Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@Dark Eagle:Where are you learning this programming thing? I am asking because I am also interested in that.Also, It's the month of July, so someone make this chat unsticky already.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@Dark Eagle:Where are you learning this programming thing? I am asking because I am also interested in that.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@Wing of eternity, I know the musical of les miserables very well and can sing a lot of it, me being a tenor. I've not read the book, though I have read hunchback of Notre-dame a while ago. Again worth reading, but way too long winded unfortunately, also very much full of things Hugo himself was extremely concerned about at the time, such as Parisian architecture. I also admit in Hunchback, it was pretty difficult to like anybody, even Quasimodo himself was a bit of a git. @Dark eagle, it sounds like India is in a bit of a  mess there. I'm hoping that once the second wave hits, perhaps the government will pull themselves together. For the mean time though, my lady and I are just going to go on with the lockdown anyway, at least until the actual facts and figures show things are calming down a bit, since the last thing we want to happen is my lady to have beaten the cancer only for her to get corona virus. On the plus side it will probably result in me looking like Tarzan of the apes by the time we're finished given I'm doing zombies run every day I can, running and lifting weights, and also not attending the barber for obvious reasons . For my lady this isn't such a bad thing since her hair needs to grow out post chemo (yes, she did have to wear a wig at one point), but in my case, I already have the real orlando bloom style shoulder length wavy hair, although mine is extremely dark brown verging on black not blonde. Soon enough, I'll have to get some hair bands and tie it back in a pony tale again. I did this for a few years on one occasion, however was persuaded to stop by a director who told me that it was okay in stage productions like pirates of penzance, but not in other things. Since however stage productions are right out now (and have been for a long time due to the UK's crappy attitude to the idea of blind people on stage), it really doesn't matter. And hay, I sort of like the idea of having big hair again .@mirage, hope your feeling better, and i'm sorry you had to go in too hospital. When my lady had to go for the scan, apart from being nerve wracking in terms of what the scan was for, the logistics were also extremely difficult, since getting a taxi at this point would be a really bad idea, and even hospital transport seemed dodgy. it finished up with my dad coming over in a car with a literal barrier of sheet plastic between the front and back, and my lady changing clothes on the way, as well as of course washing her hands. The worry wasn't the hospital itself, since obviously that's getting regularly mega cleaned, but walking from the car to the hospital entrance, especially since my lady would need to hold someone's arm. So, hope everything went okay. For us, we're still busy continuing doing what we're doing, for me that means reviews, a bit of gaming on slay the spire, and more game of thrones, although season 3 doesn't quite have the momentum of seasons 1 or 2, though it's still extremely good.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Well, I've been sick for the entire month of june.I put off a trip to urgent care, because I didn't want to expose anyone to Covid, but when I nearly fell down my steep stairs, I finally decided it was time to go.Now working on fighting off an ear infection with antibiotics, so hopefully things will be better soon.For now, i'm in a space where I'm not tired enough to sleep, but I have no mental energy to be productive. Hoping that part passes quickly.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

So, I picked up the Nightmare Stacks, another book of the laundry series.Personally, it is interesting for me to see how Stross slowly changed the writing style, as different characters became the focus of a particular book, from the first person starting with Bob, to slowly moving to the third person, while applying the same thing to Mo, and completely to third person with Alex, who has diary entries written all throughout the book.Beyond that, my programming class has picked up nicely from the start of this month, and this is a blessing and a curse at the same time.Blessing, so I can finally move my evil plan to take over the world, (Insert Bryan Fury's laugh from Tekken Dark Resurrection,) but also a curse, because I over these past four months or so, have acquired a blazing hatred of java language.The fact that the person from whom I am learning this is a fanatic of that language doesn't help in the slightest.Funny thing is, when I began to learn programming, I promised to myself that I will never look down upon a programming language. And yet here I am.This might appear to be hard to grasp for the non-programmers, but it is like this: you always like somethings more, somethings less, a certain way of doing more, a certain way of doing things less, in the case of programming languages, it is the same.@Dark:Well, looks like UK is just as messed up as here. we're getting around 15,000 cases daily, yet, the government has not only opened the lockdown, it is just continuing to remove the restrictions.So far, only chief ministers of certain states have decided to keep the lockdown up, because the people of India simply do not have the discipline to tackle the problem of this wide scale, nor the government has proven itself to be up for this task.I often think to myself, would we learn from this epidemic? but considering the humans survived the previous epidemics, without getting wiser from their lessons, I think in ten years or so we will forget about this.Well, at least they have a new topic on the news channels running now to distract people, either talking about the war with China, or boycotting their goods, never mind that this would cost India its reputation within the global business community, or how it is not possible since a lot of stuff which comes from China is critical.People just don't want to be rational here. They want to be the manifacturing country for the world just like China, but never mind that we don't have the infrastructure for it, or how it is hard to get in the business in India because protectionism, or how they can't even keep the electrical supply strait...


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Hey guys, I was curious did any one read les Misérables, the famos book ny the french author Victor Hugo?  This book is very complex and so lareg tha I can't even think about it consists of 6 separat volumes with some sub plotit's about the criminal Jan Vajean that now wants to redeam himself he gets in contact with a mercifull byshep called Myriel that gives him some silverly, even if he stills it, he isregreting his actions is accepted by the kind byshep, he lives him to take them, and make a new life for himself.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@Dino, I admit most of the time the science for me is incidental, but I do remember a couple of occasions when I have actively winced, usually when an author is plane wrong about something relatively simple that they should know better. For example, in Watchers by Dean Koontz, the plot concerns a hyper intelligent golden retriever, and Koontz asserts that because intelligence is a dominante trait, even if said golden retriever mates with an ordinary dog, any offspring are bound to be as intelligent as their sire. This complete misunderstanding of what a dominant gene is really rather confused me, then  to be fair to Koontz, it's possible that that sort of information was less evident in the late eighteis than it is now. So for the most part, scientific accuracy in and of itself doesn't bother me, but just plane getting science wrong and passing it off as real science is something I do find a bit confusing,  like for example having world war two style bomber ships that drop bombs in zero gravity! . @star fire, I write reviews for you can Find them here, if you give an idea of anything more specific book wise you might fancy I might be able to recommend something. I actually need to get back to Manamon 2. I finished Manamon 1 last year with all 158 Manamon caught in preparation for starting the second game, but then sort of lost out with the second before finishing the power plant, but I susect it will be fun when I get to it. Thanks Guitarman, we are relieved I can say that. interesting you mention the nursary rhyme murders, that's one my lady listened to with her dad and has mentioned to me on occasion. well as I said previously we're pretty suspicious of the government's efforts with lockdown (or rather lack of efforts, especially since they're being bloody inconsistant, EG on the one hand claiming people maintain a one metre distance rule, on the other opening up motor schools for learner drivers! you know, when the instructor and learn will be sitting right next to each other in the front of a bloody car! .Actually, the way they've bent over backwards to make allowances for the automotive industry is just ridiculous, almost as ridiculous as their declaring anyone who comes into the UK must undergo a fourteen day quarantine, then declaring exceptions to this rule, including France Itally! spain! and Griece! Yes the countries worst hit by Corona in Europe, a move which doesnt' have anything to do with the executives of British airways having a major strop because their poor little share prices might lose a few points honest gov! It's not really surprising that even as the protests die down, people are doing bloody stupid things to break lockdown, EG going to beaches in their thousands or holding street parties. I can't blaime people, it's hot as hell over here, but I do blaime the government for obviously not listening to any of the experts who are warning people that no, corona hasn't magically gone away!Actually, I'll say for my part I rather miss the lack of traffic from lockdown, since it was nice to actually smell the air free from car fumes for once and be able to listen to the birds sing, indeed I really didn't mind giving my dog four AM walks for that reason . So basically it's continuing with lockdown for Mrs. Dark and I. I have been a bit irritated by the fact that I've missed out on zombies run recently due to it being too bloody hot to actually run. On the plus side I am pleased I've got slay the spire working, and by extension, got steam to behave as well, which means I can still play sequence storm and a blind legend. Recently slay the spire has been my main gaming, whilst watching game of thrones and reading a rather good collection of modern fairy tales, whilst banging out book reviews as per usual. Indeed, apart from the heat and slightly missing going to a walk to my favourite cafe, the horrifying thing is, lockdown really isn't too bad for me, since it's not as if my lady and I have lots of friends or places to go in this stupid town anyway.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Greetings everyone!How are you all! I am back to audio games after a very long time, and will be sticking around for a while. So, for me, I am sitting in my home because of the lock down due to CoronaVirus. Well, situation is not really good here, there is a constant rize in cases of CoronaVirus, and I have no idea when will the schools, universities, and colleges will reopen. We've been given a lot of assignments to do. There were 2 cyclones which caused damage to 2 states Maharashtra and Bengal.. This is mentioned in above posts too, and we are experiencing a lot of minor earthquakes mainly in Delhi, and areas around it. We have no idea what happens next. But yes, one positive thing for me, I am getting a lot of time with my family.I am playing these days, Manamon2, Survive the wild, and Constant battle sometimes. But I am finding some good novels to read. Any suggestions which should I go with? Also I plan to start with Cozmic Rage.Thanks.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@41:I mostly get happy when I caught something in a book, about which I have knowledge of you know? that feeling when you realize, "Hay! I know what exactly are they talking about." it's great.But of course this should be balanced, and responsibility for this falls on author themselves. At the end of the day, the readers are not here to learn science, (Or whatever field they are discussing or using in the story,) the readers are here to get some amusement, and of course escape the reality.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dino via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@Dark I've never read This Alien Shore, so seems like I'm going to have to have a look at it. I wouldn't say I've been reading a lot of novels recently, so maybe it will get me back into things.WRT hard SF, I really liked Blindsight by Peter Watts (I will note because of the title: it has absolutely nothing to do with blindness!). However, I have to agree that I prefer a good story to absolute scientific realism... partly because I can't really tell most of the time if a SF concept is being passed off as science, is closely related to science, or is science. I don't have a strong enough scientific background for that.However, I had a really good experience reading Embassytown by China Mieville after finishing a course that was basically an intro to linguistics concepts. The book spends a lot of time talking about the minutiae of alien language and being able to read it and go 'yes, I know what that is!' was pretty brilliant.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Again, most of the hard sf I've read has been the classic sort that deals with actual biology and physics more than specific computer tech, though if you really want a book that shows how advanced computer tech could go in a way similar to what we have now, even as far as hacker culture, try this alien shore by Celia friendman. The plot is rather slow, and one of the main characters rather damselly , but the world is quite fascinating see My review of it here.The UK government have announced at the moment that shops can begin opening this week, but it seems way too early and is I think a decision more motivated by various share holders complaining that they're slightly less rich than they should be, rather than concern for the public, quite aside from the fact that  protest marches, sympathetic though I am to the reasons why, don't exactly seem like a good idea right now. So my lady and I are probably going to stick with lockdown until at least July to be safe, since the last thing we'd want at the moment is for her to recover from cancer only to get covid 19. Besides, I still have lots more game of thrones to do .


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@39:admitedly, I have only read up to the point of annihilation score. The only reason why I'm aware of the plot beyond that book is because of TVTropes, which actually increased my interest and will to read and complete this series.Also, given that the computers, and algorithms are so good at summoning the eldritch abominations, I am rather surprised that Stross didn't mentioned what actually is going on in the places like India and China, since both these countries have rather rich mythologies, I would think that this actually make them the hot bed for the super natural activities, much like Ireland.Though he did at least in the annihilation score, mentioned Japan, where apparently heroes and villains actually prefer the teamwork...


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

yeah, and don't forget about kranzberg simdrome, just for the taist of it. and...don't forget as well that undead gods are ruling the UK in the skin of the prime minister. And the entire american nation forgot the existance of the president to make occult room for cathulhu... awesome!


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@37:Things like that are the reason why I like this series. believe or not, I'll never see the power point presentations the same way again.Also, quantitative annalysis can also produce vampires, music instruments can eat you're soul... And of course there are worse things within this universe than dimentia!


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Hy guys!well, what can I say? Let's see...first, school ended afew days ago, so all hail the power of audiogames for three months in a row!regarding programming, I'm trying to learn xamarin.forms, a...shall we say...framework that allows cross platform development, even for the gui, a thing traditionally not cross platform. plus, it works on the most popular mobile OS's out there, so, much, much fun ahead!Here in romania, covid hit pretty badly, but we can consider our selfs lucky, the dead didn't reach the numbers in italia. and...the numbers are actually slightly, very slowly decreasing day by day, so let's hope it will be better soon!N.B: hope the romanian politicians stop bickering about it, the idiots, they're trying to use this pandemic to winn votes, can you believe that?what else...aha, I finished reading laundry files and I find it the most interesting book I've read, second after malazan, of course.**possible spoilers ahead**@Dark Eagle, yeah, I indeed remember that scene where brains created that java applet for bob's phone to be able to controll his car, the thing was really hilarious. But remember that thing with the iPhone? where the same guy installed an occult firewall on the other guy's iPhone? and the entire thing with all apple products are applyed a glammer to make everyone buy them? what about the theory that demons hide inbetween the slides of a powerpoint presentation? Really great stuff, I tell you. I can't wait for the book 10 to appear. I know it will do so eventually, hope it will be soon, this serie is awesome!


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@33:It can happen if the writer loses himself in the science, and forgets that he is writing fiction.@Dark:Stross, mainly uses the computer technology within his stories, not the super high tech of the future, instead he uses the most current development within the field of computers at the time of writing.This of course, results in some hilarious situations, such as when in one of the Laundry Files, the mad scientists used java applets for some purposes, while extolling its virtues, while around 2015 the java applets were kicked out of all the mainstream browsers, and know one liked them in the end.Happy to hear that Lady Dark, (what an awesome title!) Is okay. While I don't remember the results of radiation therapy since I was just a baby back then, my mother often tells me that I just never looked the same, and the area around my temples and eyebrows is still rather sensitive to sunlight to this day.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

That . makes . me . so . happy!Feeling so relieved for you an your lady, Dark.YAY, on with better times!


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Well, my lady is back from hospital now, and the scan was fine! apparently getting irradiated for six weeks actually did what it was supposed to.Thanks everyone for the good wishes. I'm feeling really relieved and extremely tired as well.@Mirage, I'll bare that in mind, mostly my mudding has been with CR and Erion at the moment, though I've been thinking of starting a new char on tempest season as I had a great time with that, but then my lady just started the radio therapy I just got out of the habbit of playing.@Dark eagle, Yep, Dresden files were silly fun, albeit I confess after some of the really crappy things Seanen McGuire has done with October Daye I'm appreciating them more. Really, I don't think I've ever encountered a series which managed to turn it's main character from a very likable, heroic, screwed up person in the first book, and then slowly have her turn into an arrogant insensitive arse hole, who does things like have a go at her boyfriend for getting PTSD after going through a traumatic change, then, when he turns up to save her, making him basically have to crawl to her to forgive him, or having a complete strop at her surrigate father for not! telling her her mother had been with someone else before she was with October's father, something he'd promised not to reveal in a world where promises come with big magical wammies, and once again having the poor man basically have to beg her forgiveness whilst she got to be vial to him! I haven't read any charlse straus, but I've read a lot of hard Sf in my time. I must confess though, my attitude to hard SF is rather like George R R Martins which he mentions in his short stories collection dream songs. So long as the world is consistent and the story well told, I honestly don't care whether we have scientific realism or not. This isn't to say I'm a fan of occasions where writers suddenly just pull a new bit of magic; or for that matter some magical psudo scientific tech out of the air to solve the plot either, but to me, this is more a matter of just telling a good story with tension and no deus ex, than necessarily sticking to scientific accuracy. For example, the climax to return of the Jedi works because Luke refuses to give in to hate and fight his father, even though he's watching his friends in the rebel fleet get slaughtered , and in the end Darth Vader can't bare to see his son tortured and killed. compare this to the conclusion to an entirely unrelated film in which a certain evil person first wants to possess the main character, then kill her, then have her kill him, then have someone else kill her, then kill her himself, and the main character randomly suddenly gets a mysterious sort of omni soul power and blows him aaway! That is exactly what I mean by inconsistant, in character, in motivation, in relative strengths etc. Anyway enough pontificating for now, this soapbox is starting to creak and I need cooofeee


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Hi,@29: Well, Heart's Choice could use a few stories. Last time I checked, there were 4 or 5 games in there.@32: An author who is into science himself and writes About a science-related subject? I have read one book (the martian, yes the one with main character Mark Watney they made a film out of) where this went horribly wrong. Honestly, there were passages in that book which were all About some complicated scientific calculations or stuff like that.Just wanted to throw in my experience with that sort of Thing.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@Dark:Actually, Tavi seems to me much more better developed in terms of personality, even though his story takes place where apparently(Spoilers)all the people are descendents of the lost roman legion.I'm not gonna lie, considering how much I got burned by Spellmonger, I was hesitant in picking up another fantasy book which takes place in old times. but thankfully, it is not that bad.You're right about one thing though. Dresden Files is not something which you will enjoy reading constantly, it is fine as a time waster, but beyond that it is not that good.Now, things written by Charles Stross... they are on entirely different level, the fact that he himself actually quite knoledgable within the field of science, (Or at least he does his research,) also goes on his favor.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Dark,If you decide to try accursed Lands, I'll help you.Just let me know when you're going to make a character and I'll be around.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@Lucas1853, at the moment I'm more thinking traditional than interactive fiction, but it's something I'll bare in mind. As I said, I took a look at the parsing tutorial, but it looked quite complex and I didn't like the idea of all those tabs used to distinguish different nested levels of choices. I'll admit I'm awake at four AM, and not happy, since today is not fun.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Hi Dark,It might be more worth writing for the Hosted Games label if you do want to do something for Choice of Games. Some of the fan favorite games are under that label so it's definitely something that fans check, although YMMV because it doesn't have nearly as strict guidelines for writing. Also if you're interested in writing any kind of romance-centric plot, might be worth checking out the Heart's Choice label.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@Wing of eternity, I've heard of the chronicles of aambar, Zelasni is an author I really need to get to since he's sort of both considered a classic and also quite off the wall.@Dark Eagle, I've read the dresden files, but not Butcher's fantasy. I hope the main character of those is less irritating than the winy occasionally chauvinistic wizard . Actually in fairness I did enjoy the Dresden books as random fun and will read the next one when it comes out.@Mirage, Yes, things are a wee bit stresful right now so the prayers are appreciated, hope your getting better in turn. @Zack93, I have had a look at the cog script system, though it seems annoyingly dependent upon tabs for it's parsing. It's something I might consider, though at the moment I'm more thinking traditional writing than interactive. plus of course, I think I would prefer to write stories where your gender/sexuality actually affects the plot in some way so Cog's new habbit of having the main character as a blank slate with gender/etc as essentially a choice of hairdo wouldn't suit me anyway, quite aside from the fact their so called gender choices get so out there they actually feela little restrictive, EG what ever happened to just being a nice, gentle guy who doesn't call himself sisgender, or simply not choosing to pursue romantic   options if that's your choice rather than ticking an "aromantic" box, then again i talked about this in a topic about delight games a while back so probably shouldn't go into it again. Mud wise, I need to try banished lands, though I was a wee bit put off by the idea of a mud that is a little directionless, since I do like quests to complete etc, even in terms of crafting, and my one problem with lament was that I started with a bunch of skills and was then completely unsure of what I actually should do in the game to use them, or even to begin making money or items. Clok at least had a miner suggested tutorial to get you started. Iron realms games I haven't tried yet. Mostly I've been playing cosmic rage, though I've recently got back to Erion and am loving some of the new systems, especially the magical gardening. I don't mind confessing that today we're a bit tense. My lady has her appointment tomorrow to basically go and see if the tumour is gone, which also means going into hospital risking corona, and risking my parents getting corona, despite taking a bunch of precautions, even like covering the car in plastic, so things are not entirely fun right now.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Hi,@Zac93: For regular exams, it is roughly like that (1 =100 % - 91 %, 2 =90 % - 81 % etc.). For the final exam it is a Little more complicated and I don't know all the exact Details myself.One more interesting Thing might be that if you have a 5 on an exam, that's a negative mark (with all others, you are positive).I hope my Explanation is not too confusing.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Hey folks...I didn't want start a thread (especially since I have no clue when they'll disappear), but Amazon of all places has Del X51s (the same devices which originally had the Trekker/Maestro software on them), over at … B003T0UX1EThey also seem to have HPIPaqs on there too as well!It's thanks to an email I got from them on the subject.I hope everyone's being safe these days. Take care!


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@19 congrats! Sounds like you did very well. I'm curious how that system works though, do the numbers correspond to marks within a certain range, like 1 being >=80% etc?@Dark have you ever considered doing something for choice of games? I have no idea how writing something for them is like and what their requirements are though but it could be a way to get your stuff out there plus a bit of money from it.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

So, I got done with the Cursor's fury, the third book of the Codex alera. I must say, considering how much war was within the book, it did ends up in somewhat happy ending.Thankfully, the cyclones seems to have stopped, though the virus is an entirely different matter.And low and behold, the collapse of the Indian health system continues, as the hospitals refuse to except the patients, doesn't matter whether you're rich or what connections you have. They aren't even testing anymore.Anyway, I don't want to talk about it anymore. lets move on to something else. my programming class has resumed, it is certainly a novel experience for me to learn at my home, while my teacher is in a entirely different city which is 500 kilometers away from the city where I live.The rain didn't continued as I thought it would, as a result the humidity is getting worse. I can't decide which one is worse, the powercuts during the rainfall? or this humidity. (Powercuts took the ways to get relief from the humidity, so I suppose they are worse.)


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Sending up prayers for your lady, Dark.I hope all is clear for her health.As for me, I've been sick for about ten days.Every year, it seems that my medications have to readjust themselves to the heat of summer, and my body goes through a couple of difficult weeks. But this too shall pass.Meanwhile, I'm playing a lot of Muds to pass the time, enjoying them, but also making an effort to see what I do and don't like about them stylewise.Accursed Lands is my Mud home, but I'm playing Lament, Cosmic Rage, Avalon, Achaea, Cthulhumud, and some others. (I am wary of Achaea and Avalon, but their writing is so exquisite, I wanted to give them another try.)


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@dark very well, I don't know what's coming suterday, in my case I am sure that it will be  movie day! as for reading I am still going on the same series as before the chronicles of Amber this time book 5 the last in the original series. Basicly this series has alot of traiders and betrayers given the nature of this machiavelian family from Amber in which the only good guy seems to be the protagonist Corwin. As for the others all wer fighting for power and grabing for the throne, but as the series progresses they fordge different alliances across the shadows,since they can travel through shadows which are kind of paralel worlds that's why they are an infinit number of them.But by there power they can alter them by morfind detailes and depending of what details they change they go  ferder  away from Amber the shadows become more grotesc, and depending what details you change from the world you can go farder away or from Amber.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@Dots on a page, my lady is having similar issues with her rather conservative family at the moment, indeed it's a little odd for me given that in Britain whilst we certainly have conservatives, really highly conservative attitudes are rarer, I remember the occasion just before we got married when my lady's parents' priest told us that any problems in Marriage were usually the man's fault because women usually stayed at home, and that the reason he didn't hit his own wife was because he "walked in the path of God", , and was appauled by the fact that we wanted to be confirmed as "husband and wife", not "man and wife."In credit to him, when we pretty much rewrote his entire wedding service (removing all the bits about the man being hunter and woman being queen of the house), he actually went along with things, even though it clearly wasn't what he usually did. I'm relieved that the UK government apparently have backed off on opening schools so early which is good. Unfortunately, this week is really rather stressful because of what's looming on Saturday, which is less a good thing. I've started game of thrones season 3 (nothing like cheering yourself up by watching a massive amount of violence, murder and backstabbing (often literally), and have been banging out book reviews as normal, whilst playing cosmic rage, albeit my efforts to get published are sort of failing at the moment due to most editors being arse holes.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

for me a few days ago I got my Moto G Styllus and I like the phone so far.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Hi guys,I got my final exam results yesterday. I have a 1 (the best grade in Austria) in all subjects that were part of the final exam except for Maths ( I have a 3 there). This means I have passed with distinction.I am very proud of These results and hope I haven't annoyed anyone by constantly Talking About exams and Things like that.I hope everyone is having a great day.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Hello, guys, I picked up a book series those wekks from an author that now I get to admire. It's non other then Roger Zelazny, I am not sure if any of you had read anything by him, but if you did tellme. I began his known series the chronicles of ember with 10 books in total, I think.I have to say the first 2 books at first didn't strike me that mch, but what do I know. At the third book the sighn of the unicorn I realised how wrong I was... I like this author because he can bland seemlessly ancient and modern ideas in to his story sometimes emplying miths, which I like to have in my reading. I mostly like somehing with a mythical admosfire when possible. He does use many types of mythologies in his works like:indian, norce, egiption, and greek, to name a fiew. Often times his work seems to have some philosophical questions or ideas in iit, like in this series in the form of the protagonist, Corwin, that is capable along with his family to travel between shadows. He also has some characters ither beinggod like, but transforming in to humans in a way or vice versa. I like this ide of someone being nither a god nither a man, and by that being unicand regected by his pears, in those instances questions of mortality arise. If anyone can recommend me books like those I would appretiate it.@dark if you can review this series on your profile I will read it, since I would like to here your thoughts on the series, I would like to here anyones thought about it really. smileI am now at book 3, ad the series in my eyes was very short the books are.1. 9 princes in ambar2. the guns of avalon3 the sighn of th eunicorn4 the hand of oberon5 the corts of chaosOf course there ate other 5 books but I don't know anything about them since they folow another character.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

the media covered that briefly here, announcing that on this month a tropical storm and cyclone season was starting. And, among other things, I am super excited because my colleague friends and I (and anyone else who wants to join) will be having a virtual jam in about a couple of hours... even though I have been doing this almost weekly for the past month, for some reason and with a bit of strategy, more and more people are catching on  that this exists, so today will be sort of an informal concert. Best part is that I will transmit it as well using icecast so it works with everything, even the chrome browser.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@15:There have been two cyclones in last 15 days which hit India, one of which was around western region, which is where Bangladesh is situated, the another one was at the Maharashtra, where the Mumbai is.As for the deaths, I am not clear about it. media... is not covering this at all.Also, cases are not stopping here at all, instead they are increasing. So, I overall think that the lockdown failed, since the cases just kept rising, and not even for one day we were able to reduce it.I suppose that is what happens when you lock the country with no warning or planning, give stupid instructions, and try to fight the virus with political slogans.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Read about the cyclone that hit Bangladesh and India in the news, didn't it kill something like 80 people? Also, east Africa has been having issues with locusts and I think I remember reading somewhere that because their numbers are growing they'll expand to India, so I'm curious if that's related.We have a similar situation with schools here, the government is reopening them but a lot of parents are keeping their children home. Which they are allowed to do if they can arrange for their education to continue at home (in practice though I doubt all of them can so those kids will likely fall behind). We're also easing restrictions even though our number of new infections are growing rapidly. It's mostly for economic reasons, a hard lockdown just isn't sustainable. I suspect most developing countries are in a similar situation, whether you have a massive outbreak or an economic collapse it's going to be a disaster either way.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dotsonapage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Hi all. Don’t really know any of you yet, (just signed up on Monday after years of lurking), but glad to hear you’re doing relatively well under the circumstances. As for me, I’m still at home. No word yet on when my office plans to re-open, though we’re supposed to reach Phase 2 of re-opening next week so hopefully soon. Meanwhile, I’ve been enjoying mostly gorgeous weather, making home-baked bread for the first time, agonizing over the news, and having mostly civil discussions with more conservative family and friends. As for games, my old fave Dice World’s been keeping me busy, as has Galactic Colonies, though the fact we still can’t accessibly harvest asteroids annoys the crap out of me. I’ve also finally gotten into MUDS over quarantine, and might have a slight Triad City addiction. Also created a char in Cosmic Rage, though she’s been woefully neglected this past week. Should prob check in on her.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Well we don't have flying cars, but given that the UK government have now given approval for car show rooms to open again after lock down, we will probably have virus cars instead . What is doubly scary, is that whilst the government are insisting rate of new corona cases have fallen to a safe level, some local council officials have pointed out that that only counts the country as a hole, not individual areas. Suffice it to say, since for Mrs. Dark to have the scan to confirm the radio therapy did it's thing means her going into hospital, we're actually hoping to get that sorted before we have a second wave of infections, which is pretty inevitable, and after that continue with the lockdown ourselves until we actually hear more evidence that it is safe, as in fact a lot of people are doing, (apparently though the government are reopening primary schools on the fifteenth of June, only a third of parents are actually sending their children, and I honestly can't blaime them). Then we have a few protest marches in London in Sympathy with the protests in America. No question about solidarity with the protests being a good thing as far as stamping out racism goes, but maybe not quite as good considering lockdown . So, all in all things are rather crazy, and amidst all of that of course Mrs. Dark is still worried about having cancer. Other than that, I've been getting back into Cosmic rage, we're also reading the next October Daye novel together by Seanon McGuire. These have been a really good urban fantasy series about a half fey private investigator in San Francisco. the series has generally been good, but the main character has been getting more and more arrogant and full of herself for the last few books, especially with the way that the initially complex universe of the books has now basically turned into a black and white world where anyone who goes against her is in the wrong. Really, if it wasn't for an awesome supporting cast, the books would be almost unreadable, though I don't think this one will be getting a good mark out of me when I give it a review.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Hi,@Dark: Good luck! I hope everything turns out okay.@dino: Thanks, I'll get the results on Monday.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@Dino:I am really glad that we don't have flying cars. I mean people can barely drive strait on the road, can you imagine the damage they would cause in the air?The cyclone did not do much damage, aside from giving more material to politicians to snipe at each other, what a stupid species they are... wait, I am the same species as them!Also, the weather has been overcast for past three days here, while this has given relief from the heat, I really hate the overcast weather, as well as the rain.No, I don't hate rain per see, I just hate the resulting decrease in temperature from it.In other good news, my programming teacher contacted me, and he said that he'll teach me online. This means my plans of getting some projects, as well as some experience, is back on track, if delayed for two months.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Quentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Hi!I am fineI play sindome for now.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dino via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

I finally finished university exams for the year, and now I have a glorious summer of... I'm not sure, really. Waiting for the next academic year, I guess. I get my grades in the middle of the summer and I'm being tenatively hopeful. I had to do an alternative to an exam which was... remarkably similar to an exam, except that it was open book and I had 24 hours to do it in. Sigh. I'm glad it ended.Also, I remembered that I wanted to get back into audiogames because I used to have a lot of fun with them, so, ah, ta-da. In the meantime between when I fell off of it and now, I spent a year working in web development and then went on to start university.@Aron Leppik, @Juliantheaudiogamer: Good luck with your results!@Dark: I'm also kind of worried about the easing of the lockdown. I live in Wales now, which is being much more restrictive than the English government, generally speaking, but it still seems to have to follow in the English government's steps, which I think means things are going faster than the Welsh politicians would like. I am also concerned for other people moreso than myself.@Dark Eagle: I think 2020 is actually a lot like the 2020 depicted in the media, except that it's "dystopian 2020" and "flying cars 2020" at once and mixed together... with all the recent news, I hadn't heard that there were cyclones in India. I guess it's good you're not near them. Over where I am, it was massively rainy for weeks and weeks before an immediate dry spell that has left the grass outside dried-out and spiky, so it's possible that the rain being early doesn't mean it will stay early, but I'm not sure if that would be a good thing or not.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Well, here the rain has come early, usually we do not receive the rainfall until after June 15.But then again, there have been two cyclones in just 15 days, one of them caused massive damage to Colkata, and another one is coming at Maharashtra.Thankfully, I live as far from the see as you can get, so cyclones won't be causing me any troubles. but as a result, rain came early this year.Also, an army of locusts invaded here, and who knows how much trouble they would cause.Honestly, with the coronavirus, locusts, and everything from the news of world war 3 starting early in the year, (Though I think that one was a exajuration, though you can't be sure with the current climate,) 2020... is simply not the year which it was portrayed within the media at all.Considering that 2050 is also heavily portrayed just like the 2020, I shutter to think what problems we might face by that point.@Dark:You are not alone about the situation regarding lockdown. But you know what? India has many trouble regarding this.First, most of the labors have left, or are leaving, some of them literally are walking thousands of kilometers! companies are laying jobs left, right, and center.So, either you start the economy, or face massive problems. (I of course, speak strictly for India, I don't know exactly how things are in the UK.)One thing which I would say though. the lockdown strategy of India... was very badly executed.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Tuesday, June 02, 2020how these days passed so fast! hi!


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

I had no idea these topics could be created and made automatically sticky.As for me, I have been exercising and doing what I mostly did before this all started.. and becoming disturbed at how everything is turning out to be... all this situation with George Floyd and whats going on the rest of the world because of this.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

(haha)! Classes end on June 5 for us and school starts again on September 1st. @Dark hope the scan's gonna have good results and I hope that MRS Dark's gonna get well. You still have your Gamecube, that's awesome. I play sc2 on my Wii because that has GCN backwards compatibility.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

(haha)! Classes end on June 5 for us and school starts again on september 1st. @Dark hope the scan's gonna have good results and I hope that MRS Dark's gonna get well. You still have your Gamecube, that's awesome. i play sc2 on my Wii because that has GCN backwards compatibility.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

@3 damn, hope everything will get here in june 15th our online classes are ending, yeeess'ss'ss'!if you want truth, i am really tired for beeing in house, online classes, etc.i miss my school friends, so i am happy cause june came! then july, august, and hope in september school will start.Btw i am playing only survive the wild at the moment, because it's only game whitch can get me out from boredom


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

Wow love soul calibur, 2, I have it on my gamecube, I've not played for quite a long while, but I definitely had fun with it. For me, there's not much to report. Unfortunately, Mrs. dark's scan is still hovering like the sword of damocles, so things aren't fun for us, and that's aside from corona, all the trouble that's going on in the states right now following yet more racist police atrocities, and everything else. Actually on the corona front, I admit we're both worried about the easing of lockdown over here, since many people are thinking it's too soon. On the plus side, I continue writing, playing cosmic rage, and having fun, even did a bit of voice acting yesterday for a hopefully cool project, so not everything is completely grim at the least.


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Re: monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monthly chat june 2020

I feel fine. Been mostly studying, eating, talking to relatives and some other friends and playing Soul Calibur 2, May was actually pretty dam boring, basically nothing's going on.


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monthly chat june 2020

2020-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


monthly chat june 2020

Since noone started this Topic until now, I thought i'd do it.What are you guys up to? How do you guys feel?As for me, I just finished my final exam which I briefly talked about in the last monthly Chat Topic.I will get my grades next monday, but I already know that I made it.This is because of certain regulations which were introduced because of the coronavirus pandemic.So because of this, I´have Holidays until University starts, but I hope I won't become bored.


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