Re: What is Magic?/Making Money

2002-11-11 Thread Roger Pye
Hugh Lovel wrote:

So I pass the ball back to you and invite you to brainstorm with me how do
I make this real to farmers? I guarantee they will make more money doing
things the way I teach. How do I get the word out?

YES!! RUSH me my instant *ULTIMATE* Dowsing and Rainmaking Kit in its 
Leatherette zip-up waterproof case PERSONALISED with my name and 
comprising Pendulum, Dowsing Rods and Miniature Radionic Broadcaster 
PLUS my detailed but easy-to-understand Instruction Book PLUS a Personal 
Introduction  one FREE Pass to ___ 's next FABULOUS Rainmaking 
Workshop FOR ONLY $99.99*.  I understand if I am one of the FIRST TWENTY 
applicants I will also receive a FREE Internet Directory of Global 
Biodynamic Resources and go into a draw to WIN $25,000**

* plus post  packing** conditions apply


Dear Friend,
   I have specially chosen you from all my friends and acquaintances to 
receive this VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE because I know you have the 
interests of Planet Earth very much to heart in all that you do.  May I 
prevail upon you not to hit the delete key just yet for in all 
likelihood reading this email will cost you very little compared with 
the benefits it could bring to you and yours over the years to come.
   Believe me, this NEWS that I bring is so STUPENDOUS it fair takes my 
breath away  whenever I think about it. In essence it is that for a very 
small outlay the BROWN expanse of 'lawn' out back of your place can 
become GREEN and stay GREEN for as long as you choose. All you require 
for this MIRACLE to occur is my Instant Rainmaking Kit together with  
easy-to-understand Instruction Booklet plus attendance at my next 
workshop, all available by return post at only $129.99*
   Should you decide you want to pass up on this WONDERFUL offer at 
this time, may I ask you to forward this message, unedited, to ten of 
your own friends, and include this request in it.

Kind regards,

* conditions apply


OR as JC put it 'Cast your bread upon the waters and it will be returned 
a thousandfold.'


Whilst one might say that if we knew the answer to your question, we 
would all be rich by now and probably not be members of this list at 
all, it would be simplistic in the extreme.

BD agriculture has been around for almost a century; components of it 
date back hundreds (if not thousands) of years yet the vast majority of 
the world's farmers still practise conventional or other forms of 
agriculture. Why? Because there's no money to be made in BD the way it's 
set up.

Think about it.

A conventional farmer has 10,000 acres of land. To grow crops on it, he 
has to prepare the fields. Assuming he has the machinery, he will at the 
very least need seeds and fertiliser. A farm supply place will sell him 
both, the fertiliser will be chemical and supplied by an agribusiness or 
subsidiary which is part of a global setup. Where there's more than one 
applicable chemical, the 'best' will be recommended (or dictated) by 
Agric Department or council or farmers' association. The same applies to 
weedkillers and, for graziers, animal feeds and supplements. In some 
cases, fertilisers are bought 'on-the-ground', the price including 
spreading by the supplier to the farmer's requirements.

A biodynamic farmer has 10,000 acres of land. To grow crops on it, he 
has to prepare the fields. Assuming he has the machinery, he will at the 
very least need seeds and BD preps. He can make his own preps for which 
he will need healthy compost of a particular mix and standard. He can 
make this too but it all takes time and he has repayments to make on the 
mortgage. So he will buy the preps in. For this he will need a listing 
of BD suppliers which he will get from his nearest association. He may 
have the equipment to mix and apply the preps; if not and he doesn't 
have the time or inclination to do it manually, he will have to bring in 
a contract sprayer.

And so it goes.

The BD preparations are good, we know that, but there isn't much profit 
there and the set-up is lousy. We know that too, if we're honest about 
it. I was in the air force for over thirty years, played more war games 
in NATO (Germany) than you could poke a stick at. The first step to 
victory was always the same - set up supply lines and depots and 
communications facilities. The second was information, loads of it. The 
next was personnel and equipment placement. In terms of preparation the 
battle was usually a set-piece and the least important.

For BD to get ahead it needs an edge, even if it has to go outside BD to 
get it. Don't do things in isolation, package them. For instance, couple 
rainmaking sessions with workshops that farmers tell you are of value to 
them (even if they are not to you) like keeping their farms alive in 
drought or making ends meet on a reducing income or any number of other 
things. Use the internet to get to people. Produce information booklets 

Re: G.M.O. transfers

2002-11-11 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus
Dear friends,
We in N.Z. are being threatened with the release of
G.M.O.'s into our environment. In the U.S.A. you have been living with
situation for a while
 Have any members of this list had G.M. pollen affect
plants on your properties?
  Have you had any friends or neighbours affected in
this way?
   Is it a concern for anyone or has some one found a
way to protect from contamination or clean it out afterwards?

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

 Sorry if you read me wrong, Jane. My intention was not to chastise
 you but simply bring you up to date. No emotional energy here.

   I have total respect for Jean-Paul, which is why I was curious about
 why he would care about the physcial attributes of the preps.

 Your remark about 'political bruha' seems to trivialize the actual
 state of things. It is important to understand that if the USDA says
 that manure-based compost teas are 'dangerous,' it's not going to be
 acceptable to the customers of we non-certified organic practitioners
 to provide them food that 'shit has been sprayed on.' Anyone to steps
 in the realm of reason in regard to this will really be putting
 themself in jeopardy should any of their customers become ill for any
 reason whatsoever after eating a meal containing  tea blasted produce.

 Let me be clear about this, though: the USDA is just discussing the
 sanctions on tea right now. This is not, as far as I understand, part
 of the certification rule currently. (Lloyd? Frank?)

 Ironically, I have been thinking of adding oat straw tea to my daily
 routine. That and 1m hypericum 3x daily for a few weeks.

 Thanks for the post, Jane -Allan

Re: What is Magic?

2002-11-11 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus
Hi Loyd,
  I'm sure you could prep each tea brew as you set the brewing
process going. Before that prep the composts that you are using for tea
brewing and certainly keep the broadcasters going. Last year you posted that
you had a measureable difference with a pentrometer where the broadcaster
was working.
   Don't look for reasons why you can't do it, look for reasons
why you can. Better still just do it and tell us how you got on.
Very best of luck and good management,
- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: What is Magic?

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Frank Teuton
Jane Sherry wrote:

 Jean-Paul did not express interest, I was just lucky enough to be at the
 farm, ate some wonderful farm food, and mentioned the thread at bdnow. He
 well aware of how ridiculous the USDA org regs are as regards e coli, and
 fact mentioned that there could not possibly be any e coli in a properly
 made compost or compost tea!

Jean Paul has previously said that he looks to Will Brinton as his
composting guru. Brinton, in addition to advising us as to the proper shape
of cow horn for prepmaking, is also on record pointing out that there is
indeed a substantial possibility that 'properly made' compost and compost
tea can have E. coli in it.

Look at under publications, and make sure you have Adobe
Acrobat reader.

I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but if you are composting in a hurry, and
even following the hot composting regs, you may still end up with fecal
coliforms (E.coli and a few others) in the hundreds per gram, and can still
brew them up into the thousands per ml.

It may not happen every time, but apparently it can happen enough to make
compost tea on food crops a sort of negative lottery.

For that reason, compost tea advocates across the spectrum suggest that
compost tea for fresh produce crops be made from certified compost
containing no E.coli, especially no E.coli 0157:H7, the pathogenic form most
likely to cause problems, found in a recent USDA study in nearly half the
cattle herds in the USA.

Yes, in really good compost you won't find E. coli, and yes, in really good
compost tea E. coli will be reduced rather than grow.
Vermicomposting, which composters who have a long cycle are often doing even
without knowing it, will crash E. coli pops in as little as 7-60 days,
perhaps due to the presence of certain amoebae that worms carry which find
E. coli to be especially tasty...and/or perhaps due to other reasons
involving the commensal consortia of microorganisms associated with the

Does everyone out there have 'really good compost'? Frankly I doubt it. Do
the process standards required under the NOSB, or even recommended in Dr
Ingham's Compost Tea Manual, always result in 'really good compost'? No, I
think they do not.

Those standards are designed to produce compost which is below 1,000 MPN per
gram of fecal coliforms. Compost containing 100 or less MPN of E. coli (the
predominant fecal coliform) has been used in reasonable looking compost tea
brewers and been made to grow E.coli following various nutrient additions.
This compost is well within the accepted norm of 'properly made compost'.

So, while it may be true that many or most 'properly made composts' should
contain low or no E. coli and not grow them in compost tea making, it is
likely also true that some, perhaps even many 'properly made composts' do
contain E. coli and lack the antagonists necessary to reduce E. coli, thus
allowing growth to take place when suitable nutrients are added in a compost
tea situation.

Dr Ingham herself accepts as reasonable the suggestion that compost for tea
applications on fresh produce within 120 days of harvest be tested and
certified E. coli free.

I think she knows that not all 'composts' will qualify.

Frank Teuton

ORMUS was Re: Bowling for BioDynamics

2002-11-11 Thread Allan Balliett
Sunday, November 17 - Introductory lecture - 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. 
Coolfont Resort, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. This lecture is 

Monday, November 18 - Workshop - 9:30 - 4:30 p.m., Coolfont Resort, 
Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. Cost $50 with pre-registration or 
$60 at the door. Lodging is available, For more information or 
reservations, call Coolfont and talk with Mara at 304-258-6941.  You 
can find directions to Coolfont Resort on their web site at:

Barry - I'll see you on the 17th and, probably, the 18th. I can bring 
some ag students and fellow practitioners with me, also. I have room 
for BD Now! campers but, alas, no room at the inn.

Thanks for the heads up. See you later -Allan

Rain Making in Santa Fe

2002-11-11 Thread Allan Balliett
Hugh - Anyone -

I can't find the details on this event on the web right now. Has it happened?
If so, what was the attendence and how did it go?

Tapes/Videos available?




2002-11-11 Thread GAIASW

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Jane Sherry
Actually, Frank, in that conversation, JP also said it is because of Will
Brinton that this e coli mess happened around these compost tea regs, and he
didn't sound happy about it.

Frankly, I have always understood the current organics game to be about
claiming market share. Not at all about producing vital quality food for
people. The more the world changes, the more convinced I am that we need
locally produced food by people who's face we can see and name we can know.
CSA's make more sense than ever.

Here in the east coast of US, almost all of the organic food (in health
stores) comes from the commercial so called organic farms in CA. It has no
taste for the most part, and goes bad after two days and has no vital

I recently heard another story about a so called organic farmer who sprayed
their farmers' market greens with some kind of 'approved' gas or chemical to
make them stay fresher longer and poisoned their downhill neighbors. It pays
to know who you are dealing with and failing that to develop powers of

If you're going to trust this government to tell you what is safe to eat,
then you're a fool, excuse me! (Yeah, you live in Canada where people don't
even lock their doors!) When the margarine producers wanted more market
share, who came out talking about clogged arteries from fat? Who has more
obese members of the population than America?

Certainly, there is going to be bad compost tea along with the good stuff.
Just like farmers. If people would stop looking for a magic bullet (compost
tea) or 'the great man' (Steiner, the gov't, whomever) to save them, and
look to themselves and their own community  work on their spiritual
development along with other kinds of development, perhaps we'd get

Jane S.

 From: Frank Teuton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 21:58:55 -0500
 Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps
 Jean Paul has previously said that he looks to Will Brinton as his
 composting guru. Brinton, in addition to advising us as to the proper shape
 of cow horn for prepmaking, is also on record pointing out that there is
 indeed a substantial possibility that 'properly made' compost and compost
 tea can have E. coli in it.

Re: Bowling for BioDynamics

2002-11-11 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Barry,

Very interesting. I was expecting to be in Santa Fe, NM on those dates.

Dear Hugh,

At 08:36 PM 11/10/2002, you wrote:
Do you have a clue on how to sell this? God bless you if you do. We need a
good salesman. And where, if it WAS you in Waynesville, you didn't sell me,
that's no invalidation.

It is an odd coincidence to see the name Waynesville, NC on this list at
this time. I have been invited to Waynesville to give a lecture and
workshop on ORMUS. I will be bringing one of the giant walnuts grown on a
tree which was given ocean water ORMUS precipitate and I will be sporting
my new darker beard from the ORMUS copper. The main theme of my talk with
be an explanation of ORMUS theory about how resonances (like biodynamic and
homeopathic resonances) are propagated by the ORMUS elements.

Here are the specifics of my Waynesville presentations:

Thursday, November 21 - Introductory lecture - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., Human
Dimensions Institute, Seven Springs Center, #770 Shelton Cove Rd.,
Waynesville, NC,  $10 donation.

Saturday, November 23 - Workshop - 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (with a break for
lunch), Human Dimensions Institute, Seven Springs Center, #770 Shelton Cove
Rd., Waynesville, NC, Cost: $45 if prepaid $50 at the door.

Lodging is available ($40-$75), For more information, pre-payment or
reservations call Mary at 828-926-1511 or 800-714-1397 or call ParamDevi at
828-235-1397. Mary's email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ParamDevi's
email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sunday, November 17 - Introductory lecture - 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Coolfont
Resort, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. This lecture is free.

Monday, November 18 - Workshop - 9:30 - 4:30 p.m., Coolfont Resort,
Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. Cost $50 with pre-registration or $60 at
the door. Lodging is available, For more information or reservations, call
Coolfont and talk with Mara at 304-258-6941.  You can find directions to
Coolfont Resort on their web site at:

I would like to invite the folks on this list to attend one or more of
these presentations as they will be a great way for us to get better
acquainted and to establish local circles of folks who are interested in
working with and using the ORMUS materials in agriculture and as mineral


With kindest regards,

Barry Carter
2319 Balm
Baker City, Oregon 97814
Phone: 541-523-3357
Web Pages:
Forest -

We must either let the Law of Love rule us through and through or not at
all. Love among ourselves based on hatred of others breaks down under the
slightest pressure. The fact is such love is never real love. It is an
armed peace. And so it will be in this great movement in the West against
war. War will only be stopped when the conscience of mankind has become
sufficiently elevated to recognize the undisputed supremacy of the Law of
Love in all the walks of life. Some say this will never come to pass. I
shall retain the faith till the end of my earthly existence that this shall
come to pass  . . .
   --Mahatma Gandhi--

Visit our website at:

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Allan Balliett
Certainly, there is going to be bad compost tea along with the good stuff.
Just like farmers. If people would stop looking for a magic bullet (compost
tea) or 'the great man' (Steiner, the gov't, whomever) to save them, and
look to themselves and their own community  work on their spiritual
development along with other kinds of development, perhaps we'd get

Jane - I was with you until this last paragraph, which sounds like a 
vote for the blind leading-the-blind. Having spent far more time than 
I wished I had in communal situations, I vote for everyone think for 
themselves while following practical charismatic leaders. 
Psychologist/bodhisatva Ken Wilber provides some pretty strong 
spiritual evolution models that explain why it is to our advantage to 
work with individuals who are at least one rung up the ladder of 
evolution from where  we are. His ideas are worth checking out. 
Otherwise, in many ways, we are trying to solve problems with the 
same minds that created them. Throw out government advice, sure (but 
the smart money will use it in a discerning fashion), but I'm 
cleaving to Rudolf Steiner and the several teachers that his ideas 
have inspired. I'm not ashamed of knowing less than someone else, in 
fact, am slow enough to look at almost everyone as a teacher. Aside 
from this, I'm all for organizing at the local level and think that, 
ideally, CSA is a route to redemption.

Allan Balliett
who is currently atoning for delivering the CSA concept to swines

Re: G.M.O. transfers

2002-11-11 Thread Merla Barberie
Hi Peter,

Put Percy Schmeiser into your search engine.  He has a website where he
tells how Monsanto hounded him when his canola crop in Saskatchewan was
contaminated with Roundup Ready Canola and he had never planted GMO seeds or
used roundup.  They sent in retired Royal Mounted Police to intimidate
anyone who had been contaminated because their patent on Roundup Ready
Canola superseeded a farmer's right to save seed.  They offered a leather
jacket to anyone who would rat on his neighbor.  Percy had been the mayor of
his town and in the Canadian parliament and he knew his way around.  He
refused to pay the fine.  Monsanto sued him as an example.  He has fought
them all the way, but patent law made it impossible for him to win.  He has
spent $300,000 fighting them.

Read Facing Down Goliath on that website.

Evidently, many growers in the U.S. and Canada have been
contaminated--canola, soybeans and corn.  It's a nightmare.  Contamination
is inevitable.  Zambia refused to accept GMO corn as humanitarian aid
because they understood that it was just a ploy to contaminate their
country's seeds.

My advice would be to organize and fight this in any way you can,


Peter Michael Bacchus wrote:

 Dear friends,
 We in N.Z. are being threatened with the release of
 G.M.O.'s into our environment. In the U.S.A. you have been living with
 situation for a while
  Have any members of this list had G.M. pollen affect
 plants on your properties?
   Have you had any friends or neighbours affected in
 this way?
Is it a concern for anyone or has some one found a
 way to protect from contamination or clean it out afterwards?

 - Original Message -
 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 12:04 PM
 Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

  Sorry if you read me wrong, Jane. My intention was not to chastise
  you but simply bring you up to date. No emotional energy here.
I have total respect for Jean-Paul, which is why I was curious about
  why he would care about the physcial attributes of the preps.
  Your remark about 'political bruha' seems to trivialize the actual
  state of things. It is important to understand that if the USDA says
  that manure-based compost teas are 'dangerous,' it's not going to be
  acceptable to the customers of we non-certified organic practitioners
  to provide them food that 'shit has been sprayed on.' Anyone to steps
  in the realm of reason in regard to this will really be putting
  themself in jeopardy should any of their customers become ill for any
  reason whatsoever after eating a meal containing  tea blasted produce.
  Let me be clear about this, though: the USDA is just discussing the
  sanctions on tea right now. This is not, as far as I understand, part
  of the certification rule currently. (Lloyd? Frank?)
  Ironically, I have been thinking of adding oat straw tea to my daily
  routine. That and 1m hypericum 3x daily for a few weeks.
  Thanks for the post, Jane -Allan

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Frank Teuton

Jane wrote:

 Certainly, there is going to be bad compost tea along with the good

Uh huh. And, if the bad compost tea is used on the fresh produce, that means
there will be a food poisoning outbreak, and dead kids and old people, and
that is just, well, tough luck?

Or, B, farmers should only make and use compost tea on fresh produce if it
is tested and thus known to be pathogen free?

Please forgive my lack of 'spiritual evolution' but, in my view, the effort
required to use known compost entities is small and the benefit of assurance
of tea quality is large, given the potential risks.

Somehow, Oh well and Shrug seem to me unacceptable as a response to this

Frank Teuton

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Jane Sherry
Allan, we are not in disagreement. I'm all for teachers, as long as one,
again, uses discernment, one's own cognitive  intuitive powers along with
their teachings. It's not Steiner I am knocking--just hero worship  blind
obedience (ie: Steiner didn't say that, etc etc)


 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 08:53:07 -0500
 Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps
 am slow enough to look at almost everyone as a teacher. Aside
 from this, I'm all for organizing at the local level and think that,
 ideally, CSA is a route to redemption.

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Jane Sherry
Oh, well is not at all my response. I am not a scientist, but I bet if you
looked up the numbers for those killed or sickened by pathogens in
government approved meat (listeria, e coli, etc etc) you'd understand my
perspective. I maintain, that this government is NOT to be trusted with my
health. It is only a start to certify food is supposedly safe. This
government approves all kinds of chemicals are 'safe' to allow industry to
dump into my groundwater, earth, air and food. So if you're going to argue
that we need government certification, I would argue we need local
certification which would be much more meaningful to me. I simply don't
trust this government to tell me what is and is not good for me. Shall I go
on? What about mercury in children's vaccines? Take your pick.

I understand the main intention here is to protect the people from
pathogens. But that ain't going to happen. Like our friend down under said,
what about the jerk who eats salad after going to the bathroom  doesn't
have enough sense to wash his hands. This country is lawsuit crazy. This is
another good way to make lawyers rich and people poor.

Nothing in me is going oh well and shrug about certification. It 's more
like oh shit, they're co-opting another good thing to make themselves rich.


 From: Frank Teuton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 09:49:39 -0500
 Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps
 Jane wrote:
 Certainly, there is going to be bad compost tea along with the good
 Uh huh. And, if the bad compost tea is used on the fresh produce, that means
 there will be a food poisoning outbreak, and dead kids and old people, and
 that is just, well, tough luck?
 Or, B, farmers should only make and use compost tea on fresh produce if it
 is tested and thus known to be pathogen free?
 Please forgive my lack of 'spiritual evolution' but, in my view, the effort
 required to use known compost entities is small and the benefit of assurance
 of tea quality is large, given the potential risks.
 Somehow, Oh well and Shrug seem to me unacceptable as a response to this
 Frank Teuton

Re: ORMUS was Re: Bowling for BioDynamics

2002-11-11 Thread Barry Carter
Dear Allan,

At 05:49 AM 11/11/2002, you wrote:

Sunday, November 17 - Introductory lecture - 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Coolfont 
Resort, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. This lecture is free.

Monday, November 18 - Workshop - 9:30 - 4:30 p.m., Coolfont Resort, 
Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. Cost $50 with pre-registration or $60 at 
the door. Lodging is available, For more information or reservations, 
call Coolfont and talk with Mara at 304-258-6941.  You can find 
directions to Coolfont Resort on their web site at:

Barry - I'll see you on the 17th and, probably, the 18th. I can bring some 
ag students and fellow practitioners with me, also. I have room for BD 
Now! campers but, alas, no room at the inn.

Thank you for your kind offer to provide a space for BD Now! campers on 
your space! I am looking forward to meeting you. I am very interested in 
seeing your farm.


With kindest regards,

Barry Carter
2319 Balm
Baker City, Oregon 97814
Phone: 541-523-3357
Web Pages:
Forest -

We must either let the Law of Love rule us through and through or not at 
all. Love among ourselves based on hatred of others breaks down under the 
slightest pressure. The fact is such love is never real love. It is an 
armed peace. And so it will be in this great movement in the West against 
war. War will only be stopped when the conscience of mankind has become 
sufficiently elevated to recognize the undisputed supremacy of the Law of 
Love in all the walks of life. Some say this will never come to pass. I 
shall retain the faith till the end of my earthly existence that this shall 
come to pass  . . .
  --Mahatma Gandhi--

FYI: Arkansas Rice Farmers Run Dry

2002-11-11 Thread John Buckley

News article in NY Times today about 
aquifer depletion. Why, shucks, they used it all up.

-- John Buckley

(for registered users; it'sfree to 

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Frank Teuton

You sound like the kid who refused to do his homework because 'the universe
is expanding'.

Yep, there is all sorts of bad stuff out there, the 'gummint' is into it up
to its armpits, etc, etc.

It is still the case that compost tea can be made well, not so well, and
downright badly. It is less obvious than originally put forward how easy it
is to do it badly.

In trying to tell whether Brinton or Ingham is right about the risk, it is
necessary to look at their arguments and data. The Bess experiments at least
show it is possible to grow E. coli from stuff that looks like compost (and
had passed through the regulatory requirements for 'properly made compost'
as far as process is concerned) in something that looks like a compost tea
brewer, using recommended nutrients at recommended amounts.

From the regulators POV this means 'compost tea' as an unrestricted practice
is not acceptable. The restriction of no added nutrients first proposed by
the Compost Task Force would eliminate the potential of magnifying foodweb
populations through feeding; the other possibility of requiring testing
either of the compost or the resulting teas preserves that potential, while
imposing other costs.

In my opinion, the NOSB was correct in not accepting unrestricted use of
compost teas. What needs to happen next is to determine what the necessary
safeguards are to permit amplified foodweb culture use for fresh produce

It is certainly premature to say 'oh of course it is the evil gummint
placing its jackboot on the neck of conscientious compost tea proponents,
whose inherent holiness suppresses all pathogen growth of any kind within a
50 meter radius of their passage through the time space continuum.'

The science of all this is very far from being settled. I find it remarkable
how easily the BD crowd dismisses their own compost scientist's viewpoint
and research on this subject.

It may be time to take a closer look at this, and be a bit more rigorous and

Frank Teuton---true, he doesn't lock his doors, but his garage is full of
savage attack trained watch worms.which eat E. coli as if it were

- Original Message -
From: Jane Sherry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

 Oh, well is not at all my response. I am not a scientist, but I bet if you
 looked up the numbers for those killed or sickened by pathogens in
 government approved meat (listeria, e coli, etc etc) you'd understand my
 perspective. I maintain, that this government is NOT to be trusted with my
 health. It is only a start to certify food is supposedly safe. This
 government approves all kinds of chemicals are 'safe' to allow industry to
 dump into my groundwater, earth, air and food. So if you're going to argue
 that we need government certification, I would argue we need local
 certification which would be much more meaningful to me. I simply don't
 trust this government to tell me what is and is not good for me. Shall I
 on? What about mercury in children's vaccines? Take your pick.

 I understand the main intention here is to protect the people from
 pathogens. But that ain't going to happen. Like our friend down under
 what about the jerk who eats salad after going to the bathroom  doesn't
 have enough sense to wash his hands. This country is lawsuit crazy. This
 another good way to make lawyers rich and people poor.

 Nothing in me is going oh well and shrug about certification. It 's
 like oh shit, they're co-opting another good thing to make themselves


  From: Frank Teuton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 09:49:39 -0500
  Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps
  Jane wrote:
  Certainly, there is going to be bad compost tea along with the good
  Uh huh. And, if the bad compost tea is used on the fresh produce, that
  there will be a food poisoning outbreak, and dead kids and old people,
  that is just, well, tough luck?
  Or, B, farmers should only make and use compost tea on fresh produce if
  is tested and thus known to be pathogen free?
  Please forgive my lack of 'spiritual evolution' but, in my view, the
  required to use known compost entities is small and the benefit of
  of tea quality is large, given the potential risks.
  Somehow, Oh well and Shrug seem to me unacceptable as a response to
  Frank Teuton

FW: [globalnews] A Message From Thomas

2002-11-11 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: [globalnews] A Message From Thomas

-- Forwarded Message
Organization: The Beloved Community
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 00:58:25 -0800
Subject: A Message From Thomas

Beloved Friends,

We are nearing our target of having 100,000 Spiritual Warriors trained and ready to respond to any global crisis prayerfully and peacefully. It is exciting to know that we are forming a community of committed individuals from many countries who are dedicated to healing the world. I believe that the 100,000 people we seek are just the beginning. Soon there will be millions, and it will be impossible to continue the warring systems of the past. Compassion will rule, and Peace will prevail on Earth.

As you know, this began with the messages being received from Psychic 
Children from around the world, in particular a young boy named Thomas I met in Bulgaria. Though I do not understand how this works (I am probably more skeptical than most), I receive transmissions from Thomas nearly whenever I spend time in the hot tub at my home. Hot water seems to work as a catalyst for receiving psychic energy. I would like to share a short message I received today that applies to our work as Spiritual Warriors. (This particular message is in response to questions we have received about using the word Warrior.)

>From Thomas:

“The Psychic Children are here to show that you can learn to see the world in a new way. When we change the way we SEE the world, it changes on its own. 
The words we use to do this are not as important as the Light that frames these words. To re-frame a word that was used to describe conflict into a word that now describes peace is the real work. That is why it is appropriate to use the phrase “Spiritual Warrior.” A warrior is not necessarily one who fights, but one who has supreme passion for an ideal. If creating peace in the world and in your life is your passion, then you are a Peace Warrior. To accept it in any other way is to give the word more importance than the experience. The Psychic Children are the new Spiritual Warriors, and we are inviting you to join us.”

Accept these messages any way you choose. Even if it is hard to believe that they came from this young boy in Bulgaria (I have a hard time believing it myself sometimes), at least integrate the essential teaching of peace that is at the foundation. We will continue to pass on these messages from Thomas as they are received. 

Free Internet Course:

In the last three years over 2000 people have taken one of the Internet courses we have offered through the Beloved Community. Now, with the critical importance of this time and this movement, we have decided to offer a series of courses free or on a donation basis. You may consider this the required curriculum for being a Spiritual Warrior, a sort of Peacemaker University. We hope to offer three or four of these self-paced Internet classes over the next year, the first being “The Spoonbenders Course.” In this course you will learn how to bend spoons with your mind, then apply the same technology to bending the world toward peace. It will be a remarkable four week experience, and we are proud to offer it to everyone. I believe that if all 100,000 people learn this technology, then we will be a powerful, peaceful force for good. The Spoonbenders Course should be ready sometime in December.

Stay tuned for complete info regarding the Peace Journey to Israel, and well as the Psychic Children’s Conference in Hawaii.

In Peace,
James Twyman

Join Our List: If you are interested in joining the email list of James Twyman and the Beloved Community, please send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word list in the subject or body of the email.

Remove: If you are no longer interested in receiving emails from James Twyman or the Beloved Community, please send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word remove in the subject or body of the email.

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Jane Sherry
Well, Frank, it's clear you're putting words into my mouth and making
assumptions based upon your own arguments  not mine. Mine is simple. I do
not trust government to determine what is safe for me to eat. That has
nothing to do with your arguments, which scientifically speaking I am sure
are very important.

I am not proposing that we throw out all gov't regulations, just that we
need someone in charge who is trustworthy. You are welcome to think my
opinions are somewhere out there in the time space continuum.

 From: Frank Teuton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 11:00:57 -0500
 Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps
 It is certainly premature to say 'oh of course it is the evil gummint
 placing its jackboot on the neck of conscientious compost tea proponents,
 whose inherent holiness suppresses all pathogen growth of any kind within a
 50 meter radius of their passage through the time space continuum.'

Re: What is Magic?

2002-11-11 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 11/10/02 10:37:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Most everyone here thinks I have short

circuited somewhere.  I guess what I wanted to say here is thank you for all

of your thoughts on this site.  I feel so strongly that I am supposed to be

learning these things. Allan spoke in a recent post about creating sparks

from your thoughts and I think you have helped me here.  Much goes right

over my head, but some I grasp on a deeper level than even I can really

understand or explain.  I am on a journey to find and support my intuitive

nature (which is the real me) and disconnect  from the logical side that I

have had to learn to function in in my role here.  Hard to do. 

Hey Michelle, you have not short circuited, you have plugged in and your 
molecules are getting rearranged.  You have asked for help and you are 
getting it.  Keep doing what you are and questions will be answered, help 
will come when needed.  Soon the same people that doubt your efforts will be 
asking for your help.  Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
Create Life and enjoy your New Farm...sstorch

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Frank,

The E. coli scare is absurd. I question whether there is a single human on
this continent that doesn't have E. coli in their intestines. On the other
hand, the HR 157:H7 strain that is so pathogenic is a feed lot breed. It
isn't cattle herds on pasture that have it, it is herds in confinement
being fed on grain by-products. This produces a chronic diarhea condition
in the cattle and hence they get HR157:H7. My local slaughter house that
only slaughters local pastured beef gets tested twice a week and has never
had any HR157:H7 show up.

It is pathetic when fear stampedes people and they ignore the science of
the subject.

Hugh Lovel
Visit our website at:

Re: What is Magic?/Making Money

2002-11-11 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Roger,

No doubt we all get to put up with a lot. But personally I have a tendency
to be offended by such pitches. I guess I'm a reluctant huck, so I'm also a
reluctant huckster.


Hugh Lovel wrote:

So I pass the ball back to you and invite you to brainstorm with me how do
I make this real to farmers? I guarantee they will make more money doing
things the way I teach. How do I get the word out?

YES!! RUSH me my instant *ULTIMATE* Dowsing and Rainmaking Kit in its
Leatherette zip-up waterproof case PERSONALISED with my name and
comprising Pendulum, Dowsing Rods and Miniature Radionic Broadcaster
PLUS my detailed but easy-to-understand Instruction Book PLUS a Personal
Introduction  one FREE Pass to ___ 's next FABULOUS Rainmaking
Workshop FOR ONLY $99.99*.  I understand if I am one of the FIRST TWENTY
applicants I will also receive a FREE Internet Directory of Global
Biodynamic Resources and go into a draw to WIN $25,000**

* plus post  packing** conditions apply


Dear Friend,
I have specially chosen you from all my friends and acquaintances to
receive this VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE because I know you have the
interests of Planet Earth very much to heart in all that you do.  May I
prevail upon you not to hit the delete key just yet for in all
likelihood reading this email will cost you very little compared with
the benefits it could bring to you and yours over the years to come.
Believe me, this NEWS that I bring is so STUPENDOUS it fair takes my
breath away  whenever I think about it. In essence it is that for a very
small outlay the BROWN expanse of 'lawn' out back of your place can
become GREEN and stay GREEN for as long as you choose. All you require
for this MIRACLE to occur is my Instant Rainmaking Kit together with
easy-to-understand Instruction Booklet plus attendance at my next
workshop, all available by return post at only $129.99*
Should you decide you want to pass up on this WONDERFUL offer at
this time, may I ask you to forward this message, unedited, to ten of
your own friends, and include this request in it.

Kind regards,

* conditions apply


OR as JC put it 'Cast your bread upon the waters and it will be returned
a thousandfold.'


Whilst one might say that if we knew the answer to your question, we
would all be rich by now and probably not be members of this list at
all, it would be simplistic in the extreme.

BD agriculture has been around for almost a century; components of it
date back hundreds (if not thousands) of years yet the vast majority of
the world's farmers still practise conventional or other forms of
agriculture. Why? Because there's no money to be made in BD the way it's
set up.

Think about it.

A conventional farmer has 10,000 acres of land. To grow crops on it, he
has to prepare the fields. Assuming he has the machinery, he will at the
very least need seeds and fertiliser. A farm supply place will sell him
both, the fertiliser will be chemical and supplied by an agribusiness or
subsidiary which is part of a global setup. Where there's more than one
applicable chemical, the 'best' will be recommended (or dictated) by
Agric Department or council or farmers' association. The same applies to
weedkillers and, for graziers, animal feeds and supplements. In some
cases, fertilisers are bought 'on-the-ground', the price including
spreading by the supplier to the farmer's requirements.

A biodynamic farmer has 10,000 acres of land. To grow crops on it, he
has to prepare the fields. Assuming he has the machinery, he will at the
very least need seeds and BD preps. He can make his own preps for which
he will need healthy compost of a particular mix and standard. He can
make this too but it all takes time and he has repayments to make on the
mortgage. So he will buy the preps in. For this he will need a listing
of BD suppliers which he will get from his nearest association. He may
have the equipment to mix and apply the preps; if not and he doesn't
have the time or inclination to do it manually, he will have to bring in
a contract sprayer.

And so it goes.

The BD preparations are good, we know that, but there isn't much profit
there and the set-up is lousy. We know that too, if we're honest about
it. I was in the air force for over thirty years, played more war games
in NATO (Germany) than you could poke a stick at. The first step to
victory was always the same - set up supply lines and depots and
communications facilities. The second was information, loads of it. The
next was personnel and equipment placement. In terms of preparation the
battle was usually a set-piece and the least important.

For BD to get ahead it needs an edge, even if it has to go outside BD to
get it. Don't do things in isolation, package them. For instance, couple
rainmaking sessions with workshops that farmers tell you are of value to
them (even if they are not to you) like keeping their farms alive in
drought or 

Re: G.M.O. transfers

2002-11-11 Thread Nelson Jacomel Junior
Hi Peter and every one:
we have not these problems in Brasil 'cause nationally a law rules on not 
planting gmos. Of course many farmers are interested on the promises but 
seems that we have paved a good way.
I have read a bit about gmos, and some pollen migration were detected in 
Oaxaca, Mexico which contaminated wild corn in the area. There was a very tense 
situation because mexican government tried to do not let information about 
migration to be published. I've heard the same had happen in setentional Europe 
on wild beet.
One site that you could look at is where you can 
find some warnnings not heard inside USDA. You problably know about the recent 
UKs Soil Association report on gmos?

This mail sent through IMP:

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Glen Atkinson
Elaine outlined at the Bioneers conference the unscientific ness of the
2 tests they used and also the ludicriousness of having ecoli in an
aerobic solution.
This situation is just another example of bad science being used for
capitialist ends. Need I go on about the corruptness of science in our
present age. Science has become a joke. Until there is a united NAtions
of science where sciences' own criteria are actually applied to itself
and all branches of science are forced to keep up with each other, then
science has lost its relevance as any form of authority. It is just yet
one more prostitute of business. And this time its Elaine getting
screwed by it.

Elaine is the biggest threat to the chemical companies that has come
along in a long time. She may have felt she was part of the
establishment enough to have her work accepted. There are enough
examples of 'expelled' scientisits around to show she may well be (is)
getting the same treatment.

Yet again the rich doing what they can (Joni Mitchell)

Glen A 

Hugh Lovel wrote:
 Dear Frank,
 The E. coli scare is absurd. I question whether there is a single human on
 this continent that doesn't have E. coli in their intestines. On the other
 hand, the HR 157:H7 strain that is so pathogenic is a feed lot breed. It
 isn't cattle herds on pasture that have it, it is herds in confinement
 being fed on grain by-products. This produces a chronic diarhea condition
 in the cattle and hence they get HR157:H7. My local slaughter house that
 only slaughters local pastured beef gets tested twice a week and has never
 had any HR157:H7 show up.
 It is pathetic when fear stampedes people and they ignore the science of
 the subject.
 Hugh Lovel
 Visit our website at:

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site

FWD: Tree farms won't halt climate change

2002-11-11 Thread Barry Carter
Dear Friends,

Here is the first of two articles that were just forwarded to the 
Ecological Economics forum.

Tree farms won't halt climate change

09:32 28 October 02
Fred Pearce, Valencia

The Kyoto Protocol to halt climate change is based on a scientific fallacy,
according to the first results of CarboEurope, a Europe-wide programme that
has pioneered research into the carbon budget.

The protocol says that countries can help meet their targets for cutting
emissions of greenhouse gases over the next decade by planting forests to
soak up carbon dioxide. But the soil in these Kyoto forests will actually
release more carbon than the growing trees absorb in the first 10 years, the
new research shows.

Countries will be able to claim carbon credits for the forests. But that
won't reflect what is happening in the atmosphere, says Riccardo Valentini
of the University of Tuscia in Viterbo, Italy. He presented the CarboEurope
data last week in Valencia, Spain.

The project's revelations could embarrass governments now meeting in New
Delhi to discuss implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. Earlier in October,
Italy announced plans to achieve between 10 and 40 per cent of its emission
reductions target for 2012 through forest planting. But now its own
scientists are warning that these sinks might not work.

CO2 surge

The problem is soils. Forest soils and the organic matter buried in them
typically contain three to four times as much carbon as the vegetation
above. CarboEurope's researchers have discovered that when ground is cleared
for forest planting, rotting organic matter in the soil releases a surge of
CO2 into the air.

This release will exceed the CO2 absorbed by growing trees for at least the
first 10 years, they say. Only later will the uptake of carbon by the trees
begin to offset the losses from soils. In fact, says CarboEurope chairman
Han Dolman of the Free University Amsterdam, some new forests planted on
wet, peaty soils will never absorb as much carbon as they spit out.

The world's densest network of CO2 monitoring devices has revealed that
Europe's forests are absorbing up to 400 million tonnes a year, or 30 per
cent of the continent's emissions.

Researchers once assumed that most of this came from young forests, since
old forests were thought to be in equilibrium with the atmosphere - sucking
up as much gas as they spew out. But, says Valentini, old forests actually
accumulate more carbon than young plantations. This suggests that
conservation of old forests is a better policy for tackling global warming
than planting new ones.

Perverse incentive

But the Kyoto Protocol takes none of this into account. Besides ignoring
soils, it has no measures to stop deforestation, says Valentini. Instead,
it seems to give countries a perverse incentive to chop down existing
natural forests and replace them with plantations.

They will be able to claim carbon credits for the new planting, while in
reality releasing huge amounts of CO2 into the air, says Valentini. There
is nothing in the protocol to stop this.

If the politicians had known in 1997 what we know now, they would never
have agreed to its rules on carbon sinks - at least, I hope they wouldn't,
says Dolman.

09:32 28 October 02

Return to news story

 © Copyright Reed Business Information Ltd.


With kindest regards,

Barry Carter
2319 Balm
Baker City, Oregon 97814
Phone: 541-523-3357
Web Pages:
Forest -

We must either let the Law of Love rule us through and through or not at 
all. Love among ourselves based on hatred of others breaks down under the 
slightest pressure. The fact is such love is never real love. It is an 
armed peace. And so it will be in this great movement in the West against 
war. War will only be stopped when the conscience of mankind has become 
sufficiently elevated to recognize the undisputed supremacy of the Law of 
Love in all the walks of life. Some say this will never come to pass. I 
shall retain the faith till the end of my earthly existence that this shall 
come to pass  . . .
  --Mahatma Gandhi--

FWD: Corporations

2002-11-11 Thread Barry Carter
Dear Friends,

Here is the second of two articles that were just forwarded to the 
Ecological Economics forum.


Draft by Richard Stimson
We start with solutions to world problems involving corporations that are
most likely to meet with the approval of all members of the FixGov group and
continuing with ones that may be more debatable. These ideas have been
distilled from postings to the FixGov forum. Each proposed solution is
numbered for convenience in referring to it when members offer comments.
1. Corporations, especially the multinationals (also called transnationals),
must be brought under control. They have extended their size and power to
the point that they are a threat to the planet and its inhabitants. Some
corporations are actually bigger than many national governments in the
world. They are able to get free of environmental regulation by threatening
governments that they will move to a more permissive jurisdiction. They
undermine and destroy labor unions by similar threats or actual movement of
factories to areas of low or non-existent standards for wages, health, and
2. Remove the legal fiction that a corporation is a person. Here are 10
differences between corporations and real people: (1) Corporations have
perpetual life, (2) Corporations can be in two or more places at the same
time, (3) Corporations cannot be jailed, (4) Corporations have no conscience
or sense of shame, (5) Corporations have no sense of altruism, nor
willingness to adjust their behavior to protect future generations, (6)
Corporations pursue a single-minded goal, profit, and typically are legally
prohibited from seeking other ends, (7) There are no limits, natural or
otherwise, to corporations' potential size, (8) Because of their political
power, they are able to define or at very least substantially affect, the
civil and criminal regulations that define the boundaries of permissible
behavior. Virtually no individual criminal has such abilities, (9)
Corporations can combine with each other, into bigger and more powerful
entities, and (10) Corporations can divide themselves, shedding subsidiaries
or affiliates that are controversial, have brought them negative publicity
or pose liability threats.
3. Improper influence on government officials must be prevented. Outright
bribery is used in some countries. Elsewhere, large corporations and their
wealthy controlling stockholders influence public officials by campaign
contributions and by favors such as expense-paid trips to luxury resorts,
interest-free loans, and free use of corporate jet planes. They also
underwrite propaganda campaigns to help political parties and candidates. To
circumvent election laws in the US they stop short of saying vote for X or
vote against Y but come as close to that as possible. Although it is
illegal for corporations to contribute to political campaigns, they seem to
have done so by various loopholes and subterfuges.
4. Newspapers and broadcasters need to be freed from the control of
corporate cartels. Since the Telecommunications Act of 1996 there has been a
parade of media mergers and over 4,000 radio stations have been bought up in
the United States, while television networks are now in the hands of huge
corporations like General Electric, Viacom, Disney, and Rupert Murdoch's
News Corporation. Murdoch also controls large portions of the television and
newspaper media in Great Britain, Australia, and elsewhere. Corporate media
have done their best to hide corporate scandals and to downplay or distort
any protests against corporations.
5. Corporate efforts to undermine pure food laws, to raise livestock under
factory conditions with dangerous use of antibiotics and hormones, to treat
food with hazardous radiation, to modify crops genetically without adequate
testing, to patent life forms and traditional remedies, and to promote
killer seeds that make farmers forever dependent on corporate suppliers
must be brought under control. This should be done by national laws to the
extent possible and by new international controls under the UN or similar
6. Agencies of the United Nations need to be prevented from operating in
secrecy in behalf of multinational corporations. On the world scene, global
corporationsError! Bookmark not defined. (including global bankers and
financial companies) dominate international agencies unrestrained by
democratic safeguards. At the World Bank, IMF, and WTO the walls of secrecy
should be removed, independent outside experts should be used, and the
policy-makers and advisory groups should include balanced representation of
the interests involved, not dominated by the global corporations. The World
Bank should include experts not beholden to the financial community; e.g.,
economists from labor organizations, consumer groups, and the academic
world, as well as environmental organizations and experts from 

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Frank Teuton
Dear Hugh,

The fact that we all carry benign strains of E. coli in our guts, and are
colonized therewith shortly after birth, does not mean that there are not
virulent strains of E. coli from animal sources that we need to be concerned

The E. coli 0157:H7 issue is covered in a number of places; one recent paper
that is interesting is:

The infectious dose is indicative of the virulence
of pathogenic bacteria, and E. coli O157:H7
has an extremely low infectious dose. In
one outbreak the contamination level of E.
coli O157:H7 in uncooked hamburger meat
was less than 700 cells/patty and some
victims ingested very little of the
(improperly) cooked meat (Griffin, 1998).

The Walkerton water outbreak here in Canada underscored the manure problem
associated with 0157:H7:

Now, Hugh, I am willing to accept that BD folks as a group are at low risk
of having and spreading 0157 around. But, the NOSB has to deal with a larger
universe of people than that, with composts coming from feedlot animals, and
with an influx of newbies who may or may not know their excrement from their
waxy shoe protectant, if you catch my reference...

Compost tea is new. By that I mean compost tea as Elaine defines it,
aerobically amplified and nutrient added. Whatever we should say about the
Bess study, she showed that you can grow E. coli in a compost tea
environment. For the most part E. coli is simply an indicator for the fate
of other pathogens, chosen for its ease of monitoring, but in its 0157 form
(and a few others) it is a potent pathogen in its own right, and at very low
infective doses.

The majority of 0157 outbreaks have been meat related, but several have also
occured in salad materials, fruit juices, and sprouts.

So, concern that 0157 might pass into compost tea through compost and into
the food supply through application of tea and retention on produce surfaces
is not absurd. It is reasonable, and a small amount of precautionary
activity can ensure that we develop this exciting new tool in agriculture
safely and responsibly.

This is not a bad thing, nor the end of the world; it just echoes the age
old truth that along with greater power ( the ability to quickly multiply
the bacterial count of a watery extract of compost a thousand fold) comes
greater responsibility ( the need to be even more careful to avoid
multiplying a pathogen).

I guess this also means, that yes Virginia, it does so matter where your cow
pattie comes from;-)

I suppose I could say something about stampeding, fear, ignorance, sticking
your head in the sand, and really doing your homework on the science of the
matter, but I already have enough bad karma for being unpleasant with Jane,
so I won't go there

But Hugh, there are an awful lot of people out there who think there really
is a pathogen problem, including Dr Brinton, and even Elaine herself.
Pretending it doesn't exist is not the answer.

Frank Teuton

- Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

 Dear Frank,

 The E. coli scare is absurd. I question whether there is a single human on
 this continent that doesn't have E. coli in their intestines. On the other
 hand, the HR 157:H7 strain that is so pathogenic is a feed lot breed. It
 isn't cattle herds on pasture that have it, it is herds in confinement
 being fed on grain by-products. This produces a chronic diarhea condition
 in the cattle and hence they get HR157:H7. My local slaughter house that
 only slaughters local pastured beef gets tested twice a week and has never
 had any HR157:H7 show up.

 It is pathetic when fear stampedes people and they ignore the science of
 the subject.

 Hugh Lovel
 Visit our website at:

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Gil Robertson
Jane Sherry wrote:

 Well, Frank, it's clear you're putting words into my mouth and making
 assumptions based upon your own arguments  not mine. Mine is simple. I do
 not trust government to determine what is safe for me to eat.


I am with you.


Re: G.M.O. transfers

2002-11-11 Thread Cheryl Kemp
Dear Peter,
Greg Willis put this information on the BDNow list in 1999, and it should
help you with your question.  We have made up the Pre Mix he talks about and
use it here in Australia, mainly for regeneration of badly contaminated or
dead soils. Luckily we have not had to use it for GMO decontamination yet,
but we are ready, as I am sure it will happen one day.
The pre mix recipe is an attachment, and as I cant attach it here I will
have to type it up and send it later on to BDNow list.

GMO's and Remediation by Greg Willis

The primary concern with GMO organisms is that they create an imbalance or
disharmony in the field. But this disharmony and imbalance extends greatly
beyond the field both in terms of extant on the land and within the changes
that occur on all living things around them. This includes all the plants,
animals and humans in the area, in the region, in the continent, in the
world and in the cosmos. It even extends to the
dominions and realms around which life is built. As above, so below.
Thus, we can say that the little manipulation of a gene in an obscure
laboratory is very much like the fluttering of the butterfly wings that
ends up, on the other side of the world as a hurricane. It is that
So we begin. As we have said before, what is in the mind of the
individual creator is as important, in some cases more important, than
what is being created. If GMO's were created for the purpose of
advancing human understanding of the cosmos, that would be acceptable
within limits. If they are created for the purposes of controlling that
which cannot be controlled, human conduct and Nature, if they are
created for the purpose of greed or self-aggrandizement, that would be
negative and counter-evolutionary in the broadest and narrowest sense.
Both cause mankind to move backward, be retarded in its growth.
The soul who creates, or brings into manifestation, a plant that is a
true reflection of Spirit, is doing good for the world. A person who
brings in a manifestation of Spirit by ignoring the Universal Laws of
Creation, is harming mankind and the world, including, we might add, the
mineral kingdom.
Let us look at the various worlds on Earth: mineral, plant, animal and
humankind. (Note: Go to the text - God Talks With Arjuna, THE BHAGAVAD GITA,
Royal Science of God-Realization by Paramahansa Yogananda) and list the
various koshas or sheaths.)
These stages of expression are referred to in yoga as sheaths or
koshas. These are screens of delusion, each of which, in descending
order, obscures to a greater degree the real Cause and Essence of all
creation, God. The five koshas are the bliss sheath, the intellect or
discriminative sheath, the sheath of the mind, the life sheath or prana,
and gross matter. The bliss sheath is that which covers and causes the
causal world and body of man. The three sheaths of intellect, mind and
life are the coverings of the astral universe and body of man. The matter
sheath manifests as the physical universe and body of man. In ascending
order, from matter to Spirit, the five natural evolutionary stages of life
are results of these five sheaths. When one by one the sheaths are unfolded,
there is a corresponding manifestation of a progressively higher expression
of life.
Inert minerals are enlocked in all five sheaths. With the unfolding
of the matter sheath, the life sheath is revealed, and the resulting
manifestation is the life in plants. When the matter sheath is unfolded
and the mind sheath becomes manifested, the animal kingdom is
expressed. (Animals have perceptions and consciousness, but not the
intellect to discriminate between right and wrong.) When the mind
sheath is unfolded, and the discriminative sheath is revealed, we have
the manifestation of intellect, or man, with the ability to think,
reason, and guide his actions by discrimination and free choice. When
man rightly uses this discriminative power, the discriminative sheath is
rolled back and the bliss sheath is revealed. This is the state of
divine man, with just a thin veil of individuality between himself and
Within the plant world, the world we are concerned with explicitly in
this discourse, we have no sentient beings. We have no creatures that
are aware of their presence nor have the discriminative powers to tell
right from wrong. Plants lack the ability to experience bliss, they do
not think for themselves and they do not recognize themselves as I or
an individuality.
They do, on the other hand, recognize their life in the sense that they
are alive but do not recognize themselves as alive. Thus when a plant
is harvested, it has no awareness that it has ceased to exist. True, it
manifests the various stress indicators that Dr. Bose discovered, but it
does not see itself as dying, only that it is changing form, physical
form to Spiritual form. For the plant, there is no difference. (The
same holds true for minerals, and to some extent, animals such as
insects and the lower 

Re: G.M.O. transfers

2002-11-11 Thread mroboz
I don't know if you are not aware of GMO crops being used in Brazil,
but, I had read years ago about those multi-nat.-corps. doing business in
Brazil. It might be more prevalent than you think, or, it was stopped in the
early stages.  I haven't been following the story now for a couple of years
since the GMO list is no longer free. Michael
- Original Message -
From: Nelson Jacomel Junior [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: G.M.O. transfers

 Hi Peter and every one:
 we have not these problems in Brasil 'cause nationally a law rules on not
 planting gmos. Of course many farmers are interested on the promises but
 seems that we have paved a good way.
 I have read a bit about gmos, and some pollen migration were detected in
 Oaxaca, Mexico which contaminated wild corn in the area. There was a very
 situation because mexican government tried to do not let information about
 migration to be published. I've heard the same had happen in setentional
 on wild beet.
 One site that you could look at is where you
 find some warnnings not heard inside USDA. You problably know about the
 UKs Soil Association report on gmos?

 This mail sent through IMP:

Re: FWD: Tree farms won't halt climate change

2002-11-11 Thread Hugh Lovel

Good points. I have envisioned, for the past 25 or so years, how might be
the best way to draw carbon out of the atmosphere. Presently I'm growing
corn as a soil improvment crop to add carbon in organized (not necessarily
stable but lasting  forms to the soil, i.e. the carbon stays in the soil
even though it changes its forms.) forms and add it back to our soils. Corn
is a C4 plant, meaning it is amongst the best photopynthesisers. I can't
grow sugar cane here because of the winters or I wqould be experimenting
with sugar cane.

Trees change the ecology and bring the biology of the soil up into the
trunk and canopy of the forest. So they actually deplete the soil of life
and send it up into the stand. Maybe this DOES actually  give off carbon
dioxide initinally

But no matter, corn grabs up so much more carbon dioxide in a single year
it isn't funny, so why try to grow trees other than stable aesthetics? Grow
corn. Or grow hemp, which is comparable in sequestering carbon dioxide, and
preferable if you want fiber. Such good fiber. The reason, so far as I can
tell, that trees are in favor is that inputs are so low you could wait
forever. Well, the same is true of field broadcasting. If field
broadcasting is used other inputs would be comparably low. People should
investigate and not just accept the current global ideas.


Dear Friends,

Here is the first of two articles that were just forwarded to the
Ecological Economics forum.

Tree farms won't halt climate change

09:32 28 October 02
Fred Pearce, Valencia

The Kyoto Protocol to halt climate change is based on a scientific fallacy,
according to the first results of CarboEurope, a Europe-wide programme that
has pioneered research into the carbon budget.

The protocol says that countries can help meet their targets for cutting
emissions of greenhouse gases over the next decade by planting forests to
soak up carbon dioxide. But the soil in these Kyoto forests will actually
release more carbon than the growing trees absorb in the first 10 years, the
new research shows.

Countries will be able to claim carbon credits for the forests. But that
won't reflect what is happening in the atmosphere, says Riccardo Valentini
of the University of Tuscia in Viterbo, Italy. He presented the CarboEurope
data last week in Valencia, Spain.

The project's revelations could embarrass governments now meeting in New
Delhi to discuss implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. Earlier in October,
Italy announced plans to achieve between 10 and 40 per cent of its emission
reductions target for 2012 through forest planting. But now its own
scientists are warning that these sinks might not work.

CO2 surge

The problem is soils. Forest soils and the organic matter buried in them
typically contain three to four times as much carbon as the vegetation
above. CarboEurope's researchers have discovered that when ground is cleared
for forest planting, rotting organic matter in the soil releases a surge of
CO2 into the air.

This release will exceed the CO2 absorbed by growing trees for at least the
first 10 years, they say. Only later will the uptake of carbon by the trees
begin to offset the losses from soils. In fact, says CarboEurope chairman
Han Dolman of the Free University Amsterdam, some new forests planted on
wet, peaty soils will never absorb as much carbon as they spit out.

The world's densest network of CO2 monitoring devices has revealed that
Europe's forests are absorbing up to 400 million tonnes a year, or 30 per
cent of the continent's emissions.

Researchers once assumed that most of this came from young forests, since
old forests were thought to be in equilibrium with the atmosphere - sucking
up as much gas as they spew out. But, says Valentini, old forests actually
accumulate more carbon than young plantations. This suggests that
conservation of old forests is a better policy for tackling global warming
than planting new ones.

Perverse incentive

But the Kyoto Protocol takes none of this into account. Besides ignoring
soils, it has no measures to stop deforestation, says Valentini. Instead,
it seems to give countries a perverse incentive to chop down existing
natural forests and replace them with plantations.

They will be able to claim carbon credits for the new planting, while in
reality releasing huge amounts of CO2 into the air, says Valentini. There
is nothing in the protocol to stop this.

If the politicians had known in 1997 what we know now, they would never
have agreed to its rules on carbon sinks - at least, I hope they wouldn't,
says Dolman.

09:32 28 October 02

Return to news story

  © Copyright Reed Business Information Ltd.


With kindest regards,

Barry Carter
2319 Balm
Baker City, Oregon 97814
Phone: 541-523-3357
Web Pages:
Forest -

We must either let the Law of Love rule us through and through or not 

Re: Bowling for BioDynamics

2002-11-11 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Bowling for BioDynamics

 So I don't want to see Think LOKI or anything else.

hey folks one can not call on this fella as if the gods  goddess are imaginary.
They  the energies of their conceptualization  works have obvious effects.

You Rattle their chains they rattle ours  we have chaos on the list.

Or as Essie put it once 'every once in a while, some guy drags a fire hydrant out and someone has to piss on it'. ( If is miss paraphrased you please forgive me Essie!)


Re: FWD: Tree farms won't halt climate change

2002-11-11 Thread Hugh Lovel

Good points. I have envisioned, for the past 25 or so years, how might be
the best way to draw carbon out of the atmosphere. Presently I'm growing
corn as a soil improvment crop to add carbon in organized (not necessarily
stable but lasting  forms to the soil, i.e. the carbon stays in the soil
even though it changes its forms.) forms and add it back to our soils. Corn
is a C4 plant, meaning it is amongst the best photopynthesisers. I can't
grow sugar cane here because of the winters or I wqould be experimenting
with sugar cane.

Trees change the ecology and bring the biology of the soil up into the
trunk and canopy of the forest. So they actually deplete the soil of life
and send it up into the stand. Maybe this DOES actually  give off carbon
dioxide initinally

But no matter, corn grabs up so much more carbon dioxide in a single year
it isn't funny, so why try to grow trees other than stable aesthetics? Grow
corn. Or grow hemp, which is comparable in sequestering carbon dioxide, and
preferable if you want fiber. Such good fiber. The reason, so far as I can
tell, that trees are in favor is that inputs are so low you could wait
forever. Well, the same is true of field broadcasting. If field
broadcasting is used other inputs would be comparably low. People should
investigate and not just accept the current global ideas.


This was the comment. hope it survivest


Dear Friends,

Here is the first of two articles that were just forwarded to the
Ecological Economics forum.

Tree farms won't halt climate change

09:32 28 October 02
Fred Pearce, Valencia

The Kyoto Protocol to halt climate change is based on a scientific fallacy,
according to the first results of CarboEurope, a Europe-wide programme that
has pioneered research into the carbon budget.

The protocol says that countries can help meet their targets for cutting
emissions of greenhouse gases over the next decade by planting forests to
soak up carbon dioxide. But the soil in these Kyoto forests will actually
release more carbon than the growing trees absorb in the first 10 years, the
new research shows.

Countries will be able to claim carbon credits for the forests. But that
won't reflect what is happening in the atmosphere, says Riccardo Valentini
of the University of Tuscia in Viterbo, Italy. He presented the CarboEurope
data last week in Valencia, Spain.

The project's revelations could embarrass governments now meeting in New
Delhi to discuss implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. Earlier in October,
Italy announced plans to achieve between 10 and 40 per cent of its emission
reductions target for 2012 through forest planting. But now its own
scientists are warning that these sinks might not work.

CO2 surge

The problem is soils. Forest soils and the organic matter buried in them
typically contain three to four times as much carbon as the vegetation
above. CarboEurope's researchers have discovered that when ground is cleared
for forest planting, rotting organic matter in the soil releases a surge of
CO2 into the air.

This release will exceed the CO2 absorbed by growing trees for at least the
first 10 years, they say. Only later will the uptake of carbon by the trees
begin to offset the losses from soils. In fact, says CarboEurope chairman
Han Dolman of the Free University Amsterdam, some new forests planted on
wet, peaty soils will never absorb as much carbon as they spit out.

The world's densest network of CO2 monitoring devices has revealed that
Europe's forests are absorbing up to 400 million tonnes a year, or 30 per
cent of the continent's emissions.

Researchers once assumed that most of this came from young forests, since
old forests were thought to be in equilibrium with the atmosphere - sucking
up as much gas as they spew out. But, says Valentini, old forests actually
accumulate more carbon than young plantations. This suggests that
conservation of old forests is a better policy for tackling global warming
than planting new ones.

Perverse incentive

But the Kyoto Protocol takes none of this into account. Besides ignoring
soils, it has no measures to stop deforestation, says Valentini. Instead,
it seems to give countries a perverse incentive to chop down existing
natural forests and replace them with plantations.

They will be able to claim carbon credits for the new planting, while in
reality releasing huge amounts of CO2 into the air, says Valentini. There
is nothing in the protocol to stop this.

If the politicians had known in 1997 what we know now, they would never
have agreed to its rules on carbon sinks - at least, I hope they wouldn't,
says Dolman.

09:32 28 October 02

Return to news story

  © Copyright Reed Business Information Ltd.


With kindest regards,

Barry Carter
2319 Balm
Baker City, Oregon 97814
Phone: 541-523-3357
Web Pages:
Forest -

We must either 

Re: What is Magic?

2002-11-11 Thread Lloyd Charles

- Original Message -
From: Peter Michael Bacchus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: What is Magic?

Hi Peter
Thanks for the suggestions - we are just about to start some compost for
next years pre sowing brews and I have proper preps for that.
As for the second half of your message - nothing that a bit or rain would
not have fixed - I did'nt realise my 'atttiude' was showing to this extent -
or prhaps you are more perceptive than most? - thanks for the wakeup!
Lloyd Charles

 Hi Loyd,
   I'm sure you could prep each tea brew as you set the brewing
 process going. Before that prep the composts that you are using for tea
 brewing and certainly keep the broadcasters going. Last year you posted
 you had a measureable difference with a pentrometer where the broadcaster
 was working.
Don't look for reasons why you can't do it, look for
 why you can. Better still just do it and tell us how you got on.
 Very best of luck and good management,
 - Original Message -
 From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:49 AM
 Subject: Re: What is Magic?

FW: [globalnews] Global Inter-faith Prayer Vigil for Peace

2002-11-11 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: [globalnews] Global Inter-faith Prayer Vigil for Peace

>From Jean Hudons VisionaryActivism mailing list comes the following:

Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002
Subject: Global Inter-faith Prayer Vigil for Peace

Hi Jean and all with the Earth Rainbow Network

To add to y/our Meditation Focus #75 for co-creating peace in Iraq, I would
like to share with us all this most poignant 40-day peace initiative to
include with our prayers and meditations ... it is being sponsored by Inner
Net of the Heart and began yesterday, on 11/9, with the intention to
reverse the effects of 9/11.

With blessings and gratitude to us all, for how we are each standing on
behalf of us all ...

Joie and our Rainbow Councils



Reverse what began on 9/11

Join the Global Inter-faith Prayer Vigil for Peace

Beginning on 11/9

You Are Invited To The Opening Event Of A 40-Day Global Prayer Vigil For Peace

Timing Of The Vigil

This Peace Prayer vigil begins on November 9, at dawn local time, all
across the planet. The vigil will continue uninterrupted for 40 days,
concluding at midnight on December 18, 2002. If your group cannot begin on
November 9, no problem-just begin as soon as possible.

Humanity stands at the brink of war. Spiritual leaders and their
communities across the globe are responding to this crisis with an
intensive worldwide prayer vigil for peace. To reverse what began on 9/11,
the prayer vigil begins on 11/9 and will continue for 40 days. Participants
include spiritual groups and organizations in the United States, Canada,
India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Brazil, Korea, and others-all praying
simultaneously for peace.

Many spiritual groups that regularly pray for peace are joining the vigil
as a way to commune with others in a worldwide prayer for peace. As Father
Thomas Keating, founder of the Centering Prayer movement put it, Our
Cistercian order already prays for peace six or seven times a day, but what
is crucial about this global inter-faith vigil is that it is organized,
conscious, and focused. It is important that we are praying for peace in
communion with our counterparts in other faith traditions around the
world's A similar response came from Buddhist master Thrangu Rinpoche in
Nepal: In order to help pacify the tensions of a disturbed time such as
this, it is necessary for every person with a mind of compassion.

Inner Net of the Heart

Join us where the heart's longing meets the world's need. Together we will
form an inner net of hearts across the globe praying for peace. Join us
in prayer:

* On behalf of the millions of innocent children and civilians who Will be
killed or maimed if a war begins

* On behalf of all life forms that would be harmed by a war

* In compassion for all beings

May peace prevail on Earth

The Global SOS Initiative is a joint project of the Manitou Institute and
the Satyana Institute. Visit our website at


With Blessings to Us All for All That We Are

Joie and Our Rainbow Councils

To join Joie's e-list send an email at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with SUBSCRIBE in the subject


NOTE FROM JEAN: Here is more from which
features a most beautiful peace-radiating visual effect.

Humanity stands at the brink of war. If initiated, this war will likely
escalate into a global conflict, or even a third world war. Today's
arsenals of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons will render any such
conflagration a colossal nightmare on a scale exceeding all conceivable
horrors. Every living being on Earth, and the foundations of life itself,
are now threatened.

Every measure to stop this war must be taken with no delay. Human resources
and institutions are striving in a noble effort to stem the tide toward
war, but they are woefully inadequate to the task. There is an urgent need
at this time to go beyond human resources altogether, and appeal directly
to higher planes of spiritual reality. An infusion of spiritual light and
consciousness is needed now, for which humanity must to appeal directly to
the Divine source of all life in this hour of profound need. SOS!


This appeal to join the prayer vigil is directed to spiritual leaders and
aspirants in every religious faith and spiritual tradition-priests,
ministers, monks, nuns, roshis, rabbis, reverends, gurus, masters, sheiks,
shamans, swamis, healers, lamas, rinpoches, etc.-and their respective
followers, parishes, and congregations. Practitioners in different faiths
are asked to draw upon the heritage of their own traditions to find the
most effective practices, prayers, meditation techniques, fasting, mantras,
chants, visualizations, or ritual ceremonies for peace.


In this hour of deliverance, we recognize that there are a number of highly
evolved spiritual beings on the planet who have very deep access to
spiritual planes of reality. In