Fwd: As united and as strong as ever

2017-03-06 Thread Khmer Forum
*As united and as strong as ever*

*From:* Rainsy Sam
*Sent:* Sunday, March 5, 2017 12:22 PM
*Subject:* As united and as strong as ever

០៥ មិនា ២០១៧ / 05 March 2017 - *As united and as strong as ever* (*)

សូមបងប្អូន កូនក្មួយ កុំឲ្យតម្លៃ ចំពោះឯកសារជាលាយលក្ខណ៍អក្សរ ឬជាសម្លេង
ដែលគេប្រឌិត ឬកាត់ត យកមកផ្សព្វផ្សាយ ក្រៅបរិបទរបស់វា
ហើយក៏កុំជឿការបកស្រាយអកុសល និងការញុះញង់ទាំងឡាយ
តាមការពិត គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ នៅតែរឹងមាំដដែល ពីព្រោះអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ
និងអ្នកស្រលាញ់យុត្តិធម៌ទាំងអស់ យល់ច្បាស់ថា ឯកភាពជាលក្ខខណ្ឌចាំបាច់
ដើម្បីសង្គ្រោះជាតិយើងទាំងអស់គ្នា។ គ្រប់កាលៈទេសៈ ទោះជាមានតំណែងជាប្រធាន
ឬគ្មានតំណែងអ្វីក្នុងបក្សក៏ដោយ លោក កឹម សុខា និងរូបខ្ញុំ សម រង្ស៊ី
នៅតែជាមនុស្សតែមួយ គឺជាដៃគូស្លាប់រស់ ដើម្បីសង្គ្រោះជាតិយើង។
ដោយសារតែខាងគេម្ខាងទៀតនោះ រកវិធីអ្វីមិនបាន
ពួកគេមានតែប្រើល្បិចកាន់តែថោកទាបទៅ ថោកទាបទៅ តែនៅទីបញ្ចប់
ត្រូវតែចាញ់គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិជាមិនខាន ពីព្រោះគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ
តំណាងឲ្យសេចក្តីសង្ឃឹម កិត្តិយស និងភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរ របស់ប្រជារាស្ត្រខ្មែរទាំងមូល។

(*) To all fellow compatriots: Please disregard any materials (letters,
statements or audio tapes) that have been invented or doctored and
published out of their context, and don’t be deceived by such materials,
which are just incitements aimed at dividing the CNRP. In fact, the CNRP
remains as strong as ever because all patriots and all justice loving
people clearly understand that unity is the sine qua non for the success of
our mission to rescue our nation. In all circumstances, as president or
without any position in the party, Kem Sokha and I, Sam Rainsy, are as one,
meaning we will live and fight together until we succeed in rescuing our
nation. Because the other side cannot find any means to weaken the CNRP,
they desperately resort to cheaper and cheaper tricks, but eventually and
inevitably they will be defeated by the CNRP which represents the hope, the
honour and the dignity of the Cambodian people.
[image: Image may contain: 2 people, crowd and outdoor]


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

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Fwd: BBC News: Angelina Jolie on Cambodia, politics and a 'difficult year'

2017-02-21 Thread Khmer Forum
*BBC News: Angelina Jolie on Cambodia, politics and a 'difficult year'*


Angelina Jolie has spoken about how Cambodia was her "awakening", as she
premiered her new film in the country.

The actress was speaking exclusively to the BBC before the screening of
First They Killed My Father, a true-life account of the Khmer Rouge
genocide through the eyes of a child.

She said she hoped the film, which she directed, would help Cambodians to
speak more openly about the trauma of the period.

Two million people died.

Jolie, now a UN refugee agency special envoy, first visited Cambodia for
the filming of 2001 hit Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.

She later adopted Maddox, her oldest son, from Cambodia.

"I came to this country and I fell in love with its people and learned its
history, and in doing so learned, how little I actually knew about the
world," she told the BBC's Yalda Hakim.

"This country, for me was my awakening.

"I'll always be very grateful to this country. I don't think I ever could
give back as much as this country has given me."
'Not properly understood'

First They Killed My Father is based on a book of the same name by Loung

Ms Ung was five when she and her family were forced to leave their home in
the capital, Phnom Penh, by the Khmer Rouge, the regime which ran the
country between 1975 and 1979, under Pol Pot.

It is estimated that about two million people, around a quarter of the
population, were either murdered by the regime or died from starvation and

"I thought that this war that happened 40 years ago, and what happened to
these people, was not properly understood," said Jolie.

The film is predominantly in the local Khmer language, and Jolie said that
while she wanted the wider world to better understand events in Cambodia
she hoped it would have an impact domestically too.

"I hope it helps the country speak more," she said, as many survivors
"haven't told their children their story".
Read more about Cambodia:


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

-- Forwarded message --
From: Hoeun Hach <...@icloud.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 8:07 AM
Subject: BBC News: Angelina Jolie on Cambodia, politics and a 'difficult
To: khmerforu...@gmail.com

*Angelina Jolie on Cambodia, politics and a 'difficult year'*
BBC News

The actress spoke to the BBC ahead of the release of her new film, First
They Killed My Father. Read the full story

Shared from Apple News 

Sent from my iPhone

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Fwd: PACIFIC DAILY NEWS: Looking for a peaceful transfer of power in Cambodia

2016-06-19 Thread Khmer Forum
Peang-Meth: Looking for a peaceful transfer of power in Cambodia

-- Forwarded message --
From: Gaffar Peang-Meth
Date: Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 12:27 PM
Subject: Fwd: PACIFIC DAILY NEWS: Looking for a peaceful transfer of power
in Cambodia

[image: Inline image 1]


Peang-Meth: Looking for a peaceful transfer of power in Cambodia
Gaffar Peang-Meth 10:27 p.m. ChST June 19, 2016
[image: 635787251978206246-000-Gaffar-P-M-Sep-2014.JPG]

Peang-Meth(Photo: PDN file)

Cambodia was promised peace, justice, human rights and a system of liberal
democracy, among other things, in the October 1991 Paris Peace Agreements
signed by 18 governments (Australia, Brunei, Cambodia – the four warring
Cambodian factions – Canada, China, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos,
Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Soviet Union, United Kingdom,
United States, Vietnam), witnessed by representatives of the non-aligned
movement, the UN secretary-general and his special representative.

Today,CQ 25 years later, and 23 years after Cambodia’s adoption of a 1993
Constitution stipulated as the “Supreme Law of the Kingdom” that mirrored
the PPA’s promises, Prime Minister Hun Sen told the European Union not to
“scare and threaten me” with its resolution to review its $461 million in
aid to Cambodia, and told UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon there would be
“no dialogue” with the opposition party as he requested, to ease heightened
political tensions.


Khmer people’s 1970 revolt

I am again amazed that this year, as in the past, Cambodian expatriates are
busily petitioning PPA signatories to revive the Agreements. But the world
has moved on since 1991, and I have not seen any signatory power that has
not found it in its interest to engage with the Hun Sen government in the
face of the opposition’s insufficient credibility as an alternative. We
must remember the adage, “In politics there is no permanent enemy nor
permanent friend, only permanent interest.”

Today, as more Cambodians have become publicly fearless in demanding a
change to the status quo, Hun Sen, initially installed as Cambodia’s prime
minister by Vietnam’s invading troops in 1985, declared he has no plans to
leave office. Yet, he knows in free and fair elections voters would not
re-elect him to another term. He must harbor some desire to improve on the
legacy he will leave to posterity.

A young Khmer blogger and cofounder of “Politikoffee,” a platform for
weekly youth debate and discussion on politics and other issues, Ou Ritthy,
warned that as the people ramp up their demands for more just, equitable,
and transparent electoral processes for the June 2017 commune elections and
the July 2018 general elections, they are likely to rise up against Hun
Sen’s tactics to disrupt and break up the opposition party. A “big
confrontation will happen.”

But Ritthy thinks that potentially violent protests can be avoided by
Cambodia’s King Sihamoni, opposition leaders Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha, and
the international community working together for a peaceful “transfer of
power.” Ritthy’s call aligns with my plea long ago to strategize Hun Sen’s
political exit with face-saving. In a powerful assertion, Ritthy told me
that the “Khmer problem” is not any external actor, but the Khmer
themselves. He urged Khmer to do some serious soul searching.


Hoping young will be inspired, and all Khmers can unite

I believe there is no problem without a solution; that imaginative,
creative, persistent actions yield productive results. I like Lord Buddha’s
preaching: “We are what we think… With our thought we make the world.”
While a Western observer of Khmer politics lamented that Khmer cannot seem
to rid themselves of their “dependency syndrome,” Ou Ritthy advises: “Stop
crying for help and pointing fingers at others while we Khmer keep fighting
one another in our own home.”

Half a decade ago, I wrote that the UN and the PPA signatory governments
can’t change Cambodia. Only Cambodians can bring about the change they want
to see.

*Gaffar Peang-Meth, Ph.D., is retired from the University of Guam where he
taught political science for 13 years. He now lives in the U.S. mainland
and ca

Fwd: [Cambodia-America] Join our rally on Friday, June 10th, 2016

2016-05-29 Thread yuok sarin
Welcome all of You !

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Fwd: [Cambodia-America] Join our rally on Friday, June 10th, 2016

2016-05-29 Thread Kangaroo
That demonstration was not permitted by the government. It was illegal 
Wethersfield you agree with it or not. They did it anyway. 
The demonstration turned violent.  Was that ok?
Oh! Mou  supported at first. She ran away when it came to arrest. Where is she 
Why hasn't continued to gather her support to defy her government order?
The answer is simple. She knows that she is lucky. Her followers are in jail 
today for what she wanted them to do. She's fine in her own home and is not 
about loose it.
Now make your own judgement.
What kind of our son is sge?
Do you notice that her boss has been doing the same thing?
So do you really the US government is going to put their hands in that mess? 

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Fwd: Please help collect PAA Appeal petition and call the House Representatives listed below asking them to pass the Bill H. Res 210 -Thanks

2016-05-29 Thread Kangaroo
What is resolution?
The word answers itself. 
American Congress can do nothing Cambodia.  They can have resolution pass in 
their own house. Cambodians government has no pa RT of it, nor they abide by it 
Fight in Cambodia if you want a change. I know that almost all of you only say 
it because your own security is not at risk. Change doesn't come without a 

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Fwd: To: Anitra Dempsey, Executive Director, the Long Beach Commissioners. From: Bo K.S. Uce, JD, a Long Beach resident. Re: the aggravated assault and battery on Mr. Paul Hay on Saturday, April 9th o

2016-04-19 Thread Khmer Forum
 *Re: the aggravated assault and battery on Mr. Paul Hay on Saturday, April
9th of 2016 and arson on Sunday, April 10th of 2016*

-- Forwarded message --
From: Bo Uce
Date: Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 12:22 AM
Subject: To: Anitra Dempsey, Executive Director, the Long Beach
Commissioners. From: Bo K.S. Uce, JD, a Long Beach resident. Re: the
aggravated assault and battery on Mr. Paul Hay on Saturday, April 9th of
2016 and arson on Sunday, April 10th of 2016
To: anitra.demp...@longbeach.gov

Sunday, April 17th, 2016

Anitra Dempsey, Executive Director

CPCC Office

333 W. Ocean Blvd., 13th Floor

Long Beach, CA 90802

562.570.6891 562.570.6892


*Cc*:   Dr. Robert Garcia, Mayor of Long Beach.

David Clement, Chair, District 3; Terhune (Terry) Beebe, Vice Chair,
District 1; Raul A. Anorve, District 2; Richard Linderman, District 4;
Alvaro Castillo, District 5; Jose M. Flores District 6; Jeffrey Price,
District 7; Josie Castellanos, District 8, Crystal Howard-Johnson, District
9; Surely Saro, At-Large; Miles Nevin, At-Large.

Mr. Robert G. Luna, Long Beach Chief of Police.

Long Beach residents; the great American people at large;
Cambodian-Americans worldwide.

*RE*   Criminal aggravated assault and battery on Paul Hayes on
04/09/2016, and arson on 04/10/2016 at Royal


Dear Ms. Dempsey:

On April 17th of 1975, the sardonic and atheistic communist Khmer Rouges
entered Phnom Pench, the capital city of war-torn Cambodia, led by Saloth
Sar, whose nom-de-guerre was “Comrade Pol Pot” or “Brother Number 1.”
Immediately, these psychotic sadists evacuated everyone at gunpoint from
the City to the countryside. Approximately 1.5 million Khmers, or about 25%
of the population, were wiped out at the hands of these menacing fools
through harsh labors, starvations, murders, indoctrinations, and

On Saturday, April 9th of 2016, at around 8:30pm, a middle-aged Caucasian
American, by the name of Paul Hayes, was savagely attacked and seriously
injured in front of La Lune Imperial Restaurant located at 1458 Atlantic
Avenue, Long Beach, CA, by Lt. Gen. Hun Manet’s bodyguards. Mr. Hayes is a
professional process server, server#4498, to serve the summons and
complaint of the case below:



*MEACH SOVANNARA et al. v. HUN MANET et al.*

*Case No. 16-CV-02436-GW (JCx)*

*Filed on Friday, April 8th of 2016*

Mr. Paul Hayes the victim already informed Long Beach police officers who
were present at the scene that he is the process server. He showed them his
identification. He was badly assaulted and battered without any
provocation. Mr. Hayes was rushed to St. Mary’s Hospital’s ER (emergency
room) by an ambulance. Lt. Gen. Hun Manet and his bodyguards and entourage
remained in the Restaurant until around 11:30pm. Plenty of witnesses were
available at the scene. Police had cameras.

On Sunday, April 10th of 2016, at 3:00pm, we were to have a fundraising
event at Royal Buffet on 530 E. 33rd Street, Long Beach, CA. It was burned
down. It’s not a mere coincidence.

As Americans, why should we care? Here are a few reasons. Mr. Sovannara
Meach, who is a US citizen, was sentenced to 20 years in notorious Prey-Sar
Prison for the bogus crime of “insurrection [*koupparkharmm*]” by “the
Kangaroo court” of Prime Minister Samdech (lord) Hun Sen, the ruthless but
myopic and pusillanimous dictator of impoverished and irredeemably corrupt
Kingdom of Cambodia who’s lorded over this repressive regime for more than
30 years.

On Monday, October 26th of 2015, H.E. Nhay Chamroeun, also a US citizen,
and a Cambodian National Rescue Party’s (CNRP’s) lawmaker, and H.E. Kung
Sophea, also a CNRP lawmaker, were savagely beaten- and on the verge of
death- by Hun Sen’s personal bodyguards (Chay Sarith, Mao Hoeun, Soth
Vanny, and more) and by hired thugs, in front of the National Assembly in
broad daylight.

On or about Sunday, April 10th of 2016, H.E. Um Sam An, another US citizen,
was arrested on a fabricated charge of *in flagrant delicto*. He was
accused of having false maps, the maps that H.E. um San An retrieved from
the US Library of Congress.

*Who is Hun Sen the tyrant?*

It’s strongly alleged that Hun Sen was the former psychotic communist Khmer
Rouges commander in the Eastern Zone under Comrade So Phim. His crimes
against humanity are too numerous to narrate. *It would be an abomination
to the world to have a Nazi’s foot soldier to become a chancellor of
Germany.* Yet, Hun Sen had ruled Cambodia openly and with impunity for more
than 30 years. The world’s leaders have perfunctorily reprimanded him.

On 04/04/2016, we sent a letter to Mr. Robert G. Luna that the Cambodian
communities around the world are very unhappy about Lt. Gen. Hun Manet’s
visit. On 04/15/2016, the Cambodian communities requested an urgent
community meeting with Long Beach Police Department. Why weren’t these

Fwd: Re: the CAM-CC's 2016 Cambodian New Year Parade

2016-04-05 Thread Khmer Forum
*Letter to Robert G. Luna, Chief of Police; LBPD Media Relations, Long
Beach Police Department. From: Bo K.S. Uce, JD, a LB resident*

> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Bo Uce 
> Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 1:34 PM
> Subject: To: Robert G. Luna, Chief of Police; LBPD Media Relations, Long
> Beach Police Department. From: Bo K.S. Uce, JD, a LB resident. Re: the
> CAM-CC's 2016 Cambodian New Year Parade
> To: lbpdmediarelati...@longbeach.gov
> *Monday, April 4th, 2016*
> *Robert G. Luna, Chief of Police*
> *Office of the Chief of Police*
> *Long Beach Police Department, Public Safety Building*
> *400 W. Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90802*
> *Business Desk Inquiries  (562)570-7260 <%28562%29570-7260>*
> *Police Dispatch (562)435-6711 <%28562%29435-6711> *
> *Life Threatening Situation   9-1-1*
> *Media Relations Detail   (562)570-5273 <%28562%29570-5273>*
> *Email: lbpdmediarelati...@longbeach.gov
> *
> *Cc**:   Barack H. Obama, the President of the United States   *
> *  John Kerry, the Secretary of State of the United   States*
> *  James R. Clapper, the Director of National
> Intelligence*
> *John O. Brennan, the Chief of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)*
> *James Comey, the Chief of Federal Bureau of Investigation
> (FBI)*
> *Robert Garcia, Honorable Mayor of Long Beach; City Councils; residents *
> *The great American people*
> *Re**:   the CAM-CC’s 2016 Cambodian New Year Parade along the Anaheim
> corridor*
> *Dear Chief of Police Luna:*
> *Sir. Lt. Gen. Hun Manet is one of the sons of Hun Sen the dictator, who’s
> ruled abysmally impoverished and irredeemably corrupt and polarized Kingdom
> of Cambodia with an iron fist. His Communist-styled Cambodian People’s
> Party (CPP) delegation’s physical presents in Long Beach will certainly
> bring ire and discord to us, the Khmer-Americans in the United States and
> to Khmer expatriates around the globe. Hun Sen and his henchmen will most
> likely hire gangs and thugs to wreak havoc in our beloved Long Beach City
> during the 2016 Khmer New Year Parade along the Anaheim corridor, and they
> have already caused bitterness and petrifaction to the Khmer-American
> communities. Hun Sen is synonymous to nightmares. His name alone triggers
> PTSD among the victimized Khmer-Americans who’d survived the horrific and
> sardonic communist Khmer Rouges’ “Killing Fields [1975-1979]”: famine,
> harsh labors, tortures, imprisonments, indoctrination, purges, and murders.
> *
> *Mr. Richer San and the Board of Directors of Cambodian Coordinating
> Councils (CAM-CC) should have foreseen such disharmony, and they should be
> more sensitive to our human tragedy. Lt. Gen. Hun Manet and his delegation
> should never be invited by CAM-CC and its affiliates to participate
> directly or indirectly in the Cambodian New Year Parade. Our noble and
> beloved mother-Cambodia, with her rich civilization and her distinct
> culture and traditions, should be absolutely free from the yoke of
> protracted tyranny. Here are a few legitimate reasons: *
> *Mr. Meach Sovannara is a US citizen. He was falsely accused of and
> hastily charged with a crime of “insurrection [Koupparkarmm],” the crime
> that he’s never committed, by Hun Sen’s “Kangaroo court.” Mr. Sovannara was
> arbitrarily sentenced to 20 years in notorious Prey-Sar Prison. Life has
> been unbearable for him and his family. Raem’Jborng Sovannara is a victim
> of serious human rights abuses. His wife and three beautiful and young
> daughters live in Long Beach, CA. They’ve suffered economically and
> emotionally. Please do not be indifferent to their pain and suffering, and
> despair. Two of their daughters were the natural-born Americans.*
> *H.E. Nhay Chamroeun, a CNRP lawmaker, is another US citizen. On Monday,
> October 26th, 2015, he was severely beaten- and on the verge of death- in
> broad daylight in front of the National Assembly in Phnom Pench, the
> capital city of Cambodia, by hired thugs and allegedly by Hun Sen’s
> bodyguards: Mr. Chay Sarith, Mao Hoeun, Mr. Soth Vanny, and others. Hun Sen
> has no respect for Americans and American citizens. And. He punks us with a
> smirk.*
> *Our eternal Khmer heroes, such as Chudt Vudthy our beloved forest
> conservator, and Chea Vichea the audacious union leader, were shot to
> death, point blank.*
> *Our eternal heroines, such as Pisith Pilika and Touch Sreynich, were also
> shot point blank. Pisith Pilika was an absolute pulchritude. She was the
> nationally well-known Khmer classical dance instructor and movie star. It’s
> strongly alleged that Hun Sen fell in love with her, and he took her as his
> mistress. However, she was a married woman. It wasn’t a problem for “strong
> Man” Hun Sen with infidelity. She was later murdered. Her death isn’t 

Fwd: សម រង្ស៊ី នឹង កឹម សុខា​​ ត្រូវបានងារជាសម្ដាចម៌

2016-03-20 Thread Nokoreach Nokoreach
-- Forwarded message --
From: Nokoreach Nokoreach 
Date: 2016-03-20 13:52 GMT-04:00
Subject: សម រង្ស៊ី នឹង កឹម សុខា​​ ត្រូវបានងារជាសម្ដាចម៌
To: Cambodia National Rescue Party , CNRP-europe <
cnrpeur...@googlegroups.com>, "cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com" <
cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com>, Kimly Chea , CNRP-
Washington , CNRP Rhode Island ,
cnrpof...@gmail.com, "hrpcambo...@yahoo.com" , Euro
Hrp , ame khmer , Voice Of
Khmer , Khmer Mchah Srok ,
cwci_secretar...@yahoo.com, adhoc , comfrel <
comf...@online.com.kh>, lica...@camnet.com.kh, "HM HDTV, RHM FM 95.7MHz &
HM FM 104.5MHz" , neci...@forum.org.kh,
s...@national-assembly.org.kh, cpp ,
funcin...@camnet.com.kh, funcinpecme...@yahoo.com,
s.s.k.cabi...@camnet.com.kh, Sonando Mam ,
ckimh...@yahoo.com, cita , "Cambodian Youth Center
(CYC)" , cabinet1b , cabinet <
cabi...@norodomsihamoni.org>, "i...@srpusa.org" ,
i...@senate.gov.kh, Khmer Forum ,
forum-sil...@online.com.kh, NGO Forum , info <
i...@csdcambodia.org>, tvk , Ncn Tvk ,
tvkn...@hotmail.com, atitya...@yahoo.com, k_da...@yahoo.com,
k_da...@yahoo.com, chanbor...@yahoo.com, sambovannarith <
sambovannar...@yahoo.com>, bayo...@camnet.com.kh, cnro_soksokhom <
cnro_soksok...@yahoo.com>, monaksekar-khmer ,
kampucheathmey , rasmei_kampuc...@yahoo.com,
chakraval , DAP Media Center ,
akp , Suwith Changmani , Chun
Chanboth , chhorn ngin , Sovath
Loun , butbunt...@facebook.com, so.n...@yahoo.com,
Sun Narin , Info VOD , CEN
Info , i...@mond.gov.kh, Bunchhay Ham ,
HAM Bun Tith , Thida MEN ,
Sveth Te Chao , Sam Ul Kong ,
Jean-Dominique EA , "Leakhna.Chhom-Chhay" <
leakhna.chhom-ch...@orange.fr>, Sophath SOK ,
vincent sok , "vannak...@yahoo.com" <
vannak...@yahoo.com>, Vibol Touch , sithan hin <
sithankh...@yahoo.com>, Anthony Ly , Saunora
Prom , League for Democracy Party LDP <
camldp.headoff...@gmail.com>, Mat Phat , Cmn Khmer <
d...@cmnkhmer.org>, d...@cmnkhmer.org, Cambodia Information <
jayavarman7ra...@gmail.com>, Chhai Eang Eng , kuoy
bunroeun , Vanchan Tok ,
Phirum Keo , Phirith Kimsour , KY
Wandara , Khy Vandeth , Pol Ham
, Ry Long , Sidareth Limbun <
sidarethlim...@yahoo.com>, SUON Rida , Mao Monyvann <
maomonyv...@gmail.com>, CHEAM Channy , sovann yim <
yimsov...@gmail.com>, Virak YIM , KEO Sovannroth <
sovannroth...@yahoo.co.uk>, Sochua Mu , Chhay Son <
sonch...@gmail.com>, 01_Yont Tharo , MEN Thavarin <
sothavarin@gmail.com>, Kim-Ya Lim , ou_chanrith <
ou_chanr...@yahoo.com>, Dam Sithik , 20_Real Camarin <
realc...@gmail.com>, Chamroeun Nhay , Tuon Yokda <
yt...@hotmail.com>, phkay_pr...@yahoo.com, Vannol Teav <
vantea...@hotmail.com>, Kong Saphea , Hong Sok Hour <
sokhou...@gmail.com>, Sovannara Meach , Kem Sokha <
kemso...@yahoo.com>, Monovithya Kem , Sam Rainsy <
samrai...@gmail.com>, Saumura Tioulong ,
norea.n...@hotmail.com, Mari Campos , virakyenn <
viraky...@yahoo.com>, "nychak...@yahoo.com" , Hang
Chakra , iengsithul ,
thida_k...@silaka.org, Sorn Chey , Moeun Tola <
t...@clec.org.kh>, ir channa , Sokheoun Pang <
pangsokhe...@yahoo.com>, "pengse.s...@gmail.com" ,
DY Kareth , Sonn Moeung , Sokha
Ly , Chantha MUTH ,
sayb...@online.com.kh, sukun_keat , soubert <
soub...@camnet.com.kh>, bopha Angkor , "PRESS PRESS
RFI Bopha)" , Samady KS 

Fwd: [Cambodia-America] Cambodian-Americans across the United States Furious with General Hun Manet’s Upcoming Visit

2016-03-08 Thread Khmer Forum
របស់ឧត្តមសេនីយ៏ ហ៊ុន មា៉ណែត*
*Cambodian-Americans across the United States Furious with General **Hun
Manet**’s Upcoming Visit*

-- Forwarded message --
From: CAA 
Date: Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 6:21 PM
Subject: [Cambodia-America] Cambodian-Americans across the United States
Furious with General Hun Manet’s Upcoming Visit

*Press Release*

*Cambodian-Americans across the United States Furious with General Hun
Manet’s Upcoming Visit*

Dear Mayors, City Councilors and Cambodia Town Committee Members,

The Cambodia-America Alliance has received disheartening news about your
city’s intent to welcome Lieutenant General Hun Manet, the eldest son of
the entrenched Khmer dictator Prime Minister Hun Sen. We are dismayed that
Cambodia Town committee members have invited General Hun as a special guest
to the annual Khmer Parade in April.  We are equally distressed to learn
that Mayor Kennedy of Lowell, MA, is also hosting him at about the same
time. These news have strongly upset many Khmers in your communities, as
well as others throughout North America. It is disturbingly reminiscent of
the controversy revolving around Deputy Prime Minister Sok An’s 2008
invitation. We find it hard to accept that international human rights
organization along with US State Department reports have shown worsening
human rights violations since Sok An’s invitation and yet the cities of
Long Beach and Lowell are preparing to welcome a military figure of from
the Hun Sen regime.

*To read more click here


របស់ឧត្តមសេនីយ៏ ហ៊ុន មា៉ណែត

ហ៊ុន-ម៉ាណែត កូនច្បងរបស់មេដឹកនាំផ្តាច់ការហ៊ុនសែន។
យើងបាត់អស់នូវក្តីសង្ឃឹមចំពោះ សមាជិកគណ:កម្មការ បុរីកម្ពុជា (Cambodia Town,
ហើយលោកអភិបាលក្រុង ខេនើឌី នៃទីក្រុងទ្បូវែល រដ្ឋម៉ាស្សាឈូសិត្ស៍
ក៏នឹងរៀបចំទទួលឧត្តមសេនីយ៍រូបនេះផងដែរ នៅខែមេសាខាងមុខនេះ ។
សុខ-អានឱ្យមកអាមេរិកកាលពីឆ្នាំ២០០៨ ម្តងរួចមកហើយ។
បន្ទាប់ពីការអញ្ជើញលោក សុខ-អាន មិនគួរណាទីក្រុងទ្បុងប៊ិច និងទីក្រុងទ្បូវែល
បែរជាមករៀបចំស្វាគមន៍មេទ័ពម្នាក់នៃរបបហ៊ុនសែន យ៉ាងដូច្នេះសោះ។

*អានបន្ត សូមចុចទីនេះ *

We want to see Cambodia becoming a strong and trusted U.S. ally that will
bring freedom, stability, and economic opportunities for both countries.

Any constructive criticism is highly appreciated.
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*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

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Fwd: Remittances transferred from Asian Americans to the origin country: a case study among Cambodian Americans

2016-03-02 Thread Khmer Forum
*Remittances transferred from Asian Americans to  the origin country: a
case study among Cambodian  Americans*

*From:* Leadership Skills ប្រសិទ្ធិភាពជាមេដឹកនាំ 

*Date:* February 28, 2016 at 6:29:48 AM PST

*To:* freeda...@yahoo.com

*Subject:* *Remittances transferred from Asian Americans to  the origin
country: a case study among Cambodian  Americans*

Remittances transferred from Asian Americans to the origin country: a case
study among Cambodian Americans
2016-02-28 06:44:31


[image: Dr. Serey]
Asians were some of the first refugees arriving in the United States of

America with federal refugee assistance after the passage of the Refugee
Act of

   1. A large population from Cambodia entered the United States in the
   1980s as a

result of one of the greatest tragedies of the twentieth century. In this
paper, I investi-
gate the scope and motives for remittances from the United States that are

to Cambodia, the country of origin of the refugees. This will be done by
taking a

closer look at trends in remittances between 1992 and 2013, factors that
contribute to

the decisions to send remittances, and the characteristics of remittance
recipients. The

study found out that: (1) around half of the total remittances in the world

to Cambodia were derived from the United States, while amounts from each
ual sender depended upon the economic condition of Cambodian Americans and

financial needs of their target recipient; (2) factors influencing
decision-making in

sending remittances included regular communication, age, amount of time for

to the receiving country, and closer association to Cambodian communities
in the

United States; and (3) remittances were primarily transferred to senior and

family members for use in daily expenditures, health care and educational

Read Entire Text Here by Dr. Serey Sok 2016

Bring to your desk by Leadership Skills:

LEADERSHIP is for everyone. Leadership is not solely accountable for King,
President, Prime Minister, CEO or school superintendent etc.

Individual requires effective leadership to handle with all his or her
daily activities. Buddha said "no one save us, but ourselves; we are our
own savior" is the indicator of important leadership starting from

As a member of family, one needs to manage their family's well-being

As a member of neighborhood and community, one must nurture their network
and relationship effectively.

As a member of a nation, one must stand up to safeguard the collective
interest of the nation with courageous, striving and perpetual commitment.
Nation means ourselves!

As a member of the globe, one must step beyond their frontier to challenge
with the world changes. Most mornings we turn a door-handle and walk out
into a larger world. We move across our world, at least across a tiny
section of it. This is the society of which we are part.

As said, leadership consists of many categories and sub-categories.
Researchers have categorized leadership in different fields such as
Political Leadership, Education Leadership, Business Leadership, Economic
Leadership, and Social Entrepreneur Leadership etc.

If you could not think globally, you must be able to act locally; in
contrast, if you could not act locally, you must be able to think globally.
Or you can take both for your consideration.

Steve Jobs advised that potential leadership stems from potential
innovation. If one has no innovation, he or she would be a follower, not a
leader. For Ralph Nader, he repeated that "I start with the promise that
the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers".
David Gergen deepened into a tangible theme that "What they must have are:
inner mastery; a central, compelling purpose rooted in moral values; a
capacity to persuade; skills in working within the system; a fast start; a
strong, effective team; and a passion that inspires others to keep the
flame alive."

For Sophan who is the CEO of this Leadership Skills, leadership is the
continual triumph for positive change. S/he should be the catalyst for
change. S/he must be the agent of change. He said "change yourself, good
luck; change other, impossible" as Ghandi emphasized that "you must be the
change, you want to see in the world".

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Fwd: ដែនដីខ្មែរ

2016-01-12 Thread Khmer Forum

By *Professor Gaffar Peang-Meth, Ph.D*


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

-- Forwarded message --
From: Gaffar Peang-Meth 
Date: Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 8:32 PM
Subject: *ដែនដីខ្មែរ*

On Christmas Eve 1978, thirteen armed divisions of about 150,000 Vietnamese
troops, backed by heavy artillery and aircraft, invaded Democratic
Kampuchea.  In two weeks, they routed the Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge
Kampuchean Revolutionary Army, took over Phnom Penh on 7 January 1979, and
proclaimed the birth of the People’s Republic of Kampuchea the day after.

Hun Sen, a former deputy commander of Battalion 55 of Pol Pot’s Eastern
Zone that was known for brutality and massacres, fled to Vietnam during Pol
Pot’s purges, returned to Cambodia under the wing of Vietnam’s troops and
affiliated with the “Kampuchean United Front for National Salvation”
(KUFNS) created by Hanoi on December 2, 1978 with a few hundred former
Khmer Rouge defectors. In 1985, Hun Sen was made Prime Minister by the
occupation troops.

Hun Sen has retained this post for 30 years through threats,
divide-and-rule tactics, by buying loyalty and accumulating unto himself
executive, legislative, and judicial powers. Now 63 years old, Hun Sen who
has said he wants to stay in power until he is 74, is increasingly
threatened by restive voters.

Hun Sen calls January 7th the day of liberation from Pol Pot’s genocidal
regime.  Others call it a day of infamy and regret the failure of the
United Nations to oust the Vietnamese occupiers and install a freely
elected government as the organization was charged to do.

In commemoration of the date, I present here a new PowerPoint titled «
ដែនដីខ្មែរ» or “Khmer Land.”  This title is also that of a favorite old
Khmer song composed by the Great Buddhist Mohanikai Patriarch Samdech Chuon

The PowerPoint begins with photos from the public domain of Vietnamese
troops taking Khmer Rouge soldiers prisoner and a Vietnamese parade in
front of the Royal Palace, accompanied by a modern Khmer patriotic song,
“Khmer sons and daughters, Awake!”  Samdech Chuon Nath’s nationalistic
martial song follows, with photos of Khmer school children and young men
and women marching proudly carrying banners on a dirt road in Chumrom
Rithisen in October 1989 as military and civilian leaders of the Khmer
People’s National Liberation Front look on and applaud.

The gist of the song is, on the Khmer Land called the Golden Land, the
inhabitants lived happily together; but one day the enemy aggressed, the
people rose up and made supreme sacrifices to protect it.

This PowerPoint is created to honor the children and young adults who
marched on that dirt road and is intended as a tribute also to their
parents and to the men and women with whom I had the honor to serve in
1980-1989 in the fight for liberation and justice.

I am reminded of the words of US President Theodore Roosevelt: “Do what you
can, with what you have, where you are.”

May the New Year 2016 be a better one for the Khmer people, who have
suffered enough.

Gaffar Peang-Meth, Ph.D.

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Fwd: Business as usual with Cambodia

2015-12-07 Thread Khmer Forum
Business as usual with Cambodia
by Professor Gaffar Peang-Meth, Ph.D.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Gaffar Peang-Meth 
Date: Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 8:43 AM
Subject: Business as usual with Cambodia


Business as usual with Cambodia
Gaffar Peang-Meth 10:56 p.m. ChST December 5, 2015
[image: 635847138520842898-peang-meth.jpeg]

Peang-Meth(Photo: PDN file)



Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, feeling the pressure of growing
opposition to his long rule, announced in mid-November that if the leader
of the opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party Sam Rainsy returned to
Cambodia from a trip abroad, he would be arrested.

Rainsy’s decision to delay his return to Phnom Penh after having made a
declaration that he “absolutely” would return to Cambodia “to save our
country” and that “Even if I die, it doesn’t matter, I will die as a
Khmer,” has been used by Prime Minister Hun Sen and the ruling Cambodian
People’s Party to paint Rainsy as an untrustworthy demagogue who should be
disregarded by voters before the communal and national elections in 2017
and 2018.

In a column on Nov. 20, I gave Rainsy an A-plus for his courage, but I
expressed my fear of his being bloodied senseless, even at the airport, by
Hun Sen’s goons, who previously beat and kicked two opposition lawmakers in
plain sight in front of the National Assembly while police looked on. A
physically injured Rainsy might not be able to lead the struggle

*Useless dead heroes *

I recalled in the article the controversial political guideline I attached
to the Armed Political Propaganda and Clandestine Operations units I
created in the course of military resistance operations in Cambodia in 1987
— “Dead heroes are useless. Stay alive to fight another day.” I was
actually sailing against the current then, as conventional training taught
men to fight to the last drop of blood.

The don’t-be-dead-heroes guideline became a topic of discussion among
Khmers in the country and abroad.

While my article last month received favorable responses, a variety of
opinions are posted on the Internet.

Since my departure from active service in the noncommunist resistance in
1989, I have not been affiliated with any political party. Still, I have
not hidden my political preferences. I dislike oppression of any kind.

*Death not the worst *

I find it strange that many critics of Rainsy are Hun Sen’s antagonists.
Rainsy is a “coward” some say, and lacks the courage to face “only a
two-year jail term”; Rainsy “needs to return to Cambodia (where) 10 million
Rainsys are behind him”; Rainsy broke his promise to his “1.8 million
Facebook fans” (as if they are robots unable to think differently?), etc.

Am I actually witnessing Hun Sen’s “willing executioners”? One remark
rattled me: “Dying for freedom or going to jail isn’t the worst that could
happen. Running away from followers is.”

I was reminded of America’s founding father, Patrick Henry, a lawyer and a
planter, who made an unforgettable speech in 1775 in Virginia, advocating
mobilization for military action against the advancing British troops: “Is
life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains
and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may
take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

The 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence of the United States knew
they were committing treason against the British Crown: five were captured
and tortured as traitors; nine died from wounds and hardships; two lost
their sons who served in the Continental Army; two had their sons captured;
12 had their homes pillaged and burned.

I reflect on how words come so very easily when one lives in an
air-conditioned home and never faces death or jail for his or her political
beliefs, and thank heaven for giving me the honor and the privilege to
serve with many in the resistance for nine years yet to have lived to fight
again today against oppression.

*More than one way *

One reason Hun Sen remains in power is because the international community
continues “business as usual” with the regime. Nations will continue to
passively support the Hun Sen regime until an organic Cambodian movement
foments necessary political change.

I’ve previously referenced the documentary film, “Cyber-democracy:
Cambodia, Kafka’s Kingdom” by award-winning filmmaker Ellen Grant. The film
is a potent tool in the fight to unseat Hun Sen. Please share it widely

Fwd: [Cambodia-America] U.S. Congress letter to Prime Minister Hun Sen

2015-12-05 Thread Kangaroo
Hun Sen was crying after receiving this letter according to some. 
Unfortunately some Cambodian American survivors think that USA owns Cambodia.  

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Fwd: Cyber-democracy is on YouTube

2015-10-28 Thread Khmer Forum
*Click here *:

*Forwarded from Professor Gaffar Peang-Meth, Ph.D*


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

-- Forwarded message --
From: Gaffar Peang-Meth 
Date: Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 5:26 PM
Subject: Cyber-democracy in on YouTube

* Cyber-democracy: Cambodia, Kafka’s Kingdom *

*in the Khmer Language Is Now On YouTube*

I would like to inform you that the documentary film, Cyber-democracy:

Kafka’s Kingdom in the Khmer language can now be accessed through Google.

can click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YiYOtFm_XQ  to see the film and
listen to the



Gaffar Peang-Meth, Ph.D.

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Fwd: 24 Years of PPA

2015-10-12 Thread S. Sophoan

-- Forwarded message --
From: Khmer Canadian Youth Association of Alberta <
Date: Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 9:14 AM
Subject: 24 Years of PPA

This year is the 24 Years of Paris Peace Agreement Anniversary (October 23,
1991 - October 23, 2015) that Cambodia has been gradually transformed
itself after impacting by the cold war and post-cold war donimo.

The Khmer Youth Association of Alberta is proudly to continue its
commemorations since 2009 which has focused on different themes. The theme
for this year is "Cambodian diaspoa & their  rights to vote in Cambodia
election by endorsing the Advocacy Efforts of The CEROC or Commission for
Elections Rights of Overseas Cambodians".

The main purpose of our commemoration is to educate the youths and to
create awareness for the public of how important of this day. Our
activities are workshops, seminars and classroom-set gathering.

This year,  we are eagerly welcoming everyone to join with us at the
Village Square Library, Calgary,  Alberta. This venue give us enough
rationale for purposes mentioned above.

There are key presenters on the issues as well as the sharing of experience
from Thailand and Phillipino diaspora about voting long distance with all
their country's national elections.

Thank you very much for your attention and we hope you can join with us
with same day and similar themes anywhere around the world.

FYI please see attached poster.

In Fraternity,
On Oct 12, 2015 8:33 AM, "Khmer Canadian Youth Association of Alberta" <
i...@khmeryouth.cambodianview.com> wrote:

> This year is the 24 Years of Paris Peace Agreement Anniversary (October
> 23, 1991 - October 23, 2015) that Cambodia has been gradually transformed
> itself after impacting by the cold war and post-cold war donimo.
> The Khmer Youth Association of Alberta is proudly to continue its
> commemorations since 2009 which has focused on different themes. The theme
> for this year is "Cambodian diaspoa & their  rights to vote in Cambodia
> election by endorsing the Advocacy Efforts of The CEROC or Commission for
> Elections Rights of Overseas Cambodians".
> The main purpose of our commemoration is to educate the youths and to
> create awareness for the public of how important of this day. Our
> activities are workshops, seminars and classroom-set gathering.
> This year,  we are eagerly welcoming everyone to join with us at the
> Village Square Library, Calgary,  Alberta. This venue give us enough
> rationale for purposes mentioned above.
> There are key presenters on the issues as well as the sharing of
> experience from Thailand and Phillipino diaspora about voting long distance
> with all their country's national elections.
> Thank you very much for your attention and we hope you can join with us
> with same day and similar themes anywhere around the world.
> FYI please see attached poster.
> In Fraternity,

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Fwd: Is 'Yuon' a Racist Word?

2015-10-09 Thread Davan Long
FYI... just would like to share my recent article to the editors of
Cambodiadaily and Phnom Penh post.



-- Forwarded message --
From: Davan Long 
Date: Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 12:33 PM
Subject: Is 'Yuon' a Racist Word?
To: edi...@cambodiadaily.com, editor.ppp...@online.com.kh

Dear Editors,

With all due respect to Mr. *Julian Abrams*’s, I am writing in response to
his rebuttal (
to Mr. Sam Rainsy’s article on September 28 titled “Claims That ‘Yuon’ Is a
Racist Term Should Be Put to Rest”.

It has become almost a favorable pastime for our “well-meaning” Westerners
to arbitrarily denounce the usage of the word ‘Yuon’ with complete
disregard of local values, tradition and ways-of-life.

While Khmer natives of different walks of life at home and abroad have
repeatedly come forward to offer genuine explanations on the existence,
meaning and usage of word “Yuon” from the historical, linguistic and social
perspectives, their sincere efforts have so far been falling on deaf ears.

On the other hand, one has yet to hear a sensible argument from our
“well-meaning” visitors to justify their claims that “Yuon” is a pejorative
term.  It appears there is nothing to backup such claims except the claims

Many Khmers increasingly perceive the assertion that “Yuon” is a racist
term was never about fighting or eradicating racism.  Rather, it was about
perpetuating a classic colonialist behavior by some uninformed visiting
Westerners who intentionally or unintentionally continue to behave as if
they have the right to randomly decide what is appropriate and what is not
for the host country.

Interestingly, suppose one were to ask the following
chickens-come-home-to-roost question:  What if a group of individuals from
the middle-East visit a Western country and assert that women should be
banned from wearing revealing bikini in public beaches or pools because in
their belief such outfit degrades women in general, insult their religion
and offend their spouses and daughters?  What would be the reaction of
our “well-meaning”

Any attempt to suppress the word ‘Yuon’ will only backfire and reinforce
Mr. Rainsy’s view that the claims are pointless and should be put to rest
once for all.

Warm regards,

Davan Long

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Fwd: Comité d'organisation du 19 septembre

2015-09-17 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
-- Message transféré --
De : Sokha <sok...@gmail.com>
Date : 17 septembre 2015 23:39
Objet : Fwd: Comité d'organisation du 19 septembre
À : Khmer Srâlanh Khmer <khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com>

-- Message transféré --
De : Centre Khemara <i...@khemara.org>
Date : 17 septembre 2015 15:14
Objet : Re: Comité d'organisation du 19 septembre
À : Secretary <i...@khemara.org>, Thun Chhim <c_t...@videotron.ca>,
psr...@hotmail.com, ornim <or...@videotron.ca>, Pong Keuk <
ponk...@cgocable.ca>, Sokha Ly <sok...@gmail.com>, Muy Len Pong <
muylenp...@hotmail.com>, Kim Huy Ly <lykim...@hotmail.com>, Bunkorn Yun <
bunkorn...@yahoo.ca>, komlo...@bell.net

Bonjour à tous,

La Motion reconnaissant les crimes contre l'humanité commis au Cambodge par
les Khmers rouges entre 1975 et 1979 est adoptée à l'unanimité hier matin.
Dorénavant *la journée du 19 septembre <http://bit.ly/19septembre> devienne
la Journée de commémoration des crimes contre l’humanité commis au Cambodge
par les Khmers rouges entre 1975 et 1979.*


Merci à tous d'avoir soutenu la démarche du Centre  Khemara, votre Centre.

À ce samedi à la pagode

>> *Savary Chhem-Kieth (Mr)*
>> savary.chhem-ki...@centre.khemara.org
>> T +1 514 907-1995
>> C +1 514 909-1316
>> *KHEMARA ខេមរា*
>> Centre d'Histoire & Civilisation Khmères
>> Khmer History & Civilisation Center
>> មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តនិងអារ្យធម៌ខ្មែរ
>> i...@khemara.orgwww.khemara.org
>> +1 514 400-5432   www.fb.me/CentreKhemara

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Fwd: 40th Year Anniversary of Cambodian Genocide in Seattle, Washington State - Saturday, August 29, 2015!

2015-08-21 Thread Khmer Forum
*Remembering the Past and Welcoming the Future*

*Saturday August 29th, 2015 *

*8:00 am  - 4:30 pm*


*North Seattle College*

*9600 College Way North*

*Seattle, WA 98103*

-- *Forwarded message* --
From: Antares Light mxx...@gmail.com
Date: Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 10:36 PM
Subject: 40th Year Anniversary of Cambodian Genocide
To: Khmer Forum khmerforu...@gmail.com
View in a web browser

*Remembering the Past and Welcoming the Future*

*Saturday August 29th, 2015 *

*8:00 am  - 4:30 pm*


*North Seattle College*

*9600 College Way North*

*Seattle, WA 98103*

Click here to Attend

Seattle, WA- On Saturday August 29th, 2015 a Washington State
Cambodian/Khmer Conference will take place at North Seattle Community
College (9600 College Way N., Seattle, WA 98103) from 8 am – 4:30 pm. The
conference will convene 500 community members across the state of
Washington to address the impacts and reconciliation efforts of Cambodian
American’s experiences during the Khmer Rouge Genocide that took place from
April 17th, 1975 – January 7th, 1979, in which approximately 2 million
lives were lost and an enormous number of refugees resettled globally. The
number of refugees alone, from Southeast Asian countries during the 1970s –
1980s is the largest refugee resettlement in American history, climbing up
to 1 million. Washington State is a refugee/immigrant state and received
the third largest Cambodian refugee resettlement in Seattle/King County.

A coordinating committee of Cambodian community leadership across the state
of Washington formed an organizational body consisting of
inter-generational collaborations and gender inclusive leadership consensus
building for the purpose of bridging history, culture and remembrance. This
first of it’s kind statewide Cambodian American collaboration brings
together more than 16+ Cambodian organizations to address issues related to
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Human Suffering, Community Building and
Identity Formation.

Representative Rady Mom from Massachussets will be joining us for this
historical event. Rep. Mom is the first Cambodian elected into office in
the United States.


Your presence to help us remember the two million Cambodian brothers and
sisters that have lost their lives during the Killing Fields will be very
much appreciated. Following the program, you are also invited to a small
reception for Rep. Rady Mom, at the China Harbor from 6:00 pm until midnight.
The cost will be $30.00 for the reception.

On behalf of the coordinating committee, I would like to thank you for your
unwavering support and commitment to building communities and equitable
outcomes. We look forward to meeting you at the conference.

If you have further questions, you can contact Bill Oung, the Chair of the
coordinating committee at william.o...@gmail.com

Yours Respectively,

Cambodian Community Coalition of Washington

  [image: Created by FlashIssue]
  *Mailing address:* Rajana Society, 3826 Beach Dr. SW, Seattle, WA, 98116,
from future emails.

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Fwd: Don't Think I've Forgotten: Cambodia's Lost Rock and Roll at SIFF Film Center, Seattle, WA

2015-06-20 Thread Khmer Forum
*Wonderful Khmer movie coming to Seattle, WA this week (**June 20 - **June
24, 2015)* - *Don't Think I've Forgotten:
Cambodia's Lost Rock and Roll* at SIFF Film Center *USA | 2015 | 106
minutes | John Pirozzi*

*SIFF Film Center*: *305 Harrison Street, Seattle, WA 98109*. Seattle
Center campus, near the corner of Warren Ave  Republican St. On campus we
are located in the Northwest Rooms, between the Seattle Repertory Theatre
and Key Arena.

*Schedule*: *June 20, 2015: 4:30 PM,  9:00 PM June 21, 2015: 4:30 PM, 
9:00 PM June 22, 2015: 8:30 PM June 23, 2015: 8:30 PM June 24, 2015: 8:30

Director: John Pirozzi Principal Cast: Sinn Sisamouth, Ros Serey Sothea,
Baksey Cham Krong Country: USA, Cambodia Year: 2015 Running Time: 106
minutes Website: Official Film Website Language: English, Khmer, French
HasSubTitles: Yes Format: DCP


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

   On Friday, June 19, 2015 1:10 PM, Michelle Kumata mkum...@wingluke.org
 *Don't Think I've Forgotten: Cambodia's Lost Rock and Roll
http://www.siff.net/cinema/dont-think-ive-forgotten* is playing at the
SIFF Film Center http://www.siff.net/cinema/cinema-venues/siff-film-center
(see info for free parking)
USA | 2015 | 106 minutes | John Pirozzi
*SIFF Film Center | Exclusive Presentation.*
In 1975 the Khmer Rouge began systematically eliminating all traces of
Western influenced culture and arts, including the flourishing new music
scene mixing Western rock ‘n’ roll with Cambodian female vocals. This
documentary is a celebration of the music and its triumph over destruction.
In the 1960s, the increased American presence in the Vietnam War helped
rock ‘n’ roll reach Cambodia, encouraging the emergence of a vibrant new
sound like no other: a blend of Western grooves, traditional Eastern
melodies, and hypnotic, often female, vocals. Just as this new Cambodian
music scene was flourishing, the country underwent a drastic change, and on
April 17, 1975, the Khmer Rouge began ruthlessly wiping out all traces of
modernity and Western influence. But they couldn't stop the music, which
became treasured by record collectors around the world and would go on to
inspire a new generation of musicians, including American indie band Dengue
Fever. Filmmaker John Pirozzi spent a decade researching the twists and
shouts of Cambodia's lost pop music, tracking down surviving musicians and
restoring recordings from rare vinyl pressings. Exposing the tragedy and
heartbreak that occurred as clubs were closed, record collections were
destroyed, and musicians were targeted and killed, *Don't Think I've
Forgotten* is also a musical restoration of the country's history, a
celebration of art, and an homage to those who paid for it with their lives.

Michelle Kumata
Exhibit Director
Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience
719 South King St.
Seattle, WA 98104

206.623.5124 Ext. 124
*mkum...@wingluke.org mkum...@wingluke.org*

*www.wingluke.org http://www.wingluke.org*

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Fwd: [#XBU-577-37561]: Fwd: Yuok sarin profile

2015-05-31 Thread yuok sarin
-- សារ​បា​ន​បញ្ជូន​បន្ត --
ពី៖ *yuok sarin* yuok.sa...@gmail.com
កាលបរិច្ឆេទ៖ ចន្ទ 1 មិថុនា 2015
ប្រធានបទ៖ [#XBU-577-37561]: Fwd: Yuok sarin profile
ជូន​ចំពោះ៖ ad...@pfm.gov.kh, feedb...@reliefweb.int

-- សារ​បា​ន​បញ្ជូន​បន្ត --
ពី៖ *yuok sarin* yuok.sa...@gmail.com
កាលបរិច្ឆេទ៖ ចន្ទ 1 មិថុនា 2015
ប្រធានបទ៖ [#XBU-577-37561]: Fwd: Yuok sarin profile
ជូន​ចំពោះ៖ feedb...@reliefweb.int
javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','feedb...@reliefweb.int');, Ryan Merkley 
ad...@pfm.gov.kh javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','ad...@pfm.gov.kh');

-- សារ​បា​ន​បញ្ជូន​បន្ត --
ពី៖ *Instra Corporation* supp...@asiaregistry.com
កាលបរិច្ឆេទ៖ ចន្ទ 1 មិថុនា 2015
ប្រធានបទ៖ [#XBU-577-37561]: Fwd: Yuok sarin profile
ជូន​ចំពោះ៖ yuok.sa...@gmail.com

yuok sarin,

Thank you for contacting us. This is an automated response confirming the
receipt of your ticket. One of our agents will get back to you as soon as
possible. For your records, the details of the ticket are listed below.
When replying, please make sure that the ticket ID is kept in the subject
line to ensure that your replies are tracked appropriately.

   *Ticket ID: *XBU-577-37561
   *Subject: *Fwd: Yuok sarin profile
   *Department: *Asia Support

Kind regards,

Instra Corporation Pty. Ltd.
GPO Box 988
Melbourne Victoria
Australia 3001
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បាន​ផ្ញើ​ពី Gmail Mobile

បាន​ផ្ញើ​ពី Gmail Mobile

បាន​ផ្ញើ​ពី Gmail Mobile

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Fwd: Contracts for May 26, 2015

2015-05-26 Thread yuok sarin
-- សារ​បា​ន​បញ្ជូន​បន្ត --
ពី៖ *DoD Contracts* dodcontra...@subscriptions.dod.mil
កាលបរិច្ឆេទ៖ ពុធ 27 ឧសភា 2015
ប្រធានបទ៖ Contracts for May 26, 2015
ជូន​ចំពោះ៖ yuok.sa...@gmail.com

   You are subscribed to Contract Announcements for U.S. Department of
Defense. This information has recently been updated, and is now available
 Contracts for May 26, 2015
05/26/2015 05:01 PM CDT


*No. CR-098-15May 26, 2015*



Alaska Structure Inc.,* Anchorage, Alaska, has been awarded a maximum
$200,000,000 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery contract for commercial
shelters. This was a competitive acquisition with 20 responses received.
This is a one-year base contract with three option years. Locations of
performance are Alaska and New Mexico with a May 31, 2016, performance
completion date. Using services are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps.
Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 through fiscal 2016 defense working
capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency
Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE1C1-15-D-1060).


Ten contracts will be modified to extend services under
indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contracts. The contracts provide
for international airlift services. They are: Federal Express Charter
Programs Team Arrangement, Memphis, Tennessee, which includes American
Airlines Inc., Fort Worth, Texas; Atlas Air Inc., Purchase, New York; Delta
Air Lines Inc., Atlanta, Georgia; FedEx Charters, Memphis, Tennessee; Polar
Air Cargo Worldwide Inc., Purchase, New York; and US Airways Inc., Phoenix,
Arizona (modification P05 to previously awarded contract
HTC711-15-D-CC01); Miami Air International Inc., doing business as Miami
Air Team, Miami, Florida, which includes Miami Air International Inc.,
Miami, Florida; and MN Airlines LLC, doing business as Sun Country
Airlines, Mendota Heights, Minnesota (modification P2 to previously
awarded contract HTC711-15-D-CC02); Patriot Team, Tulsa, Oklahoma, which
includes ABX Air, Wilmington, Ohio; Air Transportation International Inc.,
Wilmington, Ohio; JetBlue Airways Corp., Long Island City, New York;
Kalitta Air LLC, Ypsilanti, Michigan; Northern Air Cargo Inc., Anchorage,
Alaska; Omni Air International Inc., Tulsa, Okla.; Sky Lease I Inc.,
Greensboro, North Carolina; Southern Air Inc., Norwalk, Connecticut; United
Airlines Inc., Elk Grove Village, Illinois; and United Parcel Service Co.,
Louisville, Kentucky (modification P4 to previously awarded contract
HTC711-15-D-CC03); Allegiant Air LLC, Las Vegas, Nevada (modification
P2 to previously awarded contract HTC711-15-D-CC04); Hawaiian Airlines
Inc., Honolulu, Hawaii (modification P2 to previously awarded contract
HTC711-15-D-CC05); Lynden Air Cargo LLC, Anchorage, Alaska (modification
P2 to previously awarded contract HTC711-15-D-CC06); National Air Cargo
Group Inc., doing business as National Airlines, Orlando, Florida
(modification P3 to previously awarded contract HTC711-15-D-CC07);
Southwest Airlines Co., Dallas, Texas (modification P2 to previously
awarded contract HTC711-15-D-CC08); Alaska Airlines Inc., Seattle,
Washington (modification P2 to previously awarded contract
HTC711-15-D-CC09); and Tatonduk Outfitters Ltd., doing business as Everts
Air Cargo, Fairbanks, Alaska (modification P1 to previously awarded
contract HTC711-15-D-CC19). The total cumulative face value of the program
is $114,851,105. Work will be performed at worldwide locations as specified
on each individual task order, with an expected completion date of Dec. 31,
2015. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2016 transportation working capital
funds to be obligated on individual task orders. The U. S. Transportation
Command, Directorate of Acquisition, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, is the
contracting activity.


Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Training, Moorestown, New Jersey, is
being awarded a $69,690,095 modification to previously awarded contract
(N00024-13-C-5111) for development and test of the Japan Aegis

Fwd: Be a part of a historic achievement in global health

2015-05-26 Thread yuok sarin
-- សារ​បា​ន​បញ្ជូន​បន្ត --
ពី៖ *yuok sarin* yuok.sa...@gmail.com
កាលបរិច្ឆេទ៖ អង្គារ 26 ឧសភា 2015
ប្រធានបទ៖ Be a part of a historic achievement in global health
ជូន​ចំពោះ៖ Dr. Neeraj Mistry e...@sabin.org

Thank you

នៅ អង្គារ 26 ឧសភា 2015, Dr. Neeraj Mistry បាន​សរសេរ​៖

 END7 Diseases by 2020]

 Dear Yuok,
[image: Photo by Padre Chico / CC]  [image: Donate]

 Nearly the entire population of this small island nation is at risk of
 lymphatic filariasis (LF), an extremely painful and disfiguring neglected
 tropical disease also known as elephantiasis. If left untreated, it causes
 extreme swelling of the legs and feet and cannot be cured.

 A lifetime of disability can be prevented with an annual dose of
 Timor-Leste plans to treat nearly a million people this summer in order to 
 the disease by 2020. Will you offer your support?

 Last year, END7 donors supported extensive training to prepare for this
 first mass drug administration. Now community health care workers are
 prepared to deliver the medicine to treat not just LF but several other
 neglected tropical diseases (or NTDs).

 If we succeed, in just five years, lymphatic filariasis could be
 eliminated from Timor-Leste!

 *Support the campaign eliminate LF and treat children for parasitic worms.
 It cost less than 50 cents to treat and protect a child from the most
 common NTDs. Your support has helped countries like Kenya, Vietnam and
 Indonesia control and prevent NTDs through distribution of medicine,
 training of community health care workers and education about how to
 prevent reinfection.* 100 percent of **your donation*
 to END7 supports NTD programs!

 *Please donate to END7 to help protect the children of Timor-Leste.

 We can make a difference. Help ensure that no child alive today in
 Timor-Leste will ever know the pain of LF.

 Best regards,
 Neeraj Mistry and the END7 Team

 P.S. END7
 is a campaign of the Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases at the
 Sabin Vaccine Institute which has received Charity Navigator's highest 
 every year since 2006.


Fwd: NIMH Director's Blog: Training for the Future

2015-05-26 Thread yuok sarin
-- សារ​បា​ន​បញ្ជូន​បន្ត --
ពី៖ *National Institute of Mental Health* n...@public.govdelivery.com
កាលបរិច្ឆេទ៖ ពុធ 27 ឧសភា 2015
ប្រធានបទ៖ NIMH Director's Blog: Training for the Future
ជូន​ចំពោះ៖ yuok.sa...@gmail.com

   Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page

[image: NIMH Banner]

 Training for the Future

Dr. Insel talks about the importance of incorporating neuroscience in the
training of psychiatric residents and a new initiative to do that. The
clinician of 2025 will need to know about the science of the brain.

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Fwd: [#ZGC-357-66086]: Re: ReliefWeb Blog: Please Confirm Subscription

2015-05-24 Thread yuok sarin
Now see chinese support.

-- សារ​បា​ន​បញ្ជូន​បន្ត --
ពី៖ *yuok sarin* yuok.sa...@gmail.com
កាលបរិច្ឆេទ៖ សុក្រ 22 ឧសភា 2015
ប្រធានបទ៖ [#ZGC-357-66086]: Re: ReliefWeb Blog: Please Confirm Subscription
ជូន​ចំពោះ៖ feedb...@reliefweb.int, ad...@pfm.gov.kh
ចម្លង​ជូន៖ Ryan Merkley i...@creativecommons.org, 
secret...@allpartysystem.org secret...@allpartysystem.org

នៅ សុក្រ 22 ឧសភា 2015, cr...@cr.gov.hk
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Fwd: [New post] សួស្តីឆ្នាំថ្មី២៥៥៩

2015-04-18 Thread S. Sophoan
*Happy Khmer New Year 2559!*

-- Forwarded message --
From: THE CEROC donotre...@wordpress.com
Date: 2015-04-13 13:54 GMT-06:00
Subject: [New post] សួស្តីឆ្នាំថ្មី២៥៥៩
To: sopha...@gmail.com

   petition posted: ក្នុងឱកាសចូលឆ្នាំប្រពៃណីយ៍ខ្មែរ ឆ្នាំមមែ សប្តស័ក
ព.ស.២៥៥៩ នេះ យេីងខ្ញុំជាសមាជិក-សមាជិកាឌឺសេរ៉ក៉សូមប្រសិទ្ធិពរជ័យ
សិរីបវរមហាប្រសេីរ ដល់កុលបុត្រ-កុលធីតាខ្មែរទាំង
នឹងបាននូវពុទ្ធពរទាំងឡាយ៥ប្រការគឺអាយុ វណ្ណៈ សុខៈ ពលៈ និងបដិភាណៈ
  New post on *THE CEROC*
http://petition.khmeroversea.info/?author=1  សួស្តីឆ្នាំថ្មី២៥៥៩
petition http://petition.khmeroversea.info/?author=1


*ឆ្នាំមមែ សប្តស័ក ព.ស.២៥៥៩ នេះ*

*យេីងខ្ញុំជាសមាជិក-សមាជិកាឌឺសេរ៉ក៉សូមប្រសិទ្ធិពរជ័យ សិរីបវរមហាប្រសេីរ
ដល់កុលបុត្រ-កុលធីតាខ្មែរទាំង នឹងបាននូវពុទ្ធពរទាំងឡាយ៥ប្រការគឺអាយុ វណ្ណៈ
សុខៈ ពលៈ និងបដិភាណៈ កុំបីឃ្លៀងឃ្លាតឡេីយ។*

[image: Happy Khmer New Year 2559 copy]
  *petition http://petition.khmeroversea.info/?author=1* | April 13, 2015
at 7:54 pm | Categories: Cambodian Overseas
Direct Democracy
Dual Citizenship
Election Reform
Expat Khmers
| URL: http://wp.me/p4oIir-ci

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Fwd: [New post] 9 NEC Members are released

2015-04-12 Thread S. Sophoan

-- Forwarded message --
From: THE CEROC donotre...@wordpress.com
Date: Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 8:15 PM
Subject: [New post] 9 NEC Members are released
To: sopha...@gmail.com

   petition posted: Finally, we now know those nine NEC members choosing
from the pooling applicants of 24. As the news reported, the applications
received are more than 60, but how should the selection committee has
shortlisted them to 24? Below are the release NEC members
  New post on *THE CEROC*
http://petition.khmeroversea.info/?author=1  9 NEC Members are released
http://petition.khmeroversea.info/9-nec-members-are-released/ by petition

Finally, we now know those nine NEC members choosing from the pooling
applicants of 24. As the news reported, the applications received are more
than 60, but how should the selection committee has shortlisted them to 24?

Below are the release NEC members:

1. លោកហង្ស ពុទ្ធា Mr.Hang Puthea - agreed by both parties

2. លោកគួយ ប៑ុនរឿន Mr.Kuoy Bunroeun - CNRP

3. លោករ៉ុង ឈុន Mr.Rong Chun - CNRP

4. លោកហុឹង ធីរិទ្ធិ Mr.Hung Thirith - CNRP

5. អ្នកស្រីតែ ម៉ានីរ៉ុង Mrs. Te Manirong - CNRP

6. លោកសុិក ប៑ុនហុក Mr. Sik Bunhok - CPP

7. លោកមាន សទិ Mr. Mean Sati - CPP

8. លោកឌុច សុន Mr. Duch Son - CPP

9. លោកឯម សូផាត Mr. Eam Sophat - CPP

Note that Mr.Mean Sati and Eam Sophat are former members of NEC that has
been blamed for its bias.

*We wish them good luck and don't include Khmers Overseas to vote to
collectively help develop this beloved nation.*

[image: Nec member 1]
NEC member 2]
NEC member 3]
NEC member 4]
NEC member 5]
NEC member 6]
  *petition http://petition.khmeroversea.info/?author=1* | April 8, 2015
at 2:15 am | Categories: Direct Democracy
Dual Citizenship
Election Reform
Expat Khmers
http://petition.khmeroversea.info/?taxonomy=categoryterm=petition | URL:

all comments

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Fwd: CCHR Newsletter: April 2015

2015-04-03 Thread Khmer Forum
*Subject: CCHR Newsletter: April 2015From:* Cambodian Center for Human
Rights i...@cchrcambodia.org

*April 2015*View this email in your browser
*CCHR Newsletter: Rights in Focus*
(Photograph: CCHR Team)

*'Free the 12' campaign launched at CCHR headquarters, Phnom Penh*

On Friday 6 March 2015, the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights (“CCHR”)
launched a campaign to call for the release of 12 people, including 11
women and 1 monk, wrongfully convicted and jailed while exercising their
fundamental freedoms.

The campaign was launched ahead of International Women’s Day, in light of
the 11 women detained in relation to the long-running land dispute in the
Boeung Kak area of Phnom Penh. The launch featured a press conference with
remarks from CCHR Executive Director Chak Sopheap, relatives of the
detainees, and a representative of LICADHO, as well as the delivery of a
joint statement requesting the immediate release and the dropping of all
charges against the activists. Individuals were also encouraged to write
postcards with messages of solidarity to be sent to the 12 detainees. CCHR
will collect the postcards from the public and deliver them once a month
until the release.

The launch took place at the CCHR headquarters in Phnom Penh and was
attended by approximately 70 participants, including members of the Boeung
Kak community, their friends and supporters, as well as local journalists
and civil society groups. Fellow community members voiced their concerns
over the ongoing land dispute, lamented the absence and suffering of the
detainees, and expressed solidarity for the fight for the housing rights of
their community. The 12-year-old daughter of one of the jailed women told
the crowd that while she missed her mother and could not afford to go to
school while she was in prison, she would continue to ‘stand up and fight
for my mother’.

Respect for the rights to freedom of expression, association, and assembly,
and to a fair trial, as endorsed in the Cambodian Constitution and
international treaties that Cambodia acceded, remains a serious concern. In
her speech, Ms. Chak Sopheap called for the Cambodian government to abide
by its duty to respect and protect the rights of its citizens, including
when exercising their fundamental freedoms through protests, and not to
arbitrarily imprison them with no respect for fair trial rights. Ms.
Sopheap also called for greater protections for Human Rights Defenders,
especially those who are particularly vulnerable in Cambodian society such
as women defenders.

The ‘Free the 12’ campaign launch successfully highlighted the need and the
public support to continue to fight for the fundamental freedoms of
Cambodian citizens. These rights are routinely denied, as evidenced by the
abuses suffered by the activists in this case.
Free the 12!

For further information regarding the intersection of women’s rights in
Cambodia and the Boeung Kak Lake campaign, please see the ‘Sihti’ blog
post ‘Cambodian
women are speaking up for their rights; it’s time we listen’
written by CCHR International Intern, Nina Calleja.
*Also see:*
CCHR, ‘CCHR to launch campaign for the release of 12 land rights defenders
imprisoned for exercising their fundamental freedoms
Media Release, 4 March 2015.
CCHR, ‘Civil Society Organizations call for the release of 12 land rights
defenders imprisoned for exercising their fundamental freedoms’
Joint Statement, 6 March 2015.

 *In The Media:*
Phnom Penh Post, 18 March 2015, quoting Ms Chak Sopheap: Michelle Obama to
push girls' education
Aljazeera, 19 March 2015, quoting Ms Chak Sopheap: Cambodia OKs
controversial election laws

Radio Free Asia, 9 March 2015, quoting Ms Chak Sopheap: N
Slam Cambodian Political Parties Over Workshop on Electoral Reform Draft
Radio Free Asia, 6 March 2015, authored by Ms Chak Sopheap: Civil Society
Groups Call for Release of Boeung Kak Activists in Cambodia

Fwd: CNRP-NA Press Release

2015-03-26 Thread Kangaroo
If Cambodians low their people and their nation they wouldn't have been 
destroying one another as they have been doing in theand their nation
nation they wouldn't have been destroying one another as they have been doing 
in the last b decades. they wouldn't have been destroying one another as they 
have been doing in the last b decades.people and their nation they wouldn't 
have been destroying one another as they have been doing in the last 6 decades.

Please don't believe me. Read the Cambodian history yourself. Anmbodians think 
they are far better than Vietnamese or Thailand.
Judge it for yourself.

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Fwd: CCHR Newsletter: February-March 2015

2015-03-01 Thread Khmer Forum
*CCHR Newsletter: Rights in Focus*
 *February/ March 2015*View this email in your browser
*CCHR Newsletter: Rights in Focus*
   The Rights of Others is screened at Metahouse, Phnom
Penh (Photograph: CCHR PFFP Team)

*Screening of land rights documentary The Rights of Others at Metahouse,
Phnom Penh*

On Sunday 8 February, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights screened the
documentary, The Rights of Others at Meta House, Phnom Penh. The
documentary addresses the topic of Human Rights Defenders (“HRDs”) in
Cambodia and was produced by the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT).
The screening was followed by a presentation and QA session with CCHR’s
Land Reform Project Coordinator Mr. Vann Sophath and Ms. Yong Sophorn, a
land grab victim and community representative, both of whom feature in the
film. Over 80 people attended the screening, including national and
international representatives and media agencies.

The documentary aims to raise awareness of the challenges facing HRDs in
their work defending the rights of others. The focus was on HRDs working on
issues related to land and housing rights – the most frequently violated
rights in Cambodia. A number of HRDs appeared in the documentary who told
different stories of how they had been threatened, harassed and arrested
for engaging in peaceful demonstrations and defending their land. It also
highlighted Cambodia’s international and domestic legal obligations to
ensure that HRDs and land rights activists are able to carry out their
valuable work.

 Read more

 *In The Media:*
The Mail Online, 26 January 2015, quoting Ms Chak Sopheap: Cambodia Court
Upholds Convictions for Land Rights Activists.
Phnom Penh Post, 30 January 2015, quoting Ms Chak Sopheap: 2014 One of the
'Worst Years' for Human Rights.
VOA, 4 February 2015, quoting Ms Chak Sopheap: Draft Law Could Mean a
Crackdown on Online Freedom, Expert Says.
Phnom Penh Post, 18 February 2015, authored by Ms Chak Sopheap: Cambodia
Needs to Prioritise  Access to Information Law
VOA, 19 February 2015, quoting Ms Chak Sopheap: Youth Driving Change in
Cambodian Gender Norms.
Joint Media Statement: Civil Society Groups Condemn Use of Visa Denial to
Curb Activism.
Press Release: Civil Society Organizations Call on the Government and
Political Parties to Respect Freedom of Expression.
Joint Statement: Civil Society groups Condemn the Ongoing Detention of 11
Media Comment: CCHR Expresses Concerns Over Indications of Undue Influence
Over the Actions of the Supreme Council Of Magistracy.
  (Photograph: CCHR Land Reform Team)
*Land Reform Project Team Conduct Research in the Provinces
The Land Reform Project has been conducting research for a land community
profile in Pursat, Battambang, Kompong Chhnang and Palin provinces. In
Pursat province, local people, including soldiers, say that their farmland
and houses were seized and destroyed by the MDS Import Export Co., owned by
Okhna Try Pheap.
*Upcoming Events:*

*9:00am, 6 March,* In Celebration of International Women's Day on 8 March,
CCHR will launch the 'Free the 12' campaign. The launch will take place at
CCHR, No. 789, Street 99, Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Phnom Penh.

*11 March, 11am-12pm*
CCHR Radio Talk Show on the topic of LGBT and development in society.

*30 March*,  Anniversary of the Grenade Attacks in Phnom Penh.

Email i...@cchrcambodia.org for more information.
  (Photograph: CCHR PFFP Team)
*Civil Society Groups Condemn the Ongoing Detention of 11 Activists*
Following an appeal hearing characterised by a lack of fair trial rights,
on 22 January 2015, the Court 

Fwd: Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from Khmer Youth part 8

2015-02-17 Thread S. Sophoan

-- Forwarded message --
From: Leadership Skills ប្រសិទ្ធិភាពជាមេដឹកនាំ i...@sophanseng.info
Date: Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 8:34 PM
Subject: Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from Khmer Youth part 8
To: sopha...@gmail.com

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from Khmer Youth part 8
2015-02-15 19:13:48

Buddha is the coach of leadership skills who preached Indians of ancient
time to change from animal or human sacrifice for religious rituals into
public services to serve the people indiscriminately. This part is also
articulating the 12 virtues of leadership, or Buddha called the code of
conduct for Chakravatin or Universal Leader.

This theory is well applicable to develop current Cambodia political
leadership and the effort to build its pragmatism.

Watch by clicking on this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npzQSt-DnD8

Bring to your desk by Leadership Skills:

LEADERSHIP is for everyone. Leadership is not solely accountable for King,
President, Prime Minister, CEO or school superintendent etc.

Individual requires effective leadership to handle with all his or her
daily activities. Buddha said no one save us, but ourselves; we are our
own savior is the indicator of important leadership starting from

As a member of family, one needs to manage their family's well-being

As a member of neighborhood and community, one must nurture their network
and relationship effectively.

As a member of a nation, one must stand up to safeguard the collective
interest of the nation with courageous, striving and perpetual commitment.
Nation means ourselves!

As a member of the globe, one must step beyond their frontier to challenge
with the world changes. Most mornings we turn a door-handle and walk out
into a larger world. We move across our world, at least across a tiny
section of it. This is the society of which we are part.

As said, leadership consists of many categories and sub-categories.
Researchers have categorized leadership in different fields such as
Political Leadership, Education Leadership, Business Leadership, Economic
Leadership, and Social Entrepreneur Leadership etc.

If you could not think globally, you must be able to act locally; in
contrast, if you could not act locally, you must be able to think globally.
Or you can take both for your consideration.

Steve Jobs advised that potential leadership stems from potential
innovation. If one has no innovation, he or she would be a follower, not a
leader. For Ralph Nader, he repeated that I start with the promise that
the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.
David Gergen deepened into a tangible theme that What they must have are:
inner mastery; a central, compelling purpose rooted in moral values; a
capacity to persuade; skills in working within the system; a fast start; a
strong, effective team; and a passion that inspires others to keep the
flame alive.

For Sophan who is the CEO of this Leadership Skills, leadership is the
continual triumph for positive change. S/he should be the catalyst for
change. S/he must be the agent of change. He said change yourself, good
luck; change other, impossible as Ghandi emphasized that you must be the
change, you want to see in the world.

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Fwd: CAMBODIA: Ruling Elite's crimes against humanity revisited

2015-02-05 Thread Khmer Forum
FYI - *CAMBODIA: Ruling Elite's crimes against humanity revisited *


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

*From:* Gaffar Peang-Meth peangm...@gmail.com
*Date:* February 4, 2015 at 7:46:59 PM PST
*To:* undisclosed-recipients:;
*Subject:* *CAMBODIA: Ruling Elite's crimes against humanity revisited*

[image: AHRC Logo]

CAMBODIA: Ruling Elite's crimes against humanity revisited
 Contributors: Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth

Cambodians' dissatisfaction with the country's direction is
well-documented. Displeasure with the ruling Cambodian People's Party's
rule is coupled with frustration that the opposition Cambodian National
Rescue Party leaders have failed to control the CPP – one reason for an
outgrowth of small parties likely to split votes from the CNRP in 2018.

Premier Hun Sen and his CPP relish seeing frustration turn to criticism
(even denunciation) of the CNRP for joining the National Assembly. Critics
believe the CNRP should not deal with devil—the CPP. *Thaem neak thaem*
(Encore!), one can hear the shrewd and foxy Premier and his CPP colleagues
snicker. With executive, legislative, and judicial powers concentrated in
their hands, they quash dissent and violate citizens' rights.

A few days ago, global watchdog Freedom House's report *Freedom of the
World 2015* rated Premier Hun Sen's Cambodia not free; its Southeast Asia
Program director dubbed Cambodia under the CPP, one of the most repressive
(countries) in the world, and it has not been free for at least 20 years on
Freedom House ratings. On Feb. 1, Premier Hun Sen's dynasty was solidified
with his three sons' promotions to positions to succeed him.

*Criminal complaint*

Last Oct. 14, I wrote in my article, The 'Ruling Elite' faces charges of
crimes against humanity, about roles and functions of the International
Criminal Court, and about the criminal complaint filed Oct. 7 by British
lawyer Richard J. Rogers of the London-based law firm Global Diligence LLP,
charging Cambodia's Ruling Elite – senior government officials, senior
State security forces officials, government-connected business leaders –
with crimes against humanity.

Ruling Elite faces charges of crimes against humanity

Briefly, the complaint charges the ruling elite with mass human rights
violations with twin-objectives of self-enrichment and maintaining power
at all costs: [P]ursuant to a State policy,the elite committed, aided
and abetted, ordered and/or incited the crimes of forcible transfer,
murder, illegal imprisonment, other inhumane acts, and persecution, since
Cambodia signed the Rome Statute in March 2002.

Some 770,000 people or six percent of the population have been forcibly
evicted from their lands since 2000. And, 20,000 more became new victims in
the first three months of 2014. At least 10 million acres of land (22
percent of total land area) have been confiscated. The State's legal and
security systems have quelled civil society leaders, monks, journalists,
lawyers, environmental activists, trade unionists, civilian protesters, and
opposition politicians.

The criminal complaint – a 450-page document with thousands of footnotes
and references – was filed on behalf of 10 individual victims who gave
Rogers power of attorney, and in relation to all the victims of the crimes.
In the filing it is asserted that should the ICC fail to act, hundreds of
thousands more Cambodians will likely fall victim to the land grabbing,
and Cambodia will fall prey to larger-scale violence.

The complaint made headlines and stirred hope and excitement among
Cambodians who want change in Cambodia.

*Conferences with diaspora *

Rogers, who lived in Cambodia for five years, grew to love the country and
its people, but was distressed by the ruling elite's scramble for resources
that compelled people to fight to protect their homes, land, and
livelihood. With an initial fund from the Cambodian diaspora, Rogers worked
on the criminal complaint.

In a January visit to the US, Rogers held a series of conferences in Long
Beach, CA (Jan. 9); Tacoma, WA (Jan. 10); Seattle, WA (Jan. 11); Falls
Church, VA (Jan. 17), and spoke via Skype to Cambodians in Minnesota, to
inform all about the status of the filing.

A UK lawyer, Rogers was joined by US lawyer Morton Sklar at Falls Church.
In March, Sklar filed a suit at the ICC on behalf of a group of Cambodian
Americans against Premier Hun Sen and senior officials, accusing them of
human rights violations and obstruction of justice through interference in
the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.

Videos of the conferences, and of Rogers's interviews with the Voice of
America-Khmer and Radio Free Asia, are posted on the Internet as activists
appealed for signatures on a Petition urging the ICC Prosecutor to pursue
this case and initiate an investigation into the alleged crimes.

*Legal hurdles*

Rogers told Cambodians the ICC Office of the 

Fwd: TR : កូនចង្រៃអកតញ្ញូ

2014-11-22 Thread Nokoreach Nokoreach
សុបិន្តរបស់លោកសម​ រង្ស៊ីនឹងក្លាយជាការពិតឬ???
ក្នុងតំណើររឿងនេះ ឬ សេណារីយោរឿងភាពយន្តប្រឌិតឡើងនេះមានដូចតទៅ ៖
​ ជាប្រធានគ ជ ប ថ្មីដែលកំពុងតែតថ្លៃគ្នានោះ​
​ សុវណ្ណារ៉ាមានសេរីភាពចេញពីទ្រុងសារីកាកែវមកវិញ ។
២  ចាត់បញ្ជាឧ្យលោកឡុង
រីចាកចេញពីបុព្វសិទ្ទជាតំណាងរាស្រ្តប្រចាំនៅមណ្ឌលខេត្តបន្ទាយ  ​
 មានជ័យដោយបង្ខំ ហើយឧ្យទៅកាន់កិច្ចការអ្វីមួយនៅក្នងគណបក្សសង្ត្គោះជាតិ ព្រោះ
 លោកសម រង្ស៊ីចាត់ទុកលោកឡុង
 មានប្រយោជន៏ដល់គណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិទេ បើសិនជាទុកលោកឡុង រីឧ្យនៅកាន់​
តំណែងជាតំណាងរាស្រ្តតទៅមុខទៀត ។
៣  ចាត់តាំងឬតែងតាំងលោកមាជ សុវណ្ណារ៉ាឧ្យមកជំនួសលោកឡុង រី ជាការស្រេច ។
​ ក្នុងការយល់សប្តិរបស់លោកសម រង្ស៊ីនេះ
 កុករបស់អាហ៊ុន សែនទៅទៀត  ??? ។

  សូមកូនខ្មែរទាំងអស់ជួយតាមដានមើលទាំងអស់គ្នាៈ ថាតើលោកមាជ

ពីខ្ញុំៈ ខែម ខៀវ

2014-11-21 13:19 GMT-05:00 Nokoreach Nokoreach nokore...@gmail.com:

 ឧ្យតែវាអាចប្រមូលប្រាក់ដុល្លារពីអាហ៊ុនសែន ។


 ក្បត់នឹងឆន្ទៈរបស់អ្នកគាំទ្រដូចលោកHAM Bun Tith

 ទេ ៕

 2014-11-21 11:28 GMT-05:00 HAM Bun Tith ham.bunt...@gmail.com:

 អកុសលណាស់ ដែលខ្មែរមានកំទេចបញ្ញវ័ន្តបែបបុរសខែម ខៀវនេះ ដែលពុំមានឧត្តមគតិ

 2014-11-21 15:16 GMT+01:00 Nokoreach Nokoreach nokore...@gmail.com:

 សូមជម្រាបមកលោក Sariny Ros ឧ្យបានជ្រាបថា
 នឹងប្រជាជនខ្មែររងទុក្ខវេទនារហូតមកដល់សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ ។ សូមលោកអធ្យាស្រ័យផងចុុះ
 ! បើអាចធ្វើទៅ
 បាន ៕

 សូមគោរពជាភាតរភាព !
 ពីខ្ញុំៈ ខែម ខៀវ

 2014-11-21 7:58 GMT-05:00 Sariny Ros sariny@gmail.com:

 kaun khmer neak mean pouch ké min niyeay peak thokteap robeep nees tea
 !!! som lok meta prâh peak oy sâm kour chea neak thlay thnô mean pouch ambô
 chea khmer bhâng...

 Celà prouve que c'est un homme vraiment inculte ,mal éduqué , mal
 C'est vraiment dégoûtant , écoeurant ses languages

 D'où vient-il celui- là ???

 2014-11-21 12:58 GMT+01:00 Nokoreach Nokoreach nokore...@gmail.com:

 ទៅៈ ពេលដែលសកម្មជនគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិមានលោកមាជ សុវណ្ណារ៉ា នឹងលោកទេព ណារិន
 ញាត់ទ្រុងសារីកែកែវនៅឯគុកព្រៃស អាប្រធានក្បត់
 ជាតិឈ្មោះអាសម រង្ស៊ីមិននៅរកមធ្យោបាយដ៏សាក
 សេរីភាពមកវិញទេ បែរជាអាចង្រៃសម រង្ស៊ីញាត់សា
 កើតឡើងសោះ ។
 ត្រូវទុកសម រង្ស៊ីឧ្យនៅធ្វើជាប្រធានតទៅទៀត ឬ
 ត្រូវដកចេញឧ្យបានទាន់ពេលវេលាទេ នៅពេល
 នឹងចាញ់យ៉ាងអាមាសទៀតមិនខានឡើយ ។

  -  ដរាបណាមានសម រង្ស៊ីនៅធ្វើជាប្រធានគណបក្ស

 -   ដរាបនោះអាហ៊ុន សែនក៏នៅតែធ្វើជានាយករដ្ឋ

 សូគោរពជាភាតរភាព !
 ពីខ្ញុំៈ ខែម ខៀវ

 2014-11-21 5:27 GMT-05:00 HAM Bun Tith ham.bunt...@gmail.com:

 នេះឬអ្នក​ស្នេហា​ជាតិបែបបុរសខែម ខៀវ

 2014-11-20 20:42 GMT+01:00 Nokoreach Nokoreach nokore...@gmail.com:

 កាលពីឆ្នាំ១៩៩៣ពេលដែលសម រង្ស៊ីតាមដង្ហែរអា
 ស្តាចម៌ក្ប​ត់ជាតិឈ្មោះអានរោត្តម សីហនុចូលមកស្រុកខ្មែរ

Fwd: Christmas party on Dec 13 at Tong Por's restaurant

2014-11-20 Thread Kangaroo
I'm not saying you shouldn't do any fund raising for any reasons at all. 
Why can't they just say it? 
Is that really a Christmas party? 

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Fwd: Christmas party on Dec 13 at Tong Por's restaurant

2014-11-20 Thread Kangaroo
I'm not saying you shouldn't do any fund raising for any reasons at all. 
Why can't they just say it? 
Is that really a Christmas party? 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org group.
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Thank you for your understanding. Peace among us and in Cambodia.

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Fwd: {K@A:22482} Fwd: [L'Eveil-Khmer] CNRP : Solidifier notre base arrière/Strengthening our Rear Base abroad

2014-11-12 Thread Bunchhay Ham

Pour votre information : avis lu sur le groupe news Khmer@Avenir.


-- Message transféré --
De : Suriya Bayon bayonsuriya2...@gmail.com
Date : 12 novembre 2014 12:54
Objet : Re: {K@A:22482} Fwd: [L'Eveil-Khmer] CNRP : Solidifier notre base
arrière/Strengthening our Rear Base abroad
À : Khmer Avenir (Google Groups) khmer-ave...@googlegroups.com

Libre Opinion.-
   A propos du Congrès de PSN/France
Le Samedi 8 Novembre 2014, le PSN/France a organisé son soi-disant 1er
Congrès sous le signe de division.
Etant un observateur neutre, indépendant et de bonne foi, j’ai émis mon
constat personnel comme suit :
Primo : Ce soi-disant Congrès était organisé par les membres minoritaires
(4/10) duBureau Exécutif qui comprend 10 membres. Pourquoi les autres
membresmajoritaires (6/10) du Bureau Exécutif ont dénoncé ledit soi-disant
Congrès ???
Secundo : Quel sera l’avenir de PSN/France ?
Sur le plan juridique, le Président nouvellement élu par les minoritaires
devenu, ipso facto, illégal et illégitime. Dans toute Démocratie libérales,
minoritaires n’ont strictement aucun droit de décider quoi que ce soit à la
place et aunom des majoritaires. Les Supporters du soi-disant ont crié haut
et fort que lesabsents ont toujours tort (sic). Oh ! Là Là ! le PSN/France
n’est pas un supermarchéque l’on peut dire les Absents ont tour tort ! Mais
le PSN/France est un Partipolitique à part entière qui fonctionne avec les
règles élémentaires de la Démocratiedont notamment la règle de
Majorité/Minorité, n’est-ce pas ???
Moralité : Désormais, le PSN/France est présidé par un Président illégal et
illégitimeissu d’un Coup de Parti très flagrant !!! Est-ce type de
Démocratie que les auteurs duCoup de Parti voulaient appliquer au Cambodge
Question : Face à cette situation de Comédie démocratique jouée par les
acteurs nondémocrates et minoritaires, comment vont réagir les hauts
dirigeants duPSN/Cambodge ???
Mon Avis : Il faut réagir vite ! Il n’y a que 10 membres dans le Bureau
Exécutif duPSN/France et on ne s’entend pas. Comment peut-on rassembler les
autresCambodgiens ? Sinon le PSN en général sera discrédité petit à petit
et de jour en jourà cause de ces minoritaires anarchiques et
Bayon Suriya

2014-11-08 15:39 GMT+01:00 Bunchhay Ham bcha...@gmail.com:

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 Participation au débat sur le sujet suivant

 CNRP : Solidifier notre base arrière/Strengthening our Rear Base abroad.

 De la part de M. Prak Vincent.

 -- Message transféré --
 De : Vincent Prak prak.vince...@gmail.com
 Date : 8 novembre 2014 14:04
 Objet : Re: [L'Eveil-Khmer] CNRP : Solidifier notre base
 arrière/Strengthening our Rear Base abroad
 À : Bunchhay Ham bcha...@gmail.com
 Cc : Bunroeun Kuoy bunroeunk...@gmail.com, Chhai Eang Eng 
 chhaieang...@gmail.com, Vanchan Tok tokvanc...@gmail.com, 12_Keo
 Sambath drsamb...@verizon.net, CHEAM Channy channych...@yahoo.com,
 Chhay Son sonch...@yahoo.com, HO Vann hovi...@yahoo.com, KEO
 Sovannroth sovannroth...@yahoo.co.uk, Khy Vandeth khyvand...@gmail.com,
 KY wandara kwand...@yahoo.co.uk, Mao Monyvann maomonyv...@gmail.com,
 MEN Thavarin sothavarin@gmail.com, Monovithya Kem 
 monovithya...@gmail.com, OU Chanrath chanrat...@yahoo.com, OU Chanrith
 ou_chanr...@yahoo.com, Phirith Kimsour phirith...@gmail.com, POL Ham 
 ham...@ymail.com, Ry Long longr...@gmail.com, Sam Rainsy 
 samrai...@gmail.com, Saumura Tioulong saum...@gmail.com, Sidareth
 Limbun sidarethlim...@yahoo.com, Sochua Mu soch...@gmail.com, Sokha
 Kem kemso...@yahoo.com, sovann yim yimsov...@gmail.com, SUON Rida 
 suonr...@yahoo.com, Thach Sétha thachse...@gmail.com, Yem Ponharith 
 phkay_pr...@yahoo.fr, Yokda Tuon yt...@hotmail.com, Camdisc 
 camdisc@googlegroups.com, Chandavy Yim chanda...@gmail.com, CNRP-
 Washington cnr...@gmail.com, CNRP-europe cnrpeur...@googlegroups.com,
 khmer-avenir khmer-ave...@googlegroups.com, nokoreach 
 nokore...@gmail.com, PKN-leveil_khmer leveil-kh...@googlegroups.com,
 sokhour55 sokhou...@gmail.com, Vibol Touch vibol.to...@gmail.com,
 Thach Pya pya.th...@free.fr, EK Sam ek_...@hotmail.fr, Jean-Dominique
 EA jean-dominique...@wanadoo.fr, Long Computur bouddh...@free.fr, men
 thida men.th...@wanadoo.fr

Fwd: [L'Eveil-Khmer] CNRP : Solidifier notre base arrière/Strengthening our Rear Base abroad

2014-11-08 Thread Bunchhay Ham
Participation au débat sur le sujet suivant

CNRP : Solidifier notre base arrière/Strengthening our Rear Base abroad.

De la part de M. Prak Vincent.

-- Message transféré --
De : Vincent Prak prak.vince...@gmail.com
Date : 8 novembre 2014 14:04
Objet : Re: [L'Eveil-Khmer] CNRP : Solidifier notre base
arrière/Strengthening our Rear Base abroad
À : Bunchhay Ham bcha...@gmail.com
Cc : Bunroeun Kuoy bunroeunk...@gmail.com, Chhai Eang Eng 
chhaieang...@gmail.com, Vanchan Tok tokvanc...@gmail.com, 12_Keo Sambath
drsamb...@verizon.net, CHEAM Channy channych...@yahoo.com, Chhay Son 
sonch...@yahoo.com, HO Vann hovi...@yahoo.com, KEO Sovannroth 
sovannroth...@yahoo.co.uk, Khy Vandeth khyvand...@gmail.com, KY wandara 
kwand...@yahoo.co.uk, Mao Monyvann maomonyv...@gmail.com, MEN Thavarin 
sothavarin@gmail.com, Monovithya Kem monovithya...@gmail.com, OU
Chanrath chanrat...@yahoo.com, OU Chanrith ou_chanr...@yahoo.com,
Phirith Kimsour phirith...@gmail.com, POL Ham ham...@ymail.com, Ry Long
longr...@gmail.com, Sam Rainsy samrai...@gmail.com, Saumura Tioulong 
saum...@gmail.com, Sidareth Limbun sidarethlim...@yahoo.com, Sochua Mu 
soch...@gmail.com, Sokha Kem kemso...@yahoo.com, sovann yim 
yimsov...@gmail.com, SUON Rida suonr...@yahoo.com, Thach Sétha 
thachse...@gmail.com, Yem Ponharith phkay_pr...@yahoo.fr, Yokda Tuon 
yt...@hotmail.com, Camdisc camdisc@googlegroups.com, Chandavy Yim 
chanda...@gmail.com, CNRP- Washington cnr...@gmail.com, CNRP-europe 
cnrpeur...@googlegroups.com, khmer-avenir khmer-ave...@googlegroups.com,
nokoreach nokore...@gmail.com, PKN-leveil_khmer 
leveil-kh...@googlegroups.com, sokhour55 sokhou...@gmail.com, Vibol
Touch vibol.to...@gmail.com, Thach Pya pya.th...@free.fr, EK Sam 
ek_...@hotmail.fr, Jean-Dominique EA jean-dominique...@wanadoo.fr, Long
Computur bouddh...@free.fr, men thida men.th...@wanadoo.fr, Rattana
Thuch thuchratt...@yahoo.fr, Sam Ok UNG usa...@hotmail.com, Soan Sin
Thai soansint...@gmail.com, Sophath SOK soksoph...@hotmail.com, To HIN 
to@neuf.fr, Bol Prum prum@gmail.com, Bun Chhoeurt Tan 
inprosecur...@gmail.com, khonsaly HAY khons...@hotmail.fr, Kim-Nine TAN 
doung.sovannr...@gmail.com, Kuch Ly kuchl...@gmail.com, Lim Pascal TC 
teukch...@yahoo.com, Poun Prak prak.p...@hotmail.fr, Pum Tep 
tepp...@gmail.com, Roth Prum prum.r...@free.fr, Serge UN 
un.se...@free.fr, DY Kareth dykar...@yahoo.com, KHUL Ton Tona 
preynokor9...@gmail.com, Maurice Meas measmaur...@hotmail.com, Sarany
ROS sariny@gmail.com, Pin Yathay pi...@libertysurf.fr, Buth Thierry
sb...@hotmail.com, Huy Mao maohuy@gmail.com, Hy Panhavuth 
khmereli...@free.fr, Kien Eng Monin engmo...@gmail.com, Lath Thaileang 
lath.thaile...@gmail.com, Pech Bora borachan1...@gmail.com, Prum Bol 
prum...@gmail.com, Sek Naroun naroun...@gmail.com, Sok Vincent 
sk.vincen...@yahoo.fr, Te Vath vath...@gmail.com, Torn Eric 
torneric...@yahoo.fr, sarin danh sarind...@hotmail.fr, Chamreoeun PEN 
chamroeun_...@yahoo.fr, Chuth Khay khaych...@yahoo.fr, henri chhuy 
henri.ch...@gmail.com, ir channa channam...@yahoo.com, kem komar 
kemko...@gmail.com, lao doung Chet diamondsu...@yahoo.com,
Leakhna.Chhom-Chhay leakhna.chhom-ch...@orange.fr, Nhem Ly 
naryn...@gmail.com, Norng Khamoeun k.no...@free.fr, Orn Im 
or...@videotron.ca, Siny HOC CHENG sinygo...@hotmail.fr, So Chandara 
poorme...@yahoo.fr, song chuor CHHU simu...@wanadoo.fr, SOPHEAK MAM 
soph...@mrnevents.com, Suon. Chhayphorn suon.chhayph...@gmail.com,
uong yany yany_u...@yahoo.com, Yannick Bou yannick_...@yahoo.fr, 
yem@sfr.fr yem@sfr.fr, Vannak KEM vannak...@gmail.com, SEAN
Pengsé pengse.s...@gmail.com, HENG Kim kim.hen...@gmail.com, Sirivuddh
Chai sirivuddh.c...@gmail.com, yen thach yen.th...@gmail.com, Thach
Vien europe@gmail.com, DOUC RASY Setha 
setha.doucr...@gustaveroussy.fr, Sétha doucse...@hotmail.com, LyD 
lyde...@free.fr, Van-Keo TAN van-keo@orange.fr, 
vanthon@orange.fr vanthon@orange.fr, Samreth Pech 
samreth.p...@gmail.com, Dora Hem-Reun hemreund...@gmail.com

Chers tous,

Chaque régime, qu’il relève d’une démocratie ou d’une dictature, a des
avantages et des inconvénients.

Dans le contexte khmer actuel, le plus important est de savoir ce qu’on
veut exactement. Si notre objectif ultime est de donner une nouvelle
direction au pays, une direction qui soit en phase avec les aspirations du
peuple et les impératifs de survie de la nation, alors il faudrait savoir
faire une place au compromis au sein de cette force politique qualifiée non
seulement d’alternative au régime actuel mais surtout de *Sangkross Cheat*.

*Sangkross cheat* veut bien dire ce qu’il veut dire. Alors vu la criticité
de la situation du pays, nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre d’avoir le luxe
de tergiverser sur des problèmes d’égo ou de pouvoir.

Qu’on soit docteur, ingénieur, ou dix fois ingénieur au cours de sa
carrière, le plus important c’est de faire de notre différence une force et
non pas un handicap. Nous avons besoin d’avoir de 

Fwd: Overseas Cambodians told cyber law applies

2014-11-06 Thread Khmer Forum
*Overseas Cambodians told cyber law applies*

Fri, 7 November 2014 | Charles Rollet

Overseas Cambodians told cyber law applies

[image: image]

Overseas Cambodians told cyber law applies
Cambodia's diaspora community is being recruited in a campaign for greater
transparency regarding a controversial cybercrime law that critics say
would muzzle disse...
View on www.phnompenhpost.com
Preview by Yahoo

*(The Cambodian Center for Independent Media says Cambodian Americans may
be affected by a proposed cybercrime law. Eli Meixler)

Cambodia's diaspora community is being recruited in a campaign for greater
transparency regarding a controversial cybercrime law that critics say
would muzzle dissent in the Kingdom.

An unofficial copy of the proposed bill leaked in April criminalises online
content that “slanders or undermines” government agencies, and according to
the Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM), Cambodians living
overseas could be held accountable for flouting the law if it passes.

“Critically, this law could also give Cambodian authorities
extraterritorial jurisdiction to prosecute ‘crimes’ committed outside of
Cambodia,” reads a letter sent from CCIM to several Cambodian-American
associations in the US on Tuesday.

“As a member of the Cambodian community abroad, this law will directly
affect you, and we are therefore asking your help in petitioning the
government for greater transparency in the drafting process.”

CCIM communications coordinator Amanda King told the *Post*, however, that
the likelihood of the US extraditing its own citizens would admittedly be
low, considering freedom-of-speech protections in the US.

“I highly doubt that [the US] would extradite, but those who come to
Cambodia on travel could be affected, she said.

King added that after enlisting Cambodian-Americans, the campaign would
spread to other Cambodian diaspora communities, starting with Australia.

The message is “part of a larger campaign” for transparency, King said.

Last month, a coalition of NGOs called on the government to share the draft
cybercrime law and consult with civil society before sending it to the
National Assembly from the Council of Ministers.

Spokesman Phay Siphan told the *Post* yesterday that the law hadn’t budged.

“We don’t have anything yet”, he said, adding that the CCIM was
“misleading” in its claims.

“They have their own agenda. They’re not independent.”

It remains unclear how much the diaspora community’s support would tip the

A petition circulated by the CCIM had garnered 101 supporters as of last

“I can’t say having the diaspora community can push the law in our favour,”
said King of the CCIM.

“At the end of the day, it’s the government’s decision.”

  Contact author: Charles Rollet


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

   On Thursday, November 6, 2014 7:38 PM, Gaffar Peang-Meth 
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Fwd: CCHR November Newsletter: Rights in Focus

2014-11-04 Thread Khmer Forum
*CCHR Newsletter: Rights in Focus*
 *November 2014 *View this email in your browser
*CCHR Newsletter: Rights in Focus*
   *Take a Stance Against Impunity *

Yesterday, 2 November 2014, saw the launch of the Cambodian Center for
Human Rights
' (“CCHR”) annual End Impunity Campaign
marking the United Nations’ first International Day to End Impunity for
Crimes against Journalists
CCHR is taking this opportunity to highlight the rampant nature of impunity
in the Kingdom of Cambodia (“Cambodia”), and to generate and relay the
public’s call on the Royal Government of Cambodia (the “RGC”) to end

The campaign calls on people to take a stance against impunity in Cambodia,
by taking a photo of themselves holding a sign that calls on the RGC to end
impunity. These photos will be collected throughout November and collated
into a giant petition poster. On 2 December 2014, the poster will be
delivered to the Ministry of Justice, asking the RGC to take action. To
send your photo to CCHR and join us in fighting impunity, please visit:


Read more

 *Latest Publications: *
CCHR Briefing Note: Children in the Cambodia Criminal Justice System
CCHR Press Release: Joint Statement on
Assembly President’s Circular Not Following the Framework of Law
and Principles of Effectiveness, Transparency, and Democracy
CCHR Press Release: Joint Statement on the Stance of Civil Society in
Joining the Observation of the Process of Housing Resolution of Borie Kiela
of Mrs. Hang Chenda, Land Activist in Preah Sihanouk Province
Hang Chenda has spent her life fighting for justice for those who have been
unfairly evicted from their land and to end the environmental damage that
accompanies it.
*How to Fight Impunity: *
1. Go to the End Impunity Campaign
website for resources and information
2. Download an End Impunity sign, or make your own
3. Take a photo of yourself holding your sign
4. Email it to impun...@cchrcambodia.org, or tweet it @CCHRCambodia with
#impunity, and be part of the photo petition that will be delivered to the
Ministry of Justice on 2 December 2014!
Human Rights and the Equator Principles
In February 2010, Phnom Penh Sugar Company illegally seized and
bulldozed farm and residential land belonging to more than 1,500 families
in Kampong Speu province.

*Tweets of the Month: *
More than 50% of Cambodian Kids are victims of physical violence, often
abused by parents or teachers http://bit.ly/1DRrFWT

US President Obama honors global voices author for her human rights work
in Cambodia http://bit.ly/1DRsezV

Villagers gather today in Kpg Chnang to discuss #impunity

Fwd: FW: Tr : Invitation: samedi 1er novembre 2014 / Saturday November 1st

2014-10-25 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
-- Message transféré --
De : Sokha sok...@gmail.com
Date : 25 octobre 2014 20:08
Objet : Re: FW: Tr : Invitation: samedi 1er novembre 2014 / Saturday
November 1st
À : Sophano Am sophano...@hotmail.com, Khmer Srâlanh Khmer 
Cc : thay.k...@sympatico.ca thay.k...@sympatico.ca, 
norea.n...@mayahtt.com norea.n...@mayahtt.com, vannarin.p...@gmail.com
vannarin.p...@gmail.com, sokhom@gmail.com sokhom@gmail.com, 
prett...@bell.net prett...@bell.net

Bonsoir Bong Sophano,

Merci pour cette belle initiation. SVP. ajoutez nous (Khéma et moi-même) à
votre liste de Pkar Prak.
J'encourage tous nos ami(e)s, collègues et les membres de notre communauté
à supporter pleinement le Centre Khemara, qui est un des importants projets
réalisés par nos jeunes dynamiques et plein de talent .



Le 22 octobre 2014 22:05, Sophano Am sophano...@hotmail.com a écrit :

 Bonsoir a tous,
 Je vous fais parvenir l'invitation au Bonn Phkar organisé par le Centre
 Neary et moi, nous y serons bénévole.

  Message d’origine 
 De: *Nolsina Yim *nolsina@centre.khemara.org
 Date: 21 oct. 2014 à 15:53:18
 Objet: Invitation: samedi 1er novembre 2014 / Saturday November 1st
 À: Channaret Genevieve Srey genevieve.s...@centre.khemara.org

  *Chers membres, amis et familles,*

 *Dear Members, Friends and Families,*

  *Au plaisir de nous retrouver tous ensemble*

 *le samedi 1er novembre 2014!*

 Le comité d’organisation de la *Fête des fleurs « Bonn Phkar
 Prak Samaki» (Fête de la Solidarité)*, représenté par  les 3 Vénérables
 et ses fidèles de la *pagode Thammikaram* (la société bouddhique
 Boussol), ainsi que les membres du *Centre Khemara* et ses amis, vous
 convient à la journée de levée de fonds pour soutenir Khemara, dont la
 mission est de transmettre la mémoire khmère aux Cambodgiens de tous âges,
 d’ici et d’ailleurs, aux communautés de toutes origines et à la société

 L'argent amassé pendant cet événement nous permettra d'organiser en 2015 l*e
 40e anniversaire de commémoration de nos chers disparus* du génocide
 cambodgien (1975-1979).

 Et nous soulignerons aussi *l’arrivée des Cambodgiens sur le sol canadien
 depuis 35 ans*. Le comité d’organisation vous invite donc à cette journée
 de la Solidarité.

 Au programme: accueil des invités à partir de 9 h, présentation des
 organisateurs, cérémonies religieuses bouddhiques, offrandes et repas aux
 bonzes, puis repas communautaire gratuit à midi.

 Lieu : *Pagode Thammikaram*

 Date: *Samedi  1er novembre 2014*
 Heure: *de 9 h à 13 h*
 Adresse: 12181 boul. Rivière-des-Prairies,

*Rivière-des-Prairies*, Québec


  Information: www.khemara.org

 Le comité d’organisation


 Message vocal du Centre Khemara: (514) 400-5432   Téléphone: (514)


 *Looking forward to Saturday, November 1st!*

 The organizing committee of *the Flower Celebration “Bonn Phkar Samaki”
 (Celebration of the Solidarity)*, represented by the 3 Venerable and the
 followers of the *Thammikaram pagoda *(the Buddhist society Boussol), as
 well as by the *Khemara Center *members and friends, are inviting you to
 a fundraising event to support Khemara, which mission is to transmit the
 Khmer memory to Cambodians of all ages, from here and abroad, to
 communities from all origins and to the host community.

 The funds collected during this event would allow us to organize in 2015 *the
 40th anniversary of the commemoration* of the Cambodian genocide
 (1975-1979), as well as to remember *the arrival of Cambodians in Canada,
 35 years ago*.

 The organizing committee thus convene you to this day of  Solidarity.

 The day programme: welcoming the guests, presenting the organizers,
 Buddhist religious ceremonies, offerings and meal for the monks, and a free
 communal meal at noon.

 Where: *Thammikaram Pagoda*

 When: *Saturday, November 1st*

 From *9 AM to 1 PM*

 Address: 12181 boul. Rivière-des-Prairies,

*Rivière-des-Prairies*, Quebec

 Information: www.khemara.org

 *Nolsina Yim (Mrs)*
 nolsina@centre.khemara.org savary.chhem-ki...@centre.khemara.org

 *KHEMARA ខេមរា*
 Centre d'Histoire  Civilisation Khmères
 Khmer History  Civilisation Center
 e-mail: i...@khemara.org

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org group.
This is an unmoderated forum. Please refrain from using foul language. 
Thank you for your understanding. Peace among us and in Cambodia.

To post to this group, send email to camdisc@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email 

Fwd: (Resend) CAMBODIA: The 'Ruling Elite' faces charges of crimes against humanity

2014-10-14 Thread Khmer Forum
*CAMBODIA: The 'Ruling Elite' faces charges of crimes against humanity*

Please read the article below from *Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth, *a retired from
the University of Guam, where he taught political science for 13 years.
He currently lives in the United States. He can be reached at peangmeth


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

   On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 6:10 AM, Gaffar Peang-Meth 
peangm...@gmail.com wrote:

October 14, 2014
*An article by Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth published by the Asian Human Rights
 *CAMBODIA: The 'Ruling Elite' faces charges of crimes against humanity*

Excitement abounds these few days among Cambodians, particularly
expatriates, who hope to see Prime Minister Hun Sen brought to justice
before the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. On October 7, a
long-awaited criminal complaint was filed at the ICC's Office of the
Prosecutoron behalf of Cambodian victims by international lawyer Richard J.
Rogers of the London-based law firm Global Diligence LLP, charging
Cambodia's Ruling Elite with crimes against humanity.
The filing did make headlines. For some Cambodians, Premier Hun Sen is a
step closer to being on trial. After all, individuals indicted (formally
accused) in the ICC have included Sudanese President Omar al-Basir, Kenyan
President Uhuru Kenyatta, Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi, Ivorian President
Laurent Gbagbo. The Cambodian leader would be next, some Cambodians dream.
Not any time soon.

*Criminal complaint*
The ICC was established by the Rome Statute, adopted in July 1998 and
entered into force in July 2002.
Cambodia, which ratified the Rome Statute (or ICC Statute) in March 2002,
gives the ICC jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for international
crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes committed on
her territory subsequent to July 2002.
Richard Rogers, who hastwenty years of experience in international
humanitarian law, human rights, and legal system development in
post-conflict states, was Principal Defender of the United Nations' Khmer
Rouge Tribunal (Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia – ECCC),
among other distinguished positions held.
In the filing, Rogers alleges mass human rights violations against
Cambodian civilians by senior members of Cambodia's royal government,
senior members of State security forces, and of government-connected
business leaders (collectively referred the Ruling Elite), from July 2002
to the present, with the twin-objectives of self-enrichment and
maintaining power at all costs in a widespread or systematic attack
against the civilian population, pursuant to a State policy.
There is a reasonable basis to believe that members of the Ruling Elite
have committed, aided and abetted, ordered and/or incited the crimes of
forcible transfer, murder, illegal imprisonment, other inhumane acts, and
persecution, since Cambodia signed the Rome Statute, Rogers posited.

The filing allegesthe Ruling Elite's primary source of self-enrichment has
been land grabbing on a massive scale: Some 770,000 people, six per cent of
Cambodia's population, have been evicted since 2000 – in Phnom Penh alone,
10 per cent of the capital city's population, or more than 145,000 people
have been forcibly displaced. In the first three months of 2014, some
20,000 people became new victims of land grabbing,and at least 4,000,000
hectares (or 10 million acres) of land have been confiscated, 22 per cent
of Cambodia's land area.
The complaint alleges the Ruling Elite have relied on the (Shadow) State
apparatus to maintain power at all costs – the State's legal and security
systems used to quell not just Cambodians who challenge the land grabbing,
but civil society leaders, monks, journalists, lawyers, environmental
activists, trade unionists, civilian protesters, and opposition
politicians who are seen as threats to the Ruling Elite's power.

*Alleged perpetrators*
The filingdoes not single out anyindividualto be investigated. It alleges a
well-organized and recurring pattern of perpetration and complicity
between the RGC (Royal Government of Cambodia), State Security Forces,
local authorities, private businesses, and judiciary; that the most
prevalent crime – forcible transfer – was implemented by one or a
combination of the National Police, Royal Gendarmerie, and the Royal
Cambodian Armed Forces. It recommends the ICC examine the role of specific
organs directly involved in forcible transfers and that those ultimately
responsible should be investigated.

*Legal hurdles*
The ICC's Office of the Prosecutor isled by prominent Gambian lawyer Ms.
FatouBensouda, a recipient of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)
International Jurists Award in 2009 and the World Peace Through Law Award
in 2011. She has beenthe ICC Chief Prosecutor since June 2012.
Anyone can file a complaint. It is said that Ms. Bensoula's office's

Fwd: Cambodia’s Ruling Elite May Face ICC Probe Over Land Grab

2014-10-07 Thread Khmer Forum
Cambodia’s Ruling Elite May Face ICC Probe Over Land Grab

Cambodia’s Ruling Elite May Face ICC Probe Over Land Grab

[image: image]

Cambodia’s Ruling Elite May Face ICC Probe Over Land ...
A criminal complaint has been filed with the International Criminal Court,
alleging crimes against humanity.

View on thediplomat.com
Preview by Yahoo

*Read below for details! *


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

-- Forwarded message --
From: Vibol Touch vibol.to...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 8:46 PM
Subject: Cambodia’s Ruling Elite May Face ICC Probe Over Land Grab

ASEAN BEAT http://thediplomat.com/category/asean-beat/
[image: Cambodia’s Ruling Elite May Face ICC Probe Over Land Grab]
Image Credit: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Cambodia’s Ruling Elite May Face ICC Probe Over Land Grab

A criminal complaint has been filed with the International Criminal Court,
alleging crimes against humanity.
[image: luke_hunt_q]
By Luke Hunt http://thediplomat.com/authors/luke-hunt/
October 07, 2014

*80* Shares
*1* Comment

Lawyers have filed a criminal complaint against Cambodia’s “ruling elite”
at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, alleging that
crimes against humanity had been committed by authorities responsible
for widespread
land grabbing

The filing is being widely seen as a test case that human rights groups
hope will set a legal precedent with ramifications for land grabbers across
the world and limit the illegal confiscation of land.

“The cumulative effect of these violations has pushed this situation beyond
the boundaries of human rights abuses and domestic crimes,” the filing
said. It includes allegations of murder, illegal imprisonment and other
inhumane acts, among them being forced to live in squalid conditions and
being exposed to life threatening illness.

“In furtherance of its twin-objectives of self-enrichment and maintaining
power at all costs, the Ruling Elite have committed serious crimes as part
of a widespread and systematic attack against the Cambodian civilian
population, pursuant to a State policy.

“The crimes fulfill all the legal elements of crimes against humanity.”

The filing says the ruling elite had sought to establish a kleptocratic
system “after seizing power” in the 1980s with the twin objectives of
“self-enrichment and maintaining power at all costs.”

The primary source of self-enrichment, it says, stems from land grabbing
“on a truly massive scale.”

Land grabbing has become a chronic issue
Cambodia over recent years. Angry protests are an almost daily event and
the issue contributed to the reduced margins achieved by Prime Minister Hun
Sen and his ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) at last year’s election.

Richard Rogers of Global Diligence LLP, who represents ten Filing Victims,
says that about 777,000 people, or six percent of the population, had been
affected by land grabbing, which he says amounts to a crime of forcible
transfers under the ICC statute.

Rogers observes that up until 2012, 145,000 people, or about one percent of
the population, had been forcible transferred from Phnom Penh. Among the
190,000 indigenous minorities, half had been excluded from their ancestral
lands. About 20,000 Cambodians became new victims of land grabbing
conflicts in the first three months of this year.

Rogers expects an initial assessment of the filing will take three to six
months. At that point the ICC will decided whether to open a preliminary
investigation through the Office of the Prosecutor, which will then send an
investigation team to Cambodia.

That preliminary examination could take two to three years, which may lead
to a formal investigation and a trial on alleged crimes against humanity
committed by Cambodia’s ruling elite.

Rogers said that neither Hun Sen nor the CPP were targeted in the filing
because “not everyone in the CPP was land grabbing.” The ICC filing focuses
on members of the armed forces, the police, and the gendarmerie responsible
for implementing forcible transfers.

“Entire villages have been burned to the ground and possessions 

Fwd: (Resend) CAMBODIA: Something to learn from KPNLF freedom fighters

2014-09-25 Thread Khmer Forum
*(Resend)* *CAMBODIA: Something to learn from KPNLF freedom fighters*

Read below for an article about *KPNLF (aka **Non-Communist Resistance
(NCR)) *by *Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth, *a retired from the University of Guam,
where he taught political science for 13 years.
He currently lives in the United States. He can be reached at


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

   On Thursday, September 25, 2014 6:51 AM, Gaffar Peang-Meth 
peangm...@gmail.com wrote:

*Thirty Fifth Anniversary of the Khmer People's National Liberation Front

Sept 25, 2014
*An article by Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth published by the Asian Human Rights
CAMBODIA: Something to learn from KPNLF freedom fighters
In about 10 days, thousands of Cambodians (and their foreign friends) in
Cambodia and abroad will gather in small and large groups to commemorate
the thirty fifth anniversary of the Non-Communist Resistance (NCR), the
Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF).
I was a member of the Front in the field at the Khmer-Thai border in
1980-1989. I am writing as a way of participating in this historical day. A
slide show, mostly of photos I took of the resistance, also appears on
YouTube to depict the development and history of the Front in pictures. The
article and the slide show complement one another. They provide valuable
educational, and hopefully inspirational, material for Cambodians and
non-Cambodians interested in Cambodia's recent past.
It has been said there is no history; there are only men and women who act
to make things happen, and those who interpret those actions. The article
and the slide show are about the actions of ordinary citizens seen through
my eyes.

*Birth of the KPNLF*
The KPNLF was created in Cambodia's northwest on October 9, 1979, nine
months after its military wing, the Khmer People's National Liberation
Armed Forces(KPNLAF) was proclaimed on March 5. The Front was born during
the Cold War when national sovereignty was considered to be comprised of
four elements. It was absolute (non-negotiable), comprehensive (covering
all areas of national life), permanent (no time limit), and inviolable
(untouchable).Sovereign Cambodia was from April 1975 to January 1979 under
the rule of the Pol Pot Khmer Rouge, whose policies and practices killed
more than two million people through execution, forced labor, starvation
and disease. Backed by China, Pol Pot's Cambodia was shielded by the
principle of sovereignty despite the accommodations for humanitarian
intervention in established international law.
In December 1978, Soviet-backed Vietnam undertook a military invasion of
Cambodia involving more than 100,000 Vietnamese troops, tanks and aircraft.
In 14 days, they routed the Pol Pot Khmer Rouge. On Jan 7, 1979, the
invaders captured Phnom Penh, installed a Cambodian Communist regime – and
stayed for the next 10 years. My article, Brief History of Vietnamese
Expansionism vis-à-vis Cambodia, originates from my doctoral dissertation
more than 30 years ago.
I asked then, had Hanoi evicted a murderous Maoist regime from power and
left the task of rebuilding Cambodia to the United Nations, would Vietnam
not have won the world's and Khmer victims' gratitude for ending a
genocidal regime? But Vietnamese troops stayed as occupiers, reviving
Khmers' fear of Vietnam's historical annexation of Khmer soil.
Vietnam's invasion led Cambodian nationalists who opposed the Pol Pot Khmer
Rouge to hasten their liberation plan. In February 1979, former Khmer
Republic Gen. Dien Del, a refugee abroad, left France for the Khmer-Thai
border. On March 5, he brought 13 independent armed groups, disorganized
and undisciplined, to form the KPNLAF. They elected him their Chief of
General Staff and called on former Prime Minister Son Sann, then in France,
to lead. Within five months, 9 Cambodians had left France for the border,
arriving in August. On October 9, Mr. Son Sann was proclaimed KPNLF

*Principles, goals, political program*
The KPNLF has three guiding political principles: *Sangkuors, Bamreur,
Karpier Procheapolroth*or To rescue, To Serve, To Defend the People. It's
of no surprise that today's Cambodia National Rescue Party adopted these
principles as CNRP's own. CNRP Vice President, KemSokha, and some other key
figures were KPNLF cadres.
The Front gave itself three goals in 1979: To oppose the Khmer Rouge's
return to power; to oppose the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia; and to
build Cambodia with freedom, justice, human rights, free of occupation.
An Executive Committee(EXCO), set up to assume the operative direction of
the KPNLF, was assisted by the *Conseil des Sages*or Council of Elders, and
a Military Council. A Manifesto – political program – was based on the
fundamental principles of nationalism, Buddhist socialism (the Middle
Path), strict neutrality, 

Fwd: CAMBODIA: There is yet hope for Cambodia's peace and stability

2014-09-02 Thread Khmer Forum
*CAMBODIA: There is yet hope for Cambodia's peace and stability*

Please read the article below from Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth!


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

   On Tuesday, September 2, 2014 7:08 AM, Gaffar Peang-Meth 
peangm...@gmail.com wrote:

*CAMBODIA: There is yet hope for Cambodia's peace and stability*


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Events have made clear that neither Prime Minister Hun Sen and his ruling
Cambodian People's Party, despite their control over state institutions and
the national wealth, nor Mr. Sam Rainsy and his opposition Cambodian
National Rescue Party, despite increasing popular support, has sufficient
leverage to finesse the other.
My last article in this space, A compromise based on the high national
interests and the people, dealt with the July 22 Agreement, signed by
leaders of both parties, proclaimingan end to a year-long political
deadlock. The Premier sought to legitimize his government by bringing to
the National Assembly the 55 boycotting members elected from the CNRP. Mr.
Sam Rainsy concluded that he and his party had more to gain by bringing
their opposition to the Assembly floor. The Agreement provides Cambodia and
her people with a reprieve from chaos and an opportunity to focus on
economic development issues.
But, It ain't over till it's over. The road to implementing the Agreement
is long and obstacles are many, starting with *Charet Khmer,* including the
Khmer cultural propensity of *A'thmarAnh, *of favoring one's own well-being
to the detriment of collaboration. National reconciliation and national
unity require a spirit of compromise and the deferral of one's immediate
interests, concepts not embedded in the Khmer ethos. Khmer leaders face
this hurdle among many others on the road to progressive change.
I remain mystified that is has taken a year of deadlock, of lives lost and
of diminished national economic productivity to conclude on the one hand
that the opposition cannot be eliminated and on the other that mass street
protests are insufficient to force the Premier's resignation; that no
signatory government of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement will initiate the
proper implementation of the Accords; that until CNRP leaders present
themselves as a credible alternative, world community members are likely to
deal with the devil they know…
*Right words, good intents*
On August 8, the 55 CNRP lawmakers-elect took their seats in the National
Assembly despite endless pronouncements that they would never do so
without the guarantee of a new election. As such, CNRP leaders have
accepted to become a part of a (CPP) government they had branded as
illegitimate. CNRP lawmakers – who collectivelyreceived votes from at least
half of the electorate – now have a moral responsibility to right what they
see as contributing to that illegitimacy. They have to work with the 68 CPP
lawmakers to reform theNational Election Committee,amend the National
Assembly's internal regulations, and the Constitution.
In welcoming the 55 CNRP lawmakers, Premier Hun Sen urged all MPs to
increase the culture of dialogues in order to work together to serve the
nation. CNRP leader Sam Rainsy replied, This is the opening of a new
historic chapter in Cambodia. We will work together to defend territorial
integrity and to build prosperity for the nation, and declared, We should
not work against each other as enemies but as partners who have come
together in good faith to find long lasting solutions for a just, fair and
sustainable development. Let us leave behind the dark pages of the past.
 *A hiccup or a symptom?*
On Aug 26, lawmakers from both parties voted overwhelmingly for CNRP Vice
PresidentKemSokhaas first vice president of the 123-member (68 CPP and 55
CNRP lawmakers) National Assembly, conforming to the July 22 Agreement.
With CPP lawmaker Kong Sam Ol absent on a trip to China with King Sihamoni,
116 lawmakers voted for Mr. Sokha, four voted against, and two abstained.
In an amusing bit of theater indicating that not everyone got the memo on
reconciliation, Mr. Sokha correctly moved to take the seat of the first
vice president, to the right of Assembly president HengSamrin, but was
startled by a loud objection from the outgoing First VP, NguonNhel, who
rushed to take the seat himself, rather than relinquish it. Premier Hun Sen
was obliged to step in to compel CPP member Nhel to take another chair –
Please, Excellency NguonNhel, move over there!
Was the comedy staged for political purposes, or are members of the CPP not
enthralled with this recent political rapprochement?
Chinese news agency *Xinhua* reported, following the vote on Mr. Sokha,
that the 

Fwd: Former US Diplomat Accused in $1M Fraud Case

2014-09-02 Thread Khmer Forum
*Former US Diplomat Accused in $1M Fraud Case*
By Phorn Bopha http://www.cambodiadaily.com/author/phorn-bopha/ and Simon
Henderson http://www.cambodiadaily.com/author/simon-henderson/ |
September 1, 2014

Former US Diplomat Accused in $1M Fraud Case | The Cambodia Daily

[image: image]

Former US Diplomat Accused in $1M Fraud Case | The ...
Former US Diplomat Accused in $1M Fraud Case By Phorn Bopha and Simon
Henderson | September 1, 2014

View on www.cambodiadaily.com
Preview by Yahoo

Sichan Siv, a former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., was summoned by the Phnom
Penh Municipal Court last month and ordered to remain in Cambodia following
allegations that he and two business partners defrauded a Phnom Penh
dentist out of $1 million, officials have confirmed.

The order came after a complaint was filed by Eng Lykuong, owner of Master
Care Dental Clinic in Chamkar Mon district, who alleges that in 2012, the
businessmen conned her into investing $1 million in an agricultural firm,
Akra Agriculture Partners, which has remained inactive since she invested.

Mr. Siv, a Cambodian-American, served as U.S. ambassador to the U.N.’s
Economic and Social Council from 2001 to 2006 and is the author of the
celebrated Khmer Rouge survival memoir “Golden Bones.” In 2012, he returned
to Cambodia and began to promote Akra, which was registered in the U.S. and
billed as an ambitious rice farmers’ cooperative that would help maximize
profits for Cambodians on the lowest rung of the economic ladder.

Mr. Siv and his partners—prominent Cambodian-American businessman San
Richer, New York State Assemblyman William Nojay and Thomas Willems, former
director of the Cambodia International Education Support
Foundation-USA—were summoned by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on July 7
and ordered to remain in Cambodia, according to a letter signed by deputy
prosecutor Buninh Bunnary.

“The prosecutor of the Phnom Penh Municipal Court has summoned San Richer,
Sichan Siv, Thomas A. Willems, and William R. Nojay to come to the court to
answer questions regarding the complaint by Eng Lykuong,” the letter states.

It also orders judicial police to “monitor all the routes, in the air, on
the ground or on the water, to prevent [the accused]…from leaving Cambodia
for other countries temporarily.”

Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak confirmed that the ministry was
following the court order, but said that Mr. Siv and Mr. Willems had left
the country before it was issued, while   Mr. Richer and Mr. Nojay had
remained in the U.S.

“The court ordered [Mr. Siv] to not leave the country, but he was already
abroad before it was issued,” General Sopheak said. “If he were a resident
of Cambodia, then we could do something, but he is a U.S. citizen and he
lives in the U.S.

“If he lived in Cambodia, then we could do something,” he added.

Ms. Lykuong said she visited two companies in Cambodia with Mr. Siv and Mr.
Willems, which they claimed had signed business agreements with Akra. She
said Mr. Siv’s reputation convinced her that the investment opportunity was

“I read his book and knew his profile—that’s why I put down $1 million,”
she said in an interview Friday.

“I sold a plot of my land to get the cash to wire it to the U.S…. I did not
think that he would damage his profile for such a thing.”

The dentist said she wired $1 million in three installments in late 2012
and early 2013 to help complete the necessary $4 million capital investment
required to establish the company. Under the deal, she was supposed to be
made a member of the board of directors. But it quickly became apparent
that something was amiss, she said.

The new company’s first board meeting “was supposed to take place a few
weeks after sending the money but it never took place,” Ms. Lykuong said,
adding that she subsequently discovered that the company was not
operational and that the supposed deals with Cambodian businesses had been

“If the start-up business had failed and gone bankrupt, I was prepared for
it and would have accepted it. But they set up a fake company to trick
people out of money,” she said, adding that she has since spent $60,000 in
legal fees.

“I filed the complaint so that they will be brought to justice and pay me
back the money and a [$200,000] fine. Returning the money is not enough.
They have to be punished accordingly,” she said.

Mr. Siv did not respond to multiple emails requesting comment. Ing Kereya,
a lawyer for Mr. Willems and Mr. San, declined to comment.

One of the 

Fwd: Back to Parliament for Ex PM, Pen Sovann

2014-08-24 Thread Khmer Forum
*Former Prime Minister Pen, Sovann Back to Parliament*

Read below for details!


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

   On Friday, August 8, 2014 8:03 AM, ben leap ble...@gmail.com wrote:


When the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party’s 55 lawmakers take
their seats in parliament for the first time since last year’s disputed
election, old foes will come face-to-face once more.
In the case of former prime minister Pen Sovann, now a CNRP lawmaker for
Kampong Speu province, a bitter rivalry with Prime Minister Hun Sen will
once again be confronted.
“I am excited . . . What I lost, I will have it again,” he said.
Sovann was prime minister of the Hanoi-backed People's Republic of
Kampuchea from June to December 1981, before he was arrested and jailed in
1981 after floating the idea that Cambodia create a military independent
from Vietnam. He also served as secretary-general of Kampuchean People's
Revolutionary Party, a forerunner of the current ruling Cambodian People's
Party, before his arrest.
He spent more than 10 years in a Vietnamese prison for falling afoul of Le
Duc Tho, then Vietnam's chief adviser to the Kampuchean United Front for
National Salvation, which Sovann helped found in 1978.
He was replaced by current National Assembly President Heng Samrin.
“Those who arrested me and sent me to jail, I will meet them again. But I
will not seek to take revenge,” he said.
Returning to public life after nearly three decades in the shadows, the
78-year-old political veteran says he is looking forward to sparring with
former colleagues in the CPP.
“When I rejoin the National Assembly, those [former colleagues] will know
about me. I know that they will give me respect. Before, they misunderstood
my ideas and they arrested me,” he said. “I expect that my former
colleagues will see me and shake hands with me and strike up a
Since his release from prison in 1992, Sovann's political career failed to
take off until now. In 1998, he formed the National Support Party, before
briefly allying with current CNRP president Sam Rainsy.
The party failed to win popular support and, in 2007, the former bodyguard
to senior Khmer Rouge leader Ta Mok joined the Human Rights Party headed by
CNRP deputy president Kem Sokha.
He stuck with the HRP until it joined with the Sam Rainsy Party in 2012 to
form the CNRP, going on to win an unprecedented 55 seats in last year’s
“I have struggled for the Cambodian nation. My goals are still the same,”
he said. I am happy to meet with former colleagues, but I don't believe
Cambodia should be subordinate to foreign powers as they do.
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Fwd: Lor Peang Villagers' Miseries - ទុក្ខសោកវេទនារបស់អ្នកភូមិឡពាងខេត្តកំពង់ឆ្នាំងដែលប្រទះឃើញនៅផ្លូលជាតិលេខ៥ នៅថ្ងៃ ១៣ ខែសីហា ឆ្នាំ២០១៤។

2014-08-24 Thread Khmer Forum
CNRP's MPs-Elect Mu Sochua, Long Botta, and Nhay Chamroeun with villagers
from Lo Peang*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfHJbKzE6Eofeature=youtu.be

*CNRP's MPs-Elect Mu Sochua, Long Botta, and Nhay Chamroeun with villagers
from Lo Peang

[image: image]

CNRP's MP Mu Sochua, Long Botta, and Ngoy Chamroeu...

View on www.youtube.com
Preview by Yahoo

*(Courtesy: MP-Elect Botta Long)*


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

   On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 5:32 PM, Botta Long bottaso...@gmail.com

នៅថ្ងៃ ១៣ ខែសីហា ឆ្នាំ២០១៤

 សូម​បងប្អូនជនរួមជាតិ​ខ្មែរទាំងអស់ តាមដាន​មើល​អត្ថ​បទ

បន្ទាប់​ពី​ត្រូវ​បាន​ក្រុមហ៊ុន​ ខេ ឌី ស៊ី (KDC) របស់​ភរិយា​ឯឧត្តម​ ស៊ុយ សែម
រំលោភយក​ដី​ធ្លី​របស់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ អ្នកភូមិ​ឡពាង​បានព្យាយាម​តវ៉ា
ផ្ទុយទៅវិញ តុលា​ដែល​ពុក​រលួយ​ទាំងនោះ​មិន​បាន​ជួយ​ដោះ​ស្រាយ​ជួនពួកគាត់នោះទេ
​​មកកាន់​រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ។ ដោយ​ហេតុតែ​ពួកគាត់​មិនមានលុយជិះ​រថយន្ត​
កាលពី​ថ្ងៃ​ម្សិលមិញ​ អ្នកភូមិឡពាង ៤នាក់ ​បាន​សន្លប់​និង​រងរបួស​ ហើយ​ ៣នាក់
ត្រូវ​បាន​ចាប់ខ្លួន​ពីសំ​ណាក់អាជ្ញាធរ។ ទាំងនេះ​បានសបញ្ជាក់​ឲ្យឃើញពី​កម្សោយ
និង​ភាព​មិន​យក​ចិត្ត​ទុកដាក់​របស់​រដ្ឋបាល​ សម្ដេច ហ៊ុន សែន​
នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​នេះដែរ​ អ្នក​ភូមិ​ឡពាង​ដែល​នៅ​សេសសល់
ហើយ​​ត្រូវ​បាន​អាជ្ញាធរ​បន្ត​វាយ​ធ្វើ​បាប​យ៉ាងសា​ហាវឃោរឃៅ។ លើសពីនេះ​ទី​ទៀត​
​និ​ង​ដោះស្រាយ​ជា​បន្ទាន់។ ចំពោះ​​មុខ​ហេតុ​ការណ៍នេះ​
អ្នក​តំណាងរាស្រ្ត​របស់គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ​ចំនួន​៤រូប រួមមាន លោកជំទាវ មួរ
សុខ​ហួរ​ ឯកឧត្តម​ ឡុង​ ប៊ុត្តា​ ឯកឧត្តម​ ងុយ​ ចំរើន
និងឯកឧត្តម... បាន​ចុះ​ជួប ជួយ​សង្គ្រោះ
និង​អន្តរគមន៍​ប្រជាពល​រដ្ឋ​យើង​នៅ​ត្រង់​ វត្ត​រង្សី ភូមិគ្រួស ឃុំព្រែកតាតែន
បន្ថែមពីនេះ​ទៀត ដើម្បី​បន្ធូបន្ថយ​ទុកលំបាក​​របស់​អ្នក​ភូមិ​ឡពាង​
អ្នក​តំណាង​រាស្ត្រ​យើង​ បានខិតខំ​ជួល​រឺម៉កម៉ូតូធំចំនួន ​២​គ្រឿង
​ដែល​មួយគ្រឿង​ផ្ទុក​បាន​បងប្អូនយើង​ចំនួន​ ៣០ នាក់ក្នុង​មួយគ្រឿង


Here are a few photos showing the inhumane brutality committed by the
authorities and their aides on vulnerable villagers in the commune of Lo
Peang during their journey to the National Assembly in Phnom Penh. Even
their provisions in rice were destroyed.

Voici quelques photos montrant la brutalité inhumaine commise par les
autorités et leurs aides sur les vulnérables villageois de la commune de Lo
Peang durant leur périple vers l’Assemblée Nationale à Phnom-Penh.Même
leurs provisions en riz ont été renversées.
  Beaten young villagers.JPG
 A recent injury from a blow of a heavy stick.JPG
 Villagers of Lo Peang victims of land grabbing.JPG

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Fwd: Meach Sovannara, San Seyhak and Tep Narin summoned to Court

2014-08-24 Thread Khmer Forum
*FYI - Meach Sovannara, San Seyhak and Tep Narin summoned to Court*

Read below for details!


Best Regards,

*Khmer Forum*
*A place for sharing community events and public news.*

   On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 11:52 PM, ben leap ble...@gmail.com

‘Targeting’ the little guys
Thu, 14 August 2014
Meas Sokchea http://www.phnompenhpost.com/author/meas-sokchea/17894 and Kevin
Ponniah http://www.phnompenhpost.com/author/kevin-ponniah/20515
 Days after a group of opposition lawmakers cited their parliamentary
immunity in refusing a court summons for questioning regarding a violent
July protest, a party official without that protection was charged with
insurrection and summonsed over the same incident.
Two more Cambodia National Rescue Party youth activists have also been hit
with new court summons, while three other CNRP youth arrested almost two
weeks ago remain behind bars after bail was rejected last week.
Another bail hearing will not be held at the Appeal Court until August 22,
a judge told the Post yesterday, despite a CNRP spokesman saying that top
leaders were still lobbying the ruling party to secure their release.
Meach Sovannara – who ran unsuccessfully as a lawmaker in Banteay Meanchey
in last July’s election and who serves as the party’s head of information –
yesterday became the latest CNRP official to be hit with serious charges
related to the protest, which saw supporters clash with district security
guards at Freedom Park on July 15.
According to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court summons, Sovannara has been
charged with “leading an insurrection, inciting others to commit a felony,
and instigating aggravated violence”.
The charges are the same laid against the eight CNRP officials – seven
lawmakers and one youth activist – who were released from prison hours
after a political deal ending the deadlock was inked on July 22.
That group, excluding the activist, is now seemingly off the hook after
taking their seats in parliament.
Yesterday, speaking on the phone from France, Sovannara insinuated he was
the latest pawn caught up in a political game being played by the ruling
“If the one-party government of Mr Hun Sen wants to have national unity and
national reconciliation, [with us] respecting each other according to an
agreement reached between the Cambodia National Rescue Party and Cambodian
People’s Party on July 22, then all this must end,” he said.
He will return early next week and appear in court, he added, despite
labelling it a “political tool” being used by Prime Minister Hun Sen to
intimidate the opposition.
Meanwhile, CNRP youths San Seyhak and Tep Narin said yesterday that they
had also been summonsed to court related to the same case, though it
remains unclear whether they have been charged.
“I am not scared, because I have not done anything wrong,” Seyhak said,
adding that the summons for August 27, which he has not seen, was sent to
his family home.
Narin said CNRP colleagues had told him a court official had appeared with
the summons for him yesterday but left when he could not be found, so he
does not know the date.
Both say they will respect the summons.
The change in the court’s focus from lawmakers who possess immunity to
underlings who don’t has observers speculating that the ruling CPP is
sending a signal to the opposition faithful that the July 22 political
agreement is not the silver bullet that CNRP leaders have been presenting
it as.
Political commentator Ou Virak said that the premier was trying to
undermine CNRP leader Sam Rainsy with his supporters, because Rainsy had
been “trying to sell the deal by saying that because of the deal, he can
get people out [of prison]”.
With it appearing that he can’t do that so easily, the CPP will be hoping
to create some divisions, Virak said.
“He’s also likely not just going after the smaller guys [because they don’t
have immunity], but also maybe to show that leaders are sitting home in
luxury while showing what the real activists actually protesting are now
getting out of all of this.”
Kem Monovithya, the CNRP’s deputy public affairs head, said that she too
believed that the CPP was trying to create divisions in the opposition.
“They want to anger our supporters that we made this deal, and we cannot
get our activists out of the court,” she said.
But government spokesman Phay Siphan said that if the opposition wanted to
fight impunity, as they have frequently proclaimed, they have to walk the
walk and not present their members as “untouchable”.
“They have to maintain that in their own principles and fight against
impunity. It doesn’t mean all the big guys [should] always get out from
under the law.”

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2014-08-23 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
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From: Sokha sok...@gmail.com
Date: 2014-08-23 8:17 GMT-04:00
To: Khmer Srâlanh Khmer khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com

Chers Collegues et Compatriotes et ami(e)s,

C'est un des projets importants. Nos Compatriotes (Personne âgées, Femmes,
Enfants) sont de plus en plus démunis et vivaient de pire souffrance sans
limite prévisible.

La souffrance et l'injustice que nos compatriotes subissent actuellement
est pire que la vie dans le régime de Khmer Rouge. Sont ils condamnés à
souffrir seuls sous nos regard ?
Pouvons nous rester indifférents? Ils faut agir sauver nos démunis de cette
situation. nous pouvons leur donner le rêve et de lespoir.

Nous pouvons aider cette fondation de différentes façons. Soit par groupe
dans notre réseau de contacte (famille et amis), via Bonn Phka Samaki ou
via soirée de financement.

Pour répondre à cet appel,ma famille fera un don de 1000.00  pour cet étape.

Bonne fin de semaine !


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Date: 2014-08-23 5:11 GMT-04:00
To: CHIT Samlot samlot.c...@wanadoo.fr, bopha suy 
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Ir channam...@yahoo.com, cdlsrp2...@gmail.com cdlsrp2...@gmail.com,
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huyl...@xtra.co.nz huyl...@xtra.co.nz, Hy NAN hy_n...@yahoo.fr, Kant
Officiel kanth...@gmail.com, sam ok usa...@hotmail.com, Sam Rainsy
Party of North America srp...@comcast.net, chy kim sroeun 
chy.kim-sro...@neuf.fr, Kim Horn kimhor...@yahoo.ca, Kim Nuor SUON 
kn.s...@free.fr, Vanna Men vanna...@bigpond.net.au, Viktou Men 
vikto...@yahoo.com.au, Sann Men sann.me...@gmail.com, Truy Troeung 
troeungt...@yahoo.com, Larry Seng seng6...@yahoo.com, seng horl 
sengh...@free.fr, Sonn Moeung sonn.moe...@gmail.com, 
matphat2...@yahoo.com matphat2...@yahoo.com, narith khem 
khemnar...@gmail.com, Narith SUON suonnar...@gmail.com, Kunthara Teav 
tharat...@yahoo.com, Vannat Teav(SRP-Ottawa) vteav1c...@rogers.com
Cc: Rainsy Sam samrainsy...@gmail.com, Kem Sokha kemso...@yahoo.com,
Saumura Tioulong saum...@gmail.com, Monovithya Kem 
monovithya...@gmail.com, KY Wandara kwand...@yahoo.co.uk, sovann yim 

សូមជម្រាបបងប្អូនជនរួមជាតិ នៅឯនាយសមុទ្រដឹងថា លោកប្រធាន សម រង្ស៊ី

ខ្មែរសង្រេ្គាះខ្មែរ ក្នុងគោលបំណងឧបត្ថម្ភជនរងគ្រោះទូទៅ នៅប្រទេសកម្ពុជា។
ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែមសូមចុច ៖ http://tinyurl.com/lmy7ffp

Chers Tous,

Prière de noter que Lauk Prathan Sam Rainsy vient de créer sa Fondation de
charité Khmers Sangros Khmers pour venir en aide aux victimes sociales
dans notre pays.

Pour en savoir plus, connectez à sa page facebook:


Dear All,

Please note that, recently, Lauk Prathan Sam Rainsy has created his charity
foundation Khmers Rescue Khmers to help the social victims in our

To learn more, Please connect to his Facebook page:


Merci de faire passer ce message.

Please help us to spread the news.

Cabinet de Lauk Prathan Sam Rainsy

Hong Sok Hour

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Fwd: USA now paper tiger?

2014-07-24 Thread Kangaroo
I still renember Mou Sokhour crying for help from the Anerican people. She said 
that she is a US citizen too.

That tell you the truth about Mou.

She did silly thing to fike a lawsuit against Hun Sen based on hearsay. 

Last week,  Mou claimed her US citizebship and cried for help from the US, 
which never came because Mou has claimed her duel citizebship.

This individual is not intelligent. She says anything for nonsense. 

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Fwd: USA now paper tiger?

2014-07-21 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
-- Forwarded message --
From: Kem Kang nobby...@bigpond.com
Date: 2014-07-21 8:11 GMT-04:00
Subject: USA now paper tiger?
To: Khmer Srâlanh Khmer khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com
Cc: justin sok justice2kh...@yahoo.com, cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com,
samrainsyparty@gmail.com, kemso...@yahoo.com, yimsov...@gmail.com,
soch...@gmail.com, sonch...@yahoo.com, Tevy t...@exemail.com.au, Dara
Kang dara.k...@bigpond.com, Ra TUM mora...@yahoo.com, Kem Kang 
kem.k...@hotmail.com, aileen.kang...@gmail.com

 Dear Compatriots,

Thank you so much for the messages.  I still remember the following:

Mao Tse Tung used to call America “Paper Tiger” long time ago. I think he
was not too far off the track.

America lost the Vietnam War, ran away left piles of all the war equipment
for the Viet to kill us.

Ho Chi Minh trail authorized by our former head of state N. Sihanouk, saved
Vietnam from complete extinction from USA bombing raids day and night, but
instead, destroyed Cambodia, our dearest Nation. Our nation is now totally
invaded by the Viet.

America learned a very bitter lesson from the Vietnam War and never want to
even think of it again. They still suffer from frightening nightmares most
of the time. Their ears are all deft to our complaints.

We, Cambodians, are still suffering from this war because our great
powerful master was very shamefully defeated by the Viets. I often asked
myself what can we expect from the America?  Another defeat like our Master
has had?

I am just an ordinary Khmer citizen. Never been serving as a high ranking
official and always love my job as a simple medical practitioner.

I saw our former King’s mistakes by embracing the Former Premier Chou Eng
Lay of (Communist) China during his visit to Cambodia. He then solemnly
pronounced in his speech that “ five hundred millions of Chinese population
(at that time) will be backing Cambodia until the end...No worries etc..

*Yes! It was true! They are backing “behind us all the time “ never dare to
come out and help us to survive but more and more killing only for their
own interest*

This is the *extremely bitter inheritance* from our *Monarchy of Chey Yo!
Samdach Euo !!!Samdach Mae!!! Samdach Ta!!!.. Ta Tuout *

Sorry to say that. But it is not my cup of tea. I am a pure Republican
because Our Country belongs to all of us. Our kings signed and gave away
Khmer Krom to the Viet, starting from the king’s concubine name Co Chinh of
Cochinchine ... to the recent Koh Trall etc...

*Lauk Prothean Sam Rainsy* is doing the right thing. He has to, for the
moment, respect the Cambodian Constitution which was written that *CAMBODIA

I still think very high of him.  He should be the one whom we all are
looking for or waiting for to save our Nation.

With all the very best from all of us,

Kang Kem,(MD)  Friends OZ

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Fwd: Barack Obama and Ed Royce and John Kerry: Please Help Us Put Pressure on Hun Sen to Release the Seven MPs of CNRP and Political Activist. - Sign the Petition!

2014-07-20 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
-- Forwarded message --
From: Justin Sok justice2kh...@yahoo.com
Date: 2014-07-20 15:06 GMT-04:00
Subject: Barack Obama and Ed Royce and John Kerry: Please Help Us Put
Pressure on Hun Sen to Release the Seven MPs of CNRP and Political
Activist. - Sign the Petition!
To: cnrpo...@gmail.com cnrpo...@gmail.com, cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com,
srp...@comcast.net, cnr...@gmail.com, cnrp...@googlegroups.com,
visesc...@yahoo.com, yput...@rocketmail.com, samrainsyparty@gmail.com,
cnrp-so...@googlegroups.com, cnrp...@googlegroups.com,
Cc: samrainsy...@gmail.com, kem...@gmail.com, kemso...@yahoo.com,
srpcabi...@gmail.com, srph...@gmail.com, yimsov...@gmail.com,
soch...@gmail.com, sonch...@yahoo.com, justin Sok justice2kh...@yahoo.com

Please join this campaign:

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Fwd: Mt. Holyoke head goes to bat for jailed Cambodian

2014-07-19 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
-- Forwarded message --
From: sok...@netscape.net
Date: 2014-07-19 11:52 GMT-04:00
Subject: Mt. Holyoke head goes to bat for jailed Cambodian
To: harpe...@parl.gc.ca, john.ba...@parl.gc.ca,
jdm.transmiss...@quebecormedia.com, lemo...@contact.lemonde.fr,
khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com, pablo.rodrig...@videotron.ca, ks...@rfa.org,
info@thammikaram.c, samrainsypa...@googlegroups.com, pengse.s...@gmail.com,
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nouvel...@lapresse.ca, redact...@ledevoir.com,
redact...@lactualite.rogers.com, cah...@cahrad.org, hy...@cox.net,
t...@cahrad.org, kilett...@gmail.com, khmerintellige...@yahoogroups.com,
khmeryo...@gmail.com, khmerizat...@gmail.com, i...@fpmonline.net,
lapre...@cambodge.com, khemaraj...@sympatico.ca, khmer.mchas.s...@gmail.com,
khmerkampucheak...@gmail.com, camdisc@googlegroups.com,
cacjepre...@gmail.com, cwci_secretar...@yahoo.com


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Fwd: Public Announcement

2014-07-19 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
-- Forwarded message --
From: 'Justin Sok' via CNRP World cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com
Date: 2014-07-19 1:14 GMT-04:00
Subject: Public Announcement
To: KI Letters kilett...@gmail.com
Cc: CNRP nationalrescuefoundat...@googlegroups.com, Cambodia National
Rescue Party of North America srp...@comcast.net, Hoeun Hach 
cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com, CNRP- Washington khmerforu...@gmail.com,
Vises CNRP-GA visesc...@yahoo.com, Puthia Yim CNRP-PA 
yput...@rocketmail.com, cnrp-so...@googlegroups.com 
cnrp-so...@googlegroups.com, cnrp...@googlegroups.com 

Hello  Chum Reap Sur,

I'm Justin C. Sok.  I just want to inform the public that the document
entitled, Som Niyeay Phang! written by Mr. Anthony Ly Diep, Angkorborie
News, on July 18, 2014, that I had verified with the source and it was not
a Facebook account that is belonged to Ms. Rachel Sam.  It is, in fact, a
fake Facebook account that someone had impersonate as Ms. Rachel Sam, which
had also attached with a statement in Khmer, that could cause friction and
creating a misunderstanding among our Khmer patriots.

Thank you for your attention.


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Fwd: CAMBODIA: Hun Sen's days are limited; can CNRP improve?

2014-06-24 Thread PuppyXpress

-- Forwarded message --
From: Gaffar Peang-Meth peangm...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 10:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: CAMBODIA: Hun Sen's days are limited; can CNRP improve?

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June 23, 2014

*An article byDr.**Gaffar Peang-Meth**published by the Asian Human Rights

 *CAMBODIA: Hun Sen's days are limited; can CNRP improve?*

Last month I was, again, hopeful as leaders of the opposition Cambodia
National Rescue Party and ruling Cambodian People's Party announced their
respective desire to end the 10-month political deadlock. Subsequently, the
working group that has met periodically to discuss solutions to the
political stalemate convened on June 12. A skeptic, I thought this might
just be another round of the *chakk'bach* choreography of the Khmer
*Ramvong* circle dance, even as I reminded myself that eventually any
dancer must take a seat.

The talks failed as the CPP wants members of the National Election
Commission to be selected by an absolute majority of members in the
National Assembly while the CNRP insists upon a two-thirds majority. Each
side blames the other for the failure of the working group to settle these
differences. Behind it lies a positive occurrence ignored by many.

The *Phnom Penh Post*reported a parliamentary power-sharing agreement has
been reached, according to CNRP whip Son Chhay: The CNRP agreed to accept
the first vice presidency of the National Assembly and chairmanships of
five of 10 parliamentary commissions; and there are ongoing discussions
to reform the National Assembly's internal rules to enable the opposition
to function effectively. One is reminded of CNRP lawmaker-elect Mu Sochua's
statement on her website regarding Sam Rainsy's sacrifice to dance with
the devil for the Khmer nation's sake.

On June 20, CNRP Vice President KemSokha told visiting UN special rights
envoy Surya Subedi that the CNRP will not join the National Assembly until
the NEC is reformed in order to avoid being ignored by the ruling party.
The *Ramvongchakk'bach* goes on.

While I see in the power-sharing deal an encouraging sign of CNRP's
political pragmatism and maturity, I wonder if this apparent solution isn't
too little and too late. The longer CNRP seats in the National Assembly
remain vacant, the more irrelevant the institution (and the CNRP) become.
For Premier Hun Sen, seat vacancies don't matter anymore. He and his
government will continue their work, regardless. Significantly, though
international actors are not happy with a government in which half the
seats in parliament are empty, they continue to do business with the
Premier and the government opposition leaders insist is illegitimate.

 *Hun Sen's days are limited, yet…*

Premier Hun Sen successfully orchestrates executive, legislative, and
judicial powers. The premier has long demonstrated political cunning and an
instinct for survival. Aware that after 30 years in power, his days of
dominance are waning, he manipulates election results and comes down hard
on the thousands who have engaged in political protests, limiting their
access to conspicuous venues and inserting undercover operatives to keep
book on participants.

Hun Sen likely suspects that he would not win a free and fair election.
Even supporters of the regime acknowledge that 35 years of CPP governance
is enough. The climate of hunger, ignorance, and fear – *khliean, khlao,
khlach* – must be dislodged. Hun Sen is not blind to the writing on the
wall. As Khmer is a culture of face, he cannot allow himself to be hauled
out of office by an opposition that has many flaws. Yet he is likely to be
defeated in 2018 if the CNRP can present itself as a credible alternative
to the CPP.


The CNRP, however, particularly in the person of Vice President KemSokha,
diminishes the party's credibility and foments national discord when, as
Sokha did on June 4, it initiates unsubstantiated allegations that Vietnam
orchestrated the KohPich bridge stampede in Cambodia's annual Water
Festival in November 2010 that killed 353 people in a plot to eliminate
the Khmer race, tradition and culture. In an earlier demonstration of
disregard for facts, Sokha told *The Diplomat* in an interview that (Khmer)
politicians need to tell their audience what the latter wants to hear.

Sokha is not alone in making assertions that ultimately serve to
delegitimize the CNRP. On June 8, CNRP President Sam Rainsy was quoted by *The
Cambodia Daily* as saying that he had information from internal sources in
the CPP that Premier Hun Sen suffered a massive stroke, was rushed to
Phnom Penh's Calmette Hospital, and then flown to Singapore for treatment.
News spread like wildfire through

Re: Fwd: CAMBODIA: Hun Sen's days are limited; can CNRP improve?

2014-06-24 Thread 'KULEN MONOROM' via Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org

To all my dear respectable Khmer who are living inside Cambodia and around the 
world. If you don't want Khmer kandal, Khmer Phnom Penh or Khmer 
Angkor to lost our land, our true Khmer citizen to become like Khmer 
Krom, I suggest you to inform all Khmer who are living around the world 
to join as an active membership with Mr. HOEUN HACH master of Physiology in USA 
(telephone +1 651 428 0502. Email: 
hoeunhach1...@gmail.com) and his organization called 
INTERNATIONAL KHMER ASSEMBLY (I K A) at 1404 Concordia Avenue, #200 
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104, USA, their telephone is +1 612 437 4309 who are 
looking to revive Khmer from WEAK to STRONG, from UNDEMOCRATIC to 
DEMOCRATIC, from abused of HUMAN RIGHT to respect of HUMAN RIGHT, from 
COMMUNISM to a FREE WILL country.  The most importantly since April 2012 
Minnesota State in USA have recognized all Khmer Veteran who had 
assisted and associated with American Arm Forces during and after 
Vietnam War.  Can you all please make an inquiry and join them if you 
would not mind, OK.

Kulen Monorom
Ta Ruos Village, 
Krabey Real Commune,
Krong  Khet Siem Reap,
Tel: +61 469 345 567
Email: kulen_mono...@yahoo.com.au
Skype: woodhyapdg

On Wednesday, 25 June 2014 10:08 AM, PuppyXpress dara.t...@gmail.com wrote:


-- Forwarded message --
From: Gaffar Peang-Meth peangm...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 10:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: CAMBODIA: Hun Sen's days are limited; can CNRP improve?

To unsubscribe click this
link, to change preferences click this
June 23, 2014
An article byDr.Gaffar
Peang-Methpublished by the Asian Human Rights
days are limited; can CNRP improve?

Last month I was, again, hopeful as leaders of the
opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party and ruling
Cambodian People's Party announced their respective desire
to end the 10-month political deadlock. Subsequently, the
working group that has met periodically to discuss solutions
to the political stalemate convened on June 12. A skeptic, I
thought this might just be another round of the chakk'bach choreography of the 
Khmer Ramvong circle dance, even as I reminded myself that eventually any
dancer must take a seat.
The talks failed as the CPP wants members of the National
Election Commission to be selected by an absolute majority
of members in the National Assembly while the CNRP insists
upon a two-thirds majority. Each side blames the other for
the failure of the working group to settle these
differences. Behind it lies a positive occurrence ignored by
The Phnom Penh Postreported a parliamentary
power-sharing agreement has been reached, according to
CNRP whip Son Chhay: The CNRP agreed to accept the first
vice presidency of the National Assembly and chairmanships
of five of 10 parliamentary commissions; and there are
ongoing discussions to reform the National
Assembly's internal rules to enable the opposition to
function effectively. One is reminded of CNRP lawmaker-elect
Mu Sochua's statement on her website regarding Sam Rainsy's
sacrifice to dance with the devil for the Khmer
nation's sake.
On June 20, CNRP Vice President KemSokha told visiting UN
special rights envoy Surya Subedi that the CNRP will not
join the National Assembly until the NEC is reformed in
order to avoid being ignored by the ruling
party. The Ramvongchakk'bach goes on.
While I see in the power-sharing deal an
encouraging sign of CNRP's political pragmatism and
maturity, I wonder if this apparent solution isn't too
little and too late. The longer CNRP seats in the National
Assembly remain vacant, the more irrelevant the institution
(and the CNRP) become. For Premier Hun Sen, seat vacancies
don't matter anymore. He and his government will continue
their work, regardless. Significantly, though international
actors are not happy with a government in which half the
seats in parliament are empty, they continue to do business
with the Premier and the government opposition leaders
insist is illegitimate.
Hun Sen's days are limited, yet…
Premier Hun Sen successfully orchestrates executive,
legislative, and judicial powers.  The premier has long
demonstrated political cunning and an instinct for survival.
Aware that after 30 years in power, his days of dominance
are waning, he manipulates election results and comes down
hard on the thousands who have engaged in political
protests, limiting their access to conspicuous venues and
inserting undercover operatives to keep book on
Hun Sen likely suspects that he would not win a free and
fair election.  Even supporters of the regime acknowledge
that 35 years of CPP governance is enough.  The climate of
hunger, ignorance, and fear – khliean, khlao,
khlach – must be dislodged.  Hun Sen is not blind
to the writing on the wall. As Khmer is a culture of face,
he cannot allow himself to be hauled out of office by an
opposition that has many flaws. Yet he

Re: Fwd: Khmer Patriot Song

2014-06-24 Thread 'KULEN MONOROM' via Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org

To all my dear respectable Khmer who are living inside
Cambodia and around the world. If you don't want Khmer kandal, Khmer Phnom Penh
or Khmer Angkor to lost our land, our true Khmer citizen to become like Khmer 
I suggest you to inform all Khmer who are living around the world to join as an
active membership with Mr. HOEUN HACH master of Physiology in USA (telephone +1
651 428 0502. Email: hoeunhach1...@gmail.com) and his organization
called INTERNATIONAL KHMER ASSEMBLY (I K A) at 1404 Concordia Avenue, #200
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104, USA, their telephone is +1 612 437 4309 who are
looking to revive Khmer from WEAK to STRONG, from UNDEMOCRATIC to DEMOCRATIC,
from abused of HUMAN RIGHT to respect of HUMAN RIGHT, from COMMUNISM to a FREE
WILL country. 
The most importantly since April 2012 Minnesota State in USA
have recognized all Khmer Veteran who had assisted and associated with American
Arm Forces during and after Vietnam War. Can you all please make an inquiry and
join them if you would not mind, OK.

Kulen Monorom
Ta Ruos Village, 
Krabey Real Commune,
Krong  Khet Siem Reap,
Tel: +61 469 345 567
Email: kulen_mono...@yahoo.com.au
Skype: woodhyapdg

On Monday, 23 June 2014 11:41 PM, Khmer Srâlanh Khmer 
khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com wrote:

-- Forwarded message --
From: Sokha sok...@gmail.com
Date: 2014-06-23 9:19 GMT-04:00
Subject: Re: Khmer Patriot Song
To: CNRP of Orange County Californa cnrpo...@gmail.com, Khmer Srâlanh Khmer 
Cc: cnrp...@googlegroups.com, cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com, khmerforu...@gmail.com

Deat Mr. Justin C. Sok,

A special thank you for this very touching and prodigious patriotic song.

Warm regards,


2014-06-22 1:59 GMT-04:00 CNRP of Orange County Californa cnrpo...@gmail.com:

To all Khmer living around the globe,

The CNRP Orange County, California would like to dedicate this song, 
ត្រូវថែរក្សាកេរី្តដូនតាអង្គរ to all Khmer around the world.



Song writer by: Anonymous (Khmer patriot)
Original music: En Yeng
Sing by: Justin C. Sok

CNRP of Orange County, California
P.O.BOX 2323Seal Beach, CA 90740

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Fwd: Khmer Patriot Song

2014-06-23 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
-- Forwarded message --
From: Sokha sok...@gmail.com
Date: 2014-06-23 9:19 GMT-04:00
Subject: Re: Khmer Patriot Song
To: CNRP of Orange County Californa cnrpo...@gmail.com, Khmer Srâlanh
Khmer khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com
Cc: cnrp...@googlegroups.com, cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com,

Deat Mr. Justin C. Sok,

A special thank you for this very touching and prodigious patriotic song.

Warm regards,


2014-06-22 1:59 GMT-04:00 CNRP of Orange County Californa 

 To all Khmer living around the globe,

 The CNRP Orange County, California would like to dedicate this song,
 ត្រូវថែរក្សាកេរី្តដូនតាអង្គរ to all Khmer around the world.


 Song writer by: Anonymous (Khmer patriot)
 Original music: En Yeng
 Sing by: Justin C. Sok

 CNRP of Orange County, California
 P.O.BOX 2323 Seal Beach, CA 90740

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FWD: Interview with ICC Attorney Morton Sklar!

2014-05-29 Thread CNRP- Washington
Interview with *ICC Attorney Morton Sklar*, Complainants' Attorney and
Founding Executive Director Emeritus, World Organization for Human Rights


Best Regards,

CNRP Washington Team.

-- Forwarded message --
From: chiepkim chiep...@free.fr
Date: Thu, May 29, 2014 at 7:20 PM
Subject: មេធាវីផ្តាំឲយលោកហ៊ុនសែនរកអ្នកការពារ





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Fwd: CNRP-NA: Full-Fledged Political Affiliation to CNRP

2014-05-27 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
-- Forwarded message --
From: Sokha sok...@gmail.com
Date: 2014-05-27 11:53 GMT-04:00
Subject: Re: CNRP-NA: Full-Fledged Political Affiliation to CNRP
To: Chanthoeun To chantho...@gmail.com, Phillip Lim(SRP-CA) 
lim_phil...@yahoo.com, Khmer Srâlanh Khmer khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com,
infos.khmer infos.kh...@gmail.com
Cc: bayareacambodi...@googlegroups.com, BayArea KHMERS 
bayareakhm...@googlegroups.com, camn...@cambodia.org, camd...@cambodia.org

This is a great achievement. Thank you very much Chanthoeun and Philippe
 for this important work.



2014-05-27 10:35 GMT-04:00 Chanthoeun To chantho...@gmail.com:

The Cambodians living in U.S.A. and Canada, which has the full-fledged
 political affiliation to the CNRP-Cambodia, is known as the Cambodia
 National Rescue Party of North America (CNRP-NA).

 With CNRP-NA's leadership lead by CNRP-NA President Kimly Chea, the
 CNRP-NA is reactively and proactively playing significant roles in
 supporting the CNRP-PP and its implementation of key policy, mission and

 To learn more - http://cnrpna.org/bylaw/

 One of the CNRP-NA projects run by Mr. Sophoan Seng and Mrs. Janet Seng is
 Commission for Election Rights of Overseas Cambodians (CEROC). CNRP MP Mu
 Sochua is advocating for the Rights to Vote of the CEROC.
 To Watch Video -

 While coordinating and collaborating with all CNRP chapters in Northern
 America, CNRP-NA provided IT technical assistance, social media solution,
 and financials to the office of CNRP information, in order to significantly
 promoting CNRP's policy and political activities of CNRP's leaders.
 To Watch Video: -

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Fwd: CNRP-NA: Full-Fledged Political Affiliation to CNRP

2014-05-27 Thread sokha4

This is a great achievement. Thank you very much Chanthoeun and Philippe  for 
this important work.



2014-05-27 10:35 GMT-04:00 Chanthoeun To chantho...@gmail.com:

The Cambodians living in U.S.A. and Canada, which has the full-fledged 
political affiliation to the CNRP-Cambodia, is known as the Cambodia National 
Rescue Party of North America (CNRP-NA). 

With CNRP-NA's leadership lead by CNRP-NA President Kimly Chea, the CNRP-NA is 
reactively and proactively playing significant roles in supporting the CNRP-PP 
and its implementation of key policy, mission and vision.

To learn more - http://cnrpna.org/bylaw/

One of the CNRP-NA projects run by Mr. Sophoan Seng and Mrs. Janet Seng is 
Commission for Election Rights of Overseas Cambodians (CEROC). CNRP MP Mu 
Sochua is advocating for the Rights to Vote of the CEROC.

To Watch Video - 

While coordinating and collaborating with all CNRP chapters in Northern 
America, CNRP-NA provided IT technical assistance, social media solution, and 
financials to the office of CNRP information, in order to significantly 
promoting CNRP's policy and political activities of CNRP's leaders. 
To Watch Video: - 

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Fwd: Cambodia: US Training of Abusive Military Exposed

2014-05-21 Thread Khmer Forum
 TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2014 Cambodia: US Training of Abusive Military
Human Rights Watch

  On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 9:57 AM, 'Chanthoeun To' via CNRP World 
cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com wrote:
TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2014
Cambodia: US Training of Abusive Military
Source: Human Rights Watch
US troops at Angkor Sentinel train Cambodian gendarmes in seizing a
building in an urban environment. (US Government photo)

Video [Beating] - http://goo.gl/LWAcM2
Video [Tense] - http://goo.gl/cOjeda
Video [LICHADO] - http://goo.gl/bIaDHn
Video [brutal beating] - http://goo.gl/Yg2ykW

(New York) – US military training to Cambodia’s abusive armed forces could
easily be misused against the political opposition and labor unions and may
violate US law. The US military support was evident in official publicity
material and personal pages posted on Facebook during the annual “*Angkor
Sentinel https://www.facebook.com/exerciseangkorsentinel*” exercises
conducted from April 21 to 30, 2014.

“It’s shocking that the US military is providing armed soldiers training in
kicking down doors soon after Cambodian armed forces killed protesting
workers in Phnom Penh,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights
Watch. “While the ‘enemy’ the US is training Cambodia to defend against
isn’t stated, these forces of late have only been used against opposition
protesters and striking factory workers.”

US military forces have provided training that would assist Cambodia’s
military in government crackdowns on the political opposition and civil
society activists, Human Rights Watch said. This includes expanded military
coordination with local political authorities and the police and a
situational exercise centered on “security techniques in an urban
environment.” A Cambodian military video featuring the seizure of a
building shows troops advancing with assault rifles and kicking down an
imaginary door to enter the building while US officers supervise the
exercises. A photograph on the official Angkor Sentinel Facebook page,
under the caption “vehicle search technique in an urban environment” shows
a Cambodian soldier stopping a vehicle by standing in front of it with his
assault rifle aimed at the windshield.

US military forces have provided training that would assist Cambodia’s
military in government crackdowns on the political opposition and civil
society activists, Human Rights Watch said. This includes expanded military
coordination with local political authorities and the police and a
situational exercise centered on “security techniques in an urban
environment.” A Cambodian military video featuring the seizure of a
building shows troops advancing with assault rifles and kicking down an
imaginary door to enter the building while US officers supervise the
exercises. A photograph on the official Angkor Sentinel Facebook page,
under the caption “vehicle search technique in an urban environment” shows
a Cambodian soldier stopping a vehicle by standing in front of it with his
assault rifle aimed at the windshield.

These and other training exercises may violate US congressional funding
requirements for military training and other forms of security assistance
that specifically prohibit assistance to Cambodia except in limited areas
of “global health, food security, humanitarian demining programs, human
rights training for the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, or to enhance
maritime security capabilities.” Video images show practice planning for
what appears to be mountain fighting, while stills from Facebook pages
depict what seem to be lowland counterinsurgency scenarios. The US Congress
imposed the restrictions because of the Cambodian government’s notorious
rights record. A Senate report accompanying the legislation said that
assistance was restricted because of “concern with the political situation
in Cambodia and the lack of political will by the Government of Cambodia to
further democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.”

U.S. General John Goodale and Cambodian Gen. Hun Maneth (Hun Sen's son) at
the opening of Angkor Sentinel - April 21, 2014 (US Government Phot)

The training during Angkor Sentinel 2014 also appears contrary to the Obama
administration’s security assistance policy, Human Rights Watch said. An
April 2013 White House Presidential Police
that one of the four 


2014-05-15 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
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From: chiepkim chiep...@free.fr
Date: 2014-05-15 3:56 GMT-04:00
To: khmer-ave...@googlegroups.com




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Fwd: CAMBODIA: Disputants fight before sitting together, need core values

2014-04-29 Thread PuppyXpress

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From: Gaffar Peang-Meth peangm...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 10:23 PM
Subject: Fwd: CAMBODIA: Disputants fight before sitting together, need core

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April 29, 2014

*An article by **Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth* *published by the Asian Human
Rights Commission*

 *CAMBODIA: Disputants fight before sitting together, need core values*

Leaders of Cambodia's ruling Cambodian People's Party and the opposition
Cambodia National Rescue Party have an obligation, when their elected
representatives inevitably sit and work together at the National Assembly –
they will – to explain to voters why for so long the people were compelled
to endure so much bloodshed and civil violations while the parties
bickered, and to what end.

I have always maintained that the current political deadlock is
unnecessary, and have explained why I think so. I was serious when I told
sceptical reporters that this seemingly unsolvable political impasse will
be resolved in the end – and quoted a character in the film The Best Exotic
Marigold Hotel who refused to bow to chaos and setbacks, cheerfully
insisting, Everything will be all right in the end. If it's not all right,
it is not yet the end. Both sides in Cambodia know there are no winners in
today's political squabble.

I am not a Buddhist but I embrace Lord Buddha's truth in his teaching that
nothing is permanent, everything changes. The reality is neither of the
disputing political parties has the leverage to impose a diktat on the
other. If either did have such power, this quarrel would have been over
long ago. Each party's pronouncements are intended to calm their supporters
and keep their opponents off balance. Does Sam Rainsy really believe 2
million people will appear in the streets in May unless the CPP agrees to
the CPP-CNRP deal? Does Hun Sen really believe that his threat to file
suit against Sam Rainsy for insulting the king is productive? Even the
Royal Palace spokesperson said the king's name was not tainted by Sam
Rainsy's words.

In the midst of threat and counter threat, the two sides announced in early
April they were working to resolve one little point that separated them;
that tentative plans were made to sign the agreement in front of the
king by the Khmer New Year; that the 55 CNRP lawmakers-elect will work
together at the National Assembly to implement the agreement – on election
reforms and on a new election before July 2018. That sounded like heaven
had finally sent down a gift to the Cambodian voters.

I was sceptical. There has been no equivocation in Prime Minister Hun Sen's
determination to hold on to power and delay new elections; nor has the
fervor of the opposition that demands a greater share of power and speedy
elections diminished. From a distance, at least, the likelihood of an
agreement by the time of the Khmer New Year seemed small. And so, sceptics
like me were allowed yet another opportunity to say I told you so. But –
referencing my friend from the Marigold Hotel – we have not yet reached the
end. To quote baseball player Yogi Berra, an actual person whose vivid use
of English was his hallmark, It ain't over till it's over.

An aspect of Cambodians' culture may help explain why it ain't over:
Cambodians' love for the age-old popular folk dance, the *Ramvong
*(*Ram*means dance,
*vong* means circle), or circle dance, when dancers do their *chakkbach *with
leg, hand, body movements, each trying to outperform the other as they all
go around and around in a circle to the sound of drumbeats. *Ramvong torl
phlu', *or circle dancing until dawn, they say.

In April, immediately after the announced near-agreement, leaders of both
parties traded accusations claiming the other side had not been truthful.
Just what did Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen actually say to one another when they
conversed on the phone on Apr 9 for 45 minutes? Hun Sen claimed Sam Rainsy
had agreed in principle to a new election in February 2018; the latter
denied he had agreed to that date, and told the *Voice of America*-Khmer he
wants a national election in February 2016.

Cambodian citizens are right to wonder about the integrity and
trustworthiness of both political parties. Transparency is essential. The
burden is especially on the CNRP to demonstrate that it acts in all
discussions as an honest broker on behalf of the people. The minutes of the
discussions between CPP and CNRP leaders should be made public, as they
would be in a true democracy. Prevarication by those entrusted to govern
only cause public confidence in government to erode.

Every man-made problem has a solution, but the solution will not satisfy
all parties. Rational leaders must employ both

Fwd: Live Stream: “Free the 23” Trial Day: April 25, 2014 in Cambodia!

2014-04-24 Thread CNRP- Washington
*Live Stream: “Free the 23” Trial Day* - *April 25, 2014 in Cambodia*!

You can watch *Free the 23* trials here:
*English*: http://stream.licadho-cambodia.org/free_the_23_trial/
*Khmer*: http://stream.licadho-cambodia.org/free_the_23_trial/khmer/
*Live Stream Information and its background*:

On 25 April 2014, the trials of the 23 men arrested during the government’s
suppression of labor strikes in early January will take place at the Phnom
Penh Municipal Court. The hearing of two further individuals, who were
arrested during violent clashes between garment workers and armed forces on
12 November 2013 will also take place at the Municipal Court. LICADHO will
be livestreaming events as they happen from inside and outside the court.

Best Regards,

CNRP Washington.

(Other references: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ2RntFvqlg*,*

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Date: Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 7:49 AM
Subject: Kem Monovithya shared a link: Livestream: “Free the 23” Trial
Day: You can watch Free the 23 tr...
To: Cnrp Washington cnr...@gmail.com
Kem Monovithya Kem Monovithya shared a link :  Livestream: “Free the 23”
Trial Day : You can watch Free the 23 trials here: English -
http://stream.licadho-cambodia.org/free_the_23_trial/ and Khmer -
http://stream.licadho-cambodia.org/free_the_23_trial/khmer/; Livestream:
“Free the 23” Trial Day stream.licadho-cambodia.org We are live streaming
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here: English - http://stream.licadho-cambodia.org/free_the_23_trial/ and
Khmer - http://stream.licadho-cambodia.org/free_the_23_trial/khmer/Livestream:
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Re: Fwd: Avis de décès

2014-04-21 Thread Kangaroo
No matter how twisted you'Ve put into the situation , the simple fact remain 
the same.
Sam Rainsy said that CNRP hat a technical difficulties, Both leaderS must be 
presentfor any agreement, In this eks; he said that it is impossible for Kem 
Sokha to be in Cambodia * have a meeting with the king. We heard it dearly on 
At almost the same time, Kem Sokha came out clearly while he was visiting his 
supporters in USA. Kemsokha said clearly that hecould be in Cambodia for the 
meeting on that friday if he agreed to, We know now that Kemsokha is against 
whatever Sam Rainsy agreed with Hun Sen. So what is the start of CNRP?

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Fwd: Sokha Seeks Pentagon's Support for CNRP Gov't

2014-04-21 Thread Kangaroo
Is he going to ask USA to bomb Cambodia too?
Sam Rainsy did it.

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Re: Fwd: Avis de décès

2014-04-19 Thread KULEN MONOROM
  Mr. Prime Minister Hun Sen Said repeatedly for 5 hours on the 9th August
2012 inside Phnom Penh Khmer Parliament that Mr. Son Chhai was spying from His
excellency SAM RAINSY and other Khmer opposition leaders since 1997 and gave
all informations such as future planing, future activities to Hun Sen for the
cost of US$10,000.
On the first Khmer UNTAC election in1993, Mr.
Son Chhai became member of parliament in Siem Reap province the position who
His Excellency Son San was preserved for Mr. Raksa Sambok one of the founder
Reach Sei became KPNLF member later and the one who gave 400 good para
resistant combatants to General Dien Del when he arrived with His Excellency
Son San at Khmer-Thai border with empty hands.

Can any Khmer clarify this bad new that Mr. Sun Chhai was exactly betraying all
Hun Sen opposition leaders and all opposition committees and staffs by sending
or reporting every opposition secrets to Hun Sen all the times ??  
Dear all KHMER citizen who are living inside Cambodia and
around the world, please look in facebook as follow:  
 . When ICC completes their investigations and find HUN SEN committing crimes
against innocent KHMER people like on VENG SRENG street 3rd of January, 2014
and in other places inside Cambodia, also HUN SEN had been interfering with
Khmer Rouge trials, Hun Sen's prison guards always
raped female prisoners inside Cambodian prison, then HUN SEN can be life
imprisonment at least or even an execution on his life by ICC authority.
ថាតើនរណាអាចចាប់ទោស លោកហ៊ុនសែនបាន ? ដោយច្បាប់ដូចជា 1-តុលាការជាតិខ្មែរ 
កញ្ជះខួរឆ្កែបំរើ សែន ក្បត់ការពិតឬ?
2-តុលាការអន្តរជាតិ បំរើការពារយុត្តិធម៍មនុស្សលោកឬ?
3-តុលាការប្រជាជន ដែលស្អប់ពួជ ហ៊ុនសែន ប្រឆាំងដេញហ៊ុនសែនឬ?
4-តុលាការធម្មជាតិ ដែលផ្តន្ទាទោស ហ៊ុនសែន ដោយច្បាប់ធម្មជាតិ មាន រន្ទះបាញ់ 
ក្រឡាប់ឡាន ធ្លាក់យន្តហោះ ខ្យល់ព្យុះលង់ទឹកងាប់ ? សាងអំពើអាក្រក់ 
ដើម្បីខ្លួននឹងបក្សពួក គង់មានថ្ងៃបាបមកដល់ទេ ដែលបានបំផ្លាញជាតិ នឹងទឹកដី 


Kulen Monorom
Ta Ruos Village, 
Krabey Real Commune,
Krong  Khet Siem Reap,
Tel: +61 469 345 567
Email: kulen_mono...@yahoo.com.au
Skype: woodhyapdg
On Saturday, 19 April 2014 3:18 PM, Khmer Srâlanh Khmer 
khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com wrote:

-- Message transféré --
De : Rainsy SAM samrainsy...@gmail.com
Date : 18 avril 2014 11:14
Objet : Re: Avis de décès
À : Khmer Srâlanh Khmer khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com
Cc : Sokha Ly sok...@gmail.com, Pretty MA mapre...@videotron.ca

Chers amis,

Je suis très attristé par cette nouvelle. Veuillez SVP transmettre mes plus 
sincères condoléances à Lauk Yith Chheng et à ses enfants.

Cette famille de patriotes a beaucoup aidé le SRP puis le CNRP.


Sam Rainsy

Envoyé de mon iPhone
Sam Rainsy 

Le 18 avr. 2014 à 16:09, Khmer Srâlanh Khmer khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com a 
écrit :

-- Message transféré --
De : sok...@aim.com
Date : 18 avril 2014 10:07
Objet : Avis de décès
À : khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com

Chers compatriotes, Ami(e)s et connaissaces de la famille Mme et M. Yith 

Par le présent, j'aimerais vous annoncer une des plus tristes nouvelles  que. 
Nous venons de perdre une des personnes les plus respectées dans notre 
communauté. Les beaux souvenirs de sacrifice et de générosité marqués par le 
noble geste patriotique de Mme et M.  Lauk Om Yith Chheng est incaculable
Le lundi 14 avril, vers 5:30 Lauk Om Srey (Mme Yith Chheng) nous a quité
-L'exposition aura lieuce samedi de 18h à 21h au salon St. Croix, salle # 395 
-Cérémonie de septième jour de départ (Bonn 7 thgei)auralieu ce dimanche,à 
watt Rivière des Prairie de 9h à 12h. (Wat Thammikaram, 12 181 boul. 
Rivière-des-Prairies. Montréal).


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Fwd: Avis de décès

2014-04-18 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
-- Message transféré --
De : sok...@aim.com
Date : 18 avril 2014 10:07
Objet : Avis de décès
À : khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com

Chers compatriotes, Ami(e)s et connaissaces de la famille Mme et M. Yith

 Par le présent, j'aimerais vous annoncer une des plus tristes nouvelles
 que. Nous venons de perdre une des personnes les plus respectées dans
notre communauté. Les beaux souvenirs de sacrifice et de générosité marqués
par le noble geste patriotique de Mme et M.  Lauk Om Yith Chheng est
 Le lundi 14 avril, vers 5:30 Lauk Om Srey (Mme Yith Chheng) nous a quité
-L'exposition aura lieu ce samedi de 18h à 21h au salon St. Croix, salle #
-Cérémonie de septième jour de départ (Bonn 7 thgei) auralieu ce
dimanche,à watt Rivière des Prairie de 9h à 12h.
 (Wat Thammikaram, 12 181 boul. Rivière-des-Prairies. Montréal).


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Fwd: Avis de décès

2014-04-18 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
-- Message transféré --
De : Rainsy SAM samrainsy...@gmail.com
Date : 18 avril 2014 11:14
Objet : Re: Avis de décès
À : Khmer Srâlanh Khmer khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com
Cc : Sokha Ly sok...@gmail.com, Pretty MA mapre...@videotron.ca

Chers amis,

Je suis très attristé par cette nouvelle. Veuillez SVP transmettre mes plus
sincères condoléances à Lauk Yith Chheng et à ses enfants.

Cette famille de patriotes a beaucoup aidé le SRP puis le CNRP.


Sam Rainsy

Envoyé de mon iPhone
Sam Rainsy

Le 18 avr. 2014 à 16:09, Khmer Srâlanh Khmer khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com
a écrit :

-- Message transféré --
De :  sok...@aim.comsok...@aim.com
Date : 18 avril 2014 10:07
Objet : Avis de décès
À : khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.comkhmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com

Chers compatriotes, Ami(e)s et connaissaces de la famille Mme et M. Yith

 Par le présent, j'aimerais vous annoncer une des plus tristes nouvelles
 que. Nous venons de perdre une des personnes les plus respectées dans
notre communauté. Les beaux souvenirs de sacrifice et de générosité marqués
par le noble geste patriotique de Mme et M.  Lauk Om Yith Chheng est
 Le lundi 14 avril, vers 5:30 Lauk Om Srey (Mme Yith Chheng) nous a quité
-L'exposition aura lieu ce samedi de 18h à 21h au salon St. Croix, salle #
-Cérémonie de septième jour de départ (Bonn 7 thgei) auralieu ce
dimanche,à watt Rivière des Prairie de 9h à 12h.
 (Wat Thammikaram, 12 181 boul. Rivière-des-Prairies. Montréal).


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Fwd: Bonne et heureuse année !

2014-04-12 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
-- Message transféré --
De : sok...@netscape.net
Date : 12 avril 2014 10:55
Objet : Bonne et heureuse année !
À : khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com, infos.kh...@gmail.com,

Chers Compatriotes et familles ami(e)s

 Pour cette occasion de bonn Chaul Chnam Thmey, Nous vous souhaitons une
année remplie de santé,de Paix et de Bonheur pour vous et pour vos proches
Spécialement une victoire historique que tous nos compatriotes ont luté
pour depuis longue temps.

 Que l'esprit patriotique combiné avec la solidarité, la justice et  la
réconciliation soient parsemés dans le coeur de tous nos compatriotes.

 Bonne et heureuse année !

 Sokha et famille

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Fwd: Have you signed and shared?

2014-04-04 Thread S. Sophoan

-- Forwarded message --
From: CEROC petit...@khmeroversea.info
Date: Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 12:48 PM
Subject: Have you signed and shared?
To: Sophoan Seng sopha...@gmail.com, Arthur Sun arthur.su...@gmail.com,
Janet Seng janet.seng...@gmail.com, Kovid Ho kovi...@gmail.com,
Chanveasna Ou chanveasn...@yahoo.com, samrachchh...@yahoo.com

Have you signed and
April 4, 2014 
Overseas http://petition.khmeroversea.info/category/cambodian-overseas/,
Democracy http://petition.khmeroversea.info/category/direct-democracy/, Dual
Citizenship http://petition.khmeroversea.info/category/dual-citizenship/,
Reform http://petition.khmeroversea.info/category/election-reform/, Expat
Khmers http://petition.khmeroversea.info/category/expat-khmers/, National
Election http://petition.khmeroversea.info/category/national-election/,
Petition http://petition.khmeroversea.info/category/petition/Sophoan

[image: CEROC Logo
speak up to demand the right to vote in Cambodia election, Khmer overseas!


   - There are approximately half million of Cambodians overseas who are
   living permanently around the world
   - There are approximately half million of Cambodians overseas who are
   working abroad around the world
   - There approximately 500 millions in remittance have been sent to
   Cambodia each year to develop economy of this nation
   - Cambodia national constitution, Cambodia election law, and the
   Universal Declaration of Human Rights, have granted full rights for Khmers
   overseas to vote in Cambodia elections
   - Your sense of belonging, shared possession of national pride, and
   nostalgia including the right to vote, all are unalienable!

So please sign and share www.khmeroversea.info to petition to the UNs, CNRP
and CPP to demand the full right to vote in Cambodia elections.

Sophoan Seng (CEROC Team Leader)

The Right to Vote of Khmers Overseas in the National Election of Cambodia
is unalienable.
[Commission for Election Right of Oversea Cambodians (CEROC)]
[About Us http://petition.khmeroversea.info/about-us/], [Sign Online
Petition or Print Out http://petition.khmeroversea.info/petition/], [Reform
[Email petit...@khmeroversea.info]

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Fwd: Citizen Mu Sochua confronts the dictatorship. La citoyenne Mu Sochua affronte la dictature.

2014-04-04 Thread CNRP- Washington
*Should we let the dictators rule?*
Watch these:

*Thanks to MP Elect Botta Long for the text below*.

Best Regards,

*CNRP Washington*

-- Forwarded message --
From: Botta Long bottaso...@gmail.com
Date: 2014-04-04 8:50 GMT-07:00
Subject: Citizen Mu Sochua confronts the dictatorship. La citoyenne Mu
Sochua affronte la dictature.
 Citizen Mu Sochua and the horde of


 បាតុកម្មរបស់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋម្នាក់នៅ​ទី​​លានប្រជាធិបតេយ្យគឺ លោកស្រី ម៉ូរ
សុខហួរត្រូវបានមនុស្សមួយក្រុមពាក់មួក​ អាវខ្មៅ
គួរអោយអស់សំណើចដែលលោកឧត្តមសេនីយ៍ ខៀវ សុភ័ក្រ្ត ថាពួកនោះនិយាយថា
ភាសា​របស់លោកស្រីជា​ភាសា​មួយដែល​ក្រុម​លោក ហ៊ុន សែន មិនអាចទទួលយក​បាន
ព្រោះលោក​ស្រី​និយាយការពារ​ប្រជាសហគមន៍​បុរីកីឡា ប្រជាសហគមន៍​​បឹងកក់

Dear compatriots,

Four times, from 1 to 4 April 2014, the citizen Mu Sochua, wishing to
express her  opinions, within the perimeter of the freedom Park, was
prevented by a hundred men in black, the face completely hidden by a
helmet, and equipped with a stick. She was jostled unceremoniously by this
horde of cowards attacking a vulnerable woman.

But what is even more surprising is that the spokesman of the Ministry of
the Interior, the General Khieu Sopheak recognizes that citizen Mu Sochua
has not broken the law but that the head of the hidden horde does not like
the language she uses. Everybody knows that citizen Mu Sochua is of all
battles: Borei Keila, Beng Kok, the fight against corruption, sugar blood,
human trafficking (Malaysia), etc...). And it is this language which is not
sweet to the ears of the powerful of the regime. Mu Sochua has not used the
language Prampil Makara. Unfortunately for these powerful of the regime,
millions of khmer speak the same language as Mu Sochua does.

*Citizen Mu Sochua, we are with you. Long live the khmer people.*

Cher compatriotes,

A quatre reprises, du 1er au 4 Avril 2014, la citoyenne Mu Sochua, en
voulant exprimer ses libres opinions, dans l’enceinte du “parc de la Liberté”,
a été empêchée par une centaine d’hommes en noir, le visage complètement
masqué par un casque, et munis d’un bâton. Elle a été bousculée sans
ménagement par cette horde de lâches qui s’attaquent à une femme sans

Mais ce qui est encore plus surprenant  c’est que le porte-parole du
Ministère de l’Intérieur, le Général Khieu Sopheak reconnaît que la
citoyenne Mu Sochua n’a pas enfreint la loi mais que le chef de la horde
masquée n’aime pas le langage qu’elle utilise. Tout le monde sait que la
citoyenne Mu Sochua est de toutes les batailles : Borei Keila, Beng Kok, la
lutte contre la corruption, trafic humain(Malaisie), etc…). Et c’est ce
langage là qui n’est pas doux  pour les oreilles des puissants du régime.
Mu Sochua n’a pas utilisé le langage “Prampil Makara”. C’est son seul tort.
Malheureusement pour ces puissants du régime, plusieurs millions de khmer
parlent le même  langage  que Mu Sochua .

*Citoyenne Mu Sochua, nous sommes avec toi. Vive le peuple khmer.*


*Sincerely yours,​-*  *ដោយការគោរពរាប់អាន!!!*

*Cambodia National Rescue Party of Washington Team* *(CNRP-WA Team)*


Email: *cnr...@gmail.com cnr...@gmail.com*
 Like us at: Facebook.com/CNRP.WA http://facebook.com/CNRP-WA
Website: WWW.NationalRescueParty.org http://www.nationalrescueparty.org/en

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Re: Fwd: [SAMRAINSYPARTY-For] Fw: CNRP Directive to Oversea Chapters

2014-03-22 Thread Kangaroo

 Perhaps you have not heard about an organization called WTO. This 
 organization brought Cambodia to where it is today.

WTO is a World Trade Organization. Camboida is a member of it. 
The American people cried foul like that when they opened their country to 
their outside friends to invest in America. WTO allows America to outsource 
their production. In return, they bring cheaper products back into their 
country. There have been people who are so against this because it means 
loosing jobs to country like Cambodia. Due to their genious in innovation, 
the American people were able to bring themselves in another direction for 
their new invention to make America great. 
The American businesses are not afraid to any open investment. If they can 
come to invest in America, the American people also can do the same 
in other nations in WTO countries. 
Millions of Cambodians have been enjoying the fruits of being a member of 
WTO today. Millions of jobs have been created for those poor people. 
Perhaps, Cambodians are afraid of loosing their insanity when they open 
their country for world trade investment. 
Investment in Cambodia can work very well for the country if their policies 
allow the people to be a part of it. For example, there are local 
policies in some cities in America requires certain investments to hire 
local workers to work in their investment in their cities. If Cambodians 
are so serious about reduction in poverty, they ought to think about 
investment and impowering local people to be a part of it. There should be 
policies require investment to invest in their local communities.  



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Fwd: Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy seeks Australian support for election inquiry

2014-03-21 Thread Kangaroo
The world already agree about election reform. They told Sam Rainy to go to the 
negotiation table.  That was what started. And they should follow it. 
Sam Rainy thought the world would stand behind him all the way.  He was wrong. 
He started with complaint of election irregularities and ended up with Hun Sen 
stepping down and many other thing.  The world is not about to let Sam Rainy 
using them as such. That is why Sam Rainy had agreed to go back to the 
negotiation table.

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Fwd: Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy seeks Australian support for election inquiry

2014-03-20 Thread CNRP- Washington
Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy seeks Australian support for
election inquiry
Updated Tue 18 Mar 2014,

[image: Sam 
*Photo:* Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy says the government has
until next Monday to show it's serious about negotiating an end to the
political stalemate. (AFP: Tang Chhin Sothy)

Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy has urged the Australian Government
to lead an international campaign to improve democracy in his country.
Mr Rainsy, leader of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP),
is visiting Australia to seek support for an independent probe into last
July's elections.
Cambodia's Election Commission declared the ruling Cambodian People's Party
(CPP), led by Prime Minister Hun Sen, the winners of the polls, but the
opposition is calling for fresh elections, citing fraud and irregularities.
Mr Rainsy says Cambodian Australians have expressed their support for the
opposition and called for democratic change in Cambodia.
There are 50,000 Cambodians living in Australia - they want Australian
Government to pay attention to the human rights situation in the country of
their ancestors, he said.
Therefore this a legitimate demand from the Cambodian Australians to ask
the Australian Government to help Cambodia to see democracy.
The CNRP has boycotted parliament since the polls, accusing Mr Hun Sen of
Mr Rainsy warns that unless the government shows signs of goodwill for
electoral reform, his party will abandon talks aimed at ending the
political deadlock.
The ruling party only wants to buy time and to cling onto power by any
means and at any cost, he told Asia
They claim to have won the election last July but that election remains in
dispute because serious irregularities have possibly overturned the will of
the Cambodian people.
We have to send a clear message: We have to tell (the CCP) that by next
week, if there is no breakthrough, then we will have to start protests to
denounce the lack of goodwill on the part of the ruling party.
Mr Rainsy will meet Australia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop in Canberra
on Wednesday.
Ms Bishop said she raised concerns about human rights violations in
Cambodia when she met with Mr Hun Sen in Phnom Penh last month.
Mr Hun Sen has rejected allegations that the July election was tainted by
electoral fraud.
The 61-year-old former Khmer Rouge cadre, who defected and oversaw
Cambodia's rise from the ashes of war, has ruled for 28 years and vowed to
continue until he is 74.

*Sincerely yours,​-*  *ដោយការគោរពរាប់អាន!!!*

*Cambodia National Rescue Party of Washington Team* *(CNRP-WA Team)*


Email: *cnr...@gmail.com cnr...@gmail.com*
 Like us at: Facebook.com/CNRP.WA http://facebook.com/CNRP-WA
Website: WWW.NationalRescueParty.org http://www.nationalrescueparty.org/en

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inline: image003.jpg

Fwd: 5 International Lawyers finished collecting evidence to sue Cambodian Gov't - មេធាវីអន្តរជាតិ៥រូបបញ្ចប់បេសកម្មប្រមូលភស្តុតាងប្តឹងរដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជា

2014-03-16 Thread Kangaroo
Do you really think that the international court will prosecute this kind of 
crimes ?

Have you ever seen the court prosecute anyone at this level ofcrimes?

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Re: Fwd: [SAMRAINSYPARTY-For] Fw: CNRP Directive to Oversea Chapters

2014-03-14 Thread Kangaroo
How much do you know the United States of America?
Do you know how much money Americans owe other countries?
Do you know how much money invested in America belongs to other countries?
If you really know about America, perhaps you would not cry so much about 
However, what is good for America is not always good for other countries. 
It depends on the country itself. It means that America cannot be the role 
model for those countries to follow. 

On Friday, March 14, 2014 3:35:05 AM UTC-7, entry_meas wrote:



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Fwd: KI Media: Meeting with the Hon Marc Garneau

2014-03-12 Thread Kangaroo
My Friend, 
I am not a fan of CPP. But I am a critic against those who have no spirit for 
their nation unification. 
Sam Rainy and CNRP has no sign that they want their whole nation to move 
forward together. They only want to do under the umbrella of their own party 
alone. That is wrong. 

As you have seen they have been hiding behind what they call public opinion to 
solve this crisis,  which in fact they are saying that they only want their own 
way.  That is wrong. That is the behavior of Sam Rainsy.

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2014-03-06 Thread Kangaroo
Are there any hidden cost beside the $30.00?

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Fwd: CPP, CNRP agree to have law on financing of political parties: សេចក្តីប្រកាសរួម នៃក្រុមការងារ គណបក្សទាំងពីរ ក្រោយជំនួបពិភាក្សាជាង ៤ម៉ោង

2014-03-03 Thread Kangaroo
This is the power of a negotiation. CNRP lead a demonstration demanding many 
things before they negotiate. I'm glad to See they change their mind. we 
learned together that division never brings solution for any problem

Let us look at the demand that Hun Seh step down before they negotiate. it 
would never solve the problems. With the pressure from the international 
community, both parties have mate some common sense.

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Fwd: Sam Rainsy compares Cambodia with Ukraine's revolution

2014-02-28 Thread Kangaroo
Cambodia is not Ukraine. They fight for their own country, not each other for 
power. On the other site, Ukraine is not a poor country like Cambodia. faleez 
don't compare Cambodia to Ukraine

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Fwd: State Department Release Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013 - Cambodia

2014-02-27 Thread CNRP Washington
Begin forwarded message:
Date: February 27, 2014 at 2:43:06 PM PST
 To: cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com, 
 Subject: State Department Release Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 
 for 2013 - Cambodia
 Dear All,
 Please review State Department's Country Report for 2013 - Cambodia.
 U.S. Department of State

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Fwd: Fundraising Event

2014-02-25 Thread Kangaroo
Please bring a lot of money so we have a lot of extra money to feed their 
effort to destroy Cambodia.

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Fwd: Ukraine and CBD

2014-02-24 Thread Kangaroo
Cambodia is not Ukrania.

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Fwd: Ukraine and CBD

2014-02-23 Thread CNRP Washington

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Hoeun Hach b...@icloud.com
 Date: February 23, 2014 at 1:34:37 AM PST
 Subject: Ukraine and CBD
 For those who are following the news, when things are happening in Ukraine, 
 Obama reacts.  But Cambodia's soft and secret genocide is taking place for 
 years, the
 president is muted.  By the way, just in case you do not know, Ukraine is in 
 Cambodia is in Asia.  Khmers are wanting the same thing like people in 
 Hoeun Hach 

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Fwd: Result of the CNRP-CPP Meeting this morning 2/18/2014 - លទ្ឋផលនៃការជជែកគ្នា រវាងតំណាងគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ និងតំណាងគណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា។

2014-02-18 Thread CNRP- Washington
For those who wish to read the election results in English, please refer to
the email below.

Unofficial translation by *KEEN Languages Interpreter* (*Courtesy of **S.
Sophoan i...@sophanseng.info i...@sophanseng.info*)
Substance: *The two parties agree to create an ad hoc committee with equal
participation from both parties as part of the framework/mechanism for the
implementation of election reform. The committee is to organize a workshop
with the participation of all stakeholders, including relevant civil
society organizations as well as national and international development
partners. The public will also be invited to participate through public

-- Forwarded message --
From: S. Sophoan i...@sophanseng.info
Date: Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: Result of the CNRP-CPP Meeting this morning 2/18/2014 -
លទ្ឋផលនៃការជជែកគ្នា រវាងតំណាងគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ
To: cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com

Statement of the Meeting between CNRP  CPPPosted by: *CambodiaTreks
http://www.sophanseng.info/author/cambodiatreks/* | Posted on: *February
18, 2014*
 [image: cnrpcpp

*Joint Statement of the Meeting*
Between Working Group of Cambodia’s People Party and Working Group of
Cambodia National Rescue Party
*(Senate Building 18 February 2014)*

 [image: Joint Statement of the Meeting 18 Feb

Courtesy of KEEN Languages Interpreter

 Related Posts

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 10:41 AM, david seng dseng2...@msn.com wrote:

  It is a starting point. In any conflicts; in order to find peaceful
 solution; communication is the key.  CNRP needs to be cautious because
 millions of supporters around the world are watching and observing the


 Subject: Re: Result of the CNRP-CPP Meeting this morning 2/18/2014 -
 លទ្ឋផលនៃការជជែកគ្នា រវាងតំណាងគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ
 From: sinethth...@gmail.com
 Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 09:15:18 -0800
 To: cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com

 I agree your idea,please contact to CNRP Phnom Penh,we are Khmer around
 the world believe  and trust CNRP to find out justice for our family and
 mother land.Thanks

  - Sineth

 On Feb 18, 2014, at 8:24 AM, MengHeang panh pmhpmh2...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thank's! Tomorow New election or not?

 2014-02-18 8:30 GMT-05:00 km_...@cox.net:

 It has been over 20 years since 1993 after Hun Sen lost the election. CPP
 is playing a trick when it comes to negotiation and talk between CPP and
 CNRP. You have already known that FUNCINPEC  and NRP have been dissolved
 like butter because of Hun Sen and CPP under the influence of Hanoi leaders
 (Hun Sen’s advisers or bosses).  Hun Sen has been installed illegally by
 Hanoi masters.

 We should not trust CPP and Hun Sen who played the dirty games to break up
 CNRP again. So, please learn about what happened FUNCINPEC and NRP (Prince

 *From:* cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com [mailto:cnrpwo...@googlegroups.com] *On
 Behalf Of *CNRP- Washington
 *Sent:* Monday, February 17, 2014 11:53 PM
 *To:* undisclosed-recipients:
 *Subject:* Result of the CNRP-CPP Meeting this morning 2/18/2014 -
 លទ្ឋផលនៃការជជែកគ្នា រវាងតំណាងគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ

 *Result of the CNRP-CPP Meeting this morning, Tuesday, February 18th, 2014*

 Delegation arrival: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3wyEzuhN3U
 During the meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYPkxeXHCuU
 Result after meeting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRrUcEXBu04


 Read more below for the joint statement

 ១៨ កុម្ភៈ ២០១៤ / 18 Feb. 2014 11:57 CNRP-CPP joint statement

 លទ្ឋផលនៃការជជែកគ្នា រវាងតំណាងគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ
 Substance: The two parties agree to create an ad hoc committee with equal
 participation from both parties as part of the framework/mechanism for the
 implementation of election reform. The committee is to organize a workshop
 with the participation of all stakeholders, including relevant civil
 society organizations as well as national and international development
 partners. The public will also be invited to participate through public


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Fwd: Result of the CNRP-CPP Meeting this morning 2/18/2014 - លទ្ឋផលនៃការជជែកគ្នា រវាងតំណាងគណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ និងតំណាងគណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា។

2014-02-18 Thread Kangaroo
What happened to call for Hun Sen to step down,?
What happened to call for the release of those who were arrested during their 
What happened to the call for a new election?

Those were request that cpp cannot come out to give.

If they do, it would be the beginning of the end of CPP. They're not that 

So what is the choice, Iron fist is in order, think about it. Put yourself in 
their shoes, Would you bend to meet with CNRP?
I'm afraid not.

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Fwd: CAMBODIA: Stop cursing the darkness

2014-02-17 Thread PuppyXpress
-- Forwarded message --
From: Gaffar Peang-Meth peangm...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 6:40 AM
Subject: Fwd: CAMBODIA: Stop cursing the darkness

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February 17, 2014

*An article by Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth published by the Asian Human Rights

 *CAMBODIA: Stop cursing the darkness*

 *Eleanor Roosevelt (1884--1962) (Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt): Great minds
discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. *

 *James Madison (1751--1836) (Federalist Paper #47): The accumulation of
all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands,
whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or
elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. *

 *Theodore Roosevelt (1858--1919): Order without liberty and liberty
without order are equally destructive.*

Prime Minister Hun Sen once said, he derived his forte from his opponents'
weaknesses. I couldn't agree more. The opposite is also true: the
opposition may gain strength from Hun Sen's missteps.

 *The gift that keeps on giving*

 Cambodia's unnecessary political impasse has dragged on since the July 28,
2013 election. Despite alleged election irregularities and fraud by the
ruling Cambodian People's Party, the CPP acknowledged half the country
voted for the opposition Cambodian National Rescue Party, nearly doubling
the number of seats--to 55--held by the opposition CNRP in the National
Assembly. The ruling CPP reduced the number of seats it holds from 90 to
68.Had Premier Hun Sen and his CPP associates opted for a (logical) win-win
political compromise through which the CPP would control of the executive
and the CNRP the legislature, Cambodia's best interests would have been

The CNRP says it has been robbed of election victory. It called for an
independent investigation that was rejected by Hun Sen and associates, who
also rejected anything else the opposition proposed, including a delay in
inaugurating the National Assembly. Lines of voters carrying boxes of
petitions to the King urging the delay were ignored. With an upsurge of
popular discontent, the CNRP seized on people power, challenged CPP rule
and legitimacy. With Cambodians wanting change and in need of leadership,
the CNRP promised that change and offered to lead. They called on Hun Sen
to resign.

Domestic and international rights groups have for years compiled records of
Hun Sen's violations of human rights, suppression of free expression and
justice, among other abuses of power. Greed and misjudgment propounded by
Khmer cultural propensities toward *A'thmaAnh* (I'ism, self-love,
self-adoration), have led iron fisted ruler Hun Sen to use arrests and raw
power against opponents, thereby alienating more people with whom he should
build bridges. Recently, Hun Sen could have managed to keep garment workers
out of hot politics, but he sent his military to crush them for demanding a
minimum monthly wage of $160, imposed a ban on peaceful assembly,
dismantled Freedom Park. By so doing, he sent garment workers--who toil in
an industry responsible for about 35 percent of the country's GDP--into the
CNRP's waiting arms.

Some Hun Sen antagonists never tire of enumerating his wrongdoings, and
foreign rights groups chronicle Hun Sen's rights abuses. Cambodian Center
for Human Rights president, Ou Virak, described Hun Sen in a recent lecture
at Stanford as a figure whose behavior and speech make people love to
hate.My objection to Hun Sen's rule is seen in what political theorist
James Madison, fourth President of the United States (1809-1817), described
as tyranny: anyone holding the powers of the executive, the legislature,
and the judiciary altogether.

Someone recently posted a Khmer text on the Internet that is a trigger to
Cambodians' emotions. Every member *(sakmachoekteangors)* of the
Cambodian People's Party is barbarian who doesn't recognize his/her own
(Khmer) blood, nor his/her own (Khmer) race... More productively, CNRP Sam
Rainsy told *The Diplomat:*You don't have to dismiss every civil servant,
the whole bureaucracy (recruited by and officially affiliated with the CPP)
... We have to keep the same personnel, but the important thing is the
spirit, the orientation.

Returning to *The Diplomat*, Sam Rainsy said, The pressure from the
grassroots is to remain strong, not to negotiate or bargain for any
position. Does Sam Rainsy stand to lose support if he chooses to
negotiate? Does the CNRP pander to the worst elements of populism by
assenting to the anti-Vietnamese element of nationalism? CNRP vice
president KemSokhatold *The Diplomat, *which described anti-Vietnamese
nationalist rhetoric ... a strategy

Fwd: Lawyers Gathering Evidence for Potential Criminal Court Suit Against Hun Sen បណ្តឹងទីពីរប្រឆាំងលោកហ៊ុន សែនទៅ ICC កំពុងដំណើរការ

2014-02-12 Thread Kangaroo
IT seems to me that ANRP is so very busy to tint ways to destroy their own 
people all thu Time. What is the solution for Cambodia.?
F know that you want the power to CNRP. Do you know how much it will cost to 
get CNRP there?
Do you really think that Hun Seen ant CPP would drop everything for CNRP?
I guess San Rains y is still Sam Rainsy. He deosn't care about unifying Los 
country. His power ie the #1 priority. Amt right?

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Fwd: Challenged at home, Cambodia realigns its foreign relations

2014-02-07 Thread CNRP Washington
*Challenged at home, Cambodia realigns its foreign relations*

Read below for details.

Begin forwarded message:

*Subject:* *Challenged at home, Cambodia realigns its foreign relations*

*Challenged at home, Cambodia realigns its foreign relations*

Murray Hiebert, Phuong Nguyen
Washington February 6, 2014

*Facing political opposition and diminished Chinese support, the Hun Sen
government seeks greater regional integration*

Cambodia's foreign relations map has undergone dramatic shifts in the past
six months. In the aftermath of Cambodia's elections last July, Beijing
promptly recognised the results and congratulated Prime Minister Hun Sen
and his ruling Cambodian People's Party for their victory. However, as
anti-government protests led by the opposition Cambodia National Rescue
Party grew in the weeks that followed, with protesters condemning the
elections as fraudulent and calling on Hun Sen to step down, China has
since largely remained silent and kept the prime minister at arm's length.

At the same time, the Cambodian government in the past few months has moved
to consolidate its relations with Vietnam following several years of
deteriorating ties between the two neighbours. Phnom Penh made this move
despite the anti-Vietnamese sentiment in Cambodia fed by opposition leader
Sam Rainsy that has gained traction since the elections.

An ongoing political crisis and China's apparent hedging on Hun Sen are
behind this emerging geostrategic realignment.

Hun Sen is struggling to deal with growing opposition to his rule and
grievances from the public on labour rights and governance at a time when
Cambodia is at a critical political and economic crossroads. The country is
seeking to become more integrated with the rest of Southeast Asia and the
world in the years ahead. Cambodia's youth is increasingly more educated
and exposed to democratic norms and the outside world.

Hun Sen, whose strong-arm tactics largely worked in the past, now faces
what is perhaps the most serious challenge to his rule in decades and is
seeking outside recognition to boost his domestic legitimacy. The truth is,
even if his party manages to win the next elections, Hun Sen must continue
to deal with growing demands for greater transparency, better rule of law
and more democracy.

China, until recently Cambodia's most important patron, has not been
willing to offer Hun Sen much political backing. While the two governments
continue to maintain high-level meetings and exchanges, there has been a
shift in Beijing's policy toward Cambodia. Shortly after Hun Sen announced
he would not step down in the face of opposition-led protests, an article
in China's state-controlled Xinhua in late December quoted Khmer analysts
calling for national referendum on whether to organise new elections.
Chinese leaders probably will not give Hun Sen the cold shoulder anytime
soon, but they seem to be charting a middle course and slowly moving away
from their past policy of wholeheartedly endorsing his government.

The social and political changes taking place in Cambodia have not been
lost on Beijing. Chinese leaders could be hedging their bets on Cambodia's
political future to avoid the kind of strategic blunders they made in
Myanmar in recent years. Beijing long threw its support to Myanmar's
military regime and was taken unaware by the sweeping reforms President
Thein Sein launched in 2011. Chinese leaders did not begin to face up to
the new political reality in Myanmar until Thein Sein suspended
construction of the multibillion-dollar Chinese-backed Myitsone dam.

As part of its new policy, China is engaging different actors in Myanmar's
emerging political scene, from parliamentary speaker Shwe Mann and army
chief Min Aung Hlaing to opposition leader Aung San Suu
Chinese leaders who have largely given Thein Sein the cold shoulder are now
considering an official invitation for Aung San Suu
Kyihttp://www.nationmultimedia.com/search/?keyword=+Suu+Kyito visit
China. Neither President Xi Jinping nor Premier Li Keqiang made a
stop in Myanmar during their diplomatic blitz across Southeast Asia in
2013. Interestingly, Cambodia was not included in that itinerary either,
despite being a staunch ally and a popular investment destination for
Chinese businesses.

Meanwhile, relations between Vietnam and Cambodia have blossomed during the
past few months. Hanoi has provided Hun Sen with much needed outside
recognition and a boost to his legitimacy. In late December, Hun Sen
visited Vietnam ahead of the 35th anniversary of the ouster of the Khmer
Rouge by Hanoi's troops, and Vietnamese leaders lavishly congratulated him
for his role in rebuilding Cambodia.

Two weeks after Hun Sen's trip, Vietnam's Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung
visited Cambodia, where the two leaders co-chaired a bilateral 

Fwd: You have received a YouTube video!

2014-02-05 Thread sokha4

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2014-02-05 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
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Fwd: FW: Pierre Tea vous a envoyé une vidéo : បាតុកម្មកាលពីថ្ងៃ២៨មករា២០១៤ នៅក្រុងហ៊្សឺណែវ ប្រទេសស្វីស

2014-02-02 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
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From: Hean hy...@hotmail.com
Date: 2014-02-01
Subject: FW: Pierre Tea vous a envoyé une vidéo :
បាតុកម្មកាលពីថ្ងៃ២៨មករា២០១៤ នៅក្រុងហ៊្សឺណែវ ប្រទេសស្វីស
To: cah...@cahrad.org cah...@cahrad.org
Cc: CNRP NA srp...@comcast.net, Khmer Sralanh Khmer 
khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com, CNRP DC cnrp...@gmail.com, Rainsy SAM 
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saun...@gmail.com, Sarah Kith srk...@gmail.com, Hassan Kasem 
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kk...@yahoo.com, Sokban Chau sokbanc...@yahoo.com, honthac...@gmail.com
honthac...@gmail.com, Kiman Leng lengki...@yahoo.com, Borasmy Ung 
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Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 19:55:33 -0500
Subject: Fwd: Pierre Tea vous a envoyé une vidéo :
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From: suiss...@gmail.com

Subject:  បាតុកម្មកាលពីថ្ងៃ២៨មករា២០១៤ នៅក្រុងហ៊្សឺណែវ ប្រទេសស្វីស


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Fwd: Pierre Tea vous a envoyé une vidéo : បាតុកម្មកាលពីថ្ងៃ២៨មករា២០១៤ នៅក្រុងហ៊្សឺណែវ ប្រទេសស្វីស

2014-02-02 Thread sokha4

-Original Message-
From: Hean hy...@hotmail.com
To: cahrad cah...@cahrad.org
Cc: CNRP NA srp...@comcast.net; Khmer Sralanh Khmer 
khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com; CNRP DC cnrp...@gmail.com; Rainsy SAM 
samrainsy...@gmail.com; Robert Phok robert.p...@gmail.com; Sovijaya Saro 
s.sovij...@gmail.com; Vibol Tan vbl...@yahoo.com; Vibol Touch 
vibol.to...@gmail.com; SamNang Kauv samnangk...@comcast.net; Seda Nak 
seda...@gmail.com; Liv Ieng iengliv1...@yahoo.com; Saunora Prom 
saun...@gmail.com; Sarah Kith srk...@gmail.com; Hassan Kasem 
hassankas...@gmail.com; Khmer Blood jeyvar...@yahoo.com; Kenneth Kiev 
kk...@yahoo.com; Sokban Chau sokbanc...@yahoo.com; honthach58 
honthac...@gmail.com; Kiman Leng lengki...@yahoo.com; Borasmy Ung 
borasmyu...@gmail.com; Bob Ung b@aol.com; Sokha Ly 
sok...@netscape.net; kuchscha kuchs...@hotmail.com; jamiemeach09 
jamiemeac...@gmail.com; larry_lam larry_...@comcast.net; Chansopheak Ly 
Sent: Sat, Feb 1, 2014 10:14 pm
Subject: FW: Pierre Tea vous a envoyé une vidéo : បាតុកម្មកាលពីថ្ងៃ២៨មករា២០១៤ 
នៅក្រុងហ៊្សឺណែវ ប្រទេសស្វីស


Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014 19:55:33 -0500
Subject: Fwd: Pierre Tea vous a envoyé une vidéo : បាតុកម្មកាលពីថ្ងៃ២៨មករា២០១៤ 
នៅក្រុងហ៊្សឺណែវ ប្រទេសស្វីស
From: suiss...@gmail.com

Subject:  បាតុកម្មកាលពីថ្ងៃ២៨មករា២០១៤ នៅក្រុងហ៊្សឺណែវ ប្រទេសស្វីស 



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Fwd: Mr Sam Rainsy interview on TV5 Monde 30/01/2014

2014-02-02 Thread Kangaroo
When are you going back to leat your Supporter, Mr. Sam Rainsy?

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Fwd: Mr Sam Rainsy interview on TV5 Monde 30/01/2014

2014-01-31 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
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From: sok...@netscape.net
Date: 2014-02-01
Subject: Mr Sam Rainsy interview on TV5 Monde 30/01/2014
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Fwd: Fw: CAMBODIA: Plus ça change...

2014-01-30 Thread PuppyXpress


  On Thursday, January 30, 2014 8:27 AM, Gaffar Peang-Meth 
peangm...@gmail.com wrote:
  [image: AHRC Logo]

CAMBODIA: Plus ça change...

January 30, 2014
*An article by **Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth **published by the Asian Human
Rights Commission*
*CAMBODIA:* *Plus ça change...*
*Plato (**429--347 B.C.)**: One of the penalties for refusing to
participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your
*Nikita Krushchev (**1894--1971)**: Politicians are the same all over. They
promise to build bridge even where there is no river.*
*James Q. Wilson (**1931--2012), former President of American Political
Science Association**: Without Liberty, Law loses its nature and its name,
and becomes oppression. Without Law, Liberty also loses its nature and its
name, and becomes licentiousness.*
*Jean-BaptisteAlphonse Karr (1808--1890): Plus ça change, plus c'est la
même chose - The more things change, the more they stay the same.*
More than six months after the July 28 national election, the divide
between the ruling Cambodian People's Party and the opposition Cambodian
National Rescue Party grows wider still.
I remain scepticalabout negotiations between these two uncompromising
parties,each demanding all-or-nothing as supporters cheer, and the people
aresqueezed in between.
As national institutions that should be apolitical are instead openly
committed to the current regime, negotiations between government
representatives and the opposition are unlikely to produce meaningful or
long-lasting results.  In the face of ongoing labor unrest, particularly in
the garment industry, Defense Minister Tea Banh has twice in recent days
affirmed that the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces will protect election
results and support Hun Sen.  On January 23rd, National Military Police
Commander Sao Sokha declared that the National Military Police will protect
Premier Hun Sen's government.  Hun Sen already has a separate, unique
contingent of body guards who presumably remain loyal to him. The judiciary
is already Hun Sen's tool.
Still, it's illogical to brand every member of the RCAF, the Police, and
the Courtsas endorsingHun Sen's oppressive acts. Cambodian democrats should
work on winning over the silent many and neutralize the extremists on both
sides who demonize others: Not all supporters of the CPParedevils, nor are
all who support the CNRP saints.  We err as citizens when we assume the
motives of one group are entirely benevolent and those of another entirely
malevolent.  American civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., a
student of Mahatma Gandhi, once said, There is some good in the worst of
us and some evil in the best of us.
The CNRP says it will boycott the National Assembly until the CPP agrees to
a mid-term election (in 2016 or earlier); that there will be no talks with
the CPP until the currentban on public demonstrations is lifted. KemSokha,
an outspoken CNRP leader, vowed, We will continue to hold demonstrations
until the government agrees to a fresh election.
UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Cambodia, Surya Subedi, wrapped up
his recent six-day visit with a press conference on Jan 16. He urged the
government to exercise flexibility in working out a solution to end the
impasse; he suggested to CNRP leaders the need to demonstrate flexibility
in their dealings with the Government in reaching a political compromise;
he advised both parties to embrace change and find a way to manage it in
the best interests of the country. Subedi concluded: (P)olitical
reconciliation was the only way forward for the country.
Two days later, Hun Senwent public: Do not try to put this country hostage
for bargaining your power, he told the opposition;any attempt to stoke a
civil war with his government will be cracked down in just hours,
challengers would not be spared. He asked CPP supporters to defend the
government, suggested they come out in force and take to the streets. He
snapped at his opponents, Do you want to (experience) or try a taste?
His words are, of course, inflammatory, and leave no opening for
negotiations to move forward.
*New round of Khmer political 'Ramvong'*
An ASEAN diplomat suggested to mesome time ago, just as Cambodians love to
*Ramvong,*a popular Khmer folk dance in which dancers move in a circle to
the rhythm of drumbeats, attempting to outdo each other with elaborate hand
and leg movements called *chakkbach*,so factional Khmer leaders needto do
their circle dancing ritual before they would sit down and speak with each
DuringSubedi's visit, a story about a high-ranking (CPP) government
official allegedly acting as a CPP-CNRP go-between,appeared in *The
Phnom Penh Post*'s Political deal on horizon. Reportedly, 80 percent of
the issues were agreed upon in so-called secret negotiations - including
signing an agreement before the King.It was alleged that in a letter from
Sam Rainsy requesting Prime Minister Hun Sen to negotiate and

Fwd: Khmer Srâlanh Khmer vous a envoyé une vidéo : Listen to What People Talk to Hun Sen, the Criminal Prime Minister of Cambodia

2014-01-28 Thread Kangaroo
If I'm not mistaken , Hun Sen is a Cambodian who was born in Cambodia.
If we look back in history, we also see Cambodians kill their own in their own 
country for any reasons.
Cambodians only know how to fight one another, look at Sam Raina. He thinks he 
is better than the others. In fact,Sam Rainsy shows clearly how they want to 
make it for themselves.
As we've seen, Cambodians are allthe same, They fight each other for power so 
they can suppress their own people in their own country.

this race is just ipsajtunstkc. They kill their own people like they Kill 
chicken for foot, What a pathetic are the Cambodian people?

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Fwd: Political Unrest of January 2014 - The slaughter of innocent people continues in Cambodia

2014-01-27 Thread Khmer Srâlanh Khmer
-- Forwarded message --
From: Sokha sok...@gmail.com
Date: 2014-01-28
Subject: Fwd: Political Unrest of January 2014 - The slaughter of innocent
people continues in Cambodia
To: Khmer Srâlanh Khmer khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com

-- Forwarded message --
From: Chanthoeun To chantho...@gmail.com
Date: 2014-01-28
Subject: Political Unrest of January 2014 - The slaughter of innocent
people continues in Cambodia
To: bayareacambodi...@googlegroups.com, BayArea KHMERS 
bayareakhm...@googlegroups.com, camn...@cambodia.org

*TODAY - Phnom Penh - Jan. 28* - Another strike on Road #3 - For more info,
go to https://www.facebook.com/rainsy.sam.5

*Violence crackdown - Jan. 27* - In front of *Ministry of Information -
Phnom Penh*

*Violence crackdown - Jan. 26 - Freedom Park *- *Phnom Penh*

These are the photos to be witnessed about those animals of Hun Sen acted
the cheapest and cruelly as Kem Sokha said when he made a press conference
on Jan 26,2014 after returning from *Kampong Chham. *

*Forcefully arrested and detained - Jan. 21.* In front of French Embassy,
U.S. Embassy,  UK Embassy

*Jan. 19 - Royal Palace - Phnom Penh*
A small crowd gathers for the release of 23 activists  workers arrested
this month.

*January 2,3,4, 2014* - Workers  Political Activists under Attack: 2014
Opens to a Sustained Campaign of Violence and Arrests.

Hun Sen’s government violates human rights on a daily basis by violently
preventing the opposition, trade unions, activists and others from
gathering to demand political change. Countries at the Human Rights Council
should condemn this brutal crackdown and insist the Cambodian government
engage in serious reforms.”
Juliette de Rivero, Geneva director

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 7:46 PM, Phillip Lim lim_phil...@yahoo.com wrote:

 We are numb and tormented at what is currently going on in Cambodia.


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