update year only

2000-05-23 Thread Adrian Cesana

I have a demo system (MSQL7) and want to change all my dates from 1999 to
2000 and 1998 to 1999.

There must be some SQL code I can use to do this in one shot, any


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RE: Pound Signs in Field Names

2000-05-23 Thread Philip J. Kaplan

Precisely.  The problem, though, is the script based on "#fieldnames#".
Ahh, I'll get through it...

 - Phil

-Original Message-
From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: Pound Signs in Field Names


At 12:02 AM -0400 5/23/2000, Philip J. Kaplan wrote:
This DB2 legacy I'm working with has a field called "RACK#".  MY CF code is
really unhappy about this.

  - Phil

philip j. kaplan : pk interactive nyc
  : www.pkinteractive.com
  : vox +1 212.273.9623
  : fax +1 212.273.9642

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Authorization error - Directory access not allowed

2000-05-23 Thread Tom Rainey

I really thought this was working yesterday.

The code:

cfhttp resolveurl="yes"  url="http://www.yahoo.com/index.cfm" method="get"


The error message:


 Authorization error - Directory access not allowed.

 The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFHTTP), occupying document position (2:1) to (2:82).


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Re: update year only

2000-05-23 Thread Nick Slay

Hi Adrian

In SQL Server 6 you could use Date Functions in stored procedures or by 
executing script in the enterprise manager.  I would say you can still do 
this in SQL Server 7.

You should be able to do something like:

UPDATE tablename
SET datefield = DateAdd(yy, 1, datefield)
WHERE whatever-condition-to-meet



At 23:08 22/05/00 -0700, you wrote:
I have a demo system (MSQL7) and want to change all my dates from 1999 to
2000 and 1998 to 1999.

There must be some SQL code I can use to do this in one shot, any


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Re: Authorization error - Directory access not allowed

2000-05-23 Thread Nick Slay

Could be because the index.cfm page doesn't exist on yahoo.com?

If you browse to the url you get a page not found error.


At 23:45 22/05/00 -0700, you wrote:
I really thought this was working yesterday.

The code:

cfhttp resolveurl="yes"  url="http://www.yahoo.com/index.cfm" method="get"


The error message:


  Authorization error - Directory access not allowed.

  The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFHTTP), occupying document position (2:1) to (2:82).


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Re: CFInclude-Problem

2000-05-23 Thread cftalk

Thanks John, that helped a lot.

SD Solutions
Uwe Degenhardt
Fon: 08122/903791
Fax: 08122/903792
Web: http://www.sdsolutions.de
- Original Message -
From: "John Quarto-vonTivadar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: CFInclude-Problem

because all the CFINCLUDE does is grab whatever is in the template file and
insert it into the currently running template. You've given it a file name
"navigation_e.cfm?page=services"   (which may or may not be legitimate file
name under your OS) but almost certainly doesn't exist as an actual file).
Since you're only including the code within "navigation_e.cfm", then if you
really need the FORM-like variable you mention then do it as

cfset FORM.page = "services"
cfinclude template="navigation_e.cfm"

Of course since this is likely a topic with soem grey spots for you, you
might also want to read up on the differences between CFINCLUDE and CFMODULE
and Custom Tags. There was a nice article by Charlie Arehart in the CFDJ
last month that talks about this.

 Can s.o. tell me why this isn't possible ?

 cfinclude template="navigation_e.cfm?page=services"

 It throws an CFInclude-Template-error !

 Ideas what to do instead ?


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CFPOP Replyto and From --Please tell me its simpler than this

2000-05-23 Thread Sean Renet

I need to autoreply if something is wrong with an attachment I am being
sent.  The REPLYTO variable of the CFPOP query returns me nothing, so I
decided to "RE" my way thru the FROM variable to get the senders email
address.  Is there a simpler way of doing this?

cfpop action="GETALL"

cfloop query="messages"

!--- this first part is for anyone using an alias for for thier email
address  (eg., "Sean Renet" [EMAIL PROTECTED])---
cfif evaluate("find('', from)") GT 0

   a href="mailto:#mid(from, (evaluate("find('', from)")+1),
evaluate("(len(from)-1)-(#evaluate("find('', from)")#)"))# "#From#/a
!--- this is for anyone that is simply using thier email address---
   a href="mailto:#From#"#From#/a




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Cold Fusion DSP

2000-05-23 Thread Tibbs

Please explain, what is Cold Fusion DSP?

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File based DB's

2000-05-23 Thread Helge Hetland


On Solaris we need to either use a text file or a file based database to
accomplish simple tasks (guestbook, counter etc..)

What options do I have?
The database cannot be registered in CF Administrator, (we have to connect
to it directly given it's name and placement as there will be a very large
number of file based DB's on the file system)

If it's difficult to accomplish the above we have to use text files.

Is the performance on text files sufficient?
Are comma separated fields and CR/LF "row delimiter" the preffered way to
build the database?

Has CF any limitations on text file size?


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Re: CF hosting??

2000-05-23 Thread wayne

Try www.lochnet.co.uk, although I think the server is actually in the

- Original Message -
From: Richard Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: houseoffusion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 3:46 PM
Subject: CF hosting??


 Does anyone know of a cheap hosting company
 in the UK where I can get my ColdFusion site
 online ?

 Or is it just so expensive to host ColdFusion sites ?!



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RE: Problem with Query command

2000-05-23 Thread Holger Lockertsen

In your guestbook-database you should have a primary key; a field that
identifies each record in the database. In this example, this is "The_ID":

cfquery name="guest" datasource="YourDatasource"
SELECT The_ID, TheTitle, TheText  (Replace these with your actual
FROM YourTable

If you append DESC to the order by-line, then the records will be sorted
with the last records first.

The max()-function in SQL is only designed to get the highest value of one
field. Useful for getting the ID of the last record added to the database.


* Holger Lockertsen, Solutions Developer, Horisont Information Systems AS
* Nedre Slottsgate 5, N-0157 OSLO, Noreg/Norway
* 23 31 03 04 / 91 83 20 51
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.horisont.no/

NB! Horisont har fått nye nummer, og mitt INTERNNUMMER er: 23 31 03 04

 -Original Message-
 From: Splash! Designs Ink. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 6:33 AM
 Subject: Problem with Query command

 I am new to Coldfusion, and have been working on
 a simple guestbook.  I followed through the tutorials
 that came with CFExpress and had no problems setting
 up a database, form and outputting the data until I
 tried to format the data in descending order (last entry
 to the first entry).
 I tried some create ways with CFSET  counting
 the total records, then tried using CFQUERY STARTROW
 , but this didn't work.  I read through all of the various CFML
 commands  tried to find one that would do this.  Finally, I resorted
 to SQL commands and found ORDER BY ASC/DESC.
 This, however, only worked when a field name was
 given, so I gave up  decided to look at someone else's
 CFML guestbook.

 I found one located at:
 In the action page, there was reference to the automated ID in the
 database, but when I tried to run this code, I got the error message

 ODBC Error Code = 07001 (Wrong number of parameters)

 SQL = "SELECT MAX(guestbook_ID)AS ID FROM guestbook"

 The code that in error is:

 CFQUERY NAME="GetEnteredRecordID" DATASOURCE="GFGuestbook1"
  SELECT MAX(guestbook_ID)AS ID FROM guestbook

 Can anyone shed some light on this problem?  I'm running CFExpress locally
 and have had no problems with the basic forms.

 Thanks so much,
 Kristin Thu

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RE: SQL Server

2000-05-23 Thread Philip Arnold - ASP

 Hi - can any hardened CF'ers let me know what they think please.
 I currently
 use Access for our CF stuff. I have a quite few tables with maybe 100 rows
 max in each but one large table with our library catalogue in it that has
 about 15,000 rows. We've moved to some new CF space where we also have
 access to SQL Server 7 - would there be any advantage moving to
 SQL Sever as
 I hear a bit of talk about it on this list.

OK, here's just a few of the advantages of using SQL Server over Access;
It's a real database engine, rather than a user engine (Access is designed
for desktop use)
Access has a 50 concurrent user problem - SQL Server doesn't
SQL Server runs a more complete version of SQL - Access runs it's own flavor
SQL Server has optimizers (like NOLOCK) to speed up access
SQL Server has built in options to speed up queryies, like @@identity
SQL Server has stored procedured

I could go on, but I'm boring myself with this list g

Philip Arnold
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133

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RE: SQL Server

2000-05-23 Thread Nick Slay

SQL Server has stored procedured

Access 2000 finally has stored procedures too!!   Not that I'm suggesting 
you use Access of course... but I find it makes developing a site easier 
using Access initially, and then upsizing to SQL when the site is ready to 
go live.  Saves on a few table drop  creates if you change the table 
structures, and you can code the CFSTOREDPROC's from the start :^)

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OLE DB and SQL Server

2000-05-23 Thread Philip Arnold - ASP

OK, here's the problem...

Our intranet server that had my OLE DB testing on it died, and I've lost the
settings... now I can't remember how to set-up the damn thing to talk to SQL
Server (our on-line server still uses ODBC)

Can someone point me in the right direction? Allaire's KB doesn't help at

Philip Arnold
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133

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RE: CF hosting??

2000-05-23 Thread Peter Tilbrook

In a bit of an emergency we (in Australia) went to London Web

Will let you know how they go.

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, 23 May 2000 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: CF hosting??

Try www.lochnet.co.uk, although I think the server is actually in the

- Original Message -
From: Richard Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: houseoffusion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 3:46 PM
Subject: CF hosting??


 Does anyone know of a cheap hosting company
 in the UK where I can get my ColdFusion site
 online ?

 Or is it just so expensive to host ColdFusion sites ?!



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cfservlet tag problem

2000-05-23 Thread Rod Tosten


i am using a very simple HelloWorldServlet that comes with jrun build 
157.  i get the following error:

500 Internal Server Error


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/allaire/wddx/WddxDeserializer

i assume it is missing: com/allaire/wddx/WddxDeserializer

any help appreciated...



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Hidden Administration Controls?

2000-05-23 Thread Kevin Merker

First, my roots are multimedia. When I use to develop CD-ROM's we had a
trick of having an image like a logo then  coding it  into Lingo for
Director. Whereas, if you knew to hold down the alt key and the control
key then moues clicked on a specific image the administration section
would open.

My question: Is there a way to use alt key / control key plus mouse
click in web applications. I figure this would be a much better way of
having a hidden administration section built into the web page rather
than listing it in a menu. My guess is yes, there is a way to use the
alt key / control key combination with an image click. Does anyone know
if you can or can not do this?


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Re: Coldfusion Deleted My Outlook Express Mail

2000-05-23 Thread Ken M. Mevand

yes, i'm sure the codes are from CF.  i'm doing CF development at that time,
and i know the codes when i see them.

- Original Message -
From: Billy Cravens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Coldfusion Deleted My Outlook Express Mail

Are you sure that you see code generated by CF, or just some HTML?  It's
very likely that you are
looking at some of that nasty HTML formatted email that everybody loves to

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OT: SQL 7 Functions

2000-05-23 Thread jeff

Where do I find a list of functions for SQL 7?
Specifically today I'm looking for equivalent to CF Randrange():
FROM users
WHERE ID IN (randrange(1, 3))
But there has to be a list somewhere. I'm getting 
frustrated looking through the online help. 

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IIS not recognizing .cfml extension

2000-05-23 Thread Eric Bradburn

Hi, All

I have encountered an issue with displaying pages with the .cfml setting
in IIS. I was able to do it previously with netscape server. I have set
the extension type to use the same .dll as .cfm files use but I get a
404 when I type in search.cfml. The odd thing is if I type in
search.cfml and I have a file in the directory named search.cfm then it
will display. Any help would be appreciated.

Eric Bradburn

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Re: WDDX OR XML News Feeds

2000-05-23 Thread Dave Hannum

OK, quite a few folks have asked for the code I use so I'll just post it now.  First, 
I had help from this list with this, but I'm
sorry that I forgot who to credit with helping me.  You know who you are:

Here's what I do.  You can use Moreover.com for news headline feeds on MANY subjects.  
This one is for Firearms Related news.  Now,
they do offer a javascript to go out and grab the headline when the page is loaded.  
Problem is, if there is net congestion, or
their server is down, it can really slow down your page load (it does even when there 
isn't much net congestion) or worse off -
prevent your page from loading.  So what I wanted to do is download the headlines and 
associated links into a local database so the
page would load fast.  I run this code (called headliner.cfm) hourly via the CF 
Scheduler (yea, yea, I know - it doesn't work for
some, but I've found that it's pretty reliable for http calls - both on my own servers 
and on shared servers at ISP's - Hostpro.com
in this case).  The advantages are;  Again, faster page loading of headlines from 
local source and if there is net congestion that
would prevent updating when the hourly script runs, you still have the previous hours 
info so your page still loads.

"Nuf said:  here it is:

CFHTTP URL="http://p.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?index_firearms+cf"


CFSET Count = 1
CFLOOP QUERY="stHeadlines" endrow="5"
CFQUERY NAME="insertNews" DATASOURCE="mtnstate-1"
 SET   NewsURL = '#stHeadlines.url#',
  NewsHeadline = '#stHeadlines.headline_text#',
  NewsSource = '#stHeadlines.source#'
 WHERE NewsItemID = #Count#
CFSET Count = #Count# + 1

"What we need is a list of specific unknown problems we will encounter"

David Hannum
Web Analyst/Programmer
Ohio University
(740) 597-2524

- Original Message -
From: Robert Everland III [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 8:56 PM
Subject: RE: WDDX OR XML News Feeds

I would be interested in it if you would like to share.

Bob Everland

-Original Message-
From: David Hannum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: WDDX OR XML News Feeds

You can grab the Moreover.com headlines via CFHTTP and WDDX2CFML function.
I do it on a site I'm developing.  However, for speed, I made a template
that runs hourly and dumps the headlines and links into a database locally
so that it will load faster.  If you want the code, email me off list.
Works like a charm.  I know that some folks have some trouble with the
CFScheduler but on my development box, a production box and a shared server
at an ISP, it seem to be stable for HTTP calls.


- Original Message -
From: Robert Everland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 3:45 PM
Subject: WDDX OR XML News Feeds

 Can anyone give me a link where I may be able to get some news feeds
 off of sites so that I may put them on my intranet. Please specify if they
 carry the whole story or only headlines.

 Robert Everland III
 Web Developer
 Dixon Ticonderoga

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RE: SQL 7 Functions

2000-05-23 Thread Steve Robson

I'm not sure that there is a randrange equivelant, the rand() function
returns a real value between 0 and 1, so you would have to include some kind
of multimplier to use it in the context below.


-Original Message-
Sent: 23 May 2000 13:21
Subject: OT: SQL 7 Functions

Where do I find a list of functions for SQL 7?
Specifically today I'm looking for equivalent to CF Randrange():
FROM users
WHERE ID IN (randrange(1, 3))
But there has to be a list somewhere. I'm getting 
frustrated looking through the online help. 

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Re: SQL 7 Functions

2000-05-23 Thread Justin MacCarthy

From BOL- mathematical functions

Using RAND
The RAND function calculates a random floating point number between 0 and 1,
and can optionally take a tinyint, int, or smallint value for the starting
point of the random number to calculate.

This example calculates two random numbers. The first RAND() function lets
Microsoft® SQL ServerT pick the seed value, and the second RAND() function
uses the value of 3 for the starting position.


The RAND function is a pseudorandom number generator that operates in a
manner similar to the C run-time library rand function. If no seed is
provided, the system generates its own variable seed numbers. If you call
RAND with a seed value, you must use variable seed values to generate random
numbers. If you call RAND multiple times with the same seed value, it
returns the same generated value. This script returns the same value for the
calls to RAND because they all use the same seed value:

A common way to generate random numbers from RAND is to include something
relatively variable as the seed value, such as adding several parts of a
   + (DATEPART(ss, GETDATE()) * 1000 )
   + DATEPART(ms, GETDATE()) )

When you use an algorithm based on GETDATE to generate seed values, RAND can
still generate duplicate values if the calls to RAND are made within the
interval of the smallest datepart used in the algorithm. This is especially
likely if the calls to RAND are included in a single batch. Multiple calls
to RAND in a single batch can be executed within the same millisecond, which
is the smallest increment of DATEPART. In this case, incorporate a value
based on something other than time to generate the seed values.

See Also

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 1:20 PM
Subject: OT: SQL 7 Functions

 Where do I find a list of functions for SQL 7?
 Specifically today I'm looking for equivalent to CF Randrange():
 SELECT TOP 1000 *
 FROM users
 WHERE ID IN (randrange(1, 3))
 But there has to be a list somewhere. I'm getting
 frustrated looking through the online help.


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Re: IIS not recognizing .cfml extension

2000-05-23 Thread Rahul

Have u reinstalled CF server after installing IIS ? If no them pls do it so
that CF server installation will add all ISAPI extentions to IIS.  if u
want to mannually add it then pls refer to the same document in allaire's
support site.


- Original Message -
From: Eric Bradburn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 6:16 PM
Subject: IIS not recognizing .cfml extension

 Hi, All

 I have encountered an issue with displaying pages with the .cfml setting
 in IIS. I was able to do it previously with netscape server. I have set
 the extension type to use the same .dll as .cfm files use but I get a
 404 when I type in search.cfml. The odd thing is if I type in
 search.cfml and I have a file in the directory named search.cfm then it
 will display. Any help would be appreciated.

 Eric Bradburn


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organizing search results for multiple collection searches

2000-05-23 Thread Brian P. Doyle

When searching on multiple collections within verity ( a database search to
be specific )  is it possible to group the results by which collection they
came out of and rank them within that collection?  Perhaps output the name
of the collection, list the results, then the next collection, list the
results etc..

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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RE: IIS not recognizing .cfml extension

2000-05-23 Thread Reynolds, Adam

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Content-Type: text/plain

.cfml? should be .cfm

If you need .cfml then attached is the IIS instructions to add it... 

This can also be used to get ColdFusion to process .html filesthat is if
you need that type of thing.

Adam Reynolds
ColdFusion Consultant
HJ Heinz
Tel: 01344 397016  Fax: 01344 397010
Mobile: 07973 386620

 Sent: 23 May 2000 14:14
 Subject:  Re: IIS not recognizing .cfml extension
 Have u reinstalled CF server after installing IIS ? If no them pls do it
 that CF server installation will add all ISAPI extentions to IIS.  if u
 want to mannually add it then pls refer to the same document in allaire's
 support site.
 - Original Message -
 From: Eric Bradburn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 6:16 PM
 Subject: IIS not recognizing .cfml extension
  Hi, All
  I have encountered an issue with displaying pages with the .cfml setting
  in IIS. I was able to do it previously with netscape server. I have set
  the extension type to use the same .dll as .cfm files use but I get a
  404 when I type in search.cfml. The odd thing is if I type in
  search.cfml and I have a file in the directory named search.cfm then it
  will display. Any help would be appreciated.
  Eric Bradburn
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Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;

htmlheadtitleSetting Application Mappings/title

TempString =3D navigator.appVersion
if (navigator.appName =3D=3D "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){=09
// Check to see if browser is Microsoft
if (TempString.indexOf ("4.") =3D 0){
// Check to see if it is IE 4
document.writeln('link rel=3D"stylesheet" type=3D"text/css" =
else {
document.writeln('link rel=3D"stylesheet" type=3D"text/css" =
else if (navigator.appName =3D=3D "Netscape") {
// Check to see if browser is Netscape
document.writeln('link rel=3D"stylesheet" type=3D"text/css" =
document.writeln('link rel=3D"stylesheet" type=3D"text/css" =


body bgcolor=3D"#FF" text=3D"#00"font =

h1a name=3D"H1_37778069"Setting Application Mappings/a/h1

pYou can develop Web applications in a number of programming and =
scripting languages.  Internet Information Server (IIS) uses the file =
name extension of a requested resource on your Web site to determine =
which ISAPI or CGI program to run to process a request.  For example, a =
request for a file ending with the .asp extension causes the Web server =
to call the ASP program (Asp.dll) to process the request.   The =

RE: Best Editor

2000-05-23 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

TextPad is another option as well. From what I can tell, the specs on both
UltraEdit and TextPad are about identical, but I prefer TextPad...


-Original Message-
From: Mary Jo Sminkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 11:37 PM
Subject: RE: Best Editor

Haven't noticed anyone else mention it, so thought I'd throw out Ultraedit
as a nice plain-text editor that can do some stuff Studio can't (like tile
multiple windows...the one thing I really have to go to another editor from
time-to-time for). It does a nice job of highlighting HTML and javascript
code and can even do CF code as well.

| Mary Jo Sminkey [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Lovettsville, VA USA http://www.dogpatch.org |
| |
| Tosh, UD, AD, VAD, PT   (Old, Retired Dog)  |
| Taz, ADCH, UD, MX, AXJ, EAC, EJC, EGC, FM   |

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RE: IIS not recognizing .cfml extension

2000-05-23 Thread Bosky, Dave

Looks like its dropping the 'l' or ignoring the fourth character place.

 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Bradburn [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 8:46 AM
 Subject:  IIS not recognizing .cfml extension
 Hi, All
 I have encountered an issue with displaying pages with the .cfml setting
 in IIS. I was able to do it previously with netscape server. I have set
 the extension type to use the same .dll as .cfm files use but I get a
 404 when I type in search.cfml. The odd thing is if I type in
 search.cfml and I have a file in the directory named search.cfm then it
 will display. Any help would be appreciated.
 Eric Bradburn
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RE: IIS not recognizing .cfml extension

2000-05-23 Thread Reynolds, Adam

Apologies for that one...

Here is the text:

Setting Application Mappings
You can develop Web applications in a number of programming and scripting
languages. Internet Information Server (IIS) uses the file name extension of
a requested resource on your Web site to determine which ISAPI or CGI
program to run to process a request. For example, a request for a file
ending with the .asp extension causes the Web server to call the ASP program
(Asp.dll) to process the request. The association of a file extension with
an ISAPI or CGI program is called application mapping. IIS is preconfigured
to support common application mappings. You can add or remove mappings for
all applications on a Web site or for individual applications.

To map an extension to an application

In Internet Service Manager, select the Web site or the starting point
directory of an application. 
Open the directory's property sheets, and then click the Home Directory,
Virtual Directory, or Directory tab. 
Click the Configuration button, and then click the App Mappings tab. 
Click Add, and in the Executable box, type the path to the ISAPI or CGI
program that will process the file. You must specify a program in a local
directory on the Web server. 
In the Extension box, type the file name extension you want associated with
the ISAPI or CGI program. When the Web server receives a URL identifying a
file with this extension, it calls the associated program to process the
To allow the processing for files of this type in a directory with Script
permission, select the Script Engine check box. When a directory has Script
permission set (instead of Execute permission), only files associated with
applications that are designated script engines can be processed in the

To remove an application mapping  In the App Mappings property sheet, select
the extension, and then click the Remove button. Requests for files with
this extension will no longer be processed in this Web site or directory. 


Adam Reynolds
ColdFusion Consultant
HJ Heinz
Tel: 01344 397016  Fax: 01344 397010
Mobile: 07973 386620

 This email and any attachments are confidential and solely
 for the use of the intended recipient.  They may contain
 material protected by legal professional or other privilege.
 If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible
 for delivering to the intended recipient, you are not authorised
 to and must not disclose, copy, distribute or retain this email
 or its attachments.  Although this email and its attachments
 are believed to be free of any virus or other defect, it is the
 responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they are virus free
 and no responsibility is accepted by the company for any
 loss or damage arising from receipt or use thereof.

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RE: SQL Functions

2000-05-23 Thread jeff

Thanks for the responses. I found "THE LIST" in 
the SQL Query Analyzer - Help. Looks like I should
be able to use the Round() and Rand()functions to
get where I want to. 

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collection vs. query

2000-05-23 Thread Kris Seaney

Hi Guys, I have this output referencing the query that verity indexed. How
do I get the data from the search instead of from the query?


cfoutput query="choice"tr
td  width="120"#date#/td
td  width="120"#type#/td
td  width="120"#source#/td
td  width="120"#title#/td
td  width="120"#doc_name#/td

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RE: Hidden Administration Controls?

2000-05-23 Thread Duane Boudreau

You may be able to find this functionality available using DHTML. The
problem is that it wouldn't be hidden and it wouldn't be browser

Duane Boudreau,
Project/Beta Manager, eMPower
Director, Web Technologies
Ektron, Inc.
5 Northern Blvd, Suite 6
Amherst, NH 03031
Tel: 603-594-0249
Fax: 603-594-0258

(9:45AM EST)

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Merker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 1:48 AM
 Subject: Hidden Administration Controls?

 First, my roots are multimedia. When I use to develop CD-ROM's we had a
 trick of having an image like a logo then  coding it  into Lingo for
 Director. Whereas, if you knew to hold down the alt key and the control
 key then moues clicked on a specific image the administration section
 would open.

 My question: Is there a way to use alt key / control key plus mouse
 click in web applications. I figure this would be a much better way of
 having a hidden administration section built into the web page rather
 than listing it in a menu. My guess is yes, there is a way to use the
 alt key / control key combination with an image click. Does anyone know
 if you can or can not do this?


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RE: collection vs. query

2000-05-23 Thread Brian P. Doyle

if this is the code for your search results page you just replace the query
name with the name of the search, however your outputted fields would be
different (search.key, search.summary, search.score etc.)

-Original Message-
From: Kris Seaney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 4:42 AM
Subject: collection vs. query

Hi Guys, I have this output referencing the query that verity indexed. How
do I get the data from the search instead of from the query?


cfoutput query="choice"tr
td  width="120"#date#/td
td  width="120"#type#/td
td  width="120"#source#/td
td  width="120"#title#/td
td  width="120"#doc_name#/td

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newbie to verity

2000-05-23 Thread Kris Seaney

I want you guys to tell me if this is right.

I want to use verity to make a database searchable.

Here are the steps I think I need to take.
1. query the db
2. make the query results a collection
3. index that collection
4. search the index
5. display the results of the searched index
6. make one field of that search , for each one, a hyperlink to the
displayed doc.

Should I make a application page that stores steps 1 through 3?

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test - plz ignore

2000-05-23 Thread Hassan Khawaja

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Re: organizing search results for multiple collection searches

2000-05-23 Thread David Berger

The way I've done it is to show a graphic next to the link which defines 
which collection it is from but first you need to define your custom1 or 
custom2 during the cfindex process.

cfindex action="Refresh"

cfsearch collection="daily, etc..., etc..." name="results"  type="SIMPLE" 
criteria="#form.searchVARIABLE#" language="English"

cfoutput query="results"

cfif custom1 is "DD"
   ...(show percentage, image, summary)
cfelseif custom1 is "COMP"
   ...(show percentage, image, summary)
   (show percentage, image, summary)


Hope this helps,

David J. Berger
Web Developer
Cornell Technical Services

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

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2000-05-23 Thread Greg Czechowicz

Can I specify a time to expire less that 1 day?

Let me know


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RE: organizing search results for multiple collection searches

2000-05-23 Thread Brian P. Doyle

That's a good idea except that I use custom1 and custom 2 to construct the
url to go to.  Custom1 is the url (minus the key) and custom2 is the key
that points to the specific result.  it's unfortunate that I have to use
both customs, but for some of the collections the "key" is not the actual
key, it's another key which is repeated.  (like searching for contributors
to a product..one product could have multiple contributors..)
wish there were a custom3. or I wish that I could store my url in the URL
field but that doesn't work.

-Original Message-
From: David Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: organizing search results for multiple collection searches

The way I've done it is to show a graphic next to the link which defines
which collection it is from but first you need to define your custom1 or
custom2 during the cfindex process.

cfindex action="Refresh"

cfsearch collection="daily, etc..., etc..." name="results"  type="SIMPLE"
criteria="#form.searchVARIABLE#" language="English"

cfoutput query="results"

cfif custom1 is "DD"
   ...(show percentage, image, summary)
cfelseif custom1 is "COMP"
   ...(show percentage, image, summary)
   (show percentage, image, summary)


Hope this helps,

David J. Berger
Web Developer
Cornell Technical Services

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

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limit on number of structures in session scope.

2000-05-23 Thread Ben Lowndes


I'm working on an online store and have been learning about structures. I've
managed to cut in half the number of queries I'm doing per page by loading
all of the category titles in to a structure and then making the structure
an application variable.

I'm thinking about doing the same thing with the shopping cart items, and
setting the shopping cart structure as a session variable. Then I would only
need to reload the structure when the cart changes. What difficulties am I
likely to run into doing this? Presumably this session variable is held in
the memory of the server, so as long as I have plenty of RAM will I be ok?
I'm using both cookies and session.sesionID to track the user BTW.


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Re: Query suddenly taking 7 times longer

2000-05-23 Thread Michael Imhoff

The only thing that I could imagine that would cause this would be if there
are that many more results or if your indexes aren't set up properly.  You
should try creating the query in access and then call it with cfstoredproc.
You should see a big jump in performance if you do that.  If you need help
doing that, just show your query here and I'll help you out.


Michael Imhoff  www.omnicypher.com  icq: 10495667
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)  (320) 255-4447 (home)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (cell)  (612) 247-8159 (cell)
Allaire Alliance Consulting Partner

- Original Message -
From: Eron Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 5:53 PM
Subject: Query suddenly taking 7 times longer

 Hi Folks,

 "Suddenly" today a SQL query that was taking about 20 seconds to perform
 last week, is taking 140 seconds to return results.  I have no idea what's
 gone wrong.

 I haven't changed anything on the forms and haven't touched the software
 the server in question recently.  When a user executes a SQL search on a
 particular form, my CPU usage goes up to 100% and takes much longer to
 return the results of the query than it ever has before.

 I've rebooted my server  compacted and repaired my MS Access database,
 nothing seems to help.

 I am on Cold Fusion 4.51, IIS 4.0 and a Pentium 366 computer.

 Can anyone give me any ideas on where to look for a solution to this




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Re: knowledge base

2000-05-23 Thread Michael Imhoff

I built one eons ago and it's located at http://www.tznet.com/knowbase (cf 
cf to get in)

You can have it if you want.  If you have to develop something, this might
give you an ok start if it already doesn't fulfill your needs.


Michael Imhoff  www.omnicypher.com  icq: 10495667
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)  (320) 255-4447 (home)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (cell)  (612) 247-8159 (cell)
Allaire Alliance Consulting Partner

- Original Message -
From: Eisenhauer, James [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 9:45 PM
Subject: knowledge base

 might be on topic might be off..the program i am working with is
 at developing or buying a knowledge base type product.

 Would prefer it be CF based , open source, with support and lots of bells
 and whistles :-)

 does anybody know if such a product exists?  If not does anybody have any
 other good products.  Would build one in house but the same old excuse --
 little resources little time.




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RE: organizing search results for multiple collection searches

2000-05-23 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

Why don't place the complete URL in the Custom1 field? You can also
concatenate multiple values together by using a predefined delimiter and
return the results that way. Another option, is to store a WDDX packet as
one of the CustomX fields-that way you can deserialize it and you have what
ever information you need available. I normally just stick to using a list
to store my values

For example:

SELECT Pkey, Description, Name, ItemNo  "^" Price1  "^"  Price2 AS


Now the Custom1 field would contain a list holds the item of a product and 2
pricing models-with each item separated by the caret symbol. You could of
course store as many things in the list as you wanted.

|   name | Dan G. Switzer, II|
|company | PengoWorks.com|
|www | http://www.pengoworks.com |
| mailto | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |

-Original Message-
From: Brian P. Doyle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: organizing search results for multiple collection searches

That's a good idea except that I use custom1 and custom 2 to construct the
url to go to.  Custom1 is the url (minus the key) and custom2 is the key
that points to the specific result.  it's unfortunate that I have to use
both customs, but for some of the collections the "key" is not the actual
key, it's another key which is repeated.  (like searching for contributors
to a product..one product could have multiple contributors..)
wish there were a custom3. or I wish that I could store my url in the URL
field but that doesn't work.

-Original Message-
From: David Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: organizing search results for multiple collection searches

The way I've done it is to show a graphic next to the link which defines
which collection it is from but first you need to define your custom1 or
custom2 during the cfindex process.

cfindex action="Refresh"

cfsearch collection="daily, etc..., etc..." name="results"  type="SIMPLE"
criteria="#form.searchVARIABLE#" language="English"

cfoutput query="results"

cfif custom1 is "DD"
   ...(show percentage, image, summary)
cfelseif custom1 is "COMP"
   ...(show percentage, image, summary)
   (show percentage, image, summary)


Hope this helps,

David J. Berger
Web Developer
Cornell Technical Services

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Re: Next N records

2000-05-23 Thread Amar Desai

Maybe I am too late to respond to this subject but being away for three days 
does not help. Maybe someone has already mentioned this but you can use a 
custom tag from the allaire site which works really well.
The custom tag is called CF_Pagethru and you have to only change a little of 
the code to meet your needs. You can find it at the Coldfusion dev center 

From: John Allred [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Next N records
Date: Sun, 21 May 2000 09:27:05 -0500


Thanks. I particularly like that it approaches the Prev/Next functions
without resorting to forms.


Denny dd wrote:
  I think this site will be helpgul to you
  John Allred [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks, Kevin.
  As usual, all I have to do is ask the question, and I find it in the
  Kevin Merker wrote:
   Go to Forta's CFWACK, chapter 21 page #498. Browsing "Next n" Records, 
  is what you are looking for.
   Just copy  paste code changing to your db column names and data 
   John Allred wrote:
Sorry to bring this back up. I thought I had saved a post on this 
but it's no where to be found. Also checked CFWACK and Danesh. 
Trying to
get to the CF Talk archives returns a file not found. So
I'd like to do the "Next 30 records", "Previous 30 records" thing, 
loops are just beyond me right now.
Could someone explain how to set and then reset the needed variables 
each successive page of my query results?
Thanks so much,
John Allred / Jackson, Mississippi
Webmaster, Mississippi Counties
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RE: Best Editor

2000-05-23 Thread Mary Jo Sminkey

TextPad is another option as well. From what I can tell, the specs on both
UltraEdit and TextPad are about identical, but I prefer TextPad...

No, I've used both and UltraEdit is definitely the more powerful of the 
two. But like any program, it all depends on what you need, TextPad 
certainly is another nice option over the plain old Notepad.

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RE: organizing search results for multiple collection searches

2000-05-23 Thread Brian P. Doyle

I actually tried to put everything in custom1 (the url I mean).
ex: Custom1="http://www.mysite.com/component/show_component.cfm?id=#key#"
but that actually just outputs it verbatim (instead of replacing key with
the value.)

-Original Message-
From: Dan G. Switzer, II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:33 AM
Subject: RE: organizing search results for multiple collection searches

Why don't place the complete URL in the Custom1 field? You can also
concatenate multiple values together by using a predefined delimiter and
return the results that way. Another option, is to store a WDDX packet as
one of the CustomX fields-that way you can deserialize it and you have what
ever information you need available. I normally just stick to using a list
to store my values

For example:

SELECT Pkey, Description, Name, ItemNo  "^" Price1  "^"  Price2 AS


Now the Custom1 field would contain a list holds the item of a product and 2
pricing models-with each item separated by the caret symbol. You could of
course store as many things in the list as you wanted.

|   name | Dan G. Switzer, II|
|company | PengoWorks.com|
|www | http://www.pengoworks.com |
| mailto | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |

-Original Message-
From: Brian P. Doyle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: organizing search results for multiple collection searches

That's a good idea except that I use custom1 and custom 2 to construct the
url to go to.  Custom1 is the url (minus the key) and custom2 is the key
that points to the specific result.  it's unfortunate that I have to use
both customs, but for some of the collections the "key" is not the actual
key, it's another key which is repeated.  (like searching for contributors
to a product..one product could have multiple contributors..)
wish there were a custom3. or I wish that I could store my url in the URL
field but that doesn't work.

-Original Message-
From: David Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: organizing search results for multiple collection searches

The way I've done it is to show a graphic next to the link which defines
which collection it is from but first you need to define your custom1 or
custom2 during the cfindex process.

cfindex action="Refresh"

cfsearch collection="daily, etc..., etc..." name="results"  type="SIMPLE"
criteria="#form.searchVARIABLE#" language="English"

cfoutput query="results"

cfif custom1 is "DD"
   ...(show percentage, image, summary)
cfelseif custom1 is "COMP"
   ...(show percentage, image, summary)
   (show percentage, image, summary)


Hope this helps,

David J. Berger
Web Developer
Cornell Technical Services

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RE: Best Editor

2000-05-23 Thread Clint Tredway

My favorite editor is Note Tab Pro. It is $20 and has its own internal
language that allows you to build powerful wizards and other stuff to speed
up coding time.

-Original Message-
From: Mary Jo Sminkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 9:32 AM
Subject: RE: Best Editor

TextPad is another option as well. From what I can tell, the specs on both
UltraEdit and TextPad are about identical, but I prefer TextPad...

No, I've used both and UltraEdit is definitely the more powerful of the 
two. But like any program, it all depends on what you need, TextPad 
certainly is another nice option over the plain old Notepad.

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RE: Query suddenly taking 7 times longer

2000-05-23 Thread Eron Cohen

Hi Michael,

I wasn't aware that you could do stored procedures in MS Access 2000.
Although I know you can save a query and call it as if it were a regular
table via ODBC, I don't know of a way to pass that query variables.  I would
need to pass in a few variables for the WHERE statement of the query.  Is
this possible to do with MS Access?  Am I missing something here?



-Original Message-
From: Michael Imhoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 5:21 AM
Subject: Re: Query suddenly taking 7 times longer

The only thing that I could imagine that would cause this would be if there
are that many more results or if your indexes aren't set up properly.  You
should try creating the query in access and then call it with cfstoredproc.
You should see a big jump in performance if you do that.  If you need help
doing that, just show your query here and I'll help you out.


Michael Imhoff  www.omnicypher.com  icq: 10495667
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)  (320) 255-4447 (home)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (cell)  (612) 247-8159 (cell)
Allaire Alliance Consulting Partner

- Original Message -
From: Eron Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 5:53 PM
Subject: Query suddenly taking 7 times longer

 Hi Folks,

 "Suddenly" today a SQL query that was taking about 20 seconds to perform
 last week, is taking 140 seconds to return results.  I have no idea what's
 gone wrong.

 I haven't changed anything on the forms and haven't touched the software
 the server in question recently.  When a user executes a SQL search on a
 particular form, my CPU usage goes up to 100% and takes much longer to
 return the results of the query than it ever has before.

 I've rebooted my server  compacted and repaired my MS Access database,
 nothing seems to help.

 I am on Cold Fusion 4.51, IIS 4.0 and a Pentium 366 computer.

 Can anyone give me any ideas on where to look for a solution to this




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RE: Pound Signs in Field Names

2000-05-23 Thread Robert Everland

What I would do is this, when you are selecting your data do SELECT
WHATEVER,WHATEVER2, RACK# AS RACK. That will make it CF friendly.

Robert Everland III
Web Developer
Dixon Ticonderoga

-Original Message-
From: Philip J. Kaplan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 12:02 AM
Subject: Pound Signs in Field Names

This DB2 legacy I'm working with has a field called "RACK#".  MY CF code is
really unhappy about this.

 - Phil

philip j. kaplan : pk interactive nyc
 : www.pkinteractive.com
 : vox +1 212.273.9623
 : fax +1 212.273.9642

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RE: Best Editor AND humanclick.com

2000-05-23 Thread Eron Cohen

I have to put in my vote for the free editor from EVRSoft.  It is very Cold
Fusion Studio like and just packed with features.  The fact that its
freeware is a bonus.  Its an excellent tool:


I am very impressed with this software.

While I am on the subject of free software, I also have to put in a plug for
humanclick.com.  They have a free "Click HERE to talk to a live person"
package for websites.  I really recommend this software.  It was so easy to
impliment and the "client" software which site "operators" use to "answer
calls" is VERY good. (People who come to the site who want to chat do not
have to download anything...)


-Original Message-
From: Clint Tredway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: Best Editor

My favorite editor is Note Tab Pro. It is $20 and has its own internal
language that allows you to build powerful wizards and other stuff to speed
up coding time.

-Original Message-
From: Mary Jo Sminkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 9:32 AM
Subject: RE: Best Editor

TextPad is another option as well. From what I can tell, the specs on both
UltraEdit and TextPad are about identical, but I prefer TextPad...

No, I've used both and UltraEdit is definitely the more powerful of the
two. But like any program, it all depends on what you need, TextPad
certainly is another nice option over the plain old Notepad.

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OT: IE tr bgcolor... question

2000-05-23 Thread Ricq Pattay

I'm trying to format CF output so that the query table rows are shaded grey
and clear alternately.

The below code works in Netscape, but in IE I get rows that are grey and
black alternately. Of course, if I put something within the quotes of the
2nd DE, it works fine in IE. But I'd prefer to have the clear row so as not
to conflict with my background image pattern. Any ideas (besides requiring
my users to only use Netscape...)?

table border=0 cellspacing=0
cfoutput query="search_catalog"

!--- start grey shading of alternate rows ---
 cfif #search_catalog.recordcount# gt 2
tr bgcolor="###Iif(((CurrentRow MOD 2) is 0),de('e0e0e0'),de(''))#"


Univ of MN College of Veterinary Medicine

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Re: Query suddenly taking 7 times longer

2000-05-23 Thread Michael Imhoff

Yes, you just have to set up parameters (actually, you don't always have to
but it's a good habit to get into).

Here is one of my storedprocs and the following query.  Sometimes access
makes the queries really ugly like this one with all of the brackets but I
guess it has it's own reasons as to when and why it puts them in there.
Just let access build the query for you if possible and then you're set.

cfstoredproc procedure="qry_c_Depositions_AttorneyList"
 cfprocparam type="In" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" dbvarname="caseid"
value="#client.caseid#" null="No"
 cfprocresult name="qry_c_Depositions_Listing"

PARAMETERS caseid Short;
SELECT [depositions].[depoid], [depositions].[attorney],
[depositions].[depodate], [depositions].[witnesslast],
[depositions].[witnessfirst], [depositions].[witnesstype],
[depositions].[site], [depositions].[firm], [depositions].[errata],
[depositions].[pdf], [depositions].[pdfcon], [depositions].[ascii],
[depositions].[minuscript], [depositions].[etranscript],
[depositions].[location], [depositions].[erratafile], [depositions].[video],
[depositions].[position], (SELECT Count(exhibits.exhiid) AS exhibitCount
FROM exhibits WHERE depositions.depoid = exhibits.depoid) AS ExhibitCount
FROM depositions
WHERE ((([depositions].[caseid])=[caseid]))
ORDER BY [depositions].[attorney], [depositions].[depodate],
[depositions].[witnesslast], [depositions].[witnessfirst];

Hope that helps,

Michael Imhoff  www.omnicypher.com  icq: 10495667
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)  (320) 255-4447 (home)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (cell)  (612) 247-8159 (cell)
Allaire Alliance Consulting Partner

- Original Message -
From: Eron Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 2:49 PM
Subject: RE: Query suddenly taking 7 times longer

 Hi Michael,

 I wasn't aware that you could do stored procedures in MS Access 2000.
 Although I know you can save a query and call it as if it were a regular
 table via ODBC, I don't know of a way to pass that query variables.  I
 need to pass in a few variables for the WHERE statement of the query.  Is
 this possible to do with MS Access?  Am I missing something here?



 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Imhoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 5:21 AM
 Subject: Re: Query suddenly taking 7 times longer

 The only thing that I could imagine that would cause this would be if
 are that many more results or if your indexes aren't set up properly.  You
 should try creating the query in access and then call it with
 You should see a big jump in performance if you do that.  If you need help
 doing that, just show your query here and I'll help you out.


 Michael Imhoff  www.omnicypher.com  icq: 10495667
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)  (320) 255-4447 (home)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (cell)  (612) 247-8159 (cell)
 Allaire Alliance Consulting Partner

 - Original Message -
 From: Eron Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 5:53 PM
 Subject: Query suddenly taking 7 times longer

  Hi Folks,
  "Suddenly" today a SQL query that was taking about 20 seconds to perform
  last week, is taking 140 seconds to return results.  I have no idea
  gone wrong.
  I haven't changed anything on the forms and haven't touched the software
  the server in question recently.  When a user executes a SQL search on a
  particular form, my CPU usage goes up to 100% and takes much longer to
  return the results of the query than it ever has before.
  I've rebooted my server  compacted and repaired my MS Access database,
  nothing seems to help.
  I am on Cold Fusion 4.51, IIS 4.0 and a Pentium 366 computer.
  Can anyone give me any ideas on where to look for a solution to this

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web based email client : reinventing the wheel

2000-05-23 Thread Adam Cantrell

I was wondering if anybody has put a lot of time into creating a web based
messaging client that interacts with a single pop server.  I know I could
design one myself, but I would think everybody has already done this, and
somebody has probably put a lot of time into making a benchmark performer in
regards to web messaging.  If anyone could point me to or provide me with
source code, it would be much appreciated.

Adam Cantrell

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2000-05-23 Thread Sean German

Riddle me this Mr Watts,

My server seems to have gone from parsing URLs from the left to parsing from
the right.  (NT4 SP5 IIS4 CF 4.0.1)  While neither SP6 nor 6a has been
applied, I have applied post-SP5 hot fixes.  And what's an MS SP but the
same ole hot fixes in a new package?

So do we know which particular facet of SP6 changes the parsing order?  Are
there any other methods of (intentionally or unintentionally) affecting the
parse order?

T again IA


-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 1:43 PM
Subject: RE: CFCONTENT and SP6A

 I was wondering if you could explain your comment about the
 direction it parses the URL - I don't quite understand what
 the issue involved is.

If the URL is parsed from left to right by the server, it will stop at the
first valid file name it finds, and treat everything after that file name as
URL parameter data. For example, with this URL:


the server will go to myfile.cfm, passing myfile.csv as URL data to it. This
trick allows you to execute one file, myfile.cfm, while making the browser
think it's asking for myfile.csv.
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RE: in consideration of large arrays?

2000-05-23 Thread Sean German

Nevermind :)

FOund what I was looking for.


-Original Message-
From: Sean German [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 8:45 PM
Subject: in consideration of large arrays?

Howdy fusioneers,

I know theoretically the size of an array is limited by the available
memory, but what other considerations need to be made when working with
large arrays?
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Re: Query suddenly taking 7 times longer

2000-05-23 Thread Deanna L. Schneider

It is possible to do "faked" stored procedures with Access.

You fake it by using a view, like so:

CREATE VIEW sp_empbydept AS
WHEREemp.dept_id = [empdeptid]

"Empdeptid" would be the parameter that you would pass into the query from
your cold fusion code.

If you run this query directly in Access, it should ask you for the

Hope that gets you started.


Deanna Schneider
Interactive Media Developer
UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing Group
103 Extension Bldg
432 N. Lake Street
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 265-7923

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RE: Query suddenly taking 7 times longer

2000-05-23 Thread Dave Watts

 I wasn't aware that you could do stored procedures in MS Access 2000.
 Although I know you can save a query and call it as if it were a
 regular table via ODBC, I don't know of a way to pass that query
 variables. I would need to pass in a few variables for the WHERE
 statement of the query. Is this possible to do with MS Access? Am
 I missing something here?

With CF 4.0.1 and the CFSTOREDPROC tag, you can call Access parameter
queries as if they were stored procedures. There's more info about this on
our CFUG site:


Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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RE: IE tr bgcolor... question

2000-05-23 Thread Clint Tredway

Try this

trcfif search.recordcount gt 2 bgcolor="deded7"/cfif

-Original Message-
From: Ricq Pattay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:08 AM
Subject: OT: IE tr bgcolor... question

I'm trying to format CF output so that the query table rows are shaded grey
and clear alternately.

The below code works in Netscape, but in IE I get rows that are grey and
black alternately. Of course, if I put something within the quotes of the
2nd DE, it works fine in IE. But I'd prefer to have the clear row so as not
to conflict with my background image pattern. Any ideas (besides requiring
my users to only use Netscape...)?

table border=0 cellspacing=0
cfoutput query="search_catalog"

!--- start grey shading of alternate rows ---
 cfif #search_catalog.recordcount# gt 2
tr bgcolor="###Iif(((CurrentRow MOD 2) is 0),de('e0e0e0'),de(''))#"


Univ of MN College of Veterinary Medicine

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Re: web based email client : reinventing the wheel

2000-05-23 Thread Justin MacCarthy

You should have a look at iMS from Coolfusion.com

~Justin MacCarthy

- Original Message -
From: Adam Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 4:15 PM
Subject: web based email client : reinventing the wheel

 I was wondering if anybody has put a lot of time into creating a web based
 messaging client that interacts with a single pop server.  I know I could
 design one myself, but I would think everybody has already done this, and
 somebody has probably put a lot of time into making a benchmark performer
 regards to web messaging.  If anyone could point me to or provide me with
 source code, it would be much appreciated.

 Adam Cantrell


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tons of white space

2000-05-23 Thread stäs

Does anybody know why a server would add miles of white space to a web 
page? Our site runs on CF4/Apache/Solaris. Thanks!

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RE: web based email client : reinventing the wheel

2000-05-23 Thread Adam Cantrell

I have seen the infusion mail server - it's an awesome product, and I get
reamed for not using it.  However, I'm looking for a web based client/front
end - not a server.  The front end that goes along with iMS seems to want to
stay with iMS.  I'm looking for a client that has been performance tuned and
proven stable under higher load conditions, and that interacts completely
through POP (like with a freeBSD box running sendmail).  It would be cool if
it had address book features, although I am looking for core functionality
right now (send, receive, forward, attach).  Has anyone ran across something
like this, or done one theirselve?  And if you don't have the source, I
would appreciate any pointers or tricks you used to make it faster/better.

+-Original Message-
+From: Justin MacCarthy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
+Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:34 AM
+Subject: Re: web based email client : reinventing the wheel
+You should have a look at iMS from Coolfusion.com
+~Justin MacCarthy
+- Original Message -
+From: Adam Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 4:15 PM
+Subject: web based email client : reinventing the wheel
+ I was wondering if anybody has put a lot of time into creating a
+web based
+ messaging client that interacts with a single pop server.  I know I could
+ design one myself, but I would think everybody has already done this, and
+ somebody has probably put a lot of time into making a benchmark performer
+ regards to web messaging.  If anyone could point me to or provide me with
+ source code, it would be much appreciated.
+ Adam Cantrell
+ Archives: http://www.eGroups.com/list/cf-talk
+ To Unsubscribe visit
+http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=listsbody=lists/cf_talk or
+send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
+the body.
+Archives: http://www.eGroups.com/list/cf-talk
+To Unsubscribe visit
http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=listsbody=lists/cf_talk or
send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
the body.

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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: WDDX OR XML News Feeds

2000-05-23 Thread Eric Dawson

Does anyone currently parse the category list XML into a database?

I created a database will all of moreover's links and used Nate's
TwoSelectsRelated tag to allow the user to select his/her news feed
category. This uses CFHTTP and WDDX along with a database of the
links. I'll
zip it and share it if anyone's interested

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

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Re: tons of white space

2000-05-23 Thread Brandon Whitaker

Does anybody know why a server would add miles of white space to a web
page? Our site runs on CF4/Apache/Solaris. Thanks!

It's adding a blank line for every CF tag that's being processed, but not

Try the following:
(at the beginning of the document)
CFSetting enableCFOutputOnly="yes"

[content, tags, etc.]

CFSetting enableCFOutputOnly="no"

Downside to this: It will ONLY display content appearing between CFOutput
and /CFOutput tags.  That goes for anything you might CFInclude into the
page as well, so take care.

Brandon Whitaker
"It'll get used by the same people using Opera.  People dressed in black
wearing berets."
- Dave Watts, on Mozilla
"The net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."
- John Gilmore
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you.  God just sat on my Whoopee Cushion."
- Kibo

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RE: web based email client : reinventing the wheel

2000-05-23 Thread Chris

At 11:03 AM 5/23/2000 -0500, you wrote:

I have seen the infusion mail server - it's an awesome product, and I get
reamed for not using it.  However, I'm looking for a web based client/front
end - not a server.  The front end that goes along with iMS seems to want to
stay with iMS.  I'm looking for a client that has been performance tuned and
proven stable under higher load conditions, and that interacts completely
through POP (like with a freeBSD box running sendmail).  It would be cool if
it had address book features, although I am looking for core functionality
right now (send, receive, forward, attach).  Has anyone ran across something
like this, or done one theirselve?  And if you don't have the source, I
would appreciate any pointers or tricks you used to make it faster/better.

Does it have to be in cold fusion?  For a front end pop client, we're using 
Merak Mail's IceMail (5 stars from ServerWatch, 
http://www.serverwatch.com/) you can use it with merak mail or without, and 
it's easily configurable from within forms of CF via CFExecute calls

check it out at http://www.icewarp.com/webmail/


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Help With CFMAIL using 4.5.1

2000-05-23 Thread Double Down, Inc

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I am trying to run a mail script that has worked in 4.0.1 When I try to run
it in 4.5.1 I get the following error

unknown exception condition
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFMAIL), occupying document position (9:1) to (9:97).
Any ideas how I can get this to work?



Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

html xmlns:o=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" =
xmlns:w=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" =

meta http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
meta name=3DProgId content=3DWord.Document
meta name=3DGenerator content=3D"Microsoft Word 9"
meta name=3DOriginator content=3D"Microsoft Word 9"
link rel=3DFile-List href=3D"cid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
!--[if gte mso 9]xml
/xml![endif]--!--[if gte mso 9]xml
 /* Style Definitions */
p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
p.MsoAutoSig, li.MsoAutoSig, div.MsoAutoSig
font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
@page Section1
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margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;

body lang=3DEN-US style=3D'tab-interval:.5in'

div class=3DSection1

p class=3DMsoNormal!--[if supportFields]font color=3Dblackspan=20
style=3D'color:black'span =
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes"=A0/spanAUTOTEXTLIST \s quot;E-mail =
Signaturequot; span=20
class=3DEmailStyle18font size=3D2 color=3Dblack face=3DArialspan =
10.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:12.0pt;font-family:Arial'I am trying to run a =
script that has worked in 4.0.1 When I try to run it in 4.5.1 I get the
following erroro:p/o:p/span/font/span/p

p class=3DMsoNormalspan class=3DEmailStyle18font size=3D2 =
face=3DArialspan =

pfont size=3D3 color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New Roman"span =
color:black'unknown exception condition /span/fontfont =

pfont size=3D3 color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New Roman"span =
color:black'TagCFMail::sendMessage /span/fontfont =

pfont size=3D3 color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New Roman"span =
color:black'The error occurred while processing an element with a =
identifier of (CFMAIL), occupying document position (9:1) to =
color=3Dblackspan =

p class=3DMsoNormalspan class=3DEmailStyle18font size=3D2 =
face=3DArialspan =
Arial'Any ideas how I can get this to =

p class=3DMsoNormalspan class=3DEmailStyle18font size=3D2 =

RE: web based email client : reinventing the wheel

2000-05-23 Thread Owens, Howard

My copy of CFStudio came with an example app called Crazy Cab.  I've used
that as the base for building a couple of standard POP clients.  It has all
of the basic functionality you're looking for and is easy to modify to suit
just about any standard need.


Howard Owens
Web Producer

 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Cantrell [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 9:04 AM
 Subject:  RE: web based email client : reinventing the wheel
 I have seen the infusion mail server - it's an awesome product, and I get
 reamed for not using it.  However, I'm looking for a web based
 end - not a server.  The front end that goes along with iMS seems to want
 stay with iMS.  I'm looking for a client that has been performance tuned
 proven stable under higher load conditions, and that interacts completely
 through POP (like with a freeBSD box running sendmail).  It would be cool
 it had address book features, although I am looking for core functionality
 right now (send, receive, forward, attach).  Has anyone ran across
 like this, or done one theirselve?  And if you don't have the source, I
 would appreciate any pointers or tricks you used to make it faster/better.
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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: web based email client : reinventing the wheel

2000-05-23 Thread Justin MacCarthy

There are two problems with CF + pop

1) the connection overhead
2) and cfmail

You can get around cfmail , using cfx_mail or others but you still have
connection overhead. The version of crazy cabs email client that comewith
ColdFusion, caches all the email titles into a sessions, to speed the later
pages, but the page which connects is painfully slow.

The rest of the job is easy.

Are you going to be running this on Linux or NT ?

- Original Message -
From: Adam Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 5:03 PM
Subject: RE: web based email client : reinventing the wheel

 I have seen the infusion mail server - it's an awesome product, and I get
 reamed for not using it.  However, I'm looking for a web based
 end - not a server.  The front end that goes along with iMS seems to want
 stay with iMS.  I'm looking for a client that has been performance tuned
 proven stable under higher load conditions, and that interacts completely
 through POP (like with a freeBSD box running sendmail).  It would be cool
 it had address book features, although I am looking for core functionality
 right now (send, receive, forward, attach).  Has anyone ran across
 like this, or done one theirselve?  And if you don't have the source, I
 would appreciate any pointers or tricks you used to make it faster/better.

 +-Original Message-
 +From: Justin MacCarthy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 +Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:34 AM
 +Subject: Re: web based email client : reinventing the wheel
 +You should have a look at iMS from Coolfusion.com
 +~Justin MacCarthy
 +- Original Message -
 +From: Adam Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 +Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 4:15 PM
 +Subject: web based email client : reinventing the wheel
 + I was wondering if anybody has put a lot of time into creating a
 +web based
 + messaging client that interacts with a single pop server.  I know I
 + design one myself, but I would think everybody has already done this,
 + somebody has probably put a lot of time into making a benchmark
 + regards to web messaging.  If anyone could point me to or provide me
 + source code, it would be much appreciated.
 + Adam Cantrell

 + Archives: http://www.eGroups.com/list/cf-talk
 + To Unsubscribe visit
 +send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
 +the body.
 +Archives: http://www.eGroups.com/list/cf-talk
 +To Unsubscribe visit
 http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=listsbody=lists/cf_talk or
 send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
 the body.


 Archives: http://www.eGroups.com/list/cf-talk
 To Unsubscribe visit
http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=listsbody=lists/cf_talk or
send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
the body.

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To Unsubscribe visit 
http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=listsbody=lists/cf_talk or send a 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

RE: Help With CFMAIL using 4.5.1

2000-05-23 Thread Peter Tilbrook

Check you haven't accidentally deleted the c:\cfusion\mail\ folder.

As an extra precaution make sure the following three subfolders are in it:



-Original Message-
From: Double Down, Inc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 24 May 2000 2:26 AM
Subject: Help With CFMAIL using 4.5.1

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I am trying to run a mail script that has worked in 4.0.1 When I try to run
it in 4.5.1 I get the following error

unknown exception condition
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFMAIL), occupying document position (9:1) to (9:97).
Any ideas how I can get this to work?



Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

html xmlns:o=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" =
xmlns:w=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" =

meta http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
meta name=3DProgId content=3DWord.Document
meta name=3DGenerator content=3D"Microsoft Word 9"
meta name=3DOriginator content=3D"Microsoft Word 9"
link rel=3DFile-List href=3D"cid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
!--[if gte mso 9]xml
/xml![endif]--!--[if gte mso 9]xml
 /* Style Definitions */
p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
p.MsoAutoSig, li.MsoAutoSig, div.MsoAutoSig
font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
@page Section1
{size:8.5in 11.0in;
margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;

body lang=3DEN-US style=3D'tab-interval:.5in'

div class=3DSection1

p class=3DMsoNormal!--[if supportFields]font color=3Dblackspan=20
style=3D'color:black'span =
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes"=A0/spanAUTOTEXTLIST \s quot;E-mail =
Signaturequot; span=20
class=3DEmailStyle18font size=3D2 color=3Dblack face=3DArialspan =
10.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:12.0pt;font-family:Arial'I am trying to run a =
script that has worked in 4.0.1 When I try to run it in 4.5.1 I get the
following erroro:p/o:p/span/font/span/p

p class=3DMsoNormalspan class=3DEmailStyle18font size=3D2 =
face=3DArialspan =

pfont size=3D3 color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New Roman"span =
color:black'unknown exception condition /span/fontfont =

pfont size=3D3 color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New Roman"span =
color:black'TagCFMail::sendMessage /span/fontfont =

pfont size=3D3 color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New Roman"span =
color:black'The error occurred while processing an element with a =
identifier of (CFMAIL), occupying document position (9:1) to =
color=3Dblackspan =

CFMAIL and long lines

2000-05-23 Thread kraybill

I'm trying to isolate a problem where CFMAIL refuses to send messages where individual
lines are long.

We paste a series of paragraphs from Word into an input field, total character length
something over 2000. If we go through and manually insert a hard return after each
line in the input field, the message is transmitted. Alternatively, we can decrease the
size of the message. But it always stumbles on the message if sent in its full original

Our ISP (Media3)  says they've come across this before, where for some reason a message
will only go if it's formatted so the lines aren't long. Increasing the timeout didn't
seem to fix it...

And there's a further small issue: when pasted from Word, special characters such as 
hyphen and apostrophe are translated into strange characters when sent by CFMAIL. For
example, apostrophes look okay in the input field but they show up in the email message
like the apostrophe in this question: IsnÆt there a fix for this?

Gene Kraybill
Gene Kraybill
LPW  Associates LLC
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Re: Help With CFMAIL using 4.5.1

2000-05-23 Thread Chris Giminez

Someone just posted this a couple of days ago. It fixed this very problem for me.


Chris Giminez
Owner - Cyber Scriber Web Site Design
ICQ# 2628000

 I am trying to run a mail script that has worked in 4.0.1 When I try to run
 it in 4.5.1 I get the following error
 unknown exception condition
 The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
 (CFMAIL), occupying document position (9:1) to (9:97).
 Any ideas how I can get this to work?

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message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

RE: Best Editor AND humanclick.com

2000-05-23 Thread Robert Everland

Is it me or does this product in Expert mode look like Studio? It's
pretty nice, not as full featured as studio but for free you can't beat it.

Robert Everland III
Web Developer
Dixon Ticonderoga

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 11:02 AM
Subject: RE: Best Editor AND humanclick.com

I have to put in my vote for the free editor from EVRSoft.  It is very Cold
Fusion Studio like and just packed with features.  The fact that its
freeware is a bonus.  Its an excellent tool:


I am very impressed with this software.

While I am on the subject of free software, I also have to put in a plug for
humanclick.com.  They have a free "Click HERE to talk to a live person"
package for websites.  I really recommend this software.  It was so easy to
impliment and the "client" software which site "operators" use to "answer
calls" is VERY good. (People who come to the site who want to chat do not
have to download anything...)


-Original Message-
From: Clint Tredway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: Best Editor

My favorite editor is Note Tab Pro. It is $20 and has its own internal
language that allows you to build powerful wizards and other stuff to speed
up coding time.

-Original Message-
From: Mary Jo Sminkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 9:32 AM
Subject: RE: Best Editor

TextPad is another option as well. From what I can tell, the specs on both
UltraEdit and TextPad are about identical, but I prefer TextPad...

No, I've used both and UltraEdit is definitely the more powerful of the
two. But like any program, it all depends on what you need, TextPad
certainly is another nice option over the plain old Notepad.

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send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
the body.

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send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in
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http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=listsbody=lists/cf_talk or send a 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Help needed on CF-OBJECT and XSLT ....

2000-05-23 Thread Ed Dunn

I followed the technical tips from Allaire on using XSLT and WDDX.I have
been trying to get the Java based Lotus XSL processor to work in Cold Fusion
but without any luck.

What do I set  the ClassPath in the Coldfusion administrator?  What do I set
the cfx jar path to? And the java virtual machine path?  I think i install
sun's java jvm correctly. I thought I set the paths correctly too but  I get
the following error:

Error Diagnostic Information
Unhandled System exception !
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/lotus/xsl/XSLProcessor. Java exception
occurred in attempt to locate class 'com/lotus/xsl/XSLProcessor' (you should
verify that the class is in the CLASSPATH).
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFOBJECT), occupying document position (55:1) to (59:24).
Date/Time: 05/22/00 21:50:47
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
Remote Address:

Thanks a lot,

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Netscape cookies

2000-05-23 Thread Lennon Chris Contractor SA-ALC/ADTIC

Can someone tell me where Netscape 4.7 stores its cookies, on a WinNT 4.0
machine?  Thanks.

Chris Lennon
Senior Software Engineer
A Terra Nova Design Technologies, Inc.
Kelly:  (210) 925-4401 x3072
ATN:   (210) 805-9930

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RE: web based email client : reinventing the wheel

2000-05-23 Thread Adam Cantrell

That is what I was looking for, something like crazy cabs to do cool things
like storing the headers in a variable or any other cool performance gaining
methods that I don't have time to think of.  I know the overhead is going to
be lame, but I have too many other objects and people that are using the
email server in its current state.  They would be pissed if I told them I
was going to all of a sudden store all of their email in a SQL db.

I am going to be running CF 4.51ent on either NT 4 SP4-6 or win2k advanced.

Thanks again for all of the tips everybody.

+-Original Message-
+From: Justin MacCarthy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
+Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 11:33 AM
+Subject: Re: web based email client : reinventing the wheel
+There are two problems with CF + pop
+1) the connection overhead
+2) and cfmail
+You can get around cfmail , using cfx_mail or others but you still have
+connection overhead. The version of crazy cabs email client that comewith
+ColdFusion, caches all the email titles into a sessions, to speed the later
+pages, but the page which connects is painfully slow.
+The rest of the job is easy.
+Are you going to be running this on Linux or NT ?
+- Original Message -
+From: Adam Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 5:03 PM
+Subject: RE: web based email client : reinventing the wheel
+ I have seen the infusion mail server - it's an awesome product, and I get
+ reamed for not using it.  However, I'm looking for a web based
+ end - not a server.  The front end that goes along with iMS seems to want
+ stay with iMS.  I'm looking for a client that has been performance tuned
+ proven stable under higher load conditions, and that interacts completely
+ through POP (like with a freeBSD box running sendmail).  It would be cool
+ it had address book features, although I am looking for core
+ right now (send, receive, forward, attach).  Has anyone ran across
+ like this, or done one theirselve?  And if you don't have the source, I
+ would appreciate any pointers or tricks you used to make it
+ +-Original Message-
+ +From: Justin MacCarthy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
+ +Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:34 AM
+ +Subject: Re: web based email client : reinventing the wheel
+ +
+ +
+ +You should have a look at iMS from Coolfusion.com
+ +
+ +~Justin MacCarthy
+ +
+ +- Original Message -
+ +From: Adam Cantrell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ +Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 4:15 PM
+ +Subject: web based email client : reinventing the wheel
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + I was wondering if anybody has put a lot of time into creating a
+ +web based
+ + messaging client that interacts with a single pop server.  I know I
+ + design one myself, but I would think everybody has already done this,
+ + somebody has probably put a lot of time into making a benchmark
+ +in
+ + regards to web messaging.  If anyone could point me to or provide me
+ + source code, it would be much appreciated.
+ +
+ +
+ + Adam Cantrell
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Archives: http://www.eGroups.com/list/cf-talk
+ + To Unsubscribe visit
+ +http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=listsbody=lists/cf_talk
+ +send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
+'unsubscribe' in
+ +the body.
+ +
+ +
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Re: tons of white space

2000-05-23 Thread Dave Hannum

Chances are it's your code.  If you have lots of loops through a cfoutput or cfloop, 
it will add an awful lot of whitespece if
you're not careful:



Should be written as:

CFOUTPUT QUERY="yourQuery"#Something#/CFOUTPUT

to minimize whitespace.  (just a quick and dirty example)


"What we need is a list of specific unknown problems we will encounter"

David Hannum
Web Analyst/Programmer
Ohio University
(740) 597-2524

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 11:02 AM
Subject: tons of white space

Does anybody know why a server would add miles of white space to a web
page? Our site runs on CF4/Apache/Solaris. Thanks!

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O'Reilly's Programming ColdFusion

2000-05-23 Thread Rob Brooks-Bilson

Hello everybody,

I just wanted to clarify a few things about the upcoming O'Reilly book
Programming ColdFusion...  While it is true that the book was originally slated
to be out last summer, developments with CF 4.01 and then 4.5 and 4.5.1 caused
me to have to do a lot of rewriting in order to have the most accurate and up to
date information included in the book.  The technical draft of the book is
almost complete at this point.  The book follows the general O'Reilly style and
format.  By that I mean it isn't a book intended to "teach" ColdFusion, but more
of a reference.  It covers the basics, but not like a tutorial.  The tag and
function references are extensive.  In addition, particular attention is paid to
the protocol tags in ColdFusion such as CFHTTP, CFFTP, CFMAIL, CFPOP, CFLDAP,
etc. The chapters on the Verity search interface and the Web Applicaiton
Framework are detailed and contain topics not covered in any of the other
ColdFusion books.  If anyone has any questions about the book, please feel free
to e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I skim the digest of this list daily, but
unfortunately don't have time to post here as much as I used to (I'm a regular
on the Forums, though, which eats up a lot of time).

Best regards,

Rob Brooks-Bilson
Author, Programming ColdFusion

 This book was do out last August, so, who knows.  The author is among us,
 but obviously not talking.


  I just learned through some folks at O'Reilly that they have a CF book
  under development.  Don't know any more than that yet, but am certainly
  glad to hear we'll have another great reference to set alongside Forta
  and Danesh ...

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Re: CFMAIL and long lines

2000-05-23 Thread Jennifer

At 12:36 PM 5/23/00 +, you wrote:
And there's a further small issue: when pasted from Word, special 
characters such as the
hyphen and apostrophe are translated into strange characters when sent by 
example, apostrophes look okay in the input field but they show up in the 
email message
like the apostrophe in this question: IsnÆt there a fix for this?

This is because those special characters are proprietary to Microsoft 
products. A simple fix for this is to save the file as plain text before 
copying-- Word will do the necessary conversions. A more complicated fix 
would be to search the email message for Word special characters and 
replace them with the appropriate text character. That seems like a larger 
expense than it would be worth for an email app. One thing that you should 
keep in mind when thinking about this problem is that many email clients 
won't be able to understand those Word characters either. CFMail is 
probably doing you a favor.

We had a similar problem with proprietary Word characters, so we told all 
the users to save the files as plain text before copying to paste into the 
form. We told them that saving as plain text eliminated strange characters 
that show up because of proprietary Word characters and that if they did 
not follow that rule, they were at fault for the character weirdness. Of 
course, that's probably easier to say when it's a database app and they can 
edit the results.

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RE: IE tr bgcolor... question

2000-05-23 Thread Philip Arnold - ASP

 I'm trying to format CF output so that the query table rows are
 shaded grey
 and clear alternately.

 The below code works in Netscape, but in IE I get rows that are grey and
 black alternately. Of course, if I put something within the quotes of the
 2nd DE, it works fine in IE. But I'd prefer to have the clear row
 so as not
 to conflict with my background image pattern. Any ideas (besides requiring
 my users to only use Netscape...)?

 table border=0 cellspacing=0
 cfoutput query="search_catalog"

 !--- start grey shading of alternate rows ---
  cfif #search_catalog.recordcount# gt 2
 tr bgcolor="###Iif(((CurrentRow MOD 2) is 0),de('e0e0e0'),de(''))#"

I'd put the whole of the bgcolor="..." into the iif;
tr #Iif(((CurrentRow MOD 2) is 0),de('bgcolor="##e0e0e0"'),de(''))#"


Philip Arnold
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133

"Websites for the real world"

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.

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Re: Hidden Administration Controls?

2000-05-23 Thread Kevin Merker

I didn't mean bypass the standard forms of security. I was thinking of adding this 
functionality with standard methods. You would still need the standard user name, 
password to access
the administration section. Your point is well taken. The only way to use alt key / 
control key combination is through the use of published information in Javascript, I 


Seth Petry-Johnson wrote:

  My question: Is there a way to use alt key / control key plus mouse
  click in web applications. I figure this would be a much better way of
  having a hidden administration section built into the web page rather
  than listing it in a menu. My guess is yes, there is a way to use the
  alt key / control key combination with an image click. Does anyone know
  if you can or can not do this?

 Anything that you code into a web page via HTML or JavaScript is visible to
 your users.  If you really want to do a secure administration area then
 create a unpublished area of your site (http://www.yoursite.com/private/ or
 http://private.yoursite.com/) and use CF or web server permissions to limit
 access to the area.  Have your clients bookmark the admin area rather than
 provide a link to it from the front end.

 "Security through obscurity is not security at all"

 Seth Petry-Johnson
 Argo Enterprise and Associates

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2000-05-23 Thread David E. Crawford

This only applies to the application setting of CFID and CFTOKEN as cookies.
It has ZERO effect on any other cookie function.  If you choose to have
SETCLIENTCOOKIES="NO" you will need to pass CFID and CFTOKEN around via URL
parameters in order to use session variables.


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 17:56


 I understand the purpose that cookies serve and the difference between
 server/client variables. I have read CFWACK ch27 -twice no less ;) .
 What I am trying to figure out is this
 (perhaps its a bug?):

 I "supposedly" disabled cookies by specifying SETCLIENTCOOKIES="No".
 Then in my code I actually do specify code to set a cookie. After I am
 finished on this one template I check my
 machine (client) and I find that there *has* been a cookie set.

 I think that I must be misunderstanding exactly what
 SETCLIENTCOOKIES="No" is supposed to do - because it IS setting cookies
 on the client machine if the app's code specifies it
 regardless of what SETCLIENTCOOKIES says.

 Thanks for any help and best regards,

 Anthony Israel-Davis wrote:

  This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not
  this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
  Content-Type: text/plain;
  My understanding (I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong!) is
 that when
  using client variables, CF first tries to set a cookie with cfid and
  on the machine for state-keeping reasons.  If a cookie cannot be set,
  cfid and cftoken are set in the registry or in an odbc datasource,
  on your specifications in the administrator.  SETCLIENTCOOKIES
  whether or not CF will try to set the cfid and cftoken as a cookie on
  client.  If cookies are not set then you need to track client
 variables by
  appending cfid and cftoken to urls as they are passed.  See CFWACK ch.
  Hope that helps!
  -Original Message-
  From: GE [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 3:00 PM
  To: cf-talk
  Does anyone know the answer to this?
  I inserted the line: SETCLIENTCOOKIES="No" in the application tag of a
  file. In other pages (same directory) I actually set cookies and
  information in them. After checking my browers locations  cookies
  files, I see that cookies were actually set.
  What does SETCLIENTCOOKIES="No" do ? Is this to prevent CF from
  it's own cookies ? In other words outside of the code that I write in
  Thanks ! Any help would be appreciated.
  Archives: http://www.eGroups.com/list/cf-talk
  To Unsubscribe visit
  send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe'
  the body.
  Content-Type: text/html;
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
  META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
  META NAME=3D"Generator" CONTENT=3D"MS Exchange Server version =
  PFONT SIZE=3D2My understanding (I know someone will correct me if
  I'm wrong!) is that when using client variables, CF first tries to set
  a cookie with cfid and cftoken on the machine for state-keeping =
  reasons.nbsp; If a cookie cannot be set, the cfid and cftoken are set
  in the registry or in an odbc datasource, depending on your =
  specifications in the administrator.nbsp; SETCLIENTCOOKIES controls =
  whether or not CF will try to set the cfid and cftoken as a cookie on
  the client.nbsp; If cookies are not set then you need to track client
  variables by appending cfid and cftoken to urls as they are =
  passed.nbsp; See CFWACK ch. 27/FONT/P
  PFONT SIZE=3D2Hope that helps!/FONT
  PFONT SIZE=3D2-Original Message-/FONT
  BRFONT SIZE=3D2From: GE [A =
  BRFONT SIZE=3D2Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 3:00 PM/FONT
  BRFONT SIZE=3D2To: cf-talk/FONT
  PFONT SIZE=3D2Does anyone know the answer to this?/FONT
  PFONT SIZE=3D2I inserted the line: =
  SETCLIENTCOOKIES=3Dquot;Noquot; in the application tag of a/FONT
  BRFONT SIZE=3D2file. In other pages (same directory) I actually
 set =
  cookies and/FONT
  BRFONT SIZE=3D2information in them. After checking my browers =
  locations amp; 

Re: XML Question

2000-05-23 Thread Sean Renet

The "Tech Note" you are refering to "
www.allaire.com/handlers/index.cfm?ID=14244Method=Full#1020244 "  does not
work.  I have an open incident with Allaire, wherein they are trying to
figure out why.  Evidently after they fix the problem they are going to
update the knowledge base article.
- Original Message -
From: "David Gassner" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 7:29 AM
Subject: RE: XML Question

 Bob, I wrote an article on using the MS XMLDOM COM object with CF to parse
 conventional XML files; it's at:


 Take a look and email me off-list if you need any clarification.


  -Original Message-
  From: Robert Everland III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 7:22 PM
  Subject: XML Question
  Ok I get the gist on how to use WDDX, but how would I read in an XML
  document? Same prinipal, 3rd party utility?
  Bob Everland
  Archives: http://www.eGroups.com/list/cf-talk
  To Unsubscribe visit
 _talk or send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
 'unsubscribe' in the body.


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RE: Best Editor

2000-05-23 Thread Chris Evans

And it looks as though UltraEdit runs under Linux using WINE, but not
TextPad ( though the tests on TextPad are pretty old.)  If only either one
had built in FTP access.

Chris Evans

-Original Message-
From: Mary Jo Sminkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:32 AM
Subject: RE: Best Editor

TextPad is another option as well. From what I can tell, the specs on both
UltraEdit and TextPad are about identical, but I prefer TextPad...

No, I've used both and UltraEdit is definitely the more powerful of the
two. But like any program, it all depends on what you need, TextPad
certainly is another nice option over the plain old Notepad.

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2000-05-23 Thread Mike Sheldon

SETCLIENTCOOKIES does not turn cookies off. It merely specifies default
behavior for the session identifier for session variables.

Michael J. Sheldon
Internet Applications Developer
Phone: 480.699.1084
PGP Key Available on Request

-Original Message-
From: GE [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:57


I understand the purpose that cookies serve and the difference between
server/client variables. I have read CFWACK ch27 -twice no less ;) . What I
am trying to figure out is this
(perhaps its a bug?):

I "supposedly" disabled cookies by specifying SETCLIENTCOOKIES="No". Then in
my code I actually do specify code to set a cookie. After I am finished on
this one template I check my
machine (client) and I find that there *has* been a cookie set.

I think that I must be misunderstanding exactly what SETCLIENTCOOKIES="No"
is supposed to do - because it IS setting cookies on the client machine if
the app's code specifies it
regardless of what SETCLIENTCOOKIES says.

Thanks for any help and best regards,

Anthony Israel-Davis wrote:

 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
 this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

 Content-Type: text/plain;

 My understanding (I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong!) is that
 using client variables, CF first tries to set a cookie with cfid and
 on the machine for state-keeping reasons.  If a cookie cannot be set, the
 cfid and cftoken are set in the registry or in an odbc datasource,
 on your specifications in the administrator.  SETCLIENTCOOKIES controls
 whether or not CF will try to set the cfid and cftoken as a cookie on the
 client.  If cookies are not set then you need to track client variables by
 appending cfid and cftoken to urls as they are passed.  See CFWACK ch. 27

 Hope that helps!


 -Original Message-
 From: GE [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 3:00 PM
 To: cf-talk


 Does anyone know the answer to this?

 I inserted the line: SETCLIENTCOOKIES="No" in the application tag of a
 file. In other pages (same directory) I actually set cookies and
 information in them. After checking my browers locations  cookies
 files, I see that cookies were actually set.

 What does SETCLIENTCOOKIES="No" do ? Is this to prevent CF from setting
 it's own cookies ? In other words outside of the code that I write in

 Thanks ! Any help would be appreciated.

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 the body.

 Content-Type: text/html;
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
 META NAME=3D"Generator" CONTENT=3D"MS Exchange Server version =

 PFONT SIZE=3D2My understanding (I know someone will correct me if =
 I'm wrong!) is that when using client variables, CF first tries to set =
 a cookie with cfid and cftoken on the machine for state-keeping =
 reasons.nbsp; If a cookie cannot be set, the cfid and cftoken are set =
 in the registry or in an odbc datasource, depending on your =
 specifications in the administrator.nbsp; SETCLIENTCOOKIES controls =
 whether or not CF will try to set the cfid and cftoken as a cookie on =
 the client.nbsp; If cookies are not set then you need to track client =
 variables by appending cfid and cftoken to urls as they are =
 passed.nbsp; See CFWACK ch. 27/FONT/P

 PFONT SIZE=3D2Hope that helps!/FONT


 PFONT SIZE=3D2-Original Message-/FONT
 BRFONT SIZE=3D2Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 3:00 PM/FONT
 BRFONT SIZE=3D2To: cf-talk/FONT


 PFONT SIZE=3D2Does anyone know the answer to this?/FONT

 PFONT SIZE=3D2I inserted the line: =
 SETCLIENTCOOKIES=3Dquot;Noquot; in the application tag of a/FONT
 BRFONT SIZE=3D2file. In other pages (same directory) I actually set =
 cookies and/FONT
 BRFONT SIZE=3D2information in them. After checking my browers =
 locations amp; cookies/FONT
 BRFONT SIZE=3D2files, I see that cookies were actually set./FONT

 PFONT SIZE=3D2What does SETCLIENTCOOKIES=3Dquot;Noquot; do ? Is =
 this to 

I've got the alternating table row color blues

2000-05-23 Thread Todd Ashworth

Well .. it's not even blue, really ...

I have this line:

tr bgcolor="#IIf(CurrentRow Mod 2, DE('ff'), DE('99ccff'))#"

but instead of alternating the colors between white and light blue, it
combines/averages/mixes them somehow into this sick green color and all of
the rows are that same 'mixed' color.  Has anyone ever run into this before?


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RE: XML Question

2000-05-23 Thread Steve Reich

Check out http://www.xmltree.com. James Carlyle has set up an excellent
resource for XML content. If you search the discussion forums you will find
a lot of great information on handling XML with CF.


-Original Message-
From: Robert Everland III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 10:22 PM
Subject: XML Question

Ok I get the gist on how to use WDDX, but how would I read in an XML
document? Same prinipal, 3rd party utility?

Bob Everland

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RE: Help needed on CF-OBJECT and XSLT ....

2000-05-23 Thread David Gassner

Ed, the classpath in the CF Administrator should include the jar file itself
with a full path; for instance, I'm using IBM's Xerces processor, and have
placed the xerces.jar file in the c:\cfusion\java\classes directory.  My
classpath looks like this:


The JVM path is the name and location of jvm.dll, whereever you've installed
the 1.2x or 1.3 jvm.  Mine is in:


It sounds like you've got that part right, since you're getting a java
error, but the classpath may need some adjustment.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ed Dunn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 8:49 AM
 Subject: Help needed on CF-OBJECT and XSLT 

 I followed the technical tips from Allaire on using XSLT and WDDX.I have
 been trying to get the Java based Lotus XSL processor to work in
 Cold Fusion
 but without any luck.

 What do I set  the ClassPath in the Coldfusion administrator?
 What do I set
 the cfx jar path to? And the java virtual machine path?  I think i install
 sun's java jvm correctly. I thought I set the paths correctly too
 but  I get
 the following error:

 Error Diagnostic Information
 Unhandled System exception !
 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/lotus/xsl/XSLProcessor. Java exception
 occurred in attempt to locate class 'com/lotus/xsl/XSLProcessor'
 (you should
 verify that the class is in the CLASSPATH).
 The error occurred while processing an element with a general
 identifier of
 (CFOBJECT), occupying document position (55:1) to (59:24).
 Date/Time: 05/22/00 21:50:47
 Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
 Remote Address:

 Thanks a lot,

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(n/m) I've got the alternating table row color blues

2000-05-23 Thread Todd Ashworth

I realized that I didn't wrap the line with cfoutputs ... funny how it
muddled the colors though .. I would think it would just give an error.


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Re: I've got the alternating table row color blues

2000-05-23 Thread Jennifer

At 02:23 PM 5/23/00 -0400, you wrote:
Well .. it's not even blue, really ...

I have this line:

tr bgcolor="#IIf(CurrentRow Mod 2, DE('ff'), DE('99ccff'))#"

but instead of alternating the colors between white and light blue, it
combines/averages/mixes them somehow into this sick green color and all of
the rows are that same 'mixed' color.  Has anyone ever run into this before?

I have seen the sick green color. try putting ## at the beginning of that 
and checking out the current IE tr bgcolor... question

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RE: Best Editor

2000-05-23 Thread Mary Jo Sminkey

And it looks as though UltraEdit runs under Linux using WINE, but not
TextPad ( though the tests on TextPad are pretty old.)  If only either one
had built in FTP access.

UltraEdit certainly does have FTP support. Also regular expression 
searches, multi-level undo, timed backups, etc.

Some other features of it I really like are the word-wrap-carriage return 
converting feature (I use this for getting rid of hard returns in Gutenberg 
texts when converting them for other uses) and the ability to save a list 
of Favorite Files (not just recent files like Studio).

Here's the feature list. If you want a plain text editor to supplement 
Studio, I really don't think you could find a better one.



CFWebstore, Cold Fusion-based E-commerce

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2000-05-23 Thread GE


Thank you ! That was what I was needing.


Mike Sheldon wrote:

 SETCLIENTCOOKIES does not turn cookies off. It merely specifies default
 behavior for the session identifier for session variables.

 Michael J. Sheldon
 Internet Applications Developer
 Phone: 480.699.1084
 PGP Key Available on Request

 -Original Message-
 From: GE [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 10:57


 I understand the purpose that cookies serve and the difference between
 server/client variables. I have read CFWACK ch27 -twice no less ;) . What I
 am trying to figure out is this
 (perhaps its a bug?):

 I "supposedly" disabled cookies by specifying SETCLIENTCOOKIES="No". Then in
 my code I actually do specify code to set a cookie. After I am finished on
 this one template I check my
 machine (client) and I find that there *has* been a cookie set.

 I think that I must be misunderstanding exactly what SETCLIENTCOOKIES="No"
 is supposed to do - because it IS setting cookies on the client machine if
 the app's code specifies it
 regardless of what SETCLIENTCOOKIES says.

 Thanks for any help and best regards,

 Anthony Israel-Davis wrote:

  This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
  this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.
  Content-Type: text/plain;
  My understanding (I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong!) is that
  using client variables, CF first tries to set a cookie with cfid and
  on the machine for state-keeping reasons.  If a cookie cannot be set, the
  cfid and cftoken are set in the registry or in an odbc datasource,
  on your specifications in the administrator.  SETCLIENTCOOKIES controls
  whether or not CF will try to set the cfid and cftoken as a cookie on the
  client.  If cookies are not set then you need to track client variables by
  appending cfid and cftoken to urls as they are passed.  See CFWACK ch. 27
  Hope that helps!
  -Original Message-
  From: GE [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 3:00 PM
  To: cf-talk
  Does anyone know the answer to this?
  I inserted the line: SETCLIENTCOOKIES="No" in the application tag of a
  file. In other pages (same directory) I actually set cookies and
  information in them. After checking my browers locations  cookies
  files, I see that cookies were actually set.
  What does SETCLIENTCOOKIES="No" do ? Is this to prevent CF from setting
  it's own cookies ? In other words outside of the code that I write in
  Thanks ! Any help would be appreciated.
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  the body.
  Content-Type: text/html;
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
  META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
  META NAME=3D"Generator" CONTENT=3D"MS Exchange Server version =
  PFONT SIZE=3D2My understanding (I know someone will correct me if =
  I'm wrong!) is that when using client variables, CF first tries to set =
  a cookie with cfid and cftoken on the machine for state-keeping =
  reasons.nbsp; If a cookie cannot be set, the cfid and cftoken are set =
  in the registry or in an odbc datasource, depending on your =
  specifications in the administrator.nbsp; SETCLIENTCOOKIES controls =
  whether or not CF will try to set the cfid and cftoken as a cookie on =
  the client.nbsp; If cookies are not set then you need to track client =
  variables by appending cfid and cftoken to urls as they are =
  passed.nbsp; See CFWACK ch. 27/FONT/P
  PFONT SIZE=3D2Hope that helps!/FONT
  PFONT SIZE=3D2-Original Message-/FONT
  BRFONT SIZE=3D2From: GE [A =
  BRFONT SIZE=3D2Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 3:00 PM/FONT
  BRFONT SIZE=3D2To: cf-talk/FONT
  PFONT SIZE=3D2Does anyone know the answer to this?/FONT
  PFONT SIZE=3D2I inserted the line: =
  SETCLIENTCOOKIES=3Dquot;Noquot; in the application tag of a/FONT
  BRFONT SIZE=3D2file. In other pages (same directory) I actually set =
  cookies and/FONT

cfif currentrow MOD 7 is 1 ::please help::

2000-05-23 Thread Paul Ihrig

Hello All!

I have a nice little emplyee phone list, 
that i had some great help here.

To dynamically generate a new row to display
my data when it gets to the bottom of the page.

right now it is ordering by last name.
the only problem is the way it is displayed.

currently displayed table
Colum1  Colum2  Colum3  Colum4  Colum5  Colum6  Colum7
aaa aa  b   c   dd  d
f   g   h   ii  i   j

What I want it to do
Colum1  Colum2  Colum3  Colum4  Colum5  Colum6  Colum7
aaa b   dd  e   g   ii
aa  c   d   f   h   i

snipit of my code.

!--- This will insert an opening table row tag when the currentrow divided
by 2 leaves a remainder of 1, or at every odd row  KC 03142000---
cfif currentrow MOD 7 is 1
STYLE="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:xx-small;"

FONT SIZE="-7"#Trim(Phone)#

a href="mailto:#Email#"
FONT SIZE="-7"cfif StudioID IS NOT ""#Trim(StuShort)#/cfif-cfif
FloorID IS NOT ""#Trim(Floor)#/cfif
!---this will insert a closing table tag when the currentrow divided by 2
leaves no remainder, or at every even row  KC 03142000---
cfif currentrow MOD 7 is 0

Any Help would be great!
Thank you!
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Re: CFMAIL and long lines

2000-05-23 Thread kraybill

 I'm trying to isolate a problem where CFMAIL refuses to send messages where 
 lines are long.

For the record, here's the workaround we've come up with...

Our problem messages were ones that our client was composing in Word and pasting into 
an input field. We discovered that if the message is saved first as "MS-DOS text with 
line breaks", the message can be pasted and successfully sent. Still not sure why...

Gene Kraybill
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Re: Best Editor

2000-05-23 Thread Josh Black

What about emacs?  emacs has ftp support, regular expression searches,
multi-level undo, color syntax highlighting, etc.  Everything you could want
from an editor.  Of course, you have to develop on a *nix platform to really
get the most out of emacs.  I've found the win32 ports just don't work as
well.  Now if only someone would write a CF major-mode for emacs, the world
would be perfect.  ;-)


- Original Message -
From: "Mary Jo Sminkey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 11:41 AM
Subject: RE: Best Editor

 And it looks as though UltraEdit runs under Linux using WINE, but not
 TextPad ( though the tests on TextPad are pretty old.)  If only either
 had built in FTP access.

 UltraEdit certainly does have FTP support. Also regular expression
 searches, multi-level undo, timed backups, etc.

 Some other features of it I really like are the word-wrap-carriage return
 converting feature (I use this for getting rid of hard returns in
 texts when converting them for other uses) and the ability to save a list
 of Favorite Files (not just recent files like Studio).

 Here's the feature list. If you want a plain text editor to supplement
 Studio, I really don't think you could find a better one.


 Mary Jo Sminkey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 CFWebstore, Cold Fusion-based E-commerce


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Re: CFMAIL and long lines

2000-05-23 Thread Jennifer

At 03:16 PM 5/23/00 +, you wrote:
  I'm trying to isolate a problem where CFMAIL refuses to send messages 
 where individual
  lines are long.

For the record, here's the workaround we've come up with...

Our problem messages were ones that our client was composing in Word and 
pasting into
an input field. We discovered that if the message is saved first as 
"MS-DOS text with
line breaks", the message can be pasted and successfully sent. Still not 
sure why...

There are ways to format paragraphs in Word to make it automatically skip a 
line between paragraphs (similar to p /p tags). Paragraph formatting 
could be controlled by special proprietary characters as well. If that is 
the case, CFMail would not recognize these special formatting characters 
and the whole document was considered one long line. Of course, you 
understand that I'm completely making this up. But having an option called 
"MS-DOS text with line breaks" makes me want to know where the line breaks 
were in the first place.
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cfHTTP Authorization error - Directory access not allowed

2000-05-23 Thread Tom Rainey

I really thought this was working before.

The code:

cfhttp resolveurl="yes"  url="http://www.yahoo.com" method="get"


The error message:


 Authorization error - Directory access not allowed.

 The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFHTTP), occupying document position (2:1) to (2:82).


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Re: CF_STUMPED LOOP'ing challenge

2000-05-23 Thread Bud

On 5/23/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] penned:
I'm stuck on something that might be really simple to someone.

I have these large flat files that are carriage return delimited that
contain the same data over and over again.  I'm trying to parse out
this data for display and later for database insertion.

I've figured out how to pull out the email address information but
I need to pullI out the name information too.  Here's what I have so
far and the format of the flat file.

Name: firstname lastname
Name: firstname lastname
Name: firstname lastname

Since the first word of each 2 record recordset you're trying to 
capture is Email, why don't you do it like this:

CFFILE (blah blah)

cfset delim = chr(13)  "Email"

cfset text = replace(text, delim, "|Email", "ALL")

That should effectively make the text variable look like this:

Name: firstname lastname|Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Name: firstname lastname|Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Name: firstname lastname

Than you can do a loop on the pipe delimiter and nest a loop inside 
on the chr(13) delimiter . That should give you a good start.

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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RE: cfHTTP Authorization error - Directory access not allowed

2000-05-23 Thread Ron Anderson

It worked just fine for me.

-Original Message-
From: Tom Rainey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 1:28 PM
Subject: cfHTTP Authorization error - Directory access not allowed

I really thought this was working before.

The code:

cfhttp resolveurl="yes"  url="http://www.yahoo.com" method="get"


The error message:


 Authorization error - Directory access not allowed.

 The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFHTTP), occupying document position (2:1) to (2:82).


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Re: cfHTTP Authorization error - Directory access not allowed

2000-05-23 Thread KJis18

works fine for me also

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RE: cfHTTP Authorization error - Directory access not allowed

2000-05-23 Thread Tom Rainey

I gues that poses a new question.

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: cfHTTP Authorization error - Directory access not allowed

works fine for me also

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RE: I've got the alternating table row color blues

2000-05-23 Thread Chris

I've seen this before. It's due to the lack of a 
pound sign. Rewrite the code thus:

tr bgcolor="###IIf(CurrentRow Mod 2, DE('ff'), DE('99ccff'))#"

Actually, now that I think about it, tr bgcolor does not
work in all browsers. You may want to do:

td bgcolor="###IIf(CurrentRow Mod 2, DE('ff'), DE('99ccff'))#"

Chris Tweney
Media Application Developer
1700 California Suite 260
San Francisco, CA. 94109
Ph. 415-437-3900 
Fax 415-437-3904

 -Original Message-
 From: Todd Ashworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 11:24 AM
 Subject: I've got the alternating table row color blues
 Well .. it's not even blue, really ...
 I have this line:
 tr bgcolor="#IIf(CurrentRow Mod 2, DE('ff'), DE('99ccff'))#"
 but instead of alternating the colors between white and light blue, it
 combines/averages/mixes them somehow into this sick green 
 color and all of
 the rows are that same 'mixed' color.  Has anyone ever run 
 into this before?
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Re: cfHTTP Authorization error - Directory access not allowed

2000-05-23 Thread Bud

On 5/23/00, Tom Rainey penned:
I really thought this was working before.


The error message:


 Authorization error - Directory access not allowed.

Looks like the error you get when trying to run a "GET" cfhttp 
request with sandbox security installed. At least that's what you get 
on Intermedia.

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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