Re: lapto vaccine

2003-08-19 Thread TNG Bernese
I have talked to two vets about this.  They both give it but they also make 
sure no other vaccine is given 2-3 weeks before or after the lepto 
vacc.  (one also gives just 1/2 of the dosage two times)   For California I 
was told by one of the two vets, Fort Dodge Vacc. now has the main strain 
found in California.  Also, lepto can be gotten from raccoons, rats and 
other animals.  I have 3 pet rats, yes they are from long lines of 
domestic rats but they could still carry something.  For us  lepto is 
recommended due to the rural area.   I have not given it yet but it's being 
shipped and will give it to all my dogs.


At 06:24 PM 8/19/2003 -0700, MARK  LISA DUVALL wrote:
I had a question about the lepto vaccine...I know
there was some discussion a while back but can't seen
to find anything on it.
I am not sure if I want to give this shot to my 13 wk.
bmd girl. I have heard of bad reactions to this and
also that there are new strains that the vaccine don't
cover. On the other hand the lepto virus itself sounds
so bad that I'm scared not to give it. I am curious to
know if anyone has had any bad reactions to the
vaccine. I live in Maryland and I'm not sure if it's
prevalent in my area?? My vet suggests it but also
said he has had a few dogs over the years who have had
bad reactions to it. Any input would be greatly
Lisa Duvall  Anja ( mom's big baby )
Sheila Avalos - TNG Bernese * Redding, California  *  ICQ #255707 * Yahoo! IM  tngbernese
*snappy, funny, cute or clever quote goes here*

Re: Virus Warning W32.SoBig.F@MM

2003-08-19 Thread TNG Bernese
I just got all of below!
My Nortons caught them as they were down loading.  Nortons checks my 
outgoing e-mail.
Remember to update your anti-virus programs often.  Nortons usually updates 
their site on Wed.  I scan everyday and update every week.  I also have 
ad-aware installed to detect spyware programs.


At 07:06 PM 8/19/2003 -0700, Robin Camken wrote:
A new virus is making the round and it appears that a
lot of people are infected.
I've have been getting swamped with email infected
with the [EMAIL PROTECTED] worm. I have seen one copy
that has gone to Bernese list. One message was
addressed from Pat Long (although I'm sure Pat didn't
send it).  The virus fakes the senders address.
The subject of the infected mail will be
- Re: Details
- Re: Approved
- Re: Re: My details
- Re: Thank you!
- Re: That movie
- Re: Wicked screensaver
- Re: Your application
- Thank you!
- Your details
I know there are messages like this going out with my
email address on them, but they didn't come from my
computer. My system is not infected and Norton
Antivirus is quarantined the infected attachments.
For more detail and removal instructions on this worm
Sheila Avalos - TNG Bernese * Redding, California  *  ICQ #255707 * Yahoo! IM  tngbernese
*snappy, funny, cute or clever quote goes here*

Re: Prong collar - a success + a question!

2003-08-02 Thread TNG Bernese
I use the quick release prong collar made by herm sprenger (sp).  I found 
over the years that putting and taking off the regular prong collars made 
them weak (and me too!) and over time they loosen up and will come off the 
dog if he/she turns just right.  With the quick release collar it's so much 
easier for me to put the collar on and take it off (and it's much 
quicker).   My big boy sits nicely while I put it on, all the time wagging 
his tail and a sparkle in his eyes!  I can't to the soft training with 
him or use treats.  He gets out of control if I use food!  I use a firm but 
fair approach to training.  I am working one on one with a pro from Europe 
who trained in England and in Germany and now teaches in US.  His methods 
are of the horse whisperer style.  Very different from what I have learned 
from obedience classes, clicker training etc.  I am finding out that my big 
boy is respecting me more as alpha when as before he was getting out of 
control with food motivated training (even clicker training).  Every dog is 
different and not all will learn at the same rate or have the same learning 

PSyes using the prong I have found some fur to come off, but that is 
when he was blowing coat, same as for my Akitas.  I have had muzzle marks 
on my Akitas when I used the head collar. And they hated the way it ended 
up over one eye.  I have the newer one now and my dogs still hate them.

At 02:31 PM 8/1/2003 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

After reading the posts from Vilma, Karen, etc., I decided to check into 
getting a prong collar for my 16 mo. old boy.  He walks nicely and resonds 
well to a buckle collar when I walk him (his mama), but he'll pull when 
walked by others.  I have tried the Gentle Leader and, although it helps, 
he spend most of the time rubbing his nose on the grass or tunneling in 
between legs trying to get it off.  What a lovely sight this is!

After reading the posts about prong collar success, I made a purchase.  I 
purchased the conventional one - the one that you directly clip on and off 
versus the slip type.
Sheila Avalos - TNG Bernese * Redding, California  *  ICQ #255707 * Yahoo! IM  tngbernese
*snappy, funny, cute or clever quote goes here*

Re: post neuting anxiety

2003-08-01 Thread TNG Bernese
When I had my male Akita neutered at 5 months of age (8 years ago, he is 
now over the Bridge) he limped for a few days and moaned.  The reason for 
him being that way my vet at that time said he had to hunt for the 2nd 
testicle, which was found near where the leg joins the body.  Only one 
descended, that was the reason we had him neutered and ended his show 
career before it ever started.  Oh he also had two incisions, no external 
sutures (used body glue) and didn't have to wear an E-collar.


At 07:09 AM 8/1/2003 -0700, kathleen mcguire wrote:
Franklin was neutered yesterday and all went well. The problem is he seems 
so down. Not his silly self. Doesn't want to stand or walk. He gets up to 
move and crouches back down. With the Buster collar on he just sits there, 
perfectly still. I finally had to take it off so he could drink some water 
and eat. I put him on a leash in the house so I can keep a close eye on 
him not to lick the stitches (so far so good). But he seems so depressed 
and freaked out by the whole thing. Any ideas how to make him feel better.
Sheila Avalos - TNG Bernese * Redding, California  *  ICQ #255707 * Yahoo! IM  tngbernese
*snappy, funny, cute or clever quote goes here*

Re: Hot spots?

2003-07-26 Thread TNG Bernese
I have had to deal with one hot spot.  And what cleared it up without 
shaving the area is Listerine mouth wash (not the mint).  I mixed with 
water at about 40/60 for the first day and then 50/50.  i sprayed it on 
about 3 to 4 times a day.  The weeping stopped the 2nd day.  It healed fast 
and so far has not returned (I think it was from my dogs nylon collar he 
was wearing and it had gotten wet several times.


At 11:43 PM 7/25/2003 -0400, Melissa Leaist wrote:

Hi all,

Not surprisingly after spending her day damp while getting treated for heat
stroke last week, our Jude has the very earliest stages of a hot spot
forming on her left hip. We've not experienced one with her, but we hear
from the breeder she lived with for the first year and a half that she does
have a proneness for them.  So far it's smaller than a dime, not too
terribly oozy and it doesn't seem to be bothering.  I'm hoping to help avoid
a big nasty mess.  Sounds like a silly thing to worry about after having
been so ill last week, but I'd really like to avoid having her go through
the discomfort and irritation of a nasty hot spot if I can this week.
Any tips for me folks?  So far I've just been keeping an eye on it and
trying to keep loose fur and dandruff off as well as cleaning it a couple
times a with hydrogen peroxide (the kind you get pre-dilluted for wound
care) to try to avoid infection and perhaps help dry it up.  We have quite a
few remedies at our disposal at home that we could use if they sounded like
they may be of benefit (tea tree oil, witch hazel, aloe).
We're off to a Berner Fun Day tomorrow.  The Ontario (Canada) group has one
every year apparently and the breeder we found our Jude at suggested it to
us as a great place to meet other Berners and their families.  We're still
newbies to the breed so it sounds like fun to me!  I'm sure we'll all have
Take care,
Sheila Avalos - TNG Bernese * Redding, California  *  ICQ #255707 * Yahoo! IM  tngbernese
*snappy, funny, cute or clever quote goes here*

re:raised diners

2003-03-24 Thread bernese
I have read quite a bit on the raised diners, also. My understanding was the
study was based on dogs with an inclination to bloating [family history,
etc] or had already bloated. So perhaps the conclusions were somewhat
skewed.who knows for sure.

We feed on raised far so good. Plus I notice less stress on
joints. Our dogs practically had to do the splits to get down low enough to
eat out of a regular bowl. Bacchus used to just give up and lay down to eat.

I guess it is a decision [like BARFing] that we each have to come to based
on our own research.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

berner sighting and Mary Townsend

2003-03-13 Thread bernese
Hi all

First the info on Mary. There WAS an obit in the Canton Repository on Wed
Mar 12 for a Mary K Townsend..I knew it wasn't our Mary when I read
that this Mary operated Dunks Diner and Catering Service as well as Dunks
Furniture in Astabulaalso that she was proceeded in death by her
husband Thomas. Walt is Mary's husband. Just so you know...the Canton
Repository is the big newspaper in the Canton/Massillon area here in Ohio.

On to the berner sighting. In Walgreens I bought the last 2 berner cards
they hada black and white of 2 darling berners, blank inside, put out by
Hallmark under their impromptu line. And, of course I HAD to tell the
check out lady we have dogs like this and show the her some pics of
Bacchus and Ari.


Re: tricks

2003-01-31 Thread bernese
Sorry, had to respond again. We taught Bacchus little woofs. He will give
a little allmost soundless woof. Originally taaught himm by putting my hands
over  my ears and saying oh my.that is WAY too loud.  Try a little
woof. LOL

Love them berners

Cathican you tell I have insomnia tonight?

Re: unique tricks

2003-01-31 Thread bernese
Our girl Ari is what you might call a one trick pony. She loves to lay on
the bed with us watching TV, and once we said now girl. Well
she put her paw over her eye.thinking we wouldn't notice the other 85
lbs of her. It was just so adorablenow we say put your paw over your
eye and she does.

Our one trick pony, Ari


Random thoughts, Stevie and BEHAF

2003-01-31 Thread bernese
Can you all tell I've had a bit of insomnia tonight? Been up since 2:15 EST.

I just wanted to comment on the recent events re:Stevie and Karen. First I
love Stevie Nicks so you already had me right there. But, Karen I have been
following all your posts on Stevie. I am so happy he is making such
progress. But the recent post about BEHAF and Stevie possibly being a
Special Friend just blew me away.

First I was so happy that people had suggested that Stevie be made a SF of
BEHAF. That's exactly why the SF catagory was started. But to then hear that
someone offered to pay all your medical bills, Karenwell I was just
floored. Seriously I lost it.

To that most generous person, there is a special place in Berner Heaven
waiting for you.

Now I promise I will try not to send 3 e-mails on the same day again, Pat.

Much love to Karen, Stevie and the wonderful benefactor. And please remember
BEHAF, and the Special Friends catagory. It is in existence for those not so
fortunate as Karenthey either don't qualify or are reluctant to accept
funding.but have captured the sympathies of the berner community, that
is what the SF's category is for. All funds go directly to the designated SF
[any amount over the needed funds go into the BEHAF general fund] .

Much love to that special person who took care of Stevies medical bills.
And all my best too Karen and Stevie.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari
visit BEHAF   see memorials, favorite dog poems and send
digital berner postcards!

BERNER-L digest 4245

2003-01-27 Thread Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List

BERNER-L Digest 4245

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Otis has his new home
  2) Re: how to transport a large, injured dog - ?
  3) A funny story
by Martha Hoverson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  4) Airlines
by Judith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  5) Stevie's Homecoming!
by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  6) The Joye of it!
by Bruce and Marilyn Lister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  7) Daisy's Tips: A Plea
by Maria Crifasi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  8) slings and stretchers
by Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  9) Re: BERNER-L digest 4244
 10) Steve Fuller
by Cheryl Otis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 11) FW: Stevie's Homecoming!
by Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 12) Re: BERNER-L digest 4244
 13) Re: how to transport a large, injured dog - ?
by Marion Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 14) A  IE 6.0 patch
 15) barking mad
by Emma Goodall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 16) Re: how to transport a large, injured dog - ?
 17) W32.Klez.E removal tools
by luvalot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 18) Fw: Bernese  small dogs
by Ray  Pat Burgett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 19) Re: Endotoxins- death
 20) Miss Kitty (long)
by Wendi Giordano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 21) Shy Berners ??
by Vicky Whitney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 22) Re: berners  small dogs
 23) Re - How to transport a large,injured dog - ?
 24) Re: Stevie's progress
 25) Welcome Home Stevie!
by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 26) Valentine Heart!!
by jean cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 27) 3V Caps
by Judy Benoit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 28) Re: berners  small dogs
 29) Berner  Small Dogs
by Don Metzler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 30) How to avoid getting a New Virus and clogging up the Berner-L
by Carl \Skip\ Seibert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 31) Shy Berner?

I am glad to say that the Berner Newf mix Otis that I wrote about last week
has gone to his new home. He was picked up Sunday morning by his new family
where he will be living with a very nice couple and their female Berner.

I was very impressed with the number of people who contacted me expressing
interest in adopting or passing info along to others not on these lists. To
all who offered I send a very big thank you. The offers of help of all kinds
with Otis being a mix showed how dedicated you people are to the dogs. It
reinforced my belief that dog people are the best.

Proud to be member of the Berner and Newf communities.

Doug Smith
Enfield, NH
Old Berner Referral List

---End Message---
In a message dated 01/26/2003 4:14:05 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

 The only thing I could think to do is take off my coat and roll the dog 
 it, so I could try to drag him  like that, w/out harming him. Does any one 
 else have any suggestions/plans on what you would do w/ a large dog in such 
 an emergency situtation? 

My husband once had to carry our 100 pound golden retriever in his backpack 
for 12 miles in rough country with no trail - including fording a river - in 
temperatures of over 90 degrees.  He said it was the hardest thing he has 
ever done.   Our golden was injured on a backpacking trip and couldn't walk 
out.  I doubt I could have carried him myself, so I figure that's what 
husbands are for.  I don't know what we would have done without the large 
overnight backpack - we put the dog in the pack and then it took three of us 
to lift the pack on to my husband's back.   ( I carried all the stuff that 
had been in my husband's pack added to my pack, so I was suffering, too...)  
I have begged Max and Winter to not injure themselves on any of our mountain 
trips - so far, so good...  Ruth Nielsen, ZenMaster Max and the Winter-boy - 
Seattle, WA

---End Message---
Since Molly is still under post-surgical activity restrictions, she has been 
limited to leash walks.  My dear husband, who is doing most of the 
dog-walking, reported the other day that it is sometimes hard to keep her 
walking along since she likes to sniff the--ahem--interesting-colored 

Don says she is reading her pee-mail!  :-)

Martha Hoverson and Molly (I'm sure Homer left a message for me somewhere, 
Portland, Maine

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.
---End Message---
Oh great..


BERNER-L digest 4246

2003-01-27 Thread Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List

BERNER-L Digest 4246

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: The Joye of it!
by Dr. William B. Neff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2) Re: Stevie's Homecoming!
by Sara Steele [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  3) Re Stevie's Homecoming
by Gael Goldsack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  4) Berner L Cookies?
by lisa stucke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  5) another winner...
by Dr. William B. Neff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  6) RE: Berner L Cookies?
by Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  7) Stevie's Progress
by James and Karen Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  8) Digby, 1993-2002
by P. Buickerood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  9) Slings, Stretchers, Costco Berners
 10) Hugo's still down
 11) Re: Miss Kitty
by Ugo Innocenti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Marilyn,

Congratulations on winning Lynne Weber's first aid kit.   Now that you 
have, may you NEVER need to use it!!!

That is just amazing to raise over $8000!

* I agree!!   You Berner Folks just amaze me everytime we do a fundraiser. 

Joye Neff (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA
---End Message---
Teeiffic News!!! You and Stevie have been touched by an angel.
You are blessed. I am so happy for you both.
Sara Steele

- Original Message -
From: Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 8:57 AM
Subject: Stevie's Homecoming!

 Dear List,
 This post will probably be the shortest one yet. In about 4-5 hours time I
 should be driving up to my back door with the best gift in the whole
 My Stevie!! If his blood work comes back with in normal limits, and he
 the neurological ok they feel that it is best if he comes home to
 recuperate. He will need much TLC when he gets here, he is not eating very
 well at all, just soft things right now, but they feel that it could be
 environment issue, plus the fact that just about everything tires him out.
 will spoon feed him if I have to! If anyone has any suggestions in this
 regard I would appreciate the info. His balance and gait are still way
 but he has lost so much strength. I have constructed a big sling (like a
 firewood gathering sling) to be able to better assist him to move around
 guide him. It is with great joy, and my heart is so very full, and the
 are now flowing very freely as I write to think that my big boy will very
 soon be here. Thanks again to all who have been so involved with our
 I could never have done this without you. Just FYI, I now have over 440
 messages in my email!! I will eventually read every last one, I promise. I
 will post again later on when I have my sleeping giant .
 Love to you All.
 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.443 / Virus Database: 248 - Release Date: 10/01/2003

---End Message---
Hi Karen,

That is the best news!! I'm sure once he gets home he will improve in leaps
and bounds (literally hopefully)!

As far as food is concerned, try strong smelling soft foods such as
sardines and BBQ chicken stripped from the bone. If you feed these slightly
warmed, it increases the appeal. If there are any fruits or vegetables he
likes, feed those too as he will need carbohydrate for energy (and the
roughage). Mix very ripe soft fruits with warmed custard as an extra treat,
or just custard with added glucose if he is not a big fruit eater.

Give him a big hug from his buddies Down Under.

Gael, Ellie and Tara

Gael  Robert Goldsack
Sydney, Australia

---End Message---
Berner L cookies?...what are they?

- Original Message -
From: Emma Goodall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 10:53 AM
Subject: barking mad

 Hi there,
 Tatty is now seven months, and waiting for a date to be spayed. She
 discovered her bark before the holidays, but it is obviously sounding more
 and more beautiful to her ears she will bark for about 5 to 10 minutes
 non stop then stop for the 10-20 minutes, then start again. I know dogs
 bark, but it drives me insane, plus when we are in town it drives the
 neighbors insane. ignoring her does not seem to work, nor does going
 check whatever she is barking at (the door, the wall, the phone cord -
 basically anything). She was trained to bark once or twice to go outside
 potty, but now we have no idea when that is! At home its okay, but in town
 when I am working I can't take her out every time she barks.  She is
 when alone, and has no accidents then or when we are home.
 What can we do. hel. We have clickers if we can use those, she

BERNER-L digest 4243

2003-01-26 Thread Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
 at Prairienet only accept PLAIN TEXT*
* If your postings display this message your mail program *
* is not set to send PLAIN TEXT ONLY and needs adjusting  *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

---End Message---
Dear Joye,
The winners list ended at #54, and I wonder if you would be so kind as to 
re-post the rest of it?  {Message truncated due to exceeding permissible 
length, or something like that.}  This, of course, has nothing to do with 
the fact that I haven't won anything so far...

And how sweet is it that Karen and Stevie won some things?


Martha Hoverson and Molly
Portland, Maine

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online
---End Message---
I'm sorry that I forgot to check to see if the whole post of winners came 
through late last night.   The drawing took almost four hours to do and it 
was 1 a.m. when I finished.  I had meant to check to see if the whole post 
came through since the list of winners was so long, but obviously I didn't 
do that.So...without further delay, here are the rest of the LUCKY 
WINNERS of the BARC LOC Challenge Fundraiser!!!

#55 - Adorable Paw Print Pillow  Blanket set donated by Maria Silva and 
WON BY Peggy Ford-Smith

#56 - Pattern to build your own CART for your Berner (Two patterns were 
donated so TWO tickets were drawn)donated by Ingrid Miller and WON BY 
Denise Taylor and Elke Adair

#57 - $50 Gift Certificate to By Jove donated by Michaela Simmons-Lackner 
and WON BY Larry and Barbara Gerson

#58 - 2 Refrigerator Magnets (Berner  Frame) PLUS a USA Bumper Sticker 
sporting a patriotic Bernese
donated by Cherie Massaro and WON BY Cathie Shipe

#59 - Adorable Bernese Mailbox donated by Penny  Gary Turner and WON BY 
Corie Gochicoa

#60 - Fun  Unique Bernese Playset (Two of these were donated so TWO 
tickets were drawn) donated by
Sue Burnham and WON BY Linda Wilbur and Mary-Ann Bowman

#61- Another Fun Doggie Playset with Bernese 13 adorable, beautifully 
detailed dogs, toys, food bowls, brushes  beds?even a pooper-scooper 
donated by Vicky Whitney and WON BY Elke Adair

#62 - Commissioned by Nell  John Ward, One-of-a-Kind Glazed Ceramic Set of 
Berner Figurines titled Play Ball donated by Nell  John Ward and WON BY 
Julia Richert

#63 - CUTE! Large Stuffed Berner with Berner Pup donated by Linda Seaver 
and WON BY Eiko Nakamuro

#64 - CUSTOM Notecards  Memo sheets in two sizes and sheet of address 
labels featuring the winners' Berners (Two sets were donated so TWO tickets 
were drawn) donated by Carol Ganz  Elke Adair and WON BY Denise Bohart 
Brown and Gwen Geis

#65 - CUSTOM Notecards  Memo sheets in two sizes with personalized address 
labels (Two sets were donated so TWO tickets were drawn) donated by Carol 
Ganz  Elke Adair and WON BY Mary Shaver and Larua Lopez-Mendez

#66 - Personalized 2003 Berner Calendar, using the winners photos for this 
special calendar donated by Liz Bradbury and WON BY Zoe Nabarrete

#67 - 2003 Specialty Version Berner Calendars, featuring photos from the 
2002 Specialty!  (Five Calendars were donated so FIVE tickets were drawn) 
donated by Liz Bradbury and WON BY Suzanne Hostetter, Cathie Shipe, Betsy 
Brainard, Sally Phillips and Karen McFarlane

#68 - Unique hand-made original design canine greeting cards donated by 
Marjorie Walter and WON BY Zoe Nabarette

#69 - Lone Star BMDC Signature calendar (Three calendars were donated so 
three tickets were drawn) donated by Pat Tackett and WON BY Teresa 
Dominguez, Karen Pickel and Liz Caldwell

#70 - Competitive obedience set: Playtraining book, AKC obed regs, obed 
records book and treats donated by Mie Kingsley and WON BY Caroline Auth

#71- Farmer's Garden book and a magnet berner pad donated by Arden Johnson 
and WON BY Barb Wagner

#72 - Beautiful Berner Charm Bracelet donated by Courtney Erickson and WON 
BY Veronica Aldstadt

#73 - Metal Berner head study key chains (Two of these were donated so TWO 
tickets were drawn) donated by Linda Seaver and WON BY Maxine Toyzer and 
Zoe Nabarrete

#74 - CUTE Costco Stuffed Berner donated by Mary Shaver and WON BY Kaethy 

#75 - Soft  warm Blue Vest with Berners on the front donated by Pat 
Tackett and WON BY Betsy Rich

#76 Unique Glass Canister with Berners on it donated by Cindy Valentine and 
WON BY Maxine Toyzer

#77 - BMDCA 1992 Specialty Mug donated by Cindy Valentine and WON BY Mary 

#78 - Beautiful Matted  Framed Numbered Berner Print by Beth Hickman 
(Print is #66/200) donated by Cindy Valentine and WON BY Abby Patrizio

#79 - Spectacular Painting of a Berner Puppy done by the VERY talented 
Willem Wijnberg painted and donated by Willem Wijnberg and WON BY Vicky 

#80 - Pretty Pillow with JOY written on it with 3 Berners donated by 
Michaela Simmons-Lackner and WON BY Peggy Ford

BERNER-L digest 4244

2003-01-26 Thread Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Hi everyone!
Nola is 13 months old now, and some of her favorite playmates are
She seems to know to be gentle with them, and in fact, the Chihuahua has
actually made her yelp instead of the other way around.
Nola also got along great with a new kitten when brought into the house.
Of course, both the kitten and her favorite Chi are very tough, and have no
fear of Nola, and definitely hold their own against her.  We can't believe
it sometimes, my husband and I watching her bounce around with a Chi, it's
like if we played with someone the size of our living room!
Take care, all!
Mary, Jim and the girls
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: berners  small dogs

 This is kind of a follow up to Deb's question re' adding another dog to

 I would like to hear of others experiences in adding another mature small
 dog to a single berner family.   In particular dogs that are considered
 small (30lbs or less).

 My spayed female berner is 18mths old and acts like the average
 Loves meeting people, likes other dogs but seems a bit shy at first with
 them.  I don't know if her reaction to other dogs would be different on
 home turf vs when we are on walks?
 I don't know if she would act possessive over her stuff with another dog
 around or not.
 She hasn't been with us.
 She does have high prey drive for anythings that squeeks, small critters
 (chipmunks,squirrels) or anything small that flaps, flutters or rustles
 about.   Many a wind blown leaf has been pounced apon!   I've read/heard
 somewhere that some large dogs look apon small dogs as prey sometimes?
 Hopefully that is not the case with bernese.
  She is pretty laid back now most of the time.  When there is something to
 be excited about or someone wants to play with her tho', she will spring
 into a rambunctious, bouncing, stampeding blur of  big berner paws.
 I do wonder if smaller dogs would be safe (know enough to get out of the
 way) or get trampled  by those big berner paws?

 My hubby keeps saying she would just hold down a small dog with those big
 paws and
 pluck it.. just like she does with her plush toys.  Hmm.

 Anyways any comments on this topic would be appreciated.
 Joan and Sophia (who eats everything)

---End Message---
Karen, PLEASE keep posting about Stevie's progress.  For the last 3 days
I have been signing on to the list specifically to find out how Stevie
is doing.  Something in your story really touched my heart, perhaps it
was the fact that I lost my boy very suddenly a few months ago.  I have
sent prayers and healing energy to Stevie, so I darn well want to know
how he's doing :)))  I am so delighted to hear your great news - does my
ole heart good!  Hang in there, we're all rooting for you and Stevie.

Darlene McCuaig-Balkwill
near Ottawa, Canada

---End Message---
Hi, All.  I found that sometimes looking for the simple reason for itchy 
ears can offer an answer,...well, it did for us, at least:-)

Both Holly (Berner girl) and Buddy (Aussie boy)at times seem to have 
itchy ears - head shaking, etc.  Ears are cleaned routinely,and the 
vet has checked and said nothing was visible that might cause an itch. 
So back home, I took a good look and noticed that long fine hairs grow 
under the flaps - and when I trim them short, so they don't tickle the 
ear,...lo and behold, the head shaking stops!

Were it so simple always, would be nice,but you never know what 
might be the cause of discomfort - or in Holly's case, maybe just a 
constant tickle,:-)

Patti, in Brockville (with a crazy 6 year old Berner acting like a 6 mo 
old and LOVING the foot of snow that fell last night!)
---End Message---
Dear Karen and Stevie,
This is all such good news! (Other than the nosey press.) I am a United 
Church of Christ minister, and many people at my church now know about 
Stevie and are waiting to hear the next report.  My family knows that as 
soon as I jump up from the computer I am coming to report about Stevie.  We 
have been praying for Stevie and for you, and no amount of detail is too 
Much love from all of us---
Martha and Don,
Edward, Peter and Lucy
and especially the Molly dog

Martha Hoverson and Molly
Portland, Maine

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online
---End Message---
I can only make the suggestion of what I do when going out for a walk. It
may seem like it is a pain in the butt, however it works for me. Whenever
Hope and I take our walks up north (we don't normally walk around home...too
much traffic and excitement) we are constantly in the woods. I have a back
pack for Hope in which she

BERNER-L digest 4242

2003-01-25 Thread Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List

BERNER-L Digest 4242

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Stevie
by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2) Is shipping ok???
by sunshinedaydream [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  3) Berner shaped Jig-saw Puzzle
  4) Thank you
  5) Re: Stevie's update
by Sara Steele [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  6) Re: Berner shaped Jig-saw Puzzle
by Liz Steinweg  Crew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  7) Re: Stevie
by Liz Steinweg  Crew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  8) Re: Neat obedience class last night
by Sara Steele [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  9) !!Stevie!!
by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 10) Pregnant or not??
by Bernadette [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 11) Spam  OT
by harriet gehorsam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 12) Skip Seibert
by harriet gehorsam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 13) Addition to the family
 14) 3V Caps
by Maria Crifasi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 15) Re: Dear Harvey
by jean cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 16) Re: 3V Caps
 17) Re: Karen  Stevie
 18) Fw: OT-Man Shot to Death While Beating Dog
by Sandie Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 19) Stevie's Miracle!!
by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 20) RE: Stevie's Miracle!!
by Matt  Julia Richert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 21) Shameless Brag--for friend's veteran!
 22) RE: Test message... just delete
by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 23) RE: Shameless Brag--for friend's veteran!
by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 24) Re: Pregnant or not??
 25) incontinence
by Dr. William B. Neff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear List,
Stevie has made some progress. He is breathing more and more on his own, if
this continues for the next 4-6 hrs. They are going to try him off the vent.
They have turned down the settings considerably, and his oxygen levels have
remained within the normal limits! This is very encouraging news. Please
keep those prayers and good thoughts coming, THEY ARE WORKING! Will post
later with any updates. Love and Thank you to All!
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.443 / Virus Database: 248 - Release Date: 10/01/2003

---End Message---
HI , I am interested in hearing from anyone on the idea of having a dog
shipped , we found wonderful parents (that we really love the look of the
dogs)  have a chance ot get a pup this spring but I am worried  concerned
over the shipping it would be coming from belgium (Lucien Huybrechts pup)
Does it cause alot of trama, how safe is it etc?? Please
anyone with any advice or info let me know
Thank you
- Original Message -
From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 1:01 AM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4241

 BERNER-L Digest 4241

 Topics covered in this issue include:

   1) Re: BERNER-L digest 4240
   2) Re: another Jessyka update
   3) RE: Chronic Ear Infection
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   4) RE: chewing spasm
 by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   5) Re: adoption
   6) gratitude
 by Wendi Giordano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   7) New Berner Pup...adviceneeded!
 by lisa stucke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   8) Re: Berner Love
   9) Dear Harvey
 by Michaela Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  10) Re: BERNER-L digest 4240
  11) Bernese ownership  general loopiness
 by Michaela Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  12) new pages
 by Hugh Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  13) Stevie Update-Friday 24th
 by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  14) Neat obedience class last night
 by Lucy  Yogi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  15) FW: Hundreds Of Dogs Seized From Malheur County Home
 by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  16) biteing and nipping - too agressive?
  17) Re: New Berner Pup...adviceneeded!
 by Eileen Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  18) New Berner puppy -- basics
  19) Stevie's update
 by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  20) Re: Oatmeal
  21) Re: Oatmeal
 by Liz Steinweg  Crew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  23) LAST CHANCE to enter the BARC LOC Challenge Fundraiser...
 by Dr. William B. Neff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  24) Feb 7th and 8th
 by Jim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---End Message---
 Bits and Pieces has a new jig-saw puzzle titled Faithful Friends which is 
lots of dog pictures that are set into a Berner shaped puzzle.  Here is the 
link to the page.  As a puzzle lover, this is really neat.


BERNER-L digest 4241

2003-01-24 Thread Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List

BERNER-L Digest 4241

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: BERNER-L digest 4240
  2) Re: another Jessyka update
  3) RE: Chronic Ear Infection
by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  4) RE: chewing spasm
by Rose Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  5) Re: adoption
  6) gratitude
by Wendi Giordano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  7) New Berner Pup...adviceneeded!
by lisa stucke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  8) Re: Berner Love
  9) Dear Harvey
by Michaela Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 10) Re: BERNER-L digest 4240
 11) Bernese ownership  general loopiness
by Michaela Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 12) new pages
 13) Stevie Update-Friday 24th
by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 14) Neat obedience class last night
 15) FW: Hundreds Of Dogs Seized From Malheur County Home
by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 16) biteing and nipping - too agressive?
 17) Re: New Berner Pup...adviceneeded!
by Eileen Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 18) New Berner puppy -- basics
 19) Stevie's update
by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 20) Re: Oatmeal
 21) Re: Oatmeal
by Liz Steinweg  Crew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 23) LAST CHANCE to enter the BARC LOC Challenge Fundraiser...
by Dr. William B. Neff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 24) Feb 7th and 8th
by Jim Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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---End Message---

   It sounds like that little Jessyka of yours is certainly strong willed
and willing to fight for everything she has! Her improvements are wonderful
and I hope she continues to make progress as time goes on. Hug that little

Kelly Weir and Hope

---End Message---
My advice for any owner of a dog with continuing and stubborn ear
infections is to have it cultured. My Oak was plagued with yeasty ears
that I treated but the problem persisted, her ears became inflammed and we
did a culture. Turned out to be strep and e-coli and worst of all
pseudynomous (sp) the latter has a nasty habit of becoming drug resistant
and we had quite the protocol of treatment but we did beat it. She was put
on Eukanuba Fish and Potato and remains on that diet. My one venture back
to regular kibble had her ears inflamming so a short course of prednisone
and back to FP supplemented with Pink Salmon. She was spayed and without
the hormonal fluctuation she stabilised and is doing great.

Food allergies are notorious for causing problems with ears.

Rose Tierney

---End Message---
Hi Margreta,
For some dogs intense chewing gives them an endorphine rush rather like a
horse that crib bites. The buzz is what drives them. If he is in
possession of his second set of teeth and going into a frenzied chew
session and you are worried about him over stressing himself then just
limit his access to bones etc. and up his physical activities. Puppies need
to chew to relieve the discomfort of all the changes going on in their
jaws, adults can get addicted to the rush rather like some humans enjoy
crossing the pain barrier when running!

If this is only periodic I wouldn't worry too much but be careful he
doesn't overdrink when he's finished.

Rose T.

---End Message---
In a message dated 1/23/2003 5:41:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

 can you please let me know if there is a way to contact the berner rescue 
  league? i'm interested in adopting a young dog, must not be aggressive 
 toward cats. since my duchess died, they are all i have left. i live in 
  mass, which is about 30 miles northeast of boston. 

Hi Sharon,

The New England regional BMD (the BMDCNV) includes Rescue in its charter.  
You'll find informatiopn about the club at and can contact the 
Rescue Chair at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In addition to regional rescue, you might want to get to know breeders in the 
club as some occassionally place a young adult they had kept for potential 
breeding but decide to place instead.  Club events are a good way to network 
so you'll

BERNER-L digest 4240

2003-01-23 Thread Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List

BERNER-L Digest 4240

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Re: Head Injury
  2) yard salad
by Emma Goodall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  4) Another way to donate to Berner funds
by Dr. William B. Neff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by Dr. William B. Neff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  6) Re: Chronic Ear Infection
  7) Fresh Factors question
by Martha Hoverson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  8) RE: Head Injury
by Matt  Julia Richert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  9) Update on Stevie
by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 10) Lost Breeder
 11) Re: lymphosarcoma
 12) pick up truck law
 13) Re: Chronic Ear Infection
by Timothy Moses [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 14) Re: BERNER-L digest 4239
 15) Re: Chronic Ear Infection
 16) Re: BERNER-L digest 4239
 17) chewing spasm
 18) Re: guard dog?
by Beth Oberle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 19) Itchy ears
 20) Need Berner Help In Chester, SC
by Esther Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 21) Mira Foundation
by Coral and David Denis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 22) Novi, Michigan Show Results
 23) adoption
 24) Re: Novi, Michigan Show Results
 25) Re: Need Berner Help In Chester, SC
 26) Happy 2nd birthday!
by Patricia Tackett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 27) Update on Stevie #2
by Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 28) BMDCW upcoming events: Draft Test, Matches  Workshop
 29) Bernese Mtn. Dog newsletter
by Sue D'Agostino' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 30) another Jessyka update
by Susan Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dearest Karen,

All of us here in Whitehorse, Yukon Canada are praying for your Stevie.  We
send you many hugs and tears.  Please keep us updated.

Leslie Joanisse
Fortune and Faith (berner love coming...)

- Original Message -
From: Karen McFarlane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: Head Injury

 I am writing to ask the list for moral support, as well as advice. My
 beautiful one year old Berner boy, Stevie, had a dreadful accident
 yesterday. We were in a wooded area, it is very very cold here and
 windy, when a large limb from a large tree crashed to the ground, striking
 Stevie on the head. Stevie was immediately unconscious but without any
 apparent external injuries. I removed my coat and rolled him onto it and
 attempted to drag him out to the nearest inhabited house I could find. The
 snow was deep and Stevie weighs 107 pounds, dead weight. I could not drag
 him out the full way and had to leave him and run for assistance. We
 to get him loaded onto an ATV and to a vet. Stevie remains in a coma or
 really a semi-conscious state at this time. He has had multiple system
 problems since this accident. His intra-cranial pressure shot up but has
 since this morning decreased somewhat. He is being monitored very closely.
 At one point this morning, the initial vets, suggested euthanasia, but I
 could just not accept that. So we persevered and transported him to a
 professional centre. At that point he was given a 50/50 chance. Which is
 much better odds than we had first thing this morning.  He has also had
 seizure activity since and one of the vets felt that he was deaf. I think
 otherwise. I have been an absolute shattered mess ever since. Many people
 not understand the love that a person can have for their dog. Stevie,
 now is my life. I have been recently separated, so very much alone and
 unsure of myself and he has been by my side through thick and through
 He is my heart. And right now my heart hurts so very badly. I am hoping,
 purely selfishly, to be able to gain some moral strength from the list.
 Please, if you can, say a wee prayer for my beloved boy. I have gained
 very much needed support from a beautiful new friend in Florida, who has
 been my saving grace, especially in the last 36 hours, and for that I am
 truly grateful. I will keep you posted on any further development, but in
 the meantime, please pray for him.
 Thank you
 Karen McFarlane

 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.443 / Virus Database: 248 - Release Date: 10/01/2003

---End Message---
Tatty used to eat dirt, she moved on to poop! She eats grass whenever she

BERNER-L digest 4239

2003-01-22 Thread Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
 are thinking about 
feeding Flint River Ranch or are ready to make the switch, visit Ray's web 
site at:
to benefit the rescue effort and your dog.

--- Pat Burgett will donate $15.00 from each of her original State Plaques 
ordered via her Art Studio web page:
They have the State Flower, Tree, Bird, Flag and a head study of the 
purchaser's Berner. We all know that Pat does beautiful work, and now she 
is helping to save auctioned Berners destined for puppy mills with her art.

--- You can shop at A percentage of every dollar paid by 
registered BARC shoppers comes to BARC. gives you access to some 
great stores and services! When you visit, be sure to register your wish 
that your proceeds go to BARC, Inc. It's that simple!   Here is BARC's 

--- BARC, Inc. is now a affliate. If you enter the dogstuff 
site by clicking on the icon at the BARC Website at: BARC will earn up to 5% of profits from 
sales of merchandise from

--- Any items that you purchase from will result in money being 
donated to the BMDCA Health Fund if you enter through Wendy 
Beard's Boris Books at:
Wendy Beard's Berner, Boris, has dedicated his free time to reading these 
books and has great pleasure in recommending books to you. In order to make 
your choice a little easier he has included comments from some of the 
berner-l members. Even he, as a humble dog, knows that your pockets aren't 
bottomless. However, should you decide that you must have some of these 
books for your own personal library then follow the links provided on the 
website and you will help Bernese Mountain Dogs far and wide, as any 
commission earned on the sale of these books through this web site will go 
to The BMDCA Health Fund.


Someone mentioned that we need to have a list of all of the current Berner 
Funds accessible, and I agree that it is absolutely necessary!   We have so 
many different funds in need of money, and all of us have a favorite 
emphasis.  Here's the current list.  The funds are listed alphabetically. 
Below the Berner funds are some detailed descriptions of other ways people 
have found to help!  Contact them for details.

Be sure to BOOKMARK this site:
It has all of the information in this post in case you misplace this 
important information that Pat Long and Hugh Hayes have compiled.

= AKC/CHF BMDCA Donor Advised Fund - tax deductible donations can be sent 
to this fund. The CHF reviews scientific health related studies through a 
rigorous evaluation process. Studies it approves which might be of value to 
BMD's are reviewed by the BMDCA health committee. The Health Committee 
recommends some of these studies to the BMDCA board which ultimately 
decides which studies the funds in the AKC CHF BMDCA Donor Advised Fund 
will be used to support. Make your check payable to CHF, but on the memo 
line mark it for the BMDCA Donor Advised Fund. See:

= BARC - Berner Auction Rescue Coalition - tax deductible donations can be 
sent to help cover the cost of rescuing Berners who are being auctioned or 
sold in situations where they could wind up in puppy mills. See:

= BEHAF - Berner Emergency Health Assistance Fund - tax deductible 
donations can be sent to help cover unexpected emergency costs for Berner 
owners, or to a specific fund set up for a BEHAF Special Friend. See:

= Berner-Garde - tax deductible donations can be sent to the foundation 
that was established to help reduce genetic disease in the BMD. 
Berner-Garde maintains a database of disease incidence. See:

= Berner-L Brag Fund - donations can be sent to any specific fund, or 
payable to Pat Long (and those will be used to fund Health efforts, 
currently by being sent to the AKC/CHF BMDCA donor advised fund, or to any 
other fund of your choice). This is a voluntary donation; all brags are 
enjoyed on the Berner-L whether you wish to donate or not!!

= BLEF - Berner-L Education Fund - send a check payable to Pat Long or to 
Lesley Rouillier to help finance educational efforts. Baseball cards and 
copies of a Poster based on the Dog World ad are available to help finance 
this fund, as well as some other posters for display at dog events. Contact 
Pat Long at:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 	for details.

= BMDCA Health Fund - donations can be sent to be used for funding health 
studies.  (Donations are not tax deductible at this time.) Make your 
donation to the BMDCA Health Fund and send it to the BMDCA treasurer. 
Contact:		[EMAIL PROTECTED] for information.

= BMDCA Rescue Fund - donations can be sent to be used for assisting any 
BMDCA approved rescue

Re: BERNER-L digest

2003-01-17 Thread TNG Bernese

could the person who posted about wanting to know of
any who imported a Berner from Belgium please contact

I have a 16 month old boy from there.

Sheila   (his photos are on my website)

S. Olson-Avalos - California TNG Bernese Mt. Dogs *

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Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

Re: Help on a partially torn cruciate ligament!

2003-01-01 Thread bernese
Hi Cindy

Our boy Bacchus was diagnosed with a partially torn ACL when he was 4. It
came on very suddenly also, one day he was just laying there and moved and
yelped. When he stood up he was holding his right rear leg up. After
diagnosis from the vet, we kept him on leash walks and crate rest [when we
weren't home, so he wasn't tempted to charge the doors or windows to protect
the home from squirrels]. For the next couple of weeks, he would move wrong
[oddly enough, usually while laying down] and yelp, but was okay 80% of the
time. After about a month he was finehowever we did make some permanant

We were starting drafting and decided against it. Between the ACL injury and
dysplasia in the left front elbow, we felt it was unwise to continue and
tempt fate. We had taught him to come up for kisses sometimes [he would
stand on his rear legs and look me square in the eyelol]. We had to stop
that too. The up part didn't seem to bother him, but the going back down
to all 4's caused him pain.

Bacchus is now 7 and has not needed surgery [knock on wood]. He still does
his cutting horse routine out in the backyard and continues to protect us
from squirrels.

I would be interested in hearing from others that have dealt with a
partially torn many have had to have surgery?

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari
- Original Message -
From: Cindy Buhner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:11 PM
Subject: Help on a partially torn cruciate ligament!

 Major bummer.  My ~1 year old Berner, Paws, has been diagnosed with a
partially torn cruciate ligament on his left hind leg :

Happy 6th Birthday Ari

2002-12-30 Thread bernese
Just wanted to wish a very happy 6th birthday to our girl Ari. [Prima
Ariadne V Alderhorst]. She is truly a love. We are so grateful to both Judy
Butenas and Cindy DeGuidio for Arishe is the sweetest, most loving girl.

Ari has always been the clown. Where Bacchus tries to act dignified and
regal..there sits Ariher tongue lolling out the side of her mouth,
one ear flipped over, her eyes full of mischief, and a big smile on her

Happy Birthday baby

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari
you can see pics at

Re: Osteochondrosis

2002-11-13 Thread bernese
 Hi Anne

I can only give you our personal experience with OCD with our girl Ari. When
Ari was about 8 mnths she started limping and after X-rays it was determined
that she had  a joint mouse [what they call the piece of bone that has
come loose]...however in Ari's case it had not yet come completely loose.
Evidently when it does, the sharp edges can cause pain when they jab into
the surrounding tissue.

We started Shark Cartilage and the Gloucosomine/Chrondroitin.shortly
after that we switched to a BARF diet.

Well, X-rays a few months later showed that a protective capsule of sorts
had formed around the joint mouse and kept it in place. It never had a
chance to migrate.

We tried to keep Ari's antics to a minimum during those weeks...good
luck!  She is a crazy girl, whose play bows in the back yard are so forceful
that you can hear them hitshe is a silly girl.

Hope some of this info helps

Cathi-see our babies at:

 I would appreciate hearing from others who have dealt with this
condition...your experiences with the surgery, recovery, success, return to
activity, or if you found rest to be a viable solution in lieu of surgery.
 Thanks in advance for your input...
 Anne (with Maddie and Titan)

OT-Labmed auction

2002-11-03 Thread bernese
As you probably read a bit ago, Labmed has been unable to
accept new applications due to lack of funds. I wrote about their plight
recently and how they had been so wonderful when BEHAF was getting
going...helping with tax-exempt status and such.

Well for all of you that have labs...know someone who has a lab...or just
care about another organization that does  very, very good things [ they
provide medicical assistance to rescue labs]their auction has started.
It only runs through the 9th of Nov, and there are many general dog items
available [beds and such]. Please take a moment to check out the auction or
pass this e-mail on to those who know people with labs.

As I mentioned before, their crew was so very helpful to the folks at  BEHAF
when we were beginning. They gave us advice and all their best wishes. If
anyone can pass this message along to their lab friends who don't know about
Labmed, or just check it out for some general doggie would be
most appreciated. They were wonderful to us.



also visit BEHAF

BERNER-L digest 4092

2002-10-30 Thread Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
 enough of an

How long have you been in Berners, how many litters have you bred, what
makes Bailey so special (other than the fact that she's a Berner, we all
know that they're automatically special!), and how did you find the
right male, what made you decide to do this particular breeding?

We want to know more!! We're all a curious bunch, and maybe you can help
a lot of us learn as well - that's always a fun part of the List!

And you hug that Bailey for us, and give her some gentle bellyrubs!

Pat Long ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

---End Message---
HI all,
Just a quick note before I'm late for work.  Several years ago, when 
Costco again had Berners, I bought them for people and shipped them out.  At 
one time I had 22 on my guest bed!  LOL  Shipping is typically fairly 
inexpensive b/c the stuffed dogs are generally not heavy.  The ladies at the 
Post Office got to know Chris and I pretty well!  I have not been to my 
Costco yet, but having read these posts it is now a priority!  LOL   If my 
Costco has any Berners, I would be happy to buy and ship again.  I'll let 
everyone know.  Also, for those of you that keep an eye out for Berner stuff, 
it seems that if Costco is going to carry them, it's always in the fall 
(great Christmas gifts I assume).

Andrea Stefanac
Richmond, VA

---End Message---
Hi Patti,
It is not unusual for dogs with arthritis to initially appear to enjoy the
cooler weather as it seems to reduce the inflammation and increase their
mobility. One of my earlier dogs, Ruby, had had a TPO in her young days and
as she aged she appeared to enjoy the cooler weather more but I had to
guard against her lying on the cold ground or cement floor because she
would then be worse later on. My late sister-in-law was severely affected
with rheumatoid arthritis and had had multiple joint replacements used to
tell me that the cooler weather was initially comforting but she would ache
with a burning sensation more if she stayed out too long. Don't be lulled
into false security, maintain her Metacam.

Has Holly always listed to one side when walking or is it something recent.
She may have had a mini stroke. I recall the late Judy Kelly telling me
about her Golden circling to one side after such an occurance.


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---End Message---
Hi Kelli,
We had the same concerns as you.  We do a lot of road trips in our car and
of course our Bernerboy goes everywhere with us.  A crate large enough to
fit a Berner will not fit in a car.  We did buy a seatbelt harness when he
was just months old  he is used to it and doesn't mind it.  We like the
peace of mind it gives us.
We looked at the reviews on this site:
and ended up getting The Survivor Big Dog Seat Belt System from C.A.R.E.
(Canine Auto Resraint Equipment):
When we first got it we knew we had to let him associate it with something
good.  Like food. . . . Food almost always works! VBG We got him used to
by putting it on him for mealtime.  Soon it was no big deal.  Now we get big
wags when he sees us take it off the leash hook ~ he knows he gets to go
with us!
 Hobbes (I'm always ready to go for a road trip mom!)

- Original Message -
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 1:05 PM
Subject: Dogs in cars

 Hello everyone,
 I have a question for all of you owners with traveling dogs. This past
weekend I was in a car accident. Fortunately no one was hurt, but it did get
me thinking, what if Oscar had been in the car! I have Oscar in my car
pretty much everyday. I have a Explorer sport and I keep my back seats down
and he just lays in the back but now I'm wondering just how safe is that? Do
any of you have those seat belts for your dogs? How do they work and do
your dogs

BERNER-L digest 4090

2002-10-29 Thread Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List

BERNER-L Digest 4090

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Yahoo! Auto Response
  2) Re: Stop licking  your feet
  3) AKC Agility National Championships
by Clark  Kris Osojnicki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  4) Re: AKC Agility National Championships
  5) Re: Stop licking  your feet
  6) Re: Berner-L, Dogs for Sale, a difficult question
  7) gender specific BMD traits
by Hildy Ferraiolo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  8) Re: gender specific BMD traits
by Eileen Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  9) unsubscribe
by BillLee_Blanche [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 10) Charisma's Two Today
by David Sandler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 11) Stuffed Berner
by Terri Taylor-Mikes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 12) Preventic Plus Collar 
by Robin Disler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 13) Marine Corps Marathon Berners
 14) seat belt, licking feet  NY female
by lydia myhree [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 15) Dog harnesses in cars
 16) Re: Phrases my dog knows
 17) Incredible chewing machine
by Cheryl Otis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 18) Re: berner siting - Golden, CO
 19) Re: berner siting - Golden, CO
by jane heggen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by Susan Berlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 21) suggestion
by Genyphyr Novak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 22) Esther Wilson
 23) malignant hystiocytosis
 24) Re: Incredible chewing machine
by Ruth Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by Tracey Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by Tracey Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 27) Re: puppy for sale in NY
by Jennifer Dickinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 28) Re: puppy for sale in NY
by Judith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 29) Phrases my dog knows
by Susan Bemus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 30) stuffed berner at costco
by Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 31) Favorite parent
by Susan Bemus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 32) Re: stuffed berner at costco
by Laurie Raymond [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 33) Esther Wilson
 34) Re: stuffed berner at costco
 35) CERFing in MA Thanksgiving week?
 36) Re: Incredible chewing machine
by Jennifer Martyn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 37) Re: stuffed berner at costco
by Sandie Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for your inquiry about our Bernese Mtn dogs.  As we have occassional litters 
it is best to contact us at least once a month via email as to the status of puppies, 
complete an adoption questionaire (contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for an adoption 
questionare after reading our website) and plan to visit our farm.  It is difficult to 
manage all contacts via the phone so email is the best.  We are looking for only the 
best homes for our little babies, they are truly our extended family!  For more 
information check out our website at and keep 
in touch!
Sincerely, Lisa Ebnet and the Furry Berner Crew in Ferndale, WA

Original Message:

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Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 00:01:08 CST
From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4089
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---End Message---
Licking is normal...obsessive licking isn't.  One of my dogs will lick her 
paw, then wash her face with's her cat imitation.  All of them will 
lick to clean their feet.

But, if I see a pink tinge to otherwise white fur, dark crimson between the 

BERNER-L digest 4088

2002-10-28 Thread Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List

BERNER-L Digest 4088

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Thank You
by Karen Alexander [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2) unsubsribe
by Dee Ann Stewart-Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  3) unsubscribe
by Dee Ann Stewart-Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  4) Mic And Children: Step Two
by Eileen Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  5) Re: BERNER-L digest 4087
by Patricia Galletti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  6) Phrases my dogs know
by Pippa Antonio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  7) re: microchips
by Charles and Kay Sloate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  8) Re: when dogs check out the grass on the other side of the fence
  9) Re: fun sharing 
 10) Re: microship implantation for the berner
 11) Re: OCD, weather  pain
 12) Re: Potty Trained - We Are There!!!
 13) Berner Siting
by Jayne Van Cleaf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 14) RE: Fun Sharing
by Cheryl Otis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 15) OT:Puppymills --why we need to fight them
by Patricia Tackett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 16) berner siting - Golden, CO
by Connie Schamaun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 17) Re: Fun Sharing
 18) Canadian Club contact
by Ruth Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 19) Briggand is major pointed!!
by Kathryn Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 20) Re: berner siting - Golden, CO
by Judith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 21) Dogs in cars
 22) Photos from Berner Picninc
 23) Famous last words!
by jean cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 24) male/female specific BMD traits
by Hildy Ferraiolo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 25) Re: Dogs in cars
 26) Berner Sighting
by george hasenauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 27) Re: Dogs in cars
by Eileen Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 28) hunting season and loose dogs
by Maria Crifasi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 29) RE: berner siting - Golden, CO
by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 30) Stuffed Berner
by Terri Taylor-Mikes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 31) Re: berner siting - Golden, CO
by Judith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In case I forgot to let the group know, I want to say thanks for all the
support you have s given me when I had to put my Amy to sleep.  Your emails
and cao the group gave me an opportunity to write about my grief.  Clover is
 napping in Amy's bed now.  Guess she knows she is in charge or is keeping
the spot warm for Amy's return
Karen Alexander   Clover and Hazel

---End Message---

- Original Message - 
From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 1:01 AM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4087

 BERNER-L Digest 4087
 Topics covered in this issue include:
   1) microchip and pups
 by Terry  Cathy Bering [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   2) RE: EUR AM's Kennedy
 by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   3) Re: Missing Dog
 by M Kingsley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   4) Re: Missing Dog
 by Sylvia Katvala [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   5) RE: microchip and pups
 by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   6) Sierra West's Working Day
 by Karyn Beyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   7) Hope all went well
   8) Re: Hope all went well -- It went GREAT!!!
 by Tracey Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   9) Re: Hope all went well -- It went GREAT!!!
 by Tracey Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  10) Re: Hope all went well -- It went GREAT!!!
 by Liz Caldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  11) Re: microchipping
 by Mary Shaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  12) FW: phrases my dog knows
 by Marie-France St-Pierre [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---End Message---

- Original Message - 
From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 7:47 PM
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4086

 BERNER-L Digest 4086
 Topics covered in this issue include:
   1) Re: Photos
 by Ray  Pat Burgett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   2) Hallowe'en costume
 by Susan Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   3) Re: Umbilical hernia and reaction to suture material
 by Susan Wilkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   4) Re: microship implantation for the berner
 by Liz Caldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   5) re: research helper sought VA pet lemon law
   6) Update:: Rescue in Illinois
 by Tracey Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   7) Re:Normann
   8) Chestnut munchies
 by Sheila Dolan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   9) Re: phrases my dog knows
 by Scott  Betsy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  10) Phrases my dog knows
 by Judith Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  11) Re: research helper sought VA pet lemon law
  12) Re: Ad in CT paper/puppies for sale AGAIN
  13) Re: Ad in CT

BERNER-L digest 4087

2002-10-27 Thread Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List

BERNER-L Digest 4087

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) microchip and pups
by Terry  Cathy Bering [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  2) RE: EUR AM's Kennedy
by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  3) Re: Missing Dog
  4) Re: Missing Dog
by Sylvia Katvala [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  5) RE: microchip and pups
by Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  6) Sierra West's Working Day
by Karyn Beyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  7) Hope all went well
  8) Re: Hope all went well -- It went GREAT!!!
by Tracey Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  9) Re: Hope all went well -- It went GREAT!!!
by Tracey Conner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 10) Re: Hope all went well -- It went GREAT!!!
by Liz Caldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 11) Re: microchipping
by Mary Shaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 12) FW: phrases my dog knows
by Marie-France St-Pierre [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I believe I must have sent the last message in HTML.
I would like to know the members feelings about microchipping pups. Who
do they use? Is it considered worthwhile? Schering -Plow has a device,
HommeAgain, that supposedly reads all other microchips. Are the devices
that read them at all of the rescue shelters? Terry

---End Message---

Well congratulations on Kennedy's win, you give that boy a big hug and
some bellyrubs from me!

There is no brag fine! We have a voluntary brag fund, the money goes to
Berner Health, or to any other fund that you designate. We always love
to get donations, and we cheerfully accept anything from $0 to
$1,000,000, so sent it on along to me!

Pat Long ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

---End Message---
Hi All - FYI Kinnelon is located in northern NJ (near Butler/Wanaque). I
hope that Nodi is safely found soon. -Mie Kingsley

Dr. William B. Neff wrote:
 --On Sunday, October 27, 2002 10:53 AM -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:r
  Janice  (973-492-6981) in Kinnelon recently adopted Gloria Hene's Nodi.
 Yesterday, 10/26, unfortunately she snuck out the front door on her.  She
 is  still missing.  Anyone in the area that can keep on eye out for her
 or help  would be greatly appreciated.  Nodi is afraid of strangers so
 she will not be  easy to catch to catch.  Anyone with sitings of Nodi,
 please contact Janice  or Karen Desiderio on her cell phone at
 201-787-5653 or at home at  908-362-6632.  Unfortunately, Karen will be
 away as of Tues.  You can contact  Maureen Toye at 973-538-3513 or on her
 cell at 973-229-7228.  Any help would  be greatly appreciated.
 **  What state and where is the dog missing?
 Joye Neff

---End Message---

Hope Nodi can be found fast and unharmed.

Anyone have any experience if a Animal Communicator could locate her?

Sylvia Katvala
Tucson, AZ

---End Message---

Anything that helps increase the chance of having a lost dog returned
home is worth doing. Many shelters have the scanners, and a lot of the
vets as well. I suspect the AKC program, CAR, or Companion Animal
Recovery (see, will become the standard with the
weight of the AKC behind it, and they use the Home Again chip. You can
read more about the CAR program, and the chips and scanners that they
use at their website.

There are other national registries as well.

Pat Long ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

---End Message---
Fall is here, so once again its time for Sierra West's annual Working Day
for Working Dogs!  This year will feature an AHBA Herding Test, agility
workshop, draft workship and Introduction to Competitive Obedience.

Working Day will take place on November 16 in Lodi, California.  More
information and entry forms are available at the website (under the link for
the Events Calendar).

This is a great way to see what activities you might like to do with your
dog, and there will be plenty of experts on hand to help out, including
BMDCA Herding Chair Marjie Cherry, BMDCA Obedience Chair April Rifenburg and
BMDCA Draft Judge Jim Lafrom.

Spectators are welcome!  Hope to see you there!

Karyn Beyer

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---End Message---
 To all:

Thanks for the great words of encouragement!!! The meeting with (you'll find
ironic Eileen) Beauregard went WONDERFULLY!! He's such an incredibly
handsome man!! He's so sweet and loving and gentle. He's also 

A plea for Labmed-please read

2002-10-18 Thread bernese
Dear fellow bernerlovers,

I am sending out a plea to all to consider supporting Labmed
and here is the reason why.

When we first started BEHAF in Jan of 1999, Labmed was the organization that
helped us get started. They helped us with ideas for funding, helped us with
tax-exempt status, and were very supportive. Everyone I spoke with there did
nothing but help and offer their best wishes.

Now, today,I was saddened to go to their website and see that they are
currently unable to accept apps because of a lack of funding. Now they are a
bit different than BEHAF, in that they offer funding for rescue labs.

I beg those bernerlovers who also own Labs, or who just care about an
organization that would care so much about helping another breed that wanted
to start up a fund, that they would take time out of their busy days to help
us. And support BEHAF 100%. You can read the note from the Labmed president
if you go to the guestbook at BEHAF .

I just can't say enough positive things about them.

I have never dealt with another organization that was so willing to help
another breed.and give so much advice and support.

Please take a moment to visit the site  ,read their success
stories and decide for yourselves. I am sending them a check today. They are
lovely people.

Thank you all for your consideration. I know we have so many berner causes
that need our help, but these people helped BEHAF become an entity. As a
result of their caring, BEHAF helped many berners and their families. As a
result of that BEHAF was able to help BARC [when they began] because of the
many things that we had learned.

Most sincerely

Cathi DeSantis
co-founder of BEHAF
visit BEHAF
visti Labmed

a plea for Labmed....PS

2002-10-18 Thread bernese
You can read the thoughts of the president of Labmed on page 7 of the BEHAF
guestbook [just so you don't have to scroll through all] It is from Jim

Also please consider forwarding this plea to anyone you know who has a Lab.
Let's help them if we can.

visit BEHAF
visit Labmed

Berner sighting-Giant Eagle commercial

2002-10-18 Thread bernese
I don't know how many states have a Giant Eagle grocery store, but last
night during CSI, there was a commercial for Giant Eagle featuring [for just
a sec] a beautiful berner. The husband was carring in armloads of groceries
and had to step over the berner laying on the porch.

Anyone we know?
