simple webservice

2006-04-06 Thread Lukas Fischer / HTA


I want to build a simple Webservice which returns a custom Object.

Object is very simple:

public class Luc {

   public String name;
   public String nachname;
   public int alter;
   public Luc(String name, String nachname, int alter) { = name;
   this.nachname = nachname;
   this.alter = alter;

services.xml is like (only relevant lines)
   operation name=getObject
class=org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver /


Public relevant line of Webservice is like:
   public Luc getObject() throws Exception {
   return new Luc(luc, Fischer, 23);

WSDL: I can see that there is a namespace ns1:Luc. As a client I use C# 
(VisualStudio). The client produces a class called Luc but of course 
without any attributes, because they are not provided/specified in the wsdl!
How can I solve that? Do I need to write my own axis2-Receiver? Where is 
the problem?

btw. The client works fine if the webservice just offers a simple 
String, vgl. getVersion-sample! But with an object ...

wsdl:definitions xmlns:ns1=http://org.apache.axis2/xsd; xmlns:xs=; xmlns:soap=; 
xmlns:wsdl=; xmlns:tns=http://org.apache.axis2/; targetNamespace=http://org.apache.axis2/;wsdl:typesxs:schema 
xmlns:xs=; xmlns:ns1=http://org.apache.axis2/xsd; targetNamespace=http://org.apache.axis2/xsd; elementFormDefault=unqualified 
xs:element type=ns1:Luc name=Luc /
xs:complexType name=Luc
xs:sequence /
xs:element name=getObjectRequest
xs:complexType /
xs:element name=getObjectResponse
xs:element type=ns1:Luc name=return /
xs:element name=getVersionRequest
xs:complexType /

xs:element name=getVersionResponse
xs:element type=xs:string name=return /
/xs:schema/wsdl:typeswsdl:message name=getVersionResponseMessagewsdl:part name=part1 element=ns1:getVersionResponse //wsdl:messagewsdl:message name=getObjectResponseMessagewsdl:part name=part1 element=ns1:getObjectResponse //wsdl:messagewsdl:message name=getVersionRequestMessagewsdl:part name=part1 element=ns1:getVersionRequest //wsdl:messagewsdl:message name=getObjectRequestMessagewsdl:part name=part1 element=ns1:getObjectRequest //wsdl:messagewsdl:portType name=versionPortwsdl:operation 
name=getObjectwsdl:input message=tns:getObjectRequestMessage /wsdl:output message=tns:getObjectResponseMessage //wsdl:operationwsdl:operation name=getVersionwsdl:input message=tns:getVersionRequestMessage /wsdl:output message=tns:getVersionResponseMessage //wsdl:operation/wsdl:portTypewsdl:binding name=versionBinding type=tns:versionPortsoap:binding transport=; style=document /wsdl:operation name=getObjectsoap:operation soapAction=getObject style=document /wsdl:inputsoap:body 
use=literal namespace=; //wsdl:inputwsdl:outputsoap:body use=literal namespace=; //wsdl:output/wsdl:operationwsdl:operation name=getVersionsoap:operation soapAction=getVersion style=document /wsdl:inputsoap:body use=literal namespace=; //wsdl:inputwsdl:outputsoap:body use=literal namespace=; //wsdl:output/wsdl:operation/wsdl:bindingwsdl:service name=versionwsdl:port name=versionPortType0 
binding=tns:versionBindingsoap:address location=http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/version; //wsdl:port/wsdl:service/wsdl:definitions

Thank you in advance for any help.


RE: (OT) Making WSDL pretty?

2006-04-06 Thread du Plessis, Corneil C
Here's a thought, how about writing an XSL stylesheet that transforms
your WSDL elements into HTML xsl:fo to generate a PDF, providing the
layout you want. 

Corneil du Plessis
Software Architect
Standard Bank
IT Development
(w) +27 11 636-2210
(f) +27 11 636-5266
(m) +27 82 530-9259

-Original Message-
From: Hernan Bay Area Guy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 April 2006 21:42
Subject: RE: (OT) Making WSDL pretty?


Thanks for the links, I'll take a look at them.

Actually, I was looking for something that formats the WSDL so the
datatype definition section resembles more a classical datatype
definition. The graphical view of the Eclipse WSDL editor is a good
example (a little tree view with pretty-looking boxes and arrows).
Unfortunately it doesn't have a print option, or an export to PDF

... that I know of, of course! :-)



--- Jay Glanville

 If you want to change the indenting of the WSDL to make it easier to 
 read, use something like HTML Tidy (  It can 
 handle XML as input and output formats.
 If you want something to extract the
 annotationdocumentation values
 out of your WSDL and generate a set of HTML pages for human-readable 
 consumption, do a Google on wsdldoc.  I think IBM had such a tool in

 it's emerging tool kit.  I believe that bluetetra also has one 
  -Original Message-
  From: Hernan Bay Area Guy
  Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 12:37 PM
  Subject: (OT) Making WSDL pretty?
  (Apologies for the semi-offtopic post...)
  Does anybody know of a tool that one can use to generate a 
  human-readable version of a WSDL file?
  I am working on a little SOAP service to wrap
 around a
  number-crunching engine (written in Perl and C).
  programmer of the engine is even less experienced
  WSDL than I am, so it would be useful to be able
  have a nicely formatted version of the service's
  file so we can discuss the signatures of the operations, for 
  So far the options I found were:
  - Print Screen's of the Eclipse WSDL editor
  - A little ad-hoc XML parser that I wrote from
  code samples from the 'Net (so far it generates Twiki-fied text that

  I can cutpaste to our Twiki)
  Obviously none of these options is too elegant,
  Google is not being much help here either :-(
  Is there an official tool for this type of job?
  Thanks in advance,
  Do You Yahoo!?
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Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

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[Axis2] Client side configuration parameters

2006-04-06 Thread Xinjun Chen
When testing the Axis2 0.94 security module, I have some questions
regarding client side configuration. I raised the following question
after reading the webpage

1. The page mentions that client side configuration parameters can be
set in the axis2.xml of the client's Axis2 repository.
My question is is this referring to the directory
\axis2-std-0.94-bin\repository\services ?
It is initially empty. What will be the root element in the client
respository axis2.xml? Could you help me to get some sample client
side configuration?

2. If a developer only downloaded WAR distribution and put the war
inside the Tomcat webapps folder. Can he/she still configure the
client side? How?

3. The page mentioned per service level security configuration. Could
you also provided some details? My understanding is that the security
configuration (security policy and security information) will be read
by the WSDoAllHandler inside the security.module. I checked both
WSDoAllSender and WSDoAllReceiver, but could not figure out where how
can WSDoAllHandler find out the security configuration file.

4. As for the PasswordCallbackClass, is it possible to use the same
PasswordCallbackClass for both client and server if I combine the
client and server into the Axis2 installation in Tomcat?

5. Does Axis2 security module allow plain username and password for
authentication? Can I specify the username and password inside the


Re: simple webservice

2006-04-06 Thread Deepal Jayasinghe

As I can see please make sure Luc to be a java bean , currently it is
not a bean;
it should as follwos then you wont have any problem.
public class Luc {

   public String name;
   public String nachname;
   public int alter;

 public Luc(String name, String nachname, int alter) { = name;
   this.nachname = nachname;
   this.alter = alter;
public void setName(String name){ = name;

public String getName(){

public void setNachname(String nachname){
this.nachname= nachname;

public String getNachname(){
  return this.nachname;

public void setAlter(int alter){
this.alter= alter;

public int getAlter(){
  return this.alter;


Lukas Fischer / HTA wrote:


 I want to build a simple Webservice which returns a custom Object.

 Object is very simple:

 public class Luc {

public String name;
public String nachname;
public int alter;
  public Luc(String name, String nachname, int alter) { = name;
this.nachname = nachname;
this.alter = alter;

 services.xml is like (only relevant lines)
operation name=getObject
 class=org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver /

 Public relevant line of Webservice is like:
public Luc getObject() throws Exception {
return new Luc(luc, Fischer, 23);

 WSDL: I can see that there is a namespace ns1:Luc. As a client I use
 C# (VisualStudio). The client produces a class called Luc but of
 course without any attributes, because they are not provided/specified
 in the wsdl!
 How can I solve that? Do I need to write my own axis2-Receiver? Where
 is the problem?

 btw. The client works fine if the webservice just offers a simple
 String, vgl. getVersion-sample! But with an object ...

 wsdl:definitions xmlns:ns1=http://org.apache.axis2/xsd;
 elementFormDefault=unqualified attributeFormDefault=unqualified
 xs:element type=ns1:Luc name=Luc /
 xs:complexType name=Luc
 xs:sequence /
 xs:element name=getObjectRequest
 xs:complexType /
 xs:element name=getObjectResponse
 xs:element type=ns1:Luc name=return /
 xs:element name=getVersionRequest
 xs:complexType /

 xs:element name=getVersionResponse
 xs:element type=xs:string name=return /
 name=getVersionResponseMessagewsdl:part name=part1
 element=ns1:getVersionResponse //wsdl:messagewsdl:message
 name=getObjectResponseMessagewsdl:part name=part1
 element=ns1:getObjectResponse //wsdl:messagewsdl:message
 name=getVersionRequestMessagewsdl:part name=part1
 element=ns1:getVersionRequest //wsdl:messagewsdl:message
 name=getObjectRequestMessagewsdl:part name=part1
 element=ns1:getObjectRequest //wsdl:messagewsdl:portType
 name=versionPortwsdl:operation name=getObjectwsdl:input
 message=tns:getObjectRequestMessage /wsdl:output
 //wsdl:operationwsdl:operation name=getVersionwsdl:input
 message=tns:getVersionRequestMessage /wsdl:output
 //wsdl:operation/wsdl:portTypewsdl:binding name=versionBinding
 transport=; style=document
 /wsdl:operation name=getObjectsoap:operation
 soapAction=getObject style=document /wsdl:inputsoap:body
 use=literal namespace=;
 //wsdl:inputwsdl:outputsoap:body use=literal
 name=getVersionsoap:operation soapAction=getVersion
 style=document /wsdl:inputsoap:body use=literal
 //wsdl:inputwsdl:outputsoap:body use=literal
 name=versionwsdl:port name=versionPortType0

 Thank you in advance for any help.



~Future is Open~ 

[Axis 1.3] wsdl with import vs. without import

2006-04-06 Thread Dovholuk, Clint


I think this post 
might be related to my last post titled: 
 [Axis 1.3] 
Namespace issues, element with "" namespace

I've been trying to 
include a schema to a wsdl document, generate code for axis and use the 
generated classes as a web service but when I include the schema doc, I find 
that (I think) because of the "" namespace being applied to an element higher up 
the doc multiple namespaces are being injected into the response (ns2 through 
ns15+) all of which have the exact same namespace (including the 'wrapper' 

I attached a .zip 
file (rename to .zip from _zip) with the two wsdls, the schemas, and the 
TCPMonitor capture of each...

Any thoughts? 
appreciate anyone taking the time to look at this...


Description: axis_zip

Re: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM] - Re: Problems getting user exceptions to work - Found word(s) check out in the Text body - Found word(s) check out in the subject

2006-04-06 Thread Thom Hehl
Right. We use the WSDL to build java from, not the other way round. The 
problem is a bug in axis. We're going to write it up when we get the 
chance. In the meantime, you will need to decide whether or not to 
modify the WSDL.

I will bet that if you look at the XML coming from the server, it is 
correct. The problem lies in the de-serialization of the fault. This is 
a work-around for that problem.

Veprinsky, Michael wrote:

I decided to piggy-back on this thread... I am having similar problems.

What did you mean? I suppose recommend changing WSDL definition but a)
my WSDL is auto-published so I can't really change it and b) even if I
do, it does not change the XML that server generates and that is totally
language-specific which kinda violates the purpose. Or did you mean
something else?

I am using Axis 1.3. I have following questions:
1) Is there a way to set server to use SOAP 1.2 (RTFMs are welcome, just
tell where)?
2) Is there a way to specify custom values for faultcode/faultstring?
Best I could get was my exception being serialized into XML under
details but then I have to process it as XML :-\
3) Overall, I need to publish a web service that is going to be used
from different platforms. Is my best bet to just give up faults
altogether and use some custom base result structure with generic error
passing engine? Any recommendations (again, RTFMs are welcome)

I do not expect much success since the envelope XSD itself is pretty
limiting (, toward the end),
it's just those two fields and freeform XML details. SOAP 1.2 looks a
little better but without documentation it did not help much either.

Any recommendations/insights are welcome.
Thank you,

Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe
Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure
  -- /usr/bin/fortune

-Original Message-
From: Thom Hehl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:47 PM

Subject: Re: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM] - Re: Problems getting user exceptions
to work - Found word(s) check out in the Text body - Found word(s) check
out in the subject

Have a look at this:

Give him This:
_original type def from imported xsd___
  complexType name=InvalidDateException

_also needed in wsdl file___
wsdl:message name=InvalidDateExceptionFault
wsdl:part name=InvalidDateExceptionType 


*(in the portType operation definition for a method throwing a fault)*
wsdl:fault name=InvalidDateExceptionFault 

*(in the binding operation definintion for a method throwing a fault)*
wsdl:fault name=InvalidDateExceptionFault
soap:fault use=literal name=InvalidDateExceptionFault/

Jack Lund wrote:


See, I'm not really sure. The JAX/RPC spec is kinda hazy on how
exceptions are handled, and how the soap fault maps to an exception. 
Here's what I'm seeing come back from the server:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

   faultstringcom.foobar.ecommerce.beans.InvalidDateException: A


valid date must be specified in the form of MM/DD/./faultstring
xsi:type=ns1:InvalidDateException xmlns:ns1=urn:ClaimsData/



And here's what the corresponding part of the WSDL looks like:

 schema targetNamespace=urn:ClaimsData
  import namespace=

  import namespace=
  import namespace=
  import namespace=
  complexType name=Claim
element name=amount type=xsd:double/
element name=claimDate nillable=true type=xsd:dateTime/
element name=claimDesc nillable=true type=xsd:string/
element name=claimID type=xsd:long/
element name=claimNumber nillable=true type=xsd:string/
element name=claimStatus nillable=true type=xsd:string/
element name=claimStatusName nillable=true


element name=formattedDate nillable=true type=xsd:string/
element name=policy nillable=true type=xsd:anyType/
element name=policyHolder nillable=true 

Re: [Axis2] Client side configuration parameters

2006-04-06 Thread Xinjun Chen
Hi Ruchith,

I am really very very grateful to your enlighting explanation and
I will go ahead with it. I just tried the security sample with the
attached error message. I have already followed the steps in the
ReadMe file in security sample folder. The following is the snippet of
the error message. The full error message is attached.
I will try Axis2 0.95 security at meanwhile.
The original exception is BadPaddingException. Did i missed something?
As mentioned, I have followed the instruction in the read me file.

lient ..\client_repo 8080
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: WSDoAllReceiver: securit
y processing failed; nested exception is: Cannot encrypt/decrypt data;
 nested exception is: pad block cor
Original Exception was javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: pad block corrupted
at org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invoke(


On 4/6/06, Ruchith Fernando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Xinjun,

 Please see my inline comments:

 On 4/6/06, Xinjun Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When testing the Axis2 0.94 security module, I have some questions
  regarding client side configuration. I raised the following question
  after reading the webpage

 I recommend you to use the 0.95 security.mar and please note that the
 Axis2 repository structure is different in 0.95.

  1. The page mentions that client side configuration parameters can be
  set in the axis2.xml of the client's Axis2 repository.
  My question is is this referring to the directory
  \axis2-std-0.94-bin\repository\services ?
  It is initially empty. What will be the root element in the client
  respository axis2.xml? Could you help me to get some sample client
  side configuration?

 When you have to engage a client side module you will have to use an
 Axis2 repository.
 This repository just have to be a specific directory structure. Following is 
 Axis2 repository structure for a client if you are using 0.95 or the
 current SVN snapshot.

  repo_dir - This is the repo directory name and can be anything and can be
|anywhere in your dick where you have permission :-).
|   |
|  +-- axis2.xml
   +--modules  - This directory contains .mar files
   +-- security.mar

 Now when you create a ServiceClient you can supply the configuration
 context  created using the configured using the repo dir.

 If you have a look at the souce of the security sample's client [1]
 you can see how this is done. (lines: 48, 49)

 Now the you will have to have following XML entries in the axis2.xml
 that is in the client's repo's conf dir

 !--Enagege the security module --

 module ref=security /

 !-- Configure the security module to include a username token in the msg --

parameter name=OutflowSecurity

 The above parameter will include a username token in the security
 header in the request message. The username will be your_user_name
 and the password will be picked up using the callback.hancler.Class.
 You will have to write this class which is an impl of the
 java.auth.Callback interface. And you will have to set the password
 into the WSPasswordCallback objects that is given into the handle()
 method. Example: [2]

 Now you have your client side configured properly :-)

  2. If a developer only downloaded WAR distribution and put the war
  inside the Tomcat webapps folder. Can he/she still configure the
  client side? How?

 The client side it independent from the services and there's no need
 for anyone to use the same repository that is available inside tomcat
 when the war is expanded.

 One can configure the services' security by configuring the axis2.xml
 available in the WEB-INF/con dir in the war to include the
 module ref=security / entry AND by including the configuration
 parameters in  each service's services.xml file.

  3. The page mentioned per service level security configuration. Could
  you also provided some details? My understanding is that the security
  configuration (security policy and security information) will be read
  by the WSDoAllHandler inside the security.module. I checked both
  WSDoAllSender and WSDoAllReceiver, but could not figure out where how
  can WSDoAllHandler find out the security configuration file.

 We do not processes WS-securityPolicy yet. And we use two parameters to
 configure the security 

Re: [Axis2] Client side configuration parameters

2006-04-06 Thread Ruchith Fernando
Hi Xinjun,

Unfortunately the security sample in 0.94 is broken :-(

Please try the security sample provided in Axis2 0.95

AND please make sure you use the security sample provided separately
in the distribution.

BTW looking at your exception trace I think you are using JDK 1.5 and if so
  1.) please follow the instructions in General - #3 in the Axis2 faq [1].
  2.) you will need to have xalan-2.6.jar in the client's classpath
and in the axis2/WEB-INF/li dir as well.



On 4/6/06, Xinjun Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Ruchith,

 I am really very very grateful to your enlighting explanation and
 I will go ahead with it. I just tried the security sample with the
 attached error message. I have already followed the steps in the
 ReadMe file in security sample folder. The following is the snippet of
 the error message. The full error message is attached.
 I will try Axis2 0.95 security at meanwhile.
 The original exception is BadPaddingException. Did i missed something?
 As mentioned, I have followed the instruction in the read me file.

 lient ..\client_repo 8080
 org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: WSDoAllReceiver: 
 y processing failed; nested exception is: Cannot encrypt/decrypt 
  nested exception is: pad block 
 Original Exception was javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: pad block corrupted
 at org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invoke(


 On 4/6/06, Ruchith Fernando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Xinjun,
  Please see my inline comments:
  On 4/6/06, Xinjun Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   When testing the Axis2 0.94 security module, I have some questions
   regarding client side configuration. I raised the following question
   after reading the webpage
  I recommend you to use the 0.95 security.mar and please note that the
  Axis2 repository structure is different in 0.95.
   1. The page mentions that client side configuration parameters can be
   set in the axis2.xml of the client's Axis2 repository.
   My question is is this referring to the directory
   \axis2-std-0.94-bin\repository\services ?
   It is initially empty. What will be the root element in the client
   respository axis2.xml? Could you help me to get some sample client
   side configuration?
  When you have to engage a client side module you will have to use an
  Axis2 repository.
  This repository just have to be a specific directory structure. Following 
  is the
  Axis2 repository structure for a client if you are using 0.95 or the
  current SVN snapshot.
   repo_dir - This is the repo directory name and can be anything and can be
 |anywhere in your dick where you have permission :-).
 |   |
 |  +-- axis2.xml
+--modules  - This directory contains .mar files
+-- security.mar
  Now when you create a ServiceClient you can supply the configuration
  context  created using the configured using the repo dir.
  If you have a look at the souce of the security sample's client [1]
  you can see how this is done. (lines: 48, 49)
  Now the you will have to have following XML entries in the axis2.xml
  that is in the client's repo's conf dir
  !--Enagege the security module --
  module ref=security /
  !-- Configure the security module to include a username token in the msg 
 parameter name=OutflowSecurity
  The above parameter will include a username token in the security
  header in the request message. The username will be your_user_name
  and the password will be picked up using the callback.hancler.Class.
  You will have to write this class which is an impl of the
  java.auth.Callback interface. And you will have to set the password
  into the WSPasswordCallback objects that is given into the handle()
  method. Example: [2]
  Now you have your client side configured properly :-)
   2. If a developer only downloaded WAR distribution and put the war
   inside the Tomcat webapps folder. Can he/she still configure the
   client side? How?
  The client side it independent from the services and there's no need
  for anyone to use the same repository that is available inside tomcat
  when the war is expanded.
  One can configure 

Making operations with no output type synchronous

2006-04-06 Thread Stefan Freyr Stefansson

I've been trying to run a single JUnit method that calls an Axis web service 

The operation receives one input parameter but there's no output defined. 
The JUnit test case uses the classes generated by wsdl2java to lookup the 
service and call the operation like so:

  MyClass_ServiceLocator locator = new MyClass_ServiceLocator();
  MyClass_PortType service = locator.getMyClass(new URL(SERVICE_URL));

  MyOperationRequest request = new MyOperationRequest(Some data...);

For some reason this didn't work and I got no error out on the screen. I later 
found out that this was because the JUnit test case called the myOperation 
asynchronously and managed to finish and kill the JVM before the stuff behind 
it (the stuff Axis generates) managed to actually even send out a request.

So my question is: Can I define a void operation in WSDL without Axis 
generating code that calls it asynchronously?

Kind regards, Stefan Freyr.

p.s. I'm using Axis 1.2.1

Description: PGP signature

[Axis2 0.95]Stub problem.

2006-04-06 Thread Ken Campbell


Ive deployed a skeleton service with an
xmlbeans data binding which handles five types of operation: login,format,
search,metadata and page. I know the service is working because Ive
accessed it from .NET and it returns correct responses. However, when I try to
use the generated Stub class in the following way:

stub = new PAFStub(null, http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/PAF);

LoginRequestDocument ld = LoginRequestDocument.Factory.newInstance();


Populate the request





LoginResponseDocument loginResponse = stub.login(ld);

it throws an AxisFault telling me that there is a
data binding error;

The nested XmlException says: document is not a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:// document element local name
mismatch expected FormatRequest got LoginRequest

This has me very puzzled
bearing in mind that a login request works fine when using a .NET web reference
to the service. As far as I can work out problems arise in MessageReceiverInOut
fromOM(OMElement param, Class type) method.

Any ideas?



Re: Making operations with no output type synchronous

2006-04-06 Thread Junaid . Bhatra
Define the WSDL operation with both input and output messages. Define the
output message as being empty with no parts:

message name=MyOutputMessage /

- Junaid

 Stefan Freyr  
 04/06/2006 09:30  
   Making operations with no output  
   type synchronous
 Please respond to 


I've been trying to run a single JUnit method that calls an Axis web

The operation receives one input parameter but there's no output
The JUnit test case uses the classes generated by wsdl2java to lookup the
service and call the operation like so:

  MyClass_ServiceLocator locator = new MyClass_ServiceLocator();
  MyClass_PortType service = locator.getMyClass(new URL(SERVICE_URL));

  MyOperationRequest request = new MyOperationRequest(Some data...);

For some reason this didn't work and I got no error out on the screen. I
found out that this was because the JUnit test case called the myOperation
asynchronously and managed to finish and kill the JVM before the stuff
it (the stuff Axis generates) managed to actually even send out a request.

So my question is: Can I define a void operation in WSDL without Axis
generating code that calls it asynchronously?

Kind regards, Stefan Freyr.

p.s. I'm using Axis 1.2.1
(See attached file: att26p98.dat)

Description: Binary data

[Axis2] Generation of Keystores

2006-04-06 Thread Siamak Haschemi

Hello everybody.

I successfully can use the security example. Within this example there 
is the keystore which ist used. I start with the example and try to 
generate my own keystore but I have no luck. Can somebody give me the 
lines to write down the console to get a keystore simmilar to the 
sec.jks in the secUtil.jar of the security example.

By the way I got a question on the security example:

The keystore listing shows that there are two private/public keys in the 
keystore and two signed and accepted certificates. Am I right?

Keystore-Typ: jks
Keystore-Provider: SUN

Ihr Keystore enthõlt 4 Eintrõge.

alice, 04.06.2005, keyEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5): 

root, 04.06.2005, trustedCertEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5): 

ca, 04.06.2005, trustedCertEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5): 

bob, 04.06.2005, keyEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5): 

The security example uses this keystore for both the client and the 
server. My question now is how to produce two different keystores for 
alice and bob each containing the private/public key and the certificate 
(including the public key) of the other. something like this:

Keystore for Alice:
- Private/Public Key of Alice
- Certificate of Bob

Keystore for Bob:
- Private/Public Key of Bob
- Certificate of Alice

Does Axis2 works this such a scenario?

Thank you,

Siamak Haschemi

Profound Apologies re last message.

2006-04-06 Thread Ken Campbell
Hi All,
Sincerest apologies for that last message. I installed outlook 2003 last
week and neglected to switch message to plain text. 
I humbly beg everyone's pardon for the appalling waste of bandwidth. I'll go
and stand in the corner for the rest of the afternoon.


Re: [Axis2] Generation of Keystores

2006-04-06 Thread Ruchith Fernando
Hi Siamak,

Please see my inline comments:

On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everybody.

 I successfully can use the security example. Within this example there
 is the keystore which ist used. I start with the example and try to
 generate my own keystore but I have no luck. Can somebody give me the
 lines to write down the console to get a keystore simmilar to the
 sec.jks in the secUtil.jar of the security example.

You can use openssl and the java keytool to do this. Please see the
following shell scripts:

 By the way I got a question on the security example:

 The keystore listing shows that there are two private/public keys in the
 keystore and two signed and accepted certificates. Am I right?


 Keystore-Typ: jks
 Keystore-Provider: SUN

 Ihr Keystore enthõlt 4 Eintrõge.

 alice, 04.06.2005, keyEntry,
 Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
 root, 04.06.2005, trustedCertEntry,
 Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
 ca, 04.06.2005, trustedCertEntry,
 Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
 bob, 04.06.2005, keyEntry,
 Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):

 The security example uses this keystore for both the client and the
 server. My question now is how to produce two different keystores for
 alice and bob each containing the private/public key and the certificate
 (including the public key) of the other. something like this:

These are the steps to create the keystores you want:

1.) generate two separate keystores with self signed keys
$ keytool -genkey ...

2.) Export the certs of both private keys in the two keystores
$ keytool -export

3.) Import the cert of one private key to the other keystore
$ keytool -import

 Keystore for Alice:
 - Private/Public Key of Alice
 - Certificate of Bob

 Keystore for Bob:
 - Private/Public Key of Bob
 - Certificate of Alice

 Does Axis2 works this such a scenario?

Yes !!


Apache SOAP - Apache AXIS communication isuue.

2006-04-06 Thread Amit Sharma
Hi All,Is there anty way to deploy a Web-service on apache SOAP using org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory for Serialization and Deserialization.I deployed the service on Apache SOAP (2.3.1) -- The service therefore uses org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc.BeanSerializer for Serialization  DeSerialization.I then used Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java to generate Client side code and stubs. -- The client therefore uses org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory for Serialization
  DeSerializationThe client got ready - compiled and all. Now the issue is that, SOAP uses org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc.BeanSerializer for handling Marshalling and unmrshalling. The client can DeSerialize the Serialized data sent by the Apache SOAP server, but Apache SOAP can not DeSerialize the data Serialized by the Client.Can anyone suggest a method using which I can make Apache SOAP(v2.3.1) service and AXIS(v1.3) client talk ??Thank and regards,Amit 
		Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make  PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.

Apache SOAP - Apache AXIS communication isuue.

2006-04-06 Thread Amit Sharma
Hi All,Is there anty way to deploy a Web-service on apache SOAP using org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory for Serialization and Deserialization.I deployed the service on Apache SOAP (2.3.1) -- The service therefore uses org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc.BeanSerializer for Serialization  DeSerialization.I then used Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java to generate Client side code and stubs. -- The client therefore uses org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory for Serialization
  DeSerializationThe client got ready - compiled and all. Now the issue is that, SOAP uses org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc.BeanSerializer for handling Marshalling and unmrshalling. The client can DeSerialize the Serialized data sent by the Apache SOAP server, but Apache SOAP can not DeSerialize the data Serialized by the Client.Can anyone suggest a method using which I can make Apache SOAP(v2.3.1) service and AXIS(v1.3) client talk ??Thank and regards,Amit 
		Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make  PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.

Re: [Axis2] Generation of Keystores

2006-04-06 Thread Siamak Haschemi

Hello Ruchith.

I follow you instructions. I create a script for generating the 
keystore. But now I got into trubble with a error:

WSHandler: Signature: error during message General security 
error (Unexpected number of X509Data: for Signature) ...

If I use the original sec.jks from the security sample (and changing 
the axis2.xml user and encryptionUser param) it works. So I think 
there's still something wrong with my Keystore.

Here is the script I use to generate the keystore.

@echo off
set CLIENT_KEYPASS=keyPassClient
set CLIENT_STOREPASS=storePassClient
set SERVER_KEYPASS=keyPassServer
set SERVER_STOREPASS=storePassServer

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias client -keystore client.jks -dname 
cn=Client -keypass %CLIENT_KEYPASS% -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias server -keystore server.jks -dname 
cn=Server -keypass %SERVER_KEYPASS% -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%

keytool -selfcert -alias client -keystore client.jks -keypass 
keytool -selfcert -alias server -keystore server.jks -keypass 

keytool -export -keystore client.jks -alias client -storepass 
%CLIENT_STOREPASS% -file client.cert
keytool -export -keystore server.jks -alias server -storepass 
%SERVER_STOREPASS% -file server.cert

keytool -import -noprompt -alias server -file server.cert -keystore 
client.jks -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
keytool -import -noprompt -alias client -file client.cert -keystore 
server.jks -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%

del client.cert
del server.cert

keytool -list -keystore client.jks -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
keytool -list -keystore server.jks -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%



The resulting keystores look now like this:


Keystore-Typ: jks
Keystore-Provider: SUN

Ihr Keystore enthõlt 2 Eintrõge.

client, 06.04.2006, keyEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5): 

server, 06.04.2006, trustedCertEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5): 


Keystore-Typ: jks
Keystore-Provider: SUN

Ihr Keystore enthõlt 2 Eintrõge.

client, 06.04.2006, trustedCertEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5): 

server, 06.04.2006, keyEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5): 


Thank you very much for your help!


Ruchith Fernando schrieb:

Hi Siamak,

Please see my inline comments:

On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello everybody.

I successfully can use the security example. Within this example there
is the keystore which ist used. I start with the example and try to
generate my own keystore but I have no luck. Can somebody give me the
lines to write down the console to get a keystore simmilar to the
sec.jks in the secUtil.jar of the security example.

You can use openssl and the java keytool to do this. Please see the
following shell scripts:


By the way I got a question on the security example:

The keystore listing shows that there are two private/public keys in the
keystore and two signed and accepted certificates. Am I right?



Keystore-Typ: jks
Keystore-Provider: SUN

Ihr Keystore enthõlt 4 Eintrõge.

alice, 04.06.2005, keyEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
root, 04.06.2005, trustedCertEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
ca, 04.06.2005, trustedCertEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
bob, 04.06.2005, keyEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):

The security example uses this keystore for both the client and the
server. My question now is how to produce two different keystores for
alice and bob each containing the private/public key and the certificate
(including the public key) of the other. something like this:

These are the steps to create the keystores you want:

1.) generate two separate keystores with self signed keys
$ keytool -genkey ...

2.) Export the certs of both private keys in the two keystores
$ keytool -export

3.) Import the cert of one private key to the other keystore
$ keytool -import


Keystore for Alice:
- Private/Public Key of Alice
- Certificate of Bob

Keystore for Bob:
- Private/Public Key of Bob
- Certificate of 

RE: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM] - Re: Problems getting user exceptions to work - Found word(s) check out in the Text body - Found word(s) check out in the subject

2006-04-06 Thread Veprinsky, Michael
Well, I guess the question would be what do you mean by correct. I get
XML very similar to what Jack got, namely:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
faultstringsubprod.dis.fault.MVException: Hello world my
subprod.dis.fault.MVException xsi:type=ns1:MVFault
codes soapenc:arrayType=xsd:anyType[3]
codes xsi:type=soapenc:stringBAD_DAY/codes
codes xsi:type=soapenc:stringRAIN/codes
codes xsi:type=soapenc:stringWS_SUCK/codes
ns2:hostname xmlns:ns2=;

It obviously is not formated this way, I made it more readable (tried at
least). Basically what I did was I extended Exception with my own class
and added a list of error codes (just a list of Strings called codes,
list is not typed)
As you can see, I get this fault and I can deserialize it (and I can
probably even get into details). It is possible that if I generate a
client with WSDL2Java (for now I just use Call class) I will even get
this exception (not sure, would need to test). However as I mentioned
before the service is supposed to be cross-platform so I would very much
like to control faultcode and faultstring so that C++ or Python would be
able to process it. I can probably get them to process custom XML but
you must agree this kinda violates the purpose of using SOAP in the
first place.
I was able to set both values I need through making my exception extend
AxisFault, which is an option, but I wanted to see if there are other
options too (namely custom serialization of standard exceptions).

Another question - I think SOAP allows to have multiple Faults in one
response. Is this correct and if it is, is there a way to have multiple
faults with Axis?

Thank you,

Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe
Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure
  -- /usr/bin/fortune

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Thom Hehl
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 5:10 AM
Subject: Re: [SPAM] - Re: [SPAM] - Re: Problems getting user exceptions
to work - Found word(s) check out in the Text body - Found word(s) check
out in the subject

Right. We use the WSDL to build java from, not the other way round. The 
problem is a bug in axis. We're going to write it up when we get the 
chance. In the meantime, you will need to decide whether or not to 
modify the WSDL.

I will bet that if you look at the XML coming from the server, it is 
correct. The problem lies in the de-serialization of the fault. This is 
a work-around for that problem.

Veprinsky, Michael wrote:
 I decided to piggy-back on this thread... I am having similar 

 What did you mean? I suppose recommend changing WSDL definition but a)

 my WSDL is auto-published so I can't really change it and b) even if I

 do, it does not change the XML that server generates and that is 
 totally language-specific which kinda violates the purpose. Or did you

 mean something else?

 I am using Axis 1.3. I have following questions:
 1) Is there a way to set server to use SOAP 1.2 (RTFMs are welcome, 
 just tell where)?
 2) Is there a way to specify custom values for faultcode/faultstring? 
 Best I could get was my exception being serialized into XML under 
 details but then I have to process it as XML :-\
 3) Overall, I need to publish a web service that is going to be used 
 from different platforms. Is my best bet to just give up faults 
 altogether and use some custom base result structure with generic 
 error passing engine? Any recommendations (again, RTFMs are welcome)

 I do not expect much success since the envelope XSD itself is pretty 
 limiting (, toward the end), 
 it's just those two fields and freeform XML details. SOAP 1.2 looks 
 a little better but without documentation it did not help much either.

 Any recommendations/insights are welcome.
 Thank you,

 Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll 
 believe Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch
to be sure
   -- /usr/bin/fortune

 -Original Message-

Plugging in the WSDL2Java

2006-04-06 Thread David Boyer


New user to axis. Ive been unable to
find any in depth documentation or discussion of the code generation engine. Im
digging through the codegen module trying to figure out how to plug into the
code generation to add stuff specific to our project. In this project the
WSDL is going to be dynamic for some time. My current plan is to use a
simple name matching pattern that would be easy to dynamically generate code
for. The idea is to create one class per service (Class name = Service
name) and one method per action in the service (method name = action name). In
those external classes I would implement the necessary business functionality. Which,
though volatile, we wish to manage it through standard source control mechanisms.

So the ideal body of a generated function would look
like this:

public class DocumentServicePortTypeSkeleton {

import mypackage.DocumentService;

public OMElement getDocument () throws Exception {

 return DocumentService.getDocument();



Ive found the SkeletonTemplate.xsl
file. Obviously I could pull this out and modify it to suit my needs,
rejar and run with it. However, my impression is that youve
designed to allow me to point the CodeGenerator at other instances of something
like SkeletonTemplate.xsl. 

Is there a solution of the second type? (write my
own .xsl and register it somehow with codegen) If so, is there any
documentation on this method of interaction? (Mailing list posts, design
documents, tutorial)


P.S. Im also wanting to do something
similar to the build.xml file generated for Ant, to include our class files in
the generated aar. If there is an alternative location within the
exploded axis2 webapp for dumping a jar-file for access by a specific aar, that
would meet our purposes as well. But I havent done all of the
research yet on this issue.


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[Axis2] 0.95 WS-Addressing client-side: module not found

2006-04-06 Thread Roman Weidlich
I renamed addressing-0.95.mar to addressing-0.95.jar and add it to the 
project libraires in Eclipse.

EchoNonBlockingDualClient arises this:

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Module not found

at client.Client.invoke(
at client.Client.init(
at client.Client.main(

Chinthaka wrote:

Michele Mazzucco wrote:

Hi Eran,

I'm sorry, but I cannot find the options.engageModule() call. Do you
mean options.setAction() (I'm just trying to guess since the APIs don't
explain what that method actually do)?

I'm sorry its ServiceClient.engageModule(addressing).

Re: Order of SOAPHeader and SOAPBody

2006-04-06 Thread Daniel Destro
Hi Xinjun,Thanks.I've just realized that u're using Axis2. I am using Axis 1.3 yet.Can I use wss4j with Axis 1.3?Where are u from?Thanks againDaniel - Brasil
On 4/5/06, Xinjun Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Daniel,I take advantage of WSS4J to add UsernameToken to the SOAPEnvelope.Some sample codes:Document domDoc = Axis2Util.getDocumentFromSOAPEnvelope(envelope);// Add the UserNameToken.WSSAddUsernameToken builder = new WSSAddUsernameToken(, false);
if (token.isDigested()) {builder.setPasswordType(WSConstants.PASSWORD_DIGEST);} else {builder.setPasswordType(WSConstants.PASSWORD_TEXT);}, token.getUsername
(), token.getPassword());Element header = (Element)(domDoc.getElementsByTagName(SOAP-ENV:Header).item(0));//SOAPHeader header = Axis2Util.getSOAPFactory(envelope);//SOAPFactory factory = Axis2Util.getSOAPFactory
(envelope);OMElement headerElm = (OMElement) (Axis2Util.toOM(header));envelope.getBody().insertSiblingBefore(headerElm);These are only some experimental codes.I assume the SOAPEnvelope has been constructed. What these code
snippet is more of a handler. There may be other ways to do it. AsRuchith said, you can also take advantage of Axis2 security module.Regards,XinjunOn 4/6/06, Daniel Destro 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Xinjun, As I can see you are trying to add some Security to your Web Services, right? Are you doing a User Authentication / Authorization using this
 UsernameToken? I need to do that! How do add UsernameToken into to the SOAP request and how do u read / validate UsernameToken from the SOAP request (server-side) ???
 Thanks Daniel

Re: [Axis2] 0.95 WS-Addressing client-side: module not found

2006-04-06 Thread Deepal Jayasinghe
ohhh , that is not going to be work !
you have to have the .mar extension otherwise system will not figure
that out as an AxisModule.

Roman Weidlich wrote:

 I renamed addressing-0.95.mar to addressing-0.95.jar and add it to the
 project libraires in Eclipse.

 EchoNonBlockingDualClient arises this:

 org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Module not found


 at client.Client.invoke(
 at client.Client.init(
 at client.Client.main(

 Chinthaka wrote:

 Michele Mazzucco wrote:

 Hi Eran,

 I'm sorry, but I cannot find the options.engageModule() call. Do you
 mean options.setAction() (I'm just trying to guess since the APIs don't
 explain what that method actually do)?

 I'm sorry its ServiceClient.engageModule(addressing).


~Future is Open~ 

Re: [Axis2] Generation of Keystores

2006-04-06 Thread Ruchith Fernando

Please note that you will have to provide the configuration
information according to set the new keystores. Simply replacing the
keystores in the security sample will not help.

  - You will have to set the user value in the outflowConfiguration
parameter to the alias of the private key in the appropriate keystore.
  - You will have to provide  a .properties file with the correct
keystore information
  - You will have to make sure the PasswordCallbackhandler class (impl
of java.auth.Callbackhandler) returns the proper passwords for the
required identifiers.
  - You will have to make sure you have all the above available in the
classpath of both service and client appropriately (The secUtil.jar in
the security sample packages all of these).



On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Ruchith.

 I follow you instructions. I create a script for generating the
 keystore. But now I got into trubble with a error:

 WSHandler: Signature: error during message General security
 error (Unexpected number of X509Data: for Signature) ...

 If I use the original sec.jks from the security sample (and changing
 the axis2.xml user and encryptionUser param) it works. So I think
 there's still something wrong with my Keystore.

 Here is the script I use to generate the keystore.

 @echo off
 set CLIENT_KEYPASS=keyPassClient
 set CLIENT_STOREPASS=storePassClient
 set SERVER_KEYPASS=keyPassServer
 set SERVER_STOREPASS=storePassServer

 keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias client -keystore client.jks -dname
 cn=Client -keypass %CLIENT_KEYPASS% -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
 keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias server -keystore server.jks -dname
 cn=Server -keypass %SERVER_KEYPASS% -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%

 keytool -selfcert -alias client -keystore client.jks -keypass
 keytool -selfcert -alias server -keystore server.jks -keypass

 keytool -export -keystore client.jks -alias client -storepass
 %CLIENT_STOREPASS% -file client.cert
 keytool -export -keystore server.jks -alias server -storepass
 %SERVER_STOREPASS% -file server.cert

 keytool -import -noprompt -alias server -file server.cert -keystore
 client.jks -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
 keytool -import -noprompt -alias client -file client.cert -keystore
 server.jks -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%

 del client.cert
 del server.cert

 keytool -list -keystore client.jks -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
 keytool -list -keystore server.jks -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%



 The resulting keystores look now like this:


 Keystore-Typ: jks
 Keystore-Provider: SUN

 Ihr Keystore enthõlt 2 Eintrõge.

 client, 06.04.2006, keyEntry,
 Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
 server, 06.04.2006, trustedCertEntry,
 Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):


 Keystore-Typ: jks
 Keystore-Provider: SUN

 Ihr Keystore enthõlt 2 Eintrõge.

 client, 06.04.2006, trustedCertEntry,
 Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
 server, 06.04.2006, keyEntry,
 Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):


 Thank you very much for your help!


 Ruchith Fernando schrieb:
  Hi Siamak,
  Please see my inline comments:
  On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello everybody.
  I successfully can use the security example. Within this example there
  is the keystore which ist used. I start with the example and try to
  generate my own keystore but I have no luck. Can somebody give me the
  lines to write down the console to get a keystore simmilar to the
  sec.jks in the secUtil.jar of the security example.
  You can use openssl and the java keytool to do this. Please see the
  following shell scripts:
  By the way I got a question on the security example:
  The keystore listing shows that there are two private/public keys in the
  keystore and two signed and accepted certificates. Am I right?
  Keystore-Typ: jks
  Keystore-Provider: SUN
  Ihr Keystore enthõlt 4 Eintrõge.
  alice, 04.06.2005, keyEntry,
  Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
  root, 04.06.2005, trustedCertEntry,
  Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
  ca, 04.06.2005, 

Re: [Axis2] Generation of Keystores

2006-04-06 Thread Siamak Haschemi

Hello Ruchith,

I think that was a misunderstanding. I already made this changes.
I think that the problem lies in de keystore. Did you look at the script?
Is the generation of the Keystore correct?
Or am I missing some extra paramaters?

I would be very thankful If you could send me a litte projekt including 
the generation of self-signing Certificates.

Thank you very much,

Siamak Haschemi

Ruchith Fernando schrieb:


Please note that you will have to provide the configuration
information according to set the new keystores. Simply replacing the
keystores in the security sample will not help.

  - You will have to set the user value in the outflowConfiguration
parameter to the alias of the private key in the appropriate keystore.
  - You will have to provide  a .properties file with the correct
keystore information
  - You will have to make sure the PasswordCallbackhandler class (impl
of java.auth.Callbackhandler) returns the proper passwords for the
required identifiers.
  - You will have to make sure you have all the above available in the
classpath of both service and client appropriately (The secUtil.jar in
the security sample packages all of these).



On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Ruchith.

I follow you instructions. I create a script for generating the
keystore. But now I got into trubble with a error:

WSHandler: Signature: error during message General security
error (Unexpected number of X509Data: for Signature) ...

If I use the original sec.jks from the security sample (and changing
the axis2.xml user and encryptionUser param) it works. So I think
there's still something wrong with my Keystore.

Here is the script I use to generate the keystore.

@echo off
set CLIENT_KEYPASS=keyPassClient
set CLIENT_STOREPASS=storePassClient
set SERVER_KEYPASS=keyPassServer
set SERVER_STOREPASS=storePassServer

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias client -keystore client.jks -dname
cn=Client -keypass %CLIENT_KEYPASS% -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias server -keystore server.jks -dname
cn=Server -keypass %SERVER_KEYPASS% -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%

keytool -selfcert -alias client -keystore client.jks -keypass
keytool -selfcert -alias server -keystore server.jks -keypass

keytool -export -keystore client.jks -alias client -storepass
%CLIENT_STOREPASS% -file client.cert
keytool -export -keystore server.jks -alias server -storepass
%SERVER_STOREPASS% -file server.cert

keytool -import -noprompt -alias server -file server.cert -keystore
client.jks -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
keytool -import -noprompt -alias client -file client.cert -keystore
server.jks -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%

del client.cert
del server.cert

keytool -list -keystore client.jks -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
keytool -list -keystore server.jks -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%



The resulting keystores look now like this:


Keystore-Typ: jks
Keystore-Provider: SUN

Ihr Keystore enthõlt 2 Eintrõge.

client, 06.04.2006, keyEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
server, 06.04.2006, trustedCertEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):


Keystore-Typ: jks
Keystore-Provider: SUN

Ihr Keystore enthõlt 2 Eintrõge.

client, 06.04.2006, trustedCertEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
server, 06.04.2006, keyEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):


Thank you very much for your help!


Ruchith Fernando schrieb:

Hi Siamak,

Please see my inline comments:

On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hello everybody.

I successfully can use the security example. Within this example there
is the keystore which ist used. I start with the example and try to
generate my own keystore but I have no luck. Can somebody give me the
lines to write down the console to get a keystore simmilar to the
sec.jks in the secUtil.jar of the security example.

You can use openssl and the java keytool to do this. Please see the
following shell scripts:


By the way I got a question on the security example:

The keystore listing shows that there are two private/public keys in the
keystore and two signed and accepted certificates. Am I right?

Re: [Axis2] Generation of Keystores

2006-04-06 Thread Ruchith Fernando
Hi Siamak,

I will try to get you a step by step project over the week end :-)

But please note that the exception that you mentioned:

WSHandler: Signature: error during message General security
error (Unexpected number of X509Data: for Signature) ...

  occurs when you have NOT specified the correct alias of the private
key in the keystore to use as the value of the user element in the
outflowConfiguration, also the callback handler class must supply the
correct password of the private key when asked for password of that
particular alias.


On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Ruchith,

 I think that was a misunderstanding. I already made this changes.
 I think that the problem lies in de keystore. Did you look at the script?
 Is the generation of the Keystore correct?
 Or am I missing some extra paramaters?

 I would be very thankful If you could send me a litte projekt including
 the generation of self-signing Certificates.

 Thank you very much,

 Siamak Haschemi

 Ruchith Fernando schrieb:
  Please note that you will have to provide the configuration
  information according to set the new keystores. Simply replacing the
  keystores in the security sample will not help.
- You will have to set the user value in the outflowConfiguration
  parameter to the alias of the private key in the appropriate keystore.
- You will have to provide  a .properties file with the correct
  keystore information
- You will have to make sure the PasswordCallbackhandler class (impl
  of java.auth.Callbackhandler) returns the proper passwords for the
  required identifiers.
- You will have to make sure you have all the above available in the
  classpath of both service and client appropriately (The secUtil.jar in
  the security sample packages all of these).
  On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello Ruchith.
  I follow you instructions. I create a script for generating the
  keystore. But now I got into trubble with a error:
  WSHandler: Signature: error during message General security
  error (Unexpected number of X509Data: for Signature) ...
  If I use the original sec.jks from the security sample (and changing
  the axis2.xml user and encryptionUser param) it works. So I think
  there's still something wrong with my Keystore.
  Here is the script I use to generate the keystore.
  @echo off
  set CLIENT_KEYPASS=keyPassClient
  set CLIENT_STOREPASS=storePassClient
  set SERVER_KEYPASS=keyPassServer
  set SERVER_STOREPASS=storePassServer
  keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias client -keystore client.jks -dname
  cn=Client -keypass %CLIENT_KEYPASS% -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
  keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias server -keystore server.jks -dname
  cn=Server -keypass %SERVER_KEYPASS% -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%
  keytool -selfcert -alias client -keystore client.jks -keypass
  keytool -selfcert -alias server -keystore server.jks -keypass
  keytool -export -keystore client.jks -alias client -storepass
  %CLIENT_STOREPASS% -file client.cert
  keytool -export -keystore server.jks -alias server -storepass
  %SERVER_STOREPASS% -file server.cert
  keytool -import -noprompt -alias server -file server.cert -keystore
  client.jks -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
  keytool -import -noprompt -alias client -file client.cert -keystore
  server.jks -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%
  del client.cert
  del server.cert
  keytool -list -keystore client.jks -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
  keytool -list -keystore server.jks -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%
  The resulting keystores look now like this:
  Keystore-Typ: jks
  Keystore-Provider: SUN
  Ihr Keystore enthõlt 2 Eintrõge.
  client, 06.04.2006, keyEntry,
  Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
  server, 06.04.2006, trustedCertEntry,
  Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
  Keystore-Typ: jks
  Keystore-Provider: SUN
  Ihr Keystore enthõlt 2 Eintrõge.
  client, 06.04.2006, trustedCertEntry,
  Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
  server, 06.04.2006, keyEntry,
  Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
  Thank you very much for your help!
  Ruchith Fernando schrieb:
  Hi Siamak,
  Please see my inline comments:
  On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello everybody.
  I successfully can use the security example. Within this example there

Re: [Axis2] Generation of Keystores

2006-04-06 Thread Siamak Haschemi

Hello Ruchith.

Thank you very much for that fantastic support. It is not naturally that 
people are so patient :-)

I will try to follow your hint, but I already did everything I could 

Thank you very much,

Siamak Haschemi

Ruchith Fernando schrieb:

Hi Siamak,

I will try to get you a step by step project over the week end :-)

But please note that the exception that you mentioned:

WSHandler: Signature: error during message General security
error (Unexpected number of X509Data: for Signature) ...

  occurs when you have NOT specified the correct alias of the private
key in the keystore to use as the value of the user element in the
outflowConfiguration, also the callback handler class must supply the
correct password of the private key when asked for password of that
particular alias.


On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Ruchith,

I think that was a misunderstanding. I already made this changes.
I think that the problem lies in de keystore. Did you look at the script?
Is the generation of the Keystore correct?
Or am I missing some extra paramaters?

I would be very thankful If you could send me a litte projekt including
the generation of self-signing Certificates.

Thank you very much,

Siamak Haschemi

Ruchith Fernando schrieb:


Please note that you will have to provide the configuration
information according to set the new keystores. Simply replacing the
keystores in the security sample will not help.

  - You will have to set the user value in the outflowConfiguration
parameter to the alias of the private key in the appropriate keystore.
  - You will have to provide  a .properties file with the correct
keystore information
  - You will have to make sure the PasswordCallbackhandler class (impl
of java.auth.Callbackhandler) returns the proper passwords for the
required identifiers.
  - You will have to make sure you have all the above available in the
classpath of both service and client appropriately (The secUtil.jar in
the security sample packages all of these).



On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hello Ruchith.

I follow you instructions. I create a script for generating the
keystore. But now I got into trubble with a error:

WSHandler: Signature: error during message General security
error (Unexpected number of X509Data: for Signature) ...

If I use the original sec.jks from the security sample (and changing
the axis2.xml user and encryptionUser param) it works. So I think
there's still something wrong with my Keystore.

Here is the script I use to generate the keystore.

@echo off
set CLIENT_KEYPASS=keyPassClient
set CLIENT_STOREPASS=storePassClient
set SERVER_KEYPASS=keyPassServer
set SERVER_STOREPASS=storePassServer

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias client -keystore client.jks -dname
cn=Client -keypass %CLIENT_KEYPASS% -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias server -keystore server.jks -dname
cn=Server -keypass %SERVER_KEYPASS% -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%

keytool -selfcert -alias client -keystore client.jks -keypass
keytool -selfcert -alias server -keystore server.jks -keypass

keytool -export -keystore client.jks -alias client -storepass
%CLIENT_STOREPASS% -file client.cert
keytool -export -keystore server.jks -alias server -storepass
%SERVER_STOREPASS% -file server.cert

keytool -import -noprompt -alias server -file server.cert -keystore
client.jks -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
keytool -import -noprompt -alias client -file client.cert -keystore
server.jks -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%

del client.cert
del server.cert

keytool -list -keystore client.jks -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS%
keytool -list -keystore server.jks -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS%



The resulting keystores look now like this:


Keystore-Typ: jks
Keystore-Provider: SUN

Ihr Keystore enthõlt 2 Eintrõge.

client, 06.04.2006, keyEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
server, 06.04.2006, trustedCertEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):


Keystore-Typ: jks
Keystore-Provider: SUN

Ihr Keystore enthõlt 2 Eintrõge.

client, 06.04.2006, trustedCertEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):
server, 06.04.2006, keyEntry,
Zertifikatsfingerabdruck (MD5):


Thank you very much for your help!


Ruchith Fernando schrieb:

Hi Siamak,

Please see my inline comments:

On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



[Axis-1_3] I get an error while trying to run CalcClient example

2006-04-06 Thread Piote

I try to run example no 2 (Calculator) from Axis samples/userguide. 
I type:

java -cp %AXISCLASSPATH% CalcClient

and i get the same error all the time: 
Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: CalcClient

I dont know what is wrong, because my AXISCLASSPATH seems to be correct:


where AXIS_LIB is: %AXIS_HOME%\lib

and AXIS_HOME is: C:\axis-1

.jars at AXISCLASSPATH match exactly those in lib folder of Axis.

What could be wrong?
Please help me. I'm desperate!!
View this message in context:
Sent from the Axis - User forum at

[axis2] wrong number of arguments fault

2006-04-06 Thread Kane, David


I am using axis2 (build 95) to create a client for an
existing web service. I am getting the following error, but I do not know
why the generated client is passing the wrong number of arguments. Anyone
have any suggestions about what the problem might be or how to work around it?


Here are the details.

Here is the exception that I am getting:

Exception in thread main
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Illegal argument invoking
[Ljava.lang.String;, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
boolean, boolean, boolean)': wrong number of arguments

at org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.execute(


at Demo.main(

The WSDL for the service:

My Demonstration program that can create the error:


import java.util.*;

import org.w3c.dom.*;

import org.apache.axis2.*;

public class Demo {

 public static
void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

GOMinerWSPortTypeStub goMinerStub = new GOMinerWSPortTypeStub();

final String[] totals = new String[]{BAD, TP53};

final String[] changed = new String[]{BAD, TP53};

final String organism = 9606;10090;

final String dataSource = all;

final String evidence = all;

final GOMinerWSPortTypeStub.GetReport requestParams = new

final GOMinerWSPortTypeStub.ArrayOfString ta = new


final GOMinerWSPortTypeStub.ArrayOfString ca = new










GOMinerWSPortTypeStub.GetReportResponse data =




Command used to generate the client:

-o . -t false -uri

tcpmon log from a second run:


POST /gominer/xfire/GMService

User-Agent: Axis/2.0



Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Content-Type: text/xml;


?xml version='1.0'



HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2006 18:30:02 GMT

Server: Apache

Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8

Connection: close

Transfer-Encoding: chunked


?xml version=1.0
argument invoking
[Ljava.lang.String;, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
boolean, boolean, boolean)': wrong number of arguments/faultstring/soap:Fault/soap:Body/soap:Envelope


Command used to invoke the demo code:

dkane$ java -cp

RE: Can't compile web service with exception

2006-04-06 Thread Rhimbo
Hello Philippe,

I was following another thread on this topic too.  It seems that the
discussion on that thread, as well as what you said, indicate that
one has to __manually__ edit the wsdl file generated by Java2WSDL.

Could you confirm the following:

1. Run Java2WSDL to generate WSDL file. 
2. Edit the WDSL file to add the fault information like the following:

   In portType statement:
 wsdl:operation name=testException
wsdl:input message=tns:testExceptionRequest/
wsdl:output message=tns:testExceptionResult/
wsdl:fault name=myFault message=tns:Exception/

   In portBinding statement:

 fault name=soapapiFault
soap:fault name='myFault' use='literal' /

3. Run WSDL2Java to generate the stubs.
4. Compile my implementation class along with the generated files.

So I would have to do this hand edit of the WSDL each time I
modified my interface?

I think someone in the other thread mentioned that this was caused
by a bug in AXIS?  Is this true?  

Is there no work-around for this (other than the hand editing)?

Many thanks.


--- philippe ventrillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think if you are going from wsdl file you are supposed to 
 Declare a message for the fault
 put somehting like that in your porttype
 operation name='getCurrentLanguageCursorPage'
 input message='tns:getCurrentLanguageCursorPageIn'/
 output message='tns:getCurrentLanguageCursorPageOut'/
 fault name='soapapiFault' message='tns:soapapiFault'/
 Put something like that in the portBinding
 fault name=soapapiFault
 soap:fault name='soapapiFault' use='literal' /
 I imagine that when you invoke wsdl2Java it regenerates the service
 (with no
 throws clause) but not the impl class

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Re: [Axis2] 0.95 WS-Addressing client-side: module not found

2006-04-06 Thread Roman Weidlich

trying addressing-0.95.mar in the classpath doesn't change anything...

Deepal Jayasinghe wrote:

ohhh , that is not going to be work !
you have to have the .mar extension otherwise system will not figure
that out as an AxisModule.

Roman Weidlich wrote:

I renamed addressing-0.95.mar to addressing-0.95.jar and add it to the
project libraires in Eclipse.

EchoNonBlockingDualClient arises this:

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Module not found


at client.Client.invoke(
at client.Client.init(
at client.Client.main(

Chinthaka wrote:

Michele Mazzucco wrote:

Hi Eran,

I'm sorry, but I cannot find the options.engageModule() call. Do you
mean options.setAction() (I'm just trying to guess since the APIs don't
explain what that method actually do)?

I'm sorry its ServiceClient.engageModule(addressing).

Re: [Axis2] 0.95 WS-Addressing client-side: module not found

2006-04-06 Thread Roman Weidlich

every try of this:

serviceClient.engageModule(new QName(Constants.MODULE_ADDRESSING));

results in this:

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Module not found

but in the administration for the webservice is displayed:

 Service Status : Active  Engaged modules for the service

* addressing-0.95

Roman Weidlich wrote:

trying addressing-0.95.mar in the classpath doesn't change anything...

Deepal Jayasinghe wrote:

ohhh , that is not going to be work !
you have to have the .mar extension otherwise system will not figure
that out as an AxisModule.

Roman Weidlich wrote:

I renamed addressing-0.95.mar to addressing-0.95.jar and add it to the
project libraires in Eclipse.

EchoNonBlockingDualClient arises this:

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Module not found


at client.Client.invoke(
at client.Client.init(
at client.Client.main(

Chinthaka wrote:

Michele Mazzucco wrote:

Hi Eran,

I'm sorry, but I cannot find the options.engageModule() call. Do you
mean options.setAction() (I'm just trying to guess since the APIs 

explain what that method actually do)?

I'm sorry its ServiceClient.engageModule(addressing).

RE: Can't compile web service with exception

2006-04-06 Thread Rhimbo

One other question...

What's the difference between using soap:fault and wsdl:fault ?

Also, I forgot to say... yes you are correct.  My implementation 
class is not touched by the WSDL2Java command.  Each time I change 
my interface (my portType), for example to add a new method or 
change a method prototype, I have to make the corresponding change
in my implementation class by hand. 


--- philippe ventrillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think if you are going from wsdl file you are supposed to 
 Declare a message for the fault
 put somehting like that in your porttype
 operation name='getCurrentLanguageCursorPage'
 input message='tns:getCurrentLanguageCursorPageIn'/
 output message='tns:getCurrentLanguageCursorPageOut'/
 fault name='soapapiFault' message='tns:soapapiFault'/
 Put something like that in the portBinding
 fault name=soapapiFault
 soap:fault name='soapapiFault' use='literal' /
 I imagine that when you invoke wsdl2Java it regenerates the service
 (with no
 throws clause) but not the impl class
 -Original Message-
 From: Rhimbo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: jeudi 6 avril 2006 02:49
 To: Axis users
 Subject: Can't compile web service with exception
 Hi all,
 I too am having trouble with exceptions.  I can't even get past
 now.  I added a simple method to my interface
  public void testException() throws Exception;
 Here's the implementation:
  public void testException() throws Exception 
throw new Exception(Well take that!);
 I did:
 $ java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -o family.wsdl \
   --implClass \
   -lhttp://localhost:8080/axis/services/familyAccounts; \ urn:familyAccounts \
 to generate the family.wsdl file.  Then I did:
 $ java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -o . -d Session -s \
   -p family.wsdl
 When I compile, I get these errors: testException() in cannot implement
 testException() in; overridden method does not
 throw java.lang.Exception
   public void testException() throws java.lang.Exception
   ^ testException() in
 implement testException() in; overridden
 does not throw java.lang.Exception
   public void testException() throws Exception
 Apparently the compiler thinks that my method prototype in the
 interface definition doesn't throw Exception.  But it does (above).  
 More strangely, here is the prototype from the _generated_
 public void testException() throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
 WSDL2Java added throws java.rmi.RemoteException but not throws
 Why is WSDL2Java not adding the throws Exception to the method
 in the generated interface file? 
 I followed a few threads the past several days about tweaking the wsdl
 to get exception handling correct.  I admit I didn't quite follow.  
 Is there something I need to do after generating the wsdl file, before
 running the WSDL2Java command, to get exceptions to work?  
 Here is excerpt from the generated WSDL below:
wsdl:message name=testExceptionResponse
   wsdl:message name=testExceptionRequest
wsdl:operation name=testException
   wsdl:input message=impl:testExceptionRequest
   wsdl:output message=impl:testExceptionResponse
  wsdl:operation name=testException
  wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=/
  wsdl:input name=testExceptionRequest
 namespace=urn:familyAccounts use=encoded/
  wsdl:output name=testExceptionResponse
 namespace=urn:familyAccounts use=encoded/
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 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [Axis2] Generation of Keystores

2006-04-06 Thread Ali Sadik Kumlali
Hi Siamak,I highly recommend you to give Portecle ( a try. Thus, you will be able to manage keystores easily. It's superb and open-source. Please pass it English localeproperties before running:java -Duser.language=en -jar portecle.jarAlthough I don't know the theory behind it, followingsworked for me. You might also give a try to it:   axis2 security sample's sec.jks  --  - Examine sec.jks with Portecle and see signature algorithm of bob private key as "SHA1withRSA"  - Notice
 signatureKeyIdentifier found in InflowSecurity and OutflowSecurity is set as SKIKeyIdentifier:  signatureKeyIdentifierSKIKeyIdentifier/signatureKeyIdentifierkeytool generated client.jks and server.jks    - Examine client.jks with Portecle and see signature algorithm of client private key as "MD5withRSA"- Replace SKIKeyIdentifier with DirectReference: signatureKeyIdentifierDirectReference/signatureKeyIdentifierHope this works.Ali Sadik KumlaliSiamak Haschemi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hello Ruchith.Thank you very much for that fantastic support. It is not
 naturally that people are so patient :-)I will try to follow your hint, but I already did everything I could imagine.Thank you very much,Siamak HaschemiRuchith Fernando schrieb: Hi Siamak, I will try to get you a step by step project over the week end :-) But please note that the exception that you mentioned: "WSHandler: Signature: error during message General security error (Unexpected number of X509Data: for Signature) ..."   occurs when you have NOT specified the correct alias of the private key in the keystore to use as the value of the  element in the outflowConfiguration, also the callback handler class must supply the correct password of the private key when asked for password of that particular alias. Thanks,
 Ruchith On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi  wrote:Hello Ruchith, I think that was a misunderstanding. I already made this changes. I think that the problem lies in de keystore. Did you look at the script? Is the generation of the Keystore correct? Or am I missing some extra paramaters? I would be very thankful If you could send me a litte projekt including the generation of self-signing Certificates. Thank you very much, Siamak Haschemi Ruchith Fernando schrieb:  Hi, Please note that you will have to provide the configuration information according to set the new keystores. Simply replacing the keystores in the security sample will not
 help.   - You will have to set the  value in the outflowConfiguration parameter to the alias of the private key in the appropriate keystore.   - You will have to provide  a .properties file with the correct keystore information   - You will have to make sure the PasswordCallbackhandler class (impl of java.auth.Callbackhandler) returns the proper passwords for the required identifiers.   - You will have to make sure you have all the above available in the classpath of both service and client appropriately (The secUtil.jar in the security sample packages all of these). HTH Thanks, Ruchith On 4/6/06, Siamak Haschemi 
 wrote:Hello Ruchith. I follow you instructions. I create a script for generating the keystore. But now I got into trubble with a error: "WSHandler: Signature: error during message General security error (Unexpected number of X509Data: for Signature) ..." If I use the original "sec.jks" from the security sample (and changing the axis2.xml user and encryptionUser param) it works. So I think there's still something wrong with my Keystore. Here is the script I use to generate the keystore. - @echo
 off set CLIENT_KEYPASS=keyPassClient set CLIENT_STOREPASS=storePassClient set SERVER_KEYPASS=keyPassServer set SERVER_STOREPASS=storePassServer keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias client -keystore client.jks -dname "cn=Client" -keypass %CLIENT_KEYPASS% -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS% keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias server -keystore server.jks -dname "cn=Server" -keypass %SERVER_KEYPASS% -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS% keytool -selfcert -alias client -keystore client.jks -keypass %CLIENT_KEYPASS% -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS% keytool -selfcert -alias server -keystore server.jks -keypass %SERVER_KEYPASS% -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS% keytool -export -keystore
 client.jks -alias client -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS% -file client.cert keytool -export -keystore server.jks -alias server -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS% -file server.cert keytool -import -noprompt -alias server -file server.cert -keystore client.jks -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS% keytool -import -noprompt -alias client -file client.cert -keystore server.jks -storepass %SERVER_STOREPASS% del client.cert del server.cert keytool -list -keystore client.jks -storepass %CLIENT_STOREPASS% keytool -list -keystore 

Comparison Axis vs. JWSDP

2006-04-06 Thread Michael Bauroth


as a newbie only a short question: Can anybody please explain the 
difference (pros / contras) between these two projects?


Using Axis without Servlets, Containers and other stuff

2006-04-06 Thread Michael Bauroth


a second question from a newbie ;)

All documents I've read so far describe the use of Axis in JBoss, Tomcat 
and so on ... Anybody knows a document (I couldn't find one), which 
explains, how I can use Axis in an own simple TCP-Server without Beans? 
I do some communication over TCP-port (ASCII and binary) with some 
hardware devices and want to add in a simple way an additional interface 
for queries / remote control from other servers.

Hope somebody can help.


Re: Using Axis without Servlets, Containers and other stuff

2006-04-06 Thread Jeff Greif
Try looking in the user guide for Axis standalone server.  In the API, 
look for org.apache.axis.server.AxisServer and 


Michael Bauroth wrote:


a second question from a newbie ;)

All documents I've read so far describe the use of Axis in JBoss, 
Tomcat and so on ... Anybody knows a document (I couldn't find one), 
which explains, how I can use Axis in an own simple TCP-Server without 
Beans? I do some communication over TCP-port (ASCII and binary) with 
some hardware devices and want to add in a simple way an additional 
interface for queries / remote control from other servers.

Hope somebody can help.


Re: Using Axis without Servlets, Containers and other stuff

2006-04-06 Thread Michael Bauroth



Jeff Greif wrote:

Try looking in the user guide for Axis standalone server.  In the API, 
look for org.apache.axis.server.AxisServer and 


Michael Bauroth wrote:


a second question from a newbie ;)

All documents I've read so far describe the use of Axis in JBoss, 
Tomcat and so on ... Anybody knows a document (I couldn't find one), 
which explains, how I can use Axis in an own simple TCP-Server without 
Beans? I do some communication over TCP-port (ASCII and binary) with 
some hardware devices and want to add in a simple way an additional 
interface for queries / remote control from other servers.

Hope somebody can help.



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RE: Can't compile web service with exception

2006-04-06 Thread Rhimbo

I'm trying to create the wsdl:fault element in my wsdl file.  
Can anyone tell me what value I should use for the message 

What namespace should I use?  I tried using the impl: prefix
that I see throught my wsdl file.  But I still get the exception
shown below:

I want to indicate that my method throws java.lang.Exception. 
How do I specify this? 

It appears that the string I put in the message parameter ends 
up appended to the throws clause on my method in the interface
file that AXIS auto-generates.  But I can't get a clean WSDL2Java
run when I put the exception class name. 

Here is the wsdl:fault ... element I added to my wsdl:

wsdl:operation name=testException
 wsdl:input message=impl:testExceptionRequest 

 wsdl:output message=impl:testExceptionResponse 

wsdl:fault name=myException message=impl:Exception /

But I get the following AXIS exceptions when I run 

$ java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -o . -d Session -s  
  -p foo foo.wsdl input .., output .. or fault .. in portType
with undefined message found. message name is '{urn:foo}Exception'

Thanks all.


--- Rhimbo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 One other question...
 What's the difference between using soap:fault and wsdl:fault ?
 Also, I forgot to say... yes you are correct.  My implementation 
 class is not touched by the WSDL2Java command.  Each time I change 
 my interface (my portType), for example to add a new method or 
 change a method prototype, I have to make the corresponding change
 in my implementation class by hand. 
 --- philippe ventrillon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think if you are going from wsdl file you are supposed to 
  Declare a message for the fault
  put somehting like that in your porttype
  operation name='getCurrentLanguageCursorPage'
  input message='tns:getCurrentLanguageCursorPageIn'/
  output message='tns:getCurrentLanguageCursorPageOut'/
  fault name='soapapiFault' message='tns:soapapiFault'/
  Put something like that in the portBinding
  fault name=soapapiFault
  soap:fault name='soapapiFault' use='literal' /
  I imagine that when you invoke wsdl2Java it regenerates the service
  (with no
  throws clause) but not the impl class
  -Original Message-
  From: Rhimbo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: jeudi 6 avril 2006 02:49
  To: Axis users
  Subject: Can't compile web service with exception
  Hi all,
  I too am having trouble with exceptions.  I can't even get past
  now.  I added a simple method to my interface
   public void testException() throws Exception;
  Here's the implementation:
   public void testException() throws Exception 
 throw new Exception(Well take that!);
  I did:
  $ java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -o family.wsdl \
--implClass \
-lhttp://localhost:8080/axis/services/familyAccounts; \ urn:familyAccounts \
  to generate the family.wsdl file.  Then I did:
  $ java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -o . -d Session -s \
-p family.wsdl
  When I compile, I get these errors: testException() in cannot implement
  testException() in; overridden method does
  throw java.lang.Exception
public void testException() throws java.lang.Exception
^ testException() in
  implement testException() in; overridden
  does not throw java.lang.Exception
public void testException() throws Exception
  Apparently the compiler thinks that my method prototype in the
  interface definition doesn't throw Exception.  But it does (above).  
  More strangely, here is the prototype from the _generated_
  public void testException() throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
  WSDL2Java added throws java.rmi.RemoteException but not throws
  Why is WSDL2Java not adding the throws Exception to the method
  in the generated interface file? 
  I followed a few threads the past several days about tweaking the
  to get exception handling correct.  I admit I didn't quite follow.  
  Is there something I need to do after generating the wsdl file,

Re: Order of SOAPHeader and SOAPBody

2006-04-06 Thread Xinjun Chen
Hi Daniel,

Yes, you can use wss4j with Axis 1.3. I tried that before.


On 4/7/06, Daniel Destro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Xinjun,

 I've just realized that u're using Axis2. I am using Axis 1.3 yet.
 Can I use wss4j with Axis 1.3?

 Where are u from?

 Thanks again
 Daniel - Brasil

 On 4/5/06, Xinjun Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Daniel,
  I take advantage of WSS4J to add UsernameToken to the SOAPEnvelope.
  Some sample codes:
  Document domDoc =
  // Add the UserNameToken.
  WSSAddUsernameToken builder = new WSSAddUsernameToken(, false);
  if (token.isDigested()) {
  } else {
  }, token.getUsername (), token.getPassword());
  Element header = (Element)
  //SOAPHeader header = Axis2Util.getSOAPFactory(envelope);
  //SOAPFactory factory = Axis2Util.getSOAPFactory (envelope);
  OMElement headerElm = (OMElement) (Axis2Util.toOM(header));
  These are only some experimental codes.
  I assume the SOAPEnvelope has been constructed. What these code
  snippet is more of a handler. There may be other ways to do it. As
  Ruchith said, you can also take advantage of Axis2 security module.
  On 4/6/06, Daniel Destro  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Xinjun,
   As I can see you are trying to add some Security to your Web Services,
   Are you doing a User Authentication / Authorization using this
   I need to do that!
   How do add UsernameToken into to the SOAP request and how do u read /
   validate UsernameToken from the SOAP request (server-side) ???

Re: Order of SOAPHeader and SOAPBody

2006-04-06 Thread Xinjun Chen
Hi Daniel,
To be specific, I tried wss4j using the Axis 1.3 library. The
following article may be useful to you.
The author uses Axis 1.x library.


On 4/7/06, Xinjun Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Daniel,

 Yes, you can use wss4j with Axis 1.3. I tried that before.


 On 4/7/06, Daniel Destro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Xinjun,
  I've just realized that u're using Axis2. I am using Axis 1.3 yet.
  Can I use wss4j with Axis 1.3?
  Where are u from?
  Thanks again
  Daniel - Brasil
  On 4/5/06, Xinjun Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Daniel,
   I take advantage of WSS4J to add UsernameToken to the SOAPEnvelope.
   Some sample codes:
   Document domDoc =
   // Add the UserNameToken.
   WSSAddUsernameToken builder = new WSSAddUsernameToken(, false);
   if (token.isDigested()) {
   } else {
   }, token.getUsername (), token.getPassword());
   Element header = (Element)
   //SOAPHeader header = Axis2Util.getSOAPFactory(envelope);
   //SOAPFactory factory = Axis2Util.getSOAPFactory (envelope);
   OMElement headerElm = (OMElement) (Axis2Util.toOM(header));
   These are only some experimental codes.
   I assume the SOAPEnvelope has been constructed. What these code
   snippet is more of a handler. There may be other ways to do it. As
   Ruchith said, you can also take advantage of Axis2 security module.
   On 4/6/06, Daniel Destro  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Xinjun,
As I can see you are trying to add some Security to your Web Services,
Are you doing a User Authentication / Authorization using this
I need to do that!
How do add UsernameToken into to the SOAP request and how do u read /
validate UsernameToken from the SOAP request (server-side) ???

RE: [AXIS2] Classloader problem

2006-04-06 Thread Arnaud Blandin
Hi Deepal,

Thanks for your answer. 
This is what I thought too about the classloader mechanism. However in
my case I really have a class conflict and axis2 is using the classes
loaded in /web-inf/lib.
My problem comes from the geronimo-javamail that doesn't implement all
the specification and thus I receive UnsupportedOperationException
whereas the sun distribution is located under 


I am deploying axis2 under Tomcat.



 -Original Message-
 From: Deepal Jayasinghe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 6:21 AM
 Subject: Re: [AXIS2] Classloader problem
 Hi ;
 Axis2 service classloaders work in child first scenario by 
 default , what that mean is it load classes from child class 
 loader before loading from parent class loader, so according 
 to ur picture , if there is some class in foo.jar inside 
 myService.aar then for the service it will use class in 
 myService.aar/lib/foo.jar  not from web-inf/lib/foo.jar.
 So you dont need to do anything to get this is done , by 
 default Axis2 does the class loading as you require.
 Arnaud Blandin wrote:
 I am sure you have been discussing about this problem in the 
 past but I 
 couldn't find the relevant thread.
 I apologize in advance if I am describing a known problem.
 I am currently building a service on top of AXIS2. This service is 
 using classes that are conflicting with the classes distributed with 
 the Axis2 web app.
 The service is deployed as an aar file in the service 
 directory of the
 axis2 web application.
 My question is simple: how can I ensure that the ClassLoader 
 tries to 
 load first the classes packaged in my lib directory from the aar 
 instead of looking at the 'lib' directory of the axis2 webapp.
 I want to ensure that my service looks first for the 
 myService.aar/lib/foo.jar As a workaround I tried to set the 
 with no luck before invoking the Skeleton:
 ClassLoader previous = 
 ClassLoader loader = msgContext.getAxisService().getClassLoader();
 ~Future is Open~