Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter next model?

2009-02-03 Thread Jaco

Except that the current implementations of HDMI have much higher jitter
figures than SPDIF. In the Feb 2009 edition of the Hi-fi News magazine
Paul Miller measured the following jitter results for a few A/V

Denon AVR-3803A
SPDIF: 560psec
HDMI: 3700psec

Onkyo TX-NR906
SPDIF: 470psec
HDMI: 3860psec

Pioneer SC-LX81
SPDIF: 37psec
HDMI: 50psec

Yamaha RX-V3900
SPDIF: 183psec
HDMI: 7660psec

And no, those figures for the Pioneer aren't typos - it just shows what
can be done when implemented correctly! Unfortunately the Denon and
Onkyo amps were rated to sound the best, but I believe that had more to
do with their amplifier sections than the jitter and
pre-amplifier/processor sections.


XP  Wi-fi  Transporter  SPDIF  Denon AVR-3808  Linkwitz Labs Orion+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Improving quality of original Squeezebox

2009-01-31 Thread Jaco

Hi Brian,

Yes, that is true - I just didn't realize that the equivalent series
inductance (ESL) would be so high for the electrolytic that it had an
effect below 20kHz. I found this document showing the effect of ESL in
a very nice graphical way

One would expect the designers to at least select the components better
for this effect not to matter that much...



XP  Wi-fi  Transporter  SPDIF  Denon AVR-3808  Linkwitz Labs Orion+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Improving quality of original Squeezebox

2009-01-30 Thread Jaco

Yes, I'm also confused. Connecting capacitors in parallel certainly does
not amount to bypassing the original capacitor! 

If you have two capacitors with capacitances C1 and C2, the resulting
capacitance after connecting them in parallel will be Ctotal = C1 + C2.
So, I'm also wondering how will a total capacitance of 110uF + 0.1uF =
110.1uF could make such a large audible difference???

So please provide a picture or a more detailed description of how you
bypassed the original capacitors!


XP  Wi-fi  Transporter  SPDIF  Denon AVR-3808  Linkwitz Labs Orion+

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Trasnporter display flashes while idle

2009-01-18 Thread Jaco

I've been using my Transporter for almost a year now without
experiencing any problems. However, lately whenever my Transporter is
idle - either not playing any music or switched off with the display
showing only the time - then both the displays flash brightly every 30
seconds or so. This happens irrespective of the brightness level. I've
also determined that it isn't just a brightness flash since it is still
visible with both the displays on their brightest. When the flash
appears it happens simultaneously for both displays. It is too quick to
see what is being displayed though. The strange thing is that it does
not happen while I'm playing music through the Transporter. 

I've reset the Transporter (switching it on while pressing ADD button
on the remote), but no luck. The problem still persists. Has anybody
experienced a similar problem? At first I suspected it may be a
hardware problem, but then it would also show while playing music. So
my guess is it may be a firmware/software problem. 

Here is the information from my SqueezeCenter:

Version: 7.3.1 - 24372 @ Fri Dec 19 17:56:44 PST 2008
Operating system: Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Platform Architecture: 586
Perl Version: 5.8.8 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt
Total Players Recognized: 1

And my Transporter information:

Player Model: transporter
Firmware: 71
Wireless Signal Strength: 83%
Voltage: 234



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Trasnporter display flashes while idle

2009-01-18 Thread Jaco

I've removed all remotes from the room and any possible source of IR or
RF interference I can think of, but the problem still persists. Like
clockwork the display flashes/glitches every 20 seconds when the
Transporter is idle, but not while it is playing...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Trasnporter display flashes while idle

2009-01-18 Thread Jaco

I'm not so sure it is a hardware problem. Why would it behave like this
only while the Transporter is not playing music. I can play music and
the display is fine, then press pause and then the flashes will start
happening every 20 seconds, press play again and the problem


XP  Wi-fi  Transporter  SPDIF  Denon AVR-3808  Linkwitz Labs Orion+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Trasnporter display flashes while idle

2009-01-18 Thread Jaco

I'm not sure if this is related, but I have noted the following
behaviour quite regularly. When switching off my TP via the remote,
either while it is playing or stopped, I would immediatley get the Date
and Time screensaver which is correct. However, a while after that it
will suddenly display the Now Playing screen (which is my screensaver
for when playing) for a few seconds and then switch back to the Date
and Time screensaver. It looks like switching off the TP does not
cancel the timers for the playing/stopped screensavers, so when these
timers trigger they suddenly show their associated screensaver, and
then something realises that, oops, the TP is actually off, and then
reverts back to the off display.

Maybe there is something similar happening in my TP, but on a much
shorter timescale which then results in the flash I perceive. So, if
these disabling/enabling of these timers could be sorted out that may
sort out the flashing behaviour too...


XP  Wi-fi  Transporter  SPDIF  Denon AVR-3808  Linkwitz Labs Orion+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Powered Speakers Recommendations

2008-12-24 Thread Jaco

I second the suggestions for the AVI ADM9.1. Here's an online review:

Another good option is the Acoustic Energy AE22-04 actives. See here:
I haven't heard them myself, but they've been receiving good reviews in
numerous hi-fi magazines.

If you are willing the DIY route I can highly recommend the Linkwitz
Lab's fully active speakers (see I've
built both the Pluto+ and the Orion+ speakers. The Orion+ speakers are
the best sounding speakers I've heard in my system so far.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 + Cambridge DacMagic ($400) Review

2008-12-24 Thread Jaco

The Computer Audiophile has also posted a review recently. Here it is:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hi-Fi critric reveals their limited vision

2007-10-20 Thread Jaco

Just to put things in perspective, here are some quotes from his column
in the latest edition of HI-FI CHOICE (October 2007), titled History

Ripping a CD to the hard drive is quick and simple, and with the
assistance of an audiophile-oriented streamer - such as the SB+ from UK
specialist At-View - very good replay results can be obtained through a
top quality hi-fi system.
After discharging the obligatory nit-picking of a serious hi-fi nut,
the real strength of the SB+ lies in the sheer convenience and
accessability that computer-based music storage brings to the party.
One reason why CD initially took off as a replacement for vinyl was
because it brought full remote control convenience to the masses.
Computer-based music storage and replay goes another major step along
the same path, in allowing finger-tip access to one's entire music
library. Even though I'll still seek out and spin vinyl for personal
pleasure, there's no doubt in my mind that computers and servers
represent the future of hi-fi for the majority of consumers.

So, in my opinion he completely gets it...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Empirical Audio Pace-Car Reclocker

2007-08-28 Thread Jaco

Veggen;223180 Wrote: 
 Exactly, but the Pace-Car does not. 
 Empirical audio clearly demonstrates a lack of knowledge of the SB
 which does not give me much confidence in their product.

Please do your homework people! The current PaceCar reclocker can be
configured to support the following frequencies:

16-bit/44.1 kHz 
24-bit/96 kHz 
24-bit/192 kHz 

Note that 24-bit/48 kHz is not included in this list. Hence the
statement about the 16-bit/44.1 kHz limitation of the SB3. And also, if
you ask the owner of Empirical Audio nicely he might even oblige and
provide you a 24-bit/48 kHz version of the PaceCar.

Statements like the one quoted above does not contribute anything other
than showing ignorance. The owner of Empirical Audio knows more about
clocking of DAC's and digital sources than most people and has a real
passion for the subject.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Empirical Audio Pace-Car Reclocker

2007-08-15 Thread Jaco

Hi DC,

I didn't claim that FIFO's and master clocks were something new -
they've been used in the pro audio world for a long time. However, this
is the first solution (at least what I'm aware of) that employ these
techniques for the SB3. 

DC, your description of the how the FIFO buffers work are excellent.
That's exactly where something like the PaceCar enters the picture. In
order to prevent FIFO buffer over/under-runs the PaceCar is in control
of the master clock. Since the SB3 is slaved to the clock of the
Pace-Car, the buffer in the PaceCar will never over/under-run even
though the incoming signal may have jitter. The buffer is then clocked
out using a very low jitter clock. By employing this technique the SB3
can operate as a digital source with extremely low jitter.

Whether the low amount jitter makes an audible difference or not is an
interesting question. Anecdotal evidence shows that people are able to
hear very low levels of digital jitter, and yes, I realise that I've
opened up a Pandora's box by saying that! :-|



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Really controversial idea...

2007-07-25 Thread Jaco

My believe is that all these different approaches of slaving the DAC to
the clock of the digital source, or by using PLL's or
re-clocking/re-sampling are fundamentally flawed. It is the DAC that
should be the clock master and not the source. That immediately solves
most of the jitter issues if the DAC has a low-jitter master clock. 

Fortunately some companies have realised this and started taking this
approach. For example, see the Pace-Car by Emperical audio

Another company taking this approach is LessLoss (see By the way, the latter web site is a useful
resource of information regarding jitter with some nice animated
pictures of what it looks like.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Really controversial idea...

2007-07-25 Thread Jaco

Thanks for your reply Phil. Yes, I'm also interested in hearing what
different amounts of jitter sound like. That could be an intersting

A good friend of mine is a recording engineer and we've experimented
quite a lot with the good sounding harmonic distortion of valve
pre-amps. It's an eye-opening experience for most people that have not
being exposed to it before!  

Being an electronics engineer with a master's degree in digital signal
processing I typically prefer the more elegant technical solutions. :-)
Unfortunately that is not what I'm seeing with the transport being the
clock master - hence my leaning towards the solution where the DAC is
the clock master which simplifies things considerably, and hopefully
bringing down the price of high quality digital audio.

I agree that existing solutions using the PLL or
re-clocking/re-sampling approaches do sound good. However, the really
good ones do come at a considerable cost in financial terms :( My
believe is that the DAC as clock master can make even a cheap CD player
a great digital source. Now we need to work on the cost of DAC's which
can act as clock masters...

That's just the engineer in me striving towards the more elegant and
more economical solutions...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to use the world clock input on the Transporter?

2007-07-22 Thread Jaco

OK, I did some more research on this issue. It seems that there are two
different standards for providing an external clock signal to digital

1. An input running at the sampling frequency, e.g. 44.1kHz or 96kHz
(called Wordclock)

2. An input running at the internal crystal frequency, e.g. 33.8688,
16.9344 or 11.2896 MHz (called Superclock)

Which one of the above is supported by the Transporter's external clock


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How to use the world clock input on the Transporter?

2007-07-13 Thread Jaco

I'm investigating the use of an external DAC with a world clock output
to use with the TP. One example of such a product is the LessLoss DAC

The way I understand the world clock input is that it has to be
configured to work with a fixed sampling rate, e.g. 44.1kHz or 96kHz.
If I'm playing both 44.1kHz and 96kHz files then I'll have to change
the configuration of the world clock generator to the required
frequency before playing the different files. My question is whether
there is a way to have this switching done automatically? 

Any suggestions, or is there something I'm missing?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter vs. Resolution Audio Opus 21 CD Player

2007-07-09 Thread Jaco

Have a look at the following review at SonicFlare:

The following paragraph caught my eye:

The Transporter sounds quite good in that it is very even across the
frequency range, has decent dynamic range and has pretty good
instrument texture and timing. The Resolution Audio CDÂ’s sound quality
player blew it away. The sound was way more impact-full and realistic.
The low end had more umph. The entire frequency range through the Res
CD had more ambient information. The high end of the Resolution Audio
Opus 21 CD player has a great balance of detail and air. The midrange
was way more accurate than transmitted through the TransporterÂ… being
tuneful, engaging, dynamic and rhythmic through the Resolution player.
It was one of the more obvious sonic differences I have heard between
two digital sources.

Are there any opinions from Transporter owners out there? Currently I'm
seriously considering the option to upgrade my SB3 to a Transporter, but
reviews like the above make me think twice. I don't necesssarily
distrust the audio quality of the Transporter, but reviews like above
make me believe that the Transporter could be improved significantly.
What would happen if we could get a Transporter+ with the same audio
qualities of the Resolution Audion Opus 21 CD Player?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] HDCD ripping

2007-04-06 Thread Jaco

I've just verified that ripping with EAC using FLAC works for HDCD -

My setup consists of an SB3 with a Denon 3805 A/V amp. The 3805 has the
ability to decode HDCD. The digital output of my SB3 is connected to the
digital in of my Denon 3805, that is, I'm using my 3805 as a decoder and
DAC for my SB's digital audio. When I play any of my ripped and FLAC
encoded HDCD's, e.g. Dreamland by Madeleine Peyroux, the Denon 3805
indicates that it is playing an HDCD.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] HDCD ripping

2007-04-06 Thread Jaco

I've been planning to upgrade to a Transporter, but by doing that I'll
be losing the ability to play my HDCD's as they were intended - damn!
Ok, I can always connect the digital out of the Transporter to a DAC
that can decode HDCD, but then I'll have to remember which of my CD's
are HDCD encoded :-( That's too much of a schlepp. 

So, here's my feature request for the Transporter: please, please add
HDCD decoding!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Flac

2007-03-22 Thread Jaco

You can also give Magnatune a try. See


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-21 Thread Jaco

seanadams;188912 Wrote: 
 Have you considered the possibility that it is complete nonsense?

Based on Sean's and other follow-up replies this seems to be the case,
as well as the fact that other reviews are much more similar in their
praise of the Transporter. Thank you for everybody's input and feedback
on my questions.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] my ripping tool of choice

2007-03-21 Thread Jaco

jeffmeh;180350 Wrote: 
 Admittedly, there are a bunch of tools in play, but here is what I do:
 -Rip with EAC, set up to use FLAC as an external compressor to get FLAC
 files.  Try to be diligent about the tags in EAC so I do not have to
 retag later.
 -Foobar to add replaygain (album and track) values.
 -MP3Tag if I need to retag.
 -Album Art Aggregator to find artwork and put a cover.jpg in the
 album's directory.
 -FLAC2MP3 (Robin Bowes' script) to keep a parallel directory structure
 of MP3s to load onto portable players.

Instead of using 5 different tools to do all of the above I use only

-Rip with EAC, set up to use FLAC as an external compressor to get FLAC

-Add replaygain, retag, get album art and convert to other formats,
manage file organisation, and much, much more with MediaMonkey (see It's also a player.

MediaMonkey is a really good piece of software, and it's for free. 

What would be really nice is to use MediaMonkey to control slimserver
instead of the really slow and clumsy web-page approach.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-19 Thread Jaco

Hi Sean,

Thank you for the informative reply regarding jitter in the
Transporter. Given that so much attention is given to the jitter in the
design of the Transporter and that the results measured by the Miller
test aren't really relevant, then the results of the Hifi News review
still begs the following questions:

1. What was the cause of the very noticeable difference between the
streaming and DAC modes? Qouted directly from the review: In
stand-alone DAC mode the Transporter sounded crisper and musically more
insightful and involving, whereas via the network connection leading
edges were fudged, tempos dragged and the sound became altogether less
gripping. Why this should be I can only speculate on but the difference
was plain to hear.

2. Why would there be such a remarkable difference in audio quality of
the Transporter vs. the Townshend Audio TA565 CD player? Quoted
directly from the review: The TA565 majors on being audio Windowlene,
clarifying telling microdynamic and acoustic details which many other
players smudge. As, indeed, does the Transporter. In fact the
comparison was not unlike that between the Transporter in streaming and
DAC modes. [...snip...] You could hear the difference in a split


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-18 Thread Jaco

Whether you like the Hifi News review or not is irrelevant to the point,
which is, that the measured jitter figures showed a large discrepency
compared to the ones measured by Stereophile. This woul obviously
result in the lower audio quality picked up by the Hif News reviewer
relative to other high end players. I tried to find the official jitter
figures from the Transporter's datasheet, but all I could find is the

Clock signals in Transporter are handled not as ones and zeroes, but
as precision analog signals. Specialized crystal oscillators, careful
clock management, and linear-regulated logic supplies ensure the lowest
possible jitter throughout the system.

Whether that translates to a good jitter figure or not isn't clear.
Perhaps Slim Devices could tell us what the jitter figures SHOULD be,
and also what the manufacturing variance on that figure should be. A 4
to 1 ratio just doesn't sound right to me. If that is the case then
there are some serious issues with the jitter reuction in the
Transporteer's design.

So, would Slim Devices like to enlighten us please???


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-16 Thread Jaco

Please people, before making such wildly speculative conclusions about
Hifi News reviews or British Hifi magazines in general, just go read
the darn review first! The Hifi News reviews are technically sound.
Their review process consists of two independent test tracks: one
performed by the reviewers by listening and comparing to other similar
equipment, and the other by thoroughly measuring the equipment. The
measurements are done by Miller Audio Reseach - you can download the
measurements for yourself from After all that's been done
the reviewers try to correlate what they heard through their listening
tests with the independently recorded measurement results. It's usually
quite amazing how well the listening tests correlate with the
measurement results! 

Here's an excerpt from the Miller Audio measurement results:

Measured via its fixed balanced outputs using both 48kHz an
96kHz/24-bit data, the Transporter emerges as an impressive and slick
design that offers an excellent technical performance (low THD and wide
S/N), only partially let down by a relatively weak jitter rejection.
Measured against this backdrop, the moderate 1000psec jitter is a tad
disappointing and, being largely data-induced in nature, looks to be a
by-product of the S/PDIF input receiver rather than the DAC itself...

After noting that the Townshend CDP sounded much better than the
Transporter the reviewer writes the following:

This outcome might seem surprising in light of the Transporter's
mostly exemplary measured performance, but the results of Paul Miller's
jitter test may hold the key. While data-induced jitter can make
reproduced music sound bland, in Paul's words, the jitter figures
recorded here are moderate, rather than debilitating

Then a paragraph later the reviewer writes:

But there is still a puzzle here, in that Stereophile's recent review
of the Transporter - published after I'd already begun my assessment -
elicited much lower jitter figures, despite using the same measurement
hardware, and reached more positive conclusions about its sound

This may suggest that our review sample wasn't in the rudest of health
but, until we test another, we have to assume that it is representative
of the 230V incarnation. However that pans out, the conclusion for now
has to be that the Transporter, despite its broad capability,
attractive design and fine perfomance on the test bench in most
respects, doesn't quite deliver on its promise of high-end sound
quality. It simply lacks the resolution to mix it with the best of
conventional audio.

For those that didn't read the Stereophile review of the Transporter,
they can find it here:

The measured jitter results in the Stereophile test was in the region
of 250psec - a third of what was measured in the UK version of the
Transporter. For comparison purposes, really good DACS and CD players
have jitter figures in the region of 20psec. 

So, in my mind the Hifi News review was objective and very honest -
that's something that can't be said of many other Hifi magazines!


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