[cia-drugs] +Rich Famous Dwell-Habitats Brimming with Luciferian Energy

2008-11-05 Thread Bush / Obama - Police State
Where the Rich and Famous Dwell 
—Architectural Secrets of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, 
Astors, DuPonts, and Other Storied Bloodlines and Dynasties 
+Rich  Famous Dwell-Habitats Brimming with Luciferian Energy
All Pics.below and at:
In his classic novel, The Great Gatsby, 
acclaimed writer F. Scott Fitzgerald examined the wildly reckless, 
yet oddly foreboding lifestyle of the superwealthy, 
America's monied class. In the novel, observing the depraved 
and unethical character of the superwealthy, one, less financially 
endowed character confided, The rich are different than you and me.
Is this true? 
Are the rich—the monied blood dynasties 
and financial titans of this world
—different than you and me?
The answer, if we judge these sinister and calculating men 
solely on the basis of their fabulous dwellings
—their palatial estates and luxuriously appointed mansions—is
I believe that in a decadent material world, where men and women 
are unfairly judged on how much money they possess, 
what kind of expensive auto they drive (or are chauffeured in!), 
and how huge and magnificent is their dwelling place, we can, with 
clarity, conclude that the rich are far, far different than you and me.
I know, I know—an egalitarian might object, pointing out 
the Jeffersonian credo that All men are created equal. 
However, look around—you and I know that is not so, 
certainly not in regard to wealth and prosperity. 
Sadly but surely, as George Orwell, of 1984 fame, suggested 
in his insightful essay, Animal Farm, 
Everyone is born equal, but some are born more equal than others.
Habitats Brimming with Luciferian Energy
Considering their dwelling places, the rich are definitely 
in a far different league. 
But the estates and mansions of the wealthy Illuminati elite 
are different in ways other than measured 
by their huge size, ritzy décor, sprawling grounds, and price tag. 
As I illustrate quite vividly in Where the Rich and Famous Dwell 
(available in VHS or DVD), my newest video documentary release, 
the dwellings of the rich are brimming with Luciferian energy. 
Look closely at the ominously dark architectural features of their habitats 
and you'll discover strange things—beasts in stone, occult designs, 
wicked furniture appointments, and pagan works of art. 
Since it is true that in an immoral, Christless world, men and women 
are judged by the things with which they surround themselves 
and by where and how they live, the conclusion is inescapable: 
The Illuminati are soul-possessed human devils!
The decadent lifestyles, unethical business practices, and raw
personal character of the wealthy elite are mirrored in their dwellings. 
Consider, for example, Cornelius Vanderbilt, who manipulated 
the stock market and unscrupulously heaped for himself 
a staggering fortune. Vanderbilt admitted to associates 
that for as long as he could remember he had been obsessed 
with making money
—I have been insane on the subject of money-making all my life.
Gargoyles, Horned Devils, Ancient Gods, and Phallic Signs
The Vanderbilt Dynasty's fabulous Biltmore Estate no doubt 
reflects this money mania, and it also reflects the fact that, 
according to his biographers, Vanderbilt never made 
a single business decision until he first consulted with demon spirits. 
Featured in the video Where the Rich and Famous Dwell, 
the Vanderbilts' Biltmore Estate openly displays gargoyles 
and horned devils in stone, paintings of ancient 
Mystery Religion gods and goddesses, and witchcraft furnishings.
At the Rockefellers' Kykuit estate you'll find a statue of a nude goddess, 
sculptures of Greek deities, zodiac signs in mosaic, and an Egyptian obelisk. 
The gravesite of the wealthy dynasty's founding father, oil magnate 
John D. Rockefeller, is shown to be a towering Egyptian obelisk, 
a phallic sign of the Illuminati's core doctrine of reincarnation.
Also in Where the Rich and Famous Dwell, 
you'll visit the Rothschild's ornate Waddesdon Manor in England, 
where America's richest billionaire, Warren Buffett, and 
California Governor—the Chosen Disciple—Arnold Schwarzenegger 
recently met with Lord Jacob Rothschild. The architecture 
of Waddesdon Manor is highlighted by a striking fountain in the gardens 
with statuary of a gigantic vicious serpent terrorizing hapless victims.
On the grounds of the duPont mansion we find a great owl 
and skull  bones design carefully grafted into the landscape 
while, parked outside the chauffeurs' garage, 
we observe luxurious Rolls Royce automobiles. 
Astor Court, home of John Jacob Astor, boldly shows forth 
the Astor family crest—a crowned dragon serpent. 
Doesn't the Bible describe the devil as both a serpent and a dragon?

At the Getty estate, meanwhile, we discover the statue 
of a devilish faun resting on a rock in the pool, and, nearby, 
a statue of the Greek deity Hermes, Messenger of 

Re: [cia-drugs] Amen

2008-11-05 Thread Ang

I second that.

RoadsEnd wrote:


[cia-drugs] Let's hold feet to the fire and go off the paved road ...

2008-11-05 Thread Kris Millegan
Enuff said.

Peace is an action,


[cia-drugs] Fwd: Nine marijuana initiative victories yesterday

2008-11-05 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Marijuana Policy Project [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: November 5, 2008 8:50:47 AM PST
Subject: Nine marijuana initiative victories yesterday
Reply-To: Marijuana Policy Project [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Marijuana Policy Project Alert  November 5, 2008

Dear Kris Millegan:

MPP and our allies across the country passed nine out of 10 marijuana- 
related ballot initiatives yesterday ... and also defeated a bad  
initiative. This makes yesterday the most successful day in MPP's 14- 
year history.

MICHIGAN: MPP's medical marijuana initiative passed by 63% to 37% in  
Michigan, making it the 13th state to protect medical marijuana  
patients from arrest and jail. While any new medical marijuana law is  
a great victory, this one is especially notable, since Michigan is now  
the first medical marijuana state in the Midwest, and the second  
largest medical marijuana state in the country (with California being  
the largest). Seehttp://www.stoparrestingpatients.org/ for details.

MASSACHUSETTS: MPP's landmark initiative to decriminalize marijuana in  
Massachusetts passed by 65% to 35%. The measure removes the threat of  
arrest and jail for possessing an ounce or less of marijuana,  
replacing it with a $100 fine, which can be paid through the mail  
without lawyers or court appearances, just like a speeding ticket.  
This is the first time in history that voters have passed a statewide  
initiative to decriminalize marijuana! Seehttp://www.sensiblemarijuanapolicy.org/ 
 for details.

CALIFORNIA: A measure that would have required the loss of public  
housing benefits for recent drug convictions lost by a 70% to 30%  
margin. (The measure would have also increased spending on prisons and  
law enforcement, as well as increased penalties for gang-related  
activities and other crimes.)

CALIFORNIA: A measure that would have expanded the number of drug  
offenders diverted from prison into treatment — as well as improving  
the marijuana decriminalization law that was originally enacted by the  
state legislature in 1975 — lost by 60% to 40%. Seehttp://www.prop5yes.com/ 
 for details.

BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA: A measure (which received $5,000 from the MPP  
grants program) to expand the non-residential zones where medical  
marijuana dispensaries can locate, issue zoning certificates, and  
bring Berkeley marijuana possession limits in line with recent court  
rulings passed by 62% to 38%. Seehttp://www.yesonjj.com/ for details.

FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: A measure (which received $3,972 from the MPP  
grants program) to make adult marijuana offenses the lowest priority  
for local law enforcement passed by 66% to 34%. See http://www.sensiblefayetteville.com/ 
 for details.

HAWAII COUNTY, HAWAII: A measure (which received $19,800 from the MPP  
grants program) to make adult marijuana offenses the lowest priority  
for local law enforcement passed by 53% to 39%. See http://www.projectpeacefulsky.org/ 
 for details.

FOUR DISTRICTS IN MASSACHUSETTS: Voters in four out of four state  
House districts passed four nonbinding public policy questions  
directing each district's state representative to vote in favor of  
legislation that would allow seriously ill patients to use medical  
marijuana if they have the approval of their physicians. Seehttp://www.dpfma.org/ 
 for details.


Yesterday was the most successful day in MPP's 14-year history.

Of the 100,000 subscribers on this e-mail list, only 6,600 have  
donated to MPP's work so far this year. If you and the other 93,400  
people who haven't yet donated this year each donate only $10 right  
now, that would generate nearly $1,000,000 in just one day.  And  
raising $1,000,000 right now is essential, because ...

In order to win in Michigan and Massachusetts, our campaign committees  
had to spend $400,000 and $700,000 on advertising, respectively, in  
these two states. To be sure, $1,100,000 is a lot of money, but the  
good news is that these two campaigns cost far less than what the  
pundits were saying it would take to spend to win.

At the same time, spending $1,100,000 in the past month means that  
we're essentially now broke. If you're feeling good right now and want  
to help MPP finish the year strong — so that we can start swinging as  
soon as the California, Illinois, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire,  
New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont legislatures convene in January —  
please consider donating today.

Before Election Day, we were asking MPP members and allies across the  
country to fund the possibility of success on Election Day. Now that  
we're looking back on Election Day, I'd like to respectfully ask that  
you fund proven success.

Thank you in advance for anything you can give to keep our momentum  


Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.

P.S. As I've mentioned in previous alerts, a major 

[cia-drugs] fyi, Blair trying to claim dominance, supremacy authority while out of loop.

2008-11-05 Thread genocideeuropean

Happy Christmas!  Information on Alleged Crimes  Criminal Activity here
is also at http://C h i l d h  o o d W i t h o u t W a r . n e t
http://C h i l d h  o o d W i t h o u t W a r . n e t

An Internationally coordinated Cold Turkey (Narcotics, Weapons  Crime)
Flush-Erradication was planned to occur before 11-9-2001.  (The UKGB
PMBlair was out of the loop because of Blair's alleged narcotics habit,
Blair reportedly schizophrenic before becoming UKGB PM.  Insanity as
result of attempt to create Narcotics, Crime  Weapons monopoly. eCrime
= No Deterrent for Aryan Racially Motivated Crime.)

World Peace plans of Japan's 1950 World Peace business matrix was used
as a Western WWII SQL shell game  all DEA, FBI  CIA personnel were
stalked  followed, spied upon pre 11-9-2001 by those of Narcotics
Terrorists Political  Commercial Organizations to affect a eternally
failed reversal of fortune.

The Vatican Doors had closed at the end of Pope John Paul the II's Year
2000 Jubilee.

All sin of the past 25 years, past World Wars, past History was to be
forgiven of Westerners  Easterners, all accounts reconciled in the year

Rumors spread that Clintons represented the UKGB's representation of Old
Europe in the finale of what was rumored to be the end of all Wars.

Clintons chose New York, New York pointed to the Scots who represented
Old Europe's hell, Southern Europeans, Non Westerners, slaves, the
impoverished, the poor, handicapped.

The election has passed  as it did not happen as it was scheduled,
without a shot fired, there are questions to answer as Scotland has
won once  for all against the Romans, against those who would use their
nose to literally look down upon those less fortunate, those who look
different (flaming red hair), those without money  posh things, those
without the perfect childhood, those without perfect parents.

We've suffered through the crazy Advertisements, News Headlines, News
reports  conversations that don't make sense for the past 28 years.

The United States of America can say that it has conqured the wild Ego,
the Freudian Id (represented by key letter Country Ireland), the 
Clandestine Conspiracy using the Gestalt Computer Brain failed.  The
Unibomber-Davidian Cult didn't persist.  Irish Catholic Narcotics
Terrorist Actors allegedly called themselves Catholic Extremities
while Abu Grahib  Gitmo were playing on in the news.

All of the Intelligence Agents Internationally have sighed a sigh of
relief.  The Real Deal is over, was rumored to have been said.

The United States has until the 1st of December 2008 to prepare for the
first of many truly happy Christmases where Santa isn't a Bad Guy, Pimp,
Thug or Scruffy White Trash Hick.

As we prepare for the new year, test the new President's resolve to
walk the talk, each pattern of reconstruction of past history should
try to answer more questions than it raises ... settle more issues
than it stirs, not to render alternatives implausible.

--Unknown source.

Get Involved in your Community in Real Ways
1. Don't claim authority. Listen more than you speak. Learn more about
where the priorities are  where they should be  prioritize, put
Earth's Self Sustaining BioSphere.  (Kill the Hindi)

2. Lead by example, walk the talk. Remember, Christianity gives
everyone the opportunity to repent at any time.

3. Learn Non Western Languages. Appreciate Ancestries which celebrate
Life, that celebrate Earth  celebrate all Ancestries of Earth.  Travel
isn't necessary. The United States doesn't have credibility until change
is seen in real ways toward solving long standing problems.

4. Write your list of Family issues in real terms instead of Spin or
vauge terms easily exploited by frauds in office.  Realize an stablility
in your Community with a Self Sustaining Earth in mind.

5. Don't assume you're talking about what your Legislator  Municipal
Public Servant is talking about. Spin  Key Words used sometimes signal
to Inside deals  Insider information.  Avoid the appearance of
Conspiracy, ASK QUESTIONS, document all communications  keep a diary of
your day.

6. Where there is immediate need -- ASK QUESTIONS, Don't assume the
other person is okay. FIRST ASSIST.  fyi, There is a difference between
those in need of help  those on Narcotics.

7. Communicate your expectations clearly. If you haven't solved problems
with your expressed effort with your Legislators  Municipal Public
Servants after one term, evaluate what wasn't done to answer questions 
either elect someone who has a record of affecting progress or do more
work with your Legislator.

Read the Where Does Racism Come From? Pdf from Childhood Without War



Does it matter to the GOP that all exit polls proved that race
wasn't an issue in this election? (CNN, 2008)
Does it matter to the GOP that all 28 years of 

[cia-drugs] Akha Journal: Batteries Needed for Bus

2008-11-05 Thread Matthew McDaniel
Dear Friends:
In one week the bus will be ready for signs, the paint secure. We continue to 
do all our own repairs on the bus. Yet we need four RV batteries for the 
onboard electrical system.
If you can donate for one battery that would be a great help. Batteries are 
$310 each, we need four. With that and the signs, the bus will be ready to go.
We hope that President elect Obama will establish a more responsible 
relationship with Thailand demanding accountability regarding human rights 
issues for Thailand's minorities.
We currently continue to persue accountability for all those in the Thai 
security forces who were involved in the killings of Akha people from 2000 
forward. We continue to press the State Department for the names of those who 
have been vetted and for lists that should show those accused of abuses.
Thank you for your support.
Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation.
http://www.akha.org Akha Heritage Site.
Discussion http://groups.yahoo.com/group/akha
Donate Via Credit Card Paypal: 

PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.


[cia-drugs] Now That Obama Has Won There is No Excuse

2008-11-05 Thread scott munson

From: smacko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: November 5, 2008 11:11:49 AM PST
Subject: [GovernmentShadow] Now That Obama Has Won . . . There is No  



Now That Obama Has Won . . . There is No Excuse
via 911blogger.com - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News  
by GeorgeWashington on 11/4/08

Now that a Democrat has been elected president, the Democrats in  
Congress have no excuse. They can no longer pretend that they have to  
hold back to win the election.

They have no excuse to delay war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney  
and company for Iraq.

They have no excuse to delay war crimes charges for torture.

They have no excuse to delay criminal charges for spying on Americans.

They have no excuse to delay criminal charges for 9/11.

Now is not the time for Democratic machine politics. Now is the time  
to implement true American values - cherished across the political  
aisle - of liberty and justice.

There can be no liberty in America unless the tyrants who have tried  
to imprison us and enslave us are prosecuted.

There can be no justice in America unless the high and mighty are held  
accountable for their actions.

Obama is a former Constitutional law professor. He knows the value of  
the Constitution and the rule of law. He promised during his campaign  
to curb the unconstitutional practices of the executive branch.

But that is not enough. Because if the tyrants in both parties who  
have trampled on the vision of the founding fathers are not held  
accountable, then future tyrants will learn that they can get away  
with it, also.

Now that Obama has won, there is no excuse. Those who have trampled on  
our country and our people must be held to account for the whole world  
and future generations to see.


[cia-drugs] UFO shoots at missile (CNN)

2008-11-05 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
UFO shoots at missile (CNN)

UFOs are not from outer space.  Thomas Townsend Brown was using 
electrogravitics to levitate disc shaped metallic objects as far back as 1926.  
William Lyne has a number of books on this.  His thesis is that Tesla was 
developing this technology, and that it was researched in Alomagordo until 
1936, when the Germans were no longer our allies, then developed by the Germans 
at Pennemunde, only to be brought back over to America after the war.
Wilhelm Reich was disabling these flying saucers in flight, from the ground, 
using his cloudbuster, which functioned by drawing radiation from the 
I believe that nuclear weapons, or more specifically ICMB intercontinental 
ballistic missiles are outdated by this technology, because these top secret 
craft, which have atmosphere to space capability are capable of immense speed 
with little or no internal inertia, and hence can intercept these missiles.  As 
we see in this video.  The missile then can be disabled with EM pulse 
technology or Microwave weapons. 
I've also read conspiratorial ravings that electrogravitics is used not as 
propulsion, but for stabilization in stealth aircraft.


Space Aliens from the Pentagon: Flying Saucers Are Man-Made Electrical Machines 
(Paperback) by William R. Lyne

Occult Ether Physics: Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy 
to Conceal It (2nd Revised Edition) (Paperback) by William Lyne

Occult Science Dictatorship: The Official State Science Religion and How to Get 
Excommunicated (Paperback) by William Lyne

Pentagon Aliens (Paperback) by William Lyne

[cia-drugs] -3 Ways Internet CRIME has Changed-DOJ threat scuttled Yahoogle deal

2008-11-05 Thread Bush / Obama - Police State

-3 Ways Internet CRIME has Changed-DOJ threat scuttled Yahoogle deal
Three ways Internet crime has changed

by Joan Goodchild

November 3, 2008 (CSO) 
Gone are the days when most hackers were looking for fame with a splashy, 
large-scale attack on a network that made headlines. Today's cybercriminals 
are quietly taking over vulnerable Web sites 
as part of an elaborate process in the underground economy.
Cupertino, Calif.-based security products provider Symantec 
publishes a biannual Internet threat report. 
Data collected through their managed security services are reviewed 
and analyzed for the report, which was recently published in its 13th edition.
One trend highlighted in the report change is the motivation of hackers, 
according to the data. 
The trend has moved from hacking attempts being done for notoriety 
to hacking for criminal intent and fraud, said Grant Geyer, 
vice president of Symantec Managed Security Services.
How are cybercriminals working today? 
And what do you need to know to stay on top with your security strategy? 
Read on for the latest news on malicious Web activity.
Botnets spearhead for-profit hacker activities
The latest data from Symantec confirms that the Web is now an 
integral tool for criminals looking to make money (not merely mischief). 
Malware-infected systems are used as network of bots f
or a wide variety of inappropriate activities.
Bots can do denial-of-service attacks; they can be used 
to send out spam, to send out phishing data, they can be 
the Swiss Army knife of malware distribution, 
said Geyer. 
We're seeing more and more of both consumers, as well as 
corporations, being targeted by bots for malicious purposes.
Bots, Geyer confirms, are being used as business model; 
part of the underground economy that is run and organized 
like any major corporation. (See CSO's 
Inside the Global Hacker Service Economy for an in-depth investigation of how 
such sites work.)
If you want access, if you want one of these bot networks to send out 
your specific spam message, you can purchase time on bot network;
 there are rates being established, noted Geyer. 
Bots are also being used to steal confidential data. 
Credit card numbers are sold online. 
Market prices are established for that, too.
Cybercriminals are quieter, and sneakier
While early hackers wanted to make a big splash by attacking 
as many computers as possible in a show of genius and savvy 
for taking down network, now criminals don't want to be detected. 
Takeovers are done in a slow, methodical fashion.
If you can go as slow and stealthily as possible and take over systems 
in a selective manner, you don't get caught. By not getting caught, 
you can use the systems you've taken over for a variety of purposes.
Geyer said sites in the United States are consistently the top target 
China is usually second and many countries in Western Europe 
also in the top 10.
In the first few years the report was published, the number 
of vulnerabilities in operating systems and software increased annually. 
The good news is that has begun to change in the last 18 months, 
said Geyer. Vendors have become more proactive about patching. 
The bad news is hackers have taken on other techniques to exploit 
a system and are focusing more on site-specific vulnerabilities.
Site-specific vulnerabilities are a lot harder problem to solve, 
said Geyer. 
You can't just send out a patch and protect everyone 
if the problem is site-specific. 
(See The Chilling Effect for more detail on Web site vulnerabilities.)
Large organizations were the main target of attacks less than a decade ago; 
now the end user is the primary target, said Geyer. Phishing Web site hosts 
are dramatically increasing and so are new variants of malware.
In the past 18 months, the increase is just staggering.
So much is being introduced, organizations are having tough time.
A lot of it is the same piece of malware that is tweaked 
to be slight variant of other pieces already written. 
It just shows how easy it is 
to write it and also that there is true financial gain. 
This is proving to be a good business model 
for people in the underground economy.

Yahoo says DOJ threat scuttled Google deal

Contends that the Internet firms 
could have defended the proposal in the courts
by Grant Gross

November 5, 2008 (IDG News Service) 
A U.S. Department of Justice plan to block Google Inc.'s proposed 
advertising deal with Yahoo Inc. led to the dissolving of the plan today, 
according to Yahoo.Google had pointed to continued concerns 
among U.S. regulators and Internet advertisers in its announcement 
earlier today, but it did not say that the DOJ was planning to block the deal. 

[cia-drugs] An OBAMA PRESIDENCY: More of The Same-Only WORSE (Part 1)

2008-11-05 Thread radar runner

go to the upper left and clickon  ABOUT US/EDITORIAL BOARD  to see some very 
surprising names and backgrounds of the people behind this website



[cia-drugs] The More Things 'Change' The More They Stay The Same

2008-11-05 Thread scott munson

The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same
Obama the Messiah-Dictator is more dangerous than Bush

Paul Joseph Watson  Alex Jones | Nov 4, 2008


also, from another email:

Remember Remember the Fifth of November .. we still have War Criminal
To: Cascadian_Bioregion [EMAIL PROTECTED] s.com
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 12:40 PM

ok let me reapproach this in a different way. If you have a Guy Fawkes  
mask and a group
of friends you were going to go out with tonight then if you still can  
then do it not for a
protest about election fraud (which there was a lot and Obama probably  
won in bigger
number). But if you have such a mask and friends go out in celebration  
of human rights

and civil liberties.

--- In Cascadian_Bioregion [EMAIL PROTECTED] s.com, skookum_tamanawis

 I don't think Cascadia (or anyone else) lost last night - or won,
 for that matter. And you're right, we'll be fighting the korporatist
 two-party system for a long, long time...perhaps decades.

 We made some small amount of progress, that's all. The reality is
 that it is likely to continue to be three steps forward, two steps
 back for the foreseeable future...but at least as a species and a
 planet, we WILL be moving in a generally forward, progressive
 direction, and in 100, 150 years, we will be BEYOND the whole idea
 of class and perhaps the concept of nation-states,  the True
 Faith, and other such toxic concepts.

 But it's got to start somewhere.

 We will also continue to bicker and argue over petty details, I am
 sure - particularly if we can move beyond the whole idea of top-down
 dominator hierarchical models of societal organization.

 Cascadia will come about by us living those Cascadian ideals, and
 letting the rest of the country and world see it. We need to be the
 change we want to see in the rest of the world (as Ghandi said), lead
 by example - starting by localizing our Northwest economy as much as
 possible. Right now, I know of few legal roadblocks standing in the
 way of that (even the IRS states that local currencies are legal, so
 long as they get their pound of flesh) - and if we aren't as
 economically detached from the rest of the USA as we can legally be,
 autonomy will be impossible and meaningless.

 --- In Cascadian_Bioregion [EMAIL PROTECTED] s.com, a_cascadian
 no_reply@ wrote:
  this is what I was predicting if Obama won that people will be too
 tired and eventually
  Cascadia would disappear as just a side note in history like the
 State of Jefferson and in
  the mean time the corporatists who use the two party system will
 continue on. Oh we will
  hear the good work of the Democrats like Pelosi (who defeated Cindy
 and her challenge).
  Its a sad day to be honest. This is a victory for the middle class
 that is all. At least the
  middle class that likes to keep their privilege over the under
  I was going to post this a week ago
  Why Don't Barack Obama and John McCain Talk About the Working  

 http://www.democrac ynow.org/ 2008/10/27/ why_dont_ barack_obama_  

  Today Cascadia lost. Today the lower classes lost. Today the
 world lost because out of
  the rage could have came something different, but now a pretend
 attempt to the return to
  the same old same old which is itself a fallacy.
  Maybe Obama could be a Roosevelt, but I doubt it. He could try,
 but remember if Richard
  Nixon was in power today his policies would be seen
 as communist. We are that far
  Right that Hitler would call us extremists in our laissez-faire
  --- In
 Cascadian_Bioregion [EMAIL PROTECTED] s.com, skookum_tamanawis
  kayma2@ wrote:
   With all due respect A, I'm tired. Tired of being outraged, tired
   screaming at willfully deaf and cowardly legislators, tired of
   afraid of a fascist-militarist Sword of Damocles hangining over
   of our heads.
   Bush and his gang of criminals will in all likelihood NEVER be
   accountable in this life, and I've ceased to hope or expect
   in this regard. I will be grateful and count our blessings when
   little bastard from Crawford and the Undead Eater of Flesh Cheney
   quit our shores, retire to Paraguay and Dubai and darken our land
   As John Mahoney, playing the role of Martin Crane in one of the
   few TV shows I ever watched on a regular basis said: You can
   let it eat ya up inside, or you can just file it away under the
   category 'Sometimes Life Sucks.'
   We just have to accept the fact that in this particualr case,
   sucks. Hopefully, the mandate by the American People last night
   give this Congress a spine to at least prevent bastard Bush and
   gang of cutthroats from doing any more damage, but realistically,
   they are never going to hold any of them accountable.

[cia-drugs] http://ritualabuse.us/mindcontrol/ mc, propaganda, mk-ultra

2008-11-05 Thread smartnews
_http://ritualabuse.us/mindcontrol/_ (http://ritualabuse.us/mindcontrol/)   
mc, propaganda,  mk-ultra

Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program Of Research In Behavioral  Modification 
Joint Hearing Before the Select Committee on Intelligence And the  Subcommittee 
on Health and Scientific Research Of the Committee on Human  Resources United 
States Senate Ninety-fifth Congress First Session August 3,  1977MKULTRA 
Hypnosis Experiments  - This memo, written by the CIA's  Sidney Gottlieb, is 
one of the earliest records available from the MKULTRA  project. One month 
CIA Director Allen Dulles authorized the program,  Gottlieb writes of a 
planned series of five major experiments which are to  examine hypnotically 
induced anxieties, the relationship of personality to  hypnosis, and other 
matters of the hypnotized mind MKULTRA Materials and  Methods - This 1955 
document reviews the Agency's research and development  of a shocking list of 
mind-altering substances and methods, including materials  which will render 
the indication of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its  usefulness, and 
physical methods of producing shock and confusion over  extended periods of 
time and capable of surreptitious useMKULTRA and LSD -  This June 1953 
document records Dr. Sidney Gottlieb's approval of an early CIA  acid test. 
project will include a continuation of a study of the  biochemical, 
neurophysiological, sociological, and clinical psychiatric aspects  of L.S.D., 
the CIA 
scientist writes.  _http://www.arts.rpi.edu/~pellr/lansberry/mkultra.pdf_ 

Ex-Jehovah's Witness, Therapist discusses MIND CONTROL 

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Holiday needs. Search Now. 

[cia-drugs] Re: Amen

2008-11-05 Thread muckblit
Even in this dumbed down parody of America, we can still count votes
in one out of three presidential elections, or 33% of our presidential
elections in this century.

Our first elected president in the 21th century was black, but look
beyound the skin level--in other words, hurray, we actually counted
votes in one out of three elections in the 21st century.

Americans CAN count, but not necessarily multiply or divide, and they
do not USUALLY(2 out of 3), even COUNT votes. They are not counting
profit, or they would not have gone so far into neolib neocon
pseudo-economics that elections and habeus corpus and free speech
became dirty words to them.

We can count to two. We counted off two elections where our votes were
not counted, without doing anything about it but waiting. So we
waited. As chance would have it, a landslide overcame election fraud,
almost AS IF we counted votes one out of three. But did we count
votes? NOT EXACTLY, and even in numbers as low as ONE, precision and
accuracy can play a part.

The world can tell if we are serious about counting their votes, if we
are NOT serious about counting our votes. If we are serious about
counting OUR votes, we still might be racist about counting other
people's votes. Pat Robertson, Reverend Robertson, might still throw
out all the votes of Indios y Negros in Venezuela, where Robertson
would like to vote once, absentee of course, by assassination. Pat is
pro-choice, pro Sirhan's choice, Oswald's choice, Osama's choice,
Pat's choice. Funny, Pat did not say he was pro-choice, but, he is.
How many US pro-democracy wars have resulted in democracy?

Women in Afghanistan burn themselves alive with gasoline every year to
protest CIA funding of misogynist security guards for opium poppies,
since US liberated poppies not women in 2001. Do we see the light? Do
we see the burning glare there? Do we know what is is? Can we count
past one?

Maybe the Afghan women can turn that into a business. Milton
Friedman's economics has taught people around me to say,Maybe you
could turn that into a business, when I describe my investment of
twenty years to visit 300 people who were murdered, survive 4 murder
attempts, 3 kidnappings, help 100 murderers and felons including two
CIA assassins to get off the street, so to speak. The Palin
kkkristians look at my rezoomay and say, maybe I could disconnect,
formulize, sterilize that and sell it. Their problem, thus my problem
by consequence, is that good needs a root,The love of money is the
root of all good. Good needs a root. I am a walking dead man, in
other words, until I can disconnect, formulize, sterilize, and sell
some aspect of my process. Sell the input, the output, the process? I
do not want to know, because chopping up and bifurcating would
probably fail like Milton Friedman, even with Pinochet and Cheney and
Bush and Robertson and Palin and Blackwater and NORTHCOM and all of
their failure to count votes in THREE out of three elections. I would
like to say good does not need a root, but I already did.