[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons--Avocet-June 09

2013-06-09 Thread Irene Woods

The lone American Avocet continues at the Blenheim Lagoons.
It has been seen regularily today. Was still there at 7:15 this evening.
It is normally in the Sprinklers by the building, but does take short
flights to the N/W corner of Pond 3.

Irene Woods--Chatham-Kent

Lagoon Directions:  Exit 401 at #90 (Communications Rd.) and head into
Blenheim.  At the main stoplight turn right (west) onto Rd. 3.  Travel about
1.5 km and turn right (north) onto Lagoon Rd. at the carwash, and continue
north about 1 km to gate.  You must have an annual permit to enter.
Available at the Municipal Service Centre, 35 Talbot St. in Blenheim,
during  business hours, or by email to :


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Bobolinks-- Stefina Line,Blenheim, Chatham-Kent

2013-05-02 Thread Irene Woods
Ontbirders :

A pasture field just to the East of Blenheim is home again to Bobolinks
which have appeared each year, for many years, in the first week of May.
Although I only saw the males today, there is certain to be others to come.
They have successful hatches most years.  The pasture is rarely mowed,
and there is normally a large herd of cattle in the field.  That often includes
a Bull--so entering the Private field may not be a good idea.

These birds are usually here for several weeks, so you may have ample time
to search for them, as you go to, or from Rondeau Park--a 10 minute drive.

Irene Woods, Chatham-Kent

Directions :
Driving out of Blenheim, East, on #3 Highway,watch for a large church on
your left--Glad Tidings--Stefina Line is just before the Church. Turn left.
Or: Driving from Rondeau Park,on #3 Highway, just before the Golf Course,
you will see a dirt crossroad, marked Sinclair Line one way and
Harwich Road the other way.  Take Harwich Road. Drive ~ 1 km.and
you will intersect with Stefina Line.  Turn Right / East on Stefina.
Either way--the pasture is just a short distance down the road,
after an S-Curve in the road.  You will see a Cattle Loading area on the curve.
Lots of room to park here.  Scan the reeds for the birds.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons --April 15--April 21

2013-04-22 Thread Irene Woods
Species and numbers continue to climb--daily changes.
A Blue Phase Snow Goose, found by Josh V. was a one day visitor.
As was a Common Loon, found by Mike N.0n April 19.  However,
this loon may have been our  first-ever visit by that species.

Ducks: Ring-Necked; Northern Shoveler; Bufflehead; Am. Wigeon;
Lesser Scaup; tons of Ruddy; Coot; and Green-Winged Teal.

Shorebirds:  Only the Spotted Sandpiper at present. This species
successfully nests here each year. There is no shorebird habitat
due to very high water.

Tree Swallows; Ruby- Crowned Kinglets  Blackbirds as well.

Irene Woods,Chatham- Kent

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd. ] in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate. Enter at this gate only. Park on the lagoon side of road.
Permit required [ free].  Email Municipal Office :  can...@chatham-kent.ca 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons--Ready for birders + birds.

2013-04-13 Thread Irene Woods
Blenheim Lagoons are officially opened for the birding season.
Water levels are high, no surprise there, with our wet Spring.
An abundance of Ruddy Ducks are there just now, and many
more species are anticipated shortly.
Our usual Phalaropes are a wee bit tardy--but will come.

Sadly, my reason for this posting, is the lack of consideration
of visitors at the lagoon, this early in the season.
Volunteers have had to buy new chains for the gate, ties, etc.
after people have walked off with the others.
The listing box has been left wide open--exposing the new
2013 book to the elements.
All of this is very frustrating to the volunteers who care for the
birding site, and handle the business end with the Municipality.

I know--the guilty parties are probably not even reading this !
Please speak up if you see any infractions happening there
this season--as we should at any birding site !

Your FREE  yearly pass can be accessed by emailing to 
Candy at the Municipal Office. For other methods---reply to
this email privately.
Give Candy: Your name, address. New ? Or renewal ?


Thank you for reading the above---Irene Woods, Chatham-Kent

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd. ] in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate. Enter at this gate only. Park on the lagoon side of road.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Rondeau Park area--Cattle Egrets

2012-05-10 Thread Irene Woods
Posting for Blake Mann  others there:

At 9:45 am, there are still 2 Cattle Egrets just a
short drive outside Rondeau Provincial Park.

Directions:  Leaving the Park, continue east
on Lakeshore Drive   [ Rose Beach Drive ].
You will pass a trailer park-- Wildwood Park.
The egrets are feeding in the adjacent field
to the East.

Or from Morpeth, go South to the lake,
and birds are at the curve.

Irene Woods, Chatham-Kent   iwoo...@cogeco.ca 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Snowy Owl still at Blenheim Sewage Lagoons

2012-04-15 Thread Irene Woods
Ontbirders :
Further to Rick's earlier posting, a Snowy Owl continues
to stay at the Blenheim Sewage Lagoons.  It has been here
for a few weeks now.  I saw it this afternoon.  It was sitting
in the open field, just East of the lagoon, on the Allison Sideroad.

It moves about in the general area, never far from the lagoons.
Today it was visible by car.  Sometimes you need to enter
the lagoon compound, and search the fields.

Our ponds are too high for anything but ducks, but shorebirds
are beginning to appear at the building sprinklers.

Permits are free, must be carried on site.

Easiest method to obtain permit is by email: See below:

Send your name; address; phone #; and request to:


She will email your permitYou PRINT---and go!

Candy will give you the lock combination as well.

{She asks that you mention if this is a renewal permit]

Irene Woods-- CHATHAM-KENT

Directions to lagoons :

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd]. in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate [ see below]. Enter at this gate only.

Please park on the lagoon side of the road--only.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons--Lost / Found Field Guide

2011-06-17 Thread Irene Woods
Posted with permission from Mark C.

Past visitors to Blenheim lagoons:  After being  side-lined from birding
for a long 6 weeks, I was once again able to visit the lagoons yesterday.
It was a joy to see the birds who are raising their young families there.
Nothing unexpected, but it appears that the Spotted S.P. has nested as well.

Lots of butterflies, dragonflies,  wild flowers.
Water levels are still high, as are the grasses around the ponds.

A good quality field guide was found in the listing box.
It contains the names Rebecca  Ginny Pearce.
If any reader knows these ladies, would you please see that they
get this email ?   I will happily make arrangements for it's return,
perhaps after the Mail Strike !!  Email direct to me :  iwoo...@cogeco.ca 

THE LOCK on the gate :   I was dismayed that the last visitor left
the gate unlocked.  Please: It must be kept locked at all times.
At present, when the lock is not used on a daily basis, it can 
sometimes be a bit obstinate !  One only needs to hold the lock
in the locked position, and spin the numbers a time or two.
Please take the time to do this--thank you.

Irene Woods
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Lawrence's Warbler--Rondeau P.Park

2011-04-30 Thread Irene Woods
Another nice bird for Rondeau today--a Book Perfect
Lawrence's Warbler showed up just before 4 p.m. this
aft.--Sat. April 30th.
It was still there at 5:45 when I left the Park .
It was always seen immediately at the entrance to the
Tulip Tree Trail [ beside the shed ]. Sometimes first seen
on the left side of the trail, then it would cross over to the right.
When disturbed, it would disappear for some time, only to come
back and repeat the above.  It was scratching in the leaves in
search of food, rather than insects in flight [ there were none ! ].
Hopefully it will spend the night there, as I believe the OFO
tour at Rondeau is in the morning.

Rondeau Provincial Park is found by exiting 401 at #101 (Kent Bridge Rd.)
and travelling south to Rose Beach Line.  Turn right and head towards the
park.  Watch for prominent highway signs.

Irene Woods,  Chatham- Kent
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Tilbury Lagoons--Trumpeter Swan+ found article

2010-11-22 Thread Irene Woods
Birders:  particularly those in Kent  Essex counties.

The Trumpeter Swan found July 16 by both Josh Vandermeulen
and Brandon Holden continues to be found at the lagoons here
in Tilbury.   This was an unusual sighting for our area--we rarely
see Trumpeter Swans.  The bird seems healthy, and I think he
looks much heavier too--but I wonder about his future here.
The ponds will freeze over soon.  After 4 months, does he know 
enough to leave ?  I hope so.

While at the lagoons,  I found a cloth Canon camera case.
It is in my car trunk.  If it is yours, please contact me personally.

There were very few  birds at the lagoon.
Directions below.

Irene Woods--Chatham-Kentiwoo...@cogeco.ca 

Directions to Tilbury Lagoons:
Go to Tilbury--which is in South Kent--just off #401
Take the main street [  Queen ]  North--continue
under the 401 overpass--go ~ 1 km.--watch for hidden street
sign  Clouthier--turn left---drive another ~2 km.
The lagoons--Water Treatment--are on your left.
You can drive in near the ponds.  Do not block service vehicles.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons---birds permit info

2010-11-01 Thread Irene Woods
Birders:  As a follow-up to Blake Mann's report yesterday regarding
our very late Wilson's Phalarope--the bird is still there today.
Easily found in Pond 1, just up the slope from the gate.  We have had
a number of Phalaropes this year that preferred this same pond.

Pond 1 has undergone some extensive repairs this Fall, and is now
filled with water.  Pond 5--Water is now somewhat lower, and has a
resting area for Gulls, etc. near the middle.

All 5 ponds are hosting at least 8 species of waterfowl.
There are many Mallards; Ruddy; Canvasback; Northern Shoveller;
Scaup sp.;Bufflehead;and at least 1 of Pintail; Redhead; and Coot.
Small flocks were arriving as I visited the lagoons today.

There were Song Sparrows; Am. Pipits;  Bl.C. Chickadees.

3 Bonaparte's Gulls  the usual Ring-Billed Gulls + 2 Killdeer

At 11:11 a.m. I had an Adult Golden Eagle in my scope, and a 2nd.
Golden Eagle popped into the same view !  Nice.  Perhaps  these were
2 of the 19  birds seen over Hawk Cliff  yesterday ?

Below are the directions to the lagoons  Permit  information.
Need I remind you that it is mitten  scarf weather there now ? Brrr---

Irene Woods  -- Chathamiwoo...@cogeco.ca 

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd. ] in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate . Enter at this gate only. Park on lagoon side of road.

To obtain permit : Permits are free  are good for 1 year.
The permit must be carried by at least 1 person in each group.

Send your name; address; phone #; and request to:


She will email your permitYou PRINT---and go!

{She asks that you mention if this is a renewal permit]

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Chatham-Kent's 2 Cattle Egrets

2010-10-21 Thread Irene Woods
Birders :   The 2 Cattle Egrets  remain here still, after arriving
a week ago.  The cattle have become much more accustomed
to them and tend to ignore them now.  If the temperature does not
go too low,  and  the grasshoppers + other insects thrive  , perhaps
the egrets will even stay longer.  [--that's not a promise! ].

Directions to #9879 Pinehurst Line [ 1 road North of the 401 ];

The 401 Exit is #90  [ not 91 ]
The 401 road signs should indicate #40 H  North 
 Communication Rd. South.  This is where you exit, and go North,
then immediately East on Pinehurst Line.  Travel 2 km.
The large pasture is on the South side of the road.
Do Not Climb fence !   Bull in attendance.
The cattle and egrets move about.   Be patient.

Irene Woods---Chatham  iwoo...@cogeco.ca
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Cattle Egrets--Chatham-Kent--added info

2010-10-19 Thread Irene Woods
Birders:  Further to C. Smith earlier posting,  the Cattle Egrets
remained in the pasture field all day,  were still there late aft.

A correction to my earlier email:  The 401 Exit is #90  [ not 91 ]
The 401 road signs should indicate #40 H  North 
 Communication Rd. South.  This is where you exit, and go North,
then immediately East on Pinehurst Line.
Another correction--that interchange has just recently been
upgraded--and now the road signs are much improved !

I have also been reminded of the first recorded C. Egret
for Chatham-Kent for 2010.   It was found at the Blenheim Lagoons.
It stayed only briefly.   So--we have recorded 5 of the birds to date for this 

Today, the farm wife, who owns the cattle, was busy collecting
litter from the road shoulders.  She questioned who would be
discarding all this garbage?   I assured her that we birders would
not be guilty of such a crime .  I was right--yes?

Irene Woods, Chatham  iwoo...@cogeco.ca
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Cattle Egrets--Chatham-Kent, near H # 401

2010-10-18 Thread Irene Woods
Hello birders:

2010 seems to be the year for Cattle Egrets in Chatham-Kent.
Most years we will probably see at least one, but this year
we have been blessed with several sightings.
In May, at the peak birding time, we had 1 very co-operative
C. Egret that stayed for many days. It was seen by probably
100's of birders who visited Rondeau P.P.

A week ago, another Cattle Egret dropped into a Wetland
near Wallaceburg.

Yesterday, after a slow day of spotting birds, I was on my way
home,  when I discovered , not 1, but 2 very actively feeding
Cattle Egrets in a pasture field with perhaps a dozen cattle.
Calling a few friends, some great camera shots were taken.
The birds would go nose-to-nose with the cattle, and then
the animal would chase off the birds.  It was fun to watch the antics!
The birds were still there today/ and late evening--hopefully
tomorrow too.   Good luck if you try for them.  Directions below.
Personal note to my birding friends-- I no longer live in the
shadows of the Blenheim Lagoons .  I do however, presently
live with 100's of Chatham-Kent crows in my back yard.  Cool !

Directions to Cattle Egrets:  Take Exit 91 off the 401.
Turn North twds. Chatham--but drive only a few metres.
The paved rd. going East is Pinehurst Line--poorly signed.
[ This road runs parallel with the 401]
Travel 2 km.  You will see a hilly pasture on the South side.
The egrets will be on the heels of the cattle.  Good luck !

As a side note:  Blenheim lagoons is in a slump right now.
Earlier in the season, it was great for Shorebirds.
Now we await for the arrival of ducks  geese.

Irene Woods, Chatham,   iwoo...@cogeco.ca 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Skunk's Misery Correction

2010-05-27 Thread Irene Woods
To all the eagle eyed' Ontbirders--I wish all readers were
so observant, here is my correction of my report on
Skunk's Misery.
Re; Parula Warbler--this bird is a non-nester at the woodlot!
He was just visiting  and singing---he liked the forest  LOL.
I put the email out in a hurry, and had left my notes in the car.
There are apparently 85 species who have nested there,
I just tried to up it to 86 !!

Stay cool  Irene

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Skunk's Misery birds--Middlesex Kent Counties

2010-05-26 Thread Irene Woods
London /  Chatham area birders:
After getting a good report on the nesting Warblers
at Skunk's Misery over the Holiday week-end, a friend
and I spent a few hours there yesterday .
The woods was alive  with bird song, and the roadways
active with butterflies.
We stayed on the road, not entering the woodlot at all.
Mosqiutoes / bugs were not bad there , but best not  to leave roadside.

Nesting warblers include Cerulian; Parula; Hooded; Chestnut-Sided;
and Blue-Winged were there as well.  They can be heard / seen
from the road.  Lots of Yellow W.  Common Yellowthroat.
A Yellow-Billed Cuckoo was very obliging, and roadside.
Numerous Great-Crested Flycatchers were feeding, and nest-building.

Personally, I did not see all those warblers, but others have.

Sassafrass Road North was best, Trillium was also good.
Best to take time at all of them.
Park your car in a shaded area, but keep  your car in View !
We just moved the car along at intervals.
[ --the OPP patrol this road regularily, and will stop to speak 2U ]

Good luck,  good hearing, if you go--   Irene

Skunk's Misery is found on County Rd. # 14 , half-way
between Newbury  Bothwell.   County Rd. # 14 is
one road North of Longwood's Road [ old Highway # 2 ]

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim--Curlew S.P.--No; Y.H.B.B.--Yes; R.N.Phalarope--Yes

2010-05-18 Thread Irene Woods
Birders:  Blenheim Lagoons Update
Despite concentrated efforts by several birders,in the rain,
we were unable to re-locate the Curlew S.P. this morning.
I will try again this afternoon--and will post, only if it is found.
I have seen the photos of the bird, and one is on the OFO site.

However, the female Yellow-Headed Blackbird is still present,
feeding in the dandelions near the main building.
Also, the male Red-Necked Phalarope is present.
He, too, is in the irrigation cells at the building, where the
Curlew was seen yesterday.

Sadly, the lagoon gate has been left WIDE OPEN on a
number of occasions recently.  There are small children
near-by---would you want to be guilty of allowing an accident
to happen to one of these kids?   I think not!
As well, another birder's car, has been locked into the compound!
We WALK in ---the Small gate--ONLY--

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd]. in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate [ see below]. Enter at this gate only.

Please park on the lagoon side of the road--only.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons Today

2010-05-18 Thread Irene Woods
Birders I apologize if my previous email came thru' as
Spam Suspectnever fear!!!---it is fine.
My Norton Anti-virus is in overdrive, I would guess--LOL
I can only assume that I used too many capital letters
in my subject line---
Have a great day--better than the weather!

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons + Near-by Cattle Egret

2010-05-03 Thread Irene Woods
Stopping by the lagoons tonight, and speaking by phone
to a local birder, there was an impressive list of birds
seen at the lagoon today--most in the Sprinkler cells by the bldg.
I assume the 7+ birders who visited today, do not have access
to their computers , so I am taking the liberty of posting the birds.
Those driving through the area may wish to stop by.

300+ Dunlin
15+ Lesser Yellowlegs
Solitary S.P.
Semipalmated Plover
7 Wilson's Phalaropes
[  our single male has waited 46 days for this company ! ]
4 Long-Billed Dowitchers
4 Marbled Godwits
3 Ruddy Turnstones
[ and 1 other species-- I can't read my own scribble--LOL]

Cattle Egret--corner of Bisnett Rd.  Erieau Rd  [10 min. from lagoon]
Bird frequents the small horse paddock with the white rail fence.
Spends some time in the deep, foliaged, drainage ditch.
Requires patience + time. Bird does not like people carrying cameras.

Lagoon directions:
Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd]. in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate [ see below]. Enter at this gate only.

Please park on the lagoon side of the road--only.

Permit required.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim--Phalarope--NO

2010-04-02 Thread Irene Woods
Birders hoping to see the Phalarope---

Sorry, but he has not been seen for 2 days now,
at least  not reported.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons--Wilson's Phalarope

2010-03-31 Thread Irene Woods

The Wilson's Phalarope continues to spin at the
Blenheim lagoons.  Prolonged watching is guaranteed
to make your head spin too! 

His general location is described in the notebook at the gate.

You can still download a permit from the Municipal office
on Thursday, April 01, during office hours,--but then not again
until Tues. April 06.  Contact:


Good birding  Happy Easter

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons----Wilson's phalarope--YES

2010-03-21 Thread Irene Woods
Happy Spring to all---

Yes, the Wilson's Phalarope has been re-found this morning
at the Blenheim Lagoons in Pond 3 [ map at gate].
Blake Mann is there watching it now.
This is a very rare sighting for this time period.
Normally they show up near the end of April.
Hopefully, we won't have another freeze-up.
Thanks to Mike Irwin for posting on Friday.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd]. in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate [ see below]. Enter at this gate only.

Please park on the lagoon side of the road--only
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons-- birds,directions + permit

2010-03-20 Thread Irene Woods
Hello birders:  As a follow-up to Mike's report yesterday of
a Wilson's Phalarope at the Blenheim Lagoons , I had requests
for info on Lagoon Permits--so here it is--a bit early, but permits
are available now--and year-round as well.
I did take a 1/2 hour trek of the lagoons today, but could not
re-locate the Phalarope--he is probably still there tho'.
It was bitter cold, windy, rough waters--but lots of ducks.
Dress warmly, and in layers--coldest spot in Kent County !

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd]. in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate [ see below]. Enter at this gate only.

Please park on the lagoon side of the road--only.

OR : For those coming by #401. Take interchange

#91—which is #40 H North  Communication Rd. South.

Travel South, twds Blenheim, a few km. Just as you reach

The outskirts of Blenheim, you will see a new “Sobey’s “

Grocery  store. It is at the corner of  Allison Rd. Turn right

On Allison and travel 2.9 km. This will take you to Lagoon Rd.,

Where you will see the lagoon property and the small gate

[ not the Large gate].

For those who have other “people needs “the Sobey’s store

Is open 24 hours each dayhas “Hot” and “Cold” deli foods,

And a clean public WASHROOMwhat more could you ask for ?

Gasoline?  Just East of Sobey's--a NO Frills gas bar + grocery store.
To obtain permit : Permits are free  are good for 1 year.
The permit must be carried by at least 1 person in each group.
There are now 5   ways to get your permit  

   BY   E_MAIL :

Send your name; address; phone #; and request to:


She will email your permitYou PRINT---and go!

{She asks that you mention if this is a renewal permit]

How easy is that !!

 By mail: Blenheim Municipal Service Centre
P.O.Box 2128, Blenheim,On., N0P 1A0
By Fax : 519-676-0244

By phone : 519-676-5405
In person : at the Municipal Service Centre
8am---5pm Mon.--Fri.
35 Talbot St. West
[in the Post Office building, parking in the rear of bldg. ]
Should you need further directions contact me at
irewo...@ciaccess.com mailto:irewo...@ciaccess.com 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons--FYI

2009-10-21 Thread Irene Woods
Hello Ontbirds Subscibers,

The Blenheim Lagoons are now opened again to
all birders with your yearly permit.
Entrance as usual through the small gate using
the combination # given with your permit.

For any further info, please email me privately.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons--limited access on Oct. 04

2009-09-25 Thread Irene Woods
OFO Field Trip Participants  others:

Those birders travelling South to the Point Pelee 
Field Trip on Sun. Sept. 27th are reminded that there
is strictlyNo Access to the Blenheim Lagoons at that
time.  Those having free time may wish to visit Rondeau,
or the nature trails at Erieau.
[  email me privately if you wish info on the Erieau trails ]

Sunday, Oct. 04th---The lagoon supervisor phoned me
this morning.   Work at the lagoons has fallen behind,
due to mechanical problems, etc.   He has agreed to let
birders in on Sunday, Oct.04  [ only ! ].   The combination
lock will be in place during regular work hours--for Sunday,
I believe that to be 8:a.m--until  5:00 p.m..  There will be
RESTRICTIONS in place.  Pond # 3 will have No Access!.
Bars/ poles/ and/or Tape will be in place to mark that area.
Trip leaders are to insist that this area not be crossed .
You may use the berms closest to the road to arrive at
the building  sprinklers.

This will [ or should be] my last update until lagoon work
is complete.  Please adhere to all restrictions lest we
lose free  complete access.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Update on progress at Blenheim Lagoons

2009-09-21 Thread Irene Woods
I have been receiving emails in regards to the Blenheim
Sewage Lagoons, so this is in answer to all Ontbirders.

I spoke with Lagoon staff today, hoping to get week-end
permission to enter the premises, but No'---not yet !
The area is considered a construction zone, requiring
hard hats and permission--due to insurance regulations.
The Ministry of Labour will not allow us to be there, until
the work is complete.  The company's permit expires on Sept. 30.
The work is 2/3 complete. It is expected to be done by the above time.

They are well aware that we hope to be able to enter
during the OFO conference.  I have been promised an
update this coming Friday--the 25th.

In the meantime--I am dismayed to tell you, a birder did
enter the compound--through the construction gate--
having left their car on the road.  At any time, we are only
allowed to enter through the small personal gate. I would like
to believe that this person[s] WAS NOT an Ontbirds subscriber!
There were consequences to their actions.  They were locked
into the compound as the workers left !  Said birders had
to Dial 911 to be released from the barbed wire enclosure!

I imagine the 911 Operator had his/ her smile for the day!
Help !  I'm locked into a Sewage Lagoon ! 

Good Birding---and Read  obey the signs--

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Ruff at Blenheim Lagoons + Reminder

2009-08-03 Thread Irene Woods
Happy Civic Holiday,

Well, it only took me 140 minutes to find the elusive
Ruff at the lagoons this morning.!!!
Several out-of-town birders have been in and out all
morning, and all were successful in finding the Ruff.
There is some debate as to the sex of this bird, because
of the molting plumage.  I'm going out on a limb here,
but I think the one I saw is an Adult male in late summer attire!
Another possibility is that there may be 2 different birds
being seen yesterday and today.
Many photos were taken today.
There are many shorebird species, and more Stilts than I have
ever seen at one time.
There is a refreshing cool breeze at the lagoons just now!

Reminder:  Today is the last day to access the lagoons for
some weeks.  I will notify you when this rule is lifted.
I hesitate to give directions at this late time--but I will!
PLEASE do not enter after today.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality

Lagoon Directions:  Exit 401 at #90 (Communications Rd.) and head into
Blenheim.  At the main stoplight turn right (west) onto Rd. 3.  Travel about
1.5 km and turn right (north) onto Lagoon Rd. at the carwash, and continue
north about 1 km to gate.  You must have an annual permit to enter.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons --No Admission--Alert

2009-07-28 Thread Irene Woods
Hello birders--on yet another rainy day !

I have just received a phone call from the Municipal office.
Staff at the lagoons will be having a major brush-burn
over a period of  possibly 2 months--beginning Tues. Aug. 04-2009.
During this time slot--NO BIRDERS/ VISITORS--will be
allowed on the fenced- in grounds.  Please respect this rule.
I will send you notice when this project is complete, hopefully 
well before our Convention in October.

For those interested, presently Pond 3 is drawn down,
and there is excellent habitat for shorebirds.
Several species are there now. Hopefully, others will
arrive in late Sept.  October.
BUT---you only have until Mon. Aug. 3rd. to view these birds.

Anyone needing more info, please email me privately, thanks.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blue-Winged Teal : Kingsville to Ecuador

2009-03-29 Thread Irene Woods
Hello Ontbirders;  It appears from several postings
that many of you are sitting at home in the rain today.
This isn't a Rare Bird Alert I know---but thought this 
might interest you, especially now as we await the above
Teal species to return to our areas.
This appeared in our local paper this week :

Wheatley /  Kingsville :  Ecuador is a long, long flight for
any bird species, especially a small Blue-Winged Teal.
A hunter, [in Ecuador] had the Jack Miner band #1185,
and reported it to a biologist in the Tropical country of
Ecuador on March 11th.  The year on the band was 1990
with the religious verse, Have faith in God --Mark 11:22.

Hope you enjoyed this tidbit

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Blenheim Lagoons--ducks + Annual Permit

2009-03-17 Thread Irene Woods
Happy St. Patrick's Day birders--a sunny,+ 13 C. day !
The following report is a month earlier than last year--great!
 Our lagoon is free of ice, winter stench is gone, ducks are here.
Today found an abundance of the following:
Ring-Necked ; Mallards; Hooded Mergansers; Redheads; Bufflehead;
Lesser numbers of:
Scaup sp. ; Ruddy; N. Shoveler; Am. Wigeon;
--and a pleasant surprise for me, 1 m Long-Tailed duck !
Frogs were jumping everywhere--especially away from me--
future tidbits for our resident Snapper ,  I fear.
Muskrats were busy collecting roots, or whatever they collect !
As you know, you must have a permit to enter the lagoons.
It's only necessary for one permit in your group, but that 
holder is responsible for everyone.
Below my signature you will find all the details.
Those not interested can Hit Delete  now---Good Birding,  Irene

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality

Directions + Pass Info :

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd. ] in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2  km. and you will see a small
locked gate [ see below].*** Enter at this gate only.

NEW  : For those coming by #401. Take interchange

#91-which is #40 H North  Communication Rd. South.

Travel South, twds Blenheim, a few km. Just as you reach

  The outskirts of Blenheim, you will see a new Sobey's 

Grocery  store. It is at the corner of  Allison Rd. Turn right

On Allison and travel 2.8 km. This will take you to Lagoon Rd.,

Turn left, go past the large gate, towards a small gate, with padlock.

You get the combination # when you receive your permit.

For those who have other people needs the Sobey's store

Is open 24 hours each dayhas Hot and Cold deli foods,

And a clean public WASHROOMwhat more could you ask for ?

Gas, you say ?---a few hundred metres from Sobey's, is a No Frills

store---they have a gas bar---daytime hours only.
To obtain permit : Permits are free  are good for 1 year.
The permit must be carried by at least 1 person in each group.
There are now 5   ways to get your permit  


Send your name; address; phone #; and request to:


She will email your permitYou PRINT---and go!

**{She asks that you mention if this is a renewal permit]

How easy is that !!

By Mail:

: Blenheim Municipal Service Centre
P.O.Box 2128, Blenheim,On., N0P 1A0
By Fax : 519-676-0244

By phone : 519-676-5405
In person : at the Municipal Service Centre
8am---5pm Mon.--Fri.
35 Talbot St. West
[in the Post Office building ]
Should you need further directions contact me at
irewo...@ciaccess.com mailto:irewo...@ciaccess.com 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Greater White-fronted Geese--Erieau--Chatham-Kent

2008-12-29 Thread Irene Woods
Winter Listers:

Yesterday at dusk Jim Burk found 8  Greater White-fronted
Geese near Erieau.  I needed those for my Winter List , so
went searching for them.  They had moved into the Bay in
the village of Erieau, along with many Canada Geese.
They are easily seen today as there is very little open water.

At the fishing tugs there is an active Belted Kingfisher,
and very little else !

Directions: Erieau is found off #3 H.  [ Talbot Trail],
a few km. S/W from Blenheim. Watch for sign.
As you reach Erieau, the road divides. At this division
you can make a left turn onto Second St.
The birds are seen at the Bay end of the street.
Also, can be seen at the ends of Third St.  Cameron St.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds] Greater White-fronted Geese--Erieau--Gone !

2008-12-29 Thread Irene Woods
Winter Listers :
A second visit to Erieau this afternoon found that
the above geese have departed to parts unknown !
There is almost no open water at Erieau, so perhaps
they decided to go South!  
I have been told that there have been 4 in the Pelee
area recently.  Perhaps there are 12 now !
[ no directions available ]

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds] Rare bird Alert !---Black-throated Gray Warbler--Rondeau Park

2008-11-23 Thread Irene Woods
Birders:  Just received a phone call from Blake Mann.
He and others are in Rondeau Park watching a Black-
throated Gray Warbler going from cedar to cedar in search
of insects.
Directions:  Rondeau Park is off H#3 via Kent Rd. #15.
Go into the park, and immediately turn left before the
campground. The bird is near the intersection of Bowman
 Centre St.just to the North of the campgrounds.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds] Erieau : 2 Cave Swallows + 1 feral cat = OH SHUCKS !!!!

2008-11-09 Thread Irene Woods
Hello Ontbirders,

More sightings of Cave Swallows today, Nov.09th.  This time in Erieau, 
mid-afternoon very shortly after several birders had just left.
I first spotted 1 Juv. Cave Swallow feeding at the windows and glass
doors of the fishery building.  I immediately began to call birding friends
on my cell phone, having my car window rolled down to better watch the bird.
Imagine my surprise when 2 Cave  Swallows attempted to fly into my car !
Shortly thereafter the 2 birds rested on a low window frame. Bad move
a big yellow cat appeared-- I honked my car horn, yelled at the cat,
then  took chase after the cat ! With one high jump, he had the resting bird
in his jaws ! I chased after him---[ that must have been funny, watching
an old lady chase a cat !!!   ]  He took the bird under a stationary house
trailer--and looked smugly at me  !  Darn, darn, darn !
The 2nd bird took flight--I know not where !

As a consolation for me-- I had the Franklin's Gull, 2 Lesser-black-back
gulls and a Snowy Owl at the dock--thanks to Jim  Keith Burk.
There was a Little gull as well. The Purple S.P. was hidden away, I guess.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality

Directions to Erieau:  The port of Erieau is located south of Blenheim.
 West out of Blenheim on Talbot Trail (Rd. 3), turn left onto (Erieau Rd.)
 Rd. 12 and follow to village.  The pier area is found by continuing through
 the village and turning right at the restaurant intersection.---thanks to B. 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Chatham-Kent------SNOWY Owl + Snow Buntings--Oct. 22

2008-10-22 Thread Irene Woods
Greetings Birders :

In spite of a beautiful Fall day here, perhaps Winter has arrived !

I received a phone call from Craig Anderson who was scouting for ducks.
He had an early Snowy Owl in view--probably male juvenile, very heavily striped.
He found the bird at 12:45 p.m.  I arrived there a little later to see the bird.
It was still there at 4:00 p.m. when I left.  It was sitting quietly, about 20 
to 30 m.
from the dirt road, in a recently worked bean field.  This was about 1/2 way 
the road---Taylor Rd.--leading to Lake Erie. The bird was on the West side.
Directions to follow .

As a side note , there is a trail at the end of this road, that leads to the 
Numerous ducks are there, as well as Scoters.

Later in the afternoon, Craig had 2 Snow Buntings land on his duck blind,
near Rondeau, about 300m off shore, in the Bay [ I think ].

On another note :  A gentleman from Rondeau is writing an article / book
pertaining to Rondeau Park--2008. He wishes to include a photo of the
Scissor-Tailed  Flycatcher seen in May in the Park.  If you have a photo of 
this bird,
and are willing to have it published, please contact me privately. Thanks.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality

Directions to Taylor Rd. :  Taylor Rd. is found off # 3 H   [ Talbot Trail ] 
just one 
Concession East of Morpeth in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.
This is a short distance East of Rondeau Park.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Blenheim Lagoons----100's of Shorebirds present

2008-08-20 Thread Irene Woods
Hello birders:
As recently posted by Blake Mann, the Blenheim Lagoons are presently
in peak condition for migrating shorebirds and other bird species.
Here we have 5 ponds of water + 5 irrigation cells. A map is placed in
the front cover of our record book as you enter--the SMALL gate.
Check out the recent sightings--it really helps  can save you time.
Also--there has been no recent mowing there, and so there is an
abundance of blooming wildflowers. Therefore, a nice selection of
butterflies  dragonflies to add to your walk.
There are many Sandpiper species + Dowitchers + Wilson's Phalaropes [4],
+ Great Blue Herons + Great Egrets + an amazing 6 Green Herons +
Juv. Black-crowned Night Herons, etc.
Ducks: apart from the Mallard, these are scarce at the moment.
Overhead we saw Osprey, Rough -Legged Hawk [ black morph],
Red-Tailed Hawk, Cormorant, etc.
Our weather map shows no rain for the next 6 days ! Can you believe that !
To get your permit quickly, just send an email to Candy at the Municipal Centre.
She needs your name, address, phone number.
She will email you right back with the permit--which you print.
Directions to follow Cheers,Irene

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality

Directions, courtesy of Blake Mann:

Lagoon Directions:  Exit 401 at #90 (Communications Rd.) and head into
Blenheim.  At the main stoplight turn right (west) onto Rd. 3.  Travel about
1.5 km and turn right (north) onto Lagoon Rd. at the carwash, and continue
north about 1 km to gate.  You must have an annual permit to enter.
 Available at the Municipal Service Centre, 35 Talbot St. in Blenheim,
during  business hours, fax (519) 676-0244.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Monday update on Blenheim Lagoons

2008-05-19 Thread Irene Woods
Ontbirders :
Apologies to the 2 gentlemen who were unable to access the lagoons today.
I went immediately to the lagoons and was easily able to unlock the gate.
I suspect the lock didn't dare give an old schoolmarm any trouble !
We just put in the new lock this past Friday. 
Or perhaps the problem was that in an earlier posting, I neglected to stress
that we ONLY have entry through the small gate--by combination lock.
All large gates have padlocks requiring keys, for maintenance personnel.

Wilson's Phalaropes were still there. Thank you to the persons noting that
the birds were using a small field puddle near the building cells.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Cattle Egret 12 Sparrow Day--Rondeau Hillman's

2008-05-03 Thread Irene Woods
Birders:  My calendar says it's May,  but who would believe that !
After 10 hours of cold biting wind, cold showers, and thunderstorms,
Ann White and myself came up with ~ 80 bird species .
We had some help from our OFO hike guide, Maris Apse [thank you ].

As is often the case--our last bird was our pride and joy--
a stunning Cattle Egret in Adult Breeding plumage--6:00 pm on #3 Highway.

We saw many of the birds listed elsewhere today, but we were pleased
 to have a 12 Sparrow day.  This was a wet feat  [wet feet ] indeed.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Cattle Egret 12 Sparrow Day--Rondeau Hillman's

2008-05-03 Thread Irene Woods
  Sorry---I guess my hands are so cold, that first letter slipped away !

Subject: Cattle Egret  12 Sparrow Day--Rondeau  Hillman's

Birders:  My calendar says it's May,  but who would believe that !
After 10 hours of cold biting wind, cold showers, and thunderstorms,
Ann White and myself came up with ~ 80 bird species .
We had some help from our OFO hike guide, Maris Apse [thank you ].

As is often the case--our last bird was our pride and joy--
a stunning Cattle Egret in Adult Breeding plumage--6:00 pm on #3 Highway.

We saw many of the birds listed elsewhere today, but we were pleased
 to have a 12 Sparrow day.  This was a wet feat  [wet feet ] indeed.

Directions to Cattle Egret:
# 3 Highway [ Talbot Trail ]--just West of Port Crewe.
On the lakeside,  at the corner of Radmore Road.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Point Pelee--Wheatley --Rondeau---Traffic delays

2008-04-17 Thread Irene Woods
Posted with permission from Mark

Ontbirders:   Of interest to any of you who use Highway # 3  [ Talbot Trail ]
from Windsor to Chatham-Kent for Spring birding.

Beginning Mon., April 21, 2008  Wind Turbine parts will be transported,
via H # 3, from a ship in Windsor to a new Wind Farm in the vicinity of Port
Alma--along the lake.  There is a total of 44 turbines ; each turbine requires
7 loads =  308 loads.  Some loads will be 196 ft. long.  [ Wow ].  There will be
Police escort, front and back, for every load.  The loads will be on this 
from 8:30 a.m.--till 5:30 pm, every week day- Mon. thru' Fri. , for 12 weeks 
Roughly  April 21 to July 11.  Week-ends are free.
Police have issued a request that drivers find an alternative route.
They have not printed a Closed Road statement to my knowledge, but
have said to expect delayswell,  I guess so !

Today, I took the journey from my house, in Blenheim, to the Harbour in 
a distance of 54 km. searching for a suitable alternate route.  As soon as I 
saw the turbine
bases in near-by fields, I drove North 1 concession, then turned South twds. 
This was in the Port Crewe area.  These concessions running parallel with H # 3 
were OK,
but slow-going and already very dusty --with little traffic--today ! However, I 
discovered that
they too had Wind Farm access roads across them --so may be of NO benefit to us.

My only suggestions might be to get where you're going Early, and stay Late !
Don't we always anyway ?
A Map Art of Southwestern Ontario will be a definite help.  Do pack loads of 
Patience !
---and the hardest task for me--Don't even think of parking on the  road 
shoulders to see
those flocks of Shorebirds.  Those 308 loads are VERY WIDE !  + a lot of Police 
presence !

Of course you might just wish to settle at Rondeau Park for your birding.
Those Pelee birds fly over us too you know.  We'd love to have you !

Sorry, I have no suggestions, re roads, for our U.S. friends. Perhaps someone
from the Essex- Windsor-Pelee area could comment on that.  You will be
following  the loads, we will be meeting the loads.

Hope this message is of some benefit--at least a head's-up .

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Blenheim Lagoons--April 15th--Birds + Permits

2008-04-15 Thread Irene Woods
Hello Ontbirders : Local birders, myself included, have been checking on
the water conditions and bird sightings at the lagoon. As usual it is cold and 
windy there---have your mittens in your pocket !  There are many ducks there 
at present on all 5 ponds---Yes, there are 5 !  However the water is extremely
high, and only suitable for ducks and geese. Those looking for duck species
should be pleased with the # of species, and easy viewing of same.
For newcomers to Ontbirds, I want to inform you that you must have a 2008
permit to enter the lagoons. These are free and easy to obtain. Only 1 person
in the group needs the permit, but that person is responsible for his / her 
In the last 2 years there has been an ongoing problem with visitors NOT
locking the gate when they leave.  I can see that this is often because the
person has not changed the combination lock #'s---therefore the lock
remains unlocked  !  Let's try to be more careful this season. Thanks.
Note:   Today the Municipality has closed Lagoon Rd. North of the lagoons,
between Allison Line and Middle Line---bridge out.  This will probably only
affect the local birders--not those using directions from below.
Thanks for entering your sightings in the book--this is a great help to
those coming in after you.  See you there !- Irene

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality

Directions + Pass Info :

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd. ] in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about !/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate [ see below]. Enter at this gate only.

NEW  : For those coming by #401. Take interchange

#91-which is #40 H North  Communication Rd. South.

Travel South, twds Blenheim, a few km. Just as you reach

  The outskirts of Blenheim, you will see a new Sobey's 

Grocery  store. It is at the corner of  Allison Rd. Turn right

On Allison and travel 2.9 km. This will take you to Lagoon Rd.,

Where you will see the lagoon property and the small gate

[ not the Large gate].

For those who have other people needs the Sobey's store

Is open 24 hours each dayhas Hot and Cold deli foods,

And a clean public WASHROOMwhat more could you ask for ?

Gas, you say ?---a few hundred metres from Sobey's, is a No Frills

store---they have a gas bar---daytime hours only.
To obtain permit : Permits are free  are good for 1 year.
The permit must be carried by at least 1 person in each group.
There are now 5   ways to get your permit  


Send your name; address; phone #; and request to:


She will email your permitYou PRINT---and go!

{She asks that you mention if this is a renewal permit]

How easy is that !!

By Mail:

: Blenheim Municipal Service Centre
P.O.Box 2128, Blenheim,On., N0P 1A0
By Fax : 519-676-0244

By phone : 519-676-5405
In person : at the Municipal Service Centre
8am---5pm Mon.--Fri.
35 Talbot St. West
[in the Post Office building ]
Should you need further directions contact me at

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Trumpeter Swan # 872---city of Chatham

2008-01-31 Thread Irene Woods
Winter Birders :

A rather unusual sight for our area---3 Trumpeter Swans showed
up in the Thames River in downtown Chatham---swimming in small 
puddles by the business section boardwalks.
I was unable to go to see them until today.  Unfortunately, I only
found one Swan---# 872---he was calling loudly and often, perhaps
trying to locate the other two---as I was.
While viewing this bird, he picked up and flew East under the bridge.

I would appreciate any background / history on this particular bird.
Please email me privately.

Directions to birds;
Go to the King St. business section of Chatham.
There are 2 bridges there--Third St.  Fifth St.
There is excellent viewing at the water's edge by taking
either of the  very short streets off King St that lead to the river.
Sorry, I don't know their names, but one is
immediately beside the town Cenotaph.
Lots of parking by this boardwalk.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Harris's Sparrow--Erie Beach, Chatham-Kent

2008-01-14 Thread Irene Woods

The Harris's Sparrow was quite active today again in the
vicinity of the compost pile on Gore Rd.--directions below.
It is less likely to be found actually eating from the grain piles,
rather it prefers to forage either along the shrubby fenceline,
going East, OR,  I have always found it along the dirt ridges
running parallel with the road, about 3 car lengths from the
It is best to stay in your car for viewing as the birds are 
very skittish. Today a Sharp-shinned hawk was annoying
the many Sparrow species there. The Harris's has always
been in company with White-Crowns.
The birds take refuge in the near-by cedars [with heavy vines],
so please do not park in that driveway.
Arrive with plenty of patience and time !

Irene Woods,

Take #3 Highway  [Talbot Trail  ]  out of Blenheim twds Cedar Springs.
Choice 1 :---go 1 road past the Erieau Rd. to Gore Rd. . Turn left twds. Lake 
Travel about 2 km. and you will see the compost pile on your left.
Or,  Choice 2---Take the paved road twds. Erieau.  About 1/2 way to Erieau you 
see Bisnett Sideroad.  Turn right--S--on Bisnett. Travel about 1km. twds. Erie 
Just at the outskirts of Erie Beach you will see a dirt road--N---Gore Road.
The compost pile is about 1/2 km. N on this road.
Dirt shoulders are VERY soft just now,  this is a busy road, but a good width.
Please--please stay in your car to observe.  Birds are very skittish. If you 
the birds, you will have to wait possibly 20 min. for their return !
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Harris's Sparrow----NO--Erie Beach

2008-01-06 Thread Irene Woods
Sparrow seekers at Erie Beach :
In spite of many pairs of eyes today, the Harris's Sparrow was not re-located 
to my knowledge.
I would be happy to be told otherwise.
Mother Nature bestowed a night-long rain on this area, and washed away what 
little snow we had.
It was expected that the flock of sparrows would leave the compost for nature's 
own food.
It is believed that the birds haven't gone far--good habitat is just next door 
to the compost pile.
A fresh supply of snow will no doubt bring the birds back to the smorgasbord of 
food !

I'll let you know  !!---and please do the same !!

P.S.---the entrance road is now MUCK !!!-  stay clear.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds] Harris's Sparrow----Erie Beach / Erieau area/Chatham-Kent

2008-01-05 Thread Irene Woods
Birders :
A nice diversion from the Redpoll; Grosbeak; etc.reports,  I was pleased to 
find a winter adult
Harris's Sparrow feeding with a large number of White-Crowned Sparrows at a 
local compost pile.
I first saw this bird on Thursday, Jan.03.
Yesterday I took another birder to the sight but we were unable to find it.  
Trucks were making
delivery of grain strippings to the pile, and a Cooper's Hawk was actively 
feeding from the flock.
I didn't report to Ontbirds fearing the bird had left .
But , luckily he is still there today, enjoying the easy meal from the grain[s] 
There are huge numbers of other small birds as well. Many hawks in near-by 
areas--but not
bothering the compost pile at the moment-maybe because of the rain ?

Take #3 Highway  [Talbot Trail  ]  out of Blenheim twds Cedar Springs.
Choice 1 :---go 1 road past the Erieau Rd. to Gore Rd. . Turn left twds. Lake 
Travel about 2 km. and you will see the compost pile on your left.
Or,  Choice 2---Take the paved road twds. Erieau.  About 1/2 way to Erieau you 
see Bisnett Sideroad.  Turn right--S--on Bisnett. Travel about 1km. twds. Erie 
Just at the outskirts of Erie Beach you will see a dirt road--N---Gore Road.
The compost pile is about 1/2 km. N on this road.
Dirt shoulders are VERY soft just now,  this is a busy road, but a good width.
Please--please stay in your car to observe.  Birds are very skittish. If you 
the birds, you will have to wait possibly 20 min. for their return !
You do have the choice to drive slowly into the driveway there, and turn off 
engine/ lights.  The birds will adjust to your presence in a few minutes.  But 
, you will
have to move if a delivery truck arrives.
As a side notethere are Little Gulls at Erieau dock---10 min. from the 
compost pile.

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Harris's Sparrow Sighting---Erie Beach

2008-01-05 Thread Irene Woods

Sorry---In my rush to get the sighting out for the local birder's today---
I neglected to give credit to Jim Burke, of Erie Beach, who actually
was at the site, watching the bird in the rain, at that time !
He also was the one to confirm my identification,  as I had never
before seen one in winter colour.  Thanks Jim !

Irene Woods
Blenheim, ON
Chatham-Kent Municipality
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Lost bifocals at Northern Wheatear ?

2007-10-15 Thread Irene Woods

Someone lost their prescription bifocal sunglasses
while viewing the N. Wheatear Sunday at Shrewsbury.
It is thought that they fell from a grey/ silver SUV parked
on the East side of the road.
I have them in my car now. 
 I will be happy to mail them to you.
Please reply privately to this email.

With thanks  to Jim Burk for the bird---wasn't
that a great show ?

Irene  Woods
Blenheim, Chatham-Kent
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds]Ruff-----near Wallaceburg--Sunday

2006-04-30 Thread Irene Woods
Birders--the Ruff, reported by Steve Charbonneau last evening
is still in the same location as of 9:00 a.m. this morning.
Irene  Woods
Blenheim, Chatham-Kent
Directions as per Steve:

 Take hwy 40 from either Sarnia or Chatham and turn east onto Whitebread
line (gravel road). Whitebread is a few miles north of Wallaceburg. Take
Whitebread to the end and turn right onto Nelson. Go 200 meters and turn
left into driveway at 1612. Take driveway back to barns and park along
driveway at barns. Walk between barns and back behind larger barn and look
over the wetland for the Ruff.

[Ontbirds]Blenheim Lagoons----Ducks today, Permit Info

2006-04-05 Thread Irene Woods
Posting the following information with permission from Mark.

I spent some time at the lagoons today. As many of you know,
it is always windy and cold there in the Spring  Fall.
There were several duck species, nothing rare at this time.
Canada Geese are on nests--beware of them !
Shorebird habitat is scarce at the momentbut the Sprinkler
system by the Maintenance Building is almost always a terrific
Shorebird busy spot don't overlook that in the next few weeks.
One person in each group must have a permit.
Directions to Lagoon  Permit info is below.
Good Birding,   Irene Woods

Directions;* [A] Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd. ]in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate [ see below]. Enter at this gate only.
*[B] NEW for 2006 : For those coming by #401. Take interchange
#90-which is H #40 North  Communication Rd. South.
Travel South, twds Blenheim, a few km. Just as you reach
  the N. outskirts of Blenheim, you will see a new Sobey's 
Grocery  store. It is at the corner of  Allison Rd. Turn right
on Allison and travel 2.9 km. This will take you to Lagoon Rd.,
Turn left at this intersection  drive a few 100m.,,
where you will see the lagoon property and the small gate
[ not the Large gate].You receive the combination # with your permit.
For those who have other people needs the Sobey's store
is open 24 hours each dayhas Hot and Cold deli foods,
And a clean public WASHROOMwhat more could you ask for ?
Also-a Tim Horton's-is a few 100 metres from the town Water Tower,
which you can see from the Lagoon.
To obtain permit : Permits are free  are good for 1 year.
The permit must be carried by at least 1 person in each group.
There are now 5   ways to get your permit  

*   NEW  FOR  2006 :  
Send your name; address; phone #; and request to:
She will email your permitYou PRINT---and go!
[She asks that you mention if this is a renewal permit]
How easy is that 
 By  mail: Blenheim Municipal Service Centre
P.O.Box 2128, Blenheim,On., N0P 1A0
By Fax : 519-676-0244

By phone : 519-676-5405
In person : at the Municipal Service Centre
8am---5pm Mon.--Fri.
35 Talbot St. West
[in the Post Office building ]
Should you need further directions contact me at
Irene  Woods
Blenheim, Chatham-Kent

[Ontbirds]Blenheim Sewage Lagoons-----Geese

2005-03-26 Thread Irene Woods
Birders : The 14 Greater White- Fronted Geese did 
spend the night at the lagoons-they were seen
sleeping on the ice early this morning. However
they left the area shortly after, and were not seen
againat least up to 3 pm [no reports after that ].
Tundra Swans were down to about a dozen birds.
Many duck species still there, but numbers and
species are changing by the hour.
More water is opening up--and [ I am only guessing]
because the water has been covered with a thick coat
of ice for 4 monthsthe pungent released smell is
revolting !!-to say the least !!---so unlike the usual
atmosphere there. Oh well
   Irene Woods, Blenheim

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H  [Talbot Rd. ]in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about !/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate [ see below]. Enter at this gate only.
To obtain permit : Permits are free  are good for 1 year.
The permit must be carried by  at least 1 person in each group.
There are 4  ways to get your permit [none this holiday weekend]
By mail: Blenheim Municipal Service Centre
P.O.Box 2128, Blenheim,On., N0P 1A0
By Fax : 519-676-0244
By  phone :519-676-5405
In person : at the Municipal Service Centre
 35 Talbot St. West
   [in the Post Office building ]
Should you need further directions contact me at


[Ontbirds]White-Fronted geese at Blenheim Sewage Lagoons

2005-03-25 Thread Irene Woods
Posting for Brian Wilkie who is away from his computer :
Today , Friday Mar. 25, Brian visited the Blenheim Lagoons.
Although the cells are still mostly ice-covered, there is a
corner of Cell # 3 with a fair bit of water. This was filled with
waterfowlmaking for easy viewingkeep a good distance
away of courseuse your scope.
There were great #'s of Pintail, Canada Geese, Tundra Swan.
At least 20 species in all , of birdsincluding 14 Greater
White - Fronted Geese-a record # for these lagoons.
I will post tomorrow, if they stayed over night.
Permit needed---see below. Irene Woods, Blenheim

Directions; Blenheim is on #3 H  [Talbot Rd. ]in Chatham-Kent. 
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about !/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate [ see below]. Enter at this gate only.
To obtain permit : Permits are free  are good for 1 year.
The permit must be carried by 1 person in each group.
There are 4  ways to get your permit [none this holiday weekend]
By mail: Blenheim Municipal Service Centre
P.O.Box 2128, Blenheim,On., N0P 1A0
By Fax : 519-676-0244
By  phone :519-676-5405
In person : at the Municipal Service Centre
 35 Talbot St. West
   [in the Post Office building ]
Should you need further directions contact me at

[Ontbirds] Black-Necked Stilt----Ridgetown Lagoons--near Rondeau P.P.

2004-11-11 Thread Irene Woods
Good Morning all--I have just received a phone call
8:25 a.m. from Steve Charbonneau that a Black-Necked
Stilt is actively feeding with Killdeer and Dunlin at the
Ridgetown Lagoonsmain ponds--near the viewing
stand ---amongst the irrigation pipes.
The bird was found late yesterday afternoon by
Craig Anderson---a summer employee at Rondeau P.P.
Thank you Craig and Steve--great bird !
Irene Woods, Blenheim,
Directions:Ridgetown is afew miles N/E of Rondeau P.P.
At the only traffic light, turn North on Erie St.go about
10 short blocks---just before the Rairoad tracks and the
large Fertilizer plant turn left on Mitton Line.
The lagoons are just  a bit down the road-you will
see the viewing stand. YOU CAN NOT ENTER these
lagoons.Viewing is good from the stand.

[Ontbirds]Black-bellied Plovers-------Blenheim

2004-07-09 Thread Irene Woods
Migration  Watchers :
At noon today there was a large flock of
Black-bellied Plovers ~150 flying South,
over the lagoons at Blenheim.They were
quite low over the ponds, and easily seen
by Dorothy Smith and myself.
An unexpected sight todayis this early ?
  [Fri. July 9th]   Irene Woods
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Jul 10 11:45:24 2004
Delivered-To: ontbirds@hwcn.org
Received: from simmts12-srv.bellnexxia.net (simmts12.bellnexxia.net
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Received: from RicksNotebook.sympatico.ca ([])
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Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 11:53:58 -0400
To: ontbirds@hwcn.org
From: Rick Thornton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Subject: [Ontbirds]Dowitcher species at Exeter Lagoons
X-BeenThere: ontbirds@hwcn.org
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X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 15:45:25 -

Accompanying a beautiful sunset at the Exeter lagoons last evening were 3 
dowitcher sp, which I will call ShortBilled. Along with them were Spotted 
and Least Sandpipers, also a Lesser Yellowlegs. Much fewer Kildeer than 
lately and very many Ruddy's. Also a Redhead and a couple of Blue Winged 
Teal mixed in with the Mallard/Wood Duck families.

Exeter lagoons are a mile and a quarter to the west of the intersection of 
highways 4 and 83 approximately 30 miles north of London in Exeter. Turn 
south at the cemetary which is Airport Line road and drive to the second 
gate on the left. Park without blocking the entrance and walk in. Just a 
reminder that you are required to possess and display on your dashboard an 
annual permit that is obtained at the town office during business hours at 
no cost. Town office is at the intersection of Main St and Sanders St.

Good Birding..
Rick Thornton

Blenheim Lagoons-----lost eyeglasses

2003-09-25 Thread Irene Woods
[with permission to post ]
Someone recently lost a pair of prescription
bifocal eyeglasses at the lagoons. They have
been foundand are waiting for you !
Thanks to the unknown finder !
I will be happy to mail these glasses to you,
just reply personally to this email.
There are a few species of ducks,and fewer
shorebirds presently at the lagoons.
Water levels are up on all ponds, excepting #5.
We are looking forward to more duck species soonusually excellent until
  Irene Woods, Blenheim


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