Re: Accessible dos games apart from the usual susspects?

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible dos games apart from the usual susspects?

There are a bunch of games by a company called Simulations Canada, which are war-games which originally came with maps and  counters. Fortunately it's possible to fairly easily convert most of them to use a spreadsheet for marking unit positions and such.The original author is still selling them via email, so I can't provide a download link, but they're definitely fun and unlike most other games available for us.


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Re: Accessible dos games apart from the usual susspects?

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible dos games apart from the usual susspects?


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Re: Accessible dos games apart from the usual susspects?

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible dos games apart from the usual susspects?


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Re: Accessible dos games apart from the usual susspects?

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible dos games apart from the usual susspects?

Where can I get talking dos box?


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Re: Accessible dos games apart from the usual susspects?

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible dos games apart from the usual susspects?

mortal kombat 3 and 4.


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Accessible dos games apart from the usual susspects?

2020-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Accessible dos games apart from the usual susspects?

Hey all who played with the dos box or other emulators know the games by kitchensinc, pcs and stuff like pile driver, drone and so on.I'm wondering if there are other games from non blind or VI developers that are also playable, so to speak, mainstream dos games.I'm looking for all kinds of games, action, sports, strategy and war games if these exist and are accessible.Any hints on what I could try out?Greetings Moritz.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jake4252 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

I have not.  I've tried them both on dosbox and regular virtual winds 95/98 machines.  What tends to happen on the virtual box, is when running settup.exe, it will install, but make all these loud hissing noises.  When installed and launched, it generates an error: unable to read file.f


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Jake,Have you been able to play the self-voicing games?These are,Snipe Hunt2000.zipRed Dragon Kick Boxing Challenge2000.zipSpace Invaders2000.zipDuck Hunt2000.zipIf the archive has re-named these games, you can tell them from the other by their size. They are between 8 and 11 MB in size while the games that need a speech program like ASAP are smaller than 2 mb.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jake4252 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

First, if you want to use NVDA with this, you must have com0com installed.  Once that is installed, you will go to your control pannel and select com0com and select com 8 or com nine in the settings window.  Afterwards, there is a utility called redirect, but if you wish to just use espeak to make the process more simple, just launch the startbns.exe file.  Then run dosbox, and type, asap.  Then it should come up talking.  Please note that the cdrive folder is in the main dosbox directory.  so, after dosbox is launched and running, and asap is talking, we run a game.  Let's take tenpin bowling for example.  I would type cd c:\games\tenpin, then press enter.  Afterwards, I will type, tenpin.  It should run.  But as I said in my previous post, you must rename the downloaded game you wish to play's folder to something simple.  So, when you get into the game, it'll ask you to select your soundcard setting.
 ; Just choose soundcard on, then press enter.  If you need more help, my skype is jake4252.  I will try talking you through stuff if you need it.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : janagirl via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Hi Jake,could you write a description how to do the different Settings to get the games work? I really have no idea what to do there.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jake4252 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

These games are a treasure for me, as I've been looking for them for years.  I've gotten them to work fairly easy.  First, I put them in their own folders inside the dosbox games directory with short names.  For example, shooting range is shooting, tenpin bowling is tenpinb, and so forth.  Then, I use the dosbox redirect program to send ASAP's virtual braille n speak to nvda in sleep mode.  I then type the path to the game's folder.  Example, cd c:\games\shooting.  Then I type shoot.  When running the games, make sure to select soundcard as the default soundplayer.  It should work, as I've tried nearly all the games.  Do, not, play the self voicing windows titles with this.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

@Jack, I'm afraid I still don't know what you mean. so dosbox will not talk without an external speech synth, but there is talking dosbox? and what the hell is snp or whatever it's called? I confess I'm getting a little impatient here. I am trying to understand what people need to install and how to run Phil's games,  and indeed other dos games on post xp windows because I need to construct pages in the database that help people play these games and most people will not have xp (heck I won't have xp for much longer). I know that dosbox emulates a dos machine and can run dos games on newer windows, and talking dosbox is supposed to talk by using some sort of dos screen reader emulation. I gather that an external synth is needed, but does this mean that talking dosbox is actually no use at all? in which case why make the thing in the first place, or does it mean you can emulate this external synth thing with talking d
 osbox, in which case, why bring up the matter and not just say "run talking dosbox" Or will talking dosbox only work with some games? in which case, which games and how to run them and which games will it not do. This is why we really! need a guide since until there are some clear instructions I really can't go adding games to the database, especially when i don't understand this myself. i would much appreciate it if someone could please give me a streight answer without all this "you need a googy mcboogy computery wootery running f d sl p4x" type of randomness, if indeed things are as symple as Simba indicated previously, and if so, perhaps a simple guide and instructions rather than all this talk of external synths? indeed I was quite disappointed talking dosbox didn't have a readme or any instructions on how to run games, it just ran and sat there and I couldn't do anythinganything other than get it to say "b
 ad command"


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

@Jack, I'm afraid I still don't know what you mean. so dosbox will not talk without an external speech synth, but there is talking dosbox? and what the hell is snp or whatever it's called? I confess I'm getting a little impatient here. I am trying to understand what people need to install and how to run Phil's games,  and indeed other dos games on post xp windows because I need to construct pages in the database that help people play these games and most people will not have xp (heck I won't have xp for much longer). I know that dosbox emulates a dos machine and can run dos games on newer windows, and talking dosbox is supposed to talk by using some sort of dos screen reader emulation. I gather that an external synth is needed, but does this mean that talking dosbox is actually no use at all? in which case why make the thing in the first place, or does it mean you can emulate this external synth thing with talking d
 osbox, in which case, why bring up the matter and not just say "run talking dosbox" Or will talking dosbox only work with some games? in which case, which games and how to run them and which games will it not do. This is why we really! need a guide since until there are some clear instructions I really can't go adding games to the database, especially when i don't understand this myself. i would much appreciate it if someone could please give me a streight answer without all this "you need a googy mcboogy computery wootery running f d sl p4x" type of randomness, if indeed things are as symple as Simba indicated previously,  and indeed if they are, why go into all this at all?


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Dark, Dosbox doesn't emulate the synthesizer at all. What the virtual braille and speak is is a version of espeak that passes text through to a virtual serial port, and Com0com emulates the serial port, namely the com port. Asap, configured to use these ports, will then be able to recognize the virtual synthesizer as being a hardware synthesizer that it can then utilize. So basically, it's playing the role of a hardware synthesizer without the actual device. But yes, I absolutely will not hesitate to recommend asap over any screen reader in Dos for use with the games, since the synth doesn't require use of the soundcard, freeing up memory for the sound player.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

@Simba, Piter mach's post illustrates the problem. this is a complicated matter, and while I could write "just type such and such to run the games" on the pages of the database, there needs to be a little more involved going from where people put the games to what they do to get them to speak and run properly. Remember, a lot of people will come to who are total novices, don't know what dos is, don't know what emulation is etc. while it's quite okay to say "download this, put that there and type that" it needs to be structured.Heck I am not really sure what pitermach is getting at in his post myself, which is why instructions need to be extremely clearly, preferably written as an article in the articles room in the form of a guide. @Pitermach, first, a tutorial doesn't need to be audio at all, text instructions are fine, indeed in some ways they might be better for this sort of task since while an aud
 io file shows what you do and such, it's more difficult to get in explanations and exact instructions, especially taking into account different people's machines. Actually second as a case in point I am afraid I don't know what your getting at here. while I do get that back in the dos days computers were better with a hardware synth, I thought that was the very purpose of talking dosbox, to emulate such a thing, or have I got that wrong? or will talking dosbox not actually work for any real time game because it doesn't have this hardware synth thingy? and what is a com 101 etc? Remember, I'm trying to put together database entries for people with not much by way of computer skill or knolidge who just want to play games, heck many people will only vaguely have heard of Dos.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Hi all,I may be able to record a tutorial in the future, however at the moment I'm far from my usual setup so doing this is going to be at least a month away.I haven't used DOS back when it was actually popular, but to my understanding this is why you really need a hardware synth, virtual or real to play DOS games, especially the PCS ones. DOS was never designed for multitasking, this is why you can only be in one program at a time, and for the most part the OS is doing one thing at a time. Conpending this problem, the most popular sound card, the creative Sound Blaster and its billion other clones, were not multichannel (that is they can only play 1 sound at a time). There's a good reason so few DOS screen readers support software speech synthesisers that output to a sound card - because DOS isn't multitasking, when a software synthesisers starts speaking the OS is only concentrating on that, plus a few keys to interrupt it. This of course really 
 slows things down, especially in games where you need as few interruptions. To make things worse, DOS memory access is really confusing and primitive, and if multiple applications try to access some hardware, like a screen reader and a sound player accessing a sound card, it leads to crashes. This doesn't happen with hardware speech because nothing is accessing the sound card so it's more than OK for the game to take it all for itself, and DOS doesn't have to wait for the synth to finish speaking - the Screen reader just sends the text over a serial port which happens many hundred times faster than speaking something in realtime.For all the great things we can emulate now, speech synthesisers are not one of them, which is why you have this somewhat convoluted com0com setup (you can think of it like installing a virtual audio cable=Com0Com, plus an audio repeater=the BNS emulator) to hear the text. Mess, the same emulator that gave us Apple II with Echo speech, 
 has some support for Dectalk PC emulation. Getting it to work as a bind person at first is quite hard though as the emulation is really low level, down to the BIOS and all the wonders of having to tell it what size hard drives are installed and other such things where you have no speech, and the last time I tried it the speech was often glitching out. It may be something worth investigating again though.For now, the best thing to do is to run Dosbox with Com0Com and ASAP, rather than JAWS which uses sound blaster based speech.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : janagirl via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Hi.@Simba, it really were kind of you if you could help me there. I have to say, I have no idea how to work with dosbox and don't know how to use that asap.But the problem with no sound, there is also no sound if I would start an application without a screen reader.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Hi.At janagirl, if you are using jaws, I recommend the asap screen reader, I often had the problem with jaws or flipper that it would crash when you start an application.I talked with Peter about that problem and he also said that users should play with asap which is basically an braille n speak emulator if I got this right.You need an extra tool for that to work and need to change some com ports, you can find instructions on how this works in the dosbox readme, if you can't find the infos, I can also look them up if you want me too.If you have more questions, just ask.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Hi.At dark, wI don't want to be rude or something like that? But what is the problem with the instructions I have written down?I said clearly how to run doss games when you have the dosbox installed.So, I kindly ask, where the problem is.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

As far as I understand it, the talking dosbox should theoretically run everything since it emulates a dos environment, it's just that what Pitermach has done with the talking one is somehow get one of those old dos screen readers working with it by default, though everything else should theoretically be the same as on a dos system. This is why i'd like to see a tutorial or something similar before I go creating pages for the dos games in the database, indeed such a tutorial would be useful generally for the dos games we already have like Fallthru and aemon deluxe. As regards your games specifically Phil however, one thing I have seen people do is include preconfigured versions of old dos games that run with dosbox by default. I have one of the old graphical (and unfortunately not accessible), game turrican 2, another of prince of persia 2, and another very fantastic one for prince of persia which even has a standard windows property sheet that lets you play alsort
 s of mods and extra packs and such for the prince of persia game. These are awesome since you can essentially pretend they're windows programs, you just start the thing up, then dosbox starts, then the game runs by default and you just close with alt f4 to finish, indeed you don't even need to tangle with dosbox at all if the initial configuration is done, indeed that is what the eamon deluxe developer did with the graphical version of Eamon deluxe, though sadly the dosbox text isn't readable by a windows screen reader and needs a dos screen reader running instead. Perhaps you could discuss this with pitermach, since he's been so heavily involved with talking dosbox and has got it running successfully. Even if you can't do the preconfigured versions thing though, a guide would be awesome, especially since a lot of newer gamers won't be familiar with dos, heck, i've never used dos myself as though i learned to type on a machine 
 with windows 3.1 when i was 13, I did nothing on it but run word perfect and I didn't really get into doing anything more than word processing on a computer until windows xp came along by which point dos wasn't really around anymore.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : janagirl via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Hi Simba,I tried to start a game with your instructions. But I don't know what's the problem, as soon as I start a game I can hear nothing. No sound and the synthesizer doesn't say anything anymore.Do you know what's the problem? And how can I choose different synthesizers? I only can switch between jaws and flipper.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Dark,I do hope someone does a Talking DOS box tutorial that I can add to my DOS games list.Once I finish the update to my Sarah game I plan to post a page of my DOS games that will be easier to use than they are now.I think Talking DOS box is designed for my games that need a synthesizer. The four self-voicing games in the list might need a different type of setup to get them playable. I hope someone with more time and technical skill will try them out.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Hi Phil. i'm sure the games have instructions, and as I said since I'm on an xp machine I'm not personally worried, but if i am going to add these to the database I'm going to need to include something about how people can run them successfully. Pitermach's Talking dosbox, that he mentions in This topic seems like a good thing, however if I'm going to recommend that to people in the database I will need to give some people some instructions on the thing, either that, or as I said previously work out some sort of way to preconfigure the games with talking dosbox stand alone versions to effectively work as a windows program people can just run. While I appreciate simba's instructions, it'd be great to have some sort of official guide or other information that I could stick in the database so that computer novices could run these games, and indeed other dos on
 es too.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Hi.Well, I have written how to start games in my previeous post.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : janagirl via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

I myself often aked for help with dropbox because I can't get any game started but until now no one answered to my questions.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Hi.Well, if you want to play games with the talking dosbox, you first copy the games folder to the c drive folder in the dosbox folder, a better way would be that you put it under the games foldar which is already, when you start dosbox and activated your screen reader you\games\xxx, the xxx is standing for the games folder, for examplecd..\games\football for the any night football, I renamed the folder so I don't need to write that much.When you have entered the folder you typefb.exe, to run the game, and than you are already in.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Aaron,I forgot to include Space invaders in my post,but it is in the archive.Space InvadersThump, thump, a flash of audio peeps, chirps and blips alert you that one of the six columns of invaders is directly over head. You hold down the fire button,chupe, chupe, chupe and three enemy ships are destroyed. They move off to the right, thump, thump, thump, thump, and you try to get ahead of them. Againthey come into your sights and you let loose with another burst. Chupe, chupe, chupe, the last three of six invaders in the column are vaporized. Withno time to waist you move right again to attempt to get a bead on the first column of space invaders. You hear a high tone and before you can react, CA-BOOM,you run into a bomb. Its all over for you, and a tremendous explosion takes out your fortress!◦ Download full version (9.23mb).


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : janagirl via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Hi all,can someone tell me how to get these games work? I think the only way would be with dosbox, right? Yesterday I tried it with it but I could hear no sounds.Could someone help or give me tips?Thank you!


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

There's still a game missing. Unfortunately I don't know if I have it any more. They had a Space Invaders game too.


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Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

2016-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PCS DOS games now on Audio Games Archive

Very cool. Shooting Range has always been one of my all time favorite games. I'm glad to see that this stuff has officially been made abandonware.


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old accessible dos games which blind people can play

2016-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


old accessible dos games which blind people can play

Hi.I was just randomly browsing around the audiogames site when I came up to the archive of the audicy magazines, I looked about the archive a bit and opened a issue from 1997, the year in which I was born and read about some of the things that were trending at this time.This brings me to my question, somewhere in the issue, the author mensioned doss games that were accessible by accident and not specifically build for blind players.With the accessible dos machine I am wondering, does still someone know some old doss games beeing accessible? I would love to play maybe strategie and sports games, if that's possible.


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Hi tom. Im posting from my Win XP vm, and Im wondering if you could let me know where I can download some of these games.


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Thomas,I was happy that Piotr Machacz, Pitermach was able to rewrite my DOS Breakout game for Windows.But like I did with Packman, I thought keeping the original sounds was not as important, as they had to be down sampled to fit on a 1.44 mb floppy. In his second version he did add the down-sampled DOS sounds and I wish I had kept the original higher sampled versions.David Greenwood of GMA game converted some of his DOS games to windows that he once sold and put in his free games page.If more of my DOS games are rewritten for Windows Ill start a page of them on my site too.


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Interesting, this fascination with reviving the old, and in recent times. What is it about these old games that only makes them of interest now? Are we all somehow unanimous in throwing up our hands and craving simpler, more rewarding times? Yes, its a good idea, of course. For old times sake.Eamon Deluxe is written in BASIC. I have it running just fine under dosemu, without further configuration, but it must surely lend itself to porting, somehow, as with many games either sufficiently simple or for which (as is the case with Eamon) source code is available. Perhaps if I set up a telnet server that allowed players to start up an interpreter over the network? Hmm, interesting idea …


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Thomas: Yeah I see your point. My point was just to let people play all old dos text games just by installing an emulator, import the dos games they wanna play or choose them from an including folder and then start to play. If only two dos games would be rewritten for Windows, I see that as pretty much limited. But Im still with your idea, and look very much forward to play anything you come up with.Either if you choose to make a emulator or rewrite any dos games at the end, it would be awesome if you can make it cross platform both for windows, Linux or Mac.


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Simba, I cant think of any specific sites off hand, but usually if you Google for specific games you can find them on the net. A lot of people have zipped up their old Dos games and made them available on the web as free downloads. Its more a matter of knowing what to look for.SLJ, I see what you mean. In any case at this point it is more still in the idea phase. I havent decide on writing anything yet. I was merely trying to find out general interest and if there were any specific games people wanted to see. I underestimated how many people just dont care either way or werent around when Dos games were popular so they dont know what they want to see rewritten. So Im uncertain what if anything Ill do just because there isnt a lot of interest from the community in this regard.To explain when I wrote that post I expected a handful of people to come back with suggestions for this game or that game. What I didnt expec
 t was responses of where do I get Dos games or what games were out there. That tells me most of the community are unfamiliar with games and therefore anything I rewrite would be new to them simply because they dont know what was available say 20 years ago. My initial supposition that most of the users of this forum have favorite Dos games is a false assumption apparently.


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Well, the only dos games I remember was some danish great text games. My english was very bad this time, so I didnt understood the english text games. But a friend of mine played a cool text game which I dont remember whats called, but she said she had to control a snake which bites the enemy and killed them by poison. 


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

I didnt have a screen reader back then; I could see well enough to play Mario, but not well enough to read the DOS console. So in a twist, most of the DOS games I remember are those like Duke Nukem and games that found there way onto the Game Empire CDRom (IIRC there were multiple versions of this collection? Id not mind basing a minigame in something larger on Heart Light).(Ive been wanting an Accessible Duke Nukum-style game for ages, now. The Soundtrack to Duke nukum 2 is still stuck in my head.)


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Simba, the wrestling games I mentioned, Piledriver and Wrestling League Simulator, were fully accessible text based games. They were for the most part menu driven. Youd be given a list of menu options from which you could select the type of move you wished to perform on your opponent. Both games used a basic stats system to determine your chances of pulling off say a bodyslam or how fast he would recover from the move if it succeeded.As for the games running on XP that is correct. They still work fine on XP because it has 16-bit backwards compatibility support. Its just the newer 64-bit operating systems and processors that can not run older MS Dos games and applications without an emulator etc.SLJ, I appreciate the suggestion, but frankly put writing an accessible Dos emulator from the ground up is a titanic task. One Im not personally willing to invest much time in as there isnt enough value in it for me. I already have one accessible Dos emulator
 , Dosemu for Linux, so for me there isnt any urgency or pressing need to write a new one for Windows users. Besides, that is really missing the point of what I was aiming to do.My point of rewriting some of our favorite Dos games is to get rid of the need for emulators, virtual machines, and all that other jazz. In other words if someone wanted to play a game just install and run it like any other standard Windows application. Why spend the time and effort creating and then running an extra piece of software that is not entirely necessary?Blindncool, when I mentioned Python in my original post it was only meant as a suggestion rather than anything definitive. As for myself I would probably rather write the games in C or C++ than Python, but I suppose Ill decide on the technical details if and when I decide to write any games for certain. The point here though is dont take my mentioning of Python to be concrete and think of it more as a suggestion.


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

If you made an accessible emulator, then the problem of tweaking everything to work and finding special packages and addons and such would be solved for the user, so would the issue of not wanting to rewrite the bigger, and much more popular games.I think youd have way more luck doing that.


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Hello.Where can I get old doss games? You made me interested about these games.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

I love this idea. If I knew enough about python, Id love to help. Currently I am reading the book Learn Python the Hard way which has been a huge help. Good luck with the project, Tom.


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

eEI love this idea. If I knew enough about python, Id love to assist. Currently I am reading the book Learn Python the Hard way which has been a huge help. One game I would like to see ported is World of legends, although it may be too large. Good luck with the project, Tom!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

I love this idea. If I knew enough about python, Id love to help. Currently I am reading the book Learn Python the Hard way which has been a huge help. One game I would like to see ported is World of legends, although it would be to large. Good luck with the project, Tom.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

I love this idea. If I knew enough about python, Id love to assist. Currently I am reading the book Learn Python the Hard way which has been a huge help. One game I would like to see ported is World of legends, although it may be too large. Good luck with the project, Tom!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Hello,I also would be interested in the doss games. I still got a windows xp machine here, and as far as I know, the old doss games still run on windows xp.@Tward: Can you tell me abit more about the games?The piledriver and wrestling league simulator sound very interesting to me.How can you play these games?Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Aaron, you are right Fallthrough and Eamon Deluxe are really too massive to consider for a rewrite. Although, I suppose it could be done if someone wanted to bad enough.As far as Dos games goes there are several. Probably too many to list. Some of the ones I am thinking of is Elite, Castaway, Facing the Empire, Leisure Suit Larry, Oregon Trail, Piledriver, Wrestling League Simulator, and probably a hundred others I could list. The fact of the matter is you arent the only one with this problem and Im frankly surprised that the majority of the Audyssey List or this forum havent pored in with responses making me think that not a lot of blind gamers actually played games back in the Dos days or they just arent interested in having those old games rewritten.Of course, for the purposes of this inquiry I was mainly thinking of old text adventures and alike. There are a number of Dos games I liked that were not accessible to a blind gamer that w
 ere still cool like Duke Nukem, Prince of Persia, and Aces of the Deep. So I imagine there are possibly Hundreds of those games to consider as well.


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Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Hello,I cant say Ive heard of any of these, but Id love to play a rewrite of them. They all sond different to the norm, easy to play but hard to master sort of affairs.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dos Games Preservation Project

Hello,The only dos game i can really remember, is fallthru but I think that would be a rather massive undertaking, that world is huge. Also, Eamon, but again, there are so many adventures for that thing that it would probably take a long time to port that collection. Eamon Deluxe is OK but its not working on modern systems and that is a major drawback.At this point, could you please give us some other examples of dos games, as Id be interested in trying some of these. Fallthru and such are just huge though and Im wodnering what else Im missing.


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Dos Games Preservation Project

2015-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Dos Games Preservation Project

Hello everyone,Over the last couple of weeks there has been a bit of discussion on the best way to preserve and play some of our favorite Dos games. Solutions have ranged from finding a way to make Dosbox and other Dos emulators accessible to actually running MS Dos in a virtual machine with varying degrees of success. While all of those solutions have some merit I dont feel they truly address the problem of preserving those games and applications for the majority of VI gamers, because they are problematic at best and are not simple solutions to the problem.Ideally a solution wouldnt involve installing and configuring lots of extra software like emulators or virtual machines. I feel pretty confident in saying the average VI gamer would just rather install and play it no extra dependencies required. Therefore if we are going to truly preserve these games for the average user we need to look elsewhere other than emulators and virtual machines. What I mean b
 y that is by getting together a handful of interested developers to rewrite most of these games for modern platforms.It isnt as complicated or as much of an undertaking as it sounds. A lot of these games we are talking about are text only and as long as a developer intends to rewrite it as a text based game he or she can rapidly rewrite the game since they arent worried about all the extra overhead that would go into an audio game or a video game. By and large text applications and games are pretty simple, and dont take a great deal of time to create. Especially, if they use the right tools and languages for the job.Back in the 80s and 90s when a lot of these text games were written they would have been written in C or C++. That is fine, but there are simpler solutions now. One such solution is Python which is a high-level scripting language well suited to quick and dirty text applications and games such as we are discussing. I can see an 
 interested developer rewriting some of these Dos games in Python, compiling them, and releasing them in a fairly short amount of time barring other commitments of course.I feel rewriting these games is the best of all possibilities because it resolves all the problems with playing the originals. First, since the games will be rewritten from scratch they will be compiled for 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems thus negating the requirement for a 16-bit environment to run them. Second, they can be released as open source so that future generations of gamers can take the source make new builds if and when needed. Third, they can be redesigned and ported to multiple platforms meaning that instead of just being strictly a Windows game they can be compiled and run on Mac, Linux, etc. Finally, they are games that a blind and a sighted gamer can truly play together. While there will always be disparities between a blind and sighted gamer playing a video game or an audio game they wou
 ld be equal in playing text based games. So I see this as being a distinct advantage of having a common user interface like text.In any case I happen to have some free time coming up, and I was wondering if anyone is interested in this project. If so what Dos games would be foremost on your wish list and why?


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Re: dos games

2014-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dos games

honestly dont waste your time. I just cannot get it to work reliably and responsively. I think for now our best bet is ubuntu linux or ArchLinux with speakup.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: dos games

2014-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dos games

Yes, that would be my opinion. At this point the best option at this point would be using a Linux distribution with Speakup and Dosemu. I imagine it might be possible to modify the Dosemu source to allow sounds in terminal mode which is the only drawback to Dosemu at this time. Its quite accessible, but just cant get sounds to play while in terminal mode. Fix that and the Dos problem is solved.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: dos games

2014-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dos games

hi, sorry for off topic but how can I use dos operating system, install that screen reader and the games?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

dos games

2014-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


dos games

hey i found a copy of the flipper screen reader. its free. link is. on the vetusware site it says it works in dosbox. and sbtalker is included! if anyone gets this old stuff working please let me know! also in the zip file is some dos games, already registered.


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dos games solution

2014-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


dos games solution

some information. dos games and apps here. historical access preservation project. for linux. than nfbtrans i we just need someone to modify the dos provox7 screen reader so when you load dosemu provox will talk using espeak then we can use a real dos screen reader. aw heck make provox and espeak work in dosbox also.provox is the only free open source screen reader for dos.i want to use a real dos screen reader, and use my old favorites like wordperfect 5.1, lotus123, megadots, all the old dos text games, the dos edit application, q-basic for dos, and more.linux such as TalkingArch could provide a backend for letting dosbox or dosemu access modern devices like usb floppy drives and stuff. I am not a programmer, so I a
 m makeing this request for help. kyle has an easy to use audio guide for installing talkingArch. and Arch has some of the best documentation around.


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