Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke píše v St 01. 06. 2022 v 17:23 +0200:

> Am 01.06.22 um 11:11 schrieb Jan Holesovsky:
> > 
> > The difference is that once you hire a developer / developers, the
> > development becomes a mandatory expense - TDF has to pay their wage
> > every month.
> It seemed you try to create the impression that a contract of an
> in-house-developer is always for livelong and thus a big mandatory
> expense for a very long time.

If you have a look at the history of TDF staff, you will see that only
very few people have ever left it.  I am very pleased that we have
people working for TDF even for around 10 years, and most of the people
stay for loooong periods - which is great for continuity of course.

> But I think you as the general manager of
> a commercial company should know better (?).

Unfortunately you are very confused about my role in Collabora it
seems.  My role is "People Development Manager" - which is a nice
sounding title for a mentor.  I have no company shares, and no
executive role there.

> Because a
> commercial company has to calculate in unforeseeable problems and
> realize a profit, the price for a tender is much higher.

On the other hand, the commercial company has to assume there are other
competing companies in the process, so every bid is (and has to be)
risky and as cheap as possible.

I am not directly involved, but I have heard that Collabora were
actually losing money on some tenders, so TDF got a much better deal
than it would do with internal developers.  And it is not Collabora's
fault, it is one of the reasons why "tendering" exists as a tool in

> Over all I think the above answer shows that the role of a general
> manager of a commercial company, which has some interest in TDF
> tendering development, has a huge CoI with the TDF role(s).

I am not a general manager, I have no personal interest in the tenders
and I have no shares from the tenders.

I have no CoI in the process of drafting the proposal.

I have large experience in development and in mentoring, so I have the
experience and skills needed for drafting the proposal.

> Thus I'd
> expect that this CoI should be solved asap and the appropriate
> measures
> taken  to prevent TDF from further damage.

Are you, a TDF non-member, actually asking me, an _elected_ Board
Member, to step down?  That is a very ridiculous demand.

All the best,

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