Re: [ccp4bb] Graphics for notebook

2010-09-19 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
If using Linux, definitely a dedicated NVidia - their drivers are the best 
supported by far.  There are also some issues right now with the drivers for 
some of the integrated Intel graphics cards, a bug with handling OpenGL 
applications which prevents O, Coot, and PyMOL from working properly, among 
others.  If using Windows or Mac, anything will do but I would go with a 
dedicated card to keep the load off the CPU so it runs much smoother when 
moving.  I've used discrete NVidia cards in all of my systems, always worked 
without any problems.


Stuart Endo-Streeter, Ph.D
Dept. Computer Science
3245 French Family Science Center
Duke University Medical Center

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Eric 
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 11:46 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Graphics for notebook

Dear all,

I wanted to know which type of graphics card is more suitable for a notebook 
which is going to be used for structural biology. Integrated or dedicated? ATI 
or NVIDIA? At the moment I have to choose between an integrated Intel HD 
Graphics or a dedicated NVIDIA NVS 3100M Graphics. Any suggestions are highly 



[ccp4bb] anomalous phase extension to native data

2010-03-07 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
Fellow crystallographers,

I am helping a college with a structure and we've run into a bit of a
jam.  She has a 2.5 ang sel-met dataset, solved, and a 1.8 ang native
dataset.  We would like to extend the phase solution from the anomalous
data to the native data.  Unfortunately I have not been able to figure
out how to do this using CCP4.  The phase solution was calculated using
PHENIX, which I have no real experience with yet, having worked with
SHELX, CNS, and CCP4 in the past.  Can anyone point out the programs, if
any, in CCP4 (v6.1.3) to extend the phases from the 2.5 anomalous to the
1.8 native data?

Stuart Endo-Streeter

Re: [ccp4bb] configuration or install issue with tk

2009-12-14 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
I was running from a root shell.  Ubuntu does not let me login as root.  That 
is normally a good thing, but if I remember correctly to finish the ccp4i setup 
last time I on a CentOS system I had to login as root.  I will try to reinstall 
tomorrow using sudo, but frankly I hate using it.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Tim Gruene
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 21:07
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] configuration or install issue with tk

With 'sudo' you should not have this issue.

I agree, though, that having a separate user account to install 
crystallographic programs is quite an advantage from an administrative 
point of view.


Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, Mark A. White wrote:

 Are you logged-in as root or are you working in a root shell ( using su
 or sudo)?  Depending on your security settings X-windows may not permit a
 program that is run from a root shell to access the display, which
 belongs to the user logged-in through X-windows.
 I get around the administrator access issue by installing CCP4, and all
 other non-OS software, with non-root ownership, a non-root administrator
 account, which shares the environment with all other users.  For one
 thing, I do not want to source the multitude of /etc/csh.cshrc and
 .bashrc files as root.  I am sure that others have different, and
 probably more elegant, solutions to this problem.
 PS. It also seems that the TCL/TK environment is not set in the root
 shell you are using.
 Good luck,
 On Mon, 2009-12-14 at 16:51 -0600, Stuart Endostreeter wrote:
   Fellow users,

   I just installed v6.1.2 on Ubuntu 9.0.4 today and have run
   into the following problem when I try to run ccp4i for the
   first time as root to configure the program:

   r...@:/home//Documents# ccp4i
   No protocol specified
   Application initialization failed: couldn't connect to
   display :0.0
   Error in startup script: can't read tk_version: no such
   while executing
   catch set system(TK_VERSION) $tk_version
   (file /usr/local/ccp4/ccp4-6.1.2/ccp4i/bin/ccp4i.tcl
   line 1)
   (file /usr/local/ccp4/ccp4-6.1.2//bin/ccp4i line 1)

   The odd thing is that I can launch ccp4i just fine as a
   regular user, but then of course I get the message about the
   first time ccp4i has been run and the need to configure it,
   which requires administrator level access.

   Anyone have any ideas?

   Stuart Endo-Streeter
 Yours sincerely,
 Mark A. White, Ph.D.
 Assistant Professor, Dept. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
 Manager, Sealy Center for Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
 X-ray Crystallography Laboratory,
 Basic Science Building, Room 6.660 C
 University of Texas Medical Branch
 Galveston, TX 77555-0647
 Tel. (409) 747-4747
 Cell. (409) 539-9138
 Fax. (409) 747-4745

Re: [ccp4bb] install issue on win vista - where is the ccp4i executable? RESOLVED

2009-07-29 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
It looks like there is a problem with the single-user installer file.  My 
previous install attemps had been using the single-user installer, launched 
from my vista user account.  When I ran the all-user installer from my user 
account (in both cases I of course had to enter the adminstrator password to 
continue installation), after the mandatory reboot CCP4 so far looks okay.  I 
do not know yet if everything is working, but at least now CCP4i launches.  
There is still no entry in the start menu, so that still needs to be fixed.  
Hardly a major issue, but it might have a similar cause to why the 
single-user installer does not seem to work.

Thanks to Dima Klenchin for suggestions and analysis of the error messages I 
got from the single-user install,

Stuart Endo-Streeter

On Monday 27 July 2009 20:00, you wrote:
 I get the following error when trying to run ccp4i.tcl with bltwish.exe:
 Can't read env(CCP4I_TOP): no such variable while executing
 file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) bin $system(OPSYS) startup.tcl invoked from
 source [file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) bin $system(OPSYS) startup.tcl]
(file C:\CCP4-Packages\ccp4-6.1.1\ccp4i\bin\ccp4i.tcl line 20)

 OK, seems to me that your installation is totally hosed. You are
 missing a whole bunch of environment variables. Either they were
 never set (did you reboot?) or they are pointing to the wrong

 I had no issues at all installing on XP. On Win2K, however, all
 the pointers to Tcl had wrong directory and outdated executable
 name. Had to fix it all manually. Maybe on Vista the installer
 does not do what it's meant to do on tested XP...



Stuart T. Endo-Streeter
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Dept. Biochemistry
Duke University

[ccp4bb] install issue on win vista - where is the ccp4i executable?

2009-07-27 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
Hopefully someone knows what is going on here,

I ran the installation for CCP4 6.1.1 from the automated installer on my new 
vista system.  It ran with no error messages, but after completion there is 
no start menu entry (unlike what the wiki says should show up).  I can not 
find an executable or any way at all to launch ccp4i in any directory.  I 
have gone to /ccp4-6.1.1/ccp4i/bin and tried the files there, including the 
one named ccp4i, but it has no accociation and does not launch.

Does anyone have a clue what is going on here?  I did the single-user install, 
was prompted for the administrator password, entered it, the istallation ran 
and seemed fine.  I re-ran the installer to see if something was missing, 
everything was listed as installed.  The ccp4mg viewer seems to work fine.

According to the installation page Tcl/Tk and BLT should have been installed 
with ccp4i, so I do not know why the ccp4i interface is not launching.  The 
environment variables are set to match the instructions on the installation 
page.  Is something missing/broken in the installation files for use on 
vista?  This is extremely frustrating and upsetting that after following the 
instructions ccp4 is not working.

Thanks for any help,
Stuart Endo-Streeter

Stuart T. Endo-Streeter
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Dept. Biochemistry
Duke University

Re: [ccp4bb] install issue on win vista - where is the ccp4i executable?

2009-07-27 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
I get the following error when trying to run ccp4i.tcl with bltwish.exe:

Can't read env(CCP4I_TOP): no such variable while executing
file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) bin $system(OPSYS) startup.tcl invoked from
source [file join $env(CCP4I_TOP) bin $system(OPSYS) startup.tcl]
  (file C:\CCP4-Packages\ccp4-6.1.1\ccp4i\bin\ccp4i.tcl line 20)

I do not know how the set the association within the shortcut.  I added the
%1 %* to the end of the target line, but saw no where to enter the
\Tcl-Tk++\bin\bltwish.exe %1 %* in its entirety.  Adding the entire line
to the end of the shortcut gives the same error message.

-Original Message-
From: Dima Klenchin [] 
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 17:49
To: Stuart Endo-Streeter
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] install issue on win vista - where is the ccp4i

I can not find an executable or any way at all to launch ccp4i in any 

The executable is a script ccp4i.tcl found in \cp4-6.1.1\ccp4i\bin\. If you 
make a shortcut with that file as a target, the GUI should launch. If *.tcl 
files have no associations, you may not have Tcl/Tk installed properly. If 
it's just the association not set, set it manually:
 \Tcl-Tk++\bin\bltwish.exe %1 %*


Re: [ccp4bb] 27.5% R/29% Rfree for 1.75A structure (details updated)

2008-07-29 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
How are you deciding your resolution limit?  I/sigma, Rmrgd-F, Rmeas, etc. 
etc.?  We recently had a person in a fellow lab that couldn't figure why 
their R/Rfree was mid- to high-twenties for their 1.8 angstrom structure.  
Turned out the data stopped at 2.1.


On Tuesday 29 July 2008 17:34, JINJIN ZHANG wrote:
 Dear All,

 Here are updated details for the high R problem of my 1.75A structure. 

 1. Protein 100 aa, peptide 6 aa, co-crystalized
 2. Space group: P43212. Overall R-fac: 0.03. Redundancy: 5 for 98% of
 reflections. B-factor:55 3. CNS refinement
 4. Phenix xtriage checked, no twinning is suspected.
 5. Water molecules added

 Thanks a lot for all your comments and suggestions.

 Jinjin Zhang


Stuart T. Endo-Streeter
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Dept. Biochemistry
Duke University

Re: [ccp4bb] How to generate two molecules of proteins and two chains of RNA in CNS 1.2

2008-05-09 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
Does the log from generate show it reading in both RNA chains and do you have 
enough loading statements?

Stuart Endo-Streeter

On Thursday 08 May 2008 22:38, Sun Tang wrote:
 Dear All,

   When I used CNS 1.2 to generate the pdb file for two molecules of
 proteins and two chains of RNA (with different chain ids in format of
 CCP4), only one RNA chain is generated. Can anyone tell me how to correctly
 generate the files used for refinement with CNS 1.2?

   I downloaded the input files from the CNS website and I tried true and
 false for the renaming segid but all did not work.

   Thank you very much!


   Sun Tang

 Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it


Stuart T. Endo-Streeter
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Dept. Biochemistry
Duke University

Re: [ccp4bb] How to generate two molecules of proteins and two chains of RNA in CNS 1.2

2008-05-09 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
Is this a copy-paste error in the e-mail text, or what is in actually the 
input file?

{* separate chains by segid - a new segid starts a new chain *}
{+ choice: true false +}
{===} n{= water files 

I do not see a value entered for the separate chains by segid line, which you 
have for the protein entry.

Secondly, have you looked at the output for error messages and whether or not 
the first RNA chain is being loaded at all?  The input only lines are not 
very useful without seeing the output messages.  Also, it is much easier to 
examine the script/output if they are attached as files, rather than pasted 
into the e-mail text as that tends to disrupt formating, which is vital in 
scripts running properly.  I suggest repeating the generate run and making 
sure to pass the output to a log file, ie;

cns  generate.inp  generate.log

and attaching both.

Stuart Endo-Streeter

On Friday 09 May 2008 10:49, you wrote:
 Hi Stuart,

 Thank you very much for your reply. Here are parts of the input files and
 input pdb files for protein and RNA.

 { protein files

 {* Multiple coordinate files of the same type can be defined by duplicating
all of the entries below and incrementing the file number *}

 {* protein coordinate file *}
 {===} prot_coordinate_infile_1=pro1.pdb;

 {* protein coordinate file *}
 {===} prot_coordinate_infile_1=;

 {* rename segid *}
 {+ choice: true false +}
 {===} prot_rename_1=false;

 {* new segid *}
 {===} prot_segid_1=;

 {* convert chainid to segid if chainid is non-blank *}
 {+ choice: true false +}
 {===} prot_convert_1=false;

 {* separate chains by segid - a new segid starts a new chain *}
 {+ choice: true false +}
 {===} prot_separate_1=true;

 {= nucleic acid  files

 {* Multiple coordinate files of the same type can be defined by duplicating
all of the entries below and incrementing the file number *}

 {* nucleic acid coordinate file *}
 {===} nucl_coordinate_infile_1=rna1_fix1.pdb;

 {* rename segid *}
 {+ choice: true false +}
 {===} nucl_rename_1=false;

 {* new segid *}
 {===} nucl_segid_1=;

 {* convert chainid to segid if chainid is non-blank *}
 {+ choice: true false +}
 {===} nucl_convert_1=false;

 {* separate chains by segid - a new segid starts a new chain *}
 {+ choice: true false +}
 {===} n{= water files

 {* Multiple coordinate files of the same type can be defined by duplicating
all of the entries below and incrementing the file number *}

 {* water coordinate file *}
 {===}  water_coordinate_infile_1=wat1.pdb;

 {* rename segid *}
 {+ choice: true false +}
 {===} water_rename_1=false;

 {* new segid *}
 {===} water_segid_1=;

 {* convert chainid to segid if chainid is non-blank *}
 {+ choice: true false +}
 {===} water_convert_1=false;

 Protein file (in ccp4 format, chain id A and B, I tried TER in between two
 chains but I only got one chain without chain id in the output file):

 ATOM   3648  N   MET A 441 -23.689  56.526  -2.956  1.00 44.50 
  N ATOM   3649  CA  MET A 441 -24.310  57.384  -1.938  1.00 44.45  
 C ATOM   3650  CB  MET A 441 -25.149  58.499  -2.579  1.00  44.50  
 C ATOM   3651  CG  MET A 441 -24.501  59.879  -2.532  1.00
 44.46   C ATOM   3652  SD  MET A 441 -22.874  59.965  -3.311 
 1.00 44.56   S ATOM   3653  CE  MET A 441 -22.269  61.536 
 -2.683  1.00 44.75   C ATOM   3654  C   MET A 441 -25.123 
 56.631  -0.897  1.00 44.48   C ATOM   3655  O   MET A 441
 -24.696  56.498   0.246  1.00  44.45   O ATOM   3656  N   MET B   1
 -45.555  -9.417 -57.617  1.00113.93   N ATOM   3657  CA  MET B 
  1 -45.130 -10.808 -57.279  1.00113.94   C ATOM   3658  CB  MET
 B   1 -43.612 -10.967 -57.423  1.00113.96   C ATOM   3659  CG 
 MET B   1 -43.090 -10.777 -58.844  1.00114.01   C ATOM   3660 
 SD  MET B   1 -41.347 -11.208 -59.036   1.00114.04   S ATOM  
 3661  CE  MET B   1 -41.442 -12.983 -59.254  1.00113.94   C
 ATOM   3662  C   MET B   1 -45.569 -11.200 -55.870  1.00113.87 
  C ATOM   3663  O   MET B   1 -45.526 -10.384 -54.946  1.00113.85  
 O ATOM   8004  O3' CYT C  34 -52.544  55.320   4.307  1.00 19.69   
 ATOM   8005  P   GUA D   1  -6.118  -6.004 -20.448  0.00  70.19

 RNA file:

 ATOM   8003  C3' CYT C  24 -53.327  54.167   4.053  1.00 19.76 
  C ATOM   8004  O3' CYT C  24 -52.544  55.320   4.307  1.00 19.69  
 ATOM   8005  P   GUA D   1  -6.118  -6.004 -20.448  0.00 70.19 
  P ATOM   8006  O1P GUA D   1  -4.884  -5.391 -20.997  0.00 70.16  

 The output file only has the second chain

Re: [ccp4bb] Seeking Linux experts' adivice

2007-09-19 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
Sounds like an OpenGL graphics driver misconfiguration to me.  What is the 
graphics card and driver, and like Kay asked, how was the driver configured?  
A friend's computer at one of the lab's here had similar issues, turns out 
the NVidia driver was severly misconfigured.  Fixed following the readme and 
everything was fine.  I'm also running CentOS 4 i386, no issues.


On Wednesday 19 September 2007 05:46, Yanming Zhang wrote:
 Hi, All,
 After lunching pymol, if I drag the Xterm window produced by PYMOL using
 mouse, my computer will suddenly freeze, the keyboard seems no longer
 functioning. The only thing I can do is to re-boot my Linux system.
 This problem  makes  it almost impossible for me to use PYMOL on my LINUX
 box(CENTOS 4 i386). I have had the same problem when using COOT, ccp4i.
 Relacing the keyboard and mouse with new ones can not solving this
 Thanks for your help


Stuart T. Endo-Streeter
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Dept. Biochemistry
Duke University

Re: [ccp4bb] Archiving onto DVD with RH linux

2007-09-19 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
Acording to the product specs from NEC that drive model is only designed to 
write up to 8X speed, it was never intended to write any faster.  Nothing 
wrong with the drive, it just is not designed to burn any faster.  For 
burning 16X discs at 8X speed, maybe a firmware update, or maybe it is a 
settings issue, but using 16X discs will just cost you more so I would 
suggest not worrying about it and either sticking with 8X discs or getting a 
new, higher-speed burner.


On Wednesday 19 September 2007 10:41, david lawson (JIC) wrote:
 Dear ccp4BB,

 Sorry for the non-ccp4 post.

 I have been using a NEC DVD_RW ND-2500A drive to archive onto DVD-Rs
 (using 'mkisofs' and 'dvdrecord' commands) from our RH linux system.
 This has worked very well with 8x compatible DVD-R disks, but doesn't
 recognise the newer 16x disks that only seem to be available now. I
 suspect I will need to buy a new drive. I would be grateful of any
 recommendations - particularly drives that are likely to be more
 'future-proof' if we go to 32x, 64x ...

 Thanks in advance,



 Dr. David M. Lawson
 Biological Chemistry Dept.,
 John Innes Centre,
 NR4 7UH, UK.
 Tel: +44-(0)1603-450725
 Fax: +44-(0)1603-450018


Stuart T. Endo-Streeter
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Dept. Biochemistry
Duke University

Re: [ccp4bb] Problem converting CNS cv file to mtz using f2mtz

2007-07-27 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
What are you entering for the fortran format section and how many lines are 
you skipping?  Helps to know what you have tried and how.  May also help to 
attach your CNS cv header and first two-three reflections instead of 
cut-pasting into the e-mail body since the formating, spacing tends to get 
changed.  Looks like you would use the following fortran format, does this 
match what you have used?

Number of lines to skip = 5

I've been converting files like crazy the last couple of days, I ran into the 
cannot read first reflection message when the format was not set correctly.

Stuart Endo-Streeter

On Friday 27 July 2007 20:29, Ryan Watkins wrote:
 Hello Colleagues,

 I'm trying to convert a cns cv file to a CCP4 mtz file.  I have only
 Fobs and SigFs.  Unfortunately, I cannot get f2mtz to work and am
 looking for some help.  The program dies either with a cannot read
 first reflection or with a child killed: bus error error.  Here are
 the 1st few lines of my file:

   ANOMalous=FALSe { equiv. to HERMitian=TRUE}
   INDE   -4601 FOBS=63.800  0.000 SIGMA=33.060
 TEST= 0
   INDE   -4602 FOBS=   168.800 0.000 SIGMA=19.440
 TEST= 0
   INDE   -4603 FOBS=   331.700 0.000 SIGMA=13.850
 TEST= 0
   INDE   -4611 FOBS=   210.000 0.000 SIGMA=13.400
 TEST= 0
   INDE   -4612 FOBS=   297.800 0.000 SIGMA=11.830
 TEST= 0
   INDE   -4501 FOBS=   559.100 0.000 SIGMA=18.030
 TEST= 1
   INDE   -4502 FOBS=   500.400 0.000 SIGMA=16.800
 TEST= 0

 Thank you,


 Ryan Watkins
 Postdoctoral Fellow
 Brennan Lab
 MD Anderson Cancer Center


Stuart T. Endo-Streeter
Structural Biology and Biophysics
Dept. Biochemistry
Duke University

Re: [ccp4bb] need help for viewing hardware stereo

2007-07-16 Thread Stuart Endo-Streeter
Are you using the NVidia drivers and if so, how have you configured your 
xorg.conf file?  It may be a hardware or a configuration issue.  A fellow lab 
here was having a problem with no OpenGL programs running properly and odd 
resolution issues after installing the NVidia drivers, turned out the xorg.conf 
file had not been properly edited.
  - Original Message - 
  From: venkadesan krishnan 
  Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 19:56
  Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] need help for viewing hardware stereo

  Dear all,
I think our earlier posting is not clear. So we would like to 
draw to your attention regarding our stereo viewing problem. As Dr. Paul Emsley 
suggested it seems to be a harware problem, we are experiencing the same 
problem not only using coot but other programs too. We will be thankful to you 
if you could anyone help us to fix the problem
  for your kind information here is our system graphics card specification 
  256MB PClex16 nVidia Quadro Fx  3450, Dual DVI or Dual VGA or DVI + VGA.

  Thanking you

  On 7/16/07, Paul Emsley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello venkadesan krishnan,

On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 15:57 -0500, venkadesan krishnan wrote:
 Hello everyone,
   We have bought a new Dell Precision Workstation
 690 (32-bit) and installed Fedora core 6. We are having problem while 
 viewing molecules in harware stereo mode using programs coot, pymol,
 The graphics card came with system is, 256MB PClex16 nVidia Quadro Fx
 3450, Dual DVI or Dual VGA or DVI + VGA. In coot it shows the 
 following message in the terminal,

 WARNING:: Can't enable stereo visual - falling back
 INFO:: Hardware stereo widget opened successfully
 INFO:: switch to hardware_stereo_mode succeeded 

That is a confusing message.  I can't imagine how you got it if you
simply installed a binary package :-/

However, that code path does mean that Coot failed to get a hardware
stereo graphics context, which leads me to think that it's a hardware 
issue, not software.

(Oh, we are talking about 0.3.3, aren't we?)
