Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Aaron Liu
They've already been warned. You replied to the email that was before 
they were warned. After that, they've only sent one extra email.

I had probably the same problem as you: for some reason Gmail thinks 
these messages were sent later than Antiz's warning, when they were 
actually sent before the warning.


Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Rhys Perry
On Sun, 28 Jan 2024 at 17:48, Pellegrino Prevete
> If you are not able to follow Marcell around, then please either you provide
> help to solve this weird issue, that we can't see what an un user is doing
> easily, or please refrain judgement.
> More or less because asking me to complain about Marcell means making that
> tool to follow users available.

I've been holding out on replying to this thread, because quite
frankly it's only going to contribute to the problem that I'm going to
bring up, but can you (not you personally, but whichever group of
people keep holding onto this thread throwing accusations around
without much use) please stop. As someone who's subscribed to the
mailing list to keep up with general aur developments and good
practices, the spam in my inbox is getting very tiring and I can
guarantee I'm not the only one.

At least to reduce the spam, can you please try and keep replies to a
single email rather than bumping the thread over and over again with

Again, apologies to all the other people on the list for adding to the
spam, but it's getting ridiculous at this point.

Kind regards,

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Robin Candau

On 1/28/24 16:53, Lime In a Jacket (Aaron Liu) wrote:

I think you should heed Antiz’s warnings. Links in another thread, or nothing.


Thanks Aaron, I get your good intentions but please drop it :)
As I said in my message, let's end this particular thread for good. ;)

Robin Candau / Antiz

Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Lime In a Jacket (Aaron Liu)
I think you should heed Antiz’s warnings. Links in another thread, or nothing.


> On Jan 28, 2024, at 10:08 AM, Pellegrino Prevete 
>  wrote:
>> In contrast to what he is stating about me, I do build and test the packages 
>> from AUR and give feedback and recommendations based on evidence. It is him 
>> who apparently does not build his own packages, because many of them have 
>> bad source URLs, missing runtime dependencies, and other misconfigurations.
>> Anyone can try to build, as an example, AUR/python2-pip's individual 
>> dependencies, and see how many fail to build. python2-pip has been broken on 
>> AUR due to unbuildable requirements ever since its submission in 2022-09. 
>> Even some that have been recently updated by him have such errors.
> He is at this very moment keeping filing requesting deletion requests for 
> dependencies of ipython2 because for some reason he is obsessed it does not 
> to be working (this is even more stressing because we are talking of a super 
> old package which has never ever stopped working at any time).
> He first started attacking the dependencies, then the package then again the 
> dependencies.
> Now we are back full circle.
> 1) The package is said broken because he has a dependency broken
> 2) Then the dependency is to delete because the package is said broken
> 3) Then the dependency is deleted, and the package can be said broken
> 4) Now when you fix the package fixing the dependency you have him say what 
> he just sent about how my work is even damaging and the package should stay 
> down in general.
> I am tired this person does not use continuous integration to prove what he 
> says.
> He keeps and keeps asserting something does not work on his side yet he never 
> posts code to prove or to show what his issues are.
> No propositions, no patches, nothing.
> It's insane we can have somebody who complains about everything this way and 
> who does not work to fix it himself.
> Because if you work a lot he has a lot of attack surface.
> So he is toxicity in person at this very moment, considering he is still 
> sending requests while we talk here.
> I invite you to reflect we are having this discussion because he can't fix 
> his undisclosed issues himself, nor he provides neutral context for his 
> issues, nor he is able to rollback to a previous version, nor he is able to 
> maintain a propositive attitude and materially read the code.
> At this point in time he looks so much of a child to me because he is saying 
> somebody who maintains around 500 packages some are outdated as if I would 
> not want to upgrade them.

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Lime In a Jacket (Aaron Liu)
I think you should heed Antiz’s warnings. Links in another thread, or nothing.


Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Pellegrino Prevete

Please, just make it stop...

I'll be honest here, it's becoming to be a huge pain having to deal with 
the same people always involved in the same dramas over and over somehow. 
It's just noisy and exhausting.

The AUR is a place made to allow public contributions to Arch Linux packaging, 
everyone contributing there is expected to follow Arch Linux Code Of Conduct 
[1] and behave as grown-ups generally speaking.

If neither you (Pellegrino) nor Marcell are able to behave as such and 
get along, we'll start taking actions on _both of your respective accounts_.

Understand that we cannot allow that much constant trouble by the same 
2 or 3 people indefinitely.

So please:

- To everyone: Let's stop with this ML thread. The initial subject for 
this thread has been closed, let's do the same with this thread itself.

- To Pellegrino: If you want to make a formal complain, create your own 
thread and do not bump other ones. Make it clear, complete, _concise_ 
and include proper evidences (it's not for us to dig for your complain). 
Generally speaking, please chill a bit with your _numerous_ and repetitive 
answers to the ML. Keep in mind that all your numerous and personal rants 
are sent to _everyone_ subscribed to the ML.

- To Marcell: Generally speaking, chill a bit with what you're doing. 
While we appreciate your general involvement into the AUR, keep in mind 
that we just cannot absorbe the amount of work it involves on our side, 
specifically when it comes with additional dramas (I'm not saying that 
you're necessarily responsible for all of those, but let's face it, they 
do happen. I hope you get the point.). The huge workload it involves on 
us is just discouraging. Let me remind you (and everyone else while we're 
at it) that moderating the AUR is just a part of our duties and we are 
all doing that as volunteers on our free time. Let's not make all of that 

- To both of you (Pellegrino and Marcell): Please behave, generally speaking. 
As said earlier, both of your names are starting to be mentioned a bit 
too often and, as said before, we just cannot allow (or ignore) that much 
trouble by the same people over and over. Sorry I have to say this, but 
take this as a formal warning.


I am mostly worried because he seized the working `ipython2` aur package 
and I fear he will keep it broken to delete it before I publish a working 
CI test for aur package on arch's gitlab and so have me lose a lot of time 
later recovering all the packages he deleted.

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Robin Candau

On 1/28/24 13:39, Pellegrino Prevete wrote:
In contrast to what he is stating about me, I do build and test the 
packages from AUR and give feedback and recommendations based on 
evidence. It is him who apparently does not build his own packages, 
because many of them have bad source URLs, missing runtime 
dependencies, and other misconfigurations.

Anyone can try to build, as an example, AUR/python2-pip's individual 
dependencies, and see how many fail to build. python2-pip has been 
broken on AUR due to unbuildable requirements ever since its 
submission in 2022-09. Even some that have been recently updated by 
him have such errors.

He is at this very moment keeping filing requesting deletion requests 
for dependencies of ipython2 because for some reason he is obsessed it 
does not to be working (this is even more stressing because we are 
talking of a super old package which has never ever stopped working at 
any time).

He first started attacking the dependencies, then the package then again 
the dependencies.

Now we are back full circle.
1) The package is said broken because he has a dependency broken
2) Then the dependency is to delete because the package is said broken
3) Then the dependency is deleted, and the package can be said broken
4) Now when you fix the package fixing the dependency you have him say 
what he just sent about how my work is even damaging and the package 
should stay down in general.

I am tired this person does not use continuous integration to prove what 
he says.

He keeps and keeps asserting something does not work on his side yet he 
never posts code to prove or to show what his issues are.

No propositions, no patches, nothing.

It's insane we can have somebody who complains about everything this way 
and who does not work to fix it himself.

Because if you work a lot he has a lot of attack surface.

So he is toxicity in person at this very moment, considering he is still 
sending requests while we talk here.

I invite you to reflect we are having this discussion because he can't 
fix his undisclosed issues himself, nor he provides neutral context for 
his issues, nor he is able to rollback to a previous version, nor he is 
able to maintain a propositive attitude and materially read the code.

At this point in time he looks so much of a child to me because he is 
saying somebody who maintains around 500 packages some are outdated as 
if I would not want to upgrade them.

Please, just make it stop...

I'll be honest here, it's becoming to be a huge pain having to deal with 
the same people always involved in the same dramas over and over 
somehow. It's just noisy and exhausting.

The AUR is a place made to allow public contributions to Arch Linux 
packaging, everyone contributing there is expected to follow Arch Linux 
Code Of Conduct [1] and behave as grown-ups generally speaking.

If neither you (Pellegrino) nor Marcell are able to behave as such and 
get along, we'll start taking actions on _both of your respective accounts_.

Understand that we cannot allow that much constant trouble by the same 2 
or 3 people indefinitely.

So please:

- To everyone: Let's stop with this ML thread. The initial subject for 
this thread has been closed, let's do the same with this thread itself.

- To Pellegrino: If you want to make a formal complain, create your own 
thread and do not bump other ones. Make it clear, complete, _concise_ 
and include proper evidences (it's not for us to dig for your complain). 
Generally speaking, please chill a bit with your _numerous_ and 
repetitive answers to the ML. Keep in mind that all your numerous and 
personal rants are sent to _everyone_ subscribed to the ML.

- To Marcell: Generally speaking, chill a bit with what you're doing. 
While we appreciate your general involvement into the AUR, keep in mind 
that we just cannot absorbe the amount of work it involves on our side, 
specifically when it comes with additional dramas (I'm not saying that 
you're necessarily responsible for all of those, but let's face it, they 
do happen. I hope you get the point.). The huge workload it involves on 
us is just discouraging. Let me remind you (and everyone else while 
we're at it) that moderating the AUR is just a part of our duties and we 
are all doing that as volunteers on our free time. Let's not make all of 
that counterproductive.

- To both of you (Pellegrino and Marcell): Please behave, generally 
speaking. As said earlier, both of your names are starting to be 
mentioned a bit too often and, as said before, we just cannot allow (or 
ignore) that much trouble by the same people over and over. Sorry I have 
to say this, but take this as a formal warning.


Robin Candau / Antiz

Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Pellegrino Prevete

On Sun, 28 Jan 2024 at 13:15 Pellegrino Prevete 

> > Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused
> their
> > power? – If you really want to start something (which I personally 
> > advise against, MarsSeed is pretty helpful IMO), you would start a 

> > thread here complete with receipts (a.k.a. links to the specific
> incidents
> > you are complaining about.)
> Dear Aaron,
> the observation one can't simply look for his own interactions on the 

> is exactly the way he is able to bother me.
> I don't think he should be able to keep interacting with users the way 

> does.
> I don't want to go through my mail to find the original versions of 
> insults, for how much I can say he is making it so on purpose so we 

> have such a public log or because we don't have that log available.
> >From you to take his defense without knowing what he wrote is silly 
> greatly discredit you to my eyes, as I think you would be offended if 

> wrote to you what he wrote to me.
> In general when you start talking with Marcell you can stay assured
> he will try to 'hit' on 5 different spots.
> For every answer you give him he simply replies with another three
> comments,
> one there and two in another place so he can keep make it look like 

> are not working on it.
> It will look like you started fighting with him for other reasons but
> really,
> I am recording some very toxic behaviour here.

If you are not able to follow Marcell around, then please either you provide 
help to solve this weird issue, that we can't see what an un user is doing 
easily, or please refrain judgement.
More or less because asking me to complain about Marcell means making that 
tool to follow users available.

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Pellegrino Prevete
Ol the ground that the version of the kernel I'm running it's too old 
for him.

For him you know, not old for the device, for him.

Now he's reporting any package with a minor version available only for the 
last week and sending me at the same moment almost.

Just got three.
He usually likes to report minor versions same way as majors, and so to 
then say no work has been allocated to other packages instead, like python2-pip, 
which works.

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Pellegrino Prevete
Marcell just sent a deletion request for the kernel for the device I am 
Can we a least agree one who tries to delete the kernel package for your 
device just to bother you on susday afternoon is not a good user?

Ol the ground that the version of the kernel I'm running it's too old for 

For him you know, not old for the device, for him.

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Pellegrino Prevete
It am already forking aurweb to introduce software features designed to 
reduce impact of rude users surrounded by rude people.

Marcell just sent a deletion request for the kernel for the device I am 
Can we a least agree one who tries to delete the kernel package for your 
device just to bother you on susday afternoon is not a good user?

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Pellegrino Prevete

On Sun, 28 Jan 2024 at 13:15 Pellegrino Prevete 

> > Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused
> their
> > power? – If you really want to start something (which I personally 
> > advise against, MarsSeed is pretty helpful IMO), you would start a 

> > thread here complete with receipts (a.k.a. links to the specific
> incidents
> > you are complaining about.)
> Dear Aaron,
> the observation one can't simply look for his own interactions on the 

> is exactly the way he is able to bother me.
> I don't think he should be able to keep interacting with users the way 

> does.
> I don't want to go through my mail to find the original versions of 
> insults, for how much I can say he is making it so on purpose so we 

> have such a public log or because we don't have that log available.
> >From you to take his defense without knowing what he wrote is silly 
> greatly discredit you to my eyes, as I think you would be offended if 

> wrote to you what he wrote to me.
> In general when you start talking with Marcell you can stay assured
> he will try to 'hit' on 5 different spots.
> For every answer you give him he simply replies with another three
> comments,
> one there and two in another place so he can keep make it look like 

> are not working on it.
> It will look like you started fighting with him for other reasons but
> really,
> I am recording some very toxic behaviour here.

It am already forking aurweb to introduce software features designed to 
reduce impact of rude users surrounded by rude people.

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Pellegrino Prevete
In contrast to what he is stating about me, I do build and test the packages 
from AUR and give feedback and recommendations based on evidence. It is 
him who apparently does not build his own packages, because many of them 
have bad source URLs, missing runtime dependencies, and other misconfigurations.

Anyone can try to build, as an example, AUR/python2-pip's individual dependencies, 
and see how many fail to build. python2-pip has been broken on AUR due 
to unbuildable requirements ever since its submission in 2022-09. Even 
some that have been recently updated by him have such errors.

He is at this very moment keeping filing requesting deletion requests for 
dependencies of ipython2 because for some reason he is obsessed it does 
not to be working (this is even more stressing because we are talking of 
a super old package which has never ever stopped working at any time).

He first started attacking the dependencies, then the package then again 
the dependencies.

Now we are back full circle.
1) The package is said broken because he has a dependency broken
2) Then the dependency is to delete because the package is said broken
3) Then the dependency is deleted, and the package can be said broken
4) Now when you fix the package fixing the dependency you have him say what 
he just sent about how my work is even damaging and the package should stay 
down in general.

I am tired this person does not use continuous integration to prove what 
he says.

He keeps and keeps asserting something does not work on his side yet he 
never posts code to prove or to show what his issues are.

No propositions, no patches, nothing.

It's insane we can have somebody who complains about everything this way 
and who does not work to fix it himself.

Because if you work a lot he has a lot of attack surface.

So he is toxicity in person at this very moment, considering he is still 
sending requests while we talk here.

I invite you to reflect we are having this discussion because he can't fix 
his undisclosed issues himself, nor he provides neutral context for his 
issues, nor he is able to rollback to a previous version, nor he is able 
to maintain a propositive attitude and materially read the code.

At this point in time he looks so much of a child to me because he is saying 
somebody who maintains around 500 packages some are outdated as if I would 
not want to upgrade them.

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Tomaz Canabrava
On Sun, 28 Jan 2024 at 13:15 Pellegrino Prevete 

> > Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused
> their
> > power? – If you really want to start something (which I personally would
> > advise against, MarsSeed is pretty helpful IMO), you would start a new
> > thread here complete with receipts (a.k.a. links to the specific
> incidents
> > you are complaining about.)
> Dear Aaron,
> the observation one can't simply look for his own interactions on the aur
> is exactly the way he is able to bother me.
> I don't think he should be able to keep interacting with users the way he
> does.
> I don't want to go through my mail to find the original versions of his
> insults, for how much I can say he is making it so on purpose so we can
> have such a public log or because we don't have that log available.
> >From you to take his defense without knowing what he wrote is silly and
> greatly discredit you to my eyes, as I think you would be offended if I
> wrote to you what he wrote to me.
> In general when you start talking with Marcell you can stay assured
> he will try to 'hit' on 5 different spots.
> For every answer you give him he simply replies with another three
> comments,
> one there and two in another place so he can keep make it look like you
> are not working on it.
> It will look like you started fighting with him for other reasons but
> really,
> I am recording some very toxic behaviour here.
> I repeat, the fact you require me to provide you with information instead
> of the managers providing a public log of what he writes is insane.

it’s not. you are accusing, you should provide the information. this is
basic understanding of how procedures work.

now, let this thread die. if you want to accuse marcel  of something, do
with links of the issues.
not without, and on a different thread.

> Pellegrino

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Pellegrino Prevete
Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their 
power? – If you really want to start something (which I personally would 
advise against, MarsSeed is pretty helpful IMO), you would start a new 
thread here complete with receipts (a.k.a. links to the specific incidents 
you are complaining about.)

Dear Aaron,
the observation one can't simply look for his own interactions on the aur 
is exactly the way he is able to bother me.

I don't think he should be able to keep interacting with users the way he 

I don't want to go through my mail to find the original versions of his 
insults, for how much I can say he is making it so on purpose so we can 
have such a public log or because we don't have that log available.

From you to take his defense without knowing what he wrote is silly and 
greatly discredit you to my eyes, as I think you would be offended if I 
wrote to you what he wrote to me.

In general when you start talking with Marcell you can stay assured
he will try to 'hit' on 5 different spots.

For every answer you give him he simply replies with another three comments, 
one there and two in another place so he can keep make it look like you 
are not working on it.

It will look like you started fighting with him for other reasons but really,
I am recording some very toxic behaviour here.

I repeat, the fact you require me to provide you with information instead 
of the managers providing a public log of what he writes is insane.


Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-28 Thread Marcell Meszaros
>On 28 January 2024 03:31:11 GMT+01:00, Pellegrino Prevete 
> wrote:
>The reason for the two identities is different security-level code-signing 
>I am even mirroring the repos on github so he can follow from a browser 
>because apparently he can't look for my commits through the aur, so I don't 
>know what to say.
>Like he complains about supposed issue with package "X" without looking I am 
>committing, building pushing to "dependency of package X" to build/fix "X".
>What do I have to do to make him stop complaining, public tickets with time 

In contrast to what he is stating about me, I do build and test the packages 
from AUR and give feedback and recommendations based on evidence. It is him who 
apparently does not build his own packages, because many of them have bad 
source URLs, missing runtime dependencies, and other misconfigurations.

Anyone can try to build, as an example, AUR/python2-pip's individual 
dependencies, and see how many fail to build. python2-pip has been broken on 
AUR due to unbuildable requirements ever since its submission in 2022-09. Even 
some that have been recently updated by him have such errors.

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-27 Thread Aaron Liu
If you really want to start something (which I personally would advise 
against, MarsSeed is pretty helpful IMO), you would start a new thread 
here complete with receipts (a.k.a. links to the specific incidents you 
are complaining about.)


Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-27 Thread Pellegrino Prevete
(Prepamble: my account has been reinstated after 8 days, so it was inappropriate 
of Pellegrino Prevete to revive it for a different purpose.)

> On 28 January 2024 01:50:03 GMT+01:00, Pellegrino Prevete  

> Please somebody disable Marcell's account.
He sends dozens and dozens of notifications everyday without reading the 
work being published overall, I don't know anymore how to tell him.

Hi all,

Please kindly disregard this.

Pellegrino Prevete has two account on AUR, @tallero and @truocolo, with 
different email addresses. He is known to go into attack mode with comment 
fights with many AUR users. Meanwhile he keeps pushing dead-on-arrival 
PKGBUILDs and updates to AUR.

There is no basis whatsoever in what he claims about me. He started to 
attack me because I have filed some deletion requests months ago for his 
2-year-dead packages and now took ownership of one or two of such.

He keeps disregarding the Arch package guidelines, creates more and more 
-git packages with a non-monotonic pkgver despite I explained the proper 
format to him multiple times, and also tends to create packages that don't 
declare all needed dependencies and/or carry an invalid source URL. It 
is apparent that he tends to not build and test his own packages.

He is also attacking people who file orphan requests for his packages 
that have been broken for months. If anyone should be sanctioned, it is 

I don't even think it should be allowed for one individual to have two 
accounts for the same purpose, namely, to communicate with people. (It 
seems fair for for me if someone has a personal account as well as a git 
hook / autoupdate account. But this is not the case with Pellegrino's 

Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

The reason for the two identities is different security-level code-signing 
I am even mirroring the repos on github so he can follow from a browser 
because apparently he can't look for my commits through the aur, so I don't 
know what to say.
Like he complains about supposed issue with package "X" without looking 
I am committing, building pushing to "dependency of package X" to build/fix 
What do I have to do to make him stop complaining, public tickets with time 

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-27 Thread Marcell Meszaros
(Prepamble: my account has been reinstated after 8 days, so it was 
inappropriate of Pellegrino Prevete to revive it for a different purpose.)

> On 28 January 2024 01:50:03 GMT+01:00, Pellegrino Prevete 
>  wrote:
> Please somebody disable Marcell's account.
He sends dozens and dozens of notifications everyday without reading the work 
being published overall, I don't know anymore how to tell him.

Hi all,

Please kindly disregard this.

Pellegrino Prevete has two account on AUR, @tallero and @truocolo, with 
different email addresses. He is known to go into attack mode with comment 
fights with many AUR users. Meanwhile he keeps pushing dead-on-arrival 
PKGBUILDs and updates to AUR.

There is no basis whatsoever in what he claims about me. He started to attack 
me because I have filed some deletion requests months ago for his 2-year-dead 
packages and now took ownership of one or two of such.

He keeps disregarding the Arch package guidelines, creates more and more -git 
packages with a non-monotonic pkgver despite I explained the proper format to 
him multiple times, and also tends to create packages that don't declare all 
needed dependencies and/or carry an invalid source URL. It is apparent that he 
tends to not build and test his own packages.

He is also attacking people who file orphan requests for his packages that have 
been broken for months. If anyone should be sanctioned, it is him.

I don't even think it should be allowed for one individual to have two accounts 
for the same purpose, namely, to communicate with people. (It seems fair for 
for me if someone has a personal account as well as a git hook / autoupdate 
account. But this is not the case with Pellegrino's alteregos.)

Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

Re: Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-27 Thread Pellegrino Prevete
Please somebody disable Marcell's account.
He sends dozens and dozens of notifications everyday without reading the work 
being published overall, I don't know anymore how to tell him.

On January 17, 2024 4:40:27 AM GMT+01:00, Tomaz Canabrava  
>On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 at 02:02 Marcell Meszaros 
>> On 13 January 2024 13:02:19 GMT+01:00, Morten Linderud <
>>> wrote:
>> >On Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 10:59:24PM +1100, Simon Perry wrote:
>> >> On 2024-01-13 10:52 PM, Morten Linderud wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > You have sent 3 emails to yourself in less than an hour with a quite
>> an
>> >> > entiteled and authoritative tone. Stop this please and wait for this
>> to
>> >> > be dealt
>> >> > with.
>> >> >
>> >> > You've already got plenty of warnings before.
>> >>
>> >> I sent 2 emails, not 3.
>> >>
>> >> Unlike you, David Rankin and Polarian I don't dump all my thoughts to
>> the
>> >> lists.
>> Simon Perry has been sending private emails to me in response to my
>> aur-general messages, cheering on my unfair punishment due to their
>> supposed grievances with me, which they did were not willing to explain and
>> elaborate to me.
>> Yours,
>> Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)
>I strongly advise you to not openly chat about your personal emails on a
>public list.
>If something happens on a private email contact an pm or admin privately
>with pictures / forward of the offending email.

Re: Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-16 Thread Tomaz Canabrava
On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 at 02:02 Marcell Meszaros 

> On 13 January 2024 13:02:19 GMT+01:00, Morten Linderud <
>> wrote:
> >On Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 10:59:24PM +1100, Simon Perry wrote:
> >> On 2024-01-13 10:52 PM, Morten Linderud wrote:
> >>
> >> > You have sent 3 emails to yourself in less than an hour with a quite
> an
> >> > entiteled and authoritative tone. Stop this please and wait for this
> to
> >> > be dealt
> >> > with.
> >> >
> >> > You've already got plenty of warnings before.
> >>
> >> I sent 2 emails, not 3.
> >>
> >> Unlike you, David Rankin and Polarian I don't dump all my thoughts to
> the
> >> lists.
> Simon Perry has been sending private emails to me in response to my
> aur-general messages, cheering on my unfair punishment due to their
> supposed grievances with me, which they did were not willing to explain and
> elaborate to me.
> Yours,
> Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)


I strongly advise you to not openly chat about your personal emails on a
public list.

If something happens on a private email contact an pm or admin privately
with pictures / forward of the offending email.



Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-15 Thread Daniel M. Capella
The suspension will end after a week (this Friday). You have been given 
guidance/warnings about how to mindfully utilize the AUR platform by at least 
one of our staff previously, and seem to have not given that enough heed. 
Please be more considerate with your efforts to contribute and the load it puts 
on others.


Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-14 Thread Marcell Meszaros
I apologize to everyone, and first and foremost to Arch Linux Developers and 
AUR Package Maintainers, for my inappropriately judgmental language.

I wanted to but was not able to express myself impartially, diplomatically, and 
with the politeness and respect that I actually do think AUR PM's deserve the 
most. I was shaken— actually devastated—for being anonymously banned by an 
unknown PM for an undisclosed reason, and not being aware of any 
correspondingly serious violation that I might have committed to deserve this 
secretly effected, unexplained insta-ban. 

Previously I had become too much invested emotionally in my really 
best-intentioned, if maybe many times imperfect ways of contributing to package 
viability and quality on the AUR.

I am truly sorry for hurting so many valuable members of this community.

Marcell (MarsSeed)

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-14 Thread Pellegrino Prevete


Please, watch your tone. This autoritative paragraph is not helpful and 
even sounds disrespectful coming from a non-staff person:
You are not in a position to prefer anyone concentrating on anything when 
it comes the AUR (or any other part of the Arch project).

Going further on that, I'd like to remind **everyone** of the Arch Linux 
Code Of Conduct [1] and ask to drop those entitled and authoritative sentences/tones 
we've seen too much recently (specifically from non-staff people) such 
as "I'm *kindly* asking you to [...]" or "I'd prefer you to [...]", etc...

Please, keep in mind that we are a community, with all the respect it 
We are all doing this by passion on our free time. Such "ordering" sentences 
have not their place in regular users' exchanges.

Coming back to this ML thread topic:
As said previously, please let the staff handle this situation and refrain 
from posting any more thoughts that would not help toward its resolution.


Going further on that, I'd like to remind **everyone** of the Arch Linux 
Code Of Conduct [1] and ask to drop those entitled and authoritative sentences/tones 
we've seen too much recently (specifically from non-staff people) such 
as "I'm *kindly* asking you to [...]" or "I'd prefer you to [...]", etc...

It may not be referred to me but I'd like to underline I've taken the freedom 
of telling Marcell what I'd like him to do because I receive from him something 
like 10 mails per day through aur notifications, so I've talked to him like 
I would have done to a collegue, a co-worker, or a friend about what I think 
it's more urgent.

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-14 Thread Robin Candau

On 1/14/24 12:10, Pellegrino Prevete wrote:
My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their 
power? – Dear PM's,

Please kindly look into which PM chose to abuse their power to suspend 
my account without any reason.

Please also kindly sanction such unacceptable behavior by said PM.

Thank you very much.

Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

while I'd very much prefer you concentrating on something more 
meaningful than hiding (because thanks to I do not know who we dont 
really delete anything), (almost all fixable) packages from a list, like 
fixing compilers, testing the recipes on exotic platforms and commenting 
on that tech upgrade which yesterday may have seemed you too far a shot 
but today should seem to you way more reasonable, nor I am the person 
who reported you nor the one who suspended your account
still its clear you use a program to get your out of dates and i suppose 
not all maintainers like to literally chat with you through out-of-date 


Please, watch your tone. This autoritative paragraph is not helpful and 
even sounds disrespectful coming from a non-staff person:
You are not in a position to prefer anyone concentrating on anything 
when it comes the AUR (or any other part of the Arch project).

Going further on that, I'd like to remind **everyone** of the Arch Linux 
Code Of Conduct [1] and ask to drop those entitled and authoritative 
sentences/tones we've seen too much recently (specifically from 
non-staff people) such as "I'm *kindly* asking you to [...]" or "I'd 
prefer you to [...]", etc...

Please, keep in mind that we are a community, with all the respect it 
We are all doing this by passion on our free time. Such "ordering" 
sentences have not their place in regular users' exchanges.

Coming back to this ML thread topic:
As said previously, please let the staff handle this situation and 
refrain from posting any more thoughts that would not help toward its 


Robin Candau / Antiz

Description: OpenPGP public key

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-14 Thread Pellegrino Prevete
like you send me out of date for packages about programs I am the author 
of minutes after I release them and I have proof at times you don't check 
the release is working yourself before the report

also your deletion request put a lot of stress on people
I mean, when I will have come back to a normality of sorts I will have 
to re-read all 2023 aur emails just to check you didn't manage to delete 
significant programs I use in between small libraries without a much discussion, 
like when you hid Banshee
in general is stressing dealing with somebody who prefers to hide what 
(to him) it doesn't work instead of fixing it directly
as a comparison, I immensely prefer having a mips gcc3 broken recipe than 
not having it at all, because if I don't have it I wont remember or know 
at all the mips compiler exists and it is broken

just to clarify, I certainly noticed over the last weeks your efforts at 
reducing the impression the latter is happening and I have greatly appreciated 
the pace change

yet I think you should chill more, and focus more
on the fact countless hours of your work may be made disappear all of a 
sudden because an hall monitor may not like you,

on the fact no one from the team wants full encryption by default,
on the fact we are not paid and our work was not even considered work before 
we started licensing repos some months ago
on the fact whatever group you think you may belong, you will eventually 
be made the minority and be thrown away because the game is rigged and mob 
rule is the only rule

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-14 Thread Pellegrino Prevete
while I'd very much prefer you concentrating on something more meaningful 
than hiding (because thanks to I do not know who we dont really delete 
anything), (almost all fixable) packages from a list, like fixing compilers, 
testing the recipes on exotic platforms and commenting on that tech upgrade 
which yesterday may have seemed you too far a shot but today should seem 
to you way more reasonable, nor I am the person who reported you nor the 
one who suspended your account
still its clear you use a program to get your out of dates and i suppose 
not all maintainers like to literally chat with you through out-of-date 

like you send me out of date for packages about programs I am the author 
of minutes after I release them and I have proof at times you don't check 
the release is working yourself before the report

also your deletion request put a lot of stress on people
I mean, when I will have come back to a normality of sorts I will have to 
re-read all 2023 aur emails just to check you didn't manage to delete significant 
programs I use in between small libraries without a much discussion, like 
when you hid Banshee
in general is stressing dealing with somebody who prefers to hide what (to 
him) it doesn't work instead of fixing it directly
as a comparison, I immensely prefer having a mips gcc3 broken recipe than 
not having it at all, because if I don't have it I wont remember or know 
at all the mips compiler exists and it is broken

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-14 Thread Pellegrino Prevete
My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their 
power? – Dear PM's,

Please kindly look into which PM chose to abuse their power to suspend 
my account without any reason.

Please also kindly sanction such unacceptable behavior by said PM.

Thank you very much.

Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

while I'd very much prefer you concentrating on something more meaningful 
than hiding (because thanks to I do not know who we dont really delete anything), 
(almost all fixable) packages from a list, like fixing compilers, testing 
the recipes on exotic platforms and commenting on that tech upgrade which 
yesterday may have seemed you too far a shot but today should seem to you 
way more reasonable, nor I am the person who reported you nor the one who 
suspended your account
still its clear you use a program to get your out of dates and i suppose 
not all maintainers like to literally chat with you through out-of-date 

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-14 Thread Pellegrino Prevete
My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their 
power? – Dear PM's,

Please kindly look into which PM chose to abuse their power to suspend 
my account without any reason.

Please also kindly sanction such unacceptable behavior by said PM.

Thank you very much.

Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

while I'd very much prefer you concentrating on something more meaningful 
than adding

Re: Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-13 Thread Marcell Meszaros
On 13 January 2024 12:52:03 GMT+01:00, Morten Linderud  
>You have sent 3 emails to yourself in less than an hour with a quite an
>entiteled and authoritative tone. Stop this please and wait for this to be 
>You've already got plenty of warnings before.

@foxboron, that's actually part of the problem and why I'm feeling upset and 

I have not received any warning whatsoever.

I also got no notification about the suspension, nor about why I was punished 
this way and by whom.

Do you say this is a totally fair and equitable procedure by a PM on the AUR?

Are there no standards whatsoever that apply to AUR PM's actions?

Marcell Meszaros (MarsSeed)

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-13 Thread Lime In a Jacket (Aaron Liu)
Ah, thanks.


Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-13 Thread Doug Newgard
On Sat, 13 Jan 2024 09:46:04 -0500
"Lime In a Jacket (Aaron Liu)"  wrote:

> I am quite confused here, nobody seems to have sent 3 emails. Which person
> would you be talking about?
> Cheers,
> Aᴀʀᴏɴ
Sure they did.

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-13 Thread Lime In a Jacket (Aaron Liu)
I am quite confused here, nobody seems to have sent 3 emails. Which person 
would you be talking about?


Re: Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-13 Thread Marcell Meszaros
On 13 January 2024 13:02:19 GMT+01:00, Morten Linderud  
>On Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 10:59:24PM +1100, Simon Perry wrote:
>> On 2024-01-13 10:52 PM, Morten Linderud wrote:
>> > You have sent 3 emails to yourself in less than an hour with a quite an
>> > entiteled and authoritative tone. Stop this please and wait for this to
>> > be dealt
>> > with.
>> > 
>> > You've already got plenty of warnings before.
>> I sent 2 emails, not 3.
>> Unlike you, David Rankin and Polarian I don't dump all my thoughts to the
>> lists.

Simon Perry has been sending private emails to me in response to my aur-general 
messages, cheering on my unfair punishment due to their supposed grievances 
with me, which they did were not willing to explain and elaborate to me.

Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

Re: Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-13 Thread Morten Linderud
On Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 10:59:24PM +1100, Simon Perry wrote:
> On 2024-01-13 10:52 PM, Morten Linderud wrote:
> > You have sent 3 emails to yourself in less than an hour with a quite an
> > entiteled and authoritative tone. Stop this please and wait for this to
> > be dealt
> > with.
> > 
> > You've already got plenty of warnings before.
> I sent 2 emails, not 3.
> Unlike you, David Rankin and Polarian I don't dump all my thoughts to the
> lists.

I suspect you are replying to the wrong thread.

Morten Linderud

Description: PGP signature

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-13 Thread Simon Perry

On 2024-01-13 10:52 PM, Morten Linderud wrote:

You have sent 3 emails to yourself in less than an hour with a quite an
entiteled and authoritative tone. Stop this please and wait for this to 
be dealt


You've already got plenty of warnings before.

I sent 2 emails, not 3.

Unlike you, David Rankin and Polarian I don't dump all my thoughts to 
the lists.

Simon Perry (aka Pezz)

Re: Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-13 Thread Morten Linderud
On Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 12:07:26PM +0100, Marcell Meszaros wrote:
> On 13 January 2024 11:54:27 GMT+01:00, Simon Perry  wrote:
> >On 2024-01-13 09:46 PM, Marcell Meszaros wrote:
> >
> >> I was in the process of closing at least a few hundred more of my pending 
> >> deletion requests that have no urgency or significant impact, to help 
> >> lessen the burden on PM's.
> >> 
> >> But now I cannot continue that activity.
> >> 
> >> I hope my unjustly suspended account can be restored soon and the culprit 
> >> gets called out for their overreach.
> >> 
> >> Yours,
> >> Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)
> >
> >Maybe if you weren't such an arsehole to people on the AUR people might cut 
> >you some slack.
> In addition to getting my account restored, I'd like to retroactively receive
> the package update and comment notifications for my subscriptions. I am
> entitled to those, and it is very useful as well, to get informed on where my
> feedback is asked for or which package update I can review to check if there
> are any errors or needed further changes / corrections.
> Yours,
> Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

You have sent 3 emails to yourself in less than an hour with a quite an
entiteled and authoritative tone. Stop this please and wait for this to be dealt

You've already got plenty of warnings before.

Morten Linderud

Description: PGP signature

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-13 Thread Marcell Meszaros
On 13 January 2024 11:54:27 GMT+01:00, Simon Perry  wrote:
>On 2024-01-13 09:46 PM, Marcell Meszaros wrote:
>> I was in the process of closing at least a few hundred more of my pending 
>> deletion requests that have no urgency or significant impact, to help lessen 
>> the burden on PM's.
>> But now I cannot continue that activity.
>> I hope my unjustly suspended account can be restored soon and the culprit 
>> gets called out for their overreach.
>> Yours,
>> Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)
>Maybe if you weren't such an arsehole to people on the AUR people might cut 
>you some slack.

In addition to getting my account restored, I'd like to retroactively receive 
the package update and comment notifications for my subscriptions. I am 
entitled to those, and it is very useful as well, to get informed on where my 
feedback is asked for or which package update I can review to check if there 
are any errors or needed further changes / corrections.

Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

Re: My account suspended (MarsSeed) without reason - which PM abused their power?

2024-01-13 Thread Marcell Meszaros
On 13 January 2024 11:28:23 GMT+01:00, Marcell Meszaros 
>Dear PM's,
>Please kindly look into which PM chose to abuse their power to suspend my 
>account without any reason.
>Please also kindly sanction such unacceptable behavior by said PM.
>Thank you very much.
>Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)

I was in the process of closing at least a few hundred more of my pending 
deletion requests that have no urgency or significant impact, to help lessen 
the burden on PM's.

But now I cannot continue that activity.

I hope my unjustly suspended account can be restored soon and the culprit gets 
called out for their overreach.

Marcell Mészáros (MarsSeed)