Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-03 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Thanks Sean, this is a great insight.

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
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-Original Message-
From: Sean Corfield
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thu May 03 02:08:48 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Ok, let's hear the explanation of why and your experiences, I think this
 should be in the public domain by whatever means. (blogged, list/off-list)

Sure, here's excerpts of a long email exchange I had with someone
about choosing between Mach II and Model-Glue (in response to
questions about my switch - it's just my side of the conversion so
it may seem a bit disjointed in places):

... . .

I've changed frameworks in the past for one of two reasons:
1. Educational - so I can learn about other frameworks.
2. My current framework is causing me pain.

The first reason is fine for individual developers to experiment and
learn but is not a good reason to change existing production

The second reason is key for commercial / production applications. If
you need to make certain changes / enhancements / whatever, and your
current framework is making that hard, then you might consider
changing frameworks. Bear in mind that changing frameworks is a pretty
major decision and is often accompanied by a lot of tedious work just
to get back to where you are. And lots - and LOTS - of QA / testing to
ensure you didn't break anything.

I've changed frameworks for reason two just once. I went from Mach II
to Model-Glue, primarily because I wanted a bean factory to help me
manage configuration data. If I was in the same position today - with
a Mach II application that needed better configuration control, the
path I'd take would be different: I'd simply add ColdSpring to my Mach
II application and be done with it.

Even deciding to just do new application development using a different
framework - and continue maintaining old applications in the old
framework - is not a step to be taken lightly. One of the great
benefits of using the same framework for all applications that a
single team maintains is that plugins / filters / whatever can be
reused easily across all applications. Another benefit is that
developers can move back and forth between maintenance and new code
without having to change gears.

... . .

About the only time Mach II's architecture wins in my view is if you
have an extremely complex, dynamic state-based model. Those are pretty
rare in web applications (otherwise every framework would probably
address dynamic flows). Mach II pays quite a performance penalty for
that ability - which is a waste of CPU cycles if you don't need it.

Another downside of Mach II, compared to Model-Glue, is that Mach II
lets you intermingle model calls and view calls which can lead to a
messy control file:

notify ../
view-page ../
notify ../
notify ../
view-page ../
view-page ../

Model-Glue provides a bit more structure here since you do all your
broadcasts first, then all your related views, then if necessary any
additional events.

Furthermore, Mach II's filter mechanism - whilst very powerful - leads
to a control file where it is impossible to tell what the actual
application flow might be:

filter ../
notify ../
filter ../
view-page ../
notify ../
filter ../
filter ../
notify ../
view-page ../
view-page ../

Without looking inside the code of each filter, it's pretty much
impossible to tell what actually gets executed under what conditions.
By contrast, Model-Glue's results mechanism explicitly lists the
possible event flows and, unless an explicit redirect is declared, you
know all the broadcasts and views will be handled before moving to the
result event.

... . .

Model-Glue provides a set of built in messages that let you perform
basic persistence operations without writing any code - just using
XML. Look in the local Model-Glue documentation under How To's  How
To Use Generic Database Messages. Here's an example from the docs:

message name=modelglue.GenericList
argument name=object value=Contact /
argument name=queryName value=aListOfContacts

Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-03 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Though does Mach-II take the CPU hit regardless if you have chosen a static
or dynamic state model - or does it physically use this model no matter
what?  Basically, performance of Mach-II has always been on my mind and if
ygr larger an app gets with Mach-II the slower it will perform (regardless
of state type) then I would be wary.  I suppose I will need to review the
states we require and if we actually require a fluid model which again may
filter down t choices.

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Sean Corfield
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thu May 03 02:08:48 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Ok, let's hear the explanation of why and your experiences, I think this
 should be in the public domain by whatever means. (blogged, list/off-list)

Sure, here's excerpts of a long email exchange I had with someone
about choosing between Mach II and Model-Glue (in response to
questions about my switch - it's just my side of the conversion so
it may seem a bit disjointed in places):

... . .

I've changed frameworks in the past for one of two reasons:
1. Educational - so I can learn about other frameworks.
2. My current framework is causing me pain.

The first reason is fine for individual developers to experiment and
learn but is not a good reason to change existing production

The second reason is key for commercial / production applications. If
you need to make certain changes / enhancements / whatever, and your
current framework is making that hard, then you might consider
changing frameworks. Bear in mind that changing frameworks is a pretty
major decision and is often accompanied by a lot of tedious work just
to get back to where you are. And lots - and LOTS - of QA / testing to
ensure you didn't break anything.

I've changed frameworks for reason two just once. I went from Mach II
to Model-Glue, primarily because I wanted a bean factory to help me
manage configuration data. If I was in the same position today - with
a Mach II application that needed better configuration control, the
path I'd take would be different: I'd simply add ColdSpring to my Mach
II application and be done with it.

Even deciding to just do new application development using a different
framework - and continue maintaining old applications in the old
framework - is not a step to be taken lightly. One of the great
benefits of using the same framework for all applications that a
single team maintains is that plugins / filters / whatever can be
reused easily across all applications. Another benefit is that
developers can move back and forth between maintenance and new code
without having to change gears.

... . .

About the only time Mach II's architecture wins in my view is if you
have an extremely complex, dynamic state-based model. Those are pretty
rare in web applications (otherwise every framework would probably
address dynamic flows). Mach II pays quite a performance penalty for
that ability - which is a waste of CPU cycles if you don't need it.

Another downside of Mach II, compared to Model-Glue, is that Mach II
lets you intermingle model calls and view calls which can lead to a
messy control file:

notify ../
view-page ../
notify ../
notify ../
view-page ../
view-page ../

Model-Glue provides a bit more structure here since you do all your
broadcasts first, then all your related views, then if necessary any
additional events.

Furthermore, Mach II's filter mechanism - whilst very powerful - leads
to a control file where it is impossible to tell what the actual
application flow might be:

filter ../
notify ../
filter ../
view-page ../
notify ../
filter ../
filter ../
notify ../
view-page ../
view-page ../

Without looking inside the code of each filter, it's pretty much
impossible to tell what actually gets executed under what conditions.
By contrast, Model-Glue's results mechanism explicitly lists the
possible event flows and, unless an explicit redirect is declared, you
know all the broadcasts and views will be handled before moving

Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-03 Thread Nick Tong

This is an idea i had some time back, when i get soem time i am going to
build it:

On 02/05/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 And you are correct, comparing cars to frameworks doesn't really work but
 it did and cars were frameworks and I had the following goals

 To buy a car
 It has to be yellow
 It has to go fast

 And all I have in front of me is a Racing Green Mini Cooper S and an Enzo
 (in traditional yellow) then my choice is made for me.

 So, maybe what I and possibly others need to be looking for, or explaned
 a map of features v requests pitted against frameworks to help?  If after
 all that we have a two horse race then yes it's down to preferrence.

 This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
 Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
 Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
 confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of
 intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please
 that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
 information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
 received this communication in error please return it to the sender or
 our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within
 communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions.
 Visit our website at

 -Original Message-
 From: Charlie Griefer
 To: CF-Talk
 Sent: Wed May 02 23:21:28 2007
 Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

 On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
  Again, I get confused on why it would depend.  If this was the case
  it would be easy to choose a framework.
  Is it that if you want OO dev you choose Mach-II etc.  Disregard
  for this, imagine it was an open playing field and we all knew the same
  stuff and we all wanted to build the same app.
  What makes one framework more suitable for a particular project over
  (other then personal preference)

 Why are you so laser focused on believing that one has to just be
 better than any other?

 Why *can't* it be personal preference?  It's not an open playing
 field and we don't all know the same stuff.

 I just recently got into fusebox and chose it because i didn't have
 any prior experience with frameworks and figured it would likely be
 the easiest for me to learn.

 Next I'm leaning towards Coldbox because I've heard that it's got
 ridiculous amounts of documentation available which again... would
 make it easier for me to learn.

 But I don't for a second believe that one is just better than any
 other.  If that were the case, the others wouldn't exist.

 Yes, a Lexus is better than a Yugo.  But a Lexus also costs more
 than a Yugo.  Comparing cars to frameworks in this context doesn't
 really work.

 I really think the reason you're having a problem getting the answer
 that you're looking for is because you're discounting the only right
 answer which is... it depends / personal preference :)

 Charlie Griefer

 ...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
 and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
 you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
 Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.


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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-03 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Sounds good!

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Nick Tong
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thu May 03 08:54:37 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)


This is an idea i had some time back, when i get soem time i am going to
build it:

On 02/05/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)

 And you are correct, comparing cars to frameworks doesn't really work but
 it did and cars were frameworks and I had the following goals

 To buy a car
 It has to be yellow
 It has to go fast

 And all I have in front of me is a Racing Green Mini Cooper S and an Enzo
 (in traditional yellow) then my choice is made for me.

 So, maybe what I and possibly others need to be looking for, or explaned
 a map of features v requests pitted against frameworks to help?  If after
 all that we have a two horse race then yes it's down to preferrence.

 This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
 Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
 Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
 confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of
 intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please
 that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
 information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
 received this communication in error please return it to the sender or
 our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within
 communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions.
 Visit our website at

 -Original Message-
 From: Charlie Griefer
 To: CF-Talk
 Sent: Wed May 02 23:21:28 2007
 Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

 On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
  Again, I get confused on why it would depend.  If this was the case
  it would be easy to choose a framework.
  Is it that if you want OO dev you choose Mach-II etc.  Disregard
  for this, imagine it was an open playing field and we all knew the same
  stuff and we all wanted to build the same app.
  What makes one framework more suitable for a particular project over
  (other then personal preference)

 Why are you so laser focused on believing that one has to just be
 better than any other?

 Why *can't* it be personal preference?  It's not an open playing
 field and we don't all know the same stuff.

 I just recently got into fusebox and chose it because i didn't have
 any prior experience with frameworks and figured it would likely be
 the easiest for me to learn.

 Next I'm leaning towards Coldbox because I've heard that it's got
 ridiculous amounts of documentation available which again... would
 make it easier for me to learn.

 But I don't for a second believe that one is just better than any
 other.  If that were the case, the others wouldn't exist.

 Yes, a Lexus is better than a Yugo.  But a Lexus also costs more
 than a Yugo.  Comparing cars to frameworks in this context doesn't
 really work.

 I really think the reason you're having a problem getting the answer
 that you're looking for is because you're discounting the only right
 answer which is... it depends / personal preference :)

 Charlie Griefer

 ...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
 and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
 you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
 Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.


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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Sean Corfield
On 4/28/07, Dwayne Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1). What framework best manages variable scoping (what should go into the 
 application scope, what should go into request scope etc)

Most of the frameworks place no restrictions on this sort of thing -
that decision is down to the developer. Frameworks sometimes provides
different ways to encapsulate such data tho'.

 2). What framework leverages the best practices for setting up and 
 integrating Model level functionality. (Transfer, Reactor ect)

Personally, I think ColdSpring + Transfer is a great combination here.
ColdSpring deals with dependencies and initialization. Transfer deals
with persistence and caching. Together they let you build and manage
much of your model infrastructure.

ColdSpring + Transfer can be used with any of the presentation tier frameworks.

 3). What framework leverages the best practices for structuring and calling 
 View or display oriented functionality.

Any of the presentation tier frameworks.

 4). What framework leverages the best practices for organizing Controller 

Any of the presentation tier frameworks.

 5). What framework leverages the best library of UDF's for extending 
 coldfusion's data, formatting, scheduling, etc functions.

Hard to tell what you mean here. onTap probably has the biggest
built-in library of UDF.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Sean Corfield
On 4/30/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
  No specific named methodology. Frameworks? Model-Glue, Fusebox,
  ColdSpring, Transfer.
 Interesting. Not Mach-II anymore?

No. I blogged quite a while back about my switch from Mach II to
Model-Glue. That was when I was working on the ERP project and wanted
better control of my configuration data. Model-Glue came with a bean
factory (ChiliBeans) and that was the deciding factor at first. Once
I'd switched to leverage that, I decided I liked Model-Glue better
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 
Build sales  marketing dashboard RIA’s for your business. Upgrade now


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Sean Corfield
On 4/30/07, Peterson, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Relating to Frameworks, is there a certain one that scales better
 between 2 or more servers, or do they all scale the same as long as you
 setup client vars to be in a DB and shared?  Does any framework
 specifically store internal variables in such a way as to preclude the
 use of multiple servers with a shared client scope?

Mostly the frameworks are all designed to manages requests and data on
a single server. I never use client variables (and I've only ever
worked on clustered CFMX Enterprise systems).
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7  
Flex 2
Free Trial


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Sean Corfield
On 4/30/07, Dwayne Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 More specifically, what types of application parameters should be set up at 
 application initiation.

That's a very open-ended question with no black and white answer.

I put pretty much any per-application config in application scope in
one way or another, usually via ColdSpring.

 In some frameworks, information is pulled from an XML configuration file. 
 Fusebox has these abstract circuits that I think are stored in the 
 application scope.  I am not sure what Mach-II stores in the application 
 scope upon application initiation.

Most of the frameworks cache their setup data in application scope.

 The question is not how to use application.cfm but what makes up a solid 
 application scope variable enviornment?

The question doesn't make sense to me - this is a decision that only
you can make. It's not a framework-related question at all in my

 What's in the application scope variable enviornment of Mach-II, Fusebox etc.

Lots of cached data structures that let the framework run efficiently.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 
Build sales  marketing dashboard RIA’s for your business. Upgrade now


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
So preference aside, this effectively tells me, from you as a top notch OO
developer, is that Model-Glue is better than Mach-II...

You would never consider using Mach-II again?

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
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communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Sean Corfield
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 21:47:54 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

On 4/30/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
  No specific named methodology. Frameworks? Model-Glue, Fusebox,
  ColdSpring, Transfer.
 Interesting. Not Mach-II anymore?

No. I blogged quite a while back about my switch from Mach II to
Model-Glue. That was when I was working on the ERP project and wanted
better control of my configuration data. Model-Glue came with a bean
factory (ChiliBeans) and that was the deciding factor at first. Once
I'd switched to leverage that, I decided I liked Model-Glue better
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 
Build sales  marketing dashboard RIA’s for your business. Upgrade now


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
So can and will ColdSpring, Transfer and Mach-II play nice?

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Sean Corfield
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 21:57:01 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

On 4/30/07, Dwayne Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 More specifically, what types of application parameters should be set up
at application initiation.

That's a very open-ended question with no black and white answer.

I put pretty much any per-application config in application scope in
one way or another, usually via ColdSpring.

 In some frameworks, information is pulled from an XML configuration file.
Fusebox has these abstract circuits that I think are stored in the
application scope.  I am not sure what Mach-II stores in the application
scope upon application initiation.

Most of the frameworks cache their setup data in application scope.

 The question is not how to use application.cfm but what makes up a solid
application scope variable enviornment?

The question doesn't make sense to me - this is a decision that only
you can make. It's not a framework-related question at all in my

 What's in the application scope variable enviornment of Mach-II, Fusebox

Lots of cached data structures that let the framework run efficiently.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

ColdFusion MX7 by Adobe®
Dyncamically transform webcontent into Adobe PDF with new ColdFusion MX7. 
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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Sean Corfield
On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 So preference aside, this effectively tells me, from you as a top notch OO
 developer, is that Model-Glue is better than Mach-II...

I don't think you should draw that conclusion. I could give a long
explanation of why I prefer Model-Glue but none of it has to do with
OO and none of it means that other people might not prefer Mach II. It
really is mostly a preference thing.

 You would never consider using Mach-II again?

If I was offered consulting work and it was using Mach II, I'd use it.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7  
Flex 2
Free Trial


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Sean Corfield
On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 So can and will ColdSpring, Transfer and Mach-II play nice?

Mach II has a ColdSpring plugin. You can use either of Reactor or
Transfer (or objectBreeze or whatever) with Mach II / ColdSpring. I'd
say they already play nice.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7  
Flex 2
Free Trial


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Ok, let's hear the explanation of why and your experiences, I think this
should be in the public domain by whatever means. (blogged, list/off-list)
as the why's  can only ever be used in comparison to other framworks (in
this case Model-Glue) and from someone who has had a vested interest in them
all at some stage.  I don't think it will turn into a my framework is
better than yours etc but it will help others see what, where and how a
framework has been chosen over another.


This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
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our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Sean Corfield
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 22:08:18 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 So preference aside, this effectively tells me, from you as a top notch OO
 developer, is that Model-Glue is better than Mach-II...

I don't think you should draw that conclusion. I could give a long
explanation of why I prefer Model-Glue but none of it has to do with
OO and none of it means that other people might not prefer Mach II. It
really is mostly a preference thing.

 You would never consider using Mach-II again?

If I was offered consulting work and it was using Mach II, I'd use it.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade  integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
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Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Sean Corfield
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 22:09:14 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 So can and will ColdSpring, Transfer and Mach-II play nice?

Mach II has a ColdSpring plugin. You can use either of Reactor or
Transfer (or objectBreeze or whatever) with Mach II / ColdSpring. I'd
say they already play nice.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
Upgrade to MX7  experience time-saving features, more productivity.


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Barney Boisvert
Jeez.  I'm not even the one having it requested of me, and I'm
wondering where the please is.

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Ok, let's hear the explanation of why and your experiences, I think this
 should be in the public domain by whatever means. (blogged, list/off-list)
 as the why's  can only ever be used in comparison to other framworks (in
 this case Model-Glue) and from someone who has had a vested interest in them
 all at some stage.  I don't think it will turn into a my framework is
 better than yours etc but it will help others see what, where and how a
 framework has been chosen over another.

Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7  Flex 2. 
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial 


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Lol, Sean is smart enough to realise the tone of the mail it wasn't an order
:-) it was an open invite to propogate information..

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 22:23:33 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

Jeez.  I'm not even the one having it requested of me, and I'm
wondering where the please is.

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Ok, let's hear the explanation of why and your experiences, I think this
 should be in the public domain by whatever means. (blogged, list/off-list)
 as the why's  can only ever be used in comparison to other framworks (in
 this case Model-Glue) and from someone who has had a vested interest in
 all at some stage.  I don't think it will turn into a my framework is
 better than yours etc but it will help others see what, where and how a
 framework has been chosen over another.

Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

ColdFusion MX7 by Adobe®
Dyncamically transform webcontent into Adobe PDF with new ColdFusion MX7. 
Free Trial.


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Barney Boisvert
But I'm not smart enough?

Even so, that doesn't mean a simple courtesy is unwarranted.

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Lol, Sean is smart enough to realise the tone of the mail it wasn't an order
 :-) it was an open invite to propogate information..

 This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
 Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
 Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
 confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
 intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
 that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
 information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
 received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
 our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
 communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions.
 Visit our website at

 -Original Message-
 From: Barney Boisvert
 To: CF-Talk
 Sent: Wed May 02 22:23:33 2007
 Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

 Jeez.  I'm not even the one having it requested of me, and I'm
 wondering where the please is.

 On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
  Ok, let's hear the explanation of why and your experiences, I think this
  should be in the public domain by whatever means. (blogged, list/off-list)
  as the why's  can only ever be used in comparison to other framworks (in
  this case Model-Glue) and from someone who has had a vested interest in
  all at some stage.  I don't think it will turn into a my framework is
  better than yours etc but it will help others see what, where and how a
  framework has been chosen over another.

 Barney Boisvert

 Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.


Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
Experience Flex 2  MX7 integration  create powerful cross-platform RIAs 


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Since Barney requires I ask and I respect his opinion (even though I think
Sean would realise being a fellow Celt that the email was an invitation)..

Sean, can you please divulge your findings on this?

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 22:44:06 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

But I'm not smart enough?

Even so, that doesn't mean a simple courtesy is unwarranted.

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Lol, Sean is smart enough to realise the tone of the mail it wasn't an
 :-) it was an open invite to propogate information..

 This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
 Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
 Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
 confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of
 intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please
 that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
 information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
 received this communication in error please return it to the sender or
 our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within
 communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions.
 Visit our website at

 -Original Message-
 From: Barney Boisvert
 To: CF-Talk
 Sent: Wed May 02 22:23:33 2007
 Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

 Jeez.  I'm not even the one having it requested of me, and I'm
 wondering where the please is.

 On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
  Ok, let's hear the explanation of why and your experiences, I think this
  should be in the public domain by whatever means. (blogged,
  as the why's  can only ever be used in comparison to other framworks
  this case Model-Glue) and from someone who has had a vested interest in
  all at some stage.  I don't think it will turn into a my framework is
  better than yours etc but it will help others see what, where and how a
  framework has been chosen over another.

 Barney Boisvert

 Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.


Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
Experience Flex 2  MX7 integration  create powerful cross-platform RIAs 


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Charlie Griefer
On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Since Barney requires I ask and I respect his opinion (even though I think
 Sean would realise being a fellow Celt that the email was an invitation)..

 Sean, can you please divulge your findings on this?

I didn't get the feeling that you really meant it.
Ask again, but this time, mean it.


Charlie Griefer

...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.

Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7  Flex 2. 
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial 


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Oğuz Demirkapı
Hi all,

First of all I used FB, MG and MII for different projects. I say always 
it depens for FM selection. It depends on your team, project goal, 
budget etc. etc.

But I really wonder what would be your reason if you are using MachII 
rather than MG?

Imagine that your boss asked to you Ok guys you want to use more OO 
solution and selected MachII. But why do you prefer to use MachII 
instead of ModelGlue?, what would be your answers?

I have already some answers but I also want to hear from you.

Thanks in advance!

Oğuz Demirkapı

TeraTech Inc. | Senior Developer
405 East Gude Dr Suite 207, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
Voice: +1 (301) 424-3903 ext 111 | Fax: +1 (301) 762-8185
Web: | E-mail: oguz.demirkapi AT
Winner in CFDJ awards Best Consulting. Member Team Fusebox.


Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
Upgrade to MX7  experience time-saving features, more productivity.


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Lol, believe me I do, I think the info would be invaluable. Short of stop
playing my Xbox, flying to the US, providing beers I mean it 130%


This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
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intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Charlie Griefer
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 22:57:05 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Since Barney requires I ask and I respect his opinion (even though I think
 Sean would realise being a fellow Celt that the email was an invitation)..

 Sean, can you please divulge your findings on this?

I didn't get the feeling that you really meant it.
Ask again, but this time, mean it.


Charlie Griefer

...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade  see new features.


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Again, I get confused on why it would depend.  If this was the case then
it would be easy to choose a framework.   

Is it that if you want OO dev you choose Mach-II etc.  Disregard skillset
for this, imagine it was an open playing field and we all knew the same
stuff and we all wanted to build the same app.

What makes one framework more suitable for a particular project over another
(other then personal preference)

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 23:01:16 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

Hi all,

First of all I used FB, MG and MII for different projects. I say always 
it depens for FM selection. It depends on your team, project goal, 
budget etc. etc.

But I really wonder what would be your reason if you are using MachII 
rather than MG?

Imagine that your boss asked to you Ok guys you want to use more OO 
solution and selected MachII. But why do you prefer to use MachII 
instead of ModelGlue?, what would be your answers?

I have already some answers but I also want to hear from you.

Thanks in advance!

OÄYuz Demirkapı

TeraTech Inc. | Senior Developer
405 East Gude Dr Suite 207, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
Voice: +1 (301) 424-3903 ext 111 | Fax: +1 (301) 762-8185
Web: | E-mail: oguz.demirkapi AT
Winner in CFDJ awards Best Consulting. Member Team Fusebox.


Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
Experience Flex 2  MX7 integration  create powerful cross-platform RIAs 


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)

Budget, well all frameworks are free last check so it comes down to time V
money I presume?

Team, well we are all the same skill set.

Project, I want to build a large enterprise app which will perform under
load, be scalable.

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 23:01:16 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

Hi all,

First of all I used FB, MG and MII for different projects. I say always 
it depens for FM selection. It depends on your team, project goal, 
budget etc. etc.

But I really wonder what would be your reason if you are using MachII 
rather than MG?

Imagine that your boss asked to you Ok guys you want to use more OO 
solution and selected MachII. But why do you prefer to use MachII 
instead of ModelGlue?, what would be your answers?

I have already some answers but I also want to hear from you.

Thanks in advance!

OÄYuz Demirkapı

TeraTech Inc. | Senior Developer
405 East Gude Dr Suite 207, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
Voice: +1 (301) 424-3903 ext 111 | Fax: +1 (301) 762-8185
Web: | E-mail: oguz.demirkapi AT
Winner in CFDJ awards Best Consulting. Member Team Fusebox.


Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7  
Flex 2
Free Trial


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Nick Tong
can i just throw this blog post from Brian Rinaldi post in teh mixer:P;)

On 02/05/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Again, I get confused on why it would depend.  If this was the case then
 it would be easy to choose a framework.

 Is it that if you want OO dev you choose Mach-II etc.  Disregard skillset
 for this, imagine it was an open playing field and we all knew the same
 stuff and we all wanted to build the same app.

 What makes one framework more suitable for a particular project over
 (other then personal preference)

 This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
 Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
 Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
 confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of
 intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please
 that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
 information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
 received this communication in error please return it to the sender or
 our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within
 communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions.
 Visit our website at

 -Original Message-
 To: CF-Talk
 Sent: Wed May 02 23:01:16 2007
 Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

 Hi all,

 First of all I used FB, MG and MII for different projects. I say always
 it depens for FM selection. It depends on your team, project goal,
 budget etc. etc.

 But I really wonder what would be your reason if you are using MachII
 rather than MG?

 Imagine that your boss asked to you Ok guys you want to use more OO
 solution and selected MachII. But why do you prefer to use MachII
 instead of ModelGlue?, what would be your answers?

 I have already some answers but I also want to hear from you.

 Thanks in advance!

 OÄYuz Demirkapý

 TeraTech Inc. | Senior Developer
 405 East Gude Dr Suite 207, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
 Voice: +1 (301) 424-3903 ext 111 | Fax: +1 (301) 762-8185
 Web: | E-mail: oguz.demirkapi AT
 Winner in CFDJ awards Best Consulting. Member Team Fusebox.



Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7  
Flex 2
Free Trial


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Barney Boisvert
Developer skillset, personal preference, and the app(s) in question
are the only important criteria.  If those were irrelevant, there
would be only one framework in any given arena, because there wouldn't
be anything to differentiate.  Competing frameworks arise (like
anything else) because the existing offerings didn't meet a given
entity's need.

Honestly, I can't think of anything else that would differentiate a
framework in a meaninful way, except perhaps LOC for different tasks,
but even that is dependent on the app you're trying to develop,
because there will be different tasks to perform depending on the app.


On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Again, I get confused on why it would depend.  If this was the case then
 it would be easy to choose a framework.

 Is it that if you want OO dev you choose Mach-II etc.  Disregard skillset
 for this, imagine it was an open playing field and we all knew the same
 stuff and we all wanted to build the same app.

 What makes one framework more suitable for a particular project over another
 (other then personal preference)

Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade  integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Charlie Griefer
On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Again, I get confused on why it would depend.  If this was the case then
 it would be easy to choose a framework.

 Is it that if you want OO dev you choose Mach-II etc.  Disregard skillset
 for this, imagine it was an open playing field and we all knew the same
 stuff and we all wanted to build the same app.

 What makes one framework more suitable for a particular project over another
 (other then personal preference)

Why are you so laser focused on believing that one has to just be
better than any other?

Why *can't* it be personal preference?  It's not an open playing
field and we don't all know the same stuff.

I just recently got into fusebox and chose it because i didn't have
any prior experience with frameworks and figured it would likely be
the easiest for me to learn.

Next I'm leaning towards Coldbox because I've heard that it's got
ridiculous amounts of documentation available which again... would
make it easier for me to learn.

But I don't for a second believe that one is just better than any
other.  If that were the case, the others wouldn't exist.

Yes, a Lexus is better than a Yugo.  But a Lexus also costs more
than a Yugo.  Comparing cars to frameworks in this context doesn't
really work.

I really think the reason you're having a problem getting the answer
that you're looking for is because you're discounting the only right
answer which is... it depends / personal preference :)

Charlie Griefer

...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.

Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7  Flex 2. 
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial 


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
If an outcome is indeed personal preference then hoorah, but it would seem
that from posts that there are benefits attributed to some over others based
on experience and with technical merit. Of course preference pays a part
same we develop in ColdFusion over .NET etc.   Do you think that it is just
down to, well I like blue so I am going to choose it? Do you not think that
one framework does some things better? I am not looking for one ring to rule
them all, neither do I think there is one, but there must be pointers etc
for certain areas of functionality and focus?

If not then so be it! :-]

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Charlie Griefer
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 23:21:28 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Again, I get confused on why it would depend.  If this was the case then
 it would be easy to choose a framework.

 Is it that if you want OO dev you choose Mach-II etc.  Disregard skillset
 for this, imagine it was an open playing field and we all knew the same
 stuff and we all wanted to build the same app.

 What makes one framework more suitable for a particular project over
 (other then personal preference)

Why are you so laser focused on believing that one has to just be
better than any other?

Why *can't* it be personal preference?  It's not an open playing
field and we don't all know the same stuff.

I just recently got into fusebox and chose it because i didn't have
any prior experience with frameworks and figured it would likely be
the easiest for me to learn.

Next I'm leaning towards Coldbox because I've heard that it's got
ridiculous amounts of documentation available which again... would
make it easier for me to learn.

But I don't for a second believe that one is just better than any
other.  If that were the case, the others wouldn't exist.

Yes, a Lexus is better than a Yugo.  But a Lexus also costs more
than a Yugo.  Comparing cars to frameworks in this context doesn't
really work.

I really think the reason you're having a problem getting the answer
that you're looking for is because you're discounting the only right
answer which is... it depends / personal preference :)

Charlie Griefer

...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.

ColdFusion MX7 by Adobe®
Dyncamically transform webcontent into Adobe PDF with new ColdFusion MX7. 
Free Trial.


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
But to add, I can understand personal preference as it's human nature to
like something as an individual, what I don't yet see is where the it
depends approach comes in to play.  We have had skillset, project and
budget as listings.  So if we had say a theoretical team of 7 developers all
skilled in ColdFusion, CFCs and proficient OO developers wanting to build a
scalable enterprise level applications what would I choose?

Surely this now gives us a focus to narrow it down?

If a set of rules / problems had a dependency then it would be easily to
find a better solution 

Maybe I am over thinking it, and no doubt I am, but the it depends for me
is still unanswered... Or maybe we need a framework to choose a framework?


This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Charlie Griefer
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 23:21:28 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Again, I get confused on why it would depend.  If this was the case then
 it would be easy to choose a framework.

 Is it that if you want OO dev you choose Mach-II etc.  Disregard skillset
 for this, imagine it was an open playing field and we all knew the same
 stuff and we all wanted to build the same app.

 What makes one framework more suitable for a particular project over
 (other then personal preference)

Why are you so laser focused on believing that one has to just be
better than any other?

Why *can't* it be personal preference?  It's not an open playing
field and we don't all know the same stuff.

I just recently got into fusebox and chose it because i didn't have
any prior experience with frameworks and figured it would likely be
the easiest for me to learn.

Next I'm leaning towards Coldbox because I've heard that it's got
ridiculous amounts of documentation available which again... would
make it easier for me to learn.

But I don't for a second believe that one is just better than any
other.  If that were the case, the others wouldn't exist.

Yes, a Lexus is better than a Yugo.  But a Lexus also costs more
than a Yugo.  Comparing cars to frameworks in this context doesn't
really work.

I really think the reason you're having a problem getting the answer
that you're looking for is because you're discounting the only right
answer which is... it depends / personal preference :)

Charlie Griefer

...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.

Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7  
Flex 2
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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
And you are correct, comparing cars to frameworks doesn't really work but if
it did and cars were frameworks and I had the following goals

To buy a car
It has to be yellow
It has to go fast

And all I have in front of me is a Racing Green Mini Cooper S and an Enzo
(in traditional yellow) then my choice is made for me. 

So, maybe what I and possibly others need to be looking for, or explaned are
a map of features v requests pitted against frameworks to help?  If after
all that we have a two horse race then yes it's down to preferrence.

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-Original Message-
From: Charlie Griefer
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 23:21:28 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Again, I get confused on why it would depend.  If this was the case then
 it would be easy to choose a framework.

 Is it that if you want OO dev you choose Mach-II etc.  Disregard skillset
 for this, imagine it was an open playing field and we all knew the same
 stuff and we all wanted to build the same app.

 What makes one framework more suitable for a particular project over
 (other then personal preference)

Why are you so laser focused on believing that one has to just be
better than any other?

Why *can't* it be personal preference?  It's not an open playing
field and we don't all know the same stuff.

I just recently got into fusebox and chose it because i didn't have
any prior experience with frameworks and figured it would likely be
the easiest for me to learn.

Next I'm leaning towards Coldbox because I've heard that it's got
ridiculous amounts of documentation available which again... would
make it easier for me to learn.

But I don't for a second believe that one is just better than any
other.  If that were the case, the others wouldn't exist.

Yes, a Lexus is better than a Yugo.  But a Lexus also costs more
than a Yugo.  Comparing cars to frameworks in this context doesn't
really work.

I really think the reason you're having a problem getting the answer
that you're looking for is because you're discounting the only right
answer which is... it depends / personal preference :)

Charlie Griefer

...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.

ColdFusion MX7 by Adobe®
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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Barney Boisvert
I would pick Fusebox w/ ColdSpring by default.  But if the application
processing required a significant number of dynamic state changes at
the controller level, I'd probably go with Model-Glue w/ ColdSpring.
FB's execution path is static, so it's not a good fit for complex
dynamic flow processing.  A dynamically driven framework (Mach-II or
Model-Glue) would be a better fit for that situation.  So it depends.


On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 But to add, I can understand personal preference as it's human nature to
 like something as an individual, what I don't yet see is where the it
 depends approach comes in to play.  We have had skillset, project and
 budget as listings.  So if we had say a theoretical team of 7 developers all
 skilled in ColdFusion, CFCs and proficient OO developers wanting to build a
 scalable enterprise level applications what would I choose?

 Surely this now gives us a focus to narrow it down?

 If a set of rules / problems had a dependency then it would be easily to
 find a better solution

 Maybe I am over thinking it, and no doubt I am, but the it depends for me
 is still unanswered... Or maybe we need a framework to choose a framework?


 This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
 Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
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 Visit our website at

 -Original Message-
 From: Charlie Griefer
 To: CF-Talk
 Sent: Wed May 02 23:21:28 2007
 Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

 On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
  Again, I get confused on why it would depend.  If this was the case then
  it would be easy to choose a framework.
  Is it that if you want OO dev you choose Mach-II etc.  Disregard skillset
  for this, imagine it was an open playing field and we all knew the same
  stuff and we all wanted to build the same app.
  What makes one framework more suitable for a particular project over
  (other then personal preference)

 Why are you so laser focused on believing that one has to just be
 better than any other?

 Why *can't* it be personal preference?  It's not an open playing
 field and we don't all know the same stuff.

 I just recently got into fusebox and chose it because i didn't have
 any prior experience with frameworks and figured it would likely be
 the easiest for me to learn.

 Next I'm leaning towards Coldbox because I've heard that it's got
 ridiculous amounts of documentation available which again... would
 make it easier for me to learn.

 But I don't for a second believe that one is just better than any
 other.  If that were the case, the others wouldn't exist.

 Yes, a Lexus is better than a Yugo.  But a Lexus also costs more
 than a Yugo.  Comparing cars to frameworks in this context doesn't
 really work.

 I really think the reason you're having a problem getting the answer
 that you're looking for is because you're discounting the only right
 answer which is... it depends / personal preference :)

 Charlie Griefer

 ...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
 and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
 you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
 Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.


Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7  Flex 2. 
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial 


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
But this in itself is great as it gives anyone looking to build an app who
needs to have that degree of control to immediately dismiss Fusebox and in
turn to select the correct framework (for the job).

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
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our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
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Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 23:49:20 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

I would pick Fusebox w/ ColdSpring by default.  But if the application
processing required a significant number of dynamic state changes at
the controller level, I'd probably go with Model-Glue w/ ColdSpring.
FB's execution path is static, so it's not a good fit for complex
dynamic flow processing.  A dynamically driven framework (Mach-II or
Model-Glue) would be a better fit for that situation.  So it depends.


On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 But to add, I can understand personal preference as it's human nature to
 like something as an individual, what I don't yet see is where the it
 depends approach comes in to play.  We have had skillset, project and
 budget as listings.  So if we had say a theoretical team of 7 developers
 skilled in ColdFusion, CFCs and proficient OO developers wanting to build
 scalable enterprise level applications what would I choose?

 Surely this now gives us a focus to narrow it down?

 If a set of rules / problems had a dependency then it would be easily to
 find a better solution

 Maybe I am over thinking it, and no doubt I am, but the it depends for
 is still unanswered... Or maybe we need a framework to choose a framework?


 This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
 Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
 Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
 confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of
 intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please
 that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
 information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
 received this communication in error please return it to the sender or
 our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within
 communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions.
 Visit our website at

 -Original Message-
 From: Charlie Griefer
 To: CF-Talk
 Sent: Wed May 02 23:21:28 2007
 Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

 On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
  Again, I get confused on why it would depend.  If this was the case
  it would be easy to choose a framework.
  Is it that if you want OO dev you choose Mach-II etc.  Disregard
  for this, imagine it was an open playing field and we all knew the same
  stuff and we all wanted to build the same app.
  What makes one framework more suitable for a particular project over
  (other then personal preference)

 Why are you so laser focused on believing that one has to just be
 better than any other?

 Why *can't* it be personal preference?  It's not an open playing
 field and we don't all know the same stuff.

 I just recently got into fusebox and chose it because i didn't have
 any prior experience with frameworks and figured it would likely be
 the easiest for me to learn.

 Next I'm leaning towards Coldbox because I've heard that it's got
 ridiculous amounts of documentation available which again... would
 make it easier for me to learn.

 But I don't for a second believe that one is just better than any
 other.  If that were the case, the others wouldn't exist.

 Yes, a Lexus is better than a Yugo.  But a Lexus also costs more
 than a Yugo.  Comparing cars to frameworks in this context doesn't
 really work.

 I really think the reason you're having a problem getting the answer
 that you're looking for is because you're discounting the only right
 answer which is... it depends / personal preference :)

 Charlie Griefer

 ...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies

Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Charlie Griefer
On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 But to add, I can understand personal preference as it's human nature to
 like something as an individual, what I don't yet see is where the it
 depends approach comes in to play.  We have had skillset, project and
 budget as listings.  So if we had say a theoretical team of 7 developers all
 skilled in ColdFusion, CFCs and proficient OO developers wanting to build a
 scalable enterprise level applications what would I choose?

 Surely this now gives us a focus to narrow it down?

 If a set of rules / problems had a dependency then it would be easily to
 find a better solution

 Maybe I am over thinking it, and no doubt I am, but the it depends for me
 is still unanswered... Or maybe we need a framework to choose a framework?

I would think that you could narrow your choices down to Mach-ii or
Model-Glue, based on the proficiency with CFCs and OO (you could add
ColdBox too, but assume for the sake of simplicity we're keeping it to
the big 3 community supported application frameworks).

It's not that Fusebox doesn't do OO... sean has some sample code that
shows procedural FB, MVC FB, and OO FB.  but I think that out of the
box... Mach-ii and Model-Glue are more of the MVC/OO by nature.  If
you really liked FB and wanted to go that route... you could.  It's
personal preference and it depends :)

But let's say you've narrowed it down to Mach-ii or MG.

Having never used either my statements here shouldn't be swayed by
personal preference :)

AFAIK, they all allow you to use an ORM of your choice.  They all
allow you to use ColdSpring.  So there's really no voting one off the
island based on those criteria.

I've heard that Mach-ii is more stringent in enforcing rules...and
that the learning curve is higher.  However, that might be a moot
point if the proficiencies that you mention are already in place.

Another consideration might be community support.  Mach-ii faded from
the spotlight for a while.  I believe that Matt Woodward and Peter
Farell (among others?) are currently feverishly working on a new
release.  But for the time being, you might be able to count on
greater support from the community if you went with MG.

You might also want to download the core files for both MG and Mach-ii
and just write yourself a quick Hello World app.  See which one you
(and your team) feel most comfortable with.  I know... that brings it
back to a matter of personal preference... but aside from a few things
like documentation, community support... really there isn't much else
to consider.

Charlie Griefer

...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.

Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7  
Flex 2
Free Trial


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Barney Boisvert
It's not about the degree of control, it's about the dynamic-ness of
control.  With FB, you have to use conditional DO actions for dynamic
flow, while in MG or M-II, you just broadcast an event of your choice.
 Either can be used to accomplish the same task, but if you have
highly dynamic flow of control (which I'd says is the exception, not
the rule), FB will force you into a lot of nested conditionals in your
XML.  Of course, inside your MG controller or M-II listener you need a
conditional to pick which event to dispatch, so it's kind of moot, but
conditionals in code are nicer than conditionals in XML, and with code
you can name your event dynamically (e.g.


On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 But this in itself is great as it gives anyone looking to build an app who
 needs to have that degree of control to immediately dismiss Fusebox and in
 turn to select the correct framework (for the job).

Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade  integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Sean Corfield
On 5/2/07, Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would pick Fusebox w/ ColdSpring by default.  But if the application
 processing required a significant number of dynamic state changes at
 the controller level, I'd probably go with Model-Glue w/ ColdSpring.
 FB's execution path is static, so it's not a good fit for complex
 dynamic flow processing.  A dynamically driven framework (Mach-II or
 Model-Glue) would be a better fit for that situation.  So it depends.

Fusebox 6 will support dynamic do actions:

It will still compile the fuseaction down to a parsed file (so you
only take the hit on the first request). This is working in the dev
branch in SVN :)
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-02 Thread Sean Corfield
On 5/2/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Ok, let's hear the explanation of why and your experiences, I think this
 should be in the public domain by whatever means. (blogged, list/off-list)

Sure, here's excerpts of a long email exchange I had with someone
about choosing between Mach II and Model-Glue (in response to
questions about my switch - it's just my side of the conversion so
it may seem a bit disjointed in places):

.. . .

I've changed frameworks in the past for one of two reasons:
1. Educational - so I can learn about other frameworks.
2. My current framework is causing me pain.

The first reason is fine for individual developers to experiment and
learn but is not a good reason to change existing production

The second reason is key for commercial / production applications. If
you need to make certain changes / enhancements / whatever, and your
current framework is making that hard, then you might consider
changing frameworks. Bear in mind that changing frameworks is a pretty
major decision and is often accompanied by a lot of tedious work just
to get back to where you are. And lots - and LOTS - of QA / testing to
ensure you didn't break anything.

I've changed frameworks for reason two just once. I went from Mach II
to Model-Glue, primarily because I wanted a bean factory to help me
manage configuration data. If I was in the same position today - with
a Mach II application that needed better configuration control, the
path I'd take would be different: I'd simply add ColdSpring to my Mach
II application and be done with it.

Even deciding to just do new application development using a different
framework - and continue maintaining old applications in the old
framework - is not a step to be taken lightly. One of the great
benefits of using the same framework for all applications that a
single team maintains is that plugins / filters / whatever can be
reused easily across all applications. Another benefit is that
developers can move back and forth between maintenance and new code
without having to change gears.

.. . .

About the only time Mach II's architecture wins in my view is if you
have an extremely complex, dynamic state-based model. Those are pretty
rare in web applications (otherwise every framework would probably
address dynamic flows). Mach II pays quite a performance penalty for
that ability - which is a waste of CPU cycles if you don't need it.

Another downside of Mach II, compared to Model-Glue, is that Mach II
lets you intermingle model calls and view calls which can lead to a
messy control file:

notify ../
view-page ../
notify ../
notify ../
view-page ../
view-page ../

Model-Glue provides a bit more structure here since you do all your
broadcasts first, then all your related views, then if necessary any
additional events.

Furthermore, Mach II's filter mechanism - whilst very powerful - leads
to a control file where it is impossible to tell what the actual
application flow might be:

filter ../
notify ../
filter ../
view-page ../
notify ../
filter ../
filter ../
notify ../
view-page ../
view-page ../

Without looking inside the code of each filter, it's pretty much
impossible to tell what actually gets executed under what conditions.
By contrast, Model-Glue's results mechanism explicitly lists the
possible event flows and, unless an explicit redirect is declared, you
know all the broadcasts and views will be handled before moving to the
result event.

.. . .

Model-Glue provides a set of built in messages that let you perform
basic persistence operations without writing any code - just using
XML. Look in the local Model-Glue documentation under How To's  How
To Use Generic Database Messages. Here's an example from the docs:

message name=modelglue.GenericList
argument name=object value=Contact /
argument name=queryName value=aListOfContacts /

This will populate the event argument aListOfContacts with a query
(record set) that is the result of selecting all records from the
Contact table (or whatever that is aliased to in Reactor).

For a lot of simple persistence operations, you don't need to write
DAOs and Gateways because the GDMs (as they are known) will do the
work for you. Very handy for prototyping.

.. . .

Because the Model-Glue core is managed by ColdSpring, you can easily
override and replace any of the core components with your own version
- without touching the core files. For example, you want to handle SES
URLs? Write your own state builder object and tell Model-Glue to use
that (by specifying your version in your local ColdSpring.xml file).
Want to load database objects from multiple Reactor XML files? Not a
problem, download my modified Reactor configuration object and specify
that as the reactorConfiguration bean in ColdSpring.xml.

You can't do that kind of thing with Mach 

Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-01 Thread Tom Chiverton
On Saturday 28 Apr 2007, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) wrote:
 Just what frameworks/methologies are people using, if any? 

We use Reactor and ColdSpring to underpin a fairly normal n-tier 
service/manager methodology.
All our new front-ends are Flex, so we don't have a current CF view layer, but 
in the past Fusebox (3) was used.

 There must be one
 which is faster, more productive 

Why ?

 and which just seems the best?  

The one you find easiest to get on with for the job at hand is 'the best'.

 one has the most backing? The most long-term vision and lifecycle?

It's all sixes and half-dozens as far as I can tell. For instance, Reactor 
isn't at v1 yet, but is stable and solid. Transfer has more features, but I'm 
not sure I'd use them and adding them has created frequent updates to it's 

Tom Chiverton
Helping to advantageously fashion sexy networks

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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-05-01 Thread Nick Tong
I think a lot of it really depends on your style of coding. The fastest one,
i believe, is the one that best suits your coding style. If your a
procedural programmer the last thing you want to do is start working with
heavy OO based frameworks.  Use the tool for the job.

The best framework is also the one that works for you. Ask people who u know
program the same way as you and see what they use and why they do, then try
it out.  In fact... just try them out, then you know yourself ;)

On 01/05/07, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 28 Apr 2007, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) wrote:
  Just what frameworks/methologies are people using, if any?

 We use Reactor and ColdSpring to underpin a fairly normal n-tier
 service/manager methodology.
 All our new front-ends are Flex, so we don't have a current CF view layer,
 in the past Fusebox (3) was used.

  There must be one
  which is faster, more productive

 Why ?

  and which just seems the best?

 The one you find easiest to get on with for the job at hand is 'the best'.

  one has the most backing? The most long-term vision and lifecycle?

 It's all sixes and half-dozens as far as I can tell. For instance, Reactor
 isn't at v1 yet, but is stable and solid. Transfer has more features, but
 not sure I'd use them and adding them has created frequent updates to it's

 Tom Chiverton
 Helping to advantageously fashion sexy networks


 This email is sent for and on behalf of Halliwells LLP.

 Halliwells LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England
 and Wales under registered number OC307980 whose registered office address
 is at St James's Court Brown Street Manchester M2 2JF.  A list of members is
 available for inspection at the registered office. Any reference to a
 partner in relation to Halliwells LLP means a member of Halliwells LLP.
 Regulated by the Law Society.


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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-30 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 No specific named methodology. Frameworks? Model-Glue, Fusebox,
ColdSpring, Transfer.

Interesting. Not Mach-II anymore?

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
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-Original Message-
From: Sean Corfield
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Mon Apr 30 04:31:07 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

On 4/28/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Just what frameworks/methologies are people using, if any?

No specific named methodology. Frameworks? Model-Glue, Fusebox,
ColdSpring, Transfer.

 from research it seems
 people fleet between them etc which seems futile.

I think a few fairly high profile people have talked publicly about
using several frameworks. I don't think any real research would
should that people fleet between them. Most people seem to settle on
a given set of frameworks and stick with them. Sure, there are always
going to be a few switchers but those really are the outliers in the
community. I know a lot of hardcore Fuseboxers using FB3, for example,
and also a lot of Model-Glue folks using MG1.x. You can hardly accuse
them of fleeting between frameworks!

 There must be one which
 is faster, more productive and which just seems the best?

Like Dave Watts I'll ask why?... different frameworks suit different
people and different projects. It's not a decision anyone can - or
should - make for you. I liked Zaphods comment about the Accord -
very applicable here.

Ask this question on the FB forums and they'll probably tell you
Fusebox is the answer. Ask it on the MG forums and they'll tell you
Model-Glue. Ask it on the M2 forums and they'll tell you Mach II.

 Which one has the most backing?

Hard to say - they all have active communities and mailing lists.

 The most long-term vision and lifecycle?

Again, hard to say. Most of the frameworks' teams have an idea about
the next two or three releases.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade  see new features.


RE: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-30 Thread Peterson, Chris
Relating to Frameworks, is there a certain one that scales better
between 2 or more servers, or do they all scale the same as long as you
setup client vars to be in a DB and shared?  Does any framework
specifically store internal variables in such a way as to preclude the
use of multiple servers with a shared client scope?


Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade  integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-30 Thread Dwayne Cole

Application.cfm (part of the pre-CF7 built-in application framework).
Short of that, Application.cfc with a private method that gets invoked
onRequestStart.  This is inferior, I think, but necessary if you need
some of the other Application.cfc hooks (like onSessionEnd).

And let the flame-war begin  ;)

More specifically, what types of application parameters should be set up at 
application initiation.  In my applications, I query the database to setup my 
entire navigation systems (an array of structures) then I store it in the 
application scope.  I also store DSN information in application scope.  

In some frameworks, information is pulled from an XML configuration file. 
Fusebox has these abstract circuits that I think are stored in the application 
scope.  I am not sure what Mach-II stores in the application scope upon 
application initiation.

The question is not how to use application.cfm but what makes up a solid 
application scope variable enviornment? What's in the application scope 
variable enviornment of Mach-II, Fusebox etc.


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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-29 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Well..Why not?


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-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Sun Apr 29 06:20:59 2007
Subject: RE: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

 There must be one which is faster, more productive and which 
 just seems the best?


Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-29 Thread Barney Boisvert
The best tool for the job depends both on the job that you need to do
and your experience/skill.  If you need to pound some nails, a
standard hammer will likely be the best tool for the job, and it's an
easy one to learn how to use.  But if you need to pound a LOT of
nails, an air-hammer is probably a better choice.  It's far more
expensive, a bit harder to use, and certainly more dangerous, but a
lot faster when you have a lot of nails.

The same applies to development frameworks.  Different projects and
different developers will different needs and skills, and therefore
the best framework will likely differ as well.


On 4/29/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Well..Why not?


Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-29 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
True, but when it comes to these nails and their respective quantities you
can go with said air-hammer but surely some air-hammers are better than

Imagine, large project, skilled developers looking for a good, solid, fast
and stable framework (no, not ColdFusion Air Hammer :-)


This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
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-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Sun Apr 29 17:39:57 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

The best tool for the job depends both on the job that you need to do
and your experience/skill.  If you need to pound some nails, a
standard hammer will likely be the best tool for the job, and it's an
easy one to learn how to use.  But if you need to pound a LOT of
nails, an air-hammer is probably a better choice.  It's far more
expensive, a bit harder to use, and certainly more dangerous, but a
lot faster when you have a lot of nails.

The same applies to development frameworks.  Different projects and
different developers will different needs and skills, and therefore
the best framework will likely differ as well.


On 4/29/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Well..Why not?


Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7  
Flex 2
Free Trial


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-29 Thread Zaphod Beeblebrox
Hasn't the Accord won best car for several years in a row.  Does that
mean we should all be driving Accord's? Doesn't a lot of the car
purchase come down to what you need a vehicle to do?

The framework question is more the general hammer metaphor.  All the
frameworks are like different types of hammers for different jobs, not
just different types of air-hammers.

On 4/29/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 True, but when it comes to these nails and their respective quantities you
 can go with said air-hammer but surely some air-hammers are better than

 Imagine, large project, skilled developers looking for a good, solid, fast
 and stable framework (no, not ColdFusion Air Hammer :-)

 This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
 Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
 Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
 confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
 intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
 that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
 information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
 received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
 our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
 communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions.
 Visit our website at

 -Original Message-
 From: Barney Boisvert
 To: CF-Talk
 Sent: Sun Apr 29 17:39:57 2007
 Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

 The best tool for the job depends both on the job that you need to do
 and your experience/skill.  If you need to pound some nails, a
 standard hammer will likely be the best tool for the job, and it's an
 easy one to learn how to use.  But if you need to pound a LOT of
 nails, an air-hammer is probably a better choice.  It's far more
 expensive, a bit harder to use, and certainly more dangerous, but a
 lot faster when you have a lot of nails.

 The same applies to development frameworks.  Different projects and
 different developers will different needs and skills, and therefore
 the best framework will likely differ as well.


 On 4/29/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
  Well..Why not?

 Barney Boisvert

 Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.


Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7  Flex 2. 
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial 


RE: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-29 Thread Dave Watts
 Well..Why not?

For the same reason that there's not one best of most everything else -
programming languages, wines, movies, etc. A lot of what makes something
best for you is rooted in your own preferences, experience, and goals.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

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RE: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-29 Thread Dwayne Cole
So what framework or hammer do you all think best handles setting up an 
application's global parameters.  

-- Original Message --
From: Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  Sun, 29 Apr 2007 01:20:59 -0400

 There must be one which is faster, more productive and which 
 just seems the best?


Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

This email has been processed by SmoothZap -

ColdFusion MX7 by Adobe®
Dyncamically transform webcontent into Adobe PDF with new ColdFusion MX7. 
Free Trial.


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-29 Thread Barney Boisvert
Application.cfm (part of the pre-CF7 built-in application framework).
Short of that, Application.cfc with a private method that gets invoked
onRequestStart.  This is inferior, I think, but necessary if you need
some of the other Application.cfc hooks (like onSessionEnd).

And let the flame-war begin  ;)


On 4/29/07, Dwayne Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So what framework or hammer do you all think best handles setting up an 
 application's global parameters.

Barney Boisvert

Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 
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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-29 Thread Sean Corfield
On 4/28/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Just what frameworks/methologies are people using, if any?

No specific named methodology. Frameworks? Model-Glue, Fusebox,
ColdSpring, Transfer.

 from research it seems
 people fleet between them etc which seems futile.

I think a few fairly high profile people have talked publicly about
using several frameworks. I don't think any real research would
should that people fleet between them. Most people seem to settle on
a given set of frameworks and stick with them. Sure, there are always
going to be a few switchers but those really are the outliers in the
community. I know a lot of hardcore Fuseboxers using FB3, for example,
and also a lot of Model-Glue folks using MG1.x. You can hardly accuse
them of fleeting between frameworks!

 There must be one which
 is faster, more productive and which just seems the best?

Like Dave Watts I'll ask why?... different frameworks suit different
people and different projects. It's not a decision anyone can - or
should - make for you. I liked Zaphods comment about the Accord -
very applicable here.

Ask this question on the FB forums and they'll probably tell you
Fusebox is the answer. Ask it on the MG forums and they'll tell you
Model-Glue. Ask it on the M2 forums and they'll tell you Mach II.

 Which one has the most backing?

Hard to say - they all have active communities and mailing lists.

 The most long-term vision and lifecycle?

Again, hard to say. Most of the frameworks' teams have an idea about
the next two or three releases.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7  
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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-28 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Sorry, I know CS is not ORM :-)

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-Original Message-
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Sat Apr 28 12:59:15 2007
Subject: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

Just what frameworks/methologies are people using, if any? There are the
obvious front-runners such as Mach-II, Model-Glue and Fusebox 5 (and obvious
ORM behind such as ColdSpring, Transfer etc) but from research it seems
people fleet between them etc which seems futile.   There must be one which
is faster, more productive and which just seems the best?  Which one has
the most backing? The most long-term vision and lifecycle?

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
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Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-28 Thread Zaphod Beeblebrox
I use Rails. :)

On 4/28/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Just what frameworks/methologies are people using, if any? There are the
 obvious front-runners such as Mach-II, Model-Glue and Fusebox 5 (and obvious
 ORM behind such as ColdSpring, Transfer etc) but from research it seems
 people fleet between them etc which seems futile.   There must be one which
 is faster, more productive and which just seems the best?  Which one has
 the most backing? The most long-term vision and lifecycle?

 This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
 Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
 Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
 confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of the
 intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
 that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
 information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
 received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
 our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
 communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions.
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Build sales  marketing dashboard RIA’s for your business. Upgrade now


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-28 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
OK, frameworks on ColdFusion...

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
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communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
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-Original Message-
From: Zaphod Beeblebrox
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Sat Apr 28 15:08:09 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

I use Rails. :)

On 4/28/07, Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
 Just what frameworks/methologies are people using, if any? There are the
 obvious front-runners such as Mach-II, Model-Glue and Fusebox 5 (and
 ORM behind such as ColdSpring, Transfer etc) but from research it seems
 people fleet between them etc which seems futile.   There must be one
 is faster, more productive and which just seems the best?  Which one has
 the most backing? The most long-term vision and lifecycle?

 This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
 Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
 Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
 confidential and may also be privileged.  It is for the exclusive use of
 intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please
 that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
 information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
 received this communication in error please return it to the sender or
 our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within
 communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions.
 Visit our website at


ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 
Build sales  marketing dashboard RIA’s for your business. Upgrade now


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-28 Thread Jake Pilgrim
This answer is hard to answer because I really feel it's strongly based on your 
development style. Are you an old CF 5 developer that's just getting into the 
MX arena (or maybe you're still not there)? - Fusebox is a wonderful framework 
for these folks. Are you an OOP junkie? - Mach-II might be your answer. Are you 
a developer who heavily relies on CFCs but doesn't really care for the OOP 
approach? - model-glue might be your answer. 

Now the real cool thing out there in the coldfusion development architecture 
world are ORMs - the front runners here are Transfer and Reactor. In my 
experience recently, Transfer is knocking the socks off of Reactor and has been 
a much more active open source project than Reactor. However, both work 
extremely well. If you haven't used an ORM yet, you definitely need to try one 
out :). For those of you not in the know, ORM stands for object role 
modeling (fancy term, whatever) - the basic idea is that you tell the ORM a 
few little details about your database tables (what's the table name, what's 
the PK, what's the relation between your tables) which is typically done in 
XML. From there, it creates all of your select, insert, update, delete 
functionality (Commonly called CRUD operations) for you :). Any developer who 
has done a fair sized project will know that these functions take a good third 
of your development time - when this gets taken care of for you it is HUGE. 

So to answer your question, choosing a framework really depends on development 
style and in many cases choosing multiple frameworks may make a winning 
combination. Please note that the term frameworks is being used very loosely 
here - Fusebox and Model glue basically have the same use; transfer and reactor 
basically have the same use. A winning combination may be model glue and 
reactor (and coldspring for the model-glue unity setup) or fusebox and 

Get your nose out there, and give these frameworks a try!

Deploy Web Applications Quickly across the enterprise with ColdFusion MX7  
Flex 2
Free Trial


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-28 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
A good post, though I thought ORM stood for Object Relational/ship Mapping

This e-mail is from Reed Exhibitions (Gateway House, 28 The Quadrant,
Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom), a division of Reed Business,
Registered in England, Number 678540.  It contains information which is
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intended recipient(s).  If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note
that any form of distribution, copying or use of this communication or the
information in it is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  If you have
received this communication in error please return it to the sender or call
our switchboard on +44 (0) 20 89107910.  The opinions expressed within this
communication are not necessarily those expressed by Reed Exhibitions. 
Visit our website at

-Original Message-
From: Jake Pilgrim
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Sat Apr 28 15:44:17 2007
Subject: Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

This answer is hard to answer because I really feel it's strongly based on
your development style. Are you an old CF 5 developer that's just getting
into the MX arena (or maybe you're still not there)? - Fusebox is a
wonderful framework for these folks. Are you an OOP junkie? - Mach-II might
be your answer. Are you a developer who heavily relies on CFCs but doesn't
really care for the OOP approach? - model-glue might be your answer. 

Now the real cool thing out there in the coldfusion development architecture
world are ORMs - the front runners here are Transfer and Reactor. In my
experience recently, Transfer is knocking the socks off of Reactor and has
been a much more active open source project than Reactor. However, both work
extremely well. If you haven't used an ORM yet, you definitely need to try
one out :). For those of you not in the know, ORM stands for object role
modeling (fancy term, whatever) - the basic idea is that you tell the ORM a
few little details about your database tables (what's the table name, what's
the PK, what's the relation between your tables) which is typically done in
XML. From there, it creates all of your select, insert, update, delete
functionality (Commonly called CRUD operations) for you :). Any developer
who has done a fair sized project will know that these functions take a good
third of your development time - when this gets taken care of for you it is

So to answer your question, choosing a framework really depends on
development style and in many cases choosing multiple frameworks may make
a winning combination. Please note that the term frameworks is being used
very loosely here - Fusebox and Model glue basically have the same use;
transfer and reactor basically have the same use. A winning combination may
be model glue and reactor (and coldspring for the model-glue unity setup) or
fusebox and transfer. 

Get your nose out there, and give these frameworks a try!

Create Web Applications With ColdFusion MX7  Flex 2. 
Build powerful, scalable RIAs. Free Trial 


Re: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-28 Thread Dwayne Cole
You will have a hard time convincing me that one methodology is better than 
another.  You can not separate the methodology from the developer's 
(individuals and development shops) acquired skills, preferences, and other 
best practices.  I bet there are few people who use any one of these 
methodologies exclusively or with out some sort of customization.  

It would be helpful however to compare how each framework handles common 
functions for example.  I break my applications up in to a Model, View, 
Controller files.

Model files (.cfm or.cfc) handle my database interactions particularly my CRUD 
functions.  I'm split as to whether i should develop my Model files and .cfc's 
or .cfm and call them when I need them.

View files are responsible for display side.  I wrap display code (list, forms 
etc) with functions and cfsavecontent.  

Controller files are responsible for controlling user request and I use a 
modified fusebox approach. For example index.cfm?action = dothis.  The index 
file is basically a cfswitch expression with many cfcases.  

From a framework perspective, I would be interesting in knowing:

1). What framework best manages variable scoping (what should go into the 
application scope, what should go into request scope etc)

2). What framework leverages the best practices for setting up and integrating 
Model level functionality. (Transfer, Reactor ect)

3). What framework leverages the best practices for structuring and calling 
View or display oriented functionality.

4). What framework leverages the best practices for organizing Controller 

5). What framework leverages the best library of UDF's for extending 
coldfusion's data, formatting, scheduling, etc functions.

Basically each framework works better on one level or another but fall short of 
others.  I would like to see a move towards FRAMEWORK SEGMENTATION for 
example a strong framework for handling Model level functions in a way that 
allows me to use something else for handling my View components.  Likewise a 
strong and flexible View framework (including integrated gui css) the 
leverages Ajax and allows for one to output smart list, web 2.0 forms, etc.  
Finally, a framework that effectively handles application specific variables, 
what types of application variables should be stored in what scope and in what 
form (database, .txt file, xml etc)  For example most store DSN in the 
application scope. I also store my navigation system in the application scope.  

-- Original Message --
From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  Sat, 28 Apr 2007 16:27:27 +0100

A good post, though I thought ORM stood for Object Relational/ship Mapping

Upgrade to Adobe ColdFusion MX7
The most significant release in over 10 years. Upgrade  see new features.


RE: Which Framework do you use... (if any)

2007-04-28 Thread Dave Watts
 There must be one which is faster, more productive and which 
 just seems the best?


Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

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