'll view us as allowing them to go near Venezuela, Thus violating some treaty. There was also another controvercy where Trinidad sold oil to a company in Aruba which then sold it to Venezuela.  So, basically, if push came to shove, they'd have had the power to cu off our food supply, and fuck our economy since the US is our largest trade partner. You know its actions like that is why the 3rd World moves toward China and so on. Because if they claim to be the protectors of the world why the fuck would you want to fuck over our economy, fuck over our food supply? I can also point to many situations in the 3rd world that was either caused by, or heated up by America. Even under Trump. Venezuela is one for example.  Jesus christ. Also, selling supplies to foreign countries wasn't unique to Obama. May I remind you that the reason that ran became an Islamic dictatorship is because of America? So, before you go casting dirt on Obama only look at the actions that happened long, long, lng before Obama came.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Are we looking past the part where the dems wanna put up Biden, which IMO is elder abuse. The guy makes no sense. Not as in, I don't like what he says, but more as, I don't understand what the hell he's talking about. That'll be my grandma in another couple years. Would it be right of me to put her out in a public facing thing? I don't see how he isn't declared unfit.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Everyone lies, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Everyone gets sick, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Everyone has issues, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. No one is perfect, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

So, that's a problem too.Go listen to Joe Biden's acceptance speech from less than a month ago. Guy sounds pretty coherent to me. Boring, sure, but coherent. He may be suffering some cognitive decline - who isn't by his age? - but let's not characterize him primarily as a fool who walks into walls. Unless, of course, you want me to characterize Trump as the guy who has lied over eighteen thousand times.Oh, wait a sec.My point is, you're trying to represent Biden by his worst characteristics, but you're not willing to do the same of Trump. You'd rather have this supposedly non-housetrained dog over a "bumbling fool". I dunno, this dog has had seventy-odd years to clean up his act, and four in office, and he's only getting worse. From a medical point of view, BTW, there's every indication that Trump may have been suffering from mini-strokes. Look at the way he drags his right leg and sometimes leans on the podium while speaking, and the way he doesn't use his right arm the way he used to. Combine that with increasingly slurred speech, increasingly paranoid and delusional rantings, and it sounds like Biden isn't the only one with issues. Let's not pretend he is.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

And Trump isn't a bumbling fool?


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I didn't like Trump in the 90's and I still don't like him.  I do feel he may have some psychological issues but I don't think he's really evil.  That's a word people toss around like it doesn't mean anything.  He's not a wild junkyard dog but perhaps a dog that hasn't been house trained yet.  However, I'd rather him then someone who doesn't even know where he is and who walks into walls.  I will pick the ass hole over the bumbling fool.  We don't have a choice, folks!


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I wish I could say the same. I wish I could say that I respect all opinions as long as they come from good intentions.But at this point, I cannot understand anyone voting for Trump claiming good intentions. It's like setting said pitbull loose among a bunch of innocents after watching it bite people. Plausible deniability is just flat-out gone. Yes, I respect your right to choose, but I feel I have the right to condemn your choice if I believe it's wrong.Also, that whole bit about Obama supposedly funding countries that are a threat to America? Even if he did this - which I'm actually not sure of - this isn't related to only Obama. America has been doing this for a long time now. Obama wasn't the first, and he won't be the last. This is a long-standing problem.Also just learned, BTW, that Trump's administration is trying to cook the books on the coronavirus, trying to demand that the CDC soften some of its reports and obscure some of the data it has gathered because Trump is feeling personally attacked.The only reason I brought this into a discussion of where people fall on the political spectrum is because, by and large, I feel that those making apologies for the cop's behaviour are often right of center, and that it indicates a larger systemic problem. That was my in-road at first.And, after chewing on this, there's one other thing I want to say.Ignatriay, you make the argument that if Trump was really that bad, no one would have let him become president. The fact is, that's just not true. Look at Richard Nixon as one other example of this. That man resigned before he could be impeached. We simply can't know just how fundamentally awful someone is going to be before we give them a chance. Trump was someone I knew would be a trainwreck, but nobody knew just how bad it would get. Also, Trump's campaign spent a lot of time playing up some questionable things Hillary Clinton said and did, in an attempt to discredit her to the average American voter. In light of that, people ignored all the awful stuff Trump had already done, and voted him in anyway because he said stuff that pandered to American pride, bigotry and self-importance. But now he's had four years to fuck up the country. There's no excuse anymore.What I'm trying to say is that you can't claim he's not all that bad just because they gave him a chance to be president. That's not actually how reality works. Some people are given a chance and run with it. Others ruin everything they touch. Guess where Mr. Orange falls?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I wish I could say the same. I wish I could say that I respect all opinions as long as they come from good intentions.But at this point, I cannot understand anyone voting for Trump claiming good intentions. It's like setting said pitbull loose among a bunch of innocents after watching it bite people. Plausible deniability is just flat-out gone. Yes, I respect your right to choose, but I feel I have the right to condemn your choice if I believe it's wrong.Also, that whole bit about Obama supposedly funding countries that are a threat to America? Even if he did this - which I'm actually not sure of - this isn't related to only Obama. America has been doing this for a long time now. Obama wasn't the first, and he won't be the last. This is a long-standing problem.Also just learned, BTW, that Trump's administration is trying to cook the books on the coronavirus, trying to demand that the CDC soften some of its reports and obscure some of the data it has gathered because Trump is feeling personally attacked.The only reason I brought this into a discussion of where people fall on the political spectrum is because, by and large, I feel that those making apologies for the cop's behaviour are often right of center, and that it indicates a larger systemic problem. That was my in-road at first.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this 90 lol, you're funny now. You state something, but when someone asks of facts, suddenly you hide behind the fact that you only give opinions and don't back them up with facts. So, don't ask to be taken serious here.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Let me just conclude on the whole political issue by saying that if you are sincerely concerned by the state of things in our country, then register and vote, otherwise you're just being a back seat driver by attempting to sway people and have no real say in the matter. Additionally, remember, also, that you are voting on things concerning your own state, county and city, so as a resident of yoir area, your vote is important to the way things turn out there. I may not agree with everyone and everything that's been said here thus far, but I am 100 percent behind people exercising their rite to vote informatively, and responsibly, and i hold no judgment over you so long as your balid is cast with good intention. Remember that the United States of America belong to the people as we are not a dictatorship country, so vote with pride, and don't be ashamed one way or another if your hearts intentions are pure.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@88, trump won because of the electoral college and because Russians interfered with the voting process here (or so the story goes). Had that not happened, Hillary would be in office.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Thank you @88. Thats exactly why I stopped posting. To further prove your point, netflix recently released a movie that almost everyone agrees went too far in trying to demonstrate child exploitation by exploiting children themselves, regardless of what those people call themselves. But the people defending the movie just had to drag politics into the argument saying that o its just the far right conservative that feel this way and that everyone should just watch it.  Sorry but if you are going to try to commercialize disgusting, abnormal behavior  I don't want anything to do with it, and it has nothing to do with weather I'm a republican or Democrat. In the Sammie way, what this cop rid was inexcusable, and it has nothing to do with weather I'm a republican or Democrat.To the topic at hand we were always taught to let people make their own decission and not try to sway them one way or another, but that they should always make an informed decission, based on what information they can gather. The rite to vote is a privilege granted to all united states citizens, that some people around the world would kill for. Don't ever let someone else interfeer with, and decide how you should vote, as it is your rite, but by the same token, you have a responsibility to gather the facts and make an informed decision. For my part, I'm not going to say, who or why, because what I say may influence someone to cast a vote that brings everything to hell, and i just can't live with that responsibility. I will say, though, that this is an internal affair, and however you vote, and whoever you vote for, don't vote blindly.Remember, this topic is about police shooting a kid, not about where you fall on the political spectrum.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Here is one point no one has brought up though. I'm neutral  in this whole trump versus biden debate, so I'll be going back and forth  from those against trump to those in favor. For those against trump, If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all? I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take  his history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will; or might;  happen again in these elections;  popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.Way I look at it to put it as a analogy. Switching to the side of those against trump with this,You have a pitbool who you know is aggressive. Having the knowledge of said pitbull beeing aggressive or having the tendency to be aggressive, would you release or take the animal into a place with, say, children, and when the dog eventually attacks someone... You will say what. You knew said pitbull had aggressive tendencies, so then why in the heck did you brought it into a place where someone could have very well gotten injured or killed?Picture trump as the pitbull, and the people as the owner of the pitbull. That's where i'm getting at with my first paragraph of this post. If people knew that trump wouldn't be a good choice,  in said case, he wouldn't have been allowed to run for president in the first place, if people say he is this bad. If you had said knowledge he was like this, you wouldn't have allow him to run for president in the first place, at least if you claim he is this evil and unsuited for the presidency as you say he is.Once again going to the other side of the coin, for those pro trump,The people who are for trump have said the echonomy is better than it was before at least, or is improving at least. Is this true, and how was it better than say, when obama was president, or others before trump? Again, i'm asking this as i'm not living in the U.S.Moving on though, we don't know who will win, so until then all this is shitslinging from one side to the other trying to prove that one side is right, and how the other one isn't, and in my opinion its just causing people to get riled up, and the truth is, you guys can all argue until all of you are blue in the face, but chances are your not going to change anyone's mind with this. That beeing said, in  the end, this is something the US citizens have to vote on, not us, the outsiders. Wether your for or against trump, if your not a citizen of the U.S, you cannot vote anyhow, this is beyond your control. As much as some of you might want trump to win or lose, its not your matter to decide, as much as you might wish it were. In the end, only the U.S people can decide here, what the outsiders, yes, including myself in this group as i'm not a U.S citizen, all we can do is speculate and give our point, but we cannot in anyway, vote or affect this in any way, so yeah. To put another analogy,You have a friend who is going to have a baby and for x or y reason, she decides to abort it. While you might be against this, and you can try your damndest to convince her to keep the baby, or not abort it; that's all you can do; give your opinion, or your, say, in the matter. Whether said friend takes your

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Here is one point no one has brought up though. I'm neutral  in this whole trump versus biden debate, so I'll be going back and forth  from those against trump to those in favor. For those against trump, If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all? I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take  his history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will; or might;  happen again in these elections;  popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.Way I look at it to put it as a analogy. Switching to the side of those against trump with this,You have a pitbool who you know is aggressive. Having the knowledge of said pitbull beeing aggressive or having the tendency to be aggressive, would you release or take the animal into a place with, say, children, and when the dog eventually attacks someone... You will say what. You knew said pitbull had aggressive tendencies, so then why in the heck did you brought it into a place where someone could have very well gotten injured or killed?Picture trump as the pitbull, and the people as the owner of the pitbull. That's where i'm getting at with my first paragraph of this post. If people knew that trump wouldn't be a good choice,  in said case, he wouldn't have been allowed to run for president in the first place, if people say he is this bad. If you had said knowledge he was like this, you wouldn't have allow him to run for president in the first place, at least if you claim he is this evil and unsuited for the presidency as you say he is.Once again going to the other side of the coin, for those pro trump,The people who are for trump have said the echonomy is better than it was before at least, or is improving at least. Is this true, and how was it better than say, when obama was president, or others before trump? Again, i'm asking this as i'm not living in the U.S.Moving on though, we don't know who will win, so until then all this is shitslinging from one side to the other trying to prove that one side is right, and how the other one isn't, and in my opinion its just causing people to get riled up, and the truth is, you guys can all argue until all of you are blue in the face, but chances are your not going to change anyone's mind with this. That beeing said, in  the end, this is something the US citizens have to vote on, not us, the outsiders. Wether your for or against trump, if your not a citizen of the U.S, you cannot vote anyhow, this is beyond your control. As much as some of you might want trump to win or lose, its not your matter to decide, as much as you might wish it were. In the end, only the U.S people can decide here, what the outsiders, yes, including myself in this group as i'm not a U.S citizen, all we can do is speculate and give our point, but we cannot in anyway, vote or affect this in any way, so yeah. To put another analogy,You have a friend who is going to have a baby and for x or y reason, she decides to abort it. While you might be against this, and you can try your damndest to convince her to keep the baby, or not abort it; that's all you can do; give your opinion, or your, say, in the matter. Whether said friend takes your

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

hi. 87I don't discuss politics. I just give my opinion.if you don't agree with her, it's your right ...even if I discussed this debate with you, I couldn’t do it as I wanted to because I would have to expose names of people and countries, and that would make me feel bad about people other than Americans ...and this is not anyone's desire for this wonderful site and community of friends.but I can only give you a hint of what you ask me for:remember the dangerous and tragic agreements that obama made with some countries that were and still are enemies and real threats to america and the american people.obama gave these countries a lot of money from the american people in exchange for peace agreements that were never actually respected ...with the money that america gave to these countries, it only served to economically develop large-scale weapons and nuclear propulsion, and today america is an easy target for those same weapons created with the money of the american people.yes, because there was never any intention of these anti-american countries to become friends with the Americans or to live in peace with anything ... everything a great way just to deceive america and save time, money, and develop bombs and missiles to destroy America and threaten other cultures from nations in Europe and the world ...he should never have done it ...that's why I said that obama almost destroyed we have a giant that wants to swallow us all and everything that is against them ...a real threat to america and the world ...and guess who gave them their hand to help them invade the world?right, your friend obama ...and today Trump is fighting to free America and the world from the clutches of the monster because of Obama's political childishness.President Trump in a very short time has given back the economy to America that they no longer had and is gradually making America great again.just have to give him time, because he cannot do everything at the same time ...and don't be sad, because your great concern for your health and that of the Americans will be returned to you free of charge when the economy gets even stronger President Trump will give you this great news.I would have a lot more to tell you, but as I told you before, I can't do it because I don't want to hurt on the audio games site.and above all because I respect you.but I hope that you will also respect me and whoever is not of your political opinion. long live Donald Trum, and god bless america.cheers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Here is one point no one has brought up though. I'm neutral  in this whole trump versus biden debate, so I'll be going back and forth  from those against trump to those in favor. For those against trump, If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all? I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take  his history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will; or might;  happen again in these elections;  popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.Way I look at it to put it as a analogy. Switching to the side of those against trump with this,You have a pitbool who you know is aggressive. Having the knowledge of said pitbull beeing aggressive or having the tendency to be aggressive, would you release or take the animal into a place with, say, children, and when the dog eventually attacks someone... You will say what. You knew said pitbull had aggressive tendencies, so then why in the heck did you brought it into a place where someone could have very well gotten injured or killed?Picture trump as the pitbull, and the people as the owner of the pitbull. That's where i'm getting at with my first paragraph of this post. If people knew that trump wouldn't be a good choice,  in said case, he wouldn't have been allowed to run for president in the first place, if people say he is this bad. If you had said knowledge he was like this, you wouldn't have allow him to run for president in the first place, at least if you claim he is this evil and unsuited for the presidency as you say he is.Once again going to the other side of the coin, for those pro trump,The people who are for trump have said the echonomy is better than it was before at least, or is improving at least. Is this true, and how was it better than say, when obama was president, or others before trump? Again, i'm asking this as i'm not living in the U.S.Moving on though, we don't know who will win, so until then all this is shitslinging from one side to the other trying to prove that one side is right, and how the other one isn't, and in my opinion its just causing people to get riled up, and the truth is, you guys can all argue until all of you are blue in the face, but chances are your not going to change anyone's mind with this. That beeing said, in  the end, this is something the US citizens have to vote on, not us, the outsiders. Wether your for or against trump, if your not a citizen of the U.S, you cannot vote anyhow, this is beyond your control. As much as some of you might want trump to win or lose, its not your matter to decide, as much as you might wish it were. In the end, only the U.S people can decide here, what the outsiders, yes, including myself in this group as i'm not a U.S citizen, all we can do is speculate and give our point, but we cannot in anyway, vote or affect this in any way, so yeah. To put another analogy,You have a friend who is going to have a baby and for x or y reason, she decides to abort it. While you might be against this, and you can try your damndest to convince her to keep the baby, or not abort it; that's all you can do; give your opinion, or your, say, in the matter. Whether said friend takes your

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Here is one point no one has brought up though. I'm neutral  in this whole trump versus biden debate, so I'll be going back and forth  from those against trump to those in favor. For those against trump, If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all? I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take  his history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will; or might;  happen again in these elections;  popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.Way I look at it to put it as a analogy. Switching to the side of those against trump with this,You have a pitbool who you know is aggressive. Having the knowledge of said pitbull beeing aggressive or having the tendency to be aggressive, would you release or take the animal into a place with, say, children, and when the dog eventually attacks someone... You will say what. You knew said pitbull had aggressive tendencies, so then why in the heck did you brought it into a place where someone could have very well gotten injured or killed?Picture trump as the pitbull, and the people as the owner of the pitbull. That's where i'm getting at with my first paragraph of this post. If people knew that trump wouldn't be a good choice,  in said case, he wouldn't have been allowed to run for president in the first place, if people say he is this bad. If you had said knowledge he was like this, you wouldn't have allow him to run for president in the first place, at least if you claim he is this evil and unsuited for the presidency as you say he is.Once again going to the other side of the coin, for those pro trump,The people who are for trump have said the echonomy is better than it was before at least, or is improving at least. Is this true, and how was it better than say, when obama was president, or others before trump? Again, i'm asking this as i'm not living in the U.S.Moving on though, we don't know who will win, so until then all this is shitslinging from one side to the other trying to prove that one side is right, and how the other one isn't, and in my opinion its just causing people to get riled up, when we don't even know what's going to happen and who might win.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Here is one point no one has brought up though. I'm nutral in this whole trump versus biden debate, so I'll be going from those against trump to those in favor. For those against trump, If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all? I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take  his history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will; or might;  happen again in these elections;  popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.Way I look at it to put it as a analogy. Switching to the side of those against trump with this,You have a pitbool who you know is aggressive. Having the knowledge of said pitbull beeing aggressive or having the tendency to be aggressive, would you release or take the animal into a place with, say, children, and when the dog eventually attacks someone... You will say what. You knew said pitbull had aggressive tendencies, so then why in the heck did you brought it into a place where someone could have very well gotten injured or killed?Picture trump as the pitbull, and the people as the owner of the pitbull. That's where i'm getting at with my first paragraph of this post. If people knew that trump wouldn't be a good choice,  in said case, he wouldn't have been allowed to run for president in the first place, if people say he is this bad. If you had said knowledge he was like this, you wouldn't have allow him to run for president in the first place, at least if you claim he is this evil and unsuited for the presidency as you say he is.Once again going to the other side of the coin, for those pro trump,The people who are for trump have said the echonomy is better than it was before at least, or is improving at least. Is this true, and how was it better than say, when obama was president, or others before trump? Again, i'm asking this as i'm not living in the U.S.Moving on though, we don't know who will win, so until then all this is shitslinging from one side to the other trying to prove that one side is right, and how the other one isn't, and in my opinion its just causing people to get riled up, when we don't even know what's going to happen and who might win.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Here is one point no one has brought up though,If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all? I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take  his history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will; or might;  happen again in these elections;  popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.Way I look at it to put it as a analogy. Switching to the side of those against trump with this,You have a pitbool who you know is aggressive. Having the knowledge of said pitbull beeing aggressive or having the tendency to be aggressive, would you release or take the animal into a place with, say, children, and when the dog eventually attacks someone... You will say what. You knew said pitbull had aggressive tendencies, so then why in the heck did you brought it into a place where someone could have very well gotten injured or killed?Picture trump as the pitbull, and the people as the owner of the pitbull. That's where i'm getting at with my first paragraph of this post. If people knew that trump wouldn't be a good choice,  in said case, he wouldn't have been allowed to run for president in the first place, if people say he is this bad. If you had said knowledge he was like this, you wouldn't have allow him to run for president in the first place, at least if you claim he is this evil and unsuited for the presidency as you say he is.Once again going to the other side of the coin, for those pro trump,The people who are for trump have said the echonomy is better than it was before at least, or is improving at least. Is this true, and how was it better than say, when obama was president, or others before trump? Again, i'm asking this as i'm not living in the U.S.Moving on though, we don't know who will win, so until then all this is shitslinging from one side to the other trying to prove that one side is right, and how the other one isn't, and in my opinion its just causing people to get riled up, when we don't even know what's going to happen and who might win.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Here is one point no one has brought up though,If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all? I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take  his history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will; or might;  happen again in these elections;  popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.Way I look at it to put it as a analogy. Switching to the side of those against trump with this,You have a pitbool who you know is aggressive. Having the knowledge of said pitbull beeing aggressive or having the tendency to be aggressive, would you release or take the animal into a place with, say, children, and when the dog eventually attacks someone... You will say what. You knew said pitbull had aggressive tendencies, so then why in the heck did you brought it into a place where someone could have very well gotten injured or killed?Picture trump as the pitbull, and the people as the owner of the pitbull. That's where i'm getting at with my first paragraph of this post. If people knew that trump wouldn't be a good choice,  in said case, he wouldn't have been allowed to run for president in the first place, if people say he is this bad. If you had said knowledge he was like this, you wouldn't have allow him to run for president in the first place...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Here is one point no one has brought up though,If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all? I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take  his history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will; or might;  happen again in these elections;  popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.Way I look at it to put it as a analogy,You have a pitbool who you know is aggressive. Having the knowledge of said pitbull beeing aggressive or having the tendency to be aggressive, would you release or take the animal into a place with, say, children, and when the dog eventually attacks someone... You will say what. You knew said pitbull had aggressive tendencies, so then why in the heck did you brought it into a place where someone could have very well gotten injured or killed?Picture trump as the pitbull, and the people as the owner of the pitbull. That's where i'm getting at with my first paragraph of this post. If people knew that trump wouldn't be a good choice,  in said case, he wouldn't have been allowed to run for president in the first place, if people say he is this bad. If you had said knowledge he was like this, you wouldn't have allow him to run for president in the first place...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : electro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Ah reallyy? Well for me not, since he doesn't support any democratic attempt to ... ummm... survive? 3 or so months ago someone told me that a rapper was running for president. Kanye west isn't him?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Here is one point no one has brought up though,If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all? I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will happen here; popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.Way I look at it to put it as a analogy,You have a pitbool who you know is aggressive. Having the knowledge of said pitbull beeing aggressive or having the tendency to be aggressive, would you release or take the animal into a place with, say, children, and when the dog eventually attacks someone... You will say what. You knew said pitbull had aggressive tendencies, so then why in the heck did you brought it into a place where someone could have very well gotten injured or killed?Picture trump as the pitbull, and the people as the owner of the pitbull. That's where i'm getting at with my first paragraph of this post. If people knew that trump wouldn't be a good choice,  in said case, he wouldn't have been allowed to run for president in the first place, if people say he is this bad. If you had said knowledge he was like this, you wouldn't have allow him to run for president in the first place...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Here is one point no one has brought up though,If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all? I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will happen here; popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.Way I look at it to put it as a analogy,You have a pitbool who you know is aggressive. Having the knowledge of said pitbull beeing aggressive or having the tendency to be aggressive, would you release or take the animal into a place with, say, children, and when the dog eventually attacks someone... You will say what. You knew said pitbull had aggressive tendencies, so then why in the heck did you brought it into a place where someone could have very well gotten injured or killed?Picture trump as the pitbull, and the people as the owner of the pitbull. That's where i'm getting at with my first paragraph of this post.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Here is one point no one has brought up though,If the indications when trump was not the president was anything to go by; and a clear picture of trump was starting to form back then; then why did people vote for him in the first place, when already knowing, or seeing; how he was beforehand? In that sence, you've made your bed, and must now lie in it, however harsh this might sound. My point is, from  his passed actions, to those saying trump is evil; and yes, i'm neutral anyway since i'm not american; but to those saying trump is evil; his behavior would have been visible long before he took the presidency. Or, was it once he took power, that he showed his true colors? To be frank here; I doubt it. His nature would have been visible to people  before he took the presidency. Therefore, if you already felt or knew, that he wouldn't be a good choice... why vote for him at all? I recognize that, far as I know, hilary had one the popular vote, and yet trump was elected. What one should be wundering therefore is why? Why despite hilary apparently winning the popular vote, did trump still win, especially if one where to take history into account. The thing is, something deeper is going on, as one would see by the 2016 elections results. I mean, by looking at trump's history, it should have been obvious that he wasn't a good choice; and yet. He. Got. Chosen, previous history be damned. One must ask himself, why? If the 2016 elections are anything to go by here; the same thing that happened in that election; will happen here; popular vote will be ignored or bypassed, and... same result as last time. Again, i'm nutral, as I said, however, i'm surprised no one has stopped and thought of this. knowing this man's history... it should have been obvious he wasn't a good choice.That was for the ones saying trump is bad, evil, whatever you might call it. However on the other hand,Some people are saying that the echonomy has been better under trump. Is it true? Fuck if I know; as I don't live there. That, however, is the other side of the coin, as it stands.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Hey, Mario? Just want to ask a question here. I won't bother demolishing what you just said in your last post because I think it speaks for itself, but, uh, how exactly did Obama nearly destroy America? Facts, please. Not opinions. Facts. Because to my way of seeing it - and in the opinions of a whole lot of Americans, I might add - Obama had one of the better tenures of a president in the last...well, in the last while, let's just put it loosely. George W. Bush got America neck-deep into the so-called "war on terror", and look how many people died; he was also pretty infamous for the whole waterboarding thing. Bill Clinton wasn't awful, but he kind of had that whole attempted impeachment thing to deal with after the intern. George H.W. Bush had some problems in the middle east as well. Obama, by contrast, didn't actually wreck anything, and his medical-insurance reforms made health care far more affordable for most Americans. No, he wasn't perfect, but that was a dude that I, even as a Canadian, could be proud of.So that's my question. Factually speaking, how did Obama nearly destroy America?Please remember that the moon isn't made of chocolate, and the ocean isn't full of grape juice. You can't just make sweeping statements and expect them to stand. Your opinion isn't valid just because you voiced it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

biden, it's just a clown puppet from the democratic circus!obama democracy almost destroyed america ...and now with  the democracy of the puppet biden, would kill her forever ...with democracy america dies at the feet of its communist and terrorist executioners and everyone else who hates america ...with the republic and president Donald Trump america and the americans, europe and the world, we will all be united, strong, with an alliance of nations against the communist invasion and the terrorism of evil ...I lived my childhood and my adult age as I still live today, always happy with the protection of America and I never felt oppressed or invaded.I know that America is not perfect, but I prefer to be dominated 1000 times by its strength and power than any other nation ...we still owe a lot to america and the americans who fight and died in the second world war to save us and free everyone from the evil nazi. ...i love america and i just wish america  always be strong to remain the best police in the world.long live Republicans and Donald Trump.god bless america and americans.america i love you.cheers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

And that's your right, but when the choice is Trump or Biden, fearing for both candidates is a lot like saying you're equally afraid of tidal waves and lawn sprinklers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I'll just say that no matter who gets in I really fear for the future.  I can't help it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Nah, she's really not. She's more left than Biden, but not by much. Trust me; Harris is nowhere near as far left as someone like Bernie Sanders.Harris has been historically tough on crime (drug offenses especially) but also huge on making the criminal system more consistent. She's made mistakes, but most of the ones I've seen from her aren't awful. Most of the social reforms she's suggested simply make pre-existing systems better and less biased in favour of whites.Also? She's a freaking lawyer. Actually knows how to have a discussion (I've listened to her speak), and knows how to answer questions factually. When the VP debates happen, Pence is going to get wrecked.I think this actually made an excellent choice as Biden's second, and I'm actually more comfy with Harris as the president over Biden anyway.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Biden is not a socialist but his pick for vice certainly is.  To quote a character in the book it, "I worry, I worry a lot."


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Nocturnis, the hell of it is that democrats are basically liberals at this point (i.e.., slightly to the left of center). Biden isn't a socialist, or even a democratic socialist. Now, if it was Trump vs. Sanders, I'd agree with you; that's what -I'd personally want, but baby steps, am I right? The point is, it's not actually one extreme against the other; that's just how it's being framed, and that's why I stand where I stand. This is also why I characterized the "dog" in the left-hand cage as largely unknown. I didn't say he was being super-friendly and licking people and wagging his tail; I put him in a box where it was hard to see what he was doing, because I do not believe that Trump and Biden represent polar opposites. I simply think Trump is on the far right, and Biden is slightly left of center. Trump wants people to think that if you vote blue, you're ushering in a dark age of dystopia. The inverse is true, however. If you re-elect Trump, you're supporting a dark age of further dictatorship, plus a doubling down on all the points I raised in a prior post.So this isn't about picking your extreme candidate and running with it. It's about stopping one extreme candidate from re-entering office.Also, legal precedent says that even if Trump is beaten and doesn't take it well, he can be removed - at gunpoint, if necessary - from the White House by mid-January at the latest.I find it interesting that during Trump's presidency, there have been six living presidents (now five) still alive (Trump himself, Carter, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama), and the only one of them - literally, the only president - who thinks that Trump is doing a good job is Trump himself. Every other person on that list of presidents has been strongly critical of Donald Trump. This is absolutely unprecedented in America, and I daresay has never happened before. Well...maybe it happened for Nixon, but you folks remember what happened to Nixon, don't you?


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

The thing is that in the middle of all of this polarization you have liberals, who no longer want to affiliate with the dems, and conservatives, who don't want to tag along with the repubs.  Both sides, however, have held onto either party for better or for worse for such a long time because both realize that the alternative is a voice that is silent, one that basically says nothing because both extremes are far too vocal in their battlefront.  How do you walk the balance when the two main leading partys draw further apart on everything that is everything as the days go by?  If you tip the scales one way, everything on the other end goes flying off, and that's just no way to live.And then, you have the media.  Either you're watching CNN which is mostly favorable to the democrats, or you're watching Fox news, which is mostly favorable toward republicans.  Everyone else falls somewhere in between those two lines.  The agendas are there and what people want to do with money, ratings, airtime, advertising and any other resources available.  Meanwhile, the two huge juggernauts continue to run at each other, gathering speed and force along the way for the inevitable clash.  Yes it's coming; civil war as far as I'm concerned, is inevitable.  To what degree, I do not know, but I hardly doubt Trump will let go of the office even if Biden is declared winner, and that is bound to spark some sort of backlash.  ON the other hand, if Trump is declared winner, I doubt the dems will take it lying down.the story repeats itself; those who fought the civil war of 1861 would have told you that slavery was the issue being contested.  The sad thing is that while the parties were split between Union and confederate, between north and south, both were guilty of slavery.  The difference was in how they did it.  the south, supposedly the more evil of the two, forced people of color to work out on the fields.  The north, meanwhile, forced slave labor in factories under harsh conditions.  In the end, minorities didn't really end up all that much better for it, and if you have any reason to believe they did, you're sadly mistaken.  That is what much of this is about.  As long as these two parties are given the power they've been allowed to experience for as long as they have, this cannot end well.  I think the first time I truly saw it in action was during the government shutdown of 2013, where it was clear that neither party truly wanted to give one way or the other.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Oh yes,The Healthcare point hits me home. I've seen foreigners traveling to my country for just getting medical treatment, simply because it's too expensive in their own country. It's known as medical tourism. I luckily have free quality healthcare for my entire life, and thankfully my parents too, but not my siblings, and yes, majority of us don't have free healthcare. Thankfully, some of the government hospitals will treat you at subsidised rates, but the quality is not that good, so even that could be a path to death. If you are one of the 1%, or 10%, then you will be  emptying your bank account really fast if you fall ill. And most of us don't even buy health insurance, so, guess what, many die from curable illnesses.This reminds me of relative poverty and absolute poverty. Basically, even if a household is able to afford and fullfill it's basic needs and live comfortably, the policy measures fail to take in to consideration the effects of a calamity, medical emergency, sudden needs arising out of educational pursuits of children, and whatever unforeseen sudden financial strains. These events will push the household in to absolute poverty, and it will strugle to meet even it's basic needs. So, do we give them just enough to survive, or we make them comfortable and assure support to them in case of difficulties. The basic question is, is bringing people out of poverty enough, will they be able to maintain that level of income after some period, will they be able to cope with sudden unforeseen challenges, because if they don't all that work of bringing them of poverty goes to the dustbin.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@77, thank you for that analogy. And yes, I fully agree with you -- I'm not going to say that your wrong or anything like that, or defend trump, because I don't believe he's a good person to run this country at all -- I never have, and his actions to date have only proven my point. I'll figure out what to do -- hopefully soon.


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Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Ethin, here's an analogy for you.Imagine, for a moment, that you're standing in front of two cages. The cage on the left is more like a steel box than a cage, with a little slot in its front big enough to stick your hand through. The cage on the right is wide open for the whole wide world to see. You know that in each cage is a dog; every few seconds, someone walks up beside you and reaches into one cage, or the other, or both, in order to try and pet one of the dogs.Lots of people have stuck their hand into the cage on the left, but nobody has been hurt yet. Occasionally you can hear scuffling sounds from inside, and it's hard to know exactly what's going on in there. The dog sounds big, but that's about all you know. A few people have gone away frightened, but unhurt.But the cage on the right is a different story. That dog is barking, snarling, slavering and snapping. It bites, or attempts to bite, almost everyone who tries to touch it, and it's drawn plenty of blood. You've been here for awhile, and this dog has, if anything, only gotten louder, angrier, more aggressive. It has showed no signs of calming down. Despite seeing this, people continue to put their hand through the bars of that cage.This perfectly encapsulates the "known quantity" argument where it concerns Trump. We know he's a rabid dog. If you know a dog will bite you, or try to, why in the blue fuck would you want to try and pet it?The dog on the left is the unknown quantity. Sure, you might be the unlucky one it decides to bite, but given that there isn't the same amount of raw bloodshed present in your time before the cages, it stands to reason that this dog, while not completely trustworthy, is far more trustworthy than the dog on the right.Translation: Biden is an unknown, but he doesn't have anywhere near the negativity Trump has. He isn't perfect, and he isn't a wonderful choice, but he destroys Mr. Orange in the area of morality and common decency. I am not flat convinced that he will do everything right, and that's okay. Because even if I was only 1% convinced that Biden would do well (and really, it's quite a bit higher than that), I'm 0% convinced that Trump will, which makes the choice an easy one.If this was a race between two lukewarm candidates, I'd agree with you. By all means, don't vote, don't bother. If neither side is all that dangerous, then what's the harm in not stopping one side or the other? But my argument is that Trump is so threatening and dangerous and divisive that he needs to be stopped. As I've said before, and will undoubtedly say again, I would exercise any legal means were I an American to vote for Biden purely to add my voice to the groundswell against Trump. It's not about endorsing Biden; it's about removing blabbermouth Don from office by the most expedient means necessary. My hope is that even if you're less than impressed by either candidate, you'll be able to see where I'm coming from here, and will recognize Trump as a great enough evil that he needs to be stopped. I won't bully you about this, since your single vote won't turn any tides, and neither would mine. But I think I'd have a hard time sleeping if I simply stood back and let this lunacy continue when I could have done something, however small, to arrest its momentum.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@75, you raise a very valid point. My family (when describing it to me) claims that Trump is the 'lesser of two evils' because he's a 'known quantity' of sorts, whereas Biden is an 'unknown factor'. Under that logic, even though flawed, Trump is, indeed, a better option, if only because he is more predictable. However, as I said, that logic is seriously flawed and disregards the evil (for lack of a better word) that Trump has committed in his tenure. I'm honestly not sure if I'll vote, as I don't care for either candidate. It might also have something to do with the fact that I hold very little faith in the election process that we have here, as it seems like all we get are idiots who have absolutely no idea what they're doing, or power-hungry, corrupt people. If we had intelligent, incorruptible people, or people who clearly showed that they can handle the political arena and actually cared for this country, I might be more inclined to vote; but as it stands currently, I don't see that happening, if it ever does. Perhaps my view is cynical, if not dangerous, but I haven't seen much of anything in the way of it being an invalid viewpoint. I have seen very few people in any position of governmental authority at the federal level who actually give a damn about the future of the US, which is just... really, really sad. Perhaps there are more people and I'm just unaware of it, but if there are indeed more people than I know about, they're either paralyzed and unable to do anything (because whenever Trump really wants something done he abuses executive privilege) or something else is really, really wrong.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@75, you raise a very valid point. My family (when describing it to me) claims that Trump is the 'lesser of two evils' because he's a 'known quantity' of sorts, whereas Biden is an 'unknown factor'. Under that logic, even though flawed, Trump is, indeed, a better option, if only because he is more predictable. However, as I said, that logic is seriously flawed and disregards the evil (for lack of a better word) that Trump has committed in his tenure. I'm honestly not sure if I'll vote, as I don't care for either candidate. It might also have something to do with the fact that I hold very little faith in the election process that we have here, as it seems like all we get are idiots who have absolutely no idea what they're doing, or power-hungry, corrupt people. If we had intelligent, incorruptible people, or people who clearly showed that they can handle the political arena and actually cared for this country, I might be more inclined to vote; but as it stands currently, I don't see that happening, if it ever does. Perhaps my view is cynical, if not dangerous, but I haven't seen much of anything in the way of it being an invalid viewpoint. I have seen very few people in any position of governmental authority at the federal level who actually give a damn about the future of the US, which is just... really, really sad.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@75, you raise a very valid point. My family (when describing it to me) claims that Trump is the 'lesser of two evils' because he's a 'known quantity' of sorts, whereas Biden is an 'unknown factor'. Under that logic, even though flawed, Trump is, indeed, a better option, if only because he is more predictable. However, as I said, that logic is seriously flawed and disregards the evil (for lack of a better word) that Trump has committed in his tenure. I'm honestly not sure if I'll vote, as I don't care for either candidate. It might also have something to do with the fact that I hold very little faith in the election process that we have here, as it seems like all we get are idiots who have absolutely no idea what they're doing, or power-hungry, corrupt people. If we had intelligent, incorruptible people, or people who clearly showed that they can handle the political arena and actually cared for this country, I might be more inclined to vote; but as it stands currently, I don't see that happening, if it ever does. Perhaps my view is cynical, if not dangerous, but I haven't seen much of anything in the way of it being an invalid viewpoint. I have seen very people in any position of governmental authority at the federal level who actually give a damn about the future of the US, which is just... really, really sad.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

Yeah, the terms are fiddly, Ethin. There's a difference between democratic socialism and social democracy. Basically, the short version is that social democracy is the much milder version, it's the status quo with a few more social programs. Capitalism still holds sway. Democratic socialism is not pure socialism, and is definitely not dictatorial by its nature, but it would engender a pretty strong shift leftward.Biden's definitely not far left of center. He's not going to turn America into a socialist dystopia where everyone is starving and paralyzed and ultimately hamstrung at every turn by an all-powerful, greedy, corrupt government. If that's the picture that's been painted for you, look elsewhere, because that's not fact. Interestingly, a lot of the social ills running rampant in America right now, under Trump, are being blamed on Biden (i.e., Trump will fix them if re-elected, Biden won't). Funny; as sitting president, isn't he kind of supposed to be fixing them already instead of playing these silly games?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

@69 and 71, thanks for that information. I'm not supporting trump, mind; post 68 was my (clearly failed attempt) at trying to describe democratic socialism, as I understand it. Clearly, my understanding is lacking.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : electro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

I'm not american, but the only person who I will vote is Biden. I was going with Bernie Sanders but since he got out of the democratic race, Have no choice but to go with Biden. Yeah, he's older I see, but I was in need of a younger president anyway.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sad to read this

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sad to read this

64.Excellent Comprehension skills.


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