
2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Similar
statements have been made by Imam Ali. <<

I think this is a very important statement by Bahaullah. Ali is not a 
Manifestation, yet He is said to be one with them.

This to me disqualifies your explanation that all religions are equally true. 

In one breath you are showing me verses about God, and then you try to qualify 
God by saying that God is accessible through all religions simultaneously. 

God cannot be described, and all descriptions of God are really about the 
Manifestations.  God is irrelevant, we can't know him anyway. He doesn't exist 
for us. So all we have are the creations of the latest Manifestation.

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Re: Seal of the Prophets

2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Shaykhi was true in it's own day,
but became false when the Bab appeared. Christianity was true in it's day,
but became false when Muhammad appeared. Judaism was true in it's day, but
became false when Jesus Christ appeared.

Nonsense. The religion itself doesn't suddenly become untrue. At most
it followers might. <<

How is this nonsense?  Religion is a manmade community. All Christians should 
have accepted Muhammad and all Jews Jesus. The true Jewish community is 
Christianity, the true Christian community is Islam, etc.  

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Re: Seal of the Prophets

2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>>. Alternatively we could see it has the Dpivine Nature of
the Manifestation communicating with His human nature.<<

I really think the religion does that.  I think this is so because God changes 
things over time because we are changing. I cannot put on my 6th grade clothes 
now because they don't fit me anymore. 

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Alternatively we could see it as the Divine Nature of
the Manifestation communicating with His human nature. <<

Hi Susan, I think that's what I meant. 

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dear Gilberto, some would agree others would disagree. These are all personal 

We don't believe in interpretation of texts. Every Bahai comes up with their 
own personal understanding based on the writings of Shoghi Effendi and the 
Universal House of Justice.  

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Re: Seal of the Prophets

2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Then, there are no definitive interpretations?  <<

Because something was true in a previous day does not mean God doesnt change 
what is True His Hands cannot be tied.  Shaykhi was true in it's own day, but 
became false when the Bab appeared. Christianity was true in it's day, but 
became false when Muhammad appeared. Judaism was true in it's day, but became 
false when Jesus Christ appeared. 

Today, We have the Universal House of Justice, which perfectly determines truth 
and that which is correct in this day. 

Since Bahaullah is the Supreme Manifestation, the infallibility of the 
Universal House of Justice is guaranteed. 

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Re: Seal of the Prophets

2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
And, all the Babis did not accept Bahaullah, so their view is partly incorrect. 

And those that reject the Universal House of Justice are also partly incorrect. 

Truth is One. 

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Re: Seal of the Prophets

2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Hi, I think I can answer that myself. The Shaykhis didn't all accept the Bab 
either, so their view is also partly incorrect. 

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Re: Seal of the Prophets

2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Hi Iskandar,

Would you say Bahais accept the Shaykhi view rather than the Shiah view?

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On Jun 28, 2010, at 11:35 AM,  wrote:

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Dear Hajir: 

The Baha'i "acceptance", if you will, of Shi`ah is quite nuanced and 
sophisticated. As you very well know, Baha'i Writings do not accept all of 
Shi`ism in toto, wholesale. For example, Baha'is do not believe that the 
promised One, the promised Mahdi, is the physical son of Hasan al-`askari alive 
physically in a well in Samarra, etc. Baha'is, as Sunnis, believe that the 
Promised Mahdi would be born, just as The Bab was born. 

Best regards, 


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From: "haj...@yahoo.com" 
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 07:36:13 -0700
To: Baha'i Studies
ReplyTo: "Baha'i Studies" 
Subject: Re: Seal of the Prophets

The Baha'i Studies Listserv


The Baha'i writings are very clear that Muhammad sealed both Prophethood and 
Messengership.  Otherwise, the Cycle of Prophecy would not have ended, and the 
Cycle of Fulfillment would not have started.  Furthermore, Baha'is accept the 
Shi'i interpretation of Islam and acknowledge the authority of Imams.  So, even 
if it is a later interpretation it does not mean that it is a wrong 

Just because Muhammad is last and greatest doesn't mean he is supposed to be 
distinguished from previous prophets.  
Just because Einstein was smartest, just because Michael Jordan is most 
athletic, just because Mother Teresa is kindest, etc. etc.  doesn't mean 
mankind is not one.  The oneness of mankind doesn't have anything to do with 
any of that stuff.  A blind man is equal to a seeing man.  A deaf man is equal 
to a hearing man.  A child and an adult are one.

The same principle holds for God's 

School Analogy:

Just because a 12th grade teacher tells students in the 12th grade *many more 
things* than a 1st grade teacher tells the 1st graders, does not mean that they 
are all teachers.  

AND, EVEN If another teacher was the one who wrote the text books for both 1st 
and 12th grade, and was the one who trained both the 1st and 12th grade 
teachers, this does not mean that this teacher of teachers is somehow different 
from other teachers and somehow not a human being.  They are still all human 

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
No, certitude is something else. 

There is only One God. Not multiple Gods. 

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On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:30 PM, Loïc ROYER  wrote:

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Belief is our only certitude! (or what?!)

hajmog a écrit :
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Yes.  :)

And sometimes, belief turns into Certitude!  
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Honest observation: Susan & Gilberto

2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Hi Susan and Gilberto,

My honest observation is that you are not genuine in your messages. I think you 
are going around and around in circles of "superstition". 

What I mean by this is that you are:

1. Assuming that an unknown exists and that the unknown is measureable. 

2. You are both mixin religion and science. These two are in harmony, but they 
cannot be mixed.  

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On Jun 28, 2010, at 7:41 AM, hajmog  wrote:

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Hi Khazeh,

In your last message, you pretty much demonstrated that all Manifestations are 
equal. If so, then why does Bahaullah in the Iqan include the tradition that 
the Bab revealed all remaining letters of knowledge?

This implies that the Bab revealed *a lot* of knowledge not revealed by 

Therefore, God cannot be equally accessed through Muhammad as He is through the 

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Khazeh: Hadith and letters revealed by the Bab

2010-06-28 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Hi Khazeh,

In your last message, you pretty much demonstrated that all Manifestations are 
equal. If so, then why does Bahaullah in the Iqan include the tradition that 
the Bab revealed all remaining letters of knowledge?

This implies that the Bab revealed *a lot* of knowledge not revealed by 

Therefore, God cannot be equally accessed through Muhammad as He is through the 

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Re: Respect for Islam (the Sixth of six parts) on the SEAL (khaatam)

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> But the Bab had dared to proclaim himself more than an Imam, and a messenger 
>> equal to or greater than Muhammad, with a revelation that surpassed the 
>> Qur'an in scope and authority.


When the Bab said this and when the Bab said His Bayan superceded the Quran, He 
is saying God changes Things, renews things, based on the state of people, not 
that The Bab is greater than other Prophets. 

If you look at nature, you see that God does this in nature too. Summer follows 
Winter and then Summer is renewed. 

Night follows day and then day is renewed. 

Religion is also renewed simply because that is how God operates. 

What do you think?

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Re: Respect for Islam (the Sixth of six parts) on the SEAL (khaatam)

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Thanks Gilberto, this Hadith is conclusive for me.

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On Jun 27, 2010, at 10:01 PM, Gilberto Simpson  

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Here is a hadith which you may have heard before and which has come up
in our conversations before.

Volume 4, Book 55, Number 626:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Once while a Jew was selling something, he was offered a price that he
was not pleased with. So, he said, "No, by Him Who gave Moses
superiority over all human beings!" Hearing him, an Ansari man got up
and slapped him on the face and said, "You say: By Him Who Gave Moses
superiority over all human beings although the Prophet (Muhammad) is
present amongst us!" The Jew went to the Prophet and said, "O
Abu-l-Qasim! I am under the assurance and contract of security, so
what right does so-and-so have to slap me?" The Prophet asked the
other, "Why have you slapped". He told him the whole story. The
Prophet became angry, till anger appeared on his face, and said,
"Don't give superiority to any prophet amongst Allah's Prophets, for
when the trumpet will be blown, everyone on the earth and in the
heavens will become unconscious except those whom Allah will exempt.
The trumpet will be blown for the second time and I will be the first
to be resurrected to see Moses holding Allah's Throne. I will not know
whether the unconsciousness which Moses received on the Day of Tur has
been sufficient for him, or has he got up before me. And I do not say
that there is anybody who is better than Yunus bin Matta."

On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 9:04 PM, hajmog  wrote:
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Also, if the Manifestations are all equal, then nothing is lost or
deficient in just being Muslim.  There is no need to prosyletize.
Hi Gilberto, I cannot think of an answer to this. If God is equally
accessing through each of the manifestations, then there is no need to teach
anyone about the appearance of a new manifestation.
Therefore, I do not think the manifestations are "equal".   Especially those
in the cycle of fulfillment vs those in cycle of prophecy.
So this is my conclusion: there is a good reason to emphasize unity of all
manifestations, Minor and Major.
Gilberto, do you think minor prophets are equal to Muhammad?  Yes or no? Why
or why not?  In what way are they equal or not equal?
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Why Teach?

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Also, if the Manifestations are all equal, then nothing is lost or
deficient in just being Muslim.  There is no need to prosyletize.

I just thought of an answer. What do you think Gilberto:  

All the manifestations are equal. 

So, why teach?  Because of love of God ONLY.  It has nothing to do with access 
to God. Anyone can access God, through any religion. Anyone can access God 
through Islam today.  

So why teach?  Because we love God.  Since God has resent His Manifestation, 
who is exactly the same as and equal to all previous Manifestations, we teach 
about His newest Manifestation ONLY out of love. 

Not because of salvation. Not because people cannot access God in other ways.  
Not because society is doomed without the Bahai religion. Not because Peace 
cannot be achieved without Bahai faith.

Only because we love God, we share the message that God has resent His 
Manifestation, who is equal to previous Manifestations. 

Only the OUTCOME of this attitude is World Peace, Salvation, and Recognition of 

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Re: Respect for Islam (the Sixth of six parts) on the SEAL (khaatam)

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Also, if the Manifestations are all equal, then nothing is lost or
deficient in just being Muslim.  There is no need to prosyletize.

Hi Gilberto, I cannot think of an answer to this. If God is equally accessing 
through each of the manifestations, then there is no need to teach anyone about 
the appearance of a new manifestation. 

Therefore, I do not think the manifestations are "equal".   Especially those in 
the cycle of fulfillment vs those in cycle of prophecy.

So this is my conclusion: there is a good reason to emphasize unity of all 
manifestations, Minor and Major. 

Gilberto, do you think minor prophets are equal to Muhammad?  Yes or no? Why or 
why not?  In what way are they equal or not equal? 

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Re: Respect for Islam (the Sixth of six parts) on the SEAL (khaatam)

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
And in the future tense, all prophets and messengers were referring to the Bab

And then the Bab was referring to Bahaullah. 

When I refer to Moses Jesus Muhammad, the Bab and Bahaullah, I am referring to 
the station of

"nothingness before God", so that God can manifest himself according to the 
capacity of mankind. 

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Re: Respect for Islam (the Sixth of six parts) on the SEAL (khaatam)

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
In other words, Muhammad was referring to Himself when He spoke about God in 
*the present tense*. 

In thepast tense , Muhammad was talking about Moses, Jesus, and others when He 
spoke about Allah   

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> the 10 commandments which are said to be written on tablets with God's own 
>> finger. <<


As everything else I said, these are only my opinions. I think God did not 
write the 10 commandments. I think God did not say anything to Muhammad. 

I think Muhammad was speaking to Himself.  I think Moses came up with the 10 
commandments himself (if he even existed).  

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Re: Respect for Islam (the Sixth of six parts) on the SEAL (khaatam)

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Also, if the Manifestations are all equal, then nothing is lost or
deficient in just being Muslim.  There is no need to prosyletize.

Perfect question Dear Gilberto. 

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Yes.  :)

And sometimes, belief turns into 

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> God decide, not us! <<

Excellent point.  Since God must decide, 
Each of us has to come to our own conclusion,
since none of us can claim access to God. 

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dear Gilberto, sorry I don't understand what you just said.  And you rephrase 
it?  Maybe i wasn't clear.  (or maybe I was too clear). 

So i will rephrase too:  "I think Revelation itself is symbolic."   

I dont

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> For example, Muslims
claim the Quran is revelation. That means that the words come directly
from God and not from Muhammad. Muhammad isn't considered the author,
he was more a passive recipient. <<

Bingo. I think the difference is the definition of God.  

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
And I think this makes sense, because 
the technological and scientific explosion
is attributed to the revelation of the Bab,
Whose role was to introduce the manifestion
after him. 

But from a historical perspective,
The advances of society are apparently 
unrelated to the Babi revelation.  

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-27 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>>  But if you think it has been totally lost, then I think that
is a more scathing indictment of the integrity of the Biblical text. <<

Good point I agree. 

But I don't think It is totally lost.  It never was. "Revelation" and 
"inspiration" must be different levels of the same thing.  So some texts are 
considered "Revelation" because of the high level of impact on society. 

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Arguments forbidden

2010-06-26 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dearest Friend Gilberto,

You are more dear to me that a Bahai friend. If you feel this discussion is an 
argument, please tell me and end this conversation. 

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-26 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
I already show you. 

Bahaullah revealed the Quran to Muhammad through Angel Gabriel. 

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On Jun 26, 2010, at 12:09 PM, Gilberto Simpson  

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 10:56 AM, haj...@yahoo.com  wrote:
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

So I don't think there is anything wrong with saying Muhammad was the
only Seal of the Prophets (where khatm means last). But (to use the
story you alluded to) I wouldn't say Muhammad (saaws) was better than
Jonah (as).
Beautiful.  Agreed.  Muhammad is the Seal/Last of Prophets.  (Lets assume
Seal does not also mean Best, because that will confuse the issue hahaha).
But Muhammad is not better than Jonah.
Baha'u'llah is the Sender (Mursil) of Messengers and Revealer (Munzil) of
all the Heavenly Books (including Qur'an).  But Baha'u'llah is not better
than Joseph or John the Baptist.

The one who sends the Messengers and reveals the books is Allah so you
are moving into shirk territory again.

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-26 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

This is not discourteous.  It is fact. 

Islam is veiled arrogance. 

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On Jun 26, 2010, at 12:04 PM, Susan Maneck  wrote:

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
These kinds of insults are unnecessary. Please observe courtesy.

On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 10:20 AM, hajmog  wrote:
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

 I wouldn't insist that Islam was better than, or more
"fulfulled" than, or a "greater manifestation" than any of the
previous religions in their original form.<<
Dear Gilberto,
this is veiled arrogance.
May God protect us.

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-26 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Even if it is finally shown that Jesus and Muhammad
Were not actual real historic figures (some scholars have argued thus)
Baha'is would still say that the Made-up Bible and the 
Made-up Quran are the Word of God because it was
God's Will.  <<

Back to my original question. How do you know God
exists. How do you know Muhammad is not a fraud. 

How do I know god exists. How do I 
Know  Bahaullah is not a fraud?

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-26 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> I wouldn't insist that Islam was better than, or more
"fulfulled" than, or a "greater manifestation" than any of the
previous religions in their original form. <<

Even if it is finally shown that Jesus and Muhammad
Were not actual real historic figures (some scholars have argued thus)
Baha'is would still say that the Made-up Bible and the 
Made-up Quran are the Word of God because it was
God's Will. 

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-26 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> I wouldn't insist that Islam was better than, or more
"fulfulled" than, or a "greater manifestation" than any of the
previous religions in their original form.<<

Dear Gilberto,  

this is veiled arrogance. 

May God protect us. 

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-26 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
And a third explanation for why Bahais sometimes
Refer to and equal the Bab and Bahaullah
With past Prophets and Messengers is 
Because (see my wikipedia entry)
The Mursil Himself gives Risalat
 and ad a result acts just like a Rasul,
Acts in the function of a Rasul 
(because rasuls give risalat).   

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-26 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> 2. At the end of the day, even while using this language of cycles,
Bahais will still say that the Bab and Bahaullah are prophets /
messengers so that still is a basic problem from an Islamic
perspective. <<

More important than what I said in my previous message, is the concept of 
gradual revelation. Sometime when Bahai authors refer to the Bab and Bahaullah 
as rasuls or Messengers, this is because people are not yet prepared to 
understand that all the unknowns of God as explained in the Bible and Quran 
were Manifested in the Bab and then at it's fullest manifestation in Bahaullah. 
  This is hard to understand spiritually.  (now see my explanation for shirk). 

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-25 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> The bottom line of what I said is that If Bahais said "Muhammad
(saaws) is the last prophet and messenger and there aren't anymore
coming after him [fullstop]" then there wouldn't be a problem. But
Bahais don't say that. <<

In addition to the Quranic principle not to make a distinction between those 
who speak God's words, another reason why Bahais do not a full stop statement 
is because :

Bahaullah asked us to slowly unveil His True Station because if we unveiled it 
too quickly the soul of man would not be able to handle it or understand it. 

A physical analogy is that one cannot feed an infant sushi, or the infant will 

Today, the Bahai community and the world  at large is like an infant.  If the 
writings fully unveiled the station of the Bab and then the station of 
Bahaullah immediately, the infant body of the Bahai community and the body of 
the world community would spiritually die. 

Hidden Words 77 hints at this.
So does the Story of Bahaullah posted by Khazeh. 

But it sounds like you are ready Gilberto.

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-25 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
How is that different from saying 
Muhammad is the Seal and then saying

God commands us in the Quran not to make any 
distinction between His messengers
(2:136, 2:285, 3:84, 4:152) 

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-25 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> The bottom line of what I said is that If Bahais said "Muhammad
(saaws) is the last prophet and messenger and there aren't anymore
coming after him [fullstop]" then there wouldn't be a problem. But
Bahais don't say that. <<

Question. How is that different from saying Muhammad is the Seal and then 
saying x 

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-25 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

There is only One Seal of the Prophets.

But the Prophet Muhammad pbuh
 did not even allow to be 
preferred over a Minor Prophet!

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-25 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> The distinction between nabi and rasul is one Baha'is often make,
though it is not found in our Writings. In fact, we have that passage
which clearly calls Muhammad the Seal of *both* the Nabi and Rasul.<<

 Dear Susan, agreed.  The write-up isn't as clear as it should.   I am trying 
to show that the mursil appears just like a rasul to give risalat because the 
naba that the anbiya and rusul came to announce and give messages about. 

Also, I am saying that all messengers are prophets and vice versa before the 
naba, whereas after the naba there is no longer a need for nabis although the 
mursil still has risalat. I think it is fair to say that risalat equal 
kalimatullah, which are inexaustible and independent of both rusul and anbiya.  

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On Jun 25, 2010, at 1:19 PM, Susan Maneck  wrote:

The distinction between nabi and rasul is one Baha'is often make,
though it is not found in our Writings. In fact, we have that passage
which clearly calls Muhammad the Seal of *both* the Nabi and Rasul.

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Re: Respect for Islam

2010-06-25 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Sen, I disagree on a number of points...  Just because it is a latter 
development does not mean it, finality, is a wrong view.  And you are still 
asserting triumph of multiple manifestations over non-manifestations.

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On Jun 25, 2010, at 3:21 AM, Sen & Sonja  wrote:

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On 24 Jun 2010 at 21:02, Gilberto Simpson wrote:

On the one hand, if say that Bahaullah represents this
radically fuller different level of revelation beyond "prophet" then
you take on a kind of triumphalist superior tone

I don't think this is what is meant. Muhammad and Jesus are also 
called Manifestations of God, and there is no distinction between the 

As I see it, some of those who are known today as prophets were in 
fact more than that, they were independent Manifestations of God. 
Others were not, they were prophets dependent on the inspiration 
first generated by a Manifestation of God. So it's not a question of 
the superiority of Baha'u'llah over all others, but rather of the 
superiority of Baha'u'llah, the Bab, Jesus, Muhammad, Moses, Abraham, 
Zoroaster and some others -- including many unknowns -- over a whole 
host of others who are prophets, or seers, or saints, apostles or 

if you say Bahaullah was a prophet in the same way Muhammad was a
prophet you end up contradicting the Seal of the Prophets doctrine. 

Is the doctrine as now understood by Muslims correct? The idea that 
"seal" meant "last in time" is a historical development, for the word 
originally meant a "warrant of reliability." A seal could be put on a 
document to prove it was authentic, or a signet ring could be given 
to an emissary to indicate his authority to speak and decide for his 
master. As Arabic writing developed, particularly to write the 
Quranic text, punctuation was introduced. The various usually 
roundish signs used to mark the end of a verse were called the "seal" 
of the verse - they usually look like the impression of a signet ring 
- and so "seal" came to mean "ending." Obviously it did not have that 
meaning in the time of Muhammad, since full stops did not exist in 
Arabic in his time. 

As I recall, the doctrine as presently understood is not attested 
before the 3rd Islamic century. That's based on an article I read in 
an Islamic studies journal about 20 or 30 years ago -- I remember the 
library position but not the title of the Journal! -- which surveyed 
attestations of the word "seal" in early Islamic literature 


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Re: Time dependence of Revelation

2010-06-24 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> the love Bahais have for Islam and the
prophet and then have other Bahais argue as you do.<<

Dear Gilberto, take no offense, I would ask myself the same question, how do we 
know Bahaullah is true and not a liar?  How do I really know God exists, 
especially when it is said that God is beyond comprehension and inaccessible. 
How do I know he is inaccessible and not non-existent, the manifestatio of both 
of these two views are nearly identical.  But anyway, I'm out of this 

P.s. I liked your summary about finality and your view of the positions of 
Bahai figures in relation to Muhammadan finality.  It is a bit paradoxical, 

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Re: Time dependence of Revelation

2010-06-24 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dear Gilberto,

You still are avoiding my question. How do you know God exists?  How do YOU 
know Muhammad is not a liar, an imposter, a fake?

It's a simple question.  The majority of the world thinks he is a fake, and the 
Quran was copied from Bibles and old Arabian poetry.  

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Re: Time dependence of Revelation

2010-06-24 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dear Susan,

Although the Bahai Faith does not have a Hadith tradition itself, I don't think 
there is any reason to reject hadith of Islam. I am pretty sure that Bahais we 
accept that in Islam Hadith plays a critical role. Without hadees there are no 
prayers.  In fact, The Bab and Bahaullah quote from the hadees. And if we go 
back in time and become Muslims, we would accept Hadees.  

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On Jun 24, 2010, at 2:49 PM, Susan Maneck  wrote:

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
It's a Shahih (authentic) Hadith.
That's the best Hadith collection site I know.

Dear Stephen,

I think you mean Sahih. I don't doubt this hadith is considered
authentic by Sunni Muslims according to their own criteria (which is
different from the Shi'ites) but I think there are reasons to doubt
the authenticity of even those hadiths which are considered strongest
by Muslims.   The ahadith literature does not get written down until
two or three centuries after Muhammad and are largely judged by the
strength of the chain of transmission (isnad) by which they were
carried down orally. If you are going to fabricate a hadith you will
fabricate a strong isnad to accompany it. Mind you, I am not in favor
of the "Qur'an alone" approach favored by Rashid Khalid. I do not
believe that the Qur'an can be reasonably interpreted apart from any
hadiths whatsoever. What I'd personally like to see developed is a new
science of hadith which attempts to reconstruct the life of the
Prophet using modern techniques of historical criticism.

warmest, Susan

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Re: Time dependence of Revelation

2010-06-24 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dear Gilberto good point. I think the Bab and Bahaullah use a similar principle 
to abrogate the whole Islamic dispensation (ie the whole Quran) and start over 

The basic principle is arguably in the Quran:

'None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause it to be forgotten,
but We substitute something better or similar: knowest thou that God
has power over all things?' (2: 106)

Some apply this to previous revelations, but some scholars would apply
this to parts of the Quran itself.

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Re: Ablutions

2010-06-24 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> are basically positive forces in the world and make society
better to the extent that they inspire the followers ti be better
human beings. <<

Dear Gilberto, I don't want to change your mind. This is a pretty picture.  

But pretty isn't always good.  

1. To me, this is very weak and wishy washy.  If I believed this, I would have 
to admit I don't take anything seriously at all.  Why stick to Islam if it has 
negative influence?  Be yourself!  Make your own decisions!  Have empathy.  
Stand up for the weak, silence is compliance and acceptance of the status quo 
which abuses the minority.  

2.  Also, You can say this about anything and everything. Everything can have 
some positive impact on society and people. My company does that to me even 
though it is profit-centric. The US government's human rights commission also 
does that. The boys scout does that. Kindergarden class does that and it is 
secular. Even atheism has some positive impact on society. 

3.  God doesn't exist and isn't going to fix anything. You gotta be the agent 
of change yourself. Pray for an amputee to grow a leg, see if God answers you. 
Pray for a dead child, see if God raises him back to life. 

"For the people are wandering in the paths of delusion, bereft of discernment 
to see God with their own eyes, or hear His Melody with their own ears.  Thus 
have We found them, as thou also dost witness.  Thus have their superstitions 
become veils between them and their own hearts" - Bahá'u'lláh   

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Time dependence of Revelation

2010-06-24 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Yes, I respect most religions, even some of the nature-based quasi Pagan 
>> ones << 

Are you seriously honest?  You respect Christianity but think their book has 
errors in it?  Is that really respectful?  What that means is that you believe 
in "another Christianity" that doesn't even exist (nobody follows the 
Christianity that you have in mind), one that had a book revealed to Jesus 
similar to how a book was revealed to Muhammad?  

Now you should think about what Bahais mean by "respecting Christianity".

And you should think about what Bahais means by "revelation" and it's 
time-dependent qualities.  Even "how" revelation place is dependent on the 
capacity of mankind. 

For example, Moses and Jesus didn't directly dictate their teachings to scribes 
but they were written down times afterward, and Muhammad didn't actually write 
anything down himself, but people wrote them down after memorizing them.

But in this day, Bab and Bahaullah actually wrote their revelations themselves 
or directly dictated them to secretaries and then stamped them after review. 

The nature of "revelation" itself is time-dependent, let alone the contents of 


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Re: Ablutions

2010-06-23 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Hi Gilberto, Matt;

Check this out http://richarddawkins.net/

And this

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Re: Ablutions

2010-06-23 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
<>. I'm concerned that you are so eager to lump all Muslims together as bad 
people who hate Baha'is, when you are talking to two simultaneously who don't. 
Do you want Muslims to hate you or something? <>

Dear Matt,  I am interested in your thoughts about atheism too. Can you please 
comment on that issue before we get involved in this silly exchange?

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Re: Ablutions

2010-06-23 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

I mean atheism specifically, 

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Re: Ablutions

2010-06-23 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>>> religion is basically a positive force which
makes the world a better place. On balance, the good outweighs the
bad, and any bad is usually attributable (ultimately) to sinful
individuals. So that would include the major and not-so-major
reilgions. ~<<

Wow great. So you would also include humanism (atheistic good) and manmade 
institutions like corporations which focus on doing good?  Or not?   

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Re: Ablutions

2010-06-23 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Generalizations are generally bad. Especially about entire religions,
races, nationalities, ethnicities and civilizations. <<

Hi, then do you think it is fair to say that all three, the Baha'i Faith and 
Islam and Christianity, are not generally bad (this even implies that they are 
not generally good either) ?

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RE: Evolut ion from a pes? bahá' í teaching s

2009-10-05 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> humans get the spirituality of humans by being humans. elephants > get the 
> spirituality of elephants by being elephants.
If man does not behave like a man, he becomes an animal if not lower than 
animal.  Similarly, if man does not acquire the spirit of faith, he is a man 
but he has not lived.

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RE: Evolut ion from a pes? bahá' í teaching s

2009-10-05 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Firestorm, can you elaborate:
to begin with, random theories of evolution keep pointing to >>>everything<<< 
having a common ancestor. you have about 70% of the same dna as a mouse, and 
maybe 60% in common with  a yew tree. there are serious discussions about how 
much of the shared dna is "junk"--which arguments can visibly terrify 
"intelligent design" proponents of th usa type... :-) :-)
second, i would offer that if "Islam" means surrender, then "spirituality" is 
not something one has, it is something one does.
   as does the 'i in Baha'i.
in 1745 linnaeus dealt with this issue--to the point that up til recently, if 
not now, the great apes were considered types of humans in the taxonomy he 
presented, purely on the basis that "soul" could not be weighed or visualised 
as a shape present in man, but not in the apes.
  humans get the spirituality of humans by being humans. elephants get the 
spirituality of elephants by being elephants.
  the T&G suggests strongly to me that "human spirituality" has an endurance 
factor on the personal level far (like far^4)  outlasting  that of apes or 
is that "because of" continual, hierarchical reification by foxp2 and maybe a 
couple of others? or the Will of God?  the answer is yes. 

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Re: Evolution from apes? bahá'í teachings

2009-10-05 Thread hajmog
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
You have to look at this metaphorically. If you look at it literally, it makes 
no sense. Literally, humans and apes evolved from common ancestors. The concept 
of "soul" is a metaphor. We say humans have a "soul". "The human soul" is a 
metaphor for what makes humans so different from other animals. To say that 
"humans always had a soul" can be seen as metaphorically true, even though it 
is literally true that, say, one billion years ago, humans did not exist yet. I 
suppose you could say that, even one billion years ago, the Ideal of "Humanity" 
existed as a Concept, a Platonic Ideal.

-- Ron, Firestorm, or others:
'Abdu'l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions, p. 191-4 and 'Abdu'l-Baha: Promulgation 
of Universal Peace, pages 358-9
The word "species" used by Abdu'l-Baha is not the same definition as the 
"species" used by scientists or biologists. The word species is used here to 
explain the distinction which has always existed between "man" and "animal" 
despite material physical biological makeup. It does not have the current 
specialized biological meaning. And I used the word "man" and "animal" in 
quotes not to confuse with the idea that the difference between "man" and 
"animal" to be a physical or scientifically observable. Abdu'l-Baha is not 
trying to present proofs or argue against scientific findings of Darwin, rather 
the opposite, that he is saying that the fundamental doctrine of Bahaullah is 
compatible with Darwinian evolution. Abdulbaha is simply laying down a 
spiritual *timeless* principles that unfolded over time in a physical way. If 
you consider darwinian evolution from a "timeless" perspective, then you say 
that man was always meant to be. But Science, rightfully,
 never considers the "timelessness" of it because that's more of a 
philosophical, not a scientific, question.

Here, the word "species" is a non-scientific term (Abdu'l-Baha is not a 
scientist) to convey the essential reality of the "Universe" that man will 
evolve if the environmental conditions are right, like they were right on earth 
after millions of years of evolutionary process for man to evolve to become 
what you and I are today. That's all. Its just an observation of the past based 
on where we are today.

This is not meant to be a scientific principle, but a fundamental doctrine to 
convey this simple spiritual principle: that the names of God are reflecting in 
the mirror of existence... And since God's names seem to be more advanced today 
than they were 5 million years ago, (*(*(*(*Abdu'l-Baha simply says that the 
"species" of man was always in existence though they were not physically 
manifested since man had not yet evolved.*)*)*)*)

Again, these statements are more about the Universe or God than they are about 
man or darwinian evolution.
Again, these statements are more about the Universe or God than they are about 
man or darwinian evolution.

Yet from a scientific view, God and spirit or soul are only metaphorical 
realities, because they cannot and will never be observed - by definition.

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2005-10-07 Thread hajmog




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