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2010-02-21 Thread Joe Eugene

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Re: Any Interest in a Completely Free CFML Calendar?

2005-10-14 Thread Joe Eugene
Yes, i would defnitely be interested. I think it would be nice to see
someone actually develop a good plugin with a small foot print that
can easily integrate with most applications.

Have you guys started any Architecture design yet?

On 10/14/05, Jordan Michaels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This was our thought as well, and the reason we decided to even attempt
 this project. The current version of the calendar is installable, and
 has some really neat features. however, there are a few bugs that need
 to be fixed and the documentation still needs to be written for it. All
 in all, a few hundred dollars worth of man-hours still need to be put
 into it before it's ready to go. That's the difficult part, and the
 reason we're attempting to determine interest in it.

 What about the modified MIT license we're thinking about releasing it
 under? With the addition of the third paragraph, we've essentially made
 the calendar linkware. Is this too much? We're not asking users to link
 to the main vivio site or anything commercial. We're simply asking for a
 link back to the main calendar site. Is this sort of licensing too
 restrictive to the very liberal MIT license to be useful? As developers,
 would would this requirement cause you to think twice before using it?

 The reason we added the third paragraph was because we wanted the effort
 to grow, but perhaps there's a better way to do this? It makes me wonder
 how some of the great open-source projects got started and became popular.

 Thank you all for your input. =) We really appreciate it and please keep
 it coming!

 Warm regards,
 Jordan Michaels
 Vivio Technologies

 Andy Matthews wrote:

 I would say that there would definitely be interest for something like that.
 My thoughts are that CF won't be more popular than it currently is until
 there's a larger base of free scripts out there for people to use.
 andy matthews
 web developer
 ICGLink, Inc.
 615.370.1530 x737
 -Original Message-
 From: Jordan Michaels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 4:29 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Any Interest in a Completely Free CFML Calendar?
 For some time now, Vivio Technologies has been debating whether or not
 to put forth the effort to complete the development of a completely
 free, (under a modified open-source MIT license) CFML calendar
 application. The idea was to develop a calendar application that anyone
 could do anything they want with, and help support the Cold Fusion
 community as a whole. Companies who develop in CFML would have the
 ability to -re-design, re-code, -re-brand, re-sell, or whatever else
 they wanted to do with the calendar application. The calendar would be
 able to run under BlueDragon FREE edition, and use open-source databases
 like PostgreSQL and MySQL. That way, no user anywhere would need to pay
 for anything more then the cost of hosting in order to deploy the calendar.
 Our question is simple: Would there be any interest in something like this?
 If there is significant interest, Vivio Technologies will make the
 investment to complete the project and deliver the calendar. If there is
 only a small amount of interest, then we'll quit wasting our time
 debating over this project and move on to projects which are of more
 value to us and/or the community.
 Please take a moment to visit our current calendar site located at the
 following URL:
 Please understand that the calendar project isn't *quite* finished, but
 if there is interest we'll be more then happy to put the finishing
 touches (the spit and polish - if you will) on the calendar and make it
 available, completely free of charge, to the community.
 We welcome any comments you may have - good or bad. Thank you for
 helping us in this decision.
 Warm regards,
 Jordan Michaels
 Vivio Technologies


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Re: cfscript: optional arguments in function calling

2005-10-03 Thread Joe Eugene
I would rather have the method(s) hanlde the logic than the excution
code pass optional arguments.


Let the method handle all the checking and call other methods if needed.


On 10/3/05, wolf2k5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/3/05, Raymond Camden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Don't forget you can use argumentCollection to dynamically pass
  attributes to a CFC method or UDF. That would let you use cfscript if
  you want to. argumentCollection for CFCs/UDFs works the same as
  attributeCollection for custom tags.

 Thanks, I forgot I could use argumentCollection!


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Re: Stuck on saving times in a SQL server database

2005-10-01 Thread Joe Eugene
Try cfQueryParam cfsqltype=cf_sql_time value=#FORM.timestart#

I would format

On 10/1/05, Dawson, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A few things to try:

 1. Insert today's date as well as the time.  Since you don't care, it
 won't make a diff if you use today or last century.  Or, pick your
 anniversary, birthday or whatever.  Once you choose a date, stick with
 it and this will let you perform some valid time math, if needed.

 2. Make sure you don't have any timezone conversion happening anywhere.
 When you say you enter 6:00, but get 12:00, it's like you are living in
 the Central Time Zone and it is getting converted, so to speak.

 3. Type the exact same ancient date into Enterprise Manager and see if
 it is converted at that point.  That will rule out ColdFusion.


 -Original Message-
 From: Pete Ruckelshaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 10:41 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Stuck on saving times in a SQL server database

 I'm stuck.  Could be just because it's late, but I'm not getting

 I'm writing a scheduling application to make my wife's life a bit
 easier.  One of the tables will contain standard shift times for
 employees, i.e. 7:30-16:00, 8:30-17:00.  I use these values to populate
 a dropdown that a person's shift can be selected from.

 So, I'm trying to store these time values in a SQL Server database.
 Table is something like:


 The administrator then enters shift start/end times in HH24:mm format

 The problem I am having is on inserting those values into the database.
 If I try to insert the value as cfqueryparam cfsqltype=CF_SQL_DATE
 value=#timeFormat(FORM.timestart)#  With debug output turned on, I
 can see that the value being inserted is {ts '1899-12-30 16:00:00'},
 which is correct (remember, I don't care about the date, just the time).

 However, viewing the actual data in the database, that value is being
 stored as 12/30/1899 12:00:00 PM

 Anyone have a clue as to why the value being inserted is correct, but
 the value being actually stored isn't?  Should I be using a different
 data type?  Should I just store the time value (i.e. 16:00) as a varchar
 value and convert it to part of the date when I store the actual
 employee schedule time in the schedule table (which is not the table
 shown above)?




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Re: Log Errors

2005-05-21 Thread Joe Eugene
What SQL Server Driver and CFMX 7 Version are you using?


- Original Message - 
From: Botts, Tom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 11:50 AM
Subject: Log Errors

 I've noticed we have been getting a lot of these errors in our logs
 recently.  I've googled around a little but don't know where to start
 looking.  Is it more of a sql problem ?  We are running MX7.

 05/20 08:55:30 Information [jrpp-549] - [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000
 Driver for JDBC][SQLServer]Transaction (Process ID 66) was deadlocked on
 lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock
 victim. Rerun the transaction.
 05/20 08:55:30 Information [jrpp-549] - client variable JDBC STORE -
 retry 1
 removeOnExceptions is true for CF_SERVER, closed the physical Connection
 05/20 08:55:30 Information [jrpp-549] - [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000
 Driver for JDBC]Can't start a cloned connection while in manual
 transaction mode.
 05/20 08:55:31 Information [jrpp-549] - client variable JDBC STORE -
 retry 2



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Re: CFMX XML/XSLT questions....

2005-05-19 Thread Joe Eugene
If you dont really have a purpose for XSLT, dont use it. XSLT is slow.
Just the parse the xml file (xmlParse()) and use xPath expressions to pull
out whatever you need.

If the xml data doesnt change that often, you could cache the parsed xml

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Jeff Waris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 11:54 AM
Subject: CFMX XML/XSLT questions

 What I am doing is not earth shattering by any means but I am looking for
 the most efficient way to do it. The XML is generated on the fly and about
 the only options I have is the date range I give to create the file.

 I would like to be able to sort, filter and display it back to the user
 based on the information in the XML file itself. Am I going in the right
 direction by using XSLT for doing this? OR... should I throw the data from
 the XML file in a temporary table in my SQL7 database? If I throw the
 information in the temp table I am then free to query the data and use CF
 parse out the data to the user.. What's the better way, or do I have more
 options for doing this kind of thing???



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Re: setting up Java in CF5

2005-05-19 Thread Joe Eugene
You should be able to just drop the *.jar file in WEB-INF/lib and use

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Joshua OConnor-Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: setting up Java in CF5

 I suppose I should describe where I am now.
 The gnu-crypto.jar is in the folder listed in the java
 settings class path.

 I'm using create object on the page:

 // Create DES/ColdFusion Java objects
 desObj = CreateObject( java,
 com.gnu.crypto.cipher.TripleDES );

 and this is the error.
 Unhandled System exception !

 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ClassFormatError for
 class com.gnu.crypto.cipher.TripleDES. Java exception
 occurred in call to method.

 Maybe the only issue is that I'm missing librarys (I
 only put in gnu-crypto.jar there are two javax jar
 files that I didn't set up because I didn't think they
 were needed)

 --- Simon Cornelius P. Umacob [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  You might want to try looking up the CreateObject()
  function in the CF docu.  I haven't used CF5 though
  (nor am I very knowledgeable in invoking external
  Java apps), but I think initializing the library in
  version 5 looks something like this:
  DES3 = CreateObject(java,
  [ simon.cpu ]
  I'm trying to set up CF5 to do DESEDE encryption
  I'm not having much luck.
  So I find a java library that may do the trick but
  haven't set up java objects in Cold fusion 5
  Has anybody ever set up gnu-crypto java librarys on
  CF5 or anything other library.
  If I put the gnu-crypto.jar in the CF5 class path
  directory how do I initialize the object in
  or am I not headed in the right direction.
  The object in question is
  Any thoughts
  -Joshua O'Connor-Rose
  -All is Good


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Re: JRun closed connection Error on CFMX

2005-05-17 Thread Joe Eugene
Turn on full logging via JRun and check the logs. Usually the threads are
maxed out.
Try increasing the no of active threads and check database performance.

- Original Message - 
From: Daniel Kang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 10:03 PM
Subject: JRun closed connection Error on CFMX

 I am getting these errors from CFMX and cannot get into any apps and
 cfmx admin as well.

 Server Error
 The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete
 your request.
 JRun closed connection.

 What is wrong and how to fix?



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Re: CFMX Doubling up on requests

2005-02-22 Thread Joe Eugene
 On last thursday, I just scheduled a bunch of new data imports.

Why would you want to use CFMX/JRun to schedule anything?

If you are doing data imports, why not use DTS or database scheduled job
If that is not possible, you could write a standalone Java/C#/VB application
schedule it via the operating system.


- Original Message - 
From: Chris Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 8:18 PM
Subject: CFMX Doubling up on requests

 Hi all,

 For months now (months I've been too busy to take care of this), CFMX
 6.1 has been duplicating my scheduled tasks.

 On last thursday, I just scheduled a bunch of new data imports.
 I have a server scoped variable set up to lock access to this import.
 Every day 10 minutes into the job, CF calls the job again. I know this
 because the CF scheduler has a distinct useragent.

 Has anyone else run into this strange behavior?
 Any ideas, solutions?

 Thanks in advance,

 Chris Phillips
 Senior Application Developer


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Re: cftry/cfcatch around cfmail

2005-02-11 Thread Joe Eugene
 the problem is that there is an invalid email address in there
 , not in its form, or whatever, it'll validate just fine

What are you using to validate the email address, i dont see where
are validating the email address comming out of the DB Query.

cfmail to=[EMAIL PROTECTED] from=TheWebsite subject=Email

the from is invalid... have you tried [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?


- Original Message - 
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: cftry/cfcatch around cfmail


 this isnt the problem...

 the problem is that there is an invalid email address in there
 , not in its form, or whatever, it'll validate just fine, its just that
 the mail server rejects it... the email address is local to the mail
 server that they cfmx server uses...


 On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 21:41:55 -0500, Joe Eugene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  1. Write a simple method to validate emails boolean return type.
  isEmailAddress(String emAddr){}
 i cant remember but there is a good regular expresssion out there.
  2. Develop a concrete method to send emails instead of having reduntant
  all over the place to send emails.
 Within the sendEmail, you can invoke isEmailAddress and boolean
  type, if the validation fails,
 You can also send an errMessage back to the view -  Your email
  is Invalid, please correct
  The above is a working solution.
  - Original Message -
  From: Tony Weeg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 9:08 PM
  Subject: Re: cftry/cfcatch around cfmail
   the problem is, its a bad email address, so i dont know until the
   email tries to go out... and its like i get an IMMEDIATE no-go from
   the mail server (all the emails for this test, are local to the mail
   server that im sending through, so it knows RIGHT AWAY).
   man this is strange...
   On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 19:15:17 -0600, Dawson, Michael
I've seen this before.  I can't remember if I ever found a
or not.  You can set a variable in the catch block, then call the
tag after you are done looping.
It would make a little more sense to send a single email with all
errors than an email for each error.  Just as Matt said previously.
-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 7:09 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: cftry/cfcatch around cfmail
sup barney... thats what ive got...
cfquery name=GetPartnerEmailAddresses
select email from regions where email like '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
cfloop query=GetPartnerEmailAddresses
subject=Test, please disregard spoolenable=NoThis is a test,
This worked!
cfcatch type=Any
cfmail to=[EMAIL PROTECTED] from=TheWebsite subject=Email
Error spoolenable=NoThis error happened on
#DateFormat(Now(),'mm/dd/')# Here is what happened:
Message: #cfcatch.message#
Detail: #cfcatch.detail#
  This didnt work.
and what happens is... it looks like its worked, as i see 10 This
worked on the screen, and only one This didnt work, but @ the
of the screen in the debugging output, and exception error...
and no emails go out at all :( ?


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Re: cftry/cfcatch around cfmail

2005-02-10 Thread Joe Eugene
1. Write a simple method to validate emails boolean return type.
isEmailAddress(String emAddr){}
i cant remember but there is a good regular expresssion out there.

2. Develop a concrete method to send emails instead of having reduntant code
all over the place to send emails.
Within the sendEmail, you can invoke isEmailAddress and boolean return
type, if the validation fails,
You can also send an errMessage back to the view -  Your email address
is Invalid, please correct

The above is a working solution.


- Original Message - 
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: cftry/cfcatch around cfmail

 the problem is, its a bad email address, so i dont know until the
 email tries to go out... and its like i get an IMMEDIATE no-go from
 the mail server (all the emails for this test, are local to the mail
 server that im sending through, so it knows RIGHT AWAY).

 man this is strange...


 On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 19:15:17 -0600, Dawson, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I've seen this before.  I can't remember if I ever found a work-around
  or not.  You can set a variable in the catch block, then call the cfmail
  tag after you are done looping.
  It would make a little more sense to send a single email with all the
  errors than an email for each error.  Just as Matt said previously.
  -Original Message-
  From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 7:09 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: cftry/cfcatch around cfmail
  sup barney... thats what ive got...
  cfquery name=GetPartnerEmailAddresses datasource=#usersDatasource#
  select email from regions where email like '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
  cfloop query=GetPartnerEmailAddresses
  subject=Test, please disregard spoolenable=NoThis is a test, please
  This worked!
  cfcatch type=Any
  cfmail to=[EMAIL PROTECTED] from=TheWebsite subject=Email Manager
  Error spoolenable=NoThis error happened on
  #DateFormat(Now(),'mm/dd/')# Here is what happened:
  Message: #cfcatch.message#
  Detail: #cfcatch.detail#
This didnt work.
  and what happens is... it looks like its worked, as i see 10 This
  worked on the screen, and only one This didnt work, but @ the bottom
  of the screen in the debugging output, and exception error...
  and no emails go out at all :( ?


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RE: better way to code?

2005-01-29 Thread Joe Eugene
bringing this whole issue up is that people say beginners' code 
has a lot of CFIF statements

This is true to a certain extent, most logical conditions can be related
to a data structure without conditions (If conditions) and in most
situation the data structure make the code/application extensible.

Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Johnny Le [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 9:19 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: better way to code?

I shouldn't have given that specific example.  My reason for 
bringing this whole issue up is that people say beginners' code 
has a lot of CFIF statements.  I am using Fusebox now.  So it 
elimates a lot of CFIF statement already, but I still feel that I 
have too many CFIF in my code.  I am just looking for alternative, 
better, and more efficient methods to handle all of those 
conditional statements.


I'd say that any application that allows file paths to come from the
URL is wrong, no matter the code.  Second, any application that allows
mixed relative and absolute paths for the same file is asking for
trouble.  And third, make sure you check for a leading / as well, or
you code will puke on *nix.

Now as for the coding style, the former is definitely better, though
the whole block should be in a CFTRY..CFCATCH.  In the second example,
you need a CFTRY around the second CFFILE, and having multiple nested
CFTRY..CFCATCH blocks gets too nasty to quick.  Chances are good that
if that scenario arises, you'd be better off doing some abstraction
with either includes, UDFs, or a CFC.  But again, I think it's
unlikely you would ever be in this scenario with a well designed

Also, don't use CONTAINS as your operator, use mid(url.dir, 2, 1) and
see if it's a colon.


On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 23:43:25 -0400, Johnny Le [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: CFUNITED? What's the deal??

2005-01-23 Thread Joe Eugene
I have never been to any of these meetings, just wondering..

1. How many of these events are there? Names and locations?
2. Did CFFUN change Names to CFUNITED?

Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Sean Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 2:27 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFUNITED? What's the deal??

On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 12:15:12 -0400, Will Tomlinson 
 I'll try to make it happen if I can. And no, if you see me there 
I WON'T be wearing a .NET t-shirt!! I promise!!  :)

Heh, if you make it to CFUNITED I'll buy you a beer...
Sean A Corfield --
Team Fusebox --
Breeze Me! --
Got Gmail? -- I have 5 invites to give away!

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

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Form Data Tracking

2004-12-27 Thread Joe Eugene
We have a need to track Form Updates by users i.e. history of updates to
Once the user submits a from after validation, we want to track the updates
User A can change their Credit card info several times on a Form, we need to
Track those changes and any other agreements they might have agreed to on
the Form.

1. Save the entire contents of the Form as *.htm/*.pdf files or populate
them in the DB.
2. Implement a complex DB Relational Structure to store the content and

Any other Ideas? Anybody else implemented something like this before?

Joe Eugene

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Gold Sponsor -

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RE: Catch CFMX Request Timeout ?

2004-12-10 Thread Joe Eugene
I would put the request timeout only in modules (cfc's init()) where you
expect this to happen.
If you put it in the application.cfm, that is site wide and you get into
problems with monitoring
problematic code.

Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Ron Gowen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 6:43 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Catch CFMX Request Timeout ?

I am experimenting with putting the before mentioned code in the top
level application.cfm, and including that appliaction.cfm in others
nested below in the directory..still in testing, but it is going well
so farfingers crossed :)

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 15:51:31 -0500, Douglas Knudsen
 I'll be damned!  I never thought of going that route, shite.  Ok, so
 now, how to do this on a server wide level?


 On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 14:09:23 -0400, Ron G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  cferror type=exception
mailto=[EMAIL PROTECTED] template=timeoutErr.cfm
  in the application.cfm file I think works
  cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=no requesttimeout=600
  Cant do that, i need to check if its taking more time than CFMX Server
  if so execute some other logic to handle the situation correctly.
  Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: John Uebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:43 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Catch CFMX Request Timeout ?
Simply place the following at the top of your file:
cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=no requesttimeout=600
The above will override the default timeout in the CF
Administrator and
  allow a timeout of 10 minutes.
Is there a way to catch a CFMX Request Timeout. If the
server takes
time than the CF Admin setting.. is there a way to catch it?
I have tried to use the below but they dont work.
cfcatch type=Tried the below 2, it doesnt work
Any Ideas?
Joe Eugene

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - New Atlanta

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Re: More IIS/J2EE configuration installation issues

2004-10-20 Thread Joe Eugene
 When we store our files in the IIS web site's root, they work fine.  But
when we try to store the files in the {jrun
root}\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war folder, the server returns a

You specified a WebRoot when you installed your J2EE ColdFusion Instance,
this is where you need put your files.
The *.ear and *.war are Enterprise Java Packages (just like CFMX under
JRun), this has nothing to your WebRoot.

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Chris Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:38 AM
Subject: More IIS/J2EE configuration installation issues

 For those of you who have installed ColdFusion 6.1 J2EE instances and
hooked them to IIS:

 When we store our files in the IIS web site's root, they work fine.  But
when we try to store the files in the {jrun
root}\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war folder, the server returns a

 It would seem to me that it would make more sense to store the files in
the ear-war.  (Why have EAR server instances if you can't store everything
under the EAR?)  Where do you guys store your web site files when using this
configuration?  If it is under the JRun server root instead of the IIS root,
do you have any tips on how to get this to work?


The annual ColdFusion User Conference is being held Sat 6/26 - Sun 6/27/04 8am-5pm in 
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RE: Field Naming

2004-10-19 Thread Joe Eugene
What is wrong with application_user? I prefer to keep everything 
in lowercase

If you identify Tables as Objects and Fields as Instance variables,
perhaps using CamelCased Syntax might make sense.

e.g. Products, ProductDetail 

If the Tables/Objects need to be grouped together, it would have
been nice to be able to do something like

I think Oracle provides some of the above contructs.

Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 10:30 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Field Naming

Tangorre, Michael wrote:
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) 
 Again, its all personal choice.  I usually steer well clear 
 of underscores as a rule as it can be hard to distinguish 
 between multiple underscores..
 Out of the following, I find option 1 to be the easiest to read.

What is wrong with application_user? I prefer to keep everything 
in lowercase so I can easily distinguish SQL keywords from 

 Prefixing table names with tbl is a waste in my opinion. Say you have 10
 tables all starting with tbl, you have to start at the 4th character to
 identify which table you are looking for. Not a major slow down, but
 when you have DBs with hundreds of tables, this can add up.

I don't think the slow down is really that significant. But what 
I dislike is that objects in a database are no longer grouped 
together logically if you prefix them and list them 
alfabetically. If I have a table with several indexes I want them 
to appear together when I list all the objects.


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Re: page creation times

2004-10-18 Thread Joe Eugene
But does anyone
 have a feel for what ranges are acceptable?

Depends on the complexity of your applications.
I would think execution times between 300 - 500 ms are acceptable.

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Anders Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 8:52 AM
Subject: page creation times

 This morning I put a GetTickCount() in my
 header and footer to see how long my pages
 were taking to make/generate.

 Now, naturally these times could be all over
 the place depending on your hardware, network
 connection, caching, etcetera. But does anyone
 have a feel for what ranges are acceptable?
 What's generally used? What's considered fast
 enough and what's too slow, from a user

 |Anders GreenEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 |Home: 919.303.0218|
 |Off Road Rally Racing Team: |

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Re: Connection Reset By Peer

2004-10-18 Thread Joe Eugene
Connection Reset By Peer is the most common error/? we have seen in JRun
Log files.

I tried the forums a while ago, didnt get any response. I think i read
somewhere this might be
caused by the user closing/cancelling the request.

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Rich Tretola [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: Connection Reset By Peer

 Has anyone else had this problem?


 On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 21:59:46 -0400, Rich Tretola [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I have thousands of entries like the following in my default-err.log
  the only difference in the type of error in the top line where I wrote
 10/17 18:19:26 error Error while reading header type Connection reset by peer: socket write error
 at Method)
 at jrun.servlet.jrpp.ProxyEndpoint.getHeader(
 at coldfusion.runtime.CgiScope.resolve(
 at coldfusion.runtime.CgiScope.containsName(
 at coldfusion.runtime.PageScope.resolveName(
 at coldfusion.runtime.Scope.put(
 at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._arrayset(
 at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._set(
 at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(
 at coldfusion.tagext.lang.ModuleTag.doAfterBody(
 at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(
 at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(
 at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTag(
 at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(
 at coldfusion.tagext.lang.ModuleTag.doStartTag(
 at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(
 at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(
 at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(
 at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(
 at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(
 at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(
 at jrun.servlet.JRunResponse.sendErrorPage(
 at jrun.servlet.JRunResponse.sendError(

Re: Post-6.1MX Updater - CFINSERT = String index out of range

2004-10-18 Thread Joe Eugene
 I'm using the JDBC SQL drivers (MS SQL 7.0).

I thought MS - JDBC Driver was not compatbile with MS SQL 7.0, atleast when
i looked at it a while go.

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 10:32 AM
Subject: Post-6.1MX Updater - CFINSERT = String index out of range

 I just went through a little hell backing out of the CFMX 6.1 Updater (the
one released on August 2004).After doing this update, many (if not all)
CFINSERT operations resulted in this error:

 String index out of range: -2

 I'm using the JDBC SQL drivers (MS SQL 7.0).

 BTW, I explicitly followed Macromedia's instructions in uninstalling the
updater, and it didn't work -- CFMX service wouldn't start again.I ended
up reinstalling 6.1MX Upgrade (RedSky), and that did the trick.But oy vey,
what a way to start a miserable Monday!

 - Sung

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RE: SQL stored procedure question

2004-10-09 Thread Joe Eugene
I'd suggest sticking with cfquery for now.SQL Server is going to better
(faster,more stable) than Access even if you don't use stored procedures for

I would have to disagree, MS SQL Server has its limitations in Programming
Stored Procedures but the things
you point out can easily be done is SP's.

You are using cfQuery to dynamically build an SQL Command, the same can be
done with SP's elegantly
using 2 contructs.
1. Dynamic SQL Build
2. Parameter driven SQL

Stored Procedures are a clean way of abstracting your data calls to the DB,
especially in instances
where you have to have wired calls for Multiple DB transactions.

Now, it would be nice if SQL Server provided a set of Java API's to access
Stored Procedures
as Java Classes and accessible kinda like Prepared Statements work.

cfQuery is just an easy dirty way of getting the job done, once you start
getting to complex
application development... cfQuery and SQL all over the application is

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Gaulin, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 3:50 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL stored procedure question

Stored procedures don't work the way you are expecting them to work, and
you are discovering. When you're using cfquery you can use cf variables and
cf logic to build a sql statement, and when the statement is all built it
goes to the sql server (or access, or whatever) and then it's run.That
means you can do pretty much anything in the cfquery tag to build you sql
statement, as long as the final output is valid sql.In effect, you're
using cf to write a program in another language (sql), and then running it.
This is one of the coolest features of cf because it is really powerful (as
your original cfquery code proves).

When you write a stored procedures the entire procedure must be valid sql
*before* you apply any of the if logic and variables replacements.
Variable names can only go where constants go, for example, so you could
never have a variable that said order by xyz and just stick it on the end
of a select. (There is a way around that, using exec, but it's a hassle.)
sql is not a tremendously flexible language and some things are just not
easy to do... your second query is a good example of something that's a real

I'd suggest sticking with cfquery for now.SQL Server is going to better
(faster,more stable) than Access even if you don't use stored procedures for


-Original Message-
From: Pratte, Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 2:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SQL stored procedure question

OK, after hearing everybody say don't use Access and an converting my
Check Request System to MS SQL Server. And I am trying to use Stored
Procedures. However, I am finding it more difficult then I anticipated.
For instance, I used to have a query like this:

cfquery Name=qrySignoffRequest datasource=#application.SQLDB#
select crID, SOffUser, SOffNote
from qrySignoffRequest
where SOffDecision = 'Open' and SOffUser = '#theUser#'
order by #sort5#

My stored procedure attempt was this:

CREATE PROCEDURE SignOffCheckRequest_Getx_byDecision_SoffUser
@SoffUser varchar(10),
@Decision varchar(10),
@Sort varchar(10)
selectcrID, SOffUser, SOffNote
from viewSignoffCheckRequest
where SOffDecision = @Decision
and SOffUser = @SoffUser
Order by CASE
WHEN @Sort = 'crID' THEN crID
WHEN @Sort = 'crDate' THEN crDate
WHEN @Sort = 'crVendor' THEN crVendor
WHEN @Sort = 'crChkAmt' THEN crChkAmt
WHEN @Sort = 'SOffUser' THEN SOffUser

It worked for every type of sort except one (crVendor) where it said
that it was trying to convert an nvarchar to a float. What's that all

Then we come to this query:

cfquery Name=qryCOA datasource=#application.ChartOfAccountsDB#
username=abc password=xyz
select * from WEBMASTER.AP_COA
where 1=1
cfif px is search
cfif isDefined(searchCO) and searchCO gt
and ldr_entity_id like '#searchCO#%'/cfif
cfif isDefined(searchPRIME) and searchPRIME
gt and ull_prime like '#searchPRIME#%'/cfif
cfif isDefined(searchCTR) and searchCTR gt
and ull_center like '#searchCTR#%'/cfif
cfif isDefined(searchSBU) and searchSBU gt
and ull_sbu like '#searchSBU#%'/cfif
cfif isDefined(searchPROD) and searchPROD gt
and ull_product like '#searchPROD#%'/cfif
cfif isDefined(searchMIN) and searchMIN gt
and ull_minor like '#searchMIN#%'/cfif
cfif isDefined(searchCUSTOMER) and
searchCUSTOMER gt and ull_customer like '#searchCUSTOMER#%'/cfif
cfif isDefined(searchMISC1) and searchMISC1
gt and ull_misc1 like '#searchMISC1#%'/cfif
cfif isDefined(searchMISC2) and searchMISC2
gt and ull_misc2 like '#searchMISC2#%'/cfif

How do I convert that to a stored procedure? I am about to give up!

Thanks for you help, Jeff
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Email Server (Web Mail)

2004-10-01 Thread Joe Eugene
Does anybody know of any Scalable Email Servers that provides facilities
for easily creating (programatically) email accounts (e.g Hotmail) and good
API's for developing Web Interfaces to the Email Server.

Joe Eugene
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Prepared Statements in CFMX

2004-09-21 Thread Joe Eugene
Is there an easy way to execute a Prepared Statements directly in CFMX?
i.e Using the API via cfscript, just like java prepared statements?

Joe Eugene
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RE: Prepared Statements in CFMX

2004-09-21 Thread Joe Eugene
Yes, i have looked at cfQueryParam. I dont think it works the same as

Joe Eugene

 -Original Message-
From: Matthew Fusfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Prepared Statements in CFMX

Have you looked into CFQUERYPARAM ?

It allows you to do parameterized queries and does type checking.


On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 21:03:42 -0400, Joe Eugene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Is there an easy way to execute a Prepared Statements directly in CFMX?
 i.e Using the API via cfscript, just like java prepared statements?

 Joe Eugene

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RE: Best J2EE server for CFMX 6.1

2004-09-16 Thread Joe Eugene
And as a sanity check, runs on JRun and handles over
20,000 concurrent active sessions during morning peak traffic so it is
a pretty capable beast...

Just curious, where are u seeing 20,000 concurrent active sessions?
Are your JRun Performance logs showing 20,000 sessions?

I will be more specific.
Are your performance numbers from--

If so, what what are these numbers
when you get 20,000 Concurrent active sessions?

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Sean Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 8:48 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Best J2EE server for CFMX 6.1

On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 20:18:35 -0400, Josh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Correct me if I am wrong, but I didn't think tomcat was a J2EE can't run CF on itright?

You're both right and wrong:

Yes, you absolutely can run CF on Tomcat (I do it all the time).

No, Tomcat is not a J2EE server - it's a Servlet container.

CF only needs a Servlet container to run.

For a full-blown free J2EE server, look at JBoss.

And as a sanity check, runs on JRun and handles over
20,000 concurrent active sessions during morning peak traffic so it is
a pretty capable beast...
Sean A Corfield --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood
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Error in JRun Log Files

2004-09-07 Thread Joe Eugene
I am conistently seeing the below error in cfusion-event*.txt files
One of the docs on MM suggests this might be related to database drivers,
we are not using Data direct Database drivers.

Any idea what this might be?

Joe Eugene

09/07 21:18:51 error Error in getRealPathFromConn Software caused connection abort: socket write
	at Method)
	at jrun.servlet.jrpp.ProxyEndpoint.access$000(
	at jrun.servlet.jrpp.ProxyEndpoint$1.fetch(
	at jrunx.util.Cache.get(
	at jrun.servlet.jrpp.ProxyEndpoint.getRealPath(
	at jrun.servlet.JRunServletContext.getRealPath(
	at coldfusion.filter.FusionContext.getRealPath(
	at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(
	at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(
	at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service(
	at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(
	at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(
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RE: One More Stupid Query Question

2004-08-17 Thread Joe Eugene

SELECT * FROM news_pr
(Headline like '%#var1#%' or BodyText like '%#var2#%' or tagline like
and pr_status='Active'
cfif len(form.pubDate)
 and Year(pr_date) = '#FORM.pubDATE#'
order by pr_date desc

-Original Message-
From: Les Mizzell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 11:43 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: One More Stupid Query Question

Here's what I'm using...

SELECT * FROM news_pr
Where Headline like '%#var1#%'
or BodyText like '%#var2#%'
or tagline like '%#var3#%'
and pr_status='Active'
and Year(pr_date) = #FORM.pubDATE#
order by pr_date desc

However, if I enter 1998 in the form, it's still returning results
from other years...

So, what's wrong with this? It should return records if any of the first
three variables are are found, but ONLY where the year is 1998 and the
status is Active.

Year(pr_date) refers to a smalldatetime SQL Server field

Les Mizzell
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RE: Can the following be written in cfscript?

2004-08-08 Thread Joe Eugene
CF Arrays are actually java.util.Vector data structures underneath the

CFMX documentation suggests the above.. i am not quite sure what is under
the hood.

Have you tried returning a Primitive Array from a Java Class? Yes the
says it casts the Primitive Array to Vector...However.. you cannot manipuate
the returned array. Try increasing the size of the array.
Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 12:56 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Can the following be written in cfscript?

On Sat, 7 Aug 2004 10:59:25 -0400, Joe Eugene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 and cfml list loop is even more efficient than array...

 WOW!... There must be something really wrong with the CFMX
Implementation of
 That is completely backwards to Java Implementation. Bruce Eckel's
 in Java)
 compares the Collection Classes and i believe mentions...

 There is No Collection to beat Primitive Java Arrays Performance.

 So what are we dealing with here? Coding backwards? Or We need Primitive
 Data Types in CFMX?

CF Arrays are actually java.util.Vector data structures underneath the
hood. Hence, you cannot make an apples to apples comparison with
regard to performance, etc.

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RE: Can the following be written in cfscript?

2004-08-07 Thread Joe Eugene
and cfml list loop is even more efficient than array...

WOW!... There must be something really wrong with the CFMX Implementation of
That is completely backwards to Java Implementation. Bruce Eckel's (Thinking
in Java)
compares the Collection Classes and i believe mentions...

There is No Collection to beat Primitive Java Arrays Performance.

So what are we dealing with here? Coding backwards? Or We need Primitive
Data Types in CFMX?

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Samuel R. Neff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 3:54 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Can the following be written in cfscript?

and cfml list loop is even more efficient than array...

Why is a list loop faster than an array loop?


 -Original Message-
 From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 3:29 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Can the following be written in cfscript?

 The array will be more efficient. (And personally I find that the
 array usually involves fewer keystrokes as well.)

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Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

2004-07-19 Thread Joe Eugene
 sessions.If you really want to know about these things, first do
 your homework and read a few books.

I could probably tell you names of all the architecture books
Borders/Barnes Nobles carries.
Perhaps if you try to do some reasearch yourself into these topics, you will
find a few conflicting
development design patterns. Yes, there is are a TON of other research
papers out there
but nothing really that you could use to model Large Applications.


- Original Message - 
From: Paul Kenney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

 In general, I don't know if conferences are really where you will find
 in-depth information on these topic.This is mainly because they are
 not simple and do not fit within the short format of individual
 sessions.If you really want to know about these things, first do
 your homework and read a few books.Then when you get to the
 conference, find your peers and discuss it in more detail with them.
 See what others are doing and what they think about these topics.

 Sometimes you learn more between sessions than you do in all of them

 On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 22:19:27 -0700, Sean Corfield
   I believe what we are looking for is a session on Enterprise
   that includes MVC's, Sevice Oriented Architecture, Integrating legacy
   systems etc
   Basically routes to Architect Extensible Enterprise (ERP Like)
  I think you're more likely to find that sort of stuff at CFUN than
  MAX. The audience for MAX is very broad and MAX has to cater for a
  very large community that extends far beyond ColdFusion. Even CFUN
  caters for a very broad (ColdFusion) community. Things like SOA are
  not on most CFers' radars at the moment (and probably never will be).
  I accept their is a need for such topics somewhere but even from where
  I sit - as an enterprise architect - I would say that the audience for
  such topics is relatively small.
  Having said that, I'm very pleased to see interest in these topics
  here. It speaks volumes for the maturity of the CF community that such
  things are even being discussed. I'd love to see some sessions of this
  nature at CFUN-05...

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Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

2004-07-19 Thread Joe Eugene
 or online? There's plenty of material out there covering large scale
 applications (just none for ColdFusion, of course - that's why you
 need to read a broad spectrum of stuff and then apply it to your own

Most of the material you find online/books targets towards A SMALL Module.
e.g. Security, Shopping, Order Tracking etc.

The above does NOT necessarily help you build large modules that tightly
intergrate with one another.

How can you apply an MVC to build modules like the below?.

- Finance
- Sales and Distribution
- Order Managment
- Sales Commissions
- Inventory Control
- Logistics

Large Corporations normally buy ERP Packages to fulfill alot of above but
still have
Web Application Extensions. If you ignore the Basic Framework and build
applications around the ERP, you end up with Disparate Systems.

So does it make sense to extend the modules of the ERP System?
If so how can you relate the modules to reusable components?
What can you categorize as Service VS Product?
Where do adminstrative functions fit in the picture?
How does Reporting fit in these modules? (Independent Reporting?)
How can you tie all this up into MVC's?

The has been alot of discussions on MVC's and Programming related topics to
specific problems
but i havent seen any discussions on the Big Picture of solving Enterprise

I think a session on the above topics and problems developers have faced in
these areas
and any possible solutions might go a long way in helping alot of us Design

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Sean Corfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

  Yes, there is are a TON of other research papers out there
  but nothing really that you could use to model Large Applications.

 Sure there is - where are you really looking? You're local book store
 or online? There's plenty of material out there covering large scale
 applications (just none for ColdFusion, of course - that's why you
 need to read a broad spectrum of stuff and then apply it to your own

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Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

2004-07-19 Thread Joe Eugene
 incorrectly using the term MVC and I would recommend that you go and
 brush up on the types of problems this particular pattern tries to

You might be mis-understanding my comments on MVC's. Eventhough
MVC's do NOT address these problems directly, they can be built to
identify/solve common problems/tasks.

e.g. I dont know of any MVC's that provide a Security Module by default.

Take a look at SAP R3 Dispatcher Engine Architecture.

 large-scale applications.Many of these books are hiding under the
 categories of Patterns or Software Engineering.

Yes, they are. Thanks for tip, i was looking under Jokes ;)

- Original Message - 
From: Paul Kenney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)


 First, you aren't going to find anything that shows you how to do any
 of these things using MVC.The reason for this is that these types of
 solutions general are the realm of the model.It seems that you are
 incorrectly using the term MVC and I would recommend that you go and
 brush up on the types of problems this particular pattern tries to

 It is true that you will not find much domain specific guides on the
 architecture of different types of applications.There is a lot of
 general and more useful information about how to design and build
 large-scale applications.Many of these books are hiding under the
 categories of Patterns or Software Engineering.If you want a
 list of books, I and others would be glad to help you out.

 On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 11:45:27 -0400, Joe Eugene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   or online? There's plenty of material out there covering large scale
   applications (just none for ColdFusion, of course - that's why you
   need to read a broad spectrum of stuff and then apply it to your own
  Most of the material you find online/books targets towards A SMALL
  e.g. Security, Shopping, Order Tracking etc.
  The above does NOT necessarily help you build large modules that tightly
  intergrate with one another.
  How can you apply an MVC to build modules like the below?.
  - Finance
  - Sales and Distribution
  - Order Managment
  - Sales Commissions
  - Inventory Control
  - Logistics
  Large Corporations normally buy ERP Packages to fulfill alot of above
  still have
  Web Application Extensions. If you ignore the Basic Framework and build
  applications around the ERP, you end up with Disparate Systems.
  So does it make sense to extend the modules of the ERP System?
  If so how can you relate the modules to reusable components?
  What can you categorize as Service VS Product?
  Where do adminstrative functions fit in the picture?
  How does Reporting fit in these modules? (Independent Reporting?)
  How can you tie all this up into MVC's?
  The has been alot of discussions on MVC's and Programming related topics
  specific problems
  but i havent seen any discussions on the Big Picture of solving
  I think a session on the above topics and problems developers have faced
  these areas
  and any possible solutions might go a long way in helping alot of us
  Joe Eugene
  - Original Message -
  From: Sean Corfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 10:47 AM
  Subject: Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)
Yes, there is are a TON of other research papers out there
but nothing really that you could use to model Large Applications.
   Sure there is - where are you really looking? You're local book store
   or online? There's plenty of material out there covering large scale
   applications (just none for ColdFusion, of course - that's why you
   need to read a broad spectrum of stuff and then apply it to your own

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Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

2004-07-19 Thread Joe Eugene
 FYI - I will soon be releasing a book that tackles a lot of these


Is this book based on Design Patterns for Enterprise Development?


- Original Message - 
From: Simon Horwith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

 FYI - I will soon be releasing a book that tackles a lot of these
 queries.Can't say anything more at the moment... stay tuned!


 Simon Horwith
 Member of Team Macromedia
 Macromedia Certified Master Instructor

 Joe Eugene wrote:

   sessions.If you really want to know about these things, first do
   your homework and read a few books.
  I could probably tell you names of all the architecture books
  Borders/Barnes Nobles carries.
  Perhaps if you try to do some reasearch yourself into these topics,
  you will
  find a few conflicting
  development design patterns. Yes, there is are a TON of other research
  papers out there
  but nothing really that you could use to model Large Applications.
  - Original Message -
  From: Paul Kenney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 1:31 AM
  Subject: Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)
   In general, I don't know if conferences are really where you will find
   in-depth information on these topic.This is mainly because they are
   not simple and do not fit within the short format of individual
   sessions.If you really want to know about these things, first do
   your homework and read a few books.Then when you get to the
   conference, find your peers and discuss it in more detail with them.
   See what others are doing and what they think about these topics.
   Sometimes you learn more between sessions than you do in all of them
   On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 22:19:27 -0700, Sean Corfield
 I believe what we are looking for is a session on Enterprise
 that includes MVC's, Sevice Oriented Architecture, Integrating
 systems etc
 Basically routes to Architect Extensible Enterprise (ERP Like)
I think you're more likely to find that sort of stuff at CFUN than
MAX. The audience for MAX is very broad and MAX has to cater for a
very large community that extends far beyond ColdFusion. Even CFUN
caters for a very broad (ColdFusion) community. Things like SOA are
not on most CFers' radars at the moment (and probably never will
I accept their is a need for such topics somewhere but even from
I sit - as an enterprise architect - I would say that the audience
such topics is relatively small.
Having said that, I'm very pleased to see interest in these topics
here. It speaks volumes for the maturity of the CF community that
things are even being discussed. I'd love to see some sessions of
nature at CFUN-05...

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Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

2004-07-19 Thread Joe Eugene
 MVC is just a design pattern.

I agree MVC is just a Design Pattern, it provides for seperation of
application tiers,
seperation of presentation from logic etc...Model - View - Controller.

About 75% of the applications out there implement a Security Model and
lets say
the application uses an MVC.

How does the Security tie with the MVC? Or should it not?

Logically the Controller can intercept the request and ask a Security Module
for Permission
before allowing access to execute an event/action.

If the above is the case, would you manipulate the controller to implement
What if only 60% of the application is secure? How would you implement that?

Perhaps Security can be handled independent of the MVC, but how?
If it can be done, will you require all modules to implement security?
Is Decentralized Security a clean approach?

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Sean Corfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

  e.g. I dont know of any MVC's that provide a Security Module by default.

 MVC is just a design pattern. How would it provide a Security
 Module by default since it is just a pattern? I think you're
 confusing MVC with something else (but I can't really understand what,
 based on the questions in your post).

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Re: Client Storage in DB Per Application

2004-07-19 Thread Joe Eugene
You can do one Client DB for 10 Applications with different application
One Client DB per Application

However i would recommend using a SQL Server Scheduled Jobs to Purge Client


- Original Message - 
From: Tangorre, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 4:41 PM
Subject: Client Storage in DB Per Application

 If I have 10 applications one one server and 10 DBs on one sql server, is
 possible to have each application handle its own client variable tables?
 Anyone havea reference that explains the setup?



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RE: ColdFusion thread priority

2004-07-18 Thread Joe Eugene
when they are running. I'd like to be able to assign these threads a lesser
priority so they don't consume the entire server when they run. Performance
is not critical for these utilities

I would write Java Programs to run independent of a Web Application Server
and schedule them using the Operating System Schdeduler (e.g. Win NT

I believe the above is good approach since these scheduled jobs dont take
any resources of the Web Application Server.
Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Joe Bernard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 10:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: ColdFusion thread priority

Is there any way to set the priority of individual threads in CF?

We have several utility apps written that are scheduled throughout the
day. Some of these jobs max out the processor when they are running. I'd
like to be able to assign these threads a lesser priority so they don't
consume the entire server when they run. Performance is not critical for
these utilities.

I believe this is possible in Java so there should be some way to assign
thread priority by calling the underlying Java architecture via

It would be perfect to have something like:

cfprocessingdirective threadpriority=1

but that's something for the Blackstone wishlist I guess.

Has anyone done this?

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RE: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

2004-07-18 Thread Joe Eugene
I believe what we are looking for is a session on Enterprise Development
that includes MVC's, Sevice Oriented Architecture, Integrating legacy
systems etc
Basically routes to Architect Extensible Enterprise (ERP Like) Systems?

If you dont know CFML Or Java, you can take a class to Learn the basics and
even more,
I dont think you can learn Best Practices Of Architecture/Design anywhere
other than some
general guidelines.


Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 3:35 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

I don't think it matters anymore. CFUN-04 beat last year's MAX in everyway
as far as CFML goes. Looking at what is scheduled for MAX 2004 tells me
CFUN-04 will be the best conference this year pretty easily. I expect that
by the time CFUN-05 rolls around there won't be any question which
conference is the de facto CFML conference.


 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Paul Kenney
 Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 3:03 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

 It was mostly a 3-day commercial last year.However, I've heard that
 MM got so much flack for last year's MAX, that this year they will not
 do that again.That means that this year MAX should be focused on
 what the community(read attendees) want to see and hear, and less on
 what marketing wants its captive audience to experience for three

 On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 14:14:36 -0400, Joe Eugene [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I am thinking MAX 2004 might just be more of Trade show for Macromedia

 Paul Kenney

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Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

2004-07-16 Thread Joe Eugene
It would be really nice to see a comprehensive session on build large
Enterprise applications(ERP)
using MVC's and concern/questions on strong implementations.

I am thinking MAX 2004 might just be more of Trade show for Macromedia

 I might end up at CF_UNDERGROUND

What is CF_UNDERGROUND about?


- Original Message - 
From: Sandy Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 9:57 AM
Subject: RE: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

 Hal told me he is actually speaking at MAX this year. ON CFC's so he will

 I might end up at CF_UNDERGROUND before the conference, but not at MAX



 From: Sean Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 1:31 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

  Anybody planning to do a session on MVC's(Mach-ii, other) for MAX 2004.

 If it isn't on the topic list, then it isn't scheduled... Or are you
 talking about something unofficial?

  Sean/Hal Helms/Ben?

 I won't be at MAX. I don't believe Hal or Ben will be either. Fusebox
 2004 is concentrating on Fusebox this year (sort of duh!) although a
 Mach II course is planned to run immediately after the conference.
 It's not looking likely that I'll be at that conference either
 (although it's still under discussion). CFUN was the CF event for me
 this year... :)

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MAX 2004 (MVC's Session)

2004-07-15 Thread Joe Eugene
Anybody planning to do a session on MVC's(Mach-ii, other) for MAX 2004.

Perhaps a 3 hour session and 1 hr questions session.

I would be defnitely interested in this.

Sean/Hal Helms/Ben?

Joe Eugene
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HTML Form Emails

2004-07-08 Thread Joe Eugene
You can send HTML Form Emails withHTML Form Elements.

Once the receipient receives the email with HTML Form, and hits reply
all the form elements disappear.

Is there a way to keep the the Form in the Reply with all inputs?

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Re: Blackstone Strong Typing? was Re: CFX_FileReadLn

2004-07-08 Thread Joe Eugene
 If I were a betting man, I would bet that CF continues to become closer
 to pure Java -- this would (potentially) improve performance and
 broaden the acceptance/use of the CF language

Well Said!


- Original Message - 
From: Dick Applebaum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: Blackstone Strong Typing? was Re: CFX_FileReadLn

 On Jul 8, 2004, at 10:04 AM, Matt Robertson wrote:

  One of the avowed tenets of Blackstone is to go back to CF's roots --
 a simple RAD tool that allows fast everyman productivity out of the
 box. Seems like strong typing goes in the other direction.
 Just an observation.

 Interesting... I hadn't heard that tenet -- I hope it is true, because
 it is truly one of CF's strong points.

 But it also appears that they are implementing things like listeners
 which are certainly not targeted to the tenet.

 Another big advantage of CF (IMO) is its rather complete implementation
 of complex constructs (tags, functions, scopes, data structures, CFCs).

 Now, everyman can write CF programs for years and never visit things
 like, cfobject, quotedValueList(), structures, etc. -- but they are
 there, waiting to be used, should the need arise:

 --- By everyman as he becomes more experienced, more proficient.

 --- By advanced programmers who also can realize CF's power and RAD

 I kinda' think that MACR  NA want developers to use CFML for continued
 development, rather than just a PrepSchool language on the Road to
 becoming a Real programmer.

 ... at least I hope so.

 I don't think that implementing strong typing as optional (or
 localizing it to CFCs, or within cfsetting tags) will inhibit Anyman,
 if done properly -- and based on their track record, MACR should be
 able to do that with ease!

 If I were a betting man, I would bet that CF continues to become closer
 to pure Java -- this would (potentially) improve performance and
 broaden the acceptance/use of the CF language.


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Re: Blackstone Strong Typing? was Re: CFX_FileReadLn

2004-07-07 Thread Joe Eugene
 also have optional strong typing? 

I STRONGLY AGREE.. This would be a really nice feature.


- Original Message - 
From: Dick Applebaum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 12:32 PM
Subject: Blackstone Strong Typing? was Re: CFX_FileReadLn

 Yeah, I think there was some code with a more formal EOF test 
 recommended by someone.
 If Blackstone has a NULL, then is it reasonable to assume that it may 
 also have optional strong typing? -- then if that is so, couldn't one 
 code CF in such a way that more closely approached Java --then here 
 we go, down the garden path :)

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CF 5.0 wwwroot

2004-06-30 Thread Joe Eugene
How do you tell CF 5.0 to process another wwwroot?

 We have a wwwroot that CF 5.0 is processing, if you create 
 another wwwroot2, how do tell CF5.0 to process that too?

Joe Eugene
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RE: CF 5.0 wwwroot

2004-06-30 Thread Joe Eugene
Thanks, figured it out.

-Original Message-
From: Howie Hamlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 10:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF 5.0 wwwroot

I assume this is IIS (from th wwwroot in your example).IIS has mappings
to .CFM files that are in the IIS MMC.If you click on Home DIrectory and
then Configuration you will see the mappings (.CFM should be mapped to
ISCF.DLL).If the setting is for the individual web sites and not global
then you can simply copy that setting to the other web site and everything
should work.Otherwise, if the settings are global then you don't need to
do anything and ColdFusion wioll already be enabled on the new site.

Howie Hamlin - inFusion Project Manager
On-Line Data Solutions, Inc. -
inFusion Mail Server (iMS) - The Award-winning, Intelligent Mail Server
PrismAV - Virus scanning for ColdFusion applications
 Find out how iMS Stacks up to the competition:

 - Original Message -
 From: Joe Eugene
 To: CF-Talk
 Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 9:54 PM
 Subject: CF 5.0 wwwroot

 How do you tell CF 5.0 to process another wwwroot?

 We have a wwwroot that CF 5.0 is processing, if you create
 another wwwroot2, how do tell CF5.0 to process that too?

 Joe Eugene
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Re: How does CF generated Java bytecode compare with Native Java bytecode

2004-06-29 Thread Joe Eugene
I believe there are areas where CFMX CFML could improve to be closer to Java.

1. Optional Primitive Data Types (int, long, String, boolen etc)

2. Optional Strongly typed language (int a != int A)

3. Improve the Collection Framework Availability.

I think the above Optional features when turned on would help translate CFMX CFML 
closer to Java Contructs.

Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Dick Applebaum 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: How does CF generated Java bytecode compare with Native Java bytecode

OK, I think I agree that a machine transformation (sift) of one 
programming language (architecture) into another will likely be 
inefficient.I've seen enough of these (sift programs) in my computer 
experience that I understand their limitations.But I also understand 
their advantages -- often the quickest, least manpower intensive way to 
get from A to B.

Often what you save in manpower, you can spend a small fraction on 
additional hardware and have a wash.

I know it isn't elegant, but it is practical -- and sometimes the only 

I guess, the question is is it (CFMX Java) good (efficient) enough?

There may be a lot of other contributing factors:

-- The longer learning time or ramp-up for native Java applications.

-- the availability/unavailability of competent Java programmers

-- the life of an application

-- the maintainability of the code by others.

-- selfishly, my ability in CF vs Java

These are very subjective considerations --

All things considered, can I create a reasonable Java program (mainly) 
in CF.

Stated another way, could CF be a RADD Java development language for 
the rest of us?

Isn't that the main reason that IBM is remarketing CFMX?


On Jun 28, 2004, at 5:12 PM, Barney Boisvert wrote:

 It'll definitely be much worse than if you write it in Java, no 
there.There's simply no way to make a machine transform one 
 language into
a second language with the same proficiency as a human writing the 
language directly.CF is an amazingly high-level language, and 
 droping it
down to something as primitive as Java is an enormous task.

However, before we go too far down the road, is this topic anything we
should care tremendously about?Obviously we don't want to use slow
software, but Macromedia knows this, and they understand that if their
product offering isn't up to par performance-wise, no one will buy it 
.NET, PHP, etc. are waiting for us).We as CF developers have an 
but we can't do anything about MM's CF engine either way, so why even 

heresyIf you want a fast application server, don't use CF, pick 
else./heresyYou'll have to deal with DB connections directly, 
 roll your
own mailing scripts, and whatever else, but that's the tradeoff for
performance.Personally, I'm very happy making that trade.

Of course, I'd be quite interested in a discussion about how the CF 
works, but not in a performance sense, but rather a lets find out 
 how it
works sense.


 -Original Message-
 From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 4:56 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: ROT: How does CF generated Java bytecode compare
 with Native Java bytecode

 There were some threads a while back that indicated the Java source
 generated by CFMX 6.0 were inefficient (big and/or slow) compared to
 the same app written in native Java.

 I wonder how CFMX 6.1 measures up.

 To narrow the comparison (a little) lets assume that there are valid
 CFMX best practices, and that the CF programmer is above average, 
 follows the best practices where warranted.

 Anyone have any thoughts or experiences?



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Re: How does CF generated Java bytecode compare with Native Java bytecode

2004-06-29 Thread Joe Eugene
 able to create strongly typed (your use of the word typed in #2 is not

I am not sure what you mean #2 is not correct. int a=1 and int A=2 are
NOT the same in Java.
Oh..i should have said Case Sensitive

I am not sure of the validity of the above documentation. Java String[] ==
CFMX Array == Vector.
If you do the above and try to manipulate the contents of the String[] as a
Vector -- Fails.

var scope is good idea, how about some of the CFMX variables that are
Pass by Value instead of Pass by Reference? I think that could be solved
by bringing CFMX
closer to Java Architecture.

 files in 6.1 (or even in 6.0) you'll see that CF jumps through a lot of

Very True

 Case sensitivity (your #2) would not benefit the language

I am not sure of the internal workings of Java on this, but i do believe
there is a reason
why Java is Case Sensitive.


- Original Message - 
From: Samuel Neff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:32 AM
Subject: RE: How does CF generated Java bytecode compare with Native Java

 I totally agree on #1 but not limit to primitives.I believe you should
 able to create strongly typed (your use of the word typed in #2 is not
 correct) variables that map exactly to java instances of any java class.
 course there are issues with passing these around and storing in different
 scopes, so I would vote for having this available only for var scope
 variables inside functions.

 There are two reasons for this.First, if you decompile the genreated
 files in 6.1 (or even in 6.0) you'll see that CF jumps through a lot of
 to retrieve a variable from the scope, auto-scalarize it, and often cast
 it using special cf-specific casting functions every time a variable is
 referenced.All this would be removed if we could directly use java
 variables.Second, all use of java variables in CF goes through the
 reflection layer and is therefore significantly slower than corresponding
 code written directly in Java or in a JSP.Direct access to Java
 would remove the reflection requirement.

 Case sensitivity (your #2) would not benefit the language in any way in my
 opinion.Not sure about the collection availability--if we have java
 variables, then we have java collections, so it's really a part of #1.



 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 9:41 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: How does CF generated Java bytecode compare with Native Java

 I believe there are areas where CFMX CFML could improve to be closer to

 1. Optional Primitive Data Types (int, long, String, boolen etc)

 2. Optional Strongly typed language (int a != int A)

 3. Improve the Collection Framework Availability.

 I think the above Optional features when turned on would help translate
 closer to Java Contructs.

 Joe Eugene

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Re: base64 encoded email

2004-06-29 Thread Joe Eugene


Is therea way to check if a String is base64 Encoded?

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Re: DSNless Connection

2004-06-29 Thread Joe Eugene
Is your MDAC Version Current?

But really you should be using a DeskTop DB (Access) in a Production
If you are pressed for funds for purchase a Production Type DB(MSSQL/Oracle
i would look into MySQL or some other DB that supports JDBC.

I think Oracle has a Version that sells for around $800.


- Original Message - 
From: cfhelp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: DSNless Connection

 Here is the full problem.

 For the last few months I have had nothing but problems with CFMX Timing
 connection to Access Databases or JRUN Shutting Down. I decided to move
 the Access Database Websites to a separate server to see if I could
 the problem but now I can't even setup a datasource on that server. I am
 getting The ColdFusion MX ODBC Server service is not running or has not
 been installed. It won't let me start the service either. So because I am
 pressed for time I thought I would try the DSNless Connection (Band Aid).

 I am just getting a bit frustrated with CFMX. I had a great stable CF5.0
 running and hadn't updated (Money reasons). Until I needed to setup
 Sandbox's for my clients I didn't think much of it.

 All my servers are patched both Macromedia and Windows.

 CFMX 6.1
 Windows 2003
 Dual XEONs

 Rick Eidson
 Partner  CTO
 ArcRiver Technology, LLC
 ASP, PHP, PERL, Cold Fusion Hosting Kansas City

 Kansas City Musicians

 -Original Message-
 From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:03 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: DSNless Connection

 Actually, you can't. There are workarounds, but if you have no DSN at
 all on your CF server, it's not possible unless you use CF5 AFAIK

  -Original Message-
  From: Samuel Neff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: dinsdag 29 juni 2004 16:48
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: DSNless Connection
  Yes you can. Question has been asked many many many times
  (and just yesterday). Please search the archives for how.
  -Original Message-
  From: cfhelp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:45 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: DSNless Connection
  Can you do this in CFMX 6.1? The EasyCFM Site shows it for CF5.
  Rick Eidson

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Re: Create Links Symlinks with CFMX/Java

2004-06-29 Thread Joe Eugene
Are you trying to access your files across a Network or Remote Server?
Yes, we have implemented some Java Classes to accomplish this

I.E. File Copy/Delete etc across the Network.


- Original Message - 
From: Dick Applebaum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 12:04 PM
Subject: SOT: Create Links Symlinks with CFMX/Java

 Is it possible to create a file system link or symlink with CFMX/Java?



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Re: CFFUN 04 - He3

2004-06-28 Thread Joe Eugene
Didnt attend CFFUN... what is He3?
- Original Message - 
From: Dan O'Keefe 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2004 1:31 PM
Subject: CFFUN 04 - He3

Hey CFFUN attendees, how does He3 look?

Dan O'Keefe
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RE: List of States and Provinces

2004-06-16 Thread Joe Eugene
You can download the list from etc.

I would put the abbreviations/names in the database and
store them in dataCache.cfc in application scope like

instance.states['USA'] = option value='AL'Alabama/optionoption
instance.states['CAN'] = 

This way you dont have to loop through to display them. The abbreviation can
be displayed
in the selection.
Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Mickael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:02 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: List of States and Provinces

Hi All,

Can someone point me to a link where I can download a list of all the US
States and Canadian Provinces

Ideally a delimited file of some kind where the actual Abbreviation is
used like NY, New York

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Java and Coldfusion help (Repost)

2004-06-01 Thread Joe Eugene
Java Primitive Arrays are NOT Fully Compatible with CFMX 6.1.

CFMX 6.1 Arrays = Vectors != Java Primitive Arrays.

Method like arrayLen(Java Primitive Arrays) work but most other methods dont
work since i believe there is no direct casting.

You may want to use a Vector instead.


Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Scott 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 11:26 PM
Subject: Java and Coldfusion help (Repost)

Anyone tried to set an array to a coldfusion template using java in a cfx

I have tried response.setVariable(StringVariable,Variable); but this will
only return strings, so with this I was able to create a structure.

However I would like to set an array for CF to use, but can't figure out how
to do this...

Andrew Scott
Technical Consultant

NuSphere Pty Ltd
Level 2/33 Bank Street
South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205

Phone: 03 9686 0485-Fax: 03 9699 7976
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Re: JavaScript Compatibility

2004-04-08 Thread Joe Eugene
1) did you copy/paste this code?You're calling swithLocation(), but
the function name is switchLocation() :)

didnt paste the code.. just wrote it out, its working fine for all lastest
versions of IE and Netscape.

2) instead of document.forms[0].myList.value, pass the following
argument: this.options[this.selectedIndex].value

The above is how i had it originally.

edIndex].value is the more 'proper' way of accessing option values (and
text).But since the select itself is calling the function, you can

Orginally had it like above.

Any Ideas.


- Original Message - 
From: Charlie Griefer 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 2:20 AM
Subject: RE: _javascript_ Compatibility

2 things:

1) did you copy/paste this code?You're calling swithLocation(), but
the function name is switchLocation() :)
2) instead of document.forms[0].myList.value, pass the following
argument: this.options[this.selectedIndex].value

In a select, the options are an array to JS.selectedIndex is the
currently selected item in the array of options.So
edIndex].value is the more 'proper' way of accessing option values (and
text).But since the select itself is calling the function, you can
use the 'this' keyword in place of document.forms[0].myList.


 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 10:14 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: _javascript_ Compatibility
 Does anybody know why this would Not be Compatible with Win 95/AOL?
 !-- This is in *.js file --
 script language=_javascript_
 function switchLocation(loc){
location.href = "">
return true;
 select name=myList 
 option value=
 option value=
 Does AOL/Win 95 have problems with JS Files?
 Joe Eugene

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JavaScript Compatibility

2004-04-07 Thread Joe Eugene
Does anybody know why this would Not be Compatible with Win 95/AOL?

!-- This is in *.js file --
script language=_javascript_
function switchLocation(loc){
 location.href = "">
 return true;

select name=myList
option value=
option value=

Does AOL/Win 95 have problems with JS Files?

Joe Eugene
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RE: CF MX 6.1 ODBC problems?

2004-04-06 Thread Joe Eugene
Solution : Dont use ODBC Driver with MS-SQL Server.

1. Checkout the Microsoft JDBC Driver for MS-SQL (Better Performance)
2. You can use the CFMX JDBC Driver

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Chad Nikirk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 8:44 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF MX 6.1 ODBC problems?


We are running MX 6.1.MX seems to run fine, but about every 8 - 12 hours
it crashes.Our site will come back with a coldfusion datasource error
after a while.The datasource can connect to the database no problem even
while the error is occuring.The only way to fix it is to restart the mx

I should also mention we are runnning in distributed mode, although I
don't believe it would matter.We are also using MS SQL for the database.
Any ideas on how to solve this problem?Thanks.
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RE: Help! can't get Oracle connection

2004-04-04 Thread Joe Eugene
Why NOT just use the JDBC Driver that comes with Oracle Or
the one that comes with CFMX. The JDBC driver is much more
stable and faster... from tests i did a while ago.

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Jim Watkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 12:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Help! can't get Oracle connection

I have installed CF 6.1 professional on Win 2003 and installed the Oracle
client.Created the TNS names file and datasource.Used the MS ODBC
Source Administrator on Win2003 and created the Oracle ODBC Driver
Configuration and tested connection good.My problem:

The Oracle datasource does not show up in the CF Administrator Datasource
page like it did with CF 5 in the Connected Datasources panel.

Any help would be appreciated.

Jim Watkins
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RE: Help! can't get Oracle connection

2004-04-04 Thread Joe Eugene
Just configue the Oracle JDBC using the Other Option. Yes, i think
CFMX Standard might Not come with Data Direct Oracle JDBC Drivers
but you can download the ORACLE Driver and just Configure it.
Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Arden Weiss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 6:49 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Help! can't get Oracle connection

If I recall what I was told correctly, you had to be running the
Enterprise version of CFMX to support Oracle with direct drivers -- hence
the reason going with the ORA92 ODBC drivers for version 9.2 of Oracle -- I
am running CFMX Standard/Professional or what it is now called and it works
great with the ORA92 ODBC driver...
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Re: Any Possible Bugs in CFMX - CFContent ? (Was - CFHEADER CFCONTENT question)

2004-04-01 Thread Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Joe Eugene 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:43 PM
Subject: RE: Any Possible Bugs in CFMX - CFContent ? (Was - CFHEADER  CFCONTENT question)

Is there a BUG using cfContent in CFMX?

It throws all kinda Errors on Log Files when downloading
files larger than 100K.

Can anybody Explain the Workings behind cfContent

Joe Eugene

 -Original Message-
 From: Ketan Patel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 1:20 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: CFHEADER  CFCONTENT question

 I have a intranet application where I am allowing people to download
 database. Following is the code I am using

 CFHEADER NAME=content-disposition VALUE=attachment;
 CFCONTENT TYPE=application/octet-stream
 FILE=#application.filehttppathstring##location# DELETEFILE=No

 My problem is when I want to save the file it gives me 2 options Save as
 HTML Document or All files. I don't want the option to save as HTML
 document. Is there any mime setting or any code change need to be done.

 Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance

 Ketan Patel
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Re: JRun has closed connection

2004-04-01 Thread Joe Eugene
Try increasing the NO OF ACTIVE THREADS... 

The Default Installation is set to 8 and you might some SLOWProcesses taking up the Threads.

Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: John Croney 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: JRun has closed connection

I could realy do with some help here!

My problem is that I am still getting JRun closed connecton on users systems.

So far I have:
 Check the logs- No errors
 Install update and requested that it do a full install insted.
 Entered Key when runing update.

Should I remove coldfusion and reinstall it useing the key then add the update?

Please help.

Thank you

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Re: Any Possible Bugs in CFMX - CFContent ? (Was - CFHEADER CFCONTENT question)

2004-04-01 Thread Joe Eugene

Are your programs using the below kinda routine/syntax.

cfheader name=content-disposition value=attachment;filename=#variables.docInfo.docFileName#
 cfcontent type=application/pdf file=#variables.docInfo.docFileNamePath#

If the Main page is set to use text/html content type and the subsequent inlcude page
switches the header information like the above... Can this cause the problem?

Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Barney Boisvert 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 12:53 PM
Subject: RE: Any Possible Bugs in CFMX - CFContent ? (Was - CFHEADER  CFCONTENT question)

I've never had issues and I've served files up to a few meg, both reading
from the filesystem and dynamically generated in realtime.


 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:48 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Any Possible Bugs in CFMX - CFContent ? (Was - 
- Original Message - 
From: Joe Eugene 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 4:43 PM
Subject: RE: Any Possible Bugs in CFMX - CFContent ? (Was 
Is there a BUG using cfContent in CFMX?
It throws all kinda Errors on Log Files when downloading
files larger than 100K.
Can anybody Explain the Workings behind cfContent
Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Ketan Patel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 1:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFHEADER  CFCONTENT question
I have a intranet application where I am allowing people 
 to download
database. Following is the code I am using
CFHEADER NAME=content-disposition VALUE=attachment;
CFCONTENT TYPE=application/octet-stream
FILE=#application.filehttppathstring##location# DELETEFILE=No
My problem is when I want to save the file it gives me 2 
 options Save as
HTML Document or All files. I don't want the option to 
 save as HTML
document. Is there any mime setting or any code change 
 need to be done.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance
Ketan Patel

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RE: Any Possible Bugs in CFMX - CFContent ? (Was - CFHEADER CFCONTENT question)

2004-03-31 Thread Joe Eugene
Is there a BUG using cfContent in CFMX?

It throws all kinda Errors on Log Files when downloading
files larger than 100K.

Can anybody Explain the Workings behind cfContent

Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Ketan Patel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 1:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFHEADER  CFCONTENT question

I have a intranet application where I am allowing people to download
database. Following is the code I am using

CFHEADER NAME=content-disposition VALUE=attachment;
CFCONTENT TYPE=application/octet-stream
FILE=#application.filehttppathstring##location# DELETEFILE=No

My problem is when I want to save the file it gives me 2 options Save as
HTML Document or All files. I don't want the option to save as HTML
document. Is there any mime setting or any code change need to be done.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance

Ketan Patel
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Re: JRun CFMX Error

2004-03-24 Thread Joe Eugene
Thanks, i have seen this in the JRun Error Logs occationally without using any CFCONTENT.
Well we do have some Large CFMX Generated HTML(output) Reports... 

Is it possible that the user might have clicked Stop while the report was downloading
to the browser and that threw an error on the Log Files?

Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Bryan F. Hogan 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: JRun CFMX Error

I have only seen this error popup when a user chooses to cancel the 
download of a file with me using cfcontent. The error in my case is 
never seen by the user it does however right to the logs.

To make it stop I used cftry around the cfcontent tags.

cfcontent ...
cflocation ...
cfcatch type=anydo nothing because the user can't see the 

Joe Eugene wrote:

 Does anybody know how to resolve the below error? There are a few
 of these on the Error Logs...only pointer i could find.. is that this can
 happen if the user stops the request... but that error message is a little
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JRun CFMX Error

2004-03-23 Thread Joe Eugene
Does anybody know how to resolve the below error? There are a few
of these on the Error Logs...only pointer i could find.. is that this can
happen if the user stops the request... but that error message is a little

Joe Eugene

03/24 00:04:50 error Connection reset Connection reset
	at jrun.servlet.jrpp.ProxyEndpoint.readFully(
	at jrun.servlet.jrpp.ProxyEndpoint.readFully(
	at jrun.servlet.jrpp.ProxyEndpoint.readInt(
	at jrun.servlet.jrpp.ProxyEndpoint.readRequest(
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RE: Catch CFMX Request Timeout ?

2004-03-11 Thread Joe Eugene
cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=no requesttimeout=600
Cant do that, i need to check if its taking more time than CFMX Server
if so execute some other logic to handle the situation correctly.

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: John Uebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:43 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Catch CFMX Request Timeout ?

Simply place the following at the top of your file:

cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=no requesttimeout=600

The above will override the default timeout in the CF Administrator and
allow a timeout of 10 minutes.

Is there a way to catch a CFMX Request Timeout. If the server takes
time than the CF Admin setting.. is there a way to catch it?

I have tried to use the below but they dont work.

cfcatch type=Tried the below 2, it doesnt work


Any Ideas?

Joe Eugene
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Catch CFMX Request Timeout ?

2004-03-10 Thread Joe Eugene
Is there a way to catch a CFMX Request Timeout. If the server takes more
time than the CF Admin setting.. is there a way to catch it?

I have tried to use the below but they dont work.

cfcatch type=Tried the below 2, it doesnt work


Any Ideas?

Joe Eugene
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Re: Catch CFMX Request Timeout ?

2004-03-10 Thread Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Joe Eugene 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 10:41 AM
Subject: Catch CFMX Request Timeout ?

Is there a way to catch a CFMX Request Timeout. If the server takes more
time than the CF Admin setting.. is there a way to catch it?

I have tried to use the below but they dont work.

cfcatch type=Tried the below 2, it doesnt work


Any Ideas?

Joe Eugene
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Technique To Hide Numbers

2004-03-07 Thread Joe Eugene
We have several reports with Numeric fields and we want to be
able to attach preceeding random numbers, so the user wont be
able to copy the report into any other format.

One way of doing this is using basic HTML Font Tag.
tdfont color=ff#randRange(1,10)#/font441155.40/td

This technique will display the report correctly but when user
goes to mark the Page, it will display invalid numbers.
This works but for large reports (over 5000 lines), repeating the
font tag can create a big overhead to send all that html to the browser.

Is there any other way to accomplish the above using CSS OR HTML?
Perhaps a technique to hide the first 2 numbers?

Joe Eugene
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RE: Technique To Hide Numbers

2004-03-07 Thread Joe Eugene
If you are generating a report with over 5000 lines, calling left/right
for every numeric field in the report is alot of overhead...
I was looking for something like left/right...except maybe
a CSS Style type.
Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Michael T. Tangorre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 3:29 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Technique To Hide Numbers

Left(), Right()

-Original Message-
From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 2:18 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Technique To Hide Numbers

We have several reports with Numeric fields and we want to be
able to attach preceeding random numbers, so the user wont be
able to copy the report into any other format.

One way of doing this is using basic HTML Font Tag.
tdfont color=ff#randRange(1,10)#/font441155.40/td

This technique will display the report correctly but when user
goes to mark the Page, it will display invalid numbers.
This works but for large reports (over 5000 lines), repeating the
font tag can create a big overhead to send all that html to the browser.

Is there any other way to accomplish the above using CSS OR HTML?
Perhaps a technique to hide the first 2 numbers?

Joe Eugene

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RE: HELP! Cannot connect to MySQL server on localhost:3306

2004-03-07 Thread Joe Eugene
Try running netStat(Windows) and check what port you are
running mySQL? It sounds like a configuration issue.
Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Josh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 11:36 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: HELP! Cannot connect to MySQL server on localhost:3306


Josh wrote:

 Got a new CFMX 6.1 server setup and it will not connect to MySQL

 I get this message:

 Connection verification failed for data source: connSeasys
 []java.sql.SQLException: Cannot connect to MySQL server on
 localhost:3306. Is there a MySQL server running on the machine/port you
 are trying to connect to? (
 The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot connect to MySQL
 server on localhost:3306. Is there a MySQL server running on the
 machine/port you are trying to connect to? (

 Any ideas?Usually the MySQL connectiosn work out of the box.

 We are running mysql-3.23.58-1.9 on redhat 9


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OT: A Good Data Structure for a Large Binary Tree

2004-03-01 Thread Joe Eugene
I am trying to solve a Binary Tree data structure problem, i think this
can be done from a DataBase Perspective with relations but then that
might involve doing something like a matrix to develop the relations
between nodes.

The other thought i have is solve the problem by using some native(Java/C++)
data Structure (Binary Tree /TreeMap) and store keys of the database
as keys of the Binary Tree... that might relate to a simple select.

Any ideas are much appreciated.

Joe Eugene
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RE: OT: A Good Data Structure for a Large Binary Tree

2004-03-01 Thread Joe Eugene
Lots of data? why not xml?

Xml parsing for large NESTED Data Structures are too slow. I probably will
around 150,000 Unique ID's in the Tree data Structure which can go deep as
1000 Levels. I am looking to avoid sequencial/Recursive search.
Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 8:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: OT: A Good Data Structure for a Large Binary Tree

Lots of data? why not xml?

On Mon, 2004-03-01 at 17:11, Joe Eugene wrote:
 I am trying to solve a Binary Tree data structure problem, i think this
 can be done from a DataBase Perspective with relations but then that
 might involve doing something like a matrix to develop the relations
 between nodes.

 The other thought i have is solve the problem by using some
 data Structure (Binary Tree /TreeMap) and store keys of the database
 as keys of the Binary Tree... that might relate to a simple select.

 Any ideas are much appreciated.

 Joe Eugene

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RE: Can you reset row numbers in a DB after deleting all rows?

2004-02-29 Thread Joe Eugene
truncate table TableName (will clear all the data and reset any identity

-Original Message-
From: Nick Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:19 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Can you reset row numbers in a DB after deleting all rows?

MS Access
CF 5

Can you reset rows numbers back to starting at row number 1 in a DB, after
deleting all rows?

The goal is to totally erase and restore DB, on the fly, from time to
New info will have the same columns, but a different number of rows each
time. The Delete Row function of a CFQUERY will do this, but the new row
number starts where the delete row numbers left off. We will eventually
out of row numbers.

Or is there another way to do this, e.g., delete and regenerate the table
anew on the fly?


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Re: CFMX 6.1 Error (Cant Track the Error down)

2004-02-20 Thread Joe Eugene
I think i finally found where the problem is...

We have another server (CF 5.0) using CFApplication setDomainCookies=Yes 
for some Unknown Process.

Well the above creates a CFMAGIC Cookie and this seems to Conflict when the
Client Session is created on the CFMX Application and its seems to switch the CFID's and CFTokens
with the ones in CFMAGIC.

I have tried to Delete the CFMAGIC Cookie and it doesnt seem to work unless
you physically delete it from the browser.

Anybody know a work around this?

Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Dave Watts 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 4:13 PM
Subject: RE: CFMX 6.1 Error (Cant Track the Error down)

 It seems like the above No 3 might be the problem, Or 
 No 1/No 2?

I've never added an identity field to either of the CF-generated client
variable tables, so I don't know if that could cause problems, although it
seems unlikely. You can safely purge client data from SQL directly, too.

 I am using the cfID and cfToken for Browser Sessions 
 only, i know you can specify a domain but the domain 
 is all the same.. Can you specify something like and Re Generate cfID's and cfTokens?

You can write the cookies yourself, rather than using CFAPPLICATION to do

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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Re: CFMX 6.1 Error (Cant Track the Error down)

2004-02-20 Thread Joe Eugene
Without the domain, CF 5.0 wouldnt delete the cookie at all. Specifying the domain
helped it from creating Duplicate Client CFID's And CFToken's but now CFMX doesnt
seem to ReCreate the CFID's and CFToken's but rather uses the existing one.

This is quite confusing .. appreciate any input/help.

Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Dave Watts 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 2:19 PM
Subject: RE: CFMX 6.1 Error (Cant Track the Error down)

 I have tried to Delete the CFMAGIC Cookie and it doesnt seem 
 to work unless you physically delete it from the browser.

You mean you can't do something like this within your code?

cfif IsDefined(Cookie.CFMAGIC)
cfcookie name=CFMAGIC value= expires=NOW

If not, you might want to try specifying the appropriate DOMAIN attribute
within your CFCOOKIE tag.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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CFMX 6.1 Error (Cant Track the Error down)

2004-02-19 Thread Joe Eugene
Hi all,

I am getting the below in a New Application. I am unable to find the error cause
CFMX doesnt really report any clear Errors and there are No Application Errors.

I am using CFC's as part of the Model and UserManger CFC for Client scope abstraction.
There are few CFC's involved, so its not easy to post code.

Any Ideas?

Joe Eugene

Application Log
 Feb 19, 2004 
 2:40 PM 

Exception Log
Error,jrpp-198,02/19/04,14:02:58,unFranchiseMX, The specific sequence of files included or processed is: D:\wwwroot\unFranchise\index.cfm 


at coldfusion.runtime.ClientScopeKey.hashCode(

at java.util.Hashtable.get(

at coldfusion.runtime.ClientScopeServiceImpl.GetClientScope(

at coldfusion.tagext.lang.ApplicationTag.setupClientScope(

at coldfusion.tagext.lang.ApplicationTag.doStartTag(

at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTag(

at cfApplication2ecfm1098382522.runPage(D:\wwwroot\unFranchise\Application.cfm:10)

at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(

at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(

at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke(

at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.include(

at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke(

at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke(

at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(

at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(

at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke(

at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(

at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(

at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(

at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(

at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service(

at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(

at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(

at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke(

at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch(

at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable(

at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable(


Error,jrpp-198,02/19/04,14:03:38,unFranchiseMX, The specific sequence of files included or processed is: D:\wwwroot\unFranchise\index.cfm 
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Re: CFMX 6.1 Error (Cant Track the Error down)

2004-02-19 Thread Joe Eugene
Thanks Dave

Here is the scenario with our Client Scope variables

1. I addedan additionalfield in CGlobal Table for Client Variables on SQL Server.
 CountID (This is just an Identity field that increments automatically)

2. I am not using CFMX to Purge the Data, rather i have a SQL Server Job
running every hour to clear the data.
delete from CGLOBAL where LVisit  dateAdd(hh, -2, getDate())
and also clearing the CData Table

3. We have some other sites that run under the same domain..
site 1.
site 2.

Since they are all the same domains, the user can go site 1, get a cfID and cfToken
and come to visit site 2. Now site 2 will Not issue another cfID and cfToken
but will try to use the Existing BROWSER cfid and cfToken.. 

This seems to create these records in the Client DB like


The First 2 were Generated by the New ColdFusion MX J2EE Box, but the last
one was generated from a CF 5.0 Box using a Completely different Client Database.

It seems like the above No 3 might be the problem, Or No 1/No 2?

I am using the cfID and cfToken for Browser Sessions only, i know you can specify a domain
but the domain is all the same.. Can you specify something like
and Re Generate cfID's and cfTokens?

Appreciate your help.

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Dave Watts 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 3:00 PM
Subject: RE: CFMX 6.1 Error (Cant Track the Error down)

 I am getting the below in a New Application. I am unable to 
 find the error cause CFMX doesnt really report any clear 
 Errors and there are No Application Errors.



at java.util.Hashtable.get(


It looks like it has something to do with your application's use of Client

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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Re: passing sessions between 2 sites

2004-02-10 Thread Joe Eugene
Depending on your requirements, you can do several things.

In this case and are different domains...
Here is one way of solving the problem.

1. Keep all you session stuff (cart details in structs/arrays)
2. When User Checks out you can convert the Struct/Arrays details
 to an XML Packet and pass the XML STRING as hidden Field Or Use SOAP
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
Item description=ColdFusion MX price=1000.00 quantity=1 total=1000.00/
Item description=DreamWeaver MX price=500.00 quantity=3 total=1500.00/

3. The Receiving application then converts the XML back to Structs (xmlParse()) and does further processing.

You can do the same thing with client variables.. if you want to go that route.

I typically try to stay away from WDDX, its NOT the most efficient..! (See archives for wddx problems)


Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Ketan Patel 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 10:04 AM
Subject: passing sessions between 2 sites

I have a shopping cart that it is losing all of its values when the user
hits the checkout button and takes them to my secure checkout page.
Example, the user is shopping at and purchase several items
which are saved as session variables (session.cartdata), they then would
click on the checkout button which goes to, but all of the session variables are lost.
the checkoutbutton has the following code behind
form method=POST action="">
target=_blank input type=submit value=Checkout name=submit
Any suggestions to avoid losing my session.

Ketan Patel
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Re: accessing COM objects using Coldfusion

2004-02-10 Thread Joe Eugene
COM is an OLD Technology and doesnt work well... even Microsoft doesnt recommend the usage of COM these days.

I would recommend you look at java.util.Zip package and this is very compatible with CFMX.

If you are not familar with Java, you can probably find some JavaBeans/Classes 
already written on or search sun Java forums.


Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: David Ashworth 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 11:56 AM
Subject: accessing COM objects using Coldfusion


I have installed the component aspZip.EasyZIP that is used to unzip
files, here is the code in ASP:

const AddDirNames= 1
const AddZipTime= 2
const AddRecurseDirs= 4
const AddHiddenFiles= 8
const AddEncrypt = 16
const AddSeparateDirs = 32

dim ZIP, zipItem1

set ZIP = server.createobject(aspZip.EasyZIP)

Zip.Debug = true
Zip.ZipFileName = Server.MapPath(
Zip.ExtrOptions = 1
response.Write Files UnZipped=  Zip.SuccessCNT   with Error=
Zip.Error   message=  Zip.LastMessage

However, I want to recreate this in Coldfusion, but keep running into
errors, the code I have developed is as follows:

cfobject action="" class=aspZip.EasyZIP name=cfmzipper

 cfobject action="" class=aspZip.EasyZIP name=cfmzipper


cfset AddDirNames = 1
cfset AddZipTime = 2
cfset AddRecurseDirs = 4
cfset AddHiddenFiles = 8
cfset AddEncrypt = 16
cfset AddSeparateDirs = 32

cfmzipper.Debug = true;
cfmzipper.ZipFileName = D:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\ZIP\;
cfmzipper.ExtrbaseDir = D:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\ZIP\;
cfmzipper.ExtrOptions = 1;

Now I know that the debug property etc are being recognised as if I
change the name slightly, I am told that is not a recognised method.

The error message I am getting is:

Error Diagnostic Information

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier
of (CFSCRIPT), occupying document position (26:1) to (26:10) in the
template file D:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\ZIP\test.cfm.

Anyone know where I am going wrong?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Michael's Speaking at our CFUG Tonight!!!

2004-02-10 Thread Joe Eugene
Michael will also showcase an XML decoder written for CF 5

Interesting... is this a DOM Implementation of any popluar XML Parsers? Xerces? DOM Version?

It would be nice to see someone override xmlParse() and xmlSearch() for CF5.0 using DOM
via Java and use CF5.0 C++ structs/arrays return type...atleast would be helpful to folks
on CF5.0 looking forward to migrate to CFMX.

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Judith Dinowitz 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 1:48 PM
Subject: OT: Michael's Speaking at our CFUG Tonight!!!

Michael's going to be speaking at the New York ColdFusion User Group tonight at 6:30 PM. His topic: 'Dealing with Remote Data' 

The huge amount of information that exists on the Net exists on a number of sites with a number of ways of accessing it. What happens when you want that data local to your site? You have to grab it somehow.

Michael will describe several different ways of grabbing data -- such as from the email that comes from Google news, spidering Fusetalk forums for the latest posts and using a content grabber function.Michael will also showcase an XML decoder written for CF 5 and targeted on the CF blogs portion of Full code will be provided to those who attend. 

When? Tonight, Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 6:30 PM EST

Where? NYU Medical Center
550 1st Avenue (Corner E. 31st Street)
Coles 101

Please RSVP on our site ( if you're coming, as handouts with code will be prepared based on the number of RSVPs.

He will also be posting some of this code up in Fusion Authority, and he'll be speaking about it at CFUN.
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RE: CFC or Struct in session

2004-02-02 Thread Joe Eugene
As far as performance goes, I'm seeing 10ms load times for most of my

Did you mean less than 10 milli seconds for page loads... that seems
odd to me... You cant even validate 12 form fields under 10 ms unless
you are doing some magic.
Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Michael Wolfe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 12:01 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFC or Struct in session

Here's an example...

I have an application where I store user settings in a CFC. Also, I have a
couple of standard functions in the CFC (login, logout, etc.).

Yes, I know that I could use a session-level structure to store the user
settings, but it so much simpler to invoke session.userCFC, pass in the
settings, and then invoke the login() function.The ease of use more than
makes up for the extra few bytes of memory being used.

As far as performance goes, I'm seeing 10ms load times for most of my
pages, and this includes parsing through several queries (most of which
also stored in the session).


Michael Wolfe


From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 7:15 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFC or Struct in session

I've been reading in a number of places where people place a reference to
CFC in a users session variable. This has always seemed strange to me. Why
not cache the CFC for the application and only store the users data in a
session struct. Is there something I'm missing about saving an entire CFC
reference per user? Doesn't it have a higher overhead? Is there a
performance savings?
I'm going to bash on this tomorrow and find out myself, but if someone can
post their reasoning, I'd appreciate it.
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Return Data to variables scope

2004-01-28 Thread Joe Eugene
This seems a little odd. If you return data from a CFC into variables scope, it creates
a second struct variables within CFMX VARIABLES Scope unless you use structAppend..

cffunction name=getUser.
var user = structNew();
user['firstName'] = fn;
user['lastName] = ln;
user['age'] = 100;
cfReturn user/

Calling Code
user = createObject()
variables = user.getUser() 

The above creates VARIABLES.variables.firstName instead ofVARIABLES.firstName

The only way i found around this is

structAppend(variables, user.getUser()); // but then this changes all the variables to UPPER Case.

Is there any other way around this?

Joe Eugene
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Re: Return Data to variables scope

2004-01-28 Thread Joe Eugene
Basically, am trying to pass VARIABLE scope a reference of variables created in a CFC..

IF(variables.cfcReferenceVars = user.getUser() ) Works and all casing is kept perfectly,
you would think

variables = user.getUser() would work as well.

I am strictly trying to adhere to CamelCasing code style and it becomes a problem when
other developers see either UPPER CASE OR LOWER CASE in CFDUMP

I am not sure.. why CFMX automatically changes CASES of variables..

var user = structNew();
user['firstName'] = fn;
user['lastName] = ln;


var user = structNew();
user.firstName = fn;
user.lastName = ln;

There might some wierd conversion between CFMX and Java HashMaps 
If its a Java HashMap... your code should be in THIS Notation (user['lastName])

Anyways, i think there might be a better way around this.

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Barney Boisvert 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: Return Data to variables scope

You definitely don't want the behaviour you propose.That's just asking for
trouble.A scope reference can NEVER be confused with a variable reference
as it stands, and that's a good thing.

The uppercase issue that you describe is irrelevant as CF is
case-insensitive, but if you really want lowercase, you can replace the
structAppend call with this (assuming all your struct members are valid
variable names):

cfset u = user.getUser() /
cfloop collection=#u# item=I
 cfset variables.#i# = u[i] /


 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 1:20 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Return Data to variables scope
 This seems a little odd. If you return data from a CFC into 
 variables scope, it creates
 a second struct variables within CFMX VARIABLES Scope 
 unless you use structAppend..
 cffunction name=getUser.
 var user = structNew();
 user['firstName'] = fn;
 user['lastName] = ln;
 user['age'] = 100;
 cfReturn user/
 Calling Code
 user = createObject()
 variables = user.getUser() 
 The above creates VARIABLES.variables.firstName instead of
 The only way i found around this is
 structAppend(variables, user.getUser()); // but then this 
 changes all the variables to UPPER Case.
 Is there any other way around this?
 Joe Eugene

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Re: CF Start a process - don't wait for it to finish

2004-01-22 Thread Joe Eugene
You could use cfExecute and execute a Java Program (which would by itself) and not
take up any CF Resources.

cmd.exe java MyBatchProgram

- Original Message - 
From: Christian Cantrell 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: CF Start a process - don't wait for it to finish

On Wednesday, January 21, 2004, at 11:06PM, Taco Fleur wrote:

 What's the best way to start/call a process in CF and not wait for it 

I tried once to write a CFTHREAD tag (that spawned a new Java thread in 
which some task would be performed), but it managed to eluded me.
Sounds like a good candidate for a future version of CF, unless someone 
else has some ideas on how to do it.

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RE: Switch JVM Execution Policy on Runtime

2004-01-10 Thread Joe Eugene
 Type runas at a command line for more information.

Thanks Dave, i think this might work without executing a batch file.
As soon as you enter the params, the next line asks for a password,
any idea how to automate this?

ie Press Enter and the execute a copy.

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 7:54 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Switch JVM Execution Policy on Runtime

 I have a class to write files to multiple servers, works well
 standalone. However when i execute this from ColdFusion, i get
 a File Access Error.

 It seems like the account CF uses (IUSER) doest have enough
 permissions to write files to other servers..

By default on Windows, CF uses SYSTEM, not IUSR.

 i have tried batch execute and Runtime execute.. both dont
 work with CF.

 Is there a way to tell the JVM to run this application using
 a different Windows NT account?

I don't know of anything you could set in the JVM specifically, but in
Windows, what you're trying to do requires an account with the right to
impersonate other accounts. The SYSTEM account, representing the operating
system itself, does possess this right. If you can do this from the
line, you could use the Run As service to run your batch file as the
desired user. Type runas at a command line for more information.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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Switch JVM Execution Policy on Runtime

2004-01-09 Thread Joe Eugene
I have a class to write files to multiple servers, works well standalone.
However when i execute this from ColdFusion, i get a File Access Error.

It seems like the account CF uses (IUSER) doest have enough permissions to write files
to other servers.. 

i have tried batch execute and Runtime execute.. both dont work with CF.

Is there a way to tell the JVM to run this application using a different Windows NT account?

Joe Eugene
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Re: Suggestion needed - UDF for converting HTML to CRLF formatted plain text?

2003-12-18 Thread Joe Eugene
You can pass the text into the UDF and Search  Replace all the necessary characrter and count
the no of characters and insert \n or \r where its required.


Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Jon Block 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:11 AM
Subject: Suggestion needed - UDF for converting HTML to CRLF formatted plain text?

Here's a question... I'm working on a database where the user may store
content with HTML p tags and some br tags too. I want the abilty to send
this content in a plain text mail message and still have it look okay. I
think I would need a UDF to not only strip out the p/p and br tags,
but to add the appropriate CRLF's.

Anybody have any suggestions for me?
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Re: DB Connection Timeout

2003-12-18 Thread Joe Eugene
I used to use Client Access for a Client for about 3 years. When we upgraded to CFMX, the ODBC-JDBC bridge
continuosly failed and was locking up the CFMX instance. We dropped client access and went to JDBC Type IV
driver forAS400, this has been quite stable and reliable.

You can download it from here.

Its a free driver and comes with all the instructions to setUp. If you are having problems with the SetUp, check the
archives, this topic has been discussed a few times.

I would suggest you write a simple Java Standalone program that checks the AS400 Connections every 5 minutes
and updates some kind of Flag on a Database or XML File.


Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 8:13 AM
Subject: DB Connection Timeout

We use Client Access to connect to a DB/2 400 database.However when the AS/400 is down for maintenance attempts to connect to that machine eventually lock up the CF server and I need to restart it.I've tried a CFTRY, CATCH but the connection doesn't return an error it just hangs.Is there a way to force the operation to quit if it isn't done in a specified amt of time?I've tried using the CFQUERY timeout attribute, as well as the CF Admin DSN, the Client Access timeout settings to no avail.Whenever the 400 is down (usually overnights, and weekends) our webserver crashes, so I need a way to not make the DB calls if the 400 is down.

Thanks for any ideas, 
Daron Smith
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Re: JDBC and CF

2003-12-18 Thread Joe Eugene
You need to download the SQL Server JDBC Type IV Driver from, install it and 
read the documentation to set the classPath.

Once you have done the above you can check some examples on how to make a connection
and read data from the DataBase and dump that data.


Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Robyn Follen 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: JDBC and CF

Hey all,

I've been doing some research on the Sun site, but wonder if one of you
CFers can lend a hand regarding JDBC and CF.

I am going to make a Java class that is called from CF via CFObject.I need
to do some database queries in this class, but am unsure what I need to do
to connect to my SQL Server DB.I'm using CF 5 and the jvm that's installed
with CF.Do I need to install SQL Server JDBC drivers before I do this?If
so, where?If not, which driver should I specify my Java application use?
Any tips/hints would be appreciated. 

Thanks in advance,
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Re: XMLSearch() woes

2003-12-18 Thread Joe Eugene
Are you trying to look for a Specific City? What are searching for?
You want to return all cities?

If you want to find a specific city.. below is the syntax.

xmlSearch(myXmlDoc, Addresses/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'NY']);

for the xml 

Address city=AL/
Address city=NC/
Address city=NY/


- Original Message - 
From: Alexander Sherwood 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 3:58 PM
Subject: XMLSearch() woes

If you do the following:

XMLSearch(xmlDoc, '/addresses/address[1]/@city'),

you get back an array with one element that contains an empty string. 
Wouldn't you expect it to either return and empty array (because it found 
nothing), or an array with the value of the attribute? I know the docs 
state that XMLSearch returns and XMLElement object, but in this case, it 
most certainly does not!

Anyone have the same problem?!

Alex Sherwood
PHS Collection Agency
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Re: Java error in coldfusion mx6.1

2003-12-03 Thread Joe Eugene
Are you trying to use some type of Java Class? Post your code.

I have seen this error happen in CFMX 6.0, while trying to access Java Crimson DOM parsers.
The issue was resolved in CFMX 6.1 related to DOM Parsers.

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Andrew Scott 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 6:49 PM
Subject: Java error in coldfusion mx6.1

Can anyone tell me why I am getting this error

Class can not access a member of class
Account with modifiers  

the java code is this

class Account
public void Test()

public static boolean debugMode;

Andrew Scott
Technical Consultant

NuSphere Pty Ltd
Level 2/33 Bank Street
South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205

Phone: 03 9686 0485-Fax: 03 9699 7976
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Re: XmlSearch() returning Attribute Values

2003-12-02 Thread Joe Eugene
The xmlSearch() returns an array of XML object nodes using regular XPath _expression_ like


myBook =xmlSearch(xmlBooks, Books/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'ColdFusion']);

Then you can plough through the array returned to do whatever

Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Alexander Sherwood 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 2:33 PM
Subject: XmlSearch() returning Attribute Values

It seems as if XML Search only returns element nodes, and that's it. Poor, 
poor, poor planning, IMHO.

Has anyone created a work around, for example, for doing the following:


XMLSearch(xmlDoc, '/document/node/@attributeVal')


to return the string value of the attribute attributeVal for element node?

Alex Sherwood
PHS Collection Agency
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Re: java in CFMX question

2003-11-18 Thread Joe Eugene
By default the file is writable, set to readonly.. if you require so.. wouldnt this work?

 filePath = C:\\Inetpub\wwwroot\mytest.txt;

 jFile = createObject(Java,;
 jFile.setReadOnly();// only if you require it to be ready only


You can use FilePermisssion

jFileSecurity = createObject(Java,;
jFileSecurity.init(jFile, write);

- Original Message - 
From: Kyle McNamara 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:02 AM
Subject: java in CFMX question

I am doing this now before any time they try to open the file: 
cfobject type=JAVA name=jFile action="" 
newAttribute = jFile.init('filenameher'); 

...which seems to be working well. 

The only thing is, ther are certain times I need to make it writeable too... when researcfing the FILE class at I noticed that they have setReadOnly(); and but no way to set it to writeable... it has a function to check if it is currently wriateable (canWrite();) but nothing else I can see...

any thoughts on this? 


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RE: Inserting rows into a 2d array

2003-11-17 Thread Joe Eugene

I read through the emails but I am not quite understanding what you are
trying to accomplish..
You have a data set like...


You want to take the above and populate into an array and put some spaces
A and B sorted? You already have the data sorted from the database..

You can loop through the resultset alphabetically and create a 2D Array,
where each
position only contains the first Aphabet.
cfset my2DArray = arrayNew(2)
my2DArray[1] = will contain all A Starting cityNames or whatever

my2DArray[2][1] = SPACE // IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?

my2DArray[3] = will contain all B Starting cityNames or whatever

You can simply create a list like
myList = A,nbsp;,B...;

loop over the list and populate your 2 Array

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: DougF [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 7:29 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Inserting rows into a 2d array

Thanks Dave.

Not having much knowledge of CF arrays I'd be interested in examples of
to go about inserting two associated elements between two other associated
elements arrays.


[first][1] + [first][2]
[second][1] + [second][2]

[first][1] + [first][2]
[NewElement][1] + [NewElement][2]
[second][1] + [second][2]


- Original Message -
From: Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 3:36 PM
Subject: RE: Inserting rows into a 2d array

  The Macromedia documentation skilfully avoids mentioning the
  manipulation of multi-dimensioned arrays. It seems that you
  can create multi-dimensional arrays but can not manipulate
  them (like you can with one dimension arrays). Going to take
  another look at manipulating with the display logic... sigh.

 Sure, you can manipulate multi-dimensional arrays. A multi-dimensional
 is simply an array that contains arrays in each position.

 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
 voice: (202) 797-5496
 fax: (202) 797-5444

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Re: Previous Row in a table

2003-11-10 Thread Joe Eugene
cfset xyz_id = someValue/

where xyz_id  variables.xyz_id and otherCriteria

isnt this what you trying to do?

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 1:14 PM
Subject: Previous Row in a table


I'm running a query with a specific row ID.From there, I'm trying to extract a 
previous row's information where the row meets a bit value of 1.Example, (SQL 
logic written out, pseudo)

Query all entries
from xyz table
where xyz_id = value passed from form

Once this row has been identified, I now need to get the xyz_id of the row 
before it that meets a certain criteria.

(SQL logic written out, pseudo) Here's where I'm stuck
query all entries
from xyz table
look before pull_info.xyz_id AND where xyz_sent = 1

Does this make sense?



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RE: link-list with coldfusion

2003-11-09 Thread Joe Eugene
If i understand you question... you want to populate Links of you
in a Database and check if they all work?

You can enter all the URLS/Links in the the DB and Use CFHTTP to check them.
Then you could use read header values check values and record them or some.

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 3:09 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: link-list with coldfusion

Hi list,
a customer
of mine wants to
get implemented a
DB-driven link-list with
which he can check if
an URL is accessible, gets
a 404 error or the server is
not available.
Did s.o. already have done this
with ColdFusion and if, how did
he approach this issue ?

Thanks for ideas.


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RE: [Reply To] (CF 6 reliability) from Re: Memory Leak on Win2k/CMX6.1

2003-11-06 Thread Joe Eugene
I have personally used the Scheduler in CFMX and CF5.0. This is not a very
efficient way to handle Scheduled Tasks, since they take up Application
Server Resources.

I would have another server handle all Offline tasks as Batch Jobs, Use
to invoke applications that need to run Batch Jobs.

Yes, there are Other Bugs in CFMX and am hoping MM would try to solve them

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Tom Kitta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 10:21 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: [Reply To] (CF 6 reliability) from Re: Memory Leak on

The only problem we have with CFMX is the scheduler application under
administrator. When we put scheduled events in MX they don't seam to run on
the schedule we assign to them (don't run at all or run at different times).
We were unable to fix this problem and thus all scheduled events are stuck
on 5.0 server. Other than that there have been no major issues with the
stability of the MX servers.

As for the language itself, I admit that there are some bugs in CFMX, but
I am hoping that MM will fix most of them in the next release.

 - Original Message -
 From: Boldacious Web Design
 To: CF-Talk
 Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 11:53 AM
 Subject: [Reply To] (CF 6 reliability) from Re: Memory Leak on

 What are other people's views on this - how many people are using
 MX with no problems?

  You wrote 

 I suggest the user with problems with the server product, to
 uninstall it completely and revert to CF 5.0, until Macromedia
 gets its act
  together.While a lot was accomplished with the 6.1 release
 over previous editions, it still is not a stable product., and
 IMHO should not even be on the market.

 Seamus CampbellBoldacious WebDesign[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ph 02 6297 4883fax02 6297 4883mob 0410 609 267

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RE: Might be OT: MVDB -- UniData etc.

2003-11-05 Thread Joe Eugene
I guess you referring to using COM Objects to connect to UniData/UniVerse
IF So... THATS A NO NO...very very inefficient.

You should look at the Java API's provided for either Flavors of U2.
I wrote some Java API's Using RedBeans to avoid COM. This has worked
very very well for us.

Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: John Stanley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 11:17 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Might be OT: MVDB -- UniData etc.

Hello everyone. Okay I got connected to my COM object. I can view
server properties or results from methods that are simple objects. What I
cannot do is view the results from a Complex Object Type like the
search_stuff  variable below. I know there is a CFMX bug that does not
allow the cfdump tag to be used in this instance, but whatever method I
gives me either the cannot display Complex Objects error message or the
there is no method called Item MX bug (Bug # 44527). I think I can do this
with a loop, but am unsure how to proceedbecause I dont know what
delimiters are being used. I have tried to test to see if the object is an
array using ArrayLen and got the following error (Object of type class cannot be used as an array), so that's

So i tested the object as a structutre using the isStruct function and it
came back with Yes.

So then I created a structure loop:

cfloop collection=#search_stuff# item=place

and get the good old error (java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: There is no
method called Item.)

So cold fusion recognizes the object as a structure, but cannot, at least
the syntax I am using display it's contents.

There has got to be a way to display this COM data in CF.

See my code below for reference.

cfif NOT isDefined(miler)
cfobject action="" type=COM class=PCMServer.PCMServer.1

cfset this_id = miler.ID
cfset this_name = miler.ProductName
cfset version = miler.ProductVersion
cfset valid = miler.valid
cfset errorcode = miler.errorcode
cfset numregions = miler.numregions
cfset debuglevel = miler.debuglevel
cfset defaultregion = miler.defaultregion
cfset this_trip = miler.NewTrip(#defaultregion#)
cfset testing = miler.CalcDistance2(Belleville, Mi,Waterford, Mi,2)
cfset search_stuff = miler.GetPickList(Belleville, Mi,NA,2)


cfloop collection=#search_stuff# item=place

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RE: Might be OT: MVDB -- UniData etc.

2003-11-04 Thread Joe Eugene

RedBack is a Business Object Server. You can write Business Objects/Rules in
that talks to U2 Database. Basically, you can consider RedBack as an
Advanced Level
of SQL Server Stored Procedure Programming, a little object oriented...takes
care of
connection pooling and all that stuff. Well MS-SQL Server T-SQL is not all
that great
compared to capabilities of Oracle PL/SQL Or Java Procedure capabilities
Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Chunshen (Don) Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 2:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Might be OT: MVDB -- UniData etc.


My client uses UniData (Pick type of people say not much different from
Unverse), they'd like to export their UniData data to SQL Server or the like
for easy view etc.I've set up an ODBC connection to the UniData server,
then used VSG (Visual Schema Generators) to map UniData mv data into
relational data set, then DTS it to SQL Server.All works, almost beautiful
except that, by default, VSG makes all columns nullable.Well, in my data
transformation process, I can take care of that, but I thought it would be a
better way/more efficient way to be able to configure column nullability
from VSG, it looks like it can't but that's OK.

Thanks though.BTW, what does RedBack do? schema translation?


Don Li

We run U2(Universe) MVDB. I dont understand your question though.
Our Configurations are (U2 + RedBack + CF5.0 and U2 + JDBC + CFMX)

What are you trying to accomplish?

Joe Eugene

- Original Message -

From: Chunshen (Don) Li

To: CF-Talk

Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 5:24 PM

Subject: Might be OT: MVDB -- UniData etc.


I hope this is not OT since it is really another type of database that
required CF as a middleperson.Something weird.I couldn't find two
postings and others' followups on this subject posted a few weeks ago.
Try do a key word search of MVDB or UniData, it won't find
anything while my previous postings has included them in the subject

Related question for those who followed up on the topic, I'd
appreciate your thought/input.VSG v3.1, for any view created, each
column is set to NULLABLE, well, my requirement is such that I want
the [ID] column to be NONNULLABLE or NULLABLE value set to N | 0.
This version of VSG does not seem to have the feature of resetting
NULLABLE value.Is this understanding correct?

If so, how could I achieve the same thing from UDT?VOC file?Help
me to beat this beast :)


Don Li

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Re: Might be OT: MVDB -- UniData etc.

2003-11-03 Thread Joe Eugene
We run U2(Universe) MVDB. I dont understand your question though.
Our Configurations are (U2 + RedBack + CF5.0 and U2 + JDBC + CFMX)

What are you trying to accomplish?

Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Chunshen (Don) Li 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 5:24 PM
Subject: Might be OT: MVDB -- UniData etc.


I hope this is not OT since it is really another type of database that required CF as a middleperson.Something weird.I couldn't find two postings and others' followups on this subject posted a few weeks ago.Try do a key word search of MVDB or UniData, it won't find anything while my previous postings has included them in the subject line.

Related question for those who followed up on the topic, I'd appreciate your thought/input.VSG v3.1, for any view created, each column is set to NULLABLE, well, my requirement is such that I want the [ID] column to be NONNULLABLE or NULLABLE value set to N | 0.This version of VSG does not seem to have the feature of resetting NULLABLE value.Is this understanding correct?

If so, how could I achieve the same thing from UDT?VOC file?Help me to beat this beast :)


Don Li

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Re: Memory Leak on Win2k/CMX6.1

2003-10-31 Thread Joe Eugene
I think there is a Major Issue with CFMX 6.1 DataBase Connections. The Connection pooling
Engine seems to have Changed from CFMX 6.0 and most the posts point to reverting back
to OLD Drivers. I am Not sure if the MM is really addressing this issue.

Also sometime ago, the MM Community Manager mentioned they might look into putting a
BUG Database together, dont think this was every worked out.

Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: cf-talk 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 11:31 AM
Subject: RE: Memory Leak on Win2k/CMX6.1


I've been running 2003 and MX6.1 for a long time now and no problems
I did a fresh install of the box and fresh install of MX... did you do
an upgrade or something?I'm just trying to identify any differences
for you.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 6:08 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Memory Leak on Win2k/CMX6.1

We're getting this dreaded memory leakthing on our new server -
/ Win2k)The server runs for a few hours while the sysadmin is at the
office, and then soon as he turns his back and heads for home, it
The pages slow and slow until finally we get timeouts or database not
available or some such.As far as we can see, Jrun.exe is growing and
growing in memory and causing everything else to stall.

Has anyone solved this problem yet?Who can we talk to about narrowing
down what's causing this problem?We have a whole server grinding to a
halt every day and that's not satisfactory.Ever since we installed
we've had totally useless servers. 

We've seen several people saying the same thing in different forums, but
one saying Here's what you do to fix it.Is anyone working on it? 

Here are some of the links to the problems:
readi threadi
adid= threadid=

So where's the answer?Anyone?

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.


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