Re: MVC-way to obtain common data formatting

2009-08-27 Thread Bert Van den Brande

Hmm I see ... well, I think this can only be accomplished with some
kind of helper method/class in the view, just like Jon Bennet says.

Imho a class like that will get bloated very quickly , because there
will be different options to choose from on how to display the data.

A small helper for translating model-specific values would be my
personal choice.

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 3:51 PM, wrote:

 @ Bert: yes that's the problem, I'm looking for a way to accomplish in
 an automatic way and not only for boolean fields (which aren't
 difficult to implement with an ad-hoc behavior)

 On 26 Ago, 15:46, Bert Van den Brande wrote:
 I don't really understand the problem you present.

 Either you display a model field as a read-only piece of information
 in the view, and then there is no problem with data being updated.

 Or you display model data in a form that can be edited, and in case of
 for example the boolean you provide a dropdown list or use a radio
 button that displays a readable string to the user but holds the raw
 data as the value.

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 2:46 PM, wrote:

  Hi Jon
  thanks for your kind reply but that's just what I'd avoid: I'm trying
  to accomplish an automatic way to achieve that result, I know it's not
  right to use a model function and I asked for an MVC and non-
  validation-breaking way..

  On 26 Ago, 11:23, Jon Bennett wrote:
  Hi Nicola.

   I'm trying to understand if and in which way could be possible to
   achieve such a result. Maybe I've explained the wrong way: I need to
   format some common fields like boolean value and achieve this adding
   an afterFind(results) callback in the app_model.php. I'd like to know
   if this is the best way to accomplish this 'cause I noticed that (of
   course) it causes problems when trying to edit something: the datas
   are formatted as I requested in the app_model but this causes
   validation problems (super simple example: boolean humanized as Yes/
   No and no more as 1/0).

  I would have thought the only time you need to display 1 or 0 as yes
  or no is in the view. You're quite right that if you adjust the data
  in app_model, it will break your DB.

  I have a Config value set in my bootstrap, and output that. eg:

  // bootstrap.php
  Configure::write('yesno', array(0='No', 1='Yes');

  // View
  Configure::read('yesno.'.$row[$modelClass]['field']); // outputs 'Yes'
  for 1, and 'No' for 0.




  jon bennett
  iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett


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Cloud application with CakePHP? Different databases with same app.

2009-08-27 Thread Sebastian

The title may be misleading, but bear with me.

I would like to use CakePHP to create one application, which then has
multiple instances. Think of it, if you will, as different websites
being powered by the same application--not a copy of it. Each instance
(website) would have its own database and website-specific files and
configurations, but they all load the same CakePHP application to
power it.

The basic idea as I have it is to have different directories, each
containing a .php file with configuration options, which then loads
the application from another directory. Something like this:


...where the first three directories contain the single .php file,
images and possibly a cache, and the app holds the application.

The reason I want to do this is because of it being easier to maintain
one installation per server than having 10 or 20 or 50 separate
installations of the same application. Upgrading would be infinitely
easier. It might even be faster and take less resources from the

For the record, I'm somewhat new to CakePHP. I'm an experience PHP
developer who also have extensive Rails background, so while I'm new
to Cake, I'm not new to PHP or the MVC architecture.

My question is whether this is a viable approach. Is using one CakePHP
app with different databases going to screw up caching? Can I disable
the caching and build my own caching system in the individual
directories? Is it going to make things slower than if I had
individual CakePHP apps for all of the websites? How would the single
application handle, say, 50 websites?

Basically, I'm looking for thoughts and ideas on whether the single
installation of the application with X number of websites is a better
approach than the X number of individual installations.

Any help would be appreciated.

- Sebastian

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Re: Announcing CakeXT: Bind CakePHP and ExtJS together

2009-08-27 Thread Mark Tannenberg


I started using this project and I guess I still have to grasp the
concept of ExtJs coding ... I wonder, would it be possible to use this
in a different environment than just the 3 tabs you mentioned?


On 25 Aug., 10:23, technicaltitch wrote:
 Very exciting!

 On Aug 24, 11:18 am, wirtsi wrote:

  Hi ...

  I have started a new project to bind CakePHP and ExtJS together. I've
  been using CakePHP for the last few years and found that the further
  you push your projects into the Web 2.0 / heavy Ajax domain, the more
  difficult it gets to keep track of all the html / javascript
  dependencies you need for your site to work.

  ExtJs handles all this very nicely, it pushes ALL of the user
  interface creation onto the browser ... so the V from MVC purely lives
  on the client side. All the business logic like data validation is of
  course still handled by Cake.

  I've written a lengthy blog entry on how to use CakeXT (which consists
  of a Cake Helper and an extended Ext class) including a demo of the
  system. The cool part really is, that you don't need any further
  configuration of Ext. Add a new field to your database and it will
  automatically appear in your view.

  The blog entry can be found 
  and the project lives at

  Since this project is still very young I'd love to hear what you think
  about it ... for sure there's plenty of room for improvements :)


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Re: encoding problems: utf-8

2009-08-27 Thread danfreak

the main encoding problem is in a shell script:

The script imports RSS from 10 different sources once every hour and
stores them in DB.

In order to normalize the grabbed content I use:

foreach ($feed-get_items() as $item){
  $myitem['title'] = trim($item-get_title());
  $myitem['title'] = trim($myitem['title'])!='' ? html_entity_decode
($myitem['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : $rssFont['name'];
  $myitem['content'] = $item-get_description();
  $myitem['link'] = $item-get_permalink();
  $myitem['pubDate'] = $item-get_date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
  $myitem['source_id'] = $rssFont['id'];

This works fine locally, while conversion is not going well remotely

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How to use a plugin's layout form a different plugin

2009-08-27 Thread MPeg

Hi to all.

I'm developing a plugin named pizza and I have another plugin named
When I order a new pizza i'd like to use a layout from the
beautifull_layout plugin.

class Pizza extend PizzaAppController {
  function order() {
$this-plugin = beautifull_layout;
$this-layout = pink_layout;

When this code is being executed I get a missing view error because
Cake look for Pizza::order view into beautifull_layout plugin.
I want to use  layout from different plugin but keep views and other
things in my plugin.

Thanks to all!
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Re: Friendly image/files URL routing

2009-08-27 Thread Walther

Actually, using a media view would be the better bet. Already deals
with everything for you.

On Aug 26, 3:30 pm, Jon Bennett wrote:

  I am uploading files(images, mp3s etc) to my webroot /files/ folder.
  The files are named their id number.their extension. Without any
  custom routing I can access these files by /files/343.png.

  I would like to access this file by using the URL /files/343-
  sometitle.png as well. At the moment I can do this by using a custom
  route and an action, but this just redirects and so the URL displays /
  files/343.png - I would like the URL to not change and for the file
  to be displayed as it would be normally.

 You're nearly there. What you need to do is use echo
 file_get_contents() in a controller method, eg:

 public function img($filename='')
         $this-autoRender = false;

         // check file exists
         if (!file_exists(WWW_ROOT.'files'.DS.$filename))

         // output file - very crude as it is, you'd want to set the correct
 header/mime type etc
         echo file_get_contents(WWW_ROOT.DS.'files'.DS.$filename);


 this only checks for a file with a real name, you'll want to strip out
 anything other than the ID.ext




 jon bennett
 iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett
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Re: Help

2009-08-27 Thread rich...@home

Just to clarify mike's point:

in your controller:

$conditions = array( = $this-data);

should be:

$conditions = array( = $this-data['Property']

On Aug 26, 10:15 pm, mike karthauser wrote:
 you should turn on debug=2 and have a look at your query. i suspect you
 aren't returning the value you want to return any data.

 have you pr($this-data) within your controller action? i suspect your

 echo $form-input('Zip Code'); field is better named as

 echo $form-input('zip', array(label'='Zip Code'));which will give you 
 $this-data['Property']['zip'] with a value

 when you post


 bumper wrote:
  I'm brand new to cake so please be gentle 

  My view look like the following :

  div id=property
           echo $form-create('property', array('action' = 'findzip'));
           echo $form-input('Zip Code');
           echo $form-submit();
           echo $form-end();

  ?php foreach ($foundProperties as $property): ?

       ?php echo $this-element('property', array('property' =
  $property)); ?

  ?php endforeach; ?

  my function in the controller looks like :

          function findzip()

              if (!empty($this-data)) {

                  $conditions = array( = $this-data);
                  $foundProperties = $this-Property-findall


  all I want to do is return the properties that have the zip code sent
  by the form. I've been working on it for
  two days and I'm at my wits end.

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2009-08-27 Thread


I can't resolve a strange problem. This is my code:

echo $form-input('User.SecurityAccess.'.$aco_id,
'div' = false,
'label' = false,
'type' = 'radio',
'legend' = false,
'default' = $selected,
'options' = array('allow' = nbsp;{$allow},
'deny' = nbsp;{$deny})

I try to create a set of radio groups, every group has 2 raàdio
buttons. I want taht every radio group has different id in their
label, so the user can click directly on the label, BUT CAKE SEEMS TO
PUT the same id in the code. This is the resulting code:

input type=radio name=data[Group][SecurityAccess][4]
id=GroupSecurityAccessAllow value=allow  /
label for=GroupSecurityAccessAllownbsp;Allow/label

input type=radio name=data[Group][SecurityAccess][4]
id=GroupSecurityAccessDeny value=deny checked=checked  /
label for=GroupSecurityAccessDenynbsp;span style = 'color:

The other pairs of radio buttons has the SAME LABEL ID.


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Re: related to Session-setFlash

2009-08-27 Thread cbhan

Sorry for the late reply.Yes, you are right, if you are doing it in

On Aug 21, 6:53 am, kdubya wrote:
 On Aug 19, 9:01 am, zaboo wrote:

  Don't echo $this-Session-setFlash()

  On Aug 19, 8:27 am, Chander Bhan wrote:

   I always get the digit 1 in the next line of the message sent through
   Session-setFlash from controller, need help

 I don't understand this answer. I have been having the same problem
 (the number 1 being displayed on the line after the flash message).
 Here is the code snippet from my controller:

   function edit($id = null) {
     $this-set('schema', $this-Item-_schema);
     if (!$id  empty($this-data)) {
       $this-Session-setFlash(__('Invalid Item', true));

 And here is the code from the view:

 ?php echo $session-flash();?

 Are you saying that in the view the code should be:

 ?php $session-flash();?

 Is that correct?

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Re: file upload strange - doesn't appear in filesystem, but can be move_uploaded_file()ed

2009-08-27 Thread Dr. Loboto

You should first check by is_uploaded_file() and then move it by
move_uploaded_file(). It is the only safe way with PHP. These
functions goes through bunch of PHP security restrictions instead of
normal file functions.

Until move_uploaded_file() called or request finished file is in temp
dir with temp name. After move or script exit it is deleted.

 Doing the move after the is_uploaded_file puts the file in the right
 place, but makes the is_uploaded_file return false.
It only means that you actually do move_uploaded_file() before
is_uploaded_file() somewhere.

On Aug 27, 2:42 am, MrMeikel wrote:

 I haven't done any file upload handling for a long time in php, so
 maybe I am missing something quite obvious here.

 I have a simple upload form using the form helper that seems to work.
 My controller then calls a model function called data_upload which
 is responsible for moving the uploaded file using move_uploaded_file.
 This suceeds and I have now have the chosen file in my /files/ folder
 - everything seems fine.

 However, my Model validation calls on the php method
 is_uploaded_file which is passed the same file path/name as the
 move_uploaded_file - which returns false. I also cannot find the
 suggested temp file anywhere on my computer (local server).

 Removing the move_uploaded_file makes is_uploaded_file return true,
 but still I cannot find the temp file anywhere. Doing the move after
 the is_uploaded_file puts the file in the right place, but makes the
 is_uploaded_file return false.

 I have checked php.ini and file uploads are on, and the tmp file is
 the one where I am looking - I also checked my whole C:\ for any
 possible temp file and found nothing.

 I assume this is something to do with caching uploads? I am running
 xampp on windows 7.
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Re: MVC-way to obtain common data formatting

2009-08-27 Thread benjamwelker

You can try creating a couple of methods in your model.
One afterFind, and another beforeSave.

You can convert the data however you want in the afterFind, and then
convert it back in the beforeSave so that it doesn't mess up your
validation and save methods.

But you're going to run into other problems with this method as well.
The form helper might;' have some issues with the newly formatted
data, and not knowing exactly what to do with it.

Your best bet is to convert the data how you want right before
viewing.  It's not the easiest to edit a lot of files, but it will
save you headache in the long run.

Also...  to convert a 0/1 to a No/Yes, you can use the built in
Set::enum($select, $list = null) method, leaving the $list var empty
will auto populate it with a yes/no array.

echo Set::enum($data['boolean_field']) will output yes or no
depending on value. Wrap that in a ucfirst or ucwords to get Yes
No, done.

On Aug 26, 3:52 pm, ark0n3 wrote:
 That's a good starting point but there's need to change every
 interested line in the views, while I'd like to obtain an automatic
 and centralized solution i.e. if I write a new page there should be no
 need to remember that work-around

 On 26 Ago, 15:42, Jon Bennett wrote:

  Hi Nicola,

   thanks for your kind reply but that's just what I'd avoid: I'm trying
   to accomplish an automatic way to achieve that result, I know it's not
   right to use a model function and I asked for an MVC and non-
   validation-breaking way..

  Another way would be to create a helper.

  How about this helper:

  // use it like so
  $data = array('Model'=array('status'=1));
  echo $dataConverter-nice('Model.status', 'onoff', $data);

  IMHO the thing to remember is that you only adjust the data for
  presentation only, hence it's done in either the view or the




  jon bennett
  iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett
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Re: Cloud application with CakePHP? Different databases with same app.

2009-08-27 Thread Martin Westin

I detailed how I do it in an article in the Bakery:

It works on one Cake core, one app, one apache (or nginx) vhost (with
multiple aliases). It makes development-specific settings easy as-well
since that is handled the same way. The local domain
gets the same level of separation as all the rest.

It works and has worked since 2006 in various iterations. It does
require a minimal alteration to one Cake core file to make caching and
logging domain-specific.

In reality I maintain two app directories. One stable and one edge or
testing. Each has it's own vhost and I can more sites from stable to
testing and back by just moving the single line with the domain name
from one vhost to the other.

On Aug 27, 6:02 am, Sebastian wrote:
 The title may be misleading, but bear with me.

 I would like to use CakePHP to create one application, which then has
 multiple instances. Think of it, if you will, as different websites
 being powered by the same application--not a copy of it. Each instance
 (website) would have its own database and website-specific files and
 configurations, but they all load the same CakePHP application to
 power it.

 The basic idea as I have it is to have different directories, each
 containing a .php file with configuration options, which then loads
 the application from another directory. Something like this:


 ...where the first three directories contain the single .php file,
 images and possibly a cache, and the app holds the application.

 The reason I want to do this is because of it being easier to maintain
 one installation per server than having 10 or 20 or 50 separate
 installations of the same application. Upgrading would be infinitely
 easier. It might even be faster and take less resources from the

 For the record, I'm somewhat new to CakePHP. I'm an experience PHP
 developer who also have extensive Rails background, so while I'm new
 to Cake, I'm not new to PHP or the MVC architecture.

 My question is whether this is a viable approach. Is using one CakePHP
 app with different databases going to screw up caching? Can I disable
 the caching and build my own caching system in the individual
 directories? Is it going to make things slower than if I had
 individual CakePHP apps for all of the websites? How would the single
 application handle, say, 50 websites?

 Basically, I'm looking for thoughts and ideas on whether the single
 installation of the application with X number of websites is a better
 approach than the X number of individual installations.

 Any help would be appreciated.

 - Sebastian
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Re: Is Cake capable of building up a small or medium social network?

2009-08-27 Thread Martin Westin

Cake can handle it... what you are really asking is wether your server
can handle it without any type of load-balancing. This is a much
harder question to answer since it would depend on many factors.

The reason Cake is a good framework for your situation is that it is
designed to help you out if and when you need to scale up. Cake has
support for many optimizing techniques. Caching on several levels,
memcached support, switching of database servers at runtime (one
write db and three read dbs for example) and so on.

Cake also encourages you to design your application well which
helps. :)

An SQL table with 500'000 rows is no problem for the database engine.
Just don't tell cake to load them all up at the same time :)

On Aug 27, 1:23 am, DigitalDude wrote:

 I'm wondering if it would be possible to build up a small a medium
 social network, just testwise, with CakePHP.

 Let's say we would have approx 50.000 users and the could connect to
 each other, could Cake and the DB handle those masses of users and

 How would it be pissible to save the users relations? A
 hasAndBelongsToMany-table where the relationships are stored would
 take up to let's say 500.000 records in a DB table, is this possible
 with only ONE database?

 Although this is quite a theoretical question here, I'd be interested
 in your opinions and suggestons.


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Re: get profile id when user logs in

2009-08-27 Thread brian

Actually, you had the right idea already. If User hasOne Profile and
Profile belongsTo User, then Profile will have user_id and User will
not have profile_id. However, you could pass just the as
before and get the in the action that your link points to.


echo $html-image(
'alt' = 'Edit',
'title' = 'Edit',
'url' = array(
'controller' = 'users',
'action' = 'edit',


function edit($user_id = null)
if (!is_null($user_id))
$profile_id = $this-Profile-find('first', 
= $user_id));



function edit($user_id = null)
if (!is_null($user_id))
$profile = $this-Profile-find(
'conditions' = array('Profile.user_id' = 

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 4:39 PM, paulos wrote:
 Sry Brian you are right!The relations are: User HasOne Profile and Profile
 belongsTo User.In profiles table i use the user_id field but in users i
 didn't use the profile_id.So in order to make your solution work i must add
 a field with that name,if there is not any other soluton.

 Many thanks for your post Brian!

 2009/8/26 brian

 Use $session-read('Auth.User.profile_id') *if* your User model has
 that field. You haven't explained how the association between User 
 Profile has been set up, so it's difficult to say.

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:01 PM,
  Hello people,
  I am facing a small problem here.To get you to the point i have 2
  models User,Profile and their controllers as well.I have set up the
  relations and then i created an element which appears when user logs
  in.In the element i have put options in order to view,edit User
  details and Profile details.I have managed to pass the id of user from
  the view like this  
  ?php echo $html-image(cog.png,array(alt =
  Edit,title=Edit,'url' = array('controller' = 'users',
  'action' = 'edit',$session-read('';?
  and now i want to pass the profile id but when i do -
  ?php echo $html-image(user_go.png,array(alt =
  View ,title=View,'url' = array('controller' = 'profiles',
  'action' = 'view',$user['Profile']['id'])));?  i take 2 errors that
  user and profile variables are not defined.
  How can I take the profile id to pass it to the profiles_controller
  like in the users above??
  Is there any way to do it?
  Ty very much in advance!


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Re: encoding problems: utf-8

2009-08-27 Thread brian

Are you sure your db connection is using UTF-8?

BTW, I noticed an error in my last reply. It should be SET NAMES
'utf8'; (no '-')

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 4:01 AM, wrote:

 the main encoding problem is in a shell script:

 The script imports RSS from 10 different sources once every hour and
 stores them in DB.

 In order to normalize the grabbed content I use:
 foreach ($feed-get_items() as $item){
  $myitem['title'] = trim($item-get_title());
  $myitem['title'] = trim($myitem['title'])!='' ? html_entity_decode
 ($myitem['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : $rssFont['name'];
  $myitem['content'] = $item-get_description();
  $myitem['link'] = $item-get_permalink();
  $myitem['pubDate'] = $item-get_date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
  $myitem['source_id'] = $rssFont['id'];

 This works fine locally, while conversion is not going well remotely


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Re: file upload strange - doesn't appear in filesystem, but can be move_uploaded_file()ed

2009-08-27 Thread brian

Just to add to Dr. Loboto's response, from your question, it seems
that you're passing the final destination path to is_uploaded_file().
That will not work, as it expects the tmp name (because it will look
in the tmp directory). And, as it's already been moved, the tmp file
will have been deleted, as already mentioned.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 7:25 AM, Dr. wrote:

 You should first check by is_uploaded_file() and then move it by
 move_uploaded_file(). It is the only safe way with PHP. These
 functions goes through bunch of PHP security restrictions instead of
 normal file functions.

 Until move_uploaded_file() called or request finished file is in temp
 dir with temp name. After move or script exit it is deleted.

 Doing the move after the is_uploaded_file puts the file in the right
 place, but makes the is_uploaded_file return false.
 It only means that you actually do move_uploaded_file() before
 is_uploaded_file() somewhere.

 On Aug 27, 2:42 am, MrMeikel wrote:

 I haven't done any file upload handling for a long time in php, so
 maybe I am missing something quite obvious here.

 I have a simple upload form using the form helper that seems to work.
 My controller then calls a model function called data_upload which
 is responsible for moving the uploaded file using move_uploaded_file.
 This suceeds and I have now have the chosen file in my /files/ folder
 - everything seems fine.

 However, my Model validation calls on the php method
 is_uploaded_file which is passed the same file path/name as the
 move_uploaded_file - which returns false. I also cannot find the
 suggested temp file anywhere on my computer (local server).

 Removing the move_uploaded_file makes is_uploaded_file return true,
 but still I cannot find the temp file anywhere. Doing the move after
 the is_uploaded_file puts the file in the right place, but makes the
 is_uploaded_file return false.

 I have checked php.ini and file uploads are on, and the tmp file is
 the one where I am looking - I also checked my whole C:\ for any
 possible temp file and found nothing.

 I assume this is something to do with caching uploads? I am running
 xampp on windows 7.

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Re: Is Cake capable of building up a small or medium social network?

2009-08-27 Thread brian

A single DB table with 500,000 records is not a problem, as long as
you're using a decent DB engine. I've used both Postgres and MySQL for
tables with several million records. Just make sure that you use the
DB's optimisation for large tables (eg. indexes, etc.)

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 7:23 PM, wrote:


 I'm wondering if it would be possible to build up a small a medium
 social network, just testwise, with CakePHP.

 Let's say we would have approx 50.000 users and the could connect to
 each other, could Cake and the DB handle those masses of users and

 How would it be pissible to save the users relations? A
 hasAndBelongsToMany-table where the relationships are stored would
 take up to let's say 500.000 records in a DB table, is this possible
 with only ONE database?

 Although this is quite a theoretical question here, I'd be interested
 in your opinions and suggestons.



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Re: How to use a plugin's layout form a different plugin

2009-08-27 Thread majna

You can not do this.
But you can add beautifull_layout to $viewPaths in bootstrap.php.
I would hack this out like:

class Pizza extend PizzaAppController {
  function order() {
Configure::write('viewPaths', array_unshift(Configure::read
$this-layout = pink_layout;



On Aug 27, 12:18 pm, MPeg wrote:
 Hi to all.

 I'm developing a plugin named pizza and I have another plugin named
 When I order a new pizza i'd like to use a layout from the
 beautifull_layout plugin.

 class Pizza extend PizzaAppController {
   function order() {
     $this-plugin = beautifull_layout;
     $this-layout = pink_layout;


 When this code is being executed I get a missing view error because
 Cake look for Pizza::order view into beautifull_layout plugin.
 I want to use  layout from different plugin but keep views and other
 things in my plugin.

 Thanks to all!
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Re: Cloud application with CakePHP? Different databases with same app.

2009-08-27 Thread Sebastian von Conrad


Thank you for the link! It seems to be more than enough to get me
started on this. I will likely modify some of your methods to suit my
intended setup, but it is indeed a great article.

Out of curiosity, how many different domains do you run with this
setup? And how do you feel the performance and speed is?

- Sebastian

On Aug 27, 9:46 pm, Martin Westin wrote:
 I detailed how I do it in an article in the 

 It works on one Cake core, one app, one apache (or nginx) vhost (with
 multiple aliases). It makes development-specific settings easy as-well
 since that is handled the same way. The local domain
 gets the same level of separation as all the rest.

 It works and has worked since 2006 in various iterations. It does
 require a minimal alteration to one Cake core file to make caching and
 logging domain-specific.

 In reality I maintain two app directories. One stable and one edge or
 testing. Each has it's own vhost and I can more sites from stable to
 testing and back by just moving the single line with the domain name
 from one vhost to the other.

 On Aug 27, 6:02 am, Sebastian wrote:

  The title may be misleading, but bear with me.

  I would like to use CakePHP to create one application, which then has
  multiple instances. Think of it, if you will, as different websites
  being powered by the same application--not a copy of it. Each instance
  (website) would have its own database and website-specific files and
  configurations, but they all load the same CakePHP application to
  power it.

  The basic idea as I have it is to have different directories, each
  containing a .php file with configuration options, which then loads
  the application from another directory. Something like this:


  ...where the first three directories contain the single .php file,
  images and possibly a cache, and the app holds the application.

  The reason I want to do this is because of it being easier to maintain
  one installation per server than having 10 or 20 or 50 separate
  installations of the same application. Upgrading would be infinitely
  easier. It might even be faster and take less resources from the

  For the record, I'm somewhat new to CakePHP. I'm an experience PHP
  developer who also have extensive Rails background, so while I'm new
  to Cake, I'm not new to PHP or the MVC architecture.

  My question is whether this is a viable approach. Is using one CakePHP
  app with different databases going to screw up caching? Can I disable
  the caching and build my own caching system in the individual
  directories? Is it going to make things slower than if I had
  individual CakePHP apps for all of the websites? How would the single
  application handle, say, 50 websites?

  Basically, I'm looking for thoughts and ideas on whether the single
  installation of the application with X number of websites is a better
  approach than the X number of individual installations.

  Any help would be appreciated.

  - Sebastian
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Weird SQL requests with CakePHP on an Oracle DataBase ?!!

2009-08-27 Thread Xanax

Hi everyone,

I've transfered all my data from MySQL to an Oracle Database.
It used to work very well with MySQL.

Now, when i try to launch my application, i've got weird request.

I respected all tablename conventions from the CakePHP sites so i've
set plural tablenames. For examples for the table groups here is the
sql request from CakePHP :

SELECT,, Group.parent_id, Group.lft, Group.rght,
Group.commentaires, Group.created, Group.modified FROM groups Group
WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY Group.lft asc

Notice that it don't use the plural of Group AND at the end, in the
FROM, i've got the tablename two times.. I don't have any clue from
where does it come and how can i fix this.:(

Thanks in advance for any help
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Re: Modules in cake?

2009-08-27 Thread majna

but you can group mvc files by adding additional paths in
bootstrap.php (see doc comments), but this is not best solution.
(performance and some other issues on how cake includes view files)

On Aug 26, 11:09 pm, Mech7 wrote:
 Is there way to setup modules in cake... I don't mean plugins which
 are seperate capplications but modules that will hace MVC files... but
 could also work togheter... for example you can install a Tag module..
 and if you install a Pages or Blog modules they could make use of
 it... all in seperate directories?
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Re: Help

2009-08-27 Thread bumper

Thanks ... that did it !!!

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Re: Modules in cake?

2009-08-27 Thread Jamie

Well, you could just write plugins that take advantage of this
functionality - i.e. write a Blog plugin that will use a Tag plugin if
it exists.

On Aug 26, 2:09 pm, Mech7 wrote:
 Is there way to setup modules in cake... I don't mean plugins which
 are seperate capplications but modules that will hace MVC files... but
 could also work togheter... for example you can install a Tag module..
 and if you install a Pages or Blog modules they could make use of
 it... all in seperate directories?
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checkboxes with alternative value

2009-08-27 Thread fabio

Dear all,

i'm a CakePHP newbie and i'm looking for some help regarding a
particular use of checkboxes in a form.

Basically i've got a check-boxes-section in the form of a baked
edit.ctp, called with a basic

echo $form-input('Amenity', array( 'type' = 'select', 'multiple' =
'checkbox' ));

The models refers to a join table with an additional field 'specify':

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `amenities_properties` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `property_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `amenity_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `specify` varchar(100) NOT NULL default 'yes',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

The idea is to set values like this:

'no' if unchecked
'yes' ..if checked
'whatever'... if checked and a string 'whatever' is inserted

In other words I need to associate to each checkboxes an additional
input text field to be eventually filled only if the checkboxes are
previously checked

I've found what it seems a perfect solution for this, but now I need
some help to implement it in CakePHP terms.

Here it is:

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
titleTest Checkbox/title
script type=text/javascript
function CheckCheckBox(frm)
if (!frm.CheckThis.checked)
pinput type=checkbox name=CheckThis
To insert your name check the box./p
input type=text name=UserName onfocus=CheckCheckBox

(see it in action here:

How you can see, the javascript function allows the user to input an
alternative value to yes/no only if the checkbox is previously checked

So the point is:
how to get done this behaviour togheter with CakePHP default Form
Helper ?
Do you think it's possible somehow or another approach would be better
to achieve the same result ?

Thanks a lot in advance for some suggestions

Best regards


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Re: How to use a plugin's layout form a different plugin

2009-08-27 Thread MPeg

But this way it couldn't be two (or more) layout with same name in
different plugins...
I might use plugins to distribute graphics and client-side
functionality... import every plugins's paths into viewPaths might
reduce system performance... do you know an alternative way to share
layout between plugins and application?


On Aug 27, 3:32 pm, majna wrote:
 You can not do this.
 But you can add beautifull_layout to $viewPaths in bootstrap.php.
 I would hack this out like:

 class Pizza extend PizzaAppController {
   function order() {
     Configure::write('viewPaths', array_unshift(Configure::read

     $this-layout = pink_layout;



 On Aug 27, 12:18 pm, MPeg wrote:

  Hi to all.

  I'm developing a plugin named pizza and I have another plugin named
  When I order a new pizza i'd like to use a layout from the
  beautifull_layout plugin.

  class Pizza extend PizzaAppController {
    function order() {
      $this-plugin = beautifull_layout;
      $this-layout = pink_layout;


  When this code is being executed I get a missing view error because
  Cake look for Pizza::order view into beautifull_layout plugin.
  I want to use  layout from different plugin but keep views and other
  things in my plugin.

  Thanks to all!
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Re: Weird SQL requests with CakePHP on an Oracle DataBase ?!!

2009-08-27 Thread brian

I'm not familiar with Oracle syntax. Does it normally leave out the
AS when using an alias? If so, it looks ok to me. The table is
groups and the alias is Group.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 9:48 AM, wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I've transfered all my data from MySQL to an Oracle Database.
 It used to work very well with MySQL.

 Now, when i try to launch my application, i've got weird request.

 I respected all tablename conventions from the CakePHP sites so i've
 set plural tablenames. For examples for the table groups here is the
 sql request from CakePHP :

 SELECT,, Group.parent_id, Group.lft, Group.rght,
 Group.commentaires, Group.created, Group.modified FROM groups Group
 WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY Group.lft asc

 Notice that it don't use the plural of Group AND at the end, in the
 FROM, i've got the tablename two times.. I don't have any clue from
 where does it come and how can i fix this.:(

 Thanks in advance for any help

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Re: Weird SQL requests with CakePHP on an Oracle DataBase ?!!

2009-08-27 Thread Xanax

I found the reason : it's the alis GROUP.
This is a keyword reserved by ORACLE database engine.

How can i change the alias ? Perahps in the model of the table ?
Another solution is to change the tablename so it will change the
alias associated but i would have to change a lot of SQL request...
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Re: Is Cake capable of building up a small or medium social network?

2009-08-27 Thread DigitalDude


ok these infos sound nice, the fact with the multiple read-db's is one
I haven't heard of but I'll gather all required info on that topic.

But to stay more practical, how would one realise a friend-list like
facebook or the other big networks? Is a join-table really a good
approach to realize it? If I had 100 friends, then just for ME there
would be 100 records in that table, right?

I'm not sure if I'll ever build such a network, but I'm very
interested to see how things work and how to implement such complex

On 27 Aug., 15:24, brian wrote:
 A single DB table with 500,000 records is not a problem, as long as
 you're using a decent DB engine. I've used both Postgres and MySQL for
 tables with several million records. Just make sure that you use the
 DB's optimisation for large tables (eg. indexes, etc.)

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 7:23 PM, wrote:


  I'm wondering if it would be possible to build up a small a medium
  social network, just testwise, with CakePHP.

  Let's say we would have approx 50.000 users and the could connect to
  each other, could Cake and the DB handle those masses of users and

  How would it be pissible to save the users relations? A
  hasAndBelongsToMany-table where the relationships are stored would
  take up to let's say 500.000 records in a DB table, is this possible
  with only ONE database?

  Although this is quite a theoretical question here, I'd be interested
  in your opinions and suggestons.


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Re: saveAll with a hasMany relationship

2009-08-27 Thread Nancy

I think maybe the difference between what you and I was doing is that
I was trying to save multiple main records at one time, whereas you
were doing one.

$this-data[1]['Recipe']['name'] = 'Delicious apple pie';
$this-data[1]['Recipe']['serves'] = 6;
$this-data[1]['Recipe']['valid'] = 1;
$this-data[1]['Recipe']['name'] = 'Pork spare ribs';
$this-data[1]['Recipe']['id'] = 166;
$this-data[1]['Recipe']['serves'] = 4;
$this-data[1]['Recipe']['valid'] = 1;


Once I added the hasMany ingredients that broke and I had to loop
the data and save each one individually:

foreach ($this-data as $save)

So $save would look like this:

$save['Recipe']['name'] = 'Delicious apple pie';
$save['Recipe']['serves'] = 6;
$save['Recipe']['valid'] = 1;

and so on...
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Changing the alias giver to a table ! :)

2009-08-27 Thread Xanax


I have a problem with some SQL request in Oracle.

GROUP is a reserved keyword for Oracle.
And Cakephp generate some SQL request with this alias (because my
table's name is GROUPS).
So these request don't work until i change the alias from GROUP to
GROUPE for example.

I would like to know if it's possible to change the alias given to
this table.

I tried to change the name of the model and the name of the class by
doing this :

class Groupe extends AppModel {

var $name = 'Group'; //Like this, i don't have to change my code
... }

I have now a strage error : CakePhp generate a SQL request which is
children and that's all.
I use a treebehavior on this model.

I don't know from where this problem come...

Thanks in advance dor any help.
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Re: Joining two arrays to use in a Select box with the formhelper

2009-08-27 Thread Melgior


That's easy. You can use array_unshift to add an entry to the start of
an array. Just add this to your controller:

$isps = $this-Consultation-Isp-find('list');
array_unshift($isps, array(none=None of the above));

And you should be all set.



On 27 aug, 19:52, channel5 wrote:

 I have a select box that is populated by a database:

                 $isps = $this-Consultation-Isp-find('list');

 and then output using the form helper in the view:

                 echo $form-select('isp_id', $isps, array('selected' = 
 array(), 'select your supplier');

 This works fine, however what I want to do is have an extra option
 inserted between the empty element 'select your supplier' and the
 first item from the array $isp , this option would allow me to have
 the option selected be none of the below.

 I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this, can anyone give
 me any pointers?

 Thanks very much
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Moving TinyMCE into vendors folder...Need Help.....

2009-08-27 Thread Sheetal

when TinyMCE was placed inside webroot/js folder, everything worked
fine. But when i placed it inside vendor folder (more apps can use it)
TinyMCE run and display their window in place of textarea, but icons
don't load. When I move the mouse over, button gets highlighted but
icons are not displayed.
Is there some way how to put TinyMCE into vendor folder with 100%
Thanks for tips
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String conversion error when enabling debug mode after switching hosts.

2009-08-27 Thread superdav

Greetings to all,

This is my first cake app I've made and I am having problems after
moving it from my development server to a production server.
Everything is working fun except two actions are just giving me a
blank page when I try to view them. One is an advanced search action
and the other is just a basic index. When I turn the debug level to 1
or higher nothing works at all. Here is the errors it gives:

Illegal offset type [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php,
line 331]
Array to string conversion [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo/
dbo_mysql.php, line 411]
Array to string conversion [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
dbo_source.php, line 519]
SQL Error: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near 'Array' at line 1 [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
dbo_source.php, line 526]
Array to string conversion [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
dbo_source.php, line 530]
Query: Array
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output
started at /usr/home/rgctbp1/cake/cake/basics.php:111) [CORE/cake/libs/
controller/controller.php, line 640]

I know the headers already sent message is coming is happening because
it's trying to redirect to the login page and cannot. If I manually
enter the login url it looks normal but still has these errors and I
cannot login. Obviously something is wrong because it's sending an
array as a sql query. I did a print_r in dbo_source.php and the array

Array ( [class] = Query [alias] = Query [id] = )

If that helps at all. The only things that have changed from my dev
server to my production server is my dev server was running php5 and
mysql5 and the production server is running php4 and mysql4 but I
don't expect that to have made a difference.

I have deleted all the cache information so that's not the problem.

The production server does have a /~username/ in the url so I had to
add the rewriteBase /~user/ to the .htaccess file before it would

Any help would be appreciated.


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Where do you put code needed in controllers and models?

2009-08-27 Thread Nancy

Would a component be the right thing to use?  For instance, I have a
routine that parses data and I need it both in models and
controllers.  How do you include a component in model?

I guess I can always access the model from the controller, so perhaps
app_model is a better choice.

Any opinions welcome!
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Re: Joining two arrays to use in a Select box with the formhelper

2009-08-27 Thread Melgior

Yes, you could use array_push() indeed, although you don't even need
to. The PHP manual recommends this method if you want to add just one

$isps['none'] = None of the above;

This way 'none' will show up as last in the dropdown, as long as you
put the line after -find().

On 27 aug, 20:52, DigitalDude wrote:

 nice one, didn't know about that. Would it be correct for an added
 value at the END of the array to use array_push() ?

 On 27 Aug., 20:48, Melgior wrote:


  That's easy. You can use array_unshift to add an entry to the start of
  an array. Just add this to your controller:

                  $isps = $this-Consultation-Isp-find('list');
                  array_unshift($isps, array(none=None of the above));

  And you should be all set.



  On 27 aug, 19:52, channel5 wrote:


   I have a select box that is populated by a database:

                   $isps = $this-Consultation-Isp-find('list');

   and then output using the form helper in the view:

                   echo $form-select('isp_id', $isps, array('selected' = 
   array(), 'select your supplier');

   This works fine, however what I want to do is have an extra option
   inserted between the empty element 'select your supplier' and the
   first item from the array $isp , this option would allow me to have
   the option selected be none of the below.

   I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this, can anyone give
   me any pointers?

   Thanks very much
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Re: Is Cake capable of building up a small or medium social network?

2009-08-27 Thread Miles J

Not necessarily. If you are doing a friend system, the table would
look like so:

friends: id, user1_id, user2_id

And 1 row would be for both user1 and user2, instead of adding 2 rows
for each user.
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Change the alias or the name of a table !!

2009-08-27 Thread Xanax


I need to change the alias OR the name of a table.

It's weird, i tried to change many variable whithout any changes on
requests generated by Cakephp :

var $name
var $useTable

The name of the controller (the name of the file AND the name of the
The name of the model(the name of the file AND the name of the class)
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Re: Joining two arrays to use in a Select box with the formhelper

2009-08-27 Thread DigitalDude

forgot something...

If you save the value none to your database and in the other cases
0, 1, 2, 3 (id's of the suppliers...) and so on your code should
probably look like this:

$form-input(Modelname.isp_id, array(
  'empty' = __('Select your supplier', true)

The 'empty' key of the array is used to display the first item on a
select as the defined text, set as a gettext (so you can make it
multilanguage). The Select will be builded up by cake as a select,
because your controller builded it up as a list, so you do not need
to type $form-select.

other options of the options-array could be:
'type' = select/radio/cechbox,
'label' = set a label for the input,
and so on...

If you follow cake conventions Cake will automatically display a
selected value when editing a record.

With the hint from Melgior your list should be complete in the matter
you wanted it to look like...

On 27 Aug., 20:52, DigitalDude wrote:

 nice one, didn't know about that. Would it be correct for an added
 value at the END of the array to use array_push() ?

 On 27 Aug., 20:48, Melgior wrote:


  That's easy. You can use array_unshift to add an entry to the start of
  an array. Just add this to your controller:

                  $isps = $this-Consultation-Isp-find('list');
                  array_unshift($isps, array(none=None of the above));

  And you should be all set.



  On 27 aug, 19:52, channel5 wrote:


   I have a select box that is populated by a database:

                   $isps = $this-Consultation-Isp-find('list');

   and then output using the form helper in the view:

                   echo $form-select('isp_id', $isps, array('selected' = 
   array(), 'select your supplier');

   This works fine, however what I want to do is have an extra option
   inserted between the empty element 'select your supplier' and the
   first item from the array $isp , this option would allow me to have
   the option selected be none of the below.

   I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this, can anyone give
   me any pointers?

   Thanks very much
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Re: ajax remoteFunction problem

2009-08-27 Thread bondo

Thanks. I'll give that a try. For now I had just modified h() in
basics.php to get it to work.

On Aug 13, 2:26 am, Dr. Loboto wrote:
 script language=JavaScript
 function new_heading(heading) {
       var name =prompt(Enter a heading name, );
       new Ajax.Updater(
            '?php echo $html-url('/calendars/add_heading/'); ?' +
 name + '',
                 requestHeaders:['X-Update', 'heading_list']


 On Aug 13, 1:05 am, bondo wrote:

  The function h($text) in /cake/basics.php has changed and is causing
  the problem for me. It now uses htmlspecialchars which escapes the
  single quotes. In the beta version it didn't do this.

  Without modifying that code, how can I solve my problem so that it
  does not escape the single quote?

  On Aug 12, 11:08 am, bondo wrote:

   I just upgrade from an old 1.2beta version to but I'm
   having a problem with using the remoteFunction now.

   This is the code I have:
   script language=JavaScript
   function new_heading(heading) {
                   var name =prompt(Enter a heading name, );

                           echo $ajax-remoteFunction(array
   (update=heading_list, url=/calendars/add_heading/' + name +


   With the old version, when I view the source in a browser, it would
   look like:
   new Ajax.Updater('heading_list','/calendars/add_heading/' + name + '',
   {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, requestHeaders:['X-Update',
   'heading_list']})        }

   Now however, it looks like:
                   new Ajax.Updater('heading_list','/calendars/
   add_heading/#039; + name + #039;', {asynchronous:true,
   evalScripts:true, requestHeaders:['X-Update',
   'heading_list']})        }

   It doesn't work with the escaped apostrophe's. How can I fix that? I
   haven't been able to find anything on it. Thanks.
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Re: Where do you put code needed in controllers and models?

2009-08-27 Thread Melgior

Most people seem to be fan of 'fat' models: put all your code that
handles data in your models and keep your controllers thin and easy to
read. Since your function parses data I would put it into the model
indeed. If you need it in every model/controller, you can add it to
app_model. You could also create a behaviour (the model's equivalent
of a component).

On 27 aug, 20:57, Nancy wrote:
 Would a component be the right thing to use?  For instance, I have a
 routine that parses data and I need it both in models and
 controllers.  How do you include a component in model?

 I guess I can always access the model from the controller, so perhaps
 app_model is a better choice.

 Any opinions welcome!
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Re: Is Cake capable of building up a small or medium social network?

2009-08-27 Thread DigitalDude


ah ok I think we both mean the same thing, but I forgot that the
relation is not only by one side, but by two sides.

So a simple example would look like this:

Table friends:
id   user1_id user2_id
1   12
2   52
3   31
4   41
5   24

This would mean:

User 1 is a friend of: 2, 3 and 4
User 2 is a friend of: 1, 4 and 5
User 3 is a friend of: 1
User 4 is a friend of: 1 and 2
User 5 is a friend of: 2

Is that correct? I think it is...?

On 27 Aug., 18:33, Miles J wrote:
 Not necessarily. If you are doing a friend system, the table would
 look like so:

 friends: id, user1_id, user2_id

 And 1 row would be for both user1 and user2, instead of adding 2 rows
 for each user.
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Multiple pagination same view

2009-08-27 Thread ML

Does anyone know how to have multiple blocks (multiple tables for
example) of paginated data on the same page? There seems to be 2

1) the navigation section ($paginator-next, etc) gets overwritten by
the last pagination on the page. So the navigation data and page
counts are correct only for the last pagination instance.

2) clicking a link in the navigation section to show a new page will
affect each instance of pagination.

Thanks very much,
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Re: Radio with WRONG LABEL ID

2009-08-27 Thread Miles J

Um correct me if im wrong, but in the example you showed me the IDs
are different and correct.
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Re: Is Cake capable of building up a small or medium social network?

2009-08-27 Thread Pablo Viojo
Take a look at It's cakephp based :)


Pablo Viojo

¿Que necesitas?

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 7:23 PM, DigitalDude


 I'm wondering if it would be possible to build up a small a medium
 social network, just testwise, with CakePHP.

 Let's say we would have approx 50.000 users and the could connect to
 each other, could Cake and the DB handle those masses of users and

 How would it be pissible to save the users relations? A
 hasAndBelongsToMany-table where the relationships are stored would
 take up to let's say 500.000 records in a DB table, is this possible
 with only ONE database?

 Although this is quite a theoretical question here, I'd be interested
 in your opinions and suggestons.



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Using belongsTo and hasMany relationships: Is it possible to access tables through a chain of relationships?

2009-08-27 Thread Sarah

This is my setup:

A 'user' hasMany 'userpage's.
A 'user' belongsTo an 'animal'.

I would like to be able to display user information as well as some
information about the user's animal on a userpage view.

I perform a find query to get the userpage id, user_id, animal_id.

Is there a way to search for Animal information as well?
This won't work because of the last field, but this is conceptually
what I want:

'fields'=array('user_id', 'id', 'User.animal_id',

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Joining two arrays to use in a Select box with the formhelper

2009-08-27 Thread DigitalDude


nice one, didn't know about that. Would it be correct for an added
value at the END of the array to use array_push() ?

On 27 Aug., 20:48, Melgior wrote:

 That's easy. You can use array_unshift to add an entry to the start of
 an array. Just add this to your controller:

                 $isps = $this-Consultation-Isp-find('list');
                 array_unshift($isps, array(none=None of the above));

 And you should be all set.



 On 27 aug, 19:52, channel5 wrote:


  I have a select box that is populated by a database:

                  $isps = $this-Consultation-Isp-find('list');

  and then output using the form helper in the view:

                  echo $form-select('isp_id', $isps, array('selected' = 
  array(), 'select your supplier');

  This works fine, however what I want to do is have an extra option
  inserted between the empty element 'select your supplier' and the
  first item from the array $isp , this option would allow me to have
  the option selected be none of the below.

  I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this, can anyone give
  me any pointers?

  Thanks very much
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redirect after download dialog

2009-08-27 Thread Martin Radosta

Let's say I have a view that renders an excel file to download. It 
presents a download dialog to the user. This user can decide to save the 
file to the local drive, to open the file or to cancel the operation.
Now I need to redirect somewhere else after any operation with the 
download dialog.

Does anybody knows how to do this?



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Passing data from the view to the controller

2009-08-27 Thread Robert Popplewell

I am trying to add a comments area to a simple blog application and I
would like to pass the id of a specific blog post to the comments

The only example I can find involves setting a hidden form field and
passing it via the form data...

echo $form-hidden('Comment.post_id', array('value' = $post['Post']

Is there any other way to pass the contents of $post['Post']['id'] to
the comments controller?

The reason I am concerned about this method is (correct me if i'm
wrong) it is possible to manipulate the client side of html forms -
such as the post id to be passed via html form data therefore a user
could tell their browser to add a comment to ANY post id.

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Re: Is Cake capable of building up a small or medium social network?

2009-08-27 Thread Pablo Viojo
I don't recommend this approach because if you want to know all user 1
friends yo must do something like
user_id_1=1 or user_id_2=1 and thats an overhead (and you need two indexes
for that)

if you have something like:

Table friends:
id   user1_id user2_id
1   12
1   21
2   52
2   25
3   31
3   13
4   41
4   14
5   24
5   42

you can do  user_id_1=1 (only one index)


Pablo Viojo

¿Que necesitas?

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 2:48 PM, DigitalDude


 ah ok I think we both mean the same thing, but I forgot that the
 relation is not only by one side, but by two sides.

 So a simple example would look like this:

 Table friends:
 id   user1_id user2_id
 1   12
 2   52
 3   31
 4   41
 5   24

 This would mean:

 User 1 is a friend of: 2, 3 and 4
 User 2 is a friend of: 1, 4 and 5
 User 3 is a friend of: 1
 User 4 is a friend of: 1 and 2
 User 5 is a friend of: 2

 Is that correct? I think it is...?

 On 27 Aug., 18:33, Miles J wrote:
  Not necessarily. If you are doing a friend system, the table would
  look like so:
  friends: id, user1_id, user2_id
  And 1 row would be for both user1 and user2, instead of adding 2 rows
  for each user.

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Re: Joining two arrays to use in a Select box with the formhelper

2009-08-27 Thread channel5

Thanks all for your help, worked a charm!

Thanks again :)
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Re: Using belongsTo and hasMany relationships: Is it possible to access tables through a chain of relationships?

2009-08-27 Thread Sarah

Ah, that worked.  :)

Thank you!

On Aug 27, 3:19 pm, delocalizer wrote:
 Hi Sarah;
 If your relationships are set up correctly and you have recursive 
 -1, the usual 'find' method on User model should be returning the
 parent 'Animal' anyway - what do you see if you put this in one of
 your user controller functions:
 $example = $this-User-find('first');

 On Aug 28, 6:01 am, Sarah wrote:

  This is my setup:

  A 'user' hasMany 'userpage's.
  A 'user' belongsTo an 'animal'.

  I would like to be able to display user information as well as some
  information about the user's animal on a userpage view.

  I perform a find query to get the userpage id, user_id, animal_id.

  Is there a way to search for Animal information as well?
  This won't work because of the last field, but this is conceptually
  what I want:

  'fields'=array('user_id', 'id', 'User.animal_id',

  Thanks in advance!
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Re: saveAll with a hasMany relationship

2009-08-27 Thread Nancy

Ok, just caught something in the cakephp online docs:
saveAll(array $data = null, array $options = array())

Used to save (a) multiple individual records for a single model or (b)
this record, as well as all associated records

So perhaps this means I'm just trying to do something that isn't
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Re: Using belongsTo and hasMany relationships: Is it possible to access tables through a chain of relationships?

2009-08-27 Thread Sarah

The only problem I am having with this is that userpages are then
received like this:

[Userpage] = Array
[0] = Array
[id] = 2
[filename] = helloworld.html
[type] = text/html
[size] = 34
[approved] = 0
[user_id] = 130
[created] = 2009-08-13 23:13:55
[content] =

Is without knowing how many userpages a user has, how can I get the
the actual userpage data (id, etc).


On Aug 27, 3:19 pm, delocalizer wrote:
 Hi Sarah;
 If your relationships are set up correctly and you have recursive 
 -1, the usual 'find' method on User model should be returning the
 parent 'Animal' anyway - what do you see if you put this in one of
 your user controller functions:
 $example = $this-User-find('first');

 On Aug 28, 6:01 am, Sarah wrote:

  This is my setup:

  A 'user' hasMany 'userpage's.
  A 'user' belongsTo an 'animal'.

  I would like to be able to display user information as well as some
  information about the user's animal on a userpage view.

  I perform a find query to get the userpage id, user_id, animal_id.

  Is there a way to search for Animal information as well?
  This won't work because of the last field, but this is conceptually
  what I want:

  'fields'=array('user_id', 'id', 'User.animal_id',

  Thanks in advance!
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Organizing hierarchical system with breadcrumb navigation

2009-08-27 Thread geste

I have modeled a business system for my department and it includes
about 60 tables/models, perhaps 20 of which as simply lookup/reference
tables that I would only make available through admin routing.

Out of the box, CakePHP organization is pretty flat -- views and
controllers all lying under the application root.  So for example,
let's say I have these 6 models/controllers:


What I want to do is organize these more hierarchically, like so:


I have created a model called menus that is structured to support a
2-level menu and the structure is like so (this is example of a top-
level menu entry):

 [id] = 1
 [parent_item] = 0
 [title] = Financial
 [menu_link] = /financial
 [weight] = 20

I also found a breadcrumb helper that is fairly simple to add.

To support some of these top-level menus I have added entries in
routes.php, so that when you, for example, navigate to /financial it
actually maps to a show menu function in the menus controller that
takes /financial as a parameter amd then displays the child menu
items for financial.

Great.  So now the issue that I am looking at is this:  When you go
into Financial menu and click on budgets it goes to the budgets
controller/view that is sitting under the Web root as simply /
budgets (and for the moment simply using the default, baked view).
At that point my context for Back and breadcrumbs is lost.

So I am trying to think of the sanest, least onerous method to add
some hierarchical navigation into all of these various controllers and
the associated add/edit/index views.

I realized that I could add a lot of this in routes.php, for example I
could map /financial/budgets to /budgets so that the URL would
show the hierarchy (and I could also write a function to split the
link into breadcrumb components (Financial  Budgets).  But keeping
eveything up in routes.php seems a little abusive of what routes.php
is supposed to do.  I am curious to know if anyone has any other

To make this more complicated, I'll be using Authake to enforce access
control.  So, for example, some users may not have any access to some
of the top-level menus (like Financial, say).  So I want to try to
keep this simple enough to be able to apply reasonably simple access



*This brings a question to mind: if using a route, does access control
test against the route or against the controller you are routing to?
I'm guessing the latter

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Re: jQuery with Cake forms

2009-08-27 Thread Mike

Thanks a ton for the tip - this worked out great!

The only thing I'd want to warn other people about (just in case
someone else is following these same footsteps) is that the text input
appeared to be a normal, everyday text input until I clicked on it,
whereupon the DatePicker control nicely slid out  allowed me to use
it. :)

Thanks again!

On Aug 26, 7:57 pm, Matt Curry wrote:
 This one's pretty easy actually...Just set the input to be type text
 and attach the datepicker to the id of the input (not the div):

 echo $form-input('field', array('type' = 'text'));

 script type=text/javascript


 On Aug 26, 10:02 pm, Mike wrote:


  I'm looking to use jQuery with Cake, specifically with a form.  My
  plan was to use a DatePicker  (
  control instead of the default datetime drop-down menus, but it looks
  like the easy approach (give the datetime div an id that jQuery's
  DatePicker automagically replaces) doesn't seem to work.
  Specifically, jQuery doesn't replace the Cake form elements (nevermind
  stuff like feeding back into Cake's validation logic).  Also, I don't
  want to use AJAX, just the UI control to make my otherwise normal form
  easier to use.

  I was thinking about hacking together some sort of custom, hidden form
  elements to convey the datetime back to Cake, putting the DatePicker
  on the page, and then having code in the 'onSubmit' to extract the
  relevant info  stuff them into the hidden fields.  I got as far as
  realizing that I'd need more code to auto-populate the control, plus
  the uncertainty that Cake would actually use this info (even if I
  named the form elements identically to the normal datetime stuff), and
  realized how dodge-y this all sounded :)

  So instead of throwing a lot of time into that first up, I wanted to
  instead ask if there's a reasonable approach to this.  I *think* what
  I want to do is replace a standard Cake $form-input field with my
  own, but still have the auto-populate (and auto-validate) logic work.

  Any ideas on ways to approach this would be appreciated.

  Authoritative responses like There's no way to do this without
  rewriting parts of Cake/vast amounts of your own code are also
  appreciated (I'd rather find out this isn't possible  try something
  else, instead of throwing tons of time into it and find that out on my
  own :)  ).

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Re: Using belongsTo and hasMany relationships: Is it possible to access tables through a chain of relationships?

2009-08-27 Thread delocalizer

Hi Sarah;
If your relationships are set up correctly and you have recursive 
-1, the usual 'find' method on User model should be returning the
parent 'Animal' anyway - what do you see if you put this in one of
your user controller functions:
$example = $this-User-find('first');

On Aug 28, 6:01 am, Sarah wrote:
 This is my setup:

 A 'user' hasMany 'userpage's.
 A 'user' belongsTo an 'animal'.

 I would like to be able to display user information as well as some
 information about the user's animal on a userpage view.

 I perform a find query to get the userpage id, user_id, animal_id.

 Is there a way to search for Animal information as well?
 This won't work because of the last field, but this is conceptually
 what I want:

 'fields'=array('user_id', 'id', 'User.animal_id',

 Thanks in advance!
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Strange queries

2009-08-27 Thread

Hi pals, this is an freak error in my mysql queries: when  save / edit
an datetime field, all the hyphens are converted in #45; then this
field can't be saved or edited.
I've checked all the database and app configurations and that's set in
Some idea?

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Custom query pagination

2009-08-27 Thread Dean C

Hi folks,

Before I begin, yes I've read this page:

I've also read many of the other pages on Google but I'm still stuck!

First of all if I may introduce you to my query:

It's a union query that allows me to search across two tables and
return the results, ordered by relevance. To put it simply I want to
paginate these results, but I haven't a clue how to do it. I tried,
and failed, over-riding the paginate and paginateCount methods in my
model, but I shan't even begin to post my long list of errors.

Where should I start?



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Re: Using belongsTo and hasMany relationships: Is it possible to access tables through a chain of relationships?

2009-08-27 Thread Sarah

To clarify, I get the error message:
Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column '' in 'field
list' [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 525]
When I try to get select the field.

On Aug 27, 3:19 pm, delocalizer wrote:
 Hi Sarah;
 If your relationships are set up correctly and you have recursive 
 -1, the usual 'find' method on User model should be returning the
 parent 'Animal' anyway - what do you see if you put this in one of
 your user controller functions:
 $example = $this-User-find('first');

 On Aug 28, 6:01 am, Sarah wrote:

  This is my setup:

  A 'user' hasMany 'userpage's.
  A 'user' belongsTo an 'animal'.

  I would like to be able to display user information as well as some
  information about the user's animal on a userpage view.

  I perform a find query to get the userpage id, user_id, animal_id.

  Is there a way to search for Animal information as well?
  This won't work because of the last field, but this is conceptually
  what I want:

  'fields'=array('user_id', 'id', 'User.animal_id',

  Thanks in advance!
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Re: String conversion error when enabling debug mode after switching hosts.

2009-08-27 Thread superdav

I figured it out. I had a module named 'Query' and when I changed the
class name and filename etc to 'Search' and the controller etc to
searches everything worked fine. For some reason cakephp with php4
does not like modules named 'Query'. Does that mean I found a bug?

On Aug 27, 12:19 pm, superdav wrote:
 Greetings to all,

 This is my first cake app I've made and I am having problems after
 moving it from my development server to a production server.
 Everything is working fun except two actions are just giving me a
 blank page when I try to view them. One is an advanced search action
 and the other is just a basic index. When I turn the debug level to 1
 or higher nothing works at all. Here is the errors it gives:

 Illegal offset type [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php,
 line 331]
 Array to string conversion [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo/
 dbo_mysql.php, line 411]
 Array to string conversion [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
 dbo_source.php, line 519]
 SQL Error: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
 manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
 syntax to use near 'Array' at line 1 [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
 dbo_source.php, line 526]
 Array to string conversion [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
 dbo_source.php, line 530]
 Query: Array
 Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output
 started at /usr/home/rgctbp1/cake/cake/basics.php:111) [CORE/cake/libs/
 controller/controller.php, line 640]

 I know the headers already sent message is coming is happening because
 it's trying to redirect to the login page and cannot. If I manually
 enter the login url it looks normal but still has these errors and I
 cannot login. Obviously something is wrong because it's sending an
 array as a sql query. I did a print_r in dbo_source.php and the array

 Array ( [class] = Query [alias] = Query [id] = )

 If that helps at all. The only things that have changed from my dev
 server to my production server is my dev server was running php5 and
 mysql5 and the production server is running php4 and mysql4 but I
 don't expect that to have made a difference.

 I have deleted all the cache information so that's not the problem.

 The production server does have a /~username/ in the url so I had to
 add the rewriteBase /~user/ to the .htaccess file before it would

 Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Is Cake capable of building up a small or medium social network?

2009-08-27 Thread Miles J

@DigitalDude - Yes thats correct.

@Pablo - No its not, it doesn't make a difference in overhead at all.
Also by inserting 2 rows your causing overhead and unneeded rows in
the database.

Heres an example of one of my methods in my Friend model.

 * Checks to see if two users are friends
 * @param int $user_id
 * @param int $friend_id
 * @return boolean
function isFriend($user_id, $friend_id) {
$status = $this-find('first', array(
'fields' = 'Friend.status',
'recursive' = -1,
'conditions' = array(
'OR' = array(
array('Friend.user_id' = $user_id, 
'Friend.friend_id' =
array('Friend.user_id' = $friend_id, 
'Friend.friend_id' =

return $status['Friend']['status'];

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Re: Radio with WRONG LABEL ID

2009-08-27 Thread delocalizer

Do you mean the name is the same? Because it is supposed to be - both
buttons provide a value to the same field.
What is the symptom of your problem?

On Aug 27, 9:19 pm, wrote:

 I can't resolve a strange problem. This is my code:

 echo $form-input('User.SecurityAccess.'.$aco_id,
                     'div' = false,
                     'label' = false,
                     'type' = 'radio',
                     'legend' = false,
                     'default' = $selected,
                     'options' = array('allow' =  {$allow},
 'deny' =  {$deny})

 I try to create a set of radio groups, every group has 2 raàdio
 buttons. I want taht every radio group has different id in their
 label, so the user can click directly on the label, BUT CAKE SEEMS TO
 PUT the same id in the code. This is the resulting code:

 input type=radio name=data[Group][SecurityAccess][4]
 id=GroupSecurityAccessAllow value=allow  /
 label for=GroupSecurityAccessAllow Allow/label

 input type=radio name=data[Group][SecurityAccess][4]
 id=GroupSecurityAccessDeny value=deny checked=checked  /
 label for=GroupSecurityAccessDeny span style = 'color:

 The other pairs of radio buttons has the SAME LABEL ID.



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Re: Hi, my server admin in not loving changes.

2009-08-27 Thread Alexandru Ciobanu

On 8/26/2009 1:27 PM, Cosmin Paul wrote:

 I am a programmer from a 7 gays team, and I have recently finisher my module.
 When I uploaded my work to stage one server, I have a bug in sql
 query generated by cake:

guys, right? :-)
 It appends the model name to an aliascode
 MortgageDetail`.(`interest_only_rate + 0 `) as interest_only_rate,
 /code. This is wrong but it is fixed on latest releases of Cake.

 On the server we got and I use on my devel machine

 This is a common bug, or my code is not ok ?!

I haven't seen your code; I can't say.

 Can some one give me some argument why we should keep the old release
 ?! and haw can I resolve this problem in the old release ?

I don't see any argument to keep 8004.

Show your sysadmin the above changelogs. There are way too many fixes 
and improvements to mention them in one e-mail.

P.S.:  CakePHP code has been moved to git. Details here:

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Re: Passing data from the view to the controller

2009-08-27 Thread brian

Look into the Security component. However, I have to ask: so what? If
a user is determined to be a jackass, this is one of the least things
I'd be concerned about.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Robert wrote:

 I am trying to add a comments area to a simple blog application and I
 would like to pass the id of a specific blog post to the comments

 The only example I can find involves setting a hidden form field and
 passing it via the form data...

 echo $form-hidden('Comment.post_id', array('value' = $post['Post']

 Is there any other way to pass the contents of $post['Post']['id'] to
 the comments controller?

 The reason I am concerned about this method is (correct me if i'm
 wrong) it is possible to manipulate the client side of html forms -
 such as the post id to be passed via html form data therefore a user
 could tell their browser to add a comment to ANY post id.


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Re: Moving TinyMCE into vendors folder...Need Help.....

2009-08-27 Thread Miles J

You cant link to img, css and js within the vendors folder, unless the
files are in the respective folders, example: /venders/css/
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Re: Modules in cake?

2009-08-27 Thread Mech7

But plugins are not convenient to use for this purpose as they have
their own layout / script etc files.. And not really share anything
from the main application

On Aug 27, 4:36 pm, Jamie wrote:
 Well, you could just write plugins that take advantage of this
 functionality - i.e. write a Blog plugin that will use a Tag plugin if
 it exists.

 On Aug 26, 2:09 pm, Mech7 wrote:

  Is there way to setupmodulesin cake... I don't mean plugins which
  are seperate capplications butmodulesthat will hace MVC files... but
  could also work togheter... for example you can install a Tag module..
  and if you install a Pages or Blogmodulesthey could make use of
  it... all in seperate directories?
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Re: Changing the alias giver to a table ! :)

2009-08-27 Thread brian

Try leaving the class name as 'Group' and adding var $alias = 'Groupx';

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 12:03 PM, wrote:


 I have a problem with some SQL request in Oracle.

 GROUP is a reserved keyword for Oracle.
 And Cakephp generate some SQL request with this alias (because my
 table's name is GROUPS).
 So these request don't work until i change the alias from GROUP to
 GROUPE for example.

 I would like to know if it's possible to change the alias given to
 this table.

 I tried to change the name of the model and the name of the class by
 doing this :

 class Groupe extends AppModel {

        var $name = 'Group'; //Like this, i don't have to change my code
 ... }

 I have now a strage error : CakePhp generate a SQL request which is
 children and that's all.
 I use a treebehavior on this model.

 I don't know from where this problem come...

 Thanks in advance dor any help.

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Re: Using belongsTo and hasMany relationships: Is it possible to access tables through a chain of relationships?

2009-08-27 Thread delocalizer

Hi Sarah;
I'm not sure what you are asking.
User hasmany Userpages, so Userpage array will contain all the
Userpages belonging to User.
$example = $this-User-find('first');
foreach($example['Userpage'] as $key=$value){

On Aug 28, 9:18 am, Sarah wrote:
 To clarify, I get the error message:
 Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column '' in 'field
 list' [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 525]
 When I try to get select the field.

 On Aug 27, 3:19 pm, delocalizer wrote:

  Hi Sarah;
  If your relationships are set up correctly and you have recursive 
  -1, the usual 'find' method on User model should be returning the
  parent 'Animal' anyway - what do you see if you put this in one of
  your user controller functions:
  $example = $this-User-find('first');

  On Aug 28, 6:01 am, Sarah wrote:

   This is my setup:

   A 'user' hasMany 'userpage's.
   A 'user' belongsTo an 'animal'.

   I would like to be able to display user information as well as some
   information about the user's animal on a userpage view.

   I perform a find query to get the userpage id, user_id, animal_id.

   Is there a way to search for Animal information as well?
   This won't work because of the last field, but this is conceptually
   what I want:

   'fields'=array('user_id', 'id', 'User.animal_id',

   Thanks in advance!
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Re: Passing data from the view to the controller

2009-08-27 Thread Robert Popplewell
I'd rather it werent possible for some random jackass to post comments to
ANY published/unpublished post :p

Regardless of how far down the list, it is still a concern!

2009/8/28 brian

 Look into the Security component. However, I have to ask: so what? If
 a user is determined to be a jackass, this is one of the least things
 I'd be concerned about.

 On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Robert
  I am trying to add a comments area to a simple blog application and I
  would like to pass the id of a specific blog post to the comments
  The only example I can find involves setting a hidden form field and
  passing it via the form data...
  echo $form-hidden('Comment.post_id', array('value' = $post['Post']
  Is there any other way to pass the contents of $post['Post']['id'] to
  the comments controller?
  The reason I am concerned about this method is (correct me if i'm
  wrong) it is possible to manipulate the client side of html forms -
  such as the post id to be passed via html form data therefore a user
  could tell their browser to add a comment to ANY post id.


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Re: redirect after download dialog

2009-08-27 Thread brian

You can't. In order to have the browser present the user with a save
dialog, certain headers need to be sent. By the time that's happened,
it's too late to send a redirect header.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Martin wrote:

 Let's say I have a view that renders an excel file to download. It
 presents a download dialog to the user. This user can decide to save the
 file to the local drive, to open the file or to cancel the operation.
 Now I need to redirect somewhere else after any operation with the
 download dialog.

 Does anybody knows how to do this?




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Re: Organizing hierarchical system with breadcrumb navigation

2009-08-27 Thread Braindead

In my opinion using a model for breadcrumbs is bloated. Why don't you
just set the breadcrumbs in the view manually? The HTML helper has two
functions addCrumb and getCrumbs, which makes basic breadcrumbs really
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