Re: 365 Challenge: Photo of the day

2013-11-14 Thread Matthew Lowrey

>God - even simpler. Just use an existing photosite that has an API. Yeah,
>just do that. ;) Hell, even in just Facebook you can share to a particular
>album. I'm sure FB lets you embed an album.
>>  Thank you guys, sorry for the late reply my emails must have got'n lost in 
>> the mix of things and didn't know I got replies and then forgot about it 
>> until tonight when I did a search on HoF and came up on something exactly 
>> what I wanted!! Only to find out it was MY OWN ENTRY!! *facepalm*

You make a very good point, I tend to really over think things or make 
something simple so complex!

I simply need to just take a picture with my cellphone, upload it to an album 
say on FB or Picasso and then do some kind of a slide show / embedded view of 
the pictures in that album with the latest picture displaying!  I already do a 
widget type thing with my Google blogger so maybe I can figure out an RSS feed 
of an image album or something like that.  Even if I can't control when the 
picture displays at this point it's not important.  I'll just make it a point 
to update the album every night before going to bed. 

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365 Challenge: Photo of the day

2013-07-28 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Fellow CF Devs:

I have a challenge I have decided to take on starting January 2014 and I need 
some help to prepare for it.

What the challenge is, if you're not familiar with 365 Challenges, is every day 
you do something.  For me, it's sharing a different picture each day.

What I would like to do is take a picture with my smartphone (Android), add a 
title, some text like a caption about that particular photo, upload it to some 
sort of photo site (Picasa's fine) and then it automatically show up on my 

I'm looking for the easiest way to do this without having to do much except 
take the picture, enter some text, and that's it.  I know I could have some 
sort of way to upload it to a db through my hosting company and then have a 
timestamp for what day it's to show up on, but I'm trying to save the 
image/caption on some free third party site to keep me from filling up my 
memory quota if at all possible.

Anyone have any ideas one how to go about this the best way?  Here's sort of 
what my idea is currently:

Android Phone -> Take Picture -> Add Text -> Save to Some Photo App (App has 
ability to post on a particular date) -> Shows up on widget on my website on 
that particular date.

My backup plan would be:
Android Phone -> Take Picture -> Add Text -> Use some method / app to upload 
information to my db -> Use fancybox photo jquery viewer

Thanks in advance! 

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Re: Website Search Engine

2013-03-14 Thread Matthew Lowrey

>As I also recently discovered There is also the fact that with solr if one
>collection breaks or becomes.corrupt, solr stops working completely for
>every collection and every site.
>Russ Michaels
> - Free CFML hosting for developers
> - CF search engine
>On Mar 13, 2013 7:33 PM, "Dave Watts"  wrote:

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Re: Website Search Engine

2013-03-14 Thread Matthew Lowrey

>As I also recently discovered There is also the fact that with solr if one
>collection breaks or becomes.corrupt, solr stops working completely for
>every collection and every site.
>Russ Michaels
> - Free CFML hosting for developers
> - CF search engine
>On Mar 13, 2013 7:33 PM, "Dave Watts"  wrote:

WOW! I started a wild fire here! :) I've used GSA on an old website (the free 
version) and it seemed to do very well even in its early days.  Dave, can I 
assume the free version works the same as the paid version of GSA (with the 
exception of ads for the free version)?  It's been a few years since I've used 
it and may check it out for testing before going any further and bringing it up 
with the team.

Thank you all for your valuable input so far!  It looks like it's down to GSA 
vs. Solr 

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Website Search Engine

2013-03-13 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Hello Fellow CFers:

We have a CMS site we want to be searchable.  All the content as well as static 
webpages that are included on this site must be in the search.  I just want 
your opinion on what you feel would be best.

Just to clarify, we have some of the content being dynamically processed from 
the SQL server through queries and we have some static pages that were 
specially created to be included in on this CMS site. I would like to have the 
ability to search these two areas for results.

I'm aware of the CFSEARCH through CF and I've used Googles search before as 
well.  Is there anything else out there you feel is better fit for the job?

Thanks in advance everyone! 

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Mobile Editor: What's the best one?

2011-02-08 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Hello all:

I just got my first android (tMobile myTouch 4G) and I'm excited to dive into 
doing things on my phone I would normally do on my laptop.  One of them is 
building webpages or developing home projects.

First question I'd be asking is, "why the heck would you want to do developing 
on your phone?!"
 1. I have three kids and I rarely get to sit down and work on my laptop
 2. Laptop is 2007 and recently the #2 RAM slot died, so I'm running at half 
 3. It's a new toy! :)

With that said... I've searched the Android Market and there's a few editors 
(nothing for ColdFusion code that I know of) but I want to get something that I 
can play around with and wanted to know if anyone of you have a "This is the 
best one to use..." app or hear say about an app.

So far it looks like touchqode looks like the best one and it's for free. 

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Re: Is Coldfusion losing its biggest asset?

2011-01-12 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Does anyone else feel ashamed for being a CF Developer for years (2001 v. 5.0) 
and still not knowing (or using) these kinds of "exterior" apps/technologies?  
*lowers head* I feel like I'm a beginning developer stuck in a time warp or 
something... So much to look into, so little time, so many fun things to try 
out... WHERE TO START! LOL... then there's learning and understanding the OO 
environment on top of that.

Even going to school and learning all these "other" languages (PHP, ASP, Java, 
C, C#, C++, ...) I still just can't leave CF.  I've worked with it too long I 
don't have the desire to go after anything else.  There's just so much more I 
haven't learned in the CF realm.  Not to mention the years of tears learning 
CF, I don't want to go through that again haha!

> Just another direction to think about is Flex.
> I've been a CF'er full-time since 1996 (V 3.1), so believe me when I 
> say
> Recently I've taken another look at Flex (after dismissing it in the
> early days as ridiculously expensive).  It is now VERY inexpensive and 
> I
> am blown away at how much easier the GUI side of things is (no more
> cross-browser issues for starters).
> Combine it with CF webservices in the back and you are ready to go!
> Oh can also write AIR apps (although you may need a local 
> DB
> and no CF webservices)same code and you can now deploy to the
> desktop or many smartphonesespecially Android enabled.
> Anyways.just another place to take a peakI for one can't 
> believe
> it took me so long to get into Flex.
> Cheers
> On Wed, 2011-01-12 at 10:42 -0500, Irvin Gomez wrote:
> > Thanks, everyone for all the different perspectives. I know that if 
> I were looking at coldfusion for the first time these days, with all 
> the OOP and framework talk dominating the 'airwaves', I'd probably go 
> with PHP or something else, because there is no real benefit to 
> Coldfusion if the learning curve is similar for other scripting 
> languages (and this is where coldfusion could easily die a quick 
> death: potential adopters would not see the benefits of going with 
> coldfusion over more popular alternatives). But I'm a Graphic Designer, 
> not a hard-core programmer, so, I will continue enjoying all the 
> powerful stuff coldfusion offers. It's more than enough for the 
> intermediate-level stuff i do everyday.  
> > 
> > 

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Re: iCal Version 4.0.3/vCalendar Auto Accept Issue

2011-01-10 Thread Matthew Lowrey


Thank you for your feedback.  Below is the code I'm currently 
developing/editing.  I must apologize for the mess, some of the items we're not 
using and I haven't cleaned things up yet.  the myquery is an array coming from 
a cffunction

function iCalBuild(myquery) {
   var currentRow = 1;
   var vCalAll = '';
   var vCal = "";
   var dtstart = "";
   var dtend = "";

   for (; currentRow lte myquery.RecordCount; currentRow = currentRow + 1)
if (NOT IsDefined("myquery.starttime"))
myquery.starttime[currentRow] = DateConvert('local2Utc', Now());

if (NOT IsDefined("myquery.EndTime"))
myquery.EndTime[currentRow] = DateConvert('local2Utc', Now());

if (NOT IsDefined("myquery.location"))
myquery.location[currentRow] = "N/A";

if (NOT IsDefined("myquery.title"))
myquery.title[currentRow] = "Auto vCalendar Generated";

if (NOT IsDefined("myquery.description"))
myquery.description[currentRow] = "Autobot VCalendar Generated";

if (NOT IsDefined("stEvent.importance"))
myquery.importance[currentRow] = "1";

vCal = vCal & "BEGIN:VEVENT" & CRLF;
vCal = vCal & "UID:" & myquery.pkid_event[currentRow] & CRLF;

if (NOT IsDefined("myquery.datecreated"))
myquery.datecreated[currentRow] = 
//myquery.datecreated[currentRow] = myquery.datecreated[currentRow];
vCal = vCal & "DTSTAMP:" &

DateFormat(myquery.datecreated[currentRow],"mmdd") & "T" &

TimeFormat(myquery.datecreated[currentRow], "HHmmss") & "Z" & CRLF;

vCal = vCal & "" & CRLF;

dtstart = CreateDateTime(

DateFormat(myquery.StartTime[currentRow], ''),

DateFormat(myquery.StartTime[currentRow], 'mm'),

DateFormat(myquery.StartTime[currentRow], 'dd'),

TimeFormat(myquery.StartTime[currentRow], 'HH'),

TimeFormat(myquery.StartTime[currentRow], 'mm'),

TimeFormat(myquery.StartTime[currentRow], 'ss'));

dtend = CreateDateTime(

DateFormat(myquery.EndTime[currentRow], ''),

DateFormat(myquery.EndTime[currentRow], 'mm'),

DateFormat(myquery.EndTime[currentRow], 'dd'),

TimeFormat(myquery.EndTime[currentRow], 'HH'),

TimeFormat(myquery.EndTime[currentRow], 'mm'),


dtstart = 
//dtstart = 

(myquery.allday[currentRow] NEQ 1) {
vCal = 
vCal & "DTSTART:" & DateFormat(dtstart,"mmdd") & "T" & TimeFormat(dtstart, 
"HHmmss") & "Z";
} else {*/

iCal Version 4.0.3/vCalendar Auto Accept Issue

2011-01-07 Thread Matthew Lowrey

HoF iCal Version 4.0.3/vCalendar Experts:

We have a tool for our students that will allow them to export an .ics file to 
import into either their Google calendar, Outlook Calendar, or iCal/Entourage 
for Mac/Macbook.  Recently we had a student that after importing the .ics file 
into a MacBook iCal program had to manually accept/deny every event in her 
calendar.  Is there a way to add in an auto accept in our vCalendar code that 
will make that change?

We have tested our code against the iCal Version 3.0.8 (1287) and it works 
fine.  Then we tested Version 4.0.3 (1388) and the problem showed up here.

I did find some documentation that I thought would work/help me find what I 
needed (Ref: and it 
had the option of participate accept/deny so I tried that and it didn't seem to 

If any of you have experience working with this I would love any advice in this 

Thank you!


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Re: iCalendar (.ics) file creation?

2011-01-04 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Hello HofFer's

I have an update on my issue.  We were able to find out what version of iCal 
was having this problem with.  Version 4.0.3 (1388) copyright 2002 - 2009 is 
the version that hasn't been auto accepting our imported events.

I hope someone who knows the MAC and iCal can help me out.  I was hoping there 
was some kind of option that would allow us to pass an auto accept or 
something, but I haven't found anything yet.

One last detail, we are using cfscript so if it'll help to post our code I can 
do that if you like.


I'm not sure what version she was running on her 
> machine if that has any relevance to this issue.  I hope that helps. 
> Thanks in advance!

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Re: iCalendar (.ics) file creation?

2011-01-03 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Hello everyone, I found this posting because we've come into a problem with our 
code possibly.

We have developed an issue after importing the .ics file into a MacBook iCal 
program when a client goes to view an event it comes up with the option of 
accepting the event or not accepting for every event.  Is there a way to add in 
an auto accept in our code that'll make that change.  Our code is for 2007 so 
maybe there's something new that I haven't discovered yet that any of you may 
have found?

One other point I need to make.  We don't have this problem with outlook on a 
PC or replicate this issue on our version of iCal (Version 3.0.8 (1287) I'm not 
sure what version she was running on her machine if that has any relevance to 
this issue.  I hope that helps. Thanks in advance!


>We are using the following code to email to a user's shared email/calendar
>system.  We use the same code without the cfmailpart bits to create a
>calendar of events for users.  Hope this helps.
>   RSVP=FALSE:mailto:#form.rsvpemail#
>On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 10:29 AM, Pete Ruckelshaus 

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Re: COMODO Wiper - Currupt Files - Anybody Know How To Get Them Back?

2010-11-29 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Thanks Mike & Dave:

I haven't called COMODO on it just yet, but all their forums on this discussion 
set by other's having the same or similar problems with the program have come 
back with "restore from backup" or "there's no revert back after wiping files"

The program seems to work very well! ha!  Just a little un-user friendly for 
newbies using the service.  It also points out that I should have read a little 
more about this program before using it.  Painful mistake and reminder to back 
up my files not only on board, but in other locations other than the HDD I'm 
cleaning out. 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Free ColdFusion Hosting

2010-11-29 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Thank you everyone!

I'm happy to have so many responses (and the humor to boot!) I'm okay with 
doing business outside my country, but I wanted to first see if there was other 
places before I went out of my "area" so to speak.  I also do hesitate to jump 
into something over seas because I've had some bad experience and have lost 
money (and yes I did the credit card stop but I never got the money back) so, 
again it's only a $1 or 2 but I wanted to do a little research on this company 
before I chose to go with it.

Of course, after this weekend I may not go forward for awhile because my laptop 
(Toshiba Satallite 2007/2008ish) just gave me the black screen of death.  I 
left it on and it did it's normal hibernate (which I honestly try and avoid, I 
close the lid instead and use standby instead).  I went to bring it back up and 
nothing would work so I hard booted it, nothing happens... did some research 
and found it may have been stuck in hibernation mode so I took the battery out, 
did the power pull and the 30 - 60 second power button press to get all the 
"juices" out of the computer, then for the sake of the back up battery (Bios) I 
left it unplugged for the night and plugged in the power cord this morning to 
try it out.

The computer turned on, I saw the hard drive light blink on and off, CD/DVD 
light did the initial blinking, then  nothing... didn't hear the fan come 
on and the HDD seemed to be on and spinning but it wasn't being read at all (no 
light flashing) and the BIOS didn't even show up or my initial bios password 
login screen... absolutely nothing but the black screen of death.

So, my assumption is my motherboard decided she was too old and died in her 
"sleep"... so... I guess my projects have been put on hold do to no computer @ 
home.  This was just after I lost all my info on my HDD for the last 4-5 
years... ouch... what's next?  BlackBerry's freezing allot and showing signs of 
needing a cleaning... and I have no computer.. haha... Maybe I can get a G2 or 
MyTouch for Christmas so I can at least have a decent browser for doing my 
personal stuff.

I'm sure y'all have never had these days. :) 

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COMODO Wiper - Currupt Files - Anybody Know How To Get Them Back?

2010-11-24 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Hello Fellow HoFers:

I have a very big problem and I'm hoping to find a solution.  I've searched and 
searched for over 2 weeks now for a solution and have come up dry including the 
COMODO forums.  For those of you who are not familiar with the title, COMODO () 
is basically an all-in-one place to find your home/office security needs.

About a month ago I was cleaning out my computer and it was still running slow, 
so I decided to use this new program I had never used before called Wiper.  
After briefly reading the help file it basically said you could go through your 
hard drive and not only erase for good but write over your files completely 
(0's I think).  I went ahead and chose to go through everything and wipe clean 
the recycled files, temporary files, etc.

Well, either I messed up or I didn't understand the process and it went through 
and wiped everything... the files still show up, I see them, but if I try and 
open them I get basically that they're corrupt.

So, the programs I have tried are mostly file recovery programs... when I bring 
up the file to preview or try and recover them, they get recovered, but they're 
still unable to be viewed/opened.  Here's some background information and steps 
I did take so far:

Programs I've downloaded and tried with no success:
 - Recuva (
 - act...@file
Info On What is Wiper:

COMODO Forums about this issue and others having this issue:
 (wish I saw this BEFORE I used the program)

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Free ColdFusion Hosting

2010-11-24 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Hello Fellow HoFer's:

Because of the economy and me being out of work until this year for almost 2 
years I had to let my personal website hosted by GoDaddy go the way of the 
buffalo.  I was basically using it to work on a home project of building a 
family tree program.  I was doing it for fun and for using new skills I have 
learned at work and school.  Plus, it would give me a chance to take all my 
family's (and wife's family's) information on the web to share with family 
members and our kids when they get old enough to be interested in.

I was hopping to find a place where I could host my ColdFusion code while 
building this project (basically from scratch) for free.  I know this is almost 
impossible but it couldn't hurt to ask and google.

I found one place: but it's out of country (USA) 
which, I don't have a problem with, but at the same time I'm hesitant to just 
go anywhere with the way the world is today.  Do any of you have any 
recommendations?  Even if they aren't for free, I'm curious your thoughts on 
this subject. has been a great service and very reasonable, I just can't afford 
to go back right now. 

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Re: Working with cfqueryparam

2010-11-12 Thread Matthew Lowrey

> In addition to your examples, you'd also want to use CFQUERYPARAM any
> time you have any user-entered or untrusted data within a query - not
> just within INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries.

Hi Dave:

You already know about this thread because you're on it, but wanted to post it 
again in case these ideas will help (or contribute to) faster page reloads 
while still using the cfqueryparam security.


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Re: Anonymous Feedback Form: Prevent Malicious Code On Documents

2010-11-05 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Thanks for the confirmation Bryan, I figure it would be something pretty 
expensive.  I was just curious if there was an open source deal out there.  
This feedback isn't used "THAT" much which is probably why we never noticed it 
being totally open.


> I know that computer forensics folks have access to software that can
> scan images and essentially look for  a certain amount of "flesh 
> tones"
> in the images.
> I have no idea if there is a stripped down utility that could do this
> (as the software they play with is quite expensive)just letting 
> you
> know there are more automated methods than humans viewing every image
> and allowing/dis-allowing

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Re: Anonymous Feedback Form: Prevent Malicious Code On Documents

2010-11-02 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Thanks Brook:

I agree this looks like the best method so far.  I also forgot to mention 
images, if one was to upload images that were inappropriate, is there a way to 
'flag' them or would human verification be the only resort to this type of 
situation.  I want to say there's some way of flagging certain types of images 
like porno, but I can't remember.  I thought there was a way I saw it done 
while in the military but my memory fails me.

>As long as you save the file to a directory that has limited execute and
>script permissions, the file should not ever be executed. If you loaded a
>PHP file from that directory in your browser you would get prompted to
>download but it should never execute. Make sure all script mappings on the
>directory are removed. Of course saving the file in an non-web accessible
>directory is even a better idea and use CFCONTENT to serve the file as

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Anonymous Feedback Form: Prevent Malicious Code On Documents

2010-11-02 Thread Matthew Lowrey

We had an attack yesterday to one of our anonymous uploads we provide for our 
faculty & students to upload documents and some files.  We were attacked 
yesterday (which was partly our fault for having this open to all file types) 
we have now minimized these files to the best of our ability for this 

The attack yesterday though was a valid file type but had a php script on the 
document that when read it would somehow give open access to write to our 
website.  These "individual(s)" changed our footer by inserting a few links in 
Turkish language that linked to inappropriate sites one can only guess what 
they had and/or did on them.

In our Development Meeting this morning we talked about two points we need to 
try and accomplish to prevent this from happening again (on top of the security 
we've already done):
1. Saving files uploaded in a folder that is not open to everyone but secure 
for only downloading the uploaded material via link of some sort.
2. Some way to scan the content of the file(s) uploaded for malicious code that 
would cause harmful consequences to our site again.

I did some research yesterday on preventing malicious code being uploaded from 
open anonymous fields 
( this 
was the best I could find.  It solves #1 on our list, which we have sort of 
already done minus using CFCONTENT.  I tried to look on HoF and this was the 
best I could find 
( which 
doesn't really address my problem at all.

So, we have come up with a way to make sure the correct extensions and 
presenting the material back to individuals correctly, but I'm still not 
convinced this is the best solution to preventing malicious code to come 
through and make trouble for us again.

One other suggestion that was made at the meeting was to email the attached 
file to our IT department which they will review and approve/disapprove the 
file.  This of course would be the logical way of doing things, but we have 
individuals who might need the file quicker and I'm confident there's some type 
of script/software out here that we can implement on top of the human 
verification that will help us prevent this from happening again.

I just wanted to post this to see if any of you had better ideas in your years 
of experience.  I'm confident you have all thought or experienced this in your 
own business's.  I'm also confident that there's a way to use CF to assist in 
this problem.  I just don't have enough knowledge to come up with the best 
method, yet. :)

Thanks in advance! 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CFLOOP Next Iteration

2010-11-01 Thread Matthew Lowrey

>Just to say it, I too had lots of trouble with CFB, and while I liked
>some things about CFEclipse before that, its bloat and bugginess
>bummed me out (Eclipse more than CFE).

YES!  That's what we had issues with, getting CFEclipse to work properly... we 
even tried the older version as well with not much more success.

>But now I'm a happy camper, using IntelliJ IDEA with its CFML plugin.
... It's about $250, with a free 30 day

Hmm, thanks for the insight Dave, I'll have to make my boss aware of this one.  
If it's something that'll work for us, they may be able to come up with that 
$$$. :) 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CFLOOP Next Iteration

2010-10-29 Thread Matthew Lowrey

> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Matthew Lowrey  
> wrote:
> > I wasn't aware of that.  We're still learning all the new tags and 
> it doesn't come up win DreamWeaver so it was a shot in the dark to 
> find something that would allow us to "continue"
> Time to switch to ColdFusion Builder...

I really wanted to switch over to CF Builder but when we went to try and set up 
the trial version it gave us so much trouble we gave up trying to get it to 
work.  There just hasn't been a good enough reason for my company to purchase 
it when DW doesn't just about everything it does for a fraction of the cost.

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Re: CFLOOP Next Iteration

2010-10-27 Thread Matthew Lowrey

>You probably noticed this, but cfcontinue is a new CF9 tag, so won't work in
>older versions of CF.

I wasn't aware of that.  We're still learning all the new tags and it doesn't 
come up win DreamWeaver so it was a shot in the dark to find something that 
would allow us to "continue"

I'll have to update my DW code listing I know there's a way of doing it. 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: ColdFusion Administration 9:: Debugging IP Addresses

2010-10-20 Thread Matthew Lowrey

I had a feeling that was the case, thanks Dave for the clarification.  And, my 
response to that is BOO. Ha ha...  It would be great to have it the other way. 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

ColdFusion Administration 9:: Debugging IP Addresses

2010-10-20 Thread Matthew Lowrey

I have a question about the Debugging IP Addresses (DIPA) section of the CFIDE. 
 We have our developing team  IP addresses set in the DIPA section with the 
understanding that, IF debugging is turned on for our site(s), those of us who 
are included on this DIPA listing will see the debugging information.

With that said, does debugging run 100% of the time when  turned on, only 
displaying the information for the DIPA members?  Or, does it know to only 
run/process information for DIPA members.

The reason for this question is because it seems the server is running slowly 
for our LIVE site and when the feedback comes back it’s usually because we 
have debugging turned on.  I just wanted to know if it runs all the time behind 
the scenes or it checks the DIPA listing first before running every time 
someone sends a page request.

Thank you in advance for your insight.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

CKFinder.setupCKEditor won't allow a customConfig attribute

2010-10-04 Thread Matthew Lowrey

For those of you who have used FCKEditor over the years may already know the 
new CKEditor has split away from the file uploading and creating CKFinder.  
Both tools so far have been awesome and I've been trying to incorporate them 
both into our sites with pretty good success except the merging of the two 
programs along with customizing both to fit our business needs.

I posted a thread on the CKFinder blog for details:

I just wanted to post it here to see if my HoF guru's would have some kind of a 
work around of some sort.  It's a known issue so I'm sure they're working on a 
work around.. I'm just hoping to have this issue solved before they find the 
work around and since I'm not a guru enough to understand the jquery working I 
tend to get dizzy and fall off my chair trying to come up with a work around.  
Thank you for any help to get this working. 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: cfqueryparam list attribute

2010-08-12 Thread Matthew Lowrey

> > null="#!isDefined('myVar') OR !ListLen('myVar')#" 
> Thanks Carl, I haven't actually tried both together, I've tried them 
> by themselves (as well as isNumeric and was unsuccessful 100% of the 
> time.  I'll give this one a try next time I find a spot it could be 
> used and tested.  Thank you! 

I wanted to just reply back with another modification I did because I was still 
getting an error when there was no value coming through, but most likely the 
variable itself was defined.

I simply added in the null field !isNumeric('myVar') which checks to see if 
it's numeric or not.  I thought isDefined would catch it, but again it's a 
field that's accepting integers and so maybe it was passing a '' value which is 
not accepted in a numeric field.  Correct me if I'm wrong please.  I'm still 

So, for now this is what I'm using, though I haven't tested it on a list of 
integers yet.  We'll see. 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: cfqueryparam list attribute

2010-08-12 Thread Matthew Lowrey

> null="#!isDefined('myVar') OR !ListLen('myVar')#" 

Thanks Carl, I haven't actually tried both together, I've tried them by 
themselves (as well as isNumeric and was unsuccessful 100% of the time.  I'll 
give this one a try next time I find a spot it could be used and tested.  Thank 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: cfqueryparam list attribute

2010-08-11 Thread Matthew Lowrey

>Thanks Ric!  I kind of figured that, but needed to verify.  Thanks again!

Hey Ric, let me just add a little bit of what I've experienced in the 
cfqueryparam list.  I've actually recently used them in our sites extensively 
now in many different forms (Ref:

If a list comes up as '' then sometimes if you have the sql type as integer it 
errors out and I've had to just leave the sql type attribute out of the 

So this,

ends up going to this,

I think it's because if there's no value or it's undefined then it 
can't/doesn't know it's an integer or not, so it defaults to nothing?  Not sure 
why really I just know if I don't pass at least a '0' it craps out. 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: question ("null" attribute)

2010-07-06 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Hello Everyone (again):

Another form of cfqueryparam has come up and I was curious how your outcomes 
might pan out.

The following cfqueryparam passes, BUT when NULL it passes the default date in 
SQL Server (01/01/1900) Also, I had to take out the cfsqltype, it would error 
out if I did.

So, if I leave the date field blank it enters in this date (01/01/1900) into 
the db, if I put in a date then its fine.  This code works (and I'm currently 



I can keep it this way of course, but I really do like this new format and 
would like to see if it's possible to use this.

Here's my theory, a space is inserted when the field is left blank when I 
should be passing a NULL value for dates... It's another shot in the dark, so I 
tried this format:

Simply added in NULL for the else, but that was a no go.  Again, it passed 
through the submitting of the form, but the date still showed up as the default 
01/01/1900 date.  So far I've been able to figure out integers and vars but 
here's a new challenge of the date/time.  Thanks everyone in advance! 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: cfqueryparam this.sql?

2010-05-27 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Oh wow!  That's cool, I've used fcdeditor for years!  Love that extension.

>On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Matthew Lowrey  wrote:
>They use to make dreamweaver extension for a few different things. A rich
>text editor like cftextarea or fckeditor and some other e-commerce related
>plug-ins if I'm not mistaken. 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: cfqueryparam this.sql?

2010-05-27 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Thanks everyone, I was pretty sure the answers you gave were totally expected.  
The code is some legacy code I or my boss is not sure is being used and what 
it's being used for.  It's some third party code (according to the comments)

Copyright InterAKT Online 2000-2005 tNG.cfc is the main file used.

I checked out their website and they have been "acquired" by Adobe so there's 
not any reference as to what this is or what it does and since we're not sure 
we're even  using it, I'm not going to try and figure out what it is or what it 
does.  It may get deleted if we don't come up with a reason for using it.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

cfqueryparam this.sql?

2010-05-27 Thread Matthew Lowrey

We have been working to secure our cfquery statements throughout our site using 
cfqueryparam and I have come upon the following format:


My question is, (and I'm pretty sure it's no, but had to ask anyway) can you 
put a cfqueryparam around the variable above?  If so, what would be the 
cfsqltype for this since it's passing an entire query?

If this is not possible, (which I'm 95% sure it's not) is this secure from SQL 
attacks?  If not, what would you recommend doing to secure this more?

Thanks in advance fellow Fusioners! 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Style Classic Debugging File in CFIDE

2010-05-11 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Thank you everyone for your feedback and ideas.  Sorry I didn't respond 
earlier, we've had to make some changes to our websites for security purposes 
and its taken all my time away from responding to you all.

I've enjoyed all the comments and have learned a little bit from you all.  
Hopefully in the future I'll have something to give back to you all in return. 

> If you just want to style it, the template (on CF8) can be found 
> here:
> C:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\WEB-INF\debug\classic.cfm
> I don't usually reskin the output, but I often tweak, for instance to 
> suppress the CGI.auth_password etc.
> > Fellow CFers:
> > 
> > I have been developing using the wonderful tools of FireBug when I 
> > stumbled upon ColdFire today and was happy to learn that there was a 
> > CF Debugger out there that worked with FireBug until I learned it 
> > required putting a file into my CF installation files.  That always 
> > throws flags up for me personally, not to mention getting the 
> > permission to do it from the IT team and being responsible to update 
> > it and make sure it's secure.
> > 
> > This brought me to my question about the classic.cfm debugging page 
> > that shows up as we have debugging turned on.  It's always been so 
> > "ugly" and even though there's a better version (dockable.cfm) it's 
> > annoying to have a pop-up window come up every time we go to a page 
> > and it interferes with other tools on our site.
> > 
> > Is there a way to style (CSS) the classic.cfm page (or edit it) to 
> > show up better and maybe make it so we don't experience overlapping 
> on 
> > some of our pages?
> > 
> > Or, for those of you who may have the ColdFire tool, what are your 
> > pros & cons on this tool?  Thanks in advance!! 

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Re: Style Classic Debugging File in CFIDE

2010-05-10 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Thanks Rob

I was just a little "iffy" on putting something on the server and I didn't want 
to go through the trouble of getting our IT department to put it up on our 
developement servers and me using it to find out it has some hidden code that 
mess's up your servers or it just doesn't work.


> On a local development box, I see no reason to not use ColdFire. I 
> have found no issues with it at all in the months I have been using it. 
> You never have to worry about CF debugging messing with your design, 
> that is the single biggest reason I use it. I like the variables tab 
> to quickly dump out data if I need to debug.
> In addition to that, I find Firebug to still be the best front-end 
> debugger out there. The real-time HTML and CSS updates are invaluable 
> for me for tweaking designs on the fly rather than having to edit, 
> save, upload files again and again. The Net tab is great for managing 
> AJAX calls. 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Style Classic Debugging File in CFIDE

2010-05-10 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Thanks Tony I was looking more for styling the debugging information not just 
show/hiding  (which worked great by the way).

I'm hoping to either find and open the debugging file or finding some kind of 
CSS/JQuery code that will put a styled layer over top of the boring classic 
debugging text.  You helped to point me in the write direction though with the 
.cfdebug class.  That's a start! :)


>Yes. Include jquery and the following script:
>//hide debugging on page load
>Show Debugging
>Hide Debugging 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Style Classic Debugging File in CFIDE

2010-05-07 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Fellow CFers:

I have been developing using the wonderful tools of FireBug when I stumbled 
upon ColdFire today and was happy to learn that there was a CF Debugger out 
there that worked with FireBug until I learned it required putting a file into 
my CF installation files.  That always throws flags up for me personally, not 
to mention getting the permission to do it from the IT team and being 
responsible to update it and make sure it's secure.

This brought me to my question about the classic.cfm debugging page that shows 
up as we have debugging turned on.  It's always been so "ugly" and even though 
there's a better version (dockable.cfm) it's annoying to have a pop-up window 
come up every time we go to a page and it interferes with other tools on our 

Is there a way to style (CSS) the classic.cfm page (or edit it) to show up 
better and maybe make it so we don't experience overlapping on some of our 

Or, for those of you who may have the ColdFire tool, what are your pros & cons 
on this tool?  Thanks in advance!! 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: question ("null" attribute)

2010-05-04 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Thanks again everyone for your feedback.

Sean - Not to get off this subject, but I noticed your signature and realized 
my boss and myself were on your site ( reviewing it because we 
have been looking into trying to get some kind of internal wiki for mainly 
having search-able documentation to share/keep track of for our IT dept, 
developers, administration, etc. Just thought it was pretty ironic I had to 
laugh.  It looks like something we'll want to try out and use.


>> You can nest ternary operators, I believe, but it is going to start
>> getting pretty unreadable quickly. If you have more logic to run, I'd
>> suggest pulling it up out of the sql statement, figuring out the final
>> result, then using that result in the conditional in your cfparam.
>I agree. Embedding that much logic in the middle of your
> tags is going to create a maintenance nightmare.
>Consider preprocessing your form scope to clean up the fields so that
>the ?: condition can be nice and simple.
>Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
>Railo Technologies, Inc. --
>An Architect's View --
>"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
>-- Margaret Atwood 

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: question ("null" attribute)

2010-05-04 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Sean, I'm pretty sure I already know this answer, but now that you've brought 
this new way of thinking to my attention.  I'm going to place my cards on the 
table here and ask the million dollar question.  Is it possible to have a 
cfelseif in this param? :-D  I know... I have a pair of 4's... not likely to 
beat your cards haha


> YA  SEAN WINS THE PRIZE!! Thank you Mr. 
> Corfield.  This worked beautifully and better yet I didn't have to set 
> anything or cfif anything, just one tag with everything all inside of 
> it.  Thanks a million x yourVal
> Matt...
> > Since you're on CF9:
> > 
> >  > null="#!isDefined('form.myVar')#" />
> > 
> > The (new in CF9) ?: operator only evaluates the true-expr if the
> > condition is true.
> > 
> > On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 8:12 AM, Matthew Lowrey  
> > wrote:
> > > This is getting to be quite an interesting challenge.  All the 
> > examples I've seen logically make sense but none of them have worked 
> > so far.  I will say I'm learning quite a bit from everyone's 
> > knowledge/wisdom.  I will try and list here all the different 
> methods 
> > I've tried out and have failed.  First, the method I've used (and 
> > still using):
> > >
> > >  > cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#form.myVal#" 
> > maxlength="50">

Re: question ("null" attribute)

2010-05-03 Thread Matthew Lowrey

YA  SEAN WINS THE PRIZE!! Thank you Mr. Corfield.  This 
worked beautifully and better yet I didn't have to set anything or cfif 
anything, just one tag with everything all inside of it.  Thanks a million x 


> Since you're on CF9:
>  null="#!isDefined('form.myVar')#" />
> The (new in CF9) ?: operator only evaluates the true-expr if the
> condition is true.
> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 8:12 AM, Matthew Lowrey  
> wrote:
> > This is getting to be quite an interesting challenge.  All the 
> examples I've seen logically make sense but none of them have worked 
> so far.  I will say I'm learning quite a bit from everyone's 
> knowledge/wisdom.  I will try and list here all the different methods 
> I've tried out and have failed.  First, the method I've used (and 
> still using):
> >
> >  cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#form.myVal#" 
> maxlength="50">

Re: question ("null" attribute)

2010-05-03 Thread Matthew Lowrey

This is getting to be quite an interesting challenge.  All the examples I've 
seen logically make sense but none of them have worked so far.  I will say I'm 
learning quite a bit from everyone's knowledge/wisdom.  I will try and list 
here all the different methods I've tried out and have failed.  First, the 
method I've used (and still using):

Examples that have not worked (unless I cfparam the variable):

 (actually got a different error on this one and 
couldn't figure it out for some reason  Attribute validation error for tag 
CFQUERYPARAM. Usually it's because I'm passing the wrong cf_sql_type, but I 
took that out and it still gave me the error)

I went ahead and re-tried all these examples above.  Most (if not all) these 
examples should work logically.  Also, for the record I'm currently using:
Coldfusion 9
SQL Server 2005

Thank again for everybody's help and wisdom!

Best Regards

>>  what Dominic meant is that value="#somevalue#" in cfqueryparam tag
>> cause the problem when somevalue var does not exist, not the
>> isDefined("somevalue") part.
>Oh, well, yes - that would cause a problem! I didn't even think about that 
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
>GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
>instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite

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Re: question ("null" attribute)

2010-04-30 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Thanks Dave & Tony.  I must be doing something wrong, I don't know why it's not 
working.  The only way these tags work is if I do a cfparam with default="".  I 
keep getting the same undefined error.  Both of your ideas logically make sense 
and even the Not IsDefined() should work, that's what I use currently outside 
of the qparams.  It's weird.

I did read somewhere about the db having to be set up a curtain way to accept 
values I think, but if my old method is working just fine, then wouldn't that 
mean your code should work as well?  Crazy code.  It's acting like JS or 
something.. *shivers*


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Re: question ("null" attribute)

2010-04-30 Thread Matthew Lowrey

Hello everyone (if you're still alive) haha!

I notice the posting was dated back in 2004, now it's 2010 and I've come across 
this article looking for a better way of choosing when an NULL value is entered 
into my SQL Server.

I'm running CF9 and SQL Server I think is up to date as well (doesn't really 
matter in this case I think)  Here's what I'm doing currently:

< cfif isDefined( " form.myVal " ) >< cfqueryparam ... value="form.myVal" >< 
cfelse >< cfqueryparam null="yes >< /cfif >

Until today, I was content doing it, but, I started at this new company who has 
not used cfqueryparams so we're having to go through all our websites and add 
this in for security purposes.  I wanted to look around to the updated way of 
posting things and I wanted to check and see what NULL was.  I found this 
article and was happy to see a shorter way of doing things.  I tried all the 
options mentioned and none of them worked.

Anybody know why things aren't working?  If I cfparam the variables to 
default="" then it will go through, but.. again... more work.  I might as well 
just keep to the cfif isDefined method.

>It will handle it in CFMX but not CF5.
>>That will insert the value provided, unless it's not numeric, in which case
>>it'll insert NULL.
>Thanks Barney,
>One small correction though: I don't think CF can evaluate:
>#NOT isNumeric(form.myVar)#
>It seems you have to wrap "NOT {expression}" with a function, like:
>#yesNoFormat(NOT isNumeric(form.myVar))#
>  _ 

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