Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-24 Thread Patrick Dixon

cliveb;210612 Wrote: 
 Not really. It's to try and help people understand that it's far too
 easy to convince yourself of things that simply are not true. We're all
 vulnerable to it - it's human nature.That's true, but it's also true that 
 it's often quite surprising what
you -can- hear, and what makes a difference to your musical enjoyment. 
I think it's quite possible to be open-minded without being gullible or
becoming a 'brand victim'.

egd;210626 Wrote: 
 Agreed.  I get the distinct impression that those among us obsessed with
 constantly seeking out yet another improvement in our equipment are so
 busy trying to discern differences that they forget to enjoy the damned
 music.I think that's sometimes true too.  But you have to remember that hi-fi
is a hobby for many, and they like to try different equipment and
things out, and chop and change a bit.

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-24 Thread AndyC_772

Patrick Dixon;210578 Wrote: 
 There is a proportion of the industry that appears to be selling
 snake-oil, and a proportion that are selling things that genuinely do
 make a difference, but are wrapped up in pseudo-scientific bullshit. 
 To some extent customers are getting what they deserve, because
 customers do seem to prefer to buy equipment with fancy spec-sheets and
 'dark-art' circuitry, blind.   In general, too much honesty doesn't
 There is no good way to buy high-end audio equipment from the internet.
 There just isn't any substitute for experience and for listening, and
 if you don't want to spend the time and do the graft, you just have to
 go with someone you trust and take your chances.  But, be aware, that
 those who shout loudest are not always right, identical equipment does
 sound different in different setups, and different people do like
 different things.

I think we should frame this quote and have it as a sticky at the top
of every page on this forum.

BTW it's actually quite easy to spot much of the bullsh*t. When people
write it, they have a habit of using what I call bullsh*t marks -
punctuation which resembles the apostrophe, but when used in a
description of a piece of audio equipment, means that either the author
is clueless, or knows perfectly well that what they're writing is total

Try it: pick a manufacturer of any controversial piece of equipment -
cable burn-in devices, CD demagnetisers, miracle jitter squishers or
whatever - and read the scientific explanations they offer of how
their product works. Watch for the bullsh*t marks and report back your
favourite examples :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Benchmark vs. CIAudio VDA-2

2007-06-24 Thread kphinney

Enlisted the service of our wives and between the four of us we could
not choose a consummate winner between the VDA-2 and DAC-1.  Help me
out a bit - why is the Benchmark so well received here?
I don't ask this to start a flame war or ruffle any feathers.  I'm
genuinely interested in what owners  listeners of the DAC-1 have to
say about their choice.


Krell KAV 250CD
CIAudio DVA-2
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's  BW 602 S2's

Zhaolu D2.5
AKG K501

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread david68

Hi, I've just ordered a SB3 and intend to copy my favourite CD's to my
PC so that I can stream them to my hifi. If I'm happy with the results
then it means my Naim CDX2 CDP should end up doing a little less work!

What I don't want to do is copy say a hundred CD's and then discover
that I could have done it better for optimum audio quality. So I could
do with some advice...

I currently use itunes to feed my ipod and have imported my CD's as
320kbps MP3's. However, it looks like Apple Lossless would be the best
way to go for streaming to my hifi. So, would you recommend
re-importing into itunes using Apple Lossless, or (given that I'm going
to have to import my CD collection again anyway) would you suggest
looking at using different software? I notice that a lot of people seem
to prefer EAC, which I think offers FLAC.

Also, do you audiophiles out there with ipods store two copies of each
CD, one in lossless for your hifi and one in a lossy format for your


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Benchmark vs. CIAudio VDA-2

2007-06-24 Thread Pat Farrell
kphinney wrote:
  why is the Benchmark so well received here?

it is, IMHO, a good piece of gear. It is not new, I've had mine probably 
three years. I would expect something designed recently to be both 
comparable and a little cheaper.

I no longer use my DAC-1, I use my Transporter. But if I had not
bought the Transporter, I'd still be using the DAC-1.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread Pat Farrell
david68 wrote:
 I currently use itunes to feed my ipod and have imported my CD's as 
 320kbps MP3's. However, it looks like Apple Lossless would be the
 best way to go for streaming to my hifi. So, would you recommend 
 re-importing into itunes using Apple Lossless, or (given that I'm
 going to have to import my CD collection again anyway) would you
 suggest looking at using different software? I notice that a lot of
 people seem to prefer EAC, which I think offers FLAC.

First, it is not really all that important which lossless compression
you use, they are all, by definition, lossless.

Use what you like. The main advantage of FLAC is that it is Free, as in
the first letter of its name. (Thanks Josh).

Since Jobs is starting to say DRM is evil, Apple Lossless is now less
evil than it used to be, but it is still proprietary to Apple.

 Also, do you audiophiles out there with ipods store two copies of
 each CD, one in lossless for your hifi and one in a lossy format for
 your ipod?

The world seems to be divided into two lists, those that make lists and

There are two main camps. One keeps two libraries, and the other use
tools like flac2mp3 to convert on the fly. There are many different
flac2mp3, almost all named the same, some with different features.


Pat Farrell

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread david68

Yes Evert, that helps a lot, as that is what I was hoping would be
possible. Thank you!

So, to clarify just a bit, you can have more than one library in iTunes
7 and you have it setup so that your ipod only sees the library
containing your MP3's. Then, when you are streaming it is the other
library that is in use?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Benchmark vs. CIAudio VDA-2

2007-06-24 Thread kphinney

The Benchmark weighed more.

Only kidding.  as mentioned the synergy between the VDA-2 and my tube
system was very good.  
My original comments hold true for both my system in the first round of
testing and Geof's Rotel amp and I-Bens speakers in the 2nd round:
A low noise floor was evident in both units - an improvement over the
stock SB3 analog out.  While both units and systems sounded well
rounded and revealing the Benchmark seemed a bit more flat, or perhaps
more realistic depending on the listeners POV.
Musical instruments in the low range were a bit more bleached running
on my system with the Benchmark but this was not evident with the
Rotel/I-Bens - it could also be the effect of doing the comparison a
week apart and the VDA-2 is that much further along in its break-in

I've seen this mentioned in other threads and I did my own test to
compare Optical-Out vs. Coaxial between the SB3 and VDA-2.  Absolutely
no difference was discernible.  

While this is a Squeezebox forum I'll mention one more comparison;
Neither unit improved the listening experience when used in conjunction
with my 7 year old Krell transport.


Krell KAV 250CD
CIAudio DVA-2
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's  BW 602 S2's

Zhaolu D2.5
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Benchmark vs. CIAudio VDA-2

2007-06-24 Thread JJZolx

kphinney;210691 Wrote: 
 Enlisted the service of our wives and between the four of us we could
 not choose a consummate winner between the VDA-2 and DAC-1.  Help me
 out a bit - why is the Benchmark so well received here?
 I don't ask this to start a flame war or ruffle any feathers.  I'm
 genuinely interested in what owners  listeners of the DAC-1 have to
 say about their choice.

That's it?

What were the differences between the two?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread Audiotic

david68;210700 Wrote: 
  What I don't want to do is copy say a hundred CD's and then discover
 that I could have done it better for optimum audio quality. So I could
 do with some advice...
 ... However, it looks like Apple Lossless would be the best way to go
 for streaming to my hifi. So, would you recommend re-importing into
 itunes using Apple Lossless, or (given that I'm going to have to import
 my CD collection again anyway) would you suggest looking at using
 different software? ... Also, do you audiophiles out there with ipods
 store two copies of each CD, one in lossless for your hifi and one in a
 lossy format for your ipod?

This is what I do, and it works great for me - got a BIG (external) HD
(are cheap nowadays), re-ripped all CD's with iTunes, settings Apple
Lossless and Error Correction, have iTunes put them on the external.
Make sure to clean up the collection (the tags aren't really perfect,
and this is really the hardest part). This is the collection I use for
my streaming. This is future-proof, one can always transcode to e.g.
FLAC if there is a desire to do so, losslessly! But iTunes is SO much

Once all this is done, I set iTunes to MP3 in the setting I want (160
VBR), select my entire library, and with the menu-option Advanced -
Convert to MP3 have iTunes (overnight...) transcode all to MP3, for my
iTunes 7 can have different libraries, so this makes it easy. For evey
new CD I repeat above, for that CD.

Does this help?



MacMini CoreDuo, 300 GB of ALAC music - Black Transporter (via analog 
digital out) - Harman Kardon AVR 8500  HK PA2200 Signature - 6 x
Mission 780SE  78C  REL Strata III

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread Audiotic

david68;210711 Wrote: 
 Yes Evert, that helps a lot, as that is what I was hoping would be
 possible. Thank you!
 So, to clarify just a bit, you can have more than one library in iTunes
 7 and you have it setup so that your ipod only sees the library
 containing your MP3's. Then, when you are streaming it is the other
 library that is in use?
That is certainly possible. Since I started this process before iTunes
7 (so before more libraries were possible) I have created a Smart
Playlist where the bitrate is  300, and my iPod is syncing with that
playlist. For streaming I use the  300...


MacMini CoreDuo, 300 GB of ALAC music - Black Transporter (via analog 
digital out) - Harman Kardon AVR 8500  HK PA2200 Signature - 6 x
Mission 780SE  78C  REL Strata III

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread david68

Audiotic;210714 Wrote: 
 That is certainly possible. Since I started this process before iTunes 7
 (so before more libraries were possible) I have created a Smart Playlist
 where the bitrate is  300, and my iPod is syncing with that playlist.
 For streaming I use the  300...Thanks. I've just upgraded my iTunes to 
 version 7 and can't see how to
setup separate libraries, but I'm sure I'll be able to work that out
sooner or later! Failing that, I'll just try the Smart Playlist method
that you describe.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread adamslim

If you use a Naim CD player you are probably a fairly committed
audiophile, so should use the best systems available.

That starts with using EAC to rip to FLAC.  The other possibility is
DBPowerAmp.  iTunes has no system for ensuring that the rip is
accurate, so is best left in the skip.

Once you have good FLACs, you have a perfect copy of your music, and
can use it however you like.  For my iPod I use the FLAC2MP3 script
from Robin Bowes, a regular contributor here.  Convert your entire
library, and use iTunes to sync your iPod (iTunes is uite good and
syncing a library that is bigger than your iPod, as mine is!).

The main advantage of Robin's FLAC2MP3 is that it can go through and
update tags.  Since I listen mostly to classical music, I am often
adding more and more info to my tags.  As a new user, it may well take
you some time to get your tagging system sorted.

DBPowerAmp is also good at FLAC to Mp3 conversion.  Either way, make
sure you use the latest version of Lame, which gets better sounds at
lower bitrates.

Anyway, welcome to the new way to listen to music!



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Living Voice Auditorium II plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Note Dac Zero

2007-06-24 Thread etfun2000

i still own a dac zero.. was a very warm sound of tube on CD. then i
still used it when i was a sb3 owner, as i still noticed a warmer
sound, evne if may be less detailled than sb3 dac. since, i bought the
trasnporter, and said bye bye to the dac zero..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread david68

Thanks Adam, you are right..I do take music reproduction pretty
seriously. I just don't want to over complicate matters if I don't
actually need to. However, if, as you say, iTunes doesn't necessarily
result in an accurate rip then I will need to look at alternatives.
I'll look further into EAC and try to get an idea of what settings I'd
need to be using.

By the way, I notice you are using a Shek D2 DAC. That's on my shopping
list now along with the D1. I already have a Meridian DAC, but don't
rate it as highly as some other do.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audio Note Dac Zero

2007-06-24 Thread adamslim

I love AN kit, but I'd say it might be showing its age now.

Buy an SB+ ;)  Better sound than my Shanling and you can then use the
SB3 in the kitchen :)

Chasing lots of external DACs may be expensive and not get you what you
want.  My Shek d2 was good, but not good enough.  Neither was a decent



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Living Voice Auditorium II plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread Audiotic

david68;210720 Wrote: 
 T...However, if, as you say, iTunes doesn't necessarily result in an
 accurate rip then I will need to look at alternatives...

Separate discussion... but iTunes does a great job. Compared once EAC
rips with iTunes rips. Bit-perfect, both... No issues here.
But you should judge on what matters most for you. In any case, you'll
love the simplicity with which you now can access your music. I can
guarantee you'll listen more, and more diverse!




MacMini CoreDuo, 300 GB of ALAC music - Black Transporter (via analog 
digital out) - Harman Kardon AVR 8500  HK PA2200 Signature - 6 x
Mission 780SE  78C  REL Strata III

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] plug-and-play linear PS (part one)

2007-06-24 Thread ptorpey

So, after all has settled out, has the test actually been done - Did the
suggested power supply actually eliminate the noise heard on other AM

I'm surprised that Slim Devices could get the Squeezebox to pass FCC
requirements for not generating EMF noise outside the box.  If I put
the SB near an AM radio the AM radio sounds like a motorboat!  I have a
radio on a different floor in my house and the interference is still
very objectionable.

Is this really due to the external power supply?  When the power supply
is plugged into the AC but not plugged in the SB, there is no
interference on the radio.  Thus, I'm wondering if the interference is
caused by something inside the SB itself.

I must say, I'm a bit (well, more than a bit) disappointed that, after
spending $300 on the SB they couldn't include a power supply or
whatever it takes internal to the SB to not cause this severe problem.

-- Pete


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Q: Inexpensive Linear power supply

2007-06-24 Thread ptorpey

Is the noise folks are complainign about in this thread related to the
sound quality of music being played through the SB?


Is the noise folks are complaining about the noise that is heard on any
AM radio in the same house with a SB even when the SB power is turned

For me, the sound quality of music heard through the SB is fine.  MY
complaint is the severe interference heard on other AM radios in the
house when the SB isn't being used.  What is the appropriate solution
for that (if any)?


-- Pete


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Benchmark vs. CIAudio VDA-2

2007-06-24 Thread SatoriGFX

kphinney;210691 Wrote: 
 Help me out a bit - why is the Benchmark so well received here?

My guess?  Hype.  I'm not saying it's not a quality product.  but I do
find it interesting, reading through various forums, that more than a
few people who have tried the DAC-1 and the VDA-2 chose the latter.  I
have seen few posts where the listener chose the DAC-1 over the VDA-2
(maybe I missed them, blinded by my love of the VDA-2 though).

I find the VDA-2 to be very natural sounding, detailed without being
analytical, quiet and musical and I'm still using one that has not been
updated to the latest spec (too lazy to send it in for the free update
right now) which supposedly lowers the noise floor even more and
improves linearity.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Where to buy a Lavry Black

2007-06-24 Thread Markhh2

Any suggestions for a Lavry retailer that will offer a good price and
reasonable return policy without a 15% re-stocking fee.  Thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Where to buy a Lavry Black

2007-06-24 Thread Pat Farrell
Markhh2 wrote:
 Any suggestions for a Lavry retailer that will offer a good price and
 reasonable return policy without a 15% re-stocking fee.  Thanks.

I bought my Benchmark DAC-1 from Mercenary. They carry Lavry too.
They have good return policies, but I don't know the specifics, I've 
bought a lot of stuff for my recording studio from them

Pat Farrell PRC recording studio

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