Re: Big Problems!! - VNC

2000-04-22 Thread Reuben King

In <01db01bfaaf9$e95f78b0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris Lott 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in a fit of unbridled passion, wrote:
> I use VNC a lot and have enver experienced problems like this (freezing the
> server, etc). I don't have experience with other products, since I've heard
> about so many problems with PC Anywhere, nothing one way or the other about
> Timbuktu (or whatever their product is) and VNC is free.
> (I'd like to buy one, though, so would appreciate comments on any of them or
> others)
> VNC is tolerable over cable modem.

I run VNC on about 10 different servers and have never had a lick of 
trouble with it.  My colleagues all across the company all use it as 
well.  There's just no point in spending the $$ for PCanywhere, as far 
as we're concerned.

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Re: converting word docs to HTML [argh!]

2000-04-22 Thread Greg Saunders

At 03:36 PM 4/20/00 +0100, Justin MacCarthy wrote:
>Hi guys,
>There is .bas script for homesite that does this. In the code the author...
>does a loop over the .FileConverters collection until he finds  ClassName
>= 'html'
>and then uses the current convertor to convert the file ..
>The script is at :

Thanks Justin.  This sounded perfect, but it still didn't work.  I
converted to CF:


which gave the following file converters:

  Text with Layout, MS-DOS Text with Layout, WrdPrfctWin, WrdPrfctDOS51, 
  WrdPrfctDOS50, WrdPrfctDat50, WrdPrfctDat, MSWordMac51, MSWordMac5, 
  MSWordMac4, MSWord6VIEExp, MSWord6THAExp, MSWord6RTFExp, MSWord6Exp, 
  MSWordWin2, MSWorksWin4, Recover, Lotus123, MSBiff, MSWordMac, 
  WordPerfect6x, WrdPrfctDos, SPLUS, OUTLOOK, MSPAB

No HTML file converter.  It seems like this really shouldn't be this

Gregory M. Saunders, Ph.D.
Senior Design Architect
Cognitive Arts Corporation (
120 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1520
Chicago, IL 60606

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2000-04-22 Thread Seth Petry-Johnson

Sorry to do this, but I haven't received any CF talk mail in two days.  

Seth Petry-Johnson
Argo Enterprise and Associates

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RE: What happened to this list?

2000-04-22 Thread Bud

On 4/20/00, Michael Blair penned:
>Try this one...
>Recently I posted a question I had to the list
>and no one responded. Not a big deal, everyone
>has a life. Today the owner of the company I
>work at brought me a copy of an email he
>recieved from someone on this list... it
>basically said that the programmer he had hired
>was unable to accomplish a minor task like the
>one I mentioned, and he had, out of the goodness
>of his heart, searched out the company to offer
>his skills should my company wish to 're-think
>the current development staff'.
>My boss reminded me that I should be careful of
>the people I associate with, and left it at
>that. Aren't I lucky!

You could have told your boss, "Well yeah, but obviously this guy 
doesn't know EVERYTHING or he wouldn't be subscribed to a help list 
either". :)

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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list broken? no emails for two days

2000-04-22 Thread Brian Mitter


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Verity or database?

2000-04-22 Thread Cyrill Vatomsky

Hi all

I have large amounts of text data. Which is a theoretically preferred way of
making it available on my site: Verity or put individual articles into a
database (memo or varchar). Search by full text as well as by categories and
keywords is important.


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Test - had no mail from list since Thursday

2000-04-22 Thread Terry Riley


Terry Riley
Riley Varea Associates, London, UK 

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error message

2000-04-22 Thread KungFusion

Anybody recognize this error? This has happened once before and I rebooted
the machine and the error doesn't happen again until a couple of days.  I am
running 4.5.1

Request canceled or ignored by serverServer busy or unable to fulfill
request. The server is unable to fulfill your request due to extremely high
traffic or an unexpected internal error. Please attempt your request again
(if you are repeatedly unsuccessful you should notify the site
administrator). (Location Code: 26)

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2000-04-22 Thread Alex Puriche

Many _Thanks_ to all experienced people for help!
In fact, real query is a little bit intricate. :)))

Dave> Also, I noticed in your signature that you're a:
>> Certified Cold Fusion 4.1 Programmer.
Dave> I didn't even know there was a 4.1 version! Just kidding.
  Actually, this certification is lie cause I never used CF 4.1 .
  But it make hints about my flexibility if I passed exam as
  programmer of non-existent Allaire's release...


Certified HTML Programmer,
Java Script Programmer and
High IT Aptitude Specialist.

Certified Cold Fusion 4.1 Programmer.

Permanent FAQ Team player.

Permanent MTeam player.

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RE: Blue arrow on CF Studio project folders

2000-04-22 Thread Andrew Tyrone

Also, if you are sick and tired of manually adding files, you can set the
Default Project Folder Type to Auto-Include by going to Options, Settings,
clicking Projects and selecting the Auto-Include radio button...  You can
set other project options here as well...

-- Andy

-Original Message-
From: Aidan Whitehall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 12:35 PM
Subject: RE: Blue arrow on CF Studio project folders

>> Does anyone know what the blue arrow on CF Studio project folders
>> means? Is
>> it "another" bug?
>I believe it means that any files added to the physical folder will
>automatically be added to the project as well.
>You can shut this off by right clicking the folder / choose properties.
>There are two toggles for auto-including all files and all sub-folders. The
>subfolders take on the properties of the parent unless told otherwise.

Yeppers... it's cause Auto Include files is turned on (right-click on the
folder and select Properties).

BTW, I had 4.5a installed and every time I turned this on today it threw an
error when closing or saving the project.  Upgrading to 4.5.1 fixed it.

Aidan Whitehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Netshopper UK Ltd
Advanced Web Solutions & Services
Telephone +44 (01744) 648650
Fax +44 (01744) 648651

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List dead? 4/22/00

2000-04-22 Thread pan

No messages since 4/20/00 16:15 PST

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Looking for Solaris Host

2000-04-22 Thread Duane Boudreau

Hi All,

I'm looking for a hosting companies that offer CF on Solaris. Can anyone
suggest a decent host?

Director, Web Technologies
Ektron, Inc.
5 Northern Blvd, Suite 6
Amherst, NH 03031
Tel: 603-594-0249
Fax: 603-594-0258
ICQ#: 18024374

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Re: What happened to this list?

2000-04-22 Thread Stephen Garrett

I have two approaches for all to think about:

a) implement Kill Filters on your email. I've done that.

b) Have MD implement kill filters on the list itself.

We are all way too busy for this garbage to occur. This list was one
of the most usefull around, but many are leaving in droves due to
insults etc.

I would not blame MD one bit if he just shut the whole thing down.
Then everyone can duke it out on Allaire forums. 8^|

So, if the ___FR___ resources is to continue, what shall we do kiddies?


Stephen Garrett
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (360) 896-2714
ICQ# 10776767
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Disable Forward & Back Button

2000-04-22 Thread eisensmi

Has anyone found a definitive way to disable both the Forward and
Back button in both Netscape and IE?  I just think that it can't be
done since they use different Javascript Object Models. Thanks.

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Test [OT]

2000-04-22 Thread Greg Edmonds

Sorry, this is just a test please ignore.  This message will self
destruct in 5 seconds...

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stupid HTML question

2000-04-22 Thread Lennon Chris Contractor SA-ALC/ADTIC

Please forgive this rube-ish HTML question...

I have 2 consecutive tables, the first of which is left aligned, and the
second is center aligned.  Like so:


What I want is one table under the other, with the second one centered on
the screen.  What I get is the two tables glommed together, side by side.
How do I circumvent this odd HTML behavior?  Mucho thanks in advance.

Chris Lennon
Senior Software Engineer
A Terra Nova Design Technologies, Inc.

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Re: "Able Commerce knock-off"

2000-04-22 Thread Mike Randolph

Hello CF-Talk,

As everyone like's to read more into my statements than is needed, and given
the fact that except on this list we very very VERY rarely run into any of
the competitors at this level and our honest competitors (the ones we're
normally compaired to, Adrian) are IBM, Microsoft, OpenMarket and
IntershopI'm doneSorry...Thanks...WhateverHave a nice dayI
have to go beat up on Bill Gates now ;)~

Best Regards,

Mike Randolph

P.S. I guess marketing is right, I should never never never post to these
lists...bad mike, no cookie.

>From: Mike Randolph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: 20 April 2000 19:12
>> The fusebox "like" AuctionBuilder product is ONE example of the future of
>> our products, which we are releasing many this year.
>What does "fusebox like" mean - does it mean it conforms totally to
fusebox, or
>it conforms to your interpretation of fusebox, or to your intepretation of
>fusebox should be?
>> I'm sure on the flexibility point we are the winner, as far as price goes
>> have set it FAR below all of our "honest competitors" and yet still have
>> enough
>Define "honest".
>> margin in it to allow for support, Research & Development and exspansion
>> of the company.  IBM, Microsoft, OpenMarket, and Intershop hate
>> running into us, our product is much easer to get started with than any
>> those products that offer "similar" levels of features and COMPANY
>I think that applies to most CF based products of this type - that is the
>strength of CF. As for support - you are making the somewhat biased
>that only you provide it.
>> The ONLY reason I originally posted was because the copyright and patent
>> laws of our country suck, but our country's ethics don't?Go try to
>> "knock  off" a song,  book or corporate logo...etc.
>It is obvious to me that the reason you have gone to such extremes to
>your product is because you are seriously concerned about the competition.
>you were not concerned about the competition, and your product stood on its
>as unsurpassable, you wouldn't have to. You keep mentioning
AuctionBuilder -
>this discussion is not about AuctionBuilder it is about Able Commerce  -
>about addressing the concerns of your potential customers?
>Adrian Cooper.
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2000-04-22 Thread Mike Randolph


>maybe a central flame-post web site could be set up.  anyone who receives
>what they feel is a rude email, could send it to a moderator.  then the
>moderator could post it if it's meets some criteria.  maybe people would
>think twice about being an a**h*le if they realized that the programming
>community in general had a means of seeing what they had done.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Chris Lott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 4:01 PM
>Subject: Re: What happened to this list?
>> Just compare some of the responses about structures:
>> ***
>> From one response:
>> "Wow, I feel so enlightened! Imagine all the wasted time I've spent using
>> structures!
>> Every stop to consider that structures can be members of structures, or
>> you can have arrays of structures? ..."
>> ***
>> ***
>> From Kevin's:
>> "I totally understand what you're saying.  When I first considered
>> structures, they seemed like really complicated mechanisms for holding
>> that could be just as easily placed into a query or a list.
>> What I've found, however..."
>> ***
>> This is not to pick on the person who posted the first example (he
>> contributes a lot of good stuff to this group!) byt to illustrate the
>> of responses. Which one is more likely to generate a flurry of debate
>> defenerating into flames?
>> c
>> --
>> Chris Lott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  Technical Manager
>> p907.474.5122  |  f907.474.5402  |  PGP Key ID: 0x8687E87E
>> -
>> Archives:
>> To Unsubscribe visit
> or
>send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
>the body.
>To Unsubscribe visit or
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access to sql server 7

2000-04-22 Thread Won Lee

I can't seem to find the SQL server upsizing window on

anyone have the specific link to it?
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Cold Fusion & Oracle dates

2000-04-22 Thread Reuben King

As it stands right now, if I want to get the hours/minutes/seconds from 
an Oracle date column retrieved within a CFQUERY, I need to use to_char 
along the lines of "select to_char(thedatecol,'MM-DD- 
HH24:MI:SS')" .. But of course if I ever do a "select *", I'm bungled.  

If I do a "select thedate" just like that and then try to work with the 
time retrieved, it is always going to be "00:00" unless I explicitly 
retrieve the time values as above.

Is there a way to set the default display format of the dates retrieved 
from Oracle either on CF's side or on the Oracle server's side?

Anybody know?

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Re: OT Javascript Detection

2000-04-22 Thread Kay Smoljak

How about the old  tag? For sites that won't work without
javascript, I have a javascript redirect on the main page, and a
message for non-javascript users within the  tags.


On Thu, 20 Apr 2000 09:17:11 -0400, "Curtis Layton"

>Is there a way to detect whether a browser has scripting turned on?
>Curtis C. Layton
>Web Applications Developer
>Words In Progress, Inc.
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cf-talk? is it dead? no new articles since 4/20/00

2000-04-22 Thread Pan

Is anyone seeing messages from cf-talk?
I notice that the news-server has messages
from 4/21 and 4/22 ...


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RE: What's the use of structures, anyway?

2000-04-22 Thread Reuben King

It seems that you cannot store structures in client variables, at least 
not if the client variable is stored in a database...  Can anyone 
confirm this or am I screwing something up?
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2000-04-22 Thread Won Lee

anyone have good sites on CF security.  Also MS SQL server security as


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Any statistics please

2000-04-22 Thread Stanislav Maximov


Do you have any statistics on CF server stability? How many simultaneous
users may it handle? Bottlenecks? Both Windows and Linux versions please.
Thanks in advance.

Best wishes,
 Stanislav Maximov

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RE: To and from Perl scripts

2000-04-22 Thread Raymond K. Camden

Hey Joel, if your talking about my CF_Perl, be aware that the tag is more of
an example of CFEXECUTE. I'm not sure it's the best solution for a 'real'
web site.

Raymond Camden, Cold Fusion Jedi Master for Syntegra (
Allaire Certified Instructor and Member of Team Allaire

ICQ UIN : 3679482

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda

> -Original Message-
> From: Joel Firestone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 5:08 PM
> Subject: Re: To and from Perl scripts
> Thanks, guys. I also in my travels found CF_Perl, in case anyone
> ever needs
> a fix like we did in the future.
> ===
> Joel Firestone - Developer
> Delmarva Online
> "Joel Firestone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > CF-Talkers:
> >
> > Is there anyway to have a template run a Perl script, passing it a
> > variable, have the script do it's thing, and take what it did and
> > continue to process the request? I haven't messed with CGI in
> > 2 years, and even then, my experience was brief.
> >
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
> >
> > ===
> > Joel Firestone - Developer
> > Delmarva Online
> >
> >
> >

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RE: What happened to this list?

2000-04-22 Thread Chris Meier

That's just unbelievableYou should definitely send the name to the
Moderator to get him off the list!!  Maybe I'll come up with a new tag for
Amish developers...CF_SHUN! :)

-Original Message-
From: Michael Blair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 5:10 PM
Subject: RE: What happened to this list?

What is up with that?  Very lame...

Michael W. Blair

Web Applications Developer
Canyon WebWorks
An Arizona Internet LLC Company
PHONE: (520) 773-9059
FAX:   (520) 773-4945

-Original Message-
From: Marcus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: What happened to this list?

> I don't want to keep this thread going but I
think that is
> very wrong of
> someone to insult others on this list, were
all here trying
> to learn from
> one another not insult one another.

Try this one...

Recently I posted a question I had to the list
and no one responded. Not a big deal, everyone
has a life. Today the owner of the company I
work at brought me a copy of an email he
recieved from someone on this list... it
basically said that the programmer he had hired
was unable to accomplish a minor task like the
one I mentioned, and he had, out of the goodness
of his heart, searched out the company to offer
his skills should my company wish to 're-think
the current development staff'.

My boss reminded me that I should be careful of
the people I associate with, and left it at
that. Aren't I lucky!

Dr. Marcus Kiel
Director of Development
AdTel International

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Re[2]: SQL.COUNT question

2000-04-22 Thread Alex Puriche

My _Thanks_ to all experienced people for help!
In fact, real query is a little bit intricate. :)))

Dave> Also, I noticed in your signature that you're a:
>> Certified Cold Fusion 4.1 Programmer.
Dave> I didn't even know there was a 4.1 version! Just kidding.
  Actually, this certification is lie cause I never used CF 4.1 .
  But it make hints about my flexibility if I passed exam as
  programmer of non-existent Allaire's release...


Certified HTML Programmer,
Java Script Programmer and
High IT Aptitude Specialist.

Certified Cold Fusion 4.1 Programmer.

Permanent FAQ Team player.

Permanent MTeam player.

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Another Start/Stop Question

2000-04-22 Thread Kelly Matthews

I went in and edited the .bat file and added a time for it to
start/stop cold fusion at say 5pm, yet my logs don't show that
it stopped and started. besides editting that bat file is there anything
i need to do?
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Re: Req: CF + JavaScript Quiz/Test code?

2000-04-22 Thread cragrat

Thanks, I took a look at that code in the book store. It was helpful for another
problem I was tackling. The client changed their mind, now I'm dealing with an
image map much easier :-)

: David Nesbitt
: Web Production Specialist

- Original Message -
From: "David Shadovitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The JavaScript Application Cookbook (Jerry Bradenbaugh, O'Reilly) has a
> multiple-choice quiz written entirely in JS.  No images (at least not in
> that section of the book), but perhaps it'd be useful.

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self-posting form variable help

2000-04-22 Thread John N Westerlund

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hello, I want to do this (below) but its not working for me.

// Error Message //
An error occurred while evaluating the expression:=20

week_var =3D week_var + 1

Error near line 4, column 9.


John N Westerlund
v: 800.807.7686=20
v: 703.684.8280 ext. 110
f: 703.684.8316

Phase Zero Productions, Inc.
E-nabling the world to communicate

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hello, I want to do this (below) but its not working =




  // Error Message // An error occurred while evaluating the expression:=20 week_var =3D week_var + 1 Error near line 4, column 9.   TIA   John N WesterlundDeveloper"> v: = 800.807.7686=20 v: 703.684.8280 ext. 110f: 703.684.8316   Phase Zero Productions, Inc.E-nabling the world = to=20 communicate --=_NextPart_000_0006_01BFAB79.1C1FC5A0-- -- Archives: To Unsubscribe visit or send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

test! ignore

2000-04-22 Thread Lomvardias, Christopher

Is the list dead? Haven't received since any 530pm yesterday.

Chris Lomvardias
Syscom, Inc.
400 E. Pratt Street, Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410)539-3737 x1722 voice
(410)539-7302 fax
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (pager via email)

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RE: What happened to this list?

2000-04-22 Thread Doug Ford

I hate to continue this thread... but after reading  this email
the first half disturbed me.  The person who backstabbed
the other should be beaten. What kind of petty ass sh*t
is going on around here if we screw over our community.
As all of the other peace keepers have been saying, we need
to help each other.  This is a community where we lend
our assistance if possible.  Or maybe it's gotten to a point
where a bunch of arrogant SOBs with egos the size of
Texas are ruining this community.  Or maybe it's a bunch
of greedy SOBs that want to screw everyone else.

I wonder how that person would feel if someone did it
to them when they were first starting out with CF?

Excuse my little rant... but those are my 2 cents.


-Original Message-
From:   Chris Lott [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, April 20, 2000 2:06 PM
Subject:Re: What happened to this list?

> Recently I posted a question I had to the list
> and no one responded. Not a big deal, everyone
> has a life. Today the owner of the company I
> work at brought me a copy of an email he
> recieved from someone on this list... it
> basically said that the programmer he had hired
> was unable to accomplish a minor task like the
> one I mentioned, and he had, out of the goodness
> of his heart, searched out the company to offer
> his skills

Wow, that's pretty harsh. I've been approached backchannel by people on
other lists who, having been lost in the sea of cf-talk, have written me
directly for advice since they associate me with CF evangelism :). In a
recent instance someone asked for help to do something in CF that a
developer had declared to be "impossible in CF" and then demanded that they
switch to ASP. I tried to be objective, explained how it could be done, and
indicated that their current developer needed to do a little more studying
about CF before dumping it. I even worried about saying THAT, since it 
have been misconstrued.

Chris Lott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  Technical Manager
p907.474.5122  |  f907.474.5402  |  PGP Key ID: 0x8687E87E

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RE: What happened to this list?

2000-04-22 Thread Hoffman, Joe (CIT)


I'd like to know who is the shark too ... so I can count all 
of the 'minor task' questions he/she has posted to the list 
since 11/97 from my archives.

Joe Hoffman mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
National Institutes of Health 
Center for Information Technology 
Division of Computer System Services

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: What happened to this list?


I, for one, would like to know who sent that message to your boss.  I'd 
hate to make the mistake of answering a question for or even bothering to 
read a post by such a despicable individual.

I too lament the recent angry tone on the list.  I've been reading CF-Talk 
for almost 2 years and what meager programming skills I have developed are 
mostly due to the advice and examples that have crossed the list.  I'd 
encourage everyone on the list, new and old, to respect the list and its 
members.  As in most collective efforts, sullying the environment of 
CF-Talk is really "sh|tting where you eat".


At 02:51 PM 4/20/00 -0500, you wrote:
> > I don't want to keep this thread going but I
>think that is
> > very wrong of
> > someone to insult others on this list, were
>all here trying
> > to learn from
> > one another not insult one another.
>Try this one...
>Recently I posted a question I had to the list
>and no one responded. Not a big deal, everyone
>has a life. Today the owner of the company I
>work at brought me a copy of an email he
>recieved from someone on this list... it
>basically said that the programmer he had hired
>was unable to accomplish a minor task like the
>one I mentioned, and he had, out of the goodness
>of his heart, searched out the company to offer
>his skills should my company wish to 're-think
>the current development staff'.
>My boss reminded me that I should be careful of
>the people I associate with, and left it at
>that. Aren't I lucky!
>Dr. Marcus Kiel
>Director of Development
>AdTel International

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RE: OT Javascript Detection

2000-04-22 Thread Leong Yew

There's a third party custom tag called cf_nojavascript available at the
allaire developers' site. It uses the html tag  to another


-Original Message-
From: Curtis Layton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 10:47 PM
Subject: OT Javascript Detection

Is there a way to detect whether a browser has scripting turned on?



Curtis C. Layton
Web Applications Developer
Words In Progress, Inc.

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RE: What's the use of structures, anyway?

2000-04-22 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


You might want to check out my articles on Structures at:

I think it might help you see some other benefits of structures as well.

|   name | Dan G. Switzer, II|
|company ||
|www | |
| mailto | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |

-Original Message-
From: Reuben King [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 5:29 PM
Subject: RE: What's the use of structures, anyway?

[This followup was posted to cf-talk and a copy was sent to the cited

In ,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in a fit of unbridled passion,
> You seem to be missing something here. Structure's can be nested to the
> level:
>   access_flags = StructNew();
>   access_flags["is_superuser"] = StructNew();
>   access_flags["is_superuser"].default_value = 0;
>   access_flags["is_superuser"].description = "Is this user an
> administrator?";

Very nice.  THANK YOU!

I always appreciate help instead of flaming.

(and it took you 1/4 as much typing to tell me how to do what I wanted
to do than it took the other fellow to tell me what an extreme idiot I

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HTTP request and CGI variables

2000-04-22 Thread Andrea W

I am sending an http request using cfhttp to register a user on a remote 
site - the remote site is using asp. The asp code is looking for the browser 
type in the cgi variables. I am sending it the browser type as follows:" 
method="post" resolveurl="true">

But the remote app is still balking and claiming that I have an old browser 
version. Does anyone know if there is some way that using the cfhttp tag can 
tack on some cgi variables that cannot be overridden by the cfhttpparam? I 
have shown this code to the asp developer who wrote the code that accepts 
the user registration, and he said the HTTP_USER_AGENT variable looked 
correct and is what his app is looking for.


Andrea Wasik

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

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Basic Query Question

2000-04-22 Thread Scott M. Berry

I need to do a query with his logic in it:

WHERE Membername IS NOT '#Cookie.Membername#'

How do I do a NOT in a WHERE?

Scott Berry

- Yahoo!GeoCities Senior Liaison
- Magic Castle Junior Society
- College of the Canyons Web Design

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Re: What happened to this list?

2000-04-22 Thread John N Westerlund

That sucks. I guess you get a few bad apples with the tree. Its real
strange... you'd think everyone who was at this level of programming was the
intelligent, high integrity sort.

-Original Message-
From: Marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, April 20, 2000 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: What happened to this list?

> I don't want to keep this thread going but I
think that is
> very wrong of
> someone to insult others on this list, were
all here trying
> to learn from
> one another not insult one another.

Try this one...

Recently I posted a question I had to the list
and no one responded. Not a big deal, everyone
has a life. Today the owner of the company I
work at brought me a copy of an email he
recieved from someone on this list... it
basically said that the programmer he had hired
was unable to accomplish a minor task like the
one I mentioned, and he had, out of the goodness
of his heart, searched out the company to offer
his skills should my company wish to 're-think
the current development staff'.

My boss reminded me that I should be careful of
the people I associate with, and left it at
that. Aren't I lucky!

Dr. Marcus Kiel
Director of Development
AdTel International

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the body.

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Error: Unable to instantiate environment for 'ODBC.'

2000-04-22 Thread Al Musella, DPM

  There was talk about this error a while ago - has anyone ever found out 
how to fix it?
  I am using Windows NT4 service pack 6a, Cold fusion 4.5.1(Preview 
release) and IIS4 on 1 server, NT4 SP6a and SQL Server 7.0 SP2 on the db 
   Is this problem occurring on the web server or the database server?
  Would the current version of CF fix it? (I hesitate to ever change CF 
versions now:)

Error Diagnostic Information

ODBC Error Code = ()

Unable to instantiate environment for 'ODBC.'

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of 
(CFQUERY), occupying document position (44:1) to (44:65)

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Re: What happened to this list?

2000-04-22 Thread John N Westerlund

You may also want to try to deduce who would do this to you. Most of us one
here have no inkling who your boss would be... his email... etc. Do you have
someone at your firm trying to take your place or something?

-Original Message-
From: Marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, April 20, 2000 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: What happened to this list?

> I don't want to keep this thread going but I
think that is
> very wrong of
> someone to insult others on this list, were
all here trying
> to learn from
> one another not insult one another.

Try this one...

Recently I posted a question I had to the list
and no one responded. Not a big deal, everyone
has a life. Today the owner of the company I
work at brought me a copy of an email he
recieved from someone on this list... it
basically said that the programmer he had hired
was unable to accomplish a minor task like the
one I mentioned, and he had, out of the goodness
of his heart, searched out the company to offer
his skills should my company wish to 're-think
the current development staff'.

My boss reminded me that I should be careful of
the people I associate with, and left it at
that. Aren't I lucky!

Dr. Marcus Kiel
Director of Development
AdTel International

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the body.

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Handling a duration in SQL

2000-04-22 Thread Eron Cohen

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi Everyone,

I am writing a scheduling application.  My problem is that I can't =
figure out what to put in the SQL WHERE statement to handle a particular =

Someone may have scheduled a event to last several days, or even weeks.  =
For instance the event could start on April 15 and last until April =
20th.   The IDEA is that the scheduler only allows the user to VIEW one =
day at a time. The user selects a date and then I query the database to =
see what events take place on that day (even if they started a few days =
earlier and/or won't end for a few days.)  I have no trouble selecting =
the event if it starts or ends on the particular day in question, but I =
don't know how to handle events that last a few days (esp. when the user =
is trying to view a day that is in the middle of several day event.)

My table (in an MS Access 2000 database) has these fields:=20

Can anyone give me any ideas on how to SELECT these events?

Thank You,


Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi Everyone,
I am writing a scheduling =
application.  My=20
problem is that I can't figure out what to put in the SQL WHERE =
statement to=20
handle a particular case:
Someone may have scheduled a event to =
last several=20
days, or even weeks.  For instance the event could start on April =
15 and=20
last until April 20th.   The IDEA is that the scheduler only =
the user to VIEW one day at a time. The user selects a date and then I =
query the=20
database to see what events take place on that day (even if they started =
a few=20
days earlier and/or won't end for a few days.)  I have no trouble =
the event if it starts or ends on the particular day in question, but I =
know how to handle events that last a few days (esp. when the user is =
trying to=20
view a day that is in the middle of several day event.)
My table (in an MS Access 2000 =
database) has these=20
Can anyone give me any ideas on how to =
SELECT these=20
Thank You,


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avoid cached pages

2000-04-22 Thread Nathan Chen

Hi Everyone,

I am having a problem with IE.  Let say I have a "abc.cfm" page, which
leads to "xyz.cfm" page.  When I come back to "abc.cfm", which has
updated data,  IE always uses the cached page unless I use "submit"
button.   Because of that updated data is not shown in "abc.cfm".  How
do I tell IE not to use cached page?  Any idea?  Thank you in advance.

Nathan Chen
Computer Control Systems, Inc.

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2000-04-22 Thread Fred Sanders

hmmm, no mail is this thing working.

Fred T. Sanders
Galveston Island, TX
Having a bad day?
Imagine this...

You are in total seclusion from that hectic place called "The World".
The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascading
The water is clear.
You can easily make out the face of the person you are holding underwater.

Feeling better?

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Why this error???

2000-04-22 Thread Bud

ODBC Error Code = S1000 (General error)

  [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not update; 
currently locked by user 'admin' on
  machine 'HOSTING1'.

The database I was accessing was not open. What would cause it to be locked?

The only other thing I can think of is, I am using an Access database 
for client storage. Since I'm not NT savvy, I'm doing everything in 
my power to store as little as possible in the registry. Could it 
have been that? I was setting a session on that page. But still, why 
would it be locked when it wasn't open? Could it have something to do 
with limiting the number of concurrent selections? I thought that 
would just put the query action in queue. Regardless, I opened the 
database and looked, and mine was the only cfid being written at the 
time. And the database I was accessing through my application was 
just doing a Select, not an Update.

And while we're on the subject of client storage in a database, would 
it be a good idea to go in occasionally and delete records? How large 
should I let it grow.

Sign me,


Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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Re: CF Locking UP

2000-04-22 Thread Jennifer

Could it be traffic related?

At 02:04 PM 4/20/00 +0100, you wrote:
>Did this happen to you all of a sudden?  Or did it happen from after
>installation of CF?  This only started happening to me for over two weeks
>now.  I am curious why it didn't happen from when CF was installed two yrs
>- Original Message -
>From: "Shane Pitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 9:42 PM
>Subject: RE: CF Locking UP
> > I am really curious also to this sort of behavior..I run CFServer on
> > NTServer2K and every once in a while, I'll sit at my computer, notice that
> > it's slow as molasses and that the cfserver service is using 98% of the
> > I've tried many times to isolate, or reproduce it to find the cause, and
> > logs don't help.  Only that in the web server log there will usually be an
> > entry that states "the web server is to busy to handle this request: error
> > 523"
> >
> > I've resorted to setting up a paging alert when that process starts eating
> > the cpu so I can just stop and restart it...
> >
> > Id love to know how to "fix" it..
> >
> > Shane
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Sreang Kim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 6:14 AM
> > Subject: CF Locking UP
> >
> >
> > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> >
> > --=_NextPart_000_0863_01BFAACA.3E747B00
> > Content-Type: text/plain;
> > charset="iso-8859-1"
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> >
> > I have a big problem.  I am using CF 4.01 Enterprise for Unix.  CF is =
> > constantly locking up. I check the system performance and found that =
> > when It locked up, the CPU usuage ramped up to over 90%  I checked CF =
> > Server logs and found that I have several unresposive thread count.  =
> > Also there was some application error on the application log.  Why would =
> > my cpu usage ramp up 90% and stay there and eventually locking up CF?  =
> > Is it because of the thread count and the application error?  What could =
> > be the possible reason?
> >
> > --=_NextPart_000_0863_01BFAACA.3E747B00
> > Content-Type: text/html;
> > charset="iso-8859-1"
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> >
> > 
> > 
> >  > http-equiv=3DContent-Type>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I have a big problem.  I am using =
> > CF 4.01=20
> > Enterprise for Unix.  CF is constantly locking up. I check the =
> > system=20
> > performance and found that when It locked up, the CPU usuage ramped up =
> > to over=20
> > 90%  I checked CF Server logs and found that I have several =
> > unresposive=20
> > thread count.  Also there was some application error on the =
> > application=20
> > log.  Why would my cpu usage ramp up 90% and stay there and =
> > eventually=20
> > locking up CF?  Is it because of the thread count and the =
> > application=20
> > error?  What could be the possible =
> > reason?
> >
> > --=_NextPart_000_0863_01BFAACA.3E747B00--
> >
> > --
> > --
> > Archives:
> > To Unsubscribe visit
> > or
> > send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
> > the body.
> >
> > --
> > Archives:
> > To Unsubscribe visit
> or
>send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
>the body.
> >
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Re: can anyone see anything wrong with this?

2000-04-22 Thread Dana Larose

Actually he may be.  (I'm sure using IN was also a problem, though)

I spent a couple of hours one afternoon trying to figure out what was wrong
with a
update query that looked like:

SET ...,
Currency = 'US',

I kept getting a Syntax error.  It turned out the problem was using a field
called Currency (I didn't realize Currency was a reserved word).  The thing
that kept tripping me up was that in Access SELECT queries using Currency
worked fine, but the UPDATE query failed.
(I think one of my clients still has a database with a field called:
DamnBloodyField :) )

Another coder at my shop ran into the same problem when he called something


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Re: What's the use of structures, anyway?

2000-04-22 Thread Steve Aylor

To whom ever is responsible for this tasy piece:

access_flags = StructNew();
access_flags["is_superuser"] = StructNew();
access_flags["is_superuser"].default_value = 0;
access_flags["is_superuser"].description = "Is this user an

Thank you much :-), quite cool.


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Re: What happened to this list?

2000-04-22 Thread Steve Aylor

I should heed my own advice, but there is such a place - cf-community..


> maybe a central flame-post web site could be set up.  anyone who receives
> what they feel is a rude email, could send it to a moderator.  then the
> moderator could post it if it's meets some criteria.  maybe people would
> think twice about being an a**h*le if they realized that the programming
> community in general had a means of seeing what they had done.

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Re: What's the use of structures, anyway?

2000-04-22 Thread Steve Aylor

Good Gawd Man... thats damn funny!

In <034201bfaafb$e9f90eb0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mike Sheldon
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in a fit of unbridled passion, wrote:

But as a recent instigator of a list "hate" crime - I may in a small
way, be responsible for instigating/propogating the recent bad vibe (hope
not, but...).  My apologies, I will use greater diligence in the future to
"refrain" and will employ a greater degree of "tongue biting".

Have a bright sun shiny day..


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RE: domino and rs6000

2000-04-22 Thread Jason Egan

I thought I heard of a product that allows cf to talk to an rs6000

Thanks -- je

Jason Egan
Konnections, INC.

-Original Message-
From: Doug Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 5:30 PM
Subject: RE: domino and rs6000


If you want CF to talk to Domino, you are going to need the NotesSQL driver
found on
the Lotus site.  That will give you an ODBC driver.

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From:   Jason Egan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, April 19, 2000 7:24 AM
To: Cf-Talk
Subject:domino and rs6000

I have to write an application to work with domino - information is entered
via a text file from the rs6000 (isn't there a way for CF to talk to
this?) --

Any experience with CF working with domino and/or an rs6000?  If I can run
CF on the same server as domino, or even better... pull info directly from
the rs6000 --- I would be able to manipulate the data and pour it back into
the server as needed...


Thank you,

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RE: Other CC tags

2000-04-22 Thread Jason Egan

If you're looking for general processing - to bypass cybercrash - be your
own processor... you can use gosoft - there is a cf tag - works pretty
good - worth looking into...


Jason Egan
Konnections, INC.

-Original Message-
From: Vance Duke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 12:05 PM
Subject: Other CC tags

I am looking for other CFX or CF custom tags for doing CC Authorization
other than the Allaire CyberCash tag.  Has any one had any experience with
any other tags?

Vance Duke
Application Developer

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Re: HTTP request and CGI variables

2000-04-22 Thread pan

From: Andrea W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am sending an http request using cfhttp to register a user on a remote
> site - the remote site is using asp. The asp code is looking for the browser
> type in the cgi variables. I am sending it the browser type as follows:
> method="post" resolveurl="true">
> But the remote app is still balking and claiming that I have an old browser
> version. Does anyone know if there is some way that using the cfhttp tag can
> tack on some cgi variables that cannot be overridden by the cfhttpparam? I
> have shown this code to the asp developer who wrote the code that accepts
> the user registration, and he said the HTTP_USER_AGENT variable looked
> correct and is what his app is looking for.

Have you tried setting the user_agent to an older version?
Might be that the receivning app isn't filtering correctly
for 5.01 


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Re: What happened to this list?

2000-04-22 Thread Brook Davies

You should send the email address and name of the person that contacted 
your employer to the List Admin and have him permanently banned.
Better yet, publish the morons name to the list so that the entire cf 
community can see who he is. That type of behavior is completely uncalled for.

Obviously this guy is so hard up for work that he has to stoop to that 
level to try to find clientele.
That tells me that his CF skills or more importantly his people skills are 
very poor.

Completely uncalled for, sorry that had to happen to you Marcus.


At 02:51 PM 20/04/00 -0500, you wrote:
> > I don't want to keep this thread going but I
>think that is
> > very wrong of
> > someone to insult others on this list, were
>all here trying
> > to learn from
> > one another not insult one another.
>Try this one...
>Recently I posted a question I had to the list
>and no one responded. Not a big deal, everyone
>has a life. Today the owner of the company I
>work at brought me a copy of an email he
>recieved from someone on this list... it
>basically said that the programmer he had hired
>was unable to accomplish a minor task like the
>one I mentioned, and he had, out of the goodness
>of his heart, searched out the company to offer
>his skills should my company wish to 're-think
>the current development staff'.
>My boss reminded me that I should be careful of
>the people I associate with, and left it at
>that. Aren't I lucky!
>Dr. Marcus Kiel
>Director of Development
>AdTel International
>To Unsubscribe visit 
> or 
>send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in 
>the body.

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Re: What happened to this list?

2000-04-22 Thread Michael Dinowitz

Went down for the holidays. :)
Actually, the safeguards I had in place were not enough. It seems that has a major problem when dealing with certain formatted emails.

> On 4/20/00, Michael Blair penned:
> >Try this one...
> >
> >Recently I posted a question I had to the list
> >and no one responded. Not a big deal, everyone
> >has a life. Today the owner of the company I
> >work at brought me a copy of an email he
> >recieved from someone on this list... it
> >basically said that the programmer he had hired
> >was unable to accomplish a minor task like the
> >one I mentioned, and he had, out of the goodness
> >of his heart, searched out the company to offer
> >his skills should my company wish to 're-think
> >the current development staff'.
> >
> >My boss reminded me that I should be careful of
> >the people I associate with, and left it at
> >that. Aren't I lucky!
> You could have told your boss, "Well yeah, but obviously this guy
> doesn't know EVERYTHING or he wouldn't be subscribed to a help list
> either". :)
> Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
> 954.721.3452
> --

> Archives:
> To Unsubscribe visit or
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Fw: Query Cache Question

2000-04-22 Thread Jay Sudowski

This is a message I sent this weekend but was bounced . I'm still
curious about structures :-)

- Original Message -
From: Jay Sudowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2000 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: Query Cache Question

> Hey Pete,
> Thanks for the structure example :-).  I have a few questions though -
> seeing as how the whole purpose of the structure is to avoid hitting the
> database, how would I go about outputting an entire list of products from
> the structure?  Or say, just a list of products in a certain category?  I
> guess I could query the db for just product ID's and then loop through the
> structure, but that pretty much defeats the purpose of a structure, huh?
> Also, in the  section of the code, why do you refer to the
> structure as attributes.getProductDetails?  Would it still work if I used
> application.getProductDetails ...?
> I've never used structures before, but its apparent they're lots more
> efficient than hitting that database again and again for the same info, so
> go easy on me, huh? 
> Thanks,
> Jay
> - Original Message -
> From: Pete Freitag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 2:31 AM
> Subject: RE: Query Cache Question
> > This is a good example of a query not to cache this way, let me explain
> > why...
> > Your idea with the dynamic query name shows that you have an idea why
> > might not work. It will cache the query in memory with the value that
> > first executed it with.  Keep in mind that cold fusion can only have 100
> > queries cached at once, so you don't want to use them all up in one
> >
> > Here's how I would solve your situation...
> > 
> > 
> >SELECT * FROM Product
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > Now you can refer to a field based on your primary key, like this...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Pete Freitag
> > Cold Fusion Developer Resources
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Ken M. Mevand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 2:01 AM
> > To: 02 cf-talk
> > Subject: Query Cache Question
> >
> >
> > lets say i have a query :
> >
> >  > CACHEWITH="#CreateTimeSpan(0,1,0,0)#">
> > SELECT * FROM Product WHERE Pdt_ID = #Attributes.PdtID#
> > 
> >
> > thus, for every product request, this query will be recached since the
> query
> > statement will be different. would it be better to rename the query to
> > something like NAME="getProductDetails_#Attributes.PdtID#" instead?
> >
> > thanks
> >
> >
> --
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Re: Deleting Data

2000-04-22 Thread Joshua Yip

have you got the delete statement rite? or your db is a readable and writable one?

Tim Bahlke wrote:

> I am trying to create a page where a user can delete their data from the DB.
> I have created a CFQUERY with a DELETE statement.
> When I try to perform the function I get a page that reads 405 Method Not
> Allowed.
> Am I missing something with my CF Server settings?
> Thanks
> Tim
> --
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Another cookie question

2000-04-22 Thread Bob Hill

Hello everyone,

I want to allow/deny access to a certain part of an application based on
whether or not they have visited that part before.  There is no user login,
so I was thinking of doing this with a cookie.  Even though it has it's
drawbacks, I was going to use #remote_addr# as the value of the cookie, but
I also need it to recognize another value (something like an ID parameter)
for it to do what I need.  So my question is...

Can a cookie have more than one value, or a value that contains a
combination of 2 values?

Or is there a better way to handle what I'm trying to do?


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Re: CF-Talk V1 #42

2000-04-22 Thread Judith Dinowitz


Michael and I are horrified that anyone would use the CF-Talk list to
denigrate some other person and try to take their job.  We want to make it
known to everyone that if we find out who this person is, or if we find out
anyone is doing something of this sort, they will be, at the least, taken
off the CF-Talk and other House of Fusion lists with no chance of ever
getting back on.  Michael is even talking about publicizing their identity
(which would cause them lots of problems in the CF community.)

The CF lists at House of Fusion (or anywhere else, for that matter) should
not be used to denigrate or insult other programmers.  We want this to be an
open forum where no one is afraid to ask a question.  That is the spirit in
which we created these lists, and that is the spirit in which they should

Judith Dinowitz

>Recently I posted a question I had to the list
>and no one responded. Not a big deal, everyone
>has a life. Today the owner of the company I
>work at brought me a copy of an email he
>recieved from someone on this list... it
>basically said that the programmer he had hired
>was unable to accomplish a minor task like the
>one I mentioned, and he had, out of the goodness
>of his heart, searched out the company to offer
>his skills should my company wish to 're-think
>the current development staff'.
>My boss reminded me that I should be careful of
>the people I associate with, and left it at
>that. Aren't I lucky!
>Dr. Marcus Kiel
>Director of Development
>AdTel International

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2000-04-22 Thread Shawn Regan

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Content-Type: text/plain;

Hey guys I'm compare times and I keep getting negative numbers in return.
For example I'm doing a datediff on two different times like 11:45 and 02:45
and I get back -539 but if I compare 9:00 and 11:00 datediff returns 2 which
is right. What am I doing wrong with the first example?

Shawn Regan

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


Hey guys I'm compare times and I keep =
getting negative numbers in return. For example I'm doing a datediff on =
two different times like 11:45 and 02:45 and I get back -539 but if I =
compare 9:00 and 11:00 datediff returns 2 which is right. What am I =
doing wrong with the first example?

Shawn Regan

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Dedicated Servers??

2000-04-22 Thread Bill Killillay

Ok, here goes.  Just a webby as I am called by some of my friends looking
for a little advice.

I work for an advertising agency and I handle ALL of their clients sites.
We have two that since I have come aboard have really taken off.  Like over
a million users a month taken off.  Now my boss is asking me to look into
getting us setup with a dedicated server.  We have been using a company for
all of our shared hosting and we have been quite happy with them.  Here is
my question.

What are the do's and don'ts when setting up a dedicated server for the
first time.  It will have two fairly heavy use sites both done in CF, by me,
so I know what I am getting there.  And a few other not so heavy use sites,
also done in CF for the most part.  Right now we are also just using Access
for the back end and it's been working ok, a little slow at times, but not
to bad.  We are looking to upsizing to SQL Server 7 on an NT box but I know
nothing about SQL server.  With Access I have a GUI to build tables, etc.
Is there anything like that for SQL Server.  What do any of you recommend.
I am fairly certain that we are going to go with an NT box with CF 4.5.1 on
it and depending on what I can find out and learn probably SQL Server on the
same box until we can afford a second box.  Any advice to making this as
smooth as possible is great appreciated.


Bill Killillay
ICQ @ 8425781

"An investment in Knowledge always pays the best interest."
   -Benjamin Franklin-

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Basic Password Info

2000-04-22 Thread Jeffrey M. Placzek

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I need to password protect a database site so that each user that posts =
information can edit or delete their own information.  It can be as =
simple as asking for a their username and password each time they want =
to edit their own info. =20

Can someone point me to a concise, helpful report on the subject, or =
explain in detail the steps needed to make this a simple, safe =

Very, Very Appreciated. Thanks.

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I need to password protect a database =
site so that=20
each user that posts information can edit or delete their own =
information. =20
It can be as simple as asking for a their username and password each =
time they=20
want to edit their own info.  
Can someone point me to a concise, =
helpful report=20
on the subject, or explain in detail the steps needed to make this a =
safe procedure?
Very, Very Appreciated.=20


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