Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Using TP wireless and wired ethernet

2011-10-29 Thread snottmonster

Unfortunately that is not possible - Logitech devices connect via
Wireless *or* Cable, not both simultaneously.

Why not connect the NAS to the router (via cable) and the transporter
to your wireless network? Allows you to have the transporter wherever
you want, but your NAS needs to be close to the router


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-23 Thread snottmonster

PasTim;632857 Wrote: 
> Great indeed.  Thanks for confirming my conclusion.  Quite a lot of time
> used, but never wasted.
> I am a little concerned that I may not be the only one to have wandered
> down this path, and that others may have given up, or spent money on
> switches, cables, even PCs. 

AS you yourself commented earlier - there are so many variables, and I
would add so many varieties of equipment, that it is hard to always
know what to suggest and debugging can become a daunting task.

But - this is why the direct connection step was so important. You
problem was clearly network related, but the direct connect ruled out a
problem with your network equipment, and isolated it to be either your
Touch or your PC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-23 Thread snottmonster

soundcheck;632824 Wrote: 
> I'm now running a Fritzbox router, which was today supplied by 
> my cable company and a Cisco Hub in front of the Touch.
> Guess what - No more 24/96 PCM hickups since 2 hours.
Pleased for you - but as you may appreciate, the important question
we're really all dying to know the answer to is:

Does the Cisco/Fritzbox equipment sound better than the D-Link? ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-23 Thread snottmonster

Maybe I missed it - but does this mean you can now stream PCM?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-22 Thread snottmonster

PasTim;632632 Wrote: 
> The puzzle to me is that flac is 100% reliable for all my files, but PCM
> at 24/96 is guaranteed to rebuffer when I change tracks more than a few
> times (if I leave the tracks playing it only occasionally rebuffers).
PCM is uncompressed and so requires more bandwidth. The fact this
happens occasionally means you are operating on some limit of your
network and changing tracks will exacerbate the problem as you lose the
benefit of the internal Touch buffer (only further confirming this is
most likely a network and not a Touch issue)

As an example: I converted a 96/24 compressed track (4m40s long) to 24
bit PCM. The original was ~90MBytes, so requiring an average bandwidth
of 2.7Mbit/s to stream without error; the PCM version ~150MBytes
requiring an average ~4.5Mbits/s. 

I am not suggesting your network is limited to ~4.5Mbit/s transfers.
Other than the possibility of the problem being isolated to a portion
of your network as @aubuti correctly states, in reality servers like
SBS tend to "burst" data at a higher performance, leveraging the
clients internal buffer and thereby achieving the average requirement.
But even so - there should still be plenty of overhead on your
100Mbit/s network and while a simplistic case it gives you an idea or
the requirements and why a 100Mbit/s network (or even wireless network)
should be perfectly capable of supporting PCM streaming


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-22 Thread snottmonster

soundcheck;632621 Wrote: 
> This proves it for your setup first of all...  ;)
So you are implying that there may be physical differences between 2
Touch units running identical firmware?

Do you have information that there are multiple hardware revisions of
the Touch?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-22 Thread snottmonster

PasTim;632549 Wrote: 
> I did connect the Touch via just one switch and short cables.  Nothing
> changed at all 
So how do you know the problem is not related to that switch or those
short cables?

PasTim;632549 Wrote: 
> I can exchange gigabyte files between PCs on my home network with no
> hiccups.
Irrelevant. Example 1: if the fault is the port or cable connected to
the Touch then you could see exactly the same symptoms. Example 2: you
make no statement re. the performance of such transfers and so while
you can exchange such files, that alone does not mean there is not a
fault on your network.

PasTim;632549 Wrote: 
> I did look at the network traffic, but I don't know enough to be sure I
> understand what I'm seeing
I looked briefly and you are getting many retransmits, both when
streaming FLAC and PCM. 

That is a big indicator of a networking issue, and every symptom you
have so far described also suggests you have a network problem. 100Mb/s
is more than sufficient for streaming PCM - a single stream would not
max out the connection (Do the math, it's not a complex calculation).
Also the Touch is capable of receiving a PCM stream and playing it
without issue as others have already confirmed. 

But if you are still 100% convinced the fault is not your network, then
you only have 3 choices left: Change the server, change the touch or do
nothing and enjoy the FLAC stream


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is Steve Guttenberg stupid?

2011-05-13 Thread snottmonster

I think this comment on the stereophile site summed it up perfectly:

> But in order to see how feeble it [the article] is you only have to run
> the opening sentence "It's one of those good news/bad news stories:
> more people are listening to music than ever before" next to the
> last "...I'm just not sure what it would take to get people listening
> again" and miss out the drivel between.

By a SB forum member too?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-10 Thread snottmonster

Phil Leigh;630452 Wrote: 
> Going back to your immediate issue; you have eliminated your network as
> a problem, but not the server.
Nor the switch, or the cables...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Will Logitech Revue Google TV wipe out Squeezebox?

2011-05-10 Thread snottmonster

ralphpnj;613580 Wrote: 
> Apparently there seems to be lots of confusion about what UPnP means and
> I count myself among those who are confused.
> From what I can gather a UPnP device is either a client or a server. In
> the case of the Squeezebox devices, the Squeezebox is a client and the
> computer running SBS is the server. The main difference between the
> Squeezebox devices and many other UPnP devices is that while the
> Squeezebox device is a client because it's ability to communicate with
> SBS one has the ability to control the device using a remote. I've
> never seen a clear explanation of exactly how other UPnP are
> controlled. Again my understanding is that many of these devices are
> controlled via software on the server and in the case of music the most
> common software used to control the device is iTunes and that must be
> controlled at the server.
> If I have anything wrong please feel free to correct and educate me
> since I'm often puzzled as to why these very "dumb" UPnP clients are
> being so highly touted.
> For point of reference I have a WD Live Plus box connected to my HDTV
> which I use to stream movies. While the device can play music files it
> does not have a good way to find what music is on the server and
> whatever method it uses is nowhere near as good or as useful as SBS.
> And one does need the TV to be on to select music.

UPnP is neither a client nor a server, but a technology. It is used to
enable the discovery of services and devices without the need for user
configuration. Unfortuately - a probably the cause of the confusion -
the term UPnP seems to becoming heavily associated with media servers
that employ the technology as the name of the product.

DLNA employs UPnP to advertise services as does the Microsoft
equivalent (forget the name cos they keep changing it - used to be
Windows Media Connect). Those servers could provide similar
functionality as SBS, but in practice tend to be quite dumb - simply
advertising the media available and then relying on the client to do
the "work" - kind of the opposite to SBS. 

Therein lies the biggest drawback with such servers as the clients are
not always compatible with the media and/or server, despite any claimed


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-10 Thread snottmonster

PasTim;630300 Wrote: 
> In my case, the Touch does not appear to be able to handle 24/96 PCM,
> but happily handles FLAC.
PCM will therefore be more demanding on the network link between the
Touch and the server (more data being sent), but the Touch is perfectly
capable of handling that data stream. While there could be a fault with
the Touch or even the Server, the symptoms (ie dropouts) would strongly
suggest a networking problem.

The only way to rule out the network completely is to not use the
network of course - ie establish a direct connection between Touch and
server over a single ethernet cable. Tricky to setup, but possible.

Or just enjoy the Touch decoding your FLAC library... (unless you're
pedantic like me an refuse to live with things not working as they


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezebox Touch with two USB DACs

2011-05-09 Thread snottmonster

Actually no, the mute does not sync

Note also that the Touch doesn't have a USB out for a DAC. You would
have to continue to use SPDIF which presents another challenge to your
idea of using 2 DACs simultaneously with the one Touch


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-05-09 Thread snottmonster

Whenever there is a problem that may be network related, and in the
absence of appropriate network testing tools, it is usually best to try
to reduce the number of variables by simplifying the network setup -
even to the point of setting up a direct connection between the client
& server.

In this case, temporarily plugging in the Touch into the same switch or
router to which the SBS box is connected, even if that means using
headphones to listen to the Touch while testing.

Whether the problem is resolved or not, you will have gone a long way
to narrowing the source of the issue down.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Squeezebox Touch with two USB DACs

2011-05-09 Thread snottmonster

Just a thought - but wouldn't it be a lot less effort to just have 2 SB
Touch? You could sync them if you are wanting to switch between speaker
setups while your tracks are playing


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cat5 or not ?

2011-05-08 Thread snottmonster

tank121;630077 Wrote: 
> Is there a special cat5 cable for external use e.g. out of the wall of
> the lounge round the external walls and into the garage ?
Not that I'm aware of - I've just used trunking to protect standard


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cat5 or not ?

2011-05-08 Thread snottmonster

ralphpnj;630039 Wrote: 
> Exactly my point! 60MBytes/sec is a little more than half of
> 100MBytes/sec and nowhere near 1000MBytes/sec, which is supposed to be
> the speed for Gigabit Ethernet.
Ermm... It is Giga_bit_ Ethernet. 1000Mbit/sec. In practice Gigbit
Ethernet can achieve around 110MByte/s reads due to overhead (writes
slightly less but still >100MByte/s) with the right hardware - and it
is not as uncommon as you seem to think.

@michael123's performance seems quite typical for someone running with
reasonably spec'ed consumer networking equipment and may actually be
limited by his host performance rather than the network


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Shielded Mains Cables

2011-04-29 Thread snottmonster

earwaxer9;628041 Wrote: 
> I had a  20ft cat7 ethernet connection to my Transporter. Much better
> shielding than the cat5e. To make a long story short - I didnt really
> notice a difference when I switched out from the cat5e. When it broke
> the cat7 I put the el-cheapo cat5e back in. Again - no difference. 
> I'm not saying that shielding etc. makes no difference! What is
> encouraging, is the ethernet or wifi path to transmitting data to the
> DAC. More power to squeezebox!
Must admit I've never thought to use CAT7 as a shielded mains cable...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-18 Thread snottmonster

soundcheck;625937 Wrote: 
> It seems that somebody is following my DIY-Audio thread. ;)
Yup - came across it yesterday. And I see we have the first respondent
now reporting -"my initial feeling is that there is an improvement"...

I also notice that you also appear to have a router between your Touch
and server - according to your blog and the testing of Meicord ethernet

-"I plugged a 1m unshielded patch-cord in between the Touch and my
D-link Hub. I immediately experienced a clearly audible improvement.
The resolution increased. The overtone spectrum gained substance.
You'll notice those changes pretty quick on brass instruments and
orchestral music."-

Somebody is going to have to define "audible improvement" to me,
because it clearly can't mean what I think it means


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-18 Thread snottmonster

There's also the small point that TCP has flow control built in to the
protocol (else it wouldn't work across network equipment that differs
in speed, like for instance, across the internet) and that irrespective
of the physical interface - Gb or 100Mb - or how the connection is made
(ie direct or via switches & routers) that same flow control will be
used to ensure the destination device isn't flooded with data it cannot


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-17 Thread snottmonster

So what am I to conclude? This is how I interpret your claims

- The Touch is limited in processing power, therefore SQ may be
affected by SBS sending too much data too quickly
- Therefore - in Linux, slow down the interface to 100Mb/s
- Or run a Windows server, implying Windows sends data more slowly?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-17 Thread snottmonster

Hey - has anyone tried the latest Toolbox recommendation?

-"Run your PC or NAS ethernet interfaces at 100MBit/s full duplex."-


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hearing the differences

2011-04-16 Thread snottmonster

Curt962;625738 Wrote: 
> It's not a "me-too" club many of us have joined, rather it is a group
> that simply asks that you prove your claims
Couldn't put it better - and it is irrespective of the subject matter

The onus is on the person making a claim to provide proof (as similarly
explained the 'last time MCR raised this issue'
(, the lack of
which gives others every right to strongly question any aspect of the

If then only assertions rather than proof continue to be made, then my
experience is - particularly in the anonymous world of internet forums
- this typically leads to the behaviour being questioned in the orginal

So either prove your claims, or get a thicker skin


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hearing the differences

2011-04-15 Thread snottmonster

Having just read 'the post(s) that seem to have inspired this thread'
(, let's fix that
statement to reflect the alternate point of view:

> It would appear that in order to pass the rite of passage and be
> decorated with the "you're now one of us, one of the in-crowd" gold
> medal on this (and on many other audiophile forums), one need to put on
> the most cynical, skeptical face and ridicule and deride anyone who
> *does not claim* to be able to hear any differences *due to specific
> modifications*.
> Still, many people *cannot* hear differences in the sound quality *due
> to those modifications*. My question: if you *cannot* hear a
> *spectacular* difference, does it, according to the First Audiophile
> Asshole Law, always mean that something about that *person's hearing*
> is broken?
> ...
> How can people afford to always act in such an asshole-ish knee-jerk
> manner all the time?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-15 Thread snottmonster

aubuti;625527 Wrote: 
> Start around post #329 in this thread. Note that those are Phil's
> measurements on the analog outputs.

Urghh... Thanks (I think). I got as far as the new claim that "A
Windows based server sounds better then a Linux based server on the
same HW" (ie about 10 pages) and felt the will to live slowly draining
from my body...

Anyway, based on those results I revise my position: 
- Definitive measurements? Yes! 
- Definitive evidence of the modifications improving SQ? Hardly...

And given that is for the analogue out which would have most potential
to see improvement, it doesn't bode well for anyone who claims to hear
an improvement via the digital out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-15 Thread snottmonster

firedog;625489 Wrote: 
> They've at least taken measurements that show that the mods do have some
> measurable effect on the output of the Touch. 

Really? I haven't seen any such definitive measurements, though as a
new guy around here I could quite easily have missed something. 

I did recently see some info that showed the buffer modification
changed the noise induced on the processor power supply (maybe even
earlier in this thread), but nothing that showed the change in noise
profile made any difference to the analogue output. That said, I'm 100%
convinced there are modifications that could improve SQ as yes - the
unit will always be a compromise when designed to a budget - but I've
yet to see any supporting evidence that these particular sofware
modifications make any difference or even credible theories that could
explain the claimed improvements, and so ridicule is an entirely
natural and, IMO, appropriate response

So in all seriousness, please point me to any such measurements - I'd
be very interested to see them and the conclusions drawn.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-14 Thread snottmonster

magiccarpetride;625393 Wrote: 
> Urban myth has it that engineers can produce an unassailable proof that
> bumblebees cannot possibly fly. And yet they somehow do...
That'll be why it's an urban myth then.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-14 Thread snottmonster

Phil Leigh;625383 Wrote: 
> yes - you have missed 55 pages so far! :-)
Shhh - don't tell anyone, but I think I skipped pages 2 to 54...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-14 Thread snottmonster

Phil Leigh;625380 Wrote: 
> ... and it won't be the last.
Ummm... Obviously late to the party on this one


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-14 Thread snottmonster

This all makes the assumption that the processor is handling low level
WLAN communication such as encryption/decryption.

It doesn't...

Which is why such an explanation only demonstrates a lack of
engineering understanding on whoever suggested idea in the first place.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-04-14 Thread snottmonster

JezA;625323 Wrote: 
> Does WEP wireless encryption sound better or worse than WPA2? What is
> the best sounding encryption key you have tried? I like WEP with an
> encryption key of bbcc33221c the most, but I haven't tried all
> possibilities yet. Sometimes there is more space between the silences
> with bbcc33222d but at the expense of soundstage widthness.

Encryption? But doesn't that rob you of valuable network bandwidth? I
run encryption free so I can dedicate all my bandwidth to delivering
the fullest audio spectrum


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Thinking of buying Squeezbox

2011-04-09 Thread snottmonster

JohnSwenson;624374 Wrote: 
> Yes vortexbox can do raid. Just setup linux software raid, it works very
> well. 
Many thanks for that - sounds very customizable. Might have to give it
a go

Btw: I think most of the consumer NAS are now software RAID.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Thinking of buying Squeezbox

2011-04-08 Thread snottmonster

garym;624177 Wrote: 
> You have the same disk protection with a NAS as you do with Vortexbox: 
> NONE unless you backup your data to a different disk and remove it to a
> different location. A RAID setup (NAS) is NOT a backup. It can possibly
> make data available again instantly when that is important (e.g.,
> banking data if you're the bank). But bad things can happen that kill
> all the disks in your NAS at the same time (power spike, fire, theft,
> etc.).
> A frequent refrain on the ReadyNas forums from the ReadyNAS Jedi
> (experts) is "RAID is NOT a backup...backup your data!"
> And you can expand the data storage with vortexbox too. I have 6TB of
> storage on my vortexbox.  I think either can work, but if you're
> interested in saving some bucks, almost any low powered, netbook can
> run SbS just fine, have as much or more power than a NAS, and you can
> connect all the USB drives with data that you want. And you can do all
> this cheaper than a vortebox appliance or readynas.  For example, check
> out a fitPC2i. A powerful computer, no fan, and the size of a paperback
> book.

Maybe it's me, but I'm pretty sure when I read my own post it says
"protection against disk failure" - completely different to data back
up which protects against a multitude of issues, not just a common
hardware failure. 

Maybe your post is meant to convey that a vortex box is also RAID based
- in which case thanks for the correction. Maybe you can also confirm
that online expansion is supported?

And indeed RAID is not a backup which is why I have 2 NAS, one a backup
mirror of the other, and rotated offsite USB drives in addition.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Thinking of buying Squeezbox

2011-04-08 Thread snottmonster

EARBLASTER;624168 Wrote: 
> The difference I'm finding between the NAS route and the Vortexbox is
> that if you don't need a disk reader, the NAS route offers more storage
> at a lower price.  I expect the disc reader on my Macbook would be
> sufficient unless forum members have found out otherwise.  The
> Vortexbox looks like it offers more ease of setup and use vs. a NAS
> until I get used to it.  I'm not sure I am computer savvy enough to
> setup a NAS if there is much beyond plug and play.

I think the key difference with a NAS is that you get the option to
easily expand the capacity, and there is protection against disk
failure - something vortexbox doesn't appear to offer. (Someone please
correct me if I'm wrong)

That said, certainly the ReadyNAS products do have a learning curve -
the configuration interface isn't as intuitive as it should/could be,
and I'm an engineer highly familiar with this type of system. But once
setup you pretty much leave it alone - there are commonly posts from
users on the Netgear forum of users who haven't touched their NAS in
years and are now looking for help to upgrade, or change something.

Tough call - I don't know enough about vortexbox to really advise you,
but the netgear forum is extremely active & helpful (actually the best
feature - Netgear has some tough competition in this space now from the
likes of QNAP and Synology), so I'm sure if you went that route you
would get alot of help. But have a look at those other companies too -
there's lots to choose from now.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Thinking of buying Squeezbox

2011-04-08 Thread snottmonster

If you do decide to consider the NAS route, I can heartily recommend the
Netgear ReadyNAS products.

I've been using them for a few years now and while there were some
issues with the older 'lesser powered' models, the newer x86 models
work very well with Squeezebox Server (comes pre-installed) including
transcoding if ever needed. 

I'm currently using a ReadyNAS Ultra with 5 squeezebox clients - hasn't
missed a beat. Like you I'm also mac based.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] squeezebox setup for audiophiles

2011-04-07 Thread snottmonster

Sox is installed and supported on ReadyNAS devices which the OP
mentions. All the x86 based ReadyNAS are capable of transcoding.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Better resampling for SB Classic and Touch (probably all)

2011-04-02 Thread snottmonster

pippin;622630 Wrote: 
> Why on earth souls I want to UPSAMPLE???
> I mean: why do I store material in a lossless format if I then add a
> lossy process to it (although minor, there will be arithmetic losses
> when up sampling 44.1kHz material to 96kHz).

While up sampling doesn't add any additional "information" to the audio
datastream, it can greatly impact the D-to-A process, and as there are
different ways to upsample that can result in a different experience

As to whether one method of up sampling is better than another however
I would suggest is extremely subjective


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Better resampling for SB Classic and Touch (probably all)

2011-04-01 Thread snottmonster

It's an "enable the hardware to support all input media" thing

SOX is only used when the source material is not directly supported by
the player hardware, (eg playing 24/96 on a SB3 or 24/192 on the Touch,
as stated by the OP) which means only Hi Res audio material is
potentially affected.

If you are playing FLAC rips of standard CDs, there will be no


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-04-01 Thread snottmonster

Phil Leigh;622431 Wrote: 
> The logic in the Xilinx handles the TCP to i2S conversion - ie the core
> audio logic - just prior to the DAC(s). This is inside all ip3k devices
> (ie not Touch or Radio). Therefore, odd AUDIO behaviour can sometimes be
> traced to a glitch in the Xilinx which is resolved by reflashing it.

Ah! Many thanks for that - understood, though you've got my mind racing
as to root cause.

Have always considered Xilinx CPLD technology far less impressive
(compared to their FPGA technology) and programming issues have
abounded in the past,  though haven't ever encountered a *repeatable*
issue that could be solved by reprogramming one. Umm...

Thanks again


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-03-31 Thread snottmonster

tcutting;622392 Wrote: 
> I don't think the Xilinx devices used in the Squeezeboxes are FPGAs, but
> rather CPLDs which have "flash" configuration therefore making them
> non-volatile, yet still re-programmable (also much simpler than FPGAs).

You may very well be correct - however I have never known such a device
to require reprogramming as part of a complete firmware reset as I get
the impression is being suggested to resolve the OPs post. 

While a relative newcomer to the forum (long time lurker) I see this
"xilinx reset" suggestion made quite often to cure a variety of ills
but there doesn't appear to be any consensus on what the device
actually does and so what a reset would potentially cure. I would be
very interested to know. Perhaps there are different devices doing
different functions in different SqueezeBox products - highly possible
given the flexibility of the devices.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-03-31 Thread snottmonster

Phil Leigh;622378 Wrote: 
> The Xilinx FPGA doesn't "lose its program" when power is removed.
that's not correct - a Xilinx FPGA is an SRAM device which by it's very
nature requires programming on application of power


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-03-31 Thread snottmonster

Phil Leigh;622371 Wrote: 
> No.

So the term "Xilinx reset" doesn't refer to resetting a Xilinx device?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-03-31 Thread snottmonster

Wouldn't a Xilinx device be reprogrammed at each power on/system reset
anyway? Nature of the beast...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-03-30 Thread snottmonster

aubuti;622056 Wrote: 
> One definition for the verb "to sync", two different applications of
> that verb. :-) 

aubuti;622056 Wrote: 
> One is sync'ing settings, the other is sync'ing audio playback. They are
> completely independent of one another. Sync'ing mysb/SBS settings does
> not sync playback, and sync'ing playback does not sync mysb/SBS.
As I would hope - but does sync'ing players with mysb impact the
quality of streaming when playback is not sync'ed? I would not expect
so and that this lowest common denominator stream only happens on
sync'ed playback - but not 100% clear from Phil's last post


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter lost something when I hooked up Duet on same network

2011-03-30 Thread snottmonster

Are there 2 definitions for "sync" being used here? Sync'ing audio
streams vs sync'ing settings? Or does sync'ing settings also result in
all squeezeboxes getting the lowest common denominator stream quality?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-03-30 Thread snottmonster

soundcheck;621959 Wrote: 
> No. It's not the ethernet buffer. It's the Alsa (Linux soundlayer)
> buffer.
Never said otherwise


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-03-30 Thread snottmonster

soundcheck;621934 Wrote: 
> And that's what's finally causing less jitter.
Less jitter by reducing the depth of memory buffer supplied via a high
speed ethernet connection?

I think I understand now...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-03-30 Thread snottmonster

firedog;621914 Wrote: 
> I've reinstalled the toolbox and run the ttbuffer command 3 times, and
> each time I got a message that "buffer set to 4000". However, when the
> Touch reboots and I run "ttstat" the buffer mod is listed as disabled
> and buffer size is still "2"
Why would decreasing the buffer size have any positive impact on sound
quality? In fact, wouldn't setting it too low have an adverse effect
due to possible under-running and there then being insufficient data to
feed to the DAC?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Awesome news -- got my S-Booster

2011-03-25 Thread snottmonster

Mnyb;620696 Wrote: 
> As measured with ADM by member iPhone the output of the Touch or SB3
> does not change with another ps , there no difference. 
Would appreciate it if you could point me to that post/thread


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Pissing contest

2011-03-22 Thread snottmonster

You state this:

magiccarpetride;619963 Wrote: 
> I think a good debate can be had without falling into the antagonistic
> black-and-white, 'my dick is bigger than your dick' pissing contest.

But let me refer you to your very first post:

> What's wrong with these people? (wait, I think I know what's wrong with
> them: they have no life, they are bitter for still living in their
> parents' basement, or their spouses are probably cheating on them
> behind their backs; that's the only plausible explanation)

Ummm... An apt demonstration of a claim that does not appear to be
backed up by the evidence?

Off to the cellar to polish my swatch - the wife has a visitor


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Pissing contest

2011-03-21 Thread snottmonster

darrenyeats;619731 Wrote: 
> I think it's reasonable to provide opinions and challenge points of view
> you don't agree with. All part of being neighbourly...

100% agree - and all part of contributing to forums like this. 

magiccarpetride;619728 Wrote: 
> Don't get upset if someone is gullible and falls for the snake oil. It's
> not your money at the end of the day.

Hope you can show the same stoicism should you ever fall victim to
fraudulent claims


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Pissing contest

2011-03-21 Thread snottmonster

This issue is one of veracity of the claims - not some personal vendetta
against audiophiles 

As your post states, that $20,000 watch may be no more accurate than a
Swatch but is there a claim that it is? More importantly, is the choice
to buy such an item based heavily on such claimed better technical

Contrast that with some audio equipment manufacturer claims regarding
their (very expensive) products that may have little to no supporting
evidence/measurements to back them up (eg Denon AK-DL1?) but upon which
buying decisions *are* heavily based.


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