Re: Best approach

2009-09-16 Thread Allen Souliere

I have a great approach to this, assuming java can run on the tablet 
PC.  It is possible to make a bundle with OpenBlueDragon (with some .bat 
files to handle the startup) capable of running on the Tablet PC.  It 
can run locally with no network required, allow you to leverage your 
CFML skills to do the processing of the checklist.  Once done, the local 
CFML web application can then send the data (once connected) via web 
services (or whatever upload mechanism you decide upon) to the main 
server over the internet.

It is also possible through the admin api to set up a datasource from 
the tablet to the master server programmatically in OpenBD, and insert 
directly into your database, but you may prefer to expose the database 
in a different way (ie Web Services, etc.) instead.

I have done a standalone server in this manner before.

Otherwise, you may be looking at writing a native app on the tablet PC 
to do this.


Randy Adkins wrote:
 Looking for the best approach to the following task:

 allow users to download a checklist to a tablet pc, do some security
 checks with the tablet pc in hand (not connected to the web).

 Upon completing the checks, connect to the Internet and upload the
 results. Then I can parse and add to the master database.


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Re: Best approach

2009-09-16 Thread Jason Fisher

Or look into an AIR app with Flash and the embedded Derby database?  AIR 
will help you handle the sync from local to server.

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RE: Best Approach for Survey Question

2006-01-02 Thread Dave Francis
ALWAYS use separate columns. I've been bit in the a$$ just about every 
I tried  the comma-delim list approach.
Another plus is it's really easy to return an Excel file directly to 
doing the tabulating - which they seem to like - without bugging me for the
latest results 3 times a day.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Colman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 9:14 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Best Approach for Survey Question

I am trying to determine the best way to structure a series of survey
questions, keeping in mind that I need to make it easy to use for the
respondent, easy to code, and easy to tabulate the data later on.

I can structure the following typical question as a single set of

Q5: Please select schools that provide interns (check all that apply):  [ ]
Sciences [ ] Management/Business [ ] Law [ ] Communications  [ ] Other

Using a single datafield for the question, I then would need to parse a
comma-delimited list to separated the answers.

- or - I can use a series of radio buttons:

Q5:Please select schools that provide interns (check all that apply):
   A. Sciences  [ ]
  B. Management/Business  [ ]
  C. Law  [ ]
   D. Communications  [ ]
E. Other  [ ]

If I use a separate data field (5 in this case) for each sub-part of the
question, then it is easy to tabulate results for each part.

Recommendations appreciated.

Richard Colman

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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RE: Best Approach for Survey Question

2006-01-02 Thread Snake
I once made a form build that could be used for pretty much anything,
profiles, questionnaires, anything that required a form.

It was constructed something like thus:-

Table: questions
questionID  int primarykey
Fieldtype   varchar
Requiredbit default(0)
Maxlength   int
Validation  varchar
Multiplebit default(0)

Table: answers
answerIDint primarykey
questionId  int

Table: Options
optionIDint primarykey
Optiontext  varchar
Optionvalue varchar
DefaultSelected BIT default(0)

So then you just loop over the questions, creating the specifield form field
types with the specified attributes.
For select lists, multi radios or checkboxes, you just add items to the
options table.


cfquery name=questions
Select * from questions
cfquery name=options
Select * from questions

cfloop query=questions
cfset QUID = questionID
cfif fieldtype=select
  select name=Q#QID# #IIF(multiple, 'multiple', '')# size=#size#
cfloop query=options
cfif questionID = QID
option value=#optionvalue# #IIF(SefaultSelected,
cfelseif fieldtype is text
  input type=text name=Q#QID# maxlength=#maxlength# size=#size##

Get the idea?

Then when the form is submitted you simply save the answers in the answers
table for the specified QID.
-Original Message-
From: Dave Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 January 2006 15:43
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Best Approach for Survey Question

ALWAYS use separate columns. I've been bit in the a$$ just about
every time I tried  the comma-delim list approach.
Another plus is it's really easy to return an Excel file directly to
those doing the tabulating - which they seem to like - without bugging me
for the latest results 3 times a day.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Colman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 9:14 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Best Approach for Survey Question

I am trying to determine the best way to structure a series of survey
questions, keeping in mind that I need to make it easy to use for the
respondent, easy to code, and easy to tabulate the data later on.

I can structure the following typical question as a single set of

Q5: Please select schools that provide interns (check all that apply):  [ ]
Sciences [ ] Management/Business [ ] Law [ ] Communications  [ ] Other

Using a single datafield for the question, I then would need to parse a
comma-delimited list to separated the answers.

- or - I can use a series of radio buttons:

Q5:Please select schools that provide interns (check all that apply):
   A. Sciences  [ ]
  B. Management/Business  [ ]
  C. Law  [ ]
   D. Communications  [ ]
E. Other  [ ]

If I use a separate data field (5 in this case) for each sub-part of the
question, then it is easy to tabulate results for each part.

Recommendations appreciated.

Richard Colman

Find out how CFTicket can increase your company's customer support 
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RE: Best Approach for Survey Question

2006-01-02 Thread Snake
I thought that when I made it the first time :-)


-Original Message-
From: Rick Colman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 02 January 2006 17:52
Subject: RE: Best Approach for Survey Question

This is a very cool approach to doing it. Thank you. 

-Original Message-
From: Snake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 9:33 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Best Approach for Survey Question

I once made a form build that could be used for pretty much anything,
profiles, questionnaires, anything that required a form.

It was constructed something like thus:-

Table: questions
questionID  int primarykey
Fieldtype   varchar
Requiredbit default(0)
Maxlength   int
Validation  varchar
Multiplebit default(0)

Table: answers
answerIDint primarykey
questionId  int

Table: Options
optionIDint primarykey
Optiontext  varchar
Optionvalue varchar
DefaultSelected BIT default(0)

So then you just loop over the questions, creating the specifield form field
types with the specified attributes.
For select lists, multi radios or checkboxes, you just add items to the
options table.


cfquery name=questions
Select * from questions
cfquery name=options
Select * from questions

cfloop query=questions
cfset QUID = questionID
cfif fieldtype=select
  select name=Q#QID# #IIF(multiple, 'multiple', '')# size=#size#
cfloop query=options
cfif questionID = QID
option value=#optionvalue# #IIF(SefaultSelected,
cfelseif fieldtype is text
  input type=text name=Q#QID# maxlength=#maxlength# size=#size##

Get the idea?

Then when the form is submitted you simply save the answers in the answers
table for the specified QID.
-Original Message-
From: Dave Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 January 2006 15:43
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Best Approach for Survey Question

ALWAYS use separate columns. I've been bit in the a$$ just about
every time I tried  the comma-delim list approach.
Another plus is it's really easy to return an Excel file directly to
those doing the tabulating - which they seem to like - without bugging me
for the latest results 3 times a day.

-Original Message-
From: Richard Colman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 9:14 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Best Approach for Survey Question

I am trying to determine the best way to structure a series of survey
questions, keeping in mind that I need to make it easy to use for the
respondent, easy to code, and easy to tabulate the data later on.

I can structure the following typical question as a single set of

Q5: Please select schools that provide interns (check all that apply):  [ ]
Sciences [ ] Management/Business [ ] Law [ ] Communications  [ ] Other

Using a single datafield for the question, I then would need to parse a
comma-delimited list to separated the answers.

- or - I can use a series of radio buttons:

Q5:Please select schools that provide interns (check all that apply):
   A. Sciences  [ ]
  B. Management/Business  [ ]
  C. Law  [ ]
   D. Communications  [ ]
E. Other  [ ]

If I use a separate data field (5 in this case) for each sub-part of the
question, then it is easy to tabulate results for each part.

Recommendations appreciated.

Richard Colman

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
Ticket application

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RE: Best Approach for Survey Question

2006-01-01 Thread Bobby Hartsfield
Not quite sure what your question is... whether or not you should use a
comma delimited list of items or a separate record for each? If that is your
question most definitely a separate record for each question AND answer

Here's a script I use for building the necessary tables for a survey app I
did... It can house multiple surveys, multiple questions per survey, and
multiple answers per question.

At the 'question' level, you define the form field type to use for that
particular question. 

Eg... radio (single answer), checkbox (multiple answers), text, textarea... 

The backend has everything you'd need... including reports and it all works
great with this database schema.

There is only one type of answer that I haven't put in it and that is a
question with multiple answers but each of those answers would have multiple
answers themselves... It would be used for rating each answer to one
question. Something like...

Rate These Answers:
One [bad] [good] [great]
Two [bad] [good] [great]
Three [bad] [good] [great]

Email me offlist if you'd like to see the app and its administrative tools
in action.

== srv_globals.cfm =
request.surveydsn = surveyapp;
request.tblprefix = tbl_survey_;
request.debugon = yes;
request.imageroot = http://#cgi.server_name#/images;;
request.webroot = http://#cgi.server_name#/surveys;;

=== msaccess_tbl_script.cfm ==
cfinclude template=surveys/srv_globals.cfm
cfquery datasource=#request.surveydsn#
create table #request.tblprefix#as
  answerid counter primary key
, questionid number
, surveyid number
, answer text(250)
, fieldtype text(50)
, sortid number
div#request.tblprefix#as was created successfully/div
cfcatch type=any
div style=color:##ff;#request.tblprefix#as already exists/div

cfquery datasource=#request.surveydsn#
create table #request.tblprefix#qs
  questionid  counter primary key
, surveyid number
, question memo
, fieldtype text(50)
, sortid number
div#request.tblprefix#qs was created successfully/div
cfcatch type=any
div style=color:##ff;#request.tblprefix#qs already exists/div

cfquery datasource=#request.surveydsn#
create table #request.tblprefix#faqs
  faqid  counter primary key
, faqquestion memo
, faqanswer memo 
, sortid number
div#request.tblprefix#faqs was created successfully/div
cfcatch type=any
div style=color:##ff;#request.tblprefix#faqs already exists/div

cfquery datasource=#request.surveydsn#
create table #request.tblprefix#results
  resultid counter primary key
, submitid number
, surveyid number
, questionid number
, answer memo

div#request.tblprefix#results was created successfully/div
cfcatch type=any
div style=color:##ff;#request.tblprefix#results already exists/div

cfquery datasource=#request.surveydsn#
create table #request.tblprefix#submits
  submitid counter primary key
, surveyid number
, dateadded datetime
, fname text(20)
, lname text(20)
, address text(150)
, address2 text(150)
, city text(50)
, state text(20)
, zip text(15)
, comments memo
, emailaddr text(150)
, contactme number
div#request.tblprefix#submits was created successfully/div
cfcatch type=any
div style=color:##ff;#request.tblprefix#submits already exists/div

cfquery datasource=#request.surveydsn#
create table #request.tblprefix#surveys
  surveyid counter primary key
, surveyname text(250)
, activesurvey number
, dateadded datetime
, confirmation memo
div#request.tblprefix#surveys was created successfully/div
cfcatch type=any
div style=color:##ff;#request.tblprefix#surveys already exists/div

Bobby Hartsfield

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

Donations  Support:

RE: Best Approach?

2005-10-11 Thread Bobby Hartsfield
Just a shot but see how this works. 

#rereplacenocase(str, (font-family:)(.*?)(;||)|\), \1arial\3, all)#

It turned this

into this

but of course thatÂ’s not a real-world test

it only works if the name of the font ends with on of these...



And puts the ending char back in place except when it is a )

Bobby Hartsfield

-Original Message-
From: Adkins, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:49 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Best Approach?

What is the best approach to searching a LARGE segment of text for each
instance of
FONT-FAMILY and changing the actual value of it to ARIAL?
Here is an example of the text before it is converted:
P class=MsoNormal style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 1inSPAN
Now the catch is, the font-family could be any font, but all needs to be
changed to one standard font.
Also there are variations of fonts such as:  Arial (W1), that should be
just ARIAL.
Without doing a Search and Replace for each and every variation of each
font (which is a nightmare to even consider),
I had thought of doing a search for FONT-FAMILY then finding the end of
the value by either a single quote, double quote, semi-colon
or even the greater than symbol () and then replacing it that way, but
it seems to be more cumbersome than it should be.
Any ideas on improving that??

Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble 
Ticket application

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Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

2004-09-20 Thread G
With a one-to-many relationship like this, you might want courseID and courseDescription to be in seperate tables. You could then join ID and Description to bring back a list of descriptions, grouping the descriptions together to make it look like one description. Your Description table would probably have to have some type of ordering value in it though so you'd know how to construct the descriptions in the correct order.

- Original Message - 
From: Lawrence Ng 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 10:10 AM
Subject: best approach - appending fields in recordset

hello folks,

I have a situation where the database was designed (limitation in the
db unfortunately) so that if a user wants to enter a lot of
text/content, they would have to add a new line for every entry that
doesn't fit. Think textarea but only your using multiple input type
text =(

so when I pull up the query (which is correct), it displays all the
lines/rowsof content for that field entered.


courseDescription (varchar 80)

so if the description was more than 80 chars, then they would have to
add another line. if the description was 350 chars, then 5 lines, etc.

so, how would you approach this where I could append the results from
the courseDescription field to make it all look like one?


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Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

2004-09-20 Thread Lawrence Ng
the description field is on a separate table. the problem is that field
type which is only char type not ntext/memo which would make it easier
to order them properly.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/20/2004 9:29:33 AM 
With a one-to-many relationship like this, you might want courseID and
courseDescription to be in seperate tables. You could then join ID and
Description to bring back a list of descriptions, grouping the
descriptions together to make it look like one description. Your
Description table would probably have to have some type of ordering
value in it though so you'd know how to construct the descriptions in
the correct order.

- Original Message - 
From: Lawrence Ng 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 10:10 AM
Subject: best approach - appending fields in recordset

hello folks,

I have a situation where the database was designed (limitation in
db unfortunately) so that if a user wants to enter a lot of
text/content, they would have to add a new line for every entry that
doesn't fit. Think textarea but only your using multiple input type
text =(

so when I pull up the query (which is correct), it displays all the
lines/rowsof content for that field entered.


courseDescription (varchar 80)

so if the description was more than 80 chars, then they would have
add another line. if the description was 350 chars, then 5 lines,

so, how would you approach this where I could append the results
the courseDescription field to make it all look like one?


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Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

2004-09-20 Thread G
So, if you've got 10 description entries that all go together somehow to form the overall description for one course, how do you know in which order they are supposed to go? Which sentence comes first, second, etc?

Wouldn't you need some sort of ordering field to do this on the description table?
- Original Message - 
From: Lawrence Ng 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

the description field is on a separate table. the problem is that field
type which is only char type not ntext/memo which would make it easier
to order them properly.

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Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

2004-09-20 Thread Lawrence Ng
yeah... that's right...

my best guess is that I'll sort/order them asc fashion...

first line entered (id 1), second line (id 2)...

i'll see what I come up with

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/20/2004 12:43:59 PM 
So, if you've got 10 description entries that all go together somehow
to form the overall description for one course, how do you know in which
order they are supposed to go? Which sentence comes first, second, etc?

Wouldn't you need some sort of ordering field to do this on the
description table?
- Original Message - 
From: Lawrence Ng 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

the description field is on a separate table. the problem is that
type which is only char type not ntext/memo which would make it
to order them properly.

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Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

2004-09-20 Thread Douglas Knudsen
assuming you have this, I'd order teh content by courseid.Then use
the group attribute of cfoutput to loop thgough all these descriptions
outputing them.This will basically do


format as desired


- Original Message -
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 14:43:59 -0500
Subject: Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

So, if you've got 10 description entries that all go together somehow
to form the overall description for one course, how do you know in
which order they are supposed to go? Which sentence comes first,
second, etc?

Wouldn't you need some sort of ordering field to do this on the
description table?
- Original Message - 
From: Lawrence Ng 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

the description field is on a separate table. the problem is that field
type which is only char type not ntext/memo which would make it easier
to order them properly.

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Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

2004-09-20 Thread Lawrence Ng
yeah those were my thoughts too...

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/20/2004 12:50:58 PM 
assuming you have this, I'd order teh content by courseid.Then use
the group attribute of cfoutput to loop thgough all these descriptions
outputing them.This will basically do


format as desired


- Original Message -
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 14:43:59 -0500
Subject: Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

So, if you've got 10 description entries that all go together somehow
to form the overall description for one course, how do you know in
which order they are supposed to go? Which sentence comes first,
second, etc?

Wouldn't you need some sort of ordering field to do this on the
description table?
- Original Message - 
From: Lawrence Ng 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

the description field is on a separate table. the problem is that
type which is only char type not ntext/memo which would make it
to order them properly.

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RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-15 Thread Adam Reynolds
If you put a picture up, just make sure it has a watermark all over it. If
you don't they will find a way of getting to the picture.

As to storing their selections. Seriously consider storing their current
selection in a DB, storing an id in a cookie. So that should they be
building an order over time, this information isn't lost should their
machine crash or something.

Also assume some MOST people want to shop by searching the description of
each photo (i.e. they only want pictures of one particular
player/team/car/animal/pvc/mud wrestling etc ;) ).

If I came to your site and wanted a picture, I do not want to look through
1000s of pictures 25 at a time.

I would also like to browse by event (navigating through sport types), but
mostly I would do keyword searches.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 15 September 2003 05:08
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

  I had planned to use a javascript function to not allow
  and saving the image...
  Forget this: this is just a gadget. It will only prevent people from
  copying the image who
  would be too dumb to print it anyway.
  You don't need to come from Harvard to know how to get an image from
  or get its address directly from the source page, or even just capture
  image on the screen.

 Or just turn off JavaScript. ;^)

 Jim Davis


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RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-15 Thread Rick Faircloth
Yes, the intention is to use Efflare's CFX_ImageCR Tag or CFX_jpg Tag
to create separate files for the display images.  They won't have access
to the files that we'll print from...


  -Original Message-
  From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 11:40 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

  The JavaScript function will prevent right clicking, however
  the image will
  still be in the browser cache and can be saved from there.
  Instead of resizing
  the true image, use a utility to create a thumbnail for
  browser display, or
  alternatively display the images via Java in a popup window.
  You can obtain Anfy Java (intended for special effects) and
  create the code to
  display via Java which cannot be saved.  With a little
  effort you can create a
  photo display on a revolving cube.  or even
  display them in flash.

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  - Original Message -
  From: Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 10:17 PM
  Subject: RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

  | I had planned to use a javascript function to not allow
  | and saving the image...the onscreen display image would only be
  | a 320 pixel wide image, so it wouldn't be very good for
  printing and framing
  | anyway,
  | but the javascript function will prevent saving of the image.
  | Probably none of the people we'd be selling
  parents, soccer
  | parents, etc.,
  | would know how to search the temporary Internet files to
  find the image
  | either.
  | Most of the images will be processed through Photoshop,
  whether I take them
  | or my
  | partner takes them, so we could add a watermark manually.
  | I'll probably check into CFX_stampImage, also.
  | What do you think about the approach of using an array to
  store selections
  | from each
  | page and then dumping the array contents onscreen for
  review, then into a db
  | upon checkout...
  | Rick
  |   -Original Message-
  |   From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |   Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 10:29 PM
  |   To: CF-Talk
  |   Subject: Re: Best Approach to Storing Selections...
  |   Also make damm sure you put some sort of watermark all
  |   over the images on
  |   the screen to stop people just printing off their images.
  |   Pretty good point.
  |   If you produce the images yourself, you can use PaintShopPro
  |   for this, or PhotoShop or any image editor.
  |   If you or users upload their photos themselves, look at
  |   CFX_stampImage at:
  |   |
  |   Archives:
  |   Subscription:
  |   Unsubscribe:
  |   Get the mailserver that powers this list at

  This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-15 Thread Rick Faircloth
Thanks for the feedback, Claude...


  -Original Message-
  From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 11:32 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Best Approach to Storing Selections...
  I had planned to use a javascript function to not allow 
  and saving the image...
  Forget this: this is just a gadget. It will only prevent 
  people from copying the image who
  would be too dumb to print it anyway.
  You don't need to come from Harvard to know how to get an 
  image from the cache,
  or get its address directly from the source page, or even 
  just capture the image on the screen.
  the onscreen display image would only be a 320 pixel wide image,
  This is definitely a much better security.
  I'll probably check into CFX_stampImage, also.
  While you pass by, also check for CF_picture frame, it could 
  add a plus to your presentation.
  What do you think about the approach of using an array to 
  store selections
  from each page and then dumping the array contents onscreen 
  for review, then into a db
  upon checkout...
  It could be an array or just using variables in the form scope.
  You could also look at techniques used by some shoping cart systems.
  There are a couple in the CF gallery.
  Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with 
  the latest news in ColdFusion and related topics.


This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-15 Thread Rick Faircloth
Thanks for the feedback Adam...

  As to storing their selections. Seriously consider storing
  their current selection in a DB, storing an id in a cookie. So that
should they be
  building an order over time, this information isn't lost should their
  machine crash or something.

You mean, after each page's selections, insert that part of the order
into the database, so that their selections are still in the cart if/when
they come agan to continue?  Then, once they move on to checkout,
pull the order parts from the db?  Or, I guess, instead of inserting a
separate row
after each page of photos selected is processed, just update the row that
was first
created after they made their first selections on a page...using the cookie
ID you referred
to as a key in the db to match up the current user with their order in the

Only problem I can see with using a cookie is if the user usually placed
from a single machine, got used to the system keeping track of multliple
ordering sessions,
then decided one day to go over to a friend's house in the middle of placing
an order,
and tried to continue from there...they would find their previous selections
because the cookie wouldn't exist on the machine at their friend's house...

I see pros and cons to using the cookie to enable multiple session order
If they had to login, that problem would be solved, but we don't want to
require people to login...

I haven't placed content in cookies before (other than what the system does
for session management)...
What type of ID would be good for storing in the cookie?

Also, searching by category, event, and keyword are part of the plans
for the shopping experience.  There would probably be only about 100
of a typical event, such as a football looking through all the
especially when they are photos of the person looking through them, wouldn't
be too much of a hassle and time-consuming...


  -Original Message-
  From: Adam Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 4:16 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

  If you put a picture up, just make sure it has a watermark
  all over it. If
  you don't they will find a way of getting to the picture.

  As to storing their selections. Seriously consider storing
  their current
  selection in a DB, storing an id in a cookie. So that should they be
  building an order over time, this information isn't lost should their
  machine crash or something.

  Also assume some MOST people want to shop by searching the
  description of
  each photo (i.e. they only want pictures of one particular
  player/team/car/animal/pvc/mud wrestling etc ;) ).

  If I came to your site and wanted a picture, I do not want
  to look through
  1000s of pictures 25 at a time.

  I would also like to browse by event (navigating through
  sport types), but
  mostly I would do keyword searches.

   -Original Message-
   From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: 15 September 2003 05:08
   To: CF-Talk
   Subject: RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...
I had planned to use a javascript function to not allow
and saving the image...
Forget this: this is just a gadget. It will only prevent
  people from
copying the image who
would be too dumb to print it anyway.
You don't need to come from Harvard to know how to get
  an image from
or get its address directly from the source page, or
  even just capture
image on the screen.
   Or just turn off JavaScript. ;^)
   Jim Davis

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RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-15 Thread Adam Reynolds
 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 15 September 2003 13:28
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

 Also, searching by category, event, and keyword are part of the plans
 for the shopping experience.  There would probably be only about 100
 of a typical event, such as a football looking through all the
 especially when they are photos of the person looking through
 them, wouldn't
 be too much of a hassle and time-consuming...

Wanna bet! Think about doing this on a 33kbps modem.


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ColdFusion and related topics.

RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-14 Thread Adam Reynolds
Firstly are these pictures specific to them? Or are they along the lines of's pictures of celebs?

Also how many pictures are involved?

Assuming sombeody sent you a roll of film (so around 36 pictures), would it
not be better to present the user with all the images on one page and (after
they have default selected a size.)

Also make damm sure you put some sort of watermark all over the images on
the screen to stop people just printing off their images.

Also what if a customer wanted multiple copies of a picture all different
sizes? I would probably go for a quantity box for each size which defaults
to 1 of each 4x6.

I would probably store the order away in a db against their username. I
would assume if they were personal photos the person would have to log in.

Anyway lots to think about.

 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 14 September 2003 22:39
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

 Hi, all.

 I'm setting up a site for users to order photos...
 They won't be purchasing online, just specifiying which
 photos they want to have printed...then an email will be
 sent to the user after placing their order...and an email will be sent
 to a local photo shop who will handle the printing and payments.

 I was wondering about the best way to handle the data...

 The flow will be like this...

 - User views multiple photos on page...

 - Each photo has checkboxes for options like 4x6, 5x7, 8x10, and

  -The user will check boxes for various options for photos on each page.

 - The user will go to another page to view more photos and make

 - User checks list of all they're order and total cost is calculated and

 The biggest issue to the best way to handle the info...

 - First, I'm considering making all checkbox names dynamic, such as
   '#PhotoQuery.PhotoName#''4x6', '#PhotoQuery.PhotoName#''5x7', etc...
   Would that work for making each checkbox unique?

 - Secondly, I need to store the selections...should I do this in an array,
   PhotoName, Size, Price...then just output the array contents for review,
   into the order emails when checkout occurs?

 Thanks for anyone's time and insight...I haven't put together a shopping
 cart yet,
 so I just want to make sure I'm headed in the right direction with the
 coding before I start...



 Rick Faircloth


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RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-14 Thread Rick Faircloth
Hi, Adam and thanks for the reply...

These are photos that I and a partner will be taking of sporting events,

There could possibly be about 75-100 photos per game to be uploaded.

100 photos is a lot to display on a single I was thinking about
having them view photos 25 at a time, to keep downloading shorter for
dial-up access, which most will be on.

With that in mind, I'll need to store the selections, (thanks for the tip on
handling multiples copies of a photo) some way that will maintain selections
between pages...once the order is complete, then the info will go into a

I figure an array will be most that what most shopping
carts use
to store info until checkout?


  -Original Message-
  From: Adam Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 8:44 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

  Firstly are these pictures specific to them? Or are they
  along the lines of's pictures of celebs?

  Also how many pictures are involved?

  Assuming sombeody sent you a roll of film (so around 36
  pictures), would it
  not be better to present the user with all the images on one
  page and (after
  they have default selected a size.)

  Also make damm sure you put some sort of watermark all over
  the images on
  the screen to stop people just printing off their images.

  Also what if a customer wanted multiple copies of a picture
  all different
  sizes? I would probably go for a quantity box for each size
  which defaults
  to 1 of each 4x6.

  I would probably store the order away in a db against their
  username. I
  would assume if they were personal photos the person would
  have to log in.

  Anyway lots to think about.

   -Original Message-
   From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: 14 September 2003 22:39
   To: CF-Talk
   Subject: Best Approach to Storing Selections...
   Hi, all.
   I'm setting up a site for users to order photos...
   They won't be purchasing online, just specifiying which
   photos they want to have printed...then an email will be
   sent to the user after placing their order...and an email
  will be sent
   to a local photo shop who will handle the printing and payments.
   I was wondering about the best way to handle the data...
   The flow will be like this...
   - User views multiple photos on page...
   - Each photo has checkboxes for options like 4x6, 5x7, 8x10, and
-The user will check boxes for various options for photos
  on each page.
   - The user will go to another page to view more photos and make
   - User checks list of all they're order and total cost is
  calculated and
   The biggest issue to the best way to handle the info...
   - First, I'm considering making all checkbox names dynamic, such as
  '#PhotoQuery.PhotoName#''5x7', etc...
 Would that work for making each checkbox unique?
   - Secondly, I need to store the selections...should I do
  this in an array,
 PhotoName, Size, Price...then just output the array
  contents for review,
 into the order emails when checkout occurs?
   Thanks for anyone's time and insight...I haven't put
  together a shopping
   cart yet,
   so I just want to make sure I'm headed in the right
  direction with the
   coding before I start...
   Rick Faircloth

  Get the mailserver that powers this list at


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Re: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-14 Thread Claude Schneegans
Also make damm sure you put some sort of watermark all over the images on
the screen to stop people just printing off their images.

Pretty good point.

If you produce the images yourself, you can use PaintShopPro for this, or PhotoShop or 
any image editor.
If you or users upload their photos themselves, look at CFX_stampImage at:


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Re: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-14 Thread Doug White
Or just display thumbnails on the screen (with watermark)

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- Original Message - 
From: Claude Schneegans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

| Also make damm sure you put some sort of watermark all over the images on
| the screen to stop people just printing off their images.
| Pretty good point.
| If you produce the images yourself, you can use PaintShopPro for this, or
PhotoShop or any image editor.
| If you or users upload their photos themselves, look at CFX_stampImage at:

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RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-14 Thread Rick Faircloth
I had planned to use a javascript function to not allow right-clicking
and saving the image...the onscreen display image would only be
a 320 pixel wide image, so it wouldn't be very good for printing and framing
but the javascript function will prevent saving of the image.

Probably none of the people we'd be selling parents, soccer
parents, etc.,
would know how to search the temporary Internet files to find the image

Most of the images will be processed through Photoshop, whether I take them
or my
partner takes them, so we could add a watermark manually.

I'll probably check into CFX_stampImage, also.

What do you think about the approach of using an array to store selections
from each
page and then dumping the array contents onscreen for review, then into a db
upon checkout...


  -Original Message-
  From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 10:29 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

  Also make damm sure you put some sort of watermark all
  over the images on
  the screen to stop people just printing off their images.

  Pretty good point.

  If you produce the images yourself, you can use PaintShopPro
  for this, or PhotoShop or any image editor.
  If you or users upload their photos themselves, look at
  CFX_stampImage at:


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Re: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-14 Thread Doug White
The JavaScript function will prevent right clicking, however the image will
still be in the browser cache and can be saved from there.  Instead of resizing
the true image, use a utility to create a thumbnail for browser display, or
alternatively display the images via Java in a popup window.
You can obtain Anfy Java (intended for special effects) and create the code to
display via Java which cannot be saved.  With a little effort you can create a
photo display on a revolving cube.  or even
display them in flash.

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
For hosting solutions
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.
ISP rated:
Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy:
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!

- Original Message - 
From: Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 10:17 PM
Subject: RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

| I had planned to use a javascript function to not allow right-clicking
| and saving the image...the onscreen display image would only be
| a 320 pixel wide image, so it wouldn't be very good for printing and framing
| anyway,
| but the javascript function will prevent saving of the image.
| Probably none of the people we'd be selling parents, soccer
| parents, etc.,
| would know how to search the temporary Internet files to find the image
| either.
| Most of the images will be processed through Photoshop, whether I take them
| or my
| partner takes them, so we could add a watermark manually.
| I'll probably check into CFX_stampImage, also.
| What do you think about the approach of using an array to store selections
| from each
| page and then dumping the array contents onscreen for review, then into a db
| upon checkout...
| Rick
|   -Original Message-
|   From: Claude Schneegans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|   Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 10:29 PM
|   To: CF-Talk
|   Subject: Re: Best Approach to Storing Selections...
|   Also make damm sure you put some sort of watermark all
|   over the images on
|   the screen to stop people just printing off their images.
|   Pretty good point.
|   If you produce the images yourself, you can use PaintShopPro
|   for this, or PhotoShop or any image editor.
|   If you or users upload their photos themselves, look at
|   CFX_stampImage at:
|   ~
|   |
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dependable ColdFusion Hosting.

Re: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-14 Thread Claude Schneegans
I had planned to use a javascript function to not allow right-clicking
and saving the image...

Forget this: this is just a gadget. It will only prevent people from copying the image 
would be too dumb to print it anyway.
You don't need to come from Harvard to know how to get an image from the cache,
or get its address directly from the source page, or even just capture the image on 
the screen.

the onscreen display image would only be a 320 pixel wide image,

This is definitely a much better security.

I'll probably check into CFX_stampImage, also.

While you pass by, also check for CF_picture frame, it could add a plus to your 

What do you think about the approach of using an array to store selections
from each page and then dumping the array contents onscreen for review, then into a db
upon checkout...

It could be an array or just using variables in the form scope.
You could also look at techniques used by some shoping cart systems.
There are a couple in the CF gallery.


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ColdFusion and related topics.

RE: Best Approach to Storing Selections...

2003-09-14 Thread Jim Davis
 I had planned to use a javascript function to not allow
 and saving the image...
 Forget this: this is just a gadget. It will only prevent people from
 copying the image who
 would be too dumb to print it anyway.
 You don't need to come from Harvard to know how to get an image from
 or get its address directly from the source page, or even just capture
 image on the screen.

Or just turn off JavaScript. ;^)

Jim Davis


This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.