Does locale fallback REALLY works??

2009-11-24 Thread

I'm working with the delicious Translate behaviour of Cake, release

The find method returns only the record in the specified locale, but
if some record does not have a translation in that locale, some record
are not returned.

I'd like to have some working fallback mechanism, since this code
won't work for me:

$this-SomeModel-locale = array('ita', 'eng');

I expect this code would return the italian translation and, if not
found, the english translation.

Unluckily, it returns the fields in the SomeModel table instead of the
records in the i18n cakephp table.





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Re: Pagination on cached data?

2009-11-24 Thread AD7six

On 23 nov, 17:25, leberle wrote:
 Hi dudes,

 is there a way to paginate cached data? I wanna cache the result from
 a $controller-paginate() request an use it the next time the page is
 requested. But i've i bind the cached data for the view, i've the
 problem that paginate() wasn't called so the paginate-helper functions
 in the view dont work (Undefined variable: paginator).
 So i'm looking for something like

 Does something like that already exist or do i've to write it? :)=

Try putting something like this in your model:

You could do the same with paginateCount so that you don't even need a
db for your paginated data if the cache is populated.


ps -paginate($somethingMaybeHuge); is IMO a really bad idea/negating
the point of pagination


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Re: CAKEPHP Country Region Combobox via AJAX

2009-11-24 Thread NRV
I want to filling up Casts combopbox  from Religion combobox change
Below is code for my View file.

?php echo $javascript-link('prototype'); ?
  td class=tblheight/td
  td colspan=2 class=tblheight/td
echo $form-input('religion_id');
echo $form-input('cast_id');
br /
$options = array('url' = 'getCast', 
'update' = 'UserCastId');

$ajax-observeField('UserReligionId', $options);

 echo $form-end();

Below is my controller action

function getCast()

array('conditions' = array
('Cast.religion_id'=$this-data['User']['religion_id']),'group' =

Belos is the update_cast_select result ctp file

?php foreach($options AS $k=$v) : ?
option value=?php echo $k; ??php echo $v; ?/option
?php endforeach; ?

I am using 3 model right now as below.


 * Created on Oct 7, 2009
 * To change the template for this generated file go to
 * Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates
 class Cast extends AppModel
var $name = 'Cast';

var $BelongsTo = array('Religion','className' = 'Religion',
'foreignKey' = 
'conditions' = 
'fields' = '',
'order' = '');

var $hasMany = array(
'User' = array(
'className' = 'User',
'foreignKey' = 'cast_id',
'dependent' = false,
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = '',
'limit' = '',
'offset' = '',
'exclusive' = '',
'finderQuery' = '',
'counterQuery' = ''


REligion Model

 * Created on Oct 7, 2009
 * To change the template for this generated file go to
 * Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates
 class Religion extends AppModel
var $name = 'Religion';
var $hasMany = array('Cast' = array(
'className' = 'Cast',
'foreignKey' = 
'dependent' = false,
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = '',
'limit' = '',
'offset' = '',
'exclusive' = '',
'finderQuery' = '',
'counterQuery' = ''
'User' = array(
'className' = 'User',
'foreignKey' = 'cast_id',
'dependent' = false,
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = '',
'limit' = '',
'offset' = '',
'exclusive' = '',
'finderQuery' = '',
'counterQuery' = ''
)   );
and USER Model

 * Created on Sep 18, 2009
 * To change the template for this generated file go to
 * Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates
class User extends AppModel
var $name = 'User';
  //  var $hasOne = 'Contact';
var $belongsTo = array(
'Religion' = array(
'className' = 'Religion',
'foreignKey' = 'religion_id',
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = ''
'Cast' = array(
'className' = 'Cast',
'foreignKey' = 'cast_id',
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = ''


The problme is IE :  when I 

Re: Pass variables to Javascript

2009-11-24 Thread thomaus

Thanks for your help.

Yes, the solution that you propose works but I prefer putting my
script into my PHP file so it's solved!

This said, that would nice to be able to set a variable in the
controller for the Javascripts, don't you think?

On Nov 24, 7:33 am, oleonav wrote:

 You could always first include a short inline javascript defining your
 variables and after that include the external scripts. Something like

 ? echo $javascript-codeblock(
     var someJsArr =  . $someArraySetByCake . 
 ); ?

 ? echo $javacript-link('someExternalJsScript.js'); ?

 This way you can use you variables inside your external scripts, just
 use the var someJsArr. By the way most of the time I place all
 variables needed in script into an array and use $this-set
 ('someArraySetByCake', json_decode($someArray)); to hand it over to
 the view.


 On Nov 23, 11:09 pm, wrote:

  I could do that but in my case, the images names must be dynamic so
  the problem would be the same.

  On Nov 23, 6:36 pm, Miles J wrote:

   Instead of pre-loading images, just use css rollovers.

   On Nov 23, 9:20 am, wrote:

Thanks for your answer.

I tried by putting the javascript inside the PHP script and it works
fine, thanks.

Nevertheless, I would like to know how to do that by using an external
javascript. The solution you propose is fine as long as you call the
function somewhere but in my case, I just call include the JS in the
header page and never call the function in itself. So my question is :
is there a way to pass variables form PHP to JS the same way the
controller set variables to be used by the view this way $this-set
('lang_menu', $lang_menu);
Something like $js-set('lang_menu', $lang_menu); would be nice but
does it exist???


On Nov 23, 4:41 pm, Dave wrote:

 If you have the javascript in your php file you can interject php 
 just like html

 ie. $.preloadImages(?php echo $image_src; ?, img/

 if your javascript is in a separate .js file you have two options

 1. Change the javascript function to allow you to specify anything 
 (ie. the images that will need to be preloaded) in a parameter which 
 you can
 pass from your php file when you call the function using the method 


 2. (Not Recommended) Set up your web server to run .js files through 
 the PHP
 parser.  Then you can use php syntax in the .js files

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 6:31 AM, 
  Hi there,

  I've been using CakePHP since 6 months and never had a single 
  BUT now I have one issue I can't solve. Here it is:

  I need to Preload some images for my website. I did it using JQuery
  and it perfectly works:


  // Preload
  $.preloadImages(img/button_home_en_over.gif, img/
  button_portfolio_en_over.gif, img/button_about_en_over.gif, img/
  img/button_portfolio_en_select_over.gif, img/
  button_about_en_select_over.gif, img/
  img/button_home_es_over.gif, img/button_portfolio_es_over.gif,
  img/button_about_es_over.gif, img/button_contact_es_over.gif,
  img/button_portfolio_es_select_over.gif, img/
  button_about_es_select_over.gif, img/
  img/button_home_ca_over.gif, img/button_portfolio_ca_over.gif,
  img/button_about_ca_over.gif, img/button_contact_ca_over.gif,
  img/button_portfolio_ca_select_over.gif, img/
  button_about_ca_select_over.gif, img/
  img/button_home_fr_over.gif, img/button_portfolio_fr_over.gif,
  img/button_about_fr_over.gif, img/button_contact_fr_over.gif,
  img/button_portfolio_fr_select_over.gif, img/
  button_about_fr_select_over.gif, img/

  // hover
  $(#menu_buttons a img).hover(function() {
     $(this).attr(src, $(this).attr(src).split(.).join
   }, function() {
     $(this).attr(src, $(this).attr(src).split(_over.).join

  // Preload function
  jQuery.preloadImages = function()
  for(var i = 0; iarguments.length; i++)
   jQuery(img).attr(src, arguments[i]);

  Now I would like to preload some of the images and not all of them
  cause 1) it's taking ages 2) I just need some them depending of the
  language I use. But in order to do so, I should be able to access 
  PHP variables from my JQuery script.

  So my question is: is there a way in CakePHP to pass variables to

Forgot passward

2009-11-24 Thread NRV
Hi Friends,

Anybody can suggest me a good link for forget passward functionality.?

Thank you



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Re: Serious Help Needed

2009-11-24 Thread grigri
Amit's code won't work as-is, because the keys are being duplicated.

For example, try this in an example script:

$test = array(
  'Bacon' = array('Yummy'),
  'Bacon' = array('Delicious')


You'll see that the first declaration has disappeared. You can only
use a key once in an array.

For validation purposes, do it like this:

var $validate = array(
'email' = array(
'rule' = array('email', 'isUnique'),
'required' = true,
'allowEmpty' = false,
'on' = 'create',
'message' = 'Your Error Message'
'rule' = array('email', 'isUnique'),
'allowEmpty' = false,
'on' = 'update',
'message' = 'Your Error Message'

This way both rules will be observed as there are no duplicate keys.


On Nov 23, 4:54 am, Dave wrote:
 When you put it like that its so easy to understand. I read the
 cookbook but your example is 100 times better and clearly explained
 when you lay it out like that. thank you very much. that looks like
 exactly what I need.

 Good looking out!



 On Nov 23, 1:29 am, Amit wrote:

  Take a look at the CakeBook 

  var $validate = array(
      'email' = array(
          'rule' = array('email', 'isUnique'),
          'required' = true,
          'allowEmpty' = false,
          'on' = 'create',
          'message' = 'Your Error Message'
      'email' = array(
          'rule' = array('email', 'isUnique'),
          'allowEmpty' = false,
          'on' = 'update',
          'message' = 'Your Error Message'
      'url' = array(
          'rule' = array('url', 'isUnique'),
          'required' = true,
          'allowEmpty' = false,
          'on' = 'create',
          'message' = 'Your Error Message'
      'url' = array(
          'rule' = array('url', 'isUnique'),
          'allowEmpty' = false,
          'on' = 'update',
          'message' = 'Your Error Message'


  On Nov 22, 8:45 pm, Dave wrote:

   I cant figure out how to do this.
   I have 2  fields, an email and a url, both are required and need to be
   unique when a user wants to update thier info.

   If the user is only updating 1 field the other required will fail
   because its required. If they enter in the email field their current
   email because it says required it will come back invalid because its
   no longer unique. Vice versa for the url.

   They may only want to change one of the 2 fields information but how
   can you get around this? I dont want them entering in anything thats
   not valid for email / url so i need the validation rules. They are
   both required but how can they edit just 1 field?




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Need help, beginner

2009-11-24 Thread Daniel Gerep
Hi fellas

I'm having a tremendous difficulty to create the Blog Example

I really don't know where do I have to put those files created on the
exampleI do exactly as the example but when I try to access the only
thing I get is that initial page Release Notes for CakePHP

What am I doing wrong? Please someone help me

Sorry for any typos and sorry for bothering, I'm new on PHP.

Thanks in advance


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File upload size (copy by value)

2009-11-24 Thread Наргиза Саркулова

I recently implemented a file upload feature in one of my cakephp
project following the guidelines in:

The upload feature is working nice but the only problem is that it
requires a huge amount of memory because cakephp save function and DB
function pass their argument by copy so for a 42 megabyte file, for
example, I get:

5   0.6854  9126724 ApplicantdataController-attachment( )  ../object.php:
6   0.6855  9126724 ApplicantdataController-saveAttachments( ) ../
7   0.7750  49591836Model-save( )  
8   0.7761  49602268DboSource-create( )../model.php:1253
9   0.7767  49602220DboMysql-value( )  ../dbo_source.php:571

requiring a 120mega PHP request.

I was wondering if it makes sense to create my own version of the save
function passing by reference or maybe there is a better way to
implement the file upload feature. Passing by reference should allow
me to not have the 49mega copied twice.

Thanks for your help,


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how to tag a picture

2009-11-24 Thread Distnie
how do i tag a picture like, exist in facebook.
could any1 please tel me an idea or php code to tag a picture.


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Problem with Host Gator

2009-11-24 Thread Shadab Shaikh
Dear All,

I have setup  a project in Host Gator, its using cpanel.
As I am doing normal setup, than its not displaying any page.

After research, I found an article in which guidelines mentioned for cpanel,
page is

When I am using guidelines mentioned in above page, my home page work
but rest of pages is not working, I am getting page not found error.

I appreciate your comments to give more idea about this problem.

Thanks in advance !

Best Regards,


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Re: Problem with Host Gator

2009-11-24 Thread Dave
Usually if the home page is working but no others, it is because either

1. mod_rewrite is not enabled


2. You are either missing the .htaccess files or they are not being used
because the AllowOverride directive in the web server is configured

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Shadab Shaikh wrote:

 Dear All,

 I have setup  a project in Host Gator, its using cpanel.
 As I am doing normal setup, than its not displaying any page.

 After research, I found an article in which guidelines mentioned for
 cpanel, page is

 When I am using guidelines mentioned in above page, my home page work
 but rest of pages is not working, I am getting page not found error.

 I appreciate your comments to give more idea about this problem.

 Thanks in advance !

 Best Regards,

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Re: Validation Error

2009-11-24 Thread Rick
Should be:

'rule' = 'notEmpty'

Also I don't think you should have the 'allowEmpty'.


On Nov 23, 11:23 pm, Dave wrote:
 I have a select drop down for user to select a year.

 In before save I  have:

 $this-data['Award']['year'] = $this-data['Award']['year']['year'];
 since when I insepect the request the data looks like

 [year] = Array
                     [year] = 2009
 validation rule looks like:

 'year' = array(
                                 'year-notempty' = array(
                                         'rule' = array('notempty'),
                                         'required' = true,
                                         'allowEmpty' = false,
                                         'message' = '* Please enter the year 
 you recieved this Award.',
                                         'last' = true)

 But i get this error:

 bWarning/b (2)/a: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string,
 array given [bCORE/cake/libs/validation.php/b, line b848/b]

 Any ideas where I am going wrong?


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Re: About multilingual websites

2009-11-24 Thread thomaus

Thanks for your answer.

1) I tried to do ../cake/consol/cake i18n extract from my /MyApp/
app/ path and it says:

Welcome to CakePHP v1.2.4.8284 Console
App : app
Path: /Users/thomas/Sites/MyApp/app
What is the full path you would like to extract?
Example: /Users/thomaus/Sites/MyApp/myapp

I don't get why it does so.

2) Is there a clear and updated tutorial or blog to do multilingual
applications with CakePHP?
I found this one
but it's completely out-of-date...

About the plural form, is this blog correct?

Thanks in advance,

On Nov 23, 4:55 pm, Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
 Ignore this section in the manual it in incorrect:

 Remember that po files are useful for short messages, if you find you want
 to translate long paragraphs, or even whole pages - you should consider
 implementing a different solution. e.g.: entire paragraphs. another example, the cakeqs.pot for it is located
 here: can open that file
 in an editor and around line 1735 see a msgid for an entire paragraph. the
 cakeqs-*.po files are the actual files we use in the app.

 One of the most important settings in the .po file is Plural-Forms:, if it
 is incorrect, your plural translations will not look right. Let me know if
 you need help with this, I am working to get the old domain setup again and it will list all the
 different plural form expressions:

 Example (There are 16 forms of plurals, 2 listed below):

 #English, French, etc
 nplurals=2; plural=n1;

 #Japanese etc
 nplurals=1; plural=0;

 You can also dig through the test case app in the core that has all the
 plural forms in cake/tests/test_app/local/*

 Another piece of advice you may already know.

 Using the console you can extract these string with the following command.

 cake i18n extract

 This will create the pot file that you would use to create the .po files
 using a tool

 * @author Larry E. Masters
 * @var string $userName
 * @param string $realName
 * @returns string aka PhpNut
 * @access  public

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 5:35 AM, thomaus wrote:
  Hi there,

  One month ago, I did a multilanguage website using CakePHP but putting
  all the multilangual content in my dB.

  From what I read today, this was the right way to display short
  messages in various languages with CakePHP :

  From what I read too, po files are useful for short messages, if you
  find you want to translate long paragraphs, or even whole pages - you
  should consider implementing a different solution.

  Then my question is : is there a standard way to translate dynamically
  long paragraphs?



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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dewayne Pinion
I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very far. I
end up with the following error:

Missing Controller

*Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

*Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

class UsersController extends AppController {

var $name = 'Users';

 *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

From my users_controller.php file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {
 var $name = 'Users';
 var $components = array('Auth');

 function login() {
 function logout() {

login.ctp file:

 echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
 echo $form-input('username');
 echo $form-input('password');
 echo $form-end('Login');

any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

 take a look at:

Dewayne Pinion
Web/Software Guy
Trenton Technology


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Containable query

2009-11-24 Thread Bryan Paddock
Hey all,

I have this relationship in question:

User - hasOne Student - hasMany Submission

I'm a bit stumped on how I can fetch all the users who do not have any
submissions linked to their name.

I've tried:

$list = $this-User-find('all', array(
  'contain' = array(
'Student' = array(
  'Submission' = array(
'conditions' = array(
  'Submission.student_id' = null

I have the actAs in the model so the containable behaviour is functioning -
there is just a problem with my specific query.

Any ideas?



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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dave
Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the URL cake
is trying to access

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion wrote:

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very far. I
 end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

   var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

  take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

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Re: CakePHP performance 1.2 - is future any better?

2009-11-24 Thread Martin Westin
I can only agree with all these suggestions and add a little beauty i
was introduced to recently. X-Sendfile is a great for performance if
you do any file output from php. It offloads all the actual output of
the file to the webserver (nginx, Apache, lighttpd...).

For me, implementing sendfile for all file output was a 10-minute job
and I improved download speed by about 25% when testing to my home-
computer... and the cpu load showed that receiving an email was more
CPU-intenceive than sending a few dvd-image-sized files with nginx. I
believe that is what they like to call low hanging fruit in
corporate bullshit (that is a real language you know).

(I did also spend a few minutes finding out that nginx wants paths
relative to a configured folder while the other two main players take
a full system path)


On Nov 24, 8:12 am, Crazy wrote:
 Judging by your setup I believe you should start using a profiler, and
 optimize your code a bit or take a better look at why your machines
 perform poorly.

 I run a site that has around 250k hits/day and it's on one box
 (Core2Quad 8800 8GB RAM) with the db on the same machine + .
 It runs on average 75% idle. Only thing that puts it under heavy load
 is the cronjobs that are running.

 Don't know how far you've optimized everything, like ppl say, use an
 opcode cacher(APC in my experience is the most stable) and do other
 things like gzip, fix your keepalives, use cdn, etags,

 In cake, also don't do any find('all'), always specify the fields you
 need, don't use recursion if you don't have to, cache large sets of
 unchangeable data in memcache.

 Use a profiler(I use XDebug), every ms you can optimize will lower the

 From your description it sounds like an inefficient setup or code.

 I agree that cakephp isn't the fastest framework around, but it isn't
 that slow!

 On Nov 24, 7:37 am, wrote:
  - Clone all of your application files/code (anything besides /app/
  webroot but including /app/webroot/index.php) to a ram based file
  system on your *nix host.
  - Try lazyloader:
  - Never use recursive  -1, make sure containable does not do multiple
  queries, if it does use complex find queries and joins
  - Use elements that are being cached, if you use requestAction make
  sure those are cached too

  On Nov 23, 10:08 pm, Pablo Viojo wrote:

   Yes, APC and Memcache is a must if you want good performance.


   Pablo Viojo

   ¿Que necesitas?

   On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Miles J wrote:
Haha funny you ask. The mozilla addons site actually runs CakePHP 1.1
and they recently announced they are switching to Django.

All I can say is use APC for opcode caching and memcache for user

On Nov 23, 11:02 am, Balrog wrote:
 We are running quite growing social network in Poland for students at
 CakePHP, now 70k users and 0.5M hits a day.

 We have 3 app servers for it with CakePHP 1.2.5 installed on each.
 Servers are Quad Core i7 920 + 8G RAM, so rather good machines.

 DB on separate box + nginx frontend for static content on other box.

 Load on each machine is now 5+, i see addons.mozilla using CakePHP
 with far greater traffic than ours

 Have they released info if they have made any significant changes to
 the Cake core ? It is rather publicly known that Cake seems to be
 rather poorly comparing to RoR or Django in performance.

 Any good pieces of advice on how to optimize your app (the cake
 itself, cause app is prettily good written, db also optimized) ?

 Is upcoming 1.3 or 2.0 anyhow faster or less-cpu-using?



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Re: CakePHP performance 1.2 - is future any better?

2009-11-24 Thread Andrew Okhmat

1. If not installed, you should install accelerators / optimizers php
code. For example php-accelerator or apc

2. Pay attention to the settings cake-php/php (view's caching,
permanent connect to mysql, the absence of unnecessary redirects and
404 pages)

3. Try using system utilities to pinpoint the bottleneck in the
system. It is likely that the load creates not only php. You can use
this set of utilities:

4. With the help of a profiler is to find the php scripts / classes
that consume the most CPU time. Do not do this on a production server,
because profiler adds a serious cpu load on the server.

Andrew Okhmat andy AT
http://Supportex.Net - linux remote installation, support, performance
and security tuning.

On Nov 23, 9:02 pm, Balrog wrote:
 We are running quite growing social network in Poland for students at
 CakePHP, now 70k users and 0.5M hits a day.

 We have 3 app servers for it with CakePHP 1.2.5 installed on each.
 Servers are Quad Core i7 920 + 8G RAM, so rather good machines.

 DB on separate box + nginx frontend for static content on other box.

 Load on each machine is now 5+, i see addons.mozilla using CakePHP
 with far greater traffic than ours

 Have they released info if they have made any significant changes to
 the Cake core ? It is rather publicly known that Cake seems to be
 rather poorly comparing to RoR or Django in performance.

 Any good pieces of advice on how to optimize your app (the cake
 itself, cause app is prettily good written, db also optimized) ?

 Is upcoming 1.3 or 2.0 anyhow faster or less-cpu-using?



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Re: CakePHP performance 1.2 - is future any better?

2009-11-24 Thread Javier
CakePHP performance is really poor. To improve it you must use APC and/
or memcached

On 23 nov, 16:02, Balrog wrote:
 We are running quite growing social network in Poland for students at
 CakePHP, now 70k users and 0.5M hits a day.

 We have 3 app servers for it with CakePHP 1.2.5 installed on each.
 Servers are Quad Core i7 920 + 8G RAM, so rather good machines.

 DB on separate box + nginx frontend for static content on other box.

 Load on each machine is now 5+, i see addons.mozilla using CakePHP
 with far greater traffic than ours

 Have they released info if they have made any significant changes to
 the Cake core ? It is rather publicly known that Cake seems to be
 rather poorly comparing to RoR or Django in performance.

 Any good pieces of advice on how to optimize your app (the cake
 itself, cause app is prettily good written, db also optimized) ?

 Is upcoming 1.3 or 2.0 anyhow faster or less-cpu-using?



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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dewayne Pinion
Hi dave,
I have tried several urls:


both return the same error.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 9:21 AM, Dave wrote:

 Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the URL
 cake is trying to access

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion wrote:

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very far. I
 end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

  var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

  take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

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Dewayne Pinion
Web/Software Guy
Trenton Technology


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Re: About multilingual websites

2009-11-24 Thread Martin Westin

For 1:
If Cake has trouble figuring out where your app is (for some reason).
The simple workaround is to specify it with the full path:

/Users/thomaus/Sites/MyApp/cake/consol/cake -app /Users/thomaus/Sites/
MyApp/app i18n extract

That is the foolproof and disgustingly verbose way of making sure you
target the right app (= how to call the console from cron).

For part of 2:
Plural forms are explained sort-of correctly in that post. The problem
is that they depend greatly on the language you translate into. First
is the header in the .po file which specifies how this language treats
plurals. Second is the actual messages that will then need to add
plural forms to match the header. But not all messages need plural
forms!! Only single words that are translated in a plural-senitive way
need them.

Normal singular translation will likely be 99% of what you do:
msgid this is just a string, no plurals needed!
msgstr det här är bara en sträng, inga plurala variationer behövs!

Then there will be things like date and time formatters, translated
paging labels and things of that sort:
msgid second
msgid_plural seconds
msgstr[0] sekund
msgstr[1] sekunder

My advice is to stay away from too many single words and plurals in
your translations. My reason for this is that synonyms rarely match
that well and generally the quality of the translated copy will
suffer. It is a lot simpler for a translator to read entire sentences
and to re-work them for the new language. Remember that you can put
variables into the translation strings and that if you have more than
one you should make sure their order is changeable.


On Nov 24, 2:48 pm, thomaus wrote:

 Thanks for your answer.

 1) I tried to do ../cake/consol/cake i18n extract from my /MyApp/
 app/ path and it says:

 Welcome to CakePHP v1.2.4.8284 Console
 App : app
 Path: /Users/thomas/Sites/MyApp/app
 What is the full path you would like to extract?
 Example: /Users/thomaus/Sites/MyApp/myapp

 I don't get why it does so.

 2) Is there a clear and updated tutorial or blog to do multilingual
 applications with CakePHP?
 I found this 
 but it's completely out-of-date...

 About the plural form, is this blog 

 Thanks in advance,

 On Nov 23, 4:55 pm, Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut

  Ignore this section in the manual it in incorrect:

  Remember that po files are useful for short messages, if you find you want
  to translate long paragraphs, or even whole pages - you should consider
  implementing a different solution. e.g.: paragraphs. example, the cakeqs.pot for it is located
  here: open that file
  in an editor and around line 1735 see a msgid for an entire paragraph. the
  cakeqs-*.po files are the actual files we use in the app.

  One of the most important settings in the .po file is Plural-Forms:, if it
  is incorrect, your plural translations will not look right. Let me know if
  you need help with this, I am working to get the old domain setup again and it will list all the
  different plural form expressions:

  Example (There are 16 forms of plurals, 2 listed below):

  #English, French, etc
  nplurals=2; plural=n1;

  #Japanese etc
  nplurals=1; plural=0;

  You can also dig through the test case app in the core that has all the
  plural forms in cake/tests/test_app/local/*

  Another piece of advice you may already know.

  Using the console you can extract these string with the following command.

  cake i18n extract

  This will create the pot file that you would use to create the .po files
  using a tool

  * @author Larry E. Masters
  * @var string $userName
  * @param string $realName
  * @returns string aka PhpNut
  * @access  public

  On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 5:35 AM, thomaus wrote:
   Hi there,

   One month ago, I did a multilanguage website using CakePHP but putting
   all the multilangual content in my dB.

   From what I read today, this was the right way to display short
   messages in various languages with CakePHP :

   From what I read too, po files are useful for short messages, if you
   find you want to translate long paragraphs, or even whole pages - you
   should consider implementing a different solution.

   Then my question is : is there a standard way to translate dynamically
   long paragraphs?



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Re: File upload size (copy by value)

2009-11-24 Thread Martin Westin
You are looking at the problem form the wrong angle. Don't store 42MB
files in the database, that's all.

Files are best stored in the filesystem. Then you store the filename
(and path) in your database. You will never even need to have the file
in php-memory at all.


On Nov 24, 7:37 am, Наргиза Саркулова wrote:

 I recently implemented a file upload feature in one of my cakephp
 project following the guidelines in:

 The upload feature is working nice but the only problem is that it
 requires a huge amount of memory because cakephp save function and DB
 function pass their argument by copy so for a 42 megabyte file, for
 example, I get:

 5       0.6854  9126724 ApplicantdataController-attachment( )       
 6       0.6855  9126724 ApplicantdataController-saveAttachments( )  ../
 7       0.7750  49591836        Model-save( )       
 8       0.7761  49602268        DboSource-create( ) ../model.php:1253
 9       0.7767  49602220        DboMysql-value( )   ../dbo_source.php:571

 requiring a 120mega PHP request.

 I was wondering if it makes sense to create my own version of the save
 function passing by reference or maybe there is a better way to
 implement the file upload feature. Passing by reference should allow
 me to not have the 49mega copied twice.

 Thanks for your help,


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Re: CakePHP performance 1.2 - is future any better?

2009-11-24 Thread Martin Westin
Maybe someone should answer the original question: Will future
versions improve performance?

1.3 - most likely not too much.
2.0 - this will likely see some more significant improvements since
php4 is dropped.

Any advancements after 2.0 are also likely to offer improvements as
more and more code is php5 optimized.

On Nov 24, 3:38 pm, Javier wrote:
 CakePHP performance is really poor. To improve it you must use APC and/
 or memcached

 On 23 nov, 16:02, Balrog wrote:

  We are running quite growing social network in Poland for students at
  CakePHP, now 70k users and 0.5M hits a day.

  We have 3 app servers for it with CakePHP 1.2.5 installed on each.
  Servers are Quad Core i7 920 + 8G RAM, so rather good machines.

  DB on separate box + nginx frontend for static content on other box.

  Load on each machine is now 5+, i see addons.mozilla using CakePHP
  with far greater traffic than ours

  Have they released info if they have made any significant changes to
  the Cake core ? It is rather publicly known that Cake seems to be
  rather poorly comparing to RoR or Django in performance.

  Any good pieces of advice on how to optimize your app (the cake
  itself, cause app is prettily good written, db also optimized) ?

  Is upcoming 1.3 or 2.0 anyhow faster or less-cpu-using?



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Session, Cache and Model

2009-11-24 Thread RhythmicDevil
I am confused as to why the Session object is only available in the
Controller. Shouldn't it be the Model's responsibility to cache the


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Re: CakePHP performance 1.2 - is future any better?

2009-11-24 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Martin Westin

 Maybe someone should answer the original question: Will future
 versions improve performance?


 1.3 - most likely not too much.

Yes 1.3 already has improvements and more are being found and implemented.

 2.0 - this will likely see some more significant improvements since
 php4 is dropped.

There are other improvements that are not related specifically to dropping
php 4, these changes will be back ported to 1.x series of the code to help
improve performance.

 Any advancements after 2.0 are also likely to offer improvements as
 more and more code is php5 optimized.


* @author Larry E. Masters
* @var string $userName
* @param string $realName
* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @access  public


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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread josu jauregui
Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.

You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.

I hope this can help you.

2009/11/24 Dave

 Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the URL
 cake is trying to access

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion wrote:

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very far. I
 end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

  var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

  take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

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their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dewayne Pinion
Hi Josu,
Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is in the
app/controllers directory

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui wrote:

 Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.

 You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
 users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.

 I hope this can help you.

 2009/11/24 Dave

 Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the URL
 cake is trying to access

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion dpin...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very far.
 I end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

 var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

  take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

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 others with their CakePHP related questions.

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  more options, visit this group at

Dewayne Pinion
Web/Software Guy
Trenton Technology

Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with 
their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Need help, beginner

2009-11-24 Thread naidim
Either browse to [webroot]/posts or follow the directions here for

On Nov 24, 6:00 am, Daniel Gerep wrote:
 Hi fellas

 I'm having a tremendous difficulty to create the Blog Example

 I really don't know where do I have to put those files created on the
 exampleI do exactly as the example but when I try to access the only
 thing I get is that initial page Release Notes for CakePHP

 What am I doing wrong? Please someone help me

 Sorry for any typos and sorry for bothering, I'm new on PHP.

 Thanks in advance

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their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Setting form action to something like /Accounts/Manage/?var=b73cr6xzr6zvar2=somethingelse

2009-11-24 Thread Ragnis
When doing it like this:
array ('controller' = 'Accounts', 'action' = 'Manage', '?' =  array
('var' = 'b73cr6xzr6z', 'var2' = 'somethingelse'))
then the result will be /Accounts/Manage/?

On Nov 24, 6:31 am, Dr. Loboto wrote:
 You can set form action as:
 array ('controller' = 'Accounts', 'action' = 'Manage', '?' = array
 ('var' = 'b73cr6xzr6z', 'var2' = 'somethingelse'))

 On Nov 23, 9:22 pm, Ragnis wrote:

  I need them as GET variables.
  My form is at /Accounts/Manage/?var=b73cr6xzr6zvar2=somethingelse and
  when i submit the form, the GET variables will be gone but i want them
  to stay.

  On Nov 22, 11:39 pm, Amit wrote:

   Is there a reason you can't just include the vars in the form?

   $form-input('var', array('type'='hidden', 'value'= 'b73cr6xzr6z'));

   On Nov 22, 12:54 pm, Ragnis wrote:

So how can i do that?
And i don't want to use /Accounts/Manage/var:b73cr6xzr6z/

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Add hasMany record in beforeSave

2009-11-24 Thread toby1kenobi
Hi there,

  I'm having some problems adding a hasMany instance to another model
in beforeSave, I'm wondering if I have the wrong end of the stick?

I have a model User which hasMany EmailMessage. I have this in the add
action of my controller:

$this-data['EmailMessage'][0] = array(
'email_queue_id' = 1,
'email_address' = '',
'send_date' = date (Y-m-d H:i:s),
'subject' = 'test subject',
'body' = 'test body');

$this-User-saveAll($this-data, array('validate' = 'first'));

  This works as expected. I thought I could move the creation of the
EmailMessage to my beforeSave in the User model - I just copied the
first line to the end of my beforeSave, just before I return 'true'.
When I do this nothing is saved in the email_messages table - am I
doing something wrong, or have I misunderstood something?



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Re: CakeFest IV - America - Help us pick a location!

2009-11-24 Thread alan
Vote for central/mid-west... it makes sense (and it's where I am)
Chicago or St. Louis or Indianapolis or Kansas City

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Re: Need help, beginner

2009-11-24 Thread Daniel Gerep
Thanks for your help naidim...the router file solved my problem


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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread josu jauregui
Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the users_controller
file to make some tests?.


2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is in the
 app/controllers directory

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui wrote:

 Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.

 You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
 users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.

 I hope this can help you.

 2009/11/24 Dave

 Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the URL
 cake is trying to access

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion dpin...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very far.
 I end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

  take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

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 Groups CakePHP group.
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 others with their CakePHP related questions.

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 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others
 with their CakePHP related questions.

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 CakePHP group.
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Re: CakePHP performance 1.2 - is future any better?

2009-11-24 Thread Martin Westin
Straight from the source. Thanks Larry, I was mostly guessing that 2.0
would see the bigger improvements. :)

On Nov 24, 4:17 pm, Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Martin Westin

  Maybe someone should answer the original question: Will future
  versions improve performance?


  1.3 - most likely not too much.

 Yes 1.3 already has improvements and more are being found and implemented.

  2.0 - this will likely see some more significant improvements since
  php4 is dropped.

 There are other improvements that are not related specifically to dropping
 php 4, these changes will be back ported to 1.x series of the code to help
 improve performance.

  Any advancements after 2.0 are also likely to offer improvements as
  more and more code is php5 optimized.


 * @author Larry E. Masters
 * @var string $userName
 * @param string $realName
 * @returns string aka PhpNut
 * @access  public

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their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dewayne Pinion
Hi Josu,
It should be enabled. I do have other pages/controllers that are working.
The contents of my users_controller.php file is as follows:

class UsersController extends AppController {
 var $name = 'Users';
 var $components = array('Auth');

 function login() {
 function logout() {


On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, josu jauregui wrote:

 Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the users_controller
 file to make some tests?.


 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is in the
 app/controllers directory

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui wrote:

 Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.

 You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
 users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.

 I hope this can help you.

 2009/11/24 Dave

 Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the URL
 cake is trying to access

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion dpin...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very
 far. I end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

   var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

  take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

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 Groups CakePHP group.
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 CakePHP group.
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 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 CakePHP group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 CakePHP group.
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Dewayne Pinion
Web/Software Guy
Trenton Technology

Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with 
their CakePHP related questions.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
CakePHP group.
To post to this group, 

Re: Session, Cache and Model

2009-11-24 Thread josu jauregui
Hi! In the controller you especify if you want to use cache mode(cache time,
actions cached, ...); the Model gets the data to the controller and the
controller process it according to the cache settings you specify in the
controller class. More info:

I hope it can help you!

2009/11/24 RhythmicDevil

 I am confused as to why the Session object is only available in the
 Controller. Shouldn't it be the Model's responsibility to cache the


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their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: CakePHP performance 1.2 - is future any better?

2009-11-24 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
 Straight from the source. Thanks Larry, I was mostly guessing that 2.0
 would see the bigger improvements. :)

Martin you are welcome.

Here is a list of some features that are planned in 2.0

* @author Larry E. Masters
* @var string $userName
* @param string $realName
* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @access  public

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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread josu jauregui

I tests this code and it works!!! Do you have some Router::connect in the
config/routes.php related with the users_controller? I have many more ideas.

2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 It should be enabled. I do have other pages/controllers that are working.
 The contents of my users_controller.php file is as follows:

 class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {


 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, josu jauregui wrote:

 Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the users_controller
 file to make some tests?.


 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is in the
 app/controllers directory

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.

 You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
 users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.

 I hope this can help you.

 2009/11/24 Dave

 Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the URL
 cake is trying to access

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion dpin...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very
 far. I end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

  var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

  take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

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 Groups CakePHP group.
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 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
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  more options, visit this group at

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 CakePHP group.
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  more options, visit this group at

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology


Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dewayne Pinion
Hi Josu,
Here is the contents of my routes.php file (below are the only two
uncommented lines):

Router::connect('/', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =
'display', 'home'));

Router::connect('/pages/*', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:34 AM, josu jauregui wrote:


 I tests this code and it works!!! Do you have some Router::connect in the
 config/routes.php related with the users_controller? I have many more
 ideas. 8-(

 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 It should be enabled. I do have other pages/controllers that are working.
 The contents of my users_controller.php file is as follows:

 class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {


  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the users_controller
 file to make some tests?.


 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is in
 the app/controllers directory

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.

 You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
 users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.

 I hope this can help you.

 2009/11/24 Dave

 Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the URL
 cake is trying to access

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion dpin...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very
 far. I end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

 var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

  take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
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 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
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  more options, visit this group at

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
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 CakePHP group.
 To post to this 

Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread josu jauregui
What´s the url do you try to enter? (complete url) Are you using admin

2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Here is the contents of my routes.php file (below are the only two
 uncommented lines):

 Router::connect('/', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =
 'display', 'home'));

 Router::connect('/pages/*', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:34 AM, josu jauregui wrote:


 I tests this code and it works!!! Do you have some Router::connect in the
 config/routes.php related with the users_controller? I have many more
 ideas. 8-(

 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 It should be enabled. I do have other pages/controllers that are working.
 The contents of my users_controller.php file is as follows:

 class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {


  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the users_controller
 file to make some tests?.


 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is in
 the app/controllers directory

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.

 You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
 users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.

 I hope this can help you.

 2009/11/24 Dave

 Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the
 URL cake is trying to access

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion 

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very
 far. I end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

  take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
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 For more options, visit this group at

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at

  Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  more options, visit this group at

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  more options, visit this group at

  Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their 

Re: Session, Cache and Model

2009-11-24 Thread RhythmicDevil
Thank you for the reply.

On Nov 24, 11:20 am, josu jauregui wrote:
 Hi! In the controller you especify if you want to use cache mode(cache time,
 actions cached, ...); the Model gets the data to the controller and the
 controller process it according to the cache settings you specify in the
 controller class. More 

 I hope it can help you!

 2009/11/24 RhythmicDevil

  I am confused as to why the Session object is only available in the
  Controller. Shouldn't it be the Model's responsibility to cache the


  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
  CakePHP group.
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their CakePHP related questions.

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Export to CSV... almost there... what am I missing?

2009-11-24 Thread FrederickD
I am in the process of adding an Export to CSV capability to my
project. I am using the latest version of the csv helper found here: I have this code as ../
app/views/helpers/csv.php. I also have added Router::parseExtensions
('json', 'xml', 'csv'); to my routes.php file.

In my ../app/controllers/repairorders_controller.php I have this
action defined:

function exportrepairorders() {
Configure::write('debug', '0');

$this-layout = 'ajax'; // use the Ajax layout
$data = array();// hold the data from 
the database

/* Set up the conditions array to retrieve selected Repairorder
data */
$params = array(
'order' = array(

'Repairorder.servicedate DESC',


$paramsCount = array();

/* Set up for an export request, if requested */
$exportRequest = ($this-RequestHandler-ext == 'csv' ||
  $this-RequestHandler-ext == 'xml' ||
  ($this-RequestHandler-ext == 'json' 


if ($exportRequest) {
if ($this-RequestHandler-ext == 'csv') {
$this-helpers[] = 'Csv';
if ($this-RequestHandler-ext == 'xml') {
// Do nothing, no helper needed

/* Retrieve count of selected Repairorder and associated data and
then the data */
$count = $this-Repairorder-find('count', $paramsCount);
$this-Repairorder-recursive = 0;
$data = $this-Repairorder-find('all', $params);

//  Debugger::dump($data);

$this-set('total', $count);// send total to the view
$this-set('repairorders', $data);  // send repairorders to the view

I have a corresponding view established in ../app/views/repairorders/
csv/exportrepairorders.ctp which looks like this:

Configure::write('debug', 0);

if (!$data['success']) {
$line ='Error occurred. ';
if (array_key_exists('msg', $data)) {
$line .= $data['msg'];
if (array_key_exists('errors', $data)) {
$line .= print_r($data['errors'], true);
echo $csv-render('Repair Order Export ' . date('Y-m-d h:i') .

if (!array_key_exists('results', $data) || !count($data['results']))
$csv-addRow('No data found.');
echo $csv-render('Repair Order Export ' . date('Y-m-d h:i') .

'Distributor Name',
'Dealer Name',
'Advisor Name',
'Date of Service',
'Repair Order Number',
'Basic LOF?',
'Premier LOF?',
'Performance LOF?',
'Front Diff?',
'Rear Diff?',
'Power Steering?',
'Transfer Case?',
'Date Created'

foreach ($data['results'] as $result) {

Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dewayne Pinion
I have tried iterations of the following:

all give the same message as stated before.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:57 AM, josu jauregui wrote:

 What´s the url do you try to enter? (complete url) Are you using admin

 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Here is the contents of my routes.php file (below are the only two
 uncommented lines):

 Router::connect('/', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =
 'display', 'home'));

 Router::connect('/pages/*', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:34 AM, josu jauregui wrote:


 I tests this code and it works!!! Do you have some Router::connect in the
 config/routes.php related with the users_controller? I have many more
 ideas. 8-(

 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 It should be enabled. I do have other pages/controllers that are
 working. The contents of my users_controller.php file is as follows:

 class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {


  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the
 users_controller file to make some tests?.


 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is in
 the app/controllers directory

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.

 You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
 users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.

 I hope this can help you.

 2009/11/24 Dave

 Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the
 URL cake is trying to access

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion 

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very
 far. I end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

   var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

  take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
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  more options, visit this group at

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
 To post to this group, send email to 

Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dewayne Pinion
To be honest I am not sure about admin routing. Learning as I go a bit
here.. :)

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:57 AM, josu jauregui wrote:

 What´s the url do you try to enter? (complete url) Are you using admin

 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Here is the contents of my routes.php file (below are the only two
 uncommented lines):

 Router::connect('/', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =
 'display', 'home'));

 Router::connect('/pages/*', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:34 AM, josu jauregui wrote:


 I tests this code and it works!!! Do you have some Router::connect in the
 config/routes.php related with the users_controller? I have many more
 ideas. 8-(

 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 It should be enabled. I do have other pages/controllers that are
 working. The contents of my users_controller.php file is as follows:

 class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {


  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the
 users_controller file to make some tests?.


 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is in
 the app/controllers directory

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.

 You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
 users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.

 I hope this can help you.

 2009/11/24 Dave

 Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the
 URL cake is trying to access

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion 

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very
 far. I end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

   var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

  take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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 To post to this group, send email to
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 For more options, visit this group at

  Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  more options, visit this group at

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
 Groups CakePHP group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  more options, 

Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread jburns
I haven't done admin routing either, but it looks to me as if you are
using a url that indicates admin routing, but haven't set it up in
your routes. Try adding this:

Router::connect('/admin', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =
'index', 'admin' = true));

to config/routes.php

On Nov 24, 5:12 pm, Dewayne Pinion wrote:
 To be honest I am not sure about admin routing. Learning as I go a bit
 here.. :)

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:57 AM, josu jauregui wrote:
  What´s the url do you try to enter? (complete url) Are you using admin

  2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

  Hi Josu,
  Here is the contents of my routes.php file (below are the only two
  uncommented lines):

      Router::connect('/', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =
  'display', 'home'));

      Router::connect('/pages/*', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =

  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:34 AM, josu jauregui wrote:


  I tests this code and it works!!! Do you have some Router::connect in the
  config/routes.php related with the users_controller? I have many more
  ideas. 8-(

  2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

  Hi Josu,
  It should be enabled. I do have other pages/controllers that are
  working. The contents of my users_controller.php file is as follows:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
   var $name = 'Users';
   var $components = array('Auth');

   function login() {
   function logout() {


   On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:

  Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the
  users_controller file to make some tests?.


  2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

  Hi Josu,
  Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is in
  the app/controllers directory

  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui 

  Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.

  You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
  users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.

  I hope this can help you.

  2009/11/24 Dave

  Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the
  URL cake is trying to access

  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion 

  I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very
  far. I end up with the following error:

  Missing Controller

  *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

  *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {

     var $name = 'Users';

   *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

  From my users_controller.php file:

   class UsersController extends AppController {
   var $name = 'Users';
   var $components = array('Auth');

   function login() {
   function logout() {

  login.ctp file:

   echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
   echo $form-input('username');
   echo $form-input('password');
   echo $form-end('Login');

  any ideas?

  On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

   take a look at:

  Dewayne Pinion
  Web/Software Guy
  Trenton Technology

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  Dewayne Pinion
  Web/Software Guy
  Trenton Technology

Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread josu jauregui
Do you have uncommented line Configure::write('Routing.admin', 'admin'); in

2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 To be honest I am not sure about admin routing. Learning as I go a bit
 here.. :)

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:57 AM, josu jauregui wrote:

 What´s the url do you try to enter? (complete url) Are you using admin

 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Here is the contents of my routes.php file (below are the only two
 uncommented lines):

 Router::connect('/', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =
 'display', 'home'));

 Router::connect('/pages/*', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action'
 = 'display'));

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:34 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:


 I tests this code and it works!!! Do you have some Router::connect in
 the config/routes.php related with the users_controller? I have many
 more ideas. 8-(

 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 It should be enabled. I do have other pages/controllers that are
 working. The contents of my users_controller.php file is as follows:

 class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {


  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the
 users_controller file to make some tests?.


 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is in
 the app/controllers directory

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui jos...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.

 You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
 users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.

 I hope this can help you.

 2009/11/24 Dave

 Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the
 URL cake is trying to access

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it
 very far. I end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

  var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy dda...@gmail.comwrote:

  take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

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 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

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 others with their CakePHP related questions.

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 Groups CakePHP group.
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Re: Export to CSV... almost there... what am I missing?

2009-11-24 Thread FrederickD
Sorry about the tabs. I though I took those out...

What is also strange to me is that when core.php has 'debug' = '1' I
get the 404 message. When 'debug' is set to '0', I get the prompt to
create a CSV file, but not with the formatted name as defined in the
exportrepairorders.ctp file. The file name being generated is
exportrepairorders.csv and is empty.

Thank you for your help.

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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dewayne Pinion
Thanks for that. Unfortunately it didn't help.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 12:17 PM, jburns wrote:

 I haven't done admin routing either, but it looks to me as if you are
 using a url that indicates admin routing, but haven't set it up in
 your routes. Try adding this:

 Router::connect('/admin', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =
 'index', 'admin' = true));

Dewayne Pinion
Web/Software Guy
Trenton Technology

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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dewayne Pinion
I did not, but I tried uncommenting it and still got the same error.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 12:22 PM, josu jauregui wrote:

 Do you have uncommented line Configure::write('Routing.admin', 'admin'); in

Dewayne Pinion
Web/Software Guy
Trenton Technology

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their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: need a little help with model::saveAll function

2009-11-24 Thread Johannes
i had exactly the same problem and solved it by removing empty lines
in the beforeFilter() of the controller responsible for saving items.
In my case its very specific you could apppend your logic to make it
more universal.

p.s. im not sure about the following line in your example, because im
not sure if !null is defined in php
if (array_search(!null, $record)) $validRecords[] = $record;
maybe im wrong but i dont think this filters your data correctly.

--- in my app i use:
class InvoicesController extends AppController {
function beforeFilter() {
if (!empty($this-data)) {

// remove empty forms from data
if (isset($this-data['InvoicesItem'])) {
$data = array();
foreach ($this-data['InvoicesItem'] as $row) {
if (!empty($row['quantity']) || 
!empty($row['price'])) {
$data[] = $row;
if (empty($data)) {
else {
$this-data['InvoicesItem'] = $data;


On Nov 24, 4:28 pm, Ernesto wrote:
 A - i already have a routine that *should* to that... but it isn't
 working properly. here's the code

 function beforeValidate() {
      $validRecords = array();
      foreach ($this-data as $model = $records) {
           foreach ($records as $key = $record) {
                if (is_numeric($key)) {
                     if (array_search(!null, $record)) $validRecords[]
 = $record;
                } else break;
                $this-data[$model] = $validRecords;
      return true;


 B - my saveAll is already overwritten in AppModel and atm it's working
 ok. i was just asking if it's possible to do that in a Behavior :)

 On 23 Nov, 20:52, Marcelo Andrade wrote:

  On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Ernesto wrote:
   A - user can insert just 2 or 3 rows, it's not necesasry to fill all
   the 10 Item rows. saveAll tries to save even empty insertions. Blank
   rows = validation errors. is there any way to avoid this?

  You'll have to loop $this-data and unset the entries when
  you get blank fields.

   B - is it pobbile to create a behavior that forces validate =
   first to every saveAll call?

  You can override the saveAll method in your AppModel,
  changing the validate entry in the options to 'first' always.

  Best regards.

  Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
  Linux User #221105

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paginate loosing args

2009-11-24 Thread Mario Cesar
Hi All!!

I have a problem with paginate, I'll try explicate:

I have a form that method is post
the result is ok in first page but if I click in other page or some
order the paginate returns all rows of my table he is loosing the
args and I'm using the passedArgs in View page

what can i do?

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Re: Problem with multiple memcached configs

2009-11-24 Thread
 Never mind answered my own question. Looks like it's a bug in the
 Cache class.

Did you file a report?

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Associate by condition

2009-11-24 Thread villosil

Is there any Cake-way to fetch data from associations by a previous
condition on the main Model? I'll explain myself:

Let's say I have a Product Model, which has a hasMany association with
an Image Model. The Product has a field called type which defines the
type of the Product. For example, by the nature of the app, I know
that only Products that are Product.type='STANDARD' can have images.
But when i make a find('all) cake always try to fetch the Images for
every Product.

For performance, it would be better to define, before the find('all'),
to only apply the association on Products which their type was

Internally on a find('all') over an object A, if a hasMany association
exists with a B Object, cake first gets the data of every A object,
and then gets for every A object found, the associated B Objects. I
mean that for what I'm looking for, that information would be there
before trying to fetch the associated data.

Has someone faced something similar?

Thanks in advance.


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Properly Normalizing a Products Database to work harmoniously with Cake

2009-11-24 Thread plasmaflux
Hello all!

I'm a novice to CakePHP, have a rusty set of PHP skills, and am maybe
a 5/10 when it comes to MySQL  databases in general. I was recently
hired by a company wanting to bring their catalog design and web
development in-house. After digging through the existing site's raw
PHP code, I've decided to rebuild it from scratch with Cake. I'm blown
away by what Cake can do and how it does it! My last large-scale PHP/
MySQL project was during the php3-php4 transition when PHPLib was the
hottest thing around.

My company sells Widgets in the Medical field...lots of them...nearly
20,000. My largest task at hand is to build an app to both populate a
Widgets database and search the data. It's a little overwhelming and I
need some advice.

First, all Widgets have a unique Widget Number. All Widgets can be
divided into Top-Tier categories a couple different ways. For example,
a Widget could fall under Forceps or Scissors or Clamps, and could
also land under Cardiovascular and/or Neurospinal and/or Dental. A
Clamp will always be just a Clamp, but the same Clamp could be useful
in both Cardiovascular AND Neurospinal. So categorization presents a

Additionally, all Widgets have a number of properties in common. They
all have a Price. They all have a Name. They all have Dimensions.
Here's the really tricky part that's making my brain hurt. They also
all have a number of properties that are unique either to the item OR
to the Widget's category. A Clamp may have a curvature with a specific
radius. A set of Forceps may have an angle. A Needle Holder may be
Straight or Curved, and may also have jaws that are either Stainless
Steel, Tungsten Carbide Coated, or Titanium with Tungsten Carbide

There are also relationships between certain items that I'd want to be
available for Related Widgets display on a Widget's page. For
example, a Titanium Needle Holder with Tungsten Carbide Coating may be
available in 6, 7, 8, 9 lengths, with jaws that are 1mm, 2mm, 3mm,
4mm wide and jaws that are Straight or Curved. I need to somehow be
able to make it clear in the database structure which Widgets are
related to other Widgets and how; keeping in mind refinable searches
(Show me all Titanium Curved-jaw Needle Holders).

Then there are things like Cases that hold predefined Sets of Widgets,
Widgets with X and Y dimensions vs. Widgets with X, Y and Z
dimensions.and on and on and on.

Not only am I trying to figure out how to create this beast of a
relational database, I'm also trying to ensure from the beginning that
it's optimized for CakePHP and remains highly flexible for all the
unforeseen additions and changes down the road.

Brain.very.exploding. Please help!

A thousand thank-yous in advance to all who read and any who respond!


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Nice url for webroot/files

2009-11-24 Thread RugerJ
I am offering my users a link where they can download uploaded files


is it possible to give a nice url using route.php

like http://www.example/files/[subdir]/[filename]

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Re: Nice url for webroot/files

2009-11-24 Thread Miles J
Your best bet is to use the Media view.

On Nov 24, 11:49 am, RugerJ wrote:
 I am offering my users a link where they can download uploaded files


 is it possible to give a nice url using route.php


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Re: paginate loosing args

2009-11-24 Thread Dave
in the paginate array in your view file add


On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Mario Cesar wrote:

 Hi All!!

 I have a problem with paginate, I'll try explicate:

 I have a form that method is post
 the result is ok in first page but if I click in other page or some
 order the paginate returns all rows of my table he is loosing the
 args and I'm using the passedArgs in View page

 what can i do?

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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dave
if the url is /admin/users/login then Cake will look for an action called
admin_login in users_controller.php .  Change the name of the login
function to this and let me know if that works.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Dewayne Pinion wrote:

 I did not, but I tried uncommenting it and still got the same error.

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 12:22 PM, josu jauregui wrote:

 Do you have uncommented line Configure::write('Routing.admin', 'admin');
 in core.php??

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

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 with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dave
And remove this from your routes.php:

Router::connect('/admin', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =
'index', 'admin' = true));

but leave

Configure::write('Routing.admin', 'admin');

uncommented in core.php

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:24 PM, Dave wrote:

 if the url is /admin/users/login then Cake will look for an action called
 admin_login in users_controller.php .  Change the name of the login
 function to this and let me know if that works.

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Dewayne Pinion dpin...@gmail.comwrote:

 I did not, but I tried uncommenting it and still got the same error.

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 12:22 PM, josu jauregui wrote:

 Do you have uncommented line Configure::write('Routing.admin', 'admin');
 in core.php??

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

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 others with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Martin Atukunda
Hi Dewayne,

Just checking - do you have the opening and closing php tag?


class UsersController extends AppController{
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  funciton login() {
function logout() {

On 24 Nov 2009, at 19:17, Dewayne Pinion wrote:

 Hi Josu,
 It should be enabled. I do have other pages/controllers that are  
 working. The contents of my users_controller.php file is as follows:

 class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, josu jauregui  
 Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the  
 users_controller file to make some tests?.


 2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion

 Hi Josu,
 Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is  
 in the app/controllers directory

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui  
 Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.

 You must be sure that the name of the controller file is  
 users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.

 I hope this can help you.

 2009/11/24 Dave

 Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the  
 URL cake is trying to access

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion  
 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very  
 far. I end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller
 Error: UsersController could not be found.

 Error: Create the class UsersController below in file: app/ 

 class UsersController extends AppController {

   var $name = 'Users';
 Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/ 

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:
 take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology


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 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
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 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and 

Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dewayne Pinion
AHHH! I can't believe I overlooked that. That fixed it, thank
you! I feel like a dummy about now.. lol.

So for the next part of this little project, how do I default to this login
page? For example, currently if you go to mysite/admin/comments, you are
taken to the comments page. However, I would like to redirect the user first
to the login page. Any advice or links?

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Martin Atukunda wrote:

 Hi Dewayne,

 Just checking - do you have the opening and closing php tag?


 class UsersController extends AppController{
  var $name = 'Users';
   var $components = array('Auth');

  funciton login() {
 function logout() {

 On 24 Nov 2009, at 19:17, Dewayne Pinion wrote:

  Hi Josu,
  It should be enabled. I do have other pages/controllers that are
  working. The contents of my users_controller.php file is as follows:
  class UsersController extends AppController {
   var $name = 'Users';
   var $components = array('Auth');
   function login() {
   function logout() {
  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, josu jauregui
  Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the
  users_controller file to make some tests?.
  2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion
  Hi Josu,
  Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is
  in the app/controllers directory
  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui
  Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.
  You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
  users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.
  I hope this can help you.
  2009/11/24 Dave
  Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the
  URL cake is trying to access
  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion
  I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very
  far. I end up with the following error:
  Missing Controller
  Error: UsersController could not be found.
  Error: Create the class UsersController below in file: app/
  class UsersController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Users';
  Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/
  From my users_controller.php file:
   class UsersController extends AppController {
   var $name = 'Users';
   var $components = array('Auth');
   function login() {
   function logout() {
  login.ctp file:
   echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
   echo $form-input('username');
   echo $form-input('password');
   echo $form-end('Login');
  any ideas?
  On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:
  take a look at:
  Dewayne Pinion
  Web/Software Guy
  Trenton Technology
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Re: paginate loosing args

2009-11-24 Thread Mario Cesar
i tried but didn't work

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Dave wrote:

 in the paginate array in your view file add


 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Mario Cesar wrote:

 Hi All!!

 I have a problem with paginate, I'll try explicate:

 I have a form that method is post
 the result is ok in first page but if I click in other page or some
 order the paginate returns all rows of my table he is loosing the
 args and I'm using the passedArgs in View page

 what can i do?

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Re: paginate loosing args

2009-11-24 Thread Ma'moon
If you are using POST to send the ID of the target article then try sending
it using GET
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Mario Cesar wrote:

 i tried but didn't work

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Dave wrote:

 in the paginate array in your view file add


 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Mario Cesar wrote:

 Hi All!!

 I have a problem with paginate, I'll try explicate:

 I have a form that method is post
 the result is ok in first page but if I click in other page or some
 order the paginate returns all rows of my table he is loosing the
 args and I'm using the passedArgs in View page

 what can i do?

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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Dave
First read this CLOSELY:

Then google CakePHP Auth tutorial and follow one if you need more info... A
lot of people get messed up with the Auth Component so read as much as you

One thing that will probably mess you up:  You want to change your login
action to not be in admin routing.  It needs to be publicly accessible.
Then you can use the Auth Component to deny all admin actions.  It is
possible to keep it in admin routing and add an exception but when you are
first learning Auth it is best to follow the KISS motto until you are more

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Dewayne Pinion wrote:

 AHHH! I can't believe I overlooked that. That fixed it, thank
 you! I feel like a dummy about now.. lol.

 So for the next part of this little project, how do I default to this login
 page? For example, currently if you go to mysite/admin/comments, you are
 taken to the comments page. However, I would like to redirect the user first
 to the login page. Any advice or links?

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Martin Atukunda matl...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Dewayne,

 Just checking - do you have the opening and closing php tag?


 class UsersController extends AppController{
  var $name = 'Users';
   var $components = array('Auth');

  funciton login() {
 function logout() {

 On 24 Nov 2009, at 19:17, Dewayne Pinion wrote:

  Hi Josu,
  It should be enabled. I do have other pages/controllers that are
  working. The contents of my users_controller.php file is as follows:
  class UsersController extends AppController {
   var $name = 'Users';
   var $components = array('Auth');
   function login() {
   function logout() {
  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, josu jauregui
  Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the
  users_controller file to make some tests?.
  2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion
  Hi Josu,
  Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is
  in the app/controllers directory
  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui
  Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.
  You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
  users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.
  I hope this can help you.
  2009/11/24 Dave
  Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the
  URL cake is trying to access
  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion
  I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very
  far. I end up with the following error:
  Missing Controller
  Error: UsersController could not be found.
  Error: Create the class UsersController below in file: app/
  class UsersController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Users';
  Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/
  From my users_controller.php file:
   class UsersController extends AppController {
   var $name = 'Users';
   var $components = array('Auth');
   function login() {
   function logout() {
  login.ctp file:
   echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
   echo $form-input('username');
   echo $form-input('password');
   echo $form-end('Login');
  any ideas?
  On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:
  take a look at:
  Dewayne Pinion
  Web/Software Guy
  Trenton Technology
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Re: paginate loosing args

2009-11-24 Thread Mario Cesar
*I tried too
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 6:36 PM, Ma'moon wrote:

 If you are using POST to send the ID of the target article then try sending
 it using GET

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Mario Cesar wrote:

 i tried but didn't work

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Dave wrote:

 in the paginate array in your view file add


 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Mario Cesar wrote:

 Hi All!!

 I have a problem with paginate, I'll try explicate:

 I have a form that method is post
 the result is ok in first page but if I click in other page or some
 order the paginate returns all rows of my table he is loosing the
 args and I'm using the passedArgs in View page

 what can i do?

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Re: Associate by condition

2009-11-24 Thread Ian R

Couldn't you just create a method in your model which does this, using
Find()?  For example, FindStandard() or FindByType('STANDARD')?  I
believe that's Cake-y, and it keeps your controller lean and your
model fat :)


On Nov 24, 2:18 pm, villosil wrote:

 Is there any Cake-way to fetch data from associations by a previous
 condition on the main Model? I'll explain myself:

 Let's say I have a Product Model, which has a hasMany association with
 an Image Model. The Product has a field called type which defines the
 type of the Product. For example, by the nature of the app, I know
 that only Products that are Product.type='STANDARD' can have images.
 But when i make a find('all) cake always try to fetch the Images for
 every Product.

 For performance, it would be better to define, before the find('all'),
 to only apply the association on Products which their type was

 Internally on a find('all') over an object A, if a hasMany association
 exists with a B Object, cake first gets the data of every A object,
 and then gets for every A object found, the associated B Objects. I
 mean that for what I'm looking for, that information would be there
 before trying to fetch the associated data.

 Has someone faced something similar?

 Thanks in advance.


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How set value for root parents using tree recover

2009-11-24 Thread Aldo

When using recover the parent_id fields for root entries are empty.
Is there a way to set a default value like -1 as parent_id for root


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Re: How set value for root parents using tree recover

2009-11-24 Thread AD7six

On 24 nov, 21:48, Aldo wrote:

 When using recover the parent_id fields for root entries are empty.
 Is there a way to set a default value like -1 as parent_id for root


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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Martin Atukunda

To redirect the user first to the login page instead of the standard  
home/welcome page edit app/config/routes.php and change this line:

Router::connect('/', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' =  
'display', 'home'));


Router::connect('/', array('controller' = 'users', 'action' =  

- Martin -

On 24 Nov 2009, at 23:30, Dewayne Pinion wrote:

 AHHH! I can't believe I overlooked that. That fixed it,  
 thank you! I feel like a dummy about now.. lol.

 So for the next part of this little project, how do I default to  
 this login page? For example, currently if you go to mysite/admin/ 
 comments, you are taken to the comments page. However, I would like  
 to redirect the user first to the login page. Any advice or links?

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:10 PM, Martin Atukunda  
 Hi Dewayne,

 Just checking - do you have the opening and closing php tag?


 class UsersController extends AppController{
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  funciton login() {
 function logout() {

 On 24 Nov 2009, at 19:17, Dewayne Pinion wrote:

  Hi Josu,
  It should be enabled. I do have other pages/controllers that are
  working. The contents of my users_controller.php file is as follows:
  class UsersController extends AppController {
   var $name = 'Users';
   var $components = array('Auth');
   function login() {
   function logout() {
  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, josu jauregui
  Hi! Is your mod_rewrite activated?. Can you send me the
  users_controller file to make some tests?.
  2009/11/24 Dewayne Pinion
  Hi Josu,
  Thank you for the response. Yes, I have the file created and it is
  in the app/controllers directory
  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM, josu jauregui
  Hi!. Sorry but my english is not good.
  You must be sure that the name of the controller file is
  users_controller.php and it´s in app/controllers directory.
  I hope this can help you.
  2009/11/24 Dave
  Can you be more specific about when you get this error? What is the
  URL cake is trying to access
  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion
  I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very
  far. I end up with the following error:
  Missing Controller
  Error: UsersController could not be found.
  Error: Create the class UsersController below in file: app/
  class UsersController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Users';
  Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/
  From my users_controller.php file:
   class UsersController extends AppController {
   var $name = 'Users';
   var $components = array('Auth');
   function login() {
   function logout() {
  login.ctp file:
   echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
   echo $form-input('username');
   echo $form-input('password');
   echo $form-end('Login');
  any ideas?
  On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:
  take a look at:
  Dewayne Pinion
  Web/Software Guy
  Trenton Technology
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  Web/Software Guy
  Trenton Technology
  Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help

Re: Nice url for webroot/files

2009-11-24 Thread AD7six

On 24 nov, 20:49, RugerJ wrote:
 I am offering my users a link where they can download uploaded files


Are you hand writing that url?

 is it possible to give a nice url using route.php


sure echo $html-url('/files/[subdir]/[filename]') will give you that

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Re: paginate loosing args

2009-11-24 Thread Ma'moon
Please send a controller dump and your view code so we can help you
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Mario Cesar wrote:

 *I tried too

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 6:36 PM, Ma'moon wrote:

 If you are using POST to send the ID of the target article then try
 sending it using GET

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Mario Cesar wrote:

 i tried but didn't work

 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Dave wrote:

 in the paginate array in your view file add


 On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Mario Cesar mario...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi All!!

 I have a problem with paginate, I'll try explicate:

 I have a form that method is post
 the result is ok in first page but if I click in other page or some
 order the paginate returns all rows of my table he is loosing the
 args and I'm using the passedArgs in View page

 what can i do?

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Re: Creating a login screen

2009-11-24 Thread Bryan De Asis
is the admin routing in the core.php is enabled?

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Dewayne Pinion wrote:

 I have been following the directions there and haven't made it very far. I
 end up with the following error:

 Missing Controller

 *Error: * *UsersController* could not be found.

 *Error: * Create the class *UsersController* below in file:

 class UsersController extends AppController {

   var $name = 'Users';

  *Notice: * If you want to customize this error message, create

 From my users_controller.php file:

  class UsersController extends AppController {
  var $name = 'Users';
  var $components = array('Auth');

  function login() {
  function logout() {

 login.ctp file:

  echo $form-create('User', array('action' = 'login'));
  echo $form-input('username');
  echo $form-input('password');
  echo $form-end('Login');

 any ideas?

 On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:47 AM, ddaffy wrote:

 take a look at:

 Dewayne Pinion
 Web/Software Guy
 Trenton Technology

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Form Action URL from Router

2009-11-24 Thread Joseph Roberts
I have an application that uses Auth and ACL to check permissions in
the app_controller. I am also checking permissions on every AJAX call
by using jQuery's AjaxSetup to capture the XmlHttpRequest URL. This
process works perfectly for any manual AJAX call, but for Ajaxified
forms the action URL contains both the CAKE and APP_DIR which messes
up my ACL check because it doesn't recognize controller, CAKE or the
action, APP_DIR. On top of that, my ACL check needs a camelized
controller and a variablized action, and the URL sent by the form
helper has put underscores in the controller name.

Can anyone suggest a better way to check permissions on both static
page changes AND AJAX calls without leaving the GUI? When a ACL check
fails in my app_controller it redirects to a failed permissions error
page. That is fine for static page changes, but in the middle of an
AJAX GUI it is a nightmare. I need AJAX permission checks to respond
within the AJAX framework rather than taking the user out of it to a
message page.

Please help!

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Re: How set value for root parents using tree recover

2009-11-24 Thread Aldo
I'm migrating a tree backend to cake.
Unfortunately there are manay functions who depend from this value, as
they look for -1 to identify a root entry.

On 24 Nov., 21:50, AD7six wrote:
 On 24 nov, 21:48, Aldo wrote:


  When using recover the parent_id fields for root entries are empty.
  Is there a way to set a default value like -1 as parent_id for root


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Re: Form Action URL from Router

2009-11-24 Thread Joseph Roberts
Solved it:

function checkPermissions(){
Configure::write('debug', 0);
$this-layout = 'ajax';

$user = $this-Auth-user('username');

// Sanitize URL for either development or production server
if(!strrpos($this-params['url']['url'], 'cake/missio'))
$url = str_replace('Users/checkPermissions//','',$this-params
$url = str_replace('Users/checkPermissions//cake/missio/','',

$pieces = explode('/', $url);
$controller = Inflector::camelize($pieces[0]);
$action = Inflector::variable($pieces[1]);

$aco = $controller.'/'.$action;

if($this-Acl-check($user, $aco, '*'))
$perm = 'allowed';
$perm = 'denied';

$this-set('data', $perm);

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How use AUTH for two sections (admin eshop, client admin)

2009-11-24 Thread Petr Vytlačil
is any idea. How use AUTH for two admin sections?
First: Admin section, when user log. can add new products, and other
Second: Client admin: user log. can shopping, do order, check

I must use ACL or role in user and how i can do, when client login can
view only views for orders, ... and admin user can use add products,
kind.. but cant shopping..


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Re: Problem with Host Gator

2009-11-24 Thread Dr. Loboto
Try add RewriteBase / to app/webroot/.htaccess

On Nov 24, 7:24 pm, Shadab Shaikh wrote:
 Dear All,

 I have setup  a project in Host Gator, its using cpanel.
 As I am doing normal setup, than its not displaying any page.

 After research, I found an article in which guidelines mentioned for cpanel,
 page is

 When I am using guidelines mentioned in above page, my home page work
 but rest of pages is not working, I am getting page not found error.

 I appreciate your comments to give more idea about this problem.

 Thanks in advance !

 Best Regards,

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Re: Setting form action to something like /Accounts/Manage/?var=b73cr6xzr6zvar2=somethingelse

2009-11-24 Thread Dr. Loboto
All as you asked. And Cake properly encoded HTML entities as symbols
 are restricted in source and must be represented in text as amp;

On Nov 24, 9:43 pm, Ragnis wrote:
 When doing it like this:
 array ('controller' = 'Accounts', 'action' = 'Manage', '?' =  array
 ('var' = 'b73cr6xzr6z', 'var2' = 'somethingelse'))
 then the result will be /Accounts/Manage/?

 On Nov 24, 6:31 am, Dr. Loboto wrote:

  You can set form action as:
  array ('controller' = 'Accounts', 'action' = 'Manage', '?' = array
  ('var' = 'b73cr6xzr6z', 'var2' = 'somethingelse'))

  On Nov 23, 9:22 pm, Ragnis wrote:

   I need them as GET variables.
   My form is at /Accounts/Manage/?var=b73cr6xzr6zvar2=somethingelse and
   when i submit the form, the GET variables will be gone but i want them
   to stay.

   On Nov 22, 11:39 pm, Amit wrote:

Is there a reason you can't just include the vars in the form?

$form-input('var', array('type'='hidden', 'value'= 'b73cr6xzr6z'));

On Nov 22, 12:54 pm, Ragnis wrote:

 So how can i do that?
 And i don't want to use /Accounts/Manage/var:b73cr6xzr6z/

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Finds and Arrays

2009-11-24 Thread dtirer
I've run into an interesting problem today.  Here's the scenario.

I have 3 Models:

Station (model)

Store (model)

Phase (model)

And the relationships are:
Store belongsTo Station -- Store belongsTo Phase
Station hasOne Store
Phase hasMnay Store

Now whats happening is, from the Stations_Controller, I want to do a
Find where I pull that Station's corresponding Store ID, and THAT
Store's corresponding Phase.  So my find looks like the following:

$products = $this-Station-Store-find('first', array('fields' =
array('', 'Phase.phase'),'conditions' = array('' =

If I print_r($products) after that find, I get the following:

Array ( [Store] = Array ( [id] = 1 ) [Phase] = Array ( [phase] =
Building For Staging ) )

Notice that that are 2 arrays:  Store, and Phase.

The questions is:  Is there anyway to make it so the array becomes:

Array ( [Store] = Array ( [id] = 1 [phase] = Building For Staging))

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Blog Tutorial

2009-11-24 Thread cakephp9 cakephp9
I have some basic questions about the blog tutorial

1 What does edit($id = null) mean, is $id being reset tot null?
2 What does $this-Post-id = $id; then do, make it null too?
3 Why do we check again if the data is empty, the data validation
prevents it from being empty?

Thanks in advance!

function edit($id = null) {
$this-Post-id = $id;
if (empty($this-data)) {
$this-data = $this-Post-read();
} else {
if ($this-Post-save($this-data)) {
$this-Session-setFlash('Your post has been updated.');
$this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));

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admin routing shows CSS when behind an SSL

2009-11-24 Thread Chad Smith
Hey Everyone,

This is a really odd problem and I will do my very best to explain
what is happening here.  As I have no idea what is happening.

What I found is that we setup a SSL and this is my file
IfModule mod_rewrite.c
   RewriteEngine on

   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
   RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]

   RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
   RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} ^80$
   RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !^127\.0\.0\.1
   RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

   RewriteRule ^$ app/webroot/[L]
   RewriteRule (.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]


As you can see it will redirect the browser if it's not http://www.
then it will redirect if it's not https://www.  All that works great.
My entire cake app works great too so no issues there.

Problem is when I do
(go there you will see the CSS)

Why does it just show the CSS?  I have removed the second block (with
the SSL code) in the .htaccess file and everything runs smoothly.
What can I do?  I'm completely stuck and baffled.  If you guys need
any other code let me know.


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Export to CSV using Helper, resulting error

2009-11-24 Thread E T
Hi all,

I am trying to put a download link on one of my view, so when user click on
that link it will automatically generate a csv file and pop up for user to

I followed the instruction here the helper from Adam
Royle (

However, when I click on my link.. this is shown:

Notice (8): Undefined variable: csv
[APP\controllers\dispatches_controller.php, line 158]

Fatal error: Call to a member function addRow() on a non-object in
C:\xampp\htdocs\cake\app\controllers\dispatches_controller.php on line 158

Please help. Thank you.

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Installation Issue - HELP!!!

2009-11-24 Thread robert matousek
I've been developing an app on my localhost. Now I'm trying to get
CAKEPHP up and running on my webhost (Webhost4llife). Can someone take
a look at I can't figure out what the problem is,
it's pulling in the default layout, but going to any of controller/
actions does not seem the work. I get an internal server error, 500
Error. I could really use some help. Anyone, any ideas?

document root is set to app/webroot/
mod_rewrite is on

I've spend hours trying to locate the problem. Your help would be
really appreciated

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Re: Installation Issue - HELP!!!

2009-11-24 Thread jburns
The first things I would check are your .htaccess files. I faced
similar issues setting up a site on a hosting service. Take a look at
and see if it helps.

On Nov 25, 5:04 am, robert matousek wrote:
 I've been developing an app on my localhost. Now I'm trying to get
 CAKEPHP up and running on my webhost (Webhost4llife). Can someone take
 a look can't figure out what the problem is,
 it's pulling in the default layout, but going to any of controller/
 actions does not seem the work. I get an internal server error, 500
 Error. I could really use some help. Anyone, any ideas?

 document root is set to app/webroot/
 mod_rewrite is on

 I've spend hours trying to locate the problem. Your help would be
 really appreciated

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Re: Blog Tutorial

2009-11-24 Thread Patrick Talmadge
1. edit($id = null) will set the default value of $id to null if
nothing is passed into edit. If a value is passed to edit $id = null
will be ignored.
2. $this-Post-id = $id will assign the value of $id to the Post
model. If nothing is passed into edit() null will be assigned.
3. if(empty($this-data)) is checking the current form data. If data
is empty the form hasn't been submitted. $this-data =
$this-Post-read(); than pulls the Post data and assigns it to data
so the form can be populated with the current Post values for editing.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 4:58 PM, cakephp9 cakephp9 wrote:
 I have some basic questions about the blog tutorial

 1 What does edit($id = null) mean, is $id being reset tot null?
 2 What does $this-Post-id = $id; then do, make it null too?
 3 Why do we check again if the data is empty, the data validation
 prevents it from being empty?

 Thanks in advance!

 function edit($id = null) {
        $this-Post-id = $id;
        if (empty($this-data)) {
                $this-data = $this-Post-read();
        } else {
                if ($this-Post-save($this-data)) {
                        $this-Session-setFlash('Your post has been 
                        $this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));

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MySQL Duplicate entry on Create Error

2009-11-24 Thread TimG
I was inserting new rows through my application and then suddenly I
started receiving this error:

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '127' for key 1
[CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 525]

The AUTO_INCRIMENT is set to 128 on the 'id' field and it was working
perfectly until now. It seems stuck on trying to create id '127'. Any

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Re: MySQL Duplicate entry on Create Error

2009-11-24 Thread jburns
It sounds like the data type of your id field is a signed tinyint,
which has a maximum value of 127. The range is -127 to 127 (or
something close to that). You need to change the data type. If you
make it unsigned it has a range of 0 to 255. If that isn't enough
you'll have to increase it to smallint.

I generally use unsigned integers as I rarely need to store minus
values (especially if they auto increment) and they take up less
database space. When you make the change from signed to unsigned in
your database clear down the size field as you do it. Depending upon
the tool you are using to manage your database (I use the excellent
Sequel Pro) it will default it to the smallest acceptable value.

On Nov 25, 5:51 am, TimG wrote:
 I was inserting new rows through my application and then suddenly I
 started receiving this error:

 Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '127' for key 1
 [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line 525]

 The AUTO_INCRIMENT is set to 128 on the 'id' field and it was working
 perfectly until now. It seems stuck on trying to create id '127'. Any

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Re: admin routing shows CSS when behind an SSL

2009-11-24 Thread TimG
I had the same issue a few weeks ago. I did not have any custom
htaccess or SSL installed. It was a controller issue. My controller
couldn't do what I wanted it to do so it was just loading the css

I can't remember exactly what I did to fix it... sorry.

But in my case it WAS a controller issue. Also, try deleting the css
file and see what happens.

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Re: MySQL Duplicate entry on Create Error

2009-11-24 Thread TimG
Thank you sir you are a miracle worker!!!

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Re: admin routing shows CSS when behind an SSL

2009-11-24 Thread TimG
I'm still trying to remember:

Treat the css loading as an error. Your controller isn't liking the
URL when being redirected from the htaccess file. Maybe something to
do with SSL and the router/routes?

Without being able to explain exactly what is going on I can suggest
that you try using something like this instead of that htaccess:

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How to have 2 forms on one page for same model

2009-11-24 Thread #2Will
Hi All.

I need to have 2 forms on a page that add an item to the db using the
same model.

The trouble is,  they are setting each others validation off.

How can i isolate the forms so they still use the models validation
but only the form whos button has been clicked gets validated?

Thanks for any guidence


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retrieving contacts from an email account by php code

2009-11-24 Thread Distnie
hey could anyone tel me how to retrieve the contacts from an email
address if i have the email address and its me a way to
retrieve by the by the php code..
plz anyone help me...

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