Re: Retreiving values from Jquery to a controller in cakephp

2009-07-16 Thread rchavik

huh? i think the data is already in the controller.. it's should be in
$this-data array.

Do a debug in your BeersController-view_beer method.

Get firebug, and inspect the response from the webserver.

On Jul 16, 11:53 am, jeremy wrote:
 hai can anyone tell me how can i get the posted values from jquery to
 a controller

 so far this problem has not been solved..

 my jquery alerts correctly as shown in the above disucssion

 now its the only problem of how to get this values to a controoler in

 any refrence or examples or tutorilas will also help

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Re: Retreiving values from Jquery to a controller in cakephp

2009-07-16 Thread rchavik

On Jul 16, 1:50 pm, rchavik wrote:
 huh? i think the data is already in the controller.. it's should be in
 $this-data array.

 Do a debug in your BeersController-view_beer method.

let me rephrase:

Do a debug($this-data) in your BeersController-view_beer method, eg:

class BeersController extends AppController {
function view_beer() {
 // your own code here.
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Re: Retreiving values from Jquery to a controller in cakephp

2009-07-16 Thread rchavik

On Jul 16, 1:50 pm, rchavik wrote:
 huh? i think the data is already in the controller.. it's should be in
 $this-data array.

 Do a debug in your BeersController-view_beer method.

let me rephrase:

Do a debug($this-data) in your BeersController-view_beer method, eg:

class BeersController extends AppController {
function view_beer() {
 // your own code here.
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Re: $_POST

2009-07-16 Thread cbhan

As you know Cake is MVC framework , simply you can access the data
posted from your view(your form),in the controller's method with the
say the function name is mario then,
function mario()
Now in your mario.ctp file,which is the view file of this action
(method rather) from where you had posted your data type the following
?php  echo pr($yourdata); ?
this will solve your problem. If not i will continue to help .

On Jul 16, 4:57 am, mario vallejo wrote:
 Hello and thank you for your time and attention. I am building a
 Facebook app and I want to use CakePHP to build it. The problem is the

 I have tried to translate this into cake to no avail:

 $is_tab = isset($_POST['fb_sig_in_profile_tab']);

 if( !$is_tab ) $user = $fb-require_login();

 And that's really the only thing left in order to finish my app. I
 have got no clue on how to access 'normal' $_POST data inside of cake.
 Thank you very much and I really appreciate this.

 Mario R. Vallejo
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Re: Render Xml

2009-07-16 Thread paulos nikolo
Ty Alexandru for your help.I will use a little different block of code as i
tested it and it works fine.Beow is my code.where i take each geoname's
fields and save them in my db.

for ( $i = 1; $i = 4; $i += 1) {
/** total results**/
$total_results = $xml-children[0]-children[0]-children[0]-value;
$this-data['Destination']['total_count'] = $total_results;

/** Name of destination**/
$nameof =
$this-data['Destination']['name'] = $nameof;
/** Latitude of destination**/
$lat =
$this-data['Destination']['lat'] = $lat;
/** Longtitude of destination**/
$lng =
$this-data['Destination']['lng'] = $lng;
/** Geoname-id of destination**/
$geoid =
$this-data['Destination']['geonameId'] = $geoid;
/** Country code of destination**/
$ctrcode =
$this-data['Destination']['countryCode'] = $ctrcode;
/** Country name of destination**/
$ctrname =
$this-data['Destination']['countryName'] = $ctrname;
/** Fcl of destination**/
$fcl =
$this-data['Destination']['fcl'] = $fcl;
/** Fcode of destination**/
$fcode =
$this-data['Destination']['fcode'] = $fcode;

/*** saves the user_id **/
$userId = $this-Session-read('');
$this-data['Destination']['user_id'] = $userId;

/** saves the input data from user**/
//$this-data['Destination']['place'] = $place;

$destinations = $this-Destination-find('all', array('conditions'
= array('Destination.user_id =' = '142')));

The only thing i want to fix in this code is the for where i want to loop
for the number of  children as well as in find to replace the 142 with
something like $this-Session-read('') which it isn't work.

2009/7/15 Alexandru Ciobanu

 On 07/14/2009 04:29 PM, Paulos23 wrote:
  How i can take these data from the array[] and print them like this
  for example?
 Given $i is the name of your array.

 foreach($i['Geoname'] as $parent){
 foreach($parent as $key = $child){
 echo $key, ': ', $child;

 PS: Look into arrays; lots of resources available.


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Problem with form type get

2009-07-16 Thread Andraž


so if I write this in view

echo $form-create('User', array('url' = array('controller' =
'users', 'action' ='login')));
echo $form-input('User.username', array('label' = 'E-mail:', 'style'
= 'width: 138px;'));
echo $form-input('User.password', array('label' = 'Geslo:', 'style'
= 'width: 138px;'));
echo brcenter . $form-end('Prijava') . /center;

I get the input field ok name=data[User][username]
input id=UserUsername type=text value= maxlength=255
style=width: 138px; name=data[User][username]/

But if I would like to use form type get

echo $form-create('User', array('type' = 'get', 'url' = array
('controller' = 'users', 'action' ='login')));
echo $form-input('User.username', array('label' = 'E-mail:', 'style'
= 'width: 138px;'));
echo $form-input('User.password', array('label' = 'Geslo:', 'style'
= 'width: 138px;'));
echo brcenter . $form-end('Prijava') . /center;

then I get a wrong name of inpuf field name=username

input id=UserUsername type=text value= maxlength=255
style=width: 138px; name=username/

So, this is a bug or I'm doing something wrong?

Regards Andraž
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Reasons for moving from the MIT license to the 3-clause BSD one

2009-07-16 Thread Pierre MARTIN

Hi all!
Cake3 is a wonderful project, and you might know that I really like
it :o)

However I just notice that the license will be changed from MIT to the
3-clause BSD one, which is a bit obscure to me. As a developer who
made a quick topology of FLOSS licenses, I do not see the difference
between these two licenses as they both are not copylefted.

It would be awesome if someone could explain to the curious guy I am
what are the differences between these two licenses, and the reason of
this choice.

Thanks in advance!
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Enumerate CakePHP Layouts

2009-07-16 Thread DatacenterHellas

Hello all.

I like to create a CMS that will hold many layouts depeding on a page

e.x. : If the page has a layout for the mane page and then the web
site owner will deside to have another layout for the offers to be
able to cage to new layout, and if after three months will need a new
layout for another part of the web site to be able to change to this
one for this part of tha web site.

So, my main problem is how to enumerate the available layouts that are
installed on the CakePHP layouts directory, to give the ability to the
user to choose the one he prefer for the page that he creates ? ? ?

Also I like to store the layout name in my database and then
automaticly when the controller start generate the data for the View,
to change the layout to the chosen one that is stored in the
database ? ? ?

Kind regards
Merianos Nikos
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form with reset and submit button

2009-07-16 Thread Dhileepen Chakravarthy
Hi Everybody,

I want to know how to show the form with reset or clear and submit button.
reset to clear all form values , submit to submit the do i do in
cakephp, i can able to show the buttons like

!-- File: /app/views/posts/add.ctp --

h1Add Post/h1
echo $form-create('Post');
echo $form-input('title');
echo $form-input('body', array('rows' = '3'));
echo $form-submit('Save Post');
echo $form-button('Reset', array('type'='reset'));
echo $form-end();

but how do i assign the clear taks to that reset button


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Re: Reasons for moving from the MIT license to the 3-clause BSD one

2009-07-16 Thread Miles J

Agreed, I noticed it and was wondering the same thing.
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Re: How to use 'group by' with paginate()?

2009-07-16 Thread Miles J

Do you have a $paginate property in your controller? You should place
the group within the model within the $paginate.
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Re: CakePHP Model Join Strategy - Returning mixed Array/Objects finds results

2009-07-16 Thread Andreas Derksen


containable and recursive -1 in your AppModel/AppController is the way 
to go.

Dérico Filho schrieb:

 I have a doubt on the future of CakePHP regarding how will it handle
 joins in future releases.

 The issue is: When you have several models tied together through
 hasMany/belongsTo/hasAndBelongsToMany/hasOne, CakePHP will execute the
 database queries all at once, parse them and organise them into an
 So it'll likely you'll have something such:

 $users[0] = Array( User = Array(name = My Name, Remark =
 array(remark = i see it)));
 or even
 $remarks[0] = Array( Remarks = array(remark = i see it),
 User = array(name = My Name));

 OK. That's how CakePHP works nowadays.

 I am not a master in MVC concepts and subtleties, but I wonder it
 could be a bad thing.

 You see, one of the main goals of OO programming is that you write
 code that can be changed. So let's suppose you have a model named
 User, it'd not be joint to anyone else.

 You write a whole application using:
 $this-User-find('all',  c);

 For some wicked reason that shall remain rather vague, you do _not_
 specify the recursiveness of these finds, and therefore CakePHP will
 default it to 1, which brings all model's data and additionally the
 first degree of joins. As this model has no such degree, it'll return
 only User's data.

 Yet this system is not complete, and at some point it demands that a
 Remark system to be attached to User model.

 The programmer goes on app/model/User.php and adds a hasMany entry
 into User, and a belongsTo entry into Remark.

 Suddenly, according to CakePHP's current logic, ALL finds will return
 not only User's data but also it'll return all the Remark entries each
 User has stored. All over the system. You ought to grep the source for
 $this-User- and write down a $this-User-recursive=0; all over
 the source code.

 So far, no news. Here's the catch:

 Should CakePHP model code return something like:

 $users[0] = Array( User = Array(name = My Name, Remark =
 new RemarkSpecialJoinObjectWhichSeeksInformationOnFirstCall($user

 On the views reading $users and User data only, it'll imply neither a
 change on memory consumption nor SQL performance, because although
 User comunicates with Remark, the view would not demand the Remark
 entries, thus avoiding one database seek. They'd never read the Remark
 dimension, and therefore the database would never be read too.

 On the other hand, on the new code which needs both User's and
 Remark's entries, the object on its own would understand the situation
 and seek further data.

 Does anyone know if CakePHP will solve this problem in future

 Dérico Filho


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Re: Enumerate CakePHP Layouts

2009-07-16 Thread Richard
Well, to list the items in the directory, maybe use the ls method of the
Folder class.

To store names in the database, I'd create a table: layouts(id, name,
template, created, updated);

where template refers to the *.ctp file.

I'd possibly goes as far as adding a text field to include the content of
the *.ctp file, to enable revision history, and dump the contents in the
afterSave calback.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 8:58 AM, DatacenterHellas

 Hello all.

 I like to create a CMS that will hold many layouts depeding on a page

 e.x. : If the page has a layout for the mane page and then the web
 site owner will deside to have another layout for the offers to be
 able to cage to new layout, and if after three months will need a new
 layout for another part of the web site to be able to change to this
 one for this part of tha web site.

 So, my main problem is how to enumerate the available layouts that are
 installed on the CakePHP layouts directory, to give the ability to the
 user to choose the one he prefer for the page that he creates ? ? ?

 Also I like to store the layout name in my database and then
 automaticly when the controller start generate the data for the View,
 to change the layout to the chosen one that is stored in the
 database ? ? ?

 Kind regards
 Merianos Nikos

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variable to string

2009-07-16 Thread Paulos23

Hi people,
i am facing a problem with my app.In particular i use httpsocket for a
request in an external site to get some information.I have an element
to force user put some name:

?php echo ($form-create('Destination', array
('controller'='destinations','action' ='search')));?

?php echo $form-input('place', array('label'= 'Search

div align=center
  ?php echo ($form-submit('Search', array('div' = false,'class'
= 'submitbutton'))); ?
  ?php echo($form-end()); ?

now in my controller i have a search function where i want to take the
place variable as a parameter so i do:

function search($place=null) {
App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
$HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();

$results = $HttpSocket-get('', 

I am doing this '.$place.' to take place as a string but it doesnt
work.Any help to this plz?

Ty v much!

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problem with saveAll

2009-07-16 Thread Jon Chin
I'm experiencing weird behavior with using $this-model-saveAll().  
When I pass it an array of just one record, it successfully inserts this 
to the db table.  However, when I pass it an array of more than one 
record, they all successfully insert except for the last record.  
Anybody have an idea of what could be wrong?  Thanks.

Jon Chin

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Translate behavior - associated models

2009-07-16 Thread


It is my understanding that the Translate Behavior is not capable of
translating associated models.

Would someone be kind enough to confirm/infirm this ?

thanks you in advance

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Themed implementation in cakephp

2009-07-16 Thread shahgeb

Hy i am using themes in my application: It might be stupid question
for you but i am facing problem:

suppose my themed directory is
  no file here

while themed folder is empty but when my url
  is http://localhost/cakephp/users it works
  http://localhost/cakephp/admin/users it dont works.

According to cakephp structure it should detect automatically
admin_index file from users controller :
any help related to article
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Re: Insert Query from another table in .ctp

2009-07-16 Thread Richard
You load the record in the controller, before you push the data to the view
that you have in your link below. I would record the statistics at this
point in the controller.

I noticed in your view code, you have an array which you iterate. After the
first iteration, you have a header(Location:) - so I wouldn't bother load
an array of data, just the single record you wish to redirect from.

Hope this helps,

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 2:50 AM, ramzwatcher wrote:

 I want to create a redirect function in cakephp while having cloak
 redirect (using iframe) or normal redirect,
 plus I want to records the statistics of views for every attempt.

 Here's the link that I want to redirect where it's cloaked.

 Below are codes that i write:

 So where can I place a query to insert date for every views?
 I seriously don't have any idea to do this one.

 And i also attach my db structure for references and thanks a lot!

 This file is recommends/URL.CTP

   meta content=text/html; charset=utf-8 http-equiv=Content-
   ?php e($html-css('empty')); ?

 foreach ($recommends as $recommend):
 if($recommend['Recommend']['cloacked'] == 1){
 $this-layout = 'empty';
 iframe height=100% frameborder=0 width=100% marginwidth=0
 marginheight=0 name=body src=?php echo $recommend['Recommend']
 ['url'] ?/
 header(Location: .$recommend['Recommend']['url']);
 endforeach; ?

 I want to insert hits to statistics table in this /recommends/url.ctp
 that contains:
 -click date
 -click counts

 Your comment is appreciated. Thanks!


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Re: Using layouts with themes

2009-07-16 Thread shahgeb

yes you need to put you layout folder in theme folder and as mention
in previus post you need to put your css and js in webroot folder .
you should visite also

On Jul 16, 7:55 am, ramzwatcher wrote:
 Did you place the css files at webroot? That should work.

 You can call custom css for specific page by placing in the ctp file:
 ?php e($html-css('empty')); ?

 Hopefully it helps

 On Jul 16, 5:19 am, djfingers wrote:

  I have implemented themes on my site but I'm having trouble getting
  layouts within themes to work.  Right now only the default layout with
  any given theme is being used.

  Can layouts work within themes?  If so, are there any special things
  that need to be coded.  Shouldn't $this-layout = 'mylayout' work
  within a theme?

  I couldn't find any information on this within the cakephp site or the
  google group.  Any help or links would be appreciated!
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Re: Themed implementation in cakephp

2009-07-16 Thread M Naveed Akram
you can ask your colleagues

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 3:04 PM, shahgeb wrote:

 Hy i am using themes in my application: It might be stupid question
 for you but i am facing problem:

 suppose my themed directory is
  no file here

 while themed folder is empty but when my url
  is http://localhost/cakephp/users it works
  http://localhost/cakephp/admin/users it dont works.

 According to cakephp structure it should detect automatically
 admin_index file from users controller :
 any help related to article

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Re: Auth - get all public Controllers for SitemapDeluxe

2009-07-16 Thread delocalizer


returns an array list of all the controllers - first element is 'App'
which you probably don't want.

On Jul 15, 8:52 pm, ixopo wrote:

 we are using Auth and this is working fine so far.
 I'm just implementing the SitemapDeluxe 

 and cauze i dont want to add every controller manually when new
 controllers are available 
 i search for a way to get this automatically done by reading all the
 Public Controllers from Auth so the Sitemap will be automatically
 up2date all the time.

 Is there a way to read all Public Controllers ?

 Thx 4 any Help
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Re: Getting Started With CakePHP

2009-07-16 Thread bokerao

Cookbook is a good start, after that you can try make a simple
application and then ask here if is necessary or look for somethings
in my friend GOOGLE!

On Jul 15, 11:38 am, GravyFace wrote:
 I think he's closer to trolling (whether he knows it or not) by asking
 a question like that.

 On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Carlos Gonzalez wrote:
  Feeling a bit trollish are we:)?

  2009/7/15 GravyFace

  Sure,  why don't you tell me what you want to build and I'll start
  working on it for you!  Don't worry about any fussy things like
  details or requirements -- I won't stop working until you're
  completely satisfied.

  On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 6:57 AM, Pradip

   Hello All,

   I am new to cakephp.

   Can anybody tell me what are steps required to build a new application
   in cakephp.

   Best Regards,
   Pradip Jadhav
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Re: ambiguous routes

2009-07-16 Thread Piotr Kilczuk


I highly dislike working with routes, but there are few points where
it can break.

1. What is the difference between the two rules you supplied? Any
chance that the 2nd route will be ever used?

2. I suppose you use Router::connect not $Route-connect, just a typo here...

3. As far as I understand your beforeFilter(), it WILL make a
redirection loop every time, since always 1st route is used and for
some reason if condition is never met.

What I would suggest, is to make a action (no beforeFilter), which
would dispatch the request to proper method depending on wheter the
url argument is a valid user name, valid group name or neither
($this-cakeError probably).

Hope this is any help to you.


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Structure of

2009-07-16 Thread bram

Dear Bakers,

When browsing, I'm usually looking for the Model
page. Especially page 73 (getting data), 75 (saving data) and 78
Those pages are three levels deep and stored under 'Developing with

While advanced topics like Components, Behaviors, Console, Utility
libaries have their own top-level entry. The fundamental parts like
Models, Views, Controllers are missing here.

In other words, the documentation structure does not reflect the way I
use and 'think' Cake.
I would like to know how you guys think about it.


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Re: ambiguous routes

2009-07-16 Thread mark_nsx

Thank you very much Piotr! I'll give that a try tomorrow morning.

On Jul 16, 10:01 pm, Piotr Kilczuk wrote:

 I highly dislike working with routes, but there are few points where
 it can break.

 1. What is the difference between the two rules you supplied? Any
 chance that the 2nd route will be ever used?

 2. I suppose you use Router::connect not $Route-connect, just a typo here...

 3. As far as I understand your beforeFilter(), it WILL make a
 redirection loop every time, since always 1st route is used and for
 some reason if condition is never met.

 What I would suggest, is to make a action (no beforeFilter), which
 would dispatch the request to proper method depending on wheter the
 url argument is a valid user name, valid group name or neither
 ($this-cakeError probably).

 Hope this is any help to you.

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Re: HABTM with additional data scaffold update problem.

2009-07-16 Thread Defranco

no ideas?
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Re: hasMany question

2009-07-16 Thread Domenico Testa

On Jul 16, 6:16 am, fedekun wrote:
 Hi! I have just started with CakePHP and it seems very good so far!
 But i have a little question... i have a Post model, each post
 hasMany comments, and comments belongsTo a Post.

 If i want to order posts ASC and
 comments DESC...How do i do it?

I suggest you could setup your order clause and your conditions in the
model association:

Domenico Testa

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Model association problem

2009-07-16 Thread Zoran Kovac


I'm having a dilema, maybe the better word is that I'm puzzled.

The problem is when I'm baking models. The console doesn't detect
relations between tables automatically. For instance, the console does
recognize all the tables from the database, but when it's triying to
detect associations it comes up with the result like on the end of
this post or just skips to 'Look okay?'. It the noted example on end
of the post, I manage to create a complete model (with association to
user), but association among other models fails.

So my question's are:

1. Am I breaking some convetions and it's not working?
2. Could it be that I'm using InnoDB type?
3. Anything else?

Any kind of sugestions is appreciated. Thnx.

Possible Models based on your current database:
1. DocumentsDevice
2. Group
3. InvestigationalSite
4. Investigator
5. Manufacturer
6. MedicinalDevice
7. MedicinalProduct
8. ReportDevice
9. ReportProduct
10. SoaDevice
11. SoaProduct
12. User
Enter a number from the list above, type in the name of another model,
or 'q' to
[q]  2
Would you like to supply validation criteria for the fields in your
model? (y/n)

[y]  n
Would you like to define model associations (hasMany, hasOne,
belongsTo, etc.)?
[y]  y
One moment while the associations are detected.
Please confirm the following associations:
Would you like to define some additional model associations? (y/n)

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Associations - naming conventions

2009-07-16 Thread Octavian


I have a matches table that consist of a home_team and an away_team
column. I also have a teams table with the team information so
home_team and away_team are foreign keys referring to the particular
id of teams.

Unfortunately I can't seem to configure this with cakephp (the naming
conventions would suggest to make a home_teams table and an away_teams
table but that's ridiculous, data duplication, I guess). Could someone
help me setting up the associations? $hasMany? $belongsTo?


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Re: with debug = 0, Cakelog::write results in blank page

2009-07-16 Thread Alexander Sutyagin

Most probably you fogot to define view file or something else that
cold lead to 404 error.

On 9 июл, 01:25, rb wrote:
 After searching the group, I'm seeing there are a few issues when
 debug = 0.

 My issue is with Cakelog::write.  Anytime I use it w/ debug  0,
 everything renders just fine -- no errors.

 Once I set debug = 0, the page will show up blank.

 Is there something about cakephp classes while debug = 0 that I'm not
 aware of?  Or has anyone seen this issue before?


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App Controller not intialized on error (missing action/controller)

2009-07-16 Thread Brendon Gleeson

I am having a problem,

The array for my view's nav menu is built in  app/app_controller.php,
when an error occures the variable is not being initialized, I assume
this is because app_controller.php is not being called? any solutions?

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Re: hasMany question

2009-07-16 Thread Carlos Gonzalez Lavin
A thorough read of the cookbook is always a good place to start
I have never tried sorting by two fields, but how about:

*$this-Post-find('all',array('order' = array('Post.created ASC',
'Comment.created DESC')));*

if that doesnt work:

*$this-Post-find('all',array('order' = 'Post.created ASC, Comment.created

And you can't do $this-Comment in the Posts Controller because $this refers
to an instance of the class (Posts Controller)... and this class by itself
doesn't have an instantiated reference to the Comment model's class...

However, due to the defined relationships, cake takes care of making a
reference of the Comment model instance inside the Post model instance
(which the Posts Controller can acces through $this-Post).. making it
accesible by $this-Post-Comment

Hope I didn't confuse you much

2009/7/15 fedekun

 Hi! I have just started with CakePHP and it seems very good so far!
 But i have a little question... i have a Post model, each post
 hasMany comments, and comments belongsTo a Post.
 So, recursive in the Post model is default, so when i do
 I get all posts and comments, now...If i want to order posts ASC and
 comments DESC...How do i do it?
 Also, another thing i dont know...When i'm in the Posts controller, i
 $this-Post-find to get posts
 and $this-Post-Comment-find to get comments
 Why not $this-Comment-find ?


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Re: Model association problem

2009-07-16 Thread Carlos Gonzalez Lavin
Maybe if you described the tables' fields.. theres gotta be some convention
breaking there

2009/7/16 Zoran Kovac


 I'm having a dilema, maybe the better word is that I'm puzzled.

 The problem is when I'm baking models. The console doesn't detect
 relations between tables automatically. For instance, the console does
 recognize all the tables from the database, but when it's triying to
 detect associations it comes up with the result like on the end of
 this post or just skips to 'Look okay?'. It the noted example on end
 of the post, I manage to create a complete model (with association to
 user), but association among other models fails.

 So my question's are:

 1. Am I breaking some convetions and it's not working?
 2. Could it be that I'm using InnoDB type?
 3. Anything else?

 Any kind of sugestions is appreciated. Thnx.

 Possible Models based on your current database:
 1. DocumentsDevice
 2. Group
 3. InvestigationalSite
 4. Investigator
 5. Manufacturer
 6. MedicinalDevice
 7. MedicinalProduct
 8. ReportDevice
 9. ReportProduct
 10. SoaDevice
 11. SoaProduct
 12. User
 Enter a number from the list above, type in the name of another model,
 or 'q' to
 [q]  2
 Would you like to supply validation criteria for the fields in your
 model? (y/n)

 [y]  n
 Would you like to define model associations (hasMany, hasOne,
 belongsTo, etc.)?
 [y]  y
 One moment while the associations are detected.
 Please confirm the following associations:
 Would you like to define some additional model associations? (y/n)



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Re: Submit/Cancel problem

2009-07-16 Thread Mathieu Ruellan

I've got the same problem than you.
did you find a solution?

On 20 mai, 00:23, Nancy wrote:
 Buttons without type of submit don't really do anything without
 onClick javascript right?  I tried your idea and it just doesn't do
 anything.  Reset just resets a form.  I'd use the Javascript but I'm
 not entirely sure to how make that work with Ajax.

 On May 18, 5:35 pm, Gabriel A. Gonzalez

  Use reset or button NOT submit type for the cancel button.

  input name=Cancel value=cancel type=reset or input name=Cancel 
  value=cancel type=button


   So, I added a submit and a cancel button to my ajax form and it
   doesn't matter which you press, it always returns the submit button,
   not the cancel.

   The view code has this at the bottom (I stopped using helpers to see
   if raw HTML would help, it didn't):
       input name=Submit value=submit type=submit
       input name=Cancel value=cancel type=submit

   In the controller (admin_edit) function, I'm dumping out the contents
   of $this-params['form'] and it always shows

       [Submit] = submit

   Even if you press the cancel button.  Am I doing something wrong?



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Re: Structure of

2009-07-16 Thread Gwoo

Thanks for the feedback. I happen to agree with you. I know the docs
team struggles sometimes with where to put things. They try their best
to look at it from a new developer's perspective, but that is not an
easy thing to do. Please feel free to suggest an alternate structure.
If you can get on irc, go to #cakephp-docs on

We'll continue to review where we can make things better and easier
for everyone.
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Re: Associations - naming conventions

2009-07-16 Thread Octavian

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Re: $_POST

2009-07-16 Thread mario vallejo

Hey, thank you very much! Let me try this out and I'll inform you if
it was what I needed.

On 7/16/09, cbhan wrote:

 As you know Cake is MVC framework , simply you can access the data
 posted from your view(your form),in the controller's method with the
 say the function name is mario then,
 function mario()
 Now in your mario.ctp file,which is the view file of this action
 (method rather) from where you had posted your data type the following
 ?php  echo pr($yourdata); ?
 this will solve your problem. If not i will continue to help .

 On Jul 16, 4:57 am, mario vallejo wrote:
 Hello and thank you for your time and attention. I am building a
 Facebook app and I want to use CakePHP to build it. The problem is the

 I have tried to translate this into cake to no avail:

 $is_tab = isset($_POST['fb_sig_in_profile_tab']);

 if( !$is_tab ) $user = $fb-require_login();

 And that's really the only thing left in order to finish my app. I
 have got no clue on how to access 'normal' $_POST data inside of cake.
 Thank you very much and I really appreciate this.

 Mario R. Vallejo

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Re: Associations - naming conventions

2009-07-16 Thread Piotr Kilczuk


 I have a matches table that consist of a home_team and an away_team
 column. I also have a teams table with the team information so
 home_team and away_team are foreign keys referring to the particular
 id of teams.

 Unfortunately I can't seem to configure this with cakephp (the naming
 conventions would suggest to make a home_teams table and an away_teams
 table but that's ridiculous, data duplication, I guess). Could someone
 help me setting up the associations? $hasMany? $belongsTo?

You are right, no need for two tables. Just setup two 'belongsTo' relationships.

var $belongsTo = array(
'HomeTeam' = array(
'className'= 'Team',
'foreignKey'= 'home_team'
'AwayTeam' = array(
'className'= 'Team',
'foreignKey'= 'away_team'



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Modificar html del mensaje de contraseña incorrecta en el componente Auth.

2009-07-16 Thread Eddy Josafat


Estoy intentando modificar el html que se genera automáticamente en el
mensaje de contraseña incorrecta del componente Auth.

El texto en si lo he modificado sin problemas tal como se comenta en
la documentación:

function beforeFilter() {
$this-Auth-loginError = 'Su contraseña es incorrecta.';
$this-Auth-authError = 'Debe entrar en el sistema con una

Lo que no veo es la manera de decirle que html me genera, o mejor aun,
que solo me salga el texto que ya me encargo yo en la vista de poner
las etiquetas adecuadas.

He buscado en los foros en inglés y por aquí pero no he encontrado

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Re: jQuery UI Tabs and Ajax

2009-07-16 Thread brian

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 5:04 PM, wrote:

 Hi Brian,
 thank you for your answer.

 With $this-contain = false I'm using the shortform (see on

Yes, it's the short form to tell Cake not to bother invoking
Containable. So there's no point in attaching it at all. You could
simply use 'recursive' = -1 instead.

 I tried your changes. The errors changed: now in my view the vars
 which I set in the controller are unknown: Undefined variable:

 Is it right, that the view is the same as for tab 1 to 4 or need I an
 element to display my variables?

Yes, you need to have a view for each. Think of it as a normal request
to the server, but no layout is used. Each tab has a link to some
controller action and those actions each have their own view.

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Re: Associations - naming conventions

2009-07-16 Thread Octavian

You've done a great deed for a noob today.
Thanks a lot Piotr!
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Re: variable to string

2009-07-16 Thread brian

You should get the value from $this-data['Destination']['place']

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 5:09 AM, wrote:

 Hi people,
 i am facing a problem with my app.In particular i use httpsocket for a
 request in an external site to get some information.I have an element
 to force user put some name:

 ?php echo ($form-create('Destination', array
 ('controller'='destinations','action' ='search')));?

        ?php echo $form-input('place', array('label'= 'Search

        div align=center
      ?php echo ($form-submit('Search', array('div' = false,'class'
 = 'submitbutton'))); ?
          ?php echo($form-end()); ?

 now in my controller i have a search function where i want to take the
 place variable as a parameter so i do:

 function search($place=null) {
 App::import('Core', 'HttpSocket');
                $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();

                $results = $HttpSocket-get('', 

 I am doing this '.$place.' to take place as a string but it doesnt
 work.Any help to this plz?

 Ty v much!


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Re: cakephp with javascript

2009-07-16 Thread villas

 (¨`•.•´¨) I may be busy,
 `•.¸(¨`•.•´¨)  but I assure you,
 (¨`•.•´¨)¸.•´ you are always in my heart

 With Lots of Love.
 Jeffery Jacob

Hey Jeff,  Looks like you got your Cakephp message signature mixed up
with the one for the Dating Site. :-)

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CakePHP and Jcrop

2009-07-16 Thread Dave Maharaj ::
Has anyone implemented JCrop into a cake application?
***not interested in the jQuery Crop and Upload as in the Bakery ***
So far I have upload images function which creates 1 size for the gallery
and a thumbnail. 
Added editimage function which loads the fullsize image and the jCrop
interface to select the part of the large image you would like to use for
the thumb
Built the form and pass the x,y, w, h back to the controller but cant seem
to get the new thumb to save.
I have img/gallery
/thumb/ where i want to savethe cropped thumb
/lrg/ = holds the master image to sample from
Can someone who has used jCrop please help me out with the final step?

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Re: Tried to install another application inside cakePHP configuration

2009-07-16 Thread Travis L

If you have httpd.conf access, I'd put the directive in there.

Alias /pma /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin
Directory /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin

On Jul 15, 9:11 am, saavedrajj wrote:
 it works with this code

 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
    RewriteEngine on
    rewritecond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(name_of_folder_application|fm)/
    RewriteRule .* - [S=2]
    RewriteRule    ^$ app/webroot/    [L]
    RewriteRule    (.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

 any better idea?
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Re: Root Server: email-component fails sometimes, why?

2009-07-16 Thread Travis L

Anything on your system to suggest it's overloaded and the messages
are getting silently dropped?

If you increase Cake's debug level you should see some output which
could help you out, it'll give you a full stack trace I believe.

On Jul 15, 1:17 pm, DigitalDude wrote:

 yes, all emails that are not being delivered are not listet in the
 logs of my email server. It looks like the send() command never gets
 executed, the email is never passed into the mail-queue on the server.
 The weirdest thing of all is, that on another server, every email gets
 send without ANY problems. And it is the exact same code!

 On 15 Jul., 22:07, GravyFace wrote:

  Anything in your sendmail/qmail/postfix queue? logs?

  On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 4:01 PM, wrote:


   the App on my root-server sometimes does not send emails, even if the
   recipients are the same. So when I use a testfunction which sends the
   exact same email to the same address let's say 5 times, there are only
   3 or 4 mails delivered and the other(s) are not! How can this happen?
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Re: $_POST

2009-07-16 Thread Travis L

cbhan - I think that Cake will only store data into the
Controller::data attribute if the corresponding HTML entity is named
according to Cake convention (e.g. data[Field]).  Without that data
identifier, I don't think you'll be able to access the facebook POST'd
values in the controller in that manner.

Instead, I suggest you try out the Webservice Behavior (from the
Bakery, natch).
It's designed to allow your app to act as a webservice, so it should
do the trick for you.

On Jul 16, 12:05 am, cbhan wrote:
 As you know Cake is MVC framework , simply you can access the data
 posted from your view(your form),in the controller's method with the
 say the function name is mario then,
 function mario()

 Now in your mario.ctp file,which is the view file of this action
 (method rather) from where you had posted your data type the following
 ?php  echo pr($yourdata); ?
 this will solve your problem. If not i will continue to help .

 On Jul 16, 4:57 am, mario vallejo wrote:

  Hello and thank you for your time and attention. I am building a
  Facebook app and I want to use CakePHP to build it. The problem is the

  I have tried to translate this into cake to no avail:

  $is_tab = isset($_POST['fb_sig_in_profile_tab']);

  if( !$is_tab ) $user = $fb-require_login();

  And that's really the only thing left in order to finish my app. I
  have got no clue on how to access 'normal' $_POST data inside of cake.
  Thank you very much and I really appreciate this.

  Mario R. Vallejo
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Re: CakePHP and Jcrop

2009-07-16 Thread brian

Does the controller receive the values? What are you using to do the
actual cropping? Is the webserver allowed to write to the directory?
Are you seeing errors in the log?

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
 Has anyone implemented JCrop into a cake application?

 ***not interested in the jQuery Crop and Upload as in the Bakery ***

 So far I have upload images function which creates 1 size for the gallery
 and a thumbnail.

 Added editimage function which loads the fullsize image and the jCrop
 interface to select the part of the large image you would like to use for
 the thumb

 Built the form and pass the x,y, w, h back to the controller but cant seem
 to get the new thumb to save.

 I have img/gallery
     /thumb/ where i want to savethe cropped thumb
     /lrg/ = holds the master image to sample from

 Can someone who has used jCrop please help me out with the final step?



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RE: CakePHP and Jcrop

2009-07-16 Thread Dave Maharaj ::

I just figured it out

Was missing the save the new image function.
imagejpeg($dst_r, $output_filename, $jpeg_quality); in the editimage
function and presto

Much easier than the Bakery component



-Original Message-
From: brian [] 
Sent: July-16-09 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: CakePHP and Jcrop

Does the controller receive the values? What are you using to do the actual
cropping? Is the webserver allowed to write to the directory?
Are you seeing errors in the log?

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
 Has anyone implemented JCrop into a cake application?

 ***not interested in the jQuery Crop and Upload as in the Bakery ***

 So far I have upload images function which creates 1 size for the 
 gallery and a thumbnail.

 Added editimage function which loads the fullsize image and the jCrop 
 interface to select the part of the large image you would like to use 
 for the thumb

 Built the form and pass the x,y, w, h back to the controller but cant 
 seem to get the new thumb to save.

 I have img/gallery
     /thumb/ where i want to savethe cropped 
 thumb to
     /lrg/ = holds the master image to sample 

 Can someone who has used jCrop please help me out with the final step?



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Re: URI problem

2009-07-16 Thread Marcelo Andrade

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Yc wrote:

 and I add a line of RewriteBase to public_html/cake/app/weboot folder
  RewriteBase /~username/cake/

CakePHP has three .htaccess files.  Besides the
one at public_html/cake/app/webroot, try adding
the RewriteBase to the others too, in your case,
at public_html/cake and public_html/cake/app.

Best regards.

Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
Linux User #221105

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Re: jQuery UI Tabs and Ajax

2009-07-16 Thread havanna

Hi Brian,

thank you again for your answer. I think I comming a step forward. I
thought also yesterday, that the ajax call will call my other view.
Now I think my problem is the ui tab.
At ui tabs you can include your content from the view - that works for
tab1 to tab4. It's also possible to say that the content come from an
ajax call ( remote: true ). But I don't know, how to combine this

  script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
  $('#tabs').tabs(5)({ remote: true }); // this doesn't work

Regards Thomas

On 16 Jul., 17:28, brian wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 5:04 PM, wrote:

  Hi Brian,
  thank you for your answer.

  With $this-contain = false I'm using the shortform (see on

 Yes, it's the short form to tell Cake not to bother invoking
 Containable. So there's no point in attaching it at all. You could
 simply use 'recursive' = -1 instead.

  I tried your changes. The errors changed: now in my view the vars
  which I set in the controller are unknown: Undefined variable:

  Is it right, that the view is the same as for tab 1 to 4 or need I an
  element to display my variables?

 Yes, you need to have a view for each. Think of it as a normal request
 to the server, but no layout is used. Each tab has a link to some
 controller action and those actions each have their own view.
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Re: jQuery UI Tabs and Ajax

2009-07-16 Thread brian

Sorry, I don't know. You might get a better response from the jquery
google group. There are a lot of people who are very helpful with it.
Ask how to mix UITab content between local page content and remote.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 1:30 PM, wrote:

 Hi Brian,

 thank you again for your answer. I think I comming a step forward. I
 thought also yesterday, that the ajax call will call my other view.
 Now I think my problem is the ui tab.
 At ui tabs you can include your content from the view - that works for
 tab1 to tab4. It's also possible to say that the content come from an
 ajax call ( remote: true ). But I don't know, how to combine this

  script type=text/javascript
    $(function() {
      $('#tabs').tabs(5)({ remote: true }); // this doesn't work

 Regards Thomas

 On 16 Jul., 17:28, brian wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 5:04 PM, wrote:

  Hi Brian,
  thank you for your answer.

  With $this-contain = false I'm using the shortform (see on

 Yes, it's the short form to tell Cake not to bother invoking
 Containable. So there's no point in attaching it at all. You could
 simply use 'recursive' = -1 instead.

  I tried your changes. The errors changed: now in my view the vars
  which I set in the controller are unknown: Undefined variable:

  Is it right, that the view is the same as for tab 1 to 4 or need I an
  element to display my variables?

 Yes, you need to have a view for each. Think of it as a normal request
 to the server, but no layout is used. Each tab has a link to some
 controller action and those actions each have their own view.

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Re: CakePHP and Jcrop

2009-07-16 Thread brian

Yeah, that component at the Bakery seemed a bit dubious.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

 I just figured it out

 Was missing the save the new image function.
 imagejpeg($dst_r, $output_filename, $jpeg_quality); in the editimage
 function and presto

 Much easier than the Bakery component



 -Original Message-
 From: brian []
 Sent: July-16-09 2:27 PM
 Subject: Re: CakePHP and Jcrop

 Does the controller receive the values? What are you using to do the actual
 cropping? Is the webserver allowed to write to the directory?
 Are you seeing errors in the log?

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
 Has anyone implemented JCrop into a cake application?

 ***not interested in the jQuery Crop and Upload as in the Bakery ***

 So far I have upload images function which creates 1 size for the
 gallery and a thumbnail.

 Added editimage function which loads the fullsize image and the jCrop
 interface to select the part of the large image you would like to use
 for the thumb

 Built the form and pass the x,y, w, h back to the controller but cant
 seem to get the new thumb to save.

 I have img/gallery
     /thumb/ where i want to savethe cropped
 thumb to
     /lrg/ = holds the master image to sample

 Can someone who has used jCrop please help me out with the final step?




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How to make use of the error method for one controller with different modules

2009-07-16 Thread Sheetal

My scenario is :

Keep for example there is a view file and it has 2 input fields for
entering name.
First field belong to model_1 which is the primary model of the view
Second field belongs to another model model_2.
Both fields are mandatory and has an error msg. if left blank.

If I use $this-model-invalidFields() in my controller, I am getting
the errors as an array. -- No issues here.

But when I try to use $form-error(...) function, errors get displayed
for the first field which belongs to the primary model but for the
second field though I leave it blank no error msg. are getting

I understand we have to tell cakePHP that second field belongs to
another model, So I declared it in following way:

echo $form-input('model_2.NAME', array('class' = 'input_edit'));
echo $form-error('model_2.NAME', 'error msg');

What is wrong with the above? Am I not addressing something here?
Please help me to solve this issue.
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RE: CakePHP and Jcrop

2009-07-16 Thread Dave Maharaj ::

 I tried the Bakery one over and over and finally got it workingthen
after a few uploads of testing I get 500 Internal Server Error...but who

Figured I would try it on my own and to my surprise it works perfect and
with very little code.


-Original Message-
From: brian [] 
Sent: July-16-09 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: CakePHP and Jcrop

Yeah, that component at the Bakery seemed a bit dubious.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

 I just figured it out

 Was missing the save the new image function.
 imagejpeg($dst_r, $output_filename, $jpeg_quality); in the editimage 
 function and presto

 Much easier than the Bakery component



 -Original Message-
 From: brian []
 Sent: July-16-09 2:27 PM
 Subject: Re: CakePHP and Jcrop

 Does the controller receive the values? What are you using to do the 
 actual cropping? Is the webserver allowed to write to the directory?
 Are you seeing errors in the log?

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
 Has anyone implemented JCrop into a cake application?

 ***not interested in the jQuery Crop and Upload as in the Bakery ***

 So far I have upload images function which creates 1 size for the 
 gallery and a thumbnail.

 Added editimage function which loads the fullsize image and the jCrop 
 interface to select the part of the large image you would like to use 
 for the thumb

 Built the form and pass the x,y, w, h back to the controller but cant 
 seem to get the new thumb to save.

 I have img/gallery
     /thumb/ where i want to savethe cropped 
 thumb to
     /lrg/ = holds the master image to sample 

 Can someone who has used jCrop please help me out with the final step?




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Re: Tried to install another application inside cakePHP configuration

2009-07-16 Thread saavedrajj

thanks everybody for the help

On 16 jul, 12:31, Travis L wrote:
 If you have httpd.conf access, I'd put the directive in there.

 Alias /pma /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin
 Directory /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin

 On Jul 15, 9:11 am, wrote:

  it works with this code

  IfModule mod_rewrite.c
     RewriteEngine on
     rewritecond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(name_of_folder_application|fm)/
     RewriteRule .* - [S=2]
     RewriteRule    ^$ app/webroot/    [L]
     RewriteRule    (.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

  any better idea?
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Re: Associations - naming conventions

2009-07-16 Thread Octavian


Now I have a problem with the hasOne association.
Users have a favorite club (favclub) which is a foreign key to the
Clubs (contains id and name) table. How do I code that? So every user
hasOne favclub (referring to

Thanks for much appreciated your help.
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belongsto relationship not working

2009-07-16 Thread Travis

I have successfully set up other belongsto relationships in this
program but one does not work

the model code is:

class IrrigationEvent extends AppModel
var $name = 'IrrigationEvent';
var $useTable = 'irrigation_events';
var $belongsTo = array(
'Field' = array(
'className' = 'Field',
'foreignKey'= 'fields_id'

I am not sure what other code would help, so let me know if you need
more code.

any ideas why my relationship does not work?

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Re: belongsto relationship not working

2009-07-16 Thread Piotr Kilczuk


 I have successfully set up other belongsto relationships in this
 program but one does not work

 the model code is:

 class IrrigationEvent extends AppModel
    var $name = 'IrrigationEvent';
    var $useTable = 'irrigation_events';
    var $belongsTo = array(
            'Field' = array(
                'className' = 'Field',
                'foreignKey'= 'fields_id'

FK should be field_id?


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Re: Associations - naming conventions

2009-07-16 Thread Piotr Kilczuk


 Now I have a problem with the hasOne association.
 Users have a favorite club (favclub) which is a foreign key to the
 Clubs (contains id and name) table. How do I code that? So every user
 hasOne favclub (referring to

 Thanks for much appreciated your help.

This might be illogical at first, but it's a belongsTo relationship.

User belongsTo his favorite club :)


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Re: CakePHP and Jcrop

2009-07-16 Thread Miles J

You should try my uploader plugin, it wont cause any errors.

On Jul 16, 10:50 am, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
  I tried the Bakery one over and over and finally got it workingthen
 after a few uploads of testing I get 500 Internal Server Error...but who

 Figured I would try it on my own and to my surprise it works perfect and
 with very little code.


 -Original Message-
 From: brian []
 Sent: July-16-09 3:15 PM
 Subject: Re: CakePHP and Jcrop

 Yeah, that component at the Bakery seemed a bit dubious.

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

  I just figured it out

  Was missing the save the new image function.
  imagejpeg($dst_r, $output_filename, $jpeg_quality); in the editimage
  function and presto

  Much easier than the Bakery component



  -Original Message-
  From: brian []
  Sent: July-16-09 2:27 PM
  Subject: Re: CakePHP and Jcrop

  Does the controller receive the values? What are you using to do the
  actual cropping? Is the webserver allowed to write to the directory?
  Are you seeing errors in the log?

  On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
  Has anyone implemented JCrop into a cake application?

  ***not interested in the jQuery Crop and Upload as in the Bakery ***

  So far I have upload images function which creates 1 size for the
  gallery and a thumbnail.

  Added editimage function which loads the fullsize image and the jCrop
  interface to select the part of the large image you would like to use
  for the thumb

  Built the form and pass the x,y, w, h back to the controller but cant
  seem to get the new thumb to save.

  I have img/gallery
      /thumb/ where i want to savethe cropped
  thumb to
      /lrg/ = holds the master image to sample

  Can someone who has used jCrop please help me out with the final step?


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RE: CakePHP and Jcrop

2009-07-16 Thread Dave Maharaj ::

Looks good.

Will give it a try later tonight.



-Original Message-
From: Miles J [] 
Sent: July-16-09 6:28 PM
To: CakePHP
Subject: Re: CakePHP and Jcrop

You should try my uploader plugin, it wont cause any errors.

On Jul 16, 10:50 am, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
  I tried the Bakery one over and over and finally got it 
 workingthen after a few uploads of testing I get 500 Internal 
 Server Error...but who knows.

 Figured I would try it on my own and to my surprise it works perfect 
 and with very little code.


 -Original Message-
 From: brian []
 Sent: July-16-09 3:15 PM
 Subject: Re: CakePHP and Jcrop

 Yeah, that component at the Bakery seemed a bit dubious.

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

  I just figured it out

  Was missing the save the new image function.
  imagejpeg($dst_r, $output_filename, $jpeg_quality); in the editimage 
  function and presto

  Much easier than the Bakery component



  -Original Message-
  From: brian []
  Sent: July-16-09 2:27 PM
  Subject: Re: CakePHP and Jcrop

  Does the controller receive the values? What are you using to do the 
  actual cropping? Is the webserver allowed to write to the directory?
  Are you seeing errors in the log?

  On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
  Has anyone implemented JCrop into a cake application?

  ***not interested in the jQuery Crop and Upload as in the Bakery 

  So far I have upload images function which creates 1 size for the 
  gallery and a thumbnail.

  Added editimage function which loads the fullsize image and the 
  jCrop interface to select the part of the large image you would 
  like to use for the thumb

  Built the form and pass the x,y, w, h back to the controller but 
  cant seem to get the new thumb to save.

  I have img/gallery
      /thumb/ where i want to savethe 
  cropped thumb to
      /lrg/ = holds the master image to 
  sample from

  Can someone who has used jCrop please help me out with the final step?



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Re: Using layouts with themes

2009-07-16 Thread djfingers

I got it to work, there was some other code interfering in some
unpredictable ways, when that was cleaned up the theming worked.  It's
pretty nice to be able to theme and use different layouts now.

thanks for the css tip, I will probably update the layout code to use
that html css helper.

On Jul 15, 6:55 pm, ramzwatcher wrote:
 Did you place the css files at webroot? That should work.

 You can call custom css for specific page by placing in the ctp file:
 ?php e($html-css('empty')); ?

 Hopefully it helps

 On Jul 16, 5:19 am, djfingers wrote:

  I have implementedthemeson my site but I'm having trouble getting
  layouts withinthemesto work.  Right now only the default layout with
  any given theme is being used.

  Can layouts work withinthemes?  If so, are there any special things
  that need to be coded.  Shouldn't $this-layout = 'mylayout' work
  within a theme?

  I couldn't find any information on this within the cakephp site or the
  google group.  Any help or links would be appreciated!
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Re: hasMany question

2009-07-16 Thread fedekun

Thanks! Hmm is there a way to do that on read instead of find?
I have... $this-Post-read(null, $id);
I cant find documentationfor read method though..i just find about
find, findAll etc...

On 16 jul, 10:59, Carlos Gonzalez Lavin
 A thorough read of the cookbook is always a good place to start
 I have never tried sorting by two fields, but how about:

 *$this-Post-find('all',array('order' = array('Post.created ASC',
 'Comment.created DESC')));*

 if that doesnt work:

 *$this-Post-find('all',array('order' = 'Post.created ASC, Comment.created

 And you can't do $this-Comment in the Posts Controller because $this refers
 to an instance of the class (Posts Controller)... and this class by itself
 doesn't have an instantiated reference to the Comment model's class...

 However, due to the defined relationships, cake takes care of making a
 reference of the Comment model instance inside the Post model instance
 (which the Posts Controller can acces through $this-Post).. making it
 accesible by $this-Post-Comment

 Hope I didn't confuse you much

 2009/7/15 fedekun

  Hi! I have just started with CakePHP and it seems very good so far!
  But i have a little question... i have a Post model, each post
  hasMany comments, and comments belongsTo a Post.
  So, recursive in the Post model is default, so when i do
  I get all posts and comments, now...If i want to order posts ASC and
  comments DESC...How do i do it?
  Also, another thing i dont know...When i'm in the Posts controller, i
  $this-Post-find to get posts
  and $this-Post-Comment-find to get comments
  Why not $this-Comment-find ?
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Re: problem with saveAll

2009-07-16 Thread Jon Chin
Seems like it's working now.  I changed the table type to MyISAM, which 
corrupted the table.  So I repaired it and changed it back to InnoDB.  
Now it's working fine.  I didn't change any code.  Can anybody explain this?

Jon Chin

Jon Chin wrote:
I'm experiencing weird behavior with using $this-model-saveAll().  
When I pass it an array of just one record, it successfully inserts 
this to the db table.  However, when I pass it an array of more than 
one record, they all successfully insert except for the last record.  
Anybody have an idea of what could be wrong?  Thanks.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: App Controller not intialized on error (missing action/controller)

2009-07-16 Thread Mark

not quite right..

the beforeFilter() and afterFilter() functions are not triggered

but if you put your code in the beforeRender() it should work

On 16 Jul., 09:34, Brendon Gleeson wrote:
 I am having a problem,

 The array for my view's nav menu is built in  app/app_controller.php,
 when an error occures the variable is not being initialized, I assume
 this is because app_controller.php is not being called? any solutions?
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Blank white screen on new upload

2009-07-16 Thread Lisa


Our client has a site built with CakePHP and has today had a prob with
their previous host - so we've quickly had to move it all to a new
hosting account.

We've got everything uploaded and all paths seem to be ok - but
when .htaccess is set to redirect to app/webroot it just returns a
blank white screen.
We've checked PHP is working (we've tried a lot of stuff!), we've
tried turning Debug to 2 to show errors but it doesn't make any
difference, and we've tested mod rewrite is apparently on.

Any ideas gratefully received! It's been a very long day and we need
to go to bed!

Thank you!


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replacing parts of url

2009-07-16 Thread Isaac Raja
Hi all,

I'm developing  a  web application, in which the when the user adds a
filter, it is appended to the url, for example

Everything is working fine now, But I want the user to add the filter city.
When the  user clicks a particular city link,  the above url must be turned

ie) i don't want to loose other filters .  I have done an ugly hack, in
which i get the url from $this-here and replace the sudomain part.

Is there a cake way to do it. Or how to implement this feature in cakephp?


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Re: Blank white screen on new upload

2009-07-16 Thread lapinski

Are you sure index.php under webroot/ is pointing to the right ROOT, APP_DIR
and CAKE directories?


Lisa-69 wrote:
 Our client has a site built with CakePHP and has today had a prob with
 their previous host - so we've quickly had to move it all to a new
 hosting account.
 We've got everything uploaded and all paths seem to be ok - but
 when .htaccess is set to redirect to app/webroot it just returns a
 blank white screen.
 We've checked PHP is working (we've tried a lot of stuff!), we've
 tried turning Debug to 2 to show errors but it doesn't make any
 difference, and we've tested mod rewrite is apparently on.
 Any ideas gratefully received! It's been a very long day and we need
 to go to bed!
 Thank you!

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App::import - I'm doing it wrong?

2009-07-16 Thread Mike


So I'm in the process of upgrading to Cake 1.2 (from an earlier beta,
I believe), and I'm switching from the vendors() function to the
App::import function.  According to,
there's an example that's close to what I want to do:
App::import('Vendor', 'flickr/flickr');

However, my class is in ResultSet.php, and since I've got a couple of
these, I put them all into the vendors/StudentTracker file.

So naturally I tried

App::import('Vendor', 'StudentTracker/ResultSet');

I expected this to work, but it didn't.  After putting some handy
printf's*cough*debug statements into App::__load, I noticed that Cake
is inflecting the name I gave it.  It's both lowercasing the path, and
putting underscores in.

My question is this: am I doing this wrong, or is this a bug?  I ask
because I was under the impression that the 'vendors' directory wasn't
supposed to make any assumptions about how the  directories/files were
named, and therefore it seems like inflecting the provided filename
would therefore be wrong.

It appears to be pretty easy to hack a change into the core Cake files
(see, although I've no idea
how it will affect anything else (haven't even run the unit tests)

Anyways - am I wrong about the vendors files not needing inflection,
or is this a bug?

It appears that I can forcibly direct Cake to the right file using the
following, in case anyone else is using this post as a 'help file' :)

App::import( 'Vendor', 'StudentTracker/ResultSet', array('file' =
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Re: jQuery UI Tabs and Ajax

2009-07-16 Thread rchavik

IIRC, $('#tabs').tabs() should be sufficient, as long as one of your
LI contains a remote URL.

For your fifth tab, try using the following:

 a href=/admin/attachments/getlist/?php echo $this-data
['Posts']['id']; ?

Note that I removed the span there.

It should call /admin/attachments/getlist/XXX when the fifth tab is

On Jul 17, 12:30 am, havanna wrote:
 Hi Brian,

 thank you again for your answer. I think I comming a step forward. I
 thought also yesterday, that the ajax call will call my other view.
 Now I think my problem is the ui tab.
 At ui tabs you can include your content from the view - that works for
 tab1 to tab4. It's also possible to say that the content come from an
 ajax call ( remote: true ). But I don't know, how to combine this

   script type=text/javascript
     $(function() {
       $('#tabs').tabs(5)({ remote: true }); // this doesn't work

 Regards Thomas

 On 16 Jul., 17:28, brian wrote:

  On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 5:04 PM, wrote:

   Hi Brian,
   thank you for your answer.

   With $this-contain = false I'm using the shortform (see on

  Yes, it's the short form to tell Cake not to bother invoking
  Containable. So there's no point in attaching it at all. You could
  simply use 'recursive' = -1 instead.

   I tried your changes. The errors changed: now in my view the vars
   which I set in the controller are unknown: Undefined variable:

   Is it right, that the view is the same as for tab 1 to 4 or need I an
   element to display my variables?

  Yes, you need to have a view for each. Think of it as a normal request
  to the server, but no layout is used. Each tab has a link to some
  controller action and those actions each have their own view.

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Re: Blank white screen on new upload

2009-07-16 Thread joshua
Can you post the content in .htaccess here? Why you set it manually?

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Lisa wrote:


 Our client has a site built with CakePHP and has today had a prob with
 their previous host - so we've quickly had to move it all to a new
 hosting account.

 We've got everything uploaded and all paths seem to be ok - but
 when .htaccess is set to redirect to app/webroot it just returns a
 blank white screen.
 We've checked PHP is working (we've tried a lot of stuff!), we've
 tried turning Debug to 2 to show errors but it doesn't make any
 difference, and we've tested mod rewrite is apparently on.

 Any ideas gratefully received! It's been a very long day and we need
 to go to bed!

 Thank you!



5span Inc.

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Re: App::import - I'm doing it wrong?

2009-07-16 Thread Miles J

Yeah if the import doesnt work right off the bat, you have to use the
file option.
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url to array

2009-07-16 Thread Isaac Raja

Every  functions in helpers like $html-link $html-urlconverts the
array url parameters in to an url (like array('controller' =
'posts','action' = 'view');  gets converted in to  /posts/view is there
any function in cakephp that does the reverse?.

Example convert  /posts/view/1/cat:animals/name:rajato something like
array('controller' = 'posts', 'action' = view,'pass' = 1,
params['named']['cat'] = 'animals');


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Cakephp development questions

2009-07-16 Thread Isaac Raja

what is the development flow in cakephp,   define routers and then start
creating  application

or  create application and then create  routing config?

also how to name the controller methods  like Categories::list_post()
or Categories::listPost()  ?


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Re: A Table Belongs to the Same Table

2009-07-16 Thread si-mon

Thanks Miles, thanks ecommy...

On Jul 14, 11:17 am, ecommy wrote:
 you may want to check 

 On Jul 14, 9:04 am, si-mon wrote:

  Hi All,

  I am creating a CRM application in cake php. In it, in my user table,
  there are three levels of users viz. Director, Manager and Executive.

  I need to include a field reports_to
  Eg: executive1 reports_to manager1
executive2 reports_to manager1
executive3 reports_to manager2
executive4 reports_to manager3
and so on...

  This means, the users table belongsTo (or hasAndBelongsToMany) the
  same users table.

  Please help me to implement this...

  Thanks in advance...
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Re: App::import - I'm doing it wrong?

2009-07-16 Thread Mike

Is that by design (for the 'vendors' stuff)?

If it is, I'd love to volunteer to update the documentation in the
online Cake book to make this more clear.


On Jul 16, 8:15 pm, Miles J wrote:
 Yeah if the import doesnt work right off the bat, you have to use the
 file option.
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Re: form with reset and submit button

2009-07-16 Thread Dhileepen Chakravarthy
Please anyone gave me a solution

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Re: form with reset and submit button

2009-07-16 Thread rchavik

Trying moving your $form-button('Reset', ) to before $form-submit
('Save Post');

On Jul 17, 11:57 am, Dhileepen Chakravarthy wrote:
 Please anyone gave me a solution
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Re: form with reset and submit button

2009-07-16 Thread rchavik

Upon rereading your snippet, I think your code should've worked.  I'm
not sure what's going on here.

On Jul 16, 3:36 pm, Dhileepen Chakravarthy wrote:
 Hi Everybody,

 I want to know how to show the form with reset or clear and submit button.
 reset to clear all form values , submit to submit the do i do in
 cakephp, i can able to show the buttons like

 !-- File: /app/views/posts/add.ctp --

 h1Add Post/h1
 echo $form-create('Post');
 echo $form-input('title');
 echo $form-input('body', array('rows' = '3'));
 echo $form-submit('Save Post');
 echo $form-button('Reset', array('type'='reset'));
 echo $form-end();

 but how do i assign the clear taks to that reset button

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Re: form with reset and submit button

2009-07-16 Thread Amjad Farooq
uses in reset action

$this-data['Post']['body'] = '';
$this-data['Post']['title'] = '';
hope it will work

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Dhileepen Chakravarthy wrote:

 Hi Everybody,

 I want to know how to show the form with reset or clear and submit button.
 reset to clear all form values , submit to submit the do i do in
 cakephp, i can able to show the buttons like

 !-- File: /app/views/posts/add.ctp --

 h1Add Post/h1
 echo $form-create('Post');
 echo $form-input('title');
 echo $form-input('body', array('rows' = '3'));
 echo $form-submit('Save Post');
 echo $form-button('Reset', array('type'='reset'));
 echo $form-end();

 but how do i assign the clear taks to that reset button



Best Regard

Amjad Farooq
Web developer
Bramerz (Pvt)Ltd.

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Re: form with reset and submit button

2009-07-16 Thread John Andersen

A reset button will only return the form to the state it had upon
showing the page with the form! Reset will not clear the form if the
form already contains values!

If you want to clear the form, use javascript or turn the reset/clear
button into at submit button and handle the clearing in the
controller. Just like you where proposing below :)


On Jul 17, 8:16 am, Amjad Farooq wrote:
 uses in reset action

     $this-data['Post']['body'] = '';
     $this-data['Post']['title'] = '';
 hope it will work

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Dhileepen Chakravarthy wrote:
  Hi Everybody,

  I want to know how to show the form with reset or clear and submit button.
  reset to clear all form values , submit to submit the do i do in
  cakephp, i can able to show the buttons like

  !-- File: /app/views/posts/add.ctp --

  h1Add Post/h1
  echo $form-create('Post');
  echo $form-input('title');
  echo $form-input('body', array('rows' = '3'));
  echo $form-submit('Save Post');
  echo $form-button('Reset', array('type'='reset'));
  echo $form-end();

  but how do i assign the clear taks to that reset button


 Best Regard

 Amjad Farooq
 Web developer
 Bramerz (Pvt)Ltd.
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Re: form with reset and submit button

2009-07-16 Thread Dhileepen Chakravarthy
Thanks all

!-- File: /app/views/posts/add.ctp --

h1Add Post/h1
echo $form-create('Post');
echo $form-input('title');
echo $form-input('body', array('rows' = '3'));
echo $form-button('Reset', array('type'='reset'), action=);
echo $form-submit('Save Post');
echo $form-end();

function add()
  if (!empty($this-data))
   if ($this-Post-save($this-data))
$this-Session-setFlash('Your post has been saved.');
$this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));

how do i add the controller code here

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