Re: [cas-user] Security Review positive to DOS

2015-11-10 Thread Marvin Addison
> boolean readInput = true;
> while (readInput) {
> readInput =StringUtils.isNotBlank(in.readLine());
> }

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that line in the overall design of
the reader. The whole purpose of the component is to buffer the entire
stream contents in memory, regardless of whether it's done line-by-line or
all-in-one. The end result is the same.

While there may be some merit to the criticism that buffering the entire
response creates a DOS vector, it's hardly uncommon and is the only way to
parse XML via DOM.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS MFA, session, and TGT cookie

2015-08-31 Thread Marvin Addison
> I'd like to know if a user is 'authorized' to login to a service once they
> have a session (JSessionID), or are they only authorized after the TGT
> cookie has been set?

We modified the login flow a while back to check the service against the
ServiceRegistry in the first few steps of the flow, long before
authentication and/or ST creation. It's pretty much first thing nowadays.
You can dig through the CAS Jira for the issue to see if your version
includes the fix. (Pretty sure it was fixed when we were still on Jira.)


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Re: [cas-user] Apps running amok with service ticket validation requests

2015-08-10 Thread Marvin Addison

 We have seen these on the order of
 ~1500/minute for anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours in duration.

In my experience ticket floods are always caused by misconfigured
applications. In one extreme case we got ~42K in a ~60s period. We never
zeroed in on the exact cause, but we do see lots of clients misbehaving
from time to time. I would be concerned about a regular occurrence at the
rate you mentioned.

When this occurs, it's for a seemingly arbitrary user of the app. We've
 only seen this with three of our several hundred registered
 applications/service URLs.

I would recommend contacting the administrators of those services and start
troubleshooting. It's almost certainly some kind of application design or
configuration problem.


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Re: [cas-user] Service Ticket Timeout Policy

2015-07-17 Thread Marvin Addison

 Lately we have been seeing ST Validations failing because the ticket is
 expired. We are thinking of changing the timeout to either 15 or 20 seconds.

 The first thing that occurs to me is latency in ticket replication among
all the peers in your cluster. That's sort of orthogonal to your question,
but the root cause is interesting. And it's just a thought, could be any
number of things. In any case I'd be interested to know the root cause if
you drill into it and figure out, particularly if it turns out to be repl


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Re: [cas-user] Querying CAS audit data with Splunk

2015-07-17 Thread Marvin Addison

 Yes, I have some nice splunk dashboards for CAS I can share if there is

If you have a dashboard/query that can follow all service accesses in a
single SSO session, then I would be very interested.


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Re: [cas-user] Querying CAS audit data with Splunk

2015-07-17 Thread Marvin Addison

 FWIW, the underlying Inspektr's component that CAS uses for its slf4j
 audit events destination is extensible, and one could always plugin their
 own output formatting implementation to suit their needs:

Sure, and we have extended it locally for our deployment. I think it's fair
to consider, however, whether the defaults are convenient for common query
cases. For anyone ingesting logs into Splunk, the layout is indeed quite


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Re: [cas-user] Querying CAS audit data with Splunk

2015-07-17 Thread Marvin Addison

 Nothing that follows every service access-- I think that will require some
 unusual joins.

I got a working query that wasn't too bad:

 index=mwcas sourcetype=mwcas-audit | rex (?tgtTGT-[A-Za-z0-9_-]+) |
rex (?servicehttps://[A-Za-z0-9._/-]+) | transaction tgt maxspan=10h
keepevicted=true | regex principal=[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+@.* | chart count by

The key was to create on-demand field extractions using rex to look
anywhere in the audit entry for the correlating TGT.

FWIW, the purpose of the query is to identify what services our guest users
(identified by email addresses) are accessing.


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Re: [cas-user] phpCAS Error

2015-07-15 Thread Marvin Addison
The root problem:

44B4 .||||= CAS_Client::_readURL('',
NULL, NULL, NULL) [Client.php:3118]
44B4 .|||||= CAS_Request_CurlRequest::sendRequest()
44B4 .||||||curl_exec() failed [CurlRequest.php:77]

Common causes are networking issues (i.e. firewall) and SSL certificate
trust problems. The fact that you're trying to reach a private address ( looks suspicious.


Since you have this set, it's not an SSL trust problem, but I would
encourage configuring SSL trust before you put this into production. I see
you're attempting to reach a host by IP address, which causes headaches
when doing SSL trust evaluation. I suggest you use a hostname if possible
when you get around to enabling SSL trust validation.


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Re: [cas-user] shib idp 3 CAS support

2015-07-14 Thread Marvin Addison

 The primary reason I did not like the memcached implementation was that it
 is not truly fault-tolerant. As I understand it, any given key is hashed
 and stored on one of the available memcached nodes. A client that needs it
 performs the same hash, and tries to retrieve it from the same node. I have
 a three node CAS cluster. With the memcached ticket registry, if one of the
 nodes were to crash, I would simply lose a third of my state.

Correct. What makes this acceptable in many if not most cases is that the
lost state is SSO state where the effect on the user is to log in again. As
failure modes go, that's graceful behavior.

 On the other hand, with the hazelcast ticket registry backend, a backup
 copy of the state on any given node is available on another node, and if
 you lose only a single node, you lose no state.

Peer-to-peer replication incurs a cost and in my experience the failure
modes of replication are orders of magnitude worse than anything I've seen
with memcached. Perhaps over time Hazelcast will prove itself both reliable
and fault tolerant, but it's patently new technology at this point and
needs some road time to convince me.


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Re: [cas-user] shib idp 3 CAS support

2015-07-13 Thread Marvin Addison

 Would the idp multifactor mechanisms be usable for CAS clients?

Yes, though it may be better to discuss further on the related shib-users

 I don't
 particularly like the memcached backend, which looks like the only
 current option (other than a database) to cluster idp 3.

I'd be curious to know why you don't like it. I encourage you to discuss
further on shib-users.

Yes, from what I've seen the attribute filter basically functions as the
 service registry for CAS clients, but gives you the idp feature of only
 allowing certain values of some attributes rather than all.

The ability to mutate attributes is a notable capability of the IdP
attribute engine.

 I need to decide
 whether to keep a separate CAS deployment ... or migrate CAS clients to
 the idp CAS support.

I was in the same situation, so I'll share my decision FWIW. I'm a single
FTE running two production systems, Shib IdP and Jasig CAS server, that
have the same purpose but with complementary capabilities. It made all the
sense in the world to consolidate onto a single platform that could provide
everything we needed. Fortunately I had the benefit of developing the CAS
protocol support in the IdP expressly to meet our requirements. Thus we had
assurance our needs would be met by a single platform and it became a
straightforward economic decision: consolidate and save. Of course our
needs and yours are likely different; you'll have to evaluate for yourself
whether a single platform meets your requirements.


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Re: [cas-user] shib idp 3 CAS support

2015-07-12 Thread Marvin Addison

 I was just wondering if anybody here is familiar with both and might be
 able to provide some pros/cons of consolidating CAS into the idp vs
 continuing to maintain a separate CAS deployment?

I'm very familiar with both from a development and deployment perspective.
Much of the growth of Jasig CAS over the past several years has been in the
area of multi-protocol support, so you'll lose anything that's not CAS or
SAML; OAuth protocol support comes to mind. That's probably the biggest
functional area of distinction.

I would say Jasig CAS has more mature management capabilities; the service
manager UI comes to mind immediately. That said, it's only a matter of time
and effort before the IdP catches up in that area. There are also a lot
more integration options for Jasig CAS, mostly in the area of storage
backends like Ehcache and Hazelcast. Again, it's easy to develop these
things for the IdP and they will probably emerge in the near future if
folks need or want them. On balance, the attribute engine of the IdP is a
powerful capability that has no analogue in Jasig CAS.

I could probably come up with some more pros and cons to discuss, but the
ones I've listed seem most notable to me as a deployer. If there are any
features of interest to you in particular, please mention them and we can
discuss further.


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Re: [cas-user] Problem with CAS Clustering and LT parameter

2015-07-06 Thread Marvin Addison

 We've been running a load-balanced CAS cluster of two nodes for a number of
 years now.

Clustering is supported provided you have session affinity during the login
process. If anyone has achieved truly stateless clustering, it would
include session replication among cluster nodes (among other things), with
resulting dramatic increase in complexity. Is there any reason you can't
configure your cluster for session affinity? Session affinity is standard
practice in the HA deployments I'm aware of.


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Re: [cas-user] Problem with CAS Clustering and LT parameter

2015-07-06 Thread Marvin Addison

 Personally, we just set up our three-node CAS4 instance with Hazelcast and
 front-ended it with our Barracuda (no special config required.)

I'm fairly certain the back end ticket store is irrelevant here. The poster
appears to be discussing fully stateless clustering, which involves special
(and difficult) distribution of servlet session data between all nodes.
Most HA deployments don't care about node loss during the relatively
short-lived login process. To the user it would just appear as a glitch
when the LB/app router/whatever routes to a new node that doesn't know what
session is described by the posted JSESSIONID cookie.


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Re: [cas-user] Problem with CAS Clustering and LT parameter

2015-07-06 Thread Marvin Addison

 I'm only considering shared sessions because that seems to be what's
 in the CAS wiki.

I don't feel like the CAS wiki ever had any good high-level discussion of
HA. In any case the new-ish CAS4 documentation has a HA page that spells
out session affinity as a requirement for active/active deployments:

 Our networking team was unsure how sticky sessions at the load balancer
 affect things (like applications validating STs, etc).

It tends to create hot spots on one node for a particular service, thus if
you have a single that produces the heaviest load on CAS, it till tend to
get pegged to a single node instead of distributing load throughout all
peers in the pool. Failover characteristics are exactly the same as without
session affinity. We've found that hot spots can cause trouble in fairly
extreme circumstances [1], but in most cases it's a non-issue.


[1] Once a CAS-enabled timeclock application got in a redirect loop that
generated millions of service tickets in a ~120m period. Our service,
remarkably, held up due to a cache-backed ticket registry that simply
purged old entries to hold the flood of tickets. The CPU on the node
handling all that traffic went red and sent off alarms, but held up

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Re: [cas-user] Embedding username info in Service ticket

2015-06-30 Thread Marvin Addison

 I do have a secure mechanism to encrypt my service ticket with the public
 key and then decrypt it later using the private-key.

At that point you've created your own SSO protocol and you're more or less
on your own as to the security outcomes. If you need security assertions
that are valid without a centralized authority, SAML comes to mind as a
protocol that has that characteristic. In any case I strongly recommend you
stick with proven standards.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS status - Free memory threshold Warning 10% - HTTP 400 error code

2015-04-20 Thread Marvin Addison

 At times we get we get WARN notifications with HTTP 400 status code...

That's by design and intended to be simply a warning; you can respond in
whatever fashion you think prudent or necessary. I would imagine that if it
starts to happen regularly, you would take that as a sign to increase your
heap via the -Xmx JVM flag.


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Re: [cas-user] Understanding CAS and SAML

2015-03-27 Thread Marvin Addison

First, that document is very old. May still be relevant, but just as likely

I was under the impression that when using SAML you initiate a SSO with a
 so called authnRequest. provides actual messages
captured from log output of an old but not ancient client and server
conversation. That's a better reference for understanding message exchange.
In SAML parlance, this is an SSO browser/artifact profile request over SOAP
binding. Note that neither the request nor the response are signed, which
is uncommon in the SAML world. The JASIG CAS server implementation of SAML
1.1 derives security from the bearer token model used in the CAS protocol.


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Re: [cas-user] Which version sould I upgrate to 3.5.3 or 4.01

2015-03-04 Thread Marvin Addison

 Same as object I'm coming from 3.4.3 and looking for and advice if is
 better to go straight to 4.0.1 or maybe stop at 3.5.3

There will be more configuration work to upgrade from 3.x to 4.x, but it's
work you'll have to do eventually since the 3.5.x branch is in
maintenance-only mode. My recommendation is try to upgrade to 4.x as soon
as possible.


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Re: [cas-user] Certificates and Active Directory

2015-03-02 Thread Marvin Addison

 This seems to be a new requirement for cas server 4.0. I suppose it could
 be the new version of java (1.7) causing the requirement.

Not Java per se but the LDAP integration library. CAS 4.0 uses the ldaptive
library for LDAP integration, and it has strict hostname verification
enabled by default, which is the most secure option. You can read more
about the behavior here:

You could customize the behavior by implementing one of these:

It's a very simple interface, so it should be straightforward to develop a
custom strategy.


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Re: [cas-user] Can we use sAMAAcountName for single-step authentication without needing to know DN

2015-03-02 Thread Marvin Addison

 I would like to use Method 1 (Active Directory authentication using
 sAMAAccountName) if possible without using two-step authentication using a
 service account to obtain the user DN.


   Is this possible without having all users in the same LDAP tree?

It should be possible. Can you please try and report back with your results?


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Re: [cas-user] I am lost... And in desperate need of help

2015-03-02 Thread Marvin Addison

 With Prod 3.4.12 and MFA, don’t get the successful login page. I get “page
 not found” in the browser.

Turn the org.jasig.casup to DEBUG and post (sanitized) logs corresponding
to the 404 error you mentioned.

 The error goes away if I take one of the 2 CAS servers offline.

Did you ever solve your ticket registry replication problems? I wouldn't
think that a ticket not found error would cause authentication problems,
but this sure sounds like some kind of HA config problem.


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Re: [cas-user] cas 4 lppe configuration for password

2015-02-25 Thread Marvin Addison

 Is it me or does this log say that the PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE error is not
 getting processed with the
 messageContext) properly.

Not sure. Did you get any output from the TRACE logger I recommended


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Re: [cas-user] cas 4 lppe configuration for password

2015-02-24 Thread Marvin Addison

 2015-02-24 14:20:57,866 DEBUG
 [] -

 An AccountPasswordMustChangeException was thrown here. Something in the
 view layer is supposed to catch that and route the user appropriately.

org.jasig.cas.web.flow.AuthenticationExceptionHandler is the key component
to bridge authentication errors with view dispatching. There's a
TRACE-level logger on that component that's worth enabling and trying
again. It emits a message if no mapping is found. You should scan your
login-webflow.xml and make sure it contains a reference to
which is defined in cas-servlet.xml. All this is configured by default in
4.0.1, so unless you changed it, you should be good.


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Re: [cas-user] Logout view not following server url redirects

2015-02-17 Thread Marvin Addison

 My 3.5.2 CAS server is not following redirects on logout.

Do you have some evidence to share? Not much changed on HttpClient between
3.4.12 and 3.5.2 [1], other than adding the followServiceRedirects flag
which previously defaulted to true. Turn up org.jasig.cas.util to DEBUG and
see if you get any hints.



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Re: [cas-user] Client: SilkRoad Life Suite

2015-02-10 Thread Marvin Addison

 Re:  SilkRoad Life Suite

In light of current events around the _other_ Silk Road, that seems like a
very unfortunate product name. I hadn't even heard of it, much less have
any experience. Maybe someone else does.


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Re: [cas-user] org.jasig.cas.client.validation.TicketValidationException

2015-01-29 Thread Marvin Addison

 They have noticed that their log files are filled with the above exception
 and have asked me to help them resolve this.

Are they using the SAML 1.1 protocol perchance, say to get attributes? The
CAS client enforces the SAML assertion validity window, which is a unique
feature of SAML. Clock drift can be an insidious cause of ticket validation
failures with that protocol.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS server release v3.5.3

2015-01-23 Thread Marvin Addison

 You know what you don't do for a minor weakness? Publish a CVE with a
 title including allows remote attackers to bypass LDAP authentication via
 crafted wildcards.

Paul, I get your frustration and I can sympathize. The CVE appeared to come
at us from outside the project, and its eminent publishing prompted the
release and arguably poorly crafted security advisory from us. You can
chalk that up to haste on our part. On balance, we felt it best to have a
patched version available for download _prior_ to the CVE getting
published. As for the CVE text itself, I have no idea where it came from. I
don't believe it came from the core dev team.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS 4.0 w/ OpenLDAP won't return memberOf attribute

2015-01-15 Thread Marvin Addison

 It seems like it would be more efficient if I could just have CAS return
 the attributes that it is able to retrieve using the

That is indeed desirable and entirely possible using
LdapAuthenticationHandler and a static person directory attribute resolver.
The key is _not_ configuring a principal resolver for the
LdapAuthenticationHandler bean in the PolicyBasedAuthenticationManager

bean id=authenticationManager
entry key-ref=proxyAuthenticationHandler
value-ref=proxyPrincipalResolver /
entry key-ref=primaryAuthenticationHandler
value=#{null} /

If no resolver is defined for a handler, that signals the authentication
manager to use the principal resolved from the authentication handler.

Hope that helps,

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Re: [cas-user] CAS 4.0 w/ OpenLDAP won't return memberOf attribute

2015-01-15 Thread Marvin Addison

 It is definitely not specifying the return attributes.

That jibes with the CAS logs. The following is the log entry for the search
operation for return attributes following user bind:

2015-01-14 10:03:31,357 DEBUG [org.ldaptive.SearchOperation] - execute
responseControls=null, messageId=-1]]], resultCode=SUCCESS, message=null,
matchedDn=null, responseControls=null, referralURLs=null, messageId=-1] for
parameters={user=roger.rabbit}], returnAttributes=[1.1],
searchScope=ONELEVEL, timeLimit=0, sizeLimit=0, derefAliases=null,
typesOnly=false, binaryAttributes=null, sortBehavior=UNORDERED,
searchEntryHandlers=null, searchReferenceHandlers=null, controls=null,
followReferrals=false, intermediateResponseHandlers=null]

Note returnAttributes=[1.1]. I believe that's logged to indicate default
behavior, which is no attributes. My hunch is that initialize is not being
called on your LdapAuthenticationHandler bean, which prepares the list of
return attributes from property values. Try adding the init-method
attribute to your bean definition as follows:

bean id=ldapAuthenticationHandler

You should see returnAttributes in the cas.log file with the attributes
you've configured. It's not working correctly until you see that.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS 4.0 w/ OpenLDAP won't return memberOf attribute

2015-01-14 Thread Marvin Addison

 If I use the manager account that is used to search the directory or the
 credentials of the use who is logging in with ldapsearch, as long as I
 explicitly request the memberOf attribute it gets returned.

Ok, then my hypothesis is apparently wrong. Requesting the additional
attributes at authentication time is still preferable for efficiency, so I
suggest you continue with that approach.

Are you saying that I should put all my attributes that I want returned

 bean id=ldapAuthenticationHandler


When I did this I end up getting back just the values I specify in the
 stub, not the values of LDAP.

Can you please put the org.jasig.cas.authentication and org.ldaptive
packages in debug and post the logs?


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Re: [cas-user] AcceptUsersAuthenticationHandler is used instead of LDAP

2015-01-09 Thread Marvin Addison

 Yes, after every chage I do:
 mvn clean package
 rm -r webapps/cas/ work/ logs/*
 cp target/cas.war 

That should work, but you might also try clearing out the unpacked war
files under (IIRC) $CATALINA_HOME/temp. I have a habit of clearing out
those files as part of the redeploy process since I had some evidence of
changes not taking in the past. Can't hurt in any case.


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Re: [cas-user] working example? cas 4.0.0 LDAP deployerConfigContext

2015-01-08 Thread Marvin Addison

 Here is the link to the xml:

The file looks ok on visual inspection and passes XML validation using
tools. That makes me think that the whitespace issue that Curtis mentioned
is perhaps the cause. It's possible the whitespace got fixed between
pastebin and the editor I used to view the file, which would explain why
it's broken for you and seemingly ok to me. I suggest you ensure you have
consistent LF (Unix) or CRLF (windows) line endings.

Here's a Unix one-liner to convert to exclusively LF line endings:

tr -d '\r'  deployerConfigContext.xml  deployerConfigContext-new.xml


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Re: [cas-user] working example? cas 4.0.0 LDAP deployerConfigContext

2015-01-07 Thread Marvin Addison

 INFO: Deploying web application directory /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT
 2015-01-07 11:04:42,372 ERROR
 [org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader] - Context initialization
 72 in XML document from ServletContext resource
 [/WEB-INF/deployerConfigContext.xml] is invalid; nested exception is
 org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 72; columnNumber: 9;
 cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'beans' cannot have character [children],
 because the type's content type is element-only.

This error indicates you have non-whitespace character content under the
beans element somewhere. I can't see it in your post, but the XML is hard
to read so it's not surprising. Can you post your file on pastebin or
similar so I can read it clearly?


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Re: [cas-user] Inclusion of auditTrailManager.xml

2014-12-15 Thread Marvin Addison

 Good Afternoon from the cold, dark north as we near winter solstice.

Yikes! It's hard to imagine only a few hours of light per day.

How much overhead does adding the audit trail logging add?

It logs to a file on a background worker thread, so hardly any. You can
choose other backends, but file is simplest and arguably fastest.

   Where is this documented so I can control how much it spews?

Not sure it provides much guidance on controlling verbosity, though it's
certainly possible to tweak. I'd recommend using the default and tweaking
as needed after you collect some data. I'm optimistic what we provide out
of box will be suitable.


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Re: [cas-user] Rapid Memory Consumption and Interpreting Heap Dump

2014-12-12 Thread Marvin Addison

 it should not be able to fill the heap memory of the SSO server which
 would argue that there is some bug in the CAS SAML code that is being
 excercised by the repeated logins.

You attached a profiler screenshot near the beginning of the thread that
showed a large number of GoogleAccountsService objects holding onto
memory.  I should note that GAS holds references to the keypair used to
sign/verify SAML assertions. Assuming you're using at least a 2048-bit RSA
key for that, that's at least 512 bytes (2048/8*2) per instance. Your
profiler screenshot is showing ~1.7M instances of that class consuming
76MB memory, which doesn't add up AFAICT. In any case I could see why
excessive numbers of that class would cause trouble, but I don't have an
explanation for why there are so many allocated. Perhaps we do have a
resource leak here. I suggest you create an issue an attach all data you
have, especially profiler data, and we can investigate further.


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Re: [cas-user] Rapid Memory Consumption and Interpreting Heap Dump

2014-12-06 Thread Marvin Addison

 Second, the massive number of  STs are being created on only one server
 (we can tell by the host name in the logged ST) but the OTHER SERVER is
 where the memory is growing out of bounds.

I'm still working through this thread, but I wanted to point out that the
other is hurting likely because of load balancer session affinity. Recall
that ticket validation is a back-channel call, and the network source
differs from that of the user's browser. In our environment, services
typically get stuck on one node causing hot spots. This is because the
service is validating tickets frequently enough that the session affinity
timeout never kicks in.


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Re: [cas-user] Multiple environments with different bean properties values

2014-11-20 Thread Marvin Addison

 we have some custom bean properties, but depending on the environment have
 different values, e.g.

 !-- Test environment --
 property name=baseUrl value=
 !-- Production environment --
 property name=baseUrl value=

The Spring profile machinery is intended to address this problem:

Really, the core decision is whether to do runtime or build-time
configuration (e.g Maven profiles). Over time I have moved from build-time
configuration to runtime, which in part has happened because the Spring
facilities have improved so much. In the end it's largely a matter of


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Re: [cas-user] BcryptPassword Encoder

2014-11-19 Thread Marvin Addison

 bean id=passwordEncoder

BCryptPassword is not a valid JCE digest algorithm name. You must use one
of the values described in the following document:


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Re: [cas-user] CAS 4.0.0 Production Issue: Heap Memory Issue

2014-11-14 Thread Marvin Addison

 For the the second time both of our SSO servers running under Tomcat ran
 out of heap memory last night.

Did CAS emit any errors to the application log file, cas.log, prior to OOM?
Please post anything you have. You can configure the JVM to perform a heap
dump prior to exiting, which you should set up immediately so you have some
additional information if/when it happens next time. The follow system
properties should do the trick:

-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/path/to/jvm-dump.hprof

You might also consider taking periodic heap dumps using the jmap tool and
analyzing offline using some analysis tool. We use the YourKit Java profile
for this kind of thing, fwiw.

Hope that helps,

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Re: [cas-user] CAS 4.0.0 Production Issue: Heap Memory Issue

2014-11-14 Thread Marvin Addison

 Do those setting go in CATALINA_OPTS or JAVA_OPTS in the file?

The Tomcat documentation recommends CATALINA_OPTS, which is what I do.


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Re: [cas-user] HA system map for CAS

2014-11-12 Thread Marvin Addison
 We are looking to deploy an HA architecture for CAS. We will have a load 
 balancer with a server on two different campuses.

I believe the following documentation will be helpful:

The Recommended Architecture diagram is effectively the architecture
of Virginia Tech's HA deployment. We use memcached for ticket storage
for what it's worth, but many folks use Ehcache and increasingly
Hazelcast. Your ticket storage backend is arguably the most important
system component, so choose wisely.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS 4.0.0 Production Error - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

2014-11-04 Thread Marvin Addison
 We've looked at
 https://server/cas/status but can't tell if the memory usage there
 includes an ehcache ticket registry or if that is excluded.

The MemoryMonitor simply looks at overall JVM memory usage. While
ehcache may, depending on configuration, use off-heap memory
allocations that are invisible to this monitor, the condition you
reported should have been detectable with MemoryMonitor enabled. That
said, there may be better monitoring and reporting tools to help avoid
this situation in the future.

 I know I've asked this question before and never gotten an answer (maybe
 no one knows), but is there any way we can monitor the number of tickets
 (TGTs, LTs, STs) in an ehcache?

If you use separate cache instances for each ticket type, you can get
total object counts _or_ byte counts with EhCacheMonitor; if you use a
single cache instance (common) for all tickets, you get only a single
total for all tickets. Reviewing the following code may help:

 Finally, are there any best practices surrounding regular restarts of
 the servers (any known memory leaks, etc) and what would the timing of
 those restarts need to be?

Scheduled restarts simply are not a best practice. I would try to
solve the root problem, and punt to scheduled restarts as an option of
last resort if you can't fix the cause.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS 3.5.2 - SQL Deadlocks - Not cleanup related

2014-10-21 Thread Marvin Addison
 Can anybody shed some light on this, please?  Any thoughts on where to look?

It's a known issue and there's little remedy. Searching the list
archives you'll find that deadlocks are most commonplace on MSSQL.
We've tried several fixes to reduce the likelihood of deadlocks, but
nothing short of an API change will solve the problem in a truly
satisfactory manner. I would recommend a cache-based ticket registry
like memcached, Ehcache, or Hazelcast. I will say that many folks have
achieved performance with acceptably low deadlock rates with
JpaTicketRegistry on other database platforms. I have personal
experience with PostgreSQL and Oracle, and both performed acceptably


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Re: [cas-user] CAS 3.5.2 - SQL Deadlocks - Not cleanup related

2014-10-21 Thread Marvin Addison
 I saw the JIRA from a couple years ago that got marked as resolved after you 
 merged a patch.

Can you cite the Jira issue? There have been a couple IIRC.

 Is there anything I can provide that would make it worthwhile to reopen it?

Possibly. There's a deadlock generator script that I used to reproduce
the issue while working on the original patch. I'm open to additional
patches, but any candidate fix that does not improve behavior against
that script is a no-go. I believe the script is attached to a Jira
issue, but I can make available if needed.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS 3.5.2 and CVE-2014-3566, POODLE

2014-10-20 Thread Marvin Addison
 java.lang.RuntimeException: Received
 fatal alert: handshake_failure

Please perform an SSL trace and post the log. If it's not happening
immediately, you'll need to trim the log to correspond with the
failure point. The trace will provide more information on why the
handshake is failing.


When All Else Fails section

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Re: [cas-user] Has anybody done this?

2014-10-16 Thread Marvin Addison
 I believe this additional step is for anti-phishing.  It is for the site to
 verify its authenticity to the user, not for the user to verify their
 authenticity to the site.

FWIW, that is my understanding as well.


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Re: [cas-user] Can Central Authentication Service (CAS) do authorization and use LDAP ? (Example ?)

2014-10-10 Thread Marvin Addison
 I'm a little confused about the authorization, which I read CAS isn't
 supposed to do.

CAS doesn't provide any support for centralized authorization policy,
but it can provide data to applications that support
application-specific authorization policy. We use the term attribute
release in the documentation for this feature.

 Yet, I see something like groups, but don't know what they are.

Where do you see this? It's common for CAS to load group membership
data for a user on authentication and give it back to services when
the service is authenticated to CAS.

 Anyway, my scenario is pretty common, and is as follows:

 We need to restrict access to each of our apps that are going to support
 SSO. Within each of our apps, there are roles in LDAP tree. These roles are
 used to prevent certain users from accessing various parts of the site.

CAS could release the role data to the application and it would then
have to enforce the policy restrictions based on that data.

 Also, an admin of one system may not be an admin of
 another system. Is it possible to satisfy all of these scenarios with CAS?

It sounds to me more like a requirement of the group/role data in your
system of record for user data. CAS can release whatever data for a
user you tell it to. Note, however, that it must be modeled as user
data. There's no way to ask CAS what is the data for this user at
this particular this service. You load up all user data at
authentication time and return some or all of it to an authenticating
application when it talks to CAS.


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Re: [cas-user] Can Central Authentication Service (CAS) do authorization and use LDAP ? (Example ?)

2014-10-10 Thread Marvin Addison
 I don't understand your answer

The answer is nuanced, sorry.

 Can Central Authentication Service (CAS) do authorization and use LDAP ?

CAS cannot do centralized authorization. It can support authorization
at each service by providing data from a system of record (e.g. LDAP).

CAS has a number of components to support both authentication and
authorization using LDAP.

 I would like  an example

Best we got:

Search the list archives and the CASUM wiki for more.


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Re: [cas-user] Can Central Authentication Service (CAS) do authorization and use LDAP ? (Example ?)

2014-10-10 Thread Marvin Addison
 I would like authorization with LDAP by CAS Server of applications web 

Please read the following section of the CAS 4 user manual:

That provides a high-level overview of how CAS participates and
facilitates authorization through attribute release. Note there is an
LDAP component, LdapPersonAttributeDao.


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Re: [cas-user] MFA Duo support for 4.x

2014-10-09 Thread Marvin Addison
 What are members of this community currently using, looking into, or
 developing for MFA via Duo?

We quickly prototyped two MFA solutions on top of 3.5.2, one for
Google Authenticator and another for YubiKey. Almost all the
customization was at the WebFlow layer. Assuming you approach a
solution similarly, I would expect any code for 3.5.x to port to 4.x
with minor changes. I would also argue that the enrollment and backup
processes (no token/device) are so specific to each institution that
it's hard to develop a general framework. That's to say I would think
rolling your own is necessary, and our experiments show it's fairly
easy for a development team familiar with Java/Spring.


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Re: [cas-user] Preferred HA clustering support

2014-10-06 Thread Marvin Addison
 For a high-availability cluster, just follow the instructions here:

I attempted to provide a thoughtful explanation in the CAS 4
documentation why memcached replication is unnecessary for many

I'll leave it to you to determine whether you need replication.


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Re: [cas-user] client side password encryption

2014-09-26 Thread Marvin Addison
 SSL/TLS is mandate. Along with that I need to client-side password encryption 

I encourage you to reconsider. I realize that may be difficult if the
requirements are dictated by a third party, but it's worth repeating
that this is most likely a bad idea. In particular the key management
issue is much harder than the cryptographic algorithm implementation:

Successful key management is critical to the security of a
cryptosystem. In practice it is arguably the most difficult aspect of
cryptography because it involves system policy, user training,
organizational and departmental interactions, and coordination between
all of these elements. [1]

If you can solve that problem in your encryption scheme, the code
changes in CAS will be trivial by comparison and something you ought
to be able to handle on your own.



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Re: [cas-user] client side password encryption

2014-09-24 Thread Marvin Addison
 How do we enable client side password encryption and then server side
 decryption in CAS. Any suggestions/hint will be really helpful.

Can you clarify what you mean by password encryption? Encryption of
credentials used in configuration files (i.e. ldap/database password)?


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Re: [cas-user] client side password encryption

2014-09-24 Thread Marvin Addison
 I think he refers to the client side (the browser) encrypting the password, 
 shipping that through to the server, and the server decrypting it.

It's hard to imagine what additional security that would provide in
addition to SSL/TLS transport security that encrypts the entire form
payload including the password. The security characteristics are the
same: the client has access to the cleartext password and the server
has access to the decryption key to decrypt the ciphertext. You add
some new problems like browser support for encryption and symmetric
key exchange/management. I would strongly advise against it.


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Re: [cas-user] Form+X509 mixed config and user selection

2014-09-23 Thread Marvin Addison
 Is it possible to drive the user to a page in order to choose form or
 X509 auth instead of trying to force X509 in a very first step?

Yes. We do a variant of this to provide a high-security login form
that posts to an alternate port on submit; the alt port is configured
for optional client SSL. It's just a matter of adding views and
tweaking the login flow, which isn't hard but I would call it advanced


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Re: [cas-user] This is embarassing

2014-09-19 Thread Marvin Addison
 Can anyone give me one good reason to keep that check box?

I'm pretty sure you've given us a good executive summary for removing it. :)

In any case, while your experience sounds particularly bad, we've had
some headaches supporting extended flows while maintaining proper
function of the warn feature. Ticket expiration like you noted is the
main concern. It's probably best to simply remove it; nobody here uses
it either. Arguably nobody _any_where.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS 4.0.0: LDAP Attribute Repository - I think I have it working - How to verify? - Someone PLEASE respond

2014-09-03 Thread Marvin Addison
 Nope, all that does is cause the attributes to have empty values in them:

Ok, I did a little code review and have a suggestion. The trigger to
resolve attributes from a principal resolver is the definition of a
PrincipalResolver component in the value side of
PolicyBasedAuthenticationManager#handlerResolverMap. So keep your
attributeRepository bean but don't wire it into your
PolicyBasedAuthenticationManager bean. Let me know whether that fixes
your problem.


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Re: [cas-user] How to remove TARGET parameter

2014-09-02 Thread Marvin Addison
 I always get the TARGET parameter in the url until the
 user authenticates. How can I remove this TARGET parameter?

TARGET == ticket for the SAML feature in CAS, so it's naturally
present until you authenticate. That's to say you can't and shouldn't
remove it.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS 4.0.0: LDAP Attribute Repository - I think I have it working - How to verify? - Someone PLEASE respond

2014-09-02 Thread Marvin Addison
 I tried dropping back to just a stub attributeRepository bean:

 bean id=attributeRepository
 p:backingMap-ref=attrRepoBackingMap /

 util:map id=attrRepoBackingMap

 entry key=uid value=user /
 entry key=mail value=email /
 entry key=cn value=displayName /
 entry key=eduPersonPrincipalName value=eduPersonPrincipalName

Try empty values and see what happens, e.g.:

entry key=uid value= /

Let me know whether or not that changes the behavior.


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Re: [cas-user] Java CAS Client 3.2.2 ?

2014-08-29 Thread Marvin Addison

Wrong base branch. Let's try again:


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Re: [cas-user] CAS 4.0.0: LDAP Attribute Repository - I think I have it working - How to verify? - Someone PLEASE respond

2014-08-29 Thread Marvin Addison
 In short, is there some way to dump the
 principal after authentication, or some other way to tell if the
 attributes have been properly stored.

PolicyBasedAuthenticationManager logs the resolved principal at DEBUG: {} with credentials {}., principal,
logger.debug(Attribute map for {}: {}, principal.getId(),

Turning up org.jasig.cas.authentication to DEBUG would print out the
information you need to definitively show whether the attributes you
expect are in the principal.

 This is the definition of the primaryPrincipalResolver that seems to
 finally be working:

| Resolves a principal from a credential using an attribute
 repository that is configured to resolve
| against a deployer-specific store (e.g. LDAP).
 bean id=primaryPrincipalResolver


 property name=attributeRepository ref=attributeRepository /

While I imagine that it does work, it's not efficient since you're
effectively doing attribute resolution twice. The handler can resolve
attributes on the same connection as that used for authentication;
with PersonDirectoryPrincipalResolver, you're opening a new connection
to do it again. The wrinkle is that you MUST define an
attributeRepository bean for use by other system components, but you
should probably use a StubPersonAttributeDao [1] bean that simply has
the attribute mapping.



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Re: [cas-user] Java CAS Client 3.2.2 ?

2014-08-28 Thread Marvin Addison
 MA I built one-off patches [of Java CAS Client 3.2 and 3.1] for my
 institution, but we will consider providing official patches for those lines
 if there is interest.

I'm happy to provide patches, but I need someone to step up to do the
release process.


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Re: [cas-user] x509 authentication Failing

2014-08-18 Thread Marvin Addison
 bean id=x509Handler

 property name=trustedIssuerDnPattern value=CN=*/
 property name=maxPathLength value=3 /
 property name=checkKeyUsage value=false /
 property name=requireKeyUsage value=false /
 Which if i understand correctly,  will authenticate ANY (*) issuer DN

You're missing an important detail that I would like to clarify. While
your trustedIssuerDnPattern pattern is incorrect as Sean noted, the
above filter acts only _after_ the container completes the PKIX trust
check that is part of the SSL/TLS handshake. That's really where
issuer enforcement happens; trustedIssuerDnPattern is a supplemental
check. There is no way to allow ANY certificate into CAS without
implementing a custom component that plugs into the servlet container
SSL machinery; see [1] for an example. While I doubt you really want
to allow any issuer in practice, I did want to clarify the security
policy implementation.



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Re: [cas-user] CAS Client Security Vulnerability CVE-2014-4172

2014-08-12 Thread Marvin Addison
 Yes, it would ease patching.  I'm finding getting a uPortal 4.0 release
 squared away jumping from a Java CAS Client 3.2 version to 3.3.2 to be
 substantially unpleasant.

Ok. Here's the catch. Some of the integration modules,
cas-client-integration-atlassian comes to mind, have dependencies in
third-party repositories that are defunct. That makes a complete
project build sufficiently difficult if not impossible that the return
on investment is not justifiable. I would imagine that most folks need
cas-client-core exclusively, and I would recommend we focus our
efforts on patches for that module alone. Additionally, that's the
only module affected by patching.


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Re: [cas-user] Ticket Validation Succeeds Against Services With Different Protocols

2014-08-12 Thread Marvin Addison
 This apparently happens because we don't believe we have access to the
 TARGET to validate:

Thanks for investigating. Agree that appears wrong because as you said
we _do_ have TARGET on validate. Can you file an issue?


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Re: [cas-user] CAS Client Security Vulnerability CVE-2014-4172

2014-08-12 Thread Marvin Addison
 However, for #2, I have a hard time seeing how the server would allow you to 
 request a ticket for A and then use it for B.

Both attacks are really the same with different origins. While it's
not appropriate to provide an attack sequence here, I encourage you to
continue thinking about this with URL encoding in mind. The client is
guilty of accepting unvalidated input, and the ticket validation
request can be made to look legitimate to the CAS sever when in fact
it violates the service/ticket pairing.

 Is the idea that the client is *really* requesting a ticket for B in the 
 first place?

No. It's tricking B to send a ticket validation request for A. The
prerequisite is a legitimate ticket for A. The trick is to make B use
A's service URL with the legitimate ticket for A. That would not be
possible if the client URL encoded request parameters properly.


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[cas-user] CAS Client Security Vulnerability CVE-2014-4172

2014-08-11 Thread Marvin Addison
A critical security vulnerability has been discovered in several Jasig
CAS clients that allows URL parameter injection due to improper URL
encoding at the back-channel ticket validation step of the CAS
protocol. The following CVE number has been assigned to track this


Affected Software

Jasig Java CAS Client
Vulnerable versions: 3.3.2
Fix version: 3.3.2,

.NET CAS Client
Vulnerable versions: 1.0.2
Fix version: 1.0.2,

Vulnerable versions: 1.3.3
Fix version: 1.3.3,

There may be other CAS clients that are vulnerable.


The nature of the vulnerability allows malicious remote (network)
agents to craft attack URLs that bypass security constraints of the
CAS protocol. The following attack scenarios are known and have been

1. A malicious service that can obtain a valid ticket can use it to
access another service in violation of the CAS protocol requirement
that a ticket issued for a service can only be used to access the
service for which the ticket was granted. This type of access amounts
to an illicit proxy: the attacker is proxying authentication for the
2. A malicious user can request a ticket for service A and use it to
access service B with the access privileges of A.

Attacks like scenario 1 could result in unauthorized data disclosure,
while scenario 2 could result in privilege escalation. Other attack
scenarios may be possible.


Upgrade affected CAS clients as soon as possible. Consider mitigation
if upgrading is not possible.


The CAS Service Management facility [1], which is enabled by default,
can be used to restrict services that are permitted to use CAS (i.e.
allowed to request tickets). Whitelisting trusted services can reduce
the scope of attacks like scenario 1 above.

The following servlet filter may provide additional defense at the CAS
server against some forms of this attack:

Marvin Addison
CAS Developer


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Re: [cas-user] CAS Client Security Vulnerability CVE-2014-4172

2014-08-11 Thread Marvin Addison
 I actually stumbled across similar behavior last week. In my case the CAS 
 Server issued a ticket for service:

 And the successfully validated the ticket against service:

That's unlikely related to the client security vulnerability. We would
need logs from the server and possibly client(s) to say for certain. I
would appreciate your starting a separate thread to discuss further.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS Client Security Vulnerability CVE-2014-4172

2014-08-11 Thread Marvin Addison
 Does this affect ALL versions of the Java client prior to 3.3.2?

I did code review of the latest 3.2 and 3.1 versions and they were
both vulnerable. I built one-off patches for my institution, but we
will consider providing official patches for those lines if there is

 Also, is there a way to get the 3.3.2 jar without having to do a Maven
 build?  Latest on the downloads site is 3.2.x.

I noticed there's no download bundle as well. I imagine Scott simply
hasn't gotten to it yet, but I'm sure simply mentioning it here will
make it magically appear :)


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Re: [cas-user] Ticket Validation Succeeds Against Services With Different Protocols

2014-08-11 Thread Marvin Addison
 2014-08-11 14:48:53,829 INFO
 [org.jasig.cas.CentralAuthenticationServiceImpl] - Granted service ticket
 [ST-1-ZVJ45whjWQCXrJQVHVmd-abbott] for service
 [] for user [chk790]

Can you post the corresponding log entry that reads something like the

Successfully validated ticket [ST-1-ZVJ45whjWQCXrJQVHVmd-abbott].

You may have bigger problems if you do not have such a line. Chad
noted that this is a load-balanced service, so the validation may have
happened on another node since the ticket request and validation have
distinct sources.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS integration with Shibboleth IDP

2014-08-07 Thread Marvin Addison
 We have our Shibboleth IDP using CAS as the only login handler resulting in 
 CAS being the manager of the SSO session and Shibboleth being simply a 
 pasthrough for SAML.  Since the Shibboleth IDP does not maintain an SSO 
 session it should redirect to CAS for each auth request  to get a new Service 

While your expectation is correct, I have the feeling you want to
prompt the user for credentials on every federated service access
request. Unfortunately that is not possible.

If you disable the Shib Previous Session authn handler [1], which is
the meaning I take from Shibboleth IDP does not maintain an SSO
session, you will still incur exactly one CAS authentication. The
reason is that for any browser-mediated SAML profile, browser cookies
come into play. Here's the flow:

1. User browses to
2. User selects home institution and is redirected to
3. IdP engages CAS authentication provider, which triggers redirect to
4. No CASTGC cookie is present, so user is prompted to login to CAS
5. User authenticates to CAS and is redirected to with ticket
6. IdP validates ticket and authn engine completes successfully
7. IdP redirects to with SAML response
8. ... time passes ...
9. User browses to
10. IdP engages CAS authentication provider, which triggers redirect
to CAS,
10. CASTGC cookie is present so CAS issues ticket to IdP via redirect
11. Steps 6-7 as before

So while a new ST is granted for every federated service access
request, only one login occurs, the one that initiated the CAS SSO
session. Thus you will see exactly one CAS login for a number of
federated service access requests that happens during the lifetime of
the CAS SSO session. While the renew CAS protocol parameter could
theoretically help you here, the SP would have to set that flag, which
is outside of your control.

I hope that explains the behavior you are seeing.



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Re: [cas-user] CAS integration with Shibboleth IDP

2014-08-07 Thread Marvin Addison
 I only want the IDP to get a new ST at each auth, which is what is not 

You should provide some evidence to that effect. A browser request
trace would show the important interactions.

 I think the key here - pointed out by Tom - is that the CAS client is 
 maintaining a session similar to an SP.

The only CAS client in your scenario is the IdP. If you have disabled
the SSO support in the IdP along the lines of the wiki page I cited,
then you ought to get an ST for every relying party that interacts
with the IdP.


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Re: [cas-user] password manager

2014-08-04 Thread Marvin Addison
 Does anyone know if there are instructions for integrating the password 
 manager into an existing cas install?

Not sure what you're asking about. CAS 4 ships with support for
password expiration workflows, but has no facilities for password
management. In other words it can help inform the user about impending
password expiration and password expiration conditions, but it can't
do anything about it other than possibly redirecting a user somewhere


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Re: [cas-user] Cas 4.0.0, AD and memcached

2014-07-30 Thread Marvin Addison
 sory more information about the error :
 2014-07-30 14:39:55,547 ERROR
 [org.jasig.cas.ticket.registry.MemCacheTicketRegistry] - Failed fetching
 java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception waiting for value

You specified the following for your memcached hosts:


From your CAS host, execute the following command in a shell/terminal:

nc -w3 memcacheSRV 11211

(On Windows you'll need to install netcat; the command is netcat on Windows.)

Once connected type the following command:


If you get an output of memcached statistics, then that rules out
connection problems. If you have trouble connecting, which I would
expect based on the error above, then you need to work with your
networking folks to get connectivity. Using netcat is a quick
troubleshooting method. Once you get memcached statistics with netcat,
then return to CAS


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Re: [cas-user] Cas 4.0.0, AD and memcached

2014-07-30 Thread Marvin Addison
 but i got connectivity between my cas srv and my memcached serveur .

Good. Turn up logging for the following category to debug:


Repeat your authentication attempt and post the resulting logs. If you
don't see additional details, there is a problem with your logging
configuration and you should troubleshoot that until you do see
additional information. We must have more info to troubleshoot


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Re: [cas-user] Cas 4.0.0, AD and memcached

2014-07-30 Thread Marvin Addison
Ah, the root cause:

 Caused by: com.esotericsoftware.kryo.SerializationException: Unable to
 deserialize object of type: org.jasig.cas.ticket.TicketGrantingTicketImpl

This may be a bug

 Caused by: com.esotericsoftware.kryo.SerializationException: Unable to
 deserialize object of type: org.jasig.cas.authentication.HandlerResult

Please file an issue at where you
include the full stack trace above and attach your
deployerConfigContext.xml and ticketRegistry.xml files.

In the meantime, you should be able to work around the error by using
the default serializing transcoder. Just remove the following from
your ticketRegistry.xml:


And comment out or remove the kryoTranscoder bean.


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Re: [cas-user] Using SHA512

2014-07-14 Thread Marvin Addison
 I'll look at the documentation again to try and work out the best/simplest

Can you briefly describe how you store the salt in your database?
There's a quasi-standard for LDAP directories, SSHA, but nothing
equivalent that I'm aware of in the database world. The challenge for
the CAS project will be shipping a component that has the right
configuration knobs, but we don't have good use cases from which to
design those knobs at present. Your input will help in that regard.


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Re: [cas-user] CAS SSO solutions, and Microsoft SharePoint

2014-07-14 Thread Marvin Addison
 Are those doing this generally taking CAS SSO, fronting it with a Shib IdP, 
 then integrating with ADFS as a relying-party, that SharePoint uses for 
 authentication ?

We considered this path but aborted. In short, we needed close
collaboration with the Microsoft folks at our institution and couldn't
achieve it. It's also insanely complex. Federations are complex in
themselves; inter-federation trusts are approaching insanity. Lots of
folks make it work, but we felt it was overly complex for the
relatively narrow use case of supporting CAS-Sharepoint integration.

 We're about to take such a path here at UVic, and I'm in the process of 
 gathering community-thoughts for this journey.

I believe you'll be in good company with that approach. We are
attempting a direct WS-Federation integration with CAS and have some
promising results in a preliminary RD experiment. I should note that
it's technically different than the EWU approach that Scott cited
previously. I'm fairly ignorant of the Sharepoint side, but I believe
our approach amounts to hosting the WSFed components as a Sharepoint
module that wraps the .NET CAS client. Development is still ongoing,
but I can share further details as we progress if anyone is


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Re: [cas-user] CAS display previous authentication time.

2014-07-14 Thread Marvin Addison
 what is the correct way to display the last authentication time to the
 user before it is updated in LDAP?

Custom Spring Webflow action that executes after authentication
success. For example, replace sendTicketGrantingTicket action in the
following state with your custom action:

  action-state id=realSubmit
evaluate expression=authenticationViaFormAction.submit(flowRequestContext,
flowScope.credential, messageContext) /
transition on=warn to=warn /
transition on=success to=sendTicketGrantingTicket /
transition on=successWithWarnings to=showMessages /
transition on=authenticationFailure to=handleAuthenticationFailure /
transition on=error to=generateLoginTicket /

Note you would need an additional state definition for your custom
action that transitions to sendTicketGrantingTicket on success. Your
custom state would be a view state, which requires a little more
configuration to get going, but there are existing view states you
could use as a template.

We have done extensive customizations of this sort (password
expiration warnings, self-service password reset configuration, etc)
in this manner.


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Re: [cas-user] Using load balancer

2014-07-07 Thread Marvin Addison
 Has anyone had 2 CAS servers with a load balancer? We are looking for a 24/7 
 solution and also for our DR plan.

We have been running multiple servers in active-active mode for years
now. I'm also aware of folks using active-failover setups with
specialized LB hardware to do some pretty impressive HA setups.

In any case the following CAS 4 documentation provides some thoughtful
discussion on HA CAS setups:


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Re: [cas-user] CAS 4 LPPE Configuration

2014-07-04 Thread Marvin Addison
My colleague, the ldaptive lead developer, mentioned that the error
string returned from AD looks a little odd:

 message=javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 -
 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903AA, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data
 775, v1772\00], controls=null]

What version of Windows Server are you running? We'll need to do some
code review and testing on our side and follow up. Note it's a holiday
weekend in the US.


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Re: [cas-user] infinite loop just started on Peopleadmin after F5 update to 15.1

2014-06-24 Thread Marvin Addison
 we did apply an update to our F5 load balancer on 6/15, bringing it up to 

Redirect loops are commonly caused by SSL handshake failures that are
handled poorly in the client. Did a cert change as part of the
upgrade? You'll have more luck troubleshooting the problem at the
client (PeopleAdmin) than the server since the client is the component
responsible for the redirect to get you to CAS. Have PA turn up their
logs and review carefully. Feel free to post excerpts and we'll try to
help you troubleshoot.

 Has anyone else run into any weirdness like this that's using an F5?

Doubtful the firmware update alone caused the problem, but maybe there
were some configuration changes, including certs, that happened
concurrently that are to blame.


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Re: [cas-user] infinite loop just started on Peopleadmin after F5 update to 15.1

2014-06-24 Thread Marvin Addison
 Thanks for the pointers. The issue is that the PeopleAdmin CAS client 
 attempts to handshake using SSLv3

Shame on them. TSLv1, which has its own issues, has been recommended
over SSLv3 for several years.

 I’m attempting to get them to update their side, but, I’m not holding my 
 breath on that.

I'd appreciate your following up on list if you get a response either
way. We support SSLv3 but prefer TLSv1, but I applaud vendors like F5
shipping products with secure defaults. Too bad it's breaking
enterprise services.


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Re: [cas-user] Need to clear browser cookies in order to login

2014-06-04 Thread Marvin Addison
 I’ve beefed up my servlet session timeout to 7200 (... 5 full days).

That amount of beef may lead to coronary problems.

 when they submit the login form, the form
 just resets and clears the username/password field instead of authenticating
 them and redirecting. Thoughts?

The behavior you have cited is by design under an expired session
condition: when a user posts credentials to an expired flow (backed by
the session), a new flow is created and the user ends back up at the
initial flow state which is an empty login form. In most cases simply
entering credentials and posting them allows login to proceed. I
understand you to say that an empty login form is repeatedly displayed
on every attempt to post credentials; is that correct? In any case
there's some evidence the servlet session is expired despite your
extreme timeout.

I should note that your session timeouts are well beyond anything we
might encounter in a test environment. The default on Tomcat is 30
minutes; we have gone as high as 4 hours. 5 days is arguably
ridiculous. What problem are you trying to solve with such extreme
session timeouts? I'm hopeful treating the root problem instead of the
symptoms may be more fruitful.


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Re: [cas-user] OutOfMemoryException with long timeouts?

2014-06-02 Thread Marvin Addison
 I set the web.xml session-timeout to -1 (infinite)...
 This morning our CAS instance was down due to an OutOfMemoryException

OOM would be the expected behavior for setting an infinite session
timeout. You have effectively instructed the servlet container to
never reclaim memory for abandoned sessions, which would be expected
to produce OOM after a period of time that is a function of
authentications/sec and memory capacity.

 I’m wondering if leaving sessions alive too long is exposing a memory leak
 somewhere in CAS (I’m on

You haven't uncovered a memory leak, you have produced one by fairly
drastic choice of configuration. There is simply no use case for
infinite session timeouts.


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Re: [cas-user] Off-Site Hosting

2014-06-02 Thread Marvin Addison
 We are currently looking to host our CAS server off-site  Does
 anyone have any suggestions for hosting providers?

I encourage you to check out I don't
have any experience with the service, but the creator is a trusted
community member.


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Re: [cas-user] Service Registry in database

2014-05-30 Thread Marvin Addison
 I think the
 underlying problem in the code is that @Transaction annotations were
 placed at the wrong layer, on the methods in class


Your analysis and solution are probably the best evidence we have for
that claim. I recall having made a similar suggestion in the past, but
I didn't have a sound argument at the time. I believe your problem and
solution provide the evidence we need to move forward with a fix in
the next release of CAS. I would appreciate your filing a Jira issue
to make the change you suggested and citing this thread as a

Thanks for your persistence working through this issue and sharing the
result. Hopefully it will lead to a fix for this long-standing issue.


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Re: [cas-user] Service Registry in database

2014-05-30 Thread Marvin Addison
 We put them on CASImpl because technically that is where the transaction
 would occur (a single method on that class could call multiple
 ticketregistry methods)

Correct, but clearly that approach has some undesirable side effects.
The only registry that would benefit from @Transactional on the
CASImpl methods is JPATicketRegistry; all other backends are not
transactional across multiple calls if they have transactional support
at all.

My opinion is that TicketRegistry has outlived its usefulness. I
believe we would be better served by a generic StorageService facility
(get/put/delete) that has @Transactional on its methods as needed for
the JPA implementation. With a careful design of the semantics of
get/put I'm confident we could provide secure ticket storage without
the side effects that Andrew reported. Additionally, this approach
would naturally isolate dependencies into technology-specific modules
(JPA, Ehcache, memcached, LDAP) and hopefully reduce the number of

In any case it's probably not as easy as simply dropping
@Transactional on CASImpl for the reasons you cited, but with some
deeper changes to our storage subsystem I believe we can have a
win/win. I think a Jira issue citing the problem and solution Andrew
noted would justify further research and development work in that


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Re: [cas-user] CAS Clustering: Do I need to cluster Tomcat too?

2014-05-29 Thread Marvin Addison
 the recommended architecture at seems 
 to indicate that session replication is not necessary

That's correct. Unless you have some very strict and ambitious
requirements for your HA solution, session replication is not
necessary. A session effectively starts when the user shows up to the
login screen, and ends upon successful authentication, which is
sufficiently brief that any failure during that time frame is handled
fairly gracefully by the user simply trying again.

 is this specific only to v4.0?

Same analysis applies to every CAS version that uses Spring Webflow,
which is 3.x onward.

 What's being stored in the Tomcat session

Webflow conversation state is backed by session storage under normal
circumstances. See [1] if you want an alternative.



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Re: [cas-user] LDAP MySQL Replication Best Practice Recommendations

2014-05-28 Thread Marvin Addison
 I am looking for recommendations from the CAS community on the best
 practices you have found for LDAP and MySQL redundancy.

The CAS4 documentation has a thoughtful section on high availability
that should be your starting point:

I have no experience with database clusters, but substantial
experience with HA LDAP infrastructure. If LDAP is your authentication
store, I would strongly recommend a master-slave topology where the
master may or may not be among the hosts that handle CAS
authentication. You really SHOULD have a hardware load balancer in
front of the nodes. With CAS4 there is a reasonable facility to
connect to multiple LDAP hosts in a fairly performant way, but load
balanced pools with a single virtual address are preferable. DNS
round-robin is totally unsuitable for HA for reasons discussed in the
document above.

I believe many of the HA concerns around LDAP are applicable to a HA
database infrastructure.


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Re: [cas-user] Service Registry in database

2014-05-22 Thread Marvin Addison
 The stack trace indicates that some Spring AOP proxy is intercepting the
 I see that createTicketGrantingTicket() has an @Transactional annotation 
 applied to
 it.  Could this be causing the spurious calls to autocommit and commit?

Yes, I think that's it. I would recommend trying to restrict the scope
of Spring AOP transactional proxies to just the service registry. I've
never seen that done, but aop:aspectj-autoproxy takes a subelement,
include [1] that is a regex where you can specify the scope of
included components. I can imagine a regex that would include
ServiceRegistryDao but exclude CentralAuthetnicationServiceImpl. Try
that and report back.



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Re: [cas-user] CASTGC Cookie?

2014-05-19 Thread Marvin Addison
 1. What is the CASTGC cookie? What role does it play when logging in?
 2. When is the CASTGC cookie generated?
 3. What happens if the CASTGC cookie isn't present when the user signs in?

I believe the following section of the CAS protocol document answers
all the above:


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Re: [cas-user] cas 4.0.0, LdapAuthenticationHandler and objectGuid

2014-05-15 Thread Marvin Addison
 1) I have 2 authentication handlers that are used concurrently, one which
 uses a DB query and the other a LDAP query...
 Is this an appropriate use of the postAuthenticate
 method, or am I twisting this extensibility point in a way it isn’t

Sounds like a creative use though I wouldn't call it wrong or twisted.

The recommended way to do what you're doing is by leveraging the
PrincipalResolver components. Resolvers naturally execute after
authentication using the credential as input and produce a principal;
in your case you would query AD using the objectGuid in the database
record as a search filter. You can map a resolver to an authentication
handler so that a particular one fires only after the desired handler
succeeds. I can provide more guidance on configuration if you're
interested in that approach.

Again, there's nothing wrong with your approach per se, it just short
circuits some of the natural authentication pipeline that could
probably handle it with OOB components.

 2) I noticed objectGuid from Active Directory was being garbled...
 I dug through the ldaptive code and it seems
 like I need to set the objectGuid entry as binary.  Apparently there is an
 ObjectGuidHandler class which handles this already. Does this seem like a
 reasonable change, or is this problem better handled in a different way?

You did the right thing. In fact, I'm impressed by your sleuthing to
figure out that you needed ObjectGuidHandler to get the proper
attribute handling.


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Re: [cas-user] cas 4.0.0, LdapAuthenticationHandler and objectGuid

2014-05-15 Thread Marvin Addison
 I tried to use a PrincipalResolver originally, but it seemed inefficient.

Not the first time someone has made that argument.


 so I can't make too many assumptions based on their credentials.  This means 
 I would have to effectively redo the same search just done by the 
 AuthenticationHandler to get the ObjectGuid that it already had.

Inefficiencies of this sort drove the creation of principal resolution
support directly in the AuthenticationHandler in CAS 4. At present
it's an either-or proposition: if the AH produces a principal, the
AuthenticationManager skips principal resolution in whatever
PrincipalResolver is configured for that handler. Your use case makes
me think we should support some configuration that makes that behavior
optional in order to support chaining resolvers, which I can admit is
a potentially powerful facility.

 Am I missing something in my PrincipalResolver that would allow me to take 
 advantage of the work already done by the authentication handler?

Only if we do some further work to allow resolver chaining. That would
mean tweaking the contract of PrincipalResolver to accept either a
Credential or a Principal, but that sounds reasonable at first glance.
In any case I'm open to considering further in the context of an
enhancement targeting 4.1. Please file a Jira issue if that sounds
good to you. Thanks for sharing your use case.


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Re: [cas-user] AuthenticationHandler / PrincipalResolver

2014-05-09 Thread Marvin Addison
 So when I got the point of 'enriching' the principal with some
 additional metadata I was surprised to see that that resolver got the
 same credentials as the authentication handler.

That's the contract: given an authenticated credential, determine a principal.

 I have to re-run the code that I have in my authentication handler
 again right?

Not necessarily. You'd have to say more about the details of the
queries you're executing and the back end data store(s).

 Due to the fact that the underlying data is rather
 polluted I can even have multiple accounts with the same email address
 where only the password differentiates

In the common CAS protocol case, only the principal ID is conveyed to
clients. How will clients distinguish between two users named jsmith
that map to different people? The metadata you mentioned? Note you
will have to release that metadata as attributes that the client can
consume to disambiguate. This is a vital concern that you must address
before you proceed.

 Relevant code in the AuthenticationManager:
 final HandlerResult result = handler.authenticate(credential);
 resolver = this.handlerResolverMap.get(handler);
 if (resolver == null) {
 principal = result.getPrincipal();

That assignment is new and supports principals resolved directly from
the authentication handler data store. In many cases, if not the
common case, the principal is just another attribute in the same
record as the username or other user primary ID. In that case you
would not configure a resolver and you would fall into this block.

 No resolver configured for {}. Falling back to handler
 principal {},
 } else {
 principal = resolvePrincipal(handler.getName(), resolver, credential);

This implements the PrincipalResolver contract: given the
authenticated credential, determine a principal.

 Basically I was expecting the second to last line to use
 'result.getPrincipal()' instead of just 'credential'.

Hopefully my comments above shed some light.

 The lookup of the principal in the authenticationhandler is also
 rather slow :-|.

Due to your systems or our components?

 I see that if I don't set a resolver I can enrich the
 principal in the authentication handler myself and eventually that
 principle will be used, but it doesn't seem 'correct'.

That behavior is by design as I mentioned above. If you're querying
the same data store for the principal as that used to authenticate,
you may be able to simply enhance an out-of-box AuthenticationHandler
to suit your needs. Mixing PrincipalResolver and AuthenticationHandler
at this point is primarily to support disparate identity stores; for
example Kerberos for authentication and LDAP for principal resolution.


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Re: [cas-user] TGT table not getting cleaned up

2014-04-23 Thread Marvin Addison
 So, all our ticketRegistry.xml has in it is below.  Should we just comment 
 out everything under !-- Quartz --?

Yes, upon setting up an external job to clean up orphaned tickets in a
more efficient manner.


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Re: [cas-user] TGT table not getting cleaned up

2014-04-22 Thread Marvin Addison
 2014-04-17 19:51:52,279 ERROR [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] - 
 DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-911, SQLSTATE=40001, SQLERRMC=68, DRIVER=3.50.152

 2014-04-17 19:51:52,279 ERROR 
 [org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractFlushingEventListener] - Could not 
 synchronize database state with 
 sessionorg.hibernate.exception.LockAcquisitionException: could not delete: 

That error is a sign of a concurrency/locking situation. Concurrency
happens; deadlocks happen; it's just a matter of usage patterns and
database platform that determines the extent. I have no experience
with DB2 but it may simply not handle concurrency as well as some
others. Oracle does well, Microsoft SQL Server does poorly, PostgreSQL
only marginally better; others can speak up about
MySQL/MariaDB/whatever it's called today.

I'd recommend running a cron job with a query like what I provided
earlier in the thread (straight delete) and remove the Java/Quartz job
and be done with it.


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Re: [cas-user] TGT table not getting cleaned up

2014-04-22 Thread Marvin Addison
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 9:10 AM, Jason Roscoe wrote:
 How would I go about removing the Java/Quartz job?

Please review the first Spring configuration section of the following wiki page:

 Jason Roscoe | Rite Aid | T: (717) 761-2633 x5581|

 -Original Message-
 From: Marvin Addison []
 Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 9:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [cas-user] TGT table not getting cleaned up

 2014-04-17 19:51:52,279 ERROR
 [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] - DB2 SQL Error:
 SQLCODE=-911, SQLSTATE=40001, SQLERRMC=68, DRIVER=3.50.152

 2014-04-17 19:51:52,279 ERROR
 [org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractFlushingEventListener] - Could not
 synchronize database state with
 sessionorg.hibernate.exception.LockAcquisitionException: could not

 That error is a sign of a concurrency/locking situation. Concurrency happens; 
 deadlocks happen; it's just a matter of usage patterns and database platform 
 that determines the extent. I have no experience with DB2 but it may simply 
 not handle concurrency as well as some others. Oracle does well, Microsoft 
 SQL Server does poorly, PostgreSQL only marginally better; others can speak 
 up about MySQL/MariaDB/whatever it's called today.

 I'd recommend running a cron job with a query like what I provided earlier in 
 the thread (straight delete) and remove the Java/Quartz job and be done with 


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Re: [cas-user] TGT table not getting cleaned up

2014-04-22 Thread Marvin Addison
 How would I go about removing the Java/Quartz job?

Please review the first Spring configuration example on the following page:

The comments in the sample are fairly detailed and the cleaner job is
fairly obvious.


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Re: [cas-user] TGT table not getting cleaned up

2014-04-17 Thread Marvin Addison

The ticket cleanup task is known to be poorly optimized. Note that
it's issuing a per-ticket delete _after_ loading all tickets into
memory. That's likely unworkable for the number of tickets you
mentioned (4M).

If you're having trouble simply schedule a job to delete any tickets
idle for more than, say, 24 hours:


(The way you compute 24 hours ago is a platform-specific detail.)

You'd choose a more conservative TTL if you're using remember me.

 Is the TICKETGRANTINGTICKET_ID supposed to be null?  I’m thinking it should

It's probably more likely to be null than not unless you do a lot of
proxying. That's a foreign key used to create a ticket graph; for
example CAS proxy support.


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