[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-07-21 Thread Lyonesse

OK I swapped back the ic's and there was no noticable difference,
wishful thinking born out of desperation perhaps? 

I think Mr Floding was closest to finding a solution.  my electric
mains is poor... there may have been a ground loop, Ive got an old
farmhouse badly in need of rewiring. Since going over to battery which
ive cunningly hidden behind a bookshelf Im Amazed..no.. Stunned by my
systems sound quality... STUNNED!!! 

100+ hours solid focused listening in 2 1/2 weeks A very detailed
warm analogue sound, and... this is the best part... its like been 17
again with my old Acoustic Research Legend record player, Music like a
drug... CD after CD after CD ;) never background... that would be an
insult. This is due mainly to the DAC which is IMO a GIANT KILLER.

so to recap:

Quiet 400gb laptopFoobar2000Asio4allHagUSBVDH carbon hybrid
digital and analogue ic'Altmann Attraction DACPP 22W Valve
AmpQED Silver biwireWharfedale Pacific Evo 30's = Sonic Aural





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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-07-06 Thread Lyonesse

Lavender Pot-pourri  what a wonderful idea! ...not some cheap nasty
stuff from Asda mind fresh Organic, grown in the garden and watered
by pure summer showers!.ah!   ;)

Sean Im done here if you wanna wind it up.

All Best



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-07-03 Thread Lyonesse

Hi Patrick

Did you used to live in that beautiful old timber framed house near the
institute (the Sylvester Horne institute i think).

Im going to shoot over to Gary's house in telford to listen to your SB+
sometime at the beginning of August (when my new dac is burnt in)...we
will also compare our usb/ SPDIF converters, He has an Empirical Off
ramp Turbo which will almost certainly trounce my hagerman.  :)

just for the record... I use Valve amplification because of a
sensitivity to Brightness, Sibilence.

I wish I had burnt my SB3 in for longer as others have suggested.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-07-03 Thread Lyonesse


You would be very welcome to drop in next time your around, drop me an
email!  :)



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-07-02 Thread Lyonesse

OK  ive checked with John Wood, a friend of my dads and the engineer on
Nick Drake's albums. He says (and I quote) that its very easy to hear
the sonic differences between digital interconnects a test for this
comparison can be done in the studio without problem. So far as
Sibilence, it is all too often a problem at source (in the recording)
especially these days when engineers are hell bent on maximising input
levels... just as jitter can be a problem at source or even phase
inversion between tracks depending on the equipment and how its used,
But in the home it can also be a problem depending on speaker choice /
equipment / interconnects etc...  aluminium tweeters compared to fabric
dome etc

Id rather listen to a profesional with over 40 years in the business
than listen to you.. thats for sure!

It really seems that you have a small outlook and dont take into
consideration equipment differences or more importantly that we are all
(supposedly) individuals with different hearing capabilities... do you
really think that your system would sound the same to both of us if we
were listening to it at the same time in the same room?...

you did touch a nerve...  



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-07-01 Thread Lyonesse

Yes please let it go!  LOL  I had a listening session last night that
has just ended (its 7.30 in the morning) and im as happy as larry! 

Deaf Cat hi... this Lacie is definately a Seagate, perhaps theyve
changed their suppliers?

Good point about the Nos dac DWC that was one of my first bits of
advice a couple of weeks ago. I was lucky enough to be able to audition
my Bel canto against a heavily modded nos dac using 8 TDA1543's, against
the Battery powered attraction dac (which is also nos), against a
Benchmark Dac 1 (nasty in extremis). The Attraction destroyed the
competition... its a beguiling performer, so very very MUSICAL, so much
so that my bel canto is up on Ebay as we speak (low starting price,no
reserve, get yourself a bargain!  :)   )

Perhaps the problem is that there is too much objective measurement in
laboratories,Anachoic chambers etc done by over paid professionals and
not enough subjective focused listening done in your own special
place..and preferably listening with your heart as well as your ears. 

Adios Friends

apart from you Jsonnabend  ...you rude fucker!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: letter to Hi Fi News

2006-07-01 Thread Lyonesse

You need to get those potatoes out of your ears phil!



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-30 Thread Lyonesse

Who cares about the in's and out's Im listening to music again for
hours on end and thats all that matters!

listening to battery powered kit (including my laptop) has been a
revelation and would be worth 10 car batterys in the living room.. dont
knock it till youve tried it.

It may be that I didnt run in the SB long enough! but with the
migraines and my wifes complaints it certainly seemed long enough to
me.   Again  who cares now that ive found a solution that suits me.

The Hagerman converter knocks my soundcard into a cocked hat.. which
after all was only bought for its SPDIF capabilities in the first
place. Btw I never listened at 48khz, all options were switched off
including sampling options.. default was 44.1k

Thank god for individuality...im sure you all agree  :)



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-30 Thread Lyonesse

BTW Ive recently bought (still waiting for delivery) a 300w inverter,
soon the sun will be powering my music through our roof top solar

Im sure the psychological benefits of this will convert to even higher
musical appreciation.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-30 Thread Lyonesse

Hi Jeff

Dont underestimate personal well being as a psychological precondition
to enjoying your music...including how your listening room is
decorated... soft lighting, furnishings etc. 

The Squeezebox is the ONLY audio item that ive ever bought without
listening to it first, having been swept away by the tide of positive
reviews all over the world. I wont be doing that again!

I use a lacie USB external which incorporates a Seagate hard drive. I
always buy seagate because ive never been let down (so far) by them. 

Im truly pleased that the vast majority are enjoying their SB's I
reiterate there was lots more detail and it worked straight out of
the box with no problems... the server software worked like a dream and
I was impressed by its pretty flouro display.
Unfortunately I, personally, IMHO, subjectively, found it to be
unmusical and not for me... sheesh

Since starting this thread fortunately ive had emails from others
generally agreeing with my main point... Brightness and sibilence in
the HF register leading to digititis. Thanks for your support in what
was becoming quite a lonely experience.  (especially you James D )  :)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-29 Thread Lyonesse

Everyone is different and their listening approach is also different,I
dont wanna get bogged down with the do's and donts of my testing. The
squeezebook is another innovative but ultimately unmusical creation...
Ive gone over to laptop as pc server with a hagerman usb / spdif
converter, everything is again as it should be...ahhh  :) Now just
waiting for my Altman attraction Dac to arrive and the SB3 will be just
a distant and slightly unpleasant memory.

In fact Im selling it on Ebay atm...

So bag yourself an austere thin sounding sibilent bargain!



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-24 Thread Lyonesse

I have listened for hours now to different configurations, with the way
my dac is designed its been easy to do side by side comparisons between
the Toslink and my VDH digital Coax by simply switching between them on
the fly.
I also used my pc straight into the dac using foobar2000 (44.1khz 16
bit) through my spdif soundcard. and was able to add my cdp to the mix
using both toslink and Coax options.

1. SB3 with coax as bright as ever! teeth gnashingly bright on some
material with pronounced sibilence problems especially with female
vocals, horn sections and violin / electric guitar.
2. SB3 with toslink... not the fix I was hoping for! just as bright if
not more so than the coax.
3. CDP with toslink.. some may call it crisp and clear.. I call it
4. CDP with Coax.. like putting on a pair of old comfy slippers that
somehow got lost behind the settee for a couple of weeks albeit with
(quite a large) loss of detail. 
5. Computer + Foobar2000 using Spdif. Theres a magic here that is hard
to quantify... impossible to explain... lets call it sound with
emotional integrity for want of a better name, There is bags of detail,
warmth, smoothness, dynamic contrasts, listening to the breath in reed
instruments for example is to die for. To be moved again by my music
points out a great truth... who gives a damn about accuracy when the
whole experience is so emotionally draining and unrewarding as a
friend said recently  'it may be hi-fi but is it music?'
the SB3 Is a thin, austere, sibilent sounding beast in my system at
least. It has bags of detail but to my ears is musically DOA.

There are others who feel this way too but it seems we are few and far
between. Again I want to point out that this is my own personal
experience and there really is no need for a flame war if you are
enjoying your SB3 and none of this makes any sense to you,
congratulations your a lucky *B*  :)

Im putting my SB3 up on Ebay tonight (in England) at a low buy it now
price (probably £120-130)its only two weeks old so if your a convert
get yourself a bargain!!

Gary Hi...  Thanks for your post.

I was planning to go over to laptop + Foobar2000 + 400gb usb storage +
usb spdif soundcard.. If patricks device can take down your wadia I
need to hear it! especially as you seem to recognise some of the
problems ive been having  :)   I will drop you a line this weekend.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-23 Thread Lyonesse


Im going to have another go at making comparisons tonight, I bought a
Toslink cable so will be able to add that to the mix. So far my
listening tests have been 'inconclusive'  *cough* :)



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-21 Thread Lyonesse

Hi phil

I swapped my interconnects around from the dac to the amp so the left
channel is now the right channel etc. The result is surprisingly less
sibilence, more dynamic slam and authority especially in the bass and
really a transformation from what I percieved to be a thin, austere and
tonally bright sound albeit with bags of detail. Admittedly its still
not ideal and I may swap out my Digital IC for something with more
warmth later this summer plus get a better power supply.


ps... Im also looking into USB DAC'S and pc music server systems as a
possible replacement for the SB3 next year.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-21 Thread Lyonesse

Hi Phil

I will swap back later this evening and have a listen! If it has been
an illusion its been an ear relaxingly nice one :)

Can you recommend a decent Toslink?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 I2S direct out modding etc

2006-06-20 Thread Lyonesse

Hi John

You wrote:
Well the results were very promising, significantly better than
anything else I had ever done, BUT my ears hurt after listening to it
for more than a few seconds. This usually means there are some very
high frequency signals getting through. At first I thought it might be
the SB3 since the spectrum analyzer showed strong peaks in the very
upper trebble, but Sean said they don't do any EQ, that effect in the
analyzer was just for looks. I finally tracked it down to my unshielded
interconnects picking up EMI from the SB3. It wasn't quite as bad when
playing the analog outs since the cable exited straight out the back.
With the I2S output I had to have the SB3 very close to the DAC, the
entry for the cable was right next to the output RCAs so the ICs picked
up a lot more. Some very good shielded ICs fixed the problem. Its now
back to sounding awesome and I can stay in the same room with it!

I had similar problems with sibilence but sorted it out by changing my
ic's over left to right. Ive been reading up about it on a valve amp
forum... 'phase inversion', not sure why but every things more musical
toopretty strange!  :) (totally subjective experience, my wife
still thinks its too bright).

here in Shropshire UK, the quality of musical reproduction increases
late at night (11pm onwards when electricity usage diminishes) so a
better power supply is next!



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-18 Thread Lyonesse

I wanted to end this thread by pointing out a solution that may or may
not work with your system if you have been suffering from the same
problems. This little fix has been marvelous for me! It has brought
real audio quality to what I considered to be at first a bright,
austere and dissapointingly thin sounding SB3 experience.

I simply changed my interconnects around (black to red, red to black)
on my dac. I cant explain why but this simple thing has toned down
sibilence and created a much more dynamic punchy sound without the
wearyness that quickly took over any listening pleasure.
Bass is delightfully tuneful and controlled now and theres a lot more
of it plus a much more musical emotionally rewarding presentation.

Thanks again for all the help and advice on this thread but in the end
who would have believed it could be so simple to fix???

(One Very Happy Bunny) 



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Dac for SB3 - Benchmark vs. Lavry vs. ...?

2006-06-17 Thread Lyonesse


How does the Lavry and DAC-AH (and others around that price range)
compare to something like the Bel Canto Dac2?

Im looking for a dac that can smooth out some of the High frequencies I
am experiencing with the SB3. The bel Canto was pretty smooth in my
system previously but now with the SB3 I am experiencing digititis :(
within 30 - 45 mins. Perhaps a dac that is warm and creamy rather than
othering high resolutions and analytical qualities would be better
suited to my system.

Any help in that direction would be very much appreciated.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-12 Thread Lyonesse

Thanks Wombat, no more glitch removal shenanigans for me thats for
sure!. I was using a cheap trust card with digital coaxial out,
everything turned off in software except the spdif. i bought this
especially to enable listening through my Hi-Fi.

Hi Patrick Im taking a good long look at your website, I live in
Shropshire.  :)

Fuzzy I havent tried the analogue outs as yet but will do tonight,



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-11 Thread Lyonesse


Thanks for all your thoughts and advice on this issue.

What Im really talking about here is the subjective enjoyment of music,
a difficult thing to quantify... To sum it up.. I want to listen to 4 or
5 albums in a row rather than the 1 or 2 at present before the dreaded
digital wearyness sets in. Music stored on hard disk rather than being
read from a cd is a massive move forward in the right direction. The
difference in quality is totally apparent. 
Its probably true that I have become used to a coloured 'warmer' sound
that although not as transparent as the SB was imo quite musical. It
will probably take a while to 'adjust.
In the meantime I may swap out my VDH Digital coax for a carbon fibre
one, this should go some way to taming this high frequency
sibilence that keeps rearing its nasty head (Thanks Deaf Cat).  

Im anxious from reading your post JJZolx that im making a pigs ear of
my CD rips! Do you know of a good EAC setup help file for accurate
rips?  what is your configuration?

I use a Liteon DVD/CDR/RW drive. There are always more glitches on the
louder (busier) tracks whereas quiet acoustic tracks very rarely suffer
from glitches??.

Do people here really get no glitches?... this is my procedure, please
tell me if im doing it right: First i get cd info from the remote
freedb, then i choose Test and copy selected tracks from the action
menu, these are written to my cd albums folder at about 8 - 10X speed
on average (my drive is 48 speed). I choose uncompressed .wav files to
rip to as I have a 400gb Hard Drive. When the copying finishes i select
'review tracks' and use the glitch removal option on each track.
Sometimes there are no glitches at other times there are hundreds.  Ive
just ripped Nick Drakes Pink Moon CD (brand new remastered) there were
64 glitches on track 1, 6 on track 2, none on track 3, none on track 4,
2 on track 5, 73 on track 5, 12 on track 6 etc.

BTW  It sounds a lot more dynamic now that I have set volume to fixed.
and theres an improvement from running the power adaptor from my mains
conditioner (more refined)

Its still Bright though  :(



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-11 Thread Lyonesse

1... Music coming from my hard drive instead of my cdp has proved to be
a big improvement...when using foobar, with the SB3 this has been
compromised by brightness.
2... But from reading through numerous positive threads here and SB3
reviews in Stereophile amongst others I have to assume that the fault
lies in my own systems 'warmth'
3... Foobar was warm and detailed, my cdp was warm but vague and at
times bloomy, the SB3 is HIGHLY detailed but at times Harsh and
4. modern interconnects are like the tone controls of yesteryear imo,
the VDH carbon fibre interconnects will hopefully allow me to keep all
this wonderful resolution that the SB3 delivers without the ear frying

OK..pls Try ripping a cd then click on 'review tracks' Its not that im
picking up glitches through listening, rather the EAC program tells me
there are glitches. It doesnt seem to matter about the material quality
of the CD (scratches, dirt etc).

Ive checked and it seems that my CD drive does not have the accurate
stream featurecould this be the problem?  if so can you recommend a
decent drive with this feature?

I always use my External Dac and never the analogue outs.. this has
been the case with my cdp, foobar2000 and the SB3.

Perhaps being english i prefer a more mellow sound man, I chose the Bel
canto over the Benchmark 1 for this reason  :)



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-11 Thread Lyonesse

hi opaqueice  :)

Im a musician btw with zero technical knowledge when it comes to bits
and bobs.

Im not knocking the SB3 in any way, I just want to find a way to
integrate it into my system better so as to kick back and chillout with
my new toy  ;)



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-10 Thread Lyonesse


Ive had my SB3 for three days now and although there is a lot more
detail to the sound than my previous CD player, I have so far been
distinctly unimpressed.

1..Brightness..its way too bright (too much treble). After tuning
Sibilence out of my system for the last year now its back with a
vengence :(

2.. Uninvolving unmusical presentation that lacks dynamic punch,
everything sounds strangely flat... instruments are not springing out
from the speakers anymore, although I am hearing detail like never
before its all a bit mechanical and 2 dimensional.

good points...

1...it looks very nice with its flourescent display and diminutive
styling etc.

2.. a doddle to setup with the excellent user friendly slimserver

My system: Wired SB3 with standard power adaptor... Bel Canto Dac 2
MingDa 22 watt Valve amp using Svetlana 6L6GC output tubes and Svetlana
6N1P inputs... Wharfedale pacific Evolution 30 speakers, QED silver
speaker cable bi wired... Van Den Hul Hybrid Digital Coax and

I am a convert to harddisk music and accept the advantages over
standard cd transport problems etc.. But why does Foobar2000 sound so
much better and more importantly more musical than SB3?

Are there any tips or tricks especially to reduce sibilance? I like the
SB3 concept and its certainly cheaper than having a dedicated pc server
but unfortunately from my experience a PC server is probably the way I
will have to go in the end.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-10 Thread Lyonesse


Thank you both for your posts!

I Use EAC to rip my CD's into wav files, (I use the action / test and
copy selected tracks option in EAC). I then run through each track
correcting glitches) Im sure theres an automated way to do this :)

No dsp running in the background but some surfing of the internet, its
a pretty tedious task ripping disks.
When first using foobar I plugged my pc into the bel canto ...valve amp
etc.. it seemed more musical somehow.. its a difficult thing to quantify
without going into flowery language. listening was compelling compared
to being a chore.

I have reset my digital output to fixed volume! Thanks for that :) no
bitrate limiting.
My CD player was just a bog standard sony, Foobar trashed it showing
it up to be bloomy with a great loss of detail. I may be mistaken (not
very technically minded)but foobar does not use codecs but rather sends
the pure signal to the output drivers?

Should I invest in a better power supply?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bel Canto Dac2 + SB3

2006-05-25 Thread Lyonesse


Anyone using the Bel Canto Dac2 with the Squeezebox?

I wondered how this Dac competes against the Benchmark Dac1 and others
these days?




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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: pc server v sb3 ?

2006-05-18 Thread Lyonesse

Thanks both for putting my mind at ease.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] pc server v sb3 ?

2006-05-17 Thread Lyonesse


Im thinking about buying an SB3 but wondered about the levels of jitter
that may be introduced by the length of ethernet cable, 20 feet in my

I intend to use my Belcanto dac2 into a Valve amp. Ive had fantastic
results using my pc and foobar2000 with coaxial digital out from
soundcard to dac. How far do you feel the sound will be compromised by
using the lan?




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