SBGK wrote: 
> that's the problem Triode, you ask for feedback and so far you have not
> believed what people tell you and , in fact, have belittled the comments
> about 0.6 vs 0.7, why should we try your different binaries if you don't
> believe what people say and also if you can't hear the difference in
> your system. please tell us what proof will be acceptable to you.

I want to find any real differences, but having posted what I believe to
be the difference - which is the two binaries + the code changes, no one
has tested the two back to back and provided evidence of actual changes
in terms of the active configurations.  Starting a rumour than version X
is better than version Y just leads to uniformed people searching for an
old version which we have no evidence (yet) of why they are different. 
The reason for being concerned about this is that many of the claims of
better here and elsewhere have at least a hint of expectation bias and I
remain sceptical. [Several of the changes claimed to make a difference
can be shown to not impact the active configuration with only cursory
review of the code and must be questioned.]

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