Re: PhpCaptcha Component Help

2007-07-25 Thread Louie Miranda

I am sorry.. I was able to make the validation worked again.

if (empty($this->data))

if ($this->Email->save($this->data))
($this->Captcha->check($this->data['Email']['userCode'])) {

// Flash that it has been sent
$this->flash('Your email has been 

} // end: if 
['userCode'])) {

} // end: if ($this->Email->save($this->data))
$this->set('errorMessage', 'Please correct 
errors below.');

} // end: if (empty($this->data))

Although, how do you add error if the captcha is wrong? Right now,
what he is doing is just refreshing on the page. Without the error
that the captcha is wrong.
Obviusly, i would just do..

if ($this->Captcha->check($this->data['Email']['userCode'])) {

// Flash that it has been sent
$this->flash('Your email has been sent.','/emails');

} // end: if ($this->Captcha->check($this->data['Email']['userCode']))
// add the error here? but how to place/show again on the template?

How would i place the error back on the template?
On Jul 26, 12:40 pm, Louie Miranda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes. My index() function is my form and also my validation for the
> captcha.
> I have tried to add this code..
> function index()
> {
> print_r($this->data);
> //Array ( [Email] => Array ( [name] => sdfgsdfs [message] =>
> sdfsdfsfsdsdf ) )
> $client_name = $this->data['Email']['name'];
> $client_message = $this->data['Email']['message'];
> $client_userCode = $this->data['Email']['userCode'];
> if (!empty($this->data))
> {
> //$this->render();
> if 
> ($this->Captcha->check($this->data['Email']['userCode'])) {
> if ($this->Email->save($this->data))
> {
> // Flash that it has been sent
> $this->flash('Your email has been 
> sent.','/emails');
> } // end: if ($this->Email->save($this->data))
> } // end: if 
> ($this->Captcha->check($this->data['Email']
> ['userCode'])) {
> else
> {
> $this->render();
> }
> } // end: if (empty($this->data))
> } // end of function sent
> If data is !empty, process what i wish. Else, $this->render();
> I have deleted the redirection, and its not being redirected once the
> form is not yet filled-up.
> Although, my next problem is the validation error. Which i placed
> before and have tested.
> Name:
> input('Email/name', array('class' => 'input',
> 'style' => 'width: 200px;')); ?>
> tagErrorMsg('Email/name', 'Name is required.'); ?>
> Message:
> textarea('Email/message', array('rows'=>'10',
> 'cols'=>'40')); ?>
> tagErrorMsg('Email/message', 'Message is
> required.'); ?>
> Captcha:
> input('Email/userCode', array('class' => 'input',
> 'style' => 'width: 200px;')); ?>
> tagErrorMsg('Email/userCode', 'Captcha is
> required.'); ?>
> Is not working anymore, what could i be missing? BTW, i also have
> models/email.php with
> var $validate = array(
> 'name'  => VALID_NOT_EMPTY,
> 'message'   => VALID_NOT_EMPTY,
> 'userCode'   => VALID_NOT_EMPTY
> );
> Please help.
> Louie Miranda
> On Jul 26, 11:49 am, Grant Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is your index() function the form?
> > If so, to re-show the form just call render(), or let the execution
> > fall out the bottom, where render() will be automatically called.
> > Don't redirect the user - this will cause a whole new page request and
> > so the existing data is lost.
> > If your index() is not your form (just the form processor), then you
> > will need to explicitly call render with the correct view to show.

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rdBloggery and sorting problem

2007-07-25 Thread Dateve

I am using rdBloggery and adding on a few custom pieces to the system
for a fun project to learn cakephp better.

I have a list of users and they are sorting by whichever header I
click on, but I ran into a problem causing me a little grief. I added
a column from my Transaction model to the User list to show their
latest transaction total. My new controller (TransactionsController)
uses the standard pagination helper included with rdBloggery.

My User model $hasMany looks like this:
var $hasMany = array(
  'Post'=>  array(
  'className' =>'Post',
  'Photo'   =>  array(
  'className' =>'Photo',

  'Comment' =>  array(
  'className' =>'Comment',

  'Transaction' =>  array(
  'className' =>'Transaction',
  'limit' =>'1',
=>'Transaction.created DESC',

and my Transaction model $belongsTo looks like this:
  var $belongsTo = array(
  'User' =>
array('className' => 'User',
'foreignKey' => 'user_id',


On the user list page I am trying to sort the list by a column created
from the a single transaction record, when I try this:


I receive the following message:

Query: SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`password`,
`User`.`role`, `User`.`email`, `User`.`name`, `User`.`created`,
`User`.`modified` FROM `users` AS `User` WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY
`User`.`Transaction`.`total` ASC LIMIT 25

This returns "SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column ''
in 'order clause'" I want it to know to use the transactions table (so
FROM 'transactions' AS 'Transaction' would also be included in the sql
query somehow?)

Is it possible to sort by a column that is in a separate table? Is
this possible?
Would I need to provide you guys with any more information before this
question could be answered?

Thanks in advance.

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Undefined Offset/Index

2007-07-25 Thread getacloo

I've been playing with CakePHP for a few weeks now and just when I
thought I was getting the hang of things, I've run into a problem I
can't quite figure out. I keep getting the following notices whenever
I run the html checkbox helper in Cake 1.1.

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\Program Files\Apache Group
\Apache2\htdocs\alpha\cake\libs\view\helpers\html.php on line 947

Notice: Undefined index: value in C:\Program Files\Apache Group
\Apache2\htdocs\alpha\cake\libs\view\helpers\html.php on line 279

I know there is nothing wrong with the model or controller because if
I build the checkbox using traditional html, shown in the second
commented line, I don't get any errors. Any help would be appreciated,

echo ''.$html->checkbox($catalogstory['CatalogStory']
//echo '';

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Re: Help for begginer.. problem with retrieving data from two models in one controller

2007-07-25 Thread Wimg


On Jul 25, 5:37 pm, apadzik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi! I'm a beginner in Cake and can't understand one thing, maybe you
> more experienced people will know the solution:-)
> So, I have two tables in db: products (id,name) and productsizes
> (id,product_id,size);
> Two models: Product, Productsize;
> product.php:
> class Product extends AppModel
> {
> var $name = 'Product';
> var $hasMany = array('Productsize' => array(
> 'className'=>'Productsize',
> 'foreignKey'=>'product_id')
> );
> }
> productsize.php:
> class Productsize extends AppModel
> {
> var $name = 'Productsize';
> var $belongsTo = 'Product';
> }
> And products_controller looks like:
> class ProductsController extends AppController
> {
> var $name = 'Products';
> var $uses = array('Product','Category','Productsize');
> var $layout = 'default';
> function display($c_name) {
> $this->set('category_name',$c_name);
> //this
> is just
> $c_id=$this->Category->find('name=\''.$c_name.'\'','id');  
> //for
> retrivieng category
> $this->set('products',$this->Product->findAllByCategoryId($c_id['Category']['id']));
>//here i get all
> data about products
> $this->pageTitle = $c_name;
> }
> }
> And my question is: how do I retrieve data from productsizes? In
> action "display" I want to show all products from one category and I
> need to display the possible sizes for each one. How to do that in one
> action?
> Controller: products_controller

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Re: PhpCaptcha Component Help

2007-07-25 Thread Louie Miranda

Yes. My index() function is my form and also my validation for the
I have tried to add this code..

function index()

//Array ( [Email] => Array ( [name] => sdfgsdfs [message] =>
sdfsdfsfsdsdf ) )

$client_name = $this->data['Email']['name'];
$client_message = $this->data['Email']['message'];
$client_userCode = $this->data['Email']['userCode'];

if (!empty($this->data))
($this->Captcha->check($this->data['Email']['userCode'])) {

if ($this->Email->save($this->data))
// Flash that it has been sent
$this->flash('Your email has been 

} // end: if ($this->Email->save($this->data))

} // end: if ($this->Captcha->check($this->data['Email']
['userCode'])) {

} // end: if (empty($this->data))

} // end of function sent

If data is !empty, process what i wish. Else, $this->render();
I have deleted the redirection, and its not being redirected once the
form is not yet filled-up.

Although, my next problem is the validation error. Which i placed
before and have tested.
input('Email/name', array('class' => 'input',
'style' => 'width: 200px;')); ?>
tagErrorMsg('Email/name', 'Name is required.'); ?>
textarea('Email/message', array('rows'=>'10',
'cols'=>'40')); ?>
tagErrorMsg('Email/message', 'Message is
required.'); ?>

input('Email/userCode', array('class' => 'input',
'style' => 'width: 200px;')); ?>
tagErrorMsg('Email/userCode', 'Captcha is
required.'); ?>

Is not working anymore, what could i be missing? BTW, i also have
models/email.php with
var $validate = array(
'name'  => VALID_NOT_EMPTY,
'message'   => VALID_NOT_EMPTY,
'userCode'   => VALID_NOT_EMPTY

Please help.

Louie Miranda

On Jul 26, 11:49 am, Grant Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is your index() function the form?
> If so, to re-show the form just call render(), or let the execution
> fall out the bottom, where render() will be automatically called.
> Don't redirect the user - this will cause a whole new page request and
> so the existing data is lost.
> If your index() is not your form (just the form processor), then you
> will need to explicitly call render with the correct view to show.

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Re: ajax submit form problem

2007-07-25 Thread Geoff Ford

Try using $ajax->submit() instead of $form->submit();


On Jul 26, 2:05 pm, Michael Augustyniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Grant Cox wrote:
> > Be more clear with your question - what is the problem, and what do
> > you want to achieve?
> > The only think I could see that is wrong, is if you submit an empty
> > field, it should still come through to $this->data['User']['nickname'].
> > --~--~-~--~~-
> yes, but the point is that if I will submit an empty field there is no
> $this->data['User']['nickname'] , it's just $this->data = null

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Re: ajax submit form problem

2007-07-25 Thread Michael Augustyniak

Grant Cox wrote:
> Be more clear with your question - what is the problem, and what do
> you want to achieve?
> The only think I could see that is wrong, is if you submit an empty
> field, it should still come through to $this->data['User']['nickname'].
> --~--~-~--~~-
yes, but the point is that if I will submit an empty field there is no

$this->data['User']['nickname'] , it's just $this->data = null

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Re: PhpCaptcha Component Help

2007-07-25 Thread Grant Cox

Is your index() function the form?

If so, to re-show the form just call render(), or let the execution
fall out the bottom, where render() will be automatically called.
Don't redirect the user - this will cause a whole new page request and
so the existing data is lost.

If your index() is not your form (just the form processor), then you
will need to explicitly call render with the correct view to show.

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Re: ajax submit form problem

2007-07-25 Thread Grant Cox

Be more clear with your question - what is the problem, and what do
you want to achieve?

The only think I could see that is wrong, is if you submit an empty
field, it should still come through to $this->data['User']['nickname'].

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Re: Are Model objects supposed to be used like singletons?

2007-07-25 Thread Grant Cox

It doesn't matter if you do instance the models yourself, but they
don't need to be.  The only hazards in this is if a $Model->id is
already set, then a future save (without id field) will perform an
UPDATE, not an INSERT.  But if you follow the recommended practice of
calling $Model->create() before a save, then you have no problems.

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Re: Calling public function of a class from within another class

2007-07-25 Thread Grant Cox

> Am I missing something simplistic here?

Yes, $this->Product (and $this->Product->User) are instances of your
Model, not controller.  While you could use requestAction to call the
other controller, this is slow, and all data functionality like that
really should be in your model anyway.

So, move the addFavorite() function into your User model, and keep the
code that you already have.

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Re: Updating/Inserting/Saving to the HABTM look up table

2007-07-25 Thread Grant Cox

I don't think HABTM saves have changed from 1.1, so you should look at
the manual (Models, "Saving hasAndBelongsToMany Relations"), and
search this group, it has been covered before.

In your case, you will want to save something like:
if (!empty($this->data['Artist']))
// move the "genre_id" attribute into the Cake HABTM connection
$this->data['Genre']['Genre'] = array( $this->data['Artist']
['genre_id'] );

$result = $this->Artist->save($this->data);

Note - this is off the top of my head and I haven't used HABTM
associations much, but I think it's about right.

There have been a few helper functions made to enhance HABTM too, if
you just want to add / remove single associations rather than redoing
the whole lot.

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PhpCaptcha Component Help

2007-07-25 Thread Louie Miranda

I was able to follow this guide from the bakery:

And was able to install it on my machine, although. Im having troubles
validating the captcha. I mean i don't know if its the right thing to

Ok, so i can now see the image. Also added on the views (input field)
for userCode. Now, the validation.

Here goes..

Created my component

Added it to my controller

var $components = array('SwiftMailer','Captcha');

function captcha_image()

function index()
// my post
$client_userCode = $this->data['Email']['userCode'];

if ($this->Captcha->check($this->data['Email']['userCode'])) {
} else {// else captcha
$this->flash('Error in captcha','/emails');


I was able to validate the user input by user, but when the error
kick's in. I can't go back to the form. And, is this the proper way to

if ($this->Captcha->check($this->data['Email']['userCode'])) {
} else {// else captcha
$this->flash('Error in captcha','/emails');

Please help! thanks.

Louie Miranda

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Re: html helper: Akamai for images?

2007-07-25 Thread Grant Cox

You can pass a full path to the HTML helper image function.

echo $html->image( '',
array('alt'=>'CakePHP!') );

On Jul 26, 12:24 pm, Beth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a client who is using Akamai for hosting their images (tons
> of photos). Does anyone have a html helper that supports specifying
> the full image src instead of cake's relative path?
> Thanks!

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Re: html->link and html-image

2007-07-25 Thread Grant Cox

Yes, set the last parameter of $html->link() to false, so it doesn't
escape the html of the title (which is your image source).

$thumb_img = $html->image('yourimage.jpg');
echo $html->link( $thumb_img, '/your/link', array(), false, false );

On Jul 26, 12:44 pm, roliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it possible to use $html->link and $html->image together.  As in
> wrapping html->link around the html->image so that an anchor tag can
> be added to the image so the user can click it?
> thanks

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html->link and html-image

2007-07-25 Thread roliver

Hi all,

Is it possible to use $html->link and $html->image together.  As in
wrapping html->link around the html->image so that an anchor tag can
be added to the image so the user can click it?


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html helper: Akamai for images?

2007-07-25 Thread Beth


I've got a client who is using Akamai for hosting their images (tons
of photos). Does anyone have a html helper that supports specifying
the full image src instead of cake's relative path?


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Updating/Inserting/Saving to the HABTM look up table

2007-07-25 Thread Michael

I have been racking my brains for a few days on this, I am new to cake
and have been building an experimental application, trying to use as
much of the cake functionality as possible to learn it.

Using cake 1.2

The issue I am having is, I cannot not insert/update to a lookup table
from a HABTM association.
I have an artist(s) controller and model and a genre(s) controller and
When I add a new artist to the database I grab the last id inserted
and the genre id from the post array and try to insert it into the
artists_genres table under the artists_id and genres_id columns, I
have tried this a multitude of ways from afterSave to doing it right
in the controller add() function, but to no avail I have not been able
to get it right.

this is my add function from my Artists controller with the suspect

function add()
$this->set("genreList",$this->Genre->generateList(null, 'name 
null, '{n}','{n}'));
if (!empty($this->data['Artist']))
  $result = $this->Artist->save($this->data['Artist']);
   //get last id
  $last_id = $this->Artist->getLastInsertId();
   //get genre id
  $genre_id = $this->data['Artist']['genre_id'];
  //insert into lookup table
  //I know bad coding; should use save()
  $this->query("INSERT INTO artists_genres (artists_id, 
VALUES ('". $last_id."','".$genre_id."') ");
$this->flash('Your artist has been 

As you can suspect I get: Fatal error: Call to undefined method
ArtistsController::query() in C:\AppServ\www\bakemeagig\app\controllers
\artists_controller.php on line 54

Like i said I have tried this in the Artist model as well as a
beforeSave(), but I couldn't figure out how to carry the variables
over to the model to insert them.

This is like the last piece of the puzzle for me. I feel once I figure
this out I'll have a pretty good grasp of cake and be able to advance
to more complex apps.

Any help with this will be truly appreciated, like I said this is like
the last piece of a puzzle that once I see it and understand it I'll
be on my way.

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Re: How to build form with multiple records?

2007-07-25 Thread Geoff Ford

Hmm.. Very interesting.  I had not seen that before.  I might have a
play later on and see if I can get it to work.  I'll let you know how
I go.


On Jul 26, 8:49 am, chewie124 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ahhh... ok.  Thanks for the input.  I was grepping thru the
> helpers.php library in the cake core, and it looks like in the
> setFormTag function , if there's a 3rd level branch,ie FormerEmployer.
>, the '2' will get parsed and tagged as the 'modelId'.  Seems
> like though, the propigation hasn't made it back to the form helper,
> that can use the modelId to generate the input tags as you described
> above. Thanks for the input!

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Re: Model::beforeValidate -- bug or feature? :)

2007-07-25 Thread gwoo

you should use Model::invalidate() in beforeValidate. Otherwise use
beforeSave and return false if you need to stop execution.

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Re: Mambo to use CakePHP for V5

2007-07-25 Thread Felix Geisendörfer
To join my fellow bakers: I'm very happy to see a major open source CMS 
project like Mambo moving to CakePHP. From my point of view this is a 
great chance to silence the ones in the PHP community who still think 
'frameworks' are trapping you in a box rather then given you this box to 
stand upon when reaching for the cookies in the top-drawer ; ).

So welcome Mambo developers and community - this truly is great news for 
all of us bakers out there!

-- Felix Geisendörfer
My Blog:
My Business: wrote:
> My name is Chanh and I am a member of the Mambo Core team.
> Look like Mambo on Cake is well receive here!
> Thanks for the welcome!
> On Jul 25, 4:52 am, Tijs Teulings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> sweet! and welcome to the community :)
>> Tijs
>> On 25-jul-2007, at 13:20, cauld wrote:
>>> The installer prototype I wrote for Mambo utilizes 1.1, but I will be
>>> redoing it with 1.2 soon.  Mambo 5 will go with 1.2.
>>> On Jul 25, 2:49 am, "Sascha Fröhlich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> wrote:
 good news. I wonder whether you will use 1.1 or 1.2 (stable or
 rich :-))?
 Best regards,
 2007/7/25, bugfaceuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> It's almost bizarre, I have just started fiddling with Cake in the
> last week... and look after a Joomla site, and was thinking "the
> reason I haven't developed shed loads of components is that it needs
> to be integrated with Cake, hell even built on it"...
> And now Mambo have made this move. I will watch with great interest,
> and when you do release on Cake, I think you can expect a flood of
> components/modules and god knows what else
> A brave decision, well made.
> On Jul 25, 1:24 am, cauld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> My name is Chad Auld.  I am the Project Leader for Mambo.  Seemed
>> appropriate to stop by this thread and introduce myself.  We are
>> excited about the decision and looking forward to forming a very
>> close
>> relationship with the CakePHP development team and community.
>> Anyway,
>> we are here and paying attention to current CakePHP developments
>> and
>> the Google Group discussions for now.  More to come as it
>> happens...
>> Cheers!
>> On Jul 23, 10:48 pm, "Dr. Tarique Sani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Exciting news  -
>>> view/126/1/
>>> Will there be a corresponding announcement from CSF?
>>> What does it mean for future of CakePHP?
>>> T
>>> --
>>> =
>>> Cheesecake-Photoblog:
>>> PHP for E-Biz:
>>> =
> >

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Re: Mambo to use CakePHP for V5

2007-07-25 Thread

My name is Chanh and I am a member of the Mambo Core team.

Look like Mambo on Cake is well receive here!

Thanks for the welcome!

On Jul 25, 4:52 am, Tijs Teulings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sweet! and welcome to the community :)
> Tijs
> On 25-jul-2007, at 13:20, cauld wrote:
> > The installer prototype I wrote for Mambo utilizes 1.1, but I will be
> > redoing it with 1.2 soon.  Mambo 5 will go with 1.2.
> > On Jul 25, 2:49 am, "Sascha Fröhlich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >> Heya,
> >> good news. I wonder whether you will use 1.1 or 1.2 (stable or
> >> feature
> >> rich :-))?
> >> Best regards,
> >> Sascha
> >> 2007/7/25, bugfaceuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>> It's almost bizarre, I have just started fiddling with Cake in the
> >>> last week... and look after a Joomla site, and was thinking "the
> >>> reason I haven't developed shed loads of components is that it needs
> >>> to be integrated with Cake, hell even built on it"...
> >>> And now Mambo have made this move. I will watch with great interest,
> >>> and when you do release on Cake, I think you can expect a flood of
> >>> components/modules and god knows what else
> >>> A brave decision, well made.
> >>> On Jul 25, 1:24 am, cauld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello everyone,
>  My name is Chad Auld.  I am the Project Leader for Mambo.  Seemed
>  appropriate to stop by this thread and introduce myself.  We are
>  excited about the decision and looking forward to forming a very
>  close
>  relationship with the CakePHP development team and community.
>  Anyway,
>  we are here and paying attention to current CakePHP developments
>  and
>  the Google Group discussions for now.  More to come as it
>  happens...
>  Cheers!
>  On Jul 23, 10:48 pm, "Dr. Tarique Sani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  wrote:
> > Exciting news  -
> > view/126/1/
> > Will there be a corresponding announcement from CSF?
> > What does it mean for future of CakePHP?
> > T
> > --
> > =
> > Cheesecake-Photoblog:
> > PHP for E-Biz:
> > =

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Re: How to build form with multiple records?

2007-07-25 Thread chewie124

Ahhh... ok.  Thanks for the input.  I was grepping thru the
helpers.php library in the cake core, and it looks like in the
setFormTag function , if there's a 3rd level branch,ie FormerEmployer., the '2' will get parsed and tagged as the 'modelId'.  Seems
like though, the propigation hasn't made it back to the form helper,
that can use the modelId to generate the input tags as you described
above. Thanks for the input!

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Re: How to build form with multiple records?

2007-07-25 Thread Geoff Ford

You will have to create the inputs the old fashioned way, and create
the empyer records as an array that you can loop over when posted

In the controller function use $this->set('formerEmployers', $this-

Then in the view, make sure you include FormerEmplyee id if it is an
edit and do something like

  " />
  " />

Then in the post back you can loop over the records with

foreach ($this->data['FormerEmployers'] as $employer){
  $this->FormerEmployer->create(); // you need this line to stop the
model repeatedly saving over the initial record
  $toSave = array("FormerEmployer" => $employer);

On Jul 26, 7:42 am, chewie124 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All -
> I'm have a job-board app that has a Resume model which hasMany
> FormerEmployer models (like for employment history).  There's plenty
> of discussion on how to save the data on the controller side (at
> least, that I've been able to find), but my question is, is how do you
> build up the form, so when I hit submit, it will send  the Resume and
> the associated FormerEmployer (more than one) data fields that I can
> handle back in the controller?
> Can somebody fill in the missing pieces for me?
> input('first_name'); ?>
> input('last_name'); ?>
> Former Employers
> data['FormerEmployer'] as $employer): // THIS
> ISN'T RIGHT... ?>
> input(''); ?>
> I'm using cake 1.2...
> Thanks,
> Rich

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HABTM self-referencing question

2007-07-25 Thread matlin

This may have been answered already but the search is for some reason
not working well for me.

My HABTM looks like this:
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('parameters' =>
array('className'   => 'Wac',
'joinTable' => 'wacs_params',
'foreignKey'=> 'wacs_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'params_id',
'conditions'=> 'parameters.is_param=1',
'order' => 'sort_order ASC',
'unique'=> true

My question is, when I use scaffolding, my SQL in the *add* view to
fetch the possible children for the item I am adding looks like this:
SELECT `Wac`.`id` FROM `wacs` AS `Wac` WHERE 1 = 1

The thing I am missing is: "parameters.is_param=1", i.e. what happened
to the "conditions"?

I know, I know, "parameters.is_param=1" wont work with the above SQL
but it should still be there?!

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[Cake 1.2] Model::beforeValidate -- bug or feature? :)

2007-07-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


When Model::beforeValidate() returns false, but
Model::validationErrors is empty Model::save() execution continues.
It's a bug?

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fck editor accessing data

2007-07-25 Thread blange

How do access form data from the fck editor?

When I output $this->data none of the changes to the textarea are

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How to build form with multiple records?

2007-07-25 Thread chewie124

Hi All -
I'm have a job-board app that has a Resume model which hasMany
FormerEmployer models (like for employment history).  There's plenty
of discussion on how to save the data on the controller side (at
least, that I've been able to find), but my question is, is how do you
build up the form, so when I hit submit, it will send  the Resume and
the associated FormerEmployer (more than one) data fields that I can
handle back in the controller?

Can somebody fill in the missing pieces for me?

input('first_name'); ?>
input('last_name'); ?>

Former Employers
data['FormerEmployer'] as $employer): // THIS
input(''); ?>

I'm using cake 1.2...


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Re: Get data from Model that has no association

2007-07-25 Thread Samuel DeVore

your welcome (I'm old, not deaf, no need to yell ;)

Sam D

On 7/25/07, starkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Re: Get data from Model that has no association

2007-07-25 Thread starkey


On Jul 25, 5:00 pm, rtconner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not fully sure if it's the best way, but I've always used the
> loadModel function.
> On Jul 25, 2:57 pm, starkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > How do I access a model that is not associated in any way to the
> > current model?  For example, lets say I'm in FooController and I need
> > data from the Bar table (or save data to it)... without having any
> > defined association (e.g. belongsTo or hasMany).
> > Sounds easy but I'm stumbling on it.
> > Thanks a lot!
> > Shawn

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Re: Get data from Model that has no association

2007-07-25 Thread rtconner

I'm not fully sure if it's the best way, but I've always used the
loadModel function.

On Jul 25, 2:57 pm, starkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> How do I access a model that is not associated in any way to the
> current model?  For example, lets say I'm in FooController and I need
> data from the Bar table (or save data to it)... without having any
> defined association (e.g. belongsTo or hasMany).
> Sounds easy but I'm stumbling on it.
> Thanks a lot!
> Shawn

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Re: Get data from Model that has no association

2007-07-25 Thread Samuel DeVore

look in in Variables
(hint word is 'uses')

On 7/25/07, starkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> How do I access a model that is not associated in any way to the
> current model?  For example, lets say I'm in FooController and I need
> data from the Bar table (or save data to it)... without having any
> defined association (e.g. belongsTo or hasMany).
> Sounds easy but I'm stumbling on it.
> Thanks a lot!
> Shawn
> >

(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Re: change view of scaffolding

2007-07-25 Thread gwoo

You could also have a look here:

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Re: Get data from Model that has no association

2007-07-25 Thread Sascha Fröhlich


declare $uses in your model which shall retrieve data from the other  

var $uses = array('Foo', 'Bar');


Am 25.07.2007 um 22:57 schrieb starkey:

> Hello,
> How do I access a model that is not associated in any way to the
> current model?  For example, lets say I'm in FooController and I need
> data from the Bar table (or save data to it)... without having any
> defined association (e.g. belongsTo or hasMany).
> Sounds easy but I'm stumbling on it.
> Thanks a lot!
> Shawn
> >

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Get data from Model that has no association

2007-07-25 Thread starkey


How do I access a model that is not associated in any way to the
current model?  For example, lets say I'm in FooController and I need
data from the Bar table (or save data to it)... without having any
defined association (e.g. belongsTo or hasMany).

Sounds easy but I'm stumbling on it.

Thanks a lot!

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Calling public function of a class from within another class

2007-07-25 Thread BrendonKoz

Hello all!  I'm just starting to jump in to the wide world of CakePHP
(v1.1 to be safe) and have read through the manual (forgot more than I
remember, but it was good to get acquainted), watched the video
tutorials, and am now going through the IBM DeveloperWorks tutorials
"Cook up Web sites fast with CakePHP".

I've gone through the tutorial, noticing *small* mistakes, errors, and
incompatibilities throughout; most of them I either understood what
was wrong and ignored, or fixed myself.  However, there is one portion
I'm not sure of...

I have two models (in regard to the problem), a User model, and a
Product model.  The relationship is as follows:
User hasAndBelongsToMany Product
Product hasAndBelongsToMany User

In the code examples on the DeveloperWorks site, there was a place for
"users" to create their favorite list of "products".  In doing so, it
called the following code from the products_controller:
$success = $this->Product->User->addFavorite($id);

I keep getting an SQL error that the SQL query of "addFavorite" is
incorrect.  So, what I'm assuming here is that when accessing
variables of a class, if the variable being accessed of a class in a
controller is that of another class, only the variables of that class
are accessible, and functions are not; that functions are expected to
be a query or CakePHP internal function?

The (public) "addFavorite" function does exist within the
users_controller file, but it never runs as Cake is running the name
of the function as a query instead.

Am I missing something simplistic here?  I'm not concerned about the
views or any other functionality, just as to why a function name is
being used as an SQL query.  I have a feeling it would be beneficial
to know this when it comes time for me to finish going through
tutorials and finally sit down and do something for myself.

Thank you for any and all help!  It's much appreciated!  You guys (and
gals) rock! ...or bake!  ;-)

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Re: Security and requirePost

2007-07-25 Thread Cacho

Well, I think I'll asume that nobody use requirePost.

My new question is: how could I simulate the requirePost
functionality ?

Thanks in advance


On Jul 24, 7:24 pm, Cacho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I've been following tutorials to process my data and saw the
> recommendation to use formTag. But after to have some problems and
> search here and there I noticed that it was deprecated.
> I said "ok", but I noticed that requirePost is supposed to work with
> some hidden data generated by formtag so I wonder which is the new way
> to process a form in a secure way.
> Also, I would like to know if should I write html input fields in my
> views or use html helpers for this purpose. Which is better /
> recommended ?
> Thanks in advance
> C

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Re: alternating row colour

2007-07-25 Thread MattC

Use Cake's built in helper

$html->tableCells($data, $oddTrOptions, $evenTrOptions);

On Jul 25, 2:19 pm, Mech7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I use something like this..
>   $article): ?>
> >
> You basically only need 1 class for the even numbers(or uneeven :p)

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Re: struggling with access control

2007-07-25 Thread Ketan Patel


The problem is in the way you create your ACO. You can read this
for more information on how to create Acos or Aros. I would recommend
that you use the Acl Behavior in your Task Model.


StanMoong wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying create a module where users can create tasks. So, for the
> add() function in the TasksController, there is this portion of the
> code that gives access to the user.
> if ($this->Task->save($this->data)) {
>   $task_id = $this->Task->id;
>   $task_alias = $task_id.'-'.$this->data['Task']['title'];
>   $aco = new Aco();
>   $aco->create($task_id, $user_id, $task_alias);
>   $this->Acl->allow('Users', $task_alias, 'read');
>   $this->Acl->allow($this->Session->read('user'), $task_alias, '*');
>   $this->Session->setFlash('The Task has been saved'.' '.$this->Session-
> >read('user').' '.$task_alias);
>   $this->redirect('/tasks/index');
> }
> I can't understand why the error is thrown when I try to add a task,
> which result in the ACO not created, and subsequently no ACL record is
> created.
> [Thu Jul 26 00:28:54 2007] [error] [client] PHP Warning:
> Null parent in Aco::create() in E:\\Web\\WebServer\\Apache2_2_4\\htdocs
> \\cake\\libs\\controller\\components\\dbacl\\models\\aclnode.php on
> line 82, referer: http://localhost/tasks/add
> I've added additional debug message to print out the values:
> [Thu Jul 26 00:28:54 2007] [error] [client] PHP Warning:
> parentId = [7], count(parent)=[1], parent=[] in E:\\Web\\WebServer\
> \Apache2_2_4\\htdocs\\cake\\libs\\controller\\components\\dbacl\\models
> \\aclnode.php on line 83, referer: http://localhost/tasks/add
> Any idea???
> Been stuck for couple of days :(

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Re: alternating row colour

2007-07-25 Thread Mech7

I use something like this..

  $article): ?>

You basically only need 1 class for the even numbers(or uneeven :p)

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struggling with access control

2007-07-25 Thread StanMoong


I'm trying create a module where users can create tasks. So, for the
add() function in the TasksController, there is this portion of the
code that gives access to the user.

if ($this->Task->save($this->data)) {
$task_id = $this->Task->id;
$task_alias = $task_id.'-'.$this->data['Task']['title'];

$aco = new Aco();
$aco->create($task_id, $user_id, $task_alias);
$this->Acl->allow('Users', $task_alias, 'read');
$this->Acl->allow($this->Session->read('user'), $task_alias, '*');
$this->Session->setFlash('The Task has been saved'.' '.$this->Session-
>read('user').' '.$task_alias);

I can't understand why the error is thrown when I try to add a task,
which result in the ACO not created, and subsequently no ACL record is

[Thu Jul 26 00:28:54 2007] [error] [client] PHP Warning:
Null parent in Aco::create() in E:\\Web\\WebServer\\Apache2_2_4\\htdocs
\\cake\\libs\\controller\\components\\dbacl\\models\\aclnode.php on
line 82, referer: http://localhost/tasks/add

I've added additional debug message to print out the values:

[Thu Jul 26 00:28:54 2007] [error] [client] PHP Warning:
parentId = [7], count(parent)=[1], parent=[] in E:\\Web\\WebServer\
\\aclnode.php on line 83, referer: http://localhost/tasks/add

Any idea???

Been stuck for couple of days :(

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Re: Paginator HELPER, Ajax mode, IE7 problems

2007-07-25 Thread cakeFreak

Hey Nate,

well I downgraded my prototype version to 1.5.0 with scriptaculous 1.7

While other ajax calls work with IE7, it seems that the paginator
still struggles.

check it out here:


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Re: alternating row colour

2007-07-25 Thread Tim

rtanz wrote:

> how can i recreate scaffolding's use of alternating row colour in the
> list views? they seem to disappear when i bake the views

Just do the following, cakephp has a built in function for alternating
color rows, but fails when any advanced displaying is applied. Follow
my form below for advanced sorting that allows rows to be highlited
when conditions are met

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ajax submit form problem

2007-07-25 Thread Michael Augustyniak

problem to pass the data form form

form(array('action' => '/user/register'), 
'post',array('update' => 'registerFormDiv'));?>
input('User/nickname', array( 'type' => 
'text')).''.$error->messageFor('User/nickname'); ?>

The problem is that if I leave the field blank the $this-data is null, I 
have to type something to have $this->data['User]['nickname'] not null
I checked  also with $this->params['data'] same thing.

my function

var $helpers = array('Javascript','Ajax');
var $components = array ('RequestHandler');

function register()
$this->layout = 'ajax';
//if (!empty($this->data['User']))
if (!empty($this->params['data']['User']))
--- if there is no data in field it does not get in to 
this point --


thanks for help

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Re: i18n translation in db tables - how to do this like Symfony?

2007-07-25 Thread Gorka

Damn copy&paste... the last lines of the function are missing:

@ignore_user_abort((bool) $this->runtime[$model->name]

On 25 jul, 18:34, Gorka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In case it helps anyone, this is the solution I've come up with.
> Please keep in mind that this is my own personal solution and may
> conflict with active development by the core team.
> On your edit/add views you must use plain html instead of the form
> helper, because it won't generate data[Model][Field][locale] names no
> matter what you try. IMHO, this is something to look into, because it
> also adds difficulties dealing with file input arrays and the like.
> Anyhow, the input fields should look like:
>  id="ModelFieldLocale" />
> I've rewritten the afterSave() function of TranslateBehaviour like
> follows to allow working with the new field arrays. This should
> probably better be pasted somewhere else, feel free to do so if you
> feel like it.
> function afterSave(&$model, $created) {
> $locale = $this->_getLocale($model);
> if (empty($locale) || is_array($locale) || 
> empty($this->runtime[$model->name]['beforeSave'])) {
> return true;
> }
> $tempData = $this->runtime[$model->name]['beforeSave'];
> unset($this->runtime[$model->name]['beforeSave']);
> $conditions = array('model' => $model->name,
> 'row_id' => 
> $model->id);
> if ($created) {
> foreach ($tempData as $field => $value) {
> if (!is_array($value)) {
> $value = array($locale=>$value);
> }
> foreach ($value as $lang=>$content) {
>  $this->_model->Content->create();
> $this->_model->Content->save(array('I18nContent' =>
> array('content'=>$content)));
>  $this->_model->create();
>  $this->_model->save(array('I18nModel' => 
> am($conditions,
> array(
> => $lang,
> 'i18n_content_id' => $this->_model->Content->getInsertID(),
>'field' =>
> $field;
> }
> }
> } else {
> $this->_model->recursive = -1;
> $translations = $this->_model->findAll($conditions, 
> array('field',
> 'i18n_content_id', 'locale'));
> $values = Set::extract($translations, 
> '{n}.I18nModel');
> foreach ($values as $translation) {
> $field = $translation['field'];
> if (array_key_exists($field, $tempData)) {
> if (!is_array($tempData[$field])) {
> $tempData[$field] = 
> array($locale=>$tempData[$field]);
> }
> if (array_key_exists($translation['locale'],
> $tempData[$field])) {
> $this->_model->Content->create();
> $this->_model->Content->save(array('I18nContent' =>
> array(
> 'id'=>
> $translation['i18n_content_id'],
> 'content'=>
> $tempData[$field][$translation['locale']])));
> }
> }
> }
> }
> There is sure plenty of room for improvement, but it works for me.
> I'm still trying to figure out how to define a default locale and
> dealing with the different locales set by IE7 & Firefox (spa/es-es).
> This last issue is really annoying, as it hides one's records from the
> other when using locale autodetection.
> Comments, improvements and suggestions are more than welcome :)
> On 25 jul, 14:33, Gorka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I tried a similar approach and most likely will end up using it due to
> > time constraints for the project. Still, i18n support is a great step
> > in Cake's maturity road, and I'd love to make it work even if it was
> > in a not-so-elegant way. In fact, maybe Cake Foundation may study
> > donation-promoted development. I'd be more than happy to donate to see
> > this functionallity working!
> > On 25 jul, 01:56, oleonav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Jul 24, 12:09 am, Gorka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: i18n translation in db tables - how to do this like Symfony?

2007-07-25 Thread Gorka

In case it helps anyone, this is the solution I've come up with.
Please keep in mind that this is my own personal solution and may
conflict with active development by the core team.

On your edit/add views you must use plain html instead of the form
helper, because it won't generate data[Model][Field][locale] names no
matter what you try. IMHO, this is something to look into, because it
also adds difficulties dealing with file input arrays and the like.
Anyhow, the input fields should look like:

I've rewritten the afterSave() function of TranslateBehaviour like
follows to allow working with the new field arrays. This should
probably better be pasted somewhere else, feel free to do so if you
feel like it.

function afterSave(&$model, $created) {
$locale = $this->_getLocale($model);

if (empty($locale) || is_array($locale) || empty($this-
>runtime[$model->name]['beforeSave'])) {
return true;
$tempData = $this->runtime[$model->name]['beforeSave'];

$conditions = array('model' => $model->name,
'row_id' => $model->id);

if ($created) {
foreach ($tempData as $field => $value) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
$value = array($locale=>$value);

foreach ($value as $lang=>$content) {
$this->_model->Content->save(array('I18nContent' =>

 $this->_model->save(array('I18nModel' => 

=> $lang,

'i18n_content_id' => $this->_model->Content->getInsertID(),

 'field' =>
} else {
$this->_model->recursive = -1;
$translations = $this->_model->findAll($conditions, 
'i18n_content_id', 'locale'));
$values = Set::extract($translations, '{n}.I18nModel');

foreach ($values as $translation) {
$field = $translation['field'];
if (array_key_exists($field, $tempData)) {
if (!is_array($tempData[$field])) {
$tempData[$field] = 
if (array_key_exists($translation['locale'],
$tempData[$field])) {

$this->_model->Content->save(array('I18nContent' =>


There is sure plenty of room for improvement, but it works for me.

I'm still trying to figure out how to define a default locale and
dealing with the different locales set by IE7 & Firefox (spa/es-es).
This last issue is really annoying, as it hides one's records from the
other when using locale autodetection.

Comments, improvements and suggestions are more than welcome :)

On 25 jul, 14:33, Gorka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried a similar approach and most likely will end up using it due to
> time constraints for the project. Still, i18n support is a great step
> in Cake's maturity road, and I'd love to make it work even if it was
> in a not-so-elegant way. In fact, maybe Cake Foundation may study
> donation-promoted development. I'd be more than happy to donate to see
> this functionallity working!
> On 25 jul, 01:56, oleonav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Jul 24, 12:09 am, Gorka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Actually, $form->input('TransName.eng.content') renders something like
> > > this for me:
> > >  > > id="TransNameContent" />
> > > This is obviously not very useful when editing multiple languages at
> > > the same time (mostly in the admin area for defining name,
> > > description, etc... of an item). Has anyone found a method for editing
> > > multiple languages at the sameview?
> > Yes, I did find this out to. Not very useful.
> > > Oleonav, did you manage to get any closer to a s

Re: Struggling with CRON and the shell script within the console.

2007-07-25 Thread inVINCable

Yep, I got everything sorted out, but not components are not correctly
loaded into the task I have. Everything is working, writing to the
model etc., except for when I try to use the email component, I get an
undefined stdClass::send() error.

I looked at the shell.php and see that there is no option for var
$components = array(), so I went ahead and added one, as well as this
function that loads the components into the controller into the
shell.php file

function _initComponents() {
$component = new Component();

This does not work either and seems very messy, does anyone have any
idea on how to go about doing something like this in a cleaner
fashion ?


On Jul 25, 8:37 am, John David Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Jul 25, 2007, at 12:51 AM, inVINCable wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> > I apologize if this has been answered before, but I could not find it
> > anywhere, and have been attempting to get this thing to work for the
> > past 3 hours. I am using WAMP 5 and have tried to set up the console
> > the way gwoo did in the screencast, followed directions exactly, but
> > when I tried to call cake from th command like, I kept getting "'cake'
> > is not recoginized as an internal or external command"
> Have you tried using the batch file rather than cake.php or php.exe?
> There's a cake.bat file in the console directory that might help.
> -- John

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Re: alternating row colour

2007-07-25 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 7/25/07, rtanz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how can i recreate scaffolding's use of alternating row colour in the
> list views? they seem to disappear when i bake the views

Here's a great idea:

1) create something that uses the scaffolding
2) look in the code to see how it does the alternating row colouring
3) copy the code into your new app

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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alternating row colour

2007-07-25 Thread rtanz

how can i recreate scaffolding's use of alternating row colour in the
list views? they seem to disappear when i bake the views

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Re: Struggling with CRON and the shell script within the console.

2007-07-25 Thread John David Anderson

On Jul 25, 2007, at 12:51 AM, inVINCable wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I apologize if this has been answered before, but I could not find it
> anywhere, and have been attempting to get this thing to work for the
> past 3 hours. I am using WAMP 5 and have tried to set up the console
> the way gwoo did in the screencast, followed directions exactly, but
> when I tried to call cake from th command like, I kept getting "'cake'
> is not recoginized as an internal or external command"

Have you tried using the batch file rather than cake.php or php.exe?  
There's a cake.bat file in the console directory that might help.

-- John

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Re: change view of scaffolding

2007-07-25 Thread rtanz

ok thanks :)

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Re: db design feedback

2007-07-25 Thread AD7six

On Jul 25, 3:53 pm, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think maybe you are trying *too* hard. ;)

Any chance of reducing the try factor to 1 thread per topic? The
advice offered to you in one thread doesn't seem to be taken into
account with your replies to the other two.

I'd follow Chris' motto, and failing that use the irc channel to
shorten your discussion to a few minutes instead of a week.



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Multiple inserts of the same model, how to display validation error messages?

2007-07-25 Thread oleonav

I have a form which gives the ability to add 3 records of the same
model in one go.

//First record
input('Content.use',array('type' =>
echo $form->input('Content.title',array('error' => array(
'VALID_NOT_EMPTY'=>'Title is empty' )));
echo $form->input('Content.content');

//record 2
input('Content_1.use',array('type' =>
echo $form->input('Content_1.title',array('error' => array(
'VALID_NOT_EMPTY'=>'Title is empty' )));
echo $form->input('Content_1.content');

//record 3
input('Content_2.use',array('type' =>
echo $form->input('Content_2.title',array('error' => array(
'VALID_NOT_EMPTY'=>'Title is empty' )));
echo $form->input('Content_2.content');

When available the data the folowing $this->data array is available:

[Content] => Array
[use] => yes
[title] => Some text
[content] => fdddf dfdf

[Content_1] => Array
[use] => yes
[title] => Some text for record 2
[content] => dsds

[Content_2] => Array
[use] => yes
[title] =>
[content] => ds

In the add controller action I use the folowing code to do validation
on a record if the key 'use' is set to yes. If 'use' is not set then
no validation is required and the record will not be added to the db.

function add(){
if (!empty($this->data)) {

//check first record of model 'Content'
$this->Content->data = $this->data;

//if record one validates then check the rest of them
if($this->Content->validates() == true){
foreach($this->data as $key => $val){
if($key != 'Content' && $val['use'] == 'yes'){
//fed data of record 2 or 3 to the model
$this->Content->data = $val;
if($this->Content->validates() == true){
echo $key . ' is OK';
echo $key . ' has errors';


echo 'OK';

//record saving code to be added...


echo 'ERROR';


Validation of all records will happen. The echo statements are pure
for debugging purposes.

When validation fails on one of the records with the status 'use' =
'yes', the form will be presented again, complete with all the values
in it. Ok

My problem is; How do I get the error messages in the view for records
2 & 3??? The error messages for record 1, where fields are named after
the model, behave like expected, with error messages in place.


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Re: Having trouble with RequestHandler...

2007-07-25 Thread AD7six

On Jul 25, 3:59 pm, Steven Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hehe,
> Finally found out what was going on. It seems that I was using a
> Controller::redirect() in the action that I called to render another
> action. Because of this HTTP redirect, Firefox immediately would drop
> the X-Requested-With header, plus a few others. However, the HTTP
> redirect worked with IE6/7, weird... I used a setAction instead.

So many ways to self-sabotage :D. Glad you found the reason.

you could if you want override the redirect method in your app
controller so that it does

if (Ajax||requested)
 if (same controller)
  echo requestAction

in that way you can 'safely' call $this->redirect in your code without
worrying about cascading layouts (etc.) further



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Re: change view of scaffolding

2007-07-25 Thread citrus

Just use bake to generate your scaffolding view.

On Jul 25, 9:23 pm, rtanz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi im still building my system using scaffolding, was wondering
> whether i could change the fields that are displayed by scaffolding.
> for example i would like to drop the display of the id field. I know
> that scaffolding is supposed to be used in the intial phases only but
> i am putting up something quickly for my client to review so i would
> like to keep things as flexible as possible to make changes easier to
> implement after the meeting with the client. whats the best thing for
> me to do?

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Re: change view of scaffolding

2007-07-25 Thread AD7six

On Jul 25, 4:23 pm, rtanz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi im still building my system using scaffolding, was wondering
> whether i could change the fields that are displayed by scaffolding.

whats the best thing for me to do?

use bake and edit the output.



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Re: bindmodel and the paginator not working / trac ticket 2201

2007-07-25 Thread AD7six

On Jul 25, 12:21 pm, phpjoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you mean:
> $this->WidgetMenu->bindModel(
> array('hasOne' => array(
> 'ModelName' => array(
> 'className' => 'ModelName',
> )
> ),
>   ), true);
> i tried that, it doesn't work..

So in a week, you didn't look at the core code or api? I don't mean to
sound accusative, but why not?


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change view of scaffolding

2007-07-25 Thread rtanz

hi im still building my system using scaffolding, was wondering
whether i could change the fields that are displayed by scaffolding.
for example i would like to drop the display of the id field. I know
that scaffolding is supposed to be used in the intial phases only but
i am putting up something quickly for my client to review so i would
like to keep things as flexible as possible to make changes easier to
implement after the meeting with the client. whats the best thing for
me to do?

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Re: Struggling with CRON and the shell script within the console.

2007-07-25 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 7/25/07, inVINCable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could someone please point me in the correct direction on where to go
> from here. (I have watched the screencast several times btw)

To my untrained eye, it looks like you have a few problems here:

1) I don't think you've setup the path to the cake script properly

When you use the console you always type 'cake ',
like 'cake bake'.

Don't do 'php cake '

2) You can't call individual CakePHP libraries from the command line

'php libs\acl.php' will try and load and run that file.  That's not
what you need to do at all.

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Re: Having trouble with RequestHandler...

2007-07-25 Thread Steven Chan


Finally found out what was going on. It seems that I was using a
Controller::redirect() in the action that I called to render another
action. Because of this HTTP redirect, Firefox immediately would drop
the X-Requested-With header, plus a few others. However, the HTTP
redirect worked with IE6/7, weird... I used a setAction instead.

On Jul 24, 10:26 pm, AD7six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 24, 3:34 pm, Steven Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes js is enabled because the Ajax call actually works and data is
> > returned. However, not only is the action template rendered but the
> > layout is also rendered.
> Are you assuming that the header is missing, or you are 100% sure that
> is the case? If so it's a prototype/weird rooter or firewall
> (allegedly) problem.
> If you have any code in your app that does $this->layout =
> 'something', that will override what the requestHandler kindly does
> for you btw.
> Cheers,
> AD

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Re: Struggling with CRON and the shell script within the console.

2007-07-25 Thread inVINCable

I should also add that I am just trying to create a simple CRON
script, so maybe what I am trying to do is uncessary?


On Jul 24, 11:51 pm, inVINCable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I apologize if this has been answered before, but I could not find it
> anywhere, and have been attempting to get this thing to work for the
> past 3 hours. I am using WAMP 5 and have tried to set up the console
> the way gwoo did in the screencast, followed directions exactly, but
> when I tried to call cake from th command like, I kept getting "'cake'
> is not recoginized as an internal or external command"
> So eventually just gave up on that and started calling things
> traditionally cd'ing into my directory C:\wamp\www\cake\console, then
> calling C:\wamp\php\php.exe from there.
> What I do not understand is how to call things from within the script,
> everytime I use C:\wamp\php\php.exe cake, or C:\wamp\php\php.exe cake
> acl or many other calls, I simply get a file (the .bat file im
> assuming) that pops up and says "this is the bake application blah
> blah" I even try to call the shell function directly, like C:\wamp\php
> \php.exe libs\shell.php  but I get this error, "Warning:
> require_once(CAKEconsoleDSerror.php): failed to open stream: No such
> file or directly in C:\wamp\www\cake\console\libs\shell.php on line
> 29
> Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required
> 'CAKEconsoleDSerror.php'(include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\wamp\www
> \cake\console\libs\shell.php on line 29
> What bothers me about this is the call to pear, as I do not have pear
> installed, nor do I have a directory php5, although my take is that it
> shouldn't matter, as it first tries to call it from the correct path,
> (the first error message)
> If I try to call C:\wamp\php\php.exe libs\acl.php  I also get errors.
> Could someone please point me in the correct direction on where to go
> from here. (I have watched the screencast several times btw)

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Re: db design feedback

2007-07-25 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 7/25/07, rtanz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> im still trying to fully understand the concept of models,
> associations and how this relates to my db tables. For example as far
> as I can understand the relationship between modules and roles is
> HABTM but then I cannot do this with the associations or i cannot
> understand how it can be done. Where i have that table
> modules_roles_users i would like to use that to connect a module to
> its users and their respective roles, but how can i express that using
> the cake associations. sorry if im missing something im trying really
> hard to understand these concepts which are new for me

I think maybe you are trying *too* hard. ;)

What I found worked for me when I first started learning about
building relationships between tables is to do the actual database
design LAST and first think about the relationships between the Models
themselves.  Once you get those relationships down, then actually
build the tables making sure you have the foreign keys all set up
correctly.  Then you can get down to writing custom code like
"Complete" vs. "Pending" as you've stated above.  The old "walk before
you run" argument.

I know that it seems like a lot to learn, but it's not really that
much.  The manual's section on associations is good and should point
you in the right direction.

Has And Belongs To Many relationships are hard for some to understand
(it tripped me up at first) but it sounds like you are trying to cram
three relationships into where only two should go.  I think I saw a
posting in the last few days that pointed to an example of how to do
what you are talking about.  In the meantime, here's a link to check

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Re: Help for begginer.. problem with retrieving data from two models in one controller

2007-07-25 Thread apadzik

Thank's for answer and tip about the $c_id:)
Ok, but how can I usa that generateList function if I don't have
$product_id parameter?
As I said I want to display all products from categories on one page,
so my display action only handles category_id parameter, not
product_id parameter.

I tried the recursive way, it kinda worked but I still don't know how
to use it;-)
Let's say my view looks kinda like this:

Size: ()   //here I want to display a drop-down
list of sizes that product is avaible in

can't use the  cause it gives me list
of all sizes in the table
don't know how to limit this $sizes thing to an appropriate
product_id ;-(

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Re: db design feedback

2007-07-25 Thread rtanz

im still trying to fully understand the concept of models,
associations and how this relates to my db tables. For example as far
as I can understand the relationship between modules and roles is
HABTM but then I cannot do this with the associations or i cannot
understand how it can be done. Where i have that table
modules_roles_users i would like to use that to connect a module to
its users and their respective roles, but how can i express that using
the cake associations. sorry if im missing something im trying really
hard to understand these concepts which are new for me

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Re: Saving to database

2007-07-25 Thread Pablo Viojo
Better use this->Box->create() before saving to create a new Model object

Pablo Viojo

On 7/25/07, Unite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fixed it. Needed a $this->Box->id= null; in
> if(!empty($temp)) { //incase user skipped that box
> $this->Box->save($temp); //Writes over old data and
> pointer doesnt
> move
> }
> On Jul 25, 12:43 pm, Unite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Heres the problem. I am filling in forms and saving them to a session.
> > These forms are repeats of themselves so basically in the session a
> > array of how ever many forms the user made is saved to the session.
> > Simple terms a session gets saved as a array of a forms data eg:
> > array(box1,box2,box3.). Now the problem I am having is that if I
> > try save these forms to a table (exact fields) using a foreach loop
> > only the last "box" is recorded. It seems to me that the
> $this->Table->save() method is just replacing the old data with the new data
> >
> > instead of incrementing the id (primary key) so the pointer isnt
> > moving onto the next record. Is there a way to force this behaviour?
> >
> > $templatedata = $this->Session->read('templatedata'); //This is the
> > array of box's
> > foreach($templatedata as $temp) {
> > if(!empty($temp)) { //incase user skipped that box
> > $this->Box->save($temp); //Writes over old data and
> pointer doesnt
> > move
> > }
> >
> > }
> >
> >
> **
> > example of output
> >
> **
> > Array //if a pr($temp) was in the if statement
> > (
> > [sender_id] => 8
> > [index_id] => 2
> > [amt_fields] => 2
> > [box_name] => j
> > [bg_colour] => j
> > [hasborder] => No
> > [border_colour] => j
> > [font_colour] => j
> > [font_style] => j
> > [field0] => j
> > [field1] => j
> > )
> >
> > Array //if a pr($temp) was in the if statement
> > (
> > [sender_id] => 8
> > [index_id] => 4
> > [amt_fields] => 1
> > [box_name] => 5
> > [bg_colour] => 5
> > [hasborder] => Yes
> > [border_colour] => 5
> > [font_colour] => 5
> > [font_style] => 5
> > [field0] => 5
> > )
> >
> > Array //if a pr($this->Box->findAll()); was at end of function
> > (
> > [0] => Array
> > (
> > [box] => Array
> > (
> > [id] => 1
> > [sender_id] => 8
> > [index_id] => 4
> > [amt_fields] => 1
> > [box_name] => 5
> > [logo] =>
> > [field0] => 5
> > [field1] => j //not ment to be here left over from
> > first record
> > [field2] =>
> > [field3] =>
> > [field4] =>
> > [field5] =>
> > [field6] =>
> > [field7] =>
> > [field8] =>
> > [field9] =>
> > [bg_colour] => 5
> > [font_colour] => 5
> > [font_style] => 5
> > [hasborder] => Yes
> > [border_colour] => 5
> > )
> >
> > )
> >
> > }
> >

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Re: db design feedback

2007-07-25 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 7/25/07, rtanz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does the db structure enable me to do these things? thanks

What I don't understand is why don't you just try it?

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Re: Are Model objects supposed to be used like singletons?

2007-07-25 Thread Joshua Benner

Model objects, from my understanding, are instantiated once, and not
meant to be explicitly instanced by your code, so you could call them
singletons. I'm not sure what you're asking about recycling the object
between contexts... that sounds like a very Java-oriented question. ;)

bingomanatee wrote:

  In Cake, are model objects supposed to be used like singletons --
stored in the classRegistry and reused between contexts? Is there any
hazards implicit in recycling a single model object between contexts?


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Are Model objects supposed to be used like singletons?

2007-07-25 Thread bingomanatee

In Cake, are model objects supposed to be used like singletons --
stored in the classRegistry and reused between contexts? Is there any
hazards implicit in recycling a single model object between contexts?

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Re: Saving to database

2007-07-25 Thread Unite

Fixed it. Needed a $this->Box->id= null; in
if(!empty($temp)) { //incase user skipped that box
$this->Box->save($temp); //Writes over old data and
pointer doesnt

On Jul 25, 12:43 pm, Unite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Heres the problem. I am filling in forms and saving them to a session.
> These forms are repeats of themselves so basically in the session a
> array of how ever many forms the user made is saved to the session.
> Simple terms a session gets saved as a array of a forms data eg:
> array(box1,box2,box3.). Now the problem I am having is that if I
> try save these forms to a table (exact fields) using a foreach loop
> only the last "box" is recorded. It seems to me that the $this->Table->save() 
> method is just replacing the old data with the new data
> instead of incrementing the id (primary key) so the pointer isnt
> moving onto the next record. Is there a way to force this behaviour?
> $templatedata = $this->Session->read('templatedata'); //This is the
> array of box's
> foreach($templatedata as $temp) {
> if(!empty($temp)) { //incase user skipped that box
> $this->Box->save($temp); //Writes over old data and pointer 
> doesnt
> move
> }
> }
> **
> example of output
> **
> Array //if a pr($temp) was in the if statement
> (
> [sender_id] => 8
> [index_id] => 2
> [amt_fields] => 2
> [box_name] => j
> [bg_colour] => j
> [hasborder] => No
> [border_colour] => j
> [font_colour] => j
> [font_style] => j
> [field0] => j
> [field1] => j
> )
> Array //if a pr($temp) was in the if statement
> (
> [sender_id] => 8
> [index_id] => 4
> [amt_fields] => 1
> [box_name] => 5
> [bg_colour] => 5
> [hasborder] => Yes
> [border_colour] => 5
> [font_colour] => 5
> [font_style] => 5
> [field0] => 5
> )
> Array //if a pr($this->Box->findAll()); was at end of function
> (
> [0] => Array
> (
> [box] => Array
> (
> [id] => 1
> [sender_id] => 8
> [index_id] => 4
> [amt_fields] => 1
> [box_name] => 5
> [logo] =>
> [field0] => 5
> [field1] => j //not ment to be here left over from
> first record
> [field2] =>
> [field3] =>
> [field4] =>
> [field5] =>
> [field6] =>
> [field7] =>
> [field8] =>
> [field9] =>
> [bg_colour] => 5
> [font_colour] => 5
> [font_style] => 5
> [hasborder] => Yes
> [border_colour] => 5
> )
> )
> }

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Re: Help for begginer.. problem with retrieving data from two models in one controller

2007-07-25 Thread Grant Cox

$size_list = $this->ProductSize-
>generateList( array('ProductSize.product_id' => $product_id );

But a couple of notes.  You can probably get what you want by just
$this->Product->recursive = 1;
before the findAllByCategoryId line.

You can also improve the $c_id= line, to
$c_id = $this->Category->field('id', array('name'=>$c_name));

This will get the id directly (no need for the ['Category']['id']
key), and will handle escaping the name (what if it has an actual "
symbol in there?).

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Saving to database

2007-07-25 Thread Unite

Heres the problem. I am filling in forms and saving them to a session.
These forms are repeats of themselves so basically in the session a
array of how ever many forms the user made is saved to the session.
Simple terms a session gets saved as a array of a forms data eg:
array(box1,box2,box3.). Now the problem I am having is that if I
try save these forms to a table (exact fields) using a foreach loop
only the last "box" is recorded. It seems to me that the $this->Table-
>save() method is just replacing the old data with the new data
instead of incrementing the id (primary key) so the pointer isnt
moving onto the next record. Is there a way to force this behaviour?

$templatedata = $this->Session->read('templatedata'); //This is the
array of box's
foreach($templatedata as $temp) {
if(!empty($temp)) { //incase user skipped that box
$this->Box->save($temp); //Writes over old data and pointer 

example of output
Array //if a pr($temp) was in the if statement
[sender_id] => 8
[index_id] => 2
[amt_fields] => 2
[box_name] => j
[bg_colour] => j
[hasborder] => No
[border_colour] => j
[font_colour] => j
[font_style] => j
[field0] => j
[field1] => j

Array //if a pr($temp) was in the if statement
[sender_id] => 8
[index_id] => 4
[amt_fields] => 1
[box_name] => 5
[bg_colour] => 5
[hasborder] => Yes
[border_colour] => 5
[font_colour] => 5
[font_style] => 5
[field0] => 5

Array //if a pr($this->Box->findAll()); was at end of function
[0] => Array
[box] => Array
[id] => 1
[sender_id] => 8
[index_id] => 4
[amt_fields] => 1
[box_name] => 5
[logo] =>
[field0] => 5
[field1] => j //not ment to be here left over from
first record
[field2] =>
[field3] =>
[field4] =>
[field5] =>
[field6] =>
[field7] =>
[field8] =>
[field9] =>
[bg_colour] => 5
[font_colour] => 5
[font_style] => 5
[hasborder] => Yes
[border_colour] => 5


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Email send with emailcomponent. Every line a new emptyline

2007-07-25 Thread Sharkoon

When I send a text email from the email component (cakephp 1.2 9 july)
I get on evry line a new empty line.

in my template i got this:
hello this is
a text message
from cakephp

And when i send this email I get this back:

hello this is

a text message

from cakephp

I changed nothing else. Only send as 'text'
On my localhost (Xampp) works perfect. Problem is only the online

Could someone help me with this?

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Re: db design feedback

2007-07-25 Thread rtanz

The system should work as follows:

A number of modules are created and each module has a review
associated with it

A number of users are created and each user is assigned to one or more
modules. In each of these module he is assigned to, he will be given a
particular role. Each role has a number of tasks which should
therefore be displayed to the user as tasks to be completed.

The days_allowed field in the tasks table will be used to set a time
limit after which an email reminder will be sent to the user urging
him to complete that task.

The system administrator should also be able to have an overview of
all the modules and tasks which are pending. My idea is to have a
matrix showing the modules on the vertical axis and the review fields
on the horizontal axis. This is almost the same as List Reviews,
however instead of showing the content of the fields I would just show
'Complete' when the field is not empty or 'Pending' when the field is

Does the db structure enable me to do these things? thanks

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Re: i18n translation in db tables - how to do this like Symfony?

2007-07-25 Thread Gorka

I tried a similar approach and most likely will end up using it due to
time constraints for the project. Still, i18n support is a great step
in Cake's maturity road, and I'd love to make it work even if it was
in a not-so-elegant way. In fact, maybe Cake Foundation may study
donation-promoted development. I'd be more than happy to donate to see
this functionallity working!

On 25 jul, 01:56, oleonav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 24, 12:09 am, Gorka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Actually, $form->input('TransName.eng.content') renders something like
> > this for me:
> >  > id="TransNameContent" />
> > This is obviously not very useful when editing multiple languages at
> > the same time (mostly in the admin area for defining name,
> > description, etc... of an item). Has anyone found a method for editing
> > multiple languages at the sameview?
> Yes, I did find this out to. Not very useful.
> > Oleonav, did you manage to get any closer to a satisfying solution?
> No, I did not. Not in the cake 1.2 way for that matter. Maybe some of
> the core developers would be so nice to contribute on this subject.
> Anyway, I'm working on a different approach to i18n. It does not use a
> 'global' i18n & i18n_content table. It stores translations in the same
> table as the main, default language.
> For example a article table:
> id
> article_id
> locale
> ...
> title
> content
> For the main article, in the default language, the field id & article
> id have the same value. Locale is set to the default locale string.
> Translations have their own id. The  article_id is the same as the id
> of the main default record. Each translation has it's own locale
> string. The combination of article_id & locale is defined as unique in
> the database.
> Model assoc's:
> var $belongsTo = array(
>'MotherArticle' => array('className' => 'Article',
> 'foreignKey' => 'article_id',
> );
> var $hasMany = array(
>'ChildArticle' => array('className' => 'Article',
> 'foreignKey' => 'article_id'
> );
> I have added a function to the main AppModel to fetch the article in
> the preferred translation if available.
> function readTranslated($fields=null,$id,$lang=null){
>$res = $this->read($fields,$id);
>$childs = 'Child' . $this->name;
>if($res && $lang && is_array($res[$childs])){
>   foreach($res[$childs] as $trans){
> if($trans['locale'] == $lang){
>$resTrans = $trans;
>$resTrans['translated'] = 'yes';
> }
>  }
>  $res[$this->name] = $resTrans;
>elseif($res != null){
>  $res[$this->name]['translated'] = 'no';
>return $res;
> }
> In the view action of the article controller I use the following
> function $this->Article->readTranslated(null,$id,'eng') for example to
> fetch the article in the prefered language, if available.
> I'm now busy coding the add & edit actions. Having some trouble with
> validation
> This is work in progress. I will share my thoughts / solution when I'm
> satisfied

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Re: db table design

2007-07-25 Thread rtanz

any help on this? thanks

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Re: email trigger function

2007-07-25 Thread rtanz

thanks i will try your suggestions

On Jul 25, 7:01 am, Sascha Fröhlich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> triggering is a typical database function, 
> see more
> information.
> Best regards,
> Sascha
> Chris Hartjes schrieb:> On 7/24/07, rtanz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> hi i have a table containing a number of fields. Is there a way to
> >> make the system check that when some particular fields are no longer
> >> empty an email is sent to a user? thanks
> > I don't think CakePHP will do it for you right out of the box, but
> > what you need is to create a cron job that checks the table in
> > question and then emails users.  I've done similar things but not with
> > CakePHP.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
> iD8DBQFGpudGN1kDpsIDAWERAnEUAKDPrbiffRp1sOE0+aOcm9IUgBurAwCgqGU1
> +0xMvjYS565rWzwjmjg3XCA=
> =qX9Z

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Re: Mambo to use CakePHP for V5

2007-07-25 Thread Tijs Teulings

sweet! and welcome to the community :)


On 25-jul-2007, at 13:20, cauld wrote:

> The installer prototype I wrote for Mambo utilizes 1.1, but I will be
> redoing it with 1.2 soon.  Mambo 5 will go with 1.2.
> On Jul 25, 2:49 am, "Sascha Fröhlich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Heya,
>> good news. I wonder whether you will use 1.1 or 1.2 (stable or  
>> feature
>> rich :-))?
>> Best regards,
>> Sascha
>> 2007/7/25, bugfaceuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> It's almost bizarre, I have just started fiddling with Cake in the
>>> last week... and look after a Joomla site, and was thinking "the
>>> reason I haven't developed shed loads of components is that it needs
>>> to be integrated with Cake, hell even built on it"...
>>> And now Mambo have made this move. I will watch with great interest,
>>> and when you do release on Cake, I think you can expect a flood of
>>> components/modules and god knows what else
>>> A brave decision, well made.
>>> On Jul 25, 1:24 am, cauld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 My name is Chad Auld.  I am the Project Leader for Mambo.  Seemed
 appropriate to stop by this thread and introduce myself.  We are
 excited about the decision and looking forward to forming a very  
 relationship with the CakePHP development team and community.   
 we are here and paying attention to current CakePHP developments  
 the Google Group discussions for now.  More to come as it  
 On Jul 23, 10:48 pm, "Dr. Tarique Sani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> Exciting news  - 
> view/126/1/
> Will there be a corresponding announcement from CSF?
> What does it mean for future of CakePHP?
> T
> --
> =
> Cheesecake-Photoblog:
> PHP for E-Biz:
> =
> >

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Re: Mambo to use CakePHP for V5

2007-07-25 Thread cauld

The installer prototype I wrote for Mambo utilizes 1.1, but I will be
redoing it with 1.2 soon.  Mambo 5 will go with 1.2.

On Jul 25, 2:49 am, "Sascha Fröhlich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Heya,
> good news. I wonder whether you will use 1.1 or 1.2 (stable or feature
> rich :-))?
> Best regards,
> Sascha
> 2007/7/25, bugfaceuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > It's almost bizarre, I have just started fiddling with Cake in the
> > last week... and look after a Joomla site, and was thinking "the
> > reason I haven't developed shed loads of components is that it needs
> > to be integrated with Cake, hell even built on it"...
> > And now Mambo have made this move. I will watch with great interest,
> > and when you do release on Cake, I think you can expect a flood of
> > components/modules and god knows what else
> > A brave decision, well made.
> > On Jul 25, 1:24 am, cauld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello everyone,
> > > My name is Chad Auld.  I am the Project Leader for Mambo.  Seemed
> > > appropriate to stop by this thread and introduce myself.  We are
> > > excited about the decision and looking forward to forming a very close
> > > relationship with the CakePHP development team and community.  Anyway,
> > > we are here and paying attention to current CakePHP developments and
> > > the Google Group discussions for now.  More to come as it happens...
> > > Cheers!
> > > On Jul 23, 10:48 pm, "Dr. Tarique Sani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Exciting news  
> > > > -
> > > > Will there be a corresponding announcement from CSF?
> > > > What does it mean for future of CakePHP?
> > > > T
> > > > --
> > > > =
> > > > Cheesecake-Photoblog:
> > > > PHP for E-Biz:
> > > > =

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Help for begginer.. problem with retrieving data from two models in one controller

2007-07-25 Thread apadzik

Hi! I'm a beginner in Cake and can't understand one thing, maybe you
more experienced people will know the solution:-)
So, I have two tables in db: products (id,name) and productsizes
Two models: Product, Productsize;

class Product extends AppModel
var $name = 'Product';
var $hasMany = array('Productsize' => array(

class Productsize extends AppModel
var $name = 'Productsize';
var $belongsTo = 'Product';

And products_controller looks like:
class ProductsController extends AppController
var $name = 'Products';
var $uses = array('Product','Category','Productsize');
var $layout = 'default';

function display($c_name) {
is just
$c_id=$this->Category->find('name=\''.$c_name.'\'','id');  //for
retrivieng category
>findAllByCategoryId($c_id['Category']['id']));   //here i get all
data about products
$this->pageTitle = $c_name;

And my question is: how do I retrieve data from productsizes? In
action "display" I want to show all products from one category and I
need to display the possible sizes for each one. How to do that in one

Controller: products_controller

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Re: bindmodel and the paginator not working / trac ticket 2201

2007-07-25 Thread phpjoy

you mean:
array('hasOne' => array(
'ModelName' => array(
'className' => 'ModelName',
  ), true);
i tried that, it doesn't work.. i didn't get what's the second
parameter (unless it's the 'true' after the array..).

On Jul 19, 8:29 am, AD7six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 19, 6:17 am, phpjoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > nobody has an idea how to make the pagination work with bindmodel
> > instead of static models?
> You use the second parameter in bindModel to make the new association
> persist. Like what gwoo and phpNut said in the ticket comments.
> AD

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Re: Cake variables

2007-07-25 Thread majna


> What variables do I use do determine the controller function I am in?
> For instance, I would like to display certain items in the layout
> based upon the controller and function that is being executed.

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Re: Creating a recurring newsletter

2007-07-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You could try breaking the 900+ users into smaller chunks - e.g. first
sending fifty e-mails, then right after that another fifty, until all
of them have been sent.

On Jul 24, 11:58 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm trying to set up an automatic newsletter for one of the sites I'm
> working on.  All the data for the newsletter is in the database for
> the site already (i.e. who to send it to and the data to send).
> I set up a function to create customized emails for each of the
> members using the PHPMailer component, which I'm using for all of the
> other emails the site generates.  It works great for doing a few of
> them, but when I try to run it for the current 900+ members on the
> site, it breaks.  First it was execution time, which I increased, then
> it was memory limits.
> Can anyone make a suggestion on a different way to go about it so I
> don't have these problems?

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Re: Mambo to use CakePHP for V5

2007-07-25 Thread Sascha Fröhlich


good news. I wonder whether you will use 1.1 or 1.2 (stable or feature
rich :-))?

Best regards,

2007/7/25, bugfaceuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> It's almost bizarre, I have just started fiddling with Cake in the
> last week... and look after a Joomla site, and was thinking "the
> reason I haven't developed shed loads of components is that it needs
> to be integrated with Cake, hell even built on it"...
> And now Mambo have made this move. I will watch with great interest,
> and when you do release on Cake, I think you can expect a flood of
> components/modules and god knows what else
> A brave decision, well made.
> On Jul 25, 1:24 am, cauld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > My name is Chad Auld.  I am the Project Leader for Mambo.  Seemed
> > appropriate to stop by this thread and introduce myself.  We are
> > excited about the decision and looking forward to forming a very close
> > relationship with the CakePHP development team and community.  Anyway,
> > we are here and paying attention to current CakePHP developments and
> > the Google Group discussions for now.  More to come as it happens...
> >
> > Cheers!
> >
> > On Jul 23, 10:48 pm, "Dr. Tarique Sani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Exciting news  -
> >
> > > Will there be a corresponding announcement from CSF?
> >
> > > What does it mean for future of CakePHP?
> >
> > > T
> >
> > > --
> > > =
> > > Cheesecake-Photoblog:
> > > PHP for E-Biz:
> > > =
> >

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Re: Creating a recurring newsletter

2007-07-25 Thread Kaspar

> Maybe your server has a limit (to protect themself against spamming)
> with regard to accepted mails sent on a certain time range.
> once I noticed that with Swift Mailer (
> you can tell him how many e-mails to send before taking a rest, and
> them restart.
> check out this page about using Swift Mailer with Cake:
> => SwiftMailer Component Tutorial
> =>
> and these docs about Swift Mailer:
> =>
> =>
> =>
> Hope this helps!
> Dan

Huh, this helps me very much. Thanks :)

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Re: Creating a recurring newsletter

2007-07-25 Thread cakeFreak

Maybe your server has a limit (to protect themself against spamming)
with regard to accepted mails sent on a certain time range.

once I noticed that with Swift Mailer (
you can tell him how many e-mails to send before taking a rest, and
them restart.

check out this page about using Swift Mailer with Cake:

=> SwiftMailer Component Tutorial

and these docs about Swift Mailer:

Hope this helps!


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Re: Creating a recurring newsletter

2007-07-25 Thread Kaspar

> Can anyone make a suggestion on a different way to go about it so I
> don't have these problems?

I have to solve the same problem.
I would try something like this

1. When sending emails, dont send them directly to the user but
instead put them compiled for sending in some db table
2. Create cron job that will send some of them (50 - 100 ...) every 10
or 15 minutes.
3. Don't worry, be happy

I am just in proces of implementation of something like this and at
the start of next week I will have to have concrete implementation, so
if you don't get it until then I will post my solution. If you get it,
post yours :)

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webservices + data pagination: component or behaviour?

2007-07-25 Thread cakeFreak

hey guys,

I'm retrieving some data from webservices (YouTube, Flickr) from a
controller. Therefore I have no DB table and no model for that

In order to use cake built in paginator helper, what should I build, a
kinda Flickr behavior? or a component?


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Re: Join fails across multiple databases with HABTM

2007-07-25 Thread safl

ok, I didn't search the group properly.

The thing I'm requesting seems not to be supported, what people seem
to do instead and which I ended up doing was adding a third class for
association. Meaning instead of having two models with HABTM.
I now have two Models with hasMany (originally HABTM) and the third
''new'' class with belongsTo associations.

By creating the join model one other thing is achieved, extra fields
(the ones apart from the ones associating the two tabels) can now be

Nate on model setup:

On Jul 24, 10:23 pm, safl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> The case is:
> I've got 2 models(Customer and Server), one is using $useDbConfig =
> 'crm' the other is using $useDbConfig = 'monitoring'.
> Each DB configuration specifies connection to it's own database (crm
> and monitoring).
> I've got HABTM between these to models, and I need HABTM, but when
> querying i get "Table doesn't exist" since the join table only lives
> in one of the databases. All other associations seems to work across
> databases.
> My question is:
> How can I in the "$hasAndBelongsToMany" definition specify that the
> join table is living in a different database?
> regards,
> Simon

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Re: Mambo to use CakePHP for V5

2007-07-25 Thread bugfaceuk

It's almost bizarre, I have just started fiddling with Cake in the
last week... and look after a Joomla site, and was thinking "the
reason I haven't developed shed loads of components is that it needs
to be integrated with Cake, hell even built on it"...

And now Mambo have made this move. I will watch with great interest,
and when you do release on Cake, I think you can expect a flood of
components/modules and god knows what else

A brave decision, well made.

On Jul 25, 1:24 am, cauld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> My name is Chad Auld.  I am the Project Leader for Mambo.  Seemed
> appropriate to stop by this thread and introduce myself.  We are
> excited about the decision and looking forward to forming a very close
> relationship with the CakePHP development team and community.  Anyway,
> we are here and paying attention to current CakePHP developments and
> the Google Group discussions for now.  More to come as it happens...
> Cheers!
> On Jul 23, 10:48 pm, "Dr. Tarique Sani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Exciting news  -
> > Will there be a corresponding announcement from CSF?
> > What does it mean for future of CakePHP?
> > T
> > --
> > =
> > Cheesecake-Photoblog:
> > PHP for E-Biz:
> > =

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Cake variables

2007-07-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What variables do I use do determine the controller function I am in?
For instance, I would like to display certain items in the layout
based upon the controller and function that is being executed.

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Creating a recurring newsletter

2007-07-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm trying to set up an automatic newsletter for one of the sites I'm
working on.  All the data for the newsletter is in the database for
the site already (i.e. who to send it to and the data to send).

I set up a function to create customized emails for each of the
members using the PHPMailer component, which I'm using for all of the
other emails the site generates.  It works great for doing a few of
them, but when I try to run it for the current 900+ members on the
site, it breaks.  First it was execution time, which I increased, then
it was memory limits.

Can anyone make a suggestion on a different way to go about it so I
don't have these problems?

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Re: email trigger function

2007-07-25 Thread Sascha Fröhlich

Hash: SHA1


triggering is a typical database function, see for more

Best regards,

Chris Hartjes schrieb:
> On 7/24/07, rtanz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> hi i have a table containing a number of fields. Is there a way to
>> make the system check that when some particular fields are no longer
>> empty an email is sent to a user? thanks
> I don't think CakePHP will do it for you right out of the box, but
> what you need is to create a cron job that checks the table in
> question and then emails users.  I've done similar things but not with
> CakePHP.
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