Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode's USB 24/192 plug in - sound quality impressions

2012-06-11 Thread SBGK

why not have the default code use the 0.6 method and then if it senses
internet radio at the start of the track make it branch to a separate
codepath that allow the internet radio format to play.

as far as I know no one is complaining about 0.6 and even the guy who
requested the internet radio functionality noticed a difference in

I know the change in code looks small, but is it something that is
executed once at the start of a track or a million times a second ?

otherwise seems we are headed to a sound compromised by the desire to
play low resolution internet radio, which is just bizarre in something
whose major benefit was better SQ.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best server for Transporter

2012-06-11 Thread audiomuze

That's way too much pc & cost if all you want is a quiet box on which to
host LMS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best server for Transporter

2012-06-11 Thread SuperQ

I built a nice custom linux server/desktop machine.  It does a number of
duties besides just LMS.  It hosts files for my mac mini (still trying
to decide if I like XBMC or Plex as a UI for that).  I also use it as a
primary desktop for browsing and photo editing.  It also runs a number
of VMs for testing some routing configurations.

My shopping list looked like this:

Lian-Li PC-Q08

Intel mini-itx mainboard
I would probably get this one now:

The only bad part of this board is that it only supports 4x SATA and I
had to use the PCIe slot for a SATA board.  If I didn't use it as a
desktop, I would have probably gone with a supermicro Atom D525 server
board because they support IPMI.

Whatever CPU and ram floats your boat, I went with 8G of ram and

I have 6x WD RE4-GP 2T server drives setup with Linux software raid.  I
have a small mirror setup for the root fs, 140G of space for the rest of
the OS and 100G for /home.  Then the rest of the space (7T) is a raid6
volume for backups (crashplan of my family's laptops) and other media.

I also have an external USB-3 drive or two that I offline backup the
important stuff to, like my FLAC files.

Of course, none of this is audiophile related, except that I have my
audio system (Transporter, Revel speakers, Musical Fidelity amp)
networked to it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Can anyone recommend a Cambridge Audio DacMagic...

2012-06-11 Thread campmountainman

jezbo wrote: 
> ... for enhancing the sound of my SB3? I've had my eyes on one for a
> couple of years now, but perhaps there's better out now for a similar
> price.
> Currently my SB3 is fed directly through a decent Marantz amp +
> Mordaunt-Short speakers or Heed CanAmp + Beyerdynamic headphones. Music
> source is usually lossless flac files. 
> Also, for anyone who has actually got a DacMagic, what are the
> additional connectors I'll need to purchase?

I bought the dacmagic to connect to my SB3. Previously I was using a
Musical Fidelity X24 dac but the Dacmagic was an improvement over this
in terms of detail, soundstage and smoothness. I connected them with a
co-axial SPDIF cable which seemed to work best.

Later I upgraded to the Logitech Touch. Strangely the sound sound
improved significantly over the SB3. I suspect the Touch had less
jitter.  Anyway, I found a decent optical connector ($30) worked better
than a much more expensive co-axial cable I was using previously.
Sounded cleaner and smoother with more detail. I suspect noise was been
sent via the shield of the cable. 

I installed soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 3.0 and the sound became better
still with more clarity and detail.

I did modify the Dacmagic to bypass the output capacitors on the RCA
outputs. This did make quite a difference to the sound and improved the
bass considerably.

I am going to try the balanced outputs on the Dacmagic as they are
claimed to provide better performance. 
I will keep you Posted.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why do need a Logitech Device?

2012-06-11 Thread ralphpnj

totoro wrote: 
> I more or less agree about the fanboy thing. I am aware of the attempted
> irony. 
> But someone who is claiming that using windows is "thinking differently"
> is being recursively meta-ironic. I mean seriously, I've never had the
> it trolls at any company I've worked at try to force me to use Osx. I
> have had that experience with windows, even when the software I was
> writing would end up running on some kind of unix. Windows owes its
> dominance, to a great degree, to the dumbing-down of system
> administration as a job. Thanks to the fashion for apple, and the fact
> that all the executives want to use macbooks and ipads, corporate
> networks are becoming less monocultural, and I'm more likely to NOT have
> to listen to a lot of shit when I insist on loading ubuntu on my
> workstation. I'd call that a win.

Sounds good to me. While I may do my best to trash Apple every chance I
get, I make it a point not to throw the first punch. In the case of this
thread I was merely pointing out that Apple products and the Apple
universe do have their fair share of problems/issues, just as Windows
does and unix too. What makes Apple different is that they do a great
job of hiding the shortcomings from the user.

Back to the original theme of this thread, sure now that just about
every computer, audio and video equipment manufacturer has some kind of
network enabled device that can be used to play the music collection on
one's computer does not make the Squeezebox family of devices less
useful. Instead most of these devices only help to show how far ahead of
everyone else Logitech is when it comes to streaming audio. Sure I can
stream mp3s using my $59 networked blu-ray player but there is no way
that this device makes doing so as easy as streaming is with a SB Touch.
Plus the networked blu-ray player doesn't play flac, ogg, etc., and high
resolution files.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why do need a Logitech Device?

2012-06-11 Thread totoro

ralphpnj wrote: 
> I just love it that Apple fanboys are morally compelled to respond to
> even the slightest anti-Apple post. The "think different" was a
> reference to a one time Apple advertising campaign which went along the
> lines that Apple users somehow were thinking differently from Windows
> users. Now that Apple owns overwhelming majorities of both the smart
> phone and tablet markets I thought my statement was funny in an ironic
> sort of way. I guess you missed it.
> Back to the original subject, I gave my answer in post #7 above. The
> sidetrack into a mini-flame war only happened because some fanboy felt
> compelled (yes they are always "compelled" since being compelled goes
> along with brainwashing) to tell us how great Airplay is. I felt
> compelled to remind him of how great Airplay ISN'T.

I more or less agree about the fanboy thing. I am aware of the attempted

But someone who is claiming that using windows is "thinking differently"
is being recursively meta-ironic. I mean seriously, I've never had the
it trolls at any company I've worked at try to force me to use Osx. I
have had that experience with windows, even when the software I was
writing would end up running on some kind of unix. Windows owes its
dominance, to a great degree, to the dumbing-down of system
administration as a job. Thanks to the fashion for apple, and the fact
that all the executives want to use macbooks and ipads, corporate
networks are becoming less monocultural, and I'm more likely to NOT have
to listen to a lot of shit when I insist on loading ubuntu on my
workstation. I'd call that a win.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode's USB 24/192 plug in - sound quality impressions

2012-06-11 Thread cfraser

^ The butterfly  effect? Let me be a bit of a devil's advocate...

I think you'd agree that different code, no matter how apparently
trivially different, executes differently. The electronically different
results are easily seen with the proper gear. Hell, the
3-letter-agencies can tell exactly what you're doing by the radiated
energy from your executing code. From quite far away. So let's not say
our audiophile listening rooms or electronics are immune. Whatever this
small change in code is, the way the electronics process it could result
in some unexpected audible sonic difference.

It is very difficult to believe that code that's *logically* identical
results in a different sound. That is why all new revision software that
only had *minor* changes made to it always works perfectly, and never
creates new problems with things that worked perfectly before. :)

>From a practical perspective as a developer, if it's not a lot of
trouble, just let people have access to the old versions until they
prove to themselves they're not better. If they like the old one, no
harm. Don't actually go back to the older version for development.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why do need a Logitech Device?

2012-06-11 Thread ralphpnj

totoro wrote: 
> WTF? OS flame wars? Really? Windows is "thinking different"? At least
> OSX is a unix and has a reasonable command line. I prefer linux, but
> whatever. Why don't we stick to the subject at hand, rather than go down
> this rathole?

I just love it that Apple fanboys are morally compelled to respond to
even the slightest anti-Apple post. The "think different" was a
reference to a one time Apple advertising campaign which went along the
lines that Apple users somehow were thinking differently from Windows
users. Now that Apple owns overwhelming majorities of both the smart
phone and tablet markets I thought my statement was funny in an ironic
sort of way. I guess you missed it.

Back to the original subject, I gave my answer in post #7 above. The
sidetrack into a mini-flame war only happened because some fanboy felt
compelled (yes they are always "compelled" since being compelled goes
along with brainwashing) to tell us how great Airplay is. I felt
compelled to remind him of how great Airplay ISN'T.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why do need a Logitech Device?

2012-06-11 Thread totoro

ralphpnj wrote: 
> Since you asked.
> I've been an active member of this forum for five years during which
> time I've seen and read many, many posts dealing with the shortcomings
> of the Apple universe. Such things as trouble with iTunes, lack of flac
> support, lack of high resolution support. I also own several other media
> streaming devices such a WD TV Live and a Panasonic streaming blu-ray
> player. The one thing these devices have in common is that they suck
> when compared to any Squeezebox device when it comes to streaming music.
> Can they stream music? Yes (in the case of the WD TV Live) and maybe (in
> the case of the Panasonic which, like any Apple device, will not play
> flac) Would I want to use them as music streaming devices? No because in
> the case of each device their music library management abilities are
> simply terrible.
> But the real reason I responded with "rudeness and childish sarcasm" is
> because any and all Apple fanboys deserve no better. I've been using
> Windows based computers for many years and I can do anything an Apple
> computer does, only better. Plus I can listen to or watch music and
> videos of ANY type without having to worry about whether Apple refuses
> to support a particular format. And finally I don't use or like Apple
> simply because I like to "Think Different".

WTF? OS flame wars? Really? Windows is "thinking different"? At least
OSX is a unix and has a reasonable command line. I prefer linux, but
whatever. Why don't we stick to the subject at hand, rather than go down
this rathole?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter as server (digital outs)- a few basic questions

2012-06-11 Thread Phil Leigh

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> There is no way to tell which connection method is going to be the best
> before hand, you just have to try them. There are far to many variables
> in implementation and cables to make generic judgements. 
> No, the transporter is not being clocked by the Cary, it's a one way
> connection between the Transporter and the Cary. IF the Cary had a word
> clock output the Transporter could be slaved to it, but from reading the
> website I see no mention made of a wordclock  output. So most likely
> there is a traditional receiver in the Cary which uses a PLL to extract
> the  clock from the digital signal coming from the  Transporter. This is
> almost guaranteed to be significantly higher jiter than the internal
> clock in the Cary. The sales literature spends time talking about how
> low jitter the internal clock is, but nothing about how good the input
> receiver is, so it's probably fairly generic. (If a company has spent
> effort making a very low jitter receiver they usually make a big deal
> about it, the Cary does not)
> The upshot is that there is not a lot you can do about it, try the three
> different connection methods and see what you like the best, stick with
> that. 
> I am the one who  is not particularly fond of AES/EBU, sometimes it can
> sound the best, but my experience has been that in a lot of cases it is
> NOT the best sounding interface. 
> John S.
for what it's worth, I'm not fond of AES/EBU either. It is often poorly
implemented  at incorrect or incompatible voltage levels. THere can also
be grounding issues and there is no galvanic isolation.

Where it works well is in professional location recording setups with
runs of hundreds of feet of cable and/or harsh physical environments
with rampant RFI/EMI from generators etc. It is worth noting thAt in
such situations, reliability is more important than ultimate sound
As garym mentioned it was after all designed purely to reuse those very
expensive 300ft drums of xlr-xlr cable snakes that pros have...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter as server (digital outs)- a few basic questions

2012-06-11 Thread jh901

John S.

Appreciated.  Not the answer I wanted, but lesson learned.  I'll hope
that AES is closer than S/PDIF to CD.  The Cary has been an enormous
upgrade even with the clock situation.  Worst case is that I'll play CDs
for any serious listening.  Of course, as good as the system sounds now
I'll be doing much of that!

Thanks again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode's USB 24/192 plug in - sound quality impressions

2012-06-11 Thread Triode

SBGK wrote: 
> that's the problem Triode, you ask for feedback and so far you have not
> believed what people tell you and , in fact, have belittled the comments
> about 0.6 vs 0.7, why should we try your different binaries if you don't
> believe what people say and also if you can't hear the difference in
> your system. please tell us what proof will be acceptable to you.

I want to find any real differences, but having posted what I believe to
be the difference - which is the two binaries + the code changes, no one
has tested the two back to back and provided evidence of actual changes
in terms of the active configurations.  Starting a rumour than version X
is better than version Y just leads to uniformed people searching for an
old version which we have no evidence (yet) of why they are different. 
The reason for being concerned about this is that many of the claims of
better here and elsewhere have at least a hint of expectation bias and I
remain sceptical. [Several of the changes claimed to make a difference
can be shown to not impact the active configuration with only cursory
review of the code and must be questioned.]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter as server (digital outs)- a few basic questions

2012-06-11 Thread JohnSwenson

jh901 wrote: 
> 2) I'm using the coax output of the Transporter for now, but I'm
> switching to AES since the rest of my system is balanced.  Are any of
> the Transporter outs considered superior (for sound quality)?  Most
> importantly, is the digital output from the Transporter being clocked by
> the Cary? (I get confused about "Master/Slave")
> Josh

There is no way to tell which connection method is going to be the best
before hand, you just have to try them. There are far to many variables
in implementation and cables to make generic judgements. 

No, the transporter is not being clocked by the Cary, it's a one way
connection between the Transporter and the Cary. IF the Cary had a word
clock output the Transporter could be slaved to it, but from reading the
website I see no mention made of a wordclock  output. So most likely
there is a traditional receiver in the Cary which uses a PLL to extract
the  clock from the digital signal coming from the  Transporter. This is
almost guaranteed to be significantly higher jiter than the internal
clock in the Cary. The sales literature spends time talking about how
low jitter the internal clock is, but nothing about how good the input
receiver is, so it's probably fairly generic. (If a company has spent
effort making a very low jitter receiver they usually make a big deal
about it, the Cary does not)

The upshot is that there is not a lot you can do about it, try the three
different connection methods and see what you like the best, stick with

I am the one who  is not particularly fond of AES/EBU, sometimes it can
sound the best, but my experience has been that in a lot of cases it is
NOT the best sounding interface. 

John S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode's USB 24/192 plug in - sound quality impressions

2012-06-11 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> Please read the rest of this thread (at least from post #56 onwards) -
> although some have claimed 0.6 sounded better than 0.7, no one has
> stepped up to the challenge of testing the two binaries against each
> other and validating that they really hear a change and/or that there is
> a difference in the active configuration used.
> If you want to use an earlier version then you will need to manually
> install - you can find the earlier version here:
> However if you do this, please post something to this thread which
> verifies what has changed and how it impacts sounds quality - I don't
> want rumours of old versions having better sound quality to maintain
> without justification and evidence - all future versions will be based
> on the current version until someone proves that something which has
> changed should be reverted.

that's the problem Triode, you ask for feedback and so far you have not
believed what people tell you and , in fact, have belittled the comments
about 0.6 vs 0.7, why should we try your different binaries if you don't
believe what people say and also if you can't hear the difference in
your system. please tell us what proof will be acceptable to you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best server for Transporter

2012-06-11 Thread audiomuze

HP Microserver

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode's USB 24/192 plug in - sound quality impressions

2012-06-11 Thread Triode

Sysagent wrote: 
> As the title says :)
> How can I go back to the previous version of the EDO plugin please?
> I am on the current new version and to my ears it does sound quite harsh
> to listen to for a prolonged period of time, if somebody could post a
> step by step way of how to go to the previous version that allegedly did
> not have these traits it would be much appreciated.
> Many thanks,

Please read the rest of this thread (at least from post #56 onwards) -
although some have claimed 0.6 sounded better than 0.7, no one has
stepped up to the challenge of testing the two binaries against each
other and validating that they really hear a change and/or that there is
a difference in the active configuration used.

If you want to use an earlier version then you will need to manually
install - you can find the earlier version here:

However if you do this, please post something to this thread which
verifies what has changed and how it impacts sounds quality - I don't
want rumours of old versions having better sound quality to maintain
without justification and evidence all future versions will be based on
the current version until someone proves that something which has
changed should be reverted.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode's USB 24/192 plug in - sound quality impressions

2012-06-11 Thread Sysagent

As the title says :)

How can I go back to the previous version of the EDO plugin please?

I am on the current new version and to my ears it does sound quite harsh
to listen to for a prolonged period of time, if somebody could post a
step by step way of how to go to the previous version that allegedly did
not have these traits it would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter as server (digital outs)- a few basic questions

2012-06-11 Thread garym

you might also try toslink optical out from transporter as well. Some
see EMI noise transmitted via S/PDIF coax connections. And in many cases
the S/PDIF coax connectors are not the correct ohm.  These are typically
such small effects that they are not audible under normal conditions,
but perhaps in your system they matter

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best server for Transporter

2012-06-11 Thread aubuti

"reasonably priced" is a pretty vague term, but as we're in the
Audiophiles forum I'll assume you mean "expensive"  :-)

If you want quiet, capable, and convenient you probably can't do better
than the Fit-PC line ( The Fit-PC computers are
also ridiculously small. They take 2.5" hard drives, which are also a
lot quieter than their 3.5" counterparts. Or if you have the budget, get
an SSD. And in the grand scheme of things, the Fit-PC is not absurdly
expensive. It's more than many other alternatives, but it is quite
reasonable for what it is.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter as server (digital outs)- a few basic questions

2012-06-11 Thread garym

jh901 wrote: 
> Hm.  So how would this interference manifest itself?  I haven't had a
> buffering problem since upgrading my router, so I don't have a concern
> in that area.  I'm trying to work through each part of the data path in
> order to determine why CDs played in the transport sound better than
> from the media server (S/PDIF digital out to the same exact DAC).  My
> system resolves at quite a high level, so it's easy to hear intimate
> musical detail.
> Maybe it's a "master-slave" thing with the master clock?  I want the
> Cary to handle everything.

buffering, etc. Sounds like not an issue for you.  Regarding sounding
better, are you sure you're not comparing while using replaygain values
on your digital files (FLAC or WAV I assume). If replaygain values are
being used (check LMS > SETTINGS > Players > audio) this could account
for what you are hearing. With replaygain being used, most tracks will
have volume reduced (not increased).  And in blind studies, even an
almost imperceptible reduction in volume can lead listeners to prefer
the "louder" track.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter as server (digital outs)- a few basic questions

2012-06-11 Thread jh901

Hm.  So how would this interference manifest itself?  I haven't had a
buffering problem since upgrading my router, so I don't have a concern
in that area.  I'm trying to work through each part of the data path in
order to determine why CDs played in the transport sound better than
from the media server (S/PDIF digital out to the same exact DAC).  My
system resolves at quite a high level, so it's easy to hear intimate
musical detail.

Maybe it's a "master-slave" thing with the master clock?  I want the
Cary to handle everything.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter as server (digital outs)- a few basic questions

2012-06-11 Thread garym

jh901 wrote: 
> Should I expect a slight sound quality improvement using ethernet (vs
> wifi)?

you shouldn't expect *any* difference if your WIFI connection is good.
Either wifi or ethernet will deliver perfect bits to the transporter.
This said, WIFI can suffer interference, etc. that can make it worse.  I
personally prefer the ethernet connection because I don't have to deal
with any potential interference from other wifi networks near me,
interference from microwave ovens, etc.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter as server (digital outs)- a few basic questions

2012-06-11 Thread jh901

Ok.  I'm not using the analog outs of the Transporter, but I referred to
the AES digital out as "balanced" since it is XLR terminated.  Of
course, then we have the question of the interconnect quality itself,
but that's another topic.

Thanks for the advice on the ethernet.  I'll need about 50 feet (less
than 20 meters), so I suppose I'll be just fine.  Should I expect a
slight sound quality improvement using ethernet (vs wifi)?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter as server (digital outs)- a few basic questions

2012-06-11 Thread garym

jh901 wrote: 
> Hi- I've recently upgraded to the Cary 306 (see sig) for both SACD and
> as a DAC for redbook PCM from the Transporter digital outs.  
> 1) Networked by wi-fi, but I was considering a switch to Ethernet.  Any
> length related concerns for ethernet cable?  
> 2) I'm using the coax output of the Transporter for now, but I'm
> switching to AES since the rest of my system is balanced.  Are any of
> the Transporter outs considered superior (for sound quality)?  Most
> importantly, is the digital output from the Transporter being clocked by
> the Cary? (I get confused about "Master/Slave")
> I have a few more concerns that I'll follow up with as I get my arms
> around the first two.  I appreciate any help and I understand that this
> stuff will have been covered before, but I'm not real clever with
> "search" and I want to capture a discussion applicable to my situation
> all in one thread.  Do feel free to post links.
> Thank you!
> Josh

maximum ethernet cable length (cat5e) is 100 meters, or a bit over 300
feet. But if you need a longer run than that, just connect to a switch
box, then connect new ethernet cable to the switch.  So ethernet cable
length is rarely a practical limitation

I can't find the thread, but a couple of years ago there was a good
discussion by either John Swenson or Phil Leigh rleated to AES.  My
recollection was that AES was not considered as good as S/PDIF or
TOSLINK.  The notion was that AES was created simply because it allowed
studios to use the cables and XLR connectors that they already had
laying around the studio.

p.s. I may misunderstand what you are doing, but the Transporter
BALANCED outs are analog (in fact, this is what I use, Transporter
balanced out via XLR into the balanced input of my preamp).  If you are
going from Transporter to DAC, it seems you'd want to use transporter
DIGITAL out into your DAC.  The "balanced" part is once you reach the
analog stage. That is, you'd want balanced out analog from the DAC into
the balanced input of your preamp/amp. The input into your DAC from the
transporter just needs to be digital (S/PDIF coax, toslink, or AES are
all possibilities here).

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Best server for Transporter

2012-06-11 Thread pkfox

Hi all, having just moved home I don't have a remote place to site my
old ReadyNas NV box which runs Squeezecenter and feeds my TP  ( or
whatever it's called now ) which is necessary because of noise ( don't
know if it's the fan or the drives ) I've just tried siting it under the
stairs but I can still here it in the lounge. So I'm thinking it might
be time to say goodbye to the old girl and buy something else. Anyone
know of a reasonable priced quiet device that runs SC well ? preferably
running Linux.

many thanks

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter as server (digital outs)- a few basic questions

2012-06-11 Thread jh901

Hi- I've recently upgraded to the Cary 306 (see sig) for both SACD and
as a DAC for redbook PCM from the Transporter digital outs.  

1) Networked by wi-fi, but I was considering a switch to Ethernet.  Any
length related concerns for ethernet cable?  

2) I'm using the coax output of the Transporter for now, but I'm
switching to AES since the rest of my system is balanced.  Are any of
the Transporter outs considered superior (for sound quality)?  Most
importantly, is the digital output from the Transporter being clocked by
the Cary? (I get confused about "Master/Slave")

I have a few more concerns that I'll follow up with as I get my arms
around the first two.  I appreciate any help and I understand that this
stuff will have been covered before, but I'm not real clever with
"search" and I want to capture a discussion applicable to my situation
all in one thread.  Do feel free to post links.

Thank you!


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