Media Plugin

2015-01-28 Thread Kluny
I'm using David Persson's excellent Media plugin, and found an odd bug. I 
use it in a Gallery plugin, and when the gallery contains a lot of images 
(maybe 100? haven't been able to determine exactly), deletion doesn't work. 
I'll use the usual mechanism of deleting, and the image doesn't get 
deleted. In this case, that means checking a checkbox next to each 
attachment and clicking the Save and Continue button. Every checked image 
is supposed to be deleted. Works fine if there's only 10 or so images, but 
this one client has hundreds. 

There isn't much custom code in the Gallery plugin, and the Media plugin is 
pretty much stock. Any ideas? Need any more information?

Thanks, Shannon

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issues with media plugin generator behavior

2014-08-23 Thread Matthias Hollerbach
Hey guys,
I'm new to cakePHP and MVC as well so maybe I got some major design flaws 
in my attempt. Excuse my spelling as well since im not a native speaker.

*What I'm trying to do:*
I want to create a view where the user can re-crop uploaded images using 
the Jcrop Javascript lib and the 
Plugin from David Persson

All mediafiles are stored by the Attachment Model which is based of the one 
shipped with the Mediaplugin.
Other Models can use the Attachment Model to store mediafiles.

*My Attempt:*
Step 1 (*View/Attachments/admin_edit.ctp*): Gather cropdata, data will 
injected to the form via javascript
Step 2 (Controller/AttachmentsController.php)
2.1: Save attachment data
2.2: if attachment data was saved: process cropdata with use of 
2.3: redirect to attachments indexview using  
= true, 'controller' = 'attachments', 'action' = 'index'));*

My general attempt is working, so all images get croped like i want them to 
but the following redirect isn't fired, instead a weird redirect to current 
action is executed somewhere.
I narrowed it down to the *makeVersion() *method, when i comment that out, 
the attachment gets still saved and the redirect is working like it's 
supposed to.

So it seems that *makeVersion() *has some weird sideeffect.

Since i get redirected it is really hard to debug because i cannot inspect 
the request or check for errors.
I tried with using debug();exit; to narrow it further down inside of the 
makeVersion() method but i really don't get this, theres no redirects 
called anywhere inside.

For anyone still reading and interested in helping me, check out the source 

Thanks in advance for your effort!

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Re: Media PLugin

2012-07-14 Thread AppSynergy
 of the Coupler is to tightly couple the physical image 
 to the record, so if the image doesn't exist neither should the record. I 
 tend to create a separate table for attachments for this very reason. A 
 user should be allowed to exist without an image.

 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:42:11 AM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 I'm using David Persson's media plugin. I have a users table that 
 contains the fields necessary to link to an image file, but a user 
 does not have to have an image. When I include the Media.Coupler 
 behaviour in the User model User-create always fails on User-save 
 when the user does not have an image because of the beforeSave in 

 function beforeSave($Model) { 
 if (!$Model-exists()) { 
 (!isset($Model-data[$Model-alias]['file'])) { 
  --- clears down my User 
 return true; 
 } else { 

 This is unsetting the User data because the file key is missing. If I 
 comment out the unset my User-save is successful. The Media.Coupler 
 is working perfectly well for another table that hasMany images in an 
 associated table. 

 Is there a setting I need to configure or am I doing something else 

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 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:06:23 PM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 I understand what you are saying but I don't think it's the full 
 answer. It's a perfectly valid use case to have a table that has an 
 optional image in it without the need to have a separate join table. The 
 absence of the image doesn't create any garbage data; the user row is 
 valid. A bio snap for a user is good example. For the plugin to simply 
 clear the whole data array because the optional image fields aren't 
 populated is nuts. If the fields are empty simply return true and let the 
 main model get on with its work.

 Jeremy Burns
 Class Outfit
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 15:45:29, jeremyharris wrote:

 It should only unset the data if you are creating the User and it's 
 missing the 'file' key. If you are updating, you shouldn't *need* the 
 'file' key.

 That said, you can probably get away with passing an empty (or a path 
 to a default image) file key when you are creating the User using a hidden 
 field. This should allow the coupler to continue with the save. This may 
 save some empty garbage data that is probably unwanted.

 The other solution would be to detach the Coupler behavior at runtime 
 when you don't want it to force you to have an image.

 The whole point of the Coupler is to tightly couple the physical image 
 to the record, so if the image doesn't exist neither should the record. I 
 tend to create a separate table for attachments for this very reason. A 
 user should be allowed to exist without an image.

 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:42:11 AM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 I'm using David Persson's media plugin. I have a users table that 
 contains the fields necessary to link to an image file, but a user 
 does not have to have an image. When I include the Media.Coupler 
 behaviour in the User model User-create always fails on User-save 
 when the user does not have an image because of the beforeSave in 

 function beforeSave($Model) { 
 if (!$Model-exists()) { 
 (!isset($Model-data[$Model-alias]['file'])) { 
  --- clears down my User 
 return true; 
 } else { 

 This is unsetting the User data because the file key is missing. If I 
 comment out the unset my User-save is successful. The Media.Coupler 
 is working perfectly well for another table that hasMany images in an 
 associated table. 

 Is there a setting I need to configure or am I doing something else 

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Media Plugin Question - Move an existing record

2012-06-21 Thread Paul Redmond
I am using David Perssons media plugin 
1.3 environment and I have more of an advanced usage question.

Basically, I have existing model records that rely on a model field (slug) 
as part of the path to the image. Since this is a join table, the user can 
change the association to another record, making the media path invalid. 
Basically I have videos that belong to a show, and the show slug is used as 
part of the path. When users change shows (if they accidentally place the 
video in the wrong show) the dirname path is now invalid and the file is in 
the wrong place.

I am trying to figure out how/if I can use the media plugin to move the 
file from the original path, to a new path. I know how to do that using the 
beforeSave (detect change) and afterSave (move if needed) but I'd like to 
use the media plugin to make the move as it automatically handles filename 
changes (adding -2 if the file exists) and handles the paths for you.

Any thoughts?

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Deleting Media Plugin attachments

2012-05-30 Thread BarbarianGeek
I'm using Media Plugin with 2.1 is the monolithic setup (i.e. using the 
Polymorphic behavior).

For this I have a Project that hasMany Attachments.

How do I delete an attachment without deleting the project? I get errors 
when I try to use $this-Project-Attachment-find().

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Re: CakePHP (2.1) Media Plugin - Multi File Upload

2012-05-14 Thread double07
Just thought I'd post my slightly cleaner solution to this which makes
use of a modified version of the attachments element in the media
plugin. This allows you to use the attachment multiple times in a form
for when you have different groups of attachments i.e. photos, files,
videos etc. I'm no programmer, just a designer so there's probably a
better way to do it but I don't know it :)

To save me editing too much I'll just use my example of a
ProjectProfile model:


App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
class ProjectProfile extends AppModel {

var $name = 'ProjectProfile';
var $useDbConfig = 'default';
var $useTable = 'project_profiles';
var $actsAs = array('Media.Transfer',

public $belongsTo = array(
'Project' = array(
'className' = 'Project',
'foreignKey' = 'pjID'
//'conditions' = '',
//'fields' = '',
//'order' = ''

var $hasMany = array(
  'Photo' = array(
  'className' = 'Media.Attachment',
  'order' = 'Photo.basename,',
  'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
  'conditions' = array('Photo.model' = 'ProjectProfile',
'' = 'Photo'),
  'dependent' = true),
   'Attachment' = array(
  'className' = 'Media.Attachment',
  'order' = 'Attachment.basename,',
  'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
  'conditions' = array('Attachment.model' =
'ProjectProfile', '' = 'Attachment'),
  'dependent' = true)


App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
class ProjectProfilesController extends AppController {

public function admin_edit($id = null) {
$this-ProjectProfile-id = $id;
if (!$this-ProjectProfile-exists()) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid project 
if ($this-request-is('post') || $this-request-is('put')) {
//convert cakephp html5 file upload 
data array to media plugin
required format
$model = 
($this-request-data[$model]['assocAlias'] as
$assocAlias) {
  $i = 0;
($this-request-data[$model][$assocAlias.'files'] as
$file) {
$this-set($this-request-data[$assocAlias][$i]['model'] =
$this-set($this-request-data[$assocAlias][$i]['group'] =
$this-set($this-request-data[$assocAlias][$i]['file'] =
($this-ProjectProfile-saveAll($this-request-data)) {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('The project 
profile has been
$this-redirect(array('action' = 'admin_edit', 
} else {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('The project 
profile could not be
saved. Please, try again.'));
} else {
$this-request-data = 
$this-ProjectProfile-read(null, $id);
$projects = $this-ProjectProfile-Project-find('list',
array('fields' = array('Project.pjID', 'Project.pntitle')));


Then in the view/form:
div class=projectProfiles form
?php echo $this-Form-create('ProjectProfile',
legend?php echo __('Admin Edit Project Profile'); ?/legend
echo $this-Form-input('id');
echo $this-Form-input('pjID', array('label' = 'Project',
'options' = $projects));
echo $this-Form-input('description');
echo $this-Form-input('longitude');
echo $this-Form-input('latitude');
echo $this-Form-input('major', array('label' = 'Major 
//The num variable below is just used in the media
attachments element so the controller can loop through the array, so
just make sure you give each of the nums a sequential numerical order

Re: CakePHP (2.1) Media Plugin - Multi File Upload

2012-05-09 Thread double07
Well this whole project has made me realise how much I suck at Ajax/JS
etc. I ended up getting this working using cakephp's HTML5 multi file
support and converting that data array to one that the media plugin
would understand (as per Jeremy's first suggestion!).

In case anybody else is looking to do this...

In the view add to your form:
echo $this-Form-input('files.', array('type' = 'file',

So that'll allow you to select multiple files.

In the controller do something like:
$i = 0;
foreach ($this-request-data['Model']['files'] as $file) {
$this-set($this-request-data['Photo'][$i]['model'] = 'Model');
$this-set($this-request-data['Photo'][$i]['group'] = 'group');
$this-set($this-request-data['Photo'][$i]['file'] = $this-request-

Then make sure you have saveAll:
if ($this-Model-saveAll($this-request-data)) { ...

I'm going to spend some time sorting it out better and making it as
reusable as possible. This solution is good for me as it's for an
intranet site so I have control over what browser people are using.
And if the users's browser doesn't support html5 then they can still
upload, just one file at a time.

Thanks for your suggestions Jeremy.

On May 1, 11:27 pm, jeremyharris wrote:
 I don't have any templates, but I use file-uploader[1] on a currently
 active project. It doesn't require jQuery but works pretty nicely.

 It sends each upload as a separate request, so write the controller code as
 if you're receiving one file (like the media plugin examples) and you
 should be good. This method is preferred, because when javascript is
 disabled the logic in the controller doesn't need to change will still work
 (i.e., old school single upload).

 1: (doesn't seem to be maintained
 by the author but there are numerous forks)

 On Monday, April 30, 2012 8:09:33 PM UTC-7, double07 wrote:
  Hi Jeremy,

  Not having much luck with the saving manually option, do you having
  any working examples of drag and drop (jquery) I can look at?



  On Apr 17, 7:44 am, jeremyharris wrote:

   Or, instead of using the multiple option, you can try processing them
   as a single request so you don't have to change anything in your
   but rather just how the view presents it. I've used drag and drop jQuery
   plugins and the like to help with this. It's by far my favorite
   because it doesn't rely on browser specific features (such as HTML5
   multiple upload).

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Re: CakePHP (2.1) Media Plugin - Multi File Upload

2012-05-01 Thread jeremyharris
I don't have any templates, but I use file-uploader[1] on a currently 
active project. It doesn't require jQuery but works pretty nicely.

It sends each upload as a separate request, so write the controller code as 
if you're receiving one file (like the media plugin examples) and you 
should be good. This method is preferred, because when javascript is 
disabled the logic in the controller doesn't need to change will still work 
(i.e., old school single upload).

1:  (doesn't seem to be maintained 
by the author but there are numerous forks)

On Monday, April 30, 2012 8:09:33 PM UTC-7, double07 wrote:

 Hi Jeremy, 

 Not having much luck with the saving manually option, do you having 
 any working examples of drag and drop (jquery) I can look at? 



 On Apr 17, 7:44 am, jeremyharris wrote: 
  Or, instead of using the multiple option, you can try processing them 
  as a single request so you don't have to change anything in your 
  but rather just how the view presents it. I've used drag and drop jQuery 
  plugins and the like to help with this. It's by far my favorite 
  because it doesn't rely on browser specific features (such as HTML5 
  multiple upload). 

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Re: CakePHP (2.1) Media Plugin - Multi File Upload

2012-04-30 Thread double07
Hi Jeremy,

Not having much luck with the saving manually option, do you having
any working examples of drag and drop (jquery) I can look at?



On Apr 17, 7:44 am, jeremyharris wrote:

 Or, instead of using the multiple option, you can try processing them each
 as a single request so you don't have to change anything in your controller
 but rather just how the view presents it. I've used drag and drop jQuery
 plugins and the like to help with this. It's by far my favorite solution,
 because it doesn't rely on browser specific features (such as HTML5
 multiple upload).

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Re: CakePHP (2.1) Media Plugin - Multi File Upload

2012-04-24 Thread double07
Sorry I never got notified of replies for some reason, I will try this
looping method I think it could work.


On Apr 17, 7:44 am, jeremyharris wrote:
 You could try looping through the files array and saving them manually:

 foreach $_FILES['files'] as $file {
 // create data array containing fields such as a foreignKey, model, etc.
 and save them as individual records


 Or, instead of using the multiple option, you can try processing them each
 as a single request so you don't have to change anything in your controller
 but rather just how the view presents it. I've used drag and drop jQuery
 plugins and the like to help with this. It's by far my favorite solution,
 because it doesn't rely on browser specific features (such as HTML5
 multiple upload).

 On Sunday, April 15, 2012 5:42:25 PM UTC-7, double07 wrote:

  Hi All,

  I'm using the cakephp media plugin in my project using the monolithic
  style attachments table, i.e. all the attachments go in the one table
  with foreign_key, model, group etc. saved with the file details. So my
  model looks like:

  class ProjectProfile extends AppModel {

  var $name = 'ProjectProfile';
  var $useDbConfig = 'default';
  var $useTable = 'project_profiles';
  var $actsAs = array('Media.Transfer', 'Media.Generator');

  public $belongsTo = array(
      'Project' = array(
          'className' = 'Project',
          'foreignKey' = 'pjID'

  var $hasMany = array(
        'Photo' = array(
            'className' = 'Media.Attachment',
            'order' = 'Photo.basename,',
            'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
            'conditions' = array('Photo.model' = 'ProjectProfile',
  '' = 'Photo'),
            'dependent' = true)

  Then a saveAll in the controller when saving my record saves the
  attached file(s).

  This all works fine, however I'd really like to be able to upload
  multiple files at once, which the plugin does support by doing this in
  the form:

  echo $this-Form-hidden('Photo.0.model', array('value' = 'Photo'));
  echo $this-Form-input('Photo.0.file', array('type' = 'file');
  echo $this-Form-hidden('Photo.1.model', array('value' = 'Photo'));
  echo $this-Form-input('Photo.1.file', array('type' = 'file');
  echo $this-Form-hidden('Photo.2.model', array('value' = 'Photo'));
  echo $this-Form-input('Photo.2.file', array('type' = 'file');

  But I think you'd agree that's a bit cumbersome to have to click
  browse for each individual file. The simplist method I could see to to
  allow multiple file uploads was to use the HTML5 multiple file section
  option -

  echo $this-Form-input('files.', array('type' = 'file',

  This allows you to shift click in the file browser to select multiple
  files then puts the files into an array to save... however, this field
  format isn't handled by the media plugin. Also, there'd be no way to
  add the model, group etc. fields on the save as far as I could see.

  So, does anybody know how I can handle multi file uploads with the
  media plugin using the monolithic model? I'm open to all suggestions.

  Thanks in advance.

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Re: Cake Media Plugin: How to create dynamic directories

2012-04-20 Thread James Dcunha
Great!!! Thanks Jeremy.


On Thursday, April 19, 2012 6:35:28 PM UTC-4, jeremyharris wrote:

 Yes, as defined in the transferTo function in your model. Here's a sample 
 one that sticks it under a user directory and uses a UUID as the filename 
 so there aren't conflicts (so something like 

 function transferTo($via, $from) {

 $irregular = array(
 'image' = 'img',
 'text' = 'txt'
 $name = Mime_Type::guessName($mimeType ? $mimeType : $file);
 if (empty($extension)) {
 $extension = Mime_Type::guessExtension($mimeType ? $mimeType : $file);

 if (isset($irregular[$name])) {
 $short = $irregular[$name];
 } else {
 $short = substr($name, 0, 3);

 $path  = $short . DS;
 $path .= 'user' . DS; // make this as dynamic as you want
 $path .= String::uuid(); // uses a uuid as the doc name instead
 $path .= !empty($extension) ? '.' . strtolower($extension) : null;

 return $path;

 This is defined on the model that $actsAs Media.Transfer.

 On Thursday, April 19, 2012 8:49:00 AM UTC-7, James Dcunha wrote:

 Hello all,

 With cake media plugin can we configure the plugin to create dynamic 
 subdirectories dynamically inside the transfer folder without changing the 
 plugin core code.

 Example with default settings I can transfer document files to 

 Could we configure it to transfer document files 
 to WWW_ROOT/media/transfer/doc/*{subdirectory}*/test.doc


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Cake Media Plugin: How to create dynamic directories

2012-04-19 Thread James Dcunha
Hello all,

With cake media plugin can we configure the plugin to create dynamic 
subdirectories dynamically inside the transfer folder without changing the 
plugin core code.

Example with default settings I can transfer document files to 

Could we configure it to transfer document files 
to WWW_ROOT/media/transfer/doc/*{subdirectory}*/test.doc


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Re: Cake Media Plugin: How to create dynamic directories

2012-04-19 Thread jeremyharris
Yes, as defined in the transferTo function in your model. Here's a sample 
one that sticks it under a user directory and uses a UUID as the filename 
so there aren't conflicts (so something like 

function transferTo($via, $from) {

$irregular = array(
'image' = 'img',
'text' = 'txt'
$name = Mime_Type::guessName($mimeType ? $mimeType : $file);
if (empty($extension)) {
$extension = Mime_Type::guessExtension($mimeType ? $mimeType : $file);

if (isset($irregular[$name])) {
$short = $irregular[$name];
} else {
$short = substr($name, 0, 3);

$path  = $short . DS;
$path .= 'user' . DS; // make this as dynamic as you want
$path .= String::uuid(); // uses a uuid as the doc name instead
$path .= !empty($extension) ? '.' . strtolower($extension) : null;

return $path;

This is defined on the model that $actsAs Media.Transfer.

On Thursday, April 19, 2012 8:49:00 AM UTC-7, James Dcunha wrote:

 Hello all,

 With cake media plugin can we configure the plugin to create dynamic 
 subdirectories dynamically inside the transfer folder without changing the 
 plugin core code.

 Example with default settings I can transfer document files to 

 Could we configure it to transfer document files 
 to WWW_ROOT/media/transfer/doc/*{subdirectory}*/test.doc


Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
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Re: CakePHP (2.1) Media Plugin - Multi File Upload

2012-04-16 Thread Paulo de Almeida
Try MeioUpload.

2012/4/15 double07

 Hi All,

 I'm using the cakephp media plugin in my project using the monolithic
 style attachments table, i.e. all the attachments go in the one table
 with foreign_key, model, group etc. saved with the file details. So my
 model looks like:

 class ProjectProfile extends AppModel {

 var $name = 'ProjectProfile';
 var $useDbConfig = 'default';
 var $useTable = 'project_profiles';
 var $actsAs = array('Media.Transfer', 'Media.Generator');

 public $belongsTo = array(
'Project' = array(
'className' = 'Project',
'foreignKey' = 'pjID'

 var $hasMany = array(
  'Photo' = array(
  'className' = 'Media.Attachment',
  'order' = 'Photo.basename,',
  'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
  'conditions' = array('Photo.model' = 'ProjectProfile',
 '' = 'Photo'),
  'dependent' = true)

 Then a saveAll in the controller when saving my record saves the
 attached file(s).

 This all works fine, however I'd really like to be able to upload
 multiple files at once, which the plugin does support by doing this in
 the form:

 echo $this-Form-hidden('Photo.0.model', array('value' = 'Photo'));
 echo $this-Form-input('Photo.0.file', array('type' = 'file');
 echo $this-Form-hidden('Photo.1.model', array('value' = 'Photo'));
 echo $this-Form-input('Photo.1.file', array('type' = 'file');
 echo $this-Form-hidden('Photo.2.model', array('value' = 'Photo'));
 echo $this-Form-input('Photo.2.file', array('type' = 'file');

 But I think you'd agree that's a bit cumbersome to have to click
 browse for each individual file. The simplist method I could see to to
 allow multiple file uploads was to use the HTML5 multiple file section
 option -

 echo $this-Form-input('files.', array('type' = 'file',

 This allows you to shift click in the file browser to select multiple
 files then puts the files into an array to save... however, this field
 format isn't handled by the media plugin. Also, there'd be no way to
 add the model, group etc. fields on the save as far as I could see.

 So, does anybody know how I can handle multi file uploads with the
 media plugin using the monolithic model? I'm open to all suggestions.

 Thanks in advance.

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Paulo de Almeida

Linux User #494076
Ubuntu User # 28289

In a world without walls who needs windows and gates?

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Re: CakePHP (2.1) Media Plugin - Multi File Upload

2012-04-16 Thread jeremyharris
You could try looping through the files array and saving them manually:

foreach $_FILES['files'] as $file {
// create data array containing fields such as a foreignKey, model, etc. 
and save them as individual records

Or, instead of using the multiple option, you can try processing them each 
as a single request so you don't have to change anything in your controller 
but rather just how the view presents it. I've used drag and drop jQuery 
plugins and the like to help with this. It's by far my favorite solution, 
because it doesn't rely on browser specific features (such as HTML5 
multiple upload).

On Sunday, April 15, 2012 5:42:25 PM UTC-7, double07 wrote:

 Hi All, 

 I'm using the cakephp media plugin in my project using the monolithic 
 style attachments table, i.e. all the attachments go in the one table 
 with foreign_key, model, group etc. saved with the file details. So my 
 model looks like: 

 class ProjectProfile extends AppModel { 

 var $name = 'ProjectProfile'; 
 var $useDbConfig = 'default'; 
 var $useTable = 'project_profiles'; 
 var $actsAs = array('Media.Transfer', 'Media.Generator'); 

 public $belongsTo = array( 
 'Project' = array( 
 'className' = 'Project', 
 'foreignKey' = 'pjID' 

 var $hasMany = array( 
   'Photo' = array( 
   'className' = 'Media.Attachment', 
   'order' = 'Photo.basename,', 
   'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key', 
   'conditions' = array('Photo.model' = 'ProjectProfile', 
 '' = 'Photo'), 
   'dependent' = true) 

 Then a saveAll in the controller when saving my record saves the 
 attached file(s). 

 This all works fine, however I'd really like to be able to upload 
 multiple files at once, which the plugin does support by doing this in 
 the form: 

 echo $this-Form-hidden('Photo.0.model', array('value' = 'Photo')); 
 echo $this-Form-input('Photo.0.file', array('type' = 'file'); 
 echo $this-Form-hidden('Photo.1.model', array('value' = 'Photo')); 
 echo $this-Form-input('Photo.1.file', array('type' = 'file'); 
 echo $this-Form-hidden('Photo.2.model', array('value' = 'Photo')); 
 echo $this-Form-input('Photo.2.file', array('type' = 'file'); 

 But I think you'd agree that's a bit cumbersome to have to click 
 browse for each individual file. The simplist method I could see to to 
 allow multiple file uploads was to use the HTML5 multiple file section 
 option -

 echo $this-Form-input('files.', array('type' = 'file', 

 This allows you to shift click in the file browser to select multiple 
 files then puts the files into an array to save... however, this field 
 format isn't handled by the media plugin. Also, there'd be no way to 
 add the model, group etc. fields on the save as far as I could see. 

 So, does anybody know how I can handle multi file uploads with the 
 media plugin using the monolithic model? I'm open to all suggestions. 

 Thanks in advance. 

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CakePHP (2.1) Media Plugin - Multi File Upload

2012-04-15 Thread double07
Hi All,

I'm using the cakephp media plugin in my project using the monolithic
style attachments table, i.e. all the attachments go in the one table
with foreign_key, model, group etc. saved with the file details. So my
model looks like:

class ProjectProfile extends AppModel {

var $name = 'ProjectProfile';
var $useDbConfig = 'default';
var $useTable = 'project_profiles';
var $actsAs = array('Media.Transfer', 'Media.Generator');

public $belongsTo = array(
'Project' = array(
'className' = 'Project',
'foreignKey' = 'pjID'

var $hasMany = array(
  'Photo' = array(
  'className' = 'Media.Attachment',
  'order' = 'Photo.basename,',
  'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
  'conditions' = array('Photo.model' = 'ProjectProfile',
'' = 'Photo'),
  'dependent' = true)

Then a saveAll in the controller when saving my record saves the
attached file(s).

This all works fine, however I'd really like to be able to upload
multiple files at once, which the plugin does support by doing this in
the form:

echo $this-Form-hidden('Photo.0.model', array('value' = 'Photo'));
echo $this-Form-input('Photo.0.file', array('type' = 'file');
echo $this-Form-hidden('Photo.1.model', array('value' = 'Photo'));
echo $this-Form-input('Photo.1.file', array('type' = 'file');
echo $this-Form-hidden('Photo.2.model', array('value' = 'Photo'));
echo $this-Form-input('Photo.2.file', array('type' = 'file');

But I think you'd agree that's a bit cumbersome to have to click
browse for each individual file. The simplist method I could see to to
allow multiple file uploads was to use the HTML5 multiple file section
option -

echo $this-Form-input('files.', array('type' = 'file',

This allows you to shift click in the file browser to select multiple
files then puts the files into an array to save... however, this field
format isn't handled by the media plugin. Also, there'd be no way to
add the model, group etc. fields on the save as far as I could see.

So, does anybody know how I can handle multi file uploads with the
media plugin using the monolithic model? I'm open to all suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

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Cake Media Plugin: How to enable .docx files for upload and retrieve errors if upload fails

2012-04-12 Thread James Dcunha
Hello all,

I am using CakePHP 1.3 and Cake Media plugin 

With the default setting I am able to upload images and pdf. I tried to 
upload a .docx file and I am not able to upload it. 

Following is the validate rule in my Document model


 class Document extends AppModel {

 var $name = 'Document';

 //media plugin behaviors

 var $actsAs = array(





   var $validate = array(

 'file' = array(

 'mimeType' = array(

 'rule' = array('checkMimeType', false, array ( 




 'size' = array(

 'rule' = array('checkSize' , '120M')





 I tried adding the extension values in my validate array but it did not 
work either. 

Let me know if I am missing something.

Another question how do I retrieve the errors for failing to upload from 
the media plugin in my controller. Would   $errors = 
$this-Document-invalidFields(); work?


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Media Plugin begginer problems....

2012-03-16 Thread avairet

I'm trying to use David Person's Media Plugin with an hasMany association 
and it doesn't work...
My environment:
- Win XP
- CakePHP 1.3.14
- PHP 5.3.8
- Media Plugin 1.3

Media plugin is in my App/plugins directory.
In my config/boostrap.php, I have: require 
I've created a model called Attachment, with a database table 
attachmentes defined like that:

In Attachement Model, I've defined the behavior like that:
public $actsAs = array('Media.Transfer','Media.Coupler').

In a Apartment Model, I've defined an hasMany association like that:
public $hasMany = array('Photo' = array(
'className' = 'Media.Attachment',
'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
'dependent' = true,
'conditions' = array('Photo.model' = 'Apartment'),

In a Apartment edit view I've my form defined like that:
?php echo 
?php echo $this-Form-input(''); ?
?php echo 
$this-Form-hidden('Attachment.0.model',array('value'='Apartment')); ?
?php echo $this-Form-end(__('Save',true)); ?

And finally, in my edit_photos method, I make a saveAll() like that:
$this-Apartment-saveAll($this-data, array('validate' = 'first'));

When I submit a valid file (a real jpg image), the saveAll return true, but 
no file is uploaded in webroot/media/transfer/img directory and there is 
no record saved in my attachments table...

I've tried to define an belongsTo association with Apartment in Attachment 
model, no success.
I've tried to just using Media.Tranfer, no success.
What I miss?!

thanks by advance for any help.

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MD5 file warning with Media Plugin

2012-03-01 Thread Nif
Hi there,

I am trying to use the Media plugin for Cake 2.0 (
bmcclure/CakePHP-Media-Plugin) and all appears to be working except
that I am getting the warning below on 2 of my view pages. I have
searched high and low for answers, but am not finding anything.

Warning (2): md5_file(C:\xampp\htdocs\client\v4\app\webroot\media\)
[function.md5-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[CORE\Cake\Utility\File.php, line 374]

Has anyone else used this plugin and if so, has anyone ever
experienced this issue?

Any advice or help will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: MD5 file warning with Media Plugin

2012-03-01 Thread AD7six

On Thursday, 1 March 2012 11:07:34 UTC+1, Nif wrote:

 Hi there, 

 I am trying to use the Media plugin for Cake 2.0 ( 
 and all appears to be working except 
 that I am getting the warning below on 2 of my view pages. I have 
 searched high and low for answers, but am not finding anything. 

 Warning (2): md5_file(C:\xampp\htdocs\client\v4\app\webroot\media\) 
 [function.md5-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory 
 [CORE\Cake\Utility\File.php, line 374] 

On Thursday, 1 March 2012 11:07:34 UTC+1, Nif wrote:

 Hi there, 

 I am trying to use the Media plugin for Cake 2.0 ( 
 and all appears to be working except 
 that I am getting the warning below on 2 of my view pages. I have 
 searched high and low for answers, but am not finding anything. 

 Warning (2): md5_file(C:\xampp\htdocs\client\v4\app\webroot\media\) 
 [function.md5-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory 
 [CORE\Cake\Utility\File.php, line 374] 

 Has anyone else used this plugin and if so, has anyone ever 
 experienced this issue? 

 Any advice or help will be much appreciated. 

Debug why you are passing a folder path to md5_file.


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support regarding cakephp 2.0 media plugin

2012-03-01 Thread DHANUSH R L
Im a beginner and asked to do a form for batch upload of images and so
I'm trying hard to understand the concept,
i found few online and all were pretty old, means they were cakephp

I would be very thankful, if any one could help me with a detailed
tutorial on batch upload of images.

Regards  Thanks

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Re: Media PLugin

2012-02-29 Thread jeremyharris
I probably didn't take your reply the right way. Hopefully I wasn't too 
harsh myself.

Anyway, hopefully you'll get a response from David soon. Did you ever get 
to try out passing an empty 'file' key in the form (i.e., a hidden field)? 
That way, the key would exist and the Coupler wouldn't unset the data. I 
don't think this is a very elegant solution either, but I was curious if 
you tried it out.

On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 8:41:39 PM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 Gosh my reply sounded harsh on you Jeremy - that wasn't my intention. 
 We've commented out the line that unsets the data and it *all seems fine*, 
 which also feels dirty. The user records are saving correctly, we can 
 subsequently add images to user records and all other dedicated image 
 tables that use the coupler are functioning too. I did reach out to David 
 yesterday, hoping to learn more from him so that we can implement this 
 properly and will report back.

 Jeremy Burns
 Class Outfit
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 21:15:25, jeremyharris wrote:

 I didn't say I agreed with how it worked, I was just explaining what I 
 think the author's intended use case was. The question was if you were 
 missing a setting or doing anything wrong. You weren't, so I just threw out 
 some ideas based on how the Coupler works. Feel free to take it up with the 
 author or create a Coupler that works for you.

 I'm glad that an empty image doesn't create garbage data, that thought was 
 based off of what the Coupler does down the road (check the file and 
 populate dirname and basename).

 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:06:23 PM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 I understand what you are saying but I don't think it's the full answer. 
 It's a perfectly valid use case to have a table that has an optional image 
 in it without the need to have a separate join table. The absence of the 
 image doesn't create any garbage data; the user row is still valid. A bio 
 snap for a user is good example. For the plugin to simply clear the whole 
 data array because the optional image fields aren't populated is nuts. If 
 the fields are empty simply return true and let the main model get on with 
 its work.

 Jeremy Burns
 Class Outfit
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 15:45:29, jeremyharris wrote:

 It should only unset the data if you are creating the User and it's 
 missing the 'file' key. If you are updating, you shouldn't *need* the 
 'file' key.

 That said, you can probably get away with passing an empty (or a path to 
 a default image) file key when you are creating the User using a hidden 
 field. This should allow the coupler to continue with the save. This may 
 save some empty garbage data that is probably unwanted.

 The other solution would be to detach the Coupler behavior at runtime 
 when you don't want it to force you to have an image.

 The whole point of the Coupler is to tightly couple the physical image to 
 the record, so if the image doesn't exist neither should the record. I tend 
 to create a separate table for attachments for this very reason. A user 
 should be allowed to exist without an image.

 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:42:11 AM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 I'm using David Persson's media plugin. I have a users table that 
 contains the fields necessary to link to an image file, but a user 
 does not have to have an image. When I include the Media.Coupler 
 behaviour in the User model User-create always fails on User-save 
 when the user does not have an image because of the beforeSave in 

 function beforeSave($Model) { 
 if (!$Model-exists()) { 
 if (!isset($Model-data[$Model-alias]['file'])) 
  --- clears down my User 
 return true; 
 } else { 

 This is unsetting the User data because the file key is missing. If I 
 comment out the unset my User-save is successful. The Media.Coupler 
 is working perfectly well for another table that hasMany images in an 
 associated table. 

 Is there a setting I need to configure or am I doing something else 

 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help 
 others with their CakePHP related questions.
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 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:06:23 PM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 I understand what you are saying but I don't think it's the full answer. 
 It's a perfectly valid use case to have a table that has an optional image 
 in it without the need to have a separate join table. The absence of the 
 image doesn't create any garbage data

Re: Media PLugin

2012-02-29 Thread Keith Gorman | Class Outfit
I tried it earlier by adding the following to the end of the beforeSave() in 
our Users model:

if (!isset($this-data['User']['file'])) {
$this-data['User']['file'] = null;

But when I tested it I discovered that the beforeSave() in the Media Coupler 
was firing before the beforeSave() in our Users model, so it was too late to 
add the empty 'file' key to the array as the 'User' had already been unset by 
the Coupler. I've therefore had to roll the change back and go back to the 
drawing board for now.

Keith Gorman
Class Outfit

On 29 Feb 2012, at 15:21, jeremyharris wrote:

I probably didn't take your reply the right way. Hopefully I wasn't too harsh 

Anyway, hopefully you'll get a response from David soon. Did you ever get to 
try out passing an empty 'file' key in the form (i.e., a hidden field)? That 
way, the key would exist and the Coupler wouldn't unset the data. I don't think 
this is a very elegant solution either, but I was curious if you tried it out.

On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 8:41:39 PM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:
Gosh my reply sounded harsh on you Jeremy - that wasn't my intention. We've 
commented out the line that unsets the data and it *all seems fine*, which also 
feels dirty. The user records are saving correctly, we can subsequently add 
images to user records and all other dedicated image tables that use the 
coupler are functioning too. I did reach out to David yesterday, hoping to 
learn more from him so that we can implement this properly and will report back.

Jeremy Burns
Class Outfit

On 28 Feb 2012, at 21:15:25, jeremyharris wrote:

 I didn't say I agreed with how it worked, I was just explaining what I think 
 the author's intended use case was. The question was if you were missing a 
 setting or doing anything wrong. You weren't, so I just threw out some ideas 
 based on how the Coupler works. Feel free to take it up with the author or 
 create a Coupler that works for you.
 I'm glad that an empty image doesn't create garbage data, that thought was 
 based off of what the Coupler does down the road (check the file and populate 
 dirname and basename).
 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:06:23 PM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:
 I understand what you are saying but I don't think it's the full answer. It's 
 a perfectly valid use case to have a table that has an optional image in it 
 without the need to have a separate join table. The absence of the image 
 doesn't create any garbage data; the user row is still valid. A bio snap for 
 a user is good example. For the plugin to simply clear the whole data array 
 because the optional image fields aren't populated is nuts. If the fields are 
 empty simply return true and let the main model get on with its work.
 Jeremy Burns
 Class Outfit
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 15:45:29, jeremyharris wrote:
 It should only unset the data if you are creating the User and it's missing 
 the 'file' key. If you are updating, you shouldn't *need* the 'file' key.
 That said, you can probably get away with passing an empty (or a path to a 
 default image) file key when you are creating the User using a hidden field. 
 This should allow the coupler to continue with the save. This may save some 
 empty garbage data that is probably unwanted.
 The other solution would be to detach the Coupler behavior at runtime when 
 you don't want it to force you to have an image.
 The whole point of the Coupler is to tightly couple the physical image to 
 the record, so if the image doesn't exist neither should the record. I tend 
 to create a separate table for attachments for this very reason. A user 
 should be allowed to exist without an image.
 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:42:11 AM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:
 I'm using David Persson's media plugin. I have a users table that 
 contains the fields necessary to link to an image file, but a user 
 does not have to have an image. When I include the Media.Coupler 
 behaviour in the User model User-create always fails on User-save 
 when the user does not have an image because of the beforeSave in 
 function beforeSave($Model) { 
 if (!$Model-exists()) { 
 if (!isset($Model-data[$Model-alias]['file'])) { 
  unset($Model-data[$Model-alias]);  --- 
 clears down my User 
 return true; 
 } else { 
 This is unsetting the User data because the file key is missing. If I 
 comment out the unset my User-save is successful. The Media.Coupler 
 is working perfectly well for another table that hasMany images in an 
 associated table. 
 Is there a setting I need to configure or am I doing something else 
 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video

Re: Media PLugin

2012-02-29 Thread jeremyharris
What about setting an empty hidden field in the view, like

echo $this-Form-hidden('Model.file', array('value' = ''));

I'd probably be more prone to just copy and paste the Coupler to my own 
behaviors and modify it, or create a new small behavior that is just 
dedicated to this task.

On Wednesday, February 29, 2012 7:49:01 AM UTC-8, 

 I tried it earlier by adding the following to the end of the beforeSave() 
 in our Users model:

 if (!isset($this-data['User']['file'])) { $this-data['User']['file'] = 
 null; }

 But when I tested it I discovered that the beforeSave() in the Media 
 Coupler was firing before the beforeSave() in our Users model, so it was 
 too late to add the empty 'file' key to the array as the 'User' had already 
 been unset by the Coupler. I've therefore had to roll the change back and 
 go back to the drawing board for now.

 Keith Gorman
 *Class Outfit*

 On 29 Feb 2012, at 15:21, jeremyharris wrote:

 I probably didn't take your reply the right way. Hopefully I wasn't too 
 harsh myself.

 Anyway, hopefully you'll get a response from David soon. Did you ever get 
 to try out passing an empty 'file' key in the form (i.e., a hidden field)? 
 That way, the key would exist and the Coupler wouldn't unset the data. I 
 don't think this is a very elegant solution either, but I was curious if 
 you tried it out.

 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 8:41:39 PM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 Gosh my reply sounded harsh on you Jeremy - that wasn't my intention. 
 We've commented out the line that unsets the data and it *all seems fine*, 
 which also feels dirty. The user records are saving correctly, we can 
 subsequently add images to user records and all other dedicated image 
 tables that use the coupler are functioning too. I did reach out to David 
 yesterday, hoping to learn more from him so that we can implement this 
 properly and will report back.

 Jeremy Burns
 Class Outfit
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 21:15:25, jeremyharris wrote:

 I didn't say I agreed with how it worked, I was just explaining what I 
 think the author's intended use case was. The question was if you were 
 missing a setting or doing anything wrong. You weren't, so I just threw out 
 some ideas based on how the Coupler works. Feel free to take it up with the 
 author or create a Coupler that works for you.

 I'm glad that an empty image doesn't create garbage data, that thought 
 was based off of what the Coupler does down the road (check the file and 
 populate dirname and basename).

 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:06:23 PM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 I understand what you are saying but I don't think it's the full answer. 
 It's a perfectly valid use case to have a table that has an optional image 
 in it without the need to have a separate join table. The absence of the 
 image doesn't create any garbage data; the user row is still valid. A bio 
 snap for a user is good example. For the plugin to simply clear the whole 
 data array because the optional image fields aren't populated is nuts. If 
 the fields are empty simply return true and let the main model get on with 
 its work.

 Jeremy Burns
 Class Outfit
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 15:45:29, jeremyharris wrote:

 It should only unset the data if you are creating the User and it's 
 missing the 'file' key. If you are updating, you shouldn't *need* the 
 'file' key.

 That said, you can probably get away with passing an empty (or a path to 
 a default image) file key when you are creating the User using a hidden 
 field. This should allow the coupler to continue with the save. This may 
 save some empty garbage data that is probably unwanted.

 The other solution would be to detach the Coupler behavior at runtime 
 when you don't want it to force you to have an image.

 The whole point of the Coupler is to tightly couple the physical image 
 to the record, so if the image doesn't exist neither should the record. I 
 tend to create a separate table for attachments for this very reason. A 
 user should be allowed to exist without an image.

 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:42:11 AM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 I'm using David Persson's media plugin. I have a users table that 
 contains the fields necessary to link to an image file, but a user 
 does not have to have an image. When I include the Media.Coupler 
 behaviour in the User model User-create always fails on User-save 
 when the user does not have an image because of the beforeSave in 

 function beforeSave($Model) { 
 if (!$Model-exists()) { 
 (!isset($Model-data[$Model-alias]['file'])) { 
  --- clears down my User 
 return true; 
 } else

Re: Media Plugin - Getting Started

2012-02-29 Thread nathan
Hi to all, 
I'm trying to handle with video files, but with no luck. 
I'm working on this stuff 
var $validate = array(
'file' = array(
'resource'   = array('rule' = 'checkResource'),
'access' = array('rule' = 'checkAccess'),
'location'   = array('rule' = array('checkLocation', array(
'extension'  = array('rule' = array('checkExtension', false, array(
'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'tif', 'tiff', 'gif', 'pdf', 'tmp','avi','mpeg'
'mimeType'   = array('rule' = array('checkMimeType', false, array(
'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/tiff', 'image/gif', 

Il giorno mercoledì 7 luglio 2010 04:26:16 UTC+2, dbme ha scritto:

 Awesome! So what is your directory structure (step 3)? 

 Is it 




 Also, did the styles still get served properly after step 5 
 (protecting the transfer directory)? 

 I would love to see how you made it work! Would you mind posting an 
 example or emailing me the relevant code? 
 If I can get it working I think it would be great to add this as a 
 full-on tutorial in the wiki. 

 Thank you!! 

 On Jul 6, 6:11 pm, randy wrote: 
  So glad to see someone else is taking a crack at this... 
  Thanks to your post i was able to make a bit of headway...when i set 
  this up the first time I had troubles with getting things right in my 
  bootstrap.php file. However, i had a fairly easy time with other parts 
  of this, namely the actual file-upload and metadata fields. 
  I just set this up again using your instructions for bootstrap.php, 
  and with just a few more adjustments I have it uploading files to the 
  transfer directory and spitting out copies of the original, in 
  different sizes. 
  There are just two more things that I want to get working...I'd like 
  to use the Media Helper to pull in my uploaded images, and, most 
  importantly, I'd like to get the file-renaming functionality working 
  so that users don't overwrite each others files. This also makes it 
  tough to guess filenames if people go fishing for the uploaded images. 
  I am running this on a cake 1.3 setup in case anyone was wondering. 
  On Jul 5, 1:30 pm, dbme wrote: 
   I'm just getting started with CakePHP and also David Persson's Media 
   plugin ( I've got my app 
   but I'm having a difficult time getting the Media plugin working. I 
   figured I'd start this thread so I could A.) get it working and B.) 
   create a reference for beginners like me. 
   Here's what I've done so far (following the README and Configuration 
   wiki - Steps 
   marked with a * didn't go as documented :( 
   1. Download and extract the files to /path/to/your/app/plugins/media 
   2. Include the Media plugin config file in the /path/to/your/app/ 
   define ( 'MEDIA_TRANSFER', APP . 'transfer' . DS); 
   define ( 'MEDIA_TRANSFER_URL', false); 
   require APP . 'plugins/media/config/core.php'; 
   * 3. Create the directory structure using the console 
   cd  /path/to/your/app/ 
   ../cake/console/cake media init 
   The Configuration wiki says that there should be a static, filter, and 
   transfer directory under the webroot/media/ directory but the command 
   above will put the transfer directory under the app directory. Not 
   sure if this is how it should be or if I did something wrong. 
   * 4. Copy/move/collect the media into the new location 
   ../cake/console/cake media collect 
   But this results in a bunch of errors :( 
   Media Shell 
   PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in 
   app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 119 
   Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/app/ 
   plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 119 
   PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: pluginVendorPaths in /var/www/ 
   portfolio/app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 
   Notice: Undefined variable: pluginVendorPaths in /path/to/your/app/ 
   plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130 
   PHP Warning:  array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /path/to/ 
   your/app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130 
   Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /path/to/your/ 
   app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130 
   PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach

Media PLugin

2012-02-28 Thread Jeremy Burns
I'm using David Persson's media plugin. I have a users table that
contains the fields necessary to link to an image file, but a user
does not have to have an image. When I include the Media.Coupler
behaviour in the User model User-create always fails on User-save
when the user does not have an image because of the beforeSave in

function beforeSave($Model) {
if (!$Model-exists()) {
if (!isset($Model-data[$Model-alias]['file'])) {
unset($Model-data[$Model-alias]);  --- 
clears down my User
return true;
} else {

This is unsetting the User data because the file key is missing. If I
comment out the unset my User-save is successful. The Media.Coupler
is working perfectly well for another table that hasMany images in an
associated table.

Is there a setting I need to configure or am I doing something else

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Re: Media PLugin

2012-02-28 Thread jeremyharris
It should only unset the data if you are creating the User and it's missing 
the 'file' key. If you are updating, you shouldn't *need* the 'file' key.

That said, you can probably get away with passing an empty (or a path to a 
default image) file key when you are creating the User using a hidden 
field. This should allow the coupler to continue with the save. This may 
save some empty garbage data that is probably unwanted.

The other solution would be to detach the Coupler behavior at runtime when 
you don't want it to force you to have an image.

The whole point of the Coupler is to tightly couple the physical image to 
the record, so if the image doesn't exist neither should the record. I tend 
to create a separate table for attachments for this very reason. A user 
should be allowed to exist without an image.

On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:42:11 AM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 I'm using David Persson's media plugin. I have a users table that 
 contains the fields necessary to link to an image file, but a user 
 does not have to have an image. When I include the Media.Coupler 
 behaviour in the User model User-create always fails on User-save 
 when the user does not have an image because of the beforeSave in 

 function beforeSave($Model) { 
 if (!$Model-exists()) { 
 if (!isset($Model-data[$Model-alias]['file'])) { 
  --- clears down my User 
 return true; 
 } else { 

 This is unsetting the User data because the file key is missing. If I 
 comment out the unset my User-save is successful. The Media.Coupler 
 is working perfectly well for another table that hasMany images in an 
 associated table. 

 Is there a setting I need to configure or am I doing something else 

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with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Media PLugin

2012-02-28 Thread Jeremy Burns | Class Outfit
I understand what you are saying but I don't think it's the full answer. It's a 
perfectly valid use case to have a table that has an optional image in it 
without the need to have a separate join table. The absence of the image 
doesn't create any garbage data; the user row is still valid. A bio snap for a 
user is good example. For the plugin to simply clear the whole data array 
because the optional image fields aren't populated is nuts. If the fields are 
empty simply return true and let the main model get on with its work.

Jeremy Burns
Class Outfit

On 28 Feb 2012, at 15:45:29, jeremyharris wrote:

 It should only unset the data if you are creating the User and it's missing 
 the 'file' key. If you are updating, you shouldn't *need* the 'file' key.
 That said, you can probably get away with passing an empty (or a path to a 
 default image) file key when you are creating the User using a hidden field. 
 This should allow the coupler to continue with the save. This may save some 
 empty garbage data that is probably unwanted.
 The other solution would be to detach the Coupler behavior at runtime when 
 you don't want it to force you to have an image.
 The whole point of the Coupler is to tightly couple the physical image to the 
 record, so if the image doesn't exist neither should the record. I tend to 
 create a separate table for attachments for this very reason. A user should 
 be allowed to exist without an image.
 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:42:11 AM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:
 I'm using David Persson's media plugin. I have a users table that 
 contains the fields necessary to link to an image file, but a user 
 does not have to have an image. When I include the Media.Coupler 
 behaviour in the User model User-create always fails on User-save 
 when the user does not have an image because of the beforeSave in 
 function beforeSave($Model) { 
 if (!$Model-exists()) { 
 if (!isset($Model-data[$Model-alias]['file'])) { 
  unset($Model-data[$Model-alias]);  --- 
 clears down my User 
 return true; 
 } else { 
 This is unsetting the User data because the file key is missing. If I 
 comment out the unset my User-save is successful. The Media.Coupler 
 is working perfectly well for another table that hasMany images in an 
 associated table. 
 Is there a setting I need to configure or am I doing something else 
 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help 
 others with their CakePHP related questions.
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Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Media PLugin

2012-02-28 Thread jeremyharris
I didn't say I agreed with how it worked, I was just explaining what I 
think the author's intended use case was. The question was if you were 
missing a setting or doing anything wrong. You weren't, so I just threw out 
some ideas based on how the Coupler works. Feel free to take it up with the 
author or create a Coupler that works for you.

I'm glad that an empty image doesn't create garbage data, that thought was 
based off of what the Coupler does down the road (check the file and 
populate dirname and basename).

On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:06:23 PM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 I understand what you are saying but I don't think it's the full answer. 
 It's a perfectly valid use case to have a table that has an optional image 
 in it without the need to have a separate join table. The absence of the 
 image doesn't create any garbage data; the user row is still valid. A bio 
 snap for a user is good example. For the plugin to simply clear the whole 
 data array because the optional image fields aren't populated is nuts. If 
 the fields are empty simply return true and let the main model get on with 
 its work.

 Jeremy Burns
 Class Outfit
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 15:45:29, jeremyharris wrote:

 It should only unset the data if you are creating the User and it's 
 missing the 'file' key. If you are updating, you shouldn't *need* the 
 'file' key.

 That said, you can probably get away with passing an empty (or a path to a 
 default image) file key when you are creating the User using a hidden 
 field. This should allow the coupler to continue with the save. This may 
 save some empty garbage data that is probably unwanted.

 The other solution would be to detach the Coupler behavior at runtime when 
 you don't want it to force you to have an image.

 The whole point of the Coupler is to tightly couple the physical image to 
 the record, so if the image doesn't exist neither should the record. I tend 
 to create a separate table for attachments for this very reason. A user 
 should be allowed to exist without an image.

 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:42:11 AM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 I'm using David Persson's media plugin. I have a users table that 
 contains the fields necessary to link to an image file, but a user 
 does not have to have an image. When I include the Media.Coupler 
 behaviour in the User model User-create always fails on User-save 
 when the user does not have an image because of the beforeSave in 

 function beforeSave($Model) { 
 if (!$Model-exists()) { 
 if (!isset($Model-data[$Model-alias]['file'])) 
  --- clears down my User 
 return true; 
 } else { 

 This is unsetting the User data because the file key is missing. If I 
 comment out the unset my User-save is successful. The Media.Coupler 
 is working perfectly well for another table that hasMany images in an 
 associated table. 

 Is there a setting I need to configure or am I doing something else 

 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help 
 others with their CakePHP related questions.
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On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:06:23 PM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 I understand what you are saying but I don't think it's the full answer. 
 It's a perfectly valid use case to have a table that has an optional image 
 in it without the need to have a separate join table. The absence of the 
 image doesn't create any garbage data; the user row is still valid. A bio 
 snap for a user is good example. For the plugin to simply clear the whole 
 data array because the optional image fields aren't populated is nuts. If 
 the fields are empty simply return true and let the main model get on with 
 its work.

 Jeremy Burns
 Class Outfit
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 15:45:29, jeremyharris wrote:

 It should only unset the data if you are creating the User and it's 
 missing the 'file' key. If you are updating, you shouldn't *need* the 
 'file' key.

 That said, you can probably get away with passing an empty (or a path to a 
 default image) file key when you are creating the User using a hidden 
 field. This should allow the coupler to continue with the save. This may 
 save some empty garbage data that is probably unwanted.

 The other solution would be to detach the Coupler behavior at runtime when 
 you don't want it to force you to have an image.

 The whole point of the Coupler is to tightly couple the physical image to 
 the record, so if the image doesn't exist

Re: Media PLugin

2012-02-28 Thread Jeremy Burns | Class Outfit
Gosh my reply sounded harsh on you Jeremy - that wasn't my intention. We've 
commented out the line that unsets the data and it *all seems fine*, which also 
feels dirty. The user records are saving correctly, we can subsequently add 
images to user records and all other dedicated image tables that use the 
coupler are functioning too. I did reach out to David yesterday, hoping to 
learn more from him so that we can implement this properly and will report back.

Jeremy Burns
Class Outfit

On 28 Feb 2012, at 21:15:25, jeremyharris wrote:

 I didn't say I agreed with how it worked, I was just explaining what I think 
 the author's intended use case was. The question was if you were missing a 
 setting or doing anything wrong. You weren't, so I just threw out some ideas 
 based on how the Coupler works. Feel free to take it up with the author or 
 create a Coupler that works for you.
 I'm glad that an empty image doesn't create garbage data, that thought was 
 based off of what the Coupler does down the road (check the file and populate 
 dirname and basename).
 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:06:23 PM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:
 I understand what you are saying but I don't think it's the full answer. It's 
 a perfectly valid use case to have a table that has an optional image in it 
 without the need to have a separate join table. The absence of the image 
 doesn't create any garbage data; the user row is still valid. A bio snap for 
 a user is good example. For the plugin to simply clear the whole data array 
 because the optional image fields aren't populated is nuts. If the fields are 
 empty simply return true and let the main model get on with its work.
 Jeremy Burns
 Class Outfit
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 15:45:29, jeremyharris wrote:
 It should only unset the data if you are creating the User and it's missing 
 the 'file' key. If you are updating, you shouldn't *need* the 'file' key.
 That said, you can probably get away with passing an empty (or a path to a 
 default image) file key when you are creating the User using a hidden field. 
 This should allow the coupler to continue with the save. This may save some 
 empty garbage data that is probably unwanted.
 The other solution would be to detach the Coupler behavior at runtime when 
 you don't want it to force you to have an image.
 The whole point of the Coupler is to tightly couple the physical image to 
 the record, so if the image doesn't exist neither should the record. I tend 
 to create a separate table for attachments for this very reason. A user 
 should be allowed to exist without an image.
 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:42:11 AM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:
 I'm using David Persson's media plugin. I have a users table that 
 contains the fields necessary to link to an image file, but a user 
 does not have to have an image. When I include the Media.Coupler 
 behaviour in the User model User-create always fails on User-save 
 when the user does not have an image because of the beforeSave in 
 function beforeSave($Model) { 
 if (!$Model-exists()) { 
 if (!isset($Model-data[$Model-alias]['file'])) { 
  unset($Model-data[$Model-alias]);  --- 
 clears down my User 
 return true; 
 } else { 
 This is unsetting the User data because the file key is missing. If I 
 comment out the unset my User-save is successful. The Media.Coupler 
 is working perfectly well for another table that hasMany images in an 
 associated table. 
 Is there a setting I need to configure or am I doing something else 
 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help 
 others with their CakePHP related questions.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
 On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:06:23 PM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:
 I understand what you are saying but I don't think it's the full answer. It's 
 a perfectly valid use case to have a table that has an optional image in it 
 without the need to have a separate join table. The absence of the image 
 doesn't create any garbage data; the user row is still valid. A bio snap for 
 a user is good example. For the plugin to simply clear the whole data array 
 because the optional image fields aren't populated is nuts. If the fields are 
 empty simply return true and let the main model get on with its work.
 Jeremy Burns
 Class Outfit
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 15:45:29, jeremyharris wrote:
 It should only unset the data if you are creating the User and it's missing 
 the 'file' key. If you

Re: Media Plugin of David Persson is for cake 1.3 and for cake 2.0?

2012-02-23 Thread Rodrigo Rodrigues Moyle
Have you tried this plugin:

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Media Plugin of David Persson is for cake 1.3 and for cake 2.0?

2012-02-22 Thread byqsri
I would open a discussion between all developers that use cakephp.
I think that a frequent problem in development is the File Upload.
For Cake 1.3 exists the fantastic Media Plugin of David Persson that
for me is it the best plugin about File Upload.
But Media Plugin of David Persson hasn't a version for Cake 2.0.
My question is : Which is the best plugin to use in Cake 2.0 to manage
File Upload?
Many Thanks

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Re: Media Plugin of David Persson is for cake 1.3 and for cake 2.0?

2012-02-22 Thread Stephen Speakman
It may be an idea to make changes to the media plugin for 2.x and  
share it if lisences arent an issue. I'm still on 1.3 for now but it  
would be nice to contribute.

Sent from my iPhone

On 22 Feb 2012, at 17:01, byqsri wrote:

I would open a discussion between all developers that use cakephp.
I think that a frequent problem in development is the File Upload.
For Cake 1.3 exists the fantastic Media Plugin of David Persson that
for me is it the best plugin about File Upload.
But Media Plugin of David Persson hasn't a version for Cake 2.0.
My question is : Which is the best plugin to use in Cake 2.0 to manage
File Upload?
Many Thanks

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and  
help others with their CakePHP related questions.

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group at

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Media Plugin of David Persson is for cake 1.3 and for cake 2.0?

2012-02-22 Thread jeremyharris

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David Persson Media Plugin on IIS 7

2012-02-06 Thread John Emmanuel
I am trying to get the plugin to work on IIS 7. I have set the correct
permissions to the media folder under webroot. However I am getting a
404 when i try to access uploaded images. Server logs show a 200
status. I am a newbie to cake and media plugin. Could somebody tell me
what the problem could be.

thank you.

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Re: David Persson Media Plugin on IIS 7

2012-02-06 Thread jeremyharris
If you used the media shell to protect your files, it *could* be why. Check 
for an .htaccess file under /webroot/media.

If not, we'll need more information. Can you get to them locally? Did you 
check to make sure they are uploaded correctly? Were the permissions you 
set recursive?

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Re: David Persson Media Plugin on IIS 7

2012-02-06 Thread John Emmanuel
Hi Jeremy,

Thank you very much for you reply.
I have not protected the media folders (no htaccess in media folder).
Also Godaddy is the hosting provider and I am tied to IIS. I had
already removed 'recursive permissions' from parent for the media,
transfer and filter folder (and subfolders) and checked. 404 persists
(even though I see a 200 in the IIS logs).

I am unable to think further. Really need help here.

Thanks very much again.


On Feb 6, 8:15 pm, jeremyharris wrote:
 If you used the media shell to protect your files, it *could* be why. Check
 for an .htaccess file under /webroot/media.

 If not, we'll need more information. Can you get to them locally? Did you
 check to make sure they are uploaded correctly? Were the permissions you
 set recursive?

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Re: David Persson Media Plugin on IIS 7

2012-02-06 Thread jeremyharris
If the 404 isn't being sent by the server, it's probably being sent by 
Cake. Turn on debug to see what errors cake generates, or look at the debug 
log (/tmp/logs/debug.log). Any clues in there?

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Re: David Persson Media Plugin on IIS 7

2012-02-06 Thread John Emmanuel
Hi Jeremy,

Nothing in the app debug logs. However I looked at the IIS server logs. All
requests to the uploaded images are being routed through index.php. I have
used the rewrite rules from here -

I am not sure if I understand this right but I think that based on
'Redirect static resources' rule requests to images must just pass through.
However I see that they are going through index.php.

Here's the web.config -

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
rule name=Redirect static resources
match url=^(ico|img|css|files|js)(.*)$/
action type=Rewrite url=app/webroot/{R:1}{R:2}
rule name=Imported Rule 1 stopProcessing=true
match url=^(.*)$ ignoreCase=false/
conditions logicalGrouping=MatchAll
matchType=IsDirectory negate=true/
add input={REQUEST_FILENAME} matchType=IsFile
action type=Rewrite url=index.php?url={R:1}
rule name=Imported Rule 2 stopProcessing=true
match url=^$ ignoreCase=false/
action type=Rewrite url=//
rule name=Imported Rule 3 stopProcessing=true
match url=(.*) ignoreCase=false/
action type=Rewrite url=/{R:1}/
rule name=Imported Rule 4 stopProcessing=true
match url=^(.*)$ ignoreCase=false/
conditions logicalGrouping=MatchAll
matchType=IsDirectory negate=true/
add input={REQUEST_FILENAME} matchType=IsFile
action type=Rewrite url=index.php?url={R:1}
!--urlCompression doStaticCompression=false/--

Please do let me know if there is any change I must make in this file.

thanks again very much.


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CakePHP Media Plugin of David Persson and CDN

2012-01-30 Thread byqsri
I use the fantastic Media Plugin of David Persson.
For now I have all my uploaded files in the same server
I would ask if someone uses this plugin with some CDN and how use it
with CDN?
Many Thanks

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Re: CakePHP Media Plugin of David Persson and CDN

2012-01-30 Thread jeremyharris
Add a behavior that has an afterSave and afterDelete that take care of it 
(or attach those actions to your model).

Here's a helper function to get a list of files based on your filters set 
(hardcoded for images, but you can adapt it to use whatever types you 
want). Once you have that list of files, you can move them to your CDN or 
remove them if they were deleted.

function _getFiles($model, $id = null) {
if (!$id) {
return array();

$result = $model-read(null, $id);

// get all including filtered
$files = array();
$files[] = array(
'path' = $result[$model-alias]['file'],
$result[$model-alias]['dirname'] . '/' . $result[$model-alias]['basename']
$extension = Mime_Type::guessExtension($files[0]['path']);
$filters = Configure::read('Media.filter.image');
foreach ($filters as $size = $filter) {
if (isset($filter['convert'])) {
$newextension = 
} else {
$newextension = $extension;
$newbasename = str_replace($extension, $newextension, 
$path = MEDIA_FILTER . $size . DS . 
$result[$model-alias]['dirname'] . DS . $newbasename;
$url = MEDIA_FILTER_URL . $size . '/' . 
$result[$model-alias]['dirname'] . '/'. $newbasename;
$files[] = compact('path', 'url');

return $files;

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CakePHP Media Plugin quality of image

2011-11-28 Thread byqsri
I'm using Media Plugin of David Persson (
davidpersson/media) and it is very very useful.
I would ask a question that I can't resolve.
My question is that when I do a filtering (fitInside) of an upload

   Configure::write('Media.filter.image', array(
   's'   = array('convert' = 'image/jpeg',
'fitInside' = array(124, 81))

I note that the quality of the filtered image is not good I would ask
if there is a method to improve the quality.
Many Thanks

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Re: David Persson Media Plugin - Batch Image Upload

2011-11-10 Thread BenJsno
Whithout flash, you can use jQuery fileuploader plugin :

On 9 nov, 07:28, Shinya Koizumi wrote:
 I wouldn't use flash ( I just can't ignore iOS ) , but I would use this 

 On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 9:25 PM, Greg Skerman wrote:
  to upload multiple files, there is a flash gadget which can be used called

  here is a demo showing a classic multi-select file browser:

  Its not a complete media plugin, you'll need to either write a back end or
  massage an existing back end into service.

  On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:10 AM, BigZee wrote:

  I have been using the media plugin for quite some time on multiple
  sites. I absolutely love it and it has always worked well for any
  application I might need it on. However I have run into a situation
  and would like to use this plugin, but cannot seem to find any
  resources concerning this. I did find one post that said it was
  possible, but that was about all.

  So I'm working on an auction site and the user needs to be able to
  upload, say 50, images per auction. I'm sure given a single field
  upload you could see how big of a pain this would be. So what I would
  like to know, is there a way that the Media plugin can handle batch
  uploading of multiple images at once?


  Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
  Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd help
  others with their CakePHP related questions.

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  Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
  Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd help
  others with their CakePHP related questions.

  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

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David Persson Media Plugin - Batch Image Upload

2011-11-08 Thread BigZee
I have been using the media plugin for quite some time on multiple
sites. I absolutely love it and it has always worked well for any
application I might need it on. However I have run into a situation
and would like to use this plugin, but cannot seem to find any
resources concerning this. I did find one post that said it was
possible, but that was about all.

So I'm working on an auction site and the user needs to be able to
upload, say 50, images per auction. I'm sure given a single field
upload you could see how big of a pain this would be. So what I would
like to know, is there a way that the Media plugin can handle batch
uploading of multiple images at once?


Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
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with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: David Persson Media Plugin - Batch Image Upload

2011-11-08 Thread Greg Skerman
to upload multiple files, there is a flash gadget which can be used called

here is a demo showing a classic multi-select file browser:

Its not a complete media plugin, you'll need to either write a back end or
massage an existing back end into service.

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:10 AM, BigZee wrote:

 I have been using the media plugin for quite some time on multiple
 sites. I absolutely love it and it has always worked well for any
 application I might need it on. However I have run into a situation
 and would like to use this plugin, but cannot seem to find any
 resources concerning this. I did find one post that said it was
 possible, but that was about all.

 So I'm working on an auction site and the user needs to be able to
 upload, say 50, images per auction. I'm sure given a single field
 upload you could see how big of a pain this would be. So what I would
 like to know, is there a way that the Media plugin can handle batch
 uploading of multiple images at once?


 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: David Persson Media Plugin - Batch Image Upload

2011-11-08 Thread Shinya Koizumi
I wouldn't use flash ( I just can't ignore iOS ) , but I would use this one

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 9:25 PM, Greg Skerman wrote:

 to upload multiple files, there is a flash gadget which can be used called

 here is a demo showing a classic multi-select file browser:

 Its not a complete media plugin, you'll need to either write a back end or
 massage an existing back end into service.

 On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:10 AM, BigZee wrote:

 I have been using the media plugin for quite some time on multiple
 sites. I absolutely love it and it has always worked well for any
 application I might need it on. However I have run into a situation
 and would like to use this plugin, but cannot seem to find any
 resources concerning this. I did find one post that said it was
 possible, but that was about all.

 So I'm working on an auction site and the user needs to be able to
 upload, say 50, images per auction. I'm sure given a single field
 upload you could see how big of a pain this would be. So what I would
 like to know, is there a way that the Media plugin can handle batch
 uploading of multiple images at once?


 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
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 others with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Plupload and Media Plugin

2011-11-07 Thread Mo
Hey thanksfor your reply. I might not have expressed myself clearly
enough (sorry). My problem is using a standard html form upload field
leads to a browser timeout (javascript to keep it alive?). also some
kind of visual feedback would be great to ensure the user the upload
is still being processed. I hope it became clearer what my problem is.
I played a bit with uploadify yesterday but I'm not convinced by the
use of flash. Better ideas?

On Nov 7, 6:20 am, Zaky Katalan-Ezra wrote:
 it is not ideal to handle big uploads
 Why is that?
 What is your problem?
 I am using the plugin and have no problems with large files.
 Did you set php properly?

 On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Mo wrote:

  I need the ability to upload large (up to 100MB) files. Up to now I
  have the David Persson's Media Plugin integrated however it is not
  ideal to handle big uploads. Is there a way to integrate Pulpload (or
  something similar) to work with the Media plugin and Cakephp? Has
  anyone of you done this already?


  Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
  Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd help
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 Zaky Katalan-Ezra

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Plupload and Media Plugin

2011-11-06 Thread Mo

I need the ability to upload large (up to 100MB) files. Up to now I
have the David Persson's Media Plugin integrated however it is not
ideal to handle big uploads. Is there a way to integrate Pulpload (or
something similar) to work with the Media plugin and Cakephp? Has
anyone of you done this already?


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Re: Plupload and Media Plugin

2011-11-06 Thread Zaky Katalan-Ezra
it is not ideal to handle big uploads
Why is that?
What is your problem?
I am using the plugin and have no problems with large files.
Did you set php properly?

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Mo wrote:


 I need the ability to upload large (up to 100MB) files. Up to now I
 have the David Persson's Media Plugin integrated however it is not
 ideal to handle big uploads. Is there a way to integrate Pulpload (or
 something similar) to work with the Media plugin and Cakephp? Has
 anyone of you done this already?


 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

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Zaky Katalan-Ezra
QA Administrator

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Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

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Can't Get Media Plugin to Work with Nested Models

2011-10-03 Thread Mark
I have been using the Media Plugin by David Persson and I think it's
great and has saved me a lot of time.  I started out with an Invoice
model that hasMany Attachments and everything worked well.  I then
added Materials to my invoice and tried added Attachments to a
specific material associated with the Invoice.  The extra attachment
is read at the server and saved, but it is saved with the invoice_id,
not the specific material item on that invoice.  Here is my data array
as it arrives at the server, via my iPhone app.

[Invoice] = Array
[project_id] = 2
[invoice_date] = 2011/10/01
[is_approved] = 1
[InvoicedMaterial] = Array
[0] = Array
[description] = Diesel Fuel
[amount] = 20
[unit_of_measure] = Gallons
[Attachment] = Array
[0] = Array
[model] = InvoicedMaterial
[alternative] = Diesel Fuel
[file] = Array
[name] = Diesel Fuel
[type] = image/jpeg
[tmp_name] = /tmp/phpP7Qy7k
[error] = 0
[size] = 901352

[1] = Array
[model] = Invoice
[alternative] = Signature
[file] = Array
[name] = 023C1C3D-B63F-442E-87DE-
[type] = image/png
[tmp_name] = /tmp/phpkhczsG
[error] = 0
[size] = 5953

[InvoicedLabor] = Array
[0] = Array
[description] = Construction Foreman
[amount] = 10
[unit_of_measure] = hrs


My models are setup as follows:

var $hasMany = array(
'InvoicedEquipment' = array(
'className' = 'InvoicedEquipment',
'foreignKey' = 'invoice_id',
'dependent' = false,
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = '',
'limit' = '',
'offset' = '',
'exclusive' = '',
'finderQuery' = '',
'counterQuery' = ''
'InvoicedLabor' = array(
'className' = 'InvoicedLabor',
'foreignKey' = 'invoice_id',
'dependent' = false,
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = '',
'limit' = '',
'offset' = '',
'exclusive' = '',
'finderQuery' = '',
'counterQuery' = ''
'InvoicedMaterial' = array(
'className' = 'InvoicedMaterial',
'foreignKey' = 'invoice_id',
'dependent' = false,
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = '',
'limit' = '',
'offset' = '',
'exclusive' = '',
'finderQuery' = '',
'counterQuery' = ''
'Attachment' = array(
'className' = 'Media.Attachment',
'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
'conditions' = array('Attachment.model' = 'Invoice'),
'dependent' = true,


var $hasMany = array(
  'Attachment' = array(
  'className' = 'Media.Attachment',
  'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
  'conditions' = array('Attachment.model' =
  'dependent' = true,

I'm passing all of the attachments as one array, based on the plugin
recipes documentation, but that doesn't seem right.  Can the media
plugin handle a nested form being posted and figure out which
attachment should be associated with which model?

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Having Trouble with Media Plugin and a Nested Model HTTP Post

2011-10-03 Thread Mark Fruhling
I have been using the Media Plugin by David Persson and I think it's
great and has saved me a lot of time.  I started out with an Invoice
model that hasMany Attachments and everything worked well.  I then
added Materials to my invoice and tried added Attachments to a
specific material associated with the Invoice.  The extra attachment
is read at the server and saved, but it is saved with the invoice_id,
not the specific material item on that invoice.  Here is my data array
as it arrives at the server, via my iPhone app.

[Invoice] = Array
   [project_id] = 2
   [invoice_date] = 2011/10/01
   [is_approved] = 1
   [InvoicedMaterial] = Array
   [0] = Array
   [description] = Diesel Fuel
   [amount] = 20
   [unit_of_measure] = Gallons
   [Attachment] = Array
   [0] = Array
   [model] = InvoicedMaterial
   [alternative] = Diesel Fuel
   [file] = Array
   [name] = Diesel Fuel
   [type] = image/jpeg
   [tmp_name] = /tmp/phpP7Qy7k
   [error] = 0
   [size] = 901352

   [1] = Array
   [model] = Invoice
   [alternative] = Signature
   [file] = Array
   [name] = 023C1C3D-B63F-442E-87DE-
   [type] = image/png
   [tmp_name] = /tmp/phpkhczsG
   [error] = 0
   [size] = 5953

   [InvoicedLabor] = Array
   [0] = Array
   [description] = Construction Foreman
   [amount] = 10
   [unit_of_measure] = hrs


My models are setup as follows:

   var $hasMany = array(
   'InvoicedEquipment' = array(
   'className' = 'InvoicedEquipment',
   'foreignKey' = 'invoice_id',
   'dependent' = false,
   'conditions' = '',
   'fields' = '',
   'order' = '',
   'limit' = '',
   'offset' = '',
   'exclusive' = '',
   'finderQuery' = '',
   'counterQuery' = ''
   'InvoicedLabor' = array(
   'className' = 'InvoicedLabor',
   'foreignKey' = 'invoice_id',
   'dependent' = false,
   'conditions' = '',
   'fields' = '',
   'order' = '',
   'limit' = '',
   'offset' = '',
   'exclusive' = '',
   'finderQuery' = '',
   'counterQuery' = ''
   'InvoicedMaterial' = array(
   'className' = 'InvoicedMaterial',
   'foreignKey' = 'invoice_id',
   'dependent' = false,
   'conditions' = '',
   'fields' = '',
   'order' = '',
   'limit' = '',
   'offset' = '',
   'exclusive' = '',
   'finderQuery' = '',
   'counterQuery' = ''
   'Attachment' = array(
   'className' = 'Media.Attachment',
   'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
   'conditions' = array('Attachment.model' = 'Invoice'),
   'dependent' = true,


var $hasMany = array(
 'Attachment' = array(
 'className' = 'Media.Attachment',
 'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
 'conditions' = array('Attachment.model' =
 'dependent' = true,

I'm passing all of the attachments as one array, based on the plugin
recipes documentation, but that doesn't seem right.  Can the media
plugin handle a nested form being posted and figure out which
attachment should be associated with which model?

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David Persson Media Plugin - data to different database fields

2011-09-30 Thread Constantin.FF
Hello, I just installed David Persson Media Plugin to use it with Ajax
The tutorial from here:

But my database have different field names. And I would like to save
some more information, not only the dirname and basename.
How to view what other information about the uploaded file i can save
into the database and how to change the field names in which the
information is written.
Because of using ajax uploader i dont know how to pr($this-data) when
uploading the file.

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David Perssons Media Plugin - does it work at all on windows

2011-09-23 Thread barricades
Hi there, I'm new to cakephp and trying to install Media Plugin in my
test app. By all accounts media plugin is the best plugin of it's
kind, the problem I have is I'm developing on my localhost on a
windows machine.

I get stuck when I get to doing the:
cake media init
chmod -R a+rwX app/webroot/media/{transfar,filter}

Where I just get an error: php fatal error: call to undefined method

Now, when I did some googling I discovered that there are quite a
number of possible issues with windows. I'm only wanting to upload a
photo and save a couple of sizes of it. Nothing too complex. But I'm
worried about knocking something together myself because (a) I don't
know enuf probably (b) at least with media plugin I know there's
validation and best practice etc etc.

My questions are:

what exactly are the problems with it and windows (I've seen the big
list but it means nothing to me) or at least, will they affect me with
what I want to do?

I'm not completely sure but I think that chmod thing I typed into the
console above makes a couple of folders and sets permissions, can
anyone tell me in english the manual way to do this so I can by pass
the error I was getting

Any help would be gratefully received :)

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Re: Media plugin and user plugin

2011-09-18 Thread WebbedIT
It would be mch better if you tried to debug why it is causing the
user record not to save.  My questions where the first steps in trying
to do that.

HTH, Paul

On Sep 17, 6:51 pm, Zaky Katalan-Ezra wrote:
 I didn't change register action at all.
 I just added the Media behaviors to user model $actsAs.
 Its working perfectly in other controllers.

 Anyway I found a solution:
 I needed the media plugin in order to upload the user profile image.
 I removed the 'Media.Coupler' from the user model $actsAs
 and add this code at user controller upload_image action:

 public function upload_image() {

 But it means that I can't add image_file field to registration form.
 After the user registered and verified his account he should enter his
 profile page and add an image.

 I should try using the media plugin on a clean solution to decide where is
 the problem

 On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 12:34 PM, WebbedIT wrote:
  More information required ...

  - have you echoed $this-data on submit to see what data there is
  - how are you calling save in the controller?
  - have you looked at the sql dump to see what Cake is trying?

  HTH, Paul

  On Sep 15, 11:11 am, ZAky wrote:
   adding media plugin, 'Media.Coupler', behavior to users plugin model
   prevent creating new user.
   I want to save the profile image path in users table.
   Any suggestions?

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Re: Media plugin and user plugin

2011-09-17 Thread Zaky Katalan-Ezra
I didn't change register action at all.
I just added the Media behaviors to user model $actsAs.
Its working perfectly in other controllers.

Anyway I found a solution:
I needed the media plugin in order to upload the user profile image.
I removed the 'Media.Coupler' from the user model $actsAs
and add this code at user controller upload_image action:

public function upload_image() {

But it means that I can't add image_file field to registration form.
After the user registered and verified his account he should enter his
profile page and add an image.

I should try using the media plugin on a clean solution to decide where is
the problem

On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 12:34 PM, WebbedIT wrote:

 More information required ...

 - have you echoed $this-data on submit to see what data there is
 - how are you calling save in the controller?
 - have you looked at the sql dump to see what Cake is trying?

 HTH, Paul

 On Sep 15, 11:11 am, ZAky wrote:
  adding media plugin, 'Media.Coupler', behavior to users plugin model
  prevent creating new user.
  I want to save the profile image path in users table.
  Any suggestions?

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Re: Media plugin and user plugin

2011-09-16 Thread WebbedIT
More information required ...

- have you echoed $this-data on submit to see what data there is
- how are you calling save in the controller?
- have you looked at the sql dump to see what Cake is trying?

HTH, Paul

On Sep 15, 11:11 am, ZAky wrote:
 adding media plugin, 'Media.Coupler', behavior to users plugin model
 prevent creating new user.
 I want to save the profile image path in users table.
 Any suggestions?

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Re: Media plugin transferTo

2011-09-16 Thread BenJsno
You can maybe do it manualy : don't use Media.Transfer
But i don't know if you can use Media transfert methods in your
controller after saving the post.
something like that :

function add() {

if ($this-Post-save($this-data)) {
$dirname = 
$this-Post-saveField('dirname', $dirname);

// transfert

} else {
// Error


The simplest would be to let Media plugin transfert in Media folder,
the path would be store in DB with dirname and basename.

On 14 sep, 12:43, Zaky Katalan-Ezra wrote:
 Thank you

 Media plugin some how bind to the save function.
 So How do I tell the media plugin not to run after save and run only when I
 have the post_id?

 On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 11:47 AM, BenJsno wrote:
  You have to save your post before upload the file.
  in your Post_controller :

         function add() {
                 if (!empty($this-data)) {

                         if ($this-Post-save($this-data)) {
                                 $new_id = $this-Post-id
                                 // you can maybe put this data temporarily
  in the session
                         } else {


  Hope this helps you

  On 13 sep, 13:24, ZAky wrote:
   I save my posts files under /files/[user_id]/[post_id]/[image].
   This mean I need to know the just seved post id in Post-transfer_to.
   How do I achieve that?

   Thank you

  Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
  Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd help
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 Zaky Katalan-Ezra

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

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Media plugin and user plugin

2011-09-15 Thread ZAky
adding media plugin, 'Media.Coupler', behavior to users plugin model
prevent creating new user.
I want to save the profile image path in users table.
Any suggestions?

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Re: Media plugin transferTo

2011-09-14 Thread BenJsno
You have to save your post before upload the file.
in your Post_controller :

function add() {
if (!empty($this-data)) {

if ($this-Post-save($this-data)) {
$new_id = $this-Post-id
// you can maybe put this data temporarily in 
the session
} else {


Hope this helps you

On 13 sep, 13:24, ZAky wrote:
 I save my posts files under /files/[user_id]/[post_id]/[image].
 This mean I need to know the just seved post id in Post-transfer_to.
 How do I achieve that?

 Thank you

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Re: Media plugin transferTo

2011-09-14 Thread Zaky Katalan-Ezra
Thank you

Media plugin some how bind to the save function.
So How do I tell the media plugin not to run after save and run only when I
have the post_id?

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 11:47 AM, BenJsno wrote:

 You have to save your post before upload the file.
 in your Post_controller :

function add() {
if (!empty($this-data)) {

if ($this-Post-save($this-data)) {
$new_id = $this-Post-id
// you can maybe put this data temporarily
 in the session
} else {


 Hope this helps you

 On 13 sep, 13:24, ZAky wrote:
  I save my posts files under /files/[user_id]/[post_id]/[image].
  This mean I need to know the just seved post id in Post-transfer_to.
  How do I achieve that?
  Thank you

 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
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Zaky Katalan-Ezra
QA Administrator

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

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Media plugin transferTo

2011-09-13 Thread ZAky
I save my posts files under /files/[user_id]/[post_id]/[image].
This mean I need to know the just seved post id in Post-transfer_to.
How do I achieve that?

Thank you

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Re: Media Plugin Tutorial

2011-08-24 Thread Ben McClure
Here's a simple tutorial to help get you started:


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Media Plugin Tutorial

2011-08-23 Thread 8vius
Anyone know where I can find a tutorial for David Persson's Media
Plugin Tutorial? Documentations seems scarce and questions here are
all relating to issues with the plugin, there doesn't seem to be a
starting point.

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Re: David Persson Media Plugin and saveAll

2011-08-03 Thread theclansman
Hi Michal,

I run into the same problem and finally found that I had to remove the
'Media.Coupler' from the $actAs array.

Hope that works for you too!


On Jul 8, 10:42 pm, michalmalinowski
 Hey, I have the same problem as 

 I am able to edit record with attachment, change attachment, change
 user data etc. But I can not create new record in the 'user' model. I
 tried different options:
 -disabled validator
 -check what will be saved in beforeSave()
 -check database queries
             [11] = Array
                     [query] = START TRANSACTION
                     [error] =
                     [affected] = 0
                     [numRows] =
                     [took] = 0

             [12] = Array
                     [query] = COMMIT
                     [error] =
                     [affected] = 0
                     [numRows] =
                     [took] = 0
 that is all..

 With every option that I tried my $this-data['User'] will be empty in
 the beforeSave(), but it's not in controller. When I'm trying 
 if($this-User-saveAll($this-data, 'validate' = 'first')) script always

 returns true, but nothing will be saved.

 Can anyone please advise with that? At least in which direction we can
 do research etc.


Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
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David Persson Media Plugin and saveAll

2011-07-08 Thread michalmalinowski
Hey, I have the same problem as Brad

I am able to edit record with attachment, change attachment, change
user data etc. But I can not create new record in the 'user' model. I
tried different options:
-disabled validator
-check what will be saved in beforeSave()
-check database queries
[11] = Array
[error] =
[affected] = 0
[numRows] =
[took] = 0

[12] = Array
[query] = COMMIT
[error] =
[affected] = 0
[numRows] =
[took] = 0
that is all..

With every option that I tried my $this-data['User'] will be empty in
the beforeSave(), but it's not in controller. When I'm trying if($this-
User-saveAll($this-data, 'validate' = 'first')) script always
returns true, but nothing will be saved.

Can anyone please advise with that? At least in which direction we can
do research etc.


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media plugin filter configuration multiple issue

2011-05-29 Thread crazyDavid
hi, i am using media plugin 1.3 alpha in cakephp 1.3. I need to upload
files from 2 different models with different sizes. But there is only
one Filter configuration for the plugin. Is there a way around it so i
can use the plugin to generate different file sizes for different

thanks in advance!


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Re: media plugin filter configuration multiple issue

2011-05-29 Thread crazyDavid
well.. i guess i solved the problem.
for anyone else who is facing a similar one, the solution is to copy
the configuration in the model file itself

On May 29, 11:17 pm, crazyDavid wrote:
 hi, i am using media plugin 1.3 alpha in cakephp 1.3. I need to upload
 files from 2 different models with different sizes. But there is only
 one Filter configuration for the plugin. Is there a way around it so i
 can use the plugin to generate different file sizes for different

 thanks in advance!


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how to embed image in david persson's media plugin

2011-05-29 Thread crazyDavid
I'm using Media Plugin 1.3 beta with CakPHP 1.3. I've successfully
uploaded the images with the plugin. But how do i use the Media helper
to embed the image file uploaded in the view??? plz help!


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David Persson's Media Plugin

2011-05-04 Thread Stefan Schlesinger
Hello Folks,

I'm working on my first project with cakephp and I ran into an issue
when trying to
implement file uploads:

1) I'm trying to use the media plugin for my application. I'm having
problems to apply
the polymorphic behavior to the model. Here are my models and the


When I upload a new file, its saved correctly into the attachments
table, but without
the foreign_key or the model fields being set.

2) I tried as well to manually add this fields by extending $this-
data in my controller,
but I end up with a broken string in my database.

Here is the controller with the manually specified model and

and the field if its read by the Artist view:

Regards, Stefan.

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Re: David Persson - Media Plugin - Handing .docx and .xlsx uploads

2011-04-28 Thread
As to be expected, work's like a charm!

Many thanks David for the fix and the plugin.


On Apr 27, 11:55 pm, David Persson wrote:

 I think this commit will fix the issues with the mapping between MIME-type

 The fix has also been already propagated to the media plugin. In case it
 doesn't work for you please open an issue 
 or there

 - David

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Re: David Persson - Media Plugin - Handing .docx and .xlsx uploads

2011-04-27 Thread
Likewise Ryan, it hasn't really held me up making this app, just one
of those niggles.

Cricket - I have obviously googled the issue, and there are different
MIME types for the later Office Doc types, and I am sure there is a
way to fix the plugin to handle this issue. Thereason for my sparse
explanation is that I know the author checks the group fairly
regularly and figured if there was a 'quick fix' he'd know about it.
The Media Plugin is an excellent example of a pluign and quite
complicated, I would much rather implement an 'official' fix than dive
in and start hacking it around myself. That said, if there isn't and
the 'niggle' becomes to annoying then obviously I will.

On Apr 27, 2:52 am, Ryan Snowden wrote:
 Same here - My docx go through to 'gen', but the MIME type is recognised by
 the plugin correctly. I didn't see it as a problem though as I can still get
 the file :)

 On 27 April 2011 01:58, cricket wrote:

  What have you done to debug the problem? What's different about these
  files? MIME type maybe? What does google say about these files and
  their MIME? How might the solutions you find online be used with Cake?

  On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 9:23 AM, wrote:

   On Mar 22, 12:13 pm,
   Hi there,

   Has anyone got any idea how to get the Media Plugin to recognise
   Office 2007 files correctly?

   I can upload old .doc files fine and they get put in the 'doc' folder,
   and don't fail the mime validation rule, but it really doesn't
   like .docxfiles..

   Any suggestions?


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   Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd help
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  Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
  Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd help
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Aw: Re: David Persson - Media Plugin - Handing .docx and .xlsx uploads

2011-04-27 Thread David Persson

I think this commit will fix the issues with the mapping between MIME-type 
and name.

The fix has also been already propagated to the media plugin. In case it 
doesn't work for you please open an issue here:
or there

- David

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with their CakePHP related questions.

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David Persson Media Plugin

2011-04-27 Thread bradmaxs
More than one of my apps are doing this so I am very confused. I am
using Show hasMany Attachment. I try and create a new record and it
uploads and resizes the image and saves the record to my Attachment
model without a foreign_key but with the correct model (Show).

However, it does NOT save the main record in my Show model. The flash
says the record has been saved but it hasn't. If I EDIT a preexisting
record, the image is uploaded, resized and saved to the Attachment db
with the foreign_key.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I would really like to be able
to use this plugin as it looks amazing but can't figure this one
hurdle out.

Thank you.


var $actsAs = array(
'Sluggable'  = array('overwrite' = 'true'),

var $hasMany = array(
'Attachment' = array(
'className' = 'Media.Attachment',
'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
'dependent' = true,
'conditions' = array('Attachment.model' = 'Show')


function admin_add() {
if (!empty($this-data)) {
if ($this-Show-saveAll($this-data, array('validate' 
'first'))) {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('The show has been 
saved', true));
$this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));
} else {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('The show could not 
be saved. Please,
try again.', true));
$users = $this-Show-User-find('list', array(
'conditions' = array('User.group_id' = array('1', 
'fields' = array('User.username'),
'order' = array('User.username' = 'asc')

function admin_edit($id = null) {
if (!$id  empty($this-data)) {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('Invalid show', true));
$this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));
if (!empty($this-data)) {
if ($this-Show-saveAll($this-data, array('validate' 
'first'))) {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('The show has been 
saved', true));
$this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));
} else {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('The show could not 
be saved. Please,
try again.', true));
if (empty($this-data)) {
$this-data = $this-Show-read(null, $id);
$users = $this-Show-User-find('list', array(
'conditions' = array('User.group_id' = array('1', 
'fields' = array('User.username'),
'order' = array('User.username' = 'asc')


?php echo $this-Form-create('Show', array('enctype' = 'multipart/
legend?php __('Admin Add Show'); ?/legend
echo $this-Form-input('user_id', array('empty' = true));
echo $this-Form-input('title');
echo $this-Form-input('description');
echo $this-element('attachments', array('plugin' = 'media'));
echo $this-Form-input('tags', array('type' = 'text'));
?php echo $this-Form-end(__('Submit', true));?

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Re: David Persson - Media Plugin - Handing .docx and .xlsx uploads

2011-04-26 Thread

On Mar 22, 12:13 pm,
 Hi there,

 Has anyone got any idea how to get the Media Plugin to recognise
 Office 2007 files correctly?

 I can upload old .doc files fine and they get put in the 'doc' folder,
 and don't fail the mime validation rule, but it really doesn't
 like .docxfiles..

 Any suggestions?


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with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: David Persson - Media Plugin - Handing .docx and .xlsx uploads

2011-04-26 Thread cricket
What have you done to debug the problem? What's different about these
files? MIME type maybe? What does google say about these files and
their MIME? How might the solutions you find online be used with Cake?

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 9:23 AM, wrote:

 On Mar 22, 12:13 pm,
 Hi there,

 Has anyone got any idea how to get the Media Plugin to recognise
 Office 2007 files correctly?

 I can upload old .doc files fine and they get put in the 'doc' folder,
 and don't fail the mime validation rule, but it really doesn't
 like .docxfiles..

 Any suggestions?


 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help 
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: David Persson - Media Plugin - Handing .docx and .xlsx uploads

2011-04-26 Thread Ryan Snowden
Same here - My docx go through to 'gen', but the MIME type is recognised by
the plugin correctly. I didn't see it as a problem though as I can still get
the file :)

On 27 April 2011 01:58, cricket wrote:

 What have you done to debug the problem? What's different about these
 files? MIME type maybe? What does google say about these files and
 their MIME? How might the solutions you find online be used with Cake?

 On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 9:23 AM, wrote:
  On Mar 22, 12:13 pm,
  Hi there,
  Has anyone got any idea how to get the Media Plugin to recognise
  Office 2007 files correctly?
  I can upload old .doc files fine and they get put in the 'doc' folder,
  and don't fail the mime validation rule, but it really doesn't
  like .docxfiles..
  Any suggestions?
  Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
  Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group

 Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
 Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
 others with their CakePHP related questions.

 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group

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Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Media Plugin — Trouble with filtered files

2011-04-25 Thread skimmas

Ups, my bad. Should have been

Configure::write('Media.filter.image.s', array(

On Apr 25, 1:47 am, skimmas wrote:
 in my config/core.php I added

 require APP . 'plugins/media/config/core.php';

 Configure::write('Media.filter.document.s', array(
      'convert' = 'image/jpeg',  'compress' = 1.5, 'fit' =
 array(100, 100)

 Yet the media plugin is still generating a png image.

 Do you guys have any ideia what's going on.

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Media Plugin — Trouble with filtered files

2011-04-24 Thread skimmas
in my config/core.php I added

require APP . 'plugins/media/config/core.php';

Configure::write('Media.filter.document.s', array(
 'convert' = 'image/jpeg',  'compress' = 1.5, 'fit' =
array(100, 100)

Yet the media plugin is still generating a png image.

Do you guys have any ideia what's going on.

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Re: tiny question on Media plugin and CouplerBehavior

2011-04-12 Thread BenJsno
I would like to use Coupler behavior for the beforeDelete method and
the afterFind method, but finaly I don't use Coupler Behaviors
anymore, because i don't give a file in my form. Maybe that's why the
Model::exists() returns false, i don't know...
I modified the Mediafiles Model's beforeDelete method to delete all
files (Transfert and filters)

app/models/mediafile.php :
class Mediafile extends AppModel{
var $name = Mediafile;

//media plugin behaviors
var $actsAs = array(
'Media.Generator' = array(
'baseDirectory' = MEDIA_TRANSFER,
'filterDirectory' = MEDIA_FILTER,
'createDirectory' = true,
'overwrite' = true

//file validation which only allowed jpeg and png to be uploaded
var $validate = array(
'file' = array(
'mimeType' = array(
'rule' = array('checkMimeType', false, array( 


var $belongsTo = array(
'User' = array(
'className' = 'User',
'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = ''
'Homeslide' = array(
'className' = 'Homeslide',
'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = ''

// delete transfert and filters files
public function beforeDelete($cascade = true) {
if (!$cascade) {
return true;

$result = $this-find('first', array(
'conditions' = array($this-primaryKey = $this-id),
'fields' = array('dirname', 'basename'),
'recursive'  = -1
if (empty($result)) {
return false;

$fileT .= $result[$this-alias]['dirname'];
$fileT .= DS . $result[$this-alias]['basename'];
$FileT = new File($fileT);
if (!$FileT-delete()) {
return false;

$pattern  = MEDIA_FILTER . */;
$pattern .= $result[$this-alias]['dirname'] . '/';
$pattern .= pathinfo($result[$this-alias]['basename'],

$files = glob({$pattern}.*);

$name = Mime_Type::guessName($result[$this-alias]
$versions = array_keys(Configure::read('Media.filter.' .

if (count($files)  count($versions)) {
$message  = 'MediaFile::beforeDelete - ';
$message .= Pattern `{$pattern}` matched more than number
of versions. ;
$message .= Failing deletion of versions and record for
CakeLog::write('warning', $message);
return false;

foreach ($files as $file) {
$File = new File($file);

if (!$File-delete()) {
return false;
return true;



On 5 avr, 10:59, David Persson wrote:

 The coupler behavior's beforeSave method looks like it is doing too much
 having too many sideeffects. I'll take a look at it and see if I can reduce
 those to a mininum. Will get back and post the results than.

 - David

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with their CakePHP related questions.

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Media Plugin + MM + image generated with an other extension than image transfered

2011-04-12 Thread BenJsno
I have an other problem with media plugin.
when I upload a jpeg file with .jpeg extension, in my DB i have, for
exemple, picture.jpeg in the basename field.
But the Generator Behavior make filter versions with .jpg extension.
So i don't have a correct path for filter versions.

I have no conversion in the bootstrap.
How can i configure the file extensions to have the same extension
than the uploaded file?
is it GD who choose the extension?
I would like upload .jpg and .jpeg file.

in my config/bootstrap.php :

require APP . 'plugins' . DS . 'media' . DS . 'config' . DS .

$org = array('fitInside' = array(900, 900));
$small = array('fitCrop' = array(75, 75));
$medium = array('fitCrop' = array(300, 300));
$large = array('fitCrop' = array(900, 300));

Configure::write('Media.filter', array(
'audio' =  array(),
'document' =  array(),
'generic' = array(),
'image' = compact('small', 'medium', 'large', 'org'),
'video' = array()


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Re: tiny question on Media plugin and CouplerBehavior

2011-04-11 Thread BenJsno
In fact, i don't need to use make method in my add fonction.
I just saw it enough to have dirname and basename for Generator
Behavior makes the versions.
Anyway, i think the real problem is why $Model-exists() return false
in BeforeSave method in Coupler Behavior
Is it normal? Am I missing something

my new app/model/mediafile.php :

class Mediafile extends AppModel{
var $name = Mediafile;

//media plugin behaviors
var $actsAs = array(
'Media.Coupler' = array(
'baseDirectory' = MEDIA_TRANSFER,
'filterDirectory' = MEDIA_FILTER
'Media.Generator' = array(
'baseDirectory' = MEDIA_TRANSFER,
'filterDirectory' = MEDIA_FILTER,
'createDirectory' = true,
'overwrite' = true

//file validation which only allowed jpeg and png to be uploaded
var $validate = array(
'file' = array(
'mimeType' = array(
'rule' = array('checkMimeType', false, array( 

var $belongsTo = array(
'User' = array(
'className' = 'User',
'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = ''
'Homeslide' = array(
'className' = 'Homeslide',
'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = ''

// delete filters files
public function beforeDelete($cascade = true) {
if (!$cascade) {
return true;

$result = $this-find('first', array(
'conditions' = array($this-primaryKey = $this-id),
'fields' = array('dirname', 'basename'),
'recursive'  = -1
if (empty($result)) {
return false;

$pattern  = MEDIA_FILTER . */;
$pattern .= $result[$this-alias]['dirname'] . '/';
$pattern .= pathinfo($result[$this-alias]['basename'],

$files = glob({$pattern}.*);

$name = Mime_Type::guessName($result[$this-alias]
$versions = array_keys(Configure::read('Media.filter.' .

if (count($files)  count($versions)) {
$message  = 'MediaFile::beforeDelete - ';
$message .= Pattern `{$pattern}` matched more than number
of versions. ;
$message .= Failing deletion of versions and record for
CakeLog::write('warning', $message);
return false;

foreach ($files as $file) {
$File = new File($file);

if (!$File-delete()) {
return false;
return true;


Thanks for your help

On 5 avr, 10:59, David Persson wrote:

 The coupler behavior's beforeSave method looks like it is doing too much
 having too many sideeffects. I'll take a look at it and see if I can reduce
 those to a mininum. Will get back and post the results than.

 - David

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Re: tiny question on Media plugin and CouplerBehavior

2011-04-05 Thread David Persson

The coupler behavior's beforeSave method looks like it is doing too much 
having too many sideeffects. I'll take a look at it and see if I can reduce 
those to a mininum. Will get back and post the results than.

- David

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
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with their CakePHP related questions.

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tiny question on Media plugin and CouplerBehavior

2011-04-04 Thread BenJsno
I would like to use the Media plugin in my application and my question

in media/models/behaviors/coupler.php, what is the goal of the line
104 ? is it usefull for something ?
line 104 : unset($Model-data[$Model-alias]);

In my exemple, I have a table Mediafiles
CREATE TABLE `mediafiles` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `dirname` varchar(100) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `basename` varchar(60) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `model` varchar(20) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `foreign_key` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `size` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `width` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `height` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `created` datetime NOT NULL,
  `modified` datetime NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

I use uploadify for uploading my file with progressbar and Media
plugin to add data in DB and make the thumb with Generator behavior.

models/mediafile.php :
class Mediafile extends AppModel{
var $name = Mediafile;

//media plugin behaviors
var $actsAs = array(

//file validation which only allowed jpeg and png to be uploaded
var $validate = array(
'fileData' = array(
'mimeType' = array(
'rule' = array('checkMimeType', false, array( 

var $belongsTo = array(
'User' = array(
'className' = 'User',
'foreignKey' = 'mediafile_id',
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = ''
'Homeslide' = array(
'className' = 'Homeslide',
'foreignKey' = 'mediafile_id',
'conditions' = '',
'fields' = '',
'order' = ''

controllers/mediafiles_controller.php :
class MediafilesController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Mediafiles';
var $components = array('RequestHandler', 'Cuploadify.cuploadify');

function upload_img() {

function add() {
$this-layout = admin;
if (!empty($this-data)) {

$this-data['Mediafile']['dirname'] = 'img';
// Thumb creation with Media Plugin

$this-Mediafile-make($this-data['Mediafile']['dirname'] . DS .

// save in DB
if ($this-Mediafile-save($this-data)) {
$result = 'div id=outputsuccess/div';
$result .= 'div id=messagemediafile_id = 
$result = div id='output'failed/div;
$result .= 'div id=message'. 
validationErrors['file'] .'/div';

I use a component for uploadify
So I upload the file in ajax (upload_img()) and then I submit the form
with data but without file input (add()).

In add function The generator part works fine.
But when I save the data, the Coupler BeforeSave function don't find
$Model [in media/models/behaviors/coupler.php line 102] ( I don't
understand why)
and then don't find file input (because there is no file input, only
hidden input)
then the $Model-data[$Model-alias] is unset  [in media/models/
behaviors/coupler.php line 104]
and return true but don't save data in DB.
if I comment the line 104, the data are saved.

I would really appreciate a clarification on this point.

Thank you

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David Persson - Media Plugin - Handing .docx and .xlsx uploads

2011-03-22 Thread
Hi there,

Has anyone got any idea how to get the Media Plugin to recognise
Office 2007 files correctly?

I can upload old .doc files fine and they get put in the 'doc' folder,
and don't fail the mime validation rule, but it really doesn't
like .docx files..

Any suggestions?


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Re: Media plugin - usage questions

2011-03-08 Thread Foroct
I'm trying to do something similar (as described in this thread

I'm able to POST my image and save it to a folder but I don't know how
to invoke the media plugin to make multiple sizes of that file. How
were you able to get the media plugin to handle your files, I'm
assuming you have nothing in your view and basically submitting to
your controller? I also need to return the file name of the processed
image file (looks like David explained that).


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Re: Media plugin - usage questions

2011-03-08 Thread David Persson
Hi Foroct,

I've answered you in the other thread.

- David

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Edit with Media Plugin David Persson

2011-03-07 Thread alberto
When I try to edit a media file ex. I need to replace the image
The main image was replaced but the filter (an 'm' and 'l') image
wasn't replaced.
And the replaced image wasn't deleted.

Where I'm wrong?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Edit with Media Plugin David Persson

2011-03-07 Thread David Persson
Hi Alberto,

Given you're using the coupler behavior  and you replace a file but leave 
its corresponding record in tact, the file which gets replaced won't be 
deleted. This is by design. It is expected that when replacing a file you 
would rather go and delete the complete old record. Than create a new record 
with a new file associated with it. In the scenario described your old file 
would get deleted as the beforeDelete hook of the coupler behavior gets 
triggered and takes care of that.

Now to the versions of the file. I've removed support for automatically 
deleting versions of a file in the current version of the media plugin. It 
turned out that how, which and when to delete the generated versions is 
highly application specific. However you can still take care of that 
yourself for example in the before or afterDelete of your file model. See for an example.

- David

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Re: CakePHP Media Plugin

2011-03-07 Thread David Persson
Hi Alberto,

If I were you I'd just implement my own validation rule for that. See [1] 
for how that is accomplished in the plugin. Be sure to also check the 
chapter about that topic at


- David

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Re: more fields for David Persson's media plugin form?

2011-03-07 Thread David Persson
Hello Tan Cheng,

Just add a new input to your form:

echo $form-input('file', array('type' = 'file', 'label' = false, 
'class' = 'imageUpload')); 
echo $form-input('title'); 

Be sure $this-data looks somewhat like this in your controller action:

  'Gallery' = array(
'file' = '...',
'title' = 'My Title'

Than just save the record as you normally do. Make sure there's a 'title' 
column in the table schema. That's basically it.

In case you're using a separate table i.e. 'images' to store the file data 
instead of storing it in the 'galleries' table follow these instructions:

* Gallery and Image models must be associated with each other 
* Your form must produce a data array which reflects this structure (see 
* Use saveAll in your controller action.


- David

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Re: Media plugin - usage questions

2011-03-07 Thread David Persson
Hi Will,

I think what you're searching for can be found at [1]. Use the method like 

$file = $this-Post-transferred();


- David

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CakePHP Media Plugin

2011-03-04 Thread alberto
I want to add a validate rule for my model in the CakePHP Media

I want that for this rule
'pixels' = array('rule' = array('checkPixels', '1366x768')),

the pixels have to be exactly se same of 1366x768 and not = of

Is it possible to use this rule?

Thank in advance!

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more fields for David Persson's media plugin form?

2011-03-03 Thread Tan Cheng
Hi everyone,

I am now using David Persson's media plugin to handle the ajax upload

But the upload form only shows the file type input, like


echo $form-create('Gallery', array('type' = 'file'));

echo $form-input('file', array('type' = 'file', 'label' = 
'class' = 'imageUpload'));

echo $form-end();


What if I want to add more fields, like the title of the photo or some
description to add to my image table in db? I have added $form-
input('title'), but it doesn't show up at all.

Anyone had experience using this plugin? How to customise this?

Thank you very much!!

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Re: Media plugin - usage questions

2011-02-26 Thread John Andersen
ad 1)
You have to use the path constant MEDIA to identify where the files
are stored and then combine it with the information for the requested
file - directory and filename - adding it all together to get the
filename with path information.
Read the configuration for the Media plugin here:

ad 2)
PUT, is that not about REST then?


On Feb 25, 8:23 pm, will.brooke wrote:
 Hi All,
 I am trying to use the media plugin (
 media) for a funky API project. I have 2 issues right now.

 I can POST susbmit a file and it gets saved. huzzah. (if you care,
 they are CSV files)

 what I need is:

 1.) after save completes in the controller, I need the path and
 filename (the actual stored filename on disk) of the just submitted
 file. i need this to pass to a function in the model that calls a
 postgres function that then handles the CSV file.

 i assumed i could get this via something  like: $this-Attachment-

 basepath but no such luck.

 2.) I would like to use PUT to submit the file. other than re-routing
 the edit behaviour, i can't wrap my head around how to handle this.

 any help greatly appreciated

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Media plugin - usage questions

2011-02-25 Thread will.brooke
Hi All,
I am trying to use the media plugin (
media) for a funky API project. I have 2 issues right now.

I can POST susbmit a file and it gets saved. huzzah. (if you care,
they are CSV files)

what I need is:

1.) after save completes in the controller, I need the path and
filename (the actual stored filename on disk) of the just submitted
file. i need this to pass to a function in the model that calls a
postgres function that then handles the CSV file.

i assumed i could get this via something  like: $this-Attachment-
basepath but no such luck.

2.) I would like to use PUT to submit the file. other than re-routing
the edit behaviour, i can't wrap my head around how to handle this.

any help greatly appreciated

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Media Plugin - Newbie Questions

2011-02-21 Thread mjhnlca
I'm trying to set up the Media plugin, but am having problems.

I have a PressRelease model, and while adding an entry I would like to
choose and upload a PDF file to associate with it. But when adding an
entry, the press_releases table receives an entry, and the attachment
table does not. *If I use the baked Attachment view to add an entry
the attachments table DOES receive the row.

I have followed the documentation, updated the bootstrap file, etc.
Below is the relevant code from the Press Release model, controller
and view.

If you have any idea what I correct, please advise. Thanks!

A few simple questions also:
1. Do I need to add this ...
var $helpers = array('Media.Media');
... to my PressRelease model?

2. Do I need to add belongsTo data to the Attachment model?

-- Code Provided Below --

The Press Release model has this:

   var $hasOne = array(
  'Attachment' = array(
  'className' = 'Media.Attachment',
  'foreignKey' = 'foreign_key',
  'conditions' = array('Attachment.model' = 'PressRelease'),
  'dependent' = true,

The Press Release controller has this:

function admin_add() {
$this-layout = 'admin';
if (!empty($this-data)) {
if ($this-PressRelease-saveAll($this-data, 
array('validate' =
'first'))) {
$this-Session-setFlash('The press release has 
been saved.',
$this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));
} else {
$this-Session-setFlash('The press release 
could not be saved.
Please, try again.', 'flash_error');
$projects = $this-PressRelease-Project-find('list');

The form in the view looks like this:

div class=pressReleases form
?php echo $this-Form-create('PressRelease', array('enctype' =
legend?php __('Add Press Release'); ?/legend
$current_year = date('Y');
$max_year = $current_year + 2;
$unix_timestamp = strtotime('now');

echo $this-Form-input('date', array('type'='date',
'minYear'=2005, 'maxYear'=$max_year, 'selected'=$unix_timestamp));
echo $this-Form-input('title');
echo $this-Form-input('file', array('label' = 'File', 'type' 
echo $this-Form-input('Project',array('label'='Related
Project(s)', 'multiple' = 'checkbox'));
?php echo $this-Form-end(__('Add Press Release', true));?

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Re: Media Plugin - Newbie Questions

2011-02-21 Thread kdubya
I don't know anything about the Media plugin, however your problem may
be with how you have created your inputs in the view. Have you looked
at the structure of $this-data once the form has been submitted to
your action (admin_add)? In order for saveAll() to work. It should
look something like:

[date]=// some date
. // other fields
[file]=// some file name

In your view you have:
echo $this-Form-input('file', array('label' = 'File', 'type'

It may be as simple as changing this to:
echo $this-Form-input('Attachment.file', array('label' = 'File',
'type' ='file'));

BTW, saveAll() will save related model data ONLY if the array passed
is properly structured AND it is only one level deep.


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Re: David Persson Media Plugin - regenerate image versions

2011-01-28 Thread David Persson

Have a look at the Media shell. It comes with the plugin and features one 
specific task which may be helpful in your situation.

$ cake media make

Will prompt you for source and destination path and will then recreate 
versions of each file.

- David

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Re: David Persson Media Plugin - regenerate image versions

2011-01-28 Thread
Ahhh! Brilliant!

Now I just have to work out how to run that on the server - I can run
the shell stuff locally, but no idea how to do it on my Media Temple
server... but awesome news, thanks!


On Jan 28, 9:47 am, David Persson wrote:

 Have a look at the Media shell. It comes with the plugin and features one
 specific task which may be helpful in your situation.

 $ cake media make

 Will prompt you for source and destination path and will then recreate
 versions of each file.

 - David

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David Persson Media Plugin - regenerate image versions

2011-01-26 Thread
Hi there,

I have very successfully got the Media/Attachments plugin working on
my new site, and I'm really impressed, but have run into a slight

The site is a rebuild of an existing site and has around 2000 images
attached to news stories (the app folder weighs in at around 900mb!),
now I have copied the images into the 'filter' 'img' directory and
manually resized them as per the config settings for the plugin and do
some mysql kung fu to import them into the database table.

However, this is fine locally, but it's going to be a RIGHT nightmare
to upload and none of the images have checksum etc.

What I would like to be able to is some kind of batch add/resize for
all the images if they are in the 'transfer' directory once it's on
the server, maybe a is the requested image in the transfer directory
and not the filter directory? If now, run the resizing process... So
the resizing is done when the news story is first viewed...

Does this seem doable?


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