Re: Please take personal conflict off-list (was: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF)

2022-06-02 Thread Michael Stahl

hello Paolo,

On 02.06.22 19:55, Paolo Vecchi wrote:
> Also thanks to Andreas comment about the ESC minutes I had a look at 
> last week and today's minutes and it seems like Michael Meeks is already 
> implementing his proposal, transposed mostly by copy/paste by Kendy in 
> his own proposal (which BTW hasn't been renamed yet), with some 
> unexplained urgency and without anyone informing the board.

if memory serves (and i'm sorry to say i missed last week's meeting due to
a public holiday), the ESC discussed this topic because there was an
urgency expressed on this list [1] regarding the hiring of in-house
developers/mentors by TDF.

one of the questions with this plan is which problem domains the in-house
developers would be working on, that is, which are the areas that are
actively used but under-maintained currently, so that for example
expertise in such areas could be considered when evaluating applicants.

hence the question was brought to the ESC to draw on the experience of its
members in diverse areas of the code base, and the ESC attempted to come
up with a list of such under-maintained areas in a collective effort, in
order to expedite the TDF hiring process.

the current version of the list, imperfect and unfinished as it is, is
public in the TDF Wiki.

also there was a follow-up discussion on the public mailing list, with
about half a dozen people with various backgrounds - including several
community members who are not in the ESC - provided additional input that
can been taken into account.

in case the board no longer considers hiring to be urgent, or is not
interested in advice prepared by the ESC and sourced from the developer
community, i think the ESC (who i don't speak for, this is just my
personal opinion) would be most happy to stop discussing this topic and
come back to it at a later date; please advise us of your preference in
this regard.

best regards,


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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 02/06/2022 22:59:

thanks for your extensive explanation which I really appreciate as I 
appreciate your contributions both during your working hours and as a 

We surely are all working with passion to reach the same goal and we 
have specialisations that allow us to view things from different but 
complementary perspectives.

I know it is difficult to follow long threads where I provided further 

You need help? :)

clarifications about my proposal but what you are saying has already 
been taken in consideration.

IMO only partly. It is useful explanation to set realistic expectations.

Young and passionate developers with the will to learn and adapt will 
not replace the tenders, they will start with focusing on areas that 
haven't been covered by others as much as we wished.

It is indeed an important outcome of the discussion that there are ways 
to complement, and not to compete with the commercial ecosystem.

Finding senior C++ or experienced LibreOffice developers willing to 
mentor is very difficult and/or very expensive as they already have a 
good and very well paid position so even if they have a huge passion for 
LibreOffice and our community is unlikely we'll be able to match what 
some large corporations can offer.

As from my proposal: "The developers will not need to have a narrow 
specialisation in the proposed areas but a good understanding of them, 
willingness to learn and to adapt will be necessary characteristics of 
the candidates.

Their general role will be to fix bugs and features in full, fixing bugs 
that are blockers for community contributors and to help evaluating 
which complex tasks should be tackled by external specialists."

Thanks to the mentors that we already have in our team, if they have the 
passion and the right attitude, they will grow to become excellent 
developers and if they wish even join the ranks of mentors in the long 

I love your optimism (well, not always), but as you can read in Lászlo's 
mail: there's huge uncertainty.

run. Not all developers want to become mentors or do presentation in 
public, some just prefer to focus on the development side and we should 
enable our team to express their best skills the way they are most 
comfortable with.

That is true. However more mentoring power is needed to. So if we can 
combine the two, it's better I would say.

There are surely risks in doing that but I believe there are even bigger 
risks in not doing it. The biggest risk that we have in doing it is that 
we invest in forming developers that then might go back on the market 

You are thinking about a contract that forbids people to switch? ;)

and anyway contribute. That's one of our goals anyway. If we get it 
right we'll have developers that start working on things that other 
volunteers may want to take on again as they see that things are moving 
in the right direction.

Let me not take that too negative, but I assume developers are driven by 
the wish to make cool stuff. And there are enough opportunities for that 
in the source/product.

What is clear is that the process I started with my proposal allowed to 
bring to light areas that did not receive enough attention and now 
commercial contributors, volunteers and in-house developers will start 
working together to fix those areas.

IMO there is clearly room for that. See my mail from 23:17 CET

I'm sure there will be a lot of fun to be had for everyone ;-)

Could well be - let's hope it works out fine.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread Cor Nouws

Hi Andreas,

Thanks for your answer,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 01/06/2022 20:13:

Am 01.06.22 um 11:48 schrieb Cor Nouws:

Andreas Mantke wrote on 31/05/2022 19:49:

I only could see the difference that in one case TDF has full control

I do not understand what you mean. What is full control over open
source code?

it means control not over the source code per se, but over the direction
of the development from a TDF point of view and the modules etc. TDF
think are useful or needed by the community (and the user of the program
and the donor).

TDF now chooses the projects for the tenders, so already does have that 

And this means TDF need to decide and operate independent from any
commercial company. 

I think it is fair to include also the organizations that use 
LibreOffice (and make use of services of commercial organizations for 
support/improving) as part of our wide community.

And also: TDF is founded thanks to (also, among others) the massive help 
of our commercial ecosystem.

 TDF with in-house developer could avoid a situation
like the one with LOOL (I'm not sure that this opinion is common ground
inside the current board).

I'm not sure.
LOOL started thanks to tedious hard work with great risk, pushed by the 
need to make it an success in the market. For me (having seen commercial 
and idealistic activities in many areas) it's hard to imagine that a 
voluntary driven foundation can have the same understanding of and 
interaction with a business market. But we're diverging a bit too much, 
if we redo all the previous discussions on that matter here, I think. 
(covering some highlights at a beer, looks better to me ;) )

and has not to pay for the benefit of a commercial company. And thus in
the first case could get reach more targets / tickets done than in the
latter case from my point of view.

It is indeed an interesting question to look at effectiveness of
TDF-spendings. In case it is clear that in house development would
result better work for the foundations goals, that is something we
cannot easily ignore. (I would not be able to set some data there ;) )
But of course other aspects to consider there are: how can TDF be
growing the ecosystem, which I think is one of the most important
challenges of the LibreOffice project, and not compete with the
(Different subject, that as far as I am concerned will be at the table
to work on soon.)

I stated already in another email that tendering produces a lot of
overhead and consumes a lot of TDF/community resources (and also extra

I think you underestimate the costs/overhead of having in house 
developers. And for their work too, it is necessary to plan the 
activity, evaluate milestones and check the results of in-house developers.
I think you also underestimate the advantages commercially driven 
organizations have. (Mind that I'm not at all suggesting that commercial 
organizations are the best choice for everything ;) ).

But please read the mail from László: explanation by real life examples.

This is all not to say that there is no room for in house development 
(as I repeatedly stated). During this discussion (and in fact quite 
early) various areas are noted that are (for obviously market reasons, I 
would say) badly covered by commercial ecosystem. So focus on that, 
definitely helps, without competing with our commercial ecosystem.

But then still: learning managing in house development, cannot be 
underestimated. Also many will try to get their most important features, 
pet-bugs fixed etc.. Needs to be handled in a acceptable way too...

money). Tendering also preclude TDF (and its staff / developers etc.)
from gaining more knowledge about working on the source code etc.

That does not have to be the case. Anyone is free to study the source 
etc. And help is all around.

So the positive and interesting aspect in this subject is to find the
areas where that is the case. And it's clear that those have been
defined. And combining development and mentoring is also good for
growing at least the developer base.

Then the only discussion is: what is a sensible way to effectively
manage in house developers/mentors. And, brushing in my opinion here:
the combined knowledge of code, development, and existing needs, is
best found in our ESC, with its broad composition, open meetings etc.

It should be very clear that only TDF (board, ED) are managing the
in-house developer. They are HR manager and the functional manager
(maybe including some senior staff member). The ESC has no mandate to

I respect your opinion, but I do not agree with it.
The ESC is the place where deep knowledge of the product and development 
is combined. No better place to manage development, I would say.

And in case there is a lot to choose from that is evenly easy/good to 
develop, I think board and ESC are well capable to come up with a 
mechanism to get input from the wider community. (Anyway, that would be 

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Laszlo,

thanks for your extensive explanation which I really appreciate as I 
appreciate your contributions both during your working hours and as a 

We surely are all working with passion to reach the same goal and we 
have specialisations that allow us to view things from different but 
complementary perspectives.

I know it is difficult to follow long threads where I provided further 
clarifications about my proposal but what you are saying has already 
been taken in consideration.

Young and passionate developers with the will to learn and adapt will 
not replace the tenders, they will start with focusing on areas that 
haven't been covered by others as much as we wished.

Finding senior C++ or experienced LibreOffice developers willing to 
mentor is very difficult and/or very expensive as they already have a 
good and very well paid position so even if they have a huge passion for 
LibreOffice and our community is unlikely we'll be able to match what 
some large corporations can offer.

As from my proposal: "The developers will not need to have a narrow 
specialisation in the proposed areas but a good understanding of them, 
willingness to learn and to adapt will be necessary characteristics of 
the candidates.

Their general role will be to fix bugs and features in full, fixing bugs 
that are blockers for community contributors and to help evaluating 
which complex tasks should be tackled by external specialists."

Thanks to the mentors that we already have in our team, if they have the 
passion and the right attitude, they will grow to become excellent 
developers and if they wish even join the ranks of mentors in the long 
run. Not all developers want to become mentors or do presentation in 
public, some just prefer to focus on the development side and we should 
enable our team to express their best skills the way they are most 
comfortable with.

There are surely risks in doing that but I believe there are even bigger 
risks in not doing it. The biggest risk that we have in doing it is that 
we invest in forming developers that then might go back on the market 
and anyway contribute. That's one of our goals anyway. If we get it 
right we'll have developers that start working on things that other 
volunteers may want to take on again as they see that things are moving 
in the right direction.

What is clear is that the process I started with my proposal allowed to 
bring to light areas that did not receive enough attention and now 
commercial contributors, volunteers and in-house developers will start 
working together to fix those areas.

I'm sure there will be a lot of fun to be had for everyone ;-)



On 02/06/2022 20:50, wrote:


Sorry, I hope my late answer will be as friendly and productive as I 
intended it to be.

On 2022-06-01 17:23, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi all,

Am 01.06.22 um 11:11 schrieb Jan Holesovsky:

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke píše v Út 31. 05. 2022 v 19:49 +0200:

I'd be curious to know what would be (from the point of TDF's mission
statutes) the difference between working on the source code by in-
developers and by tendering and paying a commercial company for doing
this work?

I only could see the difference that in one case TDF has full control
and has not to pay for the benefit of a commercial company. And thus
the first case could get reach more targets / tickets done than in
latter case from my point of view.

The difference is that once you hire a developer / developers, the
development becomes a mandatory expense - TDF has to pay their wage
every month.  Also when TDF switches targets, it has to pay for the
time the developers have to spend learning the new area.

On the other hand, the tendering is (and always has been) only budgeted
from the excess, as the last thing after all the other costs (staff,
marketing, infrastructure, etc. etc.) are covered - which gives TDF
much more freedom in the planning: it can decide not to tender at all,
if all the other costs give no room for that (and avoid hard decisions
where to cut - infrastructure? conference? or even jobs?).

I'm not sure if you're really thinking such simply or if you try to
throw smoke grenades further.

It seemed you try to create the impression that a contract of an
in-house-developer is always for livelong and thus a big mandatory
expense for a very long time. But I think you as the general manager of
a commercial company should know better (?).
The management of in-house developer is more lean and direct.

Instead if you tender the development tasks you have to publish and
advertise the tender, evaluate the bids, evaluate the milestones and the
result(s). This is whole process consumes a lot of work time from TDF
staff, board members and/or volunteers, which will be lacking in other
important areas of the TDF/LibreOffice project then. Because a
commercial company has to calculate in unforeseeable 

Re: Details about CoI - Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread Andreas Mantke

Hi all,

Am 02.06.22 um 16:14 schrieb Emiliano Vavassori:

Hi all,

I think it is just fair to add some small details about the how a CoI
should be processed as food for thoughts and only for the sake of the

Il 02/06/22 12:32, Jan Holesovsky ha scritto:

Thus I'd
expect that this CoI should be solved asap and the appropriate
taken  to prevent TDF from further damage.

Are you, a TDF non-member, actually asking me, an _elected_ Board
Member, to step down?  That is a very ridiculous demand.

Removing a CoI does *not* need to result in a stepping down of a
director, nor there is the provision to do so. The Rules of Procedures
for the Board of Directors [1] and specifically the 1.3.2 version of
the CoI Policy that was amended just this year and that is linked at
that page are some nice starting points.

in some cases it could be solved with some smaller steps,
But the board in total (and every directory in person) take the
responsibility for the whole budget and every budget item. And if there
is a CoI regarding the budget, the appropriate measure would be the step
down. There is no possibility of 'cherry picking' regarding budget items
for any of the directors.


## Free Software Advocate
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Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread laszlo . nemeth


Sorry, I hope my late answer will be as friendly and productive as I 
intended it to be.

On 2022-06-01 17:23, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi all,

Am 01.06.22 um 11:11 schrieb Jan Holesovsky:

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke píše v Út 31. 05. 2022 v 19:49 +0200:

I'd be curious to know what would be (from the point of TDF's mission
statutes) the difference between working on the source code by in-
developers and by tendering and paying a commercial company for doing
this work?

I only could see the difference that in one case TDF has full control
and has not to pay for the benefit of a commercial company. And thus
the first case could get reach more targets / tickets done than in
latter case from my point of view.

The difference is that once you hire a developer / developers, the
development becomes a mandatory expense - TDF has to pay their wage
every month.  Also when TDF switches targets, it has to pay for the
time the developers have to spend learning the new area.

On the other hand, the tendering is (and always has been) only 

from the excess, as the last thing after all the other costs (staff,
marketing, infrastructure, etc. etc.) are covered - which gives TDF
much more freedom in the planning: it can decide not to tender at all,
if all the other costs give no room for that (and avoid hard decisions
where to cut - infrastructure? conference? or even jobs?).

I'm not sure if you're really thinking such simply or if you try to
throw smoke grenades further.

It seemed you try to create the impression that a contract of an
in-house-developer is always for livelong and thus a big mandatory
expense for a very long time. But I think you as the general manager of
a commercial company should know better (?).
The management of in-house developer is more lean and direct.

Instead if you tender the development tasks you have to publish and 
advertise the tender, evaluate the bids, evaluate the milestones and 

result(s). This is whole process consumes a lot of work time from TDF
staff, board members and/or volunteers, which will be lacking in other
important areas of the TDF/LibreOffice project then. Because a
commercial company has to calculate in unforeseeable problems and
realize a profit, the price for a tender is much higher. In addition 

number of commercial companies, able to work on such LibreOffice source
code tenders, is - spoken guarded - very clearly laid out. If we would
see such 'diversity' outside of the TDF world we would name it a
monopoly/oligopoly market and wouldn't expect a real competion.

Over all I think the above answer shows that the role of a general
manager of a commercial company, which has some interest in TDF
tendering development, has a huge CoI with the TDF role(s). Thus I'd
expect that this CoI should be solved asap and the appropriate measures
taken  to prevent TDF from further damage.

Jan 'Kendy' Holešovský is not a "general manager" of "a commercial 
company", but engineering manager of Collabora Productivity, and founder 
and board member of TDF 
(,, one of the most 
productive developers of LibreOffice (2673 core commits, and 1000+ in 
Online), volunteering in the board, ESC, in the certification committee 
and on LibO hackfests, and last but not least, one of my kindest 
ex-colleagues. He tried to explain the risk of in-house development 
compared to tendering, answering your question. Tendering *guarantees* 
the result for the money, in-house development doesn't, proofed by my 
experience, too. The risk is not only losing money, but losing 
opportunity to fix as many bugs as possible, and losing trust in TDF, 
reducing volunteering in development (also from volunteering employees 
and owners of free software developer companies).

I know this risk. I'm a contractor of a 2000-employee company. I develop 
LibreOffice and mentor (recently) 4 LibreOffice programmers, but 
mentoring previously a *dozen* other ones, who mostly failed in 
LibreOffice development. See my presentations about in-house LibreOffice 
development and mentoring:

If you check (the end of the) presentations, it's all about 
risk-minimization. Hiring has got its difficulties. For example, TDF 
wants a LibreOffice developer, but one of the applicants, the only 
certified LibreOffice developer with 15+ years experience is not 
sympathetic or she asks for too much, so TDF decides to hire someone 
with professional C++ experience, but without LibreOffice development 
experience. Why not? You may think naively, that within a few months you 
can get an experienced LibreOffice developer or development mentor, 
because LibreOffice is a C++ project. Time doesn't matter, because after 
having a professional LibreOffice developer, TDF will be able 

Re: Please take personal conflict off-list (was: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF)

2022-06-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi Thorsten,

On 02/06/2022 19:02, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Dear list, Kendy & Andreas,

let me repeat my earlier request to keep the interaction on this list
friendly and productive.

In particular, don't offend, and try not to be offended. This part of
the thread is not making progress towards coming up with a final,
merged proposal for in-house developers.

thanks for defusing a conversation that was going in the wrong direction 
but I think that Andreas has brought to the discussion quite a few very 
good points.

It's rather unfortunate that Kendy did not reply in a constructive 
manner to several of Andreas, IMHO, valid objections to his proposal, 
some of which go along the lines of what I was about to reply.

Also thanks to Andreas comment about the ESC minutes I had a look at 
last week and today's minutes and it seems like Michael Meeks is already 
implementing his proposal, transposed mostly by copy/paste by Kendy in 
his own proposal (which BTW hasn't been renamed yet), with some 
unexplained urgency and without anyone informing the board.

That just reinforced my belief, shared apparently also by Andreas, that 
a body in which third party companies seem to be able to impose their 
will should not direct TDF's employees in any way at all.

I've asked the board to evaluate the situation to see if further actions 
should be taken.

Thanks a lot,

-- Thorsten



Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Please take personal conflict off-list (was: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF)

2022-06-02 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Dear list, Kendy & Andreas,

let me repeat my earlier request to keep the interaction on this list
friendly and productive.

In particular, don't offend, and try not to be offended. This part of
the thread is not making progress towards coming up with a final,
merged proposal for in-house developers.

Thanks a lot,

-- Thorsten

Description: PGP signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread Andreas Mantke


Am 02.06.22 um 12:32 schrieb Jan Holesovsky:

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke píše v St 01. 06. 2022 v 17:23 +0200:

Am 01.06.22 um 11:11 schrieb Jan Holesovsky:

The difference is that once you hire a developer / developers, the
development becomes a mandatory expense - TDF has to pay their wage
every month.

It seemed you try to create the impression that a contract of an
in-house-developer is always for livelong and thus a big mandatory
expense for a very long time.

If you have a look at the history of TDF staff, you will see that only
very few people have ever left it.  I am very pleased that we have
people working for TDF even for around 10 years, and most of the people
stay for lng periods - which is great for continuity of course.

hey, you showed that you have either no knowledge about staff contract
regulations or you try to throw smoke grenades and trick the community

But I think you as the general manager of
a commercial company should know better (?).

Unfortunately you are very confused about my role in Collabora it
seems.  My role is "People Development Manager" - which is a nice
sounding title for a mentor.  I have no company shares, and no
executive role there.

The Collabora website shows that you are one of the managers of this
commercial company:

And thus it is very obvious that you have no interest in the amount of
TDF tenders (for working on LibreOffice source code).

You should not try to take the community and the public for a fool. Such
behavior disqualified for a role in the board of TDF.

Because a
commercial company has to calculate in unforeseeable problems and
realize a profit, the price for a tender is much higher.

On the other hand, the commercial company has to assume there are other
competing companies in the process, so every bid is (and has to be)
risky and as cheap as possible.

Please stop kidding: I currently know only two commercial companies that
are able to bid on LibreOffice source code tender. Thus there is no
competing market yet. It's more of a monopoly / oligopoly market. And
nearly everyone knows about the formation of prices in such market from
her / his daily experience.

I am not directly involved, but I have heard that Collabora were
actually losing money on some tenders, so TDF got a much better deal
than it would do with internal developers.  And it is not Collabora's
fault, it is one of the reasons why "tendering" exists as a tool in

If that loosing money on tenders would be true, it is clear that you
have a CoI with your roles at Collabora and at TDF.

Over all I think the above answer shows that the role of a general
manager of a commercial company, which has some interest in TDF
tendering development, has a huge CoI with the TDF role(s).

I am not a general manager, I have no personal interest in the tenders
and I have no shares from the tenders.

See above.

I have no CoI in the process of drafting the proposal.

I have large experience in development and in mentoring, so I have the
experience and skills needed for drafting the proposal.

And maybe Collabora is also very happy that you have such experience and
you are involved in writing proposals for them too?

Thus I'd
expect that this CoI should be solved asap and the appropriate
taken  to prevent TDF from further damage.

Are you, a TDF non-member, actually asking me, an _elected_ Board
Member, to step down?  That is a very ridiculous demand.

A apologize for lèse majesty. You stated correctly that I'm a nobody
(not seriously speaking).

But seriously: you behave in a way which is unworthy for a leader of an
OSS project. The TDF community consists not only from TDF members. And
you denigrate all participants which are not TDF member. This damages
the whole LibreOffice/TDF community.

You should draw the appropriate measures now and avert further damage
from TDF/LibreOffice (community).


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
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Details about CoI - Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread Emiliano Vavassori

Hi all,

I think it is just fair to add some small details about the how a CoI 
should be processed as food for thoughts and only for the sake of the 

Il 02/06/22 12:32, Jan Holesovsky ha scritto:

Thus I'd
expect that this CoI should be solved asap and the appropriate
taken  to prevent TDF from further damage.

Are you, a TDF non-member, actually asking me, an _elected_ Board
Member, to step down?  That is a very ridiculous demand.

Removing a CoI does *not* need to result in a stepping down of a 
director, nor there is the provision to do so. The Rules of Procedures 
for the Board of Directors [1] and specifically the 1.3.2 version of the 
CoI Policy that was amended just this year and that is linked at that 
page are some nice starting points.

Andreas also addressed the whole Board, not directly Jan Holesovsky.

As per §8.4 of the Statutes, "The Board of Directors prevents possible 
conflicts of interest within the foundation." and that statement is 
binding to the public (since it is in our Statutes), not only if 
complaints come from members of the Foundation or the community.

I'm explicitly being silent on the main topic of the thread or the 
alleged CoI (for the latter, it is responsibility of the Board, not 
Jan's nor Emiliano's, to determine if it exists).


Emiliano Vavassori

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke píše v St 01. 06. 2022 v 17:23 +0200:

> Am 01.06.22 um 11:11 schrieb Jan Holesovsky:
> > 
> > The difference is that once you hire a developer / developers, the
> > development becomes a mandatory expense - TDF has to pay their wage
> > every month.
> It seemed you try to create the impression that a contract of an
> in-house-developer is always for livelong and thus a big mandatory
> expense for a very long time.

If you have a look at the history of TDF staff, you will see that only
very few people have ever left it.  I am very pleased that we have
people working for TDF even for around 10 years, and most of the people
stay for lng periods - which is great for continuity of course.

> But I think you as the general manager of
> a commercial company should know better (?).

Unfortunately you are very confused about my role in Collabora it
seems.  My role is "People Development Manager" - which is a nice
sounding title for a mentor.  I have no company shares, and no
executive role there.

> Because a
> commercial company has to calculate in unforeseeable problems and
> realize a profit, the price for a tender is much higher.

On the other hand, the commercial company has to assume there are other
competing companies in the process, so every bid is (and has to be)
risky and as cheap as possible.

I am not directly involved, but I have heard that Collabora were
actually losing money on some tenders, so TDF got a much better deal
than it would do with internal developers.  And it is not Collabora's
fault, it is one of the reasons why "tendering" exists as a tool in

> Over all I think the above answer shows that the role of a general
> manager of a commercial company, which has some interest in TDF
> tendering development, has a huge CoI with the TDF role(s).

I am not a general manager, I have no personal interest in the tenders
and I have no shares from the tenders.

I have no CoI in the process of drafting the proposal.

I have large experience in development and in mentoring, so I have the
experience and skills needed for drafting the proposal.

> Thus I'd
> expect that this CoI should be solved asap and the appropriate
> measures
> taken  to prevent TDF from further damage.

Are you, a TDF non-member, actually asking me, an _elected_ Board
Member, to step down?  That is a very ridiculous demand.

All the best,

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