Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-17 Thread Ian Tickle
I thought about this and I think the only workable solution that will
keep everyone happy and maintain the status quo as far as possible is
to get an extra data item added to mmCIF for the parameter combination
multiplicity*occupancy (I believe this parameter is called the 'site
population' in Shel-X).

So in addition to '_atom_site.occupancy' (which is in the core CIF
dictionary) we would have (say) '_atom_site.population' specifically
for mmCIF.  That way programs that created mmCIF files for deposition
could use either parameter without ambiguity, and we don't need to
change any existing programs, except for those few that do CIF - PDB
conversion.  Existing macromolecular CIF files would have to be
updated to show the new data item, that's all.  This assumes of course
that that really is the data they actually contain, maybe some don't,
that would need to be checked: I suspect the PDB doesn't verify which
parameter is actually deposited.  Uncertainty about what the
'occupancy' column actually contains in the case of special positions
is what we want to resolve.  A bit untidy I know, but I can't see any
other way that doesn't involve major upheavals.

We would also need to get the PDB Contents Guide changed so that it
refers to 'site population' instead of occupancy.  That way no
programs reading/writing PDB files (except mine!) would need to be

Does anyone have a better suggestion?

-- Ian

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:10 PM, Dale Tronrud wrote:
 On 12/16/10 06:47, Ian Tickle wrote:

 For the sake of argument let's say that 0.02 Ang is too big to be
 rounding error.  So if you see that big a shift then the intention of
 the refinement program (or rather the programmer) which allowed such a
 value to be appear in the output should be that it's real.  If the
 intention of the user was that the atom is actually on axis then the
 program should not have allowed such a large shift, since it will be
 interpreted as 'much bigger than rounding error' and therefore
 'significantly off-axis'.

   I would certainly hope that no one believes that the precision of
 the parameters in a PDB file are significant to the level of round-off
 error!  It's bad enough that a small number of people take the three
 decimal points of precision in the PDB file seriously.  When a person
 places an atom in a model they aren't stating a believe that that is
 the EXACT location of the atom, only that they believe the center of
 the locus of all equivalent atoms in the crystal falls near that spot.
 If it's 0.02 A from a special position (and the SU of the position is
 larger than that) then it might be on the special position and it might

   If I come across one of your models and you have an atom exactly on
 a special position (assuming you're able to do that with three decimal
 points in a PDB file) I'd still assume that you only intend that there
 is an atom in the vicinity of that point and it might be exactly on
 the axis but it might be a little off.  All structural models are fuzzy.

 Dale Tronrud

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-16 Thread Ian Tickle

 The reward of the
 full calculation is that all the complications you describe disappear.
 An atom that sits 0.001 A from a special position is not unstable
 in the least.

That's indeed a very interesting observation, I have to admit that I
didn't think that would be achievable.  But there must still be some
threshold of distance at which even that fails?  Presumably within
rounding error?  Or are you saying (I assume you aren't!) that you can
even refine all co-ordinates of an atom exactly on a special position?
 Say the x and z co-ordinates of an atom at (0,y,0) in monoclinic?
Presumably the atom would have to be given a random push one way or
the other (random number generators are generally not a feature of
crystallographic refinement programs, with the obvious exception of
simulated annealing!)?

?  I always avoid programing tests of a == b for real numbers
 because the round-off errors will always bite you at some point.
 This means that a test of an atom exactly on a special position
 can't be done reliably in floating point math.

Obviously common sense has to be applied here and tests for strict
floating-point equality studiously avoided.  But this is very easily
remedied, my optimisation programs are full of tests like
IF(ABS(X-Y).LT.1E-6) THEN ... and I'm certain so are yours (assuming
of course you still program in Fortran!).  This implies that in the
case that an atom is off-axis and disordered you have to take care not
to place it within say a few multiples of rounding error of the axis,
since then it might be indeed be confused with one 'on' the special
position.  However if someone claims that an atom sits within say
10*rounding error of an axis as distinct from being on the axis, then
a) there's no way that can be proved, and b) it would be
indistinguishable from being on the s.p. and the difference in terms
of structure factors and maps would be insignificant anyway, so it may
as well be on-axis.

I think this is how the Oxford CRYSTALS software ( ), which has been around for at
least 30 years, deals with this issue, so I can't accept that it can't
be made to work, even if I haven't got all the precise details
straight of how it's done in practice.

   Your preferred assumption is that any atom near enough to
 a special position is really on the special position and should
 have an occupancy of one.  My assumption is that no atom is every
 EXACTLY on the special position and if they are close enough to
 their symmetry image to forbid coexistence the occupancy should
 be 1/n.  I think either assumption is reasonable but, of course,
 prefer mine for what I consider practical reasons.  It helps that
 I have to code to make mine work.

Whichever way it's done is only a matter of convention (clearly both
ways work just as well), however I would reiterate that my main
concern here is that convention and practice appear to have parted
company in this particular instance!


-- IAn

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-16 Thread Ian Tickle
 I think this is how the Oxford CRYSTALS software ( ), which has been around for at
 least 30 years, deals with this issue, so I can't accept that it can't
 be made to work, even if I haven't got all the precise details
 straight of how it's done in practice.

PS just to point out that CRYSTALS is now (since 2009) open source, so
anyone can download it and find out for themselves how it's done!


-- Ian

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-16 Thread Harry Powell
Or you could write and ask the author, who is always willing to help (sorry, 

On 16 Dec 2010, at 11:24, Ian Tickle wrote:

 I think this is how the Oxford CRYSTALS software ( ), which has been around for at
 least 30 years, deals with this issue, so I can't accept that it can't
 be made to work, even if I haven't got all the precise details
 straight of how it's done in practice.
 PS just to point out that CRYSTALS is now (since 2009) open source, so
 anyone can download it and find out for themselves how it's done!
 -- Ian

Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills Road, 
Cambridge, CB2 0QH

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-16 Thread Herman . Schreuder
Dear Ian,

You still have an arbitrary threshold: at high resolution you see two 
disordered atoms off-axis and at low resolution you see one ordered atom 
on-axis. However, somewhere in between you or the program has to decide whether 
you still see two atoms or if the data (resolution) does not warrant such a 
statement and you switch to the one-atom model. As George Sheldrick confirmed, 
there is a discontinuous transition between the two, which does not correspond 
to the physical reality. There is no quantum transition or something when the 
atom get closer than a certain limit to a crystallographic symmetry element. 
The atom does not care, its position is just determined by the local force 
fields and if those force fields have two local minima close together, the atom 
will be disordered.

The decision to switch from a model where the atom is added once with full 
occupancy to the fourier transform calculation, or whether the atom is added 
twice with half occupancy is an arbitrary decision, made by the programmer or 
the user of the program.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Ian Tickle
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

That's my whole point, it's not an arbitrary threshold, it's determined 
completely by what the data are capable of telling you about the structure, 
depending on the resolution.  Either you have sufficient resolution to be able 
to say that the atom is disordered off the s.p. or you don't and you have no 
choice but to constrain it to the s.p., whether it's actually disordered or not.

In any case there is no discontinuous change in occupancy at all, I never 
suggested that there should be.  Say at high resolution you see
2 disordered atoms off-axis each with 1/2 occupancy, so total occupancy = 1.  
At lower resolution you see 1 ordered atom on-axis with occupancy 1 - so no 
change in total occupancy.  It makes absolutely no difference if instead if you 
store multiplicity*occupancy in the file, the total occupancy is still 1.
However multiplicity*occupancy is not conserved so will change discontinuously 
(off-axis total = 1, on-axis total = 1/2); occupancy is conserved (it 
represents real atoms after all!).

I have no issue with Shel-X if it's writing out the occupancy for deposition 
(or at least making best efforts to do so).  What it does for intermediate 
files is the user's own data conversion problem if s/he decides to switch 
between different programs.


-- Ian

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 5:20 PM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:

 I agree with Herman. It is simply not acceptable to have a sudden 
 discontinuous change in effective occupancy at some arbitrary point 
 as a disordered atom approaches a special position. Anyway, whatever 
 the CIF people decide, I will not introduce an incompatibility between 
 different versions of SHELX. When SHELXL produces a small molecule CIF 
 for depostion, it of course attempts to generate the occupancy 
 according to the CIF definition. Not too surprisingly, there are a few 
 complicated cases of 'nearly special positions' where the program gets this 
 This is probably the most serious known 'bug' in SHELXL, but is 
 proving rather difficult to eliminate completely.


 Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
 Dept. Structural Chemistry,
 University of Goettingen,
 Tammannstr. 4,
 D37077 Goettingen, Germany
 Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
 Fax. +49-551-39-22582

 On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Hi Herman

 What makes an atom on a special position is that it is literally ON 
 the s.p.: it can't be 'almost on' the s.p. because then if you tried 
 to refine the co-ordinates perpendicular to the axis you would find 
 that the matrix would be singular or at least so badly conditioned 
 that the solution would be poorly defined.  The only solution to that 
 problem is to constrain (i.e. fix) these co-ordinates to be exactly 
 on the axis and not attempt to refine them.  The data are telling you 
 that you have insufficient resolution so you are not justified in 
 placing the atom very close to the axis; the best you can do is place 
 the atom with unit occupancy exactly _on_ the axis.  It's only once 
 the atom is a 'significant' distance (i.e. relative to the 
 resolution) away from the axis that these co-ordinates can be 
 independently refined.  Then the data are telling you that the atom is 
 If you collected higher resolution data you might well be able to 
 detect  successfully refine disordered atoms closer to the axis than 
 with low resolution data.  So it has nothing to do with the 
 programmer setting an arbitrary threshold.  This would have to be 
 some complicated function of atom type, occupancy, B factor, 
 resolution, data quality etc to work properly anyway so I doubt

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-16 Thread Ian Tickle
 You still have an arbitrary threshold: at high resolution you see two 
 disordered atoms off-axis and at low resolution you see one ordered atom 
 on-axis. However, somewhere in between you or the program has to decide 
 whether you still see two atoms or if the data (resolution) does not warrant 
 such a statement and you switch to the one-atom model.

Switching between interpretations happens all the time as higher
resolution data is obtained!  Let's say at low resolution you see
density apparently for one copy of a side-chain (i.e. the density is
not of sufficient resolution to warrant interpreting it as disordered
two half side-chains) and you fit that.  To keep it simple I'm
assuming it's on a general, not a special position.  Then you collect
high-resolution data and now you see that the same side-chain is
disordered.  Rephrasing your statement: somewhere in between you or
the program has to decide whether you still see one (ordered, with
occupancy=1) side-chain or if the data (resolution) warrants such a
statement and you switch to the two side-chain (disordered, now with
sum occupancy=1) model.

 As George Sheldrick confirmed, there is a discontinuous transition between 
 the two, which does not correspond to the physical reality. There is no 
 quantum transition or something when the atom get closer than a certain 
 limit to a crystallographic symmetry element. The atom does not care, its 
 position is just determined by the local force fields and if those force 
 fields have two local minima close together, the atom will be disordered.

I'm sorry I don't see this discontinuity that you are referring to at
all (I think you have forgotten to include the symmetry copy), and I'm
certainly not claiming there is any quantum transition.  Let's start
with a disordered (1/2 occupancy) atom off a 2-fold axis and see what
happens to the electron density as it approaches and finally sits on
the 2-fold.  Here are the electron densities (this would obviously
look at lot better graphed - my apologies!):

 1   6  10  6  1   *   1  6  10  6  1

Now move the atom closer in steps to the axis so it overlaps more and
more with its symmetry copy:


 1   6  10  6  2  6  10  6  1

   1   6  10  7 7  10  6  1

1  6  11  12  11  6  1

   1  7  16  16  7  1

2  12  20  12  2


On the final step the fully overlapped atom has twice the occupancy
(i.e. 1 instead of 1/2) as the original as evidenced by a peak height
of 20 units, compared with 10.  In which step did the discontinuity
occur?  Clearly we could make the steps as small as we like, and you
would see a smooth transition from 2 1/2 atoms to 1 whole one.

 The decision to switch from a model where the atom is added once with full 
 occupancy to the fourier transform calculation, or whether the atom is added 
 twice with half occupancy is an arbitrary decision, made by the programmer or 
 the user of the program.

I completely agree, both ways of doing it work equally well and it's
all down to convention.  As I pointed out to Dale, the way I'm
describing does work in practice, as evidenced by the fact that
CRYSTALS which does it the way I describe, has been doing it this way
for the last 40 years.  So I can't accept that it can't work in
practice when plainly it does!

This issue here is purely one of divergence of agreed convention (CIF,
mmCIF  PDB) and practice.


-- Ian

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-16 Thread Jon Wright

On 16/12/2010 12:24, Ian Tickle wrote:

I think this is how the Oxford CRYSTALS software ( ), which has been around for at
least 30 years, deals with this issue, so I can't accept that it can't
be made to work, even if I haven't got all the precise details
straight of how it's done in practice.

PS just to point out that CRYSTALS is now (since 2009) open source, so
anyone can download it and find out for themselves how it's done!

Do you have a link? I was looking and didn't find it



Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-16 Thread Ian Tickle
Hi Jon, try this:

-- Ian

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Jon Wright wrote:
 On 16/12/2010 12:24, Ian Tickle wrote:

 I think this is how the Oxford CRYSTALS software ( ), which has been around for at
 least 30 years, deals with this issue, so I can't accept that it can't
 be made to work, even if I haven't got all the precise details
 straight of how it's done in practice.

 PS just to point out that CRYSTALS is now (since 2009) open source, so
 anyone can download it and find out for themselves how it's done!

 Do you have a link? I was looking and didn't find it



Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-16 Thread Herman . Schreuder
Dear Ian,
Of course there is no dicontinuity, but you create one the moment you decide 
that certain symmetry operators no longer apply to certain atoms. Confusion 
arises e.g. when you download a pdb file of fairly high resolution and find a 
water molecule with an occupancy of e.g. 0.45 at 0.02 Å from a symmetry axis. 
Is it a special water suffering from some rounding errors with a total 
occupancy of 0.45, or a rotationally disordered water (perhaps refined by an 
overzealous crystallographer) with a combined occupancy of 0.90? 

This in my eyes unneccessary distinction between special and non-special 
positions does create confusion and unnecessarily complicates the programming 
of programs working with coordinates files. If certain refinement program have 
difficulties with atoms close to symmetry axes, one could always add the 
approprioate constraints of restraints.



-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Ian Tickle
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

 You still have an arbitrary threshold: at high resolution you see two 
 disordered atoms off-axis and at low resolution you see one ordered atom 
 on-axis. However, somewhere in between you or the program has to decide 
 whether you still see two atoms or if the data (resolution) does not warrant 
 such a statement and you switch to the one-atom model.

Switching between interpretations happens all the time as higher resolution 
data is obtained!  Let's say at low resolution you see density apparently for 
one copy of a side-chain (i.e. the density is not of sufficient resolution to 
warrant interpreting it as disordered two half side-chains) and you fit that.  
To keep it simple I'm assuming it's on a general, not a special position.  Then 
you collect high-resolution data and now you see that the same side-chain is 
disordered.  Rephrasing your statement: somewhere in between you or the 
program has to decide whether you still see one (ordered, with
occupancy=1) side-chain or if the data (resolution) warrants such a statement 
and you switch to the two side-chain (disordered, now with sum occupancy=1) 

 As George Sheldrick confirmed, there is a discontinuous transition between 
 the two, which does not correspond to the physical reality. There is no 
 quantum transition or something when the atom get closer than a certain 
 limit to a crystallographic symmetry element. The atom does not care, its 
 position is just determined by the local force fields and if those force 
 fields have two local minima close together, the atom will be disordered.

I'm sorry I don't see this discontinuity that you are referring to at all (I 
think you have forgotten to include the symmetry copy), and I'm certainly not 
claiming there is any quantum transition.  Let's start with a disordered (1/2 
occupancy) atom off a 2-fold axis and see what happens to the electron density 
as it approaches and finally sits on the 2-fold.  Here are the electron 
densities (this would obviously look at lot better graphed - my apologies!):

 1   6  10  6  1   *   1  6  10  6  1

Now move the atom closer in steps to the axis so it overlaps more and more with 
its symmetry copy:


 1   6  10  6  2  6  10  6  1

   1   6  10  7 7  10  6  1

1  6  11  12  11  6  1

   1  7  16  16  7  1

2  12  20  12  2


On the final step the fully overlapped atom has twice the occupancy (i.e. 1 
instead of 1/2) as the original as evidenced by a peak height of 20 units, 
compared with 10.  In which step did the discontinuity occur?  Clearly we could 
make the steps as small as we like, and you would see a smooth transition from 
2 1/2 atoms to 1 whole one.

 The decision to switch from a model where the atom is added once with full 
 occupancy to the fourier transform calculation, or whether the atom is added 
 twice with half occupancy is an arbitrary decision, made by the programmer or 
 the user of the program.

I completely agree, both ways of doing it work equally well and it's all down 
to convention.  As I pointed out to Dale, the way I'm describing does work in 
practice, as evidenced by the fact that CRYSTALS which does it the way I 
describe, has been doing it this way for the last 40 years.  So I can't accept 
that it can't work in practice when plainly it does!

This issue here is purely one of divergence of agreed convention (CIF, mmCIF  
PDB) and practice.


-- Ian

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-16 Thread Ian Tickle
Ooops sorry that's only the executable, I guess to have to contact
David for the source.

-- Ian

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Jon Wright wrote:
 On 16/12/2010 12:24, Ian Tickle wrote:

 I think this is how the Oxford CRYSTALS software ( ), which has been around for at
 least 30 years, deals with this issue, so I can't accept that it can't
 be made to work, even if I haven't got all the precise details
 straight of how it's done in practice.

 PS just to point out that CRYSTALS is now (since 2009) open source, so
 anyone can download it and find out for themselves how it's done!

 Do you have a link? I was looking and didn't find it



Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-16 Thread Ian Tickle
On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 1:18 PM, wrote:
 Of course there is no dicontinuity, but you create one the moment you decide 
 that certain symmetry operators no longer apply to certain atoms.

Change 'atoms' in that statement to 'reflections', or to 'map grid
points', then read it again.  Does the (-h,k,-l) operator apply to the
(0,k,0) reflections or the (-x,y,-z) operator to the grid points
(0,y,0)?  Do you multiply the intensities of the (0,k,0) reflections
or the electron densities of the (0,y,0) points by 0.5 because they
are on the axis in order to make it easier to program, or do you
decide that will confuse the user, and instead deal with the
multiplicity factor internally in the program?

 Confusion arises e.g. when you download a pdb file of fairly high resolution 
 and find a water molecule with an occupancy of e.g. 0.45 at 0.02 Å from a 
 symmetry axis. Is it a special water suffering from some rounding errors with 
 a total occupancy of 0.45, or a rotationally disordered water (perhaps 
 refined by an overzealous crystallographer) with a combined occupancy of 0.90?

For the sake of argument let's say that 0.02 Ang is too big to be
rounding error.  So if you see that big a shift then the intention of
the refinement program (or rather the programmer) which allowed such a
value to be appear in the output should be that it's real.  If the
intention of the user was that the atom is actually on axis then the
program should not have allowed such a large shift, since it will be
interpreted as 'much bigger than rounding error' and therefore
'significantly off-axis'.  Of course even if the intention of the user
was that splitting the atom across the 2-fold is meaningful, the user
may still have got it wrong if the data doesn't justify splitting the
atom like that.  The important point is how the program's actions are
interpreted by other programs and users - that's why we have

Single precision floating point rounding error is ~ 1 in 10^7, so even
if we allow 100 times that with a 100 Ang axis it's still only 0.001
Ang.  Despite Dale being able to successful refine a 1/2 atom 0.001
Ang from an axis I don't think he can claim that moving an atom by
0.001 Ang makes any difference above rounding error to the structure
factors.  If the data can't detect the difference, then the user
should not be claiming that there is one, and programs should not
allow atoms to be set as close as 0.001 Ang, (or whatever the
consensus is a suitable multiple of the rounding error) from an axis:
it just makes no sense.  You just have to decide what is the smallest
realistic shift that the best data could possibly detect under optimal
conditions, agree that programs can't set an off-axis shift below
that, and set the rounding error test lower than that (say by an order
of magnitude for safety).

As I said CRYSTALS must do something like this and it has worked fine
for the last 40 years on small molecules where clearly the resolution
is going to allow you to detect much smaller off-axis shifts than for
macromolecules, so the choice of rounding threshold will be even more

 This in my eyes unneccessary distinction between special and non-special 
 positions does create confusion and unnecessarily complicates the programming 
 of programs working with coordinates files.

I suspect the reason that the CIF committee decided that it was
necessary to adopt this convention is that it makes transparent the
connection between occupancy, the chemical formula and static
disorder, i.e. if you see partial occupancy then you know its
disordered; occupancy=1 simply and clearly signifies that a whole atom
is present.  This connection is obfuscated by multiplying by the point
multiplicity, which is really just an algorithmic issue for the
programmer to deal with internally (exactly as for reflections and map
grid points), and shouldn't 'leak out' into the user's domain.

It's a very minor complication compared with everything else that goes
on in a refinement program.  If you're dealing with reflections or
maps you still have to program the point multiplicity, you can't avoid
it.  So it's not as though you have to write additional subroutines
specifically for atoms.


-- Ian

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-16 Thread Dale Tronrud
On 12/16/10 03:06, Ian Tickle wrote:
 The reward of the
 full calculation is that all the complications you describe disappear.
 An atom that sits 0.001 A from a special position is not unstable
 in the least.
 That's indeed a very interesting observation, I have to admit that I
 didn't think that would be achievable.  But there must still be some
 threshold of distance at which even that fails?  Presumably within
 rounding error?  Or are you saying (I assume you aren't!) that you can
 even refine all co-ordinates of an atom exactly on a special position?
  Say the x and z co-ordinates of an atom at (0,y,0) in monoclinic?
 Presumably the atom would have to be given a random push one way or
 the other (random number generators are generally not a feature of
 crystallographic refinement programs, with the obvious exception of
 simulated annealing!)?

   To be frank, I wrote this code about 15 years ago, it works, and
I've not given any thought to atoms on special positions since.  I'll
have to go back to my notes and code to dig up the exact method.
Anyone with a copy of TNT can look up the code.  I am, however, not
in the least concerned about what happens when an atom falls exactly
on a special position because I just don't think that any part of a
protein model can be considered exact.  If I have a model with two
atoms, of occ=1/2 each, sitting 0.0001 A apart - it fits the density
and I think everyone knows what that model means, or at least they
should. If you decide to shove them each 0.5 A and call them a
single atom with occ=1, your model will fit the density just as well
and I have no problem with that either.

   By the way, the refinement issue has nothing to do with special
positions.  The instability you observe occurs any time you build two
atoms into the same bit of density.  If your model has two atoms, at
a general position, with exactly the same coordinates the Normal
matrix will have a singularity.  The problem doesn't come up much
because we normally choose not to build such models.  It can be an
issue in models with disorder where different conformations interpenetrate
each other but the stereochemical restraints usually come to the
rescue then.

 ?  I always avoid programing tests of a == b for real numbers
 because the round-off errors will always bite you at some point.
 This means that a test of an atom exactly on a special position
 can't be done reliably in floating point math.
 Obviously common sense has to be applied here and tests for strict
 floating-point equality studiously avoided.  But this is very easily
 remedied, my optimisation programs are full of tests like
 IF(ABS(X-Y).LT.1E-6) THEN ... and I'm certain so are yours (assuming
 of course you still program in Fortran!).  This implies that in the
 case that an atom is off-axis and disordered you have to take care not
 to place it within say a few multiples of rounding error of the axis,
 since then it might be indeed be confused with one 'on' the special
 position.  However if someone claims that an atom sits within say
 10*rounding error of an axis as distinct from being on the axis, then
 a) there's no way that can be proved, and b) it would be
 indistinguishable from being on the s.p. and the difference in terms
 of structure factors and maps would be insignificant anyway, so it may
 as well be on-axis.

   If the difference is insignificant, it may as well be off-axis.  I
guess if the difference is insignificant it just comes down to personal

Dale Tronrud

 I think this is how the Oxford CRYSTALS software ( ), which has been around for at
 least 30 years, deals with this issue, so I can't accept that it can't
 be made to work, even if I haven't got all the precise details
 straight of how it's done in practice.
   Your preferred assumption is that any atom near enough to
 a special position is really on the special position and should
 have an occupancy of one.  My assumption is that no atom is every
 EXACTLY on the special position and if they are close enough to
 their symmetry image to forbid coexistence the occupancy should
 be 1/n.  I think either assumption is reasonable but, of course,
 prefer mine for what I consider practical reasons.  It helps that
 I have to code to make mine work.
 Whichever way it's done is only a matter of convention (clearly both
 ways work just as well), however I would reiterate that my main
 concern here is that convention and practice appear to have parted
 company in this particular instance!
 -- IAn

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-16 Thread Dale Tronrud
On 12/16/10 06:47, Ian Tickle wrote:
 For the sake of argument let's say that 0.02 Ang is too big to be
 rounding error.  So if you see that big a shift then the intention of
 the refinement program (or rather the programmer) which allowed such a
 value to be appear in the output should be that it's real.  If the
 intention of the user was that the atom is actually on axis then the
 program should not have allowed such a large shift, since it will be
 interpreted as 'much bigger than rounding error' and therefore
 'significantly off-axis'. 

   I would certainly hope that no one believes that the precision of
the parameters in a PDB file are significant to the level of round-off
error!  It's bad enough that a small number of people take the three
decimal points of precision in the PDB file seriously.  When a person
places an atom in a model they aren't stating a believe that that is
the EXACT location of the atom, only that they believe the center of
the locus of all equivalent atoms in the crystal falls near that spot.
If it's 0.02 A from a special position (and the SU of the position is
larger than that) then it might be on the special position and it might

   If I come across one of your models and you have an atom exactly on
a special position (assuming you're able to do that with three decimal
points in a PDB file) I'd still assume that you only intend that there
is an atom in the vicinity of that point and it might be exactly on
the axis but it might be a little off.  All structural models are fuzzy.

Dale Tronrud

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-15 Thread Ian Tickle
Dear George

Is applying the multiplicity factor to the occupancy internally in the
program such a issue anyway?  It need only be done once per atom on
input (i.e. you multiply each input occupancy by the multiplicity to
get the combined multiplicity*occupancy value that you would have
reading in directly in the current version), and then once per atom
again on output, reversing the process.  There shouldn't be any need
to change anything in the inner atom/reflection loop where obviously
it would indeed have slowed things down.

I can see though that the backwards-compatibility issue is more
serious.  However I suspect it will affect only a small proportion of
cases (though I accept that the fact that it may affect any at all may
be sufficient grounds for you to reject it!).  If the input value
exceeds the multiplicity we can say that it's definitely an occupancy
(otherwise clearly the occupancy would be  1).  If it's less there's
an ambiguity for sure; however then it's more likely to be the
multiplicity*occupancy (so the occupancy is nearer to 1), on the
grounds that small occupancies are less likely to be observed, because
the effect on diffraction will be less significant.  I accept that
second-guessing the user's intentions in this way is not ideal!  I
wonder how often fractional occupancies are observed at special
positions anyway?


-- Ian

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:28 PM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:
 SHELXL also expects that the occupancy of a fully occupied atom on a
 threefold axis should be set at 1/3, and will generate this automatically
 if necessary. It will also generate automatically the necessary
 constraints for the x, y and z parameters (and for the Uij if the atom is
 anisotropic). It is essential that this is done correctly if a full-matrix
 refinement is being performed (e.g. to get esd estimates), otherwise
 the refinement can explode. The user may change or switch off the
 tolerance for detecting whether an atom is on a special position
 (with the SPEC instruction). Setting the occupancy to a fraction avoided
 a complicated IF construction inside a loop and 35 years ago computers
 were so slow! I can't change it now because I have to preserve upwards
 compatibility. Unfortunately the CIF committee decided to use the other
 definition (i.e. the Zn on the threefold axis has an occupancy of 1.0)
 and this has caused considerable confusion in the small molecule world
 ever since; atoms are frequently encountered on special positions in
 inorganic and mineral structures.


 Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
 Dept. Structural Chemistry,
 University of Goettingen,
 Tammannstr. 4,
 D37077 Goettingen, Germany
 Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
 Fax. +49-551-39-22582

 On Fri, 10 Dec 2010, Ed Pozharski wrote:

 On Fri, 2010-12-10 at 21:53 +, Ian Tickle wrote:
  Hmmm - but shouldn't the occupancy of the Zn be 1.00 if it's on the
  special position

 Shouldn't 1/3 be better for programming purposes?  If you set occupancy
 to 1.0, then you should specify that symmetry operators do not apply for
 these atoms, making Fc calculation a bit more cumbersome.

 If definition of the asu content is you get full content of the unit
 cell after applying symmetry operators, then occupancy *must* be 1/3,

 The first zinc and the water are on special position, but because they
 are not excluded from positional refinement (perhaps they should be),
 they will drift a bit.  CNS has distance cutoff for treating atoms as
 special positions, if it jumps over the limit during, say, simulated
 annealing, it  will cause problems.  Perhaps PROLSQ did something
 similar.  It is a good question if it's better to fix these in place or
 let them wobble a bit to account for some potential disorder.  While I
 see the formal argument that it should be nailed to three-fold axes, it
 is also true that this is a mathematical compromise to simplify modeling
 that does not reflect physical reality (i.e. you don't have three
 partially occupied zinc ions, it's just one).  In any event, given that
 this is a 1.5A structure, (-0.002 0.004) is statistically speaking the
 same as (0 0).



 I'd jump in myself, if I weren't so good at whistling.
                                Julian, King of Lemurs

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-15 Thread George M. Sheldrick

Dear Ian,

Of course I could convert the occupancy on reading the atom in and convert 
it back agains on reading it out. This is not quite so trivial as it 
sounds because I need to set a threshold as to how close the atom has 
to be to a special position to be treated as special, and take care 
that rounding errors have the same effect on input and output and that 
the coordinates have not moved in or out of the special zone in the 

As it stands in SHELX, an atom that is near to a twofold will have an 
occupancy of 0.5 whether it is disordered close to a special position 
or whether it is really special, so this is never a problem.  

SHELXL is mainly used for small molecules that frequently have atoms on
speical positions, and disordered solvent molecules approximately on
sppecial positions are also very common (for example in centrosymmetric 
space groups toluene usually lies on the center of symmetry). Occupancies
are often tied to free variables which would also complicate any changes
to the code. And in any case, SHELX has been upwards compatible for the 
last 35 years and I wish it to remain that way.

Best wishes, George

Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-22582

On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Dear George
 Is applying the multiplicity factor to the occupancy internally in the
 program such a issue anyway?  It need only be done once per atom on
 input (i.e. you multiply each input occupancy by the multiplicity to
 get the combined multiplicity*occupancy value that you would have
 reading in directly in the current version), and then once per atom
 again on output, reversing the process.  There shouldn't be any need
 to change anything in the inner atom/reflection loop where obviously
 it would indeed have slowed things down.
 I can see though that the backwards-compatibility issue is more
 serious.  However I suspect it will affect only a small proportion of
 cases (though I accept that the fact that it may affect any at all may
 be sufficient grounds for you to reject it!).  If the input value
 exceeds the multiplicity we can say that it's definitely an occupancy
 (otherwise clearly the occupancy would be  1).  If it's less there's
 an ambiguity for sure; however then it's more likely to be the
 multiplicity*occupancy (so the occupancy is nearer to 1), on the
 grounds that small occupancies are less likely to be observed, because
 the effect on diffraction will be less significant.  I accept that
 second-guessing the user's intentions in this way is not ideal!  I
 wonder how often fractional occupancies are observed at special
 positions anyway?
 -- Ian
 On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:28 PM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:
  SHELXL also expects that the occupancy of a fully occupied atom on a
  threefold axis should be set at 1/3, and will generate this automatically
  if necessary. It will also generate automatically the necessary
  constraints for the x, y and z parameters (and for the Uij if the atom is
  anisotropic). It is essential that this is done correctly if a full-matrix
  refinement is being performed (e.g. to get esd estimates), otherwise
  the refinement can explode. The user may change or switch off the
  tolerance for detecting whether an atom is on a special position
  (with the SPEC instruction). Setting the occupancy to a fraction avoided
  a complicated IF construction inside a loop and 35 years ago computers
  were so slow! I can't change it now because I have to preserve upwards
  compatibility. Unfortunately the CIF committee decided to use the other
  definition (i.e. the Zn on the threefold axis has an occupancy of 1.0)
  and this has caused considerable confusion in the small molecule world
  ever since; atoms are frequently encountered on special positions in
  inorganic and mineral structures.
  Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
  Dept. Structural Chemistry,
  University of Goettingen,
  Tammannstr. 4,
  D37077 Goettingen, Germany
  Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
  Fax. +49-551-39-22582
  On Fri, 10 Dec 2010, Ed Pozharski wrote:
  On Fri, 2010-12-10 at 21:53 +, Ian Tickle wrote:
   Hmmm - but shouldn't the occupancy of the Zn be 1.00 if it's on the
   special position
  Shouldn't 1/3 be better for programming purposes?  If you set occupancy
  to 1.0, then you should specify that symmetry operators do not apply for
  these atoms, making Fc calculation a bit more cumbersome.
  If definition of the asu content is you get full content of the unit
  cell after applying symmetry operators, then occupancy *must* be 1/3,
  The first zinc and the water are on special position, but because they
  are not excluded from positional refinement (perhaps they should be),
  they will drift a bit.  CNS has distance cutoff for treating atoms as

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-15 Thread Ian Tickle
Dear George

I would say that an atom has fractional occupancy (but unit
multiplicity) unless it's exactly on the special position (though I
can foresee problems with rounding of decimal places for an atom say
at x=1/3), so that effectively once the atom is fixed exactly on the
s.p. the symmetry copies coalesce into a single atom with unit
occupancy (but fractional multiplicity).  This is at least one
advantage of having co-ordinates stored as fractional - it would
probably be more tricky with orthogonalised co-ordinates.  Presumably
once an input atom has satisfied the condition of being 'sufficiently
close' to a s.p. to be considered as 'on' the s.p. then the
constraints fix the co-ordinates exactly on the special position and
henceforth it's forcibly prevented from moving off it?  In any case if
an atom is very close to its symmetry copy you are going to have
matrix conditioning problems for the co-ordinates perpendicular to the
axis of symmetry (or mirror plane), so then you have no choice but to
disallow co-ordinate shifts of the atom which would take it off the
special position?


-- Ian

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:42 AM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:

 Dear Ian,

 Of course I could convert the occupancy on reading the atom in and convert
 it back agains on reading it out. This is not quite so trivial as it
 sounds because I need to set a threshold as to how close the atom has
 to be to a special position to be treated as special, and take care
 that rounding errors have the same effect on input and output and that
 the coordinates have not moved in or out of the special zone in the

 As it stands in SHELX, an atom that is near to a twofold will have an
 occupancy of 0.5 whether it is disordered close to a special position
 or whether it is really special, so this is never a problem.

 SHELXL is mainly used for small molecules that frequently have atoms on
 speical positions, and disordered solvent molecules approximately on
 sppecial positions are also very common (for example in centrosymmetric
 space groups toluene usually lies on the center of symmetry). Occupancies
 are often tied to free variables which would also complicate any changes
 to the code. And in any case, SHELX has been upwards compatible for the
 last 35 years and I wish it to remain that way.

 Best wishes, George

 Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
 Dept. Structural Chemistry,
 University of Goettingen,
 Tammannstr. 4,
 D37077 Goettingen, Germany
 Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
 Fax. +49-551-39-22582

 On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Dear George

 Is applying the multiplicity factor to the occupancy internally in the
 program such a issue anyway?  It need only be done once per atom on
 input (i.e. you multiply each input occupancy by the multiplicity to
 get the combined multiplicity*occupancy value that you would have
 reading in directly in the current version), and then once per atom
 again on output, reversing the process.  There shouldn't be any need
 to change anything in the inner atom/reflection loop where obviously
 it would indeed have slowed things down.

 I can see though that the backwards-compatibility issue is more
 serious.  However I suspect it will affect only a small proportion of
 cases (though I accept that the fact that it may affect any at all may
 be sufficient grounds for you to reject it!).  If the input value
 exceeds the multiplicity we can say that it's definitely an occupancy
 (otherwise clearly the occupancy would be  1).  If it's less there's
 an ambiguity for sure; however then it's more likely to be the
 multiplicity*occupancy (so the occupancy is nearer to 1), on the
 grounds that small occupancies are less likely to be observed, because
 the effect on diffraction will be less significant.  I accept that
 second-guessing the user's intentions in this way is not ideal!  I
 wonder how often fractional occupancies are observed at special
 positions anyway?


 -- Ian

 On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:28 PM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:
  SHELXL also expects that the occupancy of a fully occupied atom on a
  threefold axis should be set at 1/3, and will generate this automatically
  if necessary. It will also generate automatically the necessary
  constraints for the x, y and z parameters (and for the Uij if the atom is
  anisotropic). It is essential that this is done correctly if a full-matrix
  refinement is being performed (e.g. to get esd estimates), otherwise
  the refinement can explode. The user may change or switch off the
  tolerance for detecting whether an atom is on a special position
  (with the SPEC instruction). Setting the occupancy to a fraction avoided
  a complicated IF construction inside a loop and 35 years ago computers
  were so slow! I can't change it now because I have to preserve upwards
  compatibility. Unfortunately the CIF committee decided to use the other
  definition (i.e. the Zn on the 

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-15 Thread George M. Sheldrick

Dear Ian,

Yes. Once an atom has been identified as on a special position because it 
is within a specied tolerance, SHELXL applies the appropriate contraints
to both the coordinates and the Uij so there is no danger of the atom 
wandering off the special position. Usually, when an atom it very close to
a special position but not actually on it, it is part of a disordered 
solvent molecule and will be prevented from misbehaving by distance and
Uij restraints imposed by the user; in such a case the user usually also 
switches off the special position check for that disordered molecule 
(SPEC -1) to avoid atoms being idealized onto the special position by the 
program. For solvent molecules disordered on special positions it is
also necessary to ignore symmetry equivalent atoms when generating 
idealized hydrogen atoms etc. (PART -N in SHELXL). This is all routine 
practice in small molecule crystallography. I agree that the use of 
orthogonal rather than crystal coordinates can obscur the situation, 
e.g. for an atom on a threefold axis.

Best wishes, George

Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-22582

On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Dear George
 I would say that an atom has fractional occupancy (but unit
 multiplicity) unless it's exactly on the special position (though I
 can foresee problems with rounding of decimal places for an atom say
 at x=1/3), so that effectively once the atom is fixed exactly on the
 s.p. the symmetry copies coalesce into a single atom with unit
 occupancy (but fractional multiplicity).  This is at least one
 advantage of having co-ordinates stored as fractional - it would
 probably be more tricky with orthogonalised co-ordinates.  Presumably
 once an input atom has satisfied the condition of being 'sufficiently
 close' to a s.p. to be considered as 'on' the s.p. then the
 constraints fix the co-ordinates exactly on the special position and
 henceforth it's forcibly prevented from moving off it?  In any case if
 an atom is very close to its symmetry copy you are going to have
 matrix conditioning problems for the co-ordinates perpendicular to the
 axis of symmetry (or mirror plane), so then you have no choice but to
 disallow co-ordinate shifts of the atom which would take it off the
 special position?
 -- Ian
 On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:42 AM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:
  Dear Ian,
  Of course I could convert the occupancy on reading the atom in and convert
  it back agains on reading it out. This is not quite so trivial as it
  sounds because I need to set a threshold as to how close the atom has
  to be to a special position to be treated as special, and take care
  that rounding errors have the same effect on input and output and that
  the coordinates have not moved in or out of the special zone in the
  As it stands in SHELX, an atom that is near to a twofold will have an
  occupancy of 0.5 whether it is disordered close to a special position
  or whether it is really special, so this is never a problem.
  SHELXL is mainly used for small molecules that frequently have atoms on
  speical positions, and disordered solvent molecules approximately on
  sppecial positions are also very common (for example in centrosymmetric
  space groups toluene usually lies on the center of symmetry). Occupancies
  are often tied to free variables which would also complicate any changes
  to the code. And in any case, SHELX has been upwards compatible for the
  last 35 years and I wish it to remain that way.
  Best wishes, George
  Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
  Dept. Structural Chemistry,
  University of Goettingen,
  Tammannstr. 4,
  D37077 Goettingen, Germany
  Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
  Fax. +49-551-39-22582
  On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, Ian Tickle wrote:
  Dear George
  Is applying the multiplicity factor to the occupancy internally in the
  program such a issue anyway?  It need only be done once per atom on
  input (i.e. you multiply each input occupancy by the multiplicity to
  get the combined multiplicity*occupancy value that you would have
  reading in directly in the current version), and then once per atom
  again on output, reversing the process.  There shouldn't be any need
  to change anything in the inner atom/reflection loop where obviously
  it would indeed have slowed things down.
  I can see though that the backwards-compatibility issue is more
  serious.  However I suspect it will affect only a small proportion of
  cases (though I accept that the fact that it may affect any at all may
  be sufficient grounds for you to reject it!).  If the input value
  exceeds the multiplicity we can say that it's definitely an occupancy
  (otherwise clearly the occupancy would be  1).  If it's less there's
  an ambiguity for sure; however then it's more likely to 

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-15 Thread Ian Tickle
Dear George

I notice that the Oxford CRYSTALS program, which is what I used when I
did small-molecule crystallography and which is still quite popular
among the small-molecule people (maybe not as much as Shel-X!), uses
the CIF convention:

OCC= This parameter defines the site occupancy EXCLUDING special
position effects (i.e. is the 'chemical occupancy'). The default is
1.0.  Special position effects are computed by CRYSTALS and multiplied
onto this parameter.

(from )

Also the mmCIF specification on this is the same CIF one (hardly
surprising I guess since it's derived from it):

_atom_site.occupancy  The fraction of the atom type present at this site.
The sum of the occupancies of all the atom types at this site may not
significantly exceed 1.0 unless it is a dummy site.


which doesn't say so specifically, but it's implied since if the
multiplicity is included then the maximum value of the sum is the
multiplicity, not 1.0.

So there's a real possibility of user - and programmer - confusion
here!  I must say that until I looked at the 4INS file I had assumed
that the PDB occupancy was what it claimed to be, i.e. the real
'chemical' occupancy not the multiplicity-fudged one.


-- Ian

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 1:53 PM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:

 Dear Ian,

 Yes. Once an atom has been identified as on a special position because it
 is within a specied tolerance, SHELXL applies the appropriate contraints
 to both the coordinates and the Uij so there is no danger of the atom
 wandering off the special position. Usually, when an atom it very close to
 a special position but not actually on it, it is part of a disordered
 solvent molecule and will be prevented from misbehaving by distance and
 Uij restraints imposed by the user; in such a case the user usually also
 switches off the special position check for that disordered molecule
 (SPEC -1) to avoid atoms being idealized onto the special position by the
 program. For solvent molecules disordered on special positions it is
 also necessary to ignore symmetry equivalent atoms when generating
 idealized hydrogen atoms etc. (PART -N in SHELXL). This is all routine
 practice in small molecule crystallography. I agree that the use of
 orthogonal rather than crystal coordinates can obscur the situation,
 e.g. for an atom on a threefold axis.

 Best wishes, George

 Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
 Dept. Structural Chemistry,
 University of Goettingen,
 Tammannstr. 4,
 D37077 Goettingen, Germany
 Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
 Fax. +49-551-39-22582

 On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Dear George

 I would say that an atom has fractional occupancy (but unit
 multiplicity) unless it's exactly on the special position (though I
 can foresee problems with rounding of decimal places for an atom say
 at x=1/3), so that effectively once the atom is fixed exactly on the
 s.p. the symmetry copies coalesce into a single atom with unit
 occupancy (but fractional multiplicity).  This is at least one
 advantage of having co-ordinates stored as fractional - it would
 probably be more tricky with orthogonalised co-ordinates.  Presumably
 once an input atom has satisfied the condition of being 'sufficiently
 close' to a s.p. to be considered as 'on' the s.p. then the
 constraints fix the co-ordinates exactly on the special position and
 henceforth it's forcibly prevented from moving off it?  In any case if
 an atom is very close to its symmetry copy you are going to have
 matrix conditioning problems for the co-ordinates perpendicular to the
 axis of symmetry (or mirror plane), so then you have no choice but to
 disallow co-ordinate shifts of the atom which would take it off the
 special position?


 -- Ian

 On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:42 AM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:
  Dear Ian,
  Of course I could convert the occupancy on reading the atom in and convert
  it back agains on reading it out. This is not quite so trivial as it
  sounds because I need to set a threshold as to how close the atom has
  to be to a special position to be treated as special, and take care
  that rounding errors have the same effect on input and output and that
  the coordinates have not moved in or out of the special zone in the
  As it stands in SHELX, an atom that is near to a twofold will have an
  occupancy of 0.5 whether it is disordered close to a special position
  or whether it is really special, so this is never a problem.
  SHELXL is mainly used for small molecules that frequently have atoms on
  speical positions, and disordered solvent molecules approximately on
  sppecial positions are also very common (for example in centrosymmetric
  space groups toluene usually lies on the center of symmetry). Occupancies
  are often tied to free variables which 

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-15 Thread Herman . Schreuder
Dear Ian,

In my view, the confusion arises by NOT including the multiplicity into the 
occupancy. If we make the gedanken experiment and look at a range of crystal 
structures with a rotationally disordered water molecule near a symmetry axis 
(they do exist!) then as long as the water molecule is sufficiently far from 
the axis, it is clear that the occupancy should be 1/2 or 1/3 or whatever is 
the multiplicity. However, as the molecule approaches the axis at a certain 
moment at a certain treshold set by the programmer of the refinement program, 
the molecule suddenly becomes special and the occupancy is set to 1.0. So 
depending on rounding errors, different thresholds etc. different programs may 
make different decisions on whether a water is special or not.

For me, this is confusing.

Best regards,

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Ian Tickle
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

Dear George

I notice that the Oxford CRYSTALS program, which is what I used when I did 
small-molecule crystallography and which is still quite popular among the 
small-molecule people (maybe not as much as Shel-X!), uses the CIF convention:

OCC= This parameter defines the site occupancy EXCLUDING special position 
effects (i.e. is the 'chemical occupancy'). The default is 1.0.  Special 
position effects are computed by CRYSTALS and multiplied onto this parameter.

(from )

Also the mmCIF specification on this is the same CIF one (hardly surprising I 
guess since it's derived from it):

_atom_site.occupancy  The fraction of the atom type present at this site.
The sum of the occupancies of all the atom types at this site may not 
significantly exceed 1.0 unless it is a dummy site.


which doesn't say so specifically, but it's implied since if the multiplicity 
is included then the maximum value of the sum is the multiplicity, not 1.0.

So there's a real possibility of user - and programmer - confusion here!  I 
must say that until I looked at the 4INS file I had assumed that the PDB 
occupancy was what it claimed to be, i.e. the real 'chemical' occupancy not the 
multiplicity-fudged one.


-- Ian

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 1:53 PM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:

 Dear Ian,

 Yes. Once an atom has been identified as on a special position because 
 it is within a specied tolerance, SHELXL applies the appropriate 
 contraints to both the coordinates and the Uij so there is no danger 
 of the atom wandering off the special position. Usually, when an atom 
 it very close to a special position but not actually on it, it is part 
 of a disordered solvent molecule and will be prevented from 
 misbehaving by distance and Uij restraints imposed by the user; in 
 such a case the user usually also switches off the special position 
 check for that disordered molecule (SPEC -1) to avoid atoms being 
 idealized onto the special position by the program. For solvent 
 molecules disordered on special positions it is also necessary to 
 ignore symmetry equivalent atoms when generating idealized hydrogen 
 atoms etc. (PART -N in SHELXL). This is all routine practice in small 
 molecule crystallography. I agree that the use of orthogonal rather 
 than crystal coordinates can obscur the situation, e.g. for an atom on a 
 threefold axis.

 Best wishes, George

 Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
 Dept. Structural Chemistry,
 University of Goettingen,
 Tammannstr. 4,
 D37077 Goettingen, Germany
 Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
 Fax. +49-551-39-22582

 On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Dear George

 I would say that an atom has fractional occupancy (but unit
 multiplicity) unless it's exactly on the special position (though I 
 can foresee problems with rounding of decimal places for an atom say 
 at x=1/3), so that effectively once the atom is fixed exactly on the 
 s.p. the symmetry copies coalesce into a single atom with unit 
 occupancy (but fractional multiplicity).  This is at least one 
 advantage of having co-ordinates stored as fractional - it would 
 probably be more tricky with orthogonalised co-ordinates.  Presumably 
 once an input atom has satisfied the condition of being 'sufficiently 
 close' to a s.p. to be considered as 'on' the s.p. then the 
 constraints fix the co-ordinates exactly on the special position and 
 henceforth it's forcibly prevented from moving off it?  In any case 
 if an atom is very close to its symmetry copy you are going to have 
 matrix conditioning problems for the co-ordinates perpendicular to 
 the axis of symmetry (or mirror plane), so then you have no choice 
 but to disallow co-ordinate shifts of the atom which would take it 
 off the special position

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-15 Thread Ian Tickle
Hi Herman

What makes an atom on a special position is that it is literally ON
the s.p.: it can't be 'almost on' the s.p. because then if you tried
to refine the co-ordinates perpendicular to the axis you would find
that the matrix would be singular or at least so badly conditioned
that the solution would be poorly defined.  The only solution to that
problem is to constrain (i.e. fix) these co-ordinates to be exactly on
the axis and not attempt to refine them.  The data are telling you
that you have insufficient resolution so you are not justified in
placing the atom very close to the axis; the best you can do is place
the atom with unit occupancy exactly _on_ the axis.  It's only once
the atom is a 'significant' distance (i.e. relative to the resolution)
away from the axis that these co-ordinates can be independently
refined.  Then the data are telling you that the atom is disordered.
If you collected higher resolution data you might well be able to
detect  successfully refine disordered atoms closer to the axis than
with low resolution data.  So it has nothing to do with the programmer
setting an arbitrary threshold.  This would have to be some
complicated function of atom type, occupancy, B factor, resolution,
data quality etc to work properly anyway so I doubt that it would be
feasible.  Instead it's determined completely by what the data are
capable of telling you about the structure, as indeed it should be.

My main concern was the conflict between some program implementations
and the PDB and mmCIF format descriptions on this issue.  For example
the PDB documentation says that the ATOM record contains the occupancy
(where this is defined in the CIF/mmCIF documentation).  If it had
intended that it should contain multiplicity*occupancy instead then
presumably it would have said so.


-- Ian

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 4:01 PM, wrote:
 Dear Ian,

 In my view, the confusion arises by NOT including the multiplicity into the 
 occupancy. If we make the gedanken experiment and look at a range of crystal 
 structures with a rotationally disordered water molecule near a symmetry axis 
 (they do exist!) then as long as the water molecule is sufficiently far from 
 the axis, it is clear that the occupancy should be 1/2 or 1/3 or whatever is 
 the multiplicity. However, as the molecule approaches the axis at a certain 
 moment at a certain treshold set by the programmer of the refinement program, 
 the molecule suddenly becomes special and the occupancy is set to 1.0. So 
 depending on rounding errors, different thresholds etc. different programs 
 may make different decisions on whether a water is special or not.

 For me, this is confusing.

 Best regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Ian 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 3:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

 Dear George

 I notice that the Oxford CRYSTALS program, which is what I used when I did 
 small-molecule crystallography and which is still quite popular among the 
 small-molecule people (maybe not as much as Shel-X!), uses the CIF convention:

 OCC= This parameter defines the site occupancy EXCLUDING special position 
 effects (i.e. is the 'chemical occupancy'). The default is 1.0.  Special 
 position effects are computed by CRYSTALS and multiplied onto this parameter.

 (from )

 Also the mmCIF specification on this is the same CIF one (hardly surprising I 
 guess since it's derived from it):

 _atom_site.occupancy  The fraction of the atom type present at this site.
 The sum of the occupancies of all the atom types at this site may not 
 significantly exceed 1.0 unless it is a dummy site.


 which doesn't say so specifically, but it's implied since if the multiplicity 
 is included then the maximum value of the sum is the multiplicity, not 1.0.

 So there's a real possibility of user - and programmer - confusion here!  I 
 must say that until I looked at the 4INS file I had assumed that the PDB 
 occupancy was what it claimed to be, i.e. the real 'chemical' occupancy not 
 the multiplicity-fudged one.


 -- Ian

 On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 1:53 PM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:

 Dear Ian,

 Yes. Once an atom has been identified as on a special position because
 it is within a specied tolerance, SHELXL applies the appropriate
 contraints to both the coordinates and the Uij so there is no danger
 of the atom wandering off the special position. Usually, when an atom
 it very close to a special position but not actually on it, it is part
 of a disordered solvent molecule and will be prevented from
 misbehaving by distance and Uij restraints imposed by the user; in
 such a case

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-15 Thread George M. Sheldrick

I agree with Herman. It is simply not acceptable to have a sudden 
discontinuous change in effective occupancy at some arbitrary point 
as a disordered atom approaches a special position. Anyway, whatever the
CIF people decide, I will not introduce an incompatibility between
different versions of SHELX. When SHELXL produces a small molecule CIF 
for depostion, it of course attempts to generate the occupancy according 
to the CIF definition. Not too surprisingly, there are a few complicated 
cases of 'nearly special positions' where the program gets this wrong.
This is probably the most serious known 'bug' in SHELXL, but is proving 
rather difficult to eliminate completely.


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-22582

On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Hi Herman
 What makes an atom on a special position is that it is literally ON
 the s.p.: it can't be 'almost on' the s.p. because then if you tried
 to refine the co-ordinates perpendicular to the axis you would find
 that the matrix would be singular or at least so badly conditioned
 that the solution would be poorly defined.  The only solution to that
 problem is to constrain (i.e. fix) these co-ordinates to be exactly on
 the axis and not attempt to refine them.  The data are telling you
 that you have insufficient resolution so you are not justified in
 placing the atom very close to the axis; the best you can do is place
 the atom with unit occupancy exactly _on_ the axis.  It's only once
 the atom is a 'significant' distance (i.e. relative to the resolution)
 away from the axis that these co-ordinates can be independently
 refined.  Then the data are telling you that the atom is disordered.
 If you collected higher resolution data you might well be able to
 detect  successfully refine disordered atoms closer to the axis than
 with low resolution data.  So it has nothing to do with the programmer
 setting an arbitrary threshold.  This would have to be some
 complicated function of atom type, occupancy, B factor, resolution,
 data quality etc to work properly anyway so I doubt that it would be
 feasible.  Instead it's determined completely by what the data are
 capable of telling you about the structure, as indeed it should be.
 My main concern was the conflict between some program implementations
 and the PDB and mmCIF format descriptions on this issue.  For example
 the PDB documentation says that the ATOM record contains the occupancy
 (where this is defined in the CIF/mmCIF documentation).  If it had
 intended that it should contain multiplicity*occupancy instead then
 presumably it would have said so.
 -- Ian
 On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 4:01 PM, wrote:
  Dear Ian,
  In my view, the confusion arises by NOT including the multiplicity into the 
  occupancy. If we make the gedanken experiment and look at a range of 
  crystal structures with a rotationally disordered water molecule near a 
  symmetry axis (they do exist!) then as long as the water molecule is 
  sufficiently far from the axis, it is clear that the occupancy should be 
  1/2 or 1/3 or whatever is the multiplicity. However, as the molecule 
  approaches the axis at a certain moment at a certain treshold set by the 
  programmer of the refinement program, the molecule suddenly becomes special 
  and the occupancy is set to 1.0. So depending on rounding errors, different 
  thresholds etc. different programs may make different decisions on whether 
  a water is special or not.
  For me, this is confusing.
  Best regards,
  -Original Message-
  From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Ian 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 3:47 PM
  Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms
  Dear George
  I notice that the Oxford CRYSTALS program, which is what I used when I did 
  small-molecule crystallography and which is still quite popular among the 
  small-molecule people (maybe not as much as Shel-X!), uses the CIF 
  OCC= This parameter defines the site occupancy EXCLUDING special position 
  effects (i.e. is the 'chemical occupancy'). The default is 1.0.  Special 
  position effects are computed by CRYSTALS and multiplied onto this 
  (from )
  Also the mmCIF specification on this is the same CIF one (hardly surprising 
  I guess since it's derived from it):
  _atom_site.occupancy  The fraction of the atom type present at this site.
  The sum of the occupancies of all the atom types at this site may not 
  significantly exceed 1.0 unless it is a dummy site.
  which doesn't say so

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-15 Thread Dale Tronrud
:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

 Dear George

 I notice that the Oxford CRYSTALS program, which is what I used when I did 
 small-molecule crystallography and which is still quite popular among the 
 small-molecule people (maybe not as much as Shel-X!), uses the CIF 

 OCC= This parameter defines the site occupancy EXCLUDING special position 
 effects (i.e. is the 'chemical occupancy'). The default is 1.0.  Special 
 position effects are computed by CRYSTALS and multiplied onto this parameter.

 (from )

 Also the mmCIF specification on this is the same CIF one (hardly surprising 
 I guess since it's derived from it):

 _atom_site.occupancy  The fraction of the atom type present at this site.
 The sum of the occupancies of all the atom types at this site may not 
 significantly exceed 1.0 unless it is a dummy site.


 which doesn't say so specifically, but it's implied since if the 
 multiplicity is included then the maximum value of the sum is the 
 multiplicity, not 1.0.

 So there's a real possibility of user - and programmer - confusion here!  I 
 must say that until I looked at the 4INS file I had assumed that the PDB 
 occupancy was what it claimed to be, i.e. the real 'chemical' occupancy not 
 the multiplicity-fudged one.


 -- Ian

 On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 1:53 PM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:

 Dear Ian,

 Yes. Once an atom has been identified as on a special position because
 it is within a specied tolerance, SHELXL applies the appropriate
 contraints to both the coordinates and the Uij so there is no danger
 of the atom wandering off the special position. Usually, when an atom
 it very close to a special position but not actually on it, it is part
 of a disordered solvent molecule and will be prevented from
 misbehaving by distance and Uij restraints imposed by the user; in
 such a case the user usually also switches off the special position
 check for that disordered molecule (SPEC -1) to avoid atoms being
 idealized onto the special position by the program. For solvent
 molecules disordered on special positions it is also necessary to
 ignore symmetry equivalent atoms when generating idealized hydrogen
 atoms etc. (PART -N in SHELXL). This is all routine practice in small
 molecule crystallography. I agree that the use of orthogonal rather
 than crystal coordinates can obscur the situation, e.g. for an atom on a 
 threefold axis.

 Best wishes, George

 Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
 Dept. Structural Chemistry,
 University of Goettingen,
 Tammannstr. 4,
 D37077 Goettingen, Germany
 Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
 Fax. +49-551-39-22582

 On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Dear George

 I would say that an atom has fractional occupancy (but unit
 multiplicity) unless it's exactly on the special position (though I
 can foresee problems with rounding of decimal places for an atom say
 at x=1/3), so that effectively once the atom is fixed exactly on the
 s.p. the symmetry copies coalesce into a single atom with unit
 occupancy (but fractional multiplicity).  This is at least one
 advantage of having co-ordinates stored as fractional - it would
 probably be more tricky with orthogonalised co-ordinates.  Presumably
 once an input atom has satisfied the condition of being 'sufficiently
 close' to a s.p. to be considered as 'on' the s.p. then the
 constraints fix the co-ordinates exactly on the special position and
 henceforth it's forcibly prevented from moving off it?  In any case
 if an atom is very close to its symmetry copy you are going to have
 matrix conditioning problems for the co-ordinates perpendicular to
 the axis of symmetry (or mirror plane), so then you have no choice
 but to disallow co-ordinate shifts of the atom which would take it
 off the special position?


 -- Ian

 On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:42 AM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:

 Dear Ian,

 Of course I could convert the occupancy on reading the atom in and
 convert it back agains on reading it out. This is not quite so
 trivial as it sounds because I need to set a threshold as to how
 close the atom has to be to a special position to be treated as
 special, and take care that rounding errors have the same effect on
 input and output and that the coordinates have not moved in or out
 of the special zone in the meantime.

 As it stands in SHELX, an atom that is near to a twofold will have
 an occupancy of 0.5 whether it is disordered close to a special
 position or whether it is really special, so this is never a problem.

 SHELXL is mainly used for small molecules that frequently have
 atoms on speical positions, and disordered solvent molecules
 approximately on sppecial positions are also very common (for

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-15 Thread Ian Tickle
  on whether a water is special or not.
  For me, this is confusing.
  Best regards,
  -Original Message-
  From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Ian 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 3:47 PM
  Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms
  Dear George
  I notice that the Oxford CRYSTALS program, which is what I used when I did 
  small-molecule crystallography and which is still quite popular among the 
  small-molecule people (maybe not as much as Shel-X!), uses the CIF 
  OCC= This parameter defines the site occupancy EXCLUDING special position 
  effects (i.e. is the 'chemical occupancy'). The default is 1.0.  Special 
  position effects are computed by CRYSTALS and multiplied onto this 
  (from )
  Also the mmCIF specification on this is the same CIF one (hardly 
  surprising I guess since it's derived from it):
  _atom_site.occupancy  The fraction of the atom type present at this site.
  The sum of the occupancies of all the atom types at this site may not 
  significantly exceed 1.0 unless it is a dummy site.
  which doesn't say so specifically, but it's implied since if the 
  multiplicity is included then the maximum value of the sum is the 
  multiplicity, not 1.0.
  So there's a real possibility of user - and programmer - confusion here!  
  I must say that until I looked at the 4INS file I had assumed that the PDB 
  occupancy was what it claimed to be, i.e. the real 'chemical' occupancy 
  not the multiplicity-fudged one.
  -- Ian
  On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 1:53 PM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:
  Dear Ian,
  Yes. Once an atom has been identified as on a special position because
  it is within a specied tolerance, SHELXL applies the appropriate
  contraints to both the coordinates and the Uij so there is no danger
  of the atom wandering off the special position. Usually, when an atom
  it very close to a special position but not actually on it, it is part
  of a disordered solvent molecule and will be prevented from
  misbehaving by distance and Uij restraints imposed by the user; in
  such a case the user usually also switches off the special position
  check for that disordered molecule (SPEC -1) to avoid atoms being
  idealized onto the special position by the program. For solvent
  molecules disordered on special positions it is also necessary to
  ignore symmetry equivalent atoms when generating idealized hydrogen
  atoms etc. (PART -N in SHELXL). This is all routine practice in small
  molecule crystallography. I agree that the use of orthogonal rather
  than crystal coordinates can obscur the situation, e.g. for an atom on a 
  threefold axis.
  Best wishes, George
  Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
  Dept. Structural Chemistry,
  University of Goettingen,
  Tammannstr. 4,
  D37077 Goettingen, Germany
  Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
  Fax. +49-551-39-22582
  On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, Ian Tickle wrote:
  Dear George
  I would say that an atom has fractional occupancy (but unit
  multiplicity) unless it's exactly on the special position (though I
  can foresee problems with rounding of decimal places for an atom say
  at x=1/3), so that effectively once the atom is fixed exactly on the
  s.p. the symmetry copies coalesce into a single atom with unit
  occupancy (but fractional multiplicity).  This is at least one
  advantage of having co-ordinates stored as fractional - it would
  probably be more tricky with orthogonalised co-ordinates.  Presumably
  once an input atom has satisfied the condition of being 'sufficiently
  close' to a s.p. to be considered as 'on' the s.p. then the
  constraints fix the co-ordinates exactly on the special position and
  henceforth it's forcibly prevented from moving off it?  In any case
  if an atom is very close to its symmetry copy you are going to have
  matrix conditioning problems for the co-ordinates perpendicular to
  the axis of symmetry (or mirror plane), so then you have no choice
  but to disallow co-ordinate shifts of the atom which would take it
  off the special position?
  -- Ian
  On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 11:42 AM, George M. Sheldrick wrote:
   Dear Ian,
   Of course I could convert the occupancy on reading the atom in and
   convert it back agains on reading it out. This is not quite so
   trivial as it sounds because I need to set a threshold as to how
   close the atom has to be to a special position to be treated as
   special, and take care that rounding errors have the same effect on
   input and output and that the coordinates have not moved in or out
   of the special zone in the meantime.
   As it stands

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-13 Thread Ian Tickle
   Personally I find it disturbing to have the occupancy of B  31
 set to 0.33 and that of D  31 set to 1.00 simply because of an
 insignificant shift in the position of the atom.

 Dale Tronrud

H2O on or near a 3-fold must be disordered because obviously H2O only
has 2-fold symmetry.  It could of course be H3O+ which does have
3-fold symmetry and which therefore could be ordered.  We can
therefore choose between 2 possibilities: either it's ordered _on_ the
3-fold with site occupancy=1 (site multiplicity=1/3), or it's
disordered _off_ the 3-fold with occupancy=1/3 (site multiplicity=1).

I completely agree with you that the deviation of 'B 31' from the
special position is plainly not significant: certainly there is no way
such a small shift could be detected (or indeed refined!), so we may
as well assume that its symmetry does allow it to sit on the s.p..  So
like 'D 31' it should be set exactly on the s.p. and its occupancy set
to 1.  Disorder should be indicated by fractional occupancy only if
the molecular symmetry clearly demands it (and in this case it's not
clear), or the disorder is observable in the map and it's possible to
sensibly refine it as disordered.

The difficulty comes if a refinement program refines an atom near the
3-fold exactly onto the 3-fold, and this atom either must be
disordered because of molecular symmetry as in the H2O case, or the
disorder is observable in the map.  An atom which is just off a 3-fold
would be likely to generate singularities in the matrix if you tried
to refine its x  y co-ordinates anyway (you could of course fix them
manually and not refine them, but then how do you decide what values
to fix them at?).  In that case it would be better to fix the atom
exactly on the 3-fold and set the occupancy to 1, since then it can
still be considered in reality to be the sum of 3 exactly superposed
disordered atoms each with occupancy 1/3, which must however be
treated in the refinement as a single atom with occupancy=1.


-- Ian

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-11 Thread Eleanor Dodson
Of course metal ions, So4 etc often lie on special positions - the 
insulin hexamer is generated around Zn atoms on the 3-fold axis.


On 12/09/2010 01:29 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:

Of course it's always possible for an asymmetric molecule (or part of
a molecule, such as a side-chain) to lie on or near a symmetry axis,
provided it's rotationally disordered with occupancy 0.5 (assuming a
2-fold).  In other words half the molecules are randomly distributed
over half of the asymmetric units in one orientation and the other
half are in the other a.u.s in the symmetry-related orientation, so
the copies never clash.  The occupancy must be near 0.5 because if it
deviated much from that you would start to see breakdown of the
symmetry of the diffraction pattern (with higher Rmerge etc), and you
would likely conclude that the space group is actually a sub-group of
the original one without the symmetry axis.  Obviously it will depend
on the quality of the data, the resolution and the scattering power of
the disorder part whether you are able in practice to detect such a
breakdown of symmetry.

The question here though is whether an atom (say the CG of the ASP) of
the rotationally disordered molecule/part-molecule in such a situation
necessarily lies _on_ a special position.  It would be pure
coincidence if it did, for the simple reason that there's absolutely
no reason why it should do so.  In other words, because it has
occupancy 0.5 (obviously it must have the same occupancy as the atoms
that it's covalently bonded to, assuming there's no other disorder
present), it must be disordered and so doesn't have to obey the bulk
symmetry.  In fact, it would be equally 'happy' slightly displaced
from the special position.  There will be no significant minimum in
the internal energy of the system for a disordered atom on a special
position, because the reason it's disordered is that there are no
strong interactions with the surrounding atoms, which would favour one
possible orientation over the other.

This is quite different from the original question posed by Gloria
where (I assume) we have a molecule on a special position where there
is no rotational disorder (it may still have occupancy disorder, i.e.
it may only be present in a fraction of the a.u.s).  Here clearly the
occupancy may be  0.5 for a 2-fold and so no clashes with the
symmetry mate(s) are permitted (assuming of course that the space
group is correct!).  In this case the molecule itself must therefore
possess at least the symmetry of the special position, e.g. H2O or SO4
for a 2-fold, as Ralf says.  Being ordered (or at least not as
disordered) such a molecule must have strong interactions with its
neighbours, so any shift off the special position would likely result
in an increase in internal energy.


-- Ian

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 11:26 AM,  wrote:

Hi Ralf  Gloria,

It is of course all a matter of definition, but it happens now and again
that an asymmetric ligand is lying on top of a twofold axis. This is
usually modeled by fitting the ligand in two orientations at half
occupancy. In one of the proteins I am working on there is the
carboxylic acid group of an Asp sitting on a 2-fold axis. I have modeled
the Asp with 2 alternative conformations: in conformation A, the Asp
side chain would clash with itself over the 2-fold axis, thus if one
protein molecule has the Asp in conformation A, the twofold related
protein molecule must have the Asp in conformation B (or some other

I do not know whether you would call this a Wyckoff position, but side
chains of proteins do sit on top of crystallographic symmetry axes.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 3:47 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

Hi Gloria,

My hobby is space group symmetry.
My interest phenix development.

so I can't imagine a protein  crystallographer would ever need to
apply the modulation function to a  protein atom that happened to be
on one.

That's true. Protein residues don't have internal symmetry, therefore
they are not compatible with crystallographic special positions.
(Wyckoff positions are enumerations of classes of special positions.)

In the PDB molecules with internal symmetry are really rare, except for
H2O and SO4. But these contribute so little to the total scattering that
it isn't important to handle them in a special way. So Wyckoff positions
remain foreign in the macromolecular context.


- Original Message 

From: Gloria
Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 12:16:54 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

I've gotten some interesting responses, that I will summarize for the
group  later, but I thought I should clarify why

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-10 Thread Herman . Schreuder
Dear Ian,
what I see are two minima, symmetrically aranged around the special position. 
One minimum is closer the molecule A, the other closer to the symmetry-related 
molecule B and waters will randomly be either in minimum A, or in minimum B. 
Crystal packing prevents the water from moving the protein molecules such that 
it can make perfect hydrogen bonds with both protein at the same time.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of Ian Tickle
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

The forces acting on an atom at a special position must have the same symmetry 
on average as the special position, so the atom will be in equilibrium, and 
there will at first sight be no net force (i.e. zero energy gradient) to push 
the atom away from the special position.
However there are 2 solutions to this: metastable equilibrium where the energy 
is a maximum, and stable equilibrium where it's a minimum.
In the metastable case it will be like a pencil balanced on its point where a 
small disturbance, such as from random thermal motion, will be sufficient to 
move it off the special position to an asymmetric position of lower energy thus 
breaking the symmetry, and of course the initial displacement will be 
completely random leading to the disorder you observe.  In the case of stable 
equilibrium the atom will simply respond to the disturbance by executing random 
thermal motion centred on the special position.  Which case you see in practice 
will obviously depend on the precise arrangement of forces acting on the atom.


-- Ian

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 4:12 PM, wrote:
 Even with the famous waters on true Wyckoff positions, I usually 
 observe an elongated or even partly split density, suggesting that the 
 water is disordered, being sometimes closer to one monomer, sometimes 
 closer to the symmetry-related monomer. Since the position of proteins 
 in a crystal is in general not determined by a single water-mediated 
 hydrogen bond, the water will in general not be able to make perfect 
 hydrogen bonds to both symmetry-related monomers at the same time. I 
 think therefore that even waters should generally be considered to be 
 disordered and only in exceptional cases will occupy true Wyckoff 


 -Original Message-
 From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of 
 Ian Tickle
 Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 3:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein 

 cases out there (and so far I have heard of a disulfide bond on a 
 2-fold connecting two homodimers).

 I'm slightly puzzled by this example.  If the S-S bond is on the 
 special position, then the rest of the molecule can't have 2-fold 
 symmetry, so would have to be rotationally disordered with occupancy =
 0.5 to avoid clashing with its symmetry mate:

     X -- C  *
             \ *
              * \
              *  C -- X

 where the *'s indicate the 2-fold axis (i.e. vertically in the plane 
 of the page).  In this case, for the reasons I gave in my previous 
 post there's no reason for the disordered S atoms to be exactly on the 
 2-fold; it would be pure coincidence if they were.  If you mean 
 instead that the 2-fold is _perpendicular_ to the S-S bond (i.e.
 coming straight out of the page in the diagram), the molecule does 
 indeed have 2-fold symmetry and can be ordered with occupancy = 1, but 
 then the S atoms are not on special positions, so this would not be an 
 example of protein atoms _on_ a special position.

 One could imagine an example, say where the same side-chain on each 
 monomer is cross-linked (e.g. LYS with glutaraldehyde), forming the

    X -- C -- N = C -- C -- C -- C -- C = N -- C -- X

 Here the central C atom could be on a 2-fold (i.e. axis perpendicular 
 to the page) special position without rotational disorder.  I've no 
 idea whether such a structure actually exists!


 -- Ian

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-10 Thread Colin Nave
Does one regard the metal atom in a metalloprotein as being part of the protein?

If so, a shared metal could occupy a special position in a dimer for example. 

In Acta Cryst. (2008). D64, 257-263 Metals in proteins: correlation between 
the metal-ion type, coordination number and the amino-acid residues involved in 
the coordination I. Dokmanic, M. Sikic and S. Tomic ( ) it says there are 25 
cases of metal atoms in special positions. 

Also Acta Cryst. (2002). D58, 29-38 The 2.6 Å resolution structure of 
Rhodobacter capsulatus bacterioferritin with metal-free dinuclear site and heme 
iron in a crystallographic `special position' D. Cobessi, L.-S. Huang, M. Ban, 
N. G. Pon, F. Daldal and E. A. Berry ( ) though the 'special 
position' is justifiably in quotation marks in this example as disorder is 


Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-10 Thread Edward A. Berry

Colin Nave wrote:

Also Acta Cryst. (2002). D58, 29-38 The 2.6 Å resolution structure of Rhodobacter 
capsulatus bacterioferritin with metal-free dinuclear site and heme iron in a 
crystallographic `special position' D. Cobessi, L.-S. Huang, M. Ban, N. G. Pon, F. 
Daldal and E. A. Berry ( ) though 
the 'special position' is justifiably in quotation marks in this example as disorder is 


Yes, this was an example of Ian's rotationally disordered with occupancy 0.5

Heme has a pseudo-two-fold axis passing through the plane of the ring,
which is violated only by the position of the methyl and vinyl substituents
on either side: rotating through the pseudo-2-fold superimposes methyl on
vinyl and vice versa on either side. This axis was sitting on a
crystallographic 2-fold.

We did trial refinements in a lower symmetry space group so the
axis became NCS, and we refined with the heme in one orientation or
the other. In either case, difference maps showed positive density
for another atom beyond the methyl, and negative density on CB of
the vinyl. So we concluded the heme was oriented both ways, and
in the average satisfied the symmetry of the higher space group.
Putting it with half occupancy in the asymmetric unit allowed
crystallographic symmetry to generate the rotated half.

Looking at it from the heme's point of view, this makes sense.
Its environment is perfectly symmetrical, so there is no way
for it to choose one orientation over the other and both are
adopted equally.  (The two-fold is intrinsic to the biological unit,
not generated by crystal packing).

I think the heme iron was right on the crystallographic axis.
When refining in the lower space-group with two .5 occupancy
non-interacting hemes, the propionates (which actually satisfy the
covalent symmetry) in the two hemes took on different conformations,
not sure if this was significant or just taking liberties where
freedom is given.


Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-10 Thread Ian Tickle
Good point Colin!  2-Zn insulin is of course a classic example of
this, where the two independent Zn2+ ions both sit on the
crystallographic 3-fold in R3.  It doesn't matter whether you count
the metal ion as part of the protein or not: if I understand Gloria's
original question correctly, all that matters is that the atom/ion is
present in the crystal structure.

In fact here are some extracts from the PDB entry (4INS):


HETATM  835 ZNZN B  31  -0.002  -0.004   7.891  0.33 10.40  ZN
HETATM  836 ZNZN D  31   0.000   0.000  -8.039  0.33 11.00  ZN
HETATM  885  O   HOH B 251  -0.023  -0.033  11.206  0.33 21.05   O

Hmmm - but shouldn't the occupancy of the Zn be 1.00 if it's on the
special position (assuming it's not disordered), though the first Zn
above and the water do appear to be disordered since they're not
actually on the special position.  Fractional occupancy always implies
some kind of disorder: occupancy = 1/3 of an atom on a special
position would imply occupancy disorder, i.e. it's randomly present in
only 1/3 of the unit cells.

-- Ian

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Colin Nave wrote:
 Does one regard the metal atom in a metalloprotein as being part of the 

 If so, a shared metal could occupy a special position in a dimer for example.

 In Acta Cryst. (2008). D64, 257-263 Metals in proteins: correlation between 
 the metal-ion type, coordination number and the amino-acid residues involved 
 in the coordination I. Dokmanic, M. Sikic and S. Tomic ( ) it says there are 
 25 cases of metal atoms in special positions.

 Also Acta Cryst. (2002). D58, 29-38 The 2.6 Å resolution structure of 
 Rhodobacter capsulatus bacterioferritin with metal-free dinuclear site and 
 heme iron in a crystallographic `special position' D. Cobessi, L.-S. Huang, 
 M. Ban, N. G. Pon, F. Daldal and E. A. Berry ( ) though the 'special 
 position' is justifiably in quotation marks in this example as disorder is 


Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-10 Thread Dale Tronrud
   The proper occupancy for an atom on a special position depends on
how one defines the meaning of the number in that column.  In the
past, refinement programs, at least I know mine did, simply expanded
all atoms in the coordinate file by the symmetry operators to determine
the contents of the unit cell.  With that operation the occupancy of
the atoms on special positions had to be reduced.  It is certainly
true that there are 1/3 the number of atoms in the unit cell represented
by ZN D  31 than, for example, the CA of residue 50.

   Most modern refinement programs try to handle this automatically,
since users proved unreliable at detecting this condition and modifying
their coordinate files.  They use the interpretation that the site
is fully occupied but there are only 1/3 the number of these sites
than sites at general positions.

   Personally I find it disturbing to have the occupancy of B  31
set to 0.33 and that of D  31 set to 1.00 simply because of an
insignificant shift in the position of the atom.

Dale Tronrud

On 12/10/10 13:53, Ian Tickle wrote:
 Good point Colin!  2-Zn insulin is of course a classic example of
 this, where the two independent Zn2+ ions both sit on the
 crystallographic 3-fold in R3.  It doesn't matter whether you count
 the metal ion as part of the protein or not: if I understand Gloria's
 original question correctly, all that matters is that the atom/ion is
 present in the crystal structure.
 In fact here are some extracts from the PDB entry (4INS):
 HETATM  835 ZNZN B  31  -0.002  -0.004   7.891  0.33 10.40  ZN
 HETATM  836 ZNZN D  31   0.000   0.000  -8.039  0.33 11.00  ZN
 HETATM  885  O   HOH B 251  -0.023  -0.033  11.206  0.33 21.05   O
 Hmmm - but shouldn't the occupancy of the Zn be 1.00 if it's on the
 special position (assuming it's not disordered), though the first Zn
 above and the water do appear to be disordered since they're not
 actually on the special position.  Fractional occupancy always implies
 some kind of disorder: occupancy = 1/3 of an atom on a special
 position would imply occupancy disorder, i.e. it's randomly present in
 only 1/3 of the unit cells.
 -- Ian
 On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Colin Nave wrote:
 Does one regard the metal atom in a metalloprotein as being part of the 

 If so, a shared metal could occupy a special position in a dimer for example.

 In Acta Cryst. (2008). D64, 257-263 Metals in proteins: correlation between 
 the metal-ion type, coordination number and the amino-acid residues involved 
 in the coordination I. Dokmanic, M. Sikic and S. Tomic ( ) it says there are 
 25 cases of metal atoms in special positions.

 Also Acta Cryst. (2002). D58, 29-38 The 2.6 Å resolution structure of 
 Rhodobacter capsulatus bacterioferritin with metal-free dinuclear site and 
 heme iron in a crystallographic `special position' D. Cobessi, L.-S. Huang, 
 M. Ban, N. G. Pon, F. Daldal and E. A. Berry ( ) though the 
 'special position' is justifiably in quotation marks in this example as 
 disorder is present.


Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-10 Thread Ian Tickle
No that surely can't be right.  Application of a symmetry operator to
a point on a special position which is unchanged by the operator
doesn't generate a symmetry copy of the point, because there is no
symmetry copy of such a point!  For general Wyckoff positions it does,
for sure.  If you look at the entry for R3 (hexagonal or rhombohedral
setting, it doesn't matter which) on the Wyckoff position website I
indicated earlier, you'll see a column labelled 'multiplicity' which
is 3 for the general position and 1 for the special position.  This
means that the symmetry operator generates 3 symmetry copies of a
general position (including the original), but only 1 copy (i.e. only
the original) of the special positions on the 3-fold.

That's precisely why such points are called special positions - i.e.
you have to treat them specially!  If what you describe is what the
refinement program or whatever is doing then it would imply there's a
programming error, i.e. the program is not treating special positions
as special, it's treating them instead as general positions.  As I
said whenever you see fractional occupancy reported it should imply
some kind of disorder, i.e. the atom exists on that site in only the
indicated fraction of the unit cells in the lattice.

-- Ian

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 10:02 PM, Sue Roberts wrote:
 Hi Ian

 No disorder is involved.

 The occupancy of an (fully occupied) atom on an n-fold rotation axis is 1/n
 If a two-fold, 1/2
 If a three-fold, 1/3

 When you sum over all the atoms in the unit cell, application of the symmetry 
 operations to atoms lying on the rotation axis generates atoms with unchanged 
 coordinates. Hence to generate a fully occupied atom on a n-fold symmetry 
 axis, the original occupancy has to be 1/n.


 On Dec 10, 2010, at 2:53 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:

 Good point Colin!  2-Zn insulin is of course a classic example of
 this, where the two independent Zn2+ ions both sit on the
 crystallographic 3-fold in R3.  It doesn't matter whether you count
 the metal ion as part of the protein or not: if I understand Gloria's
 original question correctly, all that matters is that the atom/ion is
 present in the crystal structure.

 In fact here are some extracts from the PDB entry (4INS):


 HETATM  835 ZN    ZN B  31      -0.002  -0.004   7.891  0.33 10.40          
 HETATM  836 ZN    ZN D  31       0.000   0.000  -8.039  0.33 11.00          
 HETATM  885  O   HOH B 251      -0.023  -0.033  11.206  0.33 21.05           

 Hmmm - but shouldn't the occupancy of the Zn be 1.00 if it's on the
 special position (assuming it's not disordered), though the first Zn
 above and the water do appear to be disordered since they're not
 actually on the special position.  Fractional occupancy always implies
 some kind of disorder: occupancy = 1/3 of an atom on a special
 position would imply occupancy disorder, i.e. it's randomly present in
 only 1/3 of the unit cells.

 -- Ian

 On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Colin Nave wrote:
 Does one regard the metal atom in a metalloprotein as being part of the 

 If so, a shared metal could occupy a special position in a dimer for 

 In Acta Cryst. (2008). D64, 257-263 Metals in proteins: correlation 
 between the metal-ion type, coordination number and the amino-acid residues 
 involved in the coordination I. Dokmanic, M. Sikic and S. Tomic ( ) it says there are 
 25 cases of metal atoms in special positions.

 Also Acta Cryst. (2002). D58, 29-38 The 2.6 Å resolution structure of 
 Rhodobacter capsulatus bacterioferritin with metal-free dinuclear site and 
 heme iron in a crystallographic `special position' D. Cobessi, L.-S. 
 Huang, M. Ban, N. G. Pon, F. Daldal and E. A. Berry ( ) though the 
 'special position' is justifiably in quotation marks in this example as 
 disorder is present.


 Dr. Sue A. Roberts
 Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
 University of Arizona
 1041 E. Lowell St.,  Tucson, AZ 85721
 Phone: 520 621 8171

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-10 Thread Ed Pozharski
On Fri, 2010-12-10 at 22:40 +, Ian Tickle wrote:
 Application of a symmetry operator to
 a point on a special position which is unchanged by the operator
 doesn't generate a symmetry copy of the point, because there is no
 symmetry copy of such a point! 

Why not?  Symmetry-related copy may be considered just that - copy
produced by a symmetry operator.  What advantage do you gain by
restricting it to only those that result in physically different point?

There is one excellent point that you made in some past exchanges - that
deposited structures are mathematical models and they do not always have
to make strict physical sense.  This seems to be just such case - one
does not have three zincs in that spot with each being gone two thirds
of the time, but making the model physically meaningful would require
perhaps dropping to P1 and implementing NCS to enforce crystal symmetry.
So compromising on the physical meaning of the atom record seems like a
small price to pay.  This feels odd - I seem to be arguing your
side :)




I'd jump in myself, if I weren't so good at whistling.
   Julian, King of Lemurs

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-10 Thread Boaz Shaanan
An excerpt from the Shelx manual (which I think is a good reference for proper 
handling of atoms on special positions in refinement of small or large 

4.3 Special position constraints
Constraints for the coordinates and 
anisotropic displacement
parameters for atoms on special positions are generated automatically by
the program for ALL special positions in ALL space groups, in 
settings or otherwise. For upwards compatibility with SHELX-76, free 
may still be used for this, but it is better to leave it to the program.
If the occupancy is not input, the program will fix it at the 
value for a special position. If the user applies (correct or incorrect)
special position constraints using free variables etc., the program 
this has been done with intent and reports but does not apply the 
constraints; accidental application of wrong special position 
is one of the easiest ways to cause a refinement to 'blow up' !

Also, please check the book of Shmueli and Weiss, Introduction to 
crystallographic statistics p. 5, last paragraph  and the next page where a 
rigorous treatment of of contribution to the structure factor of atoms in 
general and special positions in the unit cell is given (eq. 1.2.10).

Thus, occupancy of an atom on a 3-fold would be 1/3, 1/2 on a 2-fold, 
1/4 on a 4-fold and so forth.  



- Original Message -
From: Ian Tickle
Date: Saturday, December 11, 2010 0:41
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

 No that surely can't be right.  Application of a symmetry 
 operator to
 a point on a special position which is unchanged by the operator
 doesn't generate a symmetry copy of the point, because there is no
 symmetry copy of such a point!  For general Wyckoff 
 positions it does,
 for sure.  If you look at the entry for R3 (hexagonal or 
 rhombohedralsetting, it doesn't matter which) on the Wyckoff 
 position website I
 indicated earlier, you'll see a column labelled 'multiplicity' which
 is 3 for the general position and 1 for the special 
 position.  This
 means that the symmetry operator generates 3 symmetry copies of a
 general position (including the original), but only 1 copy (i.e. only
 the original) of the special positions on the 3-fold.
 That's precisely why such points are called special positions -
 you have to treat them specially!  If what you describe is 
 what the
 refinement program or whatever is doing then it would imply 
 there's a
 programming error, i.e. the program is not treating special positions
 as special, it's treating them instead as general 
 positions.  As I
 said whenever you see fractional occupancy reported it should imply
 some kind of disorder, i.e. the atom exists on that site in only the
 indicated fraction of the unit cells in the lattice.
 -- Ian
 On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 10:02 PM, Sue Roberts wrote:
  Hi Ian
  No disorder is involved.
  The occupancy of an (fully occupied) atom on an n-fold 
 rotation axis is 1/n
  If a two-fold, 1/2
  If a three-fold, 1/3
  When you sum over all the atoms in the unit cell, application 
 of the symmetry operations to atoms lying on the rotation axis 
 generates atoms with unchanged coordinates. Hence to generate a 
 fully occupied atom on a n-fold symmetry axis, the original 
 occupancy has to be 1/n.
  On Dec 10, 2010, at 2:53 PM, Ian Tickle wrote:
  Good point Colin!  2-Zn insulin is of course a classic 
 example of
  this, where the two independent Zn2+ ions both sit on the
  crystallographic 3-fold in R3.  It doesn't matter whether you count
  the metal ion as part of the protein or not: if I understand 
 Gloria's original question correctly, all that matters is that 
 the atom/ion is
  present in the crystal structure.
  In fact here are some extracts from the PDB entry (4INS):
  HETATM  835 ZN    ZN B  31      -0.002  -0.004   7.891  0.33 
 10.40          ZN
  HETATM  836 ZN    ZN D  31       0.000   0.000  -8.039  0.33 
 11.00          ZN
  HETATM  885  O   HOH B 251      -0.023  -0.033  11.206  0.33 
 21.05           O
  Hmmm - but shouldn't the occupancy of the Zn be 1.00 if it's 
 on the
  special position (assuming it's not disordered), though the 
 first Zn
  above and the water do appear to be disordered since they're not
  actually on the special position.  Fractional occupancy 
 always implies
  some kind of disorder: occupancy = 1/3 of an atom on a special

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-10 Thread George M. Sheldrick
SHELXL also expects that the occupancy of a fully occupied atom on a 
threefold axis should be set at 1/3, and will generate this automatically 
if necessary. It will also generate automatically the necessary 
constraints for the x, y and z parameters (and for the Uij if the atom is
anisotropic). It is essential that this is done correctly if a full-matrix
refinement is being performed (e.g. to get esd estimates), otherwise
the refinement can explode. The user may change or switch off the 
tolerance for detecting whether an atom is on a special position 
(with the SPEC instruction). Setting the occupancy to a fraction avoided
a complicated IF construction inside a loop and 35 years ago computers 
were so slow! I can't change it now because I have to preserve upwards
compatibility. Unfortunately the CIF committee decided to use the other
definition (i.e. the Zn on the threefold axis has an occupancy of 1.0)
and this has caused considerable confusion in the small molecule world 
ever since; atoms are frequently encountered on special positions in
inorganic and mineral structures.


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-22582

On Fri, 10 Dec 2010, Ed Pozharski wrote:

 On Fri, 2010-12-10 at 21:53 +, Ian Tickle wrote:
  Hmmm - but shouldn't the occupancy of the Zn be 1.00 if it's on the
  special position 
 Shouldn't 1/3 be better for programming purposes?  If you set occupancy
 to 1.0, then you should specify that symmetry operators do not apply for
 these atoms, making Fc calculation a bit more cumbersome.
 If definition of the asu content is you get full content of the unit
 cell after applying symmetry operators, then occupancy *must* be 1/3,
 The first zinc and the water are on special position, but because they
 are not excluded from positional refinement (perhaps they should be),
 they will drift a bit.  CNS has distance cutoff for treating atoms as
 special positions, if it jumps over the limit during, say, simulated
 annealing, it  will cause problems.  Perhaps PROLSQ did something
 similar.  It is a good question if it's better to fix these in place or
 let them wobble a bit to account for some potential disorder.  While I
 see the formal argument that it should be nailed to three-fold axes, it
 is also true that this is a mathematical compromise to simplify modeling
 that does not reflect physical reality (i.e. you don't have three
 partially occupied zinc ions, it's just one).  In any event, given that
 this is a 1.5A structure, (-0.002 0.004) is statistically speaking the
 same as (0 0).
 I'd jump in myself, if I weren't so good at whistling.
Julian, King of Lemurs

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-10 Thread Pavel Afonine
  No disorder is involved.
  The occupancy of an (fully occupied) atom on an n-fold rotation axis is
  If a two-fold, 1/2
  If a three-fold, 1/3
  When you sum over all the atoms in the unit cell, application of the
 symmetry operations to atoms lying on the rotation axis generates atoms with
 unchanged coordinates. Hence to generate a fully occupied atom on a n-fold
 symmetry axis, the original occupancy has to be 1/n.

I guess I have a few small points to add:

1) If a site on special position is not fully occupied, then the occupancy
is q/n, where q is actual occupancy (for fully occupied site q=1). Since
ATOM record in PDB file does not (directly) tell you whether the atom is on
special position or not then it is not straightforward to know whether the
occupancy of atom in question is not 1 due to disorder or due to symmetry.

2) Let's consider a hypothetical case... The maximal multiplicity of a
spacial position in proteins is 24 (is that right? please correct if not),
and the precision of the occupancy field in PDB file is only two digits,
like: 1.00. Imagine you have a fair amount of very heavy atoms all seating
at special positions with the multiplicity 24, and your structure is
relatively small. Then what you will be forced to put in the PDB file is:
1/24 ~ 0.04 and not 0.042. I'm not sure if this rounding error is
significant or not (and what is significant), but just to keep in mind
another source of mismatch between reported and recomputed R-factors.

3) If I add an atom onto special position using Coot, will it set the
occupancy as 1/n automatically or do I have to to edit the PDB file myself
(and remember to do so)? (another room for an error)

So, having said this, I tend to think that using occupancy 1 (and not 1/n)
is a good thing.


Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-09 Thread Herman . Schreuder
Hi Ralf  Gloria,

It is of course all a matter of definition, but it happens now and again
that an asymmetric ligand is lying on top of a twofold axis. This is
usually modeled by fitting the ligand in two orientations at half
occupancy. In one of the proteins I am working on there is the
carboxylic acid group of an Asp sitting on a 2-fold axis. I have modeled
the Asp with 2 alternative conformations: in conformation A, the Asp
side chain would clash with itself over the 2-fold axis, thus if one
protein molecule has the Asp in conformation A, the twofold related
protein molecule must have the Asp in conformation B (or some other

I do not know whether you would call this a Wyckoff position, but side
chains of proteins do sit on top of crystallographic symmetry axes.


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 3:47 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

Hi Gloria,

My hobby is space group symmetry.
My interest phenix development.

 so I can't imagine a protein  crystallographer would ever need to 
 apply the modulation function to a  protein atom that happened to be 
 on one.

That's true. Protein residues don't have internal symmetry, therefore
they are not compatible with crystallographic special positions.
(Wyckoff positions are enumerations of classes of special positions.)

In the PDB molecules with internal symmetry are really rare, except for
H2O and SO4. But these contribute so little to the total scattering that
it isn't important to handle them in a special way. So Wyckoff positions
remain foreign in the macromolecular context.


- Original Message 
 From: Gloria Borgstahl
 Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 12:16:54 PM
 Subject: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms
 I've gotten some interesting responses, that I will summarize for the 
 group  later, but I thought I should clarify why I asked.
 I was worrying about  this because I have been working out the steps 
 in how to determine the (3+1)D  superspace group for a protein
 The last step listed in IT vol C  chapter 9.8, is to consider any 
 atoms that lie ON a Wyckoff position, and  what restrictions this 
 would apply to the modulation function that is refined  for each atom.
 My first reaction, was Wyckoff positions?  I  vaguely remember 
 those, my recollection from my experience was they were  really cool, 
 but were usually in the solvent, so I can't imagine a protein  
 crystallographer would ever need to apply the modulation function to a

 protein atom that happened to be on one.  But to a crystallographer  
 working on a modulated mineral, it would happen all the time, I'll
 So  maybe this was one more thing that just didn't really apply to 
 protein  structures and lucky us we don't worry about this last step 
 (just as I never  did model that solvent water that was on one, back 
 in the 90s).
 Then I  thought, maybe I'm missing something, or there are special 
 cases out there  (and so far I have heard of a disulfide bond on a 
 2-fold connecting two  homodimers).
 So I polled the collective knowledge of the great ccp4bb  group.
 On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Gloria Borgstahl
   My fellow crystallographers,
  I wanted to take a poll.
   How many of you have ever had a protein atom on a Wyckoff position 
  (AKA  a special position).
  What kind of molecules have you found at special  positions (it 
  would have to contain the symmetry of the special  position, right?)

  I'm thinking it is impossible to have a protein atom  at a special 
  position or am I exposing my ignorance yet  again...
  my experience is that only once I found an atom in a  special 
  position, it was a strange solvent molecule, that blew  my mind for 
  a while until I learned about special positions in  crystallography.
  Looking forward to your responses,  Gloria
   Gloria Borgstahl
  Eppley Institute for Cancer Research and Allied  Diseases
  987696 Nebraska Medical Center
  10732A Lied Transplant  Center
  Omaha, NE 68198-7696
   Office (402) 559-8578
  FAX (402) 559-3739
  Hobbies:  Protein Crystallography, Cancer,  Biochemistry, DNA 
  Metabolism, Modulated Crystals,  Crystal  Perfection
  Interests:  Manga, Led Zepplin, Cold Play, piano,  BRAN, RAGBRAI, 
  golf and lately superspace groups

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-09 Thread Ian Tickle
Of course it's always possible for an asymmetric molecule (or part of
a molecule, such as a side-chain) to lie on or near a symmetry axis,
provided it's rotationally disordered with occupancy 0.5 (assuming a
2-fold).  In other words half the molecules are randomly distributed
over half of the asymmetric units in one orientation and the other
half are in the other a.u.s in the symmetry-related orientation, so
the copies never clash.  The occupancy must be near 0.5 because if it
deviated much from that you would start to see breakdown of the
symmetry of the diffraction pattern (with higher Rmerge etc), and you
would likely conclude that the space group is actually a sub-group of
the original one without the symmetry axis.  Obviously it will depend
on the quality of the data, the resolution and the scattering power of
the disorder part whether you are able in practice to detect such a
breakdown of symmetry.

The question here though is whether an atom (say the CG of the ASP) of
the rotationally disordered molecule/part-molecule in such a situation
necessarily lies _on_ a special position.  It would be pure
coincidence if it did, for the simple reason that there's absolutely
no reason why it should do so.  In other words, because it has
occupancy 0.5 (obviously it must have the same occupancy as the atoms
that it's covalently bonded to, assuming there's no other disorder
present), it must be disordered and so doesn't have to obey the bulk
symmetry.  In fact, it would be equally 'happy' slightly displaced
from the special position.  There will be no significant minimum in
the internal energy of the system for a disordered atom on a special
position, because the reason it's disordered is that there are no
strong interactions with the surrounding atoms, which would favour one
possible orientation over the other.

This is quite different from the original question posed by Gloria
where (I assume) we have a molecule on a special position where there
is no rotational disorder (it may still have occupancy disorder, i.e.
it may only be present in a fraction of the a.u.s).  Here clearly the
occupancy may be  0.5 for a 2-fold and so no clashes with the
symmetry mate(s) are permitted (assuming of course that the space
group is correct!).  In this case the molecule itself must therefore
possess at least the symmetry of the special position, e.g. H2O or SO4
for a 2-fold, as Ralf says.  Being ordered (or at least not as
disordered) such a molecule must have strong interactions with its
neighbours, so any shift off the special position would likely result
in an increase in internal energy.


-- Ian

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 11:26 AM, wrote:
 Hi Ralf  Gloria,

 It is of course all a matter of definition, but it happens now and again
 that an asymmetric ligand is lying on top of a twofold axis. This is
 usually modeled by fitting the ligand in two orientations at half
 occupancy. In one of the proteins I am working on there is the
 carboxylic acid group of an Asp sitting on a 2-fold axis. I have modeled
 the Asp with 2 alternative conformations: in conformation A, the Asp
 side chain would clash with itself over the 2-fold axis, thus if one
 protein molecule has the Asp in conformation A, the twofold related
 protein molecule must have the Asp in conformation B (or some other

 I do not know whether you would call this a Wyckoff position, but side
 chains of proteins do sit on top of crystallographic symmetry axes.


 -Original Message-
 From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of
 Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
 Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 3:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

 Hi Gloria,

 My hobby is space group symmetry.
 My interest phenix development.

 so I can't imagine a protein  crystallographer would ever need to
 apply the modulation function to a  protein atom that happened to be
 on one.

 That's true. Protein residues don't have internal symmetry, therefore
 they are not compatible with crystallographic special positions.
 (Wyckoff positions are enumerations of classes of special positions.)

 In the PDB molecules with internal symmetry are really rare, except for
 H2O and SO4. But these contribute so little to the total scattering that
 it isn't important to handle them in a special way. So Wyckoff positions
 remain foreign in the macromolecular context.


 - Original Message 
 From: Gloria Borgstahl
 Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 12:16:54 PM
 Subject: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

 I've gotten some interesting responses, that I will summarize for the
 group  later, but I thought I should clarify why I asked.

 I was worrying about  this because I have been working out the steps
 in how to determine the (3+1)D  superspace group for a protein

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-09 Thread Ian Tickle
 cases out there (and so far I have heard of a disulfide bond on a
 2-fold connecting two homodimers).

I'm slightly puzzled by this example.  If the S-S bond is on the
special position, then the rest of the molecule can't have 2-fold
symmetry, so would have to be rotationally disordered with occupancy =
0.5 to avoid clashing with its symmetry mate:

 X -- C  *
 \ *
  * \
  *  C -- X

where the *'s indicate the 2-fold axis (i.e. vertically in the plane
of the page).  In this case, for the reasons I gave in my previous
post there's no reason for the disordered S atoms to be exactly on the
2-fold; it would be pure coincidence if they were.  If you mean
instead that the 2-fold is _perpendicular_ to the S-S bond (i.e.
coming straight out of the page in the diagram), the molecule does
indeed have 2-fold symmetry and can be ordered with occupancy = 1, but
then the S atoms are not on special positions, so this would not be an
example of protein atoms _on_ a special position.

One could imagine an example, say where the same side-chain on each
monomer is cross-linked (e.g. LYS with glutaraldehyde), forming the

X -- C -- N = C -- C -- C -- C -- C = N -- C -- X

Here the central C atom could be on a 2-fold (i.e. axis perpendicular
to the page) special position without rotational disorder.  I've no
idea whether such a structure actually exists!


-- Ian

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-09 Thread Herman . Schreuder
Even with the famous waters on true Wyckoff positions, I usually
observe an elongated or even partly split density, suggesting that the
water is disordered, being sometimes closer to one monomer, sometimes
closer to the symmetry-related monomer. Since the position of proteins
in a crystal is in general not determined by a single water-mediated
hydrogen bond, the water will in general not be able to make perfect
hydrogen bonds to both symmetry-related monomers at the same time. I
think therefore that even waters should generally be considered to be
disordered and only in exceptional cases will occupy true Wyckoff


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of
Ian Tickle
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

 cases out there (and so far I have heard of a disulfide bond on a 
 2-fold connecting two homodimers).

I'm slightly puzzled by this example.  If the S-S bond is on the special
position, then the rest of the molecule can't have 2-fold symmetry, so
would have to be rotationally disordered with occupancy =
0.5 to avoid clashing with its symmetry mate:

 X -- C  *
 \ *
  * \
  *  C -- X

where the *'s indicate the 2-fold axis (i.e. vertically in the plane of
the page).  In this case, for the reasons I gave in my previous post
there's no reason for the disordered S atoms to be exactly on the
2-fold; it would be pure coincidence if they were.  If you mean instead
that the 2-fold is _perpendicular_ to the S-S bond (i.e.
coming straight out of the page in the diagram), the molecule does
indeed have 2-fold symmetry and can be ordered with occupancy = 1, but
then the S atoms are not on special positions, so this would not be an
example of protein atoms _on_ a special position.

One could imagine an example, say where the same side-chain on each
monomer is cross-linked (e.g. LYS with glutaraldehyde), forming the

X -- C -- N = C -- C -- C -- C -- C = N -- C -- X

Here the central C atom could be on a 2-fold (i.e. axis perpendicular to
the page) special position without rotational disorder.  I've no idea
whether such a structure actually exists!


-- Ian

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-09 Thread Ian Tickle
The forces acting on an atom at a special position must have the same
symmetry on average as the special position, so the atom will be in
equilibrium, and there will at first sight be no net force (i.e. zero
energy gradient) to push the atom away from the special position.
However there are 2 solutions to this: metastable equilibrium where
the energy is a maximum, and stable equilibrium where it's a minimum.
In the metastable case it will be like a pencil balanced on its point
where a small disturbance, such as from random thermal motion, will be
sufficient to move it off the special position to an asymmetric
position of lower energy thus breaking the symmetry, and of course the
initial displacement will be completely random leading to the disorder
you observe.  In the case of stable equilibrium the atom will simply
respond to the disturbance by executing random thermal motion centred
on the special position.  Which case you see in practice will
obviously depend on the precise arrangement of forces acting on the


-- Ian

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 4:12 PM, wrote:
 Even with the famous waters on true Wyckoff positions, I usually
 observe an elongated or even partly split density, suggesting that the
 water is disordered, being sometimes closer to one monomer, sometimes
 closer to the symmetry-related monomer. Since the position of proteins
 in a crystal is in general not determined by a single water-mediated
 hydrogen bond, the water will in general not be able to make perfect
 hydrogen bonds to both symmetry-related monomers at the same time. I
 think therefore that even waters should generally be considered to be
 disordered and only in exceptional cases will occupy true Wyckoff


 -Original Message-
 From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of
 Ian Tickle
 Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 3:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

 cases out there (and so far I have heard of a disulfide bond on a
 2-fold connecting two homodimers).

 I'm slightly puzzled by this example.  If the S-S bond is on the special
 position, then the rest of the molecule can't have 2-fold symmetry, so
 would have to be rotationally disordered with occupancy =
 0.5 to avoid clashing with its symmetry mate:

     X -- C  *
             \ *
              * \
              *  C -- X

 where the *'s indicate the 2-fold axis (i.e. vertically in the plane of
 the page).  In this case, for the reasons I gave in my previous post
 there's no reason for the disordered S atoms to be exactly on the
 2-fold; it would be pure coincidence if they were.  If you mean instead
 that the 2-fold is _perpendicular_ to the S-S bond (i.e.
 coming straight out of the page in the diagram), the molecule does
 indeed have 2-fold symmetry and can be ordered with occupancy = 1, but
 then the S atoms are not on special positions, so this would not be an
 example of protein atoms _on_ a special position.

 One could imagine an example, say where the same side-chain on each
 monomer is cross-linked (e.g. LYS with glutaraldehyde), forming the

    X -- C -- N = C -- C -- C -- C -- C = N -- C -- X

 Here the central C atom could be on a 2-fold (i.e. axis perpendicular to
 the page) special position without rotational disorder.  I've no idea
 whether such a structure actually exists!


 -- Ian

[ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-08 Thread Gloria Borgstahl
I've gotten some interesting responses, that I will summarize for the
group later, but I thought I should clarify why I asked.

I was worrying about this because I have been working out the steps in
how to determine the (3+1)D superspace group for a protein crystal.
The last step listed in IT vol C chapter 9.8, is to consider any atoms
that lie ON a Wyckoff position, and what restrictions this would apply
to the modulation function that is refined for each atom.

My first reaction, was Wyckoff positions?  I vaguely remember those,
my recollection from my experience was they were really cool, but were
usually in the solvent, so I can't imagine a protein crystallographer
would ever need to apply the modulation function to a protein atom
that happened to be on one.  But to a crystallographer working on a
modulated mineral, it would happen all the time, I'll bet.
So maybe this was one more thing that just didn't really apply to
protein structures and lucky us
we don't worry about this last step (just as I never did model that
solvent water that was on one, back in the 90s).

Then I thought, maybe I'm missing something, or there are special
cases out there (and so far I have heard of a disulfide bond on a
2-fold connecting two homodimers).

So I polled the collective knowledge of the great ccp4bb group.

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Gloria Borgstahl wrote:
 My fellow crystallographers,
 I wanted to take a poll.

 How many of you have ever had a protein atom on a Wyckoff position
 (AKA a special position).
 What kind of molecules have you found at special positions (it would
 have to contain the symmetry of the special position, right?)
 I'm thinking it is impossible to have a protein atom at a special position
 or am I exposing my ignorance yet again...

 my experience is that only once I found an atom in a special position,
 it was a strange solvent molecule,
 that blew my mind for a while until I learned about special positions
 in crystallography.

 Looking forward to your responses, Gloria

 Gloria Borgstahl
 Eppley Institute for Cancer Research and Allied Diseases
 987696 Nebraska Medical Center
 10732A Lied Transplant Center
 Omaha, NE 68198-7696
 Office (402) 559-8578
 FAX (402) 559-3739

 Hobbies:  Protein Crystallography, Cancer, Biochemistry,
 DNA Metabolism, Modulated Crystals,  Crystal Perfection
 Interests:  Manga, Led Zepplin, Cold Play, piano, BRAN,
 RAGBRAI, golf and lately superspace groups

Re: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms

2010-12-08 Thread Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
Hi Gloria,

My hobby is space group symmetry.
My interest phenix development.

 so I can't imagine a protein  crystallographer
 would ever need to apply the modulation function to a  protein atom
 that happened to be on one.

That's true. Protein residues don't have internal symmetry, therefore
they are not compatible with crystallographic special positions. (Wyckoff
positions are enumerations of classes of special positions.)

In the PDB molecules with internal symmetry are really rare, except
for H2O and SO4. But these contribute so little to the total scattering
that it isn't important to handle them in a special way. So Wyckoff
positions remain foreign in the macromolecular context.


- Original Message 
 From: Gloria Borgstahl
 Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 12:16:54 PM
 Subject: [ccp4bb] Fwd: [ccp4bb] Wyckoff positions and protein atoms
 I've gotten some interesting responses, that I will summarize for the
 group  later, but I thought I should clarify why I asked.
 I was worrying about  this because I have been working out the steps in
 how to determine the (3+1)D  superspace group for a protein crystal.
 The last step listed in IT vol C  chapter 9.8, is to consider any atoms
 that lie ON a Wyckoff position, and  what restrictions this would apply
 to the modulation function that is refined  for each atom.
 My first reaction, was Wyckoff positions?  I  vaguely remember those,
 my recollection from my experience was they were  really cool, but were
 usually in the solvent, so I can't imagine a protein  crystallographer
 would ever need to apply the modulation function to a  protein atom
 that happened to be on one.  But to a crystallographer  working on a
 modulated mineral, it would happen all the time, I'll bet.
 So  maybe this was one more thing that just didn't really apply to
 protein  structures and lucky us
 we don't worry about this last step (just as I never  did model that
 solvent water that was on one, back in the 90s).
 Then I  thought, maybe I'm missing something, or there are special
 cases out there  (and so far I have heard of a disulfide bond on a
 2-fold connecting two  homodimers).
 So I polled the collective knowledge of the great ccp4bb  group.
 On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Gloria Borgstahl 
   My fellow crystallographers,
  I wanted to take a poll.
   How many of you have ever had a protein atom on a Wyckoff position
  (AKA  a special position).
  What kind of molecules have you found at special  positions (it would
  have to contain the symmetry of the special  position, right?)
  I'm thinking it is impossible to have a protein atom  at a special position
  or am I exposing my ignorance yet  again...
  my experience is that only once I found an atom in a  special position,
  it was a strange solvent molecule,
  that blew  my mind for a while until I learned about special positions
  in  crystallography.
  Looking forward to your responses,  Gloria
   Gloria Borgstahl
  Eppley Institute for Cancer Research and Allied  Diseases
  987696 Nebraska Medical Center
  10732A Lied Transplant  Center
  Omaha, NE 68198-7696
   Office (402) 559-8578
  FAX (402) 559-3739
  Hobbies:  Protein Crystallography, Cancer,  Biochemistry,
  DNA Metabolism, Modulated Crystals,  Crystal  Perfection
  Interests:  Manga, Led Zepplin, Cold Play, piano,  BRAN,
  RAGBRAI, golf and lately superspace groups