RE: proxy server information

2005-11-02 Thread Merten Schumann
Per webservice .. how could you do that???

 -Original Message-
 From: Somendra Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 7:03 AM
 Subject: Re: proxy server information
 It should ge set per jvm.But if you want to use
 different proxy servers for different calls,then it
 should be set per webservice.
 --- Ravi Krishnamurthy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can the proxy server settings like http.proxyHost be
  set per webservice 
  call or it should be set per jvm.

RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC client

2005-10-10 Thread Merten Schumann


thanx alot for this clarification! :-)

I'll stop providing doc/lit for my service (which is an API 
I have to expose) for now and rethink about it if someone really needs the 
doc/lit and cannot use for some reason wrapped/lit and the other 

Now, IMHO, shouldn't java2wsdl stop generating doc/lit if 
the Java class is "not correct". I mean, the generated WSDL is senseless.I 
do now understand this warnings
 [axis-java2wsdl] Request Message type 
information has multiple parts than one single wrapped complexType. Use 
WRAPPED/LITERAL if interoping with some other soap stack becomes a 
problem... But shouldn't that bemade 

Another thing is that java2wsdl generated the doc/lit WSDL 
for me for method which take no parameter at all too. Then, when I deployed the 
beast to WebSphere, the AS complained about this methods (what I do understand 

Again, thank you very much!

  From: Anne Thomas Manes 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 6:15 
  AMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Re: problems 
  against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC 
  When using unwrapped document style, your method must accept an 
  object (not individual parameters) as input. Therefore a method signature 
  like String 
  /*data*/ workWithInstance(String id, String param);isn't 
  valid with unwrapped document style. Also, when using unwrapped 
  document style, you need to use a different input object for each method. A 
  SOAP message signature is defined by the QName of the child element of the 
  SOAP Body -- which, in the case of unwrapped document style, is the input 
  parameter. If you have two methods that take the same input parameter, Axis 
  has no way to distinguish the two method signatures. Also, you must tell Axis 
  how to map the input element to the appropriate method, which you do using the 
  operation definition in the WSDD. Think about it -- Axis receives a 
  request containing id. How is it supposed to figure out that you 
  actually want to invoke disposeInstance?It's generally a really bad 
  idea to try to generate unwrapped document style using java2wsdl. It's much 
  better to use wrapped document style. If you want to use unwrapped document 
  style, then you should start with WSDL rather than with Java. See 
  for a description of the wrapped convention.Anne
  On 10/7/05, Merten 
you, Anne! I think I tried to make a web service doc/lit which is not meant 
to be doc/lit. My AxisClient ist not really working, the next method I 
called, I ran into the next problem.

What I 
have is this (I'm starting with the service interface and generate with Axis 
java2wsdl the WSDL, I have to use this approach for some 
 String /*id*/ getInstance();
 boolean /*success*/ disposeInstance(String 
 String /*data*/ workWithInstance(String id, String 
 ... some more methods taking "String id" and all 

with rpc/enc rpc/lit and wrapped/lit my clients work 

doc/lit I could successfully call getInstance(). But when I call 
thenworkWithInstance(), things go wrong. My Tomcat/Axis server 
"responds" with a NPE andWebSphere complains about method disposeInstance() not 
matching (!). It seems, the mechanism to find the correct method for the 
SOAP request goes wrong for some reason.

So, I 
think my idea just to provide all the possible flavors of style/use against 
the same service interface was wrong. I did not catch the idea of 
document-style web services. I think I tried to make a typical 
rpc-styleproblem (exposing my underlying API) to be a doc-style web 
service and ran into problems.

  From: Anne Thomas Manes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 2:47 PMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Re: 
  problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC 
  When using document style, if your input object does not have 
  the same local name as the operation, then you need to specify an 
  operation definition in the WSDD that tells Axis how to map the 
  incoming QName to the appropriate method. See 
  .When using wrapped style, the wrapper element for your input 
  message has the same name as the operation, so from a programming 
  perspective, it looks and feels like RPC style -- but it is in fact 
  document style. Anne
  On 10/6/05, Merten 
  Schumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
my AxisClient working against doc/lit! The problem was, besides 

RE: Java2WSDL - preserving service parameter names

2005-10-10 Thread Merten Schumann
Hello Simon,
 -Original Message-
 From: Simon McMahon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 7:17 AM
 Subject: RE: Java2WSDL - preserving service parameter names
 I saw the following line in the Axis properties file:
 property name=debuglevel value=lines,vars,source /
 But this property is never referenced in the sample builds so I dont
 know if this is required or not.
 How do I make the Ant build the same as javac -g so that 
 java2wsdl is



RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC client

2005-10-07 Thread Merten Schumann

Thank you, Anne! I think I tried to make a web service 
doc/lit which is not meant to be doc/lit. My AxisClient ist not really working, 
the next method I called, I ran into the next problem.

What I have is this (I'm starting with the service 
interface and generate with Axis java2wsdl the WSDL, I have to use this approach 
for some reason):
 String /*id*/ 
 boolean /*success*/ disposeInstance(String 
 String /*data*/ workWithInstance(String id, 
String param);
 ... some more methods taking "String id" and 
all ...

Now, with rpc/enc rpc/lit and wrapped/lit my clients work 

With doc/lit I could successfully call getInstance(). But 
when I call thenworkWithInstance(), things go wrong. My Tomcat/Axis server 
"responds" with a NPE andWebSphere 
complains about method disposeInstance() not matching (!). It seems, the 
mechanism to find the correct method for the SOAP request goes wrong for some 

So, I think my idea just to provide all the possible 
flavors of style/use against the same service interface was wrong. I did not 
catch the idea of document-style web services. I think I tried to make a typical 
rpc-styleproblem (exposing my underlying API) to be a doc-style web 
service and ran into problems.

  From: Anne Thomas Manes 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 2:47 
  PMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Re: problems 
  against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC 
  When using document style, if your input object does not have the 
  same local name as the operation, then you need to specify an 
  operation definition in the WSDD that tells Axis how to map the 
  incoming QName to the appropriate method. See 
  using wrapped style, the wrapper element for your input message has the same 
  name as the operation, so from a programming perspective, it looks and feels 
  like RPC style -- but it is in fact document style. Anne
  On 10/6/05, Merten 
my AxisClient working against doc/lit! The problem was, besides 
fromcall.setOperationStyle("document") I have to use a QName with 
thenamespace set correctly instead of just a String for my 
methodparameters in call.addParameter() ... Uff.I'm still not 
able to get my JAX-RPC (Dynamic Invocation Interface)client running. 
It's not working with both Sun JAX-RPC and Axis JAX-RPC.There's no 
possibility there to set a QName in addParameter, as far as I can see 
...Bhuvan Gupta sent me a helpful link, 
The document leads me to the impression, that for a web service to 
be"document style ready" the method parameter names should be named in 
away to allow the web service server side to find out (by given 
parameter names only) which method to be called (since in the SOAP 
envelope nooperation name is included). Is this correct?Ummm, 
it's not really easy with this style/use combinations :-) 
Merten -Original Message-  From: Merten 
Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:08 AM To:  
Subject: RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or 
Axis JAX-RPC client Ummm, I think I need to learn my 
lessons. As I mentioned, clients are working against 
wrapped/literal.  Well, I thought wrapped/literal is a kind of 
document-style?!? But when I do 
it's not working (I get the message "No such operation 'txt'" back). 
 It's working, when I 
docall.setOperationStyle("rpc") or 
nothing (so "rpc" seems to be the default). Ummm, so is 
wrapped/literal at the end "rpc" style? 
Merten  -Original 
Message-  From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 10:45 AM   To: 
 Subject: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or 
 Axis JAX-RPC client   Hello,  
  I'm trying to invoke a simple web service method 
String  bounceMessage(String txt). I'm testing all style/use 
combinations,  rpc/enc rpc/lit doc/lit wrap/lit. My clients are 
JAX-RPC clients   (Dynamic Invocation Interface and Dynamic 
Proxy) and  AxisClient. The web  service is sitting 
in either a J2EE container (WebSphere) or in  Tomcat+Axis 
(1.2.1).Well, for all style/use combinations 
things seem to work fine, "even"  wrapped/lit works. But 
it's not working with doc/lit. Here is what  happens, when my 
web service is hosted by Tomcat/Axis:When I use 
call.setOperationStyle("document") in my AxisClient or  
call.setProperty(Call.OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY, "document&q

problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC client

2005-10-06 Thread Merten Schumann

I'm trying to invoke a simple web service method String
bounceMessage(String txt). I'm testing all style/use combinations,
rpc/enc rpc/lit doc/lit wrap/lit. My clients are JAX-RPC clients
(Dynamic Invocation Interface and Dynamic Proxy) and AxisClient. The web
service is sitting in either a J2EE container (WebSphere) or in
Tomcat+Axis (1.2.1).

Well, for all style/use combinations things seem to work fine, even
wrapped/lit works. But it's not working with doc/lit. Here is what
happens, when my web service is hosted by Tomcat/Axis:

When I use call.setOperationStyle(document) in my AxisClient or
call.setProperty(Call.OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY, document) in my
JAX-RPC DII code, I end up with a message
   No such operation 'txt'
So it seems the server is trying to take txt (the parameter) for the

When I do not try to set the style to document, I end up with a
   SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT
expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.
I searched for this error message the net, found some information that
things should be fine with Axis 1.2.1, well, that's what I use but it's
not working, anyway. :-)

BTW: things are not working with doc/lit web service if I test the with
Sun JAX-RPC RI from J2EE 1.4 package too

So, is doc/lit in Axis (1.2.1) well supported? I could try to switch to
1.3, would make sense if doc/lit support has been enhanced there ...

RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC client

2005-10-06 Thread Merten Schumann
Ummm, I think I need to learn my lessons.
As I mentioned, clients are working against wrapped/literal.
Well, I thought wrapped/literal is a kind of document-style?!?
But when I do use
it's not working (I get the message No such operation 'txt' back).
It's working, when I do
or nothing (so rpc seems to be the default).

Ummm, so is wrapped/literal at the end rpc style?

 -Original Message-
 From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 10:45 AM
 Subject: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or 
 Axis JAX-RPC client
 I'm trying to invoke a simple web service method String
 bounceMessage(String txt). I'm testing all style/use combinations,
 rpc/enc rpc/lit doc/lit wrap/lit. My clients are JAX-RPC clients
 (Dynamic Invocation Interface and Dynamic Proxy) and 
 AxisClient. The web
 service is sitting in either a J2EE container (WebSphere) or in
 Tomcat+Axis (1.2.1).
 Well, for all style/use combinations things seem to work fine, even
 wrapped/lit works. But it's not working with doc/lit. Here is what
 happens, when my web service is hosted by Tomcat/Axis:
 When I use call.setOperationStyle(document) in my AxisClient or
 call.setProperty(Call.OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY, document) in my
 JAX-RPC DII code, I end up with a message
No such operation 'txt'
 So it seems the server is trying to take txt (the parameter) for the
 When I do not try to set the style to document, I end up with a
SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT
 expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.
 I searched for this error message the net, found some information that
 things should be fine with Axis 1.2.1, well, that's what I 
 use but it's
 not working, anyway. :-)
 BTW: things are not working with doc/lit web service if I 
 test the with
 Sun JAX-RPC RI from J2EE 1.4 package too
 So, is doc/lit in Axis (1.2.1) well supported? I could try to 
 switch to
 1.3, would make sense if doc/lit support has been enhanced there ...

RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC client

2005-10-06 Thread Merten Schumann
Got my AxisClient working against doc/lit! The problem was, besides from
call.setOperationStyle(document) I have to use a QName with the
namespace set correctly instead of just a String for my method
parameters in call.addParameter() ... Uff.

I'm still not able to get my JAX-RPC (Dynamic Invocation Interface)
client running. It's not working with both Sun JAX-RPC and Axis JAX-RPC.
There's no possibility there to set a QName in addParameter, as far as I
can see ...

Bhuvan Gupta sent me a helpful link,
The document leads me to the impression, that for a web service to be
document style ready the method parameter names should be named in a
way to allow the web service server side to find out (by given parameter
names only) which method to be called (since in the SOAP envelope no
operation name is included). Is this correct?

Ummm, it's not really easy with this style/use combinations :-)

 -Original Message-
 From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:08 AM
 Subject: RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient 
 or Axis JAX-RPC client
 Ummm, I think I need to learn my lessons.
 As I mentioned, clients are working against wrapped/literal.
 Well, I thought wrapped/literal is a kind of document-style?!?
 But when I do use
 it's not working (I get the message No such operation 'txt' back).
 It's working, when I do
 or nothing (so rpc seems to be the default).
 Ummm, so is wrapped/literal at the end rpc style?
  -Original Message-
  From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 10:45 AM
  Subject: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or 
  Axis JAX-RPC client
  I'm trying to invoke a simple web service method String
  bounceMessage(String txt). I'm testing all style/use combinations,
  rpc/enc rpc/lit doc/lit wrap/lit. My clients are JAX-RPC clients
  (Dynamic Invocation Interface and Dynamic Proxy) and 
  AxisClient. The web
  service is sitting in either a J2EE container (WebSphere) or in
  Tomcat+Axis (1.2.1).
  Well, for all style/use combinations things seem to work 
 fine, even
  wrapped/lit works. But it's not working with doc/lit. Here is what
  happens, when my web service is hosted by Tomcat/Axis:
  When I use call.setOperationStyle(document) in my AxisClient or
  call.setProperty(Call.OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY, document) in my
  JAX-RPC DII code, I end up with a message
 No such operation 'txt'
  So it seems the server is trying to take txt (the 
 parameter) for the
  When I do not try to set the style to document, I end up with a
 SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT
  expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.
  I searched for this error message the net, found some 
 information that
  things should be fine with Axis 1.2.1, well, that's what I 
  use but it's
  not working, anyway. :-)
  BTW: things are not working with doc/lit web service if I 
  test the with
  Sun JAX-RPC RI from J2EE 1.4 package too
  So, is doc/lit in Axis (1.2.1) well supported? I could try to 
  switch to
  1.3, would make sense if doc/lit support has been enhanced there ...

RE: Adding Axis web services in existing web application

2005-09-23 Thread Merten Schumann
not sure if it's matching your needs, maybe
could be helpful here


 -Original Message-
 From: Kirti Bodhmage [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 6:51 PM
 Subject: Adding Axis web services in existing web application
 I have developed a web service which needs to be added to existing web
 application which is aleady running on the Tomcat.
 I am not been able to understand where to deploy class files 
 and libs for
 the webservices.
 For testing I have developed axis web service and deplyed it 
 under axis
 directory in webapp , but these webservices should be part of 
 another web
 How to configure it?

RE: named parameters in wsdl

2005-07-29 Thread Merten Schumann

follow the hint Davanum gave
use the implementation class (compiled with Java debug information)
instead of the interface
IMHO it's better than writing all the stuff to the .wsdd yourself


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 10:42 AM
 Subject: RE: named parameters in wsdl
 Thanks James, that has steered me right. Anyone with same 
 question, my wsdd
 is now along lines of:
 deployment xmlns=;
 service name=PortableGazetteer provider=java:RPC
 parameter name=className
 parameter name=allowedMethods value=*/
 operation name=getProperty qname=operNS:getProperty
 returnQName=getPropertyReturn returnType=apachesoap:Map
 xmlns:apachesoap=; soapAction= 
 parameter name=postcode type=tns:string
 parameter name=buildingNumber type=tns:string
 operation name=getProperty qname=operNS:getProperty
 returnQName=getPropertyReturn returnType=apachesoap:Map
 xmlns:apachesoap=; soapAction= 
 parameter name=postcode type=tns:string
 parameter name=buildingNumber type=tns:string
 parameter name=weight type=tns:int
 | |   |  |
 | |   |James Wilson  |
 | |   |[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
 | |   |  |
 | |   |  28/07/2005 18:30|
 | |   |  |
 | |   |  Please respond to   |
 | |   |  axis-user   |
   | cc:   
   | Subject: RE: named parameters in wsdl 
 Look in the schema and/or DTD:
  Thanks, I expected it would be a change to the wsdd file 
 but I can't find
  the docs for's not in the userguide AFAIK
   James Burton
   Web Developer
   Database and Development
   Cultural Services
   Brighton  Hove City Council
   tel: 01273 293594
  | |   |  |
  | |   |   Edward Taaffe|
  | |   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
  | |   | |
  | |   |  |
  | |   |  28/07/2005 14:32|
  | |   |  |
  | |   |  Please respond to   |
  | |   |  axis-user   |
| cc:
| Subject: RE: named parameters in wsdl
  I don't have time to look it up right now, but the answer to your
  question is in the online instructions. I think you need to edit the
  wsdd file to set the name yo want for each parameter
  -Original Message-

RE: Pre-configure web services in axis?

2005-07-25 Thread Merten Schumann

Hi, thought aboutdelivering my web app utilizing Axis 
with a pre configured server-config.wsdd... see


  From: Guy Pardon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 12:24 PMTo: 
  axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Pre-configure web services in 
  We would like to preconfigure axis with some of our web services (for 
  embedded distribution). 
  More precisely: we don't want users to have to use the AdminClient (and 
  the deploy.wsdd files) to initialize our web services. 
  Any ideas on how to do this? 
  Many thanks! 
  Kind regards, 
  Dr. Guy Pardon ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) 
  Atomikos: The Transaction Processing Company 
  The information in this email is confidential and only meant for the 
  addressee(s). The content of this email is informal and will not be legally 
  binding for Atomikos. 

RE: Issue with .NET client consuming a AXIS WS

2005-07-19 Thread Merten Schumann

had the same problem in the past, you could check at
the thread is it possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in
generated WSDL?


 -Original Message-
 From: Anne Thomas Manes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 4:39 PM
 Subject: Re: Issue with .NET client consuming a AXIS WS
 .NET has a problem consuming soapencoding:string types. 
 Change this:
wsdl:message name=processOrderResponse
   wsdl:part name=processOrderReturn type=soapenc:string/
 To this:
wsdl:message name=processOrderResponse
   wsdl:part name=processOrderReturn type=xsd:string/
 On 7/13/05, Gary Zhu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all, 

  I deployed a WS on AXIS and was able to consume it through 
 AXIS client.
  However, .NET client seems to be having problems consuming 
 the AXIS web
  service and is getting a timeout error. Your help is appreciated. 

  Attached is the WSDL for the WS, and WSDD file. 

  Thanks in advance. 


Re: [Axis2] sample/instructions how to build JAX-RPC web service in/with Axis2?

2005-07-01 Thread Merten Schumann
Thank you, Anne! So I'll have a look at next milestones and check for
the JAX-RPC support :-)

 -Original Message-
 From: Anne Thomas Manes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 4:59 PM
 Subject: Re: [Axis2] sample/instructions how to build JAX-RPC 
 web service in/with Axis2?
 Axis 2 is the next generation. Eventually it will replace Axis 1 (just
 as Axis 1 has replaced Apache SOAP), but for some time the two will
 The current Axis 2 milestone doesn't support the JAX-RPC API yet. The
 final will (or more likely JAX-WS).
 On 6/30/05, Merten Schumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  had a first look at Axis2. Well, seems it's really 
 different from Axis1.
  My first question here would be, what will happen in the future? Is
  Axis2 meant to replace Axis1 or will they co-exist???
  At the moment, dealing with Axis1, I used the approach as 
 described in
  section Advanced Installation: adding Axis to your own Webapp at to create a war 
 file with a
  JAX-RPC web services. Is this approach still supported in Axis2??? I
  could not find how to build JAX-RPC web services in/with 
 Axis2, anybody
  could guide me here?

[Axis2] sample/instructions how to build JAX-RPC web service in/with Axis2?

2005-06-30 Thread Merten Schumann

had a first look at Axis2. Well, seems it's really different from Axis1.
My first question here would be, what will happen in the future? Is
Axis2 meant to replace Axis1 or will they co-exist???

At the moment, dealing with Axis1, I used the approach as described in
section Advanced Installation: adding Axis to your own Webapp at to create a war file with a
JAX-RPC web services. Is this approach still supported in Axis2??? I
could not find how to build JAX-RPC web services in/with Axis2, anybody
could guide me here?


RE: Equivalent in VB

2005-06-20 Thread Merten Schumann
search the web for soap toolkit 3.0 or office web services toolkit
beware, it's unsupported software


 -Original Message-
 From: Plorks mail [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 2:08 PM
 Subject: Equivalent in VB
 Hi all,
 I've have some simple java code calling a web service.  Can 
 anyone tell what 
 the equivalent to this is in Visual Basic (not VB.NET)
 Thanks for any help
 Service  service = new Service();
 Call call = (Call)service.createCall();
 String result = (String)call.invoke(new Object[]{params});
 Be the first to hear what's new at MSN - sign up to our free 

RE: how to use rpc literal style?

2005-06-19 Thread Merten Schumann

something like

deployment xmlns="" 

!-- choose style and use 
--service name="myService"  !-- 
provider="java:RPC" style="rpc" use="encoded" -- 
provider="java:RPC" style="rpc" use="literal" 
!--provider="java:RPC" style="document" use="literal"-- 
!--provider="java:RPC" style="wrapped" 


  From: Terance Dias 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 7:14 
  AMTo: apacheSubject: how to use rpc literal 
  HOw Do I configure the .wsdd file to make it rpc lieral and not the 
  default one of rpc encoded?
  Yahoo! Mail MobileTake 
  Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile 

RE: Axis Client ISA Proxy server

2005-05-13 Thread Merten Schumann

search the archive of this mailing list ... I myself asked this question
in the past but couldn't find my email. There's some support in the JDK
starting with 1.4.2 .. I guess your problem is the domain for your
proxy authorisation ... There's a new property, what was it, aehm,
proxyDomain or proxyNTLM or so ...

 -Original Message-
 From: Marco Rossi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 9:08 AM
 Subject: Axis Client  ISA Proxy server
 I have to create a axis client to contact a web service behind a ISA
 proxy, with the NTLM authentication (unfortunatly i can't change this
 configuration!). I tried with axis 1.2, and with the following
 in the client-config.wsdd with the row:
 transport name=http
 pivot=java:org.apache.axis.transport.http.CommonsHTTPSender /
 in the client code:
 String url_address = https://myServer/test/;;
 URL endpoint = new URL(url_address);
 MyWsSoap ws = locator.getMyWsSoap(endpoint);
 It does't work. Any suggestion. Where can i find a library or a sample
 code to use axis with a NTLM authentication system?
 Thanks in advance,

RE: Axis Client ISA Proxy server

2005-05-13 Thread Merten Schumann
hm, no idea what this error means
regarding the proxy stuff: IMHO if you do specify http.auth.ntlm.domain
the proxyUser should be user and not domain\\user ...

 -Original Message-
 From: Marco Rossi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 9:38 AM
 Subject: Re: Axis Client  ISA Proxy server
 Hi Merten ,
 i tried with a jdk 1.5, with the following
 and i have the following error (without client-config.wsdd in 
 ... Unrecognized SSL message, 
 plaintext connection?
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: host parameter is null (with
 client-config.wsdd in classpath)
 On 5/13/05, Merten Schumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  search the archive of this mailing list ... I myself asked 
 this question
  in the past but couldn't find my email. There's some 
 support in the JDK
  starting with 1.4.2 .. I guess your problem is the domain for your
  proxy authorisation ... There's a new property, what was it, aehm,
  proxyDomain or proxyNTLM or so ...
   -Original Message-
   From: Marco Rossi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 9:08 AM
   Subject: Axis Client  ISA Proxy server
   I have to create a axis client to contact a web service 
 behind a ISA
   proxy, with the NTLM authentication (unfortunatly i can't 
 change this
   configuration!). I tried with axis 1.2, and with the following
   in the client-config.wsdd with the row:
   transport name=http
   pivot=java:org.apache.axis.transport.http.CommonsHTTPSender /
   in the client code:
   String url_address = https://myServer/test/;;
   URL endpoint = new URL(url_address);
   MyWsSoap ws = locator.getMyWsSoap(endpoint);
   It does't work. Any suggestion. Where can i find a 
 library or a sample
   code to use axis with a NTLM authentication system?
   Thanks in advance,

RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated WSDL?

2005-05-06 Thread Merten Schumann

understand, same for me here in my stuff to process, I was just trying
to raise my feature request and bug report a bit in priority ;-) ;-) ;-)

You have this vote feature on JIRA, which is IMHO a suitable mechanism
to kind of set priorities and all. But nobody else seems to be
interested in my feature request, that's what I meant when I wrote
there's no audience for this. So it's absolutely okay to be processed
not in a minute since nobody else seems to have a problem with this. :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 5:12 PM
 Subject: Re: is it possible to change soapenc:string to 
 xsd:string in generated WSDL?
 we are interested in fixing this...but there just so many things to do
 and so few hours in a day :)
 -- dims
 On 5/5/05, Merten Schumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  hm, I have no Axis specific code in my web service. I just wrote a
  JAX-RPC compliant web service and added Axis to my web app 
 and then let
  Axis generate the WSDL and all for me in the deploy (wsdd) 
 step. I think
  I even did not try to write a client utilizing Axis, I just have
  But, maybe when they fix your issue my one is gone too :-)
  BTW: I tried to interest them to let the dotNetSoapEncFix to be
  controled on a per service base (in wsdd file for a 
 service) but seems
  there's no audience for this ;-)
  Will have a look at this tomorrow again ..
   -Original Message-
   From: Dovholuk, Clint [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 4:45 PM
   Subject: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to
   xsd:string in generated WSDL?
   I've opened a bug I think that is about your issue...
   it seems that the flag is being reset whenever you call a 
 web service
   using the axis generated classes.
   to solve the issue myself, before I return anything I do:
 TypeMappingImpl.dotnet_soapenc_bugfix = true; //or
   whichever value
   you need
   it does the trick for me, but it's got to be a bug...
   Are you using any autogenerated classes to call some 
 other web service
   and THEN seeing the issue?
   -Original Message-
   From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 10:31 AM
   Subject: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to 
 xsd:string in
   generated WSDL?
   just tried Axis 1.2 final instead of 1.2rc3. My web services
   still work
   fine :-)
   Found that the param dotNetSoapEncFix in server-config.wsdd
   made it to the final 1.2 That's fine for my usage 
 scenario. Seems, by
   default it's set to true.
   Anyway, I still have these strange behaviour with freshly deployed
   services, see below ... Again, anybody else experiencing 
 this strange
   behaviour in Axis? Maybe it's just my usage scenario here
   with Tomcat in
   a Windows environment or so ...
-Original Message-
From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 5:19 PM
Subject: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to
   xsd:string in
generated WSDL?
I'm playing around with this dotNetSoapEncFix in Axis. It
   works fine
so far, I have xsd:string instead of soapenc:string in 
 my generated
But for rpc/enc web services, it works a bit funny: when I
   deploy my
service and look at the WSDL, there are these 
 soapenc:string beasts
contained. I have to stop/start my web app (containing
   Axis), when I
then retrieve the WSDL again (I do not undeploy/deploy 
 my service
again), it's correctly containing the xsd:string stuff.
   This feature
works each time when I deploy my service for the first 
 time ... It
seems, for rpc/lit and doc/lit this issue doesn't appear.
Anybody else experiencing this strange behaviour in Axis???
 -Original Message-
 From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 10:19 AM
 Subject: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to
 in generated WSDL?

 as suggested, created an enhancement request :-)

 Davanum Srinivas -

RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated WSDL?

2005-05-05 Thread Merten Schumann

hm, I have no Axis specific code in my web service. I just wrote a
JAX-RPC compliant web service and added Axis to my web app and then let
Axis generate the WSDL and all for me in the deploy (wsdd) step. I think
I even did not try to write a client utilizing Axis, I just have 

But, maybe when they fix your issue my one is gone too :-)

BTW: I tried to interest them to let the dotNetSoapEncFix to be
controled on a per service base (in wsdd file for a service) but seems
there's no audience for this ;-)

Will have a look at this tomorrow again ..

 -Original Message-
 From: Dovholuk, Clint [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 4:45 PM
 Subject: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to 
 xsd:string in generated WSDL?
 I've opened a bug I think that is about your issue...
 it seems that the flag is being reset whenever you call a web service
 using the axis generated classes.
 to solve the issue myself, before I return anything I do:
   TypeMappingImpl.dotnet_soapenc_bugfix = true; //or 
 whichever value
 you need
 it does the trick for me, but it's got to be a bug...
 Are you using any autogenerated classes to call some other web service
 and THEN seeing the issue?
 -Original Message-
 From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 10:31 AM
 Subject: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in
 generated WSDL?
 just tried Axis 1.2 final instead of 1.2rc3. My web services 
 still work
 fine :-)
 Found that the param dotNetSoapEncFix in server-config.wsdd 
 made it to the final 1.2 That's fine for my usage scenario. Seems, by
 default it's set to true.
 Anyway, I still have these strange behaviour with freshly deployed
 services, see below ... Again, anybody else experiencing this strange
 behaviour in Axis? Maybe it's just my usage scenario here 
 with Tomcat in
 a Windows environment or so ...
  -Original Message-
  From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 5:19 PM
  Subject: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to 
 xsd:string in 
  generated WSDL?
  I'm playing around with this dotNetSoapEncFix in Axis. It 
 works fine 
  so far, I have xsd:string instead of soapenc:string in my generated 
  But for rpc/enc web services, it works a bit funny: when I 
 deploy my 
  service and look at the WSDL, there are these soapenc:string beasts 
  contained. I have to stop/start my web app (containing 
 Axis), when I 
  then retrieve the WSDL again (I do not undeploy/deploy my service 
  again), it's correctly containing the xsd:string stuff. 
 This feature
  works each time when I deploy my service for the first time ... It 
  seems, for rpc/lit and doc/lit this issue doesn't appear.
  Anybody else experiencing this strange behaviour in Axis???
   -Original Message-
   From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 10:19 AM
   Subject: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to 
   in generated WSDL?
   as suggested, created an enhancement request :-)

RE: JAX-RPC web service in Axis, servletEndpointContext.isUserInRole(), how to map users to roles?

2005-04-06 Thread Merten Schumann

some time before I asked this question here, maybe in 2005 someone could
help me out :-)
I'm still having problems with these logical roles. I don't know how
(where?) to map my logical roles from web.xml to physical roles. Is this
a J2EE feature and not supported in Axis?

Thank you!

 -Original Message-
 From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 9:43 AM
 Subject: Re: JAX-RPC web service in Axis, 
 servletEndpointContext.isUserInRole(), how to map users to roles?
 Any answers here? I'm still in trouble with this
 stuff, it never returns true since I still don't know how to introduce
 user roles (not groups) in Axis (in Tomcat)
 Thank you!
  -Original Message-
  From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 11:12 AM
  Subject: JAX-RPC web service in Axis, 
  servletEndpointContext.isUserInRole(), how to map users to roles?
  This is a repost with a different subject, maybe I do get 
  with this new
  subject responses here. :-)
  I got a simple service with basic auth running in Axis, Hurray!
  For that, following some documentation I created a .war 
 with axis.jar
  and all in it to have my own web app. Works fine. :-)
  Now I do call in the service implementation
  and get all the time false returned.
  Hmmm, could it be that in Axis/Tomcat the concept of these logical
  roles isn't implemented and we have only users and groups?
  My web.xml contains link to my_role:
  When I deploy to Sun App server, I have in sun-web.xml
  to map the logical role (my_role) to a group (my_group1). 
 The group is
  physically existing in the Sun App server. Then,
  isUserInRole(my_role) returns true. In the App Server's 
 admin, I do
  setup groups, not roles. In conf/tomcat-users.xml, probably 
 the roles
  mean groups. I tried to put there a group Element, seems to 
  work. But
  how (where?) to map the group to a role, as I can do in sun-web.xml?
  Could you help me here, how to manage this logical role stuff in
  Thank you!

RE: problem with web service method which returns boolean, not understood by JAX-RPC client

2005-03-20 Thread Merten Schumann
Hello, anyone else experiencing such a problem??? Thanx!

 -Original Message-
 From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 1:41 PM
 Subject: problem with web service method which returns 
 boolean, not understood by JAX-RPC client
 my (Sun J2EE 1.4 RI from 2005) JAX-RPC client fails against a web
 service hosted by Axis 1.2RC3. I do try to invoke a method boolean
 returnSomething(). I end up with
 invalid boolean value:
 Object(XSD at
 I do really not know, which one (server or client) is behaving not
 correctly. Does Axis send invalid data? Is Sun JAX-RPC doing something
 wrong in evaluating the data from Axis?
 I can only tell that my service client works when the web service is
 hosted by Sun Application Server or IBM WebSphere.
 One interesting thing is: if I do set the dotNetSoapEncFix switch in
 global Axis config to true, the client utilizing Sun's JAX-RPC
 implementation works fine. :-) That's strange in a way, since 
 I saw that
 the encoding for boolean is always (no matter how 
 dotNetSoapEncFix flag
 is set) xsd:boolean ...
 Other SOAP clients (SOAP::Lite, SOAPpy) work fine, with both settings
 (true, false) for dotNetSoapEncFix ...
 Anyone else experiencing problems with boolean return values 
 in Axis for
 JAX-RPC clients?

RE: problem with web service method which returns boolean, not understood by JAX-RPC client

2005-03-20 Thread Merten Schumann

Hi Chandrashekhar,

thanx for your answer. Actually, because ofpressure of 
time,I'm thinking about to simply change the return type to String, since 
at least Strings are definitely working in this web service interop nightmare 
world ;-)


  Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 8:13 AMTo: 
  axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: RE: problem with web service method 
  which returns boolean, not understood by JAX-RPC client
  Hi Merten, 
  I havent faced this problem but from what 
  I have read... boolean return types are automatically converted in its form at 
  both ends.. Infact if method returns null, its wrapped by Boolean 
  wrapper.. Doubt I have whether the 
  method returns non null and non boolean value.. Its just my guess as I dont 
  have hands on with boolean return types.. Will confirm when come across. Regards, Chandrashekhar D 

  "Merten Schumann" 
03/21/05 12:32 PM 


  Please respond





RE: problem with web 
  service method which returns boolean, not
   understood by JAX-RPC client


Hello, anyone else experiencing such a problem??? 
  Thanx! -Original Message----- From: Merten Schumann 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 1:41 
  PM To: Subject: problem with web 
  service method which returns  boolean, not understood by JAX-RPC 
  client  Hello,  my (Sun J2EE 1.4 RI from 2005) 
  JAX-RPC client fails against a web service hosted by Axis 1.2RC3. I do 
  try to invoke a method "boolean returnSomething()". I end up 
  with  invalid boolean value: at 
  Object(XSD at 
  leTypeSeri ...  I do really 
  not know, which one (server or client) is behaving not correctly. Does 
  Axis send invalid data? Is Sun JAX-RPC doing something wrong in 
  evaluating the data from Axis?  I can only tell that my 
  service client works when the web service is hosted by Sun Application 
  Server or IBM WebSphere.  One interesting thing is: if I do 
  set the dotNetSoapEncFix switch in global Axis config to "true", the 
  client utilizing Sun's JAX-RPC implementation works fine. :-) That's 
  strange in a way, since  I saw that the encoding for boolean 
  is always (no matter how  dotNetSoapEncFix flag is set) 
  xsd:boolean ...  Other SOAP clients (SOAP::Lite, SOAPpy) work 
  fine, with both settings (true, false) for dotNetSoapEncFix 
  ...  Anyone else experiencing problems with boolean return 
  values  in Axis for JAX-RPC clients?  
  Merten ForwardSourceID:NT28BA   

  Notice: The information 
contained in this e-mail message and/or attachments to it may contain 
confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended 
recipient, any dissemination, use, review, distribution, printing or 
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communication in error, please notify us by reply e-mail or telephone 
and immediately and permanently delete the message and any attachments. 
Thank you

RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated WSDL?

2005-03-18 Thread Merten Schumann
as suggested, created an enhancement request :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: Davanum Srinivas
 Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 6:29 PM
 Subject: Re: is it possible to change soapenc:string to 
 xsd:string in generated WSDL?
 Please open a bug report asking for an enhancement
 On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 18:20:33 +0100, Merten Schumann
  My first fault was to put it in my service' wsdd file. But 
 it seems it's
  only in the global configuration supported ... Maybe that's 
 why it's not
  working for you (or you simply need to restart/redeploy 
 your service, to let
  Axis generate the WSDL again ...) 

  And here's my question to the Axis team (but maybe I should 
 post it with a
  more specific subject): could this dotNetSoapEncFix be 
 supported in the
  per-service deployment stuff too??? That would make it more 
 handy. I mean, I
  could give people way easyli a deploy.wsdd for my service 
 with this fix
  switch set to true. But it's not so simple to say please 
 put this and that
  to the global configuration settings in your 
 server-config.wsdd file. And
  it would allow to apply this fix per service, not globally 
 for all ... 

  Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 6:07 PM
  Subject: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to 
 xsd:string in
  generated WSDL?
  I couldn't get it to work either - that's why I said They 
 say :)  -  but I
  haven't had time to do a lot of research into it. 
  -Original Message-
  From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 15 March 2005 5:03 
  Subject: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to 
 xsd:string in
  generated WSDL?
  Wow, aedemar, thank you, that looks exactly like what I 
 need. Tried it with
  1.2RC3, but seems to have no effect, there are still these 
  beasts in the generated WSDL ... Will continue my tries ... 

  Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5:51 PM
  Subject: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to 
 xsd:string in
  generated WSDL?
  They say it can be solved with by adding the new 
 dotNetSoapEncFix flag in
  your server-config.wsdd's globalConfiguration section. Axis 
  has more info. 
  -Original Message- 
  From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: 15 March 2005 4:46 
  Subject: is it possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in 
  generated WSDL? 
  when testing my web service (Axis 1.2RC3) with MS SOAPToolkit 3.0 I 
  found that it's not working obviously due to this soapenc:string 
  encodings instead of xsd:string. I found some cries for 
 help regarding 
  this interop issue in the web, but no solution as far as I 
 could see. 
  Maybe you've seen this message from MSSoapInit too SoapMapper for 
  element string could not be created. 
  I could try to hand over my own WSDL file (created with 
 Sun's wscompile 
  from J2EE stuff) to the WSDD deploy step, but I guess Axis will not 
  accept it or so. 
  My Perl and Python clients work fine. Some .NET stuff too. 
 But I need 
  this MS SOAPToolkit stuff (to use the Axis powered web 
 service from VBA 
  in MS Office documents). I think it's a problem in the 
 SOAPToolkit, not 
  in Axis, but the SOAPToolkit is there and will not be 
  in the future ... 
  For boolean, Axis is using xsd:boolean. Is there a way to let Axis 
  create xsd:string elements? 
  Thanx a lot! 
  This e-mail may be privileged and/or confidential, and the 
 sender does not
  waive any related rights and obligations. Any distribution, 
 use or copying
  of this e-mail or the information it contains by other than 
 an intended
  recipient is unauthorized. If you received this e-mail in 
 error, please
  advise me (by return e-mail or otherwise) immediately. 
  Ce courrier électronique est confidentiel et protégé. 
 L'expéditeur ne
  renonce pas aux droits et obligations qui s'y rapportent. 
 Toute diffusion,
  utilisation ou copie de ce message ou des renseignements 
 qu'il contient par
  une personne autre que le (les) destinataire(s) désigné(s) 
 est interdite. Si
  vous recevez ce courrier électronique par erreur, veuillez 
 m'en aviser
  immédiatement, par retour de courrier électronique ou par 
 un autre moyen

problem with web service method which returns boolean, not understood by JAX-RPC client

2005-03-18 Thread Merten Schumann

my (Sun J2EE 1.4 RI from 2005) JAX-RPC client fails against a web
service hosted by Axis 1.2RC3. I do try to invoke a method boolean
returnSomething(). I end up with

invalid boolean value:
com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.simpletype.XSDBooleanEncoder.stringToObject(XSD at

I do really not know, which one (server or client) is behaving not
correctly. Does Axis send invalid data? Is Sun JAX-RPC doing something
wrong in evaluating the data from Axis?

I can only tell that my service client works when the web service is
hosted by Sun Application Server or IBM WebSphere.

One interesting thing is: if I do set the dotNetSoapEncFix switch in
global Axis config to true, the client utilizing Sun's JAX-RPC
implementation works fine. :-) That's strange in a way, since I saw that
the encoding for boolean is always (no matter how dotNetSoapEncFix flag
is set) xsd:boolean ...

Other SOAP clients (SOAP::Lite, SOAPpy) work fine, with both settings
(true, false) for dotNetSoapEncFix ...

Anyone else experiencing problems with boolean return values in Axis for
JAX-RPC clients?

is it possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated WSDL?

2005-03-15 Thread Merten Schumann

when testing my web service (Axis 1.2RC3) with MS SOAPToolkit 3.0 I
found that it's not working obviously due to this soapenc:string
encodings instead of xsd:string. I found some cries for help regarding
this interop issue in the web, but no solution as far as I could see.
Maybe you've seen this message from MSSoapInit too SoapMapper for
element string could not be created.

I could try to hand over my own WSDL file (created with Sun's wscompile
from J2EE stuff) to the WSDD deploy step, but I guess Axis will not
accept it or so.

My Perl and Python clients work fine. Some .NET stuff too. But I need
this MS SOAPToolkit stuff (to use the Axis powered web service from VBA
in MS Office documents). I think it's a problem in the SOAPToolkit, not
in Axis, but the SOAPToolkit is there and will not be changed/supported
in the future ...

For boolean, Axis is using xsd:boolean. Is there a way to let Axis
create xsd:string elements?

Thanx a lot!

RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated WSDL?

2005-03-15 Thread Merten Schumann
Title: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated WSDL?

Wow, aedemar, thank you, that looks exactly like what I 
need. Tried it with 1.2RC3, but seems to have no effect, there are still these 
soapenc:string beasts in the generated WSDL ... Will continue my tries 


  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5:51 
  PMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: RE: is it possible 
  to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated WSDL?
  They say it can be solved with by adding the new 
  "dotNetSoapEncFix" flag in your server-config.wsdd's globalConfiguration 
  section. Axis documentation has more info. 
  -Original Message- From: 
  Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: 15 March 2005 4:46 To: Subject: is it possible to 
  change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated 
  when testing my web service (Axis 1.2RC3) with MS SOAPToolkit 
  3.0 I found that it's not working obviously due to 
  this soapenc:string encodings instead of xsd:string. I 
  found some cries for help regarding this interop issue 
  in the web, but no solution as far as I could see. Maybe you've seen this message from MSSoapInit too "SoapMapper 
  for element string could not be created". 
  I could try to hand over my own WSDL file (created with Sun's 
  wscompile from J2EE stuff) to the WSDD deploy step, 
  but I guess Axis will not accept it or so. 
  My Perl and Python clients work fine. Some .NET stuff too. But 
  I need this MS SOAPToolkit stuff (to use the Axis 
  powered web service from VBA in MS Office documents). 
  I think it's a problem in the SOAPToolkit, not in 
  Axis, but the SOAPToolkit is there and will not be changed/supported 
  in the future ... 
  For boolean, Axis is using xsd:boolean. Is there a way to let 
  Axis create xsd:string elements? 
  Thanx a lot!  
  This e-mail 
  may be privileged and/or confidential, and the sender does not waive any 
  related rights and obligations. Any distribution, use or copying of this 
  e-mail or the information it contains by other than an intended recipient is 
  unauthorized. If you received this e-mail in error, please advise me (by 
  return e-mail or otherwise) immediately. Ce courrier électronique est 
  confidentiel et protégé. L'expéditeur ne renonce pas aux droits et obligations 
  qui s'y rapportent. Toute diffusion, utilisation ou copie de ce message ou des 
  renseignements qu'il contient par une personne autre que le (les) 
  destinataire(s) désigné(s) est interdite. Si vous recevez ce courrier 
  électronique par erreur, veuillez m'en aviser immédiatement, par retour de 
  courrier électronique ou par un autre 

RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated WSDL?

2005-03-15 Thread Merten Schumann
Title: RE: is it possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated WSDL?

I do know, Dino, I do know. And I do understand. And I do 
agree. But have to create this VBA stuff. And I have to create the same stuff 
(at the end a Excel document too) utilizing .NET too. So I just want to get both 
things working.:-)


  From: Dino Chiesa 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 6:11 
  PMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: RE: is it possible 
  to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated WSDL?
  Don't use MS SOAP Toolkit. It will reach end-of-life 
  in a month or so. 
  Abetter approach is to build a .NET webservice 
  client, and expose that .NET assembly via COM interop (tlbexp). 
  if you follow this approach, clients (your Office 
  docs) need the .NET Framework installed. 
  here's a related link
  From: Merten Schumann 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 
  12:03 PMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: RE: is it 
  possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated 
  Wow, aedemar, thank you, that looks exactly like what I 
  need. Tried it with 1.2RC3, but seems to have no effect, there are still these 
  soapenc:string beasts in the generated WSDL ... Will continue my tries 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5:51 
PMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: RE: is it 
possible to change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated 


They say it can be solved with by adding the new 
"dotNetSoapEncFix" flag in your server-config.wsdd's globalConfiguration 
section. Axis documentation has more info. 
-Original Message- From: 
    Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 15 March 2005 4:46 To: Subject: is it possible to 
change soapenc:string to xsd:string in generated 
when testing my web service (Axis 1.2RC3) with MS 
SOAPToolkit 3.0 I found that it's not working 
obviously due to this soapenc:string encodings 
instead of xsd:string. I found some cries for help regarding 
this interop issue in the web, but no solution as far as I 
could see. Maybe you've seen this message from 
MSSoapInit too "SoapMapper for element string could 
not be created". 
I could try to hand over my own WSDL file (created with 
Sun's wscompile from J2EE stuff) to the WSDD deploy 
step, but I guess Axis will not accept it or 
My Perl and Python clients work fine. Some .NET stuff too. 
But I need this MS SOAPToolkit stuff (to use the 
Axis powered web service from VBA in MS Office 
documents). I think it's a problem in the SOAPToolkit, not in Axis, but the SOAPToolkit is there and will not be 
changed/supported in the future ... 
For boolean, Axis is using xsd:boolean. Is there a way to 
let Axis create xsd:string elements? 
Thanx a lot!  
e-mail may be privileged and/or confidential, and the sender does not waive 
any related rights and obligations. Any distribution, use or copying of this 
e-mail or the information it contains by other than an intended recipient is 
unauthorized. If you received this e-mail in error, please advise me (by 
return e-mail or otherwise) immediately. Ce courrier électronique 
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RE: adding Axis to your own Webapp

2005-03-15 Thread Merten Schumann
I've got just another question in this area: is it allowed by license
and all to distribute such an web app added to Axis .war to customers?
I mean, at the end you distribute your code AND Axis. I guess you have
to add something like This product includes software developed by the
Apache Software Foundation. in the readme and include the license file,
but you don't have to offer your code for the web app, or?

What are the reasons for Axis to not include in the distribution the
activation.jar file from Sun JAF? Maybe some license stuff?

BTW: I tried my stuff without activation.jar. The happyaxis page tells
me Axis will not work because of this file missing. But my simple web
app works. So, for which scenarios is this .jar needed?

Thank you

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:55 AM
 Subject: Re: adding Axis to your own Webapp
 I build an Axis WAR as follows and it deploys into my container OK.
 Make an Axis WAR file (suitable for deployment into an 
 Interstage IJServer).
 This is made from the provided webapps axis files except that 
 the web.xml
 has to be modified because Interstage deployment does 
 not allow 
 element to be split across multiple lines as the original 
 web.xml has.
 target name=axis.make.axis.war.for.interstage 
 Axis WAR file
  delete file=${dist.dir}/${axis.war.filename} 
  war destfile=${dist.dir}/${axis.war.filename}
  metainf dir=${src.dir}/metadata/axis 
 The only quirk for me was the original Axis web.xml DOCTYPE was split 
 across multiple lines which for some reason caused deployment 
 to fail. 
 This might not apply to you.
 Maybe a JIRA issue should be raised for this.
 And there is nothing in my metadata/axis/services/ directory so you 
 could probably leave that part out.
 nafise hassani wrote:
 I want to add Axis to my own webapp (I read the user
 guide but it was incomplete and also the link for the
 Chapter 15 of Java Development with Ant pdf format
 did'nt work )
 what should I do???
 I don't know how can I Run the Axis AdminClient
 against my own webapp and realy need a clear
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