Quick Address System - Click System Web Service in ColdFusion MX7

2009-02-12 Thread James Buckingham

Hi there,

We're trying to upgrade our version of Quick Address (www.qas.com) just now. 

Originally this was done through a COM object call but we're now moving to a 
Charge by Click Web Service. QAS no longer provides a ColdFusion example for 
us to use so we're trying to work through this ourselves.

The application is running correctly on the server. If we put in the URL to the 
service in our browser we're getting the SOAP structure fine but when we invoke 
it in ColdFusion like so:

cfinvoke method=DoGetLicenceInfo returnVariable=rawXML 
webservice=http://mydomain.com:port/proweb.wsdl /

I get the following area:
Web service operation doGetLicenceInfo with parameters {} cannot be found. 

This happens for any method I call whether I pass arguments or not 
(doGetLicenseInfo doesn't require any). We've had a look at this through the 
JRun TCP Monitor and everything seems to be running fine until the result comes 
back to CF. At that point it seems to be having a problem.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can solve this? I'm not finding much 
on the blogsphere.


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SQL Server 2005 permission problems

2008-09-16 Thread James Buckingham
Hi there,

I'm trying to setup an exported 2000 server DB on my local SQL Server (2005 
Express) and getting a permissions problem when I try and set things up in 
ColdFusion. The error I'm getting is:

Connection verification failed for data source: myDB
java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Cannot 
open database myDB requested by the login. The login failed.
The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC 
Driver][SQLServer]Cannot open database myDB requested by the login. The login 

I have a couple of other SQL Server DBs setup and they work fine which is 
what's confusing me a bit. I've got a global user account within my DB for 
Coldfusion and I'm trying to use this, the datasources that are working are 
using this as well!

As I say the only difference with this DB is that it's been built from an SQL 
script rather than manually by me. I've changed the owner of the tables to DBO 
and apart from that I can think what else would be different.

There isn't a lot on Google about this error message so I thought I'd see if 
anybody else on here has had this issue.

Thanks a lot,

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Re: SQL Server 2005 permission problems

2008-09-16 Thread James Buckingham
Well I got this up and running through ODBC but unforunately when I did 
Transfer ORM, which I'm using to manage my DAO, throws an error message.

How do permissions work in SQL Server in terms of CF. From what I can all I 
need is the datawriter and datareader roles applied to that user. This is what 
I've got on my working DBs and it's fine!

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Multiple Servers Single Code Tree

2008-06-19 Thread James Buckingham
We actually have a similar kind of setup here but have you considered ANT for 
your deployment? That has saved us a lot of time. 

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Remotely accessing the CFAdmin API

2008-06-18 Thread James Buckingham
Hi guys,

I'm working on an AIR app and as part of this I'm needing to access the CFAdmin 
API remotely. Does anybody know a way that I could do this without dropping 
extra files on the server (i.e. ajaxCFC) as these are public access CFCs?

The reason I say this is because this app could potentially be used on several 
different servers (that I don't have direct access to) and I'm trying to find a 
solution which would mean users can install the AIR app, fill in some 
preferences/server details and away they go.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


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ajaxCFC - JSON not defined error

2008-05-31 Thread James Buckingham
Hi there,

I've been trying to experiment with ajaxCFC a bit but keep getting this strange 
error  and I'm not really sure what I've done wrong.

I'm using AJAXCFCs jQuery tools for this and in the script below I'm trying to 
call a CFC which returns a query set.

url: com/ajaxGateway.cfc,
method: getPaymentRequests,
serialization: json,
success: function(data){
$.dump(data); // dump is not part of AjaxCFC.
MyQueryName = eval(( + data + ));

If I run this though I get a JS error saying:
JSON is not defined on line 165 of jquery.AJAXCFC.js

I've seen this kind of structure on a few examples online but I'm not really 
sure what I'm doing wrong here.

Also,just for additional information, I can get the DWR version to work fine. I 
just think this method is a bit tidier to work with so I want to give it a try. 
I'm also using the latest version of the RiaForge site.

Thanks a lot,

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var variables in an application.cfc

2008-04-11 Thread James Buckingham
Why can I not say this inside my onApplicationStart()?

var application.com = structNew()

If I it out of the application scope it works...
var com = structNew()

or if I remove the var it's fine as well.
application.com = structNew().

But when I try to stay within recommedations of var-ing all my variables it 
throws an error telling me I can't include . in the syntax.

If application.cfc an exception from this or am I using this wrong?


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Re: var variables in an application.cfc

2008-04-11 Thread James Buckingham
Ah thanks for clarify that Dominic ;-) 

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Re: var variables in an application.cfc

2008-04-11 Thread James Buckingham
Thanks guys,

I do remember reading about that but I took it to mean that if anything is 
needing declared within the function it should have var. I didn't read it as 
anything local to the function should be :-). Good, thanks for clarify that. 

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Re: CFCs - Rule of thumb when to use

2008-04-09 Thread James Buckingham
Yeh, I'd go with that. Not overkill at all and good thinking. If you also
have mini app specific checks, you could extend the 'global' cfc too.

And apologies for souding like a patronising git, I misread you as not
having used cfcs in an app before ;)

Lol, didn't take it that way at all. I just didn't want my initial post to be 
swamped in detail :-). I've actually been using CFC's for a few years now but 
I've been unclear as to if I'm using them in the right way. I appreciate that 
these things aren't black and white but I just want to get an opinion on my 

In my head I know that I should be using CFCs as a tool for common/specific 
tasks but then I look at the example(s) below and think a) it's overkill and 
more code and b) I'm breaking a simple process down into two separate parts 
which might not be needed this way anyway!

No CFC approach:

cfif not session.username)
cflocation url=login.cfm addtoken=no /

RESULT: Simple, three lines, job donebut no not modular and results in 

CFC approach (1):

// Get CFCs
UserManager = createObject(component,com.userManager).init();
AppManager = createObject(component,com.appManager).init();

// Check that the username exists in a session  (returns boolean).
userChecker = IWSCFCManager.getUserName();

// No username. Send them to the login page
if(not userChecker){

RESULT: Process is now in two separate areas so good that it's modular and can 
be cached but it's more external files to deal with.

or I guess all this could be far more generic.

CFC approach (2) - More generic CFC approach:
// Get CFC
AppManager = createObject(component, com.appManager).init();

// Check that the user exists in the session scope using a generic variable 
checker. This method takes two parameters, the scope and which variable to look 
for. Returns boolean.
userChecker = AppManager.getVariable(session,username);

if(not userChecker){
// This method does a redirect

RESULT: One CFC and could use this for all kinds of things

 then again I could just use a structKeyExists :-)... and oh look!!! I'm 
back to another way of coding CFC approach 1 (ARRGGGHHH!!!)

There are many paths but I'm just concerned that I make the wrong one for the 
wrong reasons :-)

@Gerald - Thanks for all those links. OO concepts are something I've never used 
but I've got a good understanding of how it works in principle. I do aim to 
keep everything encaplusated in my CFCS and I'm keen to look at things like 
ColdSpring at some point soon. When I get two geeky minutes :-)

Thanks again for the feedback,

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Re: CFCs - Rule of thumb when to use

2008-04-09 Thread James Buckingham
I'd recommend looking at ColdSpring or Litewire now. These help answer
a lot of the questions about how organise and separate the CFCs and
how to make them work with each other.

Thanks James but my question was aimed more at what I should be putting in 
CFC's rather than how I should organise them. Hence why I was asking about the 
Rule of thumb. I could do everything in them but I'm wondering if there are 
scenerios where they're overkill, the example being the one I've mentioned.

I saw a presentation on ColdSpring at Scotch on the Rocks last year and I've 
seen a few more online. I'm still trying to get my head around it all though to 
be honest. Litewire I've not seen but I'll have a look ;-). 

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CFCs - Rule of thumb when to use

2008-04-08 Thread James Buckingham
Hi everyone,

I'm just putting the foundation code into a new project and I was wondering if 
I could get some opinions on CFC approach from people.

The vast majority of our systems come from a previous CF5 environment. This is 
the first project I've had the opportunity to do since we moved into our new 
CF7 environment though. I'm keen to try and get our more regularly used code 
into some CFCs so it's easier to plug into things in the future.

The issue I've got is that some of the regular code is so smaller that I feel 
that a CFC is overkill. It's simply things like (pseudo):

if (NOT (is this user login?)){
   send them to the login page

which appear in every one of our applications but it's a two second job to put 
it in.

At the moment I've got this inside my application.cfc so there is a modular 
sense already but I'm wondering where do people draw the line when it comes to 
things like this? Is this overkill or does the benefits of having this in a CFC 
outweigh that?


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Re: CFCs - Rule of thumb when to use

2008-04-08 Thread James Buckingham
Thanks Dominic,

That reminds me that I should add that I'm using Fusebox5.0 (MVC) and looking 
to do most of the SQL in Transfer as well ;-).

My way of thinking was that I'd put the initial checks specific to our core 
system (this one is a mini app running off the back of the core) within a CFC 
and call it from the application.cfc. That CFC would sit in a location which is 
mapped and accessible to all the other apps if we decide to repoint them.

It's just as a I was writing it that I thought I'm doubling up what I'm doing 
here as I could probably just write all this inside the application.cfc 
instead. Of course doing that means I'm mixing it up with all my custom code.

Hopefully you can see the 6 and 3*2's scenerio I've got myself in here :-).


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Re: Strange Errors in logs: Suspected Web Crawler

2008-03-17 Thread James Buckingham
As I didn't get a reply to this one so I thought I'd add a bit more 

These errors seem to follow another which is worryingly similar to this:

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect The specific 
sequence of files included or processed is: 

I found a QA on Yahoo Slurp! here: 

which shows that Slurp! will fire out fake addresses as a way of 
establishing whether you use an error page or not. Why it uses a diretory path 
and how it knows what the directory path is though is a bit of a worry.

Checking the IIS logs there is activity from Slurp! but it doesn't always tie 
up with the times that the errors are appearing in the CF logs, hence why I'm 
not 100% sure this is web crawl activity.

I'm still not fully understanding why there is no application name, unless it's 
because there is this access to a directory path going on instead of a RUL, but 
does anybody know a) how I can assign an application to this kind of message or 
b) how I can stop the crawler from firing these messages off without actually 
stopping it from crawling the site?


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Strange Errors in logs: Suspected Web Crawler

2008-03-14 Thread James Buckingham
Morning everyone,

We've got a strange error which keeps appearing in our logs every day (usually 
2-3 but they're increasing) which looks like this:

13-Mar-2008  12:13   Error   0 
Element ROOT is undefined in APPLICATION. The specific sequence of files 
included or processed is: C:\..\display\disp_nopage.cfm, line: 23

This is coming from our global error-handling page. Note that the Application 
Name column is blank so it doesn't look like it's being assigned to one. If i 
try and access this page myself or force an error it appears fine and the 
debugger is showing that the page is assign to the main application.

As you can see from the address the file sits in a directory called display. 
There is no application.cfm file in this directory so I would expect it to drop 
to the next level and get the application details from there. This would be the 
root which is where the main application.cfm is sitting.

I'm suspecting that this might be a Web Crawler (Yahoo Slurp! appears a lot in 
the IIS logs) which is testing the error pages but what puzzles me is why there 
isn't an application being assigned to it. Does anybody have any ideas? Would 
something as simple as a

cfif not isDefined('application.applicationName')
 cfapplication name=myMainApplication

. fix the problem?

Your help would be appreciated.


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JRun Clustering problem - Instance keeps shutting down

2008-02-28 Thread James Buckingham
Hi there,

We've been having a lot of problems recently with one of our Cluster instances 
whereby it keeps either shutting itself down or starts to reject threads. There 
isn't a set pattern to when this happens but it is only happening on one 
instance (we have four in total separated 50/50 on two servers).

When JRun starts rejecting requests we're seeing this kind of thing in the logs:

27/02 10:44:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/10 Sessions: 4520 Total 
Memory=65472 Free=8732
27/02 10:45:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/11 Sessions: 4515 Total 
Memory=56320 Free=8533
27/02 10:46:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 1/10 Sessions: 4512 Total 
Memory=57600 Free=7505
27/02 10:47:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/10 Sessions: 4518 Total 
Memory=57920 Free=6622
27/02 10:48:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 1/10 Sessions: 4503 Total 
Memory=57216 Free=9725
27/02 10:49:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/10 Sessions: 4501 Total 
Memory=54976 Free=7224
27/02 10:50:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/9 Sessions: 4431 Total 
Memory=61376 Free=12289
27/02 10:50:41 info Clusterable service JRunProxyClusterHelper successfully 
removed a peer when that peer left the cluster
27/02 10:51:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/9 Sessions: 4413 Total 
Memory=56832 Free=11473
27/02 10:52:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/9 Sessions: 4377 Total 
Memory=56064 Free=11637
27/02 10:53:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/9 Sessions: 4341 Total 
Memory=53504 Free=11657
27/02 10:54:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/9 Sessions: 4300 Total 
Memory=53568 Free=11636
27/02 10:55:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/9 Sessions: 4263 Total 
Memory=53568 Free=11543
27/02 10:56:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 4213 Total 
Memory=53504 Free=11598
27/02 10:57:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 4173 Total 
Memory=52544 Free=11585
27/02 10:58:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 4132 Total 
Memory=52608 Free=11501
27/02 10:59:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 4089 Total 
Memory=52608 Free=11370
27/02 11:00:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 4051 Total 
Memory=52608 Free=11454
27/02 11:01:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 4014 Total 
Memory=52096 Free=11537
27/02 11:02:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 3967 Total 
Memory=52096 Free=11190

.so note that JRun rejects the instance from the cluster but the logs carry 
on. Also note that the Web Threads just carry on as 0/1 until the instance is 
started up again. The frequency of this has started to increase and we're now 
getting this at least once a day.

The server is a virtual machine, Win Server 2003, CF7.0 with multiserver JRun. 
We have it setup on Round Robin with sticky sessions.

Just to give you a breakdown on what we've tried already

The problem started on the 29th of Jan this year and looking at our logs 
nothing has changed on or around this time apart from an upgrade to our backup 
software on the other working server. So I wouldn't expect this to effect the 
one that is now faulty. 

We started to add Hotfixes to the server on the 5th of Feb but this hasn't 
resolved the problem. These included JRun Updater 7 and CF HotFix 3 which had 
stability fixes for clustering. This was applied to both servers.

Checking logs in IIS I'm not seeing anything abnormal.

We've compared the setup of the failing instance to the other server instance 
and apart from a few unique configuration settings both are identifical in 
JRun. We are considering the option of rebuilding the instance using the 
working one but to be honest that drawing at straws.

Has anybody else had a similar kind of problem or can think of any other ideas 
as to what might be causing this. 

Your help would be appreciated and if there is anymore information you need 
please let me know.


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JRun Clustering problem - Instance keeps shutting down

2008-02-28 Thread James Buckingham
Hi there,

We've been having a lot of problems recently with one of our Cluster instances 
whereby it keeps either shutting itself down or starts to reject threads. There 
isn't a set pattern to when this happens but it is only happening on one 
instance (we have four in total separated 50/50 on two servers).

When JRun starts rejecting requests we're seeing this kind of thing in the logs:

27/02 10:44:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/10 Sessions: 4520 Total 
Memory=65472 Free=8732
27/02 10:45:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/11 Sessions: 4515 Total 
Memory=56320 Free=8533
27/02 10:46:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 1/10 Sessions: 4512 Total 
Memory=57600 Free=7505
27/02 10:47:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/10 Sessions: 4518 Total 
Memory=57920 Free=6622
27/02 10:48:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 1/10 Sessions: 4503 Total 
Memory=57216 Free=9725
27/02 10:49:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/10 Sessions: 4501 Total 
Memory=54976 Free=7224
27/02 10:50:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/9 Sessions: 4431 Total 
Memory=61376 Free=12289
27/02 10:50:41 info Clusterable service JRunProxyClusterHelper successfully 
removed a peer when that peer left the cluster
27/02 10:51:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/9 Sessions: 4413 Total 
Memory=56832 Free=11473
27/02 10:52:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/9 Sessions: 4377 Total 
Memory=56064 Free=11637
27/02 10:53:01 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/9 Sessions: 4341 Total 
Memory=53504 Free=11657
27/02 10:54:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/9 Sessions: 4300 Total 
Memory=53568 Free=11636
27/02 10:55:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/9 Sessions: 4263 Total 
Memory=53568 Free=11543
27/02 10:56:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 4213 Total 
Memory=53504 Free=11598
27/02 10:57:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 4173 Total 
Memory=52544 Free=11585
27/02 10:58:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 4132 Total 
Memory=52608 Free=11501
27/02 10:59:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 4089 Total 
Memory=52608 Free=11370
27/02 11:00:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 4051 Total 
Memory=52608 Free=11454
27/02 11:01:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 4014 Total 
Memory=52096 Free=11537
27/02 11:02:02 metrics Web threads (busy/total): 0/1 Sessions: 3967 Total 
Memory=52096 Free=11190

.so note that JRun rejects the instance from the cluster but the logs carry 
on. Also note that the Web Threads just carry on as 0/1 until the instance is 
started up again. The frequency of this has started to increase and we're now 
getting this at least once a day.

The server is a virtual machine, Win Server 2003, CF7.0 with multiserver JRun. 
We have it setup on Round Robin with sticky sessions.

Just to give you a breakdown on what we've tried already

The problem started on the 29th of Jan this year and looking at our logs 
nothing has changed on or around this time apart from an upgrade to our backup 
software on the other working server. So I wouldn't expect this to effect the 
one that is now faulty. 

We started to add Hotfixes to the server on the 5th of Feb but this hasn't 
resolved the problem. These included JRun Updater 7 and CF HotFix 3 which had 
stability fixes for clustering. This was applied to both servers.

Checking logs in IIS I'm not seeing anything abnormal.

We've compared the setup of the failing instance to the other server instance 
and apart from a few unique configuration settings both are identifical in 
JRun. We are considering the option of rebuilding the instance using the 
working one but to be honest that drawing at straws.

Has anybody else had a similar kind of problem or can think of any other ideas 
as to what might be causing this. 

Your help would be appreciated and if there is anymore information you need 
please let me know.


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Re: JRun Clustering problem - Instance keeps quot;shutting downquot;

2008-02-28 Thread James Buckingham
Thanks AJ. Is that the give it a kick approach :-)

We actually had a phase before all this started where IIS stopped processing 
requests and then very kindly jammed up both server instances, stopping the 
site completely. It wasn't until we restarted it or the server that it would 
release the other instance.

We've not had an IIS-related problem now since the 24th of January so I don't 
think this is related to that. That and the fact that JRun is actually telling 
us that it's dropping the instance while IIS shows normal activity. 

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Re: JRun Clustering problem - Instance keeps quot;shutting downquot;

2008-02-28 Thread James Buckingham
Thanks AJ. Is that the give it a kick approach :-) 

We actually had a phase before all this started where IIS stopped processing 
requests and then very kindly jammed up both server instances, stopping the 
site completely. It wasn't until we restarted it or the server that it would 
release the other instance. 

We've not had an IIS-related problem now since the 24th of January so I don't 
think this is related to that. That and the fact that JRun is actually telling 
us that it's dropping the instance while IIS shows normal activity. 


I don't know if it is of any help, but when one of our instances stops
receiving any requests, it takes a IIS restart to pick it up again.

Bouncing the instance has no effect
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 7:02 PM, James Buckingham [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: JRun Clustering problem - Instance keeps amp;quot;shutting downamp;quot;

2008-02-28 Thread James Buckingham
The log file was from the failing instance. It was residing in the 
C:\JRuns\Logs\ folder.

IIS is sitting on both boxes so I'm not sure if that classes as a dedicated 
IIS box. We have round robin on the DNS as well so requests are being passed 
to both boxes.

I actually didn't know about those logs. You learn something new every day :-)

Just looking at the same time as those previous logs these start 2 milliseconds 
after the failure notice. Nothing was happening in these logs for a few hours 
before this...

C:\JRun4\lib\wsconfig\1\LogFiles\jrun_iis6_wildcard080227.log - 

2008-02-27 10:50:43 jrISAPI[2192:6480]  Sticky session breakage, a host for 
serving session 503042d9e2ad1a7e34287c18369f231a287aTR; 
__utmb=228107678; __utmc=228107678; 
 not available.  Failing over to another server, but above session is broken.
2008-02-27 10:50:45 jrISAPI[4052:6480]  Sticky session breakage, a host for 
serving session 50302bd60c2496e669ee2155771f16362587TR not available.  Failing 
over to another server, but above session is broken.
2008-02-27 10:50:52 jrISAPI[9760:6480]  Sticky session breakage, a host for 
serving session 5030b494a4dd95871bb572701d10113ba365TR; 
__utmb=228107678; __utmc=228107678; 
not available.  Failing over to another server, but above session is broken.

C:\JRun4\lib\wsconfig\wsconfig.log - I'm not seeing anything on the 27th at 
that time.

Does that help at all?

Cheers for all your help,

I just poked around my server a bit...

Exactly what log file did you past from in the OP.
If you have a dedicated IIS box and depending on your OS, I'm not sure
if the directories will be the same, but do you have anything useful in
these logs:

In the last log, the 1 directory corresponds to the clusters set up in
C:\JRun4\lib\wsconfig\wsconfig.properties.  I obviously have IIS6, and
the number on the end of the file name is auto-incrementing.



Is it possible there is a connectivity issue which is causing the JRun
connectors (which are loaded on the IIS box and control load balancing)
to think that instance is down?

I don't know off the top of my head if there is a log file on the IIS


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Re: JRun Clustering problem - Instance keeps amp;amp;quot;shutting downamp;amp;quot;

2008-02-28 Thread James Buckingham
And why do I keep getting my replies in separate entries :-(

Sorry people!!

 The log file was from the failing instance. It was residing in the 
 C:\JRuns\Logs\ folder.
 IIS is sitting on both boxes so I'm not sure if that classes as a 
 dedicated IIS box. We have round robin on the DNS as well so 
 requests are being passed to both boxes.
 I actually didn't know about those logs. You learn something new every 
 day :-)
 Just looking at the same time as those previous logs these start 2 
 milliseconds after the failure notice. Nothing was happening in these 
 logs for a few hours before this...
 C:\JRun4\lib\wsconfig\1\LogFiles\jrun_iis6_wildcard080227.log - 
 2008-02-27 10:50:43 jrISAPI[2192:6480]  Sticky session breakage, a 
 host for serving session 503042d9e2ad1a7e34287c18369f231a287aTR; 
 __utmb=228107678; __utmc=228107678; __utmz=228107678.1204109239.1.1.
 com|utmcct=/ym/ShowLetter|utmcmd=referral not available.  Failing over 
 to another server, but above session is broken.
 2008-02-27 10:50:45 jrISAPI[4052:6480]  Sticky session breakage, a 
 host for serving session 50302bd60c2496e669ee2155771f16362587TR not 
 available.  Failing over to another server, but above session is 
 2008-02-27 10:50:52 jrISAPI[9760:6480]  Sticky session breakage, a 
 host for serving session 5030b494a4dd95871bb572701d10113ba365TR; 
 __utmb=228107678; __utmc=228107678; __utmz=228107678.1204106629.1.1.
 utmccn=(direct)|utmcsr=(direct)|utmcmd=(none) not available.  Failing 
 over to another server, but above session is broken.
 C:\JRun4\lib\wsconfig\wsconfig.log - I'm not seeing anything on the 
 27th at that time.
 Does that help at all?
 Cheers for all your help,
 I just poked around my server a bit...
 Exactly what log file did you past from in the OP.
 If you have a dedicated IIS box and depending on your OS, I'm not 
 if the directories will be the same, but do you have anything useful 
 these logs:
 In the last log, the 1 directory corresponds to the clusters set up 
 C:\JRun4\lib\wsconfig\wsconfig.properties.  I obviously have IIS6, 
 the number on the end of the file name is auto-incrementing.
 Is it possible there is a connectivity issue which is causing the 
 connectors (which are loaded on the IIS box and control load 
 to think that instance is down?
 I don't know off the top of my head if there is a log file on the 

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Re: JRun Clustering problem - Instance shutting down

2008-02-28 Thread James Buckingham
Right here's hoping that this doesn't start another thread as this is getting 

That second set are logs are obviously related to the drop of the instance and 
JRun starting to hand the sessions across to the other server. Not very helpful 
but still more information I can work on.

Yes you're right we do have another instance on that server and yeah it is 
strange that out of four instances only one is failing. Or what I should say is 
that the vast majority of fails are coming from there, we do get a few others 
here and there but nothing worth highlighting as an issue and related to this.

We're going to move the code from the other instance over to this one in the 
hope that this might fix it. The idea being that we might have a mismatch 
somewhere that is causing a problem so this would eliminate it this. Stab in 
the dark really though :-(.

Don't know about the shared VM side of things, I'll need to ask the System's 
guys about that one but again that kind of opens up the field to anything while 
we've definately got a lead with the JRun logs at the moment.

Thanks for your efforts though Brad, it's appreciated.


Interesting.  I've got to give credit to someone at Macromedia for using
the work breakage.  :)  
Well, it seems clear that IIS and the JRun connector are losing contact
with the instance and subsequently removing it from the cluster.  What
we don't know is why.  Did I understand that you have at least one other
CF instance on the same physical box which does not experience this
problem?  That would rule out OS and general connectivity problems.  I
think you said it was on a VM.  Is that instance along on the VM, or are
there more than one instance on that VM.  I don't know where to tell you
to go from here.  Maybe someone else will chime in with an idea.

Just ignore my comment about the dedicated IIS box.  For some reason I
had gotten it in my head that you had a separate physical server for
IIS.  I guess I've got the load-balancing diagram stuck in my head that
was posted yesterday on the list.  :)



The log file was from the failing instance. It was residing in the
C:\JRuns\Logs\ folder.

IIS is sitting on both boxes so I'm not sure if that classes as a
dedicated IIS box. We have round robin on the DNS as well so requests
are being passed to both boxes.

I actually didn't know about those logs. You learn something new every
day :-)

Just looking at the same time as those previous logs these start 2
milliseconds after the failure notice. Nothing was happening in these
logs for a few hours before this...

C:\JRun4\lib\wsconfig\1\LogFiles\jrun_iis6_wildcard080227.log - 

2008-02-27 10:50:43 jrISAPI[2192:6480]  Sticky session breakage, a host

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Re: Having problems with LEN()...

2007-06-26 Thread James Buckingham
What do you mean by it fails miserably?. You could try simplifying it with a 
CFSWTCH/CFCASE statement instead...

cfswitch expression=#len(form.reorder)#
cfcase value=4
cfset Order_Number  =  /

cfcase value=5
cfset Order_Number = 000 /

cfcase value=6
cfset Order_Number = 00 /

cfcase value=7
cfset Order_Number = 0 /

cfset Order_Number = Order_Number  form.reorder /

It pretty much does the same as your IF statement but personally I find that a 
bit easier to read!

Because you've got an obvious pattern as well you could do this in loop and 
make CF do all the work for you. Dependings on your personal preference I guess.


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Re: Having problems with LEN()...

2007-06-26 Thread James Buckingham
Hi Mike,

What do you mean by it fails miserably? Personally I would probably write 
that differently because it does look a bit messy with so many len() checks.

Suggestions could be:

Use CFSWITCH/CFCASE. Although it would do the same thing as your if statements 
it would be a lot cleaner and easier to read. Just check the len in the 
CFSWITCH expression then based on the value load an appropriate case. The 
cfelse statement at the end could be covered by a CFDEFAULTCASE.

Alternatively you could use a CFLOOP which is feed the length of the 
form.reorder and then adds a set amount of zeros at the start depending on the 
difference between the starting value and the value 8. For example if the 
form.reorder is 4 then you would loop over the Order_Number variable four times 
adding a 0 at the start of each cycle. 

As I say that's just personal opinion.


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Re: iText: The selected method setFontAndSize was not found.

2007-06-20 Thread James Buckingham
That's absolute perfect thanks for your help everyone.


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iText: The selected method setFontAndSize was not found.

2007-06-18 Thread James Buckingham
Hi everyone,

Does anybody know why the following code is telling me that the method 
fontandsize() doesn't exist?

myObj = structNew();
local = structNew();

myObj.document = CreateObject(java, com.lowagie.text.Document);
myObj.fileIO = CreateObject(java, java.io.FileOutputStream);
myObj.pdfWriter = CreateObject(java, 
myObj.vertText = 
myObj.pdfContentByte = 

myObj.BaseFont = createObject(java,com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont); 
local.bf = myObj.BaseFont.Courier;

// create a 'Document' object
// get an outputstream for the PDF Writer
// call the constructor, pass the location where you want the pdf to be 

// call the static 'getInstance' factory method
local.writer = myObj.pdfWriter.getInstance(myObj.document, 
// open the document

local.cb = local.writer.getDirectContent();

local.cb.setFontAndSize(local.bf, 12);
local.cb.showTextAligned(1, 'THIS IS A TEST', 100, 100, 0);


Error Message is:

The selected method setFontAndSize was not found.  
Either there are no methods with the specified method name and argument types, 
or the method setFontAndSize is overloaded with arguments types that ColdFusion 
can't decipher reliably. If this is a Java object and you verified that the 
method exists, you may need to use the javacast function to reduce ambiguity.  
The error occurred in 
C:\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\pdfWriter\index.cfm: line 32
30 :
31 :// call the static 'getInstance' factory method
32 :local.writer = myObj.pdfWriter.getInstance(myObj.document, 
myObj.fileIO).setFontAndSize('Courier', 12);
33 :// open the document
34 :myObj.document.open();

Yet when I dump the writer methods I can see the setFontAndSize method sitting 
in the listing.

I've updated my iText.jar to the latest version (2.0.4) and that hasn't fixed 
the problem either :(


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Accessing another cfapplications scope

2007-05-30 Thread James Buckingham
Hi everyone,

I've built a little bit of code which loads an .ini file and updates a single 
app's application scope with any changes. I've been asked to redesign this 
though so when we do an update in the ini and hit 'refresh' the code goes 
through ALL of our applications and applies the updates to all of their scopes. 

I've had a look around online and found a few articles which talk about the 
theory of being able to see the application scopes of all the other 
applications on an environment but I was wondering if anybody had any examples 
which show how one application can update the information of another?

One idea we've had is to setup an include in each application. CFHTTP to that 
page and process the requests from there. That means hard coding a list of 
every application we have on the server though so I'm holiding on to that one 
as a plan b until I find out if I can access some kind of Java object in 
order to gather this information dynamically and run this off one page.

Does anybody have any ideas?


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Re: Accessing another cfapplications scope

2007-05-30 Thread James Buckingham
Thanks Chris. I'm actually getting there right now. Typical how these things 
happen just as you put a post on :).

Cheers again,

I think it would actually be pretty simple.  You need to get a list of
applications (or hard-code the ones you want it to update)

Then just do (psudo-code):

Loop all your applications

   cfapplication name=#appName#
   cfset vars to whatever 

End loop 

This should set the vars into each app name you specify as it loops.


-Original Message-
From: James Buckingham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 8:07 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Accessing another cfapplications scope

Hi everyone,

I've built a little bit of code which loads an .ini file and updates a
single app's application scope with any changes. I've been asked to
redesign this though so when we do an update in the ini and hit
'refresh' the code goes through ALL of our applications and applies the
updates to all of their scopes. 

I've had a look around online and found a few articles which talk about
the theory of being able to see the application scopes of all the other
applications on an environment but I was wondering if anybody had any
examples which show how one application can update the information of

One idea we've had is to setup an include in each application. CFHTTP to
that page and process the requests from there. That means hard coding a
list of every application we have on the server though so I'm holiding
on to that one as a plan b until I find out if I can access some kind
of Java object in order to gather this information dynamically and run
this off one page.

Does anybody have any ideas?


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CFFILE copy to another server - (Access is denied).

2007-05-25 Thread James Buckingham
Hi guys,

I'm trying to find a way that I can copy a file from one server to another 
(there Windows 2003 servers) using either CFFILE or a CFEXECUTE command to run 
what I need through Xcopy or Robocopy.

At the moment I'm getting a error message telling me The cause of this 
exception was: java.io.FileNotFoundException: 
\\xx.xx.xx.xx\CFTEST-Upload\TEST.txt (Access is denied).  if I try this.

Looking around online I found this article which could explain how to solve 

.what I'm wondering though is if there is any security risks in giving 
ColdFusion these kinds of permissions to start writing to another server?


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2007-05-17 Thread James Buckingham
Does anybody have a MX7.02 compatible version of this plug? I need to upgrade 
ours but before I start recoding I thought I'd ask.


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Re: Getting a list of all the instances on a server

2007-05-08 Thread James Buckingham
So how does JRun gather a list of all the instances on its server or the 
'cfusion' (port 8300) administrator?

I'm just wondering if there is a way to tap into that?

Cheers again,

I could be way of base here, but my understanding is you can't.

The reason being is that CF is run on an Application Server, in normal
installs that is Jrun and they run in their own space without any knowledge
of each other.

On 5/8/07, James Buckingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Re: MX7: Updating a single server in a cluster...

2007-05-08 Thread James Buckingham
We've got two load-balanced Windows 2003 servers, each with one cluster holding 
two instances each.

The only way I can see I can do this is to create a checklist of all the 
instances present on a server and keep sending CFHTTP requests through the 
domain telling it to update the server config. The request then returns the 
name of the instance which just processed that request and my code ticks it 
off the list to say that one has been updated. It then loops through it again 
until all the instances on the list have been done.

I'd rather be able to say Update the configruation of the instance(s) on port 
8301 of IP address xx.xx.xx.xx. Then repeat this process for port 8302 on the 
same one. It would be tidier and less of an overhead.


 James Buckingham wrote:
  I noticed on the Scorpio Wish list that someone has asked for 
 this but I was wondering if anyone knew a workaround which would allow 
 me to update a single server in a cluster?
  Basically I want to make separate CFHTTP requests to each server to 
 tell it to run its own configuration file. My understanding of this 
 though is if I call the machines IP then ColdFusion will intercept 
 that request and send it in the Cluster's Round Robin.
 How is your cluster configured?

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Re: Getting a list of all the instances on a server

2007-05-08 Thread James Buckingham
But can I ask the age old question What exactly are you wanting to do?

No problem - this is actually starting to tie in with my last post MX7: 
Updating a single server in a cluster... so better to start relating 
everything together and carry on from one post.

I want to be able to update a server config which sits on each instance. The 
config is the same for each but I need to reinitialise it on all of them at the 
same time.

I'd like to write a script which automates the process of gathering the 
instance details from a server and updates each one individually as we actually 
have five servers with multiple instances on the go now.

Right now I've got a bit of a manual process going on which identifies via the 
server_name which server I'm on, it then gets a hard coded list of the 
instances names and starts firing CFHTTP requests at the server until each 
instance has updated and returned a value that it's completed. It then ticks 
that instance off the list and starts the CFHTTP again until all the instances 
have been done.

I've explained this a bit better in the post I've mentioned above but I just 
think this way of doing it is a bit heavy-handed.


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Re: Getting a list of all the instances on a server

2007-05-08 Thread James Buckingham
It gets it from a servers.xml file stored c:\jrun\lib

Great, I'll have a look and give that a shot. Thank you very much.

Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
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Re: Getting a list of all the instances on a server

2007-05-08 Thread James Buckingham
I've got a few ideas of the back of all these suggestions. Thanks a lot for 
your help everyone.


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MX7: Updating a single server in a cluster...

2007-05-07 Thread James Buckingham
I noticed on the Scorpio Wish list that someone has asked for this but I 
was wondering if anyone knew a workaround which would allow me to update a 
single server in a cluster?

Basically I want to make separate CFHTTP requests to each server to tell it to 
run its own configuration file. My understanding of this though is if I call 
the machines IP then ColdFusion will intercept that request and send it in the 
Cluster's Round Robin.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


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Getting a list of all the instances on a server

2007-05-07 Thread James Buckingham
Does anybody know if there is a way of getting a list back from ColdFusion MX7 
(or JRun) of all the instances setup in the main server's Admin?

I had a look at the Admin API's serviceinstance.cfc but there doesn't seem to 
be anything in there which can get this. How does ColdFusion output the list in 
the admin?

Any help would be appreciated!


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Re: CFX_XMLParser in MX 7.02

2007-04-04 Thread James Buckingham
Thanks Neil,

We have this code across quite a few of our applications and don't really have 
the time to start changing it all at the moment. That's why I thought I'd ask.


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CFX_XMLParser in MX 7.02

2007-04-03 Thread James Buckingham
I noticed on the Activsoftware website that this Custom Tag isn't supported in 
MX7 and that the installation instructions don't cover multiserver environments.

Has anybody installed this on MX7 and how did they get on with it? Is there 
actually any issues with using it or is it just a case that MX7 now has all the 
tools natively to do the same job so AS have dropped it?


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Re: Werid cfqueryparam error...

2007-03-30 Thread James Buckingham
 null=#iif(COURSE.COU_LANGUAGE_STUDY IS '',de('Yes'),de('No'))#

Why not #yesNoFormat(COURSE.COU_LANGUAGE_STUDY IS '')#  ?

The code we're using is:

null=#yesNoFormat(NOT Len(trim(CFQUERYPARAM VALUE IN HERE)))#

It looks like my bosses previous suggestion doesn't work if you have any 
spaces. This one at least covers that and also checks to see if its empty!

Also to cover the large number of changes we're having to make we've come up 
with a regular expression which passes through a directory of files, looks for 
cfqueryparam's which either don't have a null attribute already or aren't of 
type VARCHAR and inserts this code.

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Re: Werid cfqueryparam error...

2007-03-29 Thread James Buckingham
I've hit exactly the same problem as this but I have a larger problem in that 
I'm trying to migrate 8 yrs worth of CF5 code to MX7.0. I've done a search 
across our CF server and we're hitting over 6000+ entries of cfqueryparam which 
could potential try passing a null value :(. 

Why did CF5.0 not have this problem and more importantly does any know a way 
that I could automate the process of adding this code into all of the tags 
which need it? Doing this job manually would just be a nightmare!


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Re: Werid cfqueryparam error...

2007-03-29 Thread James Buckingham
The other thing I was going to say is that my boss had a look at the suggested 
code above and seems to think it's inefficient because of it's use of more than 
one function to process. 

He suggested:

null=#iif(COURSE.COU_LANGUAGE_STUDY IS '',de('Yes'),de('No'))#

What do you think?


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Re: CFOBJECT calling Word.Application for Spell checker problem

2007-03-26 Thread James Buckingham
The reason it wouldn't uninstall was because there were 20 instances of 
WINWORD.EXE running in the background of the machine. I never actually opened 
it once manually so I'm guessing that CF was creating a new instance everytime 
I put in a request. Something to note if you try this with Office 2007.

I've uninstalled it now though and 97 worked first time. 

Guess you have to expect a few hiccups when using a Macromedia language owned 
by Adobe running on a Sun platform which is trying to use Microsoft products :-)


 On Friday 23 Mar 2007, James Buckingham wrote:
  Thanks Tom. Just looking into that as an option but I currently 
  remove 2007 off the server. It's throwing errors in the uninstall so 
  thought I'd stick with it just now and see if I can get 07 to work 
 with it.
 And people ask me why I prefer Linux servers :-)
 Tom Chiverton
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CFOBJECT calling Word.Application for Spell checker problem

2007-03-23 Thread James Buckingham
Hi guys,

I'm currently migrating some of our applications from CF5.0/Win'2000 to 
CFMX7.02/Win' 2003.

I've hit a problem with one of the pages which uses a CFOBJECT to call 
Microsoft Word's Spell checker and runs the page content through it. The CF5.0 
server used Word 97 but I've installed Word 2007 on the new server.

The page is giving me the following error:

An exception occurred when instantiating a Com object.  

The cause of this exception was that: AutomationException: 0x80080005 - Server 
execution failed. Note that Windows 95 does not support automatic launch of a 
server, it must be running already.

I found this article on something similiar which seems to think that the 
problem is related to DCOM permissions not being setup...


I've now done this but I'm still getting the error message.

The code I'm using to call this is:
cfobject action=create type=com class=Word.Application name=objWord

Has anybody else been able to resolve this or have any suggestions?


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Re: CFOBJECT calling Word.Application for Spell checker problem

2007-03-23 Thread James Buckingham
Thanks Tom. Just looking into that as an option but I currently can't remove 
2007 off the server. It's throwing errors in the uninstall so I thought I'd 
stick with it just now and see if I can get 07 to work with it.

 On Friday 23 Mar 2007, James Buckingham wrote:
  CF5.0 server used Word 97 but I've installed Word 2007 on the new 
  Has anybody else been able to resolve this or have any suggestions?
 Yeah, install Word 97.
 Tom Chiverton
 Helping to appropriately envisioneer front-end web-readiness
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Cluster File Management

2007-01-29 Thread James Buckingham
Hi everyone,

Does anybody know any good sites / ref. books which talk about file management 
on a clustered environment? I've got two new load balanced servers which I'm 
currently migrating/recoding for (in CFEclipse) but I want to some how automate 
the update processes on both servers.

I.e. I make a change to a file on one server and it updates the same file on 
the other server automatically.

The servers are Win 2003.


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Re: List of Sections from an initialisation file

2007-01-15 Thread James Buckingham
That's perfect. Thanks a lot ;-)

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Managing Multiple Instances - Best Approach

2007-01-15 Thread James Buckingham
Morning everyone,

I thought I'd do a bit of asking around as I don't seem to be able to find much 
about this online. I'm curious about how others manage things like updates, 
testing and release management on a daily basis across multiple instances of CF 
running on more than one server.

We've just started a migration project to move all our applications up from 
version 5 to MX 7.0 and to load balance everything across 4 Win2003 servers (2 
for testing purposes and 2 as our live servers). I've now been given the task 
of looking at new procedures on managing these servers and the way that our 
team should control these for the points above.

I know you could probably write a couple of books on this subject but I thought 
I'd just ask for people's experiences and find out what they found to be the 
best way of managing their code and servers.


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List of Sections from an initialisation file

2007-01-11 Thread James Buckingham
Hi everyone,

Is there any way that I can get a list of all the sections within an ini file 
through ColdFusion? 

If I use getProfileSections and dump it I'm seeing each section + all the 
variables included with them. All I want, for now, is the section names.

What I'm looking to do is setup a simple dynamic loop which uses the list to 
grab each section, insert its variables into a struct and place this in my 
application. That way if I add a new section to the ini. file I don't have to 
worry about extending my CF code to accommadate it. 

Or is there an easier way I could be doing this?


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Re: Keystore SSL Validation Nightmare

2006-12-11 Thread James Buckingham
Thanks again Mark,

Well the certificates are appearing if I request the aliases through keytools 
-list. Is there any way of checking that I've installed them correctly or is it 
a case of, if they appear in the security/cacert that's them installed?



Yes, I would agree with you - it looks like you are able to resolve

Have you managed to get the cert into your keystore correctly?  Also, there
is an issue with JVM versions... I wrote a blurb on it. 


I don't know if that's your issue though


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Keystore SSL Validation Nightmare

2006-12-08 Thread James Buckingham
Morning everyone,

I've been trying my hardest to get CFMX 7.0 to grab a WDDX via CFHTTP. The code 
is part of a migration I'm doing from CF 5.0. 

I've isolated the problem down to something being wrong with the cacert 
validation on the Jrun side of things but even following entries like this one 
I found @ talkingtree... 


I can't get this to work.

The dumped message I'm being returned is this:

Charset: [empty string]  
ErrorDetail: I/O Exception: peer not authenticated  
Filecontent: Connection Failure  
Header: [undefined struct element]  
Mimetype: Unable to determine MIME type of file.  
Responseheader: struct [empty] 
Statuscode: Connection Failure. Status code unavailable.  
Text: YES  

And the on-page error is:

WDDX packet parse error at line 1, column 1. Content is not allowed in prolog.. 
The error occurred in 
line 141
Called from 
line 129
Called from 
line 1
139 :   cfdump var=#cfhttp#
140 :   
141 :   cfwddx action=WDDX2CFML input=#cfhttp.fileContent# 

I've done the following tests:

- Checked that the certificates have been imported into the cacerts. Both are 

- Checked that the SSL is installed correctly in IIS by accessing the WDDX 
through a standard HTML form. That returned the results fine so it's nothing on 
that side.

- Off the back of talkingtree - I've also bought a new certificate so that the 
name on it (wwwtest.company.com) is the same as the address I'm using for 

Does anybody have anymore suggestions in how I go about debugging and fixing 

Thanks in advance,

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
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Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Talk/subscribe.cfm

Re: Keystore SSL Validation Nightmare

2006-12-08 Thread James Buckingham
I assume you have verified that the domain is resolvable from the server? Is
the server able to resolve the domain into the correct IP address?  The
error below makes me think you have a resolution issue. If that same server
has a non ssl page on it.. .try a cfhttp call to it and see what you get.

Thanks for the fast reply Mark. If I setup a test page and put in the following 
code to access the same file but through a non-ssl connection

cfset username = test /
cfset password = mypassword /

cfhttp url=http://wwwtest.mycompany.com/wddx_auth.cfm; method=POST 
cfhttpparam type=FORMFIELD name=username value=#Username# /
cfhttpparam type=FORMFIELD name=password value=#Password# /

cfdump var=#cfhttp# /


I would expect that to fail (the username and password are wrong) but it 
return a false. Dumping the results I do get result of..

Charset UTF-8  
ErrorDetail [empty string]  
Filecontent style table.cfdump_wddx, table.cfdump_xml, table.cfdump_struct, 
table.cfdump_array, table.cfdump_query, table.cfdump_cfc, table.cfdump_object, 
table.cfdump_binary, table.cfdump_udf, table.cfdump_udfbody, 
table.cfdump_udfarguments { font-size: xx-small; font-family: verdana, arial, 
helvetica, sans-serif; cell-spacing: 2px; } table.cfdump_wddx th, 
table.cfdump_xml th, table.cfdump_struct th, table.cfdump_array th, 
table.cfdump_query th, table.cfdump_cfc th, table.cfdump_object th, 
table.cfdump_binary th, table.cfdump_udf th, table.cfdump_udfbody th, 
table.cfdump_udfarguments th { text-align: left; color: white; padding: 5px; } 
 etc. etc.

Header: HTTP/1.1: 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Set-Cookie: 
CFID=803;expires=Sun, 30-Nov-2036 10:23:42 GMT;path=/ Set-Cookie: 
CFTOKEN=28172353;expires=Sun, 30-Nov-2036 10:23:42 GMT;path=/ Connection: close 

Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2006 10:23:42 GMT Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0  
Mimetype: text/html  
Responseheader: struct 
Connection close:  
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8  
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2006 10:23:42 GMT  
Explanation: OK  
Http_Version: HTTP/1.1  
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0  
Set-Cookie: struct 
1 CFID=803;expires=Sun, 30-Nov-2036 10:23:42 GMT;path=/  
2 CFTOKEN=28172353;expires=Sun, 30-Nov-2036 10:23:42 GMT;path=/  
Status_Code: 200  
Statuscode: 200 OK  
Text: YES  


.the result is a false so it definatly looks like an SSL problem!

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Re: ScottishCFUG : Connect Meeting with Rob Gonda on AJAX

2006-12-08 Thread James Buckingham
Damn, I've only just found out about this. Is there anyway of getting hold of 
the conversation from last night?


Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
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Re: ScottishCFUG : Connect Meeting with Rob Gonda on AJAX

2006-12-08 Thread James Buckingham
Well it will pass a lazy friday afternoon :-). Cheers Andy!!

Is the username and password the adobe.com one? Mine isn't working for some 

 Here you go, all 2 hours and 17 mins of it :)
 On 08/12/06, James Buckingham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Damn, I've only just found out about this. Is there anyway of 
 getting hold of the conversation from last night?

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MX 7 Training in Scotland

2006-12-01 Thread James Buckingham

I was wondering if anybody can recommend any good MX7.0 training companies / 
consultants in Scotland?

I've been asked to look around for suggestions on either an intro-style course 
to it, so we can learn about the new feature that we could start to introduce 
into our systems (we're currently running CF5), or something a bit more 
taylor-made to our situation in a one-2-one.

Ideally I'd like to hear of people's first-hand experiences rather than the 
sales and marketing pitches I'm getting on most of the companies websites.


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Re: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-17 Thread James Buckingham
Thanks a lot for your help Dave!

I've spent the morning looking into setting up Jrun through IIS on one of the 
new server Instances and I've got it almost working now.

Just in case anybody else has this issue I found this good technote on IIS 

As I say I'm almost there but I'm getting a bit of a strange problem with the 
processing of the page through IIS now.

If I try and access I page I get an Exception error:

coldfusion.runtime.TemplateNotFoundException - in : line -1
File not found: /test.cfm

However, if I refresh the page it appears. Refresh again shows the error and 
carries on alternating on each request.

That's running it through http://localhost/test.cfm (test.cfm is in the route) 
but trying http://localhost:8303/test.cfm works every time so I'm assuming this 
is a permissions problem at the IIS side of things (???)


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Re: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-17 Thread James Buckingham
This is probably starting to go off topic now but I had a look at the IIS Logs 
and I'm seeing the following:

2006-11-17 13:16:29 W3SVC753544 GET /test.cfm - 80 - 
Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322) 404 
0 0
2006-11-17 13:16:29 W3SVC753544 GET /test.cfm - 80 - 
Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322) 200 
0 0
2006-11-17 13:16:29 W3SVC753544 GET /CFIDE/debug/images/topdoc.gif - 
80 - 
Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322) 200 
0 0

The HTTP codes are literally saying it's there and then it's not. Is this a 
friday afternoon thing? Are these pages playing peek-a-boo with me, lol?


P.S. Logging onto the CF Admin at http://localhost/cfide/administrator is 
working perfectly fine and I don't see any of these problems within this area. 
I can't see anything significantly different between this and the other folders 

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Re: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-17 Thread James Buckingham
Sorry I'm being thick. It's because the cluster is pointing at IIS NOT the 
single instance. The error was because the other instance in the cluster didn't 
have the file setup.

Problem solved!


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Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-16 Thread James Buckingham
Hi everyone,

I'm currently working on migrating our applications from CF5.0 to MX7.02. I'm 
running this over a JRun4 multi-server configuration and everything is up and 
running apart from the SSL which I'm really struggling with.

The problem I have is coming from a simple bit of code in a onRequestStart 

this.HTTPSecure = #cgi.https#;

cfif #len(this.HTTPSecure)# eq 0
cflocation url=https://localhost:8301/; addtoken=no  /


If I try and run that the browser just sits there thinking about something and 
then times out on me. Taking out the secure protocol on the http works fine.

Things I tried so far are:

1) Tried this on three separate machines and all are showing the same signs

2) Following Adobe's Technotes on setting up SSL and LDAP by importing my 
certificates into the C:\JRun4\jre\lib\security\cacerts and confirmed that 
they've been installed fine through a command prompt - 

3)Tried to follow another Technotes about setting up SSL in JRun Web Server 
Connector here: 

I'm not sure if this is what I'm meant to be doing though as I'm a complete 
JRun newbie.

4) Enabling SSL in java.xml and changing the port address from 9100 to 443. 

I wasn't sure if there might have been a conflict in me calling port 8301 for 
my Instance through the CFlocation and alos trying to secure at the same using 
a different port. I'm assuming when the instance was setup that the usual port 
80 for http requests is just repointed to the instance port 8301?

Does have anybody have any pointers that might help?


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Re: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-16 Thread James Buckingham
Thanks Bobby,

The whole script is:

cfif #len(this.HTTPSecure)# eq 0
cflocation url=http://localhost:8301/; addtoken=no  /
cfset application.secureAppPath = 'https://'  
#application.configuration.configvariables.Application_Path#  '/wddx' /

I've based that statement on the result 0 because that's the current value in 
the CGI variable list, but you're right, the original code was looking for 
'off'. It's just testing that has taken me down this route.

The problem isn't coming from there though because if I even type in 
https://localhost:8301 straight into the address it isn't running (it's meant 
to just forward to the file which holds the code above). It just hangs, so it 
doesn't look like that code is the root of the problem. The two other machines 
are showing this problem as well and they don't have any CF code running on 
them at the moment. 


 Hi everyone,
 I'm currently working on migrating our applications from CF5.0 to MX7.
 02. I'm running this over a JRun4 multi-server configuration and 
 everything is up and running apart from the SSL which I'm really 
 struggling with.
 The problem I have is coming from a simple bit of code in a 
 onRequestStart function:
 this.HTTPSecure = #cgi.https#;
 cfif #len(this.HTTPSecure)# eq 0
 cflocation url=https://localhost:8301/; addtoken=no  /
 If I try and run that the browser just sits there thinking about 
 something and then times out on me. Taking out the secure protocol on 
 the http works fine.
 Things I tried so far are:
 1) Tried this on three separate machines and all are showing the same 
 2) Following Adobe's Technotes on setting up SSL and LDAP by importing 
 my certificates into the C:\JRun4\jre\lib\security\cacerts and 
 confirmed that they've been installed fine through a command prompt - 
 3)Tried to follow another Technotes about setting up SSL in JRun Web 
 Server Connector here: http://www.adobe.
 I'm not sure if this is what I'm meant to be doing though as I'm a 
 complete JRun newbie.
 4) Enabling SSL in java.xml and changing the port address from 9100 to 
 I wasn't sure if there might have been a conflict in me calling port 
 8301 for my Instance through the CFlocation and alos trying to secure 
 at the same using a different port. I'm assuming when the instance was 
 setup that the usual port 80 for http requests is just repointed to 
 the instance port 8301?
 Does have anybody have any pointers that might help?

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
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Re: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-16 Thread James Buckingham
First, is there a reason you're not using an external web server, like IIS
or Apache? That's usually going to be easier to manage, and will give you
functionality that the JRun Web Server doesn't.

This is probably were my lack of knowledge lets me down so I hope I can answer 
this ok for you. I've not setup anything through IIS. I've just followed the 
installation process in ColdFusion and gone with the multiserver configuration 
(this is to reflect the cluster environment we're about to setup). I've then 
created an instance and set that up on port 8301.

Second, is the JRun Web Server configured to listen for HTTP on TCP/80? By
default it isn't, obviously, but once you configure it to listen on the port
of your choice, it no longer uses the original port used when initially

If that's the case then I'm using the JRun default. How/where do I go about 
doing that?

Third, can you just go to the SSL URL directly? What happens when you do
this? The best way to test this is to create a static HTML file and try to
access that.

It just hangs with both an HTML and CF page.

Cheers again,

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers, delivered to your door four 
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