Re: 3524XL Error Message [7:72563]

2003-07-18 Thread David Cooper
On Friday 18 July 2003 10:47, you wrote:
 Yes, I have seen it on one of my boxes. It's a hardware problem. Open a TAC
 case and they'll probably RMA it.

 Shawn K.

 -Original Message-
 From: Firesox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 7:20 AM
 Subject: 3524XL Error Message [7:72563]

 I am troubleshooting the 3524XL and get the following message at the boot.

 C3500XL POST FAILURE: front-end post: GigabitEthernet0/2:

 C3500XL POST FAILURE: looped-back packet not received

 It is connected to 2950G-24.  2950 is seeing the 3524XL via CDP, but not
 vice versa.

 Has anyone seen this error messgae/condition?

 Thanks in advance.

Yea, I've got a couple 3524 with the FastEthernet's out. They seem to go in 
blocks of 4 ports at a time for those. Haven't seen GigE's drop though... 
yet. Definatlly hardware, like a circut protection device popped. Dunno
that for optical though.


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OSPF over IPSec [7:72606]

2003-07-18 Thread David Cooper
Hey would like to run something by the ospf-geeks here. For a little bit
been mulling over OSPF over an IPSec vpn tunnel. I know it can be done with 
routers and a GRE tunnel but what about the two actual end devices. Im 
currently tinkering with a PIX506 and a VPN Concentrator 3000. Both devices 
are OSPF aware. But, they don't seem to accept the concept of a vpn int
. an interface and really don't like to think about forming adjencies over 
that. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about this or if they've 
experianced ospf between two separate networks with just these devices on
edges.  google turns up only GRE methods as well it seems as CCO. Thus it 
probably wont work but I figured Cisco might hack a way into it since after 
all they implemented ospf on the pix and concentrators.

Thanks in advance for any ideas or thoughts.

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Re: Quoting in Replies [7:71366]

2003-07-01 Thread David Cooper
On Tuesday 01 July 2003 15:29, Jamie Johnson wrote:
 Cool! My cosmic ray machine must be working. Better put on your tinfoil

 From: Recent escapee from the ex-dot.commer insane asylum

 John Neiberger wrote:
   - jvd 7/1/03 12:32:02 PM 
  Hi my Quote button disappeared! No serious, there used to be a
  next to my Post button but now it's gone. I refreshed the page
  as well and
  still nothing. Maybe the cosmic rays hit my PC's memory,
  corrupted it and
  deleted my Quote button :-)
  No serious, is anybody else also having this problem?
  That's rather odd.  What browser are you using?

Could that be considered a Denial of Service attack?

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span sessions [7:65531]

2003-03-19 Thread David Cooper
hey all quick q for ya. I have a cat 6509 sitting on the core of a 5000
network with both 100mbit and gigabit links. I have to watch a couple boxes 
on a very busy vlan for session data for analysis, but there is s much 
traffic on the specific vlan that it literally made my little laptop scream 
and makes other stronger boxes kinda just die. Well the application (ntop).

I'd like to see if there is a way to use regexp or filtering somehow to
to span to kinda not get the 1gig/s backup traffic that blows my application 
up. I've dug through various manuals and ? is certainly my friend but I 
can't get anything to work and theres just way too much data off the pipe.
Kinda like drinking from a fire hose ya know.

If anyone has a suggestions on how to limit traffic on a span port to hosts, 
please let me know.

Possibly also if anyone knows any neato applications that can do application 
stream reporting per port etc with bw graphing for the folks who think 
computers are like books let me know. One caveat, it has to run in a GNU 
enviroment eg Linux/FreeBSD.. no Microsoft 'solutions'

Thanks in advance,

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span sessions [7:65531]

2003-03-16 Thread David Cooper
hey all quick q for ya. I have a cat 6509 sitting on the core of a 5000
network with both 100mbit and gigabit links. I have to watch a couple boxes 
on a very busy vlan for session data for analysis, but there is s much 
traffic on the specific vlan that it literally made my little laptop scream 
and makes other stronger boxes kinda just die. Well the application (ntop).

I'd like to see if there is a way to use regexp or filtering somehow to
to span to kinda not get the 1gig/s backup traffic that blows my application 
up. I've dug through various manuals and ? is certainly my friend but I 
can't get anything to work and theres just way too much data off the pipe.
Kinda like drinking from a fire hose ya know.

If anyone has a suggestions on how to limit traffic on a span port to hosts, 
please let me know.

Possibly also if anyone knows any neato applications that can do application 
stream reporting per port etc with bw graphing for the folks who think 
computers are like books let me know. One caveat, it has to run in a GNU 
enviroment eg Linux/FreeBSD.. no Microsoft 'solutions'

Thanks in advance,

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PIX and Cryptochecksum [7:59650]

2002-12-20 Thread David Cooper
Hey folks, I just saw a strange incident with a pix 501 in china. To be
this pix was doing ipsec to a site in america, PAT and smtp port

One day out of the blue, all the access-list entries and crypto match rules 
were gone.. poof! all the access-groups were too. The static commands were 
still there and everything else. 

I think this is possibly a security violation. The one thing I noticed was
Cryptochecksum was _ALL_ zeros in the sh config. 

A little birdie at tac told me that it is possible that the cryptochecksum 
could be zeros but that strongly goes against my tuition. 

Does anyone have any idea on this? Afaik that should never be 0.

Thanks in advance,

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backup plan for a campus [7:7052]

2001-06-04 Thread David Cooper

hiya folks :) happy monday

I'm thinking of backup solutions for a network I'm consulting for.
This network consists of 7 Vlans of which 5 are used for production. The
core switch is a Cat 6509 with gig uplinks to 9 closets with about 1500
nodes total. Incase the Cat catches on fire I would like to have a borg like
spanning tree festival that will make the network at least usable till
smartnet kicks in and replaces things. To each closet we have multiple
fibers running that are unused that I can use.
To the best of my little knowledge of design of networks. What Im thinking
is a smaller cat3508 as a redundant link to the closets. Spanning tree will
do it's job on the trunks. But this is just a bunch of 35xx switches and
intervlan routing is not taken care of. Now, here I have a 2620 with a Fast
Ethernet capable of ethernet trunks. if need be I can install another Fast
Ethernet card in it. This would do the inter-vlan routing. questions:

Is this a good idea? Any better ideas for it? Where the heck would I put the
router to do the intervlan stuff and what would tell the switches to use it
as such. Can I just plug it into a peripheral trunked 3524 and let er rip or
does it have to be on the temp backbone switch?

your design expertise would be GREATLY___ appreciated. 

This company is in the middle of layoffs like mad. Soon it will be back to
paper like the '60s :|

But anyways this is what keeps me paid.

Links, replies, money, free cheeze, coupons appreciated!

Thanks VERY VERY much in advance,
David Cooper
eosyn at linuxmafia dot org (no Im not a mafia person or '31337')

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Disaster recovery input from pros needed :) [7:4841]

2001-05-17 Thread David Cooper


I'm at a site right now where I we have a central Cat 6509 as core with a
couple fiber blades and 4 more 10/100 rj45 blades (ACK). This switch does
the core routing within the network. It also is the main switch for the
servers at the site. The fiber blades go out to closets with stacks of
3524's. There is also another stack of 3524's right next to the Big kitty
for workstations in the area. They have really good turnaround on the
failure of the cat6509 but I still wonder what the downtime will cost them
if the thing decides it would rather be a coffee maker. I have been talking
to the tie wearing folks about an interim backup solution.

Im thinking in the interim of a disaster I can grab a 2620 or higher and run
the routing on a stick I hear on this group so often. I am not sure where to
place this router though. I can swap all the gig modles to the 3524's next
to the cat. Then from there put a router on it and do the router on a stick.
I just don't know where exactly to put this in and how to design it. ( Im
not versed in network design of this type and quite a few others too :) Some
ideas in this matter from the grand folks on the group would be appreciated
indeed. Im am very interested in learning this one. Also what to do about
those 48 port modules on the Cat while it is sleeping too? Hehe. If I were
here while this was being designed I would have yelled alot more about this
conglomerate core/distro/access thingy.

Anyway if you need drawnings of the mess or any further info I can supply
them quick like :)

Looking forward to your thoughts!
Thanks in advance.
Dave Cooper

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Re: FS: Rack Cat 5k (Seattle area only) [7:3331]

2001-05-05 Thread David Cooper

how much for the carpet fuzz?

On Saturday 05 May 2001 16:54, Jon wrote:
 I liberated a full-size rack from work, so now I have a half-size rack I'd
 like to get rid of.  It's meant to hang from the wall and hold a bunch of
 gear -- this isn't one of those cheap racks from Musician's Friend.  It's
 all steel, and I have no interest in tearing it apart and shipping it, so
 if anyone in the Seattle general area wants it, let me know.

 I also have a Cat 5000 that I don't need anymore. I'd prefer to not ship
 this guy, as well, so if I can't find someone local, it'll stay in my rack
 and collect carpet fuzz.


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Switching (bridging across 1 vlan) [7:2579]

2001-04-30 Thread David Cooper

Hi again, 

I'm mulling over a possible issue on a (WINDOWS) lan here that uses a 
Cisco 6509 with a few vlans. One of the vlans is accessable via 2 ports
On one side of the vlan, there is the subnet master browser and, on the
side of the switch are more clients. These clients that are isolated from
master browser are failing to see browse lists. A few things complicate this 
like the MBrowser is a w2k machine while the clients are win9X. While in the 
Supervisor module I notice that they are not forwarding the protocols
name server and netbios datagram. Other than that everything looks OK.

What I'm wondering here is, on a Cat 6509 or on any other for that matter, 
Does the Packets from the same VLAN traverse the policies on the sup module?
As in netbios requests enters ge1 then hits the access lists on the super
gets stopped? I would figure that being in the same vlan and broadcast
that this would not be tampered with. 

Any insight would be appreciated.

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packet filtering and nat (yea ugh) [7:143]

2001-04-10 Thread David Cooper


Im somewhat stumped here and could use some help from the folks. 
I have a 2610 doing NAT over a cablem modem and really need to tighten it up 
just a bit.  The router is communicating with the internet via e0/0 and the 
internal network is running over s0/0 ( till I get an NM-1E ). My policy is 
somewhat open as follows:

ALLOW ANYONE to communicate with the internet FROM inside. (nat'ed rfc1918)
ALLOW inbound http from anyone to internal network (translated and working)
ALLOW inbound ssh from anyone to internal network (translated and working)
DENY anyone's incomming packets who has the SYN bit set but NOT SYN/ACK.
ALLOW anything else at the momment
default DENY

Most of this policy is to be enforced inbound e0/0.
I have tried to implement the syn !syn/ack with extended rules
access-list 102 deny tcp any any syn 

but when I apply this with an allow any any onto e0/0, all the outbound 
packets die either the syn/ack's from outside sites are getting denied or it 
never leaves the router to begin with. I cannot define a rule to pick out 
pure syn bit packets from syn/ack'd ones. 

Does anyone know a good packet filtering rule to accomplish this? Seems it 
should be pretty standard fare as far as packet filtering routers go (shrug).

Thanks in advance,

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routing protocols over a serial link

2001-04-03 Thread David Cooper

Hey again,

I've run into a wall here trying to configure a small test lab. The problem 
is, In my network of three routers, No routing protocol will traverse one 
serial link. The serial link in question is up/up and ip traffic will pass 
across it. static routes work, dynamic routes aren't ever learned. The serial 
interfaces are all frame relay and are tested fully for ip functionality. 

All 3 routers have 2 serial interfaces apeice. They are linked in a triangle 
mesh on separate subnets for each link. They are running encapsulation 
frame-relay, with no keepalives. subinterfaces are point-to-point. On both 
the offending routers a show ip eigrp interfaces return showing just the 
ethernet ports of the routers as the only interfaces used in the routing 

Im just wondering if there is something crucial that I am totally missing 
here. If required I will paste out the configs in another email. I just don't 
like to write long emails with all the details if I don't have to. 

Sorry if I leave some holes. Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: routing protocols over a serial link

2001-04-03 Thread David Cooper

Okey dokey :)

3 routers:

eo1 Cisco 2516 2 Serials s0 and s1, 1 ethernet (hub).
s0: (creative huh?) s0.1
s1: s1.1

eo2 Cisco 1602r 2 Serials (56K 4 wire dsu), 1 ethernet
s0: s0.1
s1: s1.1

eo3 Cisco 2610 2 Serials (1 56K 4 wire dsu) , 1 WIC-T1, 1 ethernet
s0: s0/0.1
s1: s0/1.1

just a basic run down.

eo1's config. 
version 12.0
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname eo1
enable secret 5 $k3jl23.3kj2lk3jn4k3l233.
ip subnet-zero
Hub crap ommited
interface Ethernet0
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface Serial0
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 encapsulation frame-relay
 no ip mroute-cache
 logging event subif-link-status
 logging event dlci-status-change
 no keepalive
 clockrate 200
interface Serial0.1 point-to-point
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 frame-relay interface-dlci 100   
interface Serial1
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 encapsulation frame-relay
 logging event subif-link-status
 logging event dlci-status-change
 no keepalive
interface Serial1.1 point-to-point
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 frame-relay interface-dlci 200   
interface BRI0
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
router eigrp 1
ip classless
ip route
line con 0
 exec-timeout 540 0
 password eh?
 transport input none
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
 exec-timeout 540 0
 password wee

eo2's config
version 11.2
no service password-encryption
service udp-small-servers
service tcp-small-servers
hostname eo2
enable secret 5 $1$klwke..ekrjekwejr3lk3js.
interface Ethernet0
 ip address
 no ip route-cache
 no ip mroute-cache
 logging event subif-link-status
interface Serial0
 no ip address
 encapsulation frame-relay
 no ip route-cache
 no ip mroute-cache
 logging event subif-link-status
 logging event dlci-status-change
 no keepalive
 service-module 56k clock source internal
 service-module 56k network-type dds
interface Serial0.1 point-to-point
 ip address
 no ip route-cache
 no ip mroute-cache
 no arp frame-relay
 frame-relay interface-dlci 200   
interface Serial1
 no ip address
 encapsulation frame-relay
 logging event subif-link-status
 logging event dlci-status-change
 no keepalive
interface Serial1.1 point-to-point
 ip address
 frame-relay interface-dlci 150   
router eigrp 1
ip classless
logging buffered 4096 debugging
line con 0
 exec-timeout 540 0
 password cheeze
 login authentication conmethod
line vty 0 4
 exec-timeout 540 0
 password milk
 login authentication vtymethod

eo3's config

version 12.0
service timestamps debug uptime   
service timestamps log uptime   
no service password-encryption
hostname eo3 
enable secret 5 $1$T1Rz$TPvI656j4h4  
memory-size iomem 20 
ip subnet-zero 
interface Ethernet0/0   
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast  
interface Serial0/0   
no ip address 
no ip directed-broadcast
encapsulation frame-relay 
no ip mroute-cache  
no keepalive  

Re: routing protocols over a serial link

2001-04-03 Thread David Cooper

Ya know, that fixed it right up. For some reason I was thinking it would 
cause troubles if I advertised the same network out but now that I read into 
it, thats not the context at all. Strange.. now for ospf :) 

Look to the south for a large mushroom cloud in the sky.
Thanks again,

On Wednesday 04 April 2001 00:45, John Neiberger wrote:
 In EIGRP, the network statement specifies which interfaces are going to
 participate in the routing process.  So, for every separate major network
 on the router, you need a different network statement.

 For example, on Router eo1 the only interface that will run EIGRP is e0. 
 To have EIGRP run on all interfaces on that router, add "network".

 Do that for the necessary networks on each router and you should be good to


   Okey dokey :)
   3 routers:
   eo1 Cisco 2516 2 Serials s0 and s1, 1 ethernet (hub).
   s0: (creative huh?) s0.1
   s1: s1.1
   eo2 Cisco 1602r 2 Serials (56K 4 wire dsu), 1 ethernet
   s0: s0.1
   s1: s1.1
   eo3 Cisco 2610 2 Serials (1 56K 4 wire dsu) , 1 WIC-T1, 1 ethernet
   s0: s0/0.1
   s1: s0/1.1
   just a basic run down.
   eo1's config.
   version 12.0
   service timestamps debug uptime
   service timestamps log uptime
   no service password-encryption
   hostname eo1
   enable secret 5 $k3jl23.3kj2lk3jn4k3l233.
   ip subnet-zero
   Hub crap ommited
   interface Ethernet0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
   interface Serial0
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
encapsulation frame-relay
no ip mroute-cache
logging event subif-link-status
logging event dlci-status-change
no keepalive
clockrate 200
   interface Serial0.1 point-to-point
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
frame-relay interface-dlci 100
   interface Serial1
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
encapsulation frame-relay
logging event subif-link-status
logging event dlci-status-change
no keepalive
   interface Serial1.1 point-to-point
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
frame-relay interface-dlci 200
   interface BRI0
no ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
   router eigrp 1
   ip classless
   ip route
   line con 0
exec-timeout 540 0
password eh?
transport input none
   line aux 0
   line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 540 0
password wee
   eo2's config
   version 11.2
   no service password-encryption
   service udp-small-servers
   service tcp-small-servers
   hostname eo2
   enable secret 5 $1$klwke..ekrjekwejr3lk3js.
   interface Ethernet0
ip address
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
logging event subif-link-status
   interface Serial0
no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
logging event subif-link-status
logging event dlci-status-change
no keepalive
service-module 56k clock source internal
service-module 56k network-type dds
   interface Serial0.1 point-to-point
ip address
no ip route-cache
no ip mroute-cache
no arp frame-relay
frame-relay interface-dlci 200
   interface Serial1
no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
logging event subif-link-status
logging event dlci-status-change
no keepalive
   interface Serial1.1 point-to-point
ip address
frame-relay interface-dlci 150
   router eigrp 1
   ip classless
   logging buffered 4096 debugging
   line con 0
exec-timeout 540 0
password cheeze
login authentication conmethod
   line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 540 0
password milk
login authentication vtymethod
   eo3's config
   version 12.0
   service timestamps debug uptime
   service timestamps log uptime
   no service password-encryption
   hostname eo3
   enable secret 5 $1$T1Rz$TPvI656j4h4
   memory-size iomem 20
   ip subnet-zero
   interface Ethernet0/0
   ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast
   interface Serial0/0
   no ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast
   encapsulation frame-relay
   no ip mroute-cache
   no keepalive
   interface Serial0/0.1 point-to-point
   ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast
   frame-relay interface-dlci 100
   interface Serial0/1
   no ip address
   no ip directed-broadcast

Re: Break Command

2001-04-02 Thread David Cooper

It varies per Application you are using..

Check here:

this has various procedures to break with and has helped alot everytime I 
destroyed my lab. :)


On Monday 02 April 2001 17:06, Nathan Chessin wrote:
 Is there an IOS command that will disable the break sequence on a router? 
 I can't seem to find any documentation on this.  Thanks in advance

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Re: OT: Can't ping anything on LAN when connected on dial-up adapter

2001-03-30 Thread David Cooper


This is due to when the user dials up, the Win32 pc sets a default route to
the ISP. This route is taken over any others in the delivery of packets. The 
best way I have found around this is to add static routes back to my LAN 
while dialed up. This is very common. 

Hope this helps,
On Friday 30 March 2001 10:52, Ole Drews Jensen wrote:
 This might be a little off topic since it is not regarding Cisco, but then
 again maybe not, since it's about routing and connectivity after all.

 I have a small LAN where five workstations and one printer. Everybody can
 ping eachother and the printer. However, if one of the users establish a
 dial-up connection to the ISP, she can't ping anything on the LAN anymore.

 The workstations are running Windows 95/98.

 I haven't been able to find anything (yet) in Microsofts Knowledgebase (I'm
 still looking), but I thought that some of you might have had this problem

 Any comments on this will be appreciated.



  Ole Drews Jensen
  Systems Network Manager
  RWR Enterprises, Inc.
  NEED A JOB ???

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Re: Back -to-Back

2001-03-30 Thread David Cooper

hey again,

I've done this. I got the info on back-to-back at:
This should be about all ya need :)

On Friday 30 March 2001 12:46, John Huston wrote:
 I would appreciate someone's knowledge on how to setup two Cisco 1750's
 each having  T1 DSU/CSU WIC's.

 Thank you in advance for your assitance.

 John Huston

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Re: setting up 2500's

2001-03-30 Thread David Cooper

get a couple DTE-DCE cables and connect with routers with that. Its called 
back-to-back. Pretty simple really. You can get the cables from ebay or some
of the other folks in the list have commercial sites for them. 



On Friday 30 March 2001 19:29, Luke Everett wrote:
 I have 3 Cisco 2500 routers that I want to setup to simulate WAN =
 connections.  What can I do to simulate this with my wan cables without =
 having to buy a CSU/DSU?  Thanks.

 Luke Everett

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2001-03-15 Thread David Cooper

just what I was looking for :)


On Wednesday 14 March 2001 23:34, Howard C. Berkowitz wrote:
 Hey all,
  I've been reading into BSCN here lately with Cisco press
 books. In the book
 there is a fairly detailed discussion of OSPF. I'm not in the least
  opposed to learning it. One thing I would like to understand is why an
  organization would use it. Is this used in ISP's? What are the advantages
  of it over say, EIGRP? I always see it compared to RIPv1 but I find it
  silly for advanced routing protocols to be compared with ripV1.

 I'll preface my remarks with the observation that all three advanced
 IGPs:  OSPF, EIGRP, and ISIS, all work well. ISIS is more a niche
 protocol for ISPs.  There are pros and cons for each one.

 OSPF and ISIS require structured network topology from the very
 beginning, while EIGRP is much more tolerant -- up to a point.  For
 me, the definitive comment came over a few beers shared with a
 distinguished Cisco engineer.  He observed, "to build a really big
 network, you absolutely have to have clue."  He burped loudly, and
 then went on. "EIGRP has the advantage of letting you stay clueless
 for longer."

 The biggest argument against EIGRP is that it is Cisco proprietary.
 Being proprietary has implications beyond the multivendor question.
 Because some of the EIGRP mechanisms have not been published by
 Cisco, there isn't the external knowledge base about EIGRP that there
 is about OSPF and ISIS.  Protocol and network architects have a very
 deep understanding how OSPF and ISIS will behave and what their
 strengths and weaknesses are, but no one who hasn't been a Cisco
 employee can have the same sort of insight.

 For similar topologies, EIGRP generally needs less processing than
 OSPF. On the other hand, with ever-faster processors, this may not be
 a significant constraint.  In a fair test, with equivalent timers set
 to equivalent values, both converge very fast, and convergence time
 should not be an issue with any protocol (assuming reasonable network
 topology). EIGRP may be able to find an alternate path faster when
 that path goes through a neighbor, but OSPF is faster if the
 alternate path might be several hops away.

 If you run Appletalk or IPX routing, there is a definite advantage to
 using EIGRP. EIGRP also can bring incremental updating to a Netware
 3.x environment that can't be upgraded.

 A few things to consider.

 Please forgive me if this is shortsighted of me.
 Thanks in advance,
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2001-03-14 Thread David Cooper

Hey all,

I've been reading into BSCN here lately with Cisco press books. In the book 
there is a fairly detailed discussion of OSPF. I'm not in the least opposed 
to learning it. One thing I would like to understand is why an organization 
would use it. Is this used in ISP's? What are the advantages of it over say, 
EIGRP? I always see it compared to RIPv1 but I find it silly for advanced 
routing protocols to be compared with ripV1. 

Please forgive me if this is shortsighted of me.

Thanks in advance, 

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Re: icmp weirdness

2001-03-05 Thread David Cooper

Hey, thanks for the help. In the frame relay network we have, hops are 
transparent kind of. Only the CPE is visable. I had established that the 
problem was occuring at the last router's ethernet interface. When I trace 
the routes out it just gets to that router and times out. What 
Erick B. pointed out was due to the fact that the primary address on e0 was 
not the same network that the host in question was on. This turns out to be 
the case. If I do an extended ping and source the packets from the secondary 
address, the machine responds without haste. I've requested that the 
administrator of the hosts over there build a static route to the foriegn 
network address to help out although I don't suspect it will help alot from 
an analytical point of view. :)

Thanks for all the help! - Sorry for the delay in replies.

On Thursday 01 March 2001 00:17, David Cooper wrote:
 Hey folks,

   I've got an issue at work I'd like to run by you. I sent a request to
 cisco's forum but have yet to hear an answer from anyone. We have a Cisco
 2610 router in Ireland. This router has 1 Ethernet connected to a local
 segment and s0 point-to-point frame relay going to chicago, Ill (sub
 interface).  Heres the details on the Ireland router:

 Ethernet segment: e0's primary address is (some hosts
 refuse to change addresses). e0's secondary is
 Serial 0/0.1 is All advertised by Eigrp.

 Chicago's router is:

 Ethernet segment is varibly subnetted
 Serial 0/0.13 is Once again, Eigrp is the routing protocol.

 There is a host on Ireland's lan with address

 If I log into Ireland's router and issue ping, nothing happens.
 It just times out. If I log into Chicago's router and ping the same host,
 it replies fine. If I ping it from a host behind Chicago's router, it
 replies as well.  If another host on pings that host it
 replies fine.  I can ping any of 3.230's neighbors no problem. Its just
 that Ireland's router wont ping it at all. show ip route verifies a route
 as directly connected.

 Has anyone heard of this? A bug? I can't verify all the way down because I
 don't have physical access to Ireland's lan (thank god) to put a sniffer

 We are trying to use this host for a second default route to a vpn box
 incase the frame relay ever fails (and it does... often).

 Sorry to drag this on.

 Thanks in advance.
 Dave Cooper, CCNA
 Littelfuse, Inc.

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Re: ISDN B Chanell

2001-03-01 Thread David Cooper

On Thursday 01 March 2001 21:17, Santosh Koshy wrote:
 I am presently using the command  "dialer load-threshold 1 either"  to no

 "Daniel Cotts" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

  On the BRI interface use "dialer load-threshold 'load'". A value of 1 for
  load brings up the second link instantaneously. Quoted from the Cisco


  BCRAN book edited by Catherine Paquet p197. There is more detail to this
  - so best to check out CCO.
   -Original Message-
   From: Santosh Koshy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 7:37 PM
   Subject: ISDN B Chanell
   Hello All,
   I am setting up a simple point to point ISDN BRI
   connection. It
   works like a charm, but for the life of me, I cannot get the
   secondary B
   chanell to come up. When I initiate a ping, it brings up the
   first B chanell
   instantaneously, but it wont bring up the secondary.
   interface BRI0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
encapsulation ppp
dialer idle-timeout 86400
dialer map ip name ABC broadcast 9032031701
dialer map ip name ABC broadcast 9032031704
dialer hold-queue 1
dialer load-threshold 1 either
dialer-group 1
isdn switch-type basic-ni
isdn spid1 90319074001
isdn spid2 903319074101
compress stac
ppp authentication chap
ppp multilink
   interface BRI0
ip address
no ip directed-broadcast
encapsulation ppp
dialer idle-timeout 86400
dialer map ip name XYZ broadcast 9033190740
dialer map ip name XYZ broadcast 9033190741
dialer hold-queue 1
dialer load-threshold 1 either
dialer-group 1
isdn switch-type basic-ni
isdn spid1 903203170101
isdn spid2 903203170401
compress stac
ppp authentication chap
ppp multilink
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icmp weirdness

2001-02-28 Thread David Cooper

Hey folks,

I've got an issue at work I'd like to run by you. I sent a request to 
cisco's forum but have yet to hear an answer from anyone. We have a Cisco 
2610 router in Ireland. This router has 1 Ethernet connected to a local 
segment and s0 point-to-point frame relay going to chicago, Ill (sub 
interface).  Heres the details on the Ireland router:

Ethernet segment: e0's primary address is (some hosts 
refuse to change addresses). e0's secondary is 
Serial 0/0.1 is All advertised by Eigrp. 

Chicago's router is:

Ethernet segment is varibly subnetted
Serial 0/0.13 is Once again, Eigrp is the routing protocol.

There is a host on Ireland's lan with address

If I log into Ireland's router and issue ping, nothing happens. 
It just times out. If I log into Chicago's router and ping the same host, it 
replies fine. If I ping it from a host behind Chicago's router, it replies as 
well.  If another host on pings that host it replies fine.  I 
can ping any of 3.230's neighbors no problem. Its just that Ireland's router 
wont ping it at all. show ip route verifies a route as directly connected. 

Has anyone heard of this? A bug? I can't verify all the way down because I 
don't have physical access to Ireland's lan (thank god) to put a sniffer up. 

We are trying to use this host for a second default route to a vpn box incase 
the frame relay ever fails (and it does... often). 

Sorry to drag this on.

Thanks in advance.
Dave Cooper, CCNA
Littelfuse, Inc.

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