RE: find function

2004-06-16 Thread Pascal Peters
If you are trying to find the content of the font tag (CFMX only):

stTmp = ReFindNoCase(font color=red(.*?)/font,test,1,true);
value = Mid(test,stTmp.pos[1],stTmp.Len[1]);

If you are not on MX and there is ONLY one font tag, use (.*).

If you can have nested font tags, it will require more work.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: woensdag 16 juni 2004 5:10
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: find function
 Look when I do this :


 cfsavecontent variable=test
table class=app id=highlightablewidth=355 border=0 

 td colspan=5 valign=topstrongView 
 Our Rates by Phone Number/strong

strongfont color=red:


 cfset debut = #REFindNoCase(font color=red.*/font, 
 test)# #REFindNoCase(font color=red.*/font, 
 test)#br #mid(test,evaluate(debut+18),150)#asd

 It returns this :

 app id=highlightablewidth=355 border=0 cellspacing=0


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RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Paul Kenney
How about these things:

1. User-level authentication/authorization
2. Database info
3. Component info

Paul Kenney

 -Original Message-
 From: Calvin Ward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:45 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
 We should consider defining what it is we are looking for 
 from RDS and then go forth to create that functionality 
 -Original Message-
 From:Thomas Chiverton 
 Date:6/15/04 12:24 pm
 Subj:Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
 On Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 17:17 pm, Cary Gordon wrote:
  Wouldn't it be possible to use openSSH as a base to build 
 an improved RDS
  type functionality?
 If you are on Linux, you can already mount a remote machines 
 filesystem using 
 ssh, using User Land Filesystem:
 Tom Chiverton 
 Advanced ColdFusion Programmer
 Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
 BlueFinger Limited
 Underwood Business Park
 Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
 Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
 Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901
 Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
 Quay, BRISTOL. BS1 6EG.
 *** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee
 only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us
 immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this
 communication if received in error. No binding contract will 
 result from
 this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed 
 on behalf of
 the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the
 completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been 
 transmitted over
 public networks.***

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RE: Client wants to add data from spreadsheets - HELP!

2004-06-16 Thread Gagan Chawla
I use the same technique and it works well. Create a textarea tag for each 
spreadsheet column with information you want to import to database. Format 
the textarea so that it is same width as excel sheet column and long 
enough to hold your details from one column of spreadsheet.

User just needs to select the whole column from spreadhseet and paste it to 
designated textarea for it.

On your action page you just need to look for chr(13) in each textarea 
variable to read between each record value.


From: Eric Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Client wants to add data from spreadsheets - HELP!
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 20:13:09 -0500

I use an online form textarea to cut and paste (tab delimited) data from
excel to a web database.

I catch the data, and check it for errors, before posting to the database.

works for me, quick and dirty.



From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: June 13, 2004 7:56 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Client wants to add data from spreadsheets - HELP!

I have a client who wants to add records to his database (SQLServer2000)
from a spreadsheet.He takes his laptop to his seminars and adds the
attendees details into his excel spreadsheet, then wants to load all that
data into his SQL database for use in mass emails etc.

My experience with uploading data to a SQLServer table from a spreadsheet 
that it's very finicky.The spreadsheet has to be EXACTLY right or it
doesn't work. I've found that it omits fields if they are not formatted
precisely right,and lots of examples oftext fields going up as numeric
and then bombing out half way down the sheet as it encounters text in that

The client isn't very good at keeping his data consistent, not really
understanding the difference between column names EmailAddress and Email
Addressand spaceEmailspaceAddressspace.

In short, I'm looking for another way to pin him down to more consistent
data collection.What can I do that will make it easier for him to upload
the data, still allow him to collect it at his seminars, and be able to
upload the data in a consistent fashion to his Online database without
having assistance from me every time he does it?


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


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Re: Client wants to add data from spreadsheets - HELP!

2004-06-16 Thread gc deep
I use the excel sheet technique and it works well and very easy. Create a textarea tag for each spreadsheet column with information you want to import to database. Format the textarea so that it is same width as excel sheet column and long enough to hold your details from one column of spreadsheet.

User just needs to select the whole column from spreadhseet and paste it to designated textarea for it.

On your action page you just need to look for chr(13) in each textarea variable to read between each record value.
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Re: bypass basic authentication credentials of IIS

2004-06-16 Thread Jochem van Dieten
gc deep wrote:
 Thankyou Jochem for response. The problem is I can't use Digest Authentication inplace of Basic because its not available on my IIS. My servers are not involved in Windows Domain.

Roll your own :-)

It really isn't hard to write your own authentication version of 
Digest Authentication and just use that instead of what the 
webserver provides.

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Why does this design go nuts on IE5 for Macintosh?

2004-06-16 Thread Pedro Mendes
Hello all,
I can't figure it out, pardon the ignorance. The main content gets squished...
If anyone can be of help, please respond privately.

Thank you so much in advance.
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2004-06-16 Thread Craig Dudley
Just though I'd share this, someone will no doubt find it useful and a
time saver.

I've been having major issues accessing xmlrpc web services over the
last few days, I tried using cfhttp to post xml as per spec, I tried a
cfc I found here
with no luck, the service would simply not like the method name for some
bizarre reason.

In the end I just gave in a decided to write a java interface for xmlrpc
web sevices, expecting it to take a fair while, It ended up taking an
hour or less and being very easy.

Step 1: Add xmlrpc-1.2-b1.jar from the package downloadable at to your MX servers classpath

Step 2: Use the following code;

XmlRpcClient = createObject(JAVA,org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient);
params = arrayNew(1); // Leave in even if service requires no params
(params can also be a struct?)
params[1] = [string_param];
result = XmlRpcClient.execute([servicename].[method], params);
cfdump var=#result#

Works great for me, hope It saves someone else the time I wasted messing
about with other methods.

Craig Dudley
Senior Developer
Netstep Corporate Communications Ltd
Direct Line: +44(0) 1422 319712
Phone: +44(0) 1422 200308
Fax: +44(0) 1422 200306
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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-16 Thread Ian Vaughan
Still Recieving the error

Error Occurred While Processing Request 	

Error Executing Database Query. 

[Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01843: not a valid month 	
The error occurred in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\PollPopup.cfm: line 130
128 : 			'#DNAME#',
129 : 			'#ENAME#',
130 : 			'#ARCHIVE#' )
131 : 		/cfquery
132 : 			

VALUES ('england04', '', '06-15-2004', '06-25-2004', 'yes',
'Y', 'Will this poll work ?', '', '', '', '', '', 'NO' ) 	
Please try the following: 	

These are the only date lines being used on the pollpopup.cfm page, what
could be causing the above date error on MX ??

cfparam default=poll name=dbsource
cfparam default=POLL name=tablename

cfset formatted_date = dateformat(Now(), MM-DD-)

!-- These variables you probably shouldnt touch --
cfparam default= name=id
cfparam default= name=actions

 titleAdmin Add/Edit/Delete/title

script language=_javascript_
function popup(url) {,'EditWindow','toolbar=yes,location=no,directories=no,sta

function getanswer(url) {
if (confirm(Are you sure you want to delete this item?))


cfif id neq ''
cfquery datasource=#dbsource# name=editinfo
 FROM #tablename#
 where poll_ID = '#id#'

cfswitch _expression_=#actions#
 cfcase value=delete
cfquery datasource=#dbsource# name=
FROM #tablename#
WHERE poll_id = '#id#'
body >
font face=helvetica, arial color=red
brbrbrdiv align=center
Deletion Successful.
forminput type=button value=Close Window

 cfcase value=add
cfif isDate(startdate) AND isDate(enddate) 
cfset form.poll_id = listchangedelims(form.poll_id, ,  ) 
!---cfinsert datasource=#dbsource# tablename=#tablename# 


cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(startdate, MM-DD-)
 cfset formatted_date2 = dateformat(enddate, MM-DD-)

cfquery datasource=#dbsource#

INSERT INTO #tablename# 

body >
font face=helvetica, arial color=red
brbrbrdiv align=center
Addition Successful.
forminput type=button value=Close Window
font face=helvetica, arial color=red
brbrbrdiv align=center
You've entered an invalid Start or End
Hit your back button to re-edit and don't do it again!!!. 
 cfcase value=edit

cfif isDate(startdate) AND isDate(enddate) 

cfset formatted_date1 = dateformat(startdate, MM-DD-)
 cfset formatted_date2 = dateformat(enddate, MM-DD-)

cfquery datasource=#dbsource#
 Update #tablename#
 SET STARTDATE=TO_DATE('#startdate#', 'MM-DD-'),
 enddate=TO_DATE('#enddate#', 'MM-DD-'),
 WHERE Poll_ID = '#poll_id#'
body >
font face=helvetica, arial color=red
brbrbrdiv align=center
Update Successful.
forminput type=button value=Close Window
font face=helvetica, arial color=red
brbrbrdiv align=center
You've entered an invalid Start or End
Hit your back button to re-edit.


From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 15 June 2004 17:19
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

Use that format in conjunction with TO_DATE() 

 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 17:40
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?
 From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 15 June 2004 16:27
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?
 What format is startdate in ? 
  -Original Message-
  From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: dinsdag 15 juni 2004 15:59
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

Re: Why does this design go nuts on IE5 for Macintosh?

2004-06-16 Thread brobborb
Please explain what u mean by squished.also, send a screenshot of what it looks like in IE5 on the mac, as well as what its supposed to look like.

- Original Message - 
From: Pedro Mendes 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:55 AM
Subject: Why does this design go nuts on IE5 for Macintosh?

Hello all,
I can't figure it out, pardon the ignorance. The main content gets squished...
If anyone can be of help, please respond privately.

Thank you so much in advance.
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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-16 Thread Pascal Peters
I am willing to invest some time in helping people on this list, but at
least they should listen. Use TO_DATE(). Let's say the date comes in a
dd/mm/ format:

DON'T reformat it and when you insert it do
TO_DATE('#thedate#','DD/MM/'). Do that in ALL your queries (not just
UPDATE but also INSERT). And PLEASE USE CFQUERYPARAM. (I didn't type it
in the example because I'm tired of typing it)

The actual error is that you format it as a US date and Oracle is
expecting a European date.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: woensdag 16 juni 2004 10:55
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?
 Still Recieving the error

 Error Occurred While Processing Request 	
 Error Executing Database Query. 
 [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01843: not a valid month 	
 The error occurred in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\PollPopup.cfm: line 130
 128 : 			'#DNAME#',
 129 : 			'#ENAME#',
 130 : 			'#ARCHIVE#' )
 131 : 		/cfquery
 132 : 			
 ENAME, ARCHIVE ) VALUES ('england04', '', 
 '06-15-2004', '06-25-2004', 'yes',
 'Y', 'Will this poll work ?', '', '', '', '', '', 'NO' ) 	
 Please try the following: 	

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RE: Why does this design go nuts on IE5 for Macintosh?

2004-06-16 Thread Pascal Peters
You can't send screenshots to cf-talk 

 -Original Message-
 From: brobborb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: woensdag 16 juni 2004 10:55
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Why does this design go nuts on IE5 for Macintosh?
 Please explain what u mean by squished.also, send a 
 screenshot of what it looks like in IE5 on the mac, as well 
 as what its supposed to look like.
- Original Message -
From: Pedro Mendes
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:55 AM
Subject: Why does this design go nuts on IE5 for Macintosh?
Hello all,
I can't figure it out, pardon the ignorance. The main 
 content gets squished...
If anyone can be of help, please respond privately.
Thank you so much in advance.

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Re: Why does this design go nuts on IE5 for Macintosh?

2004-06-16 Thread brobborb
oops!I meant post it on web somewhere :D

- Original Message - 
From: Pascal Peters 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 4:14 AM
Subject: RE: Why does this design go nuts on IE5 for Macintosh?

You can't send screenshots to cf-talk 

 -Original Message-
 From: brobborb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: woensdag 16 juni 2004 10:55
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Why does this design go nuts on IE5 for Macintosh?
 Please explain what u mean by squished.also, send a 
 screenshot of what it looks like in IE5 on the mac, as well 
 as what its supposed to look like.
- Original Message -
From: Pedro Mendes
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:55 AM
Subject: Why does this design go nuts on IE5 for Macintosh?
Hello all,
I can't figure it out, pardon the ignorance. The main 
 content gets squished...
If anyone can be of help, please respond privately.
Thank you so much in advance.

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RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

2004-06-16 Thread Ian Vaughan
Thanks Pascal it works, changed the format of the date around to
dd/mm/ and placed the date inserts in as CFQUERYPARAM.

From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 16 June 2004 10:14
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?

I am willing to invest some time in helping people on this list, but at
least they should listen. Use TO_DATE(). Let's say the date comes in a
dd/mm/ format:

DON'T reformat it and when you insert it do
TO_DATE('#thedate#','DD/MM/'). Do that in ALL your queries (not just
UPDATE but also INSERT). And PLEASE USE CFQUERYPARAM. (I didn't type it
in the example because I'm tired of typing it)

The actual error is that you format it as a US date and Oracle is
expecting a European date.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: woensdag 16 juni 2004 10:55
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CF Dates with MX 6.1 ?
 Still Recieving the error

 Error Occurred While Processing Request 
 Error Executing Database Query. 
 [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01843: not a valid month 

 The error occurred in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\PollPopup.cfm: line 130
 128 : '#DNAME#',
 129 : '#ENAME#',
 130 : '#ARCHIVE#' )
 131 :/cfquery
 132 : 
 ENAME, ARCHIVE ) VALUES ('england04', '', 
 '06-15-2004', '06-25-2004', 'yes',
 'Y', 'Will this poll work ?', '', '', '', '', '', 'NO' ) 
 Please try the following: 

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RE: find function

2004-06-16 Thread CFDEV
I'm not on MX :((

There is more than on font tag but only one with the attribute color=red

Where I had a font tag with a differente attribute to the code below, your
code works great (even on CF5) but where I use the cfhttp.filecontent it
does'nt work. 

Do you think there is something I need to do with the cfhttp.filecontent
before I do the ReFindNoCase? when i debut, it looks like it's blocking at
the first html tag in the content...



From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: June 16, 2004 02:02
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: find function

If you are trying to find the content of the font tag (CFMX only):

stTmp = ReFindNoCase(font color=red(.*?)/font,test,1,true);
value = Mid(test,stTmp.pos[1],stTmp.Len[1]);

If you are not on MX and there is ONLY one font tag, use (.*).

If you can have nested font tags, it will require more work.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: woensdag 16 juni 2004 5:10
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: find function
 Look when I do this :


 cfsavecontent variable=test
table class=app id=highlightablewidth=355 border=0 

 td colspan=5 valign=topstrongView 
 Our Rates by Phone Number/strong

strongfont color=red:


 cfset debut = #REFindNoCase(font color=red.*/font, 
 test)# #REFindNoCase(font color=red.*/font, 
 test)#br #mid(test,evaluate(debut+18),150)#asd

 It returns this :

 app id=highlightablewidth=355 border=0 cellspacing=0

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Re: (Admin) Support drive

2004-06-16 Thread Dirk De Bock - Listclient
I am happy to contribute (a small amount)
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RE: SQL search query

2004-06-16 Thread James Smith
First off you need to get rid of the where 0=0 in the where clause


CFIF Form.ponnumber neq 
CFSET Searchpon=Where ponumber like '%#Form.ponumber#%'
CFIF FORM.invoicenumber neq  
CFSET SearchInv=And invoicenumber LIKE'%#FORM.invoicenumber#%'

Actually the 0=0 (or something like it) is required, in your example code
included above if form.ponnumber is indeed blank then your statement would
be entirely missing the WHERE statement although it could have many AND's,
this will cause an error.

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Application Scope goes missing... HELP!!

2004-06-16 Thread rob.stokes
Hi all,

Having sporadic and pretty serious problems with the Application scope, which I'm using to store my database's schema name.

Here's my Application.cfm:

cfapplication name=callout
			setClientCookies = Yes
			applicationTimeout = #CreateTimeSpan(0,8,0,0)#

!--- Set the database table prefixes 
cfif (NOT IsDefined(Application.CalloutTablePrefix)) OR (NOT IsDefined(Application.CalloutSchema))
		cfif (Find(dev,CGI.SERVER_NAME)) OR (Find(local,CGI.SERVER_NAME)) 
		!--- Only access database tables with CALLDEVT_ prefix for test and development. ---
			cflock scope = Application timeout = 15 type = Exclusive
!--- The database schema used (prefix) before each database table ---
Application.BridgeSchema = B;
Application.BridgeTablePrefix = TABLE;
Application.CalloutSchema = CALLOUT;
Application.CalloutTablePrefix = CALLDEVT;
		!--- Else, we're on the production server so access the live database tables (CALL_). ---
			cflock scope = Application timeout = 15 type = Exclusive
!--- The database schema used (prefix) before each database table ---
Application.BridgeSchema = A;
Application.BridgeTablePrefix = TABLE;
Application.CalloutSchema = CALLOUT;
Application.CalloutTablePrefix = CALL;

An example query that flagged an error:

	cfquery name=Caller.ApplicationsInRota
	select APPLICATION_REF As ThisApplicID, app.rota_ref As RotaID, rota_name As RotaName, 
		GROUP_NAME As GroupName, application As ApplicationName
	from 		#Application.CalloutSchema#.#Application.CalloutTablePrefix#_APPLICATION app,
#Application.CalloutSchema#.#Application.CalloutTablePrefix#_GENERIC_GPS generic,
#Application.CalloutSchema#.#Application.CalloutTablePrefix#_MSTR_ROTA rot
	WHERE		app.rota_ref = rot.rota_ref


And the error message:

An error occurred while evaluating the _expression_: 


Error near line 36, column 13.
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SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread James Smith
While we are on the subject I have noticed recently that more and ore people
are joining tables using the...

FROM table1 x JOIN table2 y ON x.ID = y.ID

And I am wondering if there is a reason for this.Sure I use this syntax
for my outer joins but inner joins I still do the old fashioned way in the
where clause, for example

FROMtable1 x, table2 y

This has the added benefit of taking the place of the 'WHERE 0=0' line we
recently discussed.What are the benefits of one form of inner join over
the other or is it just today's SQL fashion trend?

Secondly I notice more and more use of the cfqueryparam tag, what is wrong
with simply using

AND y.var = '#url.string#'

type formatting?I have been doing this for about 5 years now and have
NEVER found a need for the cfqueryparam tag, I just find it makes the code
harder to read.

Comments anyone?

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RE: Application Scope goes missing... HELP!!

2004-06-16 Thread rob.stokes
Sorry for second post, original error message got snipped:

An error occurred while evaluating the _expression_: 


Error near line 89, column 10.
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Re: OT -- Macromedia Flash

2004-06-16 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Tuesday 15 Jun 2004 23:58 pm, Rick Root wrote:
 source, which is usually a .fla document.. if you haven't got that,
 you're prety much out of luck.

There used to be a decompiler out there... I'm fairly sure.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
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RE: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread rob.stokes

Not sure about the join fashion trend (I use the WHERE clause), but I'm pretty sure using cfqueryparam increases query speeds and improves security (from unautorised users:

Verifies the data type of a query parameter and, for DBMSs that support bind variables, enables ColdFusion to use bind variables in the SQL statement. Bind variable usage enhances performance when executing a cfquery statement multiple times.

This tag is nested within a cfquery tag, embedded in a query SQL statement. If you specify optional parameters, this tag performs data validation.

Macromedia recommends that you use the cfqueryparam tag within every cfquery tag, to help secure your databases from unauthorized users. 


-Original Message-
From: James Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 June 2004 11:47 am
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

While we are on the subject I have noticed recently that more and ore people
are joining tables using the...

FROM table1 x JOIN table2 y ON x.ID = y.ID

And I am wondering if there is a reason for this.Sure I use this syntax
for my outer joins but inner joins I still do the old fashioned way in the
where clause, for example

FROMtable1 x, table2 y

This has the added benefit of taking the place of the 'WHERE 0=0' line we
recently discussed.What are the benefits of one form of inner join over
the other or is it just today's SQL fashion trend?

Secondly I notice more and more use of the cfqueryparam tag, what is wrong
with simply using

AND y.var = '#url.string#'

type formatting?I have been doing this for about 5 years now and have
NEVER found a need for the cfqueryparam tag, I just find it makes the code
harder to read.

Comments anyone?

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Re: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread Jochem van Dieten
James Smith wrote:
 FROM table1 x JOIN table2 y ON x.ID = y.ID

 FROMtable1 x, table2 y
 WHERE x.ID = y.ID

 This has the added benefit of taking the place of the 'WHERE 0=0' line we
 recently discussed.What are the benefits of one form of inner join over
 the other or is it just today's SQL fashion trend?

IMHO the easiest way to write anything but the simplest queries is:
- write the FROM to include all data and relations
- add the WHERE to filter records
- add the SELECT to indicate the exact fields you want
- add, sorting and grouping as needed

Using the JOIN keyword in the FROM helps by keeping the logic to 
relate tables to eachother separate from the logic to filter the 
desired rows. But in the end it is a matter of style and preference.

 Secondly I notice more and more use of the cfqueryparam tag, what is wrong
 with simply using
AND y.var = '#url.string#'
 type formatting?


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RE: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread Joe Rinehart

It's more a time / aesthetics way of doing things.The SQL 1 standard
didn't support join, inner join, or outer join in the way we use them
now, and each vendor started to cook up their own way of doing it.When
the ANSI 92 syntax was brought about, they needed to come up with a way
to standardize joining tables that didn't break the proprietary methods
vendors had invented, so they moved it up into the FROM clause via the
JOIN keywords we use now.

In theory, using the ANSI 92 syntax (not using the WHERE clause) will
create SQL that could port better to other RDBMS.

	-Original Message-
	Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 6:53 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: RE: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)
	Not sure about the join fashion trend (I use the WHERE clause),
but I'm pretty sure using cfqueryparam increases query speeds and
improves security (from unautorised users:
	Verifies the data type of a query parameter and, for DBMSs that
support bind variables, enables ColdFusion to use bind variables in the
SQL statement. Bind variable usage enhances performance when executing a
cfquery statement multiple times.
	This tag is nested within a cfquery tag, embedded in a query SQL
statement. If you specify optional parameters, this tag performs data
	Macromedia recommends that you use the cfqueryparam tag within
every cfquery tag, to help secure your databases from unauthorized
	-Original Message-
	From: James Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
	Sent: 16 June 2004 11:47 am
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)
	While we are on the subject I have noticed recently that more
and ore people
	are joining tables using the...
	FROM table1 x JOIN table2 y ON x.ID = y.ID
	And I am wondering if there is a reason for this.Sure I use
this syntax
	for my outer joins but inner joins I still do the old fashioned
way in the
	where clause, for example
	FROMtable1 x, table2 y
	WHERE x.ID = y.ID
	This has the added benefit of taking the place of the 'WHERE
0=0' line we
	recently discussed.What are the benefits of one form of inner
join over
	the other or is it just today's SQL fashion trend?
	Secondly I notice more and more use of the cfqueryparam tag,
what is wrong
	with simply using
	AND y.var = '#url.string#'
	type formatting?I have been doing this for about 5 years now
and have
	NEVER found a need for the cfqueryparam tag, I just find it
makes the code
	harder to read.
	Comments anyone?
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RE: Application Scope goes missing... HELP!!

2004-06-16 Thread rob.stokes
Apologies again, looks like a filter cuts out anything below lots of '-':

Sorry for second post, original error message got snipped:

An error occurred while evaluating the _expression_: 


Error near line 89, column 10.

Error resolving parameter APPLICATION.CALLOUTSCHEMA

The application variable CALLOUTSCHEMA does not exist. The cause of this error is very likely one of the following things:

The name of the application variable has been misspelled.
The application variable has not yet been created.
The application variable has timed out.

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (#Application.CalloutSchema#), occupying document position (89:9) to (89:35)
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RE: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread James Smith
OK, if it improves performance it is worth using, but I am not sure what the
requirement for verifying the data type is, almost all queries that use a
variable are using one that you as the programmer have passed to it and
therefore have control of its verification before it ever gets to the query,
even if it is posted from a form we have the data validation of the CFFORM
tag and the CFINPUT types.

I also don't understand the 'unauthorized users' bit.Surely any query you
write and execute in a cfm page would have the coldfusion server as the
user, therefore if the query is being run your unauthorised user has already
bypassed your coldfusion security and coldfusion will be authorised as far
as the DB is concerned.

I realise I must be missing the point here but would appreciate it if
someone could clarify for me.


Verifies the data type of a query parameter and, for DBMSs that support
bind variables, enables ColdFusion to use bind variables in the SQL
statement. Bind variable usage enhances performance when executing a
cfquery statement multiple times.

This tag is nested within a cfquery tag, embedded in a query SQL
If you specify optional parameters, this tag performs data validation.

Macromedia recommends that you use the cfqueryparam tag within every
tag, to help secure your databases from unauthorized users.
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cfmail and textarea formatting issues

2004-06-16 Thread cf coder
Hello everybody, 
I have a text area in my form for users to add

form name=frm action="" method=post
textarea name=userComment/xtextarea
input type=submit name=sendEmail value=email
On form submission I am passing this value in the body
of the mail.

Here is the code:

cfmail type=html from=fromEmail to=toEmail
server=serverName port=25
		body bgcolor=##FF
		div style=width:100%; height:100%;
background-color:##FF; align=center
div style=position:relative; left:25px;
top:120px; width:690px; height:245px;
form id=sendMail
table width=100% height=100% cellpadding=0
cellspacing=0 border=0
	tr class=label
		td colspan=2 valign=bottom
		td colspan=2 valign=middle
		textarea id=Comment name=Comment readonly
style=width:680px; height:165px;

Now if I type in the below text in the textarea

This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing
it in and now I hit enter
This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing
it in and now I hit enter
This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing
it in and now I hit enter
This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing
it in and now I hit enter

This is what gets rendered in the email

This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing
it in and now I hit enter BRThis is a test I am just
typing it in I am just typing it in and now I hit
enter BRThis is a test I am just typing it in I am
just typing it in and now I hit enter BRThis is a
test I am just typing it in I am just typing it in and
now I hit enter BRThis is a test I am just typing it
in I am just typing it in and now I hit enter BRThis
is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing it
in and now I hit enterBRThis is a test I am just
typing it in I am just typing it in and now I hit

I don't want it to display br's and paragraphs etc.

Can someone please show me how to do this. Its doing
my heading.

Best regards,

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RE: Application Scope goes missing... HELP!!

2004-06-16 Thread Raymond Camden
If you add a cfdump var=#application#, what do you see?
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mysql query help

2004-06-16 Thread Hagan, Ryan Mr (Contractor ACI)
Good morning,

I'm having a devil of a time with a mysql (v3.23) query and was hoping
someone here could give me a hand.

I have a fantasy football project I'm working on and I allow registered
users to pick a lineup every week and then I score them at the end of the
week depending on how well their players do.Every time they make a change
to their lineup, I update the database, but the lineup isn't official
until they submit a final version.Thus, for any given week I have multiple
lineups from each user, but only the last one submitted (indicated by a
timestamp on the table) is the official version.

The table looks something like this:
userlineupIdQBRBWRTEK DEF submitted
11 vickm11
12 vickm1 mossr1 1
23 bledsd1 westbb1 jurevj1 alexas1 dawsop1 JAX 1
14 vickm1anderd1 bostod1 riemej1 linder2 KC1
25 bledsd1 westbb1 jurevj1 alexas1 dawsop1 CIN 0

What I would like returned is this:
userlineupIdQBRBWRTEK DEF submitted
23 bledsd1 westbb1 jurevj1 alexas1 dawsop1 JAX 1
14 vickm1anderd1 bostod1 riemej1 linder2 KC1


Ryan Hagan
ph: 540-731-3588
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Re: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread Jochem van Dieten
James Smith wrote:

 OK, if it improves performance it is worth using, but I am not sure what the
 requirement for verifying the data type is, almost all queries that use a
 variable are using one that you as the programmer have passed to it and
 therefore have control of its verification before it ever gets to the query,
 even if it is posted from a form we have the data validation of the CFFORM
 tag and the CFINPUT types.

And you think the average cfform and cfinput tag is sufficient? I 

 I also don't understand the 'unauthorized users' bit.

Authorization is not relevant.

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Re: SQL search query

2004-06-16 Thread jjakim
I am now in the habit of putting all my cfif/else statements before the query because I actually never use cfquery.I put everything in stored procedures.So I either put it before the stored proc or sometimes do a case/if/then in the proc
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[Reply To] cfmail and textarea formatting issues

2004-06-16 Thread Seamus Campbell
I think you could do this:
cfset userComment =

 You wrote 
Hello everybody, 
I have a text area in my form for users to add

Seamus CampbellBoldacious WebDesign[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ph 02 6297 4883mob 0410 609 267
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RE: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread James Smith
  OK, if it improves performance it is worth using, but I am not sure what
  requirement for verifying the data type is, almost all queries that use
  variable are using one that you as the programmer have passed to it and
  therefore have control of its verification before it ever gets to the
  even if it is posted from a form we have the data validation of the
  tag and the CFINPUT types.
 And you think the average cfform and cfinput tag is sufficient? I 

OK, but even if the wrong data type is supplied to the query what will
happen, you will get an error.If the cfqueryparam detects an incorrect
data type it will throw an error yes?So what is the difference?Would you
care to explain your answer rather than just taking pot shots at me?

  I also don't understand the 'unauthorized users' bit.
 Authorization is not relevant.

>From Docs.

QUOTEMacromedia recommends that you use the cfqueryparam tag within every
cfquery tag, to help secure your databases from unauthorized users./QUOTE

Macromedia clearly think it is relevant, would you care to elaborate on why
you think it isn't?

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RE: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread Joe Rinehart

CFQUERYPARAM does provide a layer of typing that running a basic query
misses.For instance, if you have this query:

SELECT firstname, lastname FROM employees WHERE employeeId =

and I change the value of employeeId=2 in my address bar to something

2;SELECT password AS firstname, lastname FROM employees WHERE employeeId
= 2

...I can probably manipulate your database to do what I please.It's
called a SQL injection attack, and CFQUERYPARAM is one very good way to
prevent it, as it creates prepared statements that take parameters, not
dynamic formed SQL.For more info, check out this article:


	-Original Message-
	From: James Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:01 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: RE: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)
	  OK, if it improves performance it is worth using, but I am
not sure what
	  requirement for verifying the data type is, almost all
queries that use
	  variable are using one that you as the programmer have
passed to it and
	  therefore have control of its verification before it ever
gets to the
	  even if it is posted from a form we have the data validation
of the
	  tag and the CFINPUT types.
	 And you think the average cfform and cfinput tag is
sufficient? I 
	OK, but even if the wrong data type is supplied to the query
what will
	happen, you will get an error.If the cfqueryparam detects an
	data type it will throw an error yes?So what is the
difference?Would you
	care to explain your answer rather than just taking pot shots at
	  I also don't understand the 'unauthorized users' bit.
	 Authorization is not relevant.
	From Docs.
	QUOTEMacromedia recommends that you use the cfqueryparam tag
within every
	cfquery tag, to help secure your databases from unauthorized
	Macromedia clearly think it is relevant, would you care to
elaborate on why
	you think it isn't?
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Re: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread Jochem van Dieten
James Smith wrote:

And you think the average cfform and cfinput tag is sufficient? I 
 OK, but even if the wrong data type is supplied to the query what will
 happen, you will get an error.

No. You will get a different SQL statement executed as you 
intended to be executed.

 If the cfqueryparam detects an incorrect
 data type it will throw an error yes?So what is the difference?Would you
 care to explain your answer rather than just taking pot shots at me?

Google for SQL Injection Attack.

I also don't understand the 'unauthorized users' bit.

Authorization is not relevant.
 From Docs.
 QUOTEMacromedia recommends that you use the cfqueryparam tag within every
 cfquery tag, to help secure your databases from unauthorized users./QUOTE
 Macromedia clearly think it is relevant, would you care to elaborate on why
 you think it isn't?

Using an SQL Injection Attack doesn't change the user 
authentication or authorization, it changes the SQL statement.

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Re: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread Philip Arnold
On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 08:06:16 -0400, Joe Rinehart wrote:
 CFQUERYPARAM does provide a layer of typing that running a basic query
 misses.For instance, if you have this query:
 SELECT firstname, lastname FROM employees WHERE employeeId =
 and I change the value of employeeId=2 in my address bar to something
 2;SELECT password AS firstname, lastname FROM employees WHERE employeeId
 = 2
 ...I can probably manipulate your database to do what I please.It's
 called a SQL injection attack, and CFQUERYPARAM is one very good way to
 prevent it, as it creates prepared statements that take parameters, not
 dynamic formed SQL.For more info, check out this article:

Think of a more dangerous URL

I'll change the URL variable to
2; drop table employees '

You can do the validation with Val and such, but you're still open to
SQL Injection Attacks if you're not careful

You should ALWAYS use CFQUERYPARM on EVERY query, no matter what
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Re: mysql query help

2004-06-16 Thread Rick Root
You know, I've crafted two responses to this already (this is the third) 
and both ended up being wrong after I thought about it for a while.

Someone else may be able to post the right solution, but in the 
interim, you could

CFQUERY NAME=getrelevantrows
SELECT user, max(lineupid) as maxlineupid FROM tablename
group by user
CFLOOP QUERY=getrelevantrows
 CFQUERY NAME=getspecificrow
 SELECT * FROM tablename
 WHERE user=#user# and lineupid=#maxlineupid#
 CFOUTPUT QUERY=getspecificrow
 !--- output the row data, or user CFLOOP to
 construct a new query object to work with
 containing all the right data ---

I bet there's a better way though.Maybe possible by joining the table 
to itself or something...

- Rick
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CFLOGIN - Advanced authentication needed for member sections

2004-06-16 Thread Spectrum WebDesign
Hi all,

CFlogin framework using Application.cfm in the directory you want protected against unauthorized members is definatly simple, fast, and convienient. But, what about using the process to make only certain elements of a page protected so that members only can see them. Such as the link to download a file, only if your logged in. Using the cflogin framework, the whole page is protected unless your logged in. 

For example, inside Users Manager Page:

users.cfm?action="" = only for god users

user.cfm?action="" = all users

It's possible?

Thanks for your time.

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RE: find function

2004-06-16 Thread Pascal Peters
On CF5:

string = cfhttp.fileContent;
start = FindNoCase(font color=red,string);
	start = start + Len(font color=red);
	end = FindNoCase(/font,string,start);
	content = Mid(string,start,end-start);
	// not found
	content = ;

You don't need to do anything to cfhttp.fileContent. If it doesn't work,
try to output cfhttp.filecontent first to verify it is correct.

If you have more than one font tag, it is dangerous to use greedy
matches (.*), because it can return more than you need.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: woensdag 16 juni 2004 12:17
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: find function
 I'm not on MX :((

 There is more than on font tag but only one with the 
 attribute color=red

 Where I had a font tag with a differente attribute to the 
 code below, your code works great (even on CF5) but where I 
 use the cfhttp.filecontent it does'nt work. 

 Do you think there is something I need to do with the 
 cfhttp.filecontent before I do the ReFindNoCase? when i 
 debut, it looks like it's blocking at the first html tag in 
 the content...
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Re: cfmail and textarea formatting issues

2004-06-16 Thread Rick Root
Why are you rendering the results inside the email in a textarea?A 
standard textarea doesn't have the ability to render HTML.

Remove the textarea from the cfmail and it'll work fine.

Also, you shouldn't be getting BR and P tags at all because I don't 
see where you are converting the return chars to those tags... did you 
leave that part out?

Finally, why are you ending the textarea tag with /xtextarea?That 
shouldn't work at all :)

- Rick

cf coder wrote:

 Hello everybody,
 I have a text area in my form for users to add
 form name=frm action="" method=post
textarea name=userComment/xtextarea
input type=submit name=sendEmail value=email
 On form submission I am passing this value in the body
 of the mail.
 Here is the code:
 cfmail type=html from=fromEmail to=toEmail
 server=serverName port=25
 body bgcolor=##FF
 div style=width:100%; height:100%;
 background-color:##FF; align=center
 div style=position:relative; left:25px;
 top:120px; width:690px; height:245px;
 form id=sendMail
 table width=100% height=100% cellpadding=0
 cellspacing=0 border=0
 tr class=label
 td colspan=2 valign=bottom
 td colspan=2 valign=middle
 textarea id=Comment name=Comment readonly
 style=width:680px; height:165px;
 Now if I type in the below text in the textarea
 This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing
 it in and now I hit enter
 This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing
 it in and now I hit enter
 This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing
 it in and now I hit enter
 This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing
 it in and now I hit enter
 This is what gets rendered in the email
 This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing
 it in and now I hit enter BRThis is a test I am just
 typing it in I am just typing it in and now I hit
 enter BRThis is a test I am just typing it in I am
 just typing it in and now I hit enter BRThis is a
 test I am just typing it in I am just typing it in and
 now I hit enter BRThis is a test I am just typing it
 in I am just typing it in and now I hit enter BRThis
 is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing it
 in and now I hit enterBRThis is a test I am just
 typing it in I am just typing it in and now I hit
 I don't want it to display br's and paragraphs etc.
 Can someone please show me how to do this. Its doing
 my heading.
 Best regards,
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RE: cfmail and textarea formatting issues

2004-06-16 Thread Pascal Peters
What version of CF are you on? 

 -Original Message-
 From: cf coder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: woensdag 16 juni 2004 13:30
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: cfmail and textarea formatting issues
 Hello everybody,
 I have a text area in my form for users to add comments.
 form name=frm action="" method=post
textarea name=userComment/xtextarea
input type=submit name=sendEmail value=email 
 /form On form submission I am passing this value in the 
 body of the mail.
 Here is the code:
 cfmail type=html from=fromEmail to=toEmail
 server=serverName port=25
 		body bgcolor=##FF
 		div style=width:100%; height:100%;
 background-color:##FF; align=center
 div style=position:relative; 
 left:25px; top:120px; width:690px; height:245px;
 form id=sendMail
 table width=100% 
 height=100% cellpadding=0
 cellspacing=0 border=0
 	tr class=label
 		td colspan=2 
 		td colspan=2 
 id=Comment name=Comment readonly style=width:680px; 
 Now if I type in the below text in the textarea
 This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing it in 
 and now I hit enter This is a test I am just typing it in I 
 am just typing it in and now I hit enter This is a test I am 
 just typing it in I am just typing it in and now I hit enter 
 This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing it in 
 and now I hit enter
 This is what gets rendered in the email
 This is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing it in 
 and now I hit enter BRThis is a test I am just typing it in 
 I am just typing it in and now I hit enter BRThis is a test 
 I am just typing it in I am just typing it in and now I hit 
 enter BRThis is a test I am just typing it in I am just 
 typing it in and now I hit enter BRThis is a test I am just 
 typing it in I am just typing it in and now I hit enter 
 BRThis is a test I am just typing it in I am just typing it 
 in and now I hit enterBRThis is a test I am just typing it 
 in I am just typing it in and now I hit enter
 I don't want it to display br's and paragraphs etc.
 Can someone please show me how to do this. Its doing my heading.
 Best regards,
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RE: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread James Smith
Thanks to Joe and Philip for helpful, explanatory answers.Jochem, you must
have got out of bed on the wrong side today because you are normally very
helpful on this list, today, not so much.

I will be using CFQUERYPARAM from today.

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RE: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread Joe Rinehart
Was trying to be nice.We all know command line access is only one
stored procedure away :).


	-Original Message-
	From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:14 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: Re: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)
	On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 08:06:16 -0400, Joe Rinehart wrote:
	 CFQUERYPARAM does provide a layer of typing that running a
basic query
	 misses.For instance, if you have this query:
	 SELECT firstname, lastname FROM employees WHERE employeeId =
	 and I change the value of employeeId=2 in my address bar to
	 2;SELECT password AS firstname, lastname FROM employees WHERE
	 = 2
	 ...I can probably manipulate your database to do what I
	 called a SQL injection attack, and CFQUERYPARAM is one very
good way to
	 prevent it, as it creates prepared statements that take
parameters, not
	 dynamic formed SQL.For more info, check out this article:
	Think of a more dangerous URL
	I'll change the URL variable to
	2; drop table employees '
	You can do the validation with Val and such, but you're still
open to
	SQL Injection Attacks if you're not careful
	You should ALWAYS use CFQUERYPARM on EVERY query, no matter what

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RE: CFLOGIN - Advanced authentication needed for member sections

2004-06-16 Thread Joe Rinehart
Check out the livedocs
tm) for how to implement CFLogin framework for role-based


cfif isUserInRole(god)
 ...delete link...


	-Original Message-
	From: Spectrum WebDesign [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:17 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: CFLOGIN - Advanced authentication needed for member
	Hi all,
	CFlogin framework using Application.cfm in the directory you
want protected against unauthorized members is definatly simple, fast,
and convienient. But, what about using the process to make only certain
elements of a page protected so that members only can see them. Such as
the link to download a file, only if your logged in. Using the cflogin
framework, the whole page is protected unless your logged in. 
	For example, inside Users Manager Page:
	users.cfm?action="" = only for
god users
	user.cfm?action="" = all users
	It's possible?
	Thanks for your time.
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RE: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread Pascal Peters
I agree in theory, but you can't use it with cached queries.

 You should ALWAYS use CFQUERYPARM on EVERY query, no matter what

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RE: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread Joe Rinehart
Hi Pascal,

Yup, that's certainly a disadvantage, but here's the rules I follow for

1.I don't use CACHEDWITHIN or CACHEDAFTER on a query that relies on
any input the ever came from a user.Use it for SELECT abbreviation
FROM states, but not SELECT fullname FROM states WHERE fullname =

2.If I need to cache something that contains anything that was, at one
time, user input, I'll use variable based cashing instead, by caching
the query into a persistent scope.cfquery
name=session.qStateFullName datasource=#dsn#SELECT fullname FROM
states WHERE fullname = '#form.fullname#'/cfquery


-Original Message-
From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:27 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

	I agree in theory, but you can't use it with cached queries.
	 You should ALWAYS use CFQUERYPARM on EVERY query, no matter
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Re: cfmail and textarea formatting issues

2004-06-16 Thread cf coder
yes I'm rendering the text in the email in a text area. I have ColdFusion MX installed on the server.

What version of CF are you on? 

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Re: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread Philip Arnold
On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 14:27:24 +0200, Pascal Peters wrote:
  You should ALWAYS use CFQUERYPARM on EVERY query, no matter what
 I agree in theory, but you can't use it with cached queries.

Store the queries in a persistant scope, such as Application - it's
simple enough and gives you just as much control
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Intranet/Hosting Toolkit

2004-06-16 Thread Pascal Floreancig
Hi all,

anybody heard of the Intranet/Hosting Toolkit for Coldfusion ? It looks like a real nice toolkit which would exactly suit my urgent needs.

Sadly the site hosting the toolkit is buggy and it's impossible to download it.

Could anyone help ? any alternate download link ? Maybe someone could send me the archive ?
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Re: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Pascal Peters wrote:

 I agree in theory, but you can't use it with cached queries.

So tell Macromedia to fix cfqueryparam:

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Resolved: Out of Memory Error Transforming large XML file.

2004-06-16 Thread Dick Applebaum
Responding to my own message.

Lakers were trounced -- Boo!

Frustrated that I couldn't manipulate a large XML file in CFMX, I
decided to write a Java program to read a text file, line by line.

Didn't need to --- found one byDaryl Banttari, at: 

This works fine -- takes about 3 seconds to read the 3.8 meg, 85,000
line file.


1) If it is so easy, why not implement it CFML?-- the CFMX/Java
hybrid solution means extra work when you install or maintain the app
-- you have to deal with Java source and class files.

2) The routine points out another deficiency in CFML (or at least
CFML's interface to other languages, like Java) -- CFML cannot
represent/recognize a Null!The programmer had to provide a

Don't get me wrong, I am happy to find a solution, and being able to
interface Java is great!

But, IMO, this should not be necessary (to read a large file,
line-by-line) for a language as rich and powerful as CFML!


On Jun 15, 2004, at 9:08 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:


1) I can't readLn a file in CF so I read the entire 3.8 meg xml file
into RAM

2) XmlTransform runs out of memory. so I can't use xls to manipulate
the file

3) XmlSearch runs out of memory so I can't use Xpath to manipulate the

4) I can CFexecute a Perl program to parse/render the file in 3-4

5) I can convert the 3,8 Meg, 85,000 line file to an in-memory array
(Now I have the orig file and the array representation of this file in
memory at the same time..

6) Now, I can line-by-line (array-element-by-array-element) process
this file.

What's wrong with this picture --- AFAICT -- everything!

CF is the wrong tool!

Thought I'd never say that!
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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Matt Liotta
 1. User-level authentication/authorization

2. Database info

3. Component info
Your IDE.

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RE: Resolved: Out of Memory Error Transforming large XML file.

2004-06-16 Thread Joe Rinehart
Hey Dick,

I've done a similar thing, but didn't create the external
CFBufferedReader class.Do you see any reason why the following
wouldn't provide the same?

filename = c:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\lineNumberReader.cfm;
 fileReader = createObject(java,;
 fileReader = fileReader.init(filename);
 lineReader = createObject(java,;
 lineReader = lineReader.init(fileReader);

cfset eof = false
cfloop condition=not eof
cfset thisLine = lineReader.readLine()
cfif not isDefined(thisLine)
 cfset eof = true

(When the lineReader instance hits the end of the file, readLine()
returns a result that causes thisLine to become undefined in the eyes of


	-Original Message-
	From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 9:22 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: Resolved: Out of Memory Error Transforming large XML
	Responding to my own message.
	Lakers were trounced -- Boo!
	Frustrated that I couldn't manipulate a large XML file in CFMX,
	decided to write a Java program to read a text file, line by
	Didn't need to --- found one byDaryl Banttari, at: 
	This works fine -- takes about 3 seconds to read the 3.8 meg,
	line file.
	1) If it is so easy, why not implement it CFML?-- the
	hybrid solution means extra work when you install or maintain
the app
	-- you have to deal with Java source and class files.
	2) The routine points out another deficiency in CFML (or at
	CFML's interface to other languages, like Java) -- CFML cannot
	represent/recognize a Null!The programmer had to provide a
	Don't get me wrong, I am happy to find a solution, and being
able to
	interface Java is great!
	But, IMO, this should not be necessary (to read a large file,
	line-by-line) for a language as rich and powerful as CFML!
	On Jun 15, 2004, at 9:08 PM, Dick Applebaum wrote:
	1) I can't readLn a file in CF so I read the entire 3.8 meg
xml file
	into RAM
	2) XmlTransform runs out of memory. so I can't use xls to
	the file
	3) XmlSearch runs out of memory so I can't use Xpath to
manipulate the
	4) I can CFexecute a Perl program to parse/render the file in
	5) I can convert the 3,8 Meg, 85,000 line file to an
in-memory array
	(Now I have the orig file and the array representation of
this file in
	memory at the same time..
	6) Now, I can line-by-line (array-element-by-array-element)
	this file.
	What's wrong with this picture --- AFAICT -- everything!
	CF is the wrong tool!
	Thought I'd never say that! 
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RE: Resolved: Out of Memory Error Transforming large XML file.

2004-06-16 Thread Joe Rinehart
Hey Dick,

I've done a similar thing, but didn't create the external
CFBufferedReader class. Do you see any reason why the following wouldn't
provide the same?

filename = c:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\lineNumberReader.cfm;
 fileReader = createObject(java,;
 fileReader = fileReader.init(filename);
 lineReader = createObject(java,;
 lineReader = lineReader.init(fileReader);

cfset eof = false
cfloop condition=not eof
cfset thisLine = lineReader.readLine()
cfif not isDefined(thisLine)
 cfset eof = true

(whenlineReader instance hits the end of the file, readLine() returns
a result that causes thisLine to become undefined in the eyes ofCF)

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Re: Intranet/Hosting Toolkit

2004-06-16 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Wednesday 16 Jun 2004 14:22 pm, Pascal Floreancig wrote:
 Sadly the site hosting the toolkit is buggy and it's impossible to download

That's a good example of how not to display your error messages, isin't it :-)

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

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Re: Intranet/Hosting Toolkit

2004-06-16 Thread Pascal Floreancig

No insert permissions! str=INSERT INTO DownloadUsageLogs (IDType) VALUES
No update permissions! str=UPDATE Downloads SET Hits=Hits+1,
LastUpdated=Now() WHERE IDType='IHTK'

there : P

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Re: Intranet/Hosting Toolkit

2004-06-16 Thread Rick Root
Pascal Floreancig wrote:
 anybody heard of the Intranet/Hosting Toolkit for Coldfusion ? It looks 
 like a real nice toolkit which would exactly suit my urgent needs.

Kind of an off-topic response but... I don't know much about advanced 
security settings.. is it possible to restrict access to CFX tags under 
CF Enterprise?I suppose it must be or this would be a horrendous 
security risk.
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ColdFusion TechNote Notification: How to prevent ColdFusion MX f rom answering /servlet/* URL requests

2004-06-16 Thread Debbie Dickerson
Check out the new TechNote at:

By default, ColdFusion MX will try to answer any URL request for /servlet/*,
which may cause an error or unexpected result. The workaround is to disable
the ServletInvoker mapping in default-web.xml.
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OT: Web stats software

2004-06-16 Thread Kristopher Pilles
Can anyone suggest a good webstats software... I need something that is
client based I think... marketing people are looking to track
conversions better and monitor usage more effectively

Kristopher Pilles
Website Manager
Western Suffolk BOCES
507 Deer Park Rd., Building C
Phone: 631-549-4900 x 267
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RE: Web stats software

2004-06-16 Thread Yves Arsenault
I had once set up Awstats worked very well for our needs at the



From: Kristopher Pilles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: June 16, 2004 10:56 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Web stats software

Can anyone suggest a good webstats software... I need something that is
client based I think... marketing people are looking to track
conversions better and monitor usage more effectively

Kristopher Pilles
Website Manager
Western Suffolk BOCES
507 Deer Park Rd., Building C
Phone: 631-549-4900 x 267
Kristopher Pilles.vcf 
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re: Using cfdirectory to display server files

2004-06-16 Thread Britney Spears

I'm using CFDIRECTORYand CFLOOP to display a directories and files on out server. One directory is quite large and I'm finding it takes too long to display the contents.
Has anyone experienced this also? Is there a workaround to make it run faster via the CF Administrator settings or most likely, enhancing the code?
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Re: Intranet/Hosting Toolkit

2004-06-16 Thread Nick de Voil
 anybody heard of the Intranet/Hosting Toolkit for Coldfusion ?

Yes. A lot of people have used Lewis' tags over the years. Have you tried
mailing him? His address is on the site.

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RE: Web stats software

2004-06-16 Thread Paul Vernon
We use FastStats from Mach5 and it is pretty good. In the past it has helped
us identify user habits and exit points on e-commerce sites when we were
trying to figure out why people weren't completing their purchases.

I use it on around 30 CF sites and it just ploughs through the IIS logs
without so much as a hiccup.

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Re: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

2004-06-16 Thread Christy Carter
Thanks for all the replies, folks!

Doug, I looked at that Coldcuts code you mentioned, but I have no clue where in my code to put it!I've tried several things but keep getting errors - VALUE is not a valid parameter, among others.Where would you suggest I place that code?Thank you for your help. :)

We don't want to annoy people, but we want to give our new customers a sense of security. Irritating, but strangely comforting, as George said. :) I'm trying to find a happy balance between the two sides - perhaps 4 attempts to log in and then a 10-minute lockout, after which they can try again?

I also realize it isn't foolproof - and that most computer-savvy people can just delete the cookies and move on.But we still want to put some sort of security in place.

session.times_logged_on seems like a good option - can someone direct me as to where in my code I should put this stuff?I have two login pages - login.cfm (the page where you enter your username and password) and login_validate.cfm (where the user info is validated).

Thank you!!!
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RE: Web stats software

2004-06-16 Thread Adkins, Randy
Can Awstats be used on a Shared server where I do not have access
to install application but to FTP files?

Meaning, can I ftp all the files to a server and run the stats via CGI?

-Original Message-
From: Yves Arsenault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:00 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Web stats software

I had once set up Awstats worked very well for our needs at the



From: Kristopher Pilles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: June 16, 2004 10:56 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Web stats software

Can anyone suggest a good webstats software... I need something that is
client based I think... marketing people are looking to track
conversions better and monitor usage more effectively

Kristopher Pilles
Website Manager
Western Suffolk BOCES
507 Deer Park Rd., Building C
Phone: 631-549-4900 x 267
Kristopher Pilles.vcf 
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RE: Using cfdirectory to display server files

2004-06-16 Thread Joe Rinehart
Is it taking too long to read the directory, or to display the contents
of the directory?

If it's the display that's eating time, I'd suggest paginating your
cfdirectory output like you would any other query.


	-Original Message-
	From: Britney Spears [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:02 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: re: Using cfdirectory to display server files
	I'm using CFDIRECTORYand CFLOOP to display a directories and
files on out server. One directory is quite large and I'm finding it
takes too long to display the contents.
	Has anyone experienced this also? Is there a workaround to make
it run faster via the CF Administrator settings or most likely,
enhancing the code? 
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RE: Web stats software

2004-06-16 Thread Eric Creese

-Original Message-
From: Kristopher Pilles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:56 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Web stats software

Can anyone suggest a good webstats software... I need something that is
client based I think... marketing people are looking to track
conversions better and monitor usage more effectively

Kristopher Pilles
Website Manager
Western Suffolk BOCES
507 Deer Park Rd., Building C
Phone: 631-549-4900 x 267
Kristopher Pilles.vcf 
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RE: Slow Down CFmail?

2004-06-16 Thread Tom Jordahl
Enterprise does have a mail features that Professional does not.

- Maintains connections to SMTP servers

- Multithreaded delivery

- Backup mail servers

- High throughput of messages

We will not expose the batch processing in Professional to admin control.
It is what it is.If you want more control, you need Enterprise.

You get what you pay for

Tom Jordahl
Macromedia Server Development

-Original Message-
From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 4:02 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Slow Down CFmail?

One more question Tom, 

How does each batch get sent out?

Does CF open a new connection to the mail server per message? If so, does CF
make multiple connections to the mail server at the same time?

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media


From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 2:51 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Slow Down CFmail?

That is VERY good to know.Thank you.

I will also post this in cfwish list. Would it be possible in future
versions of CF to have the ability to control this via xml config file OR CF

Do the features list for Professional Vs. Enterprise state that the cf
mail is faster in the enterprise version? 

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media


From: Tom Jordahl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 1:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Slow Down CFmail?


CFMX Professional has limits on the number of messages it will deliver when
the spooler runs.The formula in CFMX 6.1 is:

int batch_size = 35;

if (size  100)


batch_size = size / (int)Math.log ((double)size);

if (batch_size  1000) batch_size = 1000;

if (batch_size  35) batch_size = 35;


There are no external tweaks to this calculation.

CFMX Enterprise goes flat out till *all* of the messages are delivered, and
then it will go to sleep for the spool interval.

Tom Jordahl
Macromedia Server Development

-Original Message-
From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 2:56 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Slow Down CFmail?

The mail server is GMS (Gordano Messaging Server)
We contacted the makers and they told us that the pro version (250 user)
we have will slow down sending mail after a Approx, 5000 messages per day
have been reached. (I do not remember the exact number of messages) If we
upgraded to the enterprise version we would not see the slowdown. Even
though it would be just a SN that we would plug-in to our existing server to
make the server the enterprise version. : - (

The solution found at would work very well,
(in fact I am using something like that for another client.) But, I have
several clients mail list that I can't spend the time on rebuilding. I wish
I could.

I think tweaking something like the spooler frequency in the CFADMIN is what
I am looking for.

Does anyone know how many messages the spooler will take each time it checks
for new messages? Can that be tweaked in one of the xml config files?

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
Vivid Media




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Re: Resolved: Out of Memory Error Transforming large XML file.

2004-06-16 Thread Dick Applebaum
Hey Joe

Your No Class Reader Works Great!

much faster than the other! (almost as fast as a cffile read of the 
entire file).

I simplified the EOF test so I could use a While loop.



Here's the revised code:

cfsetting enableCFOutputOnly=yes /
cfset lineCount = 0 /

cfset timer = GetTickCount() /

filename = /Users/Richard/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml;
fileReader = createObject(java,;
fileReader = fileReader.init(filename);
lineReader = createObject(java,;
lineReader = lineReader.init(fileReader);

thisLine = true;
while (isDefined(thisLine)) {
thisLine = lineReader.readLine();
lineCount = LineCount + 1;


brcount = #lineCount# | #GetTickCount() - timer#
cfsetting enableCFOutputOnly=no /

I always forget to kill blank lineson this sort of thing -- very 

On Jun 16, 2004, at 6:28 AM, Joe Rinehart wrote:

 Hey Dick,

I've done a similar thing, but didn't create the external
CFBufferedReader class. Do you see any reason why the following 
provide the same?

  filename = c:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\lineNumberReader.cfm;
fileReader = createObject(java,;
fileReader = fileReader.init(filename);
lineReader = createObject(java,;
lineReader = lineReader.init(fileReader);

cfset eof = false
cfloop condition=not eof
  cfset thisLine = lineReader.readLine()
  cfif not isDefined(thisLine)
    cfset eof = true

(when  lineReader instance hits the end of the file, readLine() 
a result that causes thisLine to become undefined in the eyes of  CF)


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Re: locking user out after 3 incorrect attempts to log in

2004-06-16 Thread Doug James
I would imagine you could do some thing like:
On the login.cfm page

CFPARAM NAME=client.times_logged_on VALUE=0
CFIF client.times_logged_on gt 3
Sorry too many attempts (or some other more nicely worded message)
CFSET client.times_logged_on = client.times_logged_on + 1
CFFORM name=loginForm action="">
login form stuff here



Christy Carter wrote:

Thanks for all the replies, folks!

Doug, I looked at that Coldcuts code you mentioned, but I have no clue where in my code to put it!I've tried several things but keep getting errors - VALUE is not a valid parameter, among others.Where would you suggest I place that code?Thank you for your help. :)

We don't want to annoy people, but we want to give our new customers a sense of security. Irritating, but strangely comforting, as George said. :) I'm trying to find a happy balance between the two sides - perhaps 4 attempts to log in and then a 10-minute lockout, after which they can try again?

I also realize it isn't foolproof - and that most computer-savvy people can just delete the cookies and move on.But we still want to put some sort of security in place.

session.times_logged_on seems like a good option - can someone direct me as to where in my code I should put this stuff?I have two login pages - login.cfm (the page where you enter your username and password) and login_validate.cfm (where the user info is validated).

Thank you!!!

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Re: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)

2004-06-16 Thread Bert Dawson
Except that a persistent scope doesn't automatically handle the cachedafter/within type stuff, and if the recordset depends on for example then you'll have to incorporate that fact into how/where you store the persistent variable.
One way to use queryparam AND cachedwithin/after would be to use a Query of Query with catch/try:
If the QofQ is cached then everything is fine. If there is no cache (ie either doesn't exist or doesn't match the cachedwithin/after attribute) then the error is cfcaught, dB is hit, and this recordset is cached in the QofQ.

	cfquery name=myQ dbtype=query cachedwithin=...SELECT * FROM myQ WHERE '#hash( = '#hash(
		cfquery name=myQ datasource=#request.dsn#
			SELECT 	*
			FROM 		myTable
			WHERE 	ID = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER
		cfquery name=myQ dbtype=query cachedwithin=...SELECT * FROM myQ WHERE '#hash(' = '#hash(

I've sucessfully used this technique to cache results from verity, to allow paging through large recordsets without hitting verity again, and recordsets returned from CFDIRECTORY, and I don't see why it wouldn't work for normal SQL statements.
In practice though, for the above example, I would just validate up to the gills to make sure it was an integer, then run the query without cfqueryparam.


	From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: 16 June 2004 13:47
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: Re: SQL query style (WAS: SQL search query)
	On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 14:27:24 +0200, Pascal Peters wrote:
	  You should ALWAYS use CFQUERYPARM on EVERY query, no matter what
	 I agree in theory, but you can't use it with cached queries.
	Store the queries in a persistant scope, such as Application - it's
	simple enough and gives you just as much control 

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RE: Resolved: Out of Memory Error Transforming large XML file.

2004-06-16 Thread Joe Rinehart
No problem - it was a pretty rough implementation, thanks for cleaning
it up.

	-Original Message-
	From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:11 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: Re: Resolved: Out of Memory Error Transforming large
XML file.
	Hey Joe
	Your No Class Reader Works Great!
	much faster than the other! (almost as fast as a cffile read of
	entire file).
	I simplified the EOF test so I could use a While loop.
	Here's the revised code:
	cfsetting enableCFOutputOnly=yes /
	cfset lineCount = 0 /
	cfset timer = GetTickCount() /
	filename = /Users/Richard/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music
	fileReader = createObject(java,;
	fileReader = fileReader.init(filename);
	lineReader = createObject(java,;
	lineReader = lineReader.init(fileReader);
	thisLine = true;
	while (isDefined(thisLine)) {
	thisLine = lineReader.readLine();
	lineCount = LineCount + 1;
	brcount = #lineCount# | #GetTickCount() - timer#
	cfsetting enableCFOutputOnly=no /
	I always forget to kill blank lineson this sort of thing --
	On Jun 16, 2004, at 6:28 AM, Joe Rinehart wrote:
	 Hey Dick,
	I've done a similar thing, but didn't create the external
	CFBufferedReader class. Do you see any reason why the
	provide the same?
	 filename = c:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\lineNumberReader.cfm;
	fileReader = createObject(java,;
	fileReader = fileReader.init(filename);
	lineReader = createObject(java,;
	lineReader = lineReader.init(fileReader);
	cfset eof = false
	cfloop condition=not eof
	 cfset thisLine = lineReader.readLine()
	 cfif not isDefined(thisLine)
	cfset eof = true
	(whenlineReader instance hits the end of the file,
	a result that causes thisLine to become undefined in the eyes
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Re: Intranet/Hosting Toolkit

2004-06-16 Thread Pascal Floreancig
Yes I have tried that, but I doubt I would even get an answer

since that toolkit looked like being very popular, I was counting on the CF
developers community to get some help


- Original Message - 
From: Nick de Voil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: Intranet/Hosting Toolkit

  anybody heard of the Intranet/Hosting Toolkit for Coldfusion ?

 Yes. A lot of people have used Lewis' tags over the years. Have you tried
 mailing him? His address is on the site.

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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Rob
Just so everyone knows - Matt Liotta is *NOT* part of the cfeclipse
project in any way. We like to hear your ideas and like to discuss them.
Please do not think anyone on the project just shoot down ideas with out
even thinking about the possibilities (because none of us would). Please
keep the ideas rollin'.


On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 06:22, Matt Liotta wrote:
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RE: Using cfdirectory to display server files

2004-06-16 Thread Britney Spears
On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 10:09:01 -0400, Joe Rinehart wrote:

Is it taking too long to read the directory, or to display the contents
of the directory?

Display the contents I guess...

If it's the display that's eating time, I'd suggest paginating your
cfdirectory output like you would any other query.

What do you mean by paginating?


	-Original Message-
	From: Britney Spears [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:02 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: re: Using cfdirectory to display server files
	I'm using CFDIRECTORYand CFLOOP to display a directories and
files on out server. One directory is quite large and I'm finding it
takes too long to display the contents.
	Has anyone experienced this also? Is there a workaround to make
it run faster via the CF Administrator settings or most likely,
enhancing the code? 


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cfmx migration (laptop)

2004-06-16 Thread Dwayne Cole
Just got a new laptop for my development enviornment and I want to migrate the cfmx admin and datasource information from my old system to the new system.Is there and easy way to do this.

Dwayne Cole, MS in MIS, MBA
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Matt Liotta
I didn't shoot down any ideas. I just pointed out that functionality is 
already available.


On Jun 16, 2004, at 10:29 AM, Rob wrote:

 Just so everyone knows - Matt Liotta is *NOT* part of the cfeclipse
project in any way. We like to hear your ideas and like to discuss 
Please do not think anyone on the project just shoot down ideas with 
even thinking about the possibilities (because none of us would). 
keep the ideas rollin'.


On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 06:22, Matt Liotta wrote:
  1. User-level authentication/authorization

   2. Database info

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RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Paul Kenney
OK, but consolidated into one single service available on the server.

Paul Kenney

 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 6:22 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
  1. User-level authentication/authorization
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RE: Using cfdirectory to display server files

2004-06-16 Thread Joe Rinehart
Ok.First thing would probably be to see where the slowdown really is.

After your cfDirectory tag, put the following:


Reload your page.If it still takes a while, cfdirectory is the
slowdown, not the display.If it goes quickly, it's your display.

If it is the display, by paginate, I mean break your results into
pagesi.e, show 1000 results over 10 pages showing 100 results at a


-Original Message-
From: Britney Spears [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:44 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Using cfdirectory to display server files

	On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 10:09:01 -0400, Joe Rinehart wrote:
	Is it taking too long to read the directory, or to display the
	of the directory?
	Display the contents I guess...
	If it's the display that's eating time, I'd suggest paginating
	cfdirectory output like you would any other query.
	What do you mean by paginating?
	 -Original Message-
	 From: Britney Spears [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	 Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:02 AM
	 To: CF-Talk
	 Subject: re: Using cfdirectory to display server files
	 I'm using CFDIRECTORYand CFLOOP to display a directories and
	files on out server. One directory is quite large and I'm
finding it
	takes too long to display the contents.
	 Has anyone experienced this also? Is there a workaround to
	it run faster via the CF Administrator settings or most likely,
	enhancing the code? 
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Re: OT: Web stats software

2004-06-16 Thread Rick Root
Kristopher Pilles wrote:

 Can anyone suggest a good webstats software... I need something that is
 client based I think... marketing people are looking to track
 conversions better and monitor usage more effectively

Dunno if it'll do what you want, but I like Sawmill -

- Rick
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RE: cfmx migration (laptop)

2004-06-16 Thread Joe Rinehart
I've had some success copying the \cfusionmx\lib\neo-*.xml files between
servers, specifically with datasources.When first copied, I had to
restart CF, then verify all datasources, and then they all started


	-Original Message-
	From: Dwayne Cole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:48 AM
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: cfmx migration (laptop)
	Just got a new laptop for my development enviornment and I want
to migrate the cfmx admin and datasource information from my old system
to the new system.Is there and easy way to do this.
	Dwayne Cole, MS in MIS, MBA
	Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Wednesday 16 Jun 2004 15:48 pm, Paul Kenney wrote:
 OK, but consolidated into one single service available on the server.

Why on earth would you want that ?
Your IDE will pull them all together for you anyway.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

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RE: Slow Down CFmail?

2004-06-16 Thread Matt Robertson
Charlie Griefer wrote: 

I wrote that tutorial, but I kept it on my own site.Looks like another
poster to this list decided to put it under his own name at easycfm.,
along with another one I wrote.Pulled them right off my site, word for
word, it looks like.

Sorry to vent here but I am PISSED.I posted for the benefit of the
community and all, but stealing my work and putting it under your own
name is inexcusable.

 Matt Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 MSB Designs, Inc.

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Re: Web stats software

2004-06-16 Thread Doug White
For a windows serverwe use weblog Expert - not expensive and will auto
generate stats from the server logs.

here is a sample report for our user group web site.

If it is a Linux/Apache server there is a AW stats stat program build in which
also can be scheduled to run daily.

example report:

Either is pretty comprehensive - tracks the indexing bots, and even the hacker

Our Anti-spam solution works!!
For hosting solutions

- Original Message - 
From: Kristopher Pilles
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:55 AM
Subject: OT: Web stats software

Can anyone suggest a good webstats software... I need something that is
client based I think... marketing people are looking to track
conversions better and monitor usage more effectively

Kristopher Pilles
Website Manager
Western Suffolk BOCES
507 Deer Park Rd., Building C
Phone: 631-549-4900 x 267
Kristopher Pilles.vcf
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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Matt Liotta
I guess I don't understand. Why would you have a service that wraps 
access to your database on your web server when you can just go 
directly to the database? Again, we aren't talking production, so the 
database might even be on the same machine as the web server.

Personally, the way I have things setup is as follows. I do all my 
development on my laptop, which has CF and a DB on it. I interact with 
CF through the file system and with the database through JDBC. Source 
code is managed with CVS and deployed into production from CVS directly 
based on tags. With that setup, RDS provides no benefits for me.

Now I know that some people use hosting accounts where they can't use 
CVS for deployments. In that regard, it seems WebDav and FTP work just 


On Jun 16, 2004, at 10:48 AM, Paul Kenney wrote:

 OK, but consolidated into one single service available on the server.

Paul Kenney

 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 6:22 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

  1. User-level authentication/authorization

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Re: OT: Web stats software

2004-06-16 Thread techmike
I'm a big fan of

It run in Windows and Linux under Apache and IIS.

Webalizer is pretty nice too, but not as detailed.


-Original Message-
From: Kristopher Pilles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 09:55:53 -0400
Subject: OT: Web stats software

 Can anyone suggest a good webstats software... I need something that is
 client based I think... marketing people are looking to track
 conversions better and monitor usage more effectively
 Kristopher Pilles
 Website Manager
 Western Suffolk BOCES
 507 Deer Park Rd., Building C
 Phone: 631-549-4900 x 267
Kristopher Pilles.vcf 

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RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Paul Kenney

I know that there are other ways of getting to all this information, but not
everyone works (or would like to work) in the same manner.Not everyone has
WebDav and CVS installed.Not everyone the flexibility to have the DB
installed on their own machine for development.Not everyone has access to
the CFC browser--since it uses the much protected RDS password.Wouldn't it
just be helpful if the IDE took care of all this for you, and did it well?
Come on Matt, wouldn't it?

Paul Kenney

 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:04 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

 I guess I don't understand. Why would you have a service that wraps
 access to your database on your web server when you can just go
 directly to the database? Again, we aren't talking production, so the
 database might even be on the same machine as the web server.

 Personally, the way I have things setup is as follows. I do all my
 development on my laptop, which has CF and a DB on it. I
 interact with
 CF through the file system and with the database through JDBC. Source
 code is managed with CVS and deployed into production from
 CVS directly
 based on tags. With that setup, RDS provides no benefits for me.

 Now I know that some people use hosting accounts where they can't use
 CVS for deployments. In that regard, it seems WebDav and FTP
 work just


 On Jun 16, 2004, at 10:48 AM, Paul Kenney wrote:

  OK, but consolidated into one single service available on
 the server.
 Paul Kenney
  -Original Message-
  From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 6:22 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
   1. User-level authentication/authorization
    2. Database info
    3. Component info
  Your IDE.

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why doen't sql delete work if it is followed with a cflocation tag

2004-06-16 Thread cf coder
Hello everybody,

I have a form with a cancel button. When the user hits
the cancel button, I want to perform a sql delete..
immediately after that I want to redirect the user.

Here is the code:

cfif isDefined(form.CANCELLOCK) and form.CANCELLOCK
eq 1
	cfquery datasource=db name=qDel
		delete from table1
		lvalue ='12345'

When I run this code and hit the 'cancel' button...
the sql delete does not delete the row from the table.

However if I remove the cflocation tag from the code
and run it again, it deleted the row from the table.

I'm not able to figure out why it is doing this. Can
anybody help please

Best regards,

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RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Guy Rish
So many mirrors of personality...

-Original Message-
From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 9:30 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

Just so everyone knows - Matt Liotta is *NOT* part of the cfeclipse
project in any way. We like to hear your ideas and like to discuss them.
Please do not think anyone on the project just shoot down ideas with out
even thinking about the possibilities (because none of us would). Please
keep the ideas rollin'.


On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 06:22, Matt Liotta wrote:
  1. User-level authentication/authorization
 2. Database info
 3. Component info
 Your IDE.

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RE: mysql query help - SOLVED

2004-06-16 Thread Hagan, Ryan Mr (Contractor ACI)
What I finally ended up doing is creating a temporary table and inserting
the needed rows into that:

INSERT INTO tmp_weekly_lineup (tournamentId, week, userId, modDate)
SELECT ul.tournamentId, ul.week, ul.userid, max(ul.modDate) AS modDate
FROM users_lineups ul
WHERE ul.tournamentId = 1
AND ul.week = 1
AND ul.submitted = 1
GROUP BY ul.tournamentId, ul.week, ul.submitted, ul.userid

This gives me one row per user, with the highest date where the submitted
flag is true.Then, I just join back to the lineup tables using the temp
table as my index to get the actual lineup:

SELECT ul.userId, ul.week, ul.tournamentId, trim(ul.QB), trim(ul.RB1),
trim(ul.RB2), trim(ul.WR1), trim(ul.WR2), trim(ul.WR3), trim(ul.TE),
trim(ul.K), trim(ul.DEF)
FROM users_lineups ul
INNER JOIN tmp_weekly_lineup twl ON twl.tournamentId = ul.tournamentId AND
twl.week = ul.week AND twl.userId = ul.userId AND twl.modDate = ul.modDate
WHERE ul.submitted = 1
AND ul.tournamentId = 1
AND ul.week = 1

Then I truncate the temporary table for the next go 'round.This is
apparently how it is suggested (by O'Reilly's MySql Cookbook) that you do
reporting when you're using MySQL 3.xx due to the lack of subquries or views
or other helpful database features.I tried doing self-joins but I just
couldn't figure it out that way.That's generally how I would solve similar
problems, but this one just eluded me.Thanks for the help though.

-Original Message-
From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:16 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: mysql query help

You know, I've crafted two responses to this already (this is the third) 
and both ended up being wrong after I thought about it for a while.

Someone else may be able to post the right solution, but in the 
interim, you could

CFQUERY NAME=getrelevantrows
SELECT user, max(lineupid) as maxlineupid FROM tablename
group by user
CFLOOP QUERY=getrelevantrows
 CFQUERY NAME=getspecificrow
 SELECT * FROM tablename
 WHERE user=#user# and lineupid=#maxlineupid#
 CFOUTPUT QUERY=getspecificrow
 !--- output the row data, or user CFLOOP to
 construct a new query object to work with
 containing all the right data ---

I bet there's a better way though.Maybe possible by joining the table 
to itself or something...

- Rick 
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RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Paul Kenney
Just think of those poor developers that are forced to work off of shared
hosting accounts with no WebDav, a single FTP account, an Access database
and no RDS access.Oh, the humanity!They could all be saved!

Paul Kenney

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Kenney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:17 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta


 I know that there are other ways of getting to all this
 information, but not
 everyone works (or would like to work) in the same manner.
 Not everyone has
 WebDav and CVS installed.Not everyone the flexibility to have the DB
 installed on their own machine for development.Not everyone
 has access to
 the CFC browser--since it uses the much protected RDS
 password.Wouldn't it
 just be helpful if the IDE took care of all this for you, and
 did it well?
 Come on Matt, wouldn't it?

 Paul Kenney

  -Original Message-
  From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:04 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
  I guess I don't understand. Why would you have a service that wraps
  access to your database on your web server when you can just go
  directly to the database? Again, we aren't talking
 production, so the
  database might even be on the same machine as the web server.
  Personally, the way I have things setup is as follows. I do all my
  development on my laptop, which has CF and a DB on it. I
  interact with
  CF through the file system and with the database through
 JDBC. Source
  code is managed with CVS and deployed into production from
  CVS directly
  based on tags. With that setup, RDS provides no benefits for me.
  Now I know that some people use hosting accounts where they
 can't use
  CVS for deployments. In that regard, it seems WebDav and FTP
  work just
  On Jun 16, 2004, at 10:48 AM, Paul Kenney wrote:
   OK, but consolidated into one single service available on
  the server.
  Paul Kenney
   -Original Message-
   From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 6:22 AM
   To: CF-Talk
   Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
1. User-level authentication/authorization
     2. Database info
     3. Component info
   Your IDE.

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Re: why doen't sql delete work if it is followed with a cflocation tag

2004-06-16 Thread brobborb
Are you looking directly into the database to see if data was deleted or not?
- Original Message - 
From: cf coder 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:18 AM
Subject: why doen't sql delete work if it is followed with a cflocation tag

Hello everybody,

I have a form with a cancel button. When the user hits
the cancel button, I want to perform a sql delete..
immediately after that I want to redirect the user.

Here is the code:

cfif isDefined(form.CANCELLOCK) and form.CANCELLOCK
eq 1
cfquery datasource=db name=qDel
delete from table1
lvalue ='12345'


When I run this code and hit the 'cancel' button...
the sql delete does not delete the row from the table.

However if I remove the cflocation tag from the code
and run it again, it deleted the row from the table.

I'm not able to figure out why it is doing this. Can
anybody help please

Best regards,

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RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Calvin Ward
Integrated with a single ide!

-Original Message-
From:Paul Kenney
Date:6/16/04 10:48 am
Subj:RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

OK, but consolidated into one single service available on the server.

Paul Kenney

 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 6:22 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
  1. User-level authentication/authorization
 2. Database info
 3. Component info
 Your IDE.

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CFSQLTool Q and A

2004-06-16 Thread Joseph Flanigan
These seems to becommon questions.
What are Table Defined Data Structures?
What are Table Wrappers?


CFSQLTool at its heart is a namespace tool where the CF variable's 
namespace is defined by database names and datatypes for tables, views, 
columns and procedures, In effect, the toolreverse engineers SQL data 
definitions (meta-data names and data types) into CF data structures and 
generates query functions using these data structures.By using the same 
namespace definitions for both SQL and CF, the programming tasks are 
simplified because the names are the same.

Table Defined Data Structures. The table defined data structure wizard 
generates a list of different CF data structures that can be cut and pasted 
into CF code. The source for the CF structure names is defined by the 
database's SQL meta-data names.( My use of the word data structures is 
borrowed from the traditional meaning that considers all program variables 
to be data structures.)The 3 most useful structures are:
-- a named CF structure variable that matches the tables column's 
definition and named using the table's name
-- Request.IN* - is a CF structure whose key names are the same as the 
table's column names. There are 3 reasons for this structure. First, 
looking backward from the database, the tool does not know which CF input 
structures would be used, the name is easy to search and replace, use of 
FORM, URL and FLASH input structures directly is not best practice.
-- Request.OUT - like Request.IN. it's key names are the same as the 
table's columns. Its use is for sending replies back to the browser.
 * See for more information about 
Request.IN and Request.OUT.

Table Wrappers. The term CRUD refers to create (insert), read (select), 
update and delete. A table wrapper is a library of functions that has 
procedures for CRUD. The tool has 2 ways to build table wrappers.
-- Stored Procedures. The stored procedure suite wizard helps build 
CRUD stored procedures for a table that can be added to the database. Then, 
using the User Stored Procedure Wizard, you can select the table's stored 
procedures and build a CFC.
-- Ad hoc queries. CFQuery tags primarily are for doing ad hoc 
SQLqueries. The table wrapper wizard selector makes it easy to design 
CRUD functions into a CFC. In addition it builds functions for list, 
actorin and actor out.

Both the stored procedure suite and the ad hoc table wrapper wizards allow 
changing cffunction names for any selector choices. By running the wizard 
multiple times, it is possible to quickly create a CFC wrapper that has 
many query functions. For example, consider a contacts table. The number of 
queries can be extensive. select by last name, select by state, update 
status, insert name, update name. The tool's wizards makes it easy to 
design and generate cffunctions for a table's wrapper CFC. The 
CFC'scffunctions can be any mix of stored procedures queries and ad hoc 
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RE: why doen't sql delete work if it is followed with a cflocation tag

2004-06-16 Thread Burns, John D
Just a comment, but you don't need the cfoutput around the


-Original Message-
From: brobborb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 11:16 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: why doen't sql delete work if it is followed with a
cflocation tag

Are you looking directly into the database to see if data was deleted or
- Original Message -
From: cf coder
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:18 AM
Subject: why doen't sql delete work if it is followed with a
cflocation tag

Hello everybody,

I have a form with a cancel button. When the user hits
the cancel button, I want to perform a sql delete..
immediately after that I want to redirect the user.

Here is the code:

cfif isDefined(form.CANCELLOCK) and form.CANCELLOCK
eq 1
cfquery datasource=db name=qDel
delete from table1
lvalue ='12345'


When I run this code and hit the 'cancel' button...
the sql delete does not delete the row from the table.

However if I remove the cflocation tag from the code
and run it again, it deleted the row from the table.

I'm not able to figure out why it is doing this. Can
anybody help please

Best regards,

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RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Paul Kenney

Paul Kenney

 -Original Message-
 From: Calvin Ward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:24 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
 Integrated with a single ide!
 -Original Message-
 From:Paul Kenney
 Date:6/16/04 10:48 am
 Subj:RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
 OK, but consolidated into one single service available on the server.
 Paul Kenney
  -Original Message-
  From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 6:22 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
   1. User-level authentication/authorization
  2. Database info
  3. Component info
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Re: why doen't sql delete work if it is followed with a cflocation tag

2004-06-16 Thread cf coder
yes I am. If I run the query in sql analyser it deletes the row.
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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Matt Liotta
I know that there are other ways of getting to all this information, 
 but not
everyone works (or would like to work) in the same manner.  Not 
 everyone has
WebDav and CVS installed.  Not everyone the flexibility to have the DB
installed on their own machine for development.  Not everyone has 
 access to
the CFC browser--since it uses the much protected RDS 
 password.  Wouldn't it
just be helpful if the IDE took care of all this for you, and did it 
Come on Matt, wouldn't it?

I accept that, but I can't help the situation unless I understand what 
you do have. Describe other development setups that you think need 

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Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta

2004-06-16 Thread Matt Liotta
If the IDE supported FTP and the Access database was local during 
development they would be set then right?


On Jun 16, 2004, at 11:21 AM, Paul Kenney wrote:

 Just think of those poor developers that are forced to work off of 
hosting accounts with no WebDav, a single FTP account, an Access 
and no RDS access.  Oh, the humanity!  They could all be saved!

Paul Kenney

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Kenney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:17 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta


 I know that there are other ways of getting to all this
 information, but not
 everyone works (or would like to work) in the same manner.
 Not everyone has
 WebDav and CVS installed.  Not everyone the flexibility to have the 
 installed on their own machine for development.  Not everyone
 has access to
 the CFC browser--since it uses the much protected RDS
 password.  Wouldn't it
 just be helpful if the IDE took care of all this for you, and
 did it well?
 Come on Matt, wouldn't it?

 Paul Kenney

  -Original Message-
  From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:04 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
  I guess I don't understand. Why would you have a service that 
  access to your database on your web server when you can just go
  directly to the database? Again, we aren't talking
 production, so the
  database might even be on the same machine as the web server.
  Personally, the way I have things setup is as follows. I do all my
  development on my laptop, which has CF and a DB on it. I
  interact with
  CF through the file system and with the database through
 JDBC. Source
  code is managed with CVS and deployed into production from
  CVS directly
  based on tags. With that setup, RDS provides no benefits for me.
  Now I know that some people use hosting accounts where they
 can't use
  CVS for deployments. In that regard, it seems WebDav and FTP
  work just
  On Jun 16, 2004, at 10:48 AM, Paul Kenney wrote:
   OK, but consolidated into one single service available on
  the server.
    Paul Kenney
     -Original Message-
     From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
     Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 6:22 AM
     To: CF-Talk
     Subject: Re: RDS support (was Re: CFEclipse release - beta
      1. User-level authentication/authorization
       2. Database info
       3. Component info
     Your IDE.

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Re: why doen't sql delete work if it is followed with a cflocation tag

2004-06-16 Thread brobborb
no, I dont meant running the SQL code to see if it works.I meant, after running the CFM page witht he CFLOCATION intact, how do u heck to see if the data was deleted or not?Do you look directly into the database?Or does it tell you on the processing page?

- Original Message - 
From: cf coder 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: why doen't sql delete work if it is followed with a cflocation tag

yes I am. If I run the query in sql analyser it deletes the row.
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Re: why doen't sql delete work if it is followed with a cflocation tag

2004-06-16 Thread cf coder
After running the cfm page, I'm check in the database table to see if the record is deleted

 no, I dont meant running the SQL code to see if it works.I meant, 
 after running the CFM page witht he CFLOCATION intact, how do u heck 
 to see if the data was deleted or not?Do you look directly into the 
 database?Or does it tell you on the processing page?

 - Original Message - 

 From: cf coder 

 To: CF-Talk 

 Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:35 AM

 Subject: Re: why doen't sql delete work if it is followed with a 
 cflocation tag

 yes I am. If I run the query in sql analyser it deletes the row.
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